Our Key Agendas: Janlokpal Right To Reject Right To Recall Political Decentralization
Our Key Agendas: Janlokpal Right To Reject Right To Recall Political Decentralization
Our Key Agendas: Janlokpal Right To Reject Right To Recall Political Decentralization
Aam Aadmi party will pass a powerful anti corruption law,Janlokpal, to remove corruption from our system. Under this law, people will be able to complain directly and imprison corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. Today a corruption case gets extended for years in our courts. In this time the corrupt politician is re-elected many times over to loot the nation. Many times accused politicians have died before being declared corrupt by the courts. Janlokpal Act will ensure that investigation of corruption charges and prosecution is done under fast tract conditions within 6 months. If found guilty the corrupt official shall serve appropriate jail time from 1 year to life, depending on the severity of the case, his or her property will be seized and he or she will be dismissed from job. If our partys government comes into existence, those found guilty of corruption charges in graft scandals in recent years will be jailed within six
Political Decentralization
The biggest problem facing our democracy today is that no one in government can or wants to hear the common man's basic needs. This is the situation in the whole of our country. People amenities and the need basic government
provides something else. Decisions affecting millions of common Indians are taken by a few select leaders of the ruling party in Parliament. Democracy has become a slave of the leader of the rulingparty. We believe that good governance happens when people have the power to influence decisions that shape their life. This is a major change that India needs badly. No present day party will usher in this systemic change. For this very reason, our anti corruption movement has been forced to enter politics. Today all big and small decisions that affect the nation are taken by a