Physician Evaluation
Physician Evaluation
Physician Evaluation
Resident Assessment
Physician Evaluation
Physical Assessment
Medical/Surgical History:
Vital Signs:
Temp. _____
Pulse _____
Resp. _____
B/P _____/_____
Medication Assessment
Assess needed physician appointments and the person responsible to schedule, transport:
Assess outside health care providers e.g. independent health care professional and/or
home health agency. Identify service(s) and provider(s) with name and phone number:
Dentist: _____________________________________________
Address: _______________________________
Office Phone: (____) _____________________
Emergency #: (____) _____________________
Other practitioners:
O.T.C. Medication Standing Orders
The Nurse at Barton Creek Assisted Living may use his/her judgment to administer over
the counter medications and treatments. If the problem or condition persists beyond
seventy-two hours, a physician will be notified and a script will be obtained. Family
members or responsible parties will be notified by the nurse if it is necessary to
implement a standing order into regular administration.
The following over the counter medications and treatments may be used per label
instructions and utilizing the above stipulations. Please initial which of the following
will become standing orders within the resident’s record.
Assessment Guidelines
Integumentary System: assessment will include skin color, skin temperature, skin
integrity, turgor and condition of mucous membranes.
Normal Findings: skin color good/within norm; skin warm/dry/intact; no skin problems:
mucous membranes moist/pink.
Endocrine System: assessment will include presence of diabetes, thyroid problems or
other endocrine dysfunctions.
Normal Findings: Absence of thyroid or endocrine problems and other endocrine
dysfunctions; no diabetes.
Pain Assessment: will include presence of pain; the resident’s description, location,
duration, intensity, radiation, precipitating factors and alleviating factors.
Normal Findings: Document if medication relieves pain.