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Hakka Six Tiger

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Hakka six Tiger (three)

(Last revised on 2011-01-10)

Figure I (Source: British Museum ) Alike in: six Tiger brand in China Arts westward propagating missing link? The figure is a Spanish version of solitaire woodcut printing samples. First glance, a large Hong Kong people will remember arriving in any modern sparrow color, but this is actually printed board the British Museum in 1896 revenue collections. Researchers generally agree Solitaire Solitaire first invented by the Chinese people, but actually from China Western brand, or just developing Solitaire affected by the Chinese, they vary widely. Previously mentioned WA Chatto, mentions Western Solitaire Solitaire with Chinese origin, and works more like smooth jazz say white, just look at their article title Chinese Origin of Playing Cards (note, not Origin of Chinese Playing Cards!) , that he advocated Chinese origin theory. Works like Shun Yu paper proposes a number of Western Solitaire clues from China, such as Italy and Spain early on the cards "cup" and "stick" that it is the business would shun Westerners mistake "Wan" word reversed, when The pattern for the cup, and the pattern of the bamboo stick mistaken results. And in his theory among Hakka six unique Tiger's position in particular. Works like Shun felt as Western Solitaire Solitaire terms of Chinese origin, have obscure place. For example there are four more Western Solitaire (such as playing cards with spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs), but the service would shun that era China card, but many only three (for example, a public brand stick, bars, cakes); addition, better Chinese Solitaire govern the doors are comparable, but the doors of Western Solitaire, but can be divided into size (for example, in some poker games, Spades> Hearts> Box> Plum). Service would shun that six Tiger has four, and four and compete with (pick> Paul> Search> line), just to fill the lost link. He even believes that Spain and Italy, among the cards "Caballo" (Horse), in fact, the Chinese Solitaire Westerners back to Europe, means "deer" (Hakka brand "deer Flower") as a "horse"'s sake.

However, if so English Wikipedia, the allegations are true, today's researchers seem to think that Western Solitaire from Egypt, rather than China, but in any case, it should move along the article does point out some of the Western Solitaire Solitaire in common with China, However, the design of the modern six Tiger, but in turn licensed by the Western influence. Westerly Learning: Tiger color design modern six Tiger suit modern six art design is very interesting, not only "consistent, cable, wire," words to spend a special art fonts, two to nine individual numbers, like "ghost draw characters." However, if carefully watching it, readers will find cards for "two, three, four, six," four numerals, in fact, spend a poker spades, hearts and box (no clubs). From other pages (such as Tiger Dylan Sung's six pages ) contained six Tiger photos, we also found that the card's "eight" the word, with Arabic numerals 8 is somewhat similar, but I'm more interested in, is The card's "five" the word, whether it is a lamp, or a Water Bottle?

Figure II "Characters Cards" originally "Cross Cards" The figure is used by the "source of profits" the company made six Tiger. If the cards in the doors "two, six" two card's fight together, draw is the "large print playing cards, source Lee factory-made" eight characters (see Figure three left). Previous six Tiger inherited the suit horse logo design, brand sheets painted with the brand (for example, see the blog " Reconstruction Ming Ma tag case (a) "contained in the picture). I initially thought that the so-called modern six characters Tiger cards, refers to the card suit cards are not painted, but with a large-font display card's name. However, according to JW Young relegated Bijdrage tot de kennis der Chineesche hazard-en kaartspelen (1886, relevant paragraphs Seeing ) and James Platt wrote Chinese London and Its Opium Dens (The Gentleman's Magazine, v.274, pp.272-282 , 1895), we have found that "large print playing cards" should be "Cross card" in correct. Previously mentioned in WA Chatto's book, stick cards are called the "ten million cards." I believe in the late Qing Dynasty, some card manufacturers only to suit the characteristics of the sign face for the brand with the name, so there is "Never" (also known as one thousand soldiers) stick brand is called "Never cards", and still retains horse The six cross a hanging Tiger, it is called "cross solitaire." Regardless of the "large print playing cards," the original meaning, to use the source Lee Factory Tiger spell out the prepared six "large print playing cards," four words, four licenses have to depend strings, wire, ropes, to arrange the pick up, with six Tiger itself "pick up line penetration index" cards in a different order.

Figure III Readers may think that just made six plants originating Tiger is such a permutation, but looked CT Dobree's Gambling Games of Malaya a book, as well as several site's images, can be found either in Malaysia "big fortune "Mark, born in Hong Kong's" Pisces Mark, "made of a certain brand of Jiangsu Province, China, and Hong Kong on the map source Lee factory had made six Tiger is basically different from the company name in addition, are used in the same design. (Former Ventura refined by the next " Alone in the Fart marks the most beautiful six Tiger "is the exception for the sake of consistency," large print playing cards, "four words changed to" pick up line penetration index "order.) In order to understand these two words are arranged one way to do mystery, I'll "characters Solitaire" four words are arranged in a counterclockwise direction (Figure 3), but do not see any clue, but when I'm going four cards to "pick up line penetration index "arranged counterclockwise order when (Figure III R), we found that" large print playing cards, "the word, is the first arranged in horizontal straight after, but the horizontal of" Solitaire, "the word is arranged from left to right , consistent with ninety thousand among the "source Lee" word from right to left are arranged differently. Therefore, to the same words, "pick up line penetration index" should be four rows in a clockwise direction (that is, the right in Figure III among swap a pickup with a cable between the two), but this also with modern general Chinese card game, in order to counter the practice of different fixed seating order. In the end "characters Solitaire" arrangement designed just coincidence or simply wrong, or six players Zuoci Tiger is simply a clockwise direction? Modern six who Tiger is designed? These may never be able to unravel the mystery. The above articles are mainly talking about the sign face color. Next, we will briefly focus from licensing requirements, explore six Tiger brand in China's position among the arts. Hakka six Tiger (a) , (b) , (c) , (four) ; Hakka six Tiger cases ( in / England )
With field mapping: From 0:58 Tiger began to appear in many six Hakka MV. According to the authors

Dubang Jie readme: "Because I am a foreigner, although for Hakka culture is not very familiar with, but by this time playing opportunities, in addition to collect some information Hakka In addition, I have also found that the traditional Hakka games, so I Select the sign face larger representatives boys, whereas girls as a smaller sign face, which represents the world of fact in love sometimes unequal status of men and women, like the lyrics of this song makes me feel somewhat the same. "

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Label (s): traditional entertainment (day nine, horse crane, sparrow ...) 0 comment (s)

November 23, 2010 Tuesday

Reconstruction of the Ming Dynasty horse logo case (a)
Feng Meng Yu " horse legs hanging case ", the boast of Hangzhou people know best horse hanging [1] licensing requirements can be seen at play around the discrepancy. What is different villages, or licensing requirements had originally set, but people outside of Hangzhou misinterpreted, we do not know. Since no other choice, to reshape the Ming Dynasty horse hanging play, only to hang Wu Feng said in mind. Unfortunately, "horse legs hanging case" (hereinafter referred to as "foot case" [2]) the narrative is incomplete, despite speculation that complement our reliable, but not necessarily in every guess. Therefore, readers should understand that the following reconstruction licensing cases, not hundred percent the same as with the original case, but I will strive to reproduce ancient horse hanging style. If readers have any comments, please let us know. Card type Horse hanging cards used sheets, called "leaf." Ming on the card with the game more clearly divided between horse hanging leaves play just one, never known brand with its own horse hanging. To the Qing Dynasty, people began to be known as the horse leaves tag. The earliest known documented leaves, one has thirty-eight kinds of color, very popular in the Ming Dynasty than later used horses hanging leaves less two. According to Poon Hang "leaf spectrum" records, used forty horses hanging colored leaves, divided Cross, thousands of words, bamboo and paper money four, which cross the door and the door have eleven pence, and the other two of the nine . Each house sheets from large to small, arranged as follows:

Cross: statue absolutely consistent, ten million, one million, ninety, eighty, seventy, sixty, fifty, forty, thirty, twenty. Million words: statue ninety thousand strings, 80,000 seventy thousand, sixty thousand, fifty thousand, forty thousand, thirty thousand, twenty thousand, ten thousand. Bamboo: statue nine Faso, eight Faso, seven cable, six cable, five cable, four cable, three cable, two cable, a cable. Penny: No Man statue empty, half-penny, one money, two money, three money, four money, five money, six money, seven money, eight money, nine of money.

Cross Gate's "Ten" means one hundred thousand strings, a cable refers to one hundred penny. "No empty text" is a money no meaning in Pan's "continued leaf spectrum" and also known as

von feet cases "empty soup", to later becomes silent and licensing "no" and Hakka six tiger brand "Maogong." Sparrow "whiteboard" may also be the source for this. Above the doors among the biggest card are labeled "respect" word for identification, so absolutely consistent, consistent ninety thousand, nine cable and empty text does not fit the "four." Attention to the size of a penny and the other three the contrary, it is the middle of the hole through the money, so the designers of "empty" word auspicious, most small "dummy text does not" the most respected, the more the greater the amount of paper money Peel. Cross Ming leaves house with two million words are painted with "Water Margin" characters, and claim the money two places gossip Guaxiang with coins for patterns. I do not hang pictures Ming Ma, but the reader see the figure Hakka six pair of Qing Tiger, you can also leaves ten of the Ming Dynasty, Wan two numbers some concepts:

A 1896 six Tiger (Image source: British Museum ) Modern has said, "Mahjong" in the name comes from "wipe will" wipe the one hundred and eight players numbered card that represents Liangshanpo one hundred and eight will. This saying has obviously been affected leaf color, but the horse hanging from the Ming Dynasty began, as well as the subsequent emergence of tacit and cards, stick cards, six Tiger, etc., are only ten, ten thousand two, and only a few special cards Water Margin characters painted patterns, So this "wipe the" legend, I believe will just neighbor farfetched. Before the start of the first game Horses have four players suspended. Before hanging the horse started to play, each player first twist Zuoci licensing decisions and decisions first game "pile home" (and later Chinese card game called "Market Maker", that is the sound of this change), but according to "leaf spectrum," said Ming Dynasty There are also players' election will Lubo, planting flag on the altar, "which is a dice to decide, so we might as well take the dice this more simple method. Other three idle at home, the term referred to as "casual home." Today, there are so-called dealer and retail

markets, two words actually a long history. Horse hung to note the number of winners and losers as a unit, each note size must be a multiple of the basic bet. This basic bets known as "impulsive," mahjong nowadays called "punch out" that stems from this. Because the stakes are sometimes by two pairs of (explained later date), so a number of rushing to double the number of appropriate. Note how many of each size punch, feet patients who did not explain the decision. Normally speculated that if things should pile home. To avoid some luck, frantically increasing stakes in an attempt to win back their money a shop, before the game, each player shall settle bet limit. After each round, the pile family can start before the decision within the limit of the size of a note. For example, a red two yuan, ceiling five punch (ie ten yuan), then each family can pile Bureau council Note arbitrarily defined as one to five rushing yards. Basic processes and concepts Ma is the bucket hanging card game (only uninformed or too many people see TVB costume drama, just thought it was such a scrape with mahjong card game is similar), each game is divided into five stages: 1. Start. 2. Report "different tours." If people have different tours (some odd brand portfolio), this board must be terminated, and proceed to checkout. 3. Proposed a "free fight." If anyone conform bucket free conditions, he is entitled to claim and settlement finality. 4. Fight card. 5. Settlement. The first four stages of the rules are very simple, but extremely complicated settlement, which comes from licensing revenue bucket divided into two types. The first one is "hanging", similar to the hit count or nine days of Dong Tiger Lake Hakka six the number of players with the number of licenses may be obtained. The second is the combined score, depending on the player winning hand sheets in what combinations may be. Ming Ma hanging deck under various names, to the Qing Dynasty more out of control. Note code flow pattern is also divided into three. The most common is called "open", only ranged between piles scattered, scattered between home and no home number scattered between. Readers can use this to "On" will be attached to each other to open the vault door. This is the main settlement, so in general, piles scattered family home is the biggest rival, so the Ming Dynasty writer Feng Meng Yu "brand by thirteen" so-called "horse hanging of the law, three concentric to attack a pile ", and then when the person hanging horse, resembles since said. Another horse hanging settlement called "knocking" home by only scattered scattered to other levy a bet, do not pile loose contacts. Another way dubbed "HE" is different from the other three to reward those who (do not pile bulk) to receive bets, there are a number of other Chinese card game this way, for example, has nine days to fight the "Big Four HE" and "He statue . " Cross Gate's "M" at the foot case known as "Broadway," a special status. Although not Cross Gate Broadway top sheets, but in many cases, holds one hundred old man often dominant, this

talk about the future. Start Both horses hanging, day nine Or sparrows, but its start method is a kind of ritual, as opposed to playing cards rule, it is not important, as long as the player can in principle be licensed random pieces, and pile on the trip home and reasonable rotation, feet by-laws, do not have to keep up, but the way of the horse start hanging quite interesting, it is worth mentioning.

When you start each round horse hanging from the pile at home on the home is responsible for shuffling, piles home under the house is responsible for the cards. First license issued to the player known as "head of household" and decided to head home methods like sparrows or nine days to a random number count. Foot cases that figure is cast cards available, but here for the sake of convenience, the decision on when the dice. And the Sparrow different head home when the count is determined by the number of piles on home from home, so if the throw was four or eight, by the first card on the cards of the players contented; if the throw was three, seven, from piles home available. Because four players each role, so the horse was hanging and ridiculed as "four not busy." After several early home, home on the pretext position, press Zuoci the cards, each assigned to each player four, sent out in two rounds. Finished, each player should have eight cards, and the remaining eight in Taiwan central for cards. Horse hanging piles home, in addition to the first game of cards or dice decided by a twist, each of the remaining Board, sub-four situations: 1. If the scattered family has "different tours," can "wins pile" become the next pile home. If the piles are different home tours, or more than one person is different tours, foot cases did not specify how to handle. According to common sense, a large arriving in press Zuoci (counting from the first house) is different from the first reward those who succeed. If that person happens to be home to the pile, then even piles. 2. Should the players made free bucket, then the next round again (twist cards or dice) elected pile home. 3. If the fight card, the family can win a pile called "big live one hundred" of the deck, you can even pile. 4. The remaining cases, the family's next home took over the pile. In short, different reward wins pile, Free bucket twist pile, large living stubble, round pile under the house. Different tours with the big live one hundred definitions and avoid fighting conditions

in the future will be described. When I read "horse hanging feet cases," when I was most surprised that there were several cases of foot nine days with playing rules are very similar. The aforementioned "HE" brand that is one of a few ways to head home Second: horse hanging method with nine days same as the original. Later we will see another number of interesting similarities. (To be continued) " Ma hanging feet cases , "Reconstruction of the Ming Dynasty horse logo case (a), (b) , (c) , (four) , card case comparison
(Keywords: horse hanging, horse hanging, hanging horse, horse tag) Note: [1] Today hanging, hanging word division, the former refers specifically condolence, condole, the latter refers to the suspension, so many people today will "horse hung" written "horse hung" but "hanging" the word used to be just "hanging" word The vulgar writing, ancient hanging spectrum also rarely "horse hung" written "horse hung." [2] In fact, should be called "hanging case," but to avoid the tag case with other horses (especially those in the Qing Dynasty) confused, so they chose "horse legs hanging case" after the name of this article the word is short.

Label (s): traditional entertainment (day nine, horse crane, sparrow ...) 4 comment (s)

November 30, 2010 Tuesday

WikiLeaks secret power book review
Wikileaks unprecedented access to more than twenty million copies around the U.S. embassies and consulates secret power, the people of Hong Kong as a gossip, of course, want "a Jie Jie." Hurried visit again, and found Wikileaks put online, the original being only three hundred or so. Some topics events, such as "Google China hacking incident" temporarily unable to download it, only the "New York Times" and so only large newspaper content directly to obtain the secret power. Although this WikiLeaks incident shock, but at most only interested in local or general news China Hong Kong people, if that strong and explosive materials, then I am afraid so disappointed. About 300 of them secret power, China is only at 26 parts play an important role, many of which involve China's oil supply as well as her relationship with North Korea with Iran. There a is about Liu Xiaobo, a German newspaper quoted a purely editorial. But there are also a relatively meaty for. To this secret power of fruit newspaper has reported , but the Department of Health retribution determined not know or the intention would have been quite interesting content fade to pale over boiled water: U.S. Ambassador in Kyrgyzstan telegram also said that last year, received the news that China to Kyrgyzstan States 3,000,000,000(HK 23.4 billion), demanded the closure of the local

military base, but the Chinese Ambassador Zhang Yan in the local mean annual statement absurd. In fact, the secret power were some of the contents of "top addiction", depicts the appearance of color vision diplomatic personnel Kam, spying on each other's situations: LOSING THE ABILITY TO SPEAK RUSSIAN 2. (C) Ambassador met February 13 with Chinese Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Zhang Yannian. After opening pleasantries, the Ambassador mentioned that Kyrgyz officials had told her that China had offered a $ 3 billion financial package to close Manas Air Base and asked for the Ambassador's reaction to such an allegation. Visibly flustered, Zhang temporarily lost the ability to speak Russian and began spluttering in Chinese to the silent aide diligently taking notes right behind him. Once he had recovered the power of Russian speech, he inveighed against such a calumny, claiming that such an idea was impossible, China was a staunch opponent of terrorism, and China's attitude toward Kyrgyzstan's decision to close Manas was one of "respect and understanding." (Postscript: before Margaret Thatcher servant "order", this has Zhang Yan was also dumb mouth.) In addition there are two secret power content slightly involving Hong Kong. First it was Lee Tan China and its neighbors and Taiwan, Hong Kong relations, the reader is worth a look, but because of the length is too long, it will not be repeated here. Hong Kong is mentioned only briefly in which Lee Kuan Yew, he said the CPC has been required to assist the economy of Hong Kong, "If you want, you can latch plumber" (As in the case of Hong Kong, if necessary the tap could be turned off). Postscript: When first reading did not see, and then read again, the original meaning of Lee Kuan Yew, the Communist Party to establish with Taiwan as the Hong Kong general contact, but also with, like Hong Kong, when necessary, can latch plumber! The remaining one involving sensitive technology. Saying that Iran actively develop missile technology, which requires gyroscopes. Missile gyroscopes used in general aviation use advanced than how much, I do not know, but the Chinese were trafficked gyroscope, some are available with a missile, the United States asked China to ban domestic producers will sell to Iran and North Korea gyroscope. WikiLeaks obtained secret power among them, two with this. One by the U.S. Department of State (ie Ministry of Foreign Affairs) indicates Beijing embassy, asked China to stop Huayun Xin Tong Company (VibTel Industrial) selling its TRS-500 gyroscopes , according to a U.S. claims Iran is controlled by the electronic parts supplier ECL Malaysia . Secret power referred to in subsection gyroscope sanctions against Iran in the UN Security Council resolutions under items belonging to prohibit the export of Iran, but the Chinese side expressed its request for more information, confirmed that Iran's relations with ECL. Another letter the contents are similar, but it is involved in a Fukuda as a base, called Hong Kong 4 Star Electronics Ltd company, but we do not know whether this Hong Kong company. Postscript: Hong Kong Xiangdi gossip irreparably, I am afraid to wait until the next batch of Wikileaks released secret power is possible. Although Hong Kong Air Link when watching movies, but it is possible earthquake of Taiwan, because as a blog has said, there are three thousand several possible with the United States, Taiwan related to the operation of secret power

behind the scenes has not yet released. When in the end is a horse fall of the government, or bigbian's corruption case Zaibao wok, now people do not know yet engraved. 0 comment (s)

November 29, 2010 Monday

Staples even pick who "move" a painting
"Who" move "painting" Author: Beijing Crystal Digital Technology Co., Ltd. Publisher: Ming Pao Press Price: HK $ 88 Earlier before printing on the World Expo in Shanghai, and then in Hong Kong presented "dynamic version of" Riverside, generally praise the majority. Occasional criticism, regardless of the appropriateness of the content, but also in the herd mentality under to as heterogeneous. Day and night near the river I have not visited the dynamic version of this piece on the River map (for the sake of convenience, unless otherwise stated, the following "on the River Map" always refers to the dynamic version rather than the original). Clips from television and the Internet have seen, I think called it a great work of art, is not excessive, but anecdotal praise, it seems misguide just Miuzan, responsible for the production of "Beijing Crystal Digital Technology Co., Ltd." The self-puff, and more is exaggerated.

Printing more than that on the River paintings static map will become animated, as well as day and night change, very creative, not knowing that it is seen much. Not that far away, even the year before the Shanghai World Expo, in the film "McDull" (2009), it was already an animated version of the painting, but also in 3D. Dynamic static arts, it is a long history, such as movie Prince of Egypt (1998) Egyptian murals that will be moving, or Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) into the surface of the photograph, etc., I believe we still remember, even In recent years, many independent movies or commercials, there will be a whole street with a long lens graffiti "action" up examples. West has indeed no similar dynamic version of the painting such a precedent, but their reasons attributed to creativity, but rather that the West rarely ancient art form to reel. Hetu on day and night, sparring friends who used to machine is nothing new. History's first realtime scene changes only computer game, is the 2000 adventure game RealMyst [1]. RealMyst to fifteen minutes a day and night cycle (figure than the previous five-minute-long river), if the player can only stay in one, do not do anything, it can be within fifteen minutes, sunrise and sunset experience within the game world , morning and night. At present this technique is already quite popular (especially for RPG being), but the step of drawing on the River footsteps. More ridiculous, is approaching on the River map exhibited in Hong Kong when the party in television news production introduced them to join in a "creative" a little girl wearing a red robe, will chase a pig way, interspersed with the whole lot on the River map. So blatantly

copying the movie "Schindler's List" (Schindler's List, 1993) among the red little girl, even still talk about creativity, but do not think that disobedient people of Hong Kong, Hong Kong has been a long time into Baoyuzhisi probably, it just does not smell the stink. Seiko is the attention to detail

A ratio of a high (Source: enjoyjapan.jp ) As Crystal Company news access or brag book called "seamless" technology, it seems that there is not much technical content. According to the book talking about Crystal, river map display computer screen is not used, but the projector; nor on the river map projected on a plane above, but with different angles across the multi-block patchwork screen. Therefore, the two projectors images overlap, it is necessary to maintain consistent image, to avoid dislocation, which is called "seamless." This of course is a problem to be solved, but I am still, if the shape of the screen size, and position of the screen with the projector is also known number, then simply reverse projection function over, we can solve the problem. Even if the parameters are unknown, it can make the projector respective spot projected a mesh of indexed points, then gradually deformed mesh, making corresponding points coincide. In short, seamless, in principle, not difficult. Crystal stone company for it to obtain patents and trumpeted, but in mainland China Yangzhou fried rice that even where there are patents, patents are not technologically advanced or innovative proof. Crystal also mentioned in the book show how the problem of nighttime lights in the water. Because the company wanted to keep Crystal paintings hook line, so construct reflection, it is not a general method to solve 3D animation. This development is indeed unprecedented problems, but even crystal stone companies also admits, but they finally spend some simple calculations to solve normal, absolutely there has been no creativity. Above this nighttime reflection problem, is the most I admire Crystal's place. I think many people have praised Hetu praise on the wrong point. In fact, the dynamic version of the painting lacking creativity, but is making the team focus on the details (attention to details), is truly admirable figure on the River place. Crystal stone company could use normal methods to create reflection, but in order to maintain the original style of drawing on the river, they hesitate to reexamine the issue and spend more effort. Other production details, such as the character in the painting is what carries appliances, original graph has no nightlife on the river how to organize, etc., crystal stone companies have worked tirelessly to find someone to make a lot of historical research. Readers can read about such details from the book.

Ngai criticism animated version of Riverside is no mood, depends activities streetscape, in fact, may well live to shoot Causeway. Mood of this thing, I'll wait yokel understand, however, Causeway Bay, you can see the bustling life of the Song Dynasty. Animated version of the Riverside with a lot of manpower and material resources, the life of the ancients are easy to understand and use modern ornamental way to reproduce, applauded. Although the animated version of the chart on the River is not original, but the so-called "art" (art), originally refers to the exhaustion produced art works. Poetry is the art of calligraphy and painting course, but a beautiful building, a cleverly designed computer, as well as a set of ingenious animation, then why not art? Hetu up more suitable than the previous Expo Ni Kuang said he just does not understand the "painting" Why will cause the general public interest, I do too. I always feel that many people praised the painting, in fact, just dumped under a large production and infected with excitement to see the topic of making it. If it were up to Shizuoka (Gundam) debut at the World Expo, I believe, like tourists praise, and even more flocked. World Expo in industrialized Western countries had years to demonstrate national scientific and technological strength of the place. Later, the World Expo, more proactive, more guidance technologies of the future direction of the flavor. Japanese comics "Twentieth Century Boy" which referred to the 1970 Osaka Expo is the best portrayal of this style. Although it is an excellent painting art, but it would have been irrelevant to the Expo. To comparison, on the river than the figure as high as possible is also suitable for the Expo. Production company in order to please the customer, in order to be attached to the Expo theme, reluctantly on the River map to link what "River of Wisdom", can be understood, but when people just to watch by overwhelming publicity, but in fact the Expo alien animation from the Expo Actually has changed, become a pretext for promoting tourism.
Extended reading:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Riverside little beggar ; love. World. People From a dynamic version of "Riverside" to see Hong Kong's competitiveness ; Over the Rainbow From the "painting" remembered ; pen want to talk about "Painting" the irony - how civil society stolen dragon turn Fung? ; A little larger than the entire universe Tsang Tak-sing about "painting": Wisdom river, Lights lift waves ; Financial Daily ,2010 -11-01 Gordon's Corner - Animated Version of Gordon Christmas Figure

Note: [1] RealMyst predecessor Myst (1993) inside the "linking books", there are "Dynamic Photo" Harry Potter series of movies than five years earlier.
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November 27, 2010 Saturday


In archive.org find books, accidentally discovered the sound of the Ming Yue Yuan Series of the " dialect, according to "and the end of the Qing historian Taiyan of the " new tongues . " Conveniently looking, they discovered two original daily Cantonese vocabulary is archaic.

An, Guangdong tone ngam2, hand cover of Italy, such as Hong Kong slang "ghost An Eye", is sometimes not aware of an object or text words exist, and joked that the meaning of being a ghost legerdemain. In addition, work against their conscience, Hong Kong, then say "An live conscience." "Dialect According to": "to lay hands on the things said An (Ukraine flu cut), possession also, hands covered too. "

Mung1 Sung1
Just woke up, mung1 mung1 sung1 sung1. "Mung1 Sung1" the word "rime", that is, the land of a similar freezing frost of natural phenomena , chaotic mind this idea was intended. "Dialect According to": Rime (tone dream delivery) Bully unclear, that the rime. Han Shen winter months, the night air lock air, such as in the forest with fog, condensation, such as gems, see Xian was canceled, due to wind falling, Qilu leisure that the rime. Press, "Yuan life package": "yin and yang chaos as fog Mongolia to take the elephant, because that unclear known." Also, Wu song goes: "Ice Cream Song Sung play, poor children prepare rice urn." Label (s): the color of the text is a quarrel 0 comment (s)

Hakka six Tiger (three)

(Last revised on 2011-01-10)

Figure I (Source: British Museum ) Alike in: six Tiger brand in China Arts westward propagating missing link? The figure is a Spanish version of solitaire woodcut printing samples. First glance, a large Hong Kong people will remember arriving in any modern sparrow color, but this is actually printed board the British Museum in 1896 revenue collections. Researchers generally agree Solitaire Solitaire first invented by the Chinese people, but actually from China Western brand, or just developing Solitaire affected by the Chinese, they vary widely. Previously mentioned WA Chatto, mentions Western Solitaire Solitaire with Chinese origin, and works more like smooth jazz say white, just look at their article title Chinese Origin of Playing Cards (note, not Origin of Chinese Playing Cards!) , that he advocated Chinese origin theory. Works like Shun Yu paper proposes a number of Western Solitaire clues from China, such as Italy and Spain early on the cards "cup" and "stick" that it is the business would shun Westerners mistake "Wan" word reversed, when The pattern for the cup, and the pattern of the bamboo stick mistaken results. And in his theory among Hakka six unique Tiger's position in particular. Works like Shun felt as Western Solitaire Solitaire terms of Chinese origin, have obscure place. For example there are four more Western Solitaire (such as playing cards with spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs), but the service would shun that era China card, but many only three (for example, a public brand stick, bars, cakes); addition, better Chinese Solitaire govern the doors are comparable, but the doors of Western Solitaire, but can be divided into size (for example, in some poker games, Spades> Hearts> Box> Plum). Service would shun that six Tiger has four, and four and compete with (pick> Paul> Search> line), just to fill the lost link. He even believes that Spain and Italy, among the cards "Caballo" (Horse), in fact, the Chinese Solitaire Westerners back to Europe, means "deer" (Hakka brand "deer Flower") as a "horse"'s sake. However, if so English Wikipedia, the allegations are true, today's researchers seem to think that Western Solitaire from Egypt, rather than China, but in any case, it should move along the article does point out some of the Western Solitaire Solitaire in common with China, However, the design of the modern six Tiger, but in turn licensed by the Western influence. Westerly Learning: Tiger color design modern six Tiger suit modern six art design is very interesting, not only "consistent, cable, wire," words to spend a special art fonts, two to nine individual numbers, like "ghost draw characters." However, if carefully watching it, readers will find cards for "two, three, four, six," four numerals, in fact, spend a poker spades, hearts and box (no clubs). From other pages (such as Tiger Dylan Sung's six pages ) contained six Tiger photos, we also found that the card's "eight" the word, with Arabic numerals 8 is somewhat similar, but I'm more interested in, is The card's "five" the word, whether it is a lamp, or a Water Bottle?

Figure II "Characters Cards" originally "Cross Cards" The figure is used by the "source of profits" the company made six Tiger. If the cards in the doors "two, six" two card's fight together, draw is the "large print playing cards, source Lee factory-made" eight characters (see Figure three left). Previous six Tiger inherited the suit horse logo design, brand sheets painted with the brand (for example, see the blog " Reconstruction Ming Ma tag case (a) "contained in the picture). I initially thought that the so-called modern six characters Tiger cards, refers to the card suit cards are not painted, but with a large-font display card's name. However, according to JW Young relegated Bijdrage tot de kennis der Chineesche hazard-en kaartspelen (1886, relevant paragraphs Seeing ) and James Platt wrote Chinese London and Its Opium Dens (The Gentleman's Magazine, v.274, pp.272-282 , 1895), we have found that "large print playing cards" should be "Cross card" in correct. Previously mentioned in WA Chatto's book, stick cards are called the "ten million cards." I believe in the late Qing Dynasty, some card manufacturers only to suit the characteristics of the sign face for the brand with the name, so there is "Never" (also known as one thousand soldiers) stick brand is called "Never cards", and still retains horse The six cross a hanging Tiger, it is called "cross solitaire." Regardless of the "large print playing cards," the original meaning, to use the source Lee Factory Tiger spell out the prepared six "large print playing cards," four words, four licenses have to depend strings, wire, ropes, to arrange the pick up, with six Tiger itself "pick up line penetration index" cards in a different order.

Figure III

Readers may think that just made six plants originating Tiger is such a permutation, but looked CT Dobree's Gambling Games of Malaya a book, as well as several site's images, can be found either in Malaysia "big fortune "Mark, born in Hong Kong's" Pisces Mark, "made of a certain brand of Jiangsu Province, China, and Hong Kong on the map source Lee factory had made six Tiger is basically different from the company name in addition, are used in the same design. (Former Ventura refined by the next " Alone in the Fart marks the most beautiful six Tiger "is the exception for the sake of consistency," large print playing cards, "four words changed to" pick up line penetration index "order.) In order to understand these two words are arranged one way to do mystery, I'll "characters Solitaire" four words are arranged in a counterclockwise direction (Figure 3), but do not see any clue, but when I'm going four cards to "pick up line penetration index "arranged counterclockwise order when (Figure III R), we found that" large print playing cards, "the word, is the first arranged in horizontal straight after, but the horizontal of" Solitaire, "the word is arranged from left to right , consistent with ninety thousand among the "source Lee" word from right to left are arranged differently. Therefore, to the same words, "pick up line penetration index" should be four rows in a clockwise direction (that is, the right in Figure III among swap a pickup with a cable between the two), but this also with modern general Chinese card game, in order to counter the practice of different fixed seating order. In the end "characters Solitaire" arrangement designed just coincidence or simply wrong, or six players Zuoci Tiger is simply a clockwise direction? Modern six who Tiger is designed? These may never be able to unravel the mystery. The above articles are mainly talking about the sign face color. Next, we will briefly focus from licensing requirements, explore six Tiger brand in China's position among the arts. Hakka six Tiger (a) , (b) , (c) , (four) ; Hakka six Tiger cases ( in / England )
With field mapping: From 0:58 Tiger began to appear in many six Hakka MV. According to the authors Dubang Jie readme: "Because I am a foreigner, although for Hakka culture is not very familiar with, but by this time playing opportunities, in addition to collect some information Hakka In addition, I have also found that the traditional Hakka games, so I Select the sign face larger representatives boys, whereas girls as a smaller sign face, which represents the world of fact in love sometimes unequal status of men and women, like the lyrics of this song makes me feel somewhat the same. "

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Label (s): traditional entertainment (day nine, horse crane, sparrow ...) 0 comment (s)

November 23, 2010 Tuesday

Reconstruction of the Ming Dynasty horse logo case (a)
Feng Meng Yu " horse legs hanging case ", the boast of Hangzhou people know best horse hanging [1] licensing requirements can be seen at play around the discrepancy. What is different

villages, or licensing requirements had originally set, but people outside of Hangzhou misinterpreted, we do not know. Since no other choice, to reshape the Ming Dynasty horse hanging play, only to hang Wu Feng said in mind. Unfortunately, "horse legs hanging case" (hereinafter referred to as "foot case" [2]) the narrative is incomplete, despite speculation that complement our reliable, but not necessarily in every guess. Therefore, readers should understand that the following reconstruction licensing cases, not hundred percent the same as with the original case, but I will strive to reproduce ancient horse hanging style. If readers have any comments, please let us know. Card type Horse hanging cards used sheets, called "leaf." Ming on the card with the game more clearly divided between horse hanging leaves play just one, never known brand with its own horse hanging. To the Qing Dynasty, people began to be known as the horse leaves tag. The earliest known documented leaves, one has thirty-eight kinds of color, very popular in the Ming Dynasty than later used horses hanging leaves less two. According to Poon Hang "leaf spectrum" records, used forty horses hanging colored leaves, divided Cross, thousands of words, bamboo and paper money four, which cross the door and the door have eleven pence, and the other two of the nine . Each house sheets from large to small, arranged as follows:

Cross: statue absolutely consistent, ten million, one million, ninety, eighty, seventy, sixty, fifty, forty, thirty, twenty. Million words: statue ninety thousand strings, 80,000 seventy thousand, sixty thousand, fifty thousand, forty thousand, thirty thousand, twenty thousand, ten thousand. Bamboo: statue nine Faso, eight Faso, seven cable, six cable, five cable, four cable, three cable, two cable, a cable. Penny: No Man statue empty, half-penny, one money, two money, three money, four money, five money, six money, seven money, eight money, nine of money.

Cross Gate's "Ten" means one hundred thousand strings, a cable refers to one hundred penny. "No empty text" is a money no meaning in Pan's "continued leaf spectrum" and also known as von feet cases "empty soup", to later becomes silent and licensing "no" and Hakka six tiger brand "Maogong." Sparrow "whiteboard" may also be the source for this. Above the doors among the biggest card are labeled "respect" word for identification, so absolutely consistent, consistent ninety thousand, nine cable and empty text does not fit the "four." Attention to the size of a penny and the other three the contrary, it is the middle of the hole through the money, so the designers of "empty" word auspicious, most small "dummy text does not" the most respected, the more the greater the amount of paper money Peel. Cross Ming leaves house with two million words are painted with "Water Margin" characters, and claim the money two places gossip Guaxiang with coins for patterns. I do not hang pictures Ming Ma, but the reader see the figure Hakka six pair of Qing Tiger, you can also leaves ten of the Ming Dynasty, Wan two numbers some concepts:

A 1896 six Tiger (Image source: British Museum ) Modern has said, "Mahjong" in the name comes from "wipe will" wipe the one hundred and eight players numbered card that represents Liangshanpo one hundred and eight will. This saying has obviously been affected leaf color, but the horse hanging from the Ming Dynasty began, as well as the subsequent emergence of tacit and cards, stick cards, six Tiger, etc., are only ten, ten thousand two, and only a few special cards Water Margin characters painted patterns, So this "wipe the" legend, I believe will just neighbor farfetched. Before the start of the first game Horses have four players suspended. Before hanging the horse started to play, each player first twist Zuoci licensing decisions and decisions first game "pile home" (and later Chinese card game called "Market Maker", that is the sound of this change), but according to "leaf spectrum," said Ming Dynasty There are also players' election will Lubo, planting flag on the altar, "which is a dice to decide, so we might as well take the dice this more simple method. Other three idle at home, the term referred to as "casual home." Today, there are so-called dealer and retail markets, two words actually a long history. Horse hung to note the number of winners and losers as a unit, each note size must be a multiple of the basic bet. This basic bets known as "impulsive," mahjong nowadays called "punch out" that stems from this. Because the stakes are sometimes by two pairs of (explained later date), so a number of rushing to double the number of appropriate. Note how many of each size punch, feet patients who did not explain the decision. Normally speculated that if things should pile home. To avoid some luck, frantically increasing stakes in an attempt to win back their money a shop, before the game, each player shall settle bet limit. After each round, the pile family can start before the decision within the limit of the size of a note. For example, a red two yuan, ceiling five punch (ie ten yuan), then each family can pile Bureau council Note arbitrarily defined as one to five rushing yards.

Basic processes and concepts Ma is the bucket hanging card game (only uninformed or too many people see TVB costume drama, just thought it was such a scrape with mahjong card game is similar), each game is divided into five stages: 1. Start. 2. Report "different tours." If people have different tours (some odd brand portfolio), this board must be terminated, and proceed to checkout. 3. Proposed a "free fight." If anyone conform bucket free conditions, he is entitled to claim and settlement finality. 4. Fight card. 5. Settlement. The first four stages of the rules are very simple, but extremely complicated settlement, which comes from licensing revenue bucket divided into two types. The first one is "hanging", similar to the hit count or nine days of Dong Tiger Lake Hakka six the number of players with the number of licenses may be obtained. The second is the combined score, depending on the player winning hand sheets in what combinations may be. Ming Ma hanging deck under various names, to the Qing Dynasty more out of control. Note code flow pattern is also divided into three. The most common is called "open", only ranged between piles scattered, scattered between home and no home number scattered between. Readers can use this to "On" will be attached to each other to open the vault door. This is the main settlement, so in general, piles scattered family home is the biggest rival, so the Ming Dynasty writer Feng Meng Yu "brand by thirteen" so-called "horse hanging of the law, three concentric to attack a pile ", and then when the person hanging horse, resembles since said. Another horse hanging settlement called "knocking" home by only scattered scattered to other levy a bet, do not pile loose contacts. Another way dubbed "HE" is different from the other three to reward those who (do not pile bulk) to receive bets, there are a number of other Chinese card game this way, for example, has nine days to fight the "Big Four HE" and "He statue . " Cross Gate's "M" at the foot case known as "Broadway," a special status. Although not Cross Gate Broadway top sheets, but in many cases, holds one hundred old man often dominant, this talk about the future. Start Both horses hanging, day nine Or sparrows, but its start method is a kind of ritual, as opposed to playing cards rule, it is not important, as long as the player can in principle be licensed random pieces, and pile on the trip home and reasonable rotation, feet by-laws, do not have to keep up, but the way of the horse start hanging quite interesting, it is worth mentioning.

When you start each round horse hanging from the pile at home on the home is responsible for shuffling, piles home under the house is responsible for the cards. First license issued to the player known as "head of household" and decided to head home methods like sparrows or nine days to a random number count. Foot cases that figure is cast cards available, but here for the sake of convenience, the decision on when the dice. And the Sparrow different head home when the count is determined by the number of piles on home from home, so if the throw was four or eight, by the first card on the cards of the players contented; if the throw was three, seven, from piles home available. Because four players each role, so the horse was hanging and ridiculed as "four not busy." After several early home, home on the pretext position, press Zuoci the cards, each assigned to each player four, sent out in two rounds. Finished, each player should have eight cards, and the remaining eight in Taiwan central for cards. Horse hanging piles home, in addition to the first game of cards or dice decided by a twist, each of the remaining Board, sub-four situations: 1. If the scattered family has "different tours," can "wins pile" become the next pile home. If the piles are different home tours, or more than one person is different tours, foot cases did not specify how to handle. According to common sense, a large arriving in press Zuoci (counting from the first house) is different from the first reward those who succeed. If that person happens to be home to the pile, then even piles. 2. Should the players made free bucket, then the next round again (twist cards or dice) elected pile home. 3. If the fight card, the family can win a pile called "big live one hundred" of the deck, you can even pile. 4. The remaining cases, the family's next home took over the pile. In short, different reward wins pile, Free bucket twist pile, large living stubble, round pile under the house. Different tours with the big live one hundred definitions and avoid fighting conditions in the future will be described. When I read "horse hanging feet cases," when I was most surprised that there were several cases of foot nine days with playing rules are very similar. The aforementioned "HE" brand that is one of a few ways to head home Second: horse hanging method with nine days same as the original. Later we will see another number of interesting similarities. (To be continued) " Ma hanging feet cases , "Reconstruction of the Ming Dynasty horse logo case (a), (b) , (c) ,

(four) , card case comparison

(Keywords: horse hanging, horse hanging, hanging horse, horse tag) Note: [1] Today hanging, hanging word division, the former refers specifically condolence, condole, the latter refers to the suspension, so many people today will "horse hung" written "horse hung" but "hanging" the word used to be just "hanging" word The vulgar writing, ancient hanging spectrum also rarely "horse hung" written "horse hung." [2] In fact, should be called "hanging case," but to avoid the tag case with other horses (especially those in the Qing Dynasty) confused, so they chose "horse legs hanging case" after the name of this article the word is short.

Label (s): traditional entertainment (day nine, horse crane, sparrow ...) 4 comment (s)

November 21, 2010 Sunday

Feng Meng, "horse legs hanging case" text
Whenever people mention solitaire mahjong or Chinese history, always something to hang horse, however, is how the so-called horse hanging about, and no one can say clearly. Folk legend, the horse is hanging Song product. This said, I do not know true and false, and if so is true, then play, have already lost. The earliest extant horse hanging case book, Ming Dynasty writer Feng Meng (Dragon Jew) book "horse hanging feet cases" (hereinafter referred to as "foot case"), the same generation other horses hanging writings, except as Poon Hang "leaf spectrum, "said very mysterious, the other works, including Pan's" continued leaf spectrum, "Li Sui ball" Win palm Sutra "and Menglong" card by thirteen "and so on, are not accountable horses hanging gameplay. There are many hanging inverted spectrum of the Qing Dynasty, according to Guoshuang Lin and Xiao plum "Chinese gambling history" (1996), the "horse hanging spectrum", "horse hanging new spectrum", "hanging spectrum", "hanging spectrum Addendum", "do not fight HE case "," Chuochu He cases "," Broadway Legend "," lost case "," lose interest cases "," Miscellaneous legend "and" penalty cases "and so on, but Guo Xiao duo that these spectra are basically hanging just copy the contents of a foot cases. As modern people Chinese card game studies, English literature When Stewart Culin (18581929) and William Henry Wilkinson ( Works like cis ,1858-1930) work as a representative of Chinese places Du Yaquan of the "Hiroshi" (1933) , Yang Yin depth of the "Chinese entertainment research" (1946) and the aforementioned "Chinese gambling history," a book for the best, but these writings as there is no clear explanation horses hanging rules Culin and Wilkinson has not studied the horse hanging, Yang Yin deep regarded with your own text explains a small part Guoshuang Lin and Xiao Plum is claimed under the "brand by thirteen" and "horse hanging feet cases," will play correctly reshape it, but actually just copied the foot cases only. Foot cases where there is no explanation, Guo Xiao's "reconstruction" as there is no explanation. Some incomprehensible original place, Guo Xiao even simply removed. Therefore, if true, then the rules remodeling hang horse, Menglong "horse hanging feet example," is the most important text. With legs like the following example text to readers.

The following two schools at 2010-11-22 ,2011 -04-06 three schools. Three schools found only leak word, I believe the following transcript is now fully. Punctuation is the text added by bloggers. All the original homophones (eg "Excel" pass "desk", "stop-go" through "only"), here are retained even if the original is sometimes written (such as "tables"), sometimes through false (such as "Excel") here also followed without unity. Variants also try to follow, such as the original "foot", "foot" coexist, so is here, the only impossible or too difficult to enter, change instead of the so-called traditional characters (including coarse, stay, felt, models, turn, penalties, etc. ). Typos are fully retained, for example, licensed in the text a group called "fake up", and the other two did write "fake Kui", what the fishes, leave it to readers to judge. I will also be " reconstructed Ming Ma tag case "article series, with a literal interpretation of the modern horse hanging rules, attention is drawn to.
(Keywords: horse hanging, horse hanging, hanging horse, horse tag)

Ma Wu Longzi Jew chopsticks hanging feet cases Dou Farley disease, after the words, the most noted of its rules, like I Hang difference wins, so I Hang profit from it. An origin among four <br /> but ten mostly, absolutely positive reward, do the second. One hundred the number of surplus, unwilling Kuai Wu, special set reward to Bu fortune, respect for one hundred old, does not it would be desirable. <br /> Get a head on the card said Cho, get two cards, saying the original multi-yue hanging, death by hanging is not the original, saying, no Zhuo said barefoot (two pairs of shoe brands such as, essential one).WIN a saying hanging alone, win a saying hanging together, two points to win, saying the crane, four said the four original gas. Said one hundred million old, Youyue Archduke conflict. Ninety said little public conflict. Five, six, eighty females said both sudden (Individually double its outstanding too) . Original Broadway on Zhuo said another big live one hundred, with the female suddenly said with a big live one hundred protrusion (Where there is no male and female with female non-public, all without conflict) . Not on the original Broadway ended Zhuo said small live one hundred, with the female with a small live one hundred sudden inrush said. There are one hundred old said neither the original nor the Zhuo died one hundred, or only on the original Yiyue Zhuo not die one hundred, with the female suddenly said with a sudden death of one hundred. Ninety with a female suddenly said with a small protrusion. One hundred old, ninety, five, six, eighty said all sudden taste great live. On the one note reads scattered knocking home. Four said tours, four Zun said second reward. Said live on tour, whether said die. Four said very little. True said no system has made said false. Taken from said catch, said the release of longitudinal and vertical undone to say also, it is said to vertical. Fill, called off. Chang said at the beginning of the hair, after saying that, left to prepare people said Guan. Buyers said pile, the note said punch (such as filling Zeyue plus a punch, two punch and the like) . Win chips said opening. The upside of said first pile wash, or say clear, or said urinate. In the section of the said film, said the bulk of the points. Since the bulk of the soldier said head, said at the end. Zhuo said on millions of all three open. Millions with empty text reads four red. Times reward excellence on the value

of the cards Ci Zhang said the false positive reward up. Eight cards on all eight Zhuo Zhuo said the whole collection. A card-type license type must be official <br /> kind, such as former Methodist Taicang, Kunshan and Sima Bridge, Suzhou Taohuawu, adding cards Tau. In pure cotton paper clip who is on the green. If the fine painting is Called Little Mother cards, narrow Called the bearers cards (such as Suzhou turnip house class) , short wide thick that the solitary aged evil cards (such as Suzhou Tang licensing category) , who said that blurred written in ink The Joker (Jiangxi multi-used) , all do not use. A Zuoci shot scattered <br /> licensing Noble side, sitting with four sides, Zhuo spread blankets to prevent fouling. Or money, or horses, the amount of random. Hath enjoined legs, his customers do not have to play from misuse, Shen Wu poly view taken disgust. Pins established, first with four cards together, twist one person, depending on the size of the seating order (absolutely the most respected, the most humble empty text) . Then divided further twist to set the pile first. Four wheel pile, again and again, but a large living stubble, different reward wins pile. Pile's first reshuffle, ends up the bulk of the shoot. Casual card counting method, pile across from (and therefore also known as four horses hanging feet are not busy) . Forty-eight contented, Panax into piles, one hundred fifty-nine passed away, all for an empty one hundred ten million number. Per eight leaves, and then the four weeks. A buy note <br /> public discussion several cases, certain only that big negative, the amount shall not overflow to figure fluke. A Dou Broadway France <br /> Broadway both of life and death, then ten is an imaginary place. Non-Broadway in hand, can not Dou also. Thousand, million was left behind, non-Broadway has been formulated, non-Dou also. If ten million and have made, but also to figure out the Wan statue, leaving one thousand to produce one hundred. If the three-way either dried up, ten are actually out of the vertical live Broadway, nor generations lose. A hanging method for a license on <br /> Cho, lose a crane; namely two card club is not on excellence, but also lose a stop hanging; There are three cards to win a crane; ie five cards also only win a crane, called smelly five tables is also. If they are unlicensed, the two four Zhuo, each won a crane. If they are three Zhuo, a person without a license, then points to win a crane, so that not a single note should double for points also. A look at tours France <br /> four said positive reward, followed by said second reward. Positive reward in the face, the second generation of the reward (eg shoot 90 000 places eighty thousand Daizheng reward) . Look reward cards face leaves with the times, if times every positive reward, the reward that the false Kui times, with three penalties and one each note. If the pre-die off, regardless. Where shall the reward excellence, to be original. Do not serve, or the outstanding and original, are tied dead tours, regardless. A free Dou <br /> three of a four-pole open note, free Dou. Ten full five persons Free Dou. I three full six persons Free Dou. Whenever Free Dou, Julingnianzhuang. An open note <br /> reward a note. Large living knocking a note. Note hundred dead. Kui three each fired a false note. On three of a four-pole note. Hanging a note. Suddenly a little note. Small live two injection. Sudden death of one hundred two injection. Large living three injection. Three open three injection. Small live one hundred sudden four note. Four red four injection. Large living one hundred sudden six note (where over one hundred open conflict, such as the wife to your husband) . Eight Zhuo fully compensated eight note (seven Zhuo too, said the whole collection in order to overthrow it all; when others come table, later was seven tables, too) . These piles scattered family home open. Open ended piles scattered family home. Case of heavy models, namely re-opened. Large living scattered family did not knock piles home, do not knock loose piles home home home for casual knock two large living scattered homes. If cards are different tours, three Qi He (regardless of when the piles and piles improper) . Four quadrupole whole HE eight note. Eight red HE six injection. Eight red and one hundred old HE seven note. Muddy HE four injection (eight card a) . There are one hundred ten

muddy old HE five injection. He suddenly all five injection. Four HE four injection. He has one hundred four five old note. Above all hanging on in full, and not to compound angle, actually won for the pile. Only a hundred old home free Ho. A penalty cases <br /> should punish those who do not wash shuffle a note, still wash. Penalty should not be washed by washing a note by mistake, correct it. Wash Bi see one hundred old man, penalty one note and another twist pile. Wash Bi wrong grantees who punished a note, correct. See one hundred old man shot cards, penalty one note and another twist pile. Misclassification who did not see a note card penalty, correct; watch brand has been fined five note, give a hundred old homes, free Dou (mistakenly much less wrong, wrong points, not round points and points, all that's wrong) . Scoreboard missed, flip white person a note, Red Note, Note reward three hundred fourth injection, the penalty to be turned home, but the old man turned one hundred another twist pile. Mistakenly throw out those two notes, another correction. Note to catch and punish the two mistaken for off. The more the nonreward cards and more times in the penalty two injection. Fined two were destroyed by injection.
(More noticeable from mistakenly out to destroy, Shino any relationship, open all generations recognize the number.) stolen watch cards, face sheet form, penalty two injection. Look stolen off dealer fined

two others note. Zhang and Ming Gu pumping phase fined five note speaker. Out of ten thousand, million, activating one hundred old man, and it is vertical pile card reward those who live, Dou France vector activating low pile for the Homeless, the number of all generations recognize open (if originals are considered an open-ended, not by the original Put two open house for generations live scattered pile recognize that if you live piles home and three recognized) . Although thousand, million positive reward system, nor excuse. Willing to recognize those who listen. Error out to the second dealer, cite free Dou. If one hundred old house with tours, include penalties such as misclassification cases. More than one person and a small sheet form, both are not allowed to catch (more than one is left doors are numerous, there are disadvantages too, if less Zhang then straight to have been destroyed, so the club are not allowed to catch, although the reward and whether) . End sheets are not allowed to stay more than those (that left two end sheets so as watching too) . Where the above penalties, all piled into the officer, as soon after the big live Badugi. If a big brand not live, then people plus a child into the officer heap.

Label (s): traditional entertainment (day nine, horse crane, sparrow ...) 6 comment (s)

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November 17, 2010 Wednesday

Hakka six Tiger (two)
(Last revised on 2011-01-10)

Shenzhen 102-year-old mother centenarians yellow water tai hit six favorite Tiger (Source: Shenzhen Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau ) From a historical perspective of the development, without Judaism, there is no Islam. However, even though Muslims also serve as the Jewish Torah, the holy book of God's revelation, but no one will say, "Islam is a branch of Judaism." Relationship with the sparrow hanging horse, too, no matter how thick the two sources, the latter should not be treated as the descendants of the former. Trace the origin of the sparrow ancestor is actually a horse hanging by a mutation from the Qing Dynasty, known as "silent and card" card game, and the sparrow's immediate predecessor, is a kind of do not know from when, but still in the mid-nineteenth century popular, called "stick card" solitaire game. Mo and brand development and brand stick should hang with many horses and non horses hanging system influence each solitaire game, but due to the lack of literature, and today we have been difficult to sort out the details, but one thing is certain, and that is silent and license Before hanging horse games, did not dare to fight cards for the purpose. So silent and license the emergence of this scrape card game can be said that a horse hanging color categories based card game "off the horse into the hemp" watershed. Modern sparrow popular, but almost wiped out authentic horse hanging itself. This is day nine of the opposite direction, from the Song and Ming dynasties in Minato brand-oriented publicity and brand of decline, speech to the Ming and Qing dynasties to fight brand-oriented "Dou day nine" and "fight nine days, "the rise of an interesting contrast. Today the horse did not play cards hanging lines demise, scattered around the world Hakka valuable. Despite six Tiger Ming Ma hanging with very different, but the sign face color and play, still a deep traditional horse hanging features. Say six tiger is the modern horse hanging, that is no exaggeration.

Figure one First row from left: a pick-up (one hundred sub) nine pickup Second row from left: Paul consistently nine Third row from left: a cable to nine cable Last row from left: line (Maogong) to nine lines Right another two special cards " Flowers" and " line." Cable penetration pickup line: horse hung licensing system A total of six Tiger thirty-eight, including pick up, strings, cable, line four (Figure a, where "line" through "money," but do not read "money"), and an additional two single cards (Figure two). Ming Ma has four hanging the suit were ten, Wan, Sok, money , six Tiger just renamed "Wan" is "consistent", but still retains four; contrast, the sparrow changed "money" as "Bin" and pass away Cross Gate, leaving only three. If just missing a sparrow, six Tiger does not seem particularly horses hanging taste, but again being compared, it could see both of the other. I believe that readers already found that six Tiger as "a pick-up" and "front-line" with the two cards is another name for "hundred children" and "gross public." From the business would shun Chinese Origin of Playing Cards , and even I can see other English online pages, like all that "hundred children" is "Sons and Grandsons" hundred sub (a hundred sons) was intended. This is likely to be misunderstood. Horse hung four numbers of forty, ten of them, two of the eleven lines, Wan, Sok nine each, each door descending, arranged as follows:

Cross Gate: statue absolutely consistent, ten million, one million, ninety, eighty, seventy, sixty, fifty, forty, thirty, twenty. Million words Door: statue ninety thousand strings, 80,000 seventy thousand, sixty thousand, fifty thousand, forty thousand, thirty thousand, twenty thousand, ten thousand.

Search word Door: statue nine Faso, eight Faso, seven cable, six cable, five cable, four cable, three cable, two cable, a cable. Money word Door: No Man statue empty, half-penny, one money, two money, three money, four money, five money, six money, seven money, eight money, and nine of money.

The above four custom house are not very logical. According to Ming Poon Hang "leaf spectrum," said, brand names if "respect" word, the brand is the largest among the same door. "Man did not empty" to "empty" means coins holes; greater because holes are larger denomination coins, so in order to empty the statue, had not the smallest empty text, but also because taking "empty" word meaning head, becomes the maximum . Therefore horse hanging among the word size of the door money order with other three contrast to large for fine cards, small as big. In addition, the half-penny aka " Stem Flower , "a penny of money that a hundred penny that a cable, but cable has said ten thousand ten. Cross Gate's "ten", means thousands. Visible from the horse tag sheets, six Tiger a "hundred children" are in fact cross the door "M", just six tiger reserves the horse due to the cross hanging doors missing "ten" brand characteristics, the diversion of the game "hundred children" as "a pick-up" to. As for the money miter gate, though there is a horse hung the money, but with an empty text does not honorable. Six Tiger may therefore not take "line" itself, but rather to a particular brand for first-line use. Six Tiger also the harmonization of the door in order to line the small, nine lines for large, relatively easy to learn horse hanging in the order.

"Front-line" Mami Today, when the first-line use of six Tiger shown in Figure 1, is a "gross public." However, it is among the two special single-brand " line" (Figure I have red marks on the rightmost card) is also the name of a line, and therefore " line" as the first line, it seems more reasonable. I suspect " line" is really line, and to the public for the first-line wool may be mistaken modern players. First of all, would like to shun the press service, the previous six Tiger, Mao Gong is one of two special single brand, but is an unknown line "ace of cash". Secondly, it should move along the line the word refers to the sequence of numbers sheets, in three to play, from large to small are:

ace of cash, nine lines, eight lines, seven lines, six lines, five lines, four-wire, three-wire, wire.

Four play, "Maogong" and " Flower" word lines are owned by the door, but licensing sequence was reversed, from large to small are:

Maogong, flower, second line, third line, ......, nine lines, ace of cash.

Compare horse hanging above three four Bureau Bureau and licensing sequence, showing six years of service would shun Tiger discarded the "front line", while the other introduces an ace of cash. If you remove the "first-tier" brand, do not bother to ace of cash, then the sequence of four board cards hanging with the same horse. Thus, in fact, correspond Maogong horse statue hanging empty text does not, while " Flower" corresponding branch flower / half penny

(whichever is the flower name, also together). According to elimination, " line" also should be a line miter gate ace of cash. Therefore, if the six Tiger cards to change into today's order, to line for the small, nine line is large, then the empty text does not (Maogong), half-penny ( flower) with ace of cash ( lines) among It seems not to misappropriate the name using the number for ace of cash to make the most appropriate line. History Maogong Maogong her story, it should move along translated as Prince of Mao (ie "Mao country national companies"), is very funny. He is the article that Maogong Outlaws one hundred and eight heroes , one of the stars 108 people but the names, nicknames and name, only "Jin Mao Tiger" Yanshun, "feather star" Ming and "Golden Retriever dog" section King lived only "gross" word, and any one person called them "Maogong" seems very reluctantly. Verified "Mao Gong" is the Warring States Period, a professional gambler, set out in the "Records of Wei's Biography":

There reclusive son Wen Zhao Maogong hidden in Bo Tu , Xuegong hidden in selling pulp home, son Yuxian two people, two people from hiding refused to see son. Son Wen lie, since they are Xianbu to swim, quite well. The prince heard of it, stating that his wife said: "I have heard that Lady Di son started unparalleled in the world, now I have heard it, is jump from Bo Tu sell pulp who swim, son Wangren ear." Wife to sue son. Son is Ms. Xie go, saying: "I have heard the beginning of Pingyuan Xian, the king and rescue Zhao negative to say Pingyuan. Pingyuan the tour, Acts feat ears, who do not seek it. Loudly comfortable girders, often Hearing this two-yin, to Zhao, fear not see. to loudly from the tour, yet I fear that it does not want to have, is that this Pingyuan shame, its shortcomings from the tour. "is loaded to go. The prince with his wife to language. The prince was bareheaded Xie, solid left son. The prince heard the door, half-owned by the son to go The prince, son of the world with disabilities complex to go, son pour Pingyuan passengers. Son (Xinling) heard two virtuous but no politician (reclusive), a gambler is hiding among Maogong, the other one is hiding pub Xuegong. He Yuxian two, but the two have to hide to avoid see son. Son asked to be where they are hiding, they quietly step to find them, the results intersect quite well. The prince heard the news on his wife, said: "When I heard that Mrs. Wei's brother is unparalleled in the world of the wise men, and now I hear he even contacts with gamblers and liquor, he was just indulging HU The men go. "Madame would remark to tell son, son listened to just leave his wife and said:" Before I heard Pingyuan virtuous, so betray the king and rescue Zhao, meet The prince's request. was originally Pingyuan with people, just show Haokuo not strike a talent I live girders, it is often heard Maogong, Xuegong two talented people to Zhao, fearing to see them thither people like me with them exchanges, afraid that they do not for me, in order to make them now Pingyuan actually ashamed that this person is not worth acquainted. "So packed up and ready to leave. Lady told all the words of the son Pingyuan, The prince listened to the whereabouts of the son of apology hat firmly retain. The prince diners who heard the matter, half of them left to switch to the son, then the son of the

world's scholars and unto the door, so guests Pingyuan because admirers and cast all Xinling. So Maogong is Mr Mao, not the Prince of Mao. Six designers boasted Tiger virtuous (reclusive), quite humorous. Sichuan heard "male cat card" and Hakka six Tiger close, if it is true, I believe that Chairman Mao is Sichuanese only know and do not know Mr Mao, Fang put the cat Maogong falsely public. Deer flower, pear and clouds of money regardless of the real line is Maogong or ' line "Tiger today six players have become accustomed to" Flowers "and" line "for two special cards. Playing cards rule is prescriptive, we should not pretend to claim Hakka correction. " Flowers" and " line" of this said, in between the Hakka people seemed to have lost. According to several online about six pages in English Tiger said, and now it seems more will Hakka " Flower" read into " Cohesion "will" line "pronounced" Korea Line . " Readers Wang Jun also made privately told me that there will be Korea Line Hakka pronounced "jellyline." As the author of the English pages have their own Hakka friends and Wang Jun as data sources, so these titles should be a certain degree of liquidity. Yet " flower" and " line" two single-brand "" word font apparently different, because Rever / Korea Line said it doubtful. Two single brand name, in fact, by the JW Young (1855-1898) wrote Bijdrage tot de kennis der Chineesche hazard-en kaartspelen (1886) in an article already documented : " flower" is actually " pear "and" line "is actually" cloud money . " "Money," the word to be written on the card today "line", could also be due to mistakes manufacturer. Readers may find that six of the Tiger " line" as a "cloud", fonts fairly similar, but " spend" a "" how not seems "pear" word ah! In fact, it is easy to explain this contradiction "pear" brand has another name, called " deer flower ", and now six printed on Tiger, it is the latter. According to the "scribe identified" contained (see Taiwan's " Ministry of Education variant dictionary ")," deer "word has allogeneic fonts

.Remove the top and side next to a write, the similarity with the font licensing. Deer spend money two names with the cloud, other literature also documented. Works like Shun article on the " spend" as "Stagflower" , literal translation is deer flower. Article also mentioned that Tiger was called six cards and stick flowers in deer as "white" (Whiteflower). From WA Chatto book Facts and Speculations on the Origin and History of Playing Cards (1848, p.58) a book, we can find the stick cards (within the book called "ten million cards" Tseen-WAN-Che-pae ) of in the "white" color samples. Why white flower, also known as the deer, the reader will understand plug:

Figure 2: "Never Solitaire" in "white" Stewart Culin in Korean Games: with Notes on the CORRESPONDING Games of China and Japan (1895, P.139) a book will also use a similar Jyutping " Flower" into Luk Fa , will " line" spell Wan T'sin . Visible from the former " Flowers" is a deer flower; As regards the latter, Culin on page 135 of the book will be "Never" spell Ts'in Man , known Wan not "Wan", which also means that he is not the Mandarin fight . Inferred from the Cantonese tones, Wan T'sin should be cloud of money. Wang Jun said Hakkas will send a " line" read into "jelly line" may be the first Hakka "pear" diacritical pronounced "Gel Flower", and then " Flowers" and " line" in two "" word confused with the same word with the rules. Hakka six Tiger (a) , (b) , (c) , (four) ; Hakka six Tiger cases ( in / England ) Label (s): traditional entertainment (day nine, horse crane, sparrow ...) 1 comment (s)

Hakka six Tiger (a)

Tiger's pick six, and through two (click to enlarge). Represents a pick up a "hundred children", full of horses hanging Features (next talk). Hong Kong is a city of immigrants, a blend of diverse culture, but rapid development of the city, many traditional folk arts gradually disappear. China's two categories of traditional card game,

and the horse hung nine days, the former has gradually lost. Even in Hong Kong the world's last bastion of the nine days, most people know how to play the day nine games, I play generally has only nine days, Pai Gow, fifteen lake fishing and helical screw of four. In addition to gambling taste very heavy Pai Gow, the other three, I am afraid the future successors. As for the inheritance of the horse hanging suit game mahjong best Hong Kong, and Japan in the Chinese world, sparrows movement also in the ascendant. However, Hong Kong people poisoned by a local TV costume drama for many years, that the sparrow that is ancient horse crane, a long history. Verified with the sparrow hanging horse does have roots, but the latter only inherited the former sign face color. Play, the horse is a big hit small hanging bucket cards surgery, but it is as fast form sparrow deck of cards scrape the surgery, the two "big cables are pulled Well buried." Real conservation of ancient horses hanging their culture, can also be found in Hong Kong, that is Hakka. Hakka people have a variety of traditional card game, now play the main "four-color cards" with "six Tiger," which is what the horse hanging Dichuan.

Cable, line (where "line" through "money") two Line represents a "gross " there is much. I first heard about this thing six Tiger is the chainsaw to write this topic, asked me understand it or not. I am not a Hakka, the main research has only nine days, so helpless, but nine days of history, with the horse tangled hanging there better place, so I asked via chainsaw, they evoke interest. Unfortunately, I do not know six Tiger itself, but we were concerned about is licensing cases, so even collected some information online, there is no confidence in finishing. Until recently, readers sent Wang Jun message explaining six Tiger play, so I know more, but also that you can first regardless of suit cases, only Zatan six Tiger qualities. Six Tiger origin can not be ascertained, it is invented by the Hakka people, we do not know, even for the game Shiming, there are certain difficulties. At present about six Tiger earliest chronicles, seen in 1886 by JW Young (1855-1898) written by Dutch article "biological, adopted and foster children: Qing among the relevant provisions of the statutes" [ 1 ] , English literature it was first seen in 1895 by the scholar and former Consul General of the British Embassy and the ROK's business would shun Sir ( Sir WH Wilkinson , 1858-1930) written in Chinese Origin of Playing Cards . It works like Shun described in the text, six Tiger transliteration of the name was " Lieh chih ", and this language is annotated" waste paper "(paper). I do not recall there construed as waste paper and Pinyin lieh chih of Chinese words. Service would like to read the article along with friends all know, it should move along the aptly named, write has always been strict, to ensure accurate

information, but he is always a foreigner, maybe a wrong place. In fact, later we will see him in an obvious mistakes article, but for now back to say that this lieh chih. As horse suit hanging on the coins from the call, so its transliteration, at first I guess lieh chih not "paper card", but " strong cards . " Lit paper is paper money meant. However, paper money is usually reminiscent of the funeral, so there are reasons that people should not take the card game so inauspicious name. Of course, maybe in six origin of Tiger, Tiger is a festival only six play things, and people will be in festive paper money, but this is speculation, or a little exaggerated. After Mongolia reader wing wing, found lieh chih might be " Liezi . " From the web search, also known "Liezi" nowadays some places in the Mainland is card game terminology, is a combination of means. Tiger said the six licenses for the Liezi very appropriate, but without the old "Lie Zi" with the term, a little doubt.

Stewart Culin (Source: wikimedia.org ) Later, they found that web Andy's Playing Cards will lieh chih translated into "dumped paper." A "rejection of the paper," Xie paper, unheard of, but with a "card" word, suddenly lieh chih brand, not just thrown cards do? Readers wing conjecture with Andy's Playing Cards guess all good sense, but from the neighbors live view, the latter seems more likely. Accessed by the service would shun, perhaps, but said they were "dumped Solitaire" (that is, playing cards), but the service would shun that "rejection Solitaire" is a proper noun, it mistakenly 'rejection of paper "as the card game name. Story here, and there are a tortuous. The last century, the study of Chinese card game, the most authoritative person has two. One is a business move forward,

while the other one is more authoritative than he is Stewart Culin (1858-1929). Read my day nine series of articles readers should know that I have repeatedly cited their two books. Culin is Bin Xi Archaeology and Transylvania University paleontologist, also famous folklorist and game collectors. I wrote six Tiger this topic, even without first turning over the pages of his book, is simply stupid mistakes. In fact Culin in The Game of Ma-Jong (1924) works like a paper was filed along with this lieh chih cards, but he will brand name in the article transliterated as lut Chi , and referred to the service would shun the two lut chi card is from Swatow (Shantou formerly) and Guangzhou purchased. Compared to services like Shun, Culin's articles often use is nearly Cantonese transliteration of sound, so lut chi this translation is to support the "rejection of paper," one said, but this is not satisfactory evidence, because we are not sure "rejection "The Cantonese phonetic reading lat1 (Jyutping), is how long ago things started. After all, without Chinese records, it is difficult to determine lieh chih or lut chi, whose real name is. No matter how old name, today "six Tiger" is the name of the game, but in the name of "Tiger" in the word, it is only a sound without words. Elegant horse hanging nine days and the history, we will find Chinese traditional card games are concerned, "tiger", "and", "lake" is not uncommon for the name, such as watching Tiger, Dou tiger, lake, swim and , touch and, mime, and so on; nowadays among the sparrows term "winning hand, food paste, fraud HU / paste" in "Hu / paste" the word, the word is actually "lake", from the Qing Dynasty "Ten Lakes brand. " Follow this framework to see, "six fu card" of the fu word should be inseparable from the "tiger", "and", "lake" three [ 2 ] . However, I have to ask Wang Jun Hakka pronunciation of hair, but found this fu, Hakka, Cantonese pronunciation sounds if there is a "parent", "database", between a tiger (read if ku), HU / paste (if Cantonese tones pronounced "Fu") and so on, as far as the pronunciation. This difference may be due to non-fu of the word does tiger, and or lake, but another explanation is that six of the non-Hakka invention fu brand, but also fu tiger, and one of the three or lake, just in card games way to generate incoming sound change Hakka community, just as Hong Kong people say "pay" (checkout), passing the mainland has become "pay" the same. Truth, is a mystery.

Thirty-eight the last two cards. What the flowers and what-line? Even Hakka people are wrong. Next announced. In this paper, "six Tiger" as the name of the game, mainly because there are now six Tiger-called "Fab Five down" gameplay. No matter what the fu of the word, a "tiger" for fu, well into the game. Another reason is related to six Tiger text description, like many have accepted the "six Tiger" this call. Such as CT Dobree Gambling Games of Malaya's book, a book on the Chinese "six Tiger" and the English "Luk Foo Pai" and notes "Six Tigers Cards" for the name of the game. Dobree though sinologist, but he is not an ordinary writer, but Malaysia's former assistant police chief. Malaysian gambling laws Betting Act 1953 direct reference to the text of his writings, so his given name, even if the non-academic reference value, some real influence. Notes
[ 1 ] JW Young, Versterfrecht, adoptie en pleegkinderen bij de Chineezen. Behandeling der betrekkelijke artikelen van Het wetboek Tai Tshing Loet L , Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde, XXXI, PP. 269-302, 1886. [ 2 ] In fact, there is a "pot" words. Qing Li Dou " Pleasure boats recorded ":

Boats make more Yapai, Yeager Zhu drama, that food and wine host. ...... Yeager as "horse hung" as the second touch on ...... pot to pot for the last ten. Four persons bureau, three round fight, each man break, that the "dream." Make this fight ...... nearly ten pots, and all cases of all waste, ...... Which mentioned a "touch pot", it may be "touch and." "Pot" tone with today's "first player" or "eating paste" in "Hu / paste" tone apparently coincide, but above said, "In ten pot is on," "to make this fight nearly ten pot", showing that the game also has a "pot number," but I do not know with six tiger "fuzzy number" or whether the number of sparrows same turn. Among the older literature, being only knew "Pleasure boats" briefly as "pot" word into the card, so the "pot" word temporarily classified as "Hu / paste / fu" may sound source.

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