The Water Quality Index (WQI) was developed in the early 1970s in an effort to compare the quality of water from all parts of the country. Over one hundred water-quality experts were called together to create this standard means of using one number to represent nine criteria for calculating the degree of water quality for a given body of water. The results are used to decide whether the water may be considered healthy, to monitor it over time, and to assess it relative it to any other body of water on Earth.
This investigation prepares you to perform all nine tests to determine the WQI for a body of water of your choosing. (If you cannot do all nine tests, a way of approximating the WQI will be explained in a later section of the lab.) Usually these tests are repeated several times to get a full picture of how an ecosystem may change over a period of time.
Water Quality Index (WQI) is a set of standard test parameters used to compare water quality all around the country. A numerical WQI is assigned based on the results of nine (9) separate parameters:
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) pH Temperature Change (T) Fecal Coliform Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Nitrates Total Phosphates Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Turbidity or Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
Measurements of each parameter are taken and recorded and then are converted into a Q value.
Oxygen is not very soluble in water. Most of the Oxygen in a water way gets there through interaction with the atmosphere. As water splashes over rocks and waterfalls, Oxygen from the atmosphere is trapped. Temperature affects the solubility of Oxygen. As the temperature rises, the solubility of the Oxygen gas goes down. A water system that is considered hypoxic, or Oxygen deficient, has a concentration of Oxygen between 1 and 30%. Above 80% is an ideal concentration of DO to sustain aquatic life
Procedures: 1. Collect a sample of water. Readings are ideally taken immediately in the field as a transfer of water increases its contact with the atmosphere. 2. Take the temperature of the water sample and record the temperature in oC. 3. Use the Venier Dissolved Oxygen probe to measure the concentration of D.O. in mg/L. Record your reading. 4. Use the Oxygen saturation chart below to determine the % saturation. 5. Find the Q-value using the chart provided. Record the D.O. Q-value on the WQI Worksheet
Pure water contains equal amounts of Hydrogen (H+) and Hydroxide (OH-) ions. The measure of the log10 of the concentration of Hydrogen ions determines how acidic a sample is. Hydrogen ions are acidic and hydroxide ions are alkaline. Organisms have a variable range of tolerance for pH in water. The pH of water is also a factor in the ability of metal ions to leach into the water. A pH of less than 6.5 S.U. is significantly acidic enough to leach Iron and Lead out of the solder joints of indoor plumbing.
Procedures: 1. Use the Vernier probeware or pH paper to determine the pH of your water sample. Record the value. 2. Determine the Q-value using the chart provided. Record the value in the WQI worksheet. Temperature change (T)
Aquatic organisms are completely dependent upon the environment for survival. The range of tolerance for temperature change will determine the climate that an organism thrives in. An increase in ambient or natural water temperature by as little as 1-2oC is called thermal pollution. Thermal pollution can cause physical distress for organisms as well as deplete oxygen, or cause a bloom of parasitic or bacterial colony.
Procedure: We will not be calculating the change in temperature in the laboratory as this is strictly a field parameter. 2.4 Fecal Coliform
Bacteria is ubiquitous. Coliform bacteria are any number of rod shaped, gram-negative bacteria. Fecal coliform bacteria are found in the feces of humans and other warm-blooded animals. The bacteria alone are not harmful, it is the pathogenic organisms, such as parasites and viruses, that accompany them. High numbers of fecal coliform can indicate a high abundance of pathogenic organism that can harm humans, pets, and organisms living in the creek by disease and illness.
Procedures: We will not be testing for coliform bacteria as the waste products must be autoclaved in order to mitigate the danger.
As aerobic bacteria decompose organic matter, they also consume oxygen and thereby lower the Dissolved Oxygen in a water system. As the organic matter is broken down, nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus are also released promoting the growth of algae which also depletes the oxygen. (see DO) BOD is an approximation of the levels of biodegradable waste in the water. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is the measure of the oxygen necessary for oxidation.
Procedure: 1. Collect sample. 2. Measure and record the Dissolved Oxygen. 3. Place sample in a light restricted environment at room temperature for five (5) days. 4. After 5 days, measure and record the DO. The BOD is the difference in the DO. 5. Determine the Q-value using the chart provided. Record the value in the WQI worksheet.
Nitrates are a critical nutrient in aquatic environments. Excess nitrates can lead to eutrophication which causes algal blooms which then depletes the Oxygen in the water. Nitrates come naturally from animal waste. Runoff of fertilizers and treated municipal waste add additional nitrates into a water system.
Procedures: 1. Use the test strip provided with the color change indicator. Match the color as close as possible. Record the concentration in mg/L. 2. Determine the Q-value using the chart provided. Record the value in the WQI worksheet.
Total Phosphates
Phosphorus can be found naturally in rock and is usually the limiting factor for plant growth. The inorganic form of Phosphorus is phosphate. Runoff from fertilizers, detergents and sewage adds to the concentration.
Procedures: 1. Use the test strip provided with the color change indicator. Match the color as close as possible. Record the concentration in mg/L. 2. Determine the Q-value using the chart provided. Record the value in the WQI worksheet.
Solids are found in water as dissolved or suspended solids. Suspended solids do not pass through a filter in the laboratory. Dissolved solids (TDS) come in the form of sodium ions, magnesium ions, calcium ions, chloride ions, hydrogen carbonate ions and sulfate ions. So luble solids can also be organic; however, the most common form is as an inorganic salt.
Procedure: 1. Obtain a clean, dry beaker. Weigh the beaker and record the weight. 2. Using a funnel and filter paper, filter until you have a total volume of 200-mL of sample. 3. Place the sample into the beaker and place the beaker onto a hot plate until the entire sample has evaporated. 4. Allow the beaker to cool. Weigh and record the mass of the beaker. 5. The difference in the mass x 5 is the TDS of your sample in mg/L. 6. Determine the Q-value using the chart provided. Record the value in the WQI worksheet.
Suspended solids (TSS) can block the penetration of light, clog the gills of fish or other organisms. Dark water also holds more heat. These solids come from soil erosion or channelization from dredging. Increased water flow erodes stream banks and allows the water to carry a heavier load of particles.
Procedure: 1. Use the Vernier probe to measure the turbidity of your sample in N.T.U. 2. Determine the Q-value using the chart provided. Record the value in the WQI worksheet. 3.0 Water Quality Calculation
Calculating the WQI first requires the results of the test measurements. These test values are then converted into Q-values by using graphs. The Q-values are multiplied by a weighting factor and then added up to determine the final WQI number that measures the overall water quality.
(1) Enter all data on the table below (2) Multiply each Q-Value by its weighting factor then add them up. (3) Add the weighting factors of the tests you conducted together. (4) Divide the sum from (3) by the sum from (4). This is your WQI Value (5) Use the table below to determine water quality rating.
WATER QUALITY RATING Excellent Water Quality Good Water Quality Average Water Quality Fair Water Quality Poor Water Quality
Test Results
Weighting Factor
Dissolved Oxygen
______% Sat
Temperature Change
Total Phosphates