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The Polymeal Plan

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The Polymeal Plan

The polymeal plan was introduced in the British Medical Journal, Dec 2004 as a simple way to reduce the risk of heart disease. Men without cardiovascular disease, followin the polymeal plan, mi ht increase life e!pectancy "y #.# years, and freedom from cardiovascular disease "y $ years. The polymeal provides a scientifically proven, cheap, natural, safe and tasty strate y to reduce cardiovascular disease "y more than %&'. The polymeal plan means consumin ( )&0 ))4 )00 400 2.% #, ml of wine daily. of fish four times a week. of dark chocolate daily. of fruits and ve eta"les daily. fresh arlic *a"out one clove+. per day of almonds.

-s the polymeal was introduced in a scientific .ournal, it does not come with recipes or advice on how to make it part of a healthy diet. /or that, you could read 0at Drink and Be 1ealthy "y 2alter 3. 2illett, M.D.. This provides advice on followin a scientifically "ased diet, which incorporates much of the research on which the polymeal is "ased. -nd it provides recipes and advice on a much wider ran e of foods. The authors of the polymeal paper ive the followin advice( Do not eat less than the recommended amount in the polymeal or its efficacy will "e decreased. 4ncreasin the amount of most of the in redients in the polymeal will not have further positive effects, "ut *e!cept for wine+ should not have detrimental effects. 5mittin the wine would have the "i est detrimental impact on the polymeal6s effectiveness, "ut increasin the wine mi ht "rin other pro"lems.

The BMJ researchers found no other in redients that had sufficient support to make them essential parts of the polymeal, "ut ave a favoura"le mention to( olive oil, 7oya oil, 7oya "eans, tomatoes, cereals, oat "ran, nuts, tea, chickpeas, and others. The team also mentioned walkin for half an hour a day as a valua"le complement to the polymeal. -s drinkin wine is 8moreish8, and clouds reasonin , adoptin a daily ritual may help. /or instance, pour out e!actly )&0ml into a wine lass "efore the evenin meal each day. Then, "efore drinkin it, seal the "ottle with a vacuum stopper until the ne!t day. The temptation to 8have .ust another lass8 will "e stopped "y the vacuum stopper, and "y remindin yourself that drinkin more will destroy the health "enefits of the polymeal. The polymeal recommendations were checked a ainst the /ramlin ton heart study. 4f a man is alive at a e &0, followin the polymeal makes it likely he will live past ,&. 5therwise he pro"a"ly wouldn6t reach ,0. 2ithout the polymeal plan he6s likely to

come down with cardiovascular disease at %0, when otherwise he is likely to "e intact at ,0. 4n the ori inal polymeal paper the authors were so confident in the polymeal plan that they said( "redundant cardiologists could be retrained as polymeal chefs and wine advisors".

9 Malcolm Mac re or:olymeal 2;<)2<04

Fruits and Vegetables =ou should eat at least & portions *400 rams+ of fruits and ve eta"les each day. The -merican >ational 3ancer 4nstitute recommends $ portions. /ruits and ve eta"les are a central part of the polymeal diet. Fruits and vegetables, in eneral, have two vital roles( /ruits and ve eta"les provide fi"re. This keeps the di estive system movin and feeds healthy "acteria. /ruits and ve eta"les provide vitamins and minerals. Minerals like selenium, copper and ?inc are @antio!idants.

7pecific "enefits of certain fruits and ve eta"les include( -pples contain pectin, a fi"re which helps sta"ilise cholesterol and is reat for the di estion. :ineapples contain "romelin, an aid to protein di estion. -pricots are stuffed with "eta carotene and iron -vocados are rich in almost everythin . Broccoli and other crucifers are protective a ainst cancer. 5nions and arlic are ood for most thin s that ail you.

/ruit and ve eta"les are a key part of Daniel Aeyes6 Mediterranean diet. - portion of fruit and ve eta"les is ,0 of edi"le matter. This amounts to( three heaped ta"lespoons of "aked "eans. three heaped ta"lespoons of shredded ca""a e. two clemetines, two kiwi fruit, two rin s of tinned pineapple, or three dried apricots. one medium onion, tomato, apple, "anana or oran e. one heaped ta"lespoon of mi!ed dried fruit.

There are other portions mentioned in the Buardian( The trou"le with fruits and ve eta"les. But the "est idea is to et an accurate wei hin scale and wei h out ,0 of any fruits and ve eta"les that you eatCCit6s science, "ut not rocket science.

:otatoes don6t count, and fruit .uice only counts for ) portion however much you drink *fi"re is important+. /or "est effects( 0at a mi!ture of differentCcoloured fruits and ve eta"lesCC cooked is ood, "ut fresh and raw are "etter.

Fruits and Vegetables Fruits and vegetables: recommended reading 0at Drink and Be 1ealthy "y 2alter 3. 2illett, M.D. Jamie6s Dinners "y Jamie 5liver

9 Malcolm Mac re or/ruits and De ,<)<0&


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