HPCL Call Letter PDF
HPCL Call Letter PDF
HPCL Call Letter PDF
DATE : 24-May-2013
Subject : Interview for the position of Officer Trainee - Engg. Discipline (GATE 2013)-[OT - Civil]
Dear Sir / Madam, This is with reference to your application against the open advertisement (GATE 2013) for recruitment of Officer trainees - Engg. Discipline. We are pleased to inform that you have been short-listed for the Personal Interview basis the on-line information submitted by you and GATE 2013 marks scored by you. Accordingly you are requested to appear for the Personal Interview as under: Venue : Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. GMO -NZ, 8th Floor, Core II Core II, Scope Minar Complex Laxminagar New Delhi 110092 Date Time : 10th June 2013 : 09.00 am onwards
We request you to strictly adhere to the date and venue as mentioned in this communication. Essential Documents for Personal Interview:
Please bring along with you, the following documents at the time of Interview: 1. The 'Application Form for Employment' (copy enclosed), duly filled in, together with 2 passport-size Photographs, original and photo copy of each of the certificate in support of Date of Birth, Academic Qualification etc.. Caste Certificate / PWD (Persons with Disability) Certificate issued by the Competent Authorities as applicable for appointment to posts under Government of India (format given on our website) in original together with a photo copy of the same, in case belong to SC/ST/OBC-NC/PWD ( OH / VH / HH ) category. OBC-NC candidates are requested to bring duly filled declaration which is available on our website. 'No Objection Certificate', from present Employer, in case working in Departments/ Quasi-Government / Public Sector Undertaking/ Autonomous Bodies. Degree Certificate towards proof Examination with minimum of 60% SC/STs-minimum 50% Marks). of having passed the Marks as aggregate of a Government
It would be mandatory to submit the above mentioned documents, failing which it will not be possible for us to take you through the selection process or to reimburse Travel Fare for attending the same. You have been called for the Personal Interview based on the information furnished by you in the original online application form. If it is found to be otherwise, your candidature will be rejected.
Points to be Noted:
The Final selection of the candidate will be subject to being found Medically Fit by our Company Designated Physician, Merit ranking, requirement of the Corporation and subject to fulfillment of other eligibility criteria with regard to Academic Qualification, Age, Caste, (NOC, Relieving Letter) etc. as may be applicable. You may be required to stay for one or two days(with your own arrangements) for undergoing the selection process, you are therefore requested, to please make your travel arrangements accordingly. Candidates may be sent for pre -employment medical examination, post interviews, as a part of selection process, to avoid inconvenience of repeat travel to the candidates. It may therefore be noted that undergoing pre-employment medical examination does not in any way mean final selection or offer of employment. Final Appointment shall be basis the vacancies and all India merit list. You will be reimbursed Second Class (sleeper) to and fro Rail Fare (or Ordinary Bus Fare) by shortest and direct route from your mailing address to the place of Interview (venue) provided that the distance travelled is not less than 30 Kms, subject to production of ticket or clear photo copy of the ticket(s) for travel (both ways). You will be required to fill in the Travel Allowance (TA) form (copy attached) as detailed on HPCL Website and submit it along with Travel Proof of travel undertaken on the date of Personal Interview. Please also note that while applying for above post, you must have ensured that you fulfill the eligibility and other norms mentioned in the Job Notification. And also the particulars furnished are correct/complete in all respects. In case it is detected at any state of recruitment/selection that you do not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that you have furnished any incorrect/false information or have suppressed any material fact(s), your candidature will automatically stand cancelled. If any of the above shortcoming (s) is/are detected even after appointment, your services are liable to be terminated without any
This communication is only an intimation to appear for the Personal Interview and should not be in anyway construed as an Offer of Appointment.
Thanking you,