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Heat and Cold Therapy

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Applying an External Heating Device

Name of Student: ___________________________ ___________________________ Year & Section: ____________________________ ____________________________ Date: C. .:

Goal: To promote wound healing and facilitate comfort through vasodilation and improved blood flow. !rocedure A"le to perfor m A"le to perform #it$ a%%i%tance &na"le to perform

1. Explain procedure to patient 2. Assess skin condition where heat is to be applied. . Assemble necessar! e"uipment. #lose door or curtain if privac! is desired. $. %erform hand h!giene. &ot 'ater (ag ). #heck water temperature with bath thermometer or test on inner wrist. *inse bag with water+ empt!+ and then fill. ,. -ill hot water bag one.half to two.thirds full. /. Expel remaining air from bag in one of two wa!s: %lace bag on a flat surface+ permit water to come to the opening+ then close bag0 or hold bag up+ twist unfilled portion to remove air+ then close bag. -asten top securel!. #heck for leaks. 1. #over bag with towel or other protector. Appl! hot water bottle to prescribed area. 2. Assess skin condition and patient3s response to heat at fre"uent intervals. 4o not exceed prescribed length of time for heat application. *emove hot water bag if excessive swelling+ redness+ or pain occurs and report to ph!sician. 15.After removal+ record patient3s response and dispose of e"uipment appropriatel!. 11.%erform hand h!giene. 12.*ecord patient3s response. '('A) SC(*E + NA) *A' N, 6egend: 2 7 Able to perform 1 7 Able to perform with assistance 5 7 8nable to perform 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 :;G<AT8*E =- :T84E<T =>E* %*;<TE4 <A?E


Applying Cold Compre%%

Name of Student: ___________________________ ___________________________ Year & Section: ____________________________ ____________________________ Date: C. .:

Goal: To promote comfort through vasoconstriction that slows the transmission of pain stimuli+ alters tissue sensitivit! and reduced muscle spasm. !rocedure A"le to perfor m A"le to perform #it$ a%%i%tance &na"le to perform

1. Explain procedure to patient 2. Assess skin condition where cold is to be applied. . Assemble necessar! e"uipment. #lose door or curtain if privac! is desired. $. %erform hand h!giene. ;ce (ag ). -ill the bag with small pieces of ice to about two.thirds full+ preferabl! ice hips than ice cubes. ,. Expel remaining air from bag in one of two wa!s: %lace bag on a flat surface+ permit water to come to the opening+ then close bag0 or hold bag up+ twist unfilled portion to remove air+ then close bag. -asten top securel!. /. After securing the cap+ test the bag for leaks and wipe off excess moisture. 1. %lace a cover on the ice bag to provide comfort and to absorb moisture that ma! accumulate on the outside of the bag. 2. Appl! an ice bag for 5 minutes and then remove it for about an hour before reappl!ing it. 15.Assess skin condition and patient3s response to cold at fre"uent intervals. 11.After removal+ record patient3s response and dispose of e"uipment appropriatel!. 12.%erform hand h!giene. 1 .*ecord patient3s response. '('A) SC(*E + NA) *A' N, 6egend: 2 7 Able to perform 1 7 Able to perform with assistance 5 7 8nable to perform 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 :;G<AT8*E =- :T84E<T =>E* %*;<TE4 <A?E

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