A crack in a Three-point Bend Specimen is subjected to Mode I loading. In this workshop, you will perform a parametric study to evaluate J and K at the crack tip using a series of different mesh configurations. The results will be compared with the theoretical value.
A crack in a Three-point Bend Specimen is subjected to Mode I loading. In this workshop, you will perform a parametric study to evaluate J and K at the crack tip using a series of different mesh configurations. The results will be compared with the theoretical value.
A crack in a Three-point Bend Specimen is subjected to Mode I loading. In this workshop, you will perform a parametric study to evaluate J and K at the crack tip using a series of different mesh configurations. The results will be compared with the theoretical value.
A crack in a Three-point Bend Specimen is subjected to Mode I loading. In this workshop, you will perform a parametric study to evaluate J and K at the crack tip using a series of different mesh configurations. The results will be compared with the theoretical value.
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Workshop 1
Crack in a Three-point Bend Specimen
Dassault Systmes, 2009 Modeling Fracture and Failure with Abaqus
Introduction An edge crack in a three-point bend specimen in plane strain, subjected to Mode I loading, is considered (see Figure W11). The crack length to specimen width ratio is 0.2. The length of the specimen is 55 mm, and its width is 10 mm. The material is assumed to be linear elastic, with Young's modulus E = 2E5 MPa and Poisson's ratio v = 0.3. The loading is in the form of bending moments applied to the ends of the specimen. Small deformation conditions are assumed.
Figure W11 Schematic of the three-point bend specimen. Preliminaries 1. Enter the working directory for this workshop: ../fracture/bending 2. Run the script ws_fracture_3pt_bend.py using the following command: abaqus cae startup=ws_fracture_3pt_bend.py This script creates an Abaqus database file named three-point-bend.cae in the current directory. The geometry, material, step, and loading definitions for the specimen are included in the model named focused. The bending moments are applied to the ends of the specimen using kinematic coupling constraints. In this workshop, you will perform a parametric study to evaluate J and K at the crack tip using a series of different mesh configurations. The results will be compared with the theoretical value. b=10 mm a=2 mm 43 mm 55 mm M =1075 Nmm M
Dassault Systmes, 2009 Modeling Fracture and Failure with Abaqus W1.2
Focused mesh You will begin by considering the case of a focused mesh around the crack tip. 1. In the context bar, select focused from the Model drop-down list. 2. In the Part module, click the Partition Face: Sketch icon and sketch a vertical line of length 2.0 mm through the center of the plate, as shown in Figure W12. This line represents the crack. Also, sketch a circle of radius 0.5 mm centered at the crack tip. This operation creates a circular partition around the crack tip which will facilitate swept meshing.
Figure W12 Circular partition around the crack tip
The detailed steps are outlined below: - Sketch a vertical line through the center of the plate (using the Create Lines: Connected tool ) then dimension it (AddDimension or use in the toolbox). - Edit the dimension (EditDimension or use in the toolbox) so the length of the line is 2, as shown in the following figure.
- Sketch a circle using the Create Circle: Center and Perimeter tool . Select the points indicated below (left) as the center and perimeter points (the perimeter point should snap to the vertical line as indicated by the small at the intersection of the circle and line). - If you happen to snap the perimeter point to the midpoint of the vertical line, you will find that an Equal distance constraint ( ) is also created. If this happens, delete the Equal distance constraint to avoid overconstraining the sketch.
Dassault Systmes, 2009 Modeling Fracture and Failure with Abaqus W1.3
- Afterwards, dimension the radius of the circle, and edit its value so that it is equal to 0.5, as shown below (right).
3. The crack-tip singularity may only be specified for independent part instances. The part currently assumes the default dependent state. Thus, in the Model Tree, expand the Assembly and then expand the list of instances. Click mouse button 3 (MB3) on the instance named plate-1. In the menu that appears, select Make Independent. Quarter-point nodes with a single crack-tip node To complete the model, you must define the crack and the output, generate the mesh, and create a job. Crack definition 1. In the Model Tree, expand the Engineering Features container underneath the Assembly. In the list that appears, double-click Cracks. 2. In the Create Crack dialog box, select Contour integral and click Continue. 3. Select the vertex highlighted in Figure W13 as the crack front. Choose the q vectors method to define the crack extension direction.
Figure W13 Crack front/tip center perimeter
Dassault Systmes, 2009 Modeling Fracture and Failure with Abaqus W1.4
4. Select the vertices highlighted in Figure W14 as the start and end points of the vector.
Figure W14 q vector direction
5. In the Singularity tabbed page of the Edit Crack dialog box, set the midside node parameter to 0.25 and choose Collapsed element side, single node as the element control. This introduces a square-root singularity at the crack tip. 6. From the main menu bar, select SpecialCrackAssign Seam to define the crack seam. Select the two edges indicated in Figure W15 to define the seam (use Shift+Click to select multiple entities). The elements on either side of this seam will not share nodes.
Figure W15 Crack seam Output 1. In the Model Tree, double-click History Output Requests to create a contour integral history output request. In the Edit History Output Request dialog box, select Contour integral as the domain type, and choose the crack defined earlier as the domain. Set the number of contours to 5 and request J- integral output. 2. Repeat the above step, this time choosing Stress intensity factors as the output type. Mesh 1. In the Model Tree, expand the Instances container underneath the Assembly and double-click Mesh underneath the instance named plate-1. start end q
Dassault Systmes, 2009 Modeling Fracture and Failure with Abaqus W1.5
2. Assign a global seed size of 1.0 to the part (SeedInstance). 3. Assign local edge seeds to the circular region surrounding the crack tip (SeedEdge By Number): a. Specify 16 elements along the circular edge together with the constraint that the number of elements along this edge may only increase. The latter constraint is not required but will improve mesh quality in this case. To enforce the constraint, click Constraints in the prompt area after specifying the edge seeds. b. Specify 4 elements along the straight edge within the circular region. No additional constraints are required. 4. Assign swept mesh controls to the circular region (MeshControls; choose Quad-dominated as the element shape and Sweep as the technique). 5. Assign the Quad element shape using the Medial axis algorithm to the rest of the part. 6. Assign quadratic, reduced integration plane strain elements (CPE8R) to all regions of the plate (MeshElement Type). 7. Generate the mesh (MeshInstance). It should appear similar to the one shown in Figure W16.
Figure W16 Part mesh: entire part (left); close up of crack tip (right)
8. Query the elements attached to the crack tip to verify that their connectivity is that of a collapsed quadrilateral element with a repeated node at the crack tip (ToolsQuery). For example, for the element highlighted in Figure W17, the connectivity would be similar to that appearing at the bottom of the figure.
Dassault Systmes, 2009 Modeling Fracture and Failure with Abaqus W1.6
Figure W17 Element connectivity at the crack tip
Job 1. In the Model Tree, double-click Jobs to create a job for this model. Name the job cpe8r-constrain-qtr. 2. Click MB3 on the job name and select Submit from the menu that appears. In the same menu, you may also select Monitor to monitor the progress of the job and Results to automatically open the output database file for this job (cpe8r-constrain-qtr.odb) in the Visualization module. Results 1. When the job is complete, open cpe8r-constrain-qtr.odb in the Visualization module. Evaluate the deformed shape and stress state in the part. The deformed model shape (PlotDeformed Shape) and Mises stress distribution (PlotContoursOn Deformed Shape) are shown in Figure W18 and Figure W19 (using a deformation scale factor of approximately 250). The stress state is highly localized in the vicinity of the crack tip. Away from the crack tip, the stress state exhibits the pattern characteristic of pure bending (Figure W110 shows the longitudinal stress S11). Tip: To change the contour plot variable, select ResultField Output from the main menu bar and choose the appropriate variable for contouring. Alternatively, use the Field Output toolbar.
Figure W18 Deformed model shape
Dassault Systmes, 2009 Modeling Fracture and Failure with Abaqus W1.7
Figure W19 Mises stress distribution
Figure W110 Longitudinal stress distribution (S11)
2. Next, identify the domains for each contour. In the Results Tree, expand the Node Sets container underneath the output database named cpe8r- constrain-qtr.odb; double-click any set beginning with H-OUTPUT. The five contour domains are shown in Figure W111. Note that each successive contour domain contains the previous domain within its boundaries.
Figure W111 Contour integral domains 3. For each contour, plot the J-integral and the K I values: a. In the Results Tree, click mouse button 3 on the History Output container. From the menu that appears, select Filter. b. In the filter field, enter J-int* to restrict the history output to just the J- integral data. c. Select all curves of the form J-integral: J at H-OUTPUT-*, and click mouse button 3; from the menu that appears, select Plot. d. Similarly, select and plot all curves of the form Stress intensity factor K1: K1 at H-OUTPUT-* (filter the container according to Stress*).
Dassault Systmes, 2009 Modeling Fracture and Failure with Abaqus W1.8
The results appear in Figure W112. As is seen in the figure, the values have converged and exhibit path independence. Note: Double-click the Y-axis in the curves to adjust the axis limits.
Figure W112 J-integral and K I values 4. Even though the differences in the values of J (and K) for each contour appear to be small, common practice dictates that the first (and sometimes the second) contour value be neglected to prevent adverse numerical effects due to the singularity from influencing the interpretation of the results. Thus, compute the average value of K I for contours 3-5 and enter the value in Table W11. Tip: To readily compute the average value, select the three curves indicated above in the Results Tree, and click mouse button 3. From the menu that appears, select Save As. In the Save XY Data As dialog box, select Average as the operation that should be performed prior to saving the data. Then query the data (ToolsQuery; select Probe Values in the Query dialog box).
Analysis case KI (MPa\mm) Theoretical 170. 24 Element type Midside node parameter Crack tip: Single or duplicate nodes Singularity CPE8R (focused) 0.25 Single node 1/\r
CPE8R (focused) 0.25 Duplicate nodes A/r + B/\r
CPE8R (focused) 0.5 Single node none CPE8R (unfocused) 0.25 Single node 1/\r (along edges)
CPE8R (unfocused) 0.5 Single node none
Table W11 K I values for parametric study
Dassault Systmes, 2009 Modeling Fracture and Failure with Abaqus W1.9
Quarter-point nodes with independent crack-tip nodes Edit the crack definition and select Collapsed element side, duplicate nodes as the element control to allow each crack-tip element to possess independent crack-tip nodes. Regenerate the mesh. Create a new job named cpe8r-indep-qtr and run the job. Evaluate the results and enter the average value of K I for contours 3-5 in Table W11. Mid-point nodes with a single crack-tip node Edit the crack definition and select Collapsed element side, single node as the element control and set the midside node parameter to 0.5. Regenerate the mesh. Create a new job named cpe8r-constrain-half and run the job. Evaluate the results and enter the average value of K I for contours 3-5 in Table W11. Unfocused mesh You will now use an unfocused, rectangular mesh to analyze the problem. Begin by copying the model named focused to one named unfocused. All subsequent instructions apply to the unfocused model.
Rectangular second-order mesh Edit the part features to remove the circular face partition created at the beginning of this exercise. Tip: In the Model Tree, expand the Parts container. In the list of features underneath the plate, double-click Partition face-1. In the Edit Feature dialog box, click Edit Section Sketch. In the toolbox, click the Delete Entities tool and select the circle as the feature to be deleted. In the Interaction module, redefine the seam and the crack front (reselect the crack tip, and set the midside node parameter equal to 0.25 using no degeneracy). In the Mesh module, delete all edge seeds ( ) and assign a global seed size of 1.0 to the entire part and element type CPE8R to all regions. Also assign the Quad element shape using the Medial axis algorithm using the mesh controls ( ). Re-mesh the part. Create a new job named cpe8r-unfocused-qtr and run the job. Evaluate the results and enter the average value of K I for contours 3-5 in Table W11. Change the midside node parameter to 0.5 and create a new job named cpe8r- unfocused-half. Run the job, evaluate the results, and enter the average value of K I
for contours 3-5 in Table W11. Save your model database file.
Dassault Systmes, 2009 Modeling Fracture and Failure with Abaqus W1.10
Theoretical result The theoretical result from Tada, Paris, and Irwin (1985) for a / b < 0.6 gives: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 2 3 4 6 1.122 1.40 7.33 13.08 14.0 I M b a K aF b a a a a a F b b b b b o o t = = = + +
Discussion The results of the simulations are summarized in Table W12 below.
Analysis case KI (MPa\mm) Theoretical 170. 24 Element type Midside node parameter Crack tip: Single or duplicate nodes Singularity CPE8R (focused) 0.25 Single node 1/\r 170.63 CPE8R (focused) 0.25 Duplicate nodes A/r + B/\r 170.63 CPE8R (focused) 0.5 Single node none 170.18 CPE8R (unfocused) 0.25 Single node 1/\r (along edges) 170.46 CPE8R (unfocused) 0.5 Single node none 165.66
Table W12 K I values for parametric study (results)
Dassault Systmes, 2009 Modeling Fracture and Failure with Abaqus W1.11
The focused mesh results show excellent agreement with the theoretical results for K and J. Note that the mesh with quarter-point nodes and a single crack-tip node introduces a 1/\r singularity into the crack-tip elements. Since this problem is governed by LEFM and the strength of this singularity is consistent with LEFM, a high degree of accuracy is expected. For most practical problems, however, the exact form of the singularity cannot always be represented. As noted in the lecture, a stronger form than necessary is recommended in these cases. As shown in this example, when a stronger form of the singularity is used (by permitting the crack-tip nodes to behave independently), very accurate results are indeed obtained. If the singularity is not explicitly modeled, mesh refinement can be used to obtain accurate results. In this example accurate values of K and J were obtained in the absence of a singularity when the mesh was focused (i.e., refined). When the meshes were coarse (as in the case of the unfocused meshes), the singularity introduced by the quarter-point nodes significantly improved the estimates of K and J. Thus, the benefit of the singularity is most apparent for coarse meshes. For all cases, the overall accuracy of the near-tip stress and strain fields is enhanced by including a singularity in the mesh. Singular meshes tend to do a better job capturing the steep gradient in the asymptotic stress and strain fields ahead of the crack tip. In addition, the singularity is necessary to achieve mesh convergence of the stress and deformation fields. The near-tip fields of a coarse mesh with a singularity will converge more rapidly than those of a finer mesh without a singularity.
Note: A script that creates the complete model described in these instructions is available for your convenience. Run this script if you encounter difficulties following the instructions outlined here or if you wish to check your work. The script is named ws_fracture_3pt_bend_answer.py and is available using the Abaqus fetch utility.