Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
In your description you must give the name of the person. Im going to talk about a musician that I admire, called... Hes a singer who also plays the guitar and writes his own songs. I think he recorded his first album about 1 years ago, and hes released several other !"s since then. He became successful after many years of writing songs and performing live in small venues all over the country. #radually he built a following of people who liked his music. I think the key to his success was one of his songs that was used on a $% advertisement. $his meant that more people became aware of his music. I found out about... because one of my friends got tickets to see him in concert. I hadnt heard any of his music before, but I went along to the gig and really en&oyed it. 'fter that I bought the first !", and now Ive got all of them. $he reason I admire... is that he has worked hard for his success( it takes years of practice to become a good singer and guitarist, and he spent several years playing to very small audiences before he became successful. I also like the fact that he writes his own music. I admire people who have worked hard to get where they are. Note: I've underlined the best vocabulary. '#ig' is an informal word for concert or performance, but it's fine to use it in this context. )o. 'lright, I am going to talk about my favorite band called *ee #ees, well bee as a bee that makes honey, gee as a word to show youre surprised or impressed. $his group is one of the best selling music artist of all time and they are inducted into the +ock and +oll Hall of ,ame. $hey are famous for numerous hits such as -taying alive, $oo much heaven, How deep is your love and .ight fever. /k, *ee #ees is a musical group founded in the 1012, consisting of 3 members known as #ibb brothers ( *arry, +obin and 4aurice. $hey came from 5ngland but moved to 'ustralian in the late 101 s and achieved their very first success there. $he story is told that they were going to lip sync to a record in the local cinema 6as other children had done on previous weeks7. However, something, which I do not remember exactly, happened when they were rushing to the venue, and left them no choice but to perform live. $he response from the audience was so positive that they decided to pursue a singing career. #radually they built a following of people who were appealed to their music and their popularity spread throughout the world. $he trio were successful for most of their decades of recording music, but its generally acknowledged that they had two distinct periods of exceptional success( as a rock act in the late 108 s and early 109 s, and as prominent performers of the disco music era in the late 109 s 'lright, I do not really have a vivid collection of how I found out about the group but it could be the case that I came across their songs in the list of hits song of the latter half of the twentieth century because I really keen on the music of that period. 'nd their songs really caught my ears. However, the attractiveness of their songs is only part of what motivates me to look for more information about them. :et me explain a little bit about it. ;ell, I am not type of picky listener, I mean I was not so particular about music but only a few could have strong impression on me. I could love a song so much but know nothing about the artist except for their names. *ut *ee #ees is an exception, well, this seems really silly but I thought that the name *ee #ees was somewhat interesting and I wanted to know more about it. 'nd during my search, I found out another reason for my admiration to *ee #ees that is they are so talented, I
mean all of the members. .ot only could each of them write their own hits songs but they even write some for other artist as well. ;ell, *ee #ees, were by no means good looking men, at least in my opinion. -o I suppose my admiration for them is not because of their appearance but due to their soul, their touching voice, their passions which were expressed during the performances. 'll of these make *ee #ees so inspirational to me. .ow, only one member of the group is still living but in my mind and I think all other fans, *ee #ees will last forever. ;ell, Im going to talk about an influential story to my life, that is the story of mother by Hans !hristian 'ndersen. I know it sounds a little bit nonsense to say that a story for children has a ma&or impact on me but this really ties in with the fact. :et me tell you a little about the plot. $he starting scene was inside a house in a cold night. ' mother is caring for her sick child when an old man enters from the bitter cold. $he old man is "eath, and he takes her child while she closes her eyes to rest. $he mother goes after "eath, and along the way meets various figures that demand something from her for their help. .ight makes her sing, a rosebush takes her heart's blood to get some warmth, a lake takes her eyes, and the woman who guards "eath's greenhouse takes her long, beautiful hair. -he accepted to all, without any consideration &ust because she wanted her child back. "eath returns to his greenhouse to pull up flowers representing all the souls he's harvested. $he mother tries to prevent him from taking her child's soul, but "eath explains that he's doing #od's will. 4oreover, her child would have suffered during his lifetime, so the woman prays to #od to carry out his will and keep her child safe in heaven. It was so touching a story. I read it in the book that my mother bought me when I was 8 or 9 years old and it really moved me to tears. $he story shows me how great the mothers love for her child is, it tells me that mothers could sacrifice anything for her child. 'nd the part that she let her child go for fear of his suffering during his life if she got him back indicates that mothers will do anything beneficial for her child even though it means that all her efforts will go to waste and she have to live without him forever. 's you know, because I read the story when I was small, so it really had a strong impression on me. $he story helps me to be more tolerant and understanding when my mom was angry because I know that she loves me and all what she does is for my sake. 4oreover, 'ndersens writing style has raised my interest in :iterature and motivated me to read many other masterpiece later which sharpen my mind and nurture my soul. $his story, with its literal meaning and beautiful language played an important part in my childhood and, as I believe, all my life as well. $o conclude, although it is &ust a fairy tale, $he story of a mother is so beautiful and meaningful that it does have great impact on me.