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GR No 146803 Lou

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Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila EN BANC G.R. No.

146803 January 14, 2004

THE PEOPLE OF THE PH L PP NES, appellee, vs. CLEMENT NO LOU y G!L N"O a#$a% &Jun$or,& appellant. DECISION ' TUG, J.( On appeal to the Court is the ecision, ate !" Nove#ber $!!!, in Cri#inal Case No. %&%' of the Re(ional )rial Court, Branch &,* of Prosperi a , A(usan el Sur, fin in( appellant Cle#entino +ou , -alin o (uilt, be,on reasonable oubt in the co##ission of the cri#e of rape . efine an penali/e un er Article %%' of the Revise Penal Co e, as a#en e b, R.A. No. 0&'", Section ** thereof.. )he trial court i#pose upon appellant the eath penalt, an the pa,#ent of fift, thousan pesos 1P'!,!!!.!!2 b, 3a, of civil in e#nit, to the victi#. )he accusator, infor#ation rea 4 .)hat on April $$, *""& at about *$4!! o5cloc6 #i ni(ht in the pre#ises an vicinit, particularl, at the house of the victi# locate at Ba,u(an %, Rosario, A(usan el Sur, Philippines an 3ithin the 7uris iction of this 8onorable Court, the above9na#e accuse 3ith the use of his superior stren(th, 3ith intent of le3 esi(n, i then an there, 3ilfull,, unla3full, an feloniousl, 3ith force an inti#i ation, succee in havin( se:ual intercourse 3ith his step au(hter E+-IE S. B;+A<;E=A, a (irl 3ho 3as then fifteen 1*'2 ,ears ol , an a 3o#an of (oo reputation, a(ainst her 3ill an consent to the a#a(e an pre7u ice of the sai victi# 3hich a#a(e consists of actual, co#pensator, an #oral a#a(es..$ At his arrai(n#ent, appellant, 3ith the assistance of counsel, ple not (uilt, to the char(e. )he prosecution presente its evi ence ten in( to prove that > At #i ni(ht of $$ April *""&, El(ie S. Bula?ue@a 3as alrea , asleep in their house in Puro6 A, Balite, Sinu(9an(, Ba,u(an III, Rosario, A(usan el Sur, 3hen she 3as a3a6ene b, appellant. 8e lifte her s6irt, re#ove her pant,, an trie to insert his penis into her va(ina but initiall, faile as she #a e .so#e #ove#ents.. Althou(h he finall, succee e in insertin( his penis into her va(ina, the penetration, ho3ever, 3as not co#pletel, achieve . El(ie crie , but, afrai of his threat to 6ill her, El(ie re#aine in the roo# an i not tell her #other, Bu ith Bula?ue@a, about 3hat ha transpire . Instea , she as6e the help of her uncle 3ho, thereupon, acco#panie her to the police station. )he police ha El(ie #e icall, e:a#ine at the rural health center. Dr. Rebecca R. A?uino e:a#ine El(ie on $C April *""&, an prepare a #e ico9le(al report. She foun El(ie to have ha .co#pletel, heale lacerations. at the % an A o5cloc6 h,#enal positions but that there 3ere no abrasions, he#ato#a an contusions. Dr. A?uino e:plaine that the laceration coul have been cause b, se:ual intercourse, .#e ical instru#entation,. the .passa(e of clotte bloo thru #enstruation,. or .severe ph,sical e:ertion.. On $' April *""&, El(ie, assiste b, her #other Bu ith, file a co#plaint for rape, on three counts, a(ainst appellant, one co##itte .on or about %4!! o5cloc6 a, ti#e of *""',. the second .on Debruar, 0, *""& EatF $4!! o5cloc6 in the afternoon. an the third on .April $$, *""& EatF *$4!! o5cloc6 ni(ht ti#e ri(ht in the resi ence of the victi# particularl, at Balite, Puro6 A, Ba,u(an %, Rosario, A(usan el Sur..% 1Still, for une:plaine reasons, the Provincial Prosecutor of A(usan el Sur file the infor#ation, hereinbefore ?uote ,

char(in( onl, one cri#e of rape, i.e., that 3hich 3as averre to have been co##itte at #i ni(ht on $$ April *""&.2 Appellant testifie in his efense. 8e clai#e that Bu ith, El(ie5s #other, 3as his co##on9la3 3ife fro# *""* to *""&. Bu ith thereafter live 3ith another #an. On $$ April *""&, appellant sai he 3as at ho#e 3ith his t3o chil ren b, Bu ith an t3o other persons, Marlon A,aton an Rosen o Barrios, 3ho 3ere then 3or6in( for hi#. Appellant enie havin( se:uall, #oleste El(ie on the evenin( of $$ April *""&. )he .truth,. he clai#e , 3as that, at about ten o5cloc6 that ni(ht, he #aule El(ie after seein( her in be 3ith Marlon an Rosen o. Da,s later, police#en invite hi# to the police station an put hi# in 7ail. 8e 3as tol that El(ie ha accuse hi# of rapin( her three ti#es. )he trial court sa3 the case for the prosecutionG it foun appellant (uilt, be,on reasonable oubt of the cri#e of rape for 3hich it #ete the eath penalt,. In this auto#atic revie3 of the case, appellant, throu(h counsel, 3oul conten that > &. .)8E )RIA+ CO;R) ERRED IN DINDIN- ACC;SED9APPE++AN) -;I+)H BEHOND REASONAB+E DO;B) OD )8E CRIME OD RAPE. & . .EIEN ASS;MIN- )8A) ACC;SED9APPE++AN) JAS )R;+H -;I+)H OD 8AIIN- RAPED )8E PRIIA)E COMP+AINAN), NONE)8E+ESS, )8E )RIA+ CO;R) ERRED IN IMPOSIN- ;PON 8IM )8E S;PREME PENA+)H OD DEA)8..C In revie3in( rape cases, the Court is so (ui e , as usual, b, these principles4 )hat 9 .: : : First, the prosecution has to sho3 the (uilt of the accuse b, proof be,on reasonable oubt or that e(ree of proof that, to an unpre7u ice #in , pro uces conviction. Secon , unless there are special reasons, the fin in(s of trial courts, especiall, re(ar in( the cre ibilit, of 3itnesses, are entitle to (reat respect an 3ill not be isturbe on appeal. )hir , the isposition of rape cases are (overne b, the follo3in( (ui elines4 1*2 an accusation for rape can be #a e 3ith facilit,G it is ifficult to prove but #ore ifficult for the person accuse , thou(h innocent, to isproveG 1$2 in vie3 of the intrinsic nature of the cri#e of rape 3here onl, t3o persons are usuall, involve , the testi#on, of the co#plainant #ust be scrutini/e 3ith e:tre#e caution, an 1%2 the evi ence for the prosecution #ust stan or fall on its o3n #erits an cannot ra3 stren(th fro# the 3ea6ness of the evi ence of the efense..' )he cri#e of rape can be co##itte b,, a#on( other 3a,s, .havin( carnal 6no3le (e of a 3o#an. 3ith the use of force or inti#i ation.& Inti#i ation is sub7ective, an it is a resse to the #in of the person a(ainst 3ho# it is e#plo,e at the ti#e an occasion of the cri#e. Jhile there is no har an fast rule to test its presence,0 one accepte nor#, nevertheless, is 3hether the inti#i ation pro uces a reasonable fear in the #in of the victi# that if she 3ere to resist or 3ere not to ,iel to the esires of the #alefactor, the threat 3oul be carrie out.A )he victi# 3as still ,oun( 3hen she be(an to live 3ith her #other an appellant, her #other5s co##on9la3 husban , 3ho# she reco(ni/e to be a .stepfather.. )he relationship bet3een appellant an the victi# 3as far fro# i eal. Appellant repeate l, #altreate the (irl, a fact that he hi#self a #itte . )he threat of another roun of abuse prove all too real that #i ni(ht of $$ April *""&, 3hen appellant verbali/e his intention to har# her upon enterin( her roo#. It 3as not unnatural that the ,oun( (irl 3oul be co3e b, appellant. )he victi# testifie 4 .< Jhat happene 3hile ,ou 3ere sleepin( in ,our houseK .A Jhile I 3as sleepin( I 3as a3a6ene , sir.

.< Jhat happene K .A 8e (ot insi e the roo# an sai LDo not tell. If ,ou 3ill tell I 3ill 6ill ,ou,5 sir. .< An 3hat i he o to ,ou if an,K .A 8e lifte #, s6irt an re#ove #, pant, an inserte his penis to #, va(ina, sir. .< Jhat i ,ou o 3hen he inserte his penis to ,our va(inaK .A I 6ept on cr,in(, sir. .< An after that 3hat happene if an,K .A After that he 3ent out an #, #other arrive , sir. .< Jhat i ,ou o after ,our #other arrive in ,our houseK .A I still re#aine insi e the roo# an I i not tell #, #other because if I tol her he 3oul 6ill #e, sir.." Contrar, to the clai# of appellant, the victi#5s sub#ission to his lust 3as not free fro# stru((le. She i resist the se:ual a vances. .< Hou sai that accuse inserte his penis in ,our va(ina, can ,ou tell us ho3 eep 3as the penetrationK .A At first it i not insert because I #a e so#e #ove#ents, Hour 8onor. .< M, ?uestion is ho3 eep 3as it penetrate K .A )he penis i not penetrate co#pletel,, Hour 8onor. .< It penetrate but not co#pletel, is that 3hat ,ou #eanK .A Hes, Hour 8onor..*! )he #e ical report that there have been .heale lacerations. foun in the % an A o5cloc6 h,#enal positions 3oul not refute the e:istence of rape. Proof of entr, of the #ale or(an 3ithin the labia of the pudendum is sufficient.**)he full penetration of the victi#5s se: or(an is not re?uire to consu##ate the cri#e of rape. Neither is proof of h,#enal laceration an ele#ent of rape.*$ In People v. Madronio,*% the Court has sai that the .presence of an ol heale laceration on Ethe victi#5sF h,#en oes not ne(ate the co##ission of rape,. an that a .freshl, bro6en h,#en is not an essential ele#ent of the cri#e.. Moreover, a #e ico9le(al report is not in ispensable in the prosecution of a rape case, it bein( #erel, corroborative in nature.*C In this case, the #e ical report also reflects the fact that the victi# has ha .EnFo abrasions, he#ato#a an contusions. in .the vulva or in other parts of the bo ,,. that belie appellant5s clai# that he onl, .#aule . the victi# 3ith his bare han s, instea of se:uall, abusin( her, that ni(ht of $$ April *""&. Appellant assails the cre ibilit, of the victi# at the 3itness stan . +i6e before, this Court #ust efer to the assess#ent an evaluation (iven b, the trial court on this issue. It is the trial court that 3oul be in such uni?ue a position as to be able to observe the eport#ent of the 3itness 3hile testif,in(.*& )here is here no co(ent reason to overturn the 7u (#ent of the trial court. It is clai#e that the victi#5s #otive in filin( the rape char(e has onl, been to e:act ven(eance an to (et ri of appellant. )he Court has consistentl, isre(ar e this 6in of assertion as bein( too trite to #erit

consi eration. In one case, the alle(ation that the rape victi# has 7ust 3ante to .(et ri . of an accuse ue to the #altreat#ent 3hich she an her #other have suffere in his han s has been hel b, the Court to be .too unnatural to #erit faith an cre it..*& )rul,, as has so often been sai , neither the victi# nor a #other 3oul e:pose the fa#il, to sha#e an scan al if the char(e 3ere #erel, i#pelle b, a #otive other than to e:act 7ustice.*0 Appellant ar(ues that the victi#5s (ettin( #arrie soon after her suppose horren ous or eal is uncharacteristic of a rape victi#. Appellant apparentl, fits the fact of her #arria(e into his o3n esperate #ol of efense. 8e fails to consi er the fact that ifferent people react ifferentl, to (iven situations an that there is no 6no3n stan ar for# of hu#an behavioral response 3hen confronte particularl, 3ith a fri(htful e:perience.*A In an, case, her subse?uent #arria(e is of no #o#entG in ee , it coul have even stren(thene her eter#ination to pursue her co#plaint to its 7ust conclusion. On $0 Septe#ber $!!*, El(ie, after consultin( 3ith her #other, e:ecute an file 3ith this Court an affi avit of esistance. An affi avit of esistance is not loo6e upon 3ith favor on appeal follo3in( a conviction, let alone as bein( the sole consi eration for the reversal of that conviction. )here #ust be other circu#stances 3hich, 3hen couple 3ith retraction or esistance, create oubts on the veracit, of the testi#on, (iven b, 3itnesses urin( the trial.*" )he recor s o not here cast such oubts. A rape victi#, 3ho testifies in a cate(orical, strai(htfor3ar , spontaneous an fran6 #anner, an re#ains consistent, is a cre ible 3itness.$! )he victi# in this case has re#aine stea fast in her testi#on, espite a ri(i cross9 e:a#ination #a e b, the efense. )he spontaneous e#otional brea6 o3ns suffere b, the victi# occasione b, the force recollection of the se:ual violation she has e:perience fro# the han s of appellant so#eho3 3oul a to her cre ibilit,.$* )here is #erit, ho3ever, in the contention that the eath penalt, shoul not be i#pose upon appellant. As so a#en e b, Republic Act No. 0&'", Article %%' of the Revise Penal Co e provi es4 .Art. %%'. When and how rape is committed. > Rape is co##itte b, havin( carnal 6no3le (e of a 3o#an un er an, of the follo3in( circu#stances4 .*. B, usin( force or inti#i ationG .: : : ::: :::

.)he cri#e of rape shall be punishe b, reclusion perpetua. .: : : ::: :::

.)he eath penalt, shall also be i#pose if the cri#e of rape is co##itte 3ith an, of the follo3in( atten ant circu#stances4 .*. Jhen the victi# is un er ei(hteen 1*A2 ,ears of a(e an the offen er is a parent, ascen ant, step9parent, (uar ian, relative b, consan(uinit, or affinit, 3ithin the thir civil e(ree, or the co##on9la3 spouse of the parent of the victi#.. Circu#stances that 3oul 3arrant the i#position of the eath penalt, for the cri#e of rape are in the nature of special ?ualif,in( circu#stances that re?uire to be both alle(e 3ith certaint, in the infor#ation an proven at the trial.$$ )he infor#ation averre that the victi# 3as fifteen 1*'2 ,ears of a(e at the ti#e of the co##ission of the cri#e. On the 3itness stan , the victi# clai#e to be *& ,ears ol , but no other evi ence, testi#onial or ocu#entar,, 3as presente . It 3as the efense counsel 3ho as6e her on cross9e:a#ination if she ha a birth certificate to prove her a(e. Even 3hile the victi# ha testifie to the e:istence of a birth certificate in the possession of her #other, the prosecution, ho3ever, faile to pursue the #atter an i(nore the isclosure. )he infor#ation alle(e the victi# to be the .step au(hter.$% of appellant, but the evi ence a uce sho3e that the victi#5s #other an appellant ha onl, live to(ether for a 3hile as 7ust co##on9 la3 husban an 3ife.

)he cri#e co##itte b, appellant is si#ple rape for 3hich the penalt, of reclusion perpetua is prescribe . )he trial court correctl, a3ar e civil in e#nit, of P'!,!!!.!! but it has overloo6e the prevailin( rule that, in rape cases, #oral a#a(es shoul si#ilarl, be a3ar e .$C )HEREFORE, the ecision of the trial court is ADDIRMED 3ith MODIDICA)ION in that appellant Cle#entino +ou , -alin o is hereb, foun (uilt, be,on reasonable oubt of the cri#e of si#ple rape for 3hich he shall suffer the penalt,, not of eath, but of reclusion perpetua. Appellant is further or ere to pa, to the victi# fift, thousan pesos 1P'!,!!!.!!2 #oral a#a(es in a ition to the civil in e#nit, of fift, thousan pesos 1P'!,!!!.!!2 alrea , ecree b, the trial court. Costs de oficio. SO OR"ERE".

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