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Perspectives of Participatory Budgeting in Othon P. Blanco, Quintana Roo, 2012

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Perspectives of participatory budgeting in Othon P. Blanco, Quintana Roo, 2012.

Summary The participatory municipal budget is a mechanism for citizen participation that is part of the new public management with its implementation as improved transparency and accountability of government action locally. In turn ensures greater efficiency and effectiveness of public spending in solving the needs of the population. To implement the practice of participatory municipal budget is required of public sector leadership and citizenship in a synergy that assumes responsibility in the tasks of governing. That's why it is important to study the level of preparation that has both public authorities and the public to deal with this innovative practice beneficial to growth and development locally. This mechanism for citizen participation has been implemented in developed and developing countries with interesting benefits in the spending. The methods and techniques used for citizen participation is diverse, so in this paper we study the most important features of the practice of successful experiences and lessons learned from the failures of some cases to analyze the prospects for participatory municipal budget municipalities of Quintana Roo.

The new public management and participatory budgeting According to Guerrero (2001) New Public Management (NPM) is related to civil society and decentralization, highlighting the important role of information, budget, management control and human resource management, so that the new management requires public civil service adaptation to the new realities of the global economy and local needs. The new public management in the British mode is called the Whitehall model. Under the American variant is referred to as corporate governance and post-bureaucratic scheme. Conceived in a global scale, is established as the model OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation). Within the NGP are implemented that target mechanisms to involve citizens in the processes of transparency, accountability, efficiency, effectiveness and economy in the tasks of government, meaning by this that the state, more than ever more government consists of citizenship. The governments of most developed countries are characterized by being inclusive to achieve economic, social and environmental. The NGP, "has worked in countries like New Zealand and the UK, among others, it has aimed to create and ensure a citizen-oriented governance, consists of results that can be measured on performance standards - products, and its main contribution is the quality assurance of governing "(Poom, 2006: 38). To do this, NPM seeks to autonomy and flexibility in the management of financial, human and material, as well as ensuring the openness to the development of entrepreneurial skills.

The essence of NPM emphasizes a more coordinated way to govern between the state and civil society, indicating at the bottom a new way of governing. Renate Mayntz (in Poom, 2006:43) has suggested that governance in the modern sense, means a more cooperative form of government, different from the old hierarchical model, in which state authorities exercised sovereign power over citizens and groups that constituted the civil society. The modern governance structure is not characterized by the hierarchy, but by autonomous corporate actors (ie formal organizations) and inter-organizational networks. In many countries the NGP is understood as innovations in the public sector ranging from the question of centralization of decisions, resources and materials, toward decentralization of functions, from the traditional to a new way of designing public policies and use and control of public accounts. The whole set of innovations in this regard is in the public administration for development mainly includes institutional changes acting on decentralization, public policy and the exercise of public accounts. Following this trend, naturally, we end in participatory municipal budget (PMP) as an analytical current public budgeting understood as a negotiation process involving, both formally and informally, a set of public and private stakeholders . Conceptually, the PMP aims more transparent and democratic public budgeting process to create formal channels of participation and promote inclusion and economic sectors and politically weak in negotiating the allocation of expenditure (World Bank, 2011:3). It also allows the participation of citizens in decision-making related to public management. It is intended that the various organizations and institutions of society defined in concert with regional and local government, the goals of development of their localities and regions, as well as the priority in the use of resources to achieve these objectives. While noting that after the budget figures is what underlies the distribution of income among citizens, so that the criteria of efficiency and effectiveness are part of the budget. Alongside this there are specific aspects of budget management that relate to the different procedures of preparation, execution and control. The economic aspect is to be determined by the importance that in developed societies today have revenue and expenditure in relation to the national economy. The budget is then a tool of public management and state planning that is designed according to economic and financial studies and the decisions of organized citizens. Its design reflects the necessary relationship between the set of functions and social and economic commitments by having a public entity and the resources available to meet them. For this reason, the budget is a key element in the NGP whatever level of government to which we are referring (Sanz, 2001) and covers various aspects of public action such as: politicians, legal, management and economical. The efficient use of the budget somehow shows the idiosyncrasy and culture of government and citizens of a region. ___3 3. Important elements for participatory budgeting in Othon P. White The most important elements of the PMP is the legal framework, for without this, attempts to include citizen participation, transparency and accountability will not be in the interest of

efficiency and effectiveness of the public budget. But the legal framework is not sufficient for the PMP, as required to be effective citizen participation so that decisions are made with insufficient information and much debate on the issues. That is, the members of the process should operate freely without partisan political ties, with the main focus on improvement and progress of public management in fulfilling its commitment to citizenship. To be effective citizen participation, supported by a legal framework, leading to an NGP at the municipal level, there must be sufficient institutional flexibility to adopt these novel processes which ultimately means the decentralization of some functions that governments had so exclusive, such as the distribution of discharge, public policy and planning. The implementation of the PMP, also requires the necessary and honest review of the expense structure to eliminate inefficiencies in all areas of public spending, to guide you to what is really necessary in any case is the development of citizenship. This would provide a larger portion of their own income to be submitted to the decision together to eficientarlo society, focusing on the priorities of citizens. As each of these elements is important, we avocaremos to detail them a little more. 3.1. Legal framework The legal requirements for the PMP is as follows: the binding presence of citizen participation in the National Constitution, public participation in the State Constitution, the Rules of participation in the municipality, and the Rules of Participation Budget at the municipal level. According to Medina Olivares (2002:38), the Mexican Constitution of 1917 established in Article 115, that the free municipality is the basis of the territorial division and political and administrative organization of the Mexican states, likewise, determined its basic features and gave power and authority to the various aspects of their responsibility. From 1917, the wording of Article 115 has been amended and supplemented on eight occasions. The first reform in 1933 was to apply the principle of no reelection for mayors, mayors and councilors. In 1947 it approved the addition to the first fraction, in order to incorporate women in municipal life, from his participation as a subject of active and passive voting, and the possibility of being elected to council positions on equal conditions than men. In 1953 this measure was no longer exclusively for municipalities and extended to various elected positions. In 1976 he added two fractions, IV and V by which regulatory powers granted to municipalities to regulate urban growth and planning of the urban zones, with competences in the three spheres of government. In 1977 he introduced the principle of proportional representation in the election of municipalities with population of 300,000 or more. In 1983 was perhaps the most profound reform: given a broader content of Article 115 of the Constitution allowing financially strengthen the municipality, as a fundamental premise to consolidate their autonomy, granting property contributions. In 1987 he made the penultimate reform through which we determined the principle of proportional representation for all municipalities in the country and established the regulation of labor relations between municipalities and their employees. Recent years have been exceptionally significant in defining changes to the municipal institution. In 1999, Congress approved and promoted reforms and institutional additions to Article 115 whereby more powers are transferred to municipalities and schools aimed at encouraging municipal strengthening.

Thus Garca Garca (2002:32), emphasizes that municipal autonomy is enshrined in Article 115 paragraphs II which stipulates that municipalities are vested with legal personality and will handle your estate according to law. The second paragraph of the same fraction indicates the ability of the municipality to issue regulations, edicts, circulars and general provisions, is somehow the real substance of the three autonomies mentioned: the legislative, the executive and the judiciary. Is the power of the municipality issued its own rules in politics, both administratively and financially, always set to what the legal provisions to this effect issued by the local legislatures. Locally municipalities have the authority to approve, the police and government sides, regulations, circulars and administrative rulings of general observance within their respective jurisdictions, to organize the municipal public administration, governing the materials, procedures, functions and utilities their competence and ensure community participation and neighborhood. In addition, municipalities have, in section IV, the free administration of his estate, which will be formed in yields of assets it owns, as well as contributions and other income that legislatures establish their favor. The legislatures of the states will pass laws income of municipalities, reviewed and would oversee its public accounts. Expenditure budgets will be approved by the municipalities or by whom they authorize, conforms to the law. For this, you can "implement a municipal planning system that encourages and recognizes the need for social participation in setting priorities, in solving municipal problems and the implementation of actions, opening spaces for representatives of various social organizations and private participation and accountability of planning for integrated municipal development. This should include the establishment of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for evaluating qualitative and quantitative results of the development plan and programs "(Olivares Medina, 2002: 53) to remove the obstacles to eliminate inequalities and regional imbalances. Indeed, development planning that incorporates public participation is a challenge to the traditional way of doing this important task. Currently there is new thinking that public participation is important in the planning process, so much so that the concept of collective participation appears in the national laws of several countries. While it is extremely important to legally establish this practice is even more important to respect this right because it starts the process leading to the development of society. Thus, in countries like Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, Uruguay and even Mexico, have been legislated public participation as a key element in the NGP. Already there are several municipalities that have their regulations of participation. This is the prelude to the PMP. The municipality of Othon P. White passed this law in 2005. In Mexico City's Citizen Participation Law was published in the Official Gazette of the Federal District on May 27, 2010, in which to declare that "citizen participation is the right of citizens and inhabitants of Mexico City to intervene and participate individually or collectively, in public decisions in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of policies, programs and actions of government "(Official Gazette of the Federal District, 2010:1). Instruments of Public Participation in this agreement are: Plebiscite, Referendum; Popular Initiative, Public Consultation, Collaboration Citizen; Accountability, Public Broadcasting; Citizen network Comptroller, Public Hearing, paths

of Delegation Chief, civic organizations, and Citizens' Assembly ( Official Gazette of the Federal District, 2010: 2). In Article 83 states that in Mexico there is participatory budgeting that upon which citizens decide about how resources are applied in specific projects in the colonies and native peoples that divides the territory of the District Federal. Participatory budget resources correspond to 3 percent of the annual budget of the delegations. The general areas to be allocated to the implementation of these resources are the works and services, equipment, infrastructure and urban crime prevention. The participatory budget resources shall be exercised in Chapters 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 and 6000 in accordance with the Expenditure Object Classifier force. The Head of Government and the Legislature are, respectively, required to include in the decree and approve annual expense budget: a) The total resources amounting to participatory budgeting by Delegation, which correspond to three percent of total annual budget of the former; b) The participatory budget resources for each of the colonies and native peoples that divides the territory of the Federal District. For this purpose, the total amount of resources each PB of delegations divided by the number of colonies and native peoples exist in them, so that resource allocation is egalitarian, (Official Gazette of the Federal District, 2010:19). To that end, Apple representatives review the guidance issued participatory budget (Article 139). Article 171 states that the coordination of work between its powers will the Participatory Budget and Planning and Economic Development and Employment and participate in the processes of planning and participatory budgeting in terms of the provisions of Articles 83 and 84 of this Act . Adamas is mentioned that the annual programs referred to in Article 188 of this Act shall have a curriculum to be addressed according to whom they are directed, at least, the issue of planning and participatory budgeting. In Article 199 defines participatory budgeting as one on which citizens decide about its application in the colonies that make up the Federal District, and is established in Articles 83 and 84 of this Law The participatory budget amount annually to between 1 and 3% of total annual expenditure budgets of the delegations to approve the Legislature. These resources will be independent of the Delegations contemplated for government actions or programs of any kind involving the participation of citizens in the administration, supervision or exercise. The authorities in participatory budget are as follows: I. The Head of Government, II. The Legislature, and III. The Heads Delegational. PB Regarding the Electoral Institute and Citizens Committees will serve as aids authorities (Article 200). The head of government is responsible in participatory budget: I. Include in the section of the draft Delegations spending budget on an annual basis to submit to the Legislature, in the amounts and items to be applied participatory budget resources; II. Monitor, through the relevant agencies, the exercise of participatory budgeting (Article 201). The Legislature is responsible on participatory budgeting, through its committees fully and Government, Civic Participation, Budget and Monitoring Treasury Accounting, which is indicated below: I. Annually approve the expenditure budget decree of the Federal District, the participatory budget resources. Such allocation shall be made in accordance colony Delegation and the division making the Electoral Institute, and will be based on performance evaluations of the Committees. The members of the representative bodies of citizens may submit complaints to the commission of citizen participation and public account and budget monitoring Treasury Accounting on the exercise and implementation of participatory budget resources. These committees made known to the

Treasury Accounting and other competent bodies the content of the complaints to the effect that may be required. It is noteworthy that the municipality of Othon P. White issued Regulation Citizen Participation in December 2005, but the budget does not include public within its rules. 3.2. Effective citizen participation There is consensus on the proposal to take into account in the definition of public policies at the municipal level. Authors like Clavel, et al. (1997) emphasize the increasingly present option of an alternative model based on the strong involvement of organized citizen groups with a clear intent to influence urban development in the United States. This new reality in the United States is gradually imposing the traditional vertical, centralized, growth, which seems to be in decline. This type of study, influenced by previous work, all precursors of community movements in the United States, argue that disadvantaged social groups should be protected from cooptation through community organization, and according to these authors, there is evidence that this would be happening - in order to have a real presence in the making on urban and community development. According to Alvarez and Castro (2000), direct citizen participation emphasizes problem solving local public participation. This will refer to the experience of self-government, selfmanagement processes, and ways of rapprochement between the government and local people to define procedures and mechanisms that are appropriate to the problems that require solving. Community participation and social participation are forms of participation, although some are more inclusive than this. According to Alvarez and Castro (2000), citizen participation can only be defined in its intrinsic relationship with the state, because this is who gives it rights and obligations. You can define public participation as one in which individualscitizens with rights and obligations, taking part in public affairs of the State. This aims mainly to the relationship between government and citizens, to that public space in which both are mixed up. The most innovative move in around the demand of the public to participate in the evaluation of municipal management, municipal spending mainly through instruments comptroller's audit and governance, and transfer powers of administration and projects to improve municipal service delivery through public negotiations based on the principles of efficiency and equity, as well as boosting social civic participation can take and operate, where appropriate, indirect public schemes, such as concessions, privatizations and joint participation bodies. Emphasis is placed on the right of the people to be well informed so you can have dialogue and interpretation of reality in relation to society and the government, and vice versa (Alvarez and Castro, 2000). This points to the transformation of society to improve the level and quality of life. Recall that the transformation of society begins with awareness, product access to truthful and objective. It is noteworthy, that the quality of citizen participation (effective participation) will be determined by the level of education, political culture and civic value in the region. In the case of P. Othn Black level is emerging effective citizen participation. While this involvement is included in some legal documents of governance, this reflects party lines because they are directly appointed by the rulers. Your participation is limited to approved,

without debate, the agreements previously taken without their participation, ie, they go to be informed and to attest that the public were consulted. Thus citizen participation is simulated (Ken, 2011), not effective.

3.3. Own revenue The budget process determines the priorities between the different fixed expenditure policies and the allocation of funds between one or the other. The total expenditure in the case of Spain in 2001, was set based on the macroeconomic requirements along with the basic objective set at the disposal of the public deficit. In the same period, public policies related to that draft budget justification stated that the priority of certain policies is based either on its strong recovery in the real economy to promote growth and competitiveness policies regarding infrastructure, research, promotion of employment and education, for its significant effect on social cohesion, solidarity and is welfare state. As for the situation in this area in Mexico, Medina Olivares (2002:40) tells us that in relation to the budget of the municipalities, 50% of it, on average, is allocated to current expenditure, while the main source of income comes from transfers from federal government spending. (En Mxico, la discusin del presupuesto se centra en los mecanismos de transferencias, actuales, que el gobierno federal ha diseado dentro de la poltica de descentralizacin del gasto, materializndose dentro del presupuesto de egresos federal en los ramos destinados a entidades federativas y municipios (Ramo28, Ramo33, y Ramo26). Actualmente, el gasto descentralizado se transfiere a travs de tres esquemas o mecanismos: Gasto para su ejercicio libre (Ramo 28); Gasto para actividades especficas (Ramos 25 y 33); y Gasto por convenios de programas especficos (Ramo 26 y convenios realizados entre las entidades federativas con dependencias o entidades). De esta manera, las participaciones significan la nica fuente de recursos descentralizados que se manejan libremente por las legislaturas locales y se convierte en recursos ordinarios y propios para las haciendas municipales y estatales.) In Mexico, the discussion focuses on budget transfer mechanisms, today, the federal government has designed within the expenditure decentralization policy, materializing within the federal spending budget in classes for states and municipalities (Ramo28, Ramo33 and Ramo26). Currently, decentralized spending is transferred through three schemes or mechanisms: Expenditure for free exercise (Branch 28); expenditure for specific activities (Ramos 25 and 33), and expense agreements specific programs (Ramo 26 and made agreements between the states with agencies or entities). Thus, the shares represent the only source of distributed resources that are managed by the local legislatures freely and becomes regular and own for municipal and state farms.

(El presupuesto participativo se relaciona con la transparencia, la rendicin de

cuentas y la participacin ciudadana. Mayor democracia, mayor efectividad y eficiencia. El tema de la participacin ciudadana debe ser pensado tambin desde nuevas formas de relacin intergubernamental: de la planeacin del desarrollo; gestin, implementacin y evaluacin de las polticas pblicas locales; la estructura del ayuntamiento y la representacin proporcional; y sobre todo, el presupuesto participativo, la

descentralizacin de recursos y competencias, y la contralora social. La democracia tiene que ver con nuestra idea de Estado, de la sociedad civil, de las relaciones entre ambos, y sobre todo, de la forma en que el gobierno ejercer su gestin para lograr el desarrollo.)
Participatory budgeting is related to transparency, accountability and citizen participation. Greater democracy, greater effectiveness and efficiency. The issue of participation should be considered also from new forms of intergovernmental relationship: from development planning; management, implementation and evaluation of public policies local council structure and proportional representation, and above all, participatory budgeting, decentralization of resources and skills, and social control. Democracy has to do with our idea of State , civil society, the relationships between them, and above all, how the government exercise its management for development.

La participacin ciudadana en la planeacin del desarrollo y en la ejecucin de la misma es lo que ha propiciado los procesos de descentralizacin de las acciones del gobierno. Solamente con este cambio es que se puede hablar de un verdadero proceso de desarrollo endgeno y local que se expresa a nivel municipal.
Citizen participation in development planning and the execution of it is what has led to the decentralization of government actions. Only with this change is that one can speak of a real process of endogenous development and local municipal level is expressed.

El PMP es una prctica cotidiana en pases latinoamericanos como en Brasil, Colombia, Uruguay, Venezuela, Argentina y Per. En Porto Alegre, Brasil, el PMP se implemento desde 1989 y se contina bajo la Administracin Popular. Desde 1996 este municipio ha mostrado un constante mejoramiento en su nivel de vida. En 2000 el proceso de PMP involucr aproximadamente a 30,000 ciudadanos. En las ltimas dcadas 5,500 municipios de 5,564 han adoptado el PMP en Brasil. En el Departamento de Risaralda, Colombia, el hecho de compartir el poder y el proceso de toma de decisiones y la mayor transparencia, que ocurren como consecuencia del presupuesto participativo han permitido generar confianza entre intereses potencialmente

conflictivos y crear un clima de cooperacin y respeto mutuo entre el Estado y la sociedad. Este municipio ha implementado los principios bsicos de una gestin administrativa eficiente. En este municipio se demuestra que una amplia participacin no es incompatible con un buen gobierno e incluso, con el tiempo puede ayudar a lograrlo.
The Participatory Municipal Participative (PMP) is a daily practice in Latin American countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay, Venezuela, Argentina and Peru. In Porto Alegre, Brazil, the PMP was implemented in 1989 and continued under the "Managing People". Since 1996 the municipality has shown a steady improvement in their standard of living. In 2000 the PMP process involved approximately 30,000 citizens. In recent decades 5.564 5.500 municipalities have adopted the PMP in Brazil. In the Department of Risaralda, Colombia, the sharing of power and decision-making process and greater transparency, which occur as a result of the participatory budget have generated confidence among potentially conflicting interests and create a climate of cooperation and mutual respect between state and society. This municipality has implemented the basic principles of an efficient administrative management. In this municipality is shown that broad participation is not incompatible with good government and even, over time can help achieve this.

4. Conclusiones Para el municipio de Othn P. Blanco, el PMP es una necesidad dado que se cuenta con riquezas naturales significativas y con una variedad de actividades econmicas que emprende sus habitantes. Sin embargo, el nivel bajo de ingresos y de desarrollo no ha logrado alcanzar, de manera equilibrada y sostenible, el bienestar. Othn P. Blanco, como la mayora de los municipios en Mxico, son ineficientes e ineficaces en la distribucin de sus presupuestos pblicos. Por una parte sto se debe a que la asignacin de los recursos se realiza sin un diagnstico adecuado y sin la consulta correcta y debida de sus habitantes. Es informacin ampliamente difundida que la gestin pblica es nicamente tema y toma de decisin de los gobernantes, por lo que la asignacin del presupuesto se reduce a la decisin de las autoridades polticas de alto nivel sin el acompaamiento ciudadano, sin transparencia y sin rendicin de cuentas. Este proceso ha sido superado por la NGP debido a la necesidad de optimizar los recursos pblicos para lograr el bienestar de la ciudadana a travs de proyectos de gasto pblico pertinentes y relevantes a sus necesidades de desarrollo. Es por eso que la implementacin del PMP en Othn P. Blanco plantea los siguientes desafos: 1. la capacitacin de los altos funcionarios en la NGP, donde constaten la importancia de la participacin ciudadana, la transparencia, la rendicin de cuentas, la eficiencia, la eficacia y la economa aplicados al uso de los recursos

pblicos; 2. la reestructuracin y capacitacin de los empleados de la administracin pblica donde la contratacin se realice por perfil y se les forme como trabajadores sociales, sensibles a la situacin social y econmica de la ciudadana para poder implementar proyectos concretos y eficaces que impacten positivamente en el bienestar; 3. eficientar el presupuesto pblico a travs de la reestructuracin del gasto, eliminando gastos innecesarios de administracin y eliminando la excesiva burocracia, aunado a la asignacin vida la participacin ciudadana; 4. la confianza en la participacin ciudadana efectiva por parte de los gobernantes como de la ciudadana. Es importante mencionar que este ltimo punto es de los ms importantes y difciles de hacer. Por un lado, los gobernantes acostumbrados de tomar las decisiones de la distribucin de los recursos o de la formulacin de polticas pblicas, se justifican con el poco conocimiento y preparacin de la ciudadana, en lo tardado en ponerse de acuerdo. Sin embargo, por esta misma razn, los gobernantes han perdido legitimidad y respeto al ir sus gestiones de fracaso en fracaso dejando como evidencia el poco avance en el bienestar. Por el otro lado, la ciudadana esta cansada de que los gobernantes no les cumplan y prefieren no perder el tiempo. Estn acostumbrados a slo avalar las decisiones sin discusin, incluso sin preguntar, no conocen el significado de la

transparencia, ni la rendicin de cuentas, ni la participacin ciudadana y esto los aleja de todo proceso participativo. Tanto gobierno como ciudadana, en Othn P. Blanco, an no entienden el buen gobierno como un proceso que los involucra a ambos.

4. Conclusions For the municipality of Othon P. White, the PMP is a must since it has significant natural resources and with a variety of economic activities it undertakes its inhabitants. However, the low level of income and development has failed to achieve, in a balanced and sustainable welfare. Othon P. White, like most municipalities in Mexico, are inefficient and ineffective distribution of their budgets. On the one hand this is due to the allocation of resources is done without a proper diagnosis without proper consultation and due to its inhabitants. It is widely reported that the only issue is governance and decision-making of governments, so that the allocation of the budget comes down to the decision of the high-level political authorities without accompanying citizen, no transparency and no accountability . This process has been overtaken by the NGP because of the need to optimize public resources for the welfare of the public through public spending projects pertinent and relevant to their development needs. That is why the implementation of the PMP in Othon P. White poses the following challenges: 1. training of senior officials in the NGP, where constaten the importance of citizen

participation, transparency, accountability, efficiency, effectiveness and economy applied to the use of public resources; 2. restructuring and training of employees in public administration where the procurement is conducted per profile and are formed as social workers, sensitive to social and economic situation of citizens to implement concrete and effective projects that positively impact on welfare; 3. streamline the government budget through expenditure restructuring, eliminating unnecessary costs and eliminating administrative red tape, coupled with the assignment life citizen participation; 4. confidence in effective citizen participation on the part of the rulers and the citizenry. It is noteworthy that this last point is the most important and difficult to do. On one hand, the rulers used to make decisions on the distribution of resources or public policy, justified with little knowledge and preparation for citizenship, as slow to agree. However, for this very reason, the rulers have lost legitimacy and respect his efforts to go from failure to failure as evidence leaving little progress in welfare. On the other hand, the public is tired of the rulers do not comply and would rather not waste time. They're used to just endorse the decisions without discussion, even without asking, do not know the meaning of transparency, no accountability, and citizen participation and this participatory process away from everything. Both government and citizenship in Othon P. White, not yet understand governance as a process that involves both.

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