BC Water Conservation Survey
BC Water Conservation Survey
BC Water Conservation Survey
B.C. Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection BCWWA Water Sustainability Committee Alliance Professional Services CV Marketing Research Inc. May 2004
Knowing Is Better
Phone: 1-866-8-SURVEY (787839) Toll free Fax: 1-866-864-0588 Toll free E-mail: research@cv-market.com Web-site: www.cv-market.com
1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................. 3 1.1 SURVEY OBJECTIVES ...................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 EXPECTED GROWTH AND WATER MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES ......................................................... 3 1.3 BCWAA WATER SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE WEBSITE ................................................................... 5 1.4 OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT TOOLS .......................................................................................... 5 1.5 LEAD-BY-EXAMPLE TOOLS .............................................................................................................. 6 1.6 RESIDENTIAL EDUCATION AND CONSULTATION TOOLS ...................................................................... 6 1.7 AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION AND CONSULTATION TOOLS ................................................................... 7 1.8 ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL TOOLS ................................................................................................... 7 1.9 PARTNERSHIPS AND CO-OPERATIVE EFFORTS.................................................................................. 8 1.10 LONG-TERM PLANNING TOOLS ....................................................................................................... 8 1.11 LEGAL TOOLS ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.0 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................... 10 2.1 COLLECTION ................................................................................................................................. 10 2.2 MARGIN OF ERROR ....................................................................................................................... 10 3.0 DETAILED RESULTS.................................................................................................................... 11 3.1 GENERAL UTILITY INFORMATION..................................................................................................... 11 3.2 BCWWA WATER SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE WEBSITE ................................................................ 27 3.3 OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT TOOLS ........................................................................................ 30 3.4 LEAD-BY-EXAMPLE TOOLS ............................................................................................................ 39 3.5 RESIDENTIAL EDUCATION AND CONSULTATION TOOLS .................................................................... 45 3.6 AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION AND CONSULTATION TOOLS ................................................................. 52 3.7 ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL TOOLS ................................................................................................. 57 3.8 PARTNERSHIPS AND CO-OPERATIVE EFFORTS................................................................................ 61 3.9 LONG-TERM PLANNING TOOLS ....................................................................................................... 65 3.10 LEGAL TOOLS ............................................................................................................................. 69
The greatest barrier for utilities to achieving their water conservation objectives appears to be the cost of doing so, with over half of those surveyed considering this to be a major challenge. Competing priorities are a secondary challenge that they encounter somewhat less often. Less significant challenges or barriers include lack of education and communication, and lack of planning. Fewer than 1 in 3 utilities are using performance measures to gauge whether they are achieving their conservation objectives. However, nearly half of those who are not currently using these measures (48%) are planning on using them in the future.
Figure 1
Factors Encouraging Implementation or Consideration Of A Demand Management System
Increas ing infras tructure 36% Lim ited s ource quantity Public dem and Public apathy / lack of awarenes s Urban growth Aging infras tructure Environm ental s tewards hip Potential drought Im pacts on water quality Im pacts on fis h / habitat flows Com peting us es Adaptation for clim ate change Agricultural dem ands % of Respondents 0% 31% 38% 51% 31% 54% 31% 52% 31% 54% 30% 56% 28% 40% 25% 53% 16% 41% 13% 19% 8% 50% 6% 17% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
A Primary Consideration A Secondary Consideration
62% 52%
When it comes to best management practices (BMPs), a significant number of utilities are considering implementing them, but few are using them. The most used BMP establishing a metering plan to account for water use and losses has been adopted by just under 1 in 3 utilities (31%), although it is being considered by another 44%. Other BMPs being commonly used or considered include developing a water distribution system renewal plan (30% are using one, 41% are considering using one), water conservation (27% / 49%), and crossconnection control (27% / 39%). When seeking technical information, utility managers are most frequently turning to professional consultants (54%), while water related associations (52%), and seminars and conferences (46%) are other popular sources.
Nearly all utility managers surveyed indicated that a website developed by the BCWWA Water Sustainability Committee to provide stakeholders with up-to-date information about programs, water management initiatives, best management practices, and utility- specific success stories would be a helpful resource (see Figure 2). Nearly 1 in 3 (31%) stated that such a website would be an invaluable tool or resource, while the majority of all others (63%) felt that it would at the very least be an occasionally helpful tool or resource.
Residential metering
A gricultural metering
75% 13% 50% 26% 46% 28% 45% 29% 34% 25% 32% 28% 23% 17% 23% 28% 19% 15% 19%
Numerous tools are used to educate and consult with residential users, but conventional media (61%), billing enclosures (58%), and stand-alone publications (54%) are the most frequently used (see Figure 5). Websites are used by just under half of the utilities surveyed while more focussed programs, such as school and community events are used by just under 1 in 3 utilities.
% of Respondents
28% 16%
26% 46%
Service charges 9%
18% 16%
0% 10% 20% 30%
Overall, few utilities are utilising any formal economic or financial tools to promote water conservation (see Figure 7). The most widely used tool analysis and study of universal metering or metering pilot is employed by just 1 in 3 utilities surveyed, and is being considered by just over 1 in 4. Other tools employed include cost / benefit analysis, assessment of pricing structures, and service
2004 BC Water Conservation Survey charges. While assessing pricing structures is not currently widespread, nearly half of utilities surveyed (46%) do appear to be considering implementing this in the future.
Strategic planning
48% 30%
% of Respondents 0%
2004 BC Water Conservation Survey place and about 3 in 5 have long-range capital planning in place. In addition, nearly half of utilities have growth management planning, quality and continuous improvement planning, and strategic planning in place to promote water conservation.
43% 23%
41% 25%
Legal tools are another area that most utilities are using to promote water conservation (see Figure 10). Not surprisingly, by-laws are the most common tool used, with nearly 2 in 3 of those surveyed reporting their use. Mandatory restrictions are also commonly used, as nearly half of utilities employ these. Other popular legal tools include regulations and standards. Less commonly used tools include licensing (23%), zoning restrictions (21%) and restrictive covenants (12%), although nearly 1 in 4 utilities surveyed are considering the use of zoning restrictions (23%).
3.0 DETAILED RESULTS 3.1 GENERAL UTILITY INFORMATION Q1. How many connections do you service?
Number of Connections Serviced Fewer than 300 Between 300 and 1,000 Between 1,000 and 5,000 Between 5,000 and 10,000 More than 10,000 Valid Sample Percent 12.9% 27.1% 35.7% 5.7% 18.6% 100.0% Respondents 9 19 25 4 13 70
IF MORE THAN 10,000: How many?
over 13,000 13,500 14,000 16,000 17,000 total 19,500 20,960 24,000 28,666 (2002) 30,000 38,000 100,000
IF GROUNDWATER PART OF SOURCE: of groundwater pumped annually? M3 / Year 3,700 5,000 17,600 25,375 48,679 150,000 320,000 330,000 550,000 1,041,000 1,600,000 1,900,000 2,150,000 2,182,461 2,335,000 2,770,000 2,800,000 3,300,000 4,875,460 6,300,000 10,680,000 Usgal / Year 60,000,000
Note: Each figure in the table above represents the unique amount specified by each water utility.
What is the projected annual rate of population growth in the area serviced by your utility? Projected Rate of Population Growth 0% to 2% >2% to 4% >4% Valid Sample
Respondents 50 19 1 70
Q6. Do you think your existing water license allows for this rate of growth
to the year 2020? Water License Will Allow For Projected Growth Yes No Do not know Valid Sample
Respondents 42 15 8 65
Do you think your existing infrastructure will support this rate of growth until 2020? Existing Infrastructure Will Allow For Projected Growth Yes No Do not know Valid Sample
25 38 5 68
2004 BC Water Conservation Survey IF PLANNING SYSTEM EXPANSION: system expansion? Committing Funds For System Expansion Yes No Valid Sample
Respondents 45 6 51
IF NOT COMMITTING FUNDS: expansion? Plans To Fund System Expansion Government funding Development cost charges Increased customer rates Other (See below) Public / private partnership
Mentions 5 3 3 2 0
OTHER TYPE OF FUNDING: A grant from the GWAIL, which is a trust grant from the provincial government. RD funding through an infrastructure grant.
Q10. Do you work with an advisory committee that guides you on water
conservation issues? Work With Advisory Committee Yes No Valid Sample
Respondents 18 51 69
Do you work with stewardship groups to promote water conservation? Work With Stewardship Groups Yes No Valid Sample
Respondents 18 51 69
2004 BC Water Conservation Survey Have you embarked on a demand management program to reduce water consumption? Have Embarked On DMP Yes No Valid Sample
Respondents 24 46 70
IF HAVE NOT EMBARKED ON DMP: Q13. Are you considering implementing a demand management program? Considering Implementing DMP Yes No Valid Sample
Respondents 25 21 46
IF YOU HAVE IMPLEMENTED OR ARE CONSIDERING IMPLEMENTING DMP: Q14. What percentage of your operating budget will be applied to such a program? Percentage of Operating Budget Applied to DMP Zero percent One percent Two percent Three percent Four percent Five percent More than five percent Valid Sample
Respondents 2 4 3 1 2 5 2 19
Q15. How
important are each of the following reasons for embarking on or considering a demand management system: Importance of Reason A Primary A Secondary Not A Consideration Consideration Consideration 62.3% 51.9% 37.7% 31.3% 30.8% 30.8% 30.0% 28.3% 25.5% 15.7% 12.5% 8.0% 5.8% 35.8% 30.8% 50.9% 54.2% 53.8% 51.9% 56.0% 39.6% 52.9% 41.2% 18.8% 50.0% 17.3% 1.9% 17.3% 11.3% 14.6% 15.4% 17.3% 14.0% 32.1% 21.6% 43.1% 68.8% 42.0% 76.9%
Reasons For Implementing DMP Increasing infrastructure Limited source quantity Public demand Public apathy / lack of awareness Aging infrastructure Urban growth Environmental stewardship Potential drought Impacts on water quality Impacts on fish / habitat flows Competing uses Adaptation for climate change Agricultural demands
Valid Sample 53 52 53 48 52 52 50 53 51 51 48 50 52
OTHER REASONS CONSIDERED FOR EMBARKING ON DMP: A requirement of the government grant we received for our water plant upgrade. Demand management was required by the provincial government to process a new water license application. Loss of fire protection. Reduced energy and treatment costs. Reduction in water wastes and shift of peak use.
Potential Challenges / Barriers Cost Competing priorities Lack of education and / or communication Lack of planning Legislative inadequacies Jurisdictional complexities Lack of data Lack of coordination / cooperation among stakeholders
OTHER CHALLENGES OR BARRIERS OF SIGNIFICANCE: Land claim issues. Political will to charge. SEKID's demand program focused on agricultural water use because it is about eightyfive percent. Willingness of reducing water waste.
2004 BC Water Conservation Survey Performance Measures compare the observed results of water conservation tools to intended results. Is your utility using performance measures to determine if you have achieved your water conservation objectives? Using Performance Measures Yes No Valid Sample
Respondents 19 46 65
A daily water demand, which is system wide, weather conditions and power consumption records. Average daily consumption peak and daily consumption. Continuous flow monitor. Daily demand trial metering program. Flow monitoring data. Individual water use by property, annual water use by district, and water supply and storage inventory. Limited data because all customers are not metered. We are using treatment plant production numbers. Meter reading data. Overall liters per capita per day, demand by ICI sectors peak day use by member municipalities. Residential consumption per capita and summer consumption peak. The amount of water going out compared to that coming in. The annual power consumption. Water consumption rates each day. Water meters.
IF NOT CURRENTLY USING PERFORMANCE MEASURES: considering using performance measures in the future? Considering Using PMs In Future Yes No Do not know Valid Sample
Are you
Respondents 22 10 14 46
Q20A. Best Management Practices are industry-accepted procedures used by organisations to maximise the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of specific initiatives. Please indicate which areas, if any, your utility is using best management practices in:
Best Management Practices Water accountability / establishing a metering plan to account for water use and losses Developing a water distribution system renewal plan Water conservation Cross connection control Reducing losses in transmission and distribution systems Uni-directional flushing Water utility planning Water pricing and rates setting Deterioration and inspection of water distribution systems Currently Considering Using Using 30.5% 30.4% 27.1% 27.1% 25.9% 25.0% 24.6% 23.7% 21.7% 44.1% 41.1% 49.2% 39.0% 44.8% 26.7% 33.3% 40.7% 43.3% Neither 25.4% 28.6% 23.7% 33.9% 29.3% 48.3% 42.1% 35.6% 35.0% Valid Sample 59 56 59 59 58 60 57 59 60
2004 BC Water Conservation Survey Now, for each of the above BMPs that your utility is currently using or considering, please describe its origin: Water conservation: BCWWA 2 mentions Ad hoc AWWA AWWA and EPCORE developed programs. Developed internally. Metering Water conservation study by Dayton & Knight Ltd. Cross connection control: AWWA 3 mentions BCWWA 2 mentions AWWA and BCWWA. BCWWA cross connection control course. Internally. Public Works Inspection prior to connecting to a Municipal Utility. Staff trained in CCC Survey program management. Ted Van der Gulik Uni-directional flushing: AWWA 3 mentions AWWA BCWWA 2 mentions BCWWA BCWWA distribution courses and SAC manuals. Consultants Consulting Engineer EPCORE developed and marketed product. Internally. Public Works flushes from source to the outlying distribution areas. Deterioration and inspection of water distribution systems: AWWA AWWA and BCWWA. BCWWA Engineering firm. EPCORE developed product. Replacing all old cast iron distribution lines with PVC. Reviewed with Consulting Engineer. This is not done. We currently keep track of the ages of pipe and the material.
Q20B. continued
Reducing losses in transmission and distribution systems: As above, we are replacing all old cast iron distribution lines with PVC. AWWA AWWA and BCWWA. AWWA and Epcor expertise. BCWWA Engineering firm. IWA Water accountability / establishing a metering plan to account for water use and losses: Ad hoc AWWA and BCWWA. BCWWA District of Port Hardy and an EPCOR plan. Have started industrial and commercial metering program. We are about seventy-five percent complete. Only commercial on meters. No funds to put residential on meters. Self Water pricing and rates setting: Agriculture only and this was developed internally. As above, we have started industrial and commercial metering program. We are about seventy-five percent complete. AWWA AWWA and BCWWA AWWA and Port Hardy. In-house Staff currently amending water bylaw and fees. Consistently being monitored and compared to operating costs and neighboring municipalities.
Q20B. continued
Water utility planning: AWWA AWWA and BCWWA. BCWWA Epcor and AWWA. In-house Subdivision expansion, rural water line expansion. This is updated every two to three years. We have budgeted in 2004 an update to our 1994 Dayton & Knight Water Supply Study. Developing a water distribution system renewal plan: AWWA AWWA and BCWWA. Consultant and water model. Engineering firm. Internal planning. Line replacement in progress and is ongoing for over twenty years. As above, we have budgeted in 2004 an update to our 1994 Dayton & Knight Water Supply Study. Other BMP'S currently being used or considered: Hydrometric assessment of watershed. Water audits of municipal facilities. Using artificial neural networks to reduce chemical costs and optimize water quality. Benchmarking.
Q21. Where do you get technical information to help you manage your
system? Sources of Technical Information Consultants Water related associations Seminars / conferences Reference materials Other water utilities Other (See below)
Mentions 34 33 29 25 24 7
OTHER SOURCES: Benchmarking with other utilities and industries. Department of Health Officer. EPA and Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines. Our own internal modeling. Parts distributors. Provincial and Federal agencies. The web.
Respondents 20 40 1 3 64
If you support the development of such a website, what components, features, and services would you like to see included? Approved water use fixtures outside watering tips. BMP, water management initiatives, seminars and courses. Calculation of user rates, programs for unaccounted losses, public relations and communications. Case histories of various communities with water conservation methods, capital and costs of various municipal plants and distribution systems. Consumption and some characteristics. Cross connection practices, treatment problem solving, source protection, testing problems and practices and cost saving measures. Current technologies and updates.
Q23A. continued
Groundwater issues and water treatment. High degree of user friendliness. Make navigation easy. Information on small water systems. Latest legislation online, such as drinking water and a question and answer section or forum. Links to their industry sites, regulations, manufactures, associations, research organizations, information on incoming regulatory changes, other industry news, and an exchange of ideas and information. Material specifications and BMPs. My preference would be that this function would be better handled by a government ministry, such as WLAP, where there would be less influence by commercial interests. Not on Internet or public works. Posted BMPs with links to their locations, case studies, program development examples and opportunities to post. Product lines, troubleshooting, guides resource and directories. Programs, training, conservation methods, new initiatives, best management practices, plus changes in legislation. Such a website would be most useful if it sets out to promote and support specific actions of reducing water wastes and optimizing system peak distribution by advocating new technologies, regulations or policies, and information on available resources. Training to use a computer. Water conservation frequently asked questions in a downloadable format. Water restriction policies, enforcements, water meter hints, bylaws, procedures, and etceteras. We do not have high-speed Internet and have difficulty accessing some websites. While water sustainability is important, our biggest challenge at this time is satisfying all the legal requirements under the drinking water protection act. Perhaps it would be helpful if some attention could be focused on this issue also.
Q23B. If you do not support the websites development or would not use
it, what could be added to make it a useful tool or resource for your department? AWWA has a website so piggy back with the CWWA and BCWWA sites. Provide a special informational section. Providing another source is duplication and not beneficial to the CWWA and BCWWA sites. Information sharing and discussion, and best management practices would be useful. Water management initiatives in other communities, cost related information associated initiatives and derived benefits.
3.3 OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT TOOLS Q24. Please indicate which operations and management tools are in place or
are being considered by your utility:
Operations / Management Tools Emergency response plan Commercial / Industrial metering Water supply upgrades Voluntary water restrictions Computer upgrades Watershed protection Leak-detection program Residential metering Agricultural metering Water audits Benchmarking Sector demand study or pilot Climate comfort systems Pilot programs or projects "Green" design / Smartgrowth Voluntary in-home, low-low fixture program Xeriscaping program Low-flow fixture / retrofit program Water reclamation, re-use, recycling programs Agricultural / irrigation technologies & programs Residential technologies and programs Industrial & commercial technologies / programs Currently Being In Place Considered 69.0% 65.5% 51.7% 50.0% 47.5% 44.8% 31.0% 23.7% 23.2% 21.8% 17.9% 15.8% 13.8% 13.0% 12.1% 10.3% 7.1% 5.2% 5.2% 3.5% 3.4% 3.4% 25.9% 15.5% 32.8% 20.7% 18.6% 37.9% 43.1% 49.2% 12.5% 27.3% 21.4% 22.8% 12.1% 16.7% 19.0% 31.0% 16.1% 31.0% 22.4% 8.8% 15.5% 10.3% Neither 5.2% 19.0% 15.5% 25.9% 33.9% 13.8% 24.1% 25.4% 62.5% 43.6% 42.9% 47.4% 65.5% 59.3% 55.2% 50.0% 58.9% 55.2% 63.8% 73.7% 63.8% 67.2% Don't Know 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.4% 0.0% 3.4% 1.7% 1.7% 1.8% 7.3% 17.9% 14.0% 8.6% 11.1% 13.8% 8.6% 17.9% 8.6% 8.6% 14.0% 17.2% 19.0% Valid Sample 58 58 58 58 59 58 58 59 56 55 56 57 58 54 58 58 56 58 58 57 58 58
Q24. continued
Low flush toilet fixtures and sprinkler restrictions in the summer. Training seminars and PM programs. Weekly education programs.
A telemetry system from water release for storage to greatly reduce waste. Peak demand reduction programs and customer cost sharing. Public education on conservation. Water conservation such as sprinkling enforcement.
Q25. Which operations and management tool would you consider most effective
in helping achieve your water conservation objectives? Why? Metering 5 mentions Best management practices. Bylaw implementations. Customer education and awareness. If the customer does not understand the need, they will not buy into the process. Demand study so we can locate other sources of water. Educating the user because they use the resource. Education and dole values, agriculture and possibly meters for residential. Education. For a small cost a lot can be accomplished. Education; low flow fixtures. Water is too easy to waste. Flow monitoring and commercial and residential metering. Kids education program. Leak detection of the old infrastructure. Leak detection, as we are able to quantify how much the system is leaking. Mandatory watering restrictions and low flow fixture installation in new pumps. Metering for tracking of consumption and to identify problem areas. Metering. Direct customer accountability through customer and pay philosophy. Meters. People with meters use less water. They have been in place here since the early 60's. One sprinkler and water early morning or evening. Public education on education and voluntary restrictions. Public involvement. Residential metering and high irrigation demands. Residential metering over capacity in summer. Residential metering, customer awareness and a great planning tool, watering audits, assist with customer awareness and social marketing strategy, leak detection, demonstrate utility commitment also allows for up to a ten percent reduction in losses. Residential metering. Residential metering. Give public a greater awareness of water as valuable resource. Residential metering. User pay system should slow careless use. SCADA. Currently only have bi-monthly meter reads. Sprinkling enforcement and reduce peak fines and therefore capital and operating costs. Sprinkling restrictions and a thirty percent reduction. The system has only twenty-five connections so this portion of this system is the most useful tool. There are no current water conservation objectives. Universal metering. Water meters and knowledge to users. Water meters, increasing block toll rate and public education. Water Smart program has a twelve-year proven effectiveness. Water supply upgrade improved quality.
How could the following sectors help you use operations and management tools more effectively? Federal government: Grants 8 mentions Funding 3 mentions More money 2 mentions Agricultural metering program and farm education. Approve the green grant for meters that has been applied for. Bring cost down. Broader input on promised legislation changes. It depends on the size of the meter and funding. Education and money for upgrades. Funding support and national policy of water conservation. Global direction and Environment Canadas global warning studies to confirm long-term trends. HRDC money for training or part-time students. Infrastructure program setting clearer goal posts. Mandate metering in the building codes. Measurement Canada should not enter into area of consumer testing of water meters. Regulation and funding. Provincial government: Grants 7 mentions Funding 2 mentions Adoption of mandatory programs legislation. Agricultural metering program and farm education. Bring cost down. Change the code. Establishing value of water promoting efficient use of water. Infrastructure program and setting clearer goal posts. Legislation, education and money. Mandate all new home use water efficient fixtures and have it simple so you know what is a water saver. More money. Provide funds and education. Regulation and funding. Same rules for everyone and legislate water meters. Seminars and information tools such as a website. Stop downloading. Training.
Q27. continued
Regional government: All users pay. Combined planning for adjacent utilities. Consistent approach to public awareness. Education. Funding. Grants. Improve co-operation. Improve O&M of bulk water supply meters. Legislation and education of users. More cash and more commitment. Provide funds and education. Public awareness. Regional management strategies and regional education. Regional water supply. Standardized resources. They need to consult with water purveyors. Training and expertise. Understanding educating customers on true cost of service to supply. Private Sector: Better-qualified technical sales representatives. Consulting for specific projects. Education and encouragement. Education and communication. Improved awareness. Listen. More aggressive approaches to partnerships. Promote low volume fixtures and recapping. Promote low water use products by selling them and offer workshops on low water use products. Responsible water use and planning for water efficiency. Technical support.
Q27. continued
NGO / Volunteer Sector: Education 2 mentions Change a wasteful mindset. Involve them based on partnerships. Limited, although there is potential. Promote the value of water and promote value of environment. Provide reasonable and common sense solutions. Public forum and education. Water conservation gardens. Professional Associations: Education 2 mentions Continued professional development of members to promote water conservation. Creative system designs and current adoption of water saving and management devices. Design and an advice liaison with Federal land Provincial government. Develop a common action plan. Ensure associations advise and decision makes regulatory of industry trends and perspectives. Incorporate water conservation methods into planning and building, facilities and subdivisions. Key in providing training. Newsletters and training. Provide ongoing training in specific areas. Selling ideas for water conservation. Technology review and promotion. Training.
Q28. Please describe any successes your utility has had with a particular
operations or management tool, such as might help other utilities realize their water conservation objectives. Specifics: A study on our agriculture meter program is available from MAFF and an internal report is available from SEKID's website. Cost efficient leakage analysis and measure winter and night time flows. Education of growers for water use reduction. Enforced water restrictions. Enforcement of sprinkling regulations has reduced our peak demand by about forty-five percent. Industrial water meters. Metering. Pilot meter replacement program. Power reduction planning and groundwater studies for recharge and protection. Recent water restrictions and monitoring. Reduced water demand by twenty percent through leak detection program. Summer lawn sprinkling restriction to twice a week. The educational programs aimed at the Vancouver elementary school and the public. Namely the school play, A2Z of H2O and the Water Wise Gardening Grow Natural program. The objective to the school play is to make future generations aware and the Grow Natural Water Wise Gardening is aimed at adults. Water audit, benchmarking, leak detection, public education and infrastructure upgrades. Water conservation programs have achieved a twenty percent reduction to date, significant capital deferral, social marketing strategy and partnerships work. Water restrictions, newspaper advertisements and school education program. Water Smart bike patrol and in school education. We are just in the midst of implementing initiatives. We are too early in our process to determine successes. Without executive metering it is difficult to tell how effective specific measures. However the stage three plus stage four measures, implemented by the GORO were effective.
Q28. continued
Performance Targets and Measures / Indicators: Ability run our Okanagan Lake and inter convection. Demand reduction has resulted in a twenty-five percent off the peak energy cost savings. It is difficult to measure and quantify attitude changes of the public. Metering. Not clearly defined. Reduce consumption. Reduce power bills and better groundwater management. Shooting for twenty-five to thirty percent reduction. They pay for what they use. We will be monitoring our water demands. Water Savings: Unknown 2 mentions A twenty percent reduction. About fifteen percent in peak reduction since 1993. Average twenty-three percent reduction in peak-day use. Cut back on water use. Increasing block toll rates and water meters. Reduces pumping costs. Somewhere between twenty-two percent and thirty-two percent. Ten to twelve percent. Yes. Cost Savings: Unknown 3 mentions A cost-benefit analysis shows a conservative 1:1:5 ratio. Capital program over twenty years has reduced from nineteen million to twentyseven million dollars. Efficient testing of pump systems replacement of old pumps. Estimate average $75,000 per year in power cost savings plus $300,000per year in deferred capital projects over past twelve years. It is hard to measure because of upgrades on old system. Reduced maintenance and hydro costs and reduced treatment costs. Yes.
3.4 LEAD-BY-EXAMPLE TOOLS Q29. Please indicate how your utility is leading by example:
Type Of Lead By Example Tool Operator education / training Employee education Water conservation applied to operations and maintenance Early leak detection and repair Efficient outdoor water use and landscaping Education for elected officials Conservation library Low-flow fixture or retrofit program Reduced water pressure in buildings Greywater recycling Currently Using 74.5% 50.0% 46.3% 45.5% 34.0% 32.1% 22.9% 22.6% 18.5% 1.9% Being Considered 12.7% 25.9% 27.8% 29.1% 24.5% 28.3% 16.7% 28.3% 14.8% 18.9% Neither 9.1% 22.2% 24.1% 23.6% 41.5% 32.1% 54.2% 45.3% 61.1% 75.5% Don't Know 3.6% 1.9% 1.9% 1.8% 0.0% 7.5% 6.3% 3.8% 5.6% 3.8% Valid Sample 55 54 54 55 53 53 48 53 54 53
OTHER WAYS UTILITY IS LEADING BY EXAMPLE: At present it is not. Extensive customer interaction and social marketing. Mandatory low flow fixture bylaw. Presentation and trade publication presentations. Research and testing innovative technologies. Retrofitting local parks to reuse water.
2004 BC Water Conservation Survey Which lead-by-example tool would you consider most effective in helping achieve your water conservation objectives? Why? Education 2 mentions Efficient outdoor water use and landscaping. 2 mentions Any initiatives that supports less water usage. Applied water conservation education. Demonstrate examples of customers who are responding and take the education and information to the customer right in their neighborhood. Early leak detection. Lower water consumption and easier on the water system. Education for elected officials so that they have a better understanding of challenges to water conservation. Education for elected officials. Education for elected officials. This will lead to implementation of water conservation measures and their funding. Efficient outdoor water use and landscaping. The greatest increase in demand occurs in summer months due to lawn sprinkling. Efficient outdoor water use in all parks, use only what is necessary and time clocks. Employee education. Irrigating town green spaces during dawn and dusk hours. A lot of wasted water used for sprinkling and watering. Low flow fixtures. Low flow toilets and education. Meter and current data. Operator education and training. If you do not have properly trained personnel operating your system how can you justify any of the other examples? It starts there and builds outward. Parks computerized irrigation. You can see the results and measure the savings. An estimated thirty percent of water lies used in parks. Part of our system is metered. Public isolation. Pump station and underground irrigation systems of timers. Water meter. With such a small system, conservation it is not an issue.
Q32. How could the following sectors help you use lead-by-example tools
more effectively? Federal government: Grants. 6 mentions Money. 2 mentions Education. Financial subsidy and product guidelines. Funding. Have countrywide programs. Improved grants for conservation initiatives. Legislation and funding. NRC and IRC representation at more conferences or workshops. Tie all funding assistance to water efficient implementation. Provincial government: Grants. 7 mentions Auto shut off and building taps with low flow devices. Education. Improved grants for conservation initiatives. Include in building codes water use fixtures. Legislation and funding. Money. Partnerships Regulations. As with the Federal Government, tie all funding assistance to water efficient implementation. Regional government: Money. Adapting and demonstrating regional affective practices. Education and legislation. Expertise. Grants. Harmonized bylaws and programs. Initiatives and reward those communities and individuals who do well. More cash. Offer grants. Set an example by charging bylaws. Some sort of participation.
Q32. continued
Private Sector: Be responsible and acknowledgment of value of water. Information and education. Lead by example. Listen. Motivations. Ongoing. NGO / Volunteer Sector: Education. Lead by example. Participation in other sectors. Promote efficient water use and promote environment protection. School education. Professional Associations: Design and install water saving devices. Educate and use proven methods elsewhere. Experience. Newsletters. Ongoing. Standards. Technical input.
Q33. Please describe any successes your utility has had with a particular
lead-by-example tool, such as might help other utilities realize their water conservation objectives. Specifics: A proactive leak survey program, Water Wise gardening, Rain Barrel program and education. Bylaw enforcement water regulator. Early leak detection, training and reduced pressure. Education of selected officials, foster a culture to conserve within the corporation and work with media and community stakeholders. Employee education. Operator education. Power audit. Reservoir cleaning. Sprinkling restrictions. Too early in the process to determine successes. Water restrictions during summer. Performance Targets and Measures / Indicators: Education of grower and domestic irrigation users. Reduced operating costs. Three year pay back of infrastructure improvement from new equipment. Well-managed system. Water Savings: A twenty percent reduction. Fifteen percent in water savings. Less water used in parks by information and education. The tanks are not drained. Cost Savings: Labor, materials and equipment saved two-thirds the normal cost. Significant capital cost savings to customers. The data provided by leak surveys is valuable for proving court cases. Thirty percent in power savings.
3.5 RESIDENTIAL EDUCATION AND CONSULTATION TOOLS Q34. Please indicate which education / consultation tools are in place or
being considered by your utility for residential users: Education / Consultation Tools Media Information with billing Stand-alone publications Website Community events School programs, events and / or contests Publications for school children Workshops & seminars Public opinion survey Citizen committee / task force Eco-education programs Awards or recognition Outdoor advertising Student representatives active in community outreach Focus groups Referendum Currently In Place 61.1% 58.5% 53.7% 44.4% 31.5% 31.5% 29.1% 20.8% 18.5% 17.0% 15.4% 13.2% 11.5% 10.9% 7.5% 3.9% Being Considered 9.3% 22.6% 11.1% 27.8% 22.2% 16.7% 18.2% 17.0% 16.7% 13.2% 11.5% 11.3% 21.2% 16.4% 17.0% 21.6% Don't Know 0.0% 1.9% 1.9% 0.0% 0.0% 3.7% 3.6% 1.9% 1.9% 5.7% 5.8% 5.7% 1.9% 7.3% 3.8% 3.9% Valid Sample 54 53 54 54 54 54 55 53 54 53 52 53 52 55 53 51
Neither 29.6% 17.0% 33.3% 27.8% 46.3% 48.1% 49.1% 60.4% 63.0% 64.2% 67.3% 69.8% 65.4% 65.5% 71.7% 70.6%
Co-ordination through water conservation Co-ordinators. Internet discussion. Public open house.
2004 BC Water Conservation Survey Which education / consultation tool would you consider most effective in helping achieve your water conservation objectives for residential users? Why? Information with billing. 4 mentions Education on efficient use of limits to supplies. Higher costs and lower quality. I do not know. There is no way to monitor the effectiveness of the education program. Information with billing and stand-alone publications gets the message to the user. School education is a great idea to instill conservation at young age. Lawn sprinkling regulation. Media. Media and broadcast distribution of message. Media and public education over the radio and newspaper has shown definite per capita decrease in consumption. Media campaign, community outreach, information on website on water usage and cost and methods to conserve. Media coverage because it is free publicity when stories are publicized on Rain Barrels, Water Wise Gardening, mulching, composting, etceteras. Metering plus education. Public opinion survey. Public programs. Referendum and metering proven to lower usage. School programs are an effective way of informing reading parents. School watershed visits. Stand alone publication and notices at post office. Stand alone publications and school programs. Students because they teach the older people to shut off taps. Water meters. Water Smart Bike team in school education. Website and billing.
What is 1 major challenge / barrier to implementing or maximizing the effectiveness education / consultation for residential users? Buy, touch sell and cost. Changing the mind set regarding water conservation issues. Changing the old style thought process. There is plenty of water with the use as much as I want to attitude. Cost. Cost and pressures. Decision makers, communities and understanding of refits of metering, proper rates and education as a package. Dollars. Funding, staffing and political will. It is difficult to have people recognize the value of water. Knowing how effective it is. No adopted communication plan. Past practice. Public understanding. Residential users resistance to change despite being informed of water conservation. Resources. Staff time to co-ordinate, implement and manage. The lack of financial impact until metering is in place. The lack of long-term vision in water resources and its impacts on communities. The lack of resources. Time and resources. Time to implement. Water hogs. We have a lot of seniors and people that do not seem to care.
How could the following sectors help you use education / consultation tools for residential users more effectively? Federal government: Grants. 3 mentions Money. 2 mentions Education. Information that exists in order to promote. Long-term policy. More exposure and policy on conservation tied to funding. Possibly legislation restrictions. Provide funding for infrastructure that must promote water as a motherhood issue, promote how precious water is and show how to use it efficiently. Provide money. Provide more advertisement funding from a Federal level. Standard programs and material. Provincial government: Grants. 3 mentions Money. 2 mentions As above; tie funding to grants and assistance. Education Have solid waste, such as garbage and recycling and water conservation as part of the school curriculum. Elementary aged kids are the future residential users. Possibly legislation restrictions. Provide money. As above, information that exists in order to promote. School curriculum and programs. Regional government: Come together on the issue with a united view. Common advertising campaign to promote water use efficiency. Education and more cash. Education, legislating local by-laws and metering. Expertise. Expose regional water challenges. Mandate community outreach. Provide money. As above, information that exists in order to promote.
Q37. continued
Private Sector: Affordability of changing equipment and practices the participation. Green development. Lead by example. Not to carry or support products that do meet water conservation goals. Promote low volume fixtures and Xeriscaping. Promote products and services and partner. Provide money. NGO / Volunteer Sector: Community associations and ask them to be involved. Lead by example. Organization Promote conservation efforts. Professional Associations: BMPs. Newsletters. Promote and make available efficient products. Show cost savings realized elsewhere. Work with the above as a voice of the industry.
Q38. Please describe any successes your utility has had with a particular
education tool for residential users, such as might help other utilities realize their water conservation objectives. Specifics: Bike patrol to inform and educate public in wise use of water. Door hangers advising of restrictions and explaining why. Lawn sprinkling regulation. Media and information. Peak demands reduction pilot programs, school programs, community tent events education and media advertising. Provide reasons for restrictions to consumers. School programs on conservation, radio and newspaper advertisements on conservation tips. The school play A2Z of H2O aimed at school children, Rain Barrel program, Water Wise Gardening Grow Natural program. We feel mail outs with billing is effective. Performance Targets and Measures / Indicators: Fifty community tent events in 2004 and consumption education of an additional sixteen percent by area serviced. Cost savings with reduced usage. To cut water consumption in high summer use. Water Savings: Twenty percent today and then achieved additional fifteen is being sought. Cost Savings: Huge capital cost savings and deferral of infrastructure. When consumption is cut the city pays less in electrical, cost and pump statistics and groundwater.
Q39. Please describe any successes your utility has had with a particular
consultation tool for residential, such as might help other utilities realize their water conservation objectives. Specifics: Consultation is an educational tool. Water audit and committee of interested parties.
Neither 41.0% 46.2% 59.5% 61.1% 56.8% 61.1% 75.0% 76.5% 77.1% 72.7% 69.7% 87.5% 64.7% 78.8%
OTHER EDUCATION / CONSULTATION TOOLS: Audits one and two. Encouraging water audits. Metering.
Q41. Then indicate since what year or, if being considered, what year it is
being considered for: Media 2004 2 mentions Workshops & seminars 2004 Focus groups 2004 Citizen committee / task force 2004 Voluntary watering restrictions 2004 Voluntary low-flow fixture program 2004 Other 2004 (Encouraging water audits) 2 mentions 2 mentions
Q42. Which education / consultation tool would you consider most effective in
helping achieve your water conservation objectives for ICI and agricultural users? Why? Accurate metering coupled with quarterly billing will usually regulate growth for most businesses. Audits get to see how they can save money. Mail outs and water commission assistance is educating growers. Media and billing information. Metering due to increasing costs for more water. No agricultural connections. No targeted program for this group. None in place or planned. Referendum and metering proven to lower the volume usage. Same approach as residential however more focus on inside and process reduction virtually no agricultural customers. The ICI and agricultural users are metered and mostly optimized already through water audits as a result of being metered. The website is easily accessible and modern interesting media. We do not specifically target ICI we do provide info for all users. We have no users in the city.
What is 1 major challenge or barrier to implementing or maximizing the effectiveness of education / consultation tools for ICI and agricultural users? Funding. Political unwillingness. Political will and resources. Political will and water board is elected by people most interested in water, such as orchardists. Price of ICI water creating incentives to count capital to improve processes. The cost of metering. There seems to be no interest at the moment. Water is too cheap.
- 54 -
How could the following sectors help you use education / consultation tools for ICI and agricultural users more effectively? Federal government: Grants. Grants and education. Mandated legislation. Money. Provide grants and operating system retrofits that could reduce consumption. Provincial government: Grants. Grants and education. Money. Require mandatory water audits through legislation. Regional government: Cash and education. Enforce outcomes of provincial water audits. Expertise. Help with costs. You pay fifty percent of metering costs and installation costs. Private Sector: Become a steward in the community. Professional Associations: Newsletters. Work with ICI and agricultural sector.
- 55 -
Please describe any successes your utility has had with a particular education / consultation tool for ICI or agricultural users, such as might help other utilities realize their water conservation objectives. Specifics: Education of growers for water use reduction. Meters reduced ICI use. We conducted ICI facility assessments on water conservation. Performance Targets and Measures / Indicators: Reduce ICI by a further ten percent.
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50 50 45 49 51 50 51 50
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Which economic or financial tool would you consider most effective in helping achieve your water conservation objectives? Why? Appropriate rate structure because money talks. Assessment of pricing. Billing and user pay rates. Cost benefit and cost service to council and inclining block rate and incentives to reduce cost sharing. Fines. Fines and additional use charges for customers who do not follow restrictions. Incentives and grants because it encourages conservation and is fair and equitable. Inclining block rate. Increasing block rate. Metering study and analysis. Price structure and people respond to incentives. Rebate. It comes down to cost savings to the public and what they can afford. Service charges. Study for metering. Universal metering study.
What is 1 major challenge or barrier to implementing or maximizing the effectiveness of economic or financial tools? Cost at implantation. Initial and ongoing challenge is funding barriers. No residential metering. None Not a concern. Peoples perception that there is a lot of water and it should be free. Political unwillingness. Political will to charge what treated water is worth.
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Q49. How could the following sectors help you use economic and financial tools
more effectively? Federal government: Grants. 2 mentions Financial incentives for efficient systems. Funding. Infrastructure grants. Resource library. Send cash. Work with Provincial and Legislature local governments on water pricing guidelines. Provincial government: Grants. 3 mentions Access and government grants. Funding and help with implementation. Send cash. Regional government: Education, politicians and more cash. Expertise. Participation. Regional leaderships promoting regional issues. Private Sector: Contribute to research new systems. Gain support for incentive programs. Professional Associations: Ensure they partner with government and the industry challenges. Newsletters.
- 59 -
Please describe any successes your utility has had with a particular economic or financial tool, such as might help other utilities realize their water conservation objectives. Specifics: Consumption based rate structure has resulted in reductions and metered consumption information and proper rate actually rewards the average or less than average consumer. Cook and benefits analysis of water supply and treatment. Federal and Provincial Green Plan grant. Increasing block toll rates. Metering. Performance Targets and Measures / Indicators: Fifty percent of meter costs. Indicates, but treatment method and source. Reduced costs. Twenty year servicing plan continues to reduce capital expenditure by fifteen percent maximum a day and demand design standards reduced. Water Savings: Twenty percent overall. Cost Savings: As above, fifty percent of meter costs. Capital program.
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3.8 PARTNERSHIPS AND CO-OPERATIVE EFFORTS Q51. Please indicate if your utility is promoting water conservation through partnerships and co-operative efforts:
Partnerships and Co-operative Efforts Partnership / co-operation with regional government Partnership / co-operation with other water utilities Partnerships / co-operation with neighboring jurisdiction Partnership / co-operation with provincial government Partnership / co-operation with federal government Partnership / co-operation with major user Partnership / co-operation with professional association Partnership / co-operation with academic / research institutions Pilot program(s) Public private partnership Partnership / co-operation with local business Partnership / co-operation with NGO / volunteer group(s) Cost / benefit analysis of partnership Intergovernmental initiatives Currently Being Promoting Considered 27.3% 27.3% 20.5% 20.0% 15.6% 11.6% 11.6% 11.4% 9.3% 8.9% 8.9% 7.0% 4.7% 2.3% 18.2% 4.5% 15.9% 8.9% 8.9% 14.0% 7.0% 9.1% 16.3% 11.1% 13.3% 16.3% 16.3% 15.9% Neither 52.3% 65.9% 59.1% 68.9% 73.3% 69.8% 79.1% 70.5% 67.4% 77.8% 73.3% 67.4% 74.4% 75.0% Don't Know 2.3% 2.3% 4.5% 2.2% 2.2% 4.7% 2.3% 9.1% 7.0% 2.2% 4.4% 9.3% 4.7% 6.8% Valid Sample 44 44 44 45 45 43 43 44 43 45 45 43 43 44
- 61 -
Which partnership or type of cooperation would you consider most effective in helping achieve your water conservation objectives? Why? A partnership with regional government because it keeps the same message across the region with consistency. Federal and Provincial sharing grants. Federal and Provincial, more access to cash and educate promotion. Partnership with regional district and other local government members within water supply area. Provincial government and partnerships with other purveyors and partnerships with customers, such as cost sharing on incentives. Provincial government initiatives in value of water.
What is 1 major challenge or barrier to implementing or maximizing the effectiveness of partnerships and cooperation? Lack of understanding of mutual benefit. Other parties unwilling to participate. Politics. Red tape and cost because there is not enough money. Resources. Resources, such as time and staffing levels. Too cumbersome.
- 62 -
How could the following sectors help you use partnerships and cooperation more effectively? Federal government: Funding 2 mentions Grants and scholarships. Infrastructure grants. Promote partnerships and then funding assistance on performance-based projects. Provide a more even playing field for grants. Provincial government: Funding. Grants. Leadership role rather than downloading on Regional Governments. Regional government: Expertise. Remove politics from water management planning. Private Sector: Grants and scholarships. Professional Associations: Newsletters. Resources assistance.
- 63 -
Please describe any successes your utility has had with a particular partnership or cooperative effort, such as might help other utilities realize their water conservation objectives. Specifics: Kelowna Joint Water Committee Water Supply Association of BC Kelowna Joint Water Committee work together on general usage with neighboring jurisdictions, partnerships with customers on cost saving incentives. Partnerships with master gardeners and demonstration gardens that offer classes in water conservation in the garden, around the home, etceteras. Water Savings: Looking for a further sixteen percent reduction in peak demand. Cost Savings: Joint activities and more momentum for programs.
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- 65 -
Which long-term planning tool would you consider most effective in helping achieve your water conservation objectives? Why? Long range capital planning. 2 mentions A good consultant that understands the issues and academic study is usually very hard to implement. A set management plan. Conservation education program and mail out with yearly water bill. Demand management planning coupled with long range capital planning. Grown management planning. Long react capital planning. For years we have used a consultant to help us with planning. Strategic planning and keeps the focus on the future. Strategic planning as it makes the best use of the budget available. OCP. This will roadmap what direction to follow for the municipality. Water pricing for future funds.
What is 1 major challenge or barrier to implementing or maximizing the effectiveness of long-term planning? Costs. Funding, and maintain local utility rates within a perceived acceptable range. Having the development sector our OCP prediction for future growth, this is a fact of life. Lack of initiative or urgency to keep planning documents current, such as a five-year update is not being done regularly. Lack of resources. Peoples reluctance to pay for what water is worth. Political buy-in cash for studies. Resources. Time and resources. Utilizing the plans that we now have in place.
- 66 -
How could the following sectors help you plan for the long-term water conservation more effectively? Federal government: Grants. 8 mentions Provincial Government. Education of public to value of water. Equal opportunity funding and grants. Funding. Send cash. Regional government: Expertise. Lobby Federal and Provincial. Promoting local water issues. Private Sector: Demonstrate efficient water use. NGO / Volunteer Sector: Good design of modern applications. Grants and scholarships. Professional Associations: Newsletters. They have our consultants.
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Q60. Please describe any successes your utility has had with a particular longterm planning tool, such as might help other utilities realize their water conservation objectives. Specifics: Available infrastructure grants. Performance Targets and Measures / Indicators: A three percent growth date. Installed a new WWTP and new proposed station upgrades. Proper water pricing so funds are available when they have the most effect. Reduced costs to the district. Understand the capacity and limitations of their water sources. Upgrade of our infrastructure water and sewer. We have prepared an OCP matched our model based, a master water ran of the two above documents. Cost Savings: One-third grant program. Other legal tools: Different classes or grades of water.
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3.10 LEGAL TOOLS Q61. Please indicate which legal tools are in place or being considered by your
utility to promote water conservation: Currently In Place 61.7% 48.9% 43.2% 40.9% 22.7% 20.9% 11.9% Being Considered 21.3% 23.4% 22.7% 25.0% 18.2% 23.3% 14.3% Don't Know 2.1% 0.0% 6.8% 11.4% 11.4% 11.6% 19.0% Valid Sample 47 47 44 44 44 43 42
Legal Tools Bylaws Mandatory restrictions Regulations Standards Licensing Zoning restrictions Restrictive covenants OTHER LEGAL TOOLS:
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Which legal tool would you consider MOST effective in helping achieve your water conservation objectives? Why? Bylaws. 2 mentions Bylaws and adopt a cross-connection program and apply fines for abusers. Bylaws and ongoing enforcement. Bylaws and provide legal tools to facilitate programs and enforcement. Bylaws and regulations. Bylaws that allow you to turn water off if it is a repeat offender. Bylaws when the regulations are not adhered to. Established bylaws as part of building. Permits for low flow fixtures in all new construction standards. Construction and development standards related to system sizing. Mandatory watering restrictions with fines. Regulations. Water restrictions, cuts in pumping costs and disinfection costs. Watering restrictions.
Q63. What is 1 major challenge or barrier to implementing or maximizing the effectiveness of legal tools?
Bylaw implementation. Entering onto private property. Funding and staff time. Inability of issuing fines, etceteras against violators. The legal system does not view wasting water as a crime. Lack of resources. Legal challenges or implementing enforcement takes time and money. Man power to police restorations. Policing customers. Political exceptions. Political unwillingness. Resources. The public is concerned of the added cost to them.
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Q64. How could the following sectors help you use legal tools more effectively?
Federal government: I do not know. 2 mentions Change plumbing code. Countrywide rules. Improve the national building code. Infrastructure grants. Legislation. Send cash. Provincial government: Assistance and legal advice on drafting bylaws. Do not download. Funding. Grants. Improve the provincial building code. Legislation. Regional government: Adopt bylaws. Expertise. NGO / Volunteer Sector: Lobby for code improvements and changes. Professional Associations: Lobby for code improvements and changes. Newsletters.
- 71 -
Q65. Please describe any successes your utility has had with a particular legal
tool, such as might help other utilities realize their water conservation objectives. Specifics: Mandatory watering restrictions with fines. Mandatory sprinkling restrictions. Not much. Watering restrictions of three days per week. Performance Targets and Measures / Indicators: Saving water loss. Water Savings: Thirty percent savings during high demands periods. Due to no sprinkling on Mondays.
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