Audiovisual Method: Theoretical Assumptions
Audiovisual Method: Theoretical Assumptions
Audiovisual Method: Theoretical Assumptions
The audiovisual method is a method which refers to both sound and pictures which is typically in the form of slides or video and recorded speech or music; all is visual presentations that are shown by the teacher to the students. It can be called as a new trend because technology is used in this method such as, computers, televisions, language laboratories or the others which can support the teaching learning process in order to improve students skills. There are two categories: -Simple visual aids: It can be blackboard, bulletin board, funnel board, charts, diagrams, graphs, posters, maps, pictures, etc. -Advanced visual aids: It can be video, filmstrip, televisions, etc. It means the devices that can be used in this method are related to the ears and eyes. This method is most effective when the information is contained systematically organized. Break information into smaller chunks and grouping similar pieces together to help students connect and store information more efficiently. In this case, the teacher has to consider presenting the most important key points during the first part of the lesson, when their attention is at full capacity. This is related to a type of multiple intelligences which human has; it is visual intelligence which focuses on the ability of visualization.
Theoretical assumptions It includes: -The audio visual method seeks a basis in linguistics. -The visual presentation is intended to simulate the social context in which language used. -The assumed learning process of this method has an affinity with Gestalt psychology. It proceeds from total view of the situation to particular segments of language.
Characteristics of the Audiovisual Method There are some characteristics of this method: -The material is presented in visual form. -There is dependence on mimicry and memorization of set phrases. -Structures are sequenced by means of contrastive analysis taught one at a time. -Structural patterns are taught using repetitive drills. - There is little or no grammatical explanation. - Grammar is taught by inductive analogy rather than by deductive explanation. - Vocabulary is strictly limited and learned in context. - There is much use of tapes, language labs, and visual aids. - Great importance is attached to pronunciation. - Very little use of the mother tongue by teachers is permitted. - Successful responses are immediately reinforced. There is a great effort to get students to produce error-free utterances Therefore, this method is enjoyable. It is an interesting thing that students study through visualization.
TPR is one of the English teaching approaches and methods developed by Dr. James J Asher. TPR (total physical response) is a method of teaching language using physical movement to react to verbal input in order to reduce student inhibitions and lower their affective filter. It allows students to react to language without thinking too much, facilitates longterm retention, and reduces student anxiety and stress. In order to implement TPR effectively, it is necessary to plan regular sessions that progress in a logical order, and to keep several principles in mind. Characteristics of TPR: -Imperative drills are the prominent classroom activity in TPR. -Learners monitor and evaluate their own progress. -Learners feel free to speak outwhenever they are ready. -Listening and comprehension are emphasized over production inlanguage learning. -Vocabulary and Grammar are more emphasized than other language.
Procedure Steps in Total Physical Response: 1)The teacher says command y performs the action. 2) The teacher says command and both teacher and estudents perform the action. 3)Teacher says command Students perform the action. 4)Teacher tells one students to perform the action. 5)Reverse the roles or students give each other commands. Goals of Using TPR: -TPR was developed in order to reduce the stress people feel when studying foreign languages and thereby encourage students to persist in their study beyond a beginning level of proficiency. - This method attempts to focus mainly on encouraging learners to listen and respond to the spoken target language commands of their. The Roles of Teachers &Learners -Learners play main roles as a listener and a performer. The content of learning is little influenced by the learners. -Teacher is a director/commanderand model. -It is very effective with teenagers and young. Pros and Cons of TPR Pros: -It is a lot of fun andl earners enjoy it. -It is not required alot of preparation or materials using the TPR. -It works well with mixed-ability classes. Cons: -It does not give students the opportunity to express their own thoughts in a creative way. -It emphasizes to much on imperative mood. Students will be considered rude when attempting to use this new method.
Applied Linguistics