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Halibut Herald August 6

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August 6, 2009

Whale Impaled by Cruise Ship in Vancouver

Now, I know this is old news to most, however, I wanted to share some photos that came from Marine Mammal
Rescue in regards to this poor fin whale. For those who don’t know about the story, you can read about it here:

From MMR:
MMR staff members Lindsaye, Karyn, Tanya, and intern researcher, Chelsea participated today in the necropsy of the
Fin Whale at an undisclosed location coordinated by Lisa Spavin, of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
and assisted by Stephen Raverty, Veterinary Pathologist of the Animal Health Centre in Abbotsford who conducts all
of the seal necropsies for the MMR. An amazingly unique opportunity the MMR team members jumped at the
opportunity to participate in the collection of tissue samples, organs, and various measurements including the length
of the whale confirmed at just over 17 meters. That’s almost half a Canadian football field! Go Lions! And you go MMR
team! Thank you for your dedication and tireless work with all marine mammals and thank you for the sharing these
incredible photos.

On Another Note… Top Tricks and Secrets to Avoid Getting a Parking Ticket
in Vancouver!
Meet Taiwan's Whale Shark Like Chimps, Whales and Dolphins Found
to Possess Qualities of Personhood

It's the star attraction of the island's national aquarium, and a Researchers have discovered that Cetacea, long thought to be
symbol of Taiwan's growing eco-consciousness. “the most distinctive and highly specialized orders of mammals”
READ ON: http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/china-and-its- actually exhibit characteristics of “personhood.” Like
neighbors/090803/meet-taiwans-whaleshark chimpanzees, whales and dolphins exhibit “considerable social
complexity and individual distinction.” Scientists believe future
research will prove Cetacean personhood will approach that of
Satellite Data Could Overturn Plankton primates. Such research gives even more significance to ending
Bloom Hypothesis international whaling programs.
READ ON: http://bluelivingideas.com/topics/marine-ocean-

''Bizarre Beasts'' Were Real (Believe It or Not)

Plankton blooms are a hot topic in the earth sciences because

they are one determinant of how big a carbon reservoir the
oceans can be. That’s important for climate science generally,
and for would-be geoengineers specifically. A new
fundamental understanding of plankton blooms could change
the way we model our climate now and long into the future.
A coil of teeth caps the lower jaw of a sculpture of a 13-foot (4-meter)
whorl-tooth shark, or Helicoprion, a fish genus that lived about 250
Shipwreck Damages Pristine Coral Reef million years ago.
via Destructive Organism
Artist Gary Staab depicts the animal's jaw as something of a spiral
conveyor belt, in which new teeth would advance to replace old ones
(concealed here by skin) . But the true arrangement and purpose of
the teeth remains a mystery. Some scientists suggest that it may
Nestled within the new Pacific Remote have operated like a spiked whip, possibly curled underneath the
Islands Marine Monument lies Palmyra Atoll, one of the last lower jaw like a weaponized elephant trunk.
pristine coral reefs left on the planet some 960 nautical miles The shark adds bite to "Bizarre Beasts, Past and Present," a new
south of Hawaii. Or near pristine. In 1991 a 100-foot longline exhibition of Staab's sculptures at the National Geographic Museum
fishing ship—the "Hui Feng No. 1"—foundered on the reef in Washington, D.C. (through February 2, 2007). The animals
under mysterious depicted are, or were, all real testaments to the twists, turns, and
READ ON: http://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/60- blind alleys of evolution.
second-science/post.cfm?id=shipwreck-damages- VIEW MORE BEASTS:
pristine-coral-re-2009-08-05 http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/10/photogallerie
The Citadel: Europe’s First Floating Apartment Complex Celebrating Water Through
Art – H20: Film on Water

H2O: Film on Water is a video art show

meant to prompt artists and audiences alike
to re-examine the role of Water. Artists will
draw on the ocean of imagery about water to
explore it as both an elemental force of life
and its increasing importance as a
measurable, quantifiable result of climate
The Dutch have been fighting the rising and falling tides for centuries, building dikes
and pumping water out of areas that are below sea level. Now, rather than fight the
water infiltrating their land, the Dutch will use it as part of a new development called
‘New Water‘, which will feature the world’s first floating apartment complex, The
Citadel. This “water-breaking” new project was designed by Koen Olthuis of
Waterstudio in the Netherlands, and will use 25% less energy than a conventional
building on land thanks to the use of water cooling techniques.
READ ON: http://www.inhabitat.com/2009/07/29/the-citadel-europes-first-

Does Tap Water Just Need Better Branding?

For the most part, bottled water’s success as an industry seems to be
driven by branding and powerful marketing.
But here’s an idea: maybe the problem is branding? The government
of Venice, Italy seems to think so. They’ve re-branded their tap water
with the name “Acqua Veritas,” given branded carafes to city residents,
and embarked on a celebrity filled advertising campaign. Genio!
READ ON: http://www.triplepundit.com/2009/06/does-tap-water-

Global Caterer Adheres to

Sustainable Fish Recommendations

Douglas-fir, Geoducks Make Strange

Bedfellows in Studying Climate Change
Scientists are comparing annual growth rings of the Pacific
Northwest's largest bivalve and its most iconic tree for clues
to how living organisms may have responded to changes in

Compass Group has decided to swell its 13-species “Fish to Avoid”

list up to 69 species in the UK and Ireland. The world’s largest
contract caterer will refuse to serve any of the species at restaurants,
in hospitality dishes or in grab-and-go products unless it is deemed
environmentally responsible by the Marine Conservation Society
(MCS). Compass Group Canada is already on board with the This magnified slice of a geoduck shell clearly shows
Vancouver Aquarium’s Ocean Wise Sustainable Seafood Program. incremental growth rings used by scientists to analyze sea
READ ON: surface temperatures
http://www.fis.com/fis/worldnews/worldnews.asp?l=e&country=& READ ON:
special=&monthyear=&day=&id=33294&ndb=1&df=0 http://www.physorg.com/news168174866.html
Coming This August 14, 2009: Cyclists Launch Bike Furniture Design
Well-Mannered Rival to Critical Mass

A new group, Critical Manners, has emerged after Friday’s controversial

Critical Mass ride in Vancouver.
The first Critical Manners Bike Ride will be on Aug. 14 at 6 p.m. in downtown
According to organizer Jennifer Watkiss, the riders will stay in bike lanes and
obey all traffic rules.
“We ride Friday, Aug. 14, at 6 p.m. through the streets of Vancouver,”
Watkiss said on her website.
There’s just something about cyclists. They always
“We’ll be easy to miss, since we’ll be staying in bike lanes or on the far right
seem on the pulse when it comes to green design and
side of the road, obeying all traffic signals and otherwise doing our best to
recycling. Bike Furniture Design was founded by Andy
share the road effectively with all other vehicles and pedestrians.”
Gregg in 1990.

7 Car-Free Cities: A Slideshow Pure: A Solar-Powered

IS IT GREEN?: Water Purifier That Looks
The Compact Like a Small Animal
Fluorescent Light

Watt for watt, there’s no

question whether or not
CFLs save energy as
It resembles a pet or a small garden pest
compared to their
more than anything else, but the “Pure”
predecessors. But with the
It's hard to believe that before the early 20th century, system, created by industrial designer
concerns of toxic mercury
almost every city in the world was "car-free." Zoom Emilian Dan Cartis, is actually a solar-
and the recent
ahead 100 years later, and you have to do some real powered water purifier. The system
developments in LED
digging to escape the army of cars now clogging the requires almost no upkeep–just put it
technology, CFLs may not
planet's roads and highways. Sure, there are some outside and watch as the device gathers
be the smartest choice for
cities with car-free zones, but we wanted to find rainwater (or sea water) and turns into
long-term sustainability.
destinations where entire populations go about their potable water suitable for human
Read on for our in-depth
business independent of the automobile. consumption.
http://www.mnn.com/transportation/cars/photos/7- http://bluelivingideas.com/topics/saving-
car-free-cities/20364 water/pure-solarpowered-water-purifier-
Infographic: Why Buy Local & Ten Reasons to Shop Local First

Local First, a Grand Rapids. Michigan based organization that encourages sustainable, locally-based economies has made a simple
but effective illustration of how money flows if it’s spent at a locally owned business versus a non-local business.
READ ON: http://www.psfk.com/2009/08/infographic-why-buy-local-ten-reasons-to-shop-local-first.html

Green Index: Helping Consumers, Organizations, Businesses Make Green Choices

Bullfrog Power, Canada's leading 100% green electricity provider in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia, has launched a new
service -- the Bullfrogpowered Green Directory -- that helps green-minded consumers and environmental businesses and
organizations find each other. What's more, it also helps environmental organizations and businesses connect to support each other.
Why is that so important? By doing so, we create a circular effect that drives change and sends a powerful message about how
dollars are spent and where.
READ ON: http://workcabin.ca/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1166&Itemid=117

Calcutta Clunker Ban Boosts

Air Quality in Just Six Days
It may be only a few days since Calcutta
authorities banned commercial vehicles fifteen
years or older from the city's streets -- and
caused a commuting nightmare in the process
-- but the air quality is already markedly
improving, the BBC reports:
They cite a survey done by Saviour and
Friend of Environment which measured air
quality at four of the Calcutta's most polluted
intersections and found that hydrocarbon
levels had been cut in half. Previous levels
had been blamed for higher rates of cancer,
as well as liver and kidney illness.
Archival Photo

Baby Fur Seal, Nippy, with Billy Wong, 1964.

Library News
Library user needs survey

The Robin Best Library and Archives needs you!

The library and archives would love to have your feedback on our collection and services. The survey is active now and will run
st st
from July 31 – August 21

It should take approximately 10-15 minutes of your time

For your effort you will be rewarded with the knowledge that you helped to build a useful and relevant library collection…and
you’ll be placed in a draw for a $25 gift certificate from Amazon.

Go to the survey now

Thanks for your help building our collection!

Beat the heat!

Looking for a nice cool place to have a break from the sun? The library is a great place to go. We now have a third computer
station that you can use to browse the catalogue or do research or check your email. Library hours are 8:00-3:30 Monday –
Friday apart from the exception below.
Friday July 31 , closed at 2pm
Friday August 7 , closed

The library will be open on BC day.

For more library news, book reviews, access to our online catalogue and much more, visit us on the aquanet:

Get your up-to-the minutes news via RSS feed from the library’s What’s new pages. Currently, there are two What’s new pages
running a variety of interesting news feeds

What’s New – Animals and Nature – for news about birds, reptiles, marine mammals, and places such as the Arctic

What’s New – Business and General – for news about business, finance, tourism, visitor experience and marketing

News on Environmental conservation and education will soon be available via the Conservation Current

Did you know that the Library has access to over 100 journals and magazines??
At least 80 of these are available full text online.
For a complete hyperlinked list, visit the library journals page on Aquanet:

As well, you can find new books and movies listed on this page of Aquanet:
From Earth to Ocean: Stories from Gwaii Haanas

Parks Canada has identified the waters around Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida
Heritage Site (Queen Charlotte Islands) as a potential national marine conservation area reserve.

To present the stories of Gwaii Haanas, Parks Canada has partnered with The Vancouver Aquarium to
offer a unique speaker series open to the public. Participation is free, though seats are limited. Each
engaging event allows audience members to explore a different aspect of the region and understand
the benefits of its protection. Starting in September, join us to find out more about:

Session 1: Exploring the Islands

Monday September 14

A virtual tour of Gwaii Haanas with stunning visual footage and presentations by the people who live, breathe and
respect this extraordinary B.C. region.

Session 2: Icons of the Pacific

Monday October 26

A look into the history and journey of whales throughout Gwaii Haanas and why protecting these habitats benefit us

Session 3: Changing Seascapes

Monday November 16

Learn about ancient Haida villages, changing sea levels and how historical trade practices have all played a role in
shaping today’s Gwaii Haanas.

Session 4: Healthy oceans, healthy people

Monday December 7

Whether it’s dining out or reporting a whale sighting, your actions can make a difference to our oceans. Join us for this
special conclusion to find out what you can do to help

Each session takes place at The Vancouver Aquarium from 7 – 9 pm. Please enter at the ‘Administrative Entrance’.

To confirm your seat, email: lectureseries@vanaqua.org or call 604-659-3432. Please identify which session you
would like to attend. Seating is limited.
Are you looking to challenge yourself physically? Increase your strength and
endurance? Tone up for summer? If so…...join us for boot camp!

Program Description :
This boot camp is a fun, functional, innovative and interactive workout session. The
exercises will challenge one’s strength and endurance, improves general well-being while
burning lots of calories. The workout moves quickly going from one exercise to the next with
little or no rest. Open to anyone who is interested in achieving their desired health and fitness level.
Participants will be taught on how to progress the exercises to meet their fitness level.

Program Details :
Fee : $40 per month

Time : 4.30 – 5.30 pm OR 5.30 – 6.30 pm

Day : Tuesday & Thursday

Venue : Stanley Park

If you would like to join, contact Sabrina.Pinkerton@vanaqua.org, ext. 3558 or pekhar.tan@vanaqua.org, ext.

Equipment Required : Bring your own mat, dumb bells and resistance tube.

READ ABOUT IT HERE: http://www.straight.com/meet-the-producers

More exciting events here:
Check out videos of past
lectures here:


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