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Hatha Yoga

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In This Book the psychosomatic approach of Hathayoga to personal problems of man is interpreted with a view to evolving a simple, scientific and methodical course of study. The book is used as a text at the Acad emy of The Yoga Institutea specially recognized Training Institute of Yoga in India. It discloses the ancient technique in the light of modem sciences. Today the subject of Yoga has gained popularity amongst the intelligentsia both in India and abroad thanks to Shri Yogendra who may rightly be credited as the father of modern revival of Yoga.

Uniud Asia,

The fact that among the world's best books this book was selected as the most authoritative work on Yoga and was microfilmed and preserved in the great Crypt of Civilization by the Oglethorpe University of America and the further fact that it has passed through sue editions in English and three editions in Italian undoubtedly bear out its value as a great work on Yoga. Hindustan Standard. This book should convince readers of the utility of yoga practices to all not only for physical but also for mental and moral benefits. Illustrated Weekly of India.



First Edition : April 193 I Eighteenth Reprint - January 19X2 Ninteenth Reprint December 1991 Twentieth Edition - February 1995 Twenty First Edition July 1999 Twenty Second Edition - Jauuaiy 2007

Published by Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra For the Yoga Institute, Santacruz (East), Mumbai - 400 055

Printed by Systems Unit No. 1, YAC Industrial Estate, Kondivita, Andheri-Kurla Road. Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 059. Tel.: 2836 2777, 30829777

Born Manibhai Haribhai Desai in the year 1897 in rural Gujarat, the boy, later to be known as the Founder, Shri Yogendraji, suffered from poor health. With the help of a sympathetic school teacher, however, he was able to comple tely transform himself into a robust individual, known for his feats of strength. This influence fired him with a burn ing zeal for reformation from this time onwards. While undergoing college education in preparation for a career in the I.C.S., he met under auspicious circumstances Paramahamsa Madhavadsaji of Malsar and completely renoun ced his wordly career to be a pupil to his guru. During the following years, Shri Yogendraji,wrote and published several literary works of distinction including the first Gujarati translation of Tagores Gitanjali. In 1919 at the behest of his teacher, the Founder left the shores o f India for America after having founded The Yoga Institute of Bombay in 1918. In America he founded ihe first organised- centre on Yoga. It co-operated with the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research and other leading medical Institutions. Following his return to India in 1922, the Founder engaged in Indological researches with the help o f Dr. S. N. Dasgupta, who was later to say of him. Yo'u are now capable of achieving through jnana yoga , your objective like an arrow, being ever dedicated to research on truth. Much work was done to locate old manuscripts from all over the country. Most of the works of the Founder have been sealed in The Crypt of Civilisation to be read after 6000 years. Many of his famous books have been translated in various languages of the worldIn 1947, The Yoga Institute got its permanent head quarters at Santa Cruz (East), Bombay. In 1958, with the objective of preparing trained teachers to teach Yoga, The Teachers Training Institute was started. In 1971, under the auspices of the Government of India, medical research was conducted with a panel of 14 doctors. In 1973, The International Board of Yoga was founded. Put in an epi tome, the whole life of Shri Yogendraji has beep a crusade to preserve the pristine purity of Yoga, for the benefit of modem man. Shri Yogendraji has preferred to be forthright in his views and is content that the Institute he has built, though small, Is self-supporting, vital and strong besides being imbued with the classical spirit of Yoga.


A mong the various traditions ofthe paths leading toYoga, Hathayoga is one. The necessity for this system of Yoga must have been felt in the ancient past when the discipline and education of the physical became an essential form of dis cipline and control of the mental, the moral*and the psychic. In this context, Hathayoga should be and is regarded as the primal yoga effort, 1 which gradually came to be recognized as the methodical approach to the attainment of the highest in Yoga. 2 Because it deals primarily v*jth the physical, the human body, in relation to the mental, it has been appro priately identified as the physiological Yoga or ghatasya yoga. 3 Hathayoga thus accepts Man for what he really is and therefore does not neglect the physical. It recognizes the concept of the wholeness of Man and proposes to achieve psychosomatic sublimation through a system of physical culture which inter alia includes physical education, hygiene, therapy, and biologic control of the autonomous nervous system affecting the hygiene of the mind and moral behaviour.4 To begin with, the postural exercises (asana) which it advocates have already been fully discussed in one of the volumes of this series,6 suited especially to men and women. 0 Personal hygiene which follows next has been simplified for daily practice in yet anothqr volume of this series, and deals exhaustively with the care of the various parts of the body and some of the 1 Cf. Toga Physical Education, by Shri Yogendra, 7th Edn., pp. 49f. 2 Cf. logan/Ira, II, 29. 3 Cf. Gherandasamliita, l,2,8fF. 4 Cf. Refer to the diagram in Yoga Physical Education, 7th Edn , p. 37. 5 Cf. Ibid; Toga Asanas Simplified, Pocket Edition. 6 Cf. Toga Physical Education (women), by Smt. Sita Devi, 3 rd . Edn.


vital organs.7 For example, the care of the tee th , mouth, tongue, ear. and the air sinuses could be effected through danladhouli, jihv&m ulaJodhanam, karnadhouli, harnarandhradhouti, .vatakrama kapalabhali and kapalarandhradhouti respectively. The care of the nose consists in the practice of vyutkrama and Sitkrama jalaneli. For the eye, there are the various forms of fixations (itrataka) such as ndsikdgra, bhrnmadhya, daksinajalru, v&majatru, candradhyana and suryadhyana. The care of the stomach and other digestive organs is effected through vamanadhouti, certain specific yogasanas, the process of pranayama known as plavint, and the intra abdominal compression through wLdiyana bandha. The care of the lower section of the alimentary canal, chiefly the intestines, is made possible through suitable posture-exercises such as pavanamuktdsana, sarvangdsana, iirasana and dhanurvakrasana, besides intestinal activation and cleansing with the aid of iakticdlanamudrS, uddiydna bandha and an enema with uddiyana in Imitation of basti. Most of the above practices constitute purely physical aspects and contribute to positive health of these organs so that higher purification and control of the more vital organs may become easy. Thus the cleansing of the mouth, tongue, nose, air sinuses and throat provides for the essential hygienic coordination during progressive efforts at regulation and control of the respiratory acts involving psychosomatic affects on emotional imbalance and mental turpitude. The fixa tions have the effect of relaxation, poise and abstract ness since vision and mind are closely related. The care of the alimentary canal reduces toxicity and keeps the nervous system unaffected by physiological factors. These preparatory studies in their turn help sexual sublimation through relaxation, elimination of tensions and channelling of impulses.

7 Cf. Yoga Personal Hygiene, Vol. 1, 9th Edn.; Toga Hygiene Simplified, Pocket Edition.


It is an established fact that the psychic and moral life of an individual is greatly influenced by cogenitally born drives such as the sex impulse. The hathayogins have laid down various practices for the methodical sublimation not only of sex but also of ail baser instincts. The beginning is made through regulation of bionergy (prana) for the discipline of the mind (manas), which is followed by specific methods of sex sublimation and control of the nervous systems. The little-known and complicated technique associated with these processes have for. the first time been simplifiedso far as Hathayoga is concerned with a view to encouraging the study of Hathayoga by the beginners in a graded and systematic manner. Some of the new innovations are the result of authors own adaptations based on the original technique with a wider range of application both to the students and patients. These have come to be associated with his name and are known as Yogendra pranayama and Yogendra psychosomatics. Since diet, environs and way of life have a decided affect not only on the physical health but also on the mental and moral as well, Hathayoga prescribes a comprehensive regimen based on the minimal yoga requirements in these respects. These have been dis cussed in the last chapter dealing with hygiene in gene ral. It supplies such information as the beginner may desire to have on the elements of nutritionthe liquid and solid nutrientsair, water, housing, clothing, activity recreation, sleep, suitable time for practice of Yoga, favourable seasons for the initiate and the daily curriculum. Hathayoga which deals with Man in his wholeness providing for a complete science and art of healthy living on all planes of consciousness, however, had by -eason of its secrecy become so much misunderstood


and disreputed that, during the past centuries, it remained not only neglected but even despised, It has been the effort of The Yoga Institute of Santa Cruz founded by the author 40 years ago to investigate these secret but traditionally known practices both academically and scientifically in regard to its various claims and also its utility in modem life. True to the traditions, all the hathayoga practices were acquired directly from the great yoga teacher, Paramanattisa Madhavadasaji of Malasara (1793-1921 a .D .) by the author who had applied some of them to thousands of students and patients under medical supervision in India, America and elsewhere. The ancient wisdom has now been compared with modern sciences by textual references and corroborations where possible ; and it is after detailed scientific investiga tions carried on by the author in cooperation with .eminent scientists that he has given final shape to a methodical study of this subject for its incorporation into ones daily life. In fact, the present work along with other volumes of this series is used as a text at our special Training Institute of Yoga recognized by the government for the purpose of training teachers of Yoga. If we at all have reason to doubt the practical usefulness and scientific value of education we may as well so far doubt the practical utility and scientific import of yoga education which elevates what is ignoble in Man to the noble. On the contrary, it is certain that, when the science of Yoga will be studied by the scholars and scientists as closely as they have explored other branches of ancient civilization, a new field of inve stigation will open before them of wider extent than any other that has yet been explored or even known to exist.


C h a p t e r I. C a r e

op th e

R e s p ir a t o r y A ppa r a t u s

The Respiratory Organs ..................................................... Fourfold Act of Respiration..................................................... Deep Breathing .. .. .. .. .. .. (a) Air Hunger .. ..................................................... (b) Defective Breathing .. ............................ Rejuvenation through B re a th in g ........................................ Preliminary Observances , . .. .. .. .. Yoga Methods of Breathing..................................................... (a) unyak a .. ...................................... .. .. (b) Puraka .................................................................. (*) K u m b h a k a .................................................................. (d) Recaka ................................................................. () Anulomaviloma B re a th in g ........................................ Yoga Breathing Vs. Deep Breathing ............................ ........................................ (a) Absorption of Oxygen (b) Removal of Carbon Dioxide...................................... . (e) Dynamic Equilibration .. .. .. .. (d) Volume of Arterialized Blood ............................. () Sedative Nervous Effects .. . . . . (f ) Maximum Vital Index for Longevity .. .. Therapeutic Value of Yoga Breathing ............................

18 21 22 24 25 27 29 33 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 44 45 47 48 53 57

Modem Scientific Corroborations ..



Yoga Respiratory H y g ien e............................................................63 C h a p t e r II. C a r e o f t h e S ex u a l O r g a n s Sexual Instinct .................................................................. Psychoanalytical Approach to Sex .. .. .. .. Cultural Affect of Sex (a) Psychic (4) Moral (f) Mental (rf) Physical .. .. .. .. .. ............................ ............................ .................................................................. .................................................................. .. .. .. .. .. 65 67 69 69 70 70 71 72 72 73 74 76 80 80 81 82 ^86 88 88

Evils of Ignorance in Sex Matters .. .. .. .. (a) Before and After P u b e r t y ......................................... (b) During the Married Life ......................................... Sex Education .. (a) In the School .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., .. ..

(b) At Home .................................................................. (e) By L ite ra tu re .................................................................. Modern Sex Hygiene.. .. .. .. .. Yoga Method of Sublimation ........................................ I n te r p r e ta tio n o f Brahmacarya .. .. .. .. Yoga Sex E ducation.................................................................. (a) Useful Processes .....................................................




(,b) Cool B a t h s ............................................................. (c) Irrigation of Genital passages .......................... id) Active C on tin en ce................................................. Yoga Sex Hygiene .. .. .. Chapter III. Care of the Brain and Nervous System Brain as an Organ of Mind .. .. .. .. Yoga Neurology ............................................... 108 A Great Telegraphic System ..................................... 110 Importance and Control of the Nervous System .. Nervous Disorders .. .. .. .. .. Yoga Mental Hygiene ................................................. 116 (a) Education .............................................................117 (b) Freedom from Emotions ..................................... 117 (c) Concentration.............................................................120 R ecreation.........................................................................121 Art of R ela x a tio n ......................... ..........................122 Postures for Relaxation .. .. .. .. .. (a) Dradhasana.............................................................125 (b) Sav&sana .............................................................125 (c) M akarisana.............................................................128 Exercising the Vertebral Colum n......................................128 (a) Pa&imott&nisana ................................................. 129 (b) Matsyendrisana ................................................. 132

S6 97 99 104 105

112 113



Yoga Hygiene of the Brain and Nerves C h a p t e r IV. C a r e o f t h e S io n a n d its Skin An Organ of Sensation.. .. Functions of the Skin.. .. .. (a) Protection (6) Heat Regulation (c) Respiration (</) Elimination ..

A ppendages

.. 134 .. 137 .. 137 .. 137 .. 139 .. .. 140 140

.. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. ..

Diseases due to Improper Care of the Skin Need and Importance of Skin Hygiene ..

Influence of Sun, Air, Water, and Mud on Skin .. ... 141 ............................143 Hair and Nails .. .. .. Yoga Skin Hygiene ..
C ha pter

G en eral

.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.................................144 . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. 146 147 151 lo2


H y g ie n e


Air (a) Climate (b) Housing (e) Clothing (?) Breathing Food

.. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..


(d ) Out-of-door Living ..

. 152 .. 152 .. .. 155 159

(a) Quality of Food (b) Quantity of Food



Wter (a) Internal Uses of Water . (b) External Uses of W ater . Activity (a) Work (i) Rest Time Conclusion
In d e x .

...................................... 100
......................................... 161


..................................... 162 ..................................... 163 ..................................... 164 ......................................166 ..................................... 166 ......................................166 ......................................169



Akaiamudrd or the Symbolfor Concentration on space

Frontispiece ..

1. Wrong nasal contourfor yoga breathing 2. Right nasal coritourfor yoga breathing 3. The position of the abdomen during iiinyaka



82 82 33 88 36 87 60

............................ .. .. .. .. .. ..

4. The position of the abdomen during puraka ..

kumbhaka .. .. .. ..

5. The compressed abdomen and fully expanded chest during 6. The best design of fingers to close the nostrils alternately or both 7. Radiograph of cardiac asthma before treatment
8. Radiograph of cardiac asthma after treatment .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

9. Yoga sublimation diagramatically represented 11. Dradhasana, the right-side position for sleep

88 92 93 128 129 132


10. Gorakfdsana best suited to stop nocturnal emissions ..

12. PaJcimottdnasana as a semicircular archfor maximum posterior stretching .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

13. Malsyendrasana with the heel for intra-abdominal pressure,

front view. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

14. Ardha-matsyendrisana for the lateral twist, back view 15. The table specially designedfor head-low posture





No greater element than, bionergy (prana) exists in the body. Amanaskakhandam, I, 3. The scienceof bionergy,including the regula tion of the bieatliing movements, is the prac tical Yoga par excellence. He who knows its secret knows Yoga. Goraksasamkita, I, 46. A c c o r d in g to Yoga, the respiratory movements represent only a portion of the grosser activities of the life force [prana).1 Pranayarria which forms an important accessory of Kriyd Yoga really means the control of bionergy,2 and the regulation of the breathing movements is merely a means to an end.3

1 'O n the strength of a casual reference by Patanjali and a 5rw of his commentators, the word prana has, at times, been interpreted as breath (kas{hasya vayufi). In fact, it is extremely misguiding and not at all in conformity with the more accurate interpretations by a majority of ancient and later authorities so: to mention the practical technique which specifies pr&na as ^energy. i Pranah svadehajivdyuraydmastannirodhana } Gorak?a quoted by j*tsna, II, 71. 3 Anticipating such confusion of expression with regard " 2 a die word prana as vdyu, Ramatirtha, the commentator of Mzztrdyani Upanisad (VI, 33), cautions that breath should never ;e confounded with bionergy (sthulavdyuiankam varayati).




The hygiene of the respiratory organs consists in the care of the thorax, the respiratory muscles and the lungs, including the air-passages which lead to them. The thorax or chest-cavity is like a movable cage within which are contained the most important organs of breathingthe lungs, and of circulationthe heart. The muscles of the thorax are known as intercostals and fill the space between the ribs and complete the chestwalls ; and the diaphragm which closes the cavity of the chest below, separating it from the abdomen. The other auxiliary muscles such as the scaleni, however, are not in use during quiet or normal breathing. In forced breathing, besides the intercostals and the diaphragm, other muscles of the trunk, the larynx, the pharynx and the face are also activiated. Lately, considerable discussion has been raised on the comparative influence of the ribs and the diaphragm during the respiratory acts, (i) A majority of physiologists are of the opinion that the diaphragm is directly responsible for raising the ribs.4 (ii) On the strength of his recent investigations, Halls Dally maintains that, in raising the ribs, the diaphragm is also assisted by the external intercostals.5 (iii) A prominent
4 Cf. The Diaphragm and Its Functions, by J. M. W. Kitchcn, M.D. 5 Cf. Lettures on Respiration in Health and Disease, by Dr. Halls DaUy.



physical culturist, however, holds that it is really the ribs that move the diaphragm.6 (iv) That all the above views are radically wrong is demo nstrated by the fact that respiration can also be carried on independently without the use of the diaphragm. This is especially true in the case of certain methods of yoga breathing, viz., whenever uddiyana is maintained.7 The lungs being encased in the thorax have no direct communication with the outside except by means of the respiratory passages. In the normal respiratory act, the air enters these passages through the nostrils or through the mouthonly under certain abnormal conditionswhence it passes through the larynx into the trachea which divides into two branches (bronchi) one to each lung. The lungs have a spongy elastic texture and are composed of numerous minute air sacs or alveoli which connect with the outer air by means of the bronchial tubes. Again, these air sacs are of various forms, depending upon the mutual pressure to which they are subject. The function of these alveoli is to allow the red blood
6 Cf. My Breathing System, by J . P. Muller. 7 As the Tatter view is upheld conditionally, no general remarks can be pronounced as yet. It may, however, be observed :nat this special aspect of yoga breathingapart, from many : vhersoffers a very great therapeutic advantage over the so-called ;eep breathing exercises. As such its complete discussion is reserved '.jr the future publications because the subject really involves more of anatomical and physiological discussion involving far* reaching biologic interactions than of hygiene.



cells to absorb oxygen from the air and to give off the carbon dioxide. The conditions which prevent the proper functioning and development of the lungs are chiefly the deformities of the thorax and of the spine. These, when not in advanced stages, could be cured through certain corrective yoga postures. But the most common form of attack which threatens the life of every individual practically every moment of his existence is the invasion by a countless number of dangerous microbes as of influenza, pneumonia, diphtheria, tuberculosis and similar infectious diseases upon one or many of the respiratory organs. Even the common catarrh of the nasal origin has been found to have a deleterious effect upon the air-passages and often leads to such inflammatory conditions as tonsilities, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma and still more serious consequences. That these dangers could be easily avoided by the proper and timely care of the air-passages and the respiratory apparatus need hardly be emphasized. Furthermore, the functions of the heart and lungs are intimately connected ; and a strongly developed set of respiratory organs adds greatly to the perfect circulation of the blood. The red blood cells which form a major portion of the blood approximated at seventy-five thousand millions in one cubic inch of bloodare the common carriers of oxygen, taking up a load of oxygen from the lungs to the various tissues of the body.


On their return journey, these cells, like a merchant vessel, bring a cargo of waste products of the body and unload the carbon dioxide in the lungs to be thrown away. This cooperation between the lungs and the heart continues from the first sign of life till the end of its existence.

Respiration consists of the alternate expansion and contraction of the thorax by means of which air is drawn into or expelled from the lungs. These two movements are termed inspirationinhalation, and expirationexhalation respectively. Yoga holds that the respiratory act is really fourfold wherein each stage is immediately followed by the other, viz., (i) the expiratory standstill or suspensive pause, (ii) inspiration, (iii) inspiratory standstill or retentive pause, and (iv) expiration.8 Yoga also maintains that the health of the respiratory apparatus depends largely upon the quantity
8 These are termed (*') iunyaka, (ii) purgka, (iii) kumbhaka and (iv) recaka respectively by Vijnana Bhik?u. Cf. YogasarasaAgraha, II, p. 39. Although Patanjali has not stated this so clearly, he still refers to the pauses occurring before (expiratory standstill) and after (inspiratory standstill) each of the two main acts of respiration, viz., inspiration and expiration. His commentators, especially Vyasa and Vacaspati, NageSa, Anandapandita, Bhoja and others differing technically among themselves, interpret his aphorisms as suggestive of fourfold pranayama. Cf. Yogasutra^ 49ff. The Hathayoga authorities refer to both the threefold acts puraka, kumbhaka and recakaand the fourfold act of respiration. Cf. Yogayajnavalkyam, VI, 2ff., and Yogacintamani, II et seq. Also Ha (hayogapradipika with Jyotsna, II, 71.



and quality of the air inhaled;9 and the rhythm and completeness with which the four major acts of respiration are performed.

Recently, much attention has been directed by the medical profession to educating the public on the necessity of deep and proper breathing as an absolute sine qua non of health. As a consequence, many so-called breathing exercises have been suggested by various authorities, and some of these have even come to be introduced in the daily hygienic routine of a man. It can hardly be gainsaid that breathing forms the most vital process of life-activity. This action keeps up til] the time of death and, in the meantime, the blood is being purified and aerated through the lungs. All the organs of the body work in rhythm as long as they are kept supplied with pure blood from the h eart; but when this is stopped or vitiated their action also stops or becomes dull or deadened. It is, therefore, recognized that the biologic and psychic activities of a Being depend mostly upon the supply of oxygen.10 Any lack of oxygen reduces the quantum of prana and thus affects citta through cerebral hypoxia. Apart from its healthful effects on the whole system, deep breathing is a great preventive against
9 For details, refer to Ch. X II on Hygiene in General (air). 10 Cf. Hathayogapradipika, II, 2/IV, 15/IV, 23.



a number of diseases.1,1 It is admitted by Fisher, Fisk and other leading physicians that A hundred deep breaths a day is a physicians recipe for avoiding tuberculosis. A Russian author, who suffered from a nervous breakdown, foundafter trying many other aids* to health without success that a retired life for several months in the mountains in which simple deep breathing exer cises practised systematically every day formed the central theme, effected a permanent cure.12 Besides outdoor living and sleeping, deep breathingthe precise scientific technique being yoga breathingwas strongly recommended by the ancient yogins, as.it is now done by the modern medical authorities not only for hygienic reasons but also for therapeutic purposes.13 The cure for many respiratory diseasesespecially tuberculosis through pranayama was recognized long ago by the ancient yogins.14 Dr. Millet, a Brockton physician, has during the past few years begun to prescribe outdoor living, rest and deep breathing to his patients who were suffering from tuberculosis. The results obtained, as may be expected, were
11 Compare Hatkqyogapradipika, II, 16ff. It may be of interest here to obseive lhat we (human beings) have a greater reserve force in our breathing capacity than animals, which, if properly developed, keeps the blood warm and full of those cells which are active enemies to disease-germs. Cf. Breathe and be Well, by W. L. Howard, M.D., p. 26. 12 Cf. How to Live, p. 25. 13 Cf. YogayajHavalkyam, V I, 38, 39ff. 14 Ibid, VI, 43.



very satisfactory. Deep breathing in the sense of forced inhalation and exhalation by conscious efforts, has now the general approval of almost all the leading practitioners of the various systems of medicine. (a) Air Hunger: Of course, the freedom of the lungs from disease more than most organs depends on the maintenance of a high standard of bodily health. Proper and symmetrical development of the body also implies a strongly developed set of respiratory organs. In the course of one of his lectures, Neimeyer emphasized that, contrary to the general opinion that eating and drinking are the principal functions of life, hygiene maintains that air, or the vital air as the discoverer 6f oxygen calls it, is the real pabulum vita (Hippocrates) .** He further observes that Whereas, under natural conditions, the swallowing of this nourishment is an automatic performance with the wild tribes, the civilized man, working on the tread-mill of daily toil in a confined space, runs the risk of forgetting to take breath, gets chronically air hungry* and becomes affected with consump tion.* Hygiene considers the practice of the art of breathingi.e. breathing with a purpose, methodi callyas the primary step because it enhances the appetite for air. The first desideratum is that, just as we provide several meals daily for our stomach, we should also provide our lungs with the rations they requireviz., air, by practising 24


full breathing, an art which we must learn from the new-born child. 15 (b) Defective Breathing : In one of the old works in Sanskrit, it is asked : What is Life ?, and the reply is that Life is the interval between one breath and anotherhe who only breathes half only lives h a lf ; but he who has mastered the art of breathing has control over every function of his being. It was evident to the ancient yogins that all life exists only from breath to breath, and that the cessation of the respiratory activities signify death. They, therefore, recommended the pra ctice of yoga breathing for the reason that the being that neglects to breathe properly reduces his tenure upon life to but a slender thread.1 Unfortunately, the civilized man has contracted the most reprehensible habit of breathing upwards to such an extent as to actually sterilize the upper part of the lungs. In fact, about one-third of the lung capacity always remains unused by the average person. This third is either the upper or the lower portion of the lungs where the oxygen never reaches. Right here is where so many breathe wronglythey continue to take deep inhalations now and then, but forget or neglect the absolutely necessary forced exhalations. Gangrene which is nothing short of the rotting of an extremity is chiefly due to defective breathing. So also
15 Cf.The Natural Method of Healing, Vol.I, by F.E.Bilz, p. 154. 16 Cl.Hathayogapradipika with Jjotsnd II,3; Yogasandhyd p. 76.



is the degeneration of the extremities and even of the internal organs, especially the failure of the end organs to record sensation or response, in the aged, largely due to the fact that, as the years pass by, the blood has less and less oxygen to send to these parts. Nervous instability, numbness of the fingertips* craving for stimulants and drugs, headaches, sleeplessness and similar ailments are many times due to the effects of wrong breathing habits.17 The other conditions which cause incomplete respiration are the filthy habit of snoring and mouth-breathing. These in themselves are highly dangerous, besides their evil effects upon the normal functions of respiration. None has ever gainsaid it, yet to the mass of mankind it means no more than if one were to write omicron m u! And still to the neglect of this primal function of breathing, the world paysat the lowest estimate an annual tribute of a quarter million lives ; all sacrificed to preventable disease. Undoubtedly, one can live longer and live better by learning how to breathe properly; and the knowhow of this secret is in itself a science and art of life. In Yoga, prapayama is this secret. Most people, nevertheless, fail to develop chest capacity to its fullest extent even through systematic exercises, because the powerful pushing muscle of the human bellows is not well trained or developed. This muscle is the diaphragm ; yet the vast majority
17 Cf. Yoga, Vol. V, 3.



of human race live and die in absolute ignorance of the fact that there is such an organ as the diaphragm. Probably, a very small proportion of even the educated masses is aware of the existence of such a structure, but that is the limit of their information in regard to one of the most important respiratory organs of the human body.

The practical yogins always emphasized the value of deep breathing not only as a great spiritual aid to self-culture but also as an important accessory to positive good health, youth and, therefore, to longevity.18 As a matter of fact, there is really no mystery or exaggeration in the claim that proper breathing methods can rejuvenate the decaying body and organs. Modem researches in the field of medical science prove beyond doubt that such renewal can be conveniently brought about by developing the respiratory apparatusa belief which the yogins in India vigorously upheld some thousands of years ago. Remarking on the process of rejuvenation through successful breathing, Howard in his popular work observes that, The increase in the number of red blood cells in the body is brought about by mechanical means. The condition of the blood always adjusts itself to a variety of bodily and environmental factors. The release from a certain
18 Cf. Ha thayogapradipika, II, 47, 54, 74f.



amount of atmospheric pressure on the bodys surface lets loose blood corpuscles which were confined and pressed in some small spaces or tiny arteries and they get into general circulation. In the middle-aged persons and those beyond, there is an unequal distribution of red blood cells, due to pressure of fat, inelastic arteries and weak diaphragms. This latter breathing muscle may be, and generally is, hindred in its freedom by an overdistended stomach or intestinal tract. This state of affairs means that red blood corpuscles are jammed in or pushed aside to certain extremities or into blind alleys. In these places they are concentrated, and unable to obtain oxygen, the cells die, leaving the cast-off materials to be absorbed and make wrinkles and cause stiff joints. These prisonersred blood cellsin their concentration camps cannot get out except through tiresome efforts, and often they have exhausted much of their stored-up oxygen when they do find freedom. Under these conditions, they are as useless to the human organization as a lot of skilful mechanics would be crowded into a room and unable to get at their respective machines. Any mechanical movement or driving force which stirs up these red blood corpuscles puts them into circulationstarts them doing their allotted work in rejuvenating the body and its organs. Certain forms of exercise will aid in accomplishing this change from age to youth,


but not unless right breathing methods are rigidly adopted and kept up.19

Before practising the various yoga breathing methods, it is quite imperative that the following few observances are strictly carried out to derive maximum physiologic benefit: i. Make a habit of cleansing the air-passages thoroughly. Get rid of all the clogged up dust and microbes which may have accumulated in these passages. The mouth, the teeth, the nares, the nasal canal and other air-passages etc., all need to be attended to directly every day. For such cleansing, pure water or analeptic solution may be usedneither too hot nor cold. ii. Open up all the windows of the room and let in plenty of fresh air. If possible, select an open space free from draught, i.e., the air moving at 3 feet per second (Shaw). ill. During breathing, unless otherwise suggested, the mouth must be closed. Do not ever let it get the best of you. When, however, you find that you cannot go on without taking a mouthful of airdue to organic or functional defects which ought to be remedied firststop, and take in, and blow it out only through the nostrils. Breathing through mouth is a wrong habit and leads to an
19 Cf .Breath* and be Well, by W. L. Howard, M .D., pp. llSff.



irritation of the throat. The nasal passages, missing the normal amount of stimulus, are also apt to lose tone; and the mucous membrane gradually becomes relaxed and falls into the state of chronic catarrh. iv. Avoid all tight and confining clothes. A lungi or the ordinary bathing costumes are quite convenient. If possible, undress yourselfexcept for the waistand expose the skin to fresh air, for even the skin breathes, and this process should also be helped. v. Before commencing breathing methods, it is best to stretch every inch of your body by rhythmic stretching movements. vi. Never try extreme stretching of any part of the body with the lungs empty of air. Whenever stretching exercises are undertaken, the same should always be accompanied by deep, prolonged and rhythmic breathing. It is best to hold the breath and do the necessary stretching during the period of retention. vii. Exhale with vigour, slowly and rhythmically and squeeze out, as it were, all the air-contents of the lungs, before making any attempt at inhalation viii. If your head aches, your nose or mouth feels stuffy or dry, and the stomach cramped up or overloaded, get out in the open air and breathe deeply. Keep this up for five minutes, before beginning the yoga methods of breathing. Then 30


take some rest and get to your normal condition and start. ix. Pay more attention to exhalation than to inhalation for if the former is successful, the latter will take care of itself. The expiration should be watched especially since, with many, the tendency is to keep the lungs full of extra stationary air the result of incomplete exhalation. This is why many athletes suffer from acute emphysema, or dilatation of the lungs. x Quick and jerky breathing might impair the elasticity of the lung-structure in men past middle life and should, therefore, be avoided in all efforts at breathing. xi. People with weak heart and pulmonary ailments should follow the yoga breathing very mildly and should at no stage allow themselves to be overstrained. It is also not advisable for a child under the age of ten to twelve years to under take the higher yoga breathing methods as they cause heavy pressure upon the heart. xii. During all kinds of yoga breathing, the abdomen should be held in normal contour, unless otherwise specified. This natural condition of the abdomen encourages the deepest possible inspiration and expiration. Even though this preliminary adjustment for yoga breathing may, in the beginning require extra effort and incon venience, the condition should necessarily be observed to derive utmost value of oxygen. 31

Flo. 1.

F ig . 2


xiii. The manner of deep breathing is also a matter of great importance. A large number of people in trying deep breathing unduly strain their nostrils and pull the facial muscles to such an ugly point that the air-passages which really ought to be open and dilated get cramped and closed. This not only prevents the free entrance of air but also reacts harmfully on the development of the nasal passages which ought to become accommodating with increased effort at breathing. The facial expression, as illustrated in Fig, 1 is a typical example of the wrong manner of breathing which generally becomes a necessity with those who have obstructions in the nasal passages. The really convenient manner of taking in deep breath, however, is to keep the nostrils wide open, passive, and distended as in Fig. 2. This exercises the sluggish muscles and tendons of the nose, opens and expands the nasal passages, and thus helps to create more vacuity which permits of a generous and deep inhalation. xiv. Lastly, one need not be satisfied with a few minutes of respiratory exercises but must make a habit of conscious deep inspirations and expirations at several other times of the day. Conscious deep breathing is highly valuable for two purposes : firstly, to develop the respiratory organs, and secondly, to aid the circulation of the blood. This is assisted by the movements of the chest walls and the diaphragm during inspiration which create a partial vacuum in the chest cavity


that draws air into the lungs and blood towards the heart.20

The exercises recommended herein represent merely the initial stages21 in the scientific study of yoga breathing, and have been selected for their simplicity. They are, however expected to fulfill the requirements of an average person and are quite adequate to meet the general need for respiratory hygiene. The higher technical yoga processes are more or less complicated, and their technique is not so easily understood without the guidance of a practical teacher. Such exercises have to be omitted purposely from this volume. (a) unyaka: This process of respiratory standstill22 consists of the absolute suspension (Junyaka) of breath even after a forced exhala tion23 and may be termed vacuum breathing. It is practiced thu s:
that other aspects of yoga personal hygiene make such specific mention unnecessary. 21 These practices which have been evolved and systematized by the author, in 1918, from certain vague hints traceable to Am[tanddopanifad, 12ff, Bfhanndradiyapurdna. quoted in Togatarasangraha, II, p. 39f., and Skandapurana quoted in Yogatintamam, II, p. 186, have come to be popularly known as Yogendra praqayima. 22 Cf. Kalikapurdna quoted in Yogacintamani, II, p. 186. 23 There is considerable confusion among the yoga texts in the interpretation of the terms kevalakumbhaka which really mean*

is to be found in the yoga texts, probably for the simple reason

20 No direct reference to the care of the circulatory system



Secure siddhasana or padmasana as convenient, ior the yoga breathing is performed most com fortably in a sitting position. Keep the body above the waist straight and the spine erect. Now.< take in a normal deep breath ; and, when the inhalation is complete, exhale slowly and with ease. Make an effort to completely empty your lungs of the air-contents. Remember to throw breath out in one long, continuous and forceful rhythm. Keep on exhaling till the last volume of air is out and you begin to feel that you cannot exhale any more. When this stage is reached, draw up the abdomen in towards the spine.24 See Fig. 3. Maintain this state with the suspended breath, i.e., do not either inhale or exhale. Keep this up for about five to ten seconds, then slowly begin to inhale until you get to the normal rhythm of breath. Repeat this vacuum breathing five to ten times once in a day-^-best followed in the morning. This process is considered extremely useful for weak stomach and sluggish colon, besides being a corrective for inflated lungs and tachycardia. Those with serious heart affections and pregnant
an expiratory standstill. According to our findings, however, the main difference between Sunyaka and kevala kumbhaka is that while the former represents the respiratory standstill after forced exhalation, the latter is merely an absence of any respiratory movement after normal exhalation. 24 Somewhat akin to partial uddiyana. It helps to preserve the elasticity and tone of the diaphragm ; and, bccause of its good contraction, the inhalation which follows results in greater breathing capacity.



women should avoid this method. Also children under the age of twelve years should be precluded from undertaking its practice. (b) Puraka: This process consists of absolute and continuous inspiration (puraka) and may be termed the packing breath.25 Maintain the same position as in the previous exercise. After1 normal exhalation, begin to inhale slowly and rhythmically in one long, slow and unbroken inspiration. Continue this till you feel a sense of fullness in your chest as in forced respiration. Remember to keep thd abdomen controlled during the entire period of inhalation. See Fid. 4. Now, without retaining the breath, gradually exhale, avoiding jerks or hasty movements; and repeat. Concentrate your attention on the time taken during the period of inhalation. This should be prolonged as far as possible, i.e., beginning from five seconds to ten seconds. The objective is to lengthen the period of inhalation so as to allow the maximum in-take of air with ease and without injuring the lungs. This is best achieved by beginning the act of inspiration slowly and 'rhythmically> taking enough time to complete the process, instead of drawing the breath in all at one time,^ or within a short period.26 Practice
15 Paripurnastathatisthet puramt purakah smrtah | Gf. Skandafmana quoted in Yogacintamani, II, p. 174. 26 If you are in the habit of suddenly filling your lungs in a rikort time, it is better first to acquire the habit of long inspiration trou gh the packing breath. Cf. Breathing Methods. 2nd Edn.


F ig . 5

F ig . 6


this method of absolute inhalation five to ten times once in a day. It may be observed that this breathing is very helpful to those whose lung capacity or heart action is poor. It forces open every disused air-cell in the lungs and stimulates the sluggish ones to healthy action. During extra breathing, if the expansion of the lungs is made to coordinate, through prolonged inhalation, with the speed of assimilation, the hygienic benefits, correspond to those during swimming. (< c) Kumbhaka: This process aims at mere retention [kumbhaka) of the inhaled air, generally termed sahita kumbhaka27 or inspiratory standstill. Thus, having taken in a deep breath as suggested in the previous exercise, try and retain the inhaled air for a period of ten to twenty secondsmore preferably double the period of inspiration. That is, if the act of inspiration has taken five seconds, the retention should be for not less than ten seconds and so on accordingly. For one thing, do not allow the abdominal muscles to relax but keep them controlled, i.e., held in normal contour, during the entire process of breathing. Fig. 5 illustrates the controlled abdomen during absolute retention of breath. For another, check even the slightest tendency to either inhale or exhale during retention, and
27 The kumbhakas are spoken of as twofold; (i) sahita, and (ii) kevala. Cf. Haihayogapradipik&, II, 71.



maintain a passive state of a bag full of air. After the due perio.d of retentionin the ratio as suggested abovebegin to exhale slowly, and repeat. For the beginners, it is advisable that the process be followed for only five times a day and increased to ten times gradually. The hygienic effects of conscious retention of breath after a forced inhalation with controlled abdomen are quite marked upon, what are termed, the dead space-air and also upon the alveolar air, facilitating better ventilation due to favourable changes in the intrathoracic and intrapulmonic pressures than is otherwise possible. Bernard and Mantoux have shown (Factor of Safety) that the possibility of increase in the depth of respiration is nearly 400 to 500 per cent, and that, after a very deep inspiration, the retention of breath, causing necessary increase in the amount of carbon dioxide, stimulates the respiratory centres to a considerable interchange of oxygen during the internal respiration in contrast to the reverse process which takes place in the lungs. This, according to Rosenau also establishes the regulation of breath by a continuous rather than an irregular and interrupted function of respiratory movements. And this is precisely what the yogin proposes to achieve through habituation to conscious and prolonged retention of breath28 for health, longevity and concentration. Kumbhaka also reduces strain on the circulatory system.
28 Haldane and Priestly have demonstrated this. Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, by Dr. M. J. Rosenau, p. 794. Cf.



(d) Recaka : This practice consists of absolute exhalation {recaka). Thus, having retained the breath, as shown in the previous exercise, try to exhale slowly and in one long continuous rhythm. The object of this exercise is to lengthen the duration of exhalation with a view to facilitating maximum supplemental air. This can be achieved only by allowing the breath to escape in a very slow and small measure much in advance of time, i.e., before a forceful and hasty exhalation becomes a necessity. Try to adjust the time of both the inhalation and retention in such a way as to leave enough margin of time for a complete and prolonged exhalation. For a man of average constitution, the time necessary to complete such an act of either inhalation or exhalation should be not less than five to ten seconds. Various control experiments conducted on forced expiration with controlled abdomen show that, apart from the corresponding pressure changes, a further quantity of air, about 108 cubic inches or 1728 c.c. approximately (Yogendra and Hack), is expelled through deep and prolonged exhalation besides the ventilation gained through normal expiration. Physiologists confirm that the air thus expelled by a forceful deep expiration consists of air from the alveoli. It means that, during recaka as practised above, a larger volume of carbon dioxide is eliminated from the lungs than is possible under normal exhalation. Yoga believes that the restoration of diaphragmatic function is superior in ventilatory effectiveness than ordinary breathing (Barach). 38


(e) Anulomaviloma Breathing .29 It is a matter of general observation that every human being inhales and exhales for a certain periodapproximately an hour and a halfthrough the right nostril and then automatically and unconsciously changes to the left for a like period. Yoga maintains that it is really the effort of Nature towards equibalance of the positive and negative effects of breath both on the body and the mind. That such harmony produced by alternate breathing will considerably aid, through equilibration, the general tone of the respiratory organs is easily realized. The special feature of certain methods of yoga breathing, therefore;, consists in the alternate use of the right and the left nostril to regulate the varied effects of breath on the body and mind. Sitting comfortably in any one of the two postures as recommended previously, inhale deeply, as in puraka, through the right nostril closing the left one. Use the thumb and the little finger for closing the right and the left nostril respectively and alternately as in Fig. 6. Then, maintain kumbhakaaccording to one's capacity or as per the ratio commended previouslyand exhale slowly through the left nostril dosing the right one. Reversely, drawing in the air through the left nostril, the lungs should be filled slowly as before and, after retaining the same for a like period, it should be exhaled as in recaka through the
29 This process is known as suryabhedanaalso termed :-domavilomapranayama. Cf. Ha^hayogapradlpiki, II, 48f.



right nostril. Inhaling thus through the one through which it was exhaled and having retained it there as long as possible, it should be exhaled gently and deeply through the other. In fact, the complete round of yoga alternate breathing consists o f: (i) expiratory standstill before undertaking deep breathing, (ii) inhalation through the right nostril, (iii) inspiratory standstill according to ratio, (iv) exhalation through the left nostril, (v) inhalation also through the left nostrilimmediately following the previous deep exhalation through the same nostril, (vi) inspiratory standstill according to ratio, (vii) exhalation through the right nostril, and (viii) expiratory standstill before undertaking another round of pranayama. Practical students of Yoga may be cautioned, especially with regard to the time-measure in yoga breathing, that the minimum numerical proportion of duration in the three important processes of breathing, viz., puraka,. two-fold kumbhaka, and recaka, be regulated in the ratio of 6 : 8 : 5 (Goraksa). Optionally, expiratory standstill may be of the same duration as the period of inhalation.30 This can be easily achieved by following mental counts, the repetition of Om, the chanting of gayatri or the sacred formula, and, for greater accuracy, the use of a watch. The
30 Cf. Gorakfasamhitd, II, 3ff. The author of GheranJasamhita, V, 40, 41, however, supports the Matsyendra ratio of 1:4:2 instead of 6 : 8 : 5 . The latter, however, is safe and convenient for the beginners.



relative time taken by each act is likely to vary with every individual but, at the lov/est estimate, the same should be adjusted on the following basis : (i) expiratory standstill, 2 seconds ; (ii) inhalation through the right nostril, 2 seconds ; (iii) inspiratory standstill,. 3 seconds ; (iv) expiration through the left nostril, 2 seconds ; (v) inhalation through the left nostril, 2 seconds; (vi) inspiratory standstill, 3 seconds ; (vii) exhalation through the right nostril, 2 seconds ; and (viii) expiratory standstill, 2 seconds. The total time thus required for one round of complete yoga breathing is about 20 seconds or three breaths per minute. The psychosomatic affects of this process are sedative first on the tone, volume and rhythm of the heart and second on the brain waves. Deep breathing as taught by the various systems of medicine and of physical gymnastics in the East and the West differs largely in its technique, its reflex values, and its penultimate objective from the methods of breathing taught by Yoga. It is evident from even the few simple processes discussed previously that yoga breathing offers more favourable physiologic conditions for deeper d expirations than the ordinary generally recommended. Among the many important considerations relative to the respiratory functions, those which exert great influence upon the whole of animal eeonomy are the following : (a) absorption of oxygen, (b) 41


removal of carbon dioxide, (c) dynamic equili bration, (d) volume of arterialised blood, (< e) sedative nervous effects, and (/) maximum vital index for longevity.81 (a) Absorption of Oxygen: From the hygienic point of view alone, the purpose of all breathing exercises should be the assimilation of maximum amount of oxygen with the minimum waste of energy. The natural contour of the controlled abdomen which is a prerequisite to the yoga breathing82contrary to the ordinary deep breathing practised with protracted or relaxed abdomencontributes to a greater intake of air than otherwise. Weber assures us that through deep inspirations a remarkable improvement in the hearts nutrition and action is caused, besides the nutrition and efficiency of the lungs themselves, which undergo in old age a kind of atrophy. He further observes that the depth of inspiration is considerably improved by keeping the abdominal
31 Only a brief reference to some of these vital issues has been made here for the simple reason that the detailed scientific exposition is sure to add bulk and is also not within the limits of this practical text. For full details, refer to other publications of the Institute. 32 In the opinion of the author based upon clinical and laboratory data of over 40 years, the compression of the abdomen as in uddiyana suggested by certain texts during the practice of breathing is really not so necessary. In the case of a layman, purely for hygienic purpose, it is enoughto counter the general reprehensible habit of protracted or relaxed abdomen during breathingif the abdomen is held in normal contour which in itself implies the pull of the abdomen towards the spine (prffhatakar}0#a). Cf. Halhayogapradlpika with Jyotsna, II, 45, 46ff.



muscles controlled during the process of inhala tion.83 This statement may be substantially corroborated by careful control experiments on intrathoracic, intrapulmonic and intra-abdominal pressures during yoga breathing.34 Moreover, during ordinary deep breathing, generally recommended or practised with vigorous exercises of one type or another, the oxygen use runs beyond the power of the respiratory and circulatory organs. This oxygen debt86 overbalances the good that may be derived out of deep breathing, or, even if performed in moderation, does not necessarily produce the healthful effects on the
S3 I have already alluded to the additional advantage of the compression of the abdomen during inhalation, and may further point out that the action of the serous membrane, of the pleura, the pericardium, and the peritoneum are also beneficially influenced by the deep respiratory movements : they constitule a kind of massage to the lungs, the thoracic walls, pericardium and the heart (Sir Lauder Brunton). Cf. British Medical Journal, 1903. 34 It is agreed that the deeper the inspiration, the greater is the fall in the intrathoracic pressure. Physiologists have recorded this fall to be about 30 mm. of mercury. Generally, the fall in the intrathoracic pressure is much greater in yoga breathing than it is in the ordinary breathing which in case of the former reaches as low as 20 mm. It is thus evident that the yoga inspiration is deeper than the ordinary deep inspiration generally associated with deep breathing and experimentally studied by the physiologists. Similarly, favourable metabolic and chemical changes can also be ascertained through oxyhemoglobinometer and the Van Slyke and Cullens method, when applied even to the preliminary yoga breathing as suggested for the care of the respiratory apparatus. 35 Cf Drs. A. V. Hill and H. Lupton in the Qt. Joum. Med., 1923, 16, 135.



respiratory organs. In yoga breathing, however, the restful pose and attitude of the mind, devoid of dynamic movements, cause no oxygen debt, but, on the contrary, the large intake of complemental airstill rich in oxygenhelps to maintain the alveolar air fully satured with reserve of 22 per cent, oxygen, in other words, with about 6 per cent, of extra oxygen above the normal average which is 16 per cent, automatically maintained in the alveolar air ('Rosenau). These and other facts of chemistry and metabolism prove conclusively that the yoga technique and methods of breathing are physiologically quite sound and even superior to other deep breathing exercises in so far as the oxygen value and hygienic benefits are concerned.
(b) Removal of Carbon Dioxide : Haldane, Vierordt, Speck and generally all physiologists contend that the amount of air ordinarily exchanged in each act of breathing, tidal air, is not sufficient to completely empty the lungs of their contents. That a certain amount of air always remains constant in the air cells of the lungs and that this residual air is not expelled by the air cells even during the efforts of deepest expiration. But the process of retention, as in kumbhaka, however, makes the concentration of carbon dioxide possible in the air cells of the lungsa condition so necessary for proper ventilation in the alveolar air. This retention, when followed by recaka during forced exhalation removes through supplemental air a very large amount of carbon dioxide thus concen44


trated; and the deep inspiration immediately following offers ah abundant supply of complemental air, thus causing a change in the volume and composition of the residual air. Again, the conditions which encourage a large output of carbon dioxide, viz., exercise and mental labour etc. being absent during the process of yoga breathing, the amount of carbon dioxide in a given time is lessened thereby tending to prolonged respirations which, in turn, help to diminish the waste from the body and give tone to the respiratory and circulatory organs (Paul). It is thus evident that during yoga breathing, the output of carbon dioxide is less, the respirations are prolonged, and the concentration and amount of carbon dioxide so affected as to facilitate its removal more effectually than is possible through the ordinary deep breathing exercises.8* (c) Dynamic Equilibration: One of the aims of yoga breathing is to produce inner, organic and natural harmonya condition of normal balance and regulation of the respiratory-movements by alternate breathing. This dynamic equilibration is hardly scientifically achieved by the ordinary methods of deep breathing which fail to stimulate maximum coordination within. According to
36 O f greater importance to science, nevertheless, is the study of this subject in the light of various pressure changes effected through the higher yoga breathing methods with jalandhara and uddlyana bandhas and similar accessories. For obvious reasons, such discussion is beyond the scope of this work.



yoga physiology, there are two sets of bionervous [prdnapana vdyus) influences which cause and control the act of respiration.37 The one which is called positive is produced due to solar (surya) influence and breathing through the right nostril, whereas the negative counterpart is produced by lunar (candra) influence from breathing through the left nostril.38 It is further maintained that, by coordination between these two vital biodynamic currents, all life activities are sustained ; and that it is an imperative condition of health that they should be equally balanced.39 The yoga method of alternate breathing, in contrast to the ordinary
37 This should not be confounded with the effects of the positive and negative ventilation interpreted by Head, and supposed to be due to two sets of fibres in the vagus. Cf. Handbook qf Physiology, by W. D. Halliburton, M.D., pp. 369, 370ff. 38 It is of interest here to state that early in 1905, the news papers chionicled the successful experiments of Dr. Atkins of the California Medical College, who had discovered, and succeeded in registering by mechanical means, a positive and a negative electrical current in the air chambers of the lungs of a living person'. Cf. The Law of Rhythmic Breathy by E. A. Fletcher, p. 13. Lindlahr observes that The breath entering through the right nostril creates positive electromagnetic currents which pass down the right side of the spine, while the breath entering through the left nostril sends negative electromagnetic currents down the left side of the spine. These currents are transmitted by way of the neive-centres of ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system, which is situated alongside of the spinal column, to all parts of the body. Cf. Natural Thtrapeutics. Vol. II, by Henry Lindlahr, M.D., p. 189. 39 Cf. Gorakfapaddkati, I, 38, 39ff. ; Yogayqjdaoalkyam, VI, 2ff.



deep breaiiiing, produces sedate harmony within the air-passages, the lungs and the nervous system and thus regulates and unifies the breathing movements and, therefore, the functions of bionergy [prana) which, in fact, is one of the physiologic objectives of Hathayoga.40 [d] Volume of Arlerialised Blood: Due to favourable pressure changes during yoga breathingchanges which are more pronounced than they are during ordinary breathing, whatever the nature of depth bea very large volume of blood is arterialised with each respiration. Howard maintains that, Mere breathing, deep breathing just to develop a big chest capacity is valueless unless the inhaled air can reach everywhereevery tiny cell in the body.41 Physiologically, it is impossible to derive the utmost benefit of arterialization unless
40 Gf. Togasandhya, p. 50 : Togacinldmani, I, pp. 12, 13. Drs. Irving Fisher and Eugene Fisk, of the Hygiene Reference Board of the Life Extention Institute of New York, speak very highly of this type of yoga breathing. They remark, A certain Oriental deep-breathing exercise is particularly valuable to insure slowness and evenness of the breath. It consists of pressing a finger on the side of the nose, so as to close one nostril, breathing in through the other nostril, breathing out of the first nostril in the same manner and then reversing the process. "Attention to the slight sound of the air, as it passes through <xe open nostril, enables the breather to know whether the breathing is regular or slightly irregular. Such breathing exercises can be at the rate of three breaths per minute, and the rate gradually -rduced until it is only two or even less per minute. Gf. How to Hot, p. 26. 41 Cf. Breathe and Be Well, by W. L. Howard, pp. 92, 93.



deep breathing is followed with increased pulmonary circulation. That this is possible is admitted by modem physiologists. Thus, The fall of intra thoracic pressure has a favourable influence on the flow of blood from the extrathoracic veins into the intrathoracic veins, the right side of the heart and the cardiopulmonic vessels. The flow of lymph from the lower portion of the thoracic duct into the upper portion is also increased.42 It is truism that the health, tone, and vigour of the body depends mostly upon the quantity and quality of the blood circulating throughout the system. In the yoga breathing due to favourable coordination between the positive and negative pressures in the intrathoracic cavity, general and pulmonary circulation is likewise improved both in quantity and quality even without the aid of muscular exercise which generally involves considerable waste of both the body tissues and bionergy. (e) Sedative Nervous Effects: Deep breathing, which was originally confined to and associated with the process of concentrationduring the period of the earlier Upanisads, about b . c . 700 was later introduced by the ancient practical yoga teachers like Yajnavalkya, Matsyendra, Goraksa and others also as a hygienic and preventive measure against a number of diseases. Scientific Yoga, therefore, lays great stress upon the value of deep breathing, more so with regard
42 Cf. Human Physiology, by A. P. Brubaker, M.D., p. 127.



Thus, apart from its value to the body, deep alternate rhythmic yoga breathing has also its psychological counterpart. That there should be some affinity between mental activities and respiration seems quite natural when it is realized that, with every breath we take, the brain cerebrates unconsciously and involuntarily. Few people know, and fewer still care to know that every change in the mental state is accompanied by a corresponding change in the volume, force and rhythm of respiration, and that such a continual interaction between the brain and the lungs can be safely utilized for supraphysical and supramental achievements. The yogins maintain that the rise and fall in the depth of respiration cause a corresponding change in the activity of the brain.44 For example, during deep and rapid breathing, the blood circulation in the brain also becomes accelerated. It means quick and rich blood supply to the brain which, in turn, cannot fail to affect a rapid change in the mental modifications [cittavrtti). It has been
43 That a decided nervous relationin the form of simul taneous and coordinated activity of both the respiratory muscles and nerve centres, affecting vice versaexists between the brain and the lungs is an indisputable fact. It is equally certain that a corresponding rhythm can be established in the nervous system through the regulation of the respiratory acts. Cf. Halliburtons Handbook of Physiology, pp. 368, 369ff. 44 Cf. Hafhayogapradipikd, II, 2 : Yogasandhya, p. 75 : and Skandapurana quoted in Yogaclulaman.i. I, p. 31.

to its nervous influence,43 and also as an aid to mental and psychic culture rather than to its healthful physiologic effects promoting longevity.



stated that, He, who has controlled prana through the respiratory system, automatically gains control over the activities of the mind-stuff (citta). In the like manner, he, who has gained control over the activities of the mind-stuff, automatically acquires control over prana and, thus, the respiratory movements.45 Both prana and citta are spoken of as one biomental unit. These sympathetic inter-relations between the breath and the mind are so distinct that, under certain conditions, they produce very remarkable phenomena. Stebbins observes that, It is quite possible for the brain to be engaged in the most intense molecular action and the mind occupied in solving the problems of creation without the lungs responding to such emotions and thought, and sinking to their minimum action, but this can only be accomplished by skilful training.. In other words, in a perfectly natural state the respirations will beat time, so to say, with the depth of thought or the power of emotion dominating the brain. When the thought-vibrations awaken into action the higher intellectual powers of the mind, the respirations sink lower and become slower and slower until in the ecstatic state of abstraction we almost cease to breathe.40 Similarly, the affects of the mind on breathing have been very ably explained by Swedenborg. He remarks that, Thought commences j.and
45 Cf. Hathayogapradipikd, IV, 2Iff, with Jyot*n&. 46 Cf. Harmonic Gymnastics, p. 14.



corresponds with respiration. First, study to feel your thought. Thus when one entertains a long thought, he draws a long breath; when he thinks quickly, his breath vibrates with rapid alternation; when the tempest of anger shakes his mind, his breath is tumultuous; when his soul is deep and tranquil, so is.his respiration. But, let him make trial of the contrary; let him endeavour to think in long stretches, at the same time that he breaths in fits, and he will find that it is impossible.47 The ancient yogins were fully aware of these psychic affects of prana through breath.48 It is thus stated in most of the practical yoga texts ihat breathing is lessened when the mind-stuff becomes absorbed, and that the mind-stuff becomes absorbed when the breathing is restrained.49 By the suspension of one, therefore, comes the suspension of the other. When both the mindstuff and the breath remain controlled, blissful absoluteness is achieved.50 The best means for creating harmony and concentration within, therefore, is first to create harmony in breathing, and this could only be very effectively done through the various breathing methods some of which have already been described. Yoga takes aid of
47 Yoga, therefore, rightly lays stress upon training in the breathing methods as the prerequisite to concentration; and, of these, emotional shut-off is taught first. 48 Yoga without pranayama is empiric and accidental. Gf. Hathayogapradipikd. II, 4. 49 Cf. Ibid, IV, 23. 50 Gf. Ibid, IV, 24 and 25 read with 30;



breathing essentially with a view to controlling the functions of bionergy, and, through such control, to gaining mastery over the mind. Modem re searches fully corroborate this claim as also various other probabilities of interactions between mind and respiration. For example, during certain mental states or emotionsdespair, hope, anger, fear and hate, etc.the respiratory movements vary in such rhythm as to produce an equipoise of force. It is easy for an expert psychologist to tell you the state of your mind from the state of. your respiration, just as the skilled physician is able to diagnose your physical ailments by feeling your pulse. This knowledge of interaction between the brain and the breath has been the common property of all ages. And it is on this foundation that a large number of rhythmic processes of respiration have been formulated by the ancient self-culture adepts, the yogins, who hoped to attain the peace of mind through the regulation of breathing movements.1 Whatever the spiritual claims be, one thing nevertheless is true that the habit of deep, prolonged, rhythmic breathing, in due course, establishes a corresponding state of mental equipoise.62 And this saves much of the dynamic energy of the nerves wasted during physical or mental discord, excitement, and confusion. Prolonged, deep, rhythmic breathing thus acts as a great i nerve *
01 Cf. Ibid, IV, 30. 52 Cf. Togas iitra, I, 34 : TogasdrasaAgraha, II, p. 27.



tonic and ensures the health of tne body and mind. But, as the sedative nervous effects of breath depend more upon the prolonged and restful respiratory acts rather than upon mere deep breathing, it is easy to discriminate between the relative chemical, metabolic and psychic effects of the active ordinary deep breathing (about six breaths per minute) in contrast to a complete round of yoga rhythmic breathing (about one breath per minute). In fact, it is not without scientific reason that in the East, the yogins in order to secure nervous quietude and mental poise took to special methods of breathing much different to those now known to the Westerners as deep breathirg exercise. (/) Maximum Vital Index for Longevity: It is extremely regrettable that the word prana so frequently, discriminately, and persistently used in all the Sanskrit worksespecially in those dealing with Yogahas not been sufficiently or technically understood and interpreted by the Oriental scholars and students of practical Yoga. Even the so-called staunch and zealous exponents of Yogareally, the imitators of this great Institutehave quite naturally misconceived this subject and interpreted the word prana as mere breathor, if stretched further, might at the most agree to or prefer the use of the word oxygen . Although lack of jxygen affects mental processes because of its effects on the brain, this gaseous element does not convey the full meaning of the word prana which 13 the energy evolute of an organism. What,
then, is pram


c a r e o f t h e r e s p ir a t o r y a p pa r a t u s

The right interpretation, to put it broadly, is this :63 The use of the word prana in certain practical yoga works, only at a few places, meaning breath is symbolic of the various uses to which it has been subjected, and this particular interpretation as breath merely identifies one of its activities with respiration. Prana, according to the practical yoga technique and terminology does not at all mean breath, but means most certainly the biomotor force* pervading the whole bodythe most appropriate scientific term now being bionergy. In the human body, it [prana) pervades the entire being,54 and life is sustained (pranlti) exclusively
53 The author has had the pleasure of discussing fin 1923) the root meaning of the word praria with his esteemed friend Dr. Surendranath Dasgupta, one of the leading Sanskritists, of the Calcutta University. In order to be precise in their conceptions, they went through nearly all the most important works in Sanskrit and jointly took down notes on this subject. They are convinced that the word prana is best understood by the physiologic term biomotor force . This interpretation is thus based upon the essential of their findings. For corroborative details, Cf. A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol. II, pp. 256ff. The audacity, therefore, of such unauthorized writers as Kuvalayananda (J. G. Gune) and others who do not know even the difference between prana and vayu, in writing books on the intricate technique of pranayama is self-evident. Lack of practical training, of subjective experience, of close acquaintance with academic findings, and of inheritance of the secret technique as handed down through tradition by the teacher to the disciple is responsible for such gross misinterpretation and application of this most important word of scientific YSa> * 54 Cf. P.vinopanisad, III, 3. This view has been accepted by the ancient Indian medical authorities



because of it.65 In this capacity, it upholds the body by keeping together the various mind and body substances in essential harmony and unity through its manifold activities.60 What the orthodox physiologists refer to as vital force, life energy or life force (Scott), the biologists as the biomotor force (Haeckel) or, better still, bionergy 'Dorland), and the modern scientists as the flying energy in the body (Stiles)exactly corro borating the definition capaldspada of the ancient yoginsis, in fact, the very prana referred to by scientific Yoga. The specific function of this prana is motion and, because it moves, it is called prana (praydnam tm ite eti prandh) ,67 Thus, it is the prana which operates in the sperm or iukra and the ovum or rajas for if the prana had not acted at the time of conception, the embryo would not have developed or ultimately would not have led to the creation of a child.68 It is also held that this prana performs its functions in the human body only when it is nourished with food, water, air and light ccc.5* Thus, we are told that when the food
55 Gf. Kaufitaki Brahmaria, II, 5 ff; Kenopanifad, I, 8 ?:gejdjnavalkyam, IV, 20 ; and Carakasamhita, sutrasthanam, X II, 7. !o Cf. Ibid ; Dehendriyavidhdranakaranam pranah | Brahmasutra Bhomati, II, IV, v, 11. f ' Cf. $afacakravivTtti, p. 12 ; KapilagUa, II, 31 ; and Kenopani~ m, I , if f . 5* Cf. Brahmasutra with tfafikarabhasya, II, IV, v, 10, Ilf. *9 Cf. Maitrayani Upanifad, V I, 11, 12f.; Taittirlya, I, v, 3.



is taken, the water is drunk, or the air is inhaled, its fine esscnce becomes transformed into prana since it is both the cause and effect of them.60 That the knowledge of this prana, its activities and control was a great advantage to the yogins in the evaluation and evolution of Man can hardly be denied, when it is realized that the modern sciences plead their ignorance and inability to fathom its mysteries. What at most Bertrand Russell can say about it is that this chemical imperialism is a curious chemical property which when mixed with suitable environment transforms a mass of dead matter into a mass of living matter. It is this property which has made organic evolution possible.61 Stebbins honestly admits that there has been a something extracted from the atmosphere besides the oxygen which is supposed to be the real basis of life, a something which science at present knows nothing about, and which, consequently, she

cannot explain 62

60 Cf. Chandogya Upanifad, I, viii, 4/VI, v, 2 ; Taittiriyopanifad, I, v, 3f. ; Mahdndrdyana Uptmifad, I, 29 ; also Cctrakasamhitd, sutrasthanam, XXVII. 61 Cf. Limits of Human Power. 62 "All that the most able experimenters have, as yet, been able to ascertain is that an unknowable, undefinable change has taken place in the air which we have respired. This truth has been fully illustrated in the careful experiments of Dr. B. W. Richardson, by which it was demonstrated that the air which has been respired loses its life-supporting quality, independent of any change by loss of oxygen or acquisition of carbonic acid. That there is a recognized something necessary for the support of life besides the physical environments known to chemistry, is a scientific fact,



The yogins, however, are able to demonstrate that through certain methods of deep and rhythmic breathing exercises / both the general tone and vital index of the body are inordinately increased to be sure, through the regulation, conservation and control of pranaand further, that the maintenance of maximum vital index ensures sufficient reserve vitality to stand as a great preventive against disease-dangers and thus helps to prolong life.63


Among the large number of patients treated for respiratory troubles by the author, both in India and America, through the yoga methods of breathing combined largely with such rational therapeutic measures as the sun, air and steam baths, massage, hydrotherapy and diet etc.the following case

and, in this respect, Dr. Joseph Rhodes Buchanan in his Therapeutic Sarcognomy very truly remarks ; That the life-supporting quality of the atmosphere is continually varied is certain, there being some element in it which chemists have not yet detected. This peculiar something which constitutes the life-quality, and which careful experiments demonstrate to be missing in air that has been respired, is the next grand problem that awaits the solution of science. What, then, is it? Cf. Dynamic Breathing, by Genevieve Stebbins, pp. 49ff. 63 It may be of interest to point out here that, according to the yogins, whatever prolongs the interval between two breaths sahita kumbhaka or inspiratory standstillpromotes longevity, Paul observes that, From the above analysis of the fore-mentioned long-lived individuals, it appears that they respired less than six times per minute the normal being sixteen times per minute.' Cf. A Treatise on the Toga Philosophy by N. C. Paul, G.B.M.C., p. 7.



that through certain methods of deep and rhythmic breathing exercises ( both the general tone and vital index of the body are inordinately increased :o be sure, through the regulation, conservation maintenance of maximum vital index ensures -ufficient reserve vitality to stand as a great preventive against disease-dangers and thus helps to prolong life.63
Among the large number of patients treated for respiratory troubles by the author, both in India and America, through the yoga methods of breathing combined largely with such rational therapeutic measures as the sun, air and steam baths, massage, hydrotherapy and diet etc.the following case pd control of pranaand further, that the

The yogins, however, are able to demonstrate

and, in this respect, Dr. Joseph Rhodes Buchanan in his Therapeutic Sarcognomy very truly remarks ; That the life-supporting quality of the atmosphere is continually varied is certain, there being some element in it which chemists have not yet detected* This peculiar something which constitutes the life-quality, and which careful experiments demonstrate to be missing in air that has been respired, is the next grand problem that awaits the solution of science. What, then, is it ? Cf. Dynamic Breathing, by Genevieve Stebbins, pp. 49ff. 63 It may be of interest to point out here that, according to the yogins, whatever prolongs the interval between two breaths sahita kumbhaka or inspiratory standstillpromotes longevity. Paul observes that, "From the above analysis of the fore-mentioned long-lived individuals, it appears that they respired less than six times per minute the normal being sixteen times per minute.1' Cf. A Treatise on the Yoga Philosophy by N. C. Paul, G.B.M.C., p. 7.



hypodermic injections and these were followed in succession, i.e., ranging from two to four injections in eight hours each night. In such a state of health, having failed to secure relief through the usual methods of treatment and drugs known to modern science, he subjected himself to the yoga treatment. Needless, to enter into the details of actual treatmentwhich, of course, included corrective and therapeutic breathing methods known to Yogasuffice it to mention here that, in the course of a week, the patient was able to use his bed instead of a chair for sleeping which he did not have the good fortune to do for the past three years, and enjoyed undisturbed rest of two to three hours. After this, he improved very rapidly under the yoga regimen and was allowed to return home after three weeks. He religiously kept to the treatment methods taught to him and regained his normal health in the course of six more months. He observed after three years of steady impro vement, in a personal letter to the author, dated September 8th 1925, th a t: It is good to be able to tell you that I have had no trouble with asthma of late. In my case it seems essential to build up my general health and strength. It is noticeable that when I rest a great deal and take things easy I have no trouble. I still keep up the yoga exercises every morning, and believe they are most helpful; also, I rarely, if ever, eat m eat; have no taste for it any more.

Fig. 8


Master M.A.I.R. of Bombay, age 8, case No. B o m . 759, was operated two years ago for adenoiditis and tonsillitis. After operation, the throat became septic resulting in low grade septic fever lasting for over three months. Soon on recovery, he was attacked with whooping cough which continued to linger for over a year. Grand-son of a rich knight, no treatment was spared howsoever expensive but to no avail. Finally he was recommended to undergo treatment at the Institute, and, when admitted on the 10th February 1941, was found suffering from whooping cough with intermittent fits of sneezing and paroxysms. Wheezing in the lungs extremely prominent. During attacks at night lasting for hours, he suffered terribly from the usual feeling of suffocation with the face becoming cyanosed. Due to this malady, sleep was disturbed and, being chronic, it wore him down and kept him listless. He was accepted as an outpatient purely as a trial case. After two months of treatment, violent and frequent sneezing stopped. Lungs were normal free from any trace of wheezing. Sleep sound and undisturbed. Spasmodic paroxysms completely absent. Breathing capacity recorded a rise of nearly 8 3 |% (600cc/l lOOcc) with corresponding increase in vitality by 25% (56/75 E. Lbs. Grip.) Mr. M.A.R. o f Bombay, age 17, case No. S tc . 862, was found suffering from asthma. He gave up his studies in U.K. and all treatment methods in Europe and India proved ineffective, and semi-invalidism continued. The hilar regions were


found heavy radiating upwards and downwards, giving an appearance consistent with bronchial asthma. The heart was found rather narrow. Sheer desperation and faith brought the patient to the Institute on the 5th December 1949 where he remained as an inpatient for three months. During the period his respiratory capacity improved from 2000cc to 3750cc, his blood pressure from 100s d to 11 O s d , and the endurance test from E.Lbs. to 2 10 E.Lbs. He was discharged in good health completely cured. X -ray after the treatment showed normal heart and lungs, and when last examined after seven years, he was found to be in perfect health. Refer to F ig s. 7 and 8.






Writing about the treatment of asthma in the M ay 1935, Dr. J . L. Livingstone makes many important observations regarding the value of right breathing exercises for asthmatics. He states, The value of breathing exercises is not sufficiently appreciated in the treatment of asthma. It is an extremely valuable form o f therapy, and is applicable to most cases. It is something the patient feels he can do for himself, and if he has sufficient perseverence and energy to acquire necessary control of the respiratory muscles, it is no exaggeration to say that fifty per cent will be symptom-free and a further thirty-five per cent will be very much improved.


The aims of remedial breathing exercise are : (a ) to acquire automatic diaphragm breathing


at the expense of the thoracic type of Weathing ; (ib) to concentrate on expiration rather than inspiration, especially on the on-set :>f an attack ; (c) to increase the mobility of the chest wall and to relax the accessory muscles of respiration ; and (d) to correct the kyphosis and other deformities commonly found in the chronic asthmatic. It may be mentioned here that the Asthma Research Council of Great Britain have only of late bethought of recommending certain breathing exercises meeting the above requirements. It is also computed by the Council that unless the patient can acquire a chest expantion of at least 2 \ at the fourth rib and 2 " at the epigastrium, he should be treated as having not acquired the technique, and will, therefore, not be much improved. An interesting feature of their finding, however, is that a number of patients report that they are able to abort an attack by doing the simple expiratory exercises at the on-set of wheezing. For over decades, a large number of patients suffering from asthma have been most successfully treated at the Institute through yoga therapeutics.4 Remarkable case reports of asthma with narrow heart, myocardosis, fibrotic lungs, emphysema, and similar complications have already been recorded and published by us along with radiograms.
65 The use of breathing exercises as a therapeutic measure in the treatment of asthma and other respiratory diseases was fully known to the ancient yogins. The recent scentific findings are merely a rediscovery. Cf. Togayajnavalkyam, IX, 37; Ha\hayogasamhita, IX 38. 62


Not less than about a hundred cases have recently passed through our observation and the results, irrespective of age, sex and duration of suffering, have been in the main all that could be desired .66 That of all the breathing exercises known, the yoga methods of breathing are undoubtedly superior in many respects is a fact which has been scientifically established and demonstrated by the author long before. For the laymen, such exercises rave been fully described in other publications of the Institute, and the methods so illustrated 15 could be safely followed both by the lay students ii well as those suffering from respiratory and other -roubles.67 Great care has to be taken to avoid any possible -rain or tendency to suffocation by overdoing any 7 irticular breathing movement, as the respiratory : rgans are very susceptible to local injury. During LI exercises, moreover, the mind should be kept
56 In one female patient, Miss S. S., age 16, case No. Bom. f, who suffered from anemia, underweight and low vitality, whose rtathing capacity at the time of admission was only 500cc. *-2normally low), a gradual rise in the lung capacity brought new l i . At the termination of her treatment, her weight increased 8 Lbs. (91/97 Lbs.) and the breathing capacity, surprizingly s c -gh, recorded a rise of nearly 400 per cent (500cc/2100cc) conformity with her normal vital index requirements for her age, *- ght and height. i~ The scientific value of yoga researches and publications The Yoga Institute may be easily gauged from such facts as the YOGA RESPIRATORY HYGIENE



Through continence, vigour is obtained. 38. Life is prolonged, indeed, by the preservation of the internal secretions of the sex glands (bindu). Sivasamhitd, IV, 88.
Yogas ulrn,II,

I t is a matter of more regret than surprise that a subject of such grave and complex importance as the sex. hygiene, which really transcends the limited sphere of physiology, viz., the reproductive organs, and, on which depends largely the psychic, moral and general health of man, has been either conveniently avoided or not sufficiently emphasized to warrant serious attention of the public. There, however, is no one single human instinct that wields such a great influence upon an -individual, in all capacities, at all ages and at all times, as does sex (Vatsayana). In Yoga, it is imperative that the manifold characteristics of sex are positively and primarily understood in order that its hygiene may be thoroughly appreciated. Besides the two cardinal principles of motion and nutrition, every living cell or aggregation of cells possess also a capacity for reproduction, 65


and the sexual sense and organs on which this entire process depends thus touches the very foundations of biologic, moral, and psychic life of man. In fact, the preservation of self is universally regarded as the strongest human instinct and is often alluded to as the first law of Nature. That there exists an equally importantin some respects, even of primary importanceinstinct of self-propagation can hardly be denied. This more or less closely allied and intimately coexisting principle of life consists in the desire to prolong or perpetuate self in species which is manifested by sexuality or the sex sense and fulfilled biologically through the activity of the sex organs*. It may sound theoretically, morally or aesthe tically unpleasant but it has since long been found to be practically true that there can he passion without love but there can be no love without passion. Sex is the central biologic urge of life for it is an ever-present stimulus which must be sublimated.63 It is the animating impulse of all organic life which underlies the struggle for existence and search for happiness in the anirpal world. It is thus easy to understand why in dealing with the three great objectives of life, the ancient Hindu authorities on Erotics not only did not refer to the highest spiritual purpose of man but coolly accepted systematic sexuality as the be all and the end all of human happiness.69
68 Cf. Chandogya Upanifad, III, xvii, 1, 2, 3. 69 Cf. JCdmasutra, I and II. 66


Similarly, Malchow in the West boldly asserts that, It may be said of humanity that if it lives for any one purpose more than another, that purpose is sexual 70 Within the past few decades, especially after Freud published his work71 on sexuality in human beings the conceptions of sex have undergone radical changes. The words sexual or sex [libido)12 are utilized and elaborated by the followers of Freudian doctrines in their very broad sense with a more general and less specific meaning than is conveyed by the usual connotation of limiting it to the reproductive faculty. According to the Freudian theory of sex, it is assumed that besides the conscious mind, there is an unconsciousbetter expressed by the word subconsciousmind denoting all those mental processes of which we are not aware. Psychoana lysis however, undertakes to explore the study of this so-called unconscious mind, especially by establishing its relationship to self-consciousness.78
70 Cf. The Sexual Life , by C. W. Malchow, M .D., p. 196. 71 Cf. Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie, by Sigmund Freud, Lcpzig and Wien. 72 Other names such as elan vital (Bergson), home (Jung) and craving (Putnam) etc. have been proposed, but the word libido is used here to express the terminology of Freud. 73 If is the function of psycho-analysis to bring to con sciousness the processes that-are normally unavailablefor consciousness. Cf. Psycho-analysis, by W. J Fielding, p. 13. PSYCHOANALYTIC APPROACH TO SEX



Freud, in effect, maintains that sex. is born with us for it covers the entire sphere Of the primary biological pleasure-principle and manifests itself through all stages of life and at all times.74 In India, this idea of sex influence in all ages and in all spheres of life is as old as the works on libido sexualis (kama) which may be traced to the erotic sciences of India compiled nearly a thousand years ago.76 According to these new viewpoints, in sharp contrast to the orthodox attitude of fear and superficial explanations, it is now possible and necessary to realize, through rational and scientific interpretations, the vital importance of sexual hygiene affecting, as it does, not only the biologic sphere of reproductive organs but also the health of both the subconscious and the conscious mind.
74 Dr. Alfred Adler of Vienna, however, considers thtf three fundamental views of the Freudian sex theory as erroneous and replaces this theory with that of his, viz., masculine protest (imannlichen) as the guiding principle in human life. Cf. The Neurotic Constitution, by Dr. Alfred Adler, p. ix. 75 T hat psychoanalysis in various forms existed in India and that the influence of sex on life was recognized by the ancient yogins is becoming more and more evident. Cf. Kamasutra, Ch. II. ; Tog*, Vol. V, 2. East has specialized for centuries in just this line of investigation and has collected a vast store of knowledge. And indeed as Jung and other psychologists have outspokenly stated we are but babies to them in the deep things. That is also my firsthand experience. Cf. Sane Psychology for Sane People, by M. S. Desmond, p. 18ff. 68


In the case of human beings, thus, the sexual instinct and its expressions have a very far-reaching and decided influence upon the (a) psychic, (b) moral, (c) mental, and (d) physical growth of an individual. These influences of sex extend in mysterious ways that as yet. we do not understand.76 Hartley, emphasizing this fact, observes : For in sex we have as yet learnt .very little, and I doubt sometimes if we can ever learn very much, except each one of us for ourselves out of our own experience. The sex emotions are among the deepest, if not the deepest of our nature ; they exercise an influence on every phase of development, and in one form or another, direct the entire being of the individual.77 (a) Psychic: It has been maintained, during all ages and by all classes of spiritually-minded people in all countries, that psychic evolution is not possible except through purity in sex matters. All the systems of soul-culture, therefore, either Indian or non-Indian (Flagg) consider the control of sex desire as an essential requisite which is rigidly enforced upon the would-be students of spiritual life. The results thus obtained, e.g., the spiritual perspective, evolution and attainments
76 Finally, we must remember that our knowledge of sex is quite incomplete. Our ignorance (in sex matters) is abysmal. Cf. Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, by M. J. Rosenau, M.D., p. 88. 77 Cf. Motherhood and Relationship of the Sexes, by C. G. Hartley, pp. 326ff.




claimed by the followers of celibacy, however, may principally be ascribed to the sense of elevation and security aided by the concentration and conservation of sex energy and absence of emotional flow ultimately leading to an abstract or negative influence upon the psychic environments of an individual. [b) Moral: The moral influence of sex is evident in the classic social institutions and marriage rights and imposition of certain moral laws concerning sex matters and sex relations. Even among the wild tribes, the slightest transgression of this particular organic functionsex gratification except under stipulated conditions including certain rights granted by the society, causes great commotion and is generally looked upon with intolerance. It also cannot be denied that, in the individual, the idea of evil and inferiority so closely associated with sex desire and its abuse, imbibed through centuries of vague but constant propaganda from the religious and moral teachers, exerts a very marked influence on his moral character and social traits generally. (c) Mental: The sexual sense and its deve lopment is a far greater causative factor in the production of mental states than is commonly supposed.78 What is undoubtedthough hardly observed or fully realized and appreciated
78 Cf. The Sexual Life, by Dr. C. W. Malchow, p. 34.



is that sexual problems become translated, in many cases, into mental problems.79 This principle the relationship of sex to the mindwas thoroughly recognized by the ancient students of psychology in India, and the movement for purity in sex and continence [brahmacarya) during the Vedic period was principally based upon this hypothesis. Freud, Janet, Kish, Fowler, Havelock Ellis and other investigators in the field of sexual science, however, have of late attempted to prove the same old empiric belief as correct, of course, through scientific and valid reasons. Although varied in certain details, their conclusions point to a general agreement that the causes of mental aberrations, viz., neurosis and psychosis are, in a very large degree, remotely or nearly allied to or influenced by the sex impulses. And further, that the health of mind is in some measure dependent upon the health of sex organs, impulses and other associated agents inclusive. (d) Physical: The physiological significance of sex instinct and sex hygiene is self-evidentreassured by our everyday observationsduring the growth of a boy into a man and a girl into a woman. Consistent with the hygienic effects of the sex organs, it has been rightly emphasized by physiologists of such eminence as Lipschutz, Halliburton and others that the removal of sex endocrine glands in either sex has a very deleterious influence upon the
79 Cf. Mental Hygiene, by Abraham Myerson, M.D., p. 447.


mental and physical growth of an individual.80 White, Kempf and others supply us an elaborate list of the large number of diseases other than sexual that arise solely due to dysfunctions of one or more of the sex organs.81

The dangers of ignorance, or of sudden, and too late knowledge in sex matters, are very great and, possibly, more prevalent, than commonly supposed. They may be roughly classified as those that exert their evil influence (a) before and after puberty ; and (b) during the married life. (a) Before and after Puberty: It is now a wellestablished truism that the most injurious influences affecting the physical and mental condition of young children arise mainly from ignorance of sex and misdirected sex impulses.82 The two of the worst dangers into which it is possible for every young boy and girl to fall, due largely to absence of or improper advice in the sex sense, are :
80 Castration in early life, as in the case of eunuchs, results in the loss of internal secretionsboth the testes and ovaries produce valuable hormonesand a failure in development of the secondary eexual characters which distinguish the male and female both physically and mentally, Cf. Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, by Dr. M. J . Rosenau, p. 85. 81 Cf. Principles of Mental Hygiene, by W. A. White, M.D., ; also The Autonomic Functions and Personality, by Dr. E. J. Kempf. 82 See Education and Infant Welfare, in Annual -Repoi t for 1914 of the Chief Medical Officer of the Board of Education (Cd. 8055, London).



i) the artificial stimulation of the reproductive organs, and (ii) the acquisition of degraded ideas on the subject of sex. i. O f these two evils, self-abuse quite common among both the sexes83 produces many com plications and disastrous results which, most certainly, could be prevented by timely advice and necessary information on the subject. ii. But, the degraded ideas acquired, during these stages of ignorance, for want of proper knowledge in sex matters are more vicious than even the physical loss sustained through self-abuse which in later years is, to some extent and in man) cases, overcome. These, therefore, have a lifelong influence upon the personality, character and behaviour of an individual and develop sub-consciously into sexual perversions and inversions, viz., homosexuality, sadism, and masochism etc., and, at times, progress beyond that by reducing the unfortu nate victim to a state of moral and physical wreck. (b) During the Married L ife: The miseries of married life are multiplied by the perverted psychosexual tendencies and ignorance in respect of their proper functionsthe uses and abuses of the generative organs. Unhygienic sexual relations, during the married life, have the same physiologic and psychic disadvantages as are

83 Among those who are of the opinion that women resort to solitary practices with greater frequency than men, may be mentioned Morris, Pouillet, Naecke, Moraglia and others. Cf. The Sexual Life, by G. W. Malchow, p. 77.



common to masturbation. Venereal diseases from which approximately more than one-fifth of the adult population suffers (Biggs) have their origin in unnatural and unclean sexual life. Such relationships, whether within the marriage bonds or outside them do not alter the position so far as suffering is concerned, for a marriage is no safeguard against disease or ignorance. Impotence and insanity are again the extreme but usual results of ignorance in sex matters, besides a large number of diseases both physical and mental which might well be ascribed to unhygienic sexual relations. Usually, the sexual relationships outside of marriage tend to intensify the evil consequences of neglectthe very fact of their being unnatural, unsocial and dictated by the uncontrolled urge of circumstancesbreed weakness, irresponsibility, anxiety and their attendent consequences. Besides the pairing individuals, both the home and the society suffer and participate in the untold amount of misery and even premature deaths, all due to a preventable cause, viz., ignorance in sex matters. The pinch of ignorance, however is most alarming and disastrous for a woman more than a man during all sexual actsand especially during the period of pregnancy, as the demands of motherhood are physiologically the most exacting.

Chief among the causes that present difficulties in freely imparting the knowledge of matters 74
*i. *


sexual may be counted religious and ethica! hypocrisy.84 As a consequence, sex subject? are usually viewed with either false sentiments or vulgarity. Such shameful concealments, however, do not lead to anything like purity in sexual life. On the contrary, the secretive and baneful influences become more painful and deeply rooted than would otherwise have been the case if sex education .as made available to those who most need it. Especially, in regard to sex education, the old-style :nnocence, false modesty and artifices should be discarded as sinful ignorance at the earliest opportunity, and the sex subject should be discussed most frankly and truthfully. There are only two possible alternatives to meet this problem, that is, either (i) to leave the young to their own fate to pick up information from vulgar and unclean mind or (ii) to give it ourselves in such rational manner as to associate it with healthy thoughts and actions. One thing, nevertheless, is clearand on which there is a general agreement among all classes of hygienicallyinclined peoplethat sex education is necessary for healthy living. Emphasizing the need for such education in sex hygiene, Rosenau observes that, Every boy and girl, before reaching the age of puberty, should have a knowledge of sex,
84 We ourselves are shame-faced because we are still savages in sex. If not, why this awe and funk, these taboos and mysteries, all the secretive cunning with which we hide from the young facts coat we all know, but pretend that we dont know ?*' Cf. Motherhood and the Relationships of the Sexes, by C. G. Hartley, p. 327.



and every man and woman before the marriageable age should be informed on the subject of repro duction and the dangers of venereal diseases. Superficial information is not true education.86 Instruction in sex hygiene may be imparted through three principal avenues, namely, (a) in the school, [b) at home, and (e) by literature. [a) In the School: As Boutroux maintains, Education, in its true and complete meaning, is not the acquisition of any particular habit or knowledge, but rather the cultivation of the human being with all his physical, intellectual, and moral powers.86 This object of education could not, however, be possibly achieved by ignoring the very existence and function of an instinct and an organic life so dominating and powerful as sex. It is really deplorable, therefore, that both the boys and girls in our schools are trained to become secretive about themselves, treating their special sexual functions as a mystery and shame. And the greatest folly of the modern educational system, undoubtedly, lies in the fact that, at all times we continue to educate boys and girls as if they are sexless neuters, when human nature keeps on asserting that they are not. Who should impart the sex knowledge ? As the success of instruction depends largely upon person lity, knowledge and confidence, it is
85 Cf Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, p. 85. 86 Cl. Education and Ethics, E. Boutroux (Member of the Academy), p. ix.



imperative that the person to impart the information should have impressive personality, thorough knowledge of the subject, and absolute trust of his students. At what age should the knowledge of sex be disclosed ? Naturally, this should vary according to the ages and sexboy or girland should be imparted gradually, according to the need of an individual. In practice, there can be no fixed age-limit for such a purpose, i.e., the period at vhich sex education could be. best imparted, for :t entirely depends on the awakening of sex ; onsciousness in the young mind, and this is likely 10 vary with each individual.87 What should be the nature of such instructions ? For one thing, sex instructions should be individual rather than collective. For another, no general principle could be laid down as to the details and manner in which the subject might be handled. It all depends on the individual need and circumstances. The following suggestions might, however, be found useful as basis for modifications :
87 It has been reported by Fowler, quoting authentic resources u:d testimonials, that even the girls and boys (between the ages : dx and eight years) have known all about the practice of mastur:arion and understood the language used to describe it. Dr. 'oodward of the Worcester Lunatic Asylum remarks that those -ho think that information on this subject (sex) is unnecessary hardly aware how extensively known this habit is with the young hew early in life it is sometimes practised. Cf. Creative and Sexual Science, by Prof. O. S Fowler, p. 805.



In the young children, between the age of four to seven years, the curiosity for the knowledge of maternity, how and why of birth etc., is very keen, and it is advisable to answer their questions with all possible frankness just enough to satisfy their prying interest. No specific information on the subject of sex relations should be offered to them at this stage. The growing child , reaching the age of puberty, however, should be precisely informed of the unnatural habits, aided by the study of physiology, biology and hygiene. The rewards of strength and virtueespecially in respect of sex hygiene should be emphasized rather than the dangers of weakness and vice. The young student, between the age of eight to fourteen years, should be further cautioned with great seriousness to avoid trifling with or handling of his or her external genitals, reminding him or her of the consequences which may impair his or her intellectual and physical growth, marring their bright and promising future. At about the age of fourteen or sixteen years, boys as well as girls should be fairly well acquainted with the physiologic functions of the sex organ and their specific purpose.88 They should also be enlightened and cautioned against the venereal peril, emphasizing its evil effects upon their
function, () reproduction and (b) supply of force and energy to
sensual pleasure ; that the testicles and ovaries have a twofold

are : that the true purpose of sex function is reproduction and not


Some of the'facts all young men and women should know



respective would-be partners and the future off springs. Great care, indeed, needs to be exercised while imparting such knowledge to the young generation. At no time should such suggestions as are likely to excite their morbid curiosity be offered unnecessarily for that may do more harm than good. When it is realized that a large percentage of even the high school and college students suffer from venereal diseases,89 it becomes imperative to suggest that certain preventive measures should also be employedbesides mere educationto cure those who may be suffering and to save those who may have become victims to these modern sex-plagues. In considering venereal prophylaxis, it should be further remembered that such diseases do not yield immediately and the student should, therefore, be advised to undergo a continued and
other organs of the body ; that occasional emissions at night are evidences of normal physiologic activity; that chastity is compatible with health ; and that sex instinct in man may and can be con trolled. For elaboration, see Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, p. 85. 89 Making a personal appeal to the author for suggesting means to prevent the progress of venereal diseases among students, Prof. H. C. Mukeijee of the Calcutta Universitylate governor of Bengal (W.)observes, For sometimes past I have been noticing with increasing sorrow a gradual deterioration among our students in both their physique and morals. When I inspected the Carmichael Medical College last, I was informed on unimpeachable nedical authority that 70 to 75 per cent venereal cases treated in the outdoor dispensaries of Calcutta are contracted by the students of higher school classes and college students. Dated the 5th June 1930, Senate House.



reasonably efficient medical treatment even after the supposed cure. (ib) At Home: The sex education should not always be left entirely to the school teachers, for much solid and constructive education can be imparted and supervised at home. The most effectual preventive against sexual abuses is character-building, and this could hardly be accomplished better than through proper training at home. It is the mother who should enlighten the young girl on the abuses and dangers of sex, and see every day that her instructions are carried out and that all the hygienic measures specified for this purpose are strictly observed. Boys should likewise be instructed by their fathers or guardians who should make it a daily habit, in the interest of their own children or wards, to keep watch of their moral, mental, and physical growth, Besides cleanliness of the external sex organs and emphasis on the virtue of moral life, hygienic measures for general health should also be enforced because sexual health is mainly constitutional and responds quickly to a corresponding increase in the standard of physical well-being. (c) By Literature : Also much can be accomplished in broadcasting healthy sex education by pro paganda methodsthrough press, documentaries and lectures etc.publications, notifications, posters, visual instructions and many other avenues, e.g., through distribution of authorized literature on

m o d e r n s e x h y g ie n e

the subject o f sex, followed by free instructions at the health centres and clinics. Not that only the boys and girls of tender age are ignorant o f sex hygiene but even the grown-ups and the married do not seem to know much about the proper care and right use of sexual organs and their respective functions.* Personal instruction is, indeed, the best medium in educating the general public on matters of sex but, where this aid is not available, literature is the next best source of education.

It is now widely recognized that idleness, evil associates, impure thoughts, stimulating drinks or food, over-eating and constipation etc. are among the main causes that excite passion. Unclean habits also tend to irritation of sex organs, just as emotional or mental excitement and curiosity stimulate sexual craving. Erotic films and styles of dress with intent to sex appeal are equally responsible for voluptuous character and behaviour. What is needed for sex hygiene is not puritanism but rational and scientific perspective and approach about matters sexual. The code of personal hygienefor purity in sexrecommended by the modern scientists is principally constitutional. Thus, idleness is to be replaced by physical exercise and an out-of-door life. Evil associates and impure thoughts could likewise be substituted by the habit of occupying or diverting the mind to other subjects or to more



useful aims of life, viz., art and literature, etc., which may serve as a safety valve for the excess eroticism of youth. Indulgence in stimulating drinks or food and overeating Can be remedied by self-denial and moderation. Constipation and other pathological conditions should be relieved through the various means suggested elsewhere in this work. Again, in order to prevent irritation caused by decomposition of secretions of the sex endocrine glands, genital cleanliness should be practised daily and thoroughly. The hazard of kissing, erotic excitability, and other unsanitary practices must be lessened or absolutely avoided. The need for hygienic sexual relationshipwithin or outside the marriage bonds is also imperative and considerable precautions should prevail before indulging in such acts in order to guard against possible harm to both the parties. Literature which scientifically treats of the physiological functions of sex and its psychological affects, more than anything else, may prove to be the best medium of diffusing knowledge upon sex matters. It can also easily meet the need of a vast majority of people who are usually misguided by vulgar and superficial knowledge and degraded ideas and instructions upon matters sexual.

The psychoanalyst interprets that the sexual impulse and energy become directed to more .useful anu non-sexual purposes} in adult life,


through a process termed sublimation. Should the sexual impulses and energies, however, remain un sublimated or unexpunged, they become invariably manifested through various psychosexual perversions and inversions.90 The unsublimated libido is further supposed to cause some form of derangement of the nervous system and the psychic structurea neurosis in one of its several variationsgenerally.91 Thousands of years in advance, Yoga recognized the full significance, of all such issues, namely, the need and usefulness of the process of sublimation,92 and has recommended the replacement, deflection or purification of the energy not only of the sexual impulse but also of the non-sexual mental modifications {cittavjttx) ,93 This is best achieved by efforts at concentration and elevated noral and spiritual life,94 filled with humanism, inmostness, devotion and purity etc., so necessary to deflect the mind from sexual impulses.95 The hope of attaining supranormal powers or asfasiddhi and the acquisition of physical, mental
90 Cf. Dr. Hitchmans Freud's Theory of the Neurosis, p, 112. 91 Ibid, p. 115. 92 Avaddtarupakaranam Cf. Vyasabhdfya, II, 30, 93 Cf. Yogasutra, I, 23ff. 94 Compare Yogasutra, I, 2 to be read with the above sutras, 95 Mai chow observes, It is a deep and discriminating knowledge of the psychology of man that requires the elimination of sexuality in order to insure a greater bnthusiasm, deeper devotion and mental concentration for a spiritual cause, Cf, The Sexual L\fe, by Dr. Malchow, p. 34.



and spiritual perfection held before the would-be yogin inspires him with the necessary fervour and willingness to sacrifice base gratifications, sexual and otherwise, for the sake of higher achievements. The moral code of observances and restraints (jama and niyama) is a great check against the biologic instincts and emotional inhibitions and thus the weaker side of nature. By scrupulous cleanliness, disinclination to ones own body and cessation of contact is encouraged* which, in turn, conduces to dispassion (vairdgya) towards all sexual acts. And finally, the love and search for ultimate knowledgecalled brahmajHdna or viHsjajndnaserves his purpose for a guiding line (Adler). These with other substitutes of a varied nature occupy the entire being of an individual leaving neither time nor space for expressions of sexual impulse during the study of Yoga. The physical sex energy of the youth finds an outlet in the yoga physical culture and control with the galvanizing urge for higher and still higher achievements unto longevity through the various purificatory means. Again, scrupulous personal hygiene (dehahiddhi) diminishes the danger and chances of passion-consciousness invariably roused by morbidity, both in its frequency and intensity. It is thus clear that more interest is, undoubtedly, aroused by these methods of yoga sublimation than
96 Cf. Yogesutra, II, 40.



is ordinarily possible through love of art or literature and certain socially useful purposes. What ii more, Yoga changes the very personality and perspective on life, and the sexual instinct is, in fact, reduced to an exceptional nullity. Again, the positive and negative contemplations (pratipaksa and vipaksa bhdvana) purify the mind of unclean thoughts and inspire one for the attainment of highest good through equanimity, dispassion, and indifference to the pairs of the opposites (dvandva). Lastly, the ideal of -brahmacarya or chastity adds considerably to the yoga efforts at sublimation.97

In the Vedic and earlier Upanisad periods, continencein the sense of abstinence from sexual intercourse whether by action, word or thought with all living beings and at all times98was regarded as the highest and the only virtue leading to Yoga.99 This was modified and supplemented with an<equally important practice of concentration during the later period.100 This association of the idea of continence regarded as an essential
97 For practical details of the various means of sublimation suggested here, a reference may in future be made to Toga Mental Hygiene, by Shri Yogendra. 98 Cf. TogayajHavaUyam, I, 55 ; livaragild, XI, 18. 99 Cf. Rgveda, X, 129 ; Ch&ndogy* Upanisad V III, iv, 3/VII1 v, Iff. ; Kafha Upanifad, I, ii, 15 j Brhadarartyaka Upanisad, I, ii, 6; and Mtqitfaka Uptmifod, II, i, 5. 100 Tam yogamitU manyait sthirSmindriyadhiranSm | Cf. Katha Upenifad, VI, 11 with M adhvas commentary.



requisite for Yoga, however, gave rise to a variety of misconceptions. It has, thus, been wrongly supposed that a married life is not particularly suitable for the practice of Yoga ; that such an engagement obstructs the path of higher pursuits ; and that even if pursued during married life, it does not lead to the ultimate achievement. This fallacy was further exploited to indirectly suggest that a woman is debarred from undertaking the course of Yoga. In striking contrast to the above, the interpretation of scientific Yoga of a continent life is rather exceptionally broad and elastic, and, for all practical purposes, consists mainly of a dispassionate attitude towards matters sexual and of purity, in sex. It does not bar a married manor, for that matter, even a womanfrom undertaking the study of Yoga. On the contrary, Vijnana Bhiksu asserts that It is mainly for the Householder (grhastha) that the eightfold path of Yoga is disclosed.101 In the Yogabija, we are further informed that Yoga can be practised both by men as well as women of any caste or religious belief.102 Practical Yoga, while considering brahmacarya a necessary requisite one of the yamasstill holds that, through hygienic and rational adjustments in the married
101 Cf. Togas&rasdngraha, p. 35 ; Sivasamhitd, V, 268. 102 Cf. YogayajHewalkyam, VI, 6 5 ; Haphayogasanhita, VII, .67 68ff.; Halhayogapradipika with Jyotsnd, IV, 15. Also compare the findings in Texts Sanctioning the Study of Toga by Women and their Chrpnoiogy" in the journal, Toga, Vol. Ill, pp. 53, 54 and 67, 68f.



life,103 it is quite possible to attain all the benefits of Yoga. Svatmarama, the great practical yoga authority, with a view to upholding the true value of Yoga even under adverse conditions and to broadcasting its universal application, advocates that anyone can achieve complete success as the yogin, even while living a wayward Mfe [svecchayd vartamano api), if only he or she follows'^ the practice of vajrolibroadly speaking, sex hygiene including a practice for the cleanliness and preservation of the generative organs and virility respectively.104
103 According to Manu, a married man may also be considered a brahmacari (celibate), if he observes hygienic sex relations within the marriage bonds. The rules and regulations of such a conduct for the married are discussed in the Mmusmfti, II, 49 ; also Yogayajilaoalfyam, I, 56. Scientific Yoga recognizes this with the provisothat the individual should have already acquired the essential control over bionergy (jitapruna). Cf. Ha thayogapradipika with Jyotsnd III, 88. 104 Cf. Hathayogapradipikd, III, 82, 94 ; also ivasamhiids IV, 79. A similar passage runs in the Makdbhdrata, quoted by the author of Jyotsnd (IV, 15), which boldly asserts that, even a prostitute (vargdvakrflastundri) can attain the highest object of life by following the course outlined by practical Yoga. Contrary to the general misunderstanding, this statement most certainly proves that the study of yoga practices can be undertaken successfully by one and all, i.e., there is no bar against a woman, or even a married woman, or, for that matter, even a prostitute. The practical yoga teacher of the author also gave him to understand that his great-grand-master was a woman, Yogini Anasuya, who was an adept in the science of Yoga. Tucci, the authority on Tibetan Yoga, asserts that, in the ancient period, women were proficient in yoga practices and were respected as great teachers of Yoga.





The practical suggestions offered by the modern authorities on sex hygiene corroborate favourably and closely the means recommended and followed by the scientific- yogins. The points of agree ment a re : the need for moral and mental hygiene, the daily cleanliness of the external genitals, the emphasis on moderation in diet, the abstinence from stimulating drinks and food, the maximum out-ofdoor living, the use of light clothing and many similar details elaborated in Hygiene in General (ch. v). Besides these usual precautions and preventives, Yoga recommends [a) the daily practice of certain methods which influence the physiologic activities of the sex organs, (i) cool baths, (<;) the irrigation of the genital passages and (d) active continence. For diagrammatic correlation, refer to F i g . 9. (a) Useful Processes: These consist of bandhas and mudrasthe higher psychophysical postural exercises, processes and controls. Apart from vajroli, khecarl and afvirii105 are the other two mudras
106 Y&jiiavalkya, Gorakja, Svatmarama and others do not refer to this process, may be for the obvious reason that mulabandha closely corresponds to the technique of aJvMmudrd, except for the variations in alternating movements, in area, and in posture which in the case of the former is similar to muktdsana. Gheranda and other later authorities on Ha^hayoga like Yugaladasa, Buva, Sarm i, and Brahminanda have, however, treated asvinlmudri as an independent process. For technical differences between the two cxerci3es and their physiologic effects, refer to Toga, Vol. V, iv, pp. 37, 38f.





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Fio. 9


which are supposed to preserve virility and maintain normal physiologic functions of the sex organs. Of these, vajroll is discussed under the last two subheads of this section. Khecarl, however, is extremely complicated and quite unsuited as an every-day-exercise, especially in the case of a layman. Its superficial technique consists in retroverting the tongue, after incising the fraenum linguae and having isolated it from the main body of the tongue, pressing the same deep into the fauces thus causing the entire closure of the rima glottidisof course, by pressing back the epiglottis with the point of the retroverted tongue. This closure of the main air-passage causes such changes in the intrathoracic pressures as to produce a reflex influence upon the flow of the blood in the genitalssuch influence becoming marked during sexual excitement.108 ASvinimudra consists in an effort to simulate the anal action of a mare (< aivini) after she has excreted the bowel contents. This is best performed in any squatting or crouching positions, i.e., in any convenient pose wliich may allow free movements of the perineal regions. Now, with every exhalation, contract the anusespecially the levator ani, the anal sphincters and the broad ligaments of the perineum (those supporting the muscular fibres
106 The uses of khecari are manifold, when applied in conjunction with the other processes. In this instance, it is to be practised with the vajrol?mudr&. Cf. Ha\hayogapradipikd with Jyoixni, III, 42. 90


of the prostrate and the errector muscles of the penis, in the male ; and the muscles of the urogenital region, mainly the transversus perinaei, in the female). Then, after a deep and prolonged contraction, inhale slowly and let those muscles relax completely. This alternate contraction and relaxation of these muscles is termed asvinimudra.107 When practised in a rapid succession, it accelerates the blood circulation in the area and further, by ts wavelike contractions and expansions through complete relaxation, causes an internal massage to the deeper sex organs. Moreover, it also gives tone to the musculature of the reproductive organs generally, for the very simple reason that it reilexly effects the finer sympathetic nerve endings which are quite elaborateespecially in these regions. Hathayoga claims that, with the aid of this mudra, sexual debility (guhyaroga) is overcome in the course of time.108 Among the postures, those that have synergic influence on the generative organs are Sirasana, sarvangasana, urdhvavrksasana, bhadrasana, goraksasana and certain other similar asanas.109
107 Cf. Ghtranfasairthita, III, 82 For details of technique and laboratory and clinical observations, a reference should be made to articles on ASvinimudrd or Analurogenital Action in the issues of the journal Toga, IV, pp. 24ff. ; V, iv, pp. 37ff. 108 Cf. Ibid, III, 83. The curative value of this process has been amply demonstrated at the clinic of the Institute. 109 Gf. Toga Physical Education, 7th edn.


H i tw*


Of these, Sirasana and sarvarigasana have already been described in Toga Hygiene Simplified. Urdhvavrksasana and its variants are difficult of practice for an average man and have, therefore, to be omitted here. Although highly useful as a therapeutic measure for stopping too frequent nocturnal discharges (Madhavadasa), traditional bhadrasana is likely to cause dislocation of the ankles or the knees, if not carefully practised in stages or strictly supervised by 'the master. Gorak?asana, while considered identically the same as bhadrasana,110 in fact, differs from the former to a certain extent and is much simpler in technique. It is practised thus. ' First, join the soles of the feet together, in front of the genitals, with the toes pointing outwards. In the beginning, if the feet cannot be brought near to the body, they may be spread out and gradually drawn nearer each day till they touch the genitals. Now, raise the body by lifting it slighly from the ground with the aid of the arms and then rest the buttocks on the heelskeeping the soles of the feet together. Let the feet cover the seam of the perineum breadthwise and lap the legs, from the knees down, with their respective thighs. With the hands, keep the knees pressed to the ground so as to cause a steady pull posteriorly, varying the strength as desired by a downward pressure upon the knees. See F ig . 10.
110 Cf. Hathayogapradipikd, I, 55ff.



This posture by acting upon the connective tissues of the groin and the inner side of the thigh indirectly stretches both the superficial as well as the deeper urogenital muscles and thus aids (i) the elasticity of the respective muscular fibres and (ii) the corresponding increase in the interchange of arterial and venous blood during high and low pressures on the knees. Sexual debility which is so common an ailment, principally due to weak constitution or abuses of the sexual organs, can be cured with the aid of such postures as goraksasana. One out of every three enquiries received by the Institute concerning health, during the past many years, refers unmistakably to nocturnal discharges and sexual weaknesses following previous habits of self-abuse. The increase of this ailment, especially among the students, is appalling. Personal appeals for suitable remedy on behalf of these unfortunate students reach us from those in charge of the large educational institutions, and in many cases from the suffering students themselves who all average to be of very young age. Individual replies and details of instructions are not possible and hence in response to this appeal, we introduce this subject here again though it has been fully treated in our other publications. Nocturnal pollutions occur sometimes even in persons of average good health and this symptom in itself may not be considered alarming. Seminal discharge once in two months may be treated as 93


normal but, when the frequency increases, the same may be regarded as an abnormal :ondition requiring radical treatment. Usually all cases of night pollutions terminate into sexual debility and have their common origin in weak constitution. The most sensible thing to do is to avoid all stimulants and drugs and to build up a healthy body. General constitutional measures greatly relieve this suffering. This may be aided by a course of yoga training in emotional control through moral and mental hygiene, cleanliness of the genital organs, moderation in dietespecially at night abstinence from stimulating foods and drinks, out-of-door living, light clothing, and daily practice of asanas and pranayama suited to individual requirements. As to the breathing exercises, those mentioned previously should be safely practised. Among certain processes may be mentioned the application of mulabandha, viparltakaranl and asvinlmudra.111 As to postural exercises, first follow the head-low liips-high poses to improve the condition of the pelvic organs through complete drainage of the blood vessels. This may be followed up by toning exercises for the accessory muscles of the urogenital and perineal regions. There are nearly eight other postures besides goraksasana and bhadrasana which may also be safely recommended for practice as a preventive exercise against seminal discharges but the use of all of them at one time is not essential.
I l l Cf. Yoga, Vol. II, 12 ; Vol. V, iv, 37ff.



It is, therefore, suggested that at this stage g .raksasana and simple bhadrasana112 may be followed till the other postures are made known. Incomplete sexual acts as in unsatir Hed intercourse or self-abuses and oft-repeated sexual excitements without natural climax and reflexes experienced only during successful coitus and orgasm are probably the worst agents which cause congestion of the internal sex organs through sustained tension and dilatation of the numerous capillaries. Under such abnormal conditions, these congested parts grow weaker and weaker for want of proper blood circulation, and their functions ultimately become so impaired as to set in the strongest reactions which, on the slightest sexual irritation or by anything the least suggestive, cause premature emissions. Consequently, the muscular response also becomes poor, e.g. feeble erections in the male and inactivity of the clitoris and failure of the erectile tissues in the vaginal orifice to produce the necessary gripping in the female. The other conditions which generally prevail and could be remedied easily are those that arise from inflammation of the inner sex organs. The muscular inactivity could be remedied by muscular movements which is probably the only efficacious method of increasing muscular powertone, strength and exhilaration. Again, in congestion or inflammation, there is high tension, besides restricted motion and impaired circulation of blood.
112 Cf. Toga Physical Education, 7th edn.



etc., all of which cause marked nervous--through the sympathetic or the vasomotor nervous systems and functional alterations which are more severe and frequent in women than in men. These could be relieved easily by drainage of the surplus blood and by the equalized circulation. Asvinimadra not only supplies the necessary muscular movements but also, when practised in cooperation with sarvarigasana, due to the genital region getting elevated above the heart, causes complete drainagethe process being accelerated by the force of gravity. After having thus established normalcy, it is proper to follow up the method of toning the accessory muscles by stretching exercises with alternate contraction and expansion. Goraksasana is exceptionally suited to this purpose and one may continue this posture as long as it is found convenient. The yoga authorities state that through a faithful observance of the above practices, diseases arising out of inflammation or eongestion of the sexual organs could be cured.113 ( b) Cool Baths: In advising the celibates and the householders, certain authorities recommend the use of a cool bath (60 to 66F.) before retiring to bed, to all intents and purposes, for avoiding sexual excitement and nocturnal pollutions.114 Practitioners in hydrotherapy claim that such
113 Case reports appearing in the journal Toga support this claim. 114 Cf. Lirigapurdna, ch. xiii ; Bhagavata, XI, xvii, 25.



baths tone the nervous and muscular systems; and the beneficent physiologic effects associated with it may, therefore, be relied upon.115 (c) Irrigation of Genital Passages : Just as cleanliness of the external sex organs is useful for hygienic purposes, the internal cleansing of the genitalia is likewise conducive to the highest physiologic good, if performed intelligently and at fixed intervals. The practical yogins who are always extremely particular about the internal cleanliness of their organs have found an easy method of irrigation of the genital passages, a process which, in its highest technique, is termed vajrolimudra. Vajroll, however, could be and is practised in various stages, viz., preliminary, intermediate and final. The initial stage consists in introducing a catheter in the genital passage very tactfully, and then drawing in air through the suction and vacuum process of nauli. Retaining the same for some time, it is then expelled slowly from the same passage. This effort at ventilation, air-bath, or oxygenationwhatever it may be termedis supposed to minimize, to some extent, the danger of putrefaction or decomposition of the internal secretions covering or adhering to the inner cavities after discharge.
115 In prefcrencc to this, the author would like to suggest the use of cold hip-baths (50 to 60 F.) accompanied by a warm foot-bath (98 to 105 F.) This keeps the extremities warm and thus maintains, favourable circulation in persons with lowered vitality.



In the intermediate stage, instead of the air, the yogin draws in pure waterpreferably boiled and cooledand thus causes irrigation of the genital passage. He or shefor the vajrollmudra is common to both the sexes116then proceeds with liquids of higher specific gravity, e.g., milk, honey, and some times even mercury.117 This with a view to training and habituating the accessory muscles to successfully withdraw and retain the internal secretions of the sex endocrine glands even under sexual excitementsit being known that both honey and mercury are liquids of higher specific gravity than sex secretions. The cleansing of the genital passage, however, with wateradding any mild antisepticis probably the best means of avoiding clogging and infection. Those who are unable to draw in the water through the process of nauli may do well to substitute mechano-yoga appliances, e.g., catheters,118 douches and sprayers. Although internal cleansing of the genital passage, like all other yoga hygienic duties, is an everyday observance with the yogin, the layman need undertake such cleansing only once a week.
116 Cf. Strinam vajroli | Hathayog&pradipika, III, 85 ; Hathayogasamhita, VII, 72. 117 Cf. Yogasara, p. 19. As this process involves risk of blood poisoning,the use of mercury is restricted only to the master yogins who are already familiar with all the other yoga practicesfor, in emergencies, they are best equipped to take care of themselves. 118 To avoid dangers inherent in the practice of vajroll, it is strongly recommended that the same should be attempted only under personal guidance of the yogin. Cf. Yoga, V, ii, p. 3.



The highest technique of vajroli in its final stage, however, consists in successfully withholding the ejaculations of sex secretions prior to or during the period of an orgasm under sexual excitement, namely, coitus, and thus cause their resorption through the lymphatics.119 Although apparently similar to karezza, what characterizes this aspect of vajroli is the special training for retention or resorption to which the sexual organs and the nervous system have been so harmonized to precise ' and favourable reactions and reflexes as conduce to wholesome sex life of both the partners. For the purpose of ordinary sex prophylaxis, the attempts at the final stage are likely to prove much too complicated and even unnecessary. In fact, the intermediate stage, i.e., water-irrigation of the genital passages is quite sufficient for hygienic purposes, and the best method is to use a common catheter with the usual douching arrangements.180 [d) Active Continence: Even though conflicting views are upheld by many prominent authorities like Munde, Franklin and others who maintain
119 In case, the secretions happen to be ejected, i.e.t if an orgasm is experienced, the yogin is advised to withdraw the secretion from the vaginawhere it may have become depositedwith the aid of MadhavadSsa vacuum and khecarlmudra. The actual technique of resocption of sex fluids is very elaborate and consists of many other accessories. For fuller details, a reference may be made to the succeeding volumes of this series. 120 Apart from vajroli, even for ordinary cleansing, it is advisable to receive proper instructions from a physician or a trained nurse.



that, by disuse of the sex organs, the sex endocrine glands become functionally impaired,121 it is vigorously maintained by a large number of other authorities like Rosenau, Lipschutz and others that passive1** continence is compatible with health and further that the sex glands are like the tear glands and the sweat glands in that they do not atrophy with disuse.123 Whatever may the diverse conclusions of the modern scientists on the subject of celibacy be, a few things, nevertheless, had been fully realized by the ancient yogins, namely, (i) that the preservation of the internal secretions of the sex glands within the body has the greatest physiologic value,124 tending to longevity ;m also (ii) that such preservation contributes largely towards the acquisition of a strong constitution both physical and mental through the biochemical economy,
121 Fowler, Malchow, Bertillon and others, therefore, suggest that sexual activities should be indulged in at regular intervals to sustain good health. 122 The author regards forced continence, where no occasion is given for sexual excitement or orgasm with a view to avoiding all normal functions of the sex organs, as a mere passivity. 123 Cf. Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, p. 86. 124 The fluids emitted during an orgasm are not waste material and their retention would in themselves not be altogether a dis advantage.** Cf. Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, p. 86. 125 Cf. Yogarahasyay III; 136. The ancient Hindu medical authority, Caraka, maintains that the conservation of the sex fluid is positively conducive to good health. Cf. Carakasamkitd, cikitsdsikdnam, XXX, 185.



as the emissions dissociate a fair amount of iron, phosphorus and calcium from the total percentage in blood ;128 further (iii) that only under the stimulus of excitement, a much larger quantity of the fluid is elaborated and secreted ; and lastly (iv) these extra fluids when re-absorbedby promoting corresponding increase in the activity of the lymphaticsakin to organotherapy, become transformed into life-energy.127 What is more, the conditions necessary to fulfill the above objective for conserving energyin this instance, through the preservation or resorption of the sexual fluids into the systemare the normal physiological contact of the sexes and abundant nutrition to allow the sex glands increased secretion without any compensating loss. This scientific theory may be simplified thus : That, instead of mere passivity, it is preferable and hygienic to engage oneself in normal sexual activities when necessary~for this certainly causes
126 Cf. The Internal Secretions of the Sex Glands, Cambridge, 1924. 127 We must remember that the sex fluid is the carrier of the life force. During abstinence from intercourse, the sex fluids with their creative energy are absorbed through the inguinal glands into the organism and increase physical, mental moral and spiritual capacity and energy. Cf. Natural Therapeutics, Vol. II, p. 318. PoehPs experiments with spermine and the latest treatment with active hormones for producing rejuvenating effects both in the male and female add materially to the above belief. Some authorities hold that one part of semen is equal to many parts of pure blood, and that when absorbed again into the system thi* fluid is transformed into tineri<e energy. Cf. Encyclopedia ( f Physical Culture, Vol. V, pp. 2450 and 2468.



less strain and lesser energy waste than what has to be actually expended in self-denials and repressions remembering that there should be no physiologic loss. This loss, to be sure, is inevitable, if the secretions escape from the body. The yogin, therefore, is quite careful in so far as he allows free secretions just enough for promoting physiologic activities but stops short of allowing the sex fluids to escape, and thus suffers no corresponding loss. On the contrary, he gains much through healthful reactions and resorption of the extra fresh fluids otherwise not available. Nutrition, however, is maintained by a liberal course of milk-diet. These two essentials of sex life in .relation to good health, longevity, and free psyche had been fully recogpized by the ancient ycgins as the foundation of sexual sanity,128 Interpreted in rational terms, this ideal of brahmacarya, so far as the practical yogin is concerned, is extremely scientific and significant. It subscribes to (i) the opportunity for successful coitus and resorption, and (ii) ample nutrition. This demonstrates that the yoga masters were not unaware o f: (i) the extraordinary influence exerted by sexuality in all its aspects upon both man and woman, (ii)
128 According to the Hathayoga authorities and traditions, the two vital requisites to success in yoga sex hygieneespecially for the due performance of the complicated but exceedingly fruitful practice of vajrollare : (i) a woman behaving as desired and vict vend, and (ii) a liberal supply of milk-diet. It has, however, been admitted that both these are not so easily availed under ordinary conditions. Cf. Haphayogapradipikd with Jyotsnd, III, 84.



the need and import of hygienic sex relations, (iii) the necessity of normal encouragement and regulation of the sex instinct and the preservation of sex virility, (iv) the value of internal secretions of the sex endocrine glands, and (v) the highest physical and mental benefits which accrue the conservation and resorption of these secretions. The substance of Hathayoga directives on sex amounts to temperance blended- with dispassion (vairdgya). It is thus and now possible to appreciate that, this code of sex hygiene of the Hathayogins, allowing complete and healthy enjoyment of marital relations, with limitations as previously outlined, not only without any corresponding loss but positively with the highest physical and mental gain, is an excellent hygienic ideal and if only the process of vajroli could be made available to and brought within the practice of one and allsolves incidentally the most-discussed topic in modern eugenics, namely, family planning through birth-control,129 notwithstanding the accidental insecurity inherent in the safe periods or rhythm method (Stone) now officially advocated.
129 When at The Yoga Institute (America) in 1921 for her week-end rest, Margaret Sanger, the pioneer of the birth-control movement in America, took liberty to discuss with the author (assisted by Dr. McSutton, the then resident physician of the Institute) the above aspects of sex hygiene with a view probably to investigating any possible means known to practical Yoga for rational birth-oontroland it was admitted that, if practicable, this .yoga code of active continencewould prove to be theidea solution of that problem.



The following table will be found useful in adjusting the necessary time and sequence, in respect of the various practices herein suggested. These exercises should be practised in their usual sequence, repeated for a longer period if necessary. Asvinlmudra is best suited for practice at night, just before retiring to bed, but may be performed in the morning if desired. The irrigation of sex passages with water and antiseptics practised more frequently in women v '!l do much towards relieving inflammation or congestion of the sex organs. The use of milk, either pasteurized or Sterilized, neutralizes acidity.
TIME ORGAN YOCA METHOD FREQUENCY The Sex Organs Ahnmmudrd Evening only 2 mnts. Goraksasana Morning & Evening 1 mint. > >t Vajroli (douching) Once a week 10 mints. it )



When the nervous system is relieved of all its impurities, there appear the perceptible signs of success such as the slim and graceful body with that radiant colour of good health. H a\hayogapradipikd, II, 19.

T he chief physiologic activities which distinguish a man from a brute are those concerning the brain and the nervous systems. While fully realized in its true significance by the ancient yogins thousands of years ago and utilized in formulating the yoga technique for both the body and mind Hatha and Raja Yogaonly recently, for at most a hundred years, the correlation of intelligence with the cerebral evolution and especially with the extent of the cortex has become universally accepted. Starling says that in proportion as the cerebrum becomes prominent, the animal is less and less machine like. In the brain of man, this develop ment corresponding with higher intelligence, reaches its most conspicuous rank.

In treating of the brain as an organ of the mindstuff (citta) it should be made clear that the author uses the word organ merely in the sense


that it is part o f that vehicic the molecular changes and biologic activities of which constitute the essential correlatives of the various phases of selfconsciousness (citifakti). Further the interactivation between prana and cittabionergy and selfconsciousness and vice versaeven though wrongly termed psychobiologic parallelism by the modern scientists should not be underestimated or overlooked, as it is the only and by far the best working hypothesis for the physiologists.130 Although contemporary investigations were in progressB.C. 700 to B.C. 200-the practical yogins did not share the belief of the ancient Indian medical science in regard to the origin and seat of consciousness. In Caraka and SuSruta (as in Aristotle) the heart is the central organ and seat of consciousness; but in [Yoga and the later181] Tantric writings (as in Galen) the seat of consciousness is transferred to the brain or rather the cerebro spinal system.182 Even some of the early Upanisads like Chhandogya, Prasna and others and many nonIndian investigators did not fare better or escape the fate of ancient Indian medical students. Thus, unlike Plato, Aristotle183 held the heart, not the brain, to be the central organ or seat of the soul.
130 Cf. Halliburtons Handbook of Physiology, P- 798. 131 These four words are interposed by the author to make the context jf Yoga intelligible. 132 O . Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus, by Dr. B. N. Seal, pp. 218f 133 Cf. De Anima, III, v.



This may be due to iwo facts fi) that the cerebral hemispheres are insensitive to stimulation and (ii) that the circulation of blood and the reflexes of emotions and impulses are more readily and prominently felt in the area of the heart than else* where. In contrast, from the very beginning, it was definitely held by scientific Yoga that the brain134 in cooperation with the elaborate nervous systems is mainly responsible for transmitting all impulses, expressions and affects of both the subjective and objective psychology, and thus represents the real physical medium, basis or aspect of all mental activities.136 It was further held by the yogins that all the activities of a living organism are due to the presence of bionergy (prana) and that the process of intellectualization belongs to the power of consciousness (cittiiakti) ,136 Consequently, the relationship between consciousness and experience and the process thereof is somewhat like this : The five external senses through their respective physical organs like the eye, the ear, the nose and
134 T he notion that the brain is the principal organ of the mind, and that intellectual capacity can be measured by the size of the orain and further that there is a localization of special mental functions in its several parts, is a fundamental position fuliy realized by Willis, Prochaska, Gall, Spurzheim and others. 135 Elaborate comparative studies of anatomy and physiology of nerves will be available in the proposed Yoga Psychophysiology* volume of this series. 136 Cf. JCapilagitS, II, 31.



the skin etc., come is contact with the objects of knowledge, and the feeling-complexes thus recorded are carried by the nerve-impulses (pranavayus) to the brain assisted by the five internal senses. At the first movement of this touch there is an indeterminate consciousness in which the particulars of the thing cannot be noticed. This is called indeterminate perception (nirvikalpa pratyaksa.) At the next moment by the function of the synthesis (samkalpa) and analysis (vikalpa) of the mind-organ (manas) the thing is perceived in all its determinate character; the manas differentiates, integrates and associates the sense-data received through the senses, and thus generates the determinate perception, which when intelligized by [the power of consciousness and is associated with the self13*] purusa becomes inter* preted as the experience of the person.138 Scientific Yoga, while recognizing the two distinct operations of the cerebrospinal and autonomic nervous systems, regards them as one whole in which both the activities are closely interwoven (otapwlah).1SS Of these, the cerebrospinal system consists mainly of the sahasradala (brain) and the sufumnd (spinal cord) contained within the cavities of the cranium and the spinal column (merudanda)
137 These ten interposed words represent the yoga point of view and have bebn introduced by the author. 138 CL A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol. I, by Dr. S. N. T>asgupta, pp. 26If. 139 C f ^ivasajhhita, II, 32. YOGA NEUROLOGY



respectively.140 The autonomic system is largely composed of a double chain of ganglia (ida and pingala) situated on each sideida to the left and pingala to the rightof the susumnS and extending from the base of the skull to the tip of the coccyx (muladhara) .ux It is also evident that the ancient yogins were quite familiar with the varied forms of decussation (samaJlisya) of the nerve fibers.148 The network o f the entire nervous system is delicately interwoven by seventy-two thousand nadis (nerves)148 apart from the endless but minor nerve-endings and end-organs.144 Of these, only sixty-two pairs are regarded as of specific importance. Of these latter pairs, however, only fourteen have been considered by the yogins for further investiga tions.144 Great importance, especially from the voga point of view, has been attached to the activities jf the three main nerves,148 viz., the susumna hereby bionergy functionsas an organ of prana reductionand the ida and the pingala which _rther coordinate and control all the voluntary i-T.d involuntary functions of the human body which e scientific yogin desires to bring under his own .lition,147 and which he ultimately achieves.
140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 Of. Yog<&rosayanas pp 78,79. Cf. Gcrak$apaddhati, 1, 24, 26. Cf. $alcakravivrti. I, If.; Sivasamhitd, II, 2Cf. Cf. Sivasamhitd, II, 13. Cf. Hid. Cf. Yogaydjfiavalkyam, IV, 26. Cf. Sivasamhita. II, 15. Cf. Gorakfapaddhati, I, 32



Strange though it may seem, the practical yogins were not unawareeven at such an early date as 200 o f the exact working o f the nervous system. This knowledge is now being corroborated by the modern scientists with very little variation in the fundamentals. How such knowledge was possible to the yogins will be discussed elsewhere. Suffice it to say that the terminology used by them to express in precise scientific terms the activities of the nervous system is indeed remarkable. For popular understandings however, the working of the nervous system as conceived by Yoga can be explained in terms of an electric plant, a telephone exchange ormore correctlya great telegraphic system.149 Thus, we are told by the commentator Kalicarana that the nerve fibers (ndditantu) represent exceedingly fine tissues like those of the spiders threads, and these connect all the nerve centres throughout the body like cobwebs.150 In fact, it is the movement of bionergy within these nerves that sustains all living organism.161 Death is indicative of the absence of prana.
148 This section is a part verbatim of the chapter on Neurology of the book referred lo in footnote 135. 149 For similar views, refer to Hygiem of the Brain and Nervous SysUm, by Dr. J. W. Courtney, and The Nervous System and Its Conservation, by Dr. Percy Stiles, p. 39. 160 Cf. $atacakranirUpa^a, I, 2, 151 Cf. Gorakfasamhiti, I, 37.



What is significant is that the yoga neurology once again did not share the early speculations of the ancient Indian medical authorities with regard to the manner of action of nerves as mere tubular conduits,162 but held that these fine nerve fibres are like electric cables which transmit the bionergy {prana) activating the nerve impulses ( prdnavdyus) in a series of electric discharges (vidyunmdlavildsd).163 This latter view is now acknowledged as being the only correct representation of the action of nerves by the leading physiologists like Tashiro, Bayliss and others. Two investigators, Crehore and Williams, of New York have recently attracted much notice by their contention that all nerve impulses are actually electric in their nature.164 A practical demonstra tion, somewhat of this nature, was offered by the author of the present work at New Jersey, U.S.A. in 1921.166 It has been further maintained by the yogins that the electric discharges which transmit nerve impulses are governed by the positive and negative animal magnetic currents corresponding to the activities of the right and the left nostrils respectively.160
182 Cf. Atharvaveda, VI, 138, 4. 153 Cf. Salacakranirftpana read with SaUakraoivjh, I, 2ff. j also Togarahasya. 154 Cf. The Nervous System and Its Comer cation, by Dr. P. G. Stiles, p. 40. 155 For a Summary report of this demonstration, refer to The World Magazine, Sept. 11, 1921, p. 8 ; also Toga for Women, by Srlmati SitidevI Yogendra (awaiting publication). 156 Cf. Ch. V III, Care of the Respiratory Apparatus. Ill


When we consider, says Courtney, that it is upon the pcrfect integrity of the fine adjustment of this delicate and intricate organization, the nervous system, that the healthy functional activity of every other tissue in the body, even to that of the most insignificant secreting gland, depends, we are in a position to estimate the extent to which our physical as well as mental well-being is under its control. 157 According to Petrova, Usurinov and other progressive scientists, old age and death follow as a result of the inefficiency of the nervous system which is continually devitalized by the old age pigments.168 Moreover as the sole objective of scientific Yoga is either to gain control of or to restrain the mental modifications (cittavrtti) from taking various forms, and as the brain and the nervous system are the only physiologic organs through which such a mental control is to be gained, it is easy to realize what an amount of elaborate details the practical yogins must have worked out to establish complete mastery over the entire nervous system and the brain. In fact, the practice of Hathayoga is directed mainly to the good health and control of the nervous system169 for it is emphasized that only through the complete purification of the nervous system (,na.dUu.ddhi)when the fivefold nerve impulses are
157 Cf. Hygiene of the Biain and Nervous System, p. 278. 158 Cf. Ch. II, Toga Hygiene Simplified. 159 Cf. Gorakfalataka, II, 8 ; Hathayogapradikipa, II, Cf. 112


made to flow in absolute harmony through the su?umnais the state of trance-consciousness (samadhi) reached. Because of the lack of proper understanding about the functions of the sympathetic nervous system, it has become quite common now-a-days, to attribute a lot of diseases to mere nerves, most of which do not actually belong to the category of nervous diseases. This method of easy explanation, at times, leads to misconceptions with regard to the origin and serious nature of the disease. Of course, having most direct and intimate relationship with every part of the body, even the slightest local disturbance is sure to be felt by the nervous system. Likewise all nervous disorders cannot fail to cause specific functional derangements and, in some instances, it becomes impossible to dissociate their interdepe ndence when prescribing treatment. Yoga therapy is therefore threefold and treats the whole man ancl not only his body. Nervous maladies may principally be attributed to mental attitude in life, e.g., pessimism brings on will-failure termed neurasthenia (Fisk and Fisher), vague association of fears and anxieties cause general and nervous debility (Frink), anger contributes to hepatic torpor and indigestion and so forth. From what we now know of this world, it cannot be denied that the curse of modern civilization is nervous strain ; and modern life has thus, indeed, increased the scope of nervous 113


disorders.180 There are numberless, what are termed, war neurotics (Salmon) with whom may be conveniently added the economic, political, social, religious and other neuroticsthe people who suffer from mental afflictions for no other reasons whatsoever except having to labour under the unusually heavy nervous strain incidental to the abuse of these institutions. Put together these people and these facts which are unfortunately little known to the sufferers and lesser still to the physicians who treat them for their nerves, and we have a perfect picture of, what we might term, a world full of chronic neurotics. Such suffering, however, can be relieved only by radical and suitable changes and adjustments of the environments which lead to such nervous disorders rather than by engaging the services of a million specialists and physicians to cure them. Besides such suffering as a result of modem hurryworry life, poverty and servitude, a large percentage of disorders may also be traced to imagination,181 the so-called mdad.es imaginaires (Las&gue). These disea ses are, in fact, not imaginery diseases, but they are diseases due to imagination and actually accompanied by real functional and psychic disturbances.161
160 As the common communicable diseases are being controlled, infections of the brain, spinal cord and nerves are growing Cf. Preventive Medicine and Hygienet p. 393. 161 Cf. Ch. Fares La Medicine d*imagination (Ptogris Medicalt p. 309, 1884 Edn.) 162 Cf. Animal Magnetism, by Binet and F 6t6, p. 353.



As rightly advised in the Mahdbharata,m the best cure for such diseases lies in the only recipe that one should not think of them at all.164 Apart from these psychic-^-mental and emotional conditions, there are a large number of other causes also which produce nervous disorders, e.g., (i) chemical (auto-intoxication, habit-forming drugs, and overwork etc.), (ii) mechanical (local injuries and deformities), (iii) hereditary, and (iv) environmental.1 5 Insanity is often due to one or many of the above causesof course, in their extreme formwhich lead to neurosis and psychosis, the condition becoming more and more acute gradually till at last it culminates into a chronic state beyond recovery. If not, it abruptly ends in suicide. From the experimental work of Abelous, Hodge and others, it would seem that all nervous disorders denote a condition of pathologic fatigue of the entire
163 Ndnucintayet Cf. Sdntiparvc, X II, 209, If. 164 Deslon (1780 A.D.) of France appears to have come to the same conclusion, since he says, not unreasonably, If the medicinc of the imagination is the most efficient, why should we not make use of it? Mesmerism, hypnotism, Christian Science and,/last but not the least, Coulism are all different aspects of one and the same thingthe method of curing imagination or through imaginationwhich, at times, do show good results, especially in the treatment of nervous disorders. 166 W hat is not yet realized by science is the yoga* assumption of another fundamental causethe auto*inherited potencies (samskdrasdsand complexes), a new element in heredity which calls for research and explanation.



nervous system and also connote a coexistent condition of morbid nervous irritability. Malnutri tion is also responsible for many cases of nervous disorders, and, according to the data available at the clinic of the Institute, one in every four suffers from this ailment. Nervous weakness, therefore, is nothing short of an outraged nervous mechanism. Nervousness is really the cry of the nerves for better nutrition and care. This is possible only through healthy mental attitude, rest, recreation, balanced diet, improvements of a constitutional nature, and the specific treatment of the spine, etc. With this brief understanding of the paramount importance of the role played by the brain and nervous system in the carrying on of the vital functions of both the body and the mind and, most significantly, in the ultimate realization of Yoga, it is now easy to appreciate a consideration of the elaborate measures which have been adopted by the ancient yogins for the maintenance of these organs in a healthy state. The first in importance stands the moral discipline and mental hygiene. Of these, the considerations which bear largely
166 A programme of moral discipline and mental hygiene cannot be laid down with anything like scientific precision as the individual growth depending upon religion, law and society etc., is still governed by dogmas. In this section, only a certain aspect has been discussed insofar as it concerns the health of the brain ar.d nervous system directly. An elaborate treatment of this subject will appear in Toga Menial Hygiene, a volume of this series. YOGA MENTAL HYGIENE18



upon the physical well-being are : (a) education, (b) freedom from emotion, and (c) concentration. (a) Education: This should begin with and govern the prenatal life for it is rightly believed that parental influences are quite marked and shape, to a large measure, the physical and mental constitution of the unborn.1 7 The care of the infant, the education of the preschool child, the school boy or girlduring puberty and adolescence the adult and even the advanced life should be governed by considerations of personality, character, and mental hygiene and the habits so regulated as to harmonize with the basic yoga ideal of immaculate mental purity. (b) Freedom from Emotion : There is certainly, as every physiologist knows, says Ward, a very close connection between sensation and such various organic movements as those of circulation, respiration and secretion. But in strong emotions it rises into distinct prominence as part of what is called emotional expression.188 When, howevec, the emotional influences dominate the entire nervous system to the limit of its strength, it is often followed by a nervous shock or disease.169
167 Cf. Not the Disease onfy, but also tfu Man, by Dr. J. J. Putnam. 168 Cf. Psychological Principles, by Prof. James Ward, pp. 53, 54. 109 It haa been demonstrated by the medicaJ authorities that diabetes (emotional glycosuria) develops in consequence of fear and anxiety (Naunyn and Binger). The degeneration of ductless glands is likewise due to emotional disturbances (Lorand). For example, arteriosclerosis often follows the effects of emotions on



In some instances, it has been found to be even fatal.170 Emotion, thus, is a great bodily event working either for, or against, the welfare of the entire organism. The so-called curve of health (Holmes) which represents the ebb and tide of the living organism, under average conditions, is largely influenced by the emotional reflexes of an individual. For good health, it is extremely essential, as Myerson points out, to keep a close watch over all changes in mood and feeling which need attention as much as shortness of breath and indigestion.171 As a consequence, absolute freedom from emotions which the yogins term equanimity (samatva)172
the adrenals (Hall and Scott) ; acromegaly is due to effects of emotion on the pituitary body (Pel) ; myxoedema through emotional influences on the thyroid (Sajous) ; and interstitial nephritis through nervous shock affecting the kidneys (Bilz) ; etc. 170 Cf. Cannon in American Journal o f Physiology, p. 363 (1916). 171 Cf. Myersons Mental Hygiene, p. 450. 172 And thus sings the poet in praise of Yoga and the yogins : Never shall yearnings torture him, nor sini Stain him, nor aches of earthly joys and woes Invade his safe eternal peace ; Light of Asia But harboured there, cannot be stirred or shook By any gravest grief, call that state Peace, That happy severance Yoga f call that man The perfect Yogin 1 7he Song Celestial Both the above worksEnglish renderingare by Sir Edwin Arnold. Cf. BhagavadgUd. VI, 20, 2 1 ff.



is regarded as a prime requisite for the health of the brain and nervesit being understood that even the less violent emotions do not fail to leave behind a trail of ill effects. It is now widely recognized that mental happiness is one of the biggest factors in promoting good health and longevity.173 That it is not possible to maintain health of the body and mind without a rigid course of mental hygiene due to the influence of the mind on the body and vice versdhad since long been recognized by the practical yogins.174 They therefore formulated a code of moral discipline cum mental hygiene, beginning with the first two accessories of Yoga what in the phraseology of William James be best appreciated by the term a religion of healthymindedness.176 It is imperative for any student of Yoga to practice the code of mental hygiene and moral discipline first, even before he is initiated into the actual technique of Yoga. In fact, the yogins religion of healthy-mindedness consists of the ten positive and ten negative virtues known as yama and niyama restraints and observancesrespectively. These
173 It is one oi the nine rules of long life drawn up by leading physicians of seven nations at The Longevity Congress, Vittel, France. 174 We have emphasized the importance of serenity and poise. These characteristics lie at the very foundation of hygiene of the brain and nervous system. They cannot be attained unless the psychic life is well ordered in all respects with regard to its hygiene. Cf. How to Live, by Fisher and Fisk, p. 288. 175 Cf. Variety o f Religious Experiences, 1902.



are : (i) non-violence, (ii) truth, (iii) non-stealing, (iv) chastity, (v) non-coveteousness, (vi) forbearance, (vii) compassion, (viii) fortitude, (ix) moderation, and (x) purity; and (i) equanimity, (ii) con tentment, (iii) self-confidence, (iv) charity, (v) resignation to the Ultimate, (vi) study, (vii) discrimination, (viii) humility, (ix) introspection, and (x) perseverance.17 For the yogin, theses virtues of moral and mental life are considered indispensible since the mind becomes pure arid steady in proportion to the amount of success and sincerity with which they are observed. In Yoga, the mere knowledge is not enough, but such knowledge has to be put into practice and realized personally. No one, therefore, can claim to be the yogin unless, in the first instance, he is endowed with the above virtues. (c) Concentration : To habituate the mind to concentrate its energies upon a given object is dharana or one-pointedness. It is really the eftort of the mind to fix itself on a particular object or thought, instead of allowing it to diffuse its energies in varied directions. The power of concentration and the power of detachmentwhat the yogins term abstraction or pratyahdraare nearly related, where the former is always preceded by the latter. It breaks up the strain of monotony and thus helps to avoid mental labour, and consequently the amount of nervous exertion is lessened. Physio178 These include the five yamas and five niyamas originally commended by Pataiijali together with others variously appended by the later Hathayoga authorities.



logists are agreed that the habit of such concentration177 produces sedative nervous effects alike the deep breathing exercises which are conducive to the health of both the brain and the nerves. Moreover, the foundation of all success in lifewhether physical, mental, moral or spiritual depends entirely on the power of concentration and this could be effectually developed from childhood by means of systematic training. It is, therefore, essential that there must be concentration in everything which is not mechanical.178 Concentration in action is a part of Yoga. Begin with dkaiamuira or the symbol for concentration on space. Refer to page 135n. Occupational therapy recognizes the influence of occupation on health and it has been amply demonstrated that monotony of occupation, industrial or otherwise, leads to nervous disorders and that, in many instances, radical cures have been reported through changes in such occupations (Washburn). The results may be attributed to psychic change of automatous environments or to better physical adjustments by contrast of reflexes. Whatever it is, one thing is clear that any change
177 The western scientists have taken a leaf from Yoga when they state : ' It is worth while to pay attention to the way of living and thinking of certain Oriental peoples. Their ideas of seekirfjg longevity and happiness by contemplating on Nature in solitude and by achieving serenity of outlook warrant close investigation by the western peoples." The Longevity Congress. 178 Cf. Yoga Physical Education, by Shri Yogendra, p. 120. 121



in mental or physical occupation for the better, even for a few weeks or a few hours daily, addsmaterially to the health of the nervous system. Persons with sedentary habits will find great relief in out-of-door sports, e.g., golf, tennis and cricket etc. Whenever permissible, an out-of-door life accompanied with such hygienic activities as hiking, swimming, gardening etc., may be undertaken with benefit, besides a systematic course of physical training outlined in this work. The yogins best recreation consists in the study and love of all that is in Nature where, indeed, the entire being is called into delightful activity with the least possible effort of willnearly resembling the spontaneity of childhood. It has been found that in such engagements the brain is relieved of its excess of circulation, the nervous system is rested, and the entire man refreshed and renewed.179 Nothing, perhaps, has been so grossly misunder stood as the art of relaxation. For one thing, relaxation should not be mistaken for inertia ; for another, it also does not mean lying in a lazy manner or doing nothing. Relaxation really means rest after effort, more truly, conscious rest after conscious effort. It, therefore, follows that the more perfect the effort, the more perfect is the relaxation.
179 Physiologic benefits derived from the study and love of Nature are many and varied, and these have been outlined depicting his own experiencesin Dr. Holbrooks Hygiene the Brain and Nerves, p. 198. ART OP RELA X A TIO N



The so-called decomposing or relaxation exercises suggested by certain French and American advocates of physical culture are, in fact, artistic statue posingmore in the sense of repose than relaxation. Stebbins observes that relaxation would mean a complete resignation of the body to the laws of gravity, the mind to nature, and the entire energy transferred to a deep dynamic breathing. The complete relaxation of the voluntary muscles at once transfers the energy to the involuntary parts, so that strictly speaking there can be no such thing as relaxation, except in the voluntary muscles and brain. But this is quite sufficient. This transfer of energy by voluntary adtion and involuntary reaction produces the ne cessary equilibrium for the renewal of strength.180 Engel quotes from a very old German book181 a certain important method of relaxation in which the pupil is taught to lie upon the floor, and to withdraw all voluntary nerve force from the extremities and thinking part of the brain, and thus to simulate death. This exercise is very strongly recommended as the beginning of all control of the body and is very ably illustrated by a picture of a man lying limp and helpless. It may be interesting here to observe with reference to the practice of relaxation that it is a common custom among the nomadic Arabs and the caravan merchants journeying between Sikkim, Berber
180 Gf. Harmonic Gymnastics, by G. Stebbim, p. 77f. (1892 Edn.) 181 Cf. Practical Illustrations of Rhetorical Gesture and Action.



and Kharatumimmediately they reach an oasis or any other camping placeto at once throw themselves in the shade upon the ground and then to relax completely and voluntarily. Generally, they remain in this position from fifteen minutes to an hour, or sometimes even more, according to the state of their exhaustion. In certain parts of Kashmirand thi* the author has personally observedit is customary for the labourers, who carry heavy loads on their back through great distances and heights, to stop on their way near a stream and lie down in a semi-lifeless state for some time whenever they feel physically exhausted. These mountaineers, the wanderers of the desert, the gypsies and other tribes are able to undertake, when occasion requires, surprizingly long journeys with very little rest owing to the knowledge of the art of relaxation which consists in resting at will. The ancient yogins, who are known for their self-mastery over the entire voluntary and involuntary organism, were fully alive to the many advantages of relaxation. According to them, relaxation gives the maximum amount of renewed strength in the minimum amount of time. Even more than sleep, successful relaxation is the vital principle of rest which quickly recuperates or regalvanizes, as it were, the nerve centres, collects the scattered forces and thus reinvigorates the whole body. It is just as refreshing as a Turkish or a Russian bath, besides having many of the peculiar therapeutic advantages of a medical massage.



Whenever physical or mental fatigue or strain is experienced, or the mind is agitated, the practice of certain postures which contribute greatly to muscle-relaxation is recommended by the yoga authorities.18* They arc : (a) dradhasana (b) lavasana, and (c) makarasana.188 (a) Dradhasana : Dradhasana or the firm pose is regarded as the best position for sleeping in which one finds oneself most comfortable. As in Fig. 11, it is practised by lying on the right side of the body in a state of relaxation with the right arm under the head, as if, for a pillow. It has been demonstrated that lying upon the right side favours emptying of the stomach during rest when the peristaltic movements reach their minimum, besides case in breathing movements (Kellogg). The yogins contend that by sleeping in this manner, dreams and nocturnal emissions are generally not experienced during sleep, digestion is improved, and one feels the rest of a prolonged sleep even during a short period. {b) Savasana: Savasana or the corpse-pose is also differently termed mrtasana or the dead-pose. According to Goraksa and other authorities, this posture destroys fatigue and quiets the agitation of the mind.184 The technique consists in simply
182 Cf. HaIhayogapradipika, with Jyotsnd, II, 48. 183 Cf. Toga Physical Education (for women), by Sitadcvi Yogendra, 3rd edn.. pp. 123f. Other postures include adhvdsana, yaftikdsana and similar relaxing poses for the skeleton muscles. 184 Cf. Gherandasavihitfi, II, ID.




lying supine with the face towards the iky and the arms at sides with the legs passively extended to their full length. With that palsied sinking feeling as it is experienced during an early stage of collapse or the basal anaesthesia, keep motionless like a corpse and relax gradually every muscle of the body. This can be done in two ways : (i) either by partial, or (ii) by general relaxation, as convenient. Then, stay put, close the eyes as in peaceful slumber, and let normal breathing take its course. i. In the case of partial relaxation, conscious attention is withdrawn by stages from the sixteen vital zones of the body, by paying attention to each part separately. For the purposes of relaxation, movements of bionergy, and concentration, these parts are termed marmasthdnani or the sensitive zones. In partial relaxation, the attentionreally, the nervous stimuliis withdrawn gradually by absolute resignation of will and complete detachment from all conscious activities, in the following sequence : first the tips of the toes ; then slowly moving upwards, the ankles ; the knees ; the thighs (simultaneously with this, the arms) ; the anus; the generative organs ; the navel ; the stomach ; the heart; the neck ; the lips ; the tip of the nose; the eyes; the spacc between the eyebrows ; the forehead ; and, finally, the brain or brahmapura. ii. In the case of general relaxation, both muscular and nervous, through concentration on the incoming and outgoing breath, however, the 126


supply of nervous stimuli is switched off from all parts of the body simultaneously and at once instead of by stages. Keep watching the movements of the breath until at last the mind synchronises with the hazy sense of your being. What is important is that the consciousness of physical body should be necessarily and entirely forgotten. When successful ly co5rdinated with deep diaphragmatic breathing in the early stages, it enhances the sedative effects of relaxation on the nervous and, therefore, also on the muscular system.185 Maintain this pose as long as it is found convenient, but not less than five minutes.18 Among the various physiologic benefits derived through this reposing exercise may be mentioned the improvement in the action of the heart and of the nervous and muscular systems. Successful relaxation causes a rapid fall in the blood pressure and the pulse rate. It also establishes evenness of the respiratory activities and reduces strain on the heart. If maintained for more than ten minutes, relaxation tends to much deepened
185 Maxick, Roland and their followers lay great stress upon the importance of absolute relaxation even as an aid to muscle control. 186 Watch a baby sleep, and you will notice the impression of its helpless body upon the soft bed. What it does is merely to leave its weight entirely upon the bed and then resign in favour of gravity. This babylike attitudeas against the tension of even the most insignificant muscle of the body usually experienced by the adultshould be the guiding technique, while practising lavas ana.



respiration, and the lowered circulation in the brain consequently increases tendency to sleej . This has been proved by the experimental data obtained during relaxation in the case of sa\asana following pascimottanasana at the end of fifteen minutes. (c) Makarasana : Makarasana or the crocodile pose consists in lying prostrate with the chest, the abdomen and thefront of the body in close contact with the floorthe legs at full length and apart, ' the arms folded and the head resting thereon.1 7

Degeneration of the nerve tissues leads to many functional disturbances and impairment of the entire nervous system when neglected ; and this degeneration is usually the result of improper circulation of the spinal cord. The circulation of the spinal cord, says Goldthwait, is dependent very largely upon the tone of the muscles of the spine, and it is at once obvious that if the muscles of the spine are weak the circulation in the spinal cord must also be weak.188 The practical yogins fully realized that, apart from certain indirect muscular effect, the spinal cord never receives thorough exercise during ordinary physical movements. Special measures have, therefore, been adopted by them for exercising the vertebral column. In this instance, they specially
187 Cf. Toga Physical Education (for women), p. 123 188 Cf. Tht Body-Posture, by J. E. Goldthwait, M.D p. 358.



favour the stretching and twisting exercises lor the spine. Of the many such postures, it is possible, at this stage, to discuss only the two important ones, viz., (a) pakimoltdndsana and () matsyendrasna,189 (a) Pakimoltdndsana: Because this posture stretches out (uttana)more particularlythe posterior (pakima ) muscles of practically the whole body, it is termed pascimottanasana or the posteriorstretching pose. It is also termed PaScimatanasana from the word tan and is practised thus : Whilst sitting on the floor, stretch out your legs together. Keep them fixed to the ground, stiff like a stick, without- - of course, in so far as Is possible -lifting or bending the knees. Now slowly incline the body above the waist forward, and gradually bend it down so as to reach out for the toes with the respective hands and lingers; then hold them tightly. Should this be comfortable, bend the head still further till the forehead finally touches the knees. This position may be secured with case if the muscles of the waistline are relaxed and followed by a moderate pull on the toes with the fingers. Rest your face there on the hollow between the knees, and maintain this position as illustrated in Fig. 12 so long as it is comfortable. Except in very rare cases, the first attempts at this posture are likely to be unsuccessful mostly due to inelastic posterior muscles of an average
189 Foi- posture eiwrdses of the spine, refer to Toga Physical Education lor m m and wsmen published by the Institute.



personthis is more so in the case of those above thirty years. But failure to complete this exercise, as per illustration, need not discourage the progressing student for the adjustments, however, will take care of themselves gradually by working* at it every day.190 If an exhalation is synchronised with the movements while bending the head down ward, it considerably aids the process of thorough and easy stretching of the posterior muscles. What may be positively avoided are the jerks and hasty or strenuous pulls which may cause muscle soreness or impair even its full elasticity through injuries known as charleyhorse. It is quite evident from the illustration that this pose stretches the spine to its maximum length at an average of about 20 per cent extra over the normal length of the spine in sitting, the measure ment being taken from the tip of the coccyx to the bottom of the occiput. This is made possible by a mechanical contour of the spine resembling a semi-circular archthe only position favourable to maximum stretchingcontributing to greater elasticity of connecting muscles of the spine than is otherwise possible. By bringing these muscles into activity, it thus raises their tone and pliability.
190 Those unaccuitomed to posterior stretching of the back and the thighespecially the hamstring, lumborum, sacroapinalis and other muscleswill find it convenient to undertake this posture in parts or follow similar but easy dynamic postural exercises prior to the study o f this pose. The 'rowing exercise and yogamudrfi recommended in the Toga Physical Education may be tried with succea.



Through synergic muscular influence, the spinal cord is activated and the circulation effecting the nerves considerably improved. Also, due to the posteriorly stretched and enlarged lumbosacral vertebral foramina, the spinal nerves arising from this region shew marked improvement in their tonicity and functions affecting the internal organs. Our scientific study of this pose reveals many startling facts regarding its application as a therapeutic measure which have only recently been corroborated by the experiments of Hanflig of Boston who advocates safe mechanical self suspension for stretching and, thus^ enlarging the vertebral foramina.191 Among the hygienic benefits of this posture may be mentioned the favourable compression of the abdominal viscera, the loosening of the hamstring muscles, flexing of the glutei, psoas major and minor muscles, besides complete stretching, to a more or less extent, of all the posterior muscles of the body. Although this posture appears simple, it is capable of producing reactions worthy of scientific study. Recent pseudoscientific attempts by the so-called students of Yoga, like Kuvalayananda and others, culminating into an array of imposing tables of blood pressure changes during the practice of various asanas are not only worthless but even misleading. For example, blood pressure changes occur even while you sit down, stand up or lie down ; and 191 Cf. Yoga, IV, pp. 18ff.


this may naturally happen during yogasana as it is likely to happen with any physical exercise. What is really important to man and science is the correlated interaction on the other equally important functions such as respiration, pulse and pulse-rate etc. Reference should, therefore, be made to only such data as are obtained daring the scien tific study of yoga asanas, and have them chart ed as graphs, after taking out the average. It will be noted how the reactions on the internal organs differ widely in the case of man, woman, and child of about eight years. Only when such charts are studied with regard to the various asanas and their implications, is it possible to judge the indications and contraindications of specific asanas in their application to the needs of an individual. The posture-dosage can then be regulated or prescribed with scientific precision to meet specific requirements of both the students and patients. (6) Matsyendrasana: The twisting of the spine is accomplished alternately on both the right and left sides by bringing into play the corresponding right and the left legs through matsyendrasana, a posture so termed after the name of the great practical yogin Matsyendra. The special technique, as illustrated in F ig . 13, involves much difficulty. In the beginning, therefore, it should be tried only in its primary stage known as ardha-matsyendr&sana. It is practised in two ways as follows . i. Sitting on the floor, press the right heel against the navel while the leg is folded and the thigh is 132


rested on the ground. As far as possible, do not allow the knee to rise above the ground. Now pull the left leg and press the left ankle against the right knee, heel touching the ground. Interlock by levering the left knee with the right arm and catch hold of the left toes with the fingers of the right hand. Balance the body with the aid of the left hand. Maintain the pose as long as it is comfortable. ii. Alternately, press the left heel against the perineum and keep the left leg rested on the floor, with the left thigh flat on the ground. Now pull the right leg and interlock it against the opposite knee. Place the right knee under the left arm pit, twist the whole trunk laterally towards the right, and catch hold of the toes of the right foot with the fingers of the left hand. With an effort of extreme twist, touch the edge of the left thigh with the right hand, swinging the arm from behind the back and then pressing near the groin. Keep the neck straight but slightly turned towards the right shoulder. This partial mastyendrasana is not so difficult as it appears in F ig . 14, and a few attempts are likely to end in complete success. Repeat both the above variants alternately, using the right leg with the twist on the left and vice versd. The physiologic benefits of this posture are very obvious. It is designed to complement the effects of the previous pose through the extreme lateral twists of the spine. It is recognized that such movements of the spine possess great mechanical 133


latory, respiratory, hepatic, renal, and spinal complications are advised to seek guidance from the authorized teachers. The following table serves merely as a guide in adjusting sequence, frequency and time in respect of the various yoga practices recommended in this chapter.
OROAN The Brain and Nerves * > > } 71 > yy YOGA METHOD Paicimottanasana

TIME 2 mnts. 2 5 10

Morning or Evening Ardha-malsyendrasana *y $aids ana 99 Dhdra#diQ*

194 In the volumes of the journal Toga, preliminary and advanced exercises for concentration have been outlined; and any of the*e may be followed for the hygiene of the nerve*. Ak&6amudr 2 is to be practised as follows: Sit in any com fortable posture. Keep the body erect and the neck straight Arrange each band so that the thumb and the forefinger form a circle, while the other fingers are held straight over each other. Refer to the frontispiece. Now fix your gaze on these hands and concentrate your mind on die open space within the two circles. First silence, then relaxation and then rhythm of void. The distance between the hands and the eyes may be two feet. If fatigue is experienced, the arms may be allowed to rest on the legs. Continue as long as it is comfortable or till the mind becomes steady.


Baihing in the early morning brings on cold, and should, therefore, be avoided by the yogin. Hnihayogapradifrika with JyotsnS, I, 81.

T h e r e a re no special suggestions on this subject, in the practical yoga treatises- It is, therefore, possible to base the essentials of general hygiene only upon a n observation of the habits of the yogins with respect to the care of the skin, hair, and nails .etc. Modern hygiene has covered this field quite elaborately, and it is needless to enter into very many details of this subject. The skin is composed of two layers : a superficial thin layer [epidermis), and the deep layer [derma cutis) which is the true skin. The superficial layer is readily separable, e.g., by the fluid of any ordinary blister, the upper skin is raised. The chief function of the surface skin is to give protection to the true skin below and to maintain its normal softness and pliability. In the epidermis, there is a constant production of new cells taking the place of other old cells which are continually pushed towards the surface and finally shed by the skin. This process of desquamation-in the superficial skinis constantly taking place, and the hygiene of the skin consists partly in aiding this process.



The true skin is the organ of sensation ; and the nerve endings and end-organs giving rise to sensecomplcxes are contained in this. To the yogins, the skin is one of the external organs of perception, i.e., the sense of touch (sparSendriya) with the preponderance of earth-elements.1 6 Roehring has well illustrated the importance of the skin as an organ of sense by the statement that, next to sight, the sense of touch is the most important of all the senses. Again, this significance of the skin as an organ of sensation is exemplified by the pathologic conditions which accompany loss of reflex sensibility. Different portion of the cutaneous area, however, according to Goldscheider, present variations in sensitiveness.1* Apart from being an organ of sensation, the skin functions in many important capacities, viz., (a) protection, (b) heat regulation, (c) respiration, and (d) elimination. The zesthe tic aspects of the skin as an aid to beauty are too well recognized both through its delicacy of texture and freshness of colour. (a) Protection: The skin acts as a protective organ by mechanically covering the entire body
196 For biochemical classifications of the elements, GfaugkaJisarum attributed to Gorak$anitha, p. 6. <fQ Cf. ArchieJut Pkysiolcgit, 1886. FUNCTIONS o r THE SKIN



the first line of defence. For it is not the dirt or rust that causes infections, but the germs that enter the skin or the membranes. The important thing is that so long as the skin or the membranes remain secure and are not broken, no amount of germs can do any damage from outside. Also by virtue of its being an organ of sensation, it adapts itself to all possible changes and local disturbances and, thus, prepares the entire system for defence. (b) Heat Regulation: It is the skin which adjusts* itself to variable and sudden atmospheric changes and, to a large extent, regulates the normal temperature of the body.1 7 For example, when the surrounding air is much warmer than the body, the vessels of the skin dilate, free perspiration takes place, and by its evaporation, the body becomes cooled. When, however, the air is cooler than the body, the blood vessels contract and retain the warmth of the body by lessening the amount of blood in the skin to be cooled. (c) Respiration : Contrary to the popular belief that only the lungs breathe, it may be pointed out
19? Treating of the skin as a heat regulator , Baruch obervei that this is the mo*t important function of the skin. To the human organism, the maintenance of the body temperature is of paramount importance, and the contribution of the skin to this process is indjJpens^tb!r,,, Cf. Hjdiotlurapj, by Siroon Baruch, M.D., p. 27.

violence. In fact the skin and membrances are

direct exposure, infection or other external

and so defending the internal structures from



that a respiratory interchange of gases occurs also through the skin. Woods Hutchinson goes farther and speaks even of the skin heart as the factor in the human circulation.198 With regard to skin respiration, Bischoff has shown that even while the total quantity of interchange (of air) is very small, the function, however, is extremely essential to the health of the body. (d) Elimination: The skin is an organ of absorption as well as of excretion. The process of absorption, of course, is not so important as the process of excretion. This has been recognized as such as long ago as the time of Galen. O f late, it has been realized by the physiologists that the skin is second in importance to the kidneys (Picard). The action of the skin, therefore, is a great aid to the kidneys in the process of elimination of toxins from the body.10 If these systemic poisons eliminated by the organism through the skin are not quickly removed by proper ventilation and bathing etc., they get reabsorbed into the system just as the poisonous exhalations of the lungs during confinement in a dark ill-ventilated room. Many clinical observations go to prove that when this special function of elimination through the skin is impaired, it gives rise to a number of diseases.
198 Cf. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, November, 1897. 199 Baruch, Uuna and others further maintain that the most dangerous chcmical elements are really eliminated by the skin specially in those diseased conditions in which the functions of the kidneys become inadequate. Gf. Baruch's Hydrothtr&py, p. 26.



The most common of these disturbances are : chapped skin, dry and skaly skin, itching skin (itchmite), and ringworm etc. These irruptions could, however, be easily remedied by sun, air, and water baths. In chronic cases, it may become necessary to use medicinal powders and ointments. The cutaneous infections and diseasese.g., measles and chicken-pox etc.which really call for constitutional and radical treatment are those that come not only through exposure of the skin but through unhygienic conditions in many other respects. Hives, for example, is really an indication of improper diet, notwithstanding the reports of doctors at New York Hospital that it is due to the psychological factor of resentment (Miller). Lerch suggests that before commencing [any kind of treatment],*00 it is necessary to thoroughly clean mucous membrane and skin, the covering of the body proper. Both are important organs, which prevent recovery and cause disease, if not kept clean. An abnormal mucous membrane [or skin]201 is an open door to any infection.*0* The special characteristics and importance of the skin have been most poetically epitomized by
20c The interpolation of thrse four words it for clarifying the r:onteXi. v4 2 ui T h ae two words complete the *ense conveyed by the quotation 202 Cf. Rtilinal 'l htrapy, by Otto Lerch, A.M., Ph.D., M.D.,p. 2. NEED AND IMPORTANCE OF SKIN HYGIENE




Hutchinson thus . A tissue which is like silk to the touch, the most exclusively beautiful surface in the universe to the eye and yet a wall of adamant aganrch. VraftaSit Impervious alike, by virtue of its wonderful responsive vitality, to moisture and draught, cold and heat, electrical charges, hostile bacteria, the most virulent of poisons and the deadliest of gases, it is one of the real wonders of the world.808 In many diseases, it is possible even to diagnose the nature of an ailment from the colour of the skin as in the case of jaundice, and this shows most certainly the intimate relation of the skin to the activities of the internal organs.204 Again, as outlined in the various functions of the skin, it is evident that the skin contributes greatly to our physical well-being and its hygienic considerations, therefore, are as essential as those of the other organs treated in the previous chapters. It must, however, be emphasized here that the hygiene of the skin also involves a number of other considerations, prominent, among which are food, physical education, bathing and the like which have been treated separately in the next chapter.

Several of tke largest sanitariums in the world,

203 Cf. Studies in Human and Comparative Pathology, by Dr. Woods Hutchinson. 204 It may be interesting here to record that Father Kneipp, of Bavaria, gave preference to skin examination as his special method of diagnosis. Cf. Meine Wasserkur.



namely, at Dresden, Carlsbad, Aix-les-bains, Salinsdu-jura, Harrogate, Nantwich and Battle Creek, etc., depend largely upon the curative effects of sun, air and waterand mud applied externally, at times in some places. This adds considerably to the value of skin hygiene. Whether the exact scientific details of skin hygiene as they are known today were known to the ancient yogins or not is debatable. What, however, is certain is that they fully realized the great value of sun, air and water baths, and a casual use of mudpacks for keeping the skin in its healthy condition. Only in recent years have these become the means of successful cure and widely adopted by the physicians who are believers in Nature Cure methods and also by a large number of drugless healers in all parts of the world. As to yoga skin hygiene, the life of the yogin in the mountains offers him the most favourable conditions for sun and air baths. He exposes his body"all undressed except for the loin clothto the sun in the early mornings for two hours between 6-30 a.m. to 8-30 a.m.806 and retires to the shade when the sun has much greater heating power. This is repeated again in the evening during gardening and other light activities. Air baths and ventilation are quite common to him for the very simple reason that a large area of his bodyexcept for a T-shaped bandage on the
205 Leonard Hill has demonstrated this to be the safest period for exposure of the body to sunlight. Cf. Smskmt and Open Air, p. 92.



loinsis mostly uncovered and the skin is thus constantly brought in dircct contact with the atmospheric air. In course of time, this repetition of exposures to temperaturethrough, what is termed, acclimationinsures the skin to bear and adapt itself to all-weather conditions* Suring and Lode offer us laboratory investigations to show that this adaptation to temperature impressions to a blunting of sensibility to bear heat Or cold improves the physical regulation of heat as distinguished from the chemical which is due to tissue changes.*06 The other interesting aspect of the yoga skin hygiene is the occasional use of bog baths, mud packs and mud washes. It has been found that the black mud used by the yogins is most soothing and stimulating, a veritable skin tonic.*0* Cleanliness of the scalp is perhaps the most important measure of hair prophylaxis, as the irritation due to dandruff and other causes, many times, gives rise to severe headaches and disturbances of the nervous system. The author is able to
205 Cf. ArthivJ&t Hygient, 39, 1901 Edn. 206 Messrs. Griffin & Co. of Springfield, Mass., (U.S.A.) who imported this variety of mud from India for commercial purposes and placed it in the market in two different packings the India M ud Pack and Facial Beutifin~~>comp\ilc that Experiments have since demonstrated that this mud is chemically much different from the so-called Fullers-earth and contains to a certain degree some form of radio-activity and is, therefore, the superior to anything else for such purpose. Extract from published literature. HAIR AND NAILS



suggest from personal experience that cleansing of the hair with the black mud is really more effective than mere washing with soaps or shampooing powders or liquids. The activities of the fingers and palms necessary for the removal of mud also supply the much needed massage and thus stimulates surface circulation by frictions. The orthodox yogins still follow the practice of rubbing the nails against smooth stones for their removal. The cleanliness of these appendages is thoroughly observed through scrupulous washing of the extremities immediately after any unclean function of the body. The following table represents the approximate time and frequency for the sun and air baths, and the mud packs and washes suggested in this chapter. These arrangements may be varied to suit individual requirements. During baths, care should be taken to avoid chills or direct draughts upon the body, unless bathing is done in sunshine. Persons with weak constitution are cautioned to shorten the period of mud pack and mud washes.


The skin Sun bath Air t and H air M ud p a c k

Morning oniy M orning & Evening Once a week







For him who has conquered his body through the control over the five elements of Nature, through the fire of Yoga, there is no disease, no old age, nr death. Svetdivataropanifad, II, 12.
As an unbaked earthem pot is soon dissolved when placed in water, so the body ; it may be strengthened and purified by the fire of Yoga (hygiology), in order to harden it. Gkerandasamhita, I, 8.

E v e n though scrupulously observed, the mere :are of the various organs as previously outlined, is not considered sufficiently effectual by the yogins without a strict observance of certain general matters in hygiene as the air, food, and water, etc. These conditions exert with certainty such marked influence upon the health of an individual that even the slightest variations in respect of air, water, and food, etc., produce abnormal conditions amongst the normally healthy. T he well-being of zn individual, therefore, is really the totality of the care of all the different and vital organs individually and collectively, plus the necessary precautions in and observances of general hygiene.



There are diseases that attack man (i) through airfrom dust, dampness, and poor ventilation, etc.* (ii) through foodif not well-balanced, insufficient, improperly cooked or unclean, (iii) through waterwhen it is dirty, impure, infected, and stagnant etc., and (iv) through many other similar sources which cannot actually be ascribed to neglect of personal prophylaxis with regard to different organs and their purification. These considerations are, therefore, grouped under the common term of Hygiene in General, some of these factors forming a part of public or domestic hygiene. In matters of general hygiene, the yogin, of course, is concerned more about himself than about the generality, and the yoga suggestions in these respects, thus, are principally guided by considerations of personal hygiene. Nonetheless, it is interesting to note that the practical yogins had not overlooked the fundamentals governing hygiene in general. On the contrary, they have given the matter their closest attention and actually succeeded in formulating a tentative scheme of hygienic living which, interpreted in modem terms, may be found both rational and scientific.

Air is biologically recognized as the first necessity of life, for we may live without food for weeks and without water for days, but we certainly cannot live without air for more than a few minutes. The


question of air supply, therefore, is of greater importance than even of water or food supply, and good ventilation thus becomes the first rule of hygiene. The most important features of ventilation are motion, coolnees, and the proper degree of humidity and freshness.207 * For independent considerations, these may be classified as (a) climate, (b) housing, (t) clothing, (d) out-ofdoor living, and (e) breathing. (a) Climate: The yogins favour temperate climate, i.e., neither too hot nor too cold because the extremes of temperature cause physiologic disturbances which they should try to avoid.*08 Also places either too high like mountains or too low like valleys below the sea-level are considered unsuited for the practice of Yoga. Barcroft has pointed out that the partial pressure or concentration of oxygen, as also of carbon dioxide, in the alveolar air varies considerably at higher altitudes and causes exaggeration in pulse ratesa consequent increase leading to activity of the vital organs which the yogins should avoid in order to gain physical control and mental concentration. On the contrary, an increase in the depth of respiration which the yogins strive for is best aided by an altitude sufficiently higher than at the sea-level. Between these two extremes, the yogins, as a golden mean, suggest a place which is neither too high nor too
207 Cf. How to Live, p. 7, 208 Cf. Hafhayogcpradipika with Jyotsnd, I, 12; Markandeyapuri^a quoted in Togacintdmani, II, p. 96.



low, i.e., about 1,600 to 2,000 feet above the sealevel.206 Besides this, the chief requisite of a good climate is the opportunity it offers to live out-of-door as much as possible. These moderate levels again are best suited to such purposes as they offer uniform temperature (Kellas). (b) Housing: Next to climate comes the housing problem. It has an intimate relation to health which can hardly be overlooked since morbidity and mortality are also governed by housing conditions. While considering sanitation in houseconstruction it is essential to pay due attention to location.210 It has been observed by Gheraada and other authorities on Yoga that the practice of Yoga should not be attempted in a far off country (away from home), nor in a forest, nor in a capital city in the midst of crowds. If one does so, he mars success. In a distant country, one is likely to lose faith because of Yoga not being known there ; in a forest,'one is without protection ; and in the midst of a thick population, there is the danger of exposure, for then the curious will certainly trouble him. Therefore, let one avoid these three.211
209 These may be termed moderate levels. Pyle considers these levels excellent for delicate people and persons engaged in sedentary occupation. The air in these regions is found to be relatively pure. Gf. Personal Hygitru, by W. L. Pyle, p. 136. 210 Gf. Numerous quotations from Lihgapilrana, Skandapurana, Markandeyapurdna, Adipurana, Yogatalvaprakdia and many others in Yogacintdmani, II, p. 89ff. 211 Gf. Ha\hayogapradxpiki with Jyotsna, 1 , 12ff; Gherandasamhitd, V, 2ff.


Further, the requisites of a proper location are that the same should be free and far from rocks, water and fire.212 These are sanitary considerations not to be passed over lightly by any one who wants to pursue the arduous course of Yoga. By water5 is meant dampness ; by fire is meant earthquakes and volcanoes ; and rocks mean jungle habited by insects, reptiles, and tigers etc. The location of the dwelling itself should be of sufficient elevation to admit abundant supply of fresh air and sunlight. According to Yajfiavalkya, 3vatmarama and others the approximate size of a room for the yogin is calculated to be about 9 x 12 x 12 feet which would contain the amount of cubic spacean average being taken at 1000 cubic feet after Bergeyrequired for an adult. A thatched roof of the yogins hut really secures the necessary dryness by its hygros copic property in damp weather (dried by free ven tilation and sunshine) and thus contributes largely to the stock of infra-red or dark radiant heat considered so essential for the health of an individual.213 Curiously enough, while the yogins hold dispassionate attitude towards life, the wealth of natural scenery and gardens, however, has a great attraction for them. Yajnavalkya, Svatmarama, and the authors of NandikeSvarapurana and Yogatatvaprakdsa emphasize that the dwelling house

212 Cf. Ibid. 213 Leonard Hill considers infra-red rays and radiant heat as the first requisite towards good health. Cf. Sunshine and Open Air, p. 24 ff.



of the yogin should be surrounded by the most delicate flower gardens and groves with fruit-bearing large shady trees encircling the compound, and a stream of clear water flowing near the premises. It is further considered essential that at such places Nature herself should be so abundantly beautiful that the eyes of the yogin resting upon such scenery might become calm and concentrated even by the very sight of it.2li Constant and natural disinfection, with a. view to avoiding insects and germ-laden atmosphere, of such a dwelling-house is thought imperative and ought to be secured through scrupulous cleansing, dusting and smearing of the entire surface with cowdunga supposedly strong disinfectant in itself serving the purpose of an ordinary whitewashing every day.216 To maintain uniform temperature and further to avoid draught, ventilation is secured not through the orthodox design of windows which are not recommendedbut through an entrance-door, mostly kept open at all times, with an easterly exposure. For an individual, these sanitary considerations of the yoga system of housing, insecticide, and germicide, etc., are quite sufficient, remembering the fact that the yogin is advised to live alone (ck&ntt) and has a separate hut to himself. Rosenau
214 Cf. Yogaydjiiavalkyam, V, 5, 6ff; HathayogapraAipikd with Jyotsnd, I, 13 ; and fogacintdmani, II, p. 98f. 215 The air within is to be kept perfumed with incense to drive away mosquitoes, fleas, flies and similar insects. Cf, Ibid.


considers the detached one-man dwelling with ample space all around it as the most ideal housing for it avoids overcrowding and stands as the best preventive measure against infection and disease.

(c) Clothing : Modern investigations in air hygiene teach us the need of fresh air and ventilation which really concerns the skin as much as the lungs. The hygiene of clothing, therefore, assumes a new and hitherto unsuspected importance. This includes ventilation freedom from pressure, moderate warmth and cleanliness.216 The yogins, while generally undressed except for a piece of cloth over the loinsthe ideal of modern natural living and Nature Coloniesprefer the use of loose porous garments like the togas and robes, mostly prepared from cotton or silk, in cold and damp weather only.217 These are always loose and thin in texture, porous, light in weight and easily washable.218 carefully washed everyday after they have been used once, and dried in open sunshine. Light colours such as white, yellow and saffron which absorb fewest of the heat rays and most of the U .V . radiations are usually selected for such purposes.218
216 Even the early Indian medical authorities were fully aware of the many hygienic virtues of clean clothing. Cf. Carakasamhitd, 3 utr as than am, V, 92. 217 Kellogg maintains that cotton is unquestionably the best fabric foY contact with the skin. Silk comes next for it is less irritating than other fabrics. Cf. The Health Question Box, p. 470. 218 Gf. Sivasarkhitd, III, 40. 219 These colours approved by the yogins are now accepted as the most suitable for the tropical countries by Rollier.



[d) Outdoor Living : Except for the periods of meditation and secret practices of Yoga, the yogin passes the rest of his time in the study of Nature and out-of-door pursuits, viz., gardening, growing of vegetables, picking of fruits and flowers, and strollinglong journeys are precluded since they are likely to cause strain, discomfort, and distraction. Science has proved that the air of even the best ventilated houses is not as good as outdoor air, and the yogins, spending a large part of their time in open air and sunshine, enjoy the best of health and the greatest longevity. (e) Breathing : The interchange of air in ordinary breathing is very poor and a much larger percentage can be exchanged by efforts at conscious deep breathing as taught by practical Yoga. Apart from the oxygen value, it helps to equalize the circulation of blood throughout the body, by bringing into action the unused abdominal muscles. Yoga breathing methods have also a very great sedative nervous effect which tends to mental com posure and concentration.220

The value of dietetics for the promotion of good health and longevity, and also as medicine in the treatment of diseases was fully known in India not only to the yoga hygienists but also to the ancient
220 This subject has been treated in all essentials in a previous volume under Care of the Respiratory Apparatus.


medical authorities.221 Surprizing as it may seem, it is only recently that the modern scientists have found it needful to pay critical attention to this all-important subject of health via food. Crile, Friedenberg, Carlson and others have succeeded in proving through laboratory tests that the proper adjustment of diet not only prevents and cures certain diseases but may even help to prolong human life ; and further that with a change in diet, it is quite possible to change even the character of an individual. What has already been alluded to as the fuelenergy of diet (annapdnendhanaikagnih)2n by the ancient Indian scientists has now been acknowledged as the philosophy offuel-units by Banedict, Hindhede and others ; and modern dietetics is based upon this appendix to the already existing knowledge of food values. What is called calory is really the matra223 which measures the units of food value available from both solid and liquid nutrients for maintaining body heat and energy. The daily calorific requirements vary with each individual according to the sex, age, weight, occupation and a number of other minor factors. It also varies with the quality and quantity of foods and drinks.

221 Cf. Carakasarkhild, sutrasthanam, X X V II, 337 fT., 343; and Sujrutasamhitd, sutrasthanam, I, 25f, 222 It means the heat produced by the fuel of food and drink. Cf. Ibid. 223 The word matra is very significant and is definitely suggestive of fuel-unit or calory with reference to the meiabolic nutrients (,annapana). Cf. Ibid, 340f; X X V III, I, ff.



It has, however, been observed that any food or drinkspecified as nutrientseither too rich or too poor in calories and over or below the average requirements of an individual cause physiologic disturbances.824 It is thus easy to realize that both (a) the quality of food as well as (b) the quantity of food play an important part in the well-being of a person and need consideration. The yogins, fortunately, recognized both these issues, and while they may have failed to philosophize the details of analysis in terms of proteins and carbohydrates, fats and minerals, calories and vitamins, they certainly did hand over to us their precious experience of ages on dietetics which, in the light of our modern researches on the subject, may be found scientifically correctmore so, when judged by its antiquity, environments', and apparently non-scientific and metaphysical perspective. In effect, let aside dietetic philosophy, given an ordinary every day dieta diet balanced by the individuals natural impulse and preference for quality, quantity, taste and economyit makes no difference what really the healthy individual eats. Most people need know very little about the ash content of their orange juice, the vitamins in milk, the fat in butter, the calorific value of rice and wheat, or the carbohydrate, protein or mineral contents of vegetables and fruits. The yogins believe that,
224 Cf. Ibid ; vim&rmtUna, I, 2ff.


in the selection of food, man may still profitably heed the dictates of his instinct and experience. (a) Quality o f Food : The yogins hold, irrespective of their ethical principle of non-injury, that man is really a herbivo-frugivorous animal. That a meatdiet is unsuited to human digestion, and that it causes more disease? than a mixed or a purely vegetable or fruit diet has been established through recent experiments. Lusk, Rubner, McCollum and their colleagues have, through their laborious tests and practical experimentations, proved beyond a shadow of doubt that the users of low-protein and non-flesh dietaries have fa r greater endurance than those who are accustomed to the ordinary high-protein and full-flesh or mixed dietary. Similar results have also been broadcast by various investigators in Germany, England, Porto Rico and many other places. Consequently, modern dietitians now advocate most strongly the exclusive use of dairy products, vegetables, fruits and nuts as the ideal food for man.226 Even among the vegetables and fruits, the yogins give preference only to certain varieties which they consider exceptionally valuable to the sedentary mode of yoga living. For this reason, the nutrients which are pure, agreeable, sweet, nourishing and easily digestible become generally recommended.226 Thus, the constituents of yoga dietetics comprise the following : (i) with regard'to the dairy products and

225 Cf. The New Dietetics, by J. H. Kellogg. 220 Cf. Hathayogapradxpika, 1,63; and Ghiraptfasamhud, V, 21, 29.


sweets, the yogin may partake of fresh miikproducts, honey and sugar ; (ii) among the cereals, he is allowed to select from wheat, barley and rice j227 in the leguminosse, he can choose from Phaseolus mungo and Phaseolus radiatus ;228 (iii) in the vegetables and herbs, he may have eggplant, cucumbersall the edible varietiesokra esculentus) and Luffa acutangulla, with a liberal use of fresh green leaves of spinach, sprouts and the five potherbs229more or less similar to lettuce and celery etc. which are regarded as the best food for the yogin ; (iv) among the roots, he should confine himself only to the medicinal or edible (certain varieties more or less similar to carrot and beet etc.) ; and (v) among the fruits, he may have mango, jack-fruit, Anannas sativus, certain types of berries, jujube, fig, plaintain, dates and etc.




No spices are allowed to the yogin256 as they

227 Cf. Gherandasamhitd, V, 17ff. An occasional use of com is commended by Goraka. Compare his observations in Samhita (MS), p. 18. 228 Svatmarama and Gheranda favour the use of Bengal gram and white beans, at times, possibly with a view to cover the protein deficit when deemed necessary. 229 These a re : (i) Menespermum glabrum or jlvanti, (ii) Chinopodium album or vdstumulyiikfi, (iii) Boerhaavia diffusa alata or punarnava, (iv) Amaranthus polygamus or meghanddam and (v) Amaranthus spinosus or kanfhauliya. Besides these, he is also allowedaccording to some authoritiesHingatsha repens or hilamocika, Cassia sophera or kalakasunda and Trichosanthes dioeca or patola. 230 Cardamom and cloveseven ginger and turmericare allowed in the beginning. Cf. Halhayogapradipika with Jyatsrui L 62f. ; and GheraptfasajnJiitd VI, 16, 17fF.


have been found to be stimulating and harm ful281 Even the use of common salt is considered prejudical to health,232 possibly because the green and leafy vegetables and other food recommended are sufficiently richand, indeed, some of them are exceptionally richin mineral salts.233 It may be pointed out that recent researches by prominent doctors in America have lead to the disclosure that By taking large quantities of salt, with your food, you may be killing yourself quicker than Nature intended. Chronic heart failure is partly due to a perverted diet rich in salt. The average man consumes each day over 200 times as much salt as what a gorilla needs a day for his weight. 284 Highly seasoned stuffs and stimulating drinks are regarded as unsalutary to the yogin. Things that

231 Recent laboratory and clinical tests have conclusively proved that spices and condiments are not only a burden upon the digestive system but are actually acid producers which poison the blood stream. 232 Salt is looked upon as positively injurious to health and actually unnecessary. Cf. Haihayogapradxpika, I, E8ff. It is a known fact that to hibernating animalsbearing in mind that the practical yogin undergoes conscious and suspended animation salt-water or salt is poisonous or fatal, e.g., the lacerta acquatica (Paul) and the Himalayan marmot. For scientific reasons which preclude the use of salt, refer to the journal Toga, Vol. Ill, p. 96. 233 The vegetarian whose daily dietary contains a liberal amount of uncooked fruits and vegetable and only moderate amount of protein and starfhes, has no need and no desire for inorganic tabic salt. For further discussion on To Salt or Not to Salt, sec Natural Dietetics, by Dr. Henry and Mrs. Anna Lindlahr, p. 449ff. 234 This disclosure was made known by leading American physicians after long and careful clinical investigations.


are sharp, sour, pungent, bitter and likewise prohibited.M s Apart from the use fresh green vegetables and fruits-the latter to be used when ripe the food that having been once cooked has grown cold and is heated considered unhealthy. Again, fried and articles, and foods and drinks deprived nutritional values*36 are among prohibited

heating are' of


From the above list of the yoga other hygienic precautions, it becomes quite evident that a well-balanced purely vegetarian diet is preferred to either a mixed or a full-flesh diet. Its specific advantages are : (i) that it is usually easily digestible, (ii) that when selected in a proper combination, it satisfactorily and completely fulfills the average nutritional needs of an individual, and (iii) that therefore it forms the most ideal diet especially for those engaged in higher mental pursuitsleading somewhat sedentary life.**7

again is roasted of their foods. dietary and

236 Cf. Bhagavadgitd, XVII, 9 ; Hathayogapradipikd, I, 69 ; Gherandasamhitd, V, 23. 236 Alike the ancient yogins, the modem authorities on neodietetics regard such stimulating and unhealthy preparations and drinks as non-nutrients, i.e., lacking in essential food value*. 237 Cf. Bhagavadgitd, XVII, 8. Dietitians are agreed that a purely vegetarian diet diminishes the waste in animal economy the chief objective of the yogin in personal prophylaxisfor whereas the specific number, indicating waste in a given time, in man living on a vegetarian diet is 1,000 it is 1,448 in the case of one accustomed to a mixed diet and 2,367 in the case of one used to fuil-fleth diet. Cf. Dr. N. C. Pauls A Treatise on the Toga Philosophy, p. 18.



Moreover, the varieties recommended leave ample scope for selection and combination of the dairy products, cereals, vegetables and fruits etc., all of which have been so chosen as to contain the highest nutritive value, easy digestibility, agreeable taste and medicinal qualities. MetchnikofT, Chittenden and others may find it surprising that the importance of balancing the rationfat, protein, carbohydrates, cellulose, and organic mineral salts, etc.whether in terms of calories or vitamins had since long been recognized by the observant yogins, and that the modern investigations in dietetics merely go to confirm their age-old findings to be scientifically precise (b) Qyantity of Food : No definite weight can be put down arbitrarily to measure the exact volume of food requirements of an individual, for if it once agrees to the calorific standard, it might be found unsuitable in some other respects. The yogins, therefore, consider it advisable to leave the entire matter to the judgement of a healthy and non-perverted stomach.*88 Moderation in diet (mitdhdra) ,*89 however, is emphasized as the guiding
238 It is thus stated that the yogin may partake of the food according to his desire. Compare the exact and uniform wordings both in Hathayogapradlpika, I, 63 and Gherandasamhitd, V, 29. 236 This is interpreted by the authors of almost all the practical yoga treatises to mean that half the stomach should be filled with food (about 142 grammes at each meal), leaving one-quarter of the stomach-space for water and the last quarter for air. The details in Mdrkandeyapurana (39ff.) arc quite elaborate. This ratio has also been accepted by the ancient Indian medical, autho rities. Cf. Carakasamhita, vimanasthana, II, 2f; Vdgbhafasutra, X .


line, i.e., to eat .no absolutely necessary


or no less than what is to satisfy ones appetite.240

Three meals a day are considered sufficient for the yogin. Thus, he may have a light breakfast at 8-30 a.m., his lunch at 1 p.m., and his dinner at 6-30 p.m. Between the intervals of the principal meals, he is advised not to eat anything. Fasting or even eating only once a day (naktabhojana) is regarded just as injurious to health as overeating (ativabhojanam)2*1 or eating before the food has passed through the stomach.242 The yogin should also re frain from religious fasts and similar observances.

Second in importance to air, water may be considered a prime necessity of life. Apart from being an essential article of nutritioneven though not classified as suchits various uses for cleanliness make the need for abundant and pure water supply a matter of utmost consideration.245 The yogins,

240 Gf. Amrtanddopanifad, 28. 241 Cf. Yogasandhya, p. 115. 242 Rkahdram nvahdram ydmantt ca na karayet | Cf.Gherandasamhitd, V, 31. Oidinary food takes approximately three hours (ydma), to pass through the pylorus, and it has been clinically demonstrated that anything eaten during this interval disturbs norma] digestion. 243 It is needless to emphasize that ill-health and . a large number of diseases like typhoid, enteritis, cholera and dysentery etc., are often traceable to impure water. Not only that the use of a better water reduces the chances of gastro-intestinal disorders but it positively helps also to avoid, and overcome a large number of other diseases as well (Reineke).


however, have not overlooked this all-important subject. For this, they suggest two measures: first, to select a location not very far from a spring or a river ; and, second, to sink a well within the premises of the yoga monastery. Both these measures assure him of unfailing and abundant supply244 of pure (nirdosa) water. As to the purity of watera really important hygienic considerationRosenau observes that Pure water is a chemical curiosity ; it does not exist in Nature.245 It is a matter of general knowledge in sanitation, however, that both spring water and river water flowing over an uninhabited rocky soil, as a rule, are of a high degree of purity, i.e., free from organic impurities (Hazen). Again, if sufficiently deep, the well waterusually clear and of high sanitary quality furnishes the safest and most satisfactory sources of supply we have.248 The uses of water may be classified as the (a) in ternal uses of water; and (b) external uses of water. (a) Internal Uses of water : The common uses of water are drinkingits use in cooking being secondaryand purposes of hygienic purification. There are no specific instructions in the practical
244 Places where there is not abundant provision for water or food supply are considered unfit localities for the yogin ; and in such instances, he is advised to leave such places for a better on* where he should finally make his abode. Cf. Ibid, V, 5, 6ff. 245 Cf. Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, p. 929. 243 Cf. The Health Question Box, p. 537,



yoga treatises concerning the quantity of water to be taken each day, the matter having been left to the individual needs subject to natural require ments. Only it has been observed that one-quarter of the space in the stomach is to be kept free at the time of meals for water. As to the frequency with which it should be administered, it is stated that during meals, the drinking of water is injurious to health.247 The author is reminded of a certain habit of the yogins which may prove useful to many, namely, before defecation, they usually drink about a pint of water especially in the early morning at about 4 a.m. before they begin their daily duties. This might have been done with a view to washing down, as it were, the residues of the alimentary canal by increasing peristalsis, which reached the minimum during rest, and thus by incidentally facilitating evacuation. The internal cleanliness which to the yogin is a daily imperative hygienic duly involves the use of over half a gallon of water, taken internally for the purification of the mouth, the nose, the stomach, the intestines, and the bladder. (b) External Uses of Water: Chief among the external uses of water may be mentioned the cleanliness of ones person, clothing and things. Excluding the hydrotherapeutic measures for the treatment of diseases which may require a very
247 Modem investigations have demonstrated how water taken during meals or immediately after dilutes the digestive juice* and retards digestion.



large quantity of water, the common use of water for personal cleanliness is a daily skin-bath other than what may be termed internal baths. That a daily skin-bath is extremely essential for health can hardly be denied. It is quite unusual, and is regarded even as very unbecoming, for the yogin to let pass even a single day without having his daily bath. As a matter of fact, he seldom takes his meal without first having his ablution. The time between 7 a.m. to 8 a.m., just after sunrise, is considered most suitable for this purpose. Frequent baths are believed to be injurious, so also are too early bathsbetween 4 a.m. to 5 a.m. generally observed by many religious sects in India. Again, cold baths are not recommended ; but temperate (78F.) or tepid (87F.) baths, i.e., neither too hot nor too cold (attiitosnam) are favoured. Lerch has found them to be the best suited to persons engaged in sedentary habits. Apart from the use of water during a bath, a vigorous rub-down is followed to remove the impurities deposited on the skin. This also aids surface circulation and supplies much needed exercise and stimulation to the body. Hygiene teaches us that it is not possible to live, healthy without engaging ones mind and body in some form of activity. Disused body and mind , become atrophied and perverse ; and, in due course, may differif at allvery little from lifeless objects. Although to all appearances inactive, especially to 163


outside observers the life of the yogin is really quite busy. His daily curriculum may be divided into (a) work, and (b) rest. (a) Work : Among the mental activities of the yogin may be mentioned study, namely, religious (scriptures etc)., metaphysical (systems of philosophy and other intellectual pursuits), psychological and physiological (investigations in human psychology, anatomy and physiology etc.248) ; and active engagement in concentration and physical culture of a varied nature (therapy, physical education and hygiene outlined in this work, and evolutive processes discussed in other volumes of this series). His outdoor work comprises gardening, walking short journeysand sometimes249 household duties, e.g., cooking, sweeping, washing of clothes and vessels, etc. Hard work which may lead to a state of nervous or muscular exhaustion either through mental or physical fatigue is prohibited at all times. He is further strictly required to limit his activities only in light pursuits avoiding such actions as might
248 In ancient India, dissection of the body (dead) was more or less compulsory for two classes of people, the yogins and the physicians. Thus, the great ancient medical authority of India, Susruta, says that the yogin should dissect in order that he may know die different parts of the human body. Cf. Wise3 Commentary on ,Tht Hindu Medicine, p. 48 ; also compare Tht Anatomy of tht Tantras, by V. R. Gandhi, p. 233. 249 The yogin who has a large following is generously attended to for his personal requirements. The married yogin similarly has less of household responsibilities. But the beginner has to undergo wuch of manual labour in attending to his domestic needs.



cause physical strain or pain [kayakle&a). Prevention of overstrainunfortunately a very common modem ailmentand monotony is secured by intervals of rest interspaced with varieties of engagements. (b) Rest: Two main forms of inactivity, viz., rest and sleep are equally essential as are the usual activities conducive to health. From 7 a.m. till 11 a.m., the yogin is busy with his studies and personal hygiene. Then, an interval of two to three hours, i.e., upto 2 p.m., is utilized to rest, relaxation or recreation. From 2 p.m. until sunset at about 6-30 p.m., he is again busy with his usual pursuits. He seldom makes use of artificial light and passes his late evening hours in deep contemplation, chanting and music. He finally retires to bed at about 10 p.m. and enjoys an average of eight to nine hours of undisturbed and dreamless sleep. Hard bed of straw, a mat cf kuia grass, a woolen carpet or a deer skin is generally preferred to soft cotton or feather beds, probably with a view to preserving uniform temperature of the body without any corresponding loss of heat. Climatic considerations have also not been overlooked by the ancient yogins, to facilitate the study of Yoga ; and it has been observed that the beginning of all yoga processes in certain seasons produce better results than at other times.250
250 Not only that initiation in the study of yoga practices during winter, summer, or monsoon be avoided, but also that any




In order, therefore, to receive the full measure of benefit from the yoga practices, the aid of Nature is sought in the form of proper selection of time and season best suited to such an undertaking. Winter November, December, January and February summerMay and Juneand monsoonJuly and Augustare precluded as quite unsuited to commencing the practice of Yoga, most likely because they represent extremes of climate and too sudden atmospheric changes in the case of the latter. The beginner (prathamabhyasinah) therefore, is advised to start his studies only during springtimeMarch and Aprilor in autumnSeptember and October when the climatic conditions are usually normal and uniform in temperature.251 Leaving aside the needless exercise of ingenuity, the technical expressions in terms of an exact science, the advent of yoga hygieologyits antiquity, evolution and success, its singularly natural methods of self-application and self-treatment as hygienic,
beginning during these seasons may produce even deleterious effects on the general health. Those already initiated in the yoga practices at the proper time and engaged in dail y care of the body need not apprehend evil effects. They may, therefore, continue their practice irrespective of the change in season or climate. The precaution hereinabove outlined is principally limited to the beginners, with the definite view to making easy their entry into a new scheme of living. 251 Cf. Hathayogapradipika with Jyotsnd, I, 61 ; Gherandasamhita, V, 8, 9ff. 166 CONCLUSION


preventive, and therapeutic measures, and its invaluable contribution to the mental, moral and psychic health of manis more than sufficient to convince any unprejudiced humanist of its unique completeness, its universal appeal and value to one and all for -endowing personal good health of the body, mind and soul. A little corroborative study in the light of our modern advances in science makes it evident that the entire code of personal hygiene as formulated thousands of years ago by Yoga is based on scientific fundamentals and is profoundly wholesome. In fact, there should be no misappre hension whatsoever about these yoga practices doing any possible harm, if followed out intelligently and in conformity with the instructions given throughout this work. In the present age of drudgery, nervous irritation, unnatural modes of living and thinking, and the mechanized life of an automaton, perchance the yogin of the genuine type observing all the yoga methods in their essential details remains, for all practical purposes, more a hygienic curiosity than a visual reality far above the standards of modem life and living. Nonetheless he is an ideal of utmost significance to man upholding as he does by his very example the virtue of such concrete measures as lead to good health and longevity. If Yoga succeeds with the yogins in the present as it did in the past, it can hardly be doubted why any man following the yoga code of controlled biological living should not live more than a hundredyears. 167


Even though strictly individual and self-contained excluding considerations of public or domestic hygienefollowed only by a selected group of the yogins in its highest technique with regularity, the yoga hygieology literally stands first as an ideal of purely hygienic living, If incorporated in the daily duties of an individual, to whatever extent it is practicable or possible, in our modern ways of living, these psychosomatic measures of the ancient yogins are sure to prove useful in bestowing good health, in prolonging life, and in preserving sanity of mindthe main objects of all our sciences and the sum total of all human endeavours.


A abdomen compression of, 42nf., 113 ; controlled, 35, 38, 42 ; draw ing up of, 34 ; protracted, 42 absoluteness, 51 abstraction, 50, 120 adhuasana, 125 Adlrr, Alfred, 68n., 84 adrenals, 118n. age, old, 42, 145 ; pigments, 112 air, 146flT., etseq. altitude and, 147f. ; alveolar, 37, 44, 147 ; cell, 36,44 ; chambers, 46 ; complementalv 44f. ; dead space, 37 ; hun* gcr, 24f. ; interchange of, 139* 152 ; passage, care of, 18ff. 29, 32, 90 ; residual, 44f. } sacs, 19 ; supplemental, 38 } tidal, 44 ; vital, 24 Amanaskakhanfam, 17 Amaraughasdsanam, 137 n. American Journal of Physiology, 118n: Amjtanadopanisad, 33n., 160n. Anatomy of the Tantros, 164n. ancient medical authorites, 54n., 100n., I l l , 151n., 153, 159n., 164n. anemia, 62 Animal Magnetism, 114n. animal, hibernating, 157n. animation, suspended, 157n. arteriosclerosis, 117n. astasiddhi, 83 asthma, 58f., 60ff. Asthma - Research Council, 61ff.n. ajvinimudrd, 88ff., 94, 104 clinical observations on, 9In. Autonomic Functions and Personalia p , 72n. Aaipurana, 148n. Anandapandila, 21

B bandha, 88 jdlandhara, 45n. ; miila 88n.; 94 ; uddiyana, 19, 42n., 45n. bath, 163 air, 57, 97, 140, 142, 144 ; bog, 143; cold, hip, 97n.; cool, 88, 96f.; mud, 143f. skin, ib., 163 ; steam, 57; sun, ib., 140ff., 144 ; tepid, 163 ; Turkish and Russian, 124 ; warm foot, 97 ; water, 140fT., 163 bhadrdsana, 9If., 94 Bhagavadgitd, 118n., 158f. Bhdgavata, 96n. Bhoja, 21 bioneigy, 17, 47ff., 64ff., 107, 109n.; breath and, 17n., 54ff.; control of, 17ff., 87n., 126 ; mind and, 52 ; science of, 17 birth control, 103 blood arterialized 42, 47ff. ; cells, 27f.; corpuscles, 28 ; drainage, 94, 96; interchange, 93 ; poisoning, 98 ; pressure, 127 ; vessels, 94, 138 Boston Medical and Surgical Jour nal, 139n. brahmacarya, 71, 85iF., 102 brahmajndna, 84 BrahmasHtra with Bhamati, 55n.; with $ankarabhdiya, 55n. brain, 105ff., 108 an organ of the mind, 105ff.; as seat of soul, 106; breath and, 49fT.; care of the, Ch. I ll; cortex of, 105 ; increase in infections, 114n. ; lungs and, 49n., 50ff. ; nervous system and, 105ft; yoga hygiene of, 134f. breath deep, 36 ; negative and posi tive effects of 39ff. ; normal rhytlim of, 34 ; packing, 35f.;


INDEX D regulation of, 17f., 37, 47n. ; hortness of, 118 ; suspension Dasgupta, S. N., 54n., 108 of, 33 ff. De Anima, 106n. breathing, 17 el seq. dehahiddhi, 84 alternate, 39fF., 45, 49ff. ; dhanwvakrasana, art of, 24f. ; capacity, 34n., dharana, 120, 135134 60f.; defective, 25ff. ; dia 57 et seq. phragmatic, 124 5 dynamic, diet, balanced, 116v 158 ; fruit 123 ; exercise, 22ff., 61ff and 155fF., 158ff.; 94; methods, 29, 35n., 41, full vegetable, flesh, 155, 158 ; good 51n., 63, 152 ; mouth, 26, health via 152 mixed, 155, 29 ; nervous effects of, 48ff., 158 ; moderation in, 88, 152 ; rapid, 49 ; rejuvenation 94, 159 through, 27f. ; time measure 125f. in, 40ff. | therapeutic value, dradhasana, 153ff., 158 23ff., 57ff. ; vacuum, 33ff.; drinks, wrong, 26, 32 ; yoga vs. stimulating, 81f., 88, 157f. deep, 19n. 41ff., 152 E British Medical Journal, 43n. education, 10, 76, 117f. bronchitis, 20 Education and Ethics, 76n. Bfhaddrafyaka, 85n. electromagnetic currents, 46n., Bfhamaradiyapurafta, 33n. I ll emotion, 50, 117ff. C glands and, H 7 n .; reflexes of, 107; 118 ; violent, 119 calory, 163ff. emotional Caraka, 100n., 106 control, 9 4 ; disturbances, Carakasamhitd, 55nf., I 00n., 117n. ; expression, 117 ; in I59n. hibitions, 84 ; shut off, 51n. carbon dioxide, 20f., 37f., 44ff., equanimity, 85, 118 147 celibacy, 70 F chastity, 79 Chandogya Upardfad., 56n., 66n., fasting, not for yogins, 160 85n., 106 Fisher and Fisk, 23, 47n., l i t child, 31, 35, 55, 72, 76, 117, Freud, Sigmund, 67ff., 71 132 food, 55, 152ff., 156 circulatibn, 18ff., 28, 32, 48, 91, G 95f., 107, 117, 122, 128, 152 ganglia, 46, 109 citta, 50, 105ff. 40 and prana, ib.; oftti, 49,83,112 gayatri, genitals, 92 clothing, 30, 88, 94, 147, 151 irrigation of, 88, 97flf., 104 concentration, 37, 48, 51, 63, Gheranda, 88n., 148, 156n. 70, 83, 85, 120f., 126, 147, Gherandasamhita, 40n., 9 In., 125n., 152 145, 148n., 156, I58f., 166n. through breathing, 5 In., glands, endocrine, 98, 117n.f. 126f., 135n. Gorakea, 17, 40, 48, 88n. 137n. continence, 71, 85 Gorakfapadchati, 46n., 109


INDEX Goraki&sariikila, 40n., 110n., 166n. Kalha Upant sad, 85 Goraksasaiaka, 112n. Kausitaki Brdhmano, 55n. goraksdsana, 9If., 96, 104 Kellogg, J.H ., 125, I51n., 156n. Ktnopanisad, 55n. H kumbhaka, 21 el seq. Halliburton, W. D., 37, 71 kevala, 33, 36 ; sahita, ib., 57n. Hathayoga, 7, 8ff., 21, 47, 88n., kyphosis, 61, 134 91, !02n., 105, 112, I20n. L Halhayogapradipikd, 22n. f., 27n., 36n., 39n., 49n.f., 61, 87n., libido, 67f 92n., 98n., 105, 155n.ff., sexuaiis, 68; unsublimated, 83 159 ; with Jyotsna, 21n., 25n.,life 42n., 60a., S6n.f., 90n., achievements and aims, 66, 102n., 125n., 136, 147n.f., 82 ; art and science of 26 ; energy, 17, 64fT.; married, I50n., 156n., 166n. 72fT., 86; modern, 114, 167; Hathayogoiarnhitd, 62n., 86q. 98n. moral and spiritual, 83 ; outheart, 34 improvement in action, 42, of-door, 81, 88, 94, 117, 122, 147f. 127 ; weak, 31 heredity, new element in, 115n. Lirigapurdna, 96n., 148n. longevity, 27, 37, 42, 49, honey, 98, 156 57n., 84, 100, 102, 119, hoime, 67, 72n., 101a. 121n., 152, 167 housing, ideal, 148flf., 151 lungs, fibrotic, 62; inflated, 34 hydrotherapy, 67, 96 hygiene, domestic and public, M 146ff., 168 ; general, 136, Ch.V ; mental, moral, 88, 94; Madhavad&sa, 9, 92, 99n. modem, 136 Mahabharala, 87n., 115 hypnotism, lion. Maitrdyani, 17n., 65n. makardsana, 125, 128 I manas, 9, 108 idd, 109 Manusmrti, 87n. Indian Philosophy, A History of, Margaret Sanger, 103 64n., 108n. marriage, 70, 74, 82 Matsyendra, 40n., 48 indigestion, 113, 118 dsana, 129, I32ff., 135 insanity, 74,115 instinct, 6of., 155 meditatioii, 152 mental Iivaragltd, 85n. aberrations, 71 ; counts in J breathing, 40; equipoise, 52f.; Jung, 67n. f. hygiene, 88, 116fT., 119 ; freedom from emotions, 117fT.; K modifications, 49, 83, 112 merudanda, 108 Kalicarana, 110 milk, '98, 102, 104, I56ff. Kdlikdpurdna, 33n. mind, 85, 105, 116, 125, 127, kdma, 68 163, 167 ; conscious, 68 ; kdmasutra, 66n., 68n. peaco of, 52 ; sex and, 71 ; Kapilfigitd, 65n., 107n.


INDEX subconscious, 67f. ; uncon 50, 56f; functions of, 55 ; scious, ib. real interpretation of, 54 moral discipline, 84, 88, 116, 119 pidndyama, 7 et seq. mrtdsana, 125 ar.ulnmaviloma, 39ff. 98, 104; mudrd, 88 ; aivini, 88, 90f, 94; fourfold, 21n. ; puraka, 21 fT.; khecarl, 88 ; vajroli 87f. 90, recaka, ib.; sunyaka ib. 33(T. ; 97fF, 102n. ; viparltaharani, 94 ; siiryabhedana, 39n. ; Yogendra, yoga , 130n. 33n., 63n. trthk dsana, 88n. Prasnopanisad, 54n., 106 mutadkdra, 109 pratyahdra, 120 Mundaha Upanifad., 85n. pressure blood, 45n., 47, 131 ; intraN abdominal, 43 ; intrapul nddi, 109f. ; Juddfii, 112 ; lanlu, monic, 37, 43, intrathoracic, 110 37, 48, 90 JVandikeivarapurdna, 149 Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, nerve, 107n. 69n., 72n., 76n., 79n., electric in nature, 46n. ; 37n., 100n., 114n., 161n. endings, 91, 109, 137 ; psyche, free, 102 fibres, 109 ; impulses, four psychoanalysis, 67fF. fold, 108, 11 If. psychosis, 71, 115 nervous ptosis, 134 debility, 113; dicussation, pulse, 132, 147 109 ; disease 113 ; exhaustion, purufa, 127, 108 164; irritability, 26, 116; R shock, 117 nervous system, 83, 97, 99, 105 recreation, 116, 121f., 165 et seq. autonomic, 108f. ; rejuvenation, 27ff., lOln. cerebrospinal, 106, 108 ; relaxation, 122 ff., 125ff., 165 sympathetic, 96, 113 respiration, 19 ei seq. neurosis, 71, 114 Rgveda, 85n. nocturnal discharges, 92fF., 96, S 125 Savdsana, 125ff., 135 O Sirdsana, 91f., 134 Om, 40 Sivasamhitd, 65, 86nf.,108n.,151n. ovaries, 72n., 78n. , 145 oxygen, 20, 24f, 28, 43f., 37, 41ff. Svetasvataropanisad samadhi, 113 P samskaravdsand, 115n. sarvangdsnna, 9If, 96, 134 paicimatanasana, 129ff. senses, 107f., 137 Patanjali, 17n., 120n. sex. 65 et seq. personality, 73, 85, 117 appeal, 81; consciousness, 77; pingala, 109 desire, 69f.; education, 74ff., pratipakfa and vipak$a bhdvana, 78fF., 88ff.; energy, 70, 85 83f.; fluids, 99n., 101; glands, Prana, 7 et seq. 65, 71, 82, 98, 100f.; hygiene, air and, 55ff, breath and, 65, 71, 75, 8If.; impulses, 7ff., 54n, ; control of, 17,


INDEX , 7If., 82ff ; life, 74,99,102; W psychoanalysis and, 67ff, water, 160 it seq. sexual abuse. 70, 80, 93 ; debility, work, 164ff. 91 f ; instinct, 65ff., 85, 103 Y skin, 130 el seq. yama and niyama, 84, 86, 119f. Skandapurana, 49n., 148n. Y&jfiavalkya, 48, 88n. 149 sleep 58, 60, 124f., 127n,, 165 yaftikasana, 125n. soul, 61, 167 Yoga spine, 20. 129. 134 antiquity, 154, 166; living, sublimation 82ff., 85f., 89 155, 167 ; path, eightfold, sufumrid, 107f. 86ff.; R5ja 105 SuSruta, 106, 164n. Toga, 26n., 86n., 88n., 91n., Sufrutasamhita, 153a. 94n., 98n., 131n., 135n. Svatma'Sma,87,88n,, 149, 156n. Tognbija. 86 $alcakrantrvpana, llOn. f. , 21n., 33n., 35n., $atcakravivj-tii, 55n., 109n., I ll Togacinfamani 47n., 49n., I47n., 148n,. 150n. T Toga for Women 11 In. Yogalnstitute,The, 7ff, 53, 116, TaiUirxya, 55n. Texts Sanctioning the Study of 201r, 234n.; investigations at, 63n., 103n.. 131ff. Toga by Women, 86 Toga Mental Hygiene, 85n., 116n. tuberculosis, 20, 23f. Toga Physical Education, 91n., V 95n., 128n.,ff. Togasandhyd, 25n., 47n., 49n., Vdgbhatasutra, 159n. Variety of Religious Experiences, 160n. TogasdraAgraha, 21n., 33n. 52n., 119n 86n. Vacaspati, 21 Togasutra, 21n., 52n., 65.. 8?n. Vitsayana, 65 Togaydjriavalkyam, 21 n., 23n.. 46n., vegetables, 154 ff., 157f. 55n , 62r., 85n.f., 109n., 150n. Vijnana Bhikhsu, 21n., 86 vita! index, 42, 53ff., 57, 62n. Yogcndra prdncyama, 33n.,4n., 134; Sita vitamins. 154f. Devi, M rs, i l l n , 125n.; Vyasa, 21n. Shri, 7ff., 38, 85n., 121n Vydsabhdfya, 83n



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