Indus Valley Script
Indus Valley Script
Indus Valley Script
C. Mathiazhagan
1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. 3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. 4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. 5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. 6 And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one anothers speech. 8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left o to build the city. 9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. Genesis 11:1-9 In this lesson, we will examine the connection between the Indus Valley Tamils and Egypt, the two grand civilizations of the ancient world. In my view, Egypt was probably an early Dravidian culture which too was destroyed sometime after 200AD without any trace by the Aryans. Though I am not sure if their language was directly related to Tamil, there were lot of cultural contacts. I will discuss the possible relationship between the Egyptian hieroglyphs and Tamil later in detail (this is still under investigation). First, we will discuss a specic example where we will identify the Egyptian Horus god with the Indus Valley Shiva or mukkannan. Next, we will compare a few hieroglyphic signs related to astronomy and their corresponding possibly 1
related IV signs. Now let us look at the IV symbol that can be identied as a bulls , clearly meaning e m reproductive organ. It appears most often as or bull. It also appears both in Linear A as (again probably meaning e mntn or Shiva) and in hieroglyphic version of Linear A as . A similar male symbol also appears frequently in Egypt, as hieroglyphic word group glyphic word translate to e in Tamil (meaning raise, male and bull!). So, we can be condent that the sign means e and it ts well (CL: sure). Consider the following IV seals: . 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
symbol ts well as e . Now, if we compare Therefore, we can see that the the IV seal and the Egyptian Dendera picture shown in Fig. 1, we can easily identify that Shiva is the Bull tamer (erumai kotti) and that he is also the Horus god taming the one legged Taurus in Egypt! The above third IV seal clearly talks about a one-legged bull and this theme appears in many times in Egypt as in Fig. 2. Also note that: Horus = hora = hour = o r, meaning time in Tamil. Shiva/Orion was also known as kaalan or time-keeper! Interestingly, we also come across another word often in Egypt translates to erumai kutthi in Tamil! According to conventional Egyptology, this means something quite dierent though (king or victorious bull!). The reverse side of the IV seal clearly shows Amman with puli or Virgos head, which is exactly in quadrature (90 deg.) with the reference point on the top of Orion or Taurus horns (Fig. 3). The theme of moon or sun between the Taurus horns or Shivas head appears in many of the ancient cultures. This Orion reference point was important, since the vernal equinox occurred here in ca. 4000BC. The Pleiades was also another popular reference point 2
, which nicely
and the vernal equinox in ca. 2000BC occurred here. Since the sky around the sunset was too bright, the quadrature ecliptic star Regulus in Leo or Hari was observed in the zenith to nd this day. This is called Hari padam in Tamil and this theme can also be seen in Egypt, as in Fig. 4 and 5. Also, when this vernal equinox occurs, the third moon will appear on the top of Shivas head. Fig. 6 shows Horus god and the Bull as depicted in ancient Egypt. This picture probably shows how to locate the reference point on the ecliptic on the top of Orion. This was probably done by projecting the two stars in the tail of Draco or the Big Dipper (the Leg meat!). See Fig. 7. The meaning is not very clear to me and there are lot of wild theories abuzz in the Web. Note that the crocodile (or mookkan in Tamil) on the back of Draco is also portrayed in the IV seal. The Leg meat (or the Big Dipper) is tied to Draco, since it revolves around the Thuban (or T hubam kaatuthal in Tamil!) north pole star in Draco. All these themes can be seen in the Dendera Temple (2nd century BC) gure shown in Fig. 8. The Leg meat (karikaal ) and Orion with a single stick (kamban or otha kamban ) appear as IV symbols too! Their corresponding Egyptian hieroglyphs are the hieroglyph word
as ota kamban or Orion with crescent moon in Tamil. The crescent moon as a boat carrying various gods theme appears often in Egypt. Another popular theme is the portrayal of ascending and descending snakes often in many ancient cultures, including the most ancient Gobliki Tepe culture (10,000BC). These nodes of moon are correctly named only Tamil as e nkm and i nkm! We will discuss these symbols in later lessons. Questions 1) Kamban god. Ayanam in Tamil means crossing of sun from north to south. So what do you think the word Kamba Ra ayanam/kmp r aynm could have meant originally! 2) Degree or in Tamil means a graduated circular wheel! Why or how is this term still used for measuring angles in modern mathematics! 3) In Fig. 9, why are there exactly 27 ames surrounding the time-keeper Shiva or Orion! 3
In fact,
$ means Orion/Shiva.
Figure 2: oru kaal erumai or one-legged Taurus in Egypt. (Note: most of these popular reference photos are found in the Web. Use Google image search to nd their original sources.) c 2013 by C. Mathiazhagan 4
Figure 3: Full moon or sun in quadrature with Amman with puli or Virgos head, as seen in the back side of the seal. The vernal equinox in 4000BC occurred when sun is on the top Orions head or between the horns of Taurus!
Figure 5: Vernal equinox sunset in 2000BC with Pleiades in quadrature with Regulus in the zenith. Around this time, Shiva will carry the third moon on his head.
Figure 6: A picture in Egypt showing Horus, Taurus, Draco, Leos tail and Virgos head! This probably tells how to locate the reference point the top of Orion, using the pointer stars in Draco or the Big Dipper (the Leg!) Note the quadrature point on the top of Virgo shows a new or full moon! The crocodile appears in the IV seal also. 6
Figure 7: Pointers to the reference point on the top of Orion?. Note that the north pole in 3000BC is at Thuban or T hubam star! The brighter and popular V adameen or Arunthathi in Kari kaal constellation is also shown.
Figure 8: The popular Dendera Temple (ca. 200BC) constellation diagram showing the ancient zodiac and other major constellations!
Figure 9: Why are there exactly 27 ames surrounding the time-keeper Orion/Shiva!