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IPC November Carillon

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Dear Members and Friends,

The session is beginning to plan a budget for 2014. The budget includes salaries for staff, educational and musical programs, maintenance of church property and mission. November 17th will be Stewardship Sunday, the day we begin to receive your Estimates of Giving for next year. The church has operated at a deficit for the last several years. This deficit has varied between $20,000 and $40,000. Our Memorial Reserve Fund has enabled us to make up this deficit, but it is a limited fund, and we have had to use it for deferred maintenance projects this year, primarily for window replacement and roof repairs. We are asking for your Estimate of Giving for 2014. We believe that with everyones help we can have a balanced budget for next year. Here are some thoughts on how to support the church financially: 1. Make your Estimate of Giving a proportion of your income. This is the best way to make your gift consistent and meaningful. You will need to decide what proportion you will give after prayerful consideration and family conversations. When we give a proportion of our income then we are all equally engaged in support of the church, and not reliant on the generosity of a few members and friends. This may require a different way of thinking of your support, but it will make a difference in the life of the church. 2. An Estimate of Giving is a blessing and privilege. When we are generous we are operating from a place of gratitude. We sense that God has blessed us and will provide what we need. We respond to God with confidence and joy. We realize that what we have is all privilege; that who we are is deeply rooted in Gods love. We want to support what God is doing in the life of the church we love, and be part of Gods love reaching out to the world. There is no finer motivation for financial support of the church. Overwhelming Grace Be With You,

David R. Harkness


Christian Education
November 3 ChapelTime;Communionfor4thgradeandup&class activitiesfor3rdgradeandunder. 10 SundaySchoolclassesfollowingchildrensTime. 17 SundaySchoolclassesfollowingchildrensTime. 24 SundaySchoolclassesfollowingchildrensTime. AdventMissionFairafterworship __________________________________ ACOLYTES November3 SarahGarcia November10 ElizabethLee November17 JuliaMoss November24 AnneliesParke ____________________________________________________________________________________

ADULTEDUCATION GoingonFaith:WritingasaSpiritualQuest

Usingthebookofthesamename,authorSusanBreenwillintroduce Americanwritersandthinkersfromdifferentpointsofthereligiouscompass. MaryGordon,DavidBradley,FrederickBuechnerandDianeAckerman writeabouthowtheirworkisnourishedbyspiritualconcerns. Youwillalsohavetheopportunitytodosomespiritualwritingofyourown. Sundaymorningsat9:00intheUpperRoom: October13November3,2013


Mostofuscomertochurchexpecting tohearasermonaspartoftheservice. Butwhatgoesintocraftingasermon?Howaretheystructured andhowaretheyinspired?GeorgeBollenbacherwilltakeus throughthehistoryofsermons,startingintheBibleitselfand helpusunderstandhowapreacherconstructsthisspoken message.Wemighteventryourhandsatwritingone. Sundaymorningsat9:00intheUpperRoom:

November3December10,2013 (noclassonDecember1,ThanksgivingWeekend)


TheIPCBookClubwillmeetintheParlorfrom9:0010:00am onThursday,November7thtodiscussTheNewYorkTimesbestseller THELIGHTBETWEENOCEANS byM.L.Stedman CopiesareavailableattheIrvingtonLibrary.Formoreinformation, contactSusanBreenatsusan@susanjbreen.com. Lookingahead,theselectionfortheDec.5willbeGrandCentralNoir


Friday,November8th7:00pm Meetinthekitchen.

Friday,November15th6:30PM Meetinthekitchen.HighSchoolersshouldreserveaspot onrunwithPeteriftheyareinterestedingoingdownto thecity!EmailPeteratpeterfishpan@aol.com.

Friday,November22nd6:30pm Meetinthekitchen.ComeandhelpprepfortheAdventMissionFairbrunch.

Youth Group Prepares & Serves Fall Family Brunch at the Advent Missions Fair; Report to Kitchen by 10:00AM

YouthChoir ChildrensChoir SunNov3 9:30amrehearsal 11:30amrehearsal SunNov10 9:30amrehearsal 11:30amrehearsal SunNov17 9:30amrehearsal&SINGINSERVICE 11:30amrehearsal FriNov22 rehearsaltimeTBD FunNov24NOYOUTHCHOIR? SINGIN SERVICE



TheSundaySchoolclasseswillagainberaisingfundsforHeifer International.Eachclasswillselectandraisefundstopurchaseananimal, plantorresourceforneedyfamilies. GettingananimalorotherHeifergift,alongwithtraining,meansthat peoplehavemorefood,clothingandotherproducts,aswellasincome fromsellingthesurplus.Thentheypassonthegift.Theysharetheir animalsoffspringwithothersalongwiththeirknowledge,resources, andskillssothatthegroupofpeoplegettingthesebenefitsisalways growing.Overthelast69years,18.5millionfamiliesin128countries havebeengiventhegiftsofselfrelianceandhope. ________________ TheYouthGroupwillprepareadelectablebrunchforyoutoenjoywhileyoushopandenjoy fellowship.YourfreewillofferingforfoodwillgototheWestchesterFoodBank. TheFoodBankforWestchester(formerly FoodPATCH)isthebackboneofthe countysemergencyfooddistribution network,solicitinganddistributingfoodto 227frontlinehungerreliefprograms throughoutthecounty,andhelpingto feedsomeoralloftheestimated200,000Westchesterchildren,seniorsandtheirfamilieswhoare hungryoratriskofhunger. ________________ WealsowillbecollectingshoeboxesforOperation ChristmasChild.OperationChristmasChildbringsjoy andhopetochildrenindesperatesituationsaroundthe worldthroughgiftfilledshoeboxesandtheGoodNews ofGodslove.Asofits20thanniversaryin2013,OCChas packed,shipped,anddeliveredmorethan100million shoeboxestoover100countries. Tobepartofthissimple,handsonmissionproject,pickupaflierandanOCCshoebox(aslongas supplieslast)atChapelTimeorcoffeehouronNovember3,orinthebackofthechurch. Pleaseplantojoinus! StartyourAdventwithmissionlearning&giving,foodandfellowship. PickupAdventdevotionalmaterials.



Deacons' Offering The November 24th Offering unless otherwise specified will go to the Deacons to help our many missions including: Pastor's discretionary fund, Community Food Pantry, Home Communion, Dinner Brigade, Irvington Sr. Center Food Pantry and many individual needs e.g. Boy Scout funding. Please help us to continue our ministry and give generously. We appreciate your gracious giving. Emily Mitchell's Memorial Reception: The PW and the Deacons want to thank everyone who helped with Emily Mitchell's reception. The response was overwhelming and deeply appreciated by the Mitchell family. Home Communion: In October, we were pleased to serve Home Communion to Diane Honzak as she recuperated in Kendal. June Gargano, a long-time member of IPC, would like to tell everyone that she's doing fine. Her family visits her every week and she welcomes a visit from her IPC friends as well. Community Food Pantry: Thank you for your continued donations of rice & beans. The Community Food Pantry continues to expand its offerings to help meet the growing needs of the community. In September, we collected 30 pounds of beans and 50 pounds of rice. Do you enjoy decorating for Christmas? Dont we just love to see our sanctuary looking so festive and beautiful for the Christmas Season? Well, heres your chance to come and help make it so. On December 14th, from 9 am 1 pm the Deacons will be decorating the sanctuary and we need all the help we can get. The congregation is invited to come and help. The more the merrier. Those who come will be greeted with hot coffee, apple cider, and doughnuts. We hope many of you can come and enjoy the fellowship and fun.



The Mission Committee of the Irvington Presbyterian Church met on Sunday October 13th and agreed to fund the following organizations: Presbyterian Prison Partnership (PPP) for $2000. This groups mission is to raise awareness in congregations around prison issues in New York State, by telling stories, building relationships, changing hearts and minds, and transforming systems. Hans Hallundbaek, PPP Coordinator and Theo Harris, PPP Associate met with interested members of our congregation back in April 2012. More recently, PPPs funds have diminished to the point that both Hans and Theos time needed to be cut back and has impacted their ability to perform outreach. This is the first time we have funded PPP. Presbyterian Church (USA) Theological Education Fund for $1000. This is the only dedicated source of denomination-wide funding for theological seminaries related to the Presbyterian Church (USA). These monies directly subsidize the seminaries' operating budgets and enhance each school's ability to offer financial aid to students. We have funded $1000 annually for many years. New Beginnings Incorporation for $400. This organization is committed to serve the community to provide homeless veterans a fresh start to rebuild their lives beyond shelters. Their mission is to help men and women move from emergency and transitional housing to permanent housing, and to obtain full time employment. This is the first time we are funding this organization. Irvington Senior Center Food Pantry for $600. Our Deacons have been buying $50 worth of canned good monthly for the Irvington Senior Centers food pantry. We have donated so that the Deacons can continue this outreach for the next year. This is the first time we have funded the food pantry. Puppies Behind Bars (PBB) for $450. PBB trains prison inmates to raise service dogs for wounded war veterans and explosive detection canines for law enforcement. Puppies enter prison at the age of eight weeks and live with their inmate puppy-raisers for approximately 20 months. As the puppies mature into well-loved, well-behaved dogs, their raisers learn what it means to contribute to society rather than take from it. PBB programs bring the love and healing of dogs to hundreds of individuals every year. The dogs bring hope and pride to their raisers, and independence and security to those they serve. Members of our church have been involved for many years with this group. This is the 2nd year we have funded PBB. FROM THE MUSIC AND WORSHIP COMMITTEE What a great joy to have the choir loft filled again with the return of the chancel choir and all of our dedicated section leaders. We want to welcome Kate Ashby and Kristian Picon who have joined the chancel choir. Thank you to the Youth Choir who under the direction of Peter Fischer sang, How Can I Keep from Singing? We look forward to future performances from the group. Looking ahead, we will have an organ recital by Gesa Graumann Sunday, November 24th at 4PM. 6|Page

Also, the community Thanksgiving service will be held at our church this year at 8:00 PM on Wednesday, November 27th. This service rotates between local churches and synagogues, and this year its our turn. Come out to celebrate Thanksgiving early with our neighbors! Finally, we will start the Christmas season, as we do every year, with our Messiah Concert on Sunday, December 8th at 4 PM. Mark your calendar! FROM THE PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN
Circles and Meetings Dining Out Group: Brunch at Sunset Cove in Tarrytown, November 17th, 12:30 pm. Large buffet. $27.00 plus tax and tip per person. Call Nancy McKenzie at 693-5186 if you wish to attend. Hooks and Needles: Friday, November 8th, at 10:00 am in the Library. Yoga: Tuesdays, 10:30 am, and Thursdays 7:00 pm, in the Parlor. There will be no Yoga on Halloween. $10.00 per class. Save the Date Christmas Workshop: To make table decorations for Cedar Manor on Wednesday, December 4th at 10:00am. Cookie Exchange: Saturday, December 14th, at 1:00 pm in the Parlor.

Respectfully submitted by Bettina Speyer (excerpt from www.americastable.org) We are the stewards of America, Her ideals and institutions, her cities and natural beauty. We are entrusted to understand Americas past and guide her future. To create an ever more jus America that is secure and free, Abundant and caring for all her inhabitants. We are thankful for the freedom to worship. We are thankful for the freedom to speak our minds. We are thankful for the freedom to change our minds. We are thankful for the freedom to chart our lives. We are thankful for the freedom to work for a better world. We are thankful for the freedom to celebrate this day of Thanksgiving. In America, each of us is entitled to a place at the table.

The Irvington Presbyterian Church CARILLON is published monthly, September through June, by the Irvington Presbyterian Church in order to inform congregation and friends of church activities, invite participation in our Christian fellowship, and spread the good news of the Gospel. Reverend David R. Harkness, Minister 25 North Broadway, Irvington, New York 10533 914-591-8124 (Church Office) email: ipcminister@aol.com







Friday 1

Saturday 2 Good Shepherd open house 10 am -12p 9

3 Adult Ed-Upper Room @ 9 am Youth Choir 9:30 am Chapel Time/Sunday Service @ 10:30 am Sunday School Childrens choir @ 11:30 am PW Board Meeting @ 11:45 am 10 Adult Ed in Upper Room @ 9 am Youth Choir 9:30 am Sunday Service @10:30 am Sunday School Childrens choir @ 11:30 am 17 Adult Ed in Upper Room @ 9 am Youth Choir 9:30 am Sunday School Sunday Service @ 10:30 am Childrens choir @ 11:30 am Dining Out Group at Sunset Cove @ 12:30 pm 24 Adult Ed in Upper Room @ 9 am Youth Group Brunch Prep@10 a Sunday Service /Baptism @ 10:30 am Sunday School Advent Mission Fair 11:45 am in auditorium Organ Recital @ 4 pm 11 Yoga in Parlor @ 10:30 am Session in Upper Room @ 7:30 pm 18 Yoga in Parlor @ 10:30 am 19 4 Yoga in Parlor @ 10:30 am 5 Choir Rehearsal @ 8 pm 6 Book Club in Parlor @ 9 am Yoga in Parlor @ 7 pm Deacons Upper Room @7:30 pm 14 Yoga in Parlor @ 7 pm 7 8 Hooks & Needles in Library @10 am Youth Group Baking Night 89pm


13 Choir Rehearsal @ 8 pm

15 Midnight Run 6:30 pm

16 Cub Scouts in auditorium 8:30 10 am

20 Choir Rehearsal @ 8 pm

21 Yoga in Parlor @ 7 pm

22 Youth Choir time TBD Youth Group Activity Night 6:30 pm


25 Yoga in Parlor @ 10:30 am


27 Thanksgiving Service @ IPC 8 pm

28 Thanksgiving


30 Cub Scouts in auditorium 8:30 10 am

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