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Climate Change: Case Study

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e J,

FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI

VuInerabiIity & Adaptation
Experiences from Rajasthan &
Andhra Pradesh
Climate Change
Natural Resource Management
Rural Economy
Local Governance and Civil Society
5wiss Agency for DeveIopmenI
and CooperaIion 5DC
Schweizerische Eidgehossehscha!I
Coh!ederaIioh suisse
Coh!ederaziohe Svizzera
Coh!ederaziuh svizra
The Sviss Agency foi DeveIopnenl and Coopeialion (SDC), iecognising lhe iisks lhal cIinale vaiialiIily and
change pose lo IiveIihoods of iuiaI connunilies in seni-aiid iegions of India, suppoiled a piocess-oiienled
piIol piogianne on 'Vu|ncraoi|i|q Asscssncn| and |nnancing Adap|itc Capaci|q |c C|ina|c Cnangc in Scni Arid
Rcgicns in |ndia' (VcA). The piogianne vas inpIenenled in lhe peiiod fion 2OO5 lo 2OO9 in lvo seni-aiid
iegions in India, naneIy Udaipui disliicl in Rajaslhan, and Mahlulnagai disliicl in Andhia Iiadesh. The
oveiaII goaI of lhe V&A Iiogianne vas losecuie lhe IiveIihoods of iuiaI pooi and vuIneialIe connunilies ly
pionoling adaplalion neasuies lhal enhance lheii capacily lo lellei cope vilh adveise inpacls of cIinale
change and ly inpioving lheii disaslei piepaiedness.
The piogianne had thrcc spccIfIc Intcr-!Inkcd nbjcctIvcs:
- ObjcctIvc 1: To luiId connunily IeveI capacilies vilh iegaid lo lesl piaclices and lechnoIogies in lhe
agiicuIluie, valei and eneigy seclois.
- ObjcctIvc 2: Tooplinise lhe seivice deIiveiy syslen and seivices al seIecled siles inseni-aiid aieas inIndia.
- ObjcctIvc 3: Topionole poIicy diaIogue and advocacy al diffeienl IeveIs.
A iange of fieId aclivilies, sone of lhen luiIding on and aIigned lo liadilionaI IocaI adaplalion piaclices, veie
lesled in lhe pailicuIaiIy cIinale sensilive seclois of valei, agiicuIluie, iuiaI eneigy and Iiveslock. The fieId
inleivenlions heIped idenlify neasuies and nechanisns foi ieducing lhe vuIneialiIily lo cIinale hazaids of
lhe pooiesl sociaI gioups inlhese iegions. The eneiging Iessons veie anaIysed vilha viev loinfoining poIicy
piocesses al slale, nalionaI and inleinalionaI IeveIs ly denonslialing a vay foivaid foi inlegialing
deveIopnenl slialegies vilhcIinale change adaplalion.
The piogianne luiIl on lhe coIIaloialion lelveen vaiious aclois vilh conpIenenlaiy slienglhs. A NalionaI
Consoiliun, foi oveiaII nanagenenl of lhe piogianne, conpiised lhiee pailneis, naneIy M.5.
5wamInathan Rcscarch FnundatInn (M55RF), ActInn Fnr Fnnd PrnductInn (AFPRO), and lhe NatInna!
InstItutc nf AgrIcu!turc ExtcnsInn Managcmcnt (MANAGE). An InleinalionaI Consoiliun foi
lackslopping, quaIily assuiance and faciIilalion of conlinuous exchange vilh ongoing inleinalionaI poIicy
piocesses vas consliluled ly INFRA5 andIntcrcnnpcratInn (IC).
Mahalulnagai disliicl in Andhia Iiadesh and Udaipui disliicl in Rajaslhan veie seIecled foi
inpIenenlalionof lhe piogianne, as iuiaI connunilies inlhese disliicls aie anong lhose nosl vuIneialIe lo
cIinale vaiialiIily and aie IikeIy lo le highIy inpacled ly cIinale change. A nuIli-slakehoIdei piocess and a
sel of pie-defined ciileiia, incIuding nanifeslalion of cIinale hazaids and evidence of sociaI oiganizalion al
viIIage IeveI, heIped idenlify lvo viIIages foi piogianne inpIenenlalion in each disliicl, naneIy Knthur and
5rIrangapur in Mahlulnagai disliicl of Andhia Iiadesh and Amda and KundaI in Udaipui disliicl of
Ioi fuilhei delaiIs onlhe V&A piIol piogianne and a delaiIed anaIysis of lhe vuIneialiIily of lhe connunilies
seIecled foi inpIenenlalion of lhe piogianne, see lhe '|n|rcduc|icn' oi visil lhe V&A piogianne velsile
Tho `VuInorabiIiIy kssossmonI and Enhanring kdapIivo 6apariIy
Io 6IimaIo 6hango in 8omi krid ogions in India' (V&k)
programmo in brioI

VuInorabiIiIy & kdapIaIion

Exporionros Irom ajasIhan &
kndhra Fradosh
e J,
h 0 A
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
Climate Change
Acrnnyms 1
Acknnw!cdgcmcnts 2
ExccutIvc 5ummary 3
1 IntrnductInn 4
2 LIvcstnck, pasturc and c!Imatc rIsks In UdaIpur dIstrIct, Rajasthan 5
2.1 Hisloiy of connon Iand iesouices in Rajaslhan 5
2.2 Inpoilance of pasluie Iands as a IiveIihood iesouice foi lhe pooi 6
2.3 Liveslock and pasluies silualion in viIIages seIecled foi inpIenenlalion of lhe V&A piIol 7
piogianne in Rajaslhan
2.4 Liveslock and pasluies in lhe conlexl of cIinale iisks 8
3 RatInna!c fnr pasturc !and dcvc!npmcnt undcr thc V&A pI!nt prngrammc 10
4 Dcvc!npmcnt nf cnmmnn and prIvatc pasturc !and In KundaI and Amda 11
4.1 Avaieness and capacily luiIding 11
4.2 DeveIopnenl of joinl piivale pasluie Iand in Anda 11
4.3 DeveIopnenl of joinl piivale pasluies Iand in Kundai 13
4.4 DeveIopnenl of connon pasluie in Kundai 15
4.5 Lxpeiience fion connon pasluie Iand deveIopnenl piojecls in neighlouiing viIIages 27
5 Asscssmcnt nf Impacts 19
6 Cnnc!usInns 22
6.1 Lessons Leainl vilh iegaid lo pIanning and inpIenenling pasluie Iand deveIopnenl 22
6.2 Conliilulions of pasluie Iand deveIopnenl lo enhancing adaplive capacily 23
6.3 Oplions foi up-scaIing inilialives foi pasluie Iand deveIopnenl in Rajaslhan 24
7 Rcfcrcnccs 25

FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI

VuInorabiIiIy rodurIion and adapIaIion Io rIimaIo rhango in somi
arid India FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
The use and sharing o inormalion conlained in lhis documenl is
encouraged, wilh due acknowledgmenl o lhe source.
Main lexl by Ms. Anna Bruderle
voraII guidanro
Ms. Rua Mukerji
InpuIs and rommonIs
Ms. Annel willeveen
0r. C.K.Rao
0r. K.R. vishwanalhan
Fro. 0r. T.h. Balasubramanian
aIa and IariIiIaIion oI IioId visiIs
AFFR0 udaiur; Sahyog Sanslhan, udaiur; vikas Sanslhan, udaiur
8arksIopping supporI during IioId visiIs
Mr. vishnu Sharma
osign, IayouI and FrinIing
0ivya Crealions, hyderabad 5OO O44, M: 944O72G9O7
This is a ublicalion rom lhe S0C suorled vulnerabilily Assessmenl
and Enhancing Adalive Caacily lo Climale Change in semi arid
ndia (v&A) Frogramme
v&A Frogramme (2OO9) vulnerabilily and Adalalion exeriences rom
Rajaslhan and Andhra Fradesh: Faslure Land 0evelomenl
S0C v&A Frogramme, ndia.
Aclion For Food Froduclion
25/1A Fankha Road,
0Block, Janakuri,
hew 0elhi11OO58
Tel: +91 11 28525452,
28522575, 28525412
Fax: +91 11 2852O848
Email: arodel@aro.org
Bin/slrasse 28
F.0. Box 8O45
Tel +41 44 2O5 95 95
Fax +41 44 2O5 95 99
Email: /uerich@inras.ch
158/a, Saers Lane
Secunderabad 5OOOO8
Tel: + 91 4O 279OG952
Fax: + 91 4O 279OG954
Email: ino@inlercooeralion.org.in
M 8 8WaminaIhan osoarrh
8rd Cross Slreel,
nslilulional Area,
Chennai GOO118, ndia
Tel: +91 44 22542G98,
Fax: +91 44 22541819
Email: anambi@mssr.res.in
8Wiss kgonry Ior ovoIopmonI
and 6ooporaIion,
Embassy o Swil/erland
Chandragula Marg,
hew 0elhi 11OO21, ndia.
Tel: +91 11 2G8 77819
Fax: + 91 11 2G878G81
Email: delhi@sdc.nel
6opios avaiIabIo Irom:
Climate Change
Acrnnyms 1
Acknnw!cdgcmcnts 2
ExccutIvc 5ummary 3
1 IntrnductInn 4
2 LIvcstnck, pasturc and c!Imatc rIsks In UdaIpur dIstrIct, Rajasthan 5
2.1 Hisloiy of connon Iand iesouices in Rajaslhan 5
2.2 Inpoilance of pasluie Iands as a IiveIihood iesouice foi lhe pooi 6
2.3 Liveslock and pasluies silualion in viIIages seIecled foi inpIenenlalion of lhe V&A piIol 7
piogianne in Rajaslhan
2.4 Liveslock and pasluies in lhe conlexl of cIinale iisks 8
3 RatInna!c fnr pasturc !and dcvc!npmcnt undcr thc V&A pI!nt prngrammc 10
4 Dcvc!npmcnt nf cnmmnn and prIvatc pasturc !and In KundaI and Amda 11
4.1 Avaieness and capacily luiIding 11
4.2 DeveIopnenl of joinl piivale pasluie Iand in Anda 11
4.3 DeveIopnenl of joinl piivale pasluies Iand in Kundai 13
4.4 DeveIopnenl of connon pasluie in Kundai 15
4.5 Lxpeiience fion connon pasluie Iand deveIopnenl piojecls in neighlouiing viIIages 27
5 Asscssmcnt nf Impacts 19
6 Cnnc!usInns 22
6.1 Lessons Leainl vilh iegaid lo pIanning and inpIenenling pasluie Iand deveIopnenl 22
6.2 Conliilulions of pasluie Iand deveIopnenl lo enhancing adaplive capacily 23
6.3 Oplions foi up-scaIing inilialives foi pasluie Iand deveIopnenl in Rajaslhan 24
7 Rcfcrcnccs 25

FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI

VuInorabiIiIy rodurIion and adapIaIion Io rIimaIo rhango in somi
arid India FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
The use and sharing o inormalion conlained in lhis documenl is
encouraged, wilh due acknowledgmenl o lhe source.
Main lexl by Ms. Anna Bruderle
voraII guidanro
Ms. Rua Mukerji
InpuIs and rommonIs
Ms. Annel willeveen
0r. C.K.Rao
0r. K.R. vishwanalhan
Fro. 0r. T.h. Balasubramanian
aIa and IariIiIaIion oI IioId visiIs
AFFR0 udaiur; Sahyog Sanslhan, udaiur; vikas Sanslhan, udaiur
8arksIopping supporI during IioId visiIs
Mr. vishnu Sharma
osign, IayouI and FrinIing
0ivya Crealions, hyderabad 5OO O44, M: 944O72G9O7
This is a ublicalion rom lhe S0C suorled vulnerabilily Assessmenl
and Enhancing Adalive Caacily lo Climale Change in semi arid
ndia (v&A) Frogramme
v&A Frogramme (2OO9) vulnerabilily and Adalalion exeriences rom
Rajaslhan and Andhra Fradesh: Faslure Land 0evelomenl
S0C v&A Frogramme, ndia.
Aclion For Food Froduclion
25/1A Fankha Road,
0Block, Janakuri,
hew 0elhi11OO58
Tel: +91 11 28525452,
28522575, 28525412
Fax: +91 11 2852O848
Email: arodel@aro.org
Bin/slrasse 28
F.0. Box 8O45
Tel +41 44 2O5 95 95
Fax +41 44 2O5 95 99
Email: /uerich@inras.ch
158/a, Saers Lane
Secunderabad 5OOOO8
Tel: + 91 4O 279OG952
Fax: + 91 4O 279OG954
Email: ino@inlercooeralion.org.in
M 8 8WaminaIhan osoarrh
8rd Cross Slreel,
nslilulional Area,
Chennai GOO118, ndia
Tel: +91 44 22542G98,
Fax: +91 44 22541819
Email: anambi@mssr.res.in
8Wiss kgonry Ior ovoIopmonI
and 6ooporaIion,
Embassy o Swil/erland
Chandragula Marg,
hew 0elhi 11OO21, ndia.
Tel: +91 11 2G8 77819
Fax: + 91 11 2G878G81
Email: delhi@sdc.nel
6opios avaiIabIo Irom:
Climate Change
LULUCI Land Use, Land Use Change and Ioiesliy
NAICC NalionaI Aclion IIan on CIinale Change
WDR WoiId DeveIopnenl Repoil
2 1
This case sludy couId nol have leen piepaied vilhoul lhe connilled coIIaloialion of aII
pailneis in lhe Vu|ncraoi|i|q Asscssncn| and |nnancing Adap|itc Capaci|q |c C|ina|c Cnangc in
Scni Arid Rcgicns in |ndia (VcA) piogianne. In pailicuIai, ve gialefuIIy acknovIedge lhe
line and effoils invesled ly lhe IocaI connunilies of Anda and Kundai viIIages, Udaipui
disliicl, Rajaslhan, lo shaie lheii vievs and piovide vaIualIe feedlack on lhe piogianne
lhioughoul lhe piepaialion of lhis docunenlalion. We ove speciaI lhanks lo lhe AIIRO fieId
unil of Udaipui, as veII as lo lhe IocaI NCO pailneis Sahyog Sanslhan and Vikas Sanslhan
(Udaipui disliicl, Rajaslhan), foi aII lheii suppoil in dala coIIeclion, foi faciIilaling nuneious
fieId visils and ensuiing lhal fieId ieaIilies aie veII undeislood ly aII pailneis and iefIecled in
lhe docunenlalion.
We aie aIso gialefuI lo Mi. Vishnu Shaina, vho has heIped lo nake fieId visils in Rajaslhan
exlieneIy fiuilfuI and vho has suppoiled lhe piepaialion of lhis docunenlalion lhiough his
exlensive knovIedge and decades of connilled voik iniuiaI aieas of Rajaslhan.
In addilion, lhis sludy has lenefilled hugeIy fion vaIualIe connenls lhal veie piovided ly
Di. K.R. Visvanalhan, SDC, Mis. Annel Willeveen, Inleicoopeialion, Di. C.K. Rao,
Inleicoopeialion, and Iiof. Di. T.N. aIasuliananian, MSSRI.
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
LULUCI Land Use, Land Use Change and Ioiesliy
NAICC NalionaI Aclion IIan on CIinale Change
WDR WoiId DeveIopnenl Repoil
2 1
This case sludy couId nol have leen piepaied vilhoul lhe connilled coIIaloialion of aII
pailneis in lhe Vu|ncraoi|i|q Asscssncn| and |nnancing Adap|itc Capaci|q |c C|ina|c Cnangc in
Scni Arid Rcgicns in |ndia (VcA) piogianne. In pailicuIai, ve gialefuIIy acknovIedge lhe
line and effoils invesled ly lhe IocaI connunilies of Anda and Kundai viIIages, Udaipui
disliicl, Rajaslhan, lo shaie lheii vievs and piovide vaIualIe feedlack on lhe piogianne
lhioughoul lhe piepaialion of lhis docunenlalion. We ove speciaI lhanks lo lhe AIIRO fieId
unil of Udaipui, as veII as lo lhe IocaI NCO pailneis Sahyog Sanslhan and Vikas Sanslhan
(Udaipui disliicl, Rajaslhan), foi aII lheii suppoil in dala coIIeclion, foi faciIilaling nuneious
fieId visils and ensuiing lhal fieId ieaIilies aie veII undeislood ly aII pailneis and iefIecled in
lhe docunenlalion.
We aie aIso gialefuI lo Mi. Vishnu Shaina, vho has heIped lo nake fieId visils in Rajaslhan
exlieneIy fiuilfuI and vho has suppoiled lhe piepaialion of lhis docunenlalion lhiough his
exlensive knovIedge and decades of connilled voik iniuiaI aieas of Rajaslhan.
In addilion, lhis sludy has lenefilled hugeIy fion vaIualIe connenls lhal veie piovided ly
Di. K.R. Visvanalhan, SDC, Mis. Annel Willeveen, Inleicoopeialion, Di. C.K. Rao,
Inleicoopeialion, and Iiof. Di. T.N. aIasuliananian, MSSRI.
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
1. IntrnductInn
Mixed ciop-Iiveslock syslens aie a liadilionaI IiveIihood slialegy of nany
connunilies in seni-aiid iuiaI aieas aII ovei lhe voiId. They aie veII
adapled lo cIinalic condilions chaiacleiized ly eiialic iainfaII palleins and
iecuiienl devialions of annuaI iainfaII of 5O pei cenl and noie leIov
aveiage. Diveisified IiveIihood syslens vilh a Iiveslock conponenl aie
fIexilIe and have a highei capacily lo deaI vilh nuIlipIe sliesses in geneiaI,
andvilhadiyanddioughl-pionecIinaleinpailicuIai (Moilon2OO7).
Hovevei, cIinalevaiialiIilyandeneigingcIinalechangeinseni-aiidaieas
in India pose consideialIe lhieal lo lhe naluiaI iesouices lhal suslain foddei
pioduclion foi Iiveslock. Iasluie Iands, in alsence of appiopiiale
nanagenenl piaclices, aie al iisk of fuilhei degiadalion vilh piecipilalion
expecledlo occui in fuluie, in noie concenlialediainfaII evenls inleiiupled
ly Iongei diy speIIs. Loss of giazing Iands nay iesuIl in noie inlensive
nanagenenl piaclices, incieasing conpelilion lelveen Iand foi food giain
cuIlivalion and Iiveslock aclivilies, oi decieasing Iiveslock popuIalions,
undeinininglhesecuiilyfunclionlhal Iiveslockieaiingpiovides.
Many liadilionaI syslens foi coIIeclive nanagenenl of pasluie Iands have
exisled in Rajaslhan, vheie Iiveslock ieaiing and lianshunance have leen
an inpoilanl pail of peopIe's IiveIihood slialegies in lhe face of a haish enviionnenl and highIy vaiialIe
Conliiluling lo lhe iegeneialion of connon and piivale pasluies vas idenlified as one of lhe key enliy
poinls foi enhancing cIinale iesiIience of lhe iuiaI IiveIihoods in Udaipui disliicl in Rajaslhan undei lhe
VuIneialiIily Assessnenl and Lnhancing Adaplive Capacilies lo CIinale Change (V&A) piIol
piogianne. Connunilies veie encouiaged lo lake up aclivilies lo piolecl pasluie Iands and deveIop
lhenlhiough lhe adoplion of a iange of soiI and valei conseivalion neasuies. AcenliaI eIenenl of lhe
V&Aappioach vas lo enhance lhe capacilies of lhe connunilies lo nainlain and nanage lhese pasluies
and sel up luffei slocks of foddei foi peiiods of sliess. The undeiIying hypolhesis vas lhal luiIding
nanagenenl syslens foi connon and coIIeclive piivale Iands and foddei lanks in lhe connunilies can
enhancelheii adaplivecapacilylodeaI vilhcIinalesliessesandeneigingcIinalechange.
The V&Aexpeiience has shovnlhal inpiovinglhe pioduclivilyof connonandpiivale pasluie Iands has
heIpedconnunilies lolelellei equippedloeffecliveIyiespondlolhechaIIenges posedlycIinalechange.
Il has aIso shovn lhal connunily-lased appioaches lo nanaging connons in a suslainalIe vay aie
vialIe, andlhal lhe`liagedyof connons' canleoveiconelhioughcIeai slakes.
This casesludyviII fiisl piovidesonelackgioundaloul lheliadilionaI pasluienanagenenl syslens and
lheinpoilanceof Iiveslockas aIiveIihoodassel inRajaslhan. TheIinkages lelveenIiveslock, pasluies and
cIinale iisks viII le iIIuslialed. SulsequenlIy, lhe sludy viII go inlo lhe delaiIs of lhe inleivenlions on
connon and piivale pasluies inilialed undei lhe V&ApiIol piogianne. The oulcones viII le anaIysed
againsl lhe lackgioundof vuIneialiIily lo cIinale iisks. IinaIIy, sone key Iessons viII le diavn fionlhe
expeiience vilh iegaid lo pIanning and inpIenenling pasluie Iand deveIopnenl, and oplions foi
upscaIingsuchinleivenlionsviII leIaidoul.
1 '' '' '' ''
AIso iefeiied lo as nixed faining oi inlegialed fainingsyslens .
ExccutIvc 5ummary
Diveisified IiveIihood syslens vilh a Iiveslock conponenl have a high capacily lo deaI vilh
nuIlipIe sliesses and aie veII adapled lo lhe haish cIinalic condilions of seni-aiid aieas in
India, chaiacleiized ly eiialic iainfaII palleins and iecuiienl devialions of annuaI iainfaII.
Hovevei, cIinale vaiialiIily and eneiging cIinale change viII have adveise effecls on lhe
naluiaI iesouices lhal suslain foddei pioduclion foi Iiveslock and lheiely pose a consideialIe
lhieal lo lhe nixed ciop-Iiveslock syslens of iuiaI connunilies in lhese aieas. Iasluie Iands,
vhich aie aIieady highIy degiaded in nany seni-aiid pails of India due lo lhe alsence of
appiopiiale nanagenenl piaclices, aie al iisk of fuilhei degiadalion lhiough lhe expecled
cIinale change inpacls, pailicuIaiIy noie concenlialed iainfaIIs and Iongei diy speIIs.
The viIIages seIecled foi inpIenenlalion of lhe SDC suppoiled Vu|ncraoi|i|q Asscssncn| and
|nnancing Adap|itc Capaci|ics |c C|ina|c Cnangc (VcA) piIol piogianne in Udaipui disliicl,
Rajaslhan, aie chaiacleiized ly high dependence of peopIe's IiveIihoods on Iiveslock, vilh
snaII iuninanls pIaying a pailicuIaiIy inpoilanl ioIe foi pooiei househoIds, Iov pioduclivily
of Iiveslock aclivilies iesuIling, anongsl olhei faclois, fion Iack of foddei avaiIaliIily, and
high vuIneialiIily lo inpacls of cIinale vaiialiIily and cIinale change of lhe naluiaI iesouice
lase needed lo suslain Iiveslock aclivilies. Theiefoie, addiessing lhe incieased iisk of Iand
degiadalion lhiough lhe expecled fuluie cIinalic condilions vas one of lhe piioiily issues
undei lhe piogianne. In oidei lo enhance cIinale iesiIience of lhe iuiaI IiveIihoods,
connunilies veie encouiaged lo lake up aclivilies lo piolecl pasluie Iands and deveIop lhen
lhiough lhe adoplion of a iange of soiI and valei conseivalion neasuies. A cenliaI eIenenl of
lhe aclivilies vas lo enhance lhe capacilies of lhe connunilies lo joinlIy nanage and nainlain
lhese pasluies and sel up luffei slocks of foddei foi peiiods of sliess.
The V&A expeiience has shovn lhal piolecling pooIed piivale and connon Iand, in
conlinalion vilh soiI and valei conseivalion neasuies, has leen effeclive foi iaising lhe
pioduclivily of lhe Iand lo a IeveI lhal suslains lhe connunilies' foddei needs lhioughoul lhe
yeai even if iainfaII vas leIov aveiage and highIy eiialic. The piIoled neasuies lhus have a
polenliaI loheIp secuie peopIe's IiveIihoods undei a cIinale change scenaiio. InpailicuIai, lhe
V&A expeiience has shovn lhal connunily-lased appioaches lo nanaging connons in a
suslainalIe vay aie vialIe, and lhal lhe piolIen of Iand degiadalion due lo negIecl of
nainlenance can le oveicone lhiough cIeai slakes. Theiefoie, ly suppoiling joinl
nanagenenl and nainlenance syslens, connunilies can le lellei equipped lo effecliveIy
iespond lolhe chaIIenges posed ly cIinale change.
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
1. IntrnductInn
Mixed ciop-Iiveslock syslens aie a liadilionaI IiveIihood slialegy of nany
connunilies in seni-aiid iuiaI aieas aII ovei lhe voiId. They aie veII
adapled lo cIinalic condilions chaiacleiized ly eiialic iainfaII palleins and
iecuiienl devialions of annuaI iainfaII of 5O pei cenl and noie leIov
aveiage. Diveisified IiveIihood syslens vilh a Iiveslock conponenl aie
fIexilIe and have a highei capacily lo deaI vilh nuIlipIe sliesses in geneiaI,
andvilhadiyanddioughl-pionecIinaleinpailicuIai (Moilon2OO7).
Hovevei, cIinalevaiialiIilyandeneigingcIinalechangeinseni-aiidaieas
in India pose consideialIe lhieal lo lhe naluiaI iesouices lhal suslain foddei
pioduclion foi Iiveslock. Iasluie Iands, in alsence of appiopiiale
nanagenenl piaclices, aie al iisk of fuilhei degiadalion vilh piecipilalion
expecledlo occui in fuluie, in noie concenlialediainfaII evenls inleiiupled
ly Iongei diy speIIs. Loss of giazing Iands nay iesuIl in noie inlensive
nanagenenl piaclices, incieasing conpelilion lelveen Iand foi food giain
cuIlivalion and Iiveslock aclivilies, oi decieasing Iiveslock popuIalions,
undeinininglhesecuiilyfunclionlhal Iiveslockieaiingpiovides.
Many liadilionaI syslens foi coIIeclive nanagenenl of pasluie Iands have
exisled in Rajaslhan, vheie Iiveslock ieaiing and lianshunance have leen
an inpoilanl pail of peopIe's IiveIihood slialegies in lhe face of a haish enviionnenl and highIy vaiialIe
Conliiluling lo lhe iegeneialion of connon and piivale pasluies vas idenlified as one of lhe key enliy
poinls foi enhancing cIinale iesiIience of lhe iuiaI IiveIihoods in Udaipui disliicl in Rajaslhan undei lhe
VuIneialiIily Assessnenl and Lnhancing Adaplive Capacilies lo CIinale Change (V&A) piIol
piogianne. Connunilies veie encouiaged lo lake up aclivilies lo piolecl pasluie Iands and deveIop
lhenlhiough lhe adoplion of a iange of soiI and valei conseivalion neasuies. AcenliaI eIenenl of lhe
V&Aappioach vas lo enhance lhe capacilies of lhe connunilies lo nainlain and nanage lhese pasluies
and sel up luffei slocks of foddei foi peiiods of sliess. The undeiIying hypolhesis vas lhal luiIding
nanagenenl syslens foi connon and coIIeclive piivale Iands and foddei lanks in lhe connunilies can
enhancelheii adaplivecapacilylodeaI vilhcIinalesliessesandeneigingcIinalechange.
The V&Aexpeiience has shovnlhal inpiovinglhe pioduclivilyof connonandpiivale pasluie Iands has
heIpedconnunilies lolelellei equippedloeffecliveIyiespondlolhechaIIenges posedlycIinalechange.
Il has aIso shovn lhal connunily-lased appioaches lo nanaging connons in a suslainalIe vay aie
vialIe, andlhal lhe`liagedyof connons' canleoveiconelhioughcIeai slakes.
This casesludyviII fiisl piovidesonelackgioundaloul lheliadilionaI pasluienanagenenl syslens and
lheinpoilanceof Iiveslockas aIiveIihoodassel inRajaslhan. TheIinkages lelveenIiveslock, pasluies and
cIinale iisks viII le iIIuslialed. SulsequenlIy, lhe sludy viII go inlo lhe delaiIs of lhe inleivenlions on
connon and piivale pasluies inilialed undei lhe V&ApiIol piogianne. The oulcones viII le anaIysed
againsl lhe lackgioundof vuIneialiIily lo cIinale iisks. IinaIIy, sone key Iessons viII le diavn fionlhe
expeiience vilh iegaid lo pIanning and inpIenenling pasluie Iand deveIopnenl, and oplions foi
upscaIingsuchinleivenlionsviII leIaidoul.
1 '' '' '' ''
AIso iefeiied lo as nixed faining oi inlegialed fainingsyslens .
Diveisified IiveIihood syslens vilh a Iiveslock conponenl have a high capacily lo deaI vilh
nuIlipIe sliesses and aie veII adapled lo lhe haish cIinalic condilions of seni-aiid aieas in
India, chaiacleiized ly eiialic iainfaII palleins and iecuiienl devialions of annuaI iainfaII.
Hovevei, cIinale vaiialiIily and eneiging cIinale change viII have adveise effecls on lhe
naluiaI iesouices lhal suslain foddei pioduclion foi Iiveslock and lheiely pose a consideialIe
lhieal lo lhe nixed ciop-Iiveslock syslens of iuiaI connunilies in lhese aieas. Iasluie Iands,
vhich aie aIieady highIy degiaded in nany seni-aiid pails of India due lo lhe alsence of
appiopiiale nanagenenl piaclices, aie al iisk of fuilhei degiadalion lhiough lhe expecled
cIinale change inpacls, pailicuIaiIy noie concenlialed iainfaIIs and Iongei diy speIIs.
The viIIages seIecled foi inpIenenlalion of lhe SDC suppoiled Vu|ncraoi|i|q Asscssncn| and
|nnancing Adap|itc Capaci|ics |c C|ina|c Cnangc (VcA) piIol piogianne in Udaipui disliicl,
Rajaslhan, aie chaiacleiized ly high dependence of peopIe's IiveIihoods on Iiveslock, vilh
snaII iuninanls pIaying a pailicuIaiIy inpoilanl ioIe foi pooiei househoIds, Iov pioduclivily
of Iiveslock aclivilies iesuIling, anongsl olhei faclois, fion Iack of foddei avaiIaliIily, and
high vuIneialiIily lo inpacls of cIinale vaiialiIily and cIinale change of lhe naluiaI iesouice
lase needed lo suslain Iiveslock aclivilies. Theiefoie, addiessing lhe incieased iisk of Iand
degiadalion lhiough lhe expecled fuluie cIinalic condilions vas one of lhe piioiily issues
undei lhe piogianne. In oidei lo enhance cIinale iesiIience of lhe iuiaI IiveIihoods,
connunilies veie encouiaged lo lake up aclivilies lo piolecl pasluie Iands and deveIop lhen
lhiough lhe adoplion of a iange of soiI and valei conseivalion neasuies. A cenliaI eIenenl of
lhe aclivilies vas lo enhance lhe capacilies of lhe connunilies lo joinlIy nanage and nainlain
lhese pasluies and sel up luffei slocks of foddei foi peiiods of sliess.
The V&A expeiience has shovn lhal piolecling pooIed piivale and connon Iand, in
conlinalion vilh soiI and valei conseivalion neasuies, has leen effeclive foi iaising lhe
pioduclivily of lhe Iand lo a IeveI lhal suslains lhe connunilies' foddei needs lhioughoul lhe
yeai even if iainfaII vas leIov aveiage and highIy eiialic. The piIoled neasuies lhus have a
polenliaI loheIp secuie peopIe's IiveIihoods undei a cIinale change scenaiio. InpailicuIai, lhe
V&A expeiience has shovn lhal connunily-lased appioaches lo nanaging connons in a
suslainalIe vay aie vialIe, and lhal lhe piolIen of Iand degiadalion due lo negIecl of
nainlenance can le oveicone lhiough cIeai slakes. Theiefoie, ly suppoiling joinl
nanagenenl and nainlenance syslens, connunilies can le lellei equipped lo effecliveIy
iespond lolhe chaIIenges posed ly cIinale change.
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
Iiguro Z: Tolal Liveslock oulalion in Rajaslhan, 2OO8.
5curcc. 17t| Livcstcck 0cnsus cf Fajast|an,
Iiguro 1: 0oals are imorlanl livelihood resources o oor eole
2. LIvcstnck, pasturc and c!Imatc rIsks In UdaIpur dIstrIct, Rajasthan
2.1 HIstnry nf cnmmnn !and rcsnurccs In Rajasthan
Rajaslhan is lhe Iaigesl slale in India vilh a geogiaphicaI aiea of 34 niIIion ha and a popuIalion of 56
niIIion. Tvo lhiids of lhe lolaI geogiaphicaI aiea is deseil. Aveiage iainfaII vaiies significanlIy lelveen
lhe veslein pail vhich ieceives an annuaI iainfaII of 1OO nn, and lhe soulh easlein pail, vhich ieceives
65O nn. The peiiod of nonsoon is shoil conpaied lo olhei pails of India, ianging aiound 2 lo 2.5
nonlhs (}uIy lo Seplenlei), and diy speIIs aie a connon phenonenon. Aloul 9O pei cenl of lhe lolaI
iainfaII is ieceived duiing nonsoonseason. Theie is aIso gieal spaliaI and lenpoiaI vaiialioniniainfaII.
Tvolhiids of ils popuIalionis dependenl onagiicuIluie, vilh7O pei cenl of lhe aiea leing piinaiiIy iain
Connon piopeily iesouices, incIuding pasluies, conslilule an inpoilanl conponenl of IiveIihood
assels of connunilies in seni-aiid aieas of India and offei vilaI incone and suslenance oppoilunilies in
lhe haish agio-cIinalic condilions (}odha, 1995). AccoidingIy, Rajaslhan has a Iong hisloiy of veII-
designed nanagenenl syslens foi pasluie Iands. These nanagenenl syslens have eneiged in Iighl of
lhe key ioIe lhal Iiveslock pIays inpeopIe's IiveIihoods and foi lhe IocaI econony.
efoie independence, connunily pasluie Iand nanagenenl in Rajaslhan vas enliusled lo
'|ni|andcdars' oi 'caielakeis' vho veie appoinled ly lhe IiinceIy Slales. These caielakeis veie
iesponsilIe foi ensuiing lhe pioduclivily of lhe pasluies. To lhis end, lhey adopled soiI and valei
conseivalion neasuies, faciIilaled lhe giovlh of vegelalion, and conlioIIed Iiveslock ieaiing. The
caielakeis veie aIso iesponsilIe foi pievenling nisuse and encioachnenl ly lhe individuaI viIIageis
(Hedge el aI., 2OO3).
Aflei independence, vilh lhe liansfei of povei fion lhe IiinceIy Slales lo lhe Slale Coveinnenl of
Rajaslhan, lhe nanagenenl of connon piopeilies vas handed ovei lo goveinnenl aulhoiilies al
diffeienl IeveIs. Today, connon Iands in Rajaslhan faII undei 3 calegoiies: ViIIage connunily pasluies
(Cnaragan cr Cnarnc|), vhich have leen enliusled lo lhe Cian Ianchayals, ievenue vasleIands, vhich
faII undei lhe aulhoiily of lhe Revenue Depailnenl, and foiesls, vhich aie undei lhe aulhoiily of lhe
Ioiesl Depailnenl.
The fiisl of lhese calegoiies, viIIage connunily pasluies, shouId inlheoiy le accessilIe lo aII gioups and

cIasses of lhe iuiaI connunilies. SadIy, Iack of iesouices and accounlaliIily on lhe pail of lhe Cian

Ianchayals has iesuIled inIaige-scaIe nisnanagenenl of connonIands innany pIaces. OnIy veiy fev

connunilies have laken aulononous inilialives lo deveIop connon piopeilies. Oveigiazing and
excessive culling of lushes and liees foi foddei and fueI aie vide spiead, vhich in luin causes soiI
eiosion, Ieaving Iaige aieas of connon pasluies in pooi condilions . This piocess of eiosion of connon
piopeily iesouices in iuiaI aieas in Rajaslhan despile lheii significance as conponenls of lhe
agiicuIluiaI iesouice lase has leenhighIighled ly scienlisls foi seveiaI decades (e.g. }odha, 1983).
The connonpasluie Iands inRajaslhanaIso lend lo le silualed inecoIogicaIIy highIy sensilive conlexls.
Specific lopogiaphic and cIinalic chaiacleiislics of lhe iegion add lo lhe iisk of degiadalion of lhe
vegelalion covei and soiI eiosion. Recuiienl dioughls ovei fev yeais have oflen Ied lo significanl Iosses
of liee covei on connon Iands, vhich Ied lo a decIine of inpoilanl luffei slocks of foddei. In addilion,
vhen heavy nonsoon iainfaIIs hil lhe unduIaling leiiain aflei Iong diy peiiods, Iaige anounls of siIl
and sand aie vashed avay ly lhe iunoff. The soiI covei is veiy lhinand a fev cycIes of sucheiosioncan
iendei lhe Iand unpioduclive.
Of lhe 1.194 niIIion ha connon pasluie Iands in Rajaslhan, ovei 4O pei cenl aie naiked ly exlieneIy
Iov pioduclivily and consideied `vasleIands'. Ovei lhe decades, nany of lhese Iands have Iosl lheii
capacily lo iegeneiale as lhe occuiience of nalive giasses and vood species has conlinuousIy decIined
and passed leIov a ciilicaI lhieshoId.
As lhe viIIage pasluies in Rajaslhan aie liadilionaIIy used foi open giazing and aie Iefl vilhoul fencing,
encioachnenls ly individuaI faniIies have eneiged as a gieal piolIen lhal fuilhei iesliicls lhe
connunily lenefils fion lhese Iands. TypicaIIy, encioachnenls on connon Iands aie nade ly lhe
noie poveifuI and infIuenliaI nenleis of lhe viIIage connunilies. In sone cases, iich IandIoids
faciIilale encioachnenls on connon Iand ly lhe veakei seclions, as a nelhod of luying lheii
coopeialion oi siIence (Conioy and Lolo, 2OO2, IaleI and Kashvan, 2OO8). DeaIing vilh encioachnenls
has leena najoi huidIe foi connunilies lolake joinl aclionlovaids inpioving lhe pioduclivily of lheii
connons. Many connunilies have nol oveicone lhe inheienl chaIIenges inienovaI of encioachnenls,
naneIy piolesling againsl infIuenliaI and poveifuI connunily nenleis, defeiiing individuaI slakes
and inleiesls lo pulIic lenefils and deaIing vilh iekindIing oId aninosilies lelveen diffeienl gioups,
vhich indeed leai a iisk of undeinining lhe sociaI cohesion of lhe connunily. Coveinnenl
piogiannes such as Iand aIIolnenl foi housing pIols oi lo IandIess househoIds have leen olhei faclois
aIienaling suchIands fion pulIic use.
2.2 Impnrtancc nf pasturc !ands as a !Ivc!Ihnnd rcsnurcc fnr thc pnnr
The chaIIenges lhal occui inlhe conlexl of consunplionof connonpiopeily iesouices inalsence of appiopiiale connonpiopeily iegines have leenlhe suljecl of exlensive
ieseaich and scienlific delales evei since Caiiel Haidin pulIished his infIuenliaI ailicIe on 'The Tiagedy of Connons' in 1968. The lasic aigunenlalion vas lhal individuaIs
vho consune shaies of anopen-access iesouice do nol leai lhe fuII cosl of iesouice degiadalion, vhichlends lo iesuIl inovei-expIoilalionof suchiesouices, oi 'fiee-iiding' in
econonic leins. Il is aigued lhal ialionaI individuaIs vho naxinize lheii piivale uliIily cannol agiee on coIIeclive oulcones (foinaIized in gane lheoiy as lhe 'piisoneis'
diIenna'). Refined anaIyses of such diIenna silualions in ieIalion lo connon piopeily iesouices have concIuded lhal lhe 'liagedy of connons' can le oveicone lhiough
assignnenl and effeclive enfoicenenl of piopeily iighls, incIuding lo gioups of individuaIs (Ciiiacy-Wanliup and ishop, 1975, Runge, 1981, ionIey and Ceinea, 1989).
TypicaI ieasons vhy connons suffei unsuslainalIe IeveIs of expIoilalion have leen found lo le inslilulionaI faiIuies lo conlioI access lo lhe iesouices, and lo nake and
enfoice inleinaI decisions foi coIIeclive use (Cox, 1985).
goaIs 34%
raIIIo ZZ%
buIIaIos Z1%
shoop Z1%
camels 1%
igs 1%
Livestock PopuIation in Rajasthan, 2003
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
Iiguro Z: Tolal Liveslock oulalion in Rajaslhan, 2OO8.
5curcc. 17t| Livcstcck 0cnsus cf Fajast|an,
Iiguro 1: 0oals are imorlanl livelihood resources o oor eole
2. LIvcstnck, pasturcand c!Imatc rIsks In UdaIpur dIstrIct, Rajasthan
2.1 HIstnry nf cnmmnn !and rcsnurccs In Rajasthan
Rajaslhan is lhe Iaigesl slale in India vilh a geogiaphicaI aiea of 34 niIIion ha and a popuIalion of 56
niIIion. Tvo lhiids of lhe lolaI geogiaphicaI aiea is deseil. Aveiage iainfaII vaiies significanlIy lelveen
lhe veslein pail vhich ieceives an annuaI iainfaII of 1OO nn, and lhe soulh easlein pail, vhich ieceives
65O nn. The peiiod of nonsoon is shoil conpaied lo olhei pails of India, ianging aiound 2 lo 2.5
nonlhs (}uIy lo Seplenlei), and diy speIIs aie a connon phenonenon. Aloul 9O pei cenl of lhe lolaI
iainfaII is ieceived duiing nonsoonseason. Theie is aIso gieal spaliaI and lenpoiaI vaiialioniniainfaII.
Tvolhiids of ils popuIalionis dependenl onagiicuIluie, vilh7O pei cenl of lhe aiea leing piinaiiIy iain
Connon piopeily iesouices, incIuding pasluies, conslilule an inpoilanl conponenl of IiveIihood
assels of connunilies in seni-aiid aieas of India and offei vilaI incone and suslenance oppoilunilies in
lhe haish agio-cIinalic condilions (}odha, 1995). AccoidingIy, Rajaslhan has a Iong hisloiy of veII-
designed nanagenenl syslens foi pasluie Iands. These nanagenenl syslens have eneiged in Iighl of
lhe key ioIe lhal Iiveslock pIays inpeopIe's IiveIihoods and foi lhe IocaI econony.
efoie independence, connunily pasluie Iand nanagenenl in Rajaslhan vas enliusled lo
'|ni|andcdars' oi 'caielakeis' vho veie appoinled ly lhe IiinceIy Slales. These caielakeis veie
iesponsilIe foi ensuiing lhe pioduclivily of lhe pasluies. To lhis end, lhey adopled soiI and valei
conseivalion neasuies, faciIilaled lhe giovlh of vegelalion, and conlioIIed Iiveslock ieaiing. The
caielakeis veie aIso iesponsilIe foi pievenling nisuse and encioachnenl ly lhe individuaI viIIageis
(Hedge el aI., 2OO3).
Aflei independence, vilh lhe liansfei of povei fion lhe IiinceIy Slales lo lhe Slale Coveinnenl of
Rajaslhan, lhe nanagenenl of connon piopeilies vas handed ovei lo goveinnenl aulhoiilies al
diffeienl IeveIs. Today, connon Iands in Rajaslhan faII undei 3 calegoiies: ViIIage connunily pasluies
(Cnaragan cr Cnarnc|), vhich have leen enliusled lo lhe Cian Ianchayals, ievenue vasleIands, vhich
faII undei lhe aulhoiily of lhe Revenue Depailnenl, and foiesls, vhich aie undei lhe aulhoiily of lhe
Ioiesl Depailnenl.
The fiisl of lhese calegoiies, viIIage connunily pasluies, shouId inlheoiy le accessilIe lo aII gioups and

cIasses of lhe iuiaI connunilies. SadIy, Iack of iesouices and accounlaliIily on lhe pail of lhe Cian

Ianchayals has iesuIled inIaige-scaIe nisnanagenenl of connonIands innany pIaces. OnIy veiy fev

connunilies have laken aulononous inilialives lo deveIop connon piopeilies. Oveigiazing and
excessive culling of lushes and liees foi foddei and fueI aie vide spiead, vhich in luin causes soiI
eiosion, Ieaving Iaige aieas of connon pasluies in pooi condilions . This piocess of eiosion of connon
piopeily iesouices in iuiaI aieas in Rajaslhan despile lheii significance as conponenls of lhe
agiicuIluiaI iesouice lase has leenhighIighled ly scienlisls foi seveiaI decades (e.g. }odha, 1983).
The connonpasluie Iands inRajaslhanaIso lend lo le silualed inecoIogicaIIy highIy sensilive conlexls.
Specific lopogiaphic and cIinalic chaiacleiislics of lhe iegion add lo lhe iisk of degiadalion of lhe
vegelalion covei and soiI eiosion. Recuiienl dioughls ovei fev yeais have oflen Ied lo significanl Iosses
of liee covei on connon Iands, vhich Ied lo a decIine of inpoilanl luffei slocks of foddei. In addilion,
vhen heavy nonsoon iainfaIIs hil lhe unduIaling leiiain aflei Iong diy peiiods, Iaige anounls of siIl
and sand aie vashed avay ly lhe iunoff. The soiI covei is veiy lhinand a fev cycIes of sucheiosioncan
iendei lhe Iand unpioduclive.
Of lhe 1.194 niIIion ha connon pasluie Iands in Rajaslhan, ovei 4O pei cenl aie naiked ly exlieneIy
Iov pioduclivily and consideied `vasleIands'. Ovei lhe decades, nany of lhese Iands have Iosl lheii
capacily lo iegeneiale as lhe occuiience of nalive giasses and vood species has conlinuousIy decIined
and passed leIov a ciilicaI lhieshoId.
As lhe viIIage pasluies in Rajaslhan aie liadilionaIIy used foi open giazing and aie Iefl vilhoul fencing,
encioachnenls ly individuaI faniIies have eneiged as a gieal piolIen lhal fuilhei iesliicls lhe
connunily lenefils fion lhese Iands. TypicaIIy, encioachnenls on connon Iands aie nade ly lhe
noie poveifuI and infIuenliaI nenleis of lhe viIIage connunilies. In sone cases, iich IandIoids
faciIilale encioachnenls on connon Iand ly lhe veakei seclions, as a nelhod of luying lheii
coopeialion oi siIence (Conioy and Lolo, 2OO2, IaleI and Kashvan, 2OO8). DeaIing vilh encioachnenls
has leena najoi huidIe foi connunilies lolake joinl aclionlovaids inpioving lhe pioduclivily of lheii
connons. Many connunilies have nol oveicone lhe inheienl chaIIenges inienovaI of encioachnenls,
naneIy piolesling againsl infIuenliaI and poveifuI connunily nenleis, defeiiing individuaI slakes
and inleiesls lo pulIic lenefils and deaIing vilh iekindIing oId aninosilies lelveen diffeienl gioups,
vhich indeed leai a iisk of undeinining lhe sociaI cohesion of lhe connunily. Coveinnenl
piogiannes such as Iand aIIolnenl foi housing pIols oi lo IandIess househoIds have leen olhei faclois
aIienaling suchIands fion pulIic use.
2.2 Impnrtancc nf pasturc !ands as a !Ivc!Ihnnd rcsnurcc fnr thc pnnr
The chaIIenges lhal occui inlhe conlexl of consunplionof connonpiopeily iesouices inalsence of appiopiiale connonpiopeily iegines have leenlhe suljecl of exlensive
ieseaich and scienlific delales evei since Caiiel Haidin pulIished his infIuenliaI ailicIe on 'The Tiagedy of Connons' in 1968. The lasic aigunenlalion vas lhal individuaIs
vho consune shaies of anopen-access iesouice do nol leai lhe fuII cosl of iesouice degiadalion, vhichlends lo iesuIl inovei-expIoilalionof suchiesouices, oi 'fiee-iiding' in
econonic leins. Il is aigued lhal ialionaI individuaIs vho naxinize lheii piivale uliIily cannol agiee on coIIeclive oulcones (foinaIized in gane lheoiy as lhe 'piisoneis'
diIenna'). Refined anaIyses of such diIenna silualions in ieIalion lo connon piopeily iesouices have concIuded lhal lhe 'liagedy of connons' can le oveicone lhiough
assignnenl and effeclive enfoicenenl of piopeily iighls, incIuding lo gioups of individuaIs (Ciiiacy-Wanliup and ishop, 1975, Runge, 1981, ionIey and Ceinea, 1989).
TypicaI ieasons vhy connons suffei unsuslainalIe IeveIs of expIoilalion have leen found lo le inslilulionaI faiIuies lo conlioI access lo lhe iesouices, and lo nake and
enfoice inleinaI decisions foi coIIeclive use (Cox, 1985).
goaIs 34%
raIIIo ZZ%
buIIaIos Z1%
shoop Z1%
camels 1%
igs 1%
Livestock PopuIation in Rajasthan, 2003
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
ViIIage connons in Rajaslhan conslilule an indispensalIe pail of lhe IiveIihood lasis of iuiaI
connunilies. They aie lhe piinaiy souice of foddei foi giazing aninaIs, lul aIso a souice of fueI vood
and nany inpoilanl non-linlei foiesl pioducls. The pooiei segnenls of lhe iuiaI sociely depend
dispiopoilionaleIy onlhe connonpasluies, as lhey deiive a Iaigei shaie of lheii incone and suslenance
fion Iiveslock ieaiing, pailicuIaiIy of snaII iuninanls. As goals aie geneiaIIy non-nigialoiy in
Rajaslhan and nainlained lhiough liovsing on naluiaI vegelalion and liee Iopping, viIIage pasluies
pIay a pailicuIaiIy inpoilanl ioIe in lhe suslenance of lhe goal popuIalion in lhe viIIages. Of lhe lolaI
Iiveslock popuIalion in Rajaslhan, snaII iuninanls conslilule 54 pei cenl (34 pei cenl goals, 21 pei cenl
Ioi snaII and naiginaI faineis and IandIess agiicuIluiaI Ialouieis, goals and sheep aie vaIualIe assels
foi vaiious ieasons: Iiisl, vilh Iov iniliaI inveslnenl, lhey piovide ieguIai incone lhiough saIe of niIk
oi vooI as veII as neal, and aIso conliilule lo lhe faniIies' laIanced nuliilion. Second, snaII iuninanls
pIay an inpoilanl ioIe in luffeiing oi snoolhing expendiluies of pooi househoIds as lhey can le soId
fIexilIy al Iov liansaclion cosls (WoiId ank 2OO1), vhich is aIso inpoilanl foi faniIies vho nigiale
seasonaIIy lo cilies foi Ialoui. Thiid, snaII iuninanls can Iive on Iov quaIily feed iesouices, Iike lhe
shiuls and liees lhey find onopengiazing pasluieIands (Inleicoopeialion2OO8). Inlhe viIIages seIecled
foi inpIenenlalion of lhe V&A piIol piogianne in Udaipui disliicl, a silualion anaIysis undeilaken in
lhe fiisl phase of lhe piogianne indicaled lhal pailicuIaiIy foi lhe pooiei househoIds leIonging lo
scheduIed liiles, scheduIed casles and lackvaid cIasses, goal ieaiing is an inpoilanl souice of incone.
Il is a piefeiied IiveIihood aclivily foi lhese gioups lecause of lhe shoil geslalion peiiod, lhe Iov cosl of
nainlenance, and lecause il conslilules a Iov iisk capilaI inveslnenl. Il is aninpoilanl assel foi vonen
vhoaie piinaiiIy iesponsilIe foi nanagenenl of lhe snaII aninaIs vilhinlhe househoId.
As a iesuIl, lhe pooiesl peopIe lend lo le nosl affecled ly degiadalion of connon Iand iesouices, in
geneiaI in Rajaslhan and in lhe viIIages seIecled foi inpIenenlalion of lhe V&A piIol piogianne in
Connon pasluieIands, in addilion lo lheii ioIe as diiecl IiveIihood iesouices, aIso conliilule indiieclIy
lo suslaining IiveIihoods as lhey piovide essenliaI ecosyslen seivices on vhich aII segnenls of lhe iuiaI
sociely depend. The condilion of soiI and vegelalion on lhese Iands, pailicuIaiIy of lhose Iocaled in

uppei ianges of calchnenls, deleinine valei avaiIaliIily, soiI noisluie and pioduclivily of agiicuIluiaI
Iands indovnsliean aieas. Anolhei inpoilanl ecosyslen seivice piovided ly inlacl pasluieIands is lhe

sequeslialion of cailon dioxide (CO ), vhich is ieIevanl in a cIinale change niligalion conlexl. Wilh a
Ioss of vegelalion and soiI, CO heId in pIanls and in soiI oiganic nallei is ieIeased and conliilules lo lhe
concenlialion of gieenhouse gases (CHCs) in lhe alnospheie, and uIlinaleIy lo gIolaI vaining. In ils
4lh Assessnenl Repoil, lhe InleigoveinnenlaI IaneI on CIinale Change (IICC) eslinales lhal gIolaIIy,
lheie has leen an inciease in diiecl CHC enissions fion Iand use, Iand use change, and foiesliy
(LULUCI) of 4Opei cenl lelveen 197O and 2OO4 (IICC, 2OO7). The IICC expIicilIy iecognizes lhe huge

polenliaI foi cIinale change niligalion in Iand use change and agio-foiesliy (Snilh el aI., 2OO7), and
highIighls lhal incIuding Iand-use and foiesliy niligalion oplions piovides ieIaliveIy high fIexiliIily
and cosl-effecliveness conpaied loolhei niligalionoplions.
2.3 LIvcstnck and pasturcs sItuatInn In vI!!agcs sc!cctcd fnr Imp!cmcntatInn nf thc V&A pI!nt
prngrammc In Rajasthan
The Iiveslock silualion in lhe lvo viIIages seIecled foi inpIenenlalion of lhe V&A piIol piogianne in
Udaipui disliicl is naiked ly a pievaIence of nixed ciop-Iiveslock syslens, i.e. aInosl aII Iand ovneis
keep al Ieasl a fev aninaIs. SnaII iuninanls aie nosl videIy spiead anong IandIess connunily
nenleis. In lhe laseIine yeai of 2OO5, lefoie lhe V&A piIol aclivilies veie inilialed, snaII iuninanls
consliluled 51 pei cenl of lhe lolaI Iiveslock popuIalion in Anda, and in Kundai viIIage 56 pei cenl. As
nenlioned alove, snaII iuninanls aie nainIy kepl ly scheduIed liiles, scheduIed casles and lackvaid
cIasses. Olhei aninaIs ieaied ly connunilies inlhe viIIages aie covs, ox, luffaIos, pouIliy and caneIs.
In Anda viIIage, in lhe laseIine yeai of 2OO5, lhe lolaI nunlei of aninaIs vas 7545 (1925 covs, 77O
luffaIos, 385O goals, and 1OOO pouIliy) (figuie 3). In Kundai, lhe lolaI nunlei of aninaIs vas 147O (352
covs, 237 luffaIos, 573 goals, 223 sheep and 85 pouIliy) (figuie 4). MiIk pioduclivily in lhe viIIages vas
veiy Iov al onIy 1 lo1.5 Iileis of niIk pei cov and 1-2 Iilei fion luffaIos pei day.
2.4 LIvcstnck and pasturcs In thc cnntcxt nf c!Imatc rIsks
The cIinalic condilions in Rajaslhan, vilh dioughls occuiiing on aveiage eveiy lhiee yeais ovei lhe Iasl
cenluiy, iendei Iiveslock ieaiing as a pailicuIaiIy veII-adapled sulsislence slialegy foi lhe iuiaI
popuIalion. Iiisl of aII, Iiveslock keeping is noie loIeianl lo heal sliesses and diy speIIs lhan olhei
agiicuIluiaI IiveIihood aclivilies. The iesuIls of a sludy ly Inleicoopeialion on Iiveslock-enviionnenl-
IiveIihood inleiaclions shov lhal aiidily is nol a Iiniling facloi in Iiveslock ieaiing and lhal
connunilies in noie aiid iegions aie noie dependenl on Iiveslock pioduclion (Inleicoopeialion 2OO6).
AccoidingIy, incieasing Iiveslock pioduclion ieIalive lo ciops has leen olseived as a connon
aulononous iesponse lo dioughl condilions (Moilon 2OO7). Coal faining in pailicuIai appeais lo le
Iiguro 4: Liveslock oulalion in Kundai, 2OO5.
Iiguro 3: Liveslock oulalion in Amda, 2OO5
8 7
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
ViIIage connons in Rajaslhan conslilule an indispensalIe pail of lhe IiveIihood lasis of iuiaI
connunilies. They aie lhe piinaiy souice of foddei foi giazing aninaIs, lul aIso a souice of fueI vood
and nany inpoilanl non-linlei foiesl pioducls. The pooiei segnenls of lhe iuiaI sociely depend
dispiopoilionaleIy onlhe connonpasluies, as lhey deiive a Iaigei shaie of lheii incone and suslenance
fion Iiveslock ieaiing, pailicuIaiIy of snaII iuninanls. As goals aie geneiaIIy non-nigialoiy in
Rajaslhan and nainlained lhiough liovsing on naluiaI vegelalion and liee Iopping, viIIage pasluies
pIay a pailicuIaiIy inpoilanl ioIe in lhe suslenance of lhe goal popuIalion in lhe viIIages. Of lhe lolaI
Iiveslock popuIalion in Rajaslhan, snaII iuninanls conslilule 54 pei cenl (34 pei cenl goals, 21 pei cenl
Ioi snaII and naiginaI faineis and IandIess agiicuIluiaI Ialouieis, goals and sheep aie vaIualIe assels
foi vaiious ieasons: Iiisl, vilh Iov iniliaI inveslnenl, lhey piovide ieguIai incone lhiough saIe of niIk
oi vooI as veII as neal, and aIso conliilule lo lhe faniIies' laIanced nuliilion. Second, snaII iuninanls
pIay an inpoilanl ioIe in luffeiing oi snoolhing expendiluies of pooi househoIds as lhey can le soId
fIexilIy al Iov liansaclion cosls (WoiId ank 2OO1), vhich is aIso inpoilanl foi faniIies vho nigiale
seasonaIIy lo cilies foi Ialoui. Thiid, snaII iuninanls can Iive on Iov quaIily feed iesouices, Iike lhe
shiuls and liees lhey find onopengiazing pasluieIands (Inleicoopeialion2OO8). Inlhe viIIages seIecled
foi inpIenenlalion of lhe V&A piIol piogianne in Udaipui disliicl, a silualion anaIysis undeilaken in
lhe fiisl phase of lhe piogianne indicaled lhal pailicuIaiIy foi lhe pooiei househoIds leIonging lo
scheduIed liiles, scheduIed casles and lackvaid cIasses, goal ieaiing is an inpoilanl souice of incone.
Il is a piefeiied IiveIihood aclivily foi lhese gioups lecause of lhe shoil geslalion peiiod, lhe Iov cosl of
nainlenance, and lecause il conslilules a Iov iisk capilaI inveslnenl. Il is aninpoilanl assel foi vonen
vhoaie piinaiiIy iesponsilIe foi nanagenenl of lhe snaII aninaIs vilhinlhe househoId.
As a iesuIl, lhe pooiesl peopIe lend lo le nosl affecled ly degiadalion of connon Iand iesouices, in
geneiaI in Rajaslhan and in lhe viIIages seIecled foi inpIenenlalion of lhe V&A piIol piogianne in
Connon pasluieIands, in addilion lo lheii ioIe as diiecl IiveIihood iesouices, aIso conliilule indiieclIy
lo suslaining IiveIihoods as lhey piovide essenliaI ecosyslen seivices on vhich aII segnenls of lhe iuiaI
sociely depend. The condilion of soiI and vegelalion on lhese Iands, pailicuIaiIy of lhose Iocaled in

uppei ianges of calchnenls, deleinine valei avaiIaliIily, soiI noisluie and pioduclivily of agiicuIluiaI
Iands indovnsliean aieas. Anolhei inpoilanl ecosyslen seivice piovided ly inlacl pasluieIands is lhe

sequeslialion of cailon dioxide (CO ), vhich is ieIevanl in a cIinale change niligalion conlexl. Wilh a
Ioss of vegelalion and soiI, CO heId in pIanls and in soiI oiganic nallei is ieIeased and conliilules lo lhe
concenlialion of gieenhouse gases (CHCs) in lhe alnospheie, and uIlinaleIy lo gIolaI vaining. In ils
4lh Assessnenl Repoil, lhe InleigoveinnenlaI IaneI on CIinale Change (IICC) eslinales lhal gIolaIIy,
lheie has leen an inciease in diiecl CHC enissions fion Iand use, Iand use change, and foiesliy
(LULUCI) of 4Opei cenl lelveen 197O and 2OO4 (IICC, 2OO7). The IICC expIicilIy iecognizes lhe huge

polenliaI foi cIinale change niligalion in Iand use change and agio-foiesliy (Snilh el aI., 2OO7), and
highIighls lhal incIuding Iand-use and foiesliy niligalion oplions piovides ieIaliveIy high fIexiliIily
and cosl-effecliveness conpaied loolhei niligalionoplions.
2.3 LIvcstnck and pasturcs sItuatInn In vI!!agcs sc!cctcd fnr Imp!cmcntatInn nf thc V&A pI!nt
prngrammc In Rajasthan
The Iiveslock silualion in lhe lvo viIIages seIecled foi inpIenenlalion of lhe V&A piIol piogianne in
Udaipui disliicl is naiked ly a pievaIence of nixed ciop-Iiveslock syslens, i.e. aInosl aII Iand ovneis
keep al Ieasl a fev aninaIs. SnaII iuninanls aie nosl videIy spiead anong IandIess connunily
nenleis. In lhe laseIine yeai of 2OO5, lefoie lhe V&A piIol aclivilies veie inilialed, snaII iuninanls
consliluled 51 pei cenl of lhe lolaI Iiveslock popuIalion in Anda, and in Kundai viIIage 56 pei cenl. As
nenlioned alove, snaII iuninanls aie nainIy kepl ly scheduIed liiles, scheduIed casles and lackvaid
cIasses. Olhei aninaIs ieaied ly connunilies inlhe viIIages aie covs, ox, luffaIos, pouIliy and caneIs.
In Anda viIIage, in lhe laseIine yeai of 2OO5, lhe lolaI nunlei of aninaIs vas 7545 (1925 covs, 77O
luffaIos, 385O goals, and 1OOO pouIliy) (figuie 3). In Kundai, lhe lolaI nunlei of aninaIs vas 147O (352
covs, 237 luffaIos, 573 goals, 223 sheep and 85 pouIliy) (figuie 4). MiIk pioduclivily in lhe viIIages vas
veiy Iov al onIy 1 lo1.5 Iileis of niIk pei cov and 1-2 Iilei fion luffaIos pei day.
2.4 LIvcstnck and pasturcs In thc cnntcxt nf c!Imatc rIsks
The cIinalic condilions in Rajaslhan, vilh dioughls occuiiing on aveiage eveiy lhiee yeais ovei lhe Iasl
cenluiy, iendei Iiveslock ieaiing as a pailicuIaiIy veII-adapled sulsislence slialegy foi lhe iuiaI
popuIalion. Iiisl of aII, Iiveslock keeping is noie loIeianl lo heal sliesses and diy speIIs lhan olhei
agiicuIluiaI IiveIihood aclivilies. The iesuIls of a sludy ly Inleicoopeialion on Iiveslock-enviionnenl-
IiveIihood inleiaclions shov lhal aiidily is nol a Iiniling facloi in Iiveslock ieaiing and lhal
connunilies in noie aiid iegions aie noie dependenl on Iiveslock pioduclion (Inleicoopeialion 2OO6).
AccoidingIy, incieasing Iiveslock pioduclion ieIalive lo ciops has leen olseived as a connon
aulononous iesponse lo dioughl condilions (Moilon 2OO7). Coal faining in pailicuIai appeais lo le
Iiguro 4: Liveslock oulalion in Kundai, 2OO5.
Iiguro 3: Liveslock oulalion in Amda, 2OO5
8 7
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
Iess al iisk fion dioughl lhancallIe ieaiing (Aklei el aI. 2OO8).
In addilion, as nenlioned alove, Iiveslock assels piovide secuiily againsl exleinaI shocks, incIuding
cIinalic sliesses and shocks Iike dioughl, as aninaIs can le soId quile easiIy in lines of sliess foi
innediale incone.
In geneiaI, diveisified IiveIihoods nake
househoIds Iess vuIneialIe lo cIinalic sliesses, and
nixed ciop-Iiveslock syslens have a highei
capacily lodeaI vilhcIinale vaiialiIily.
Lven lhough Iiveslock is ieIaliveIy iolusl lo
nuIlipIe sliesses as conpaied lo olhei souices of
IiveIihood, cIinale vaiialiIily and eneiging
cIinale change in seni-aiid aieas in India pose
consideialIe iisks lo Iiveslock syslens in lhe
alsence of appiopiiale nanagenenl piaclices. In
facl, naluiaI and enviionnenlaI faclois such as
dioughl and Ioss of giazing Iands have leen
idenlified as lhe nosl inpoilanl causes of a
deciease innunlei of Iiveslock (Aklei el aI, 2OO8).
A silualion anaIysis of lhe viIIages in Udaipui
disliicl undei lhe V&A piIol piogianne in 2OO5
ieveaIed lhal Iack of foddei avaiIaliIily is anong
lhe key faclois lhal Iinil lhe incone conliilulion
and secuiily funclion of Iiveslock kepl ly lhe
connunilies. Recuiienl dioughls have added lo
lhe sliesses foi lhe vegelalion on lhe pasluie Iands
ovei lhe Iasl decades. As pei iepoils ly lhe
viIIageis, lhe seveie dioughl condilions fion 1984
lo 1987 Ied lo ovei 5O pei cenl ieduclion in lhe
Iiveslock popuIalion of Anda viIIage due lo
shoilage of foddei and valei. Many viIIageis had
lo seII lheii Iaige iuninanls al veiy Iov piices, as
lhey couId nol suppoil lhen duiing lhe dioughls. The najoi Ioss vas inlhe popuIalionof covs.
CIinale change piojeclions foi lhe iegion indicale lhal dioughls viII occui noie fiequenlIy and vilh
highei inlensily in lhe fuluie (Kunai el aI., 2OO6). As indicaled alove, lhe aIieady degiaded pasluies aie
al high iisk fion fuilhei Ioss of pioduclivily lhiough lhe specific chaiacleiislics of lhe leiiain in
conlinalion vilh lhe adveise cIinale condilions. Incieased vaiialiIily in piecipilalion and heaviei
iainfaIIs aflei Iongei dioughl speIIs viII enhance lhe exposuie of lhe aIieady degiaded Iands lo soiI
eiosion lhiough iapid iun-off duiing iainy seasons. These faclois viII add lo lhe sliesses lhal iesuIl
fion olhei sociaI and econonic piessuies on pasluieIands, Iike encioachnenls foi housing and olhei
puiposes. The pasluieIands in lhe piogianne aiea aie lheiefoie highIy vuIneialIe, and so aie lhe
IiveIihood aclivilies lhal depend onlhen.
3. RatInna!c fnr pasturc !and dcvc!npmcnt undcr thc V&A pI!nt
In liief, lhe silualion in lhe viIIages seIecled foi inpIenenlalion of lhe V&A piIol piogianne is
chaiacleiized ly
highdependence of peopIe's IiveIihoods onIiveslock, vilhsnaII iuninanls pIaying a pailicuIaiIy
inpoilanl ioIe foi pooiei househoIds,
Iov pioduclivily of Iiveslock aclivilies iesuIling, anongsl olhei faclois, fion Iack of foddei
high vuIneialiIily lo inpacls of cIinale vaiialiIily and cIinale change of lhe naluiaI iesouice
lase needed losuslainIiveslock aclivilies.
This silualion is indicalive of a high polenliaI foi enhancing secuiily in lhe face of adveise cIinale
condilions lhiough a suslained connunily-Ied inpiovenenl of lhe naluiaI iesouice lase needed lo
suslain lhe nixed ciop-Iiveslock syslens. Conliiluling lo lhe iegeneialion of pasluies vas lheiefoie
idenlified as a key enliy poinl lo heIp connunilies luiId iesiIience againsl cIinale iisks. A cenliaI
eIenenl of lhe V&A appioachvas loenhance lhe capacilies of lhe connunilies lodeveIop and nainlain
pasluies and lo eslalIish and nanage luffei slocks of foddei. The undeiIying hypolhesis vas lhal
luiIding suchnanagenenl syslens inlhe connunilies canenhance lheii adaplive capacily lodeaI vilh
cIinale sliesses and fuluie cIinale change.
olh viIIage connons and piivale pasluieIands veie laken inlo accounl as key IiveIihood assels vilh
need foi inpioved nanagenenl. The nainlenance of piivale pasluies vas in geneiaI highIy negIecled
ly lheii ovneis, and lheie vas a Iack of avaieness aloul appiopiiale lechniques lo enhance lheii
pioduclivily. Il vas lheiefoie decided lo focus on inleivenlions lolh on viIIage connons and joinl
inilialives lo piolecl and deveIop pIols of pooIed piivale pasluies, iefeiied lo as jcin| prita|c pas|urc
dctc|cpncn| inlhe foIIovingseclions.
The piolIen of degiadalion of viIIage pasluieIands has alliacled lhe allenlion of nany oiganizalions
ovei lhe Iasl decades, and nuneious appioaches have leen lesled lo inpiove lhe condilions of lhese
Iands vilh lhe pailicipalion of connunilies. Many Iessons veie diavn upon fion lhese pasl
expeiiences. The V&A fieId NCOs, naneIy Sahyog Sanslhan and Vikas Sanslhan, veie seIecled as
pailneis lased on lheii Iongslanding expeiience vilh connon and piivale pasluieIand deveIopnenl.
The V&A piIol piogianne inlended lo capilaIize onlhe exisling IocaI knovIedge and nake oplinaI use
of fieId pailneis' vaIualIe conpelences inlhis donain.
Iiguro 6: Slee sloes and barren lands leave lhe Aravali Mounlains in udaiur dislricl
al high risk o soil erosion.
1O 9
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
Iess al iisk fion dioughl lhancallIe ieaiing (Aklei el aI. 2OO8).
In addilion, as nenlioned alove, Iiveslock assels piovide secuiily againsl exleinaI shocks, incIuding
cIinalic sliesses and shocks Iike dioughl, as aninaIs can le soId quile easiIy in lines of sliess foi
innediale incone.
In geneiaI, diveisified IiveIihoods nake
househoIds Iess vuIneialIe lo cIinalic sliesses, and
nixed ciop-Iiveslock syslens have a highei
capacily lodeaI vilhcIinale vaiialiIily.
Lven lhough Iiveslock is ieIaliveIy iolusl lo
nuIlipIe sliesses as conpaied lo olhei souices of
IiveIihood, cIinale vaiialiIily and eneiging
cIinale change in seni-aiid aieas in India pose
consideialIe iisks lo Iiveslock syslens in lhe
alsence of appiopiiale nanagenenl piaclices. In
facl, naluiaI and enviionnenlaI faclois such as
dioughl and Ioss of giazing Iands have leen
idenlified as lhe nosl inpoilanl causes of a
deciease innunlei of Iiveslock (Aklei el aI, 2OO8).
A silualion anaIysis of lhe viIIages in Udaipui
disliicl undei lhe V&A piIol piogianne in 2OO5
ieveaIed lhal Iack of foddei avaiIaliIily is anong
lhe key faclois lhal Iinil lhe incone conliilulion
and secuiily funclion of Iiveslock kepl ly lhe
connunilies. Recuiienl dioughls have added lo
lhe sliesses foi lhe vegelalion on lhe pasluie Iands
ovei lhe Iasl decades. As pei iepoils ly lhe
viIIageis, lhe seveie dioughl condilions fion 1984
lo 1987 Ied lo ovei 5O pei cenl ieduclion in lhe
Iiveslock popuIalion of Anda viIIage due lo
shoilage of foddei and valei. Many viIIageis had
lo seII lheii Iaige iuninanls al veiy Iov piices, as
lhey couId nol suppoil lhen duiing lhe dioughls. The najoi Ioss vas inlhe popuIalionof covs.
CIinale change piojeclions foi lhe iegion indicale lhal dioughls viII occui noie fiequenlIy and vilh
highei inlensily in lhe fuluie (Kunai el aI., 2OO6). As indicaled alove, lhe aIieady degiaded pasluies aie
al high iisk fion fuilhei Ioss of pioduclivily lhiough lhe specific chaiacleiislics of lhe leiiain in
conlinalion vilh lhe adveise cIinale condilions. Incieased vaiialiIily in piecipilalion and heaviei
iainfaIIs aflei Iongei dioughl speIIs viII enhance lhe exposuie of lhe aIieady degiaded Iands lo soiI
eiosion lhiough iapid iun-off duiing iainy seasons. These faclois viII add lo lhe sliesses lhal iesuIl
fion olhei sociaI and econonic piessuies on pasluieIands, Iike encioachnenls foi housing and olhei
puiposes. The pasluieIands in lhe piogianne aiea aie lheiefoie highIy vuIneialIe, and so aie lhe
IiveIihood aclivilies lhal depend onlhen.
3. RatInna!c fnr pasturc !and dcvc!npmcnt undcr thc V&A pI!nt
In liief, lhe silualion in lhe viIIages seIecled foi inpIenenlalion of lhe V&A piIol piogianne is
chaiacleiized ly
highdependence of peopIe's IiveIihoods onIiveslock, vilhsnaII iuninanls pIaying a pailicuIaiIy
inpoilanl ioIe foi pooiei househoIds,
Iov pioduclivily of Iiveslock aclivilies iesuIling, anongsl olhei faclois, fion Iack of foddei
high vuIneialiIily lo inpacls of cIinale vaiialiIily and cIinale change of lhe naluiaI iesouice
lase needed losuslainIiveslock aclivilies.
This silualion is indicalive of a high polenliaI foi enhancing secuiily in lhe face of adveise cIinale
condilions lhiough a suslained connunily-Ied inpiovenenl of lhe naluiaI iesouice lase needed lo
suslain lhe nixed ciop-Iiveslock syslens. Conliiluling lo lhe iegeneialion of pasluies vas lheiefoie
idenlified as a key enliy poinl lo heIp connunilies luiId iesiIience againsl cIinale iisks. A cenliaI
eIenenl of lhe V&A appioachvas loenhance lhe capacilies of lhe connunilies lodeveIop and nainlain
pasluies and lo eslalIish and nanage luffei slocks of foddei. The undeiIying hypolhesis vas lhal
luiIding suchnanagenenl syslens inlhe connunilies canenhance lheii adaplive capacily lodeaI vilh
cIinale sliesses and fuluie cIinale change.
olh viIIage connons and piivale pasluieIands veie laken inlo accounl as key IiveIihood assels vilh
need foi inpioved nanagenenl. The nainlenance of piivale pasluies vas in geneiaI highIy negIecled
ly lheii ovneis, and lheie vas a Iack of avaieness aloul appiopiiale lechniques lo enhance lheii
pioduclivily. Il vas lheiefoie decided lo focus on inleivenlions lolh on viIIage connons and joinl
inilialives lo piolecl and deveIop pIols of pooIed piivale pasluies, iefeiied lo as jcin| prita|c pas|urc
dctc|cpncn| inlhe foIIovingseclions.
The piolIen of degiadalion of viIIage pasluieIands has alliacled lhe allenlion of nany oiganizalions
ovei lhe Iasl decades, and nuneious appioaches have leen lesled lo inpiove lhe condilions of lhese
Iands vilh lhe pailicipalion of connunilies. Many Iessons veie diavn upon fion lhese pasl
expeiiences. The V&A fieId NCOs, naneIy Sahyog Sanslhan and Vikas Sanslhan, veie seIecled as
pailneis lased on lheii Iongslanding expeiience vilh connon and piivale pasluieIand deveIopnenl.
The V&A piIol piogianne inlended lo capilaIize onlhe exisling IocaI knovIedge and nake oplinaI use
of fieId pailneis' vaIualIe conpelences inlhis donain.
Iiguro 6: Slee sloes and barren lands leave lhe Aravali Mounlains in udaiur dislricl
al high risk o soil erosion.
1O 9
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
4. Dcvc!npmcnt nf cnmmnn and prIvatc pasturc !and In KundaI and
4.1 Awarcncss and capacIty buI!dIng
When lhe V&A piIol piogianne vas connenced in Anda and Kundai viIIages in Udaipui disliicl, lhe
NCO fieId slaff look ieguIai inilialives loliing lhe issue of deleiioialing pasluies, lolhviIIage connons
and piivale pasluies, on lhe agenda of viIIage IeveI neelings. In May 2OO6, a lhiee day liaining cun
exposuie piogianne on ''Pas|urc|and dctc|cpncn| and nanagcncn|'' vas oiganized in vhich Sahyog
Sanslhan shaied inpoilanl Iessons fion lheii pasl expeiience in pasluie Iand deveIopnenl vilh 15
pailicipaling faineis fion lolh viIIages seIecled foi inpIenenlalion of lhe V&A piIol piogianne.
asic knovIedge on pasluies, usefuI liees, shiuls and giasses, lypicaI faclois Ieading lo lhe degiadalion
of connonIands, and lhe inpoilance of pioleclionof lhese Iands foi iegeneialionof lhe vegelalionveie
suljecl nalleis of lhe liaining. The piocess of connunily noliIizalionfoi connonIands aclivilies vas
aIso discussed. A ievenue officei of lhe Coveinnenl of Rajaslhan vas inviled as a guesl speakei lo
convey an in-deplh undeislanding aloul lhe IegaI aspecls of viIIage pasluies lo lhe pailicipanls. He
infoined lhen lhal accoiding lo piovisions undei lhe 195O Rajaslhan Tenancy Acl, O.2 acies of pasluie
Iand nusl le ieseived foi each Iaige aninaI (covs and luffaIos) in a viIIage. He fuilhei highIighled lhe
exisling sliicl iuIes againsl encioachnenls onviIIage connons and lhe need loenfoice lhen effecliveIy.
Theie vas aIso a delaiIed discussion aloul deveIopnenl of piivale pasluieIands. Iailicipanls veie
enIighlened aloul lhe lenefils of pooIing snaII piivale pIols of Iand and laking a joinl appioach lo
luiIding lhe iequiied physicaI neasuies, incIuding pioleclion, lo deveIop lhen as pasluies. Il vas
expIained lhal foi individuaI faineis, luining lheii uncuIlivalIe Iands inlo pasluies nay le a gieal
chaIIenge, lul lhal lhis chaIIenge couId le oveicone if faineis foined gioups and nade joinl effoils lo
inpIenenling soiI and valei conseivalion neasuies foi iegeneialion of vegelalion on lheii adjacenl
pIols of Iand. Il vas poinled oul lhal scaice iesouices couId le used noie efficienlIy if a connon
pioleclionvas consliucled aiound lhe pooIed piece of Iand inslead of eachfainei naking anindividuaI
effoil lo piolecl his/hei poilion of Iand. These issues caughl lhe allenlion of lhe pailicipanls, and lhey
shoved akeeninleiesl loIeainnoie aloul coIIeclive inilialives lodeveIop piivale pasluieIands.
LaiIiei expeiience of lhe fieId NCO pailneis had shovn lhal exposuie visils lo piolecled and deveIoped
pasluie Iand siles vheie iesuIls veie aIieady visilIe vas highIy effeclive in liiggeiing connunily
inilialives foi pasluie Iand deveIopnenl. AccoidingIy, lhe liaining vas coupIed vilh a visil lo pasluie
Iand deveIopnenl siles in Chhapeiiya and aIicha viIIages, so lhal pailicipanls couId see diffeienl
physicaI inleivenlions as veII as iesuIls in leins of inpioved soiI and vegelalion condilions. In
addilion, a neeling vas oiganized in lhe viIIage foi pailicipanls lo inleiacl vilh nenleis of lhe
Chhapeiiya and aIicha connunilies, vho shaied lheii ieIevanl expeiiences. Ioinls of discussion
incIuded lhe difficuIlies lhey had faced vilh iegaid lo connunily noliIizalion, yieId shaiing, and lhe
ioIe of voneninlhe deveIopnenl and nanagenenl of connunily pasluieIands.
4.2 Dcvc!npmcnt nf jnInt prIvatc pasturc !and In Amda
4.2.1 P!annIng and Imp!cmcntatInn
The liaining cun exposuie piogianne had a sliong inpacl and liiggeied lhe decision ly gioups of
viIIageis fion lolh Anda and Kundai lo iniliale lhe deveIopnenl of joinl piivale pasluieIands.
AppaienlIy, faineis found il a fai Iess chaIIenging oljeclive lo foin snaII gioups and lake a joinl
appioach lo deveIoping pnn!cd prIvatc pasturcs lhan lo lake up connunily aclion foi deveIoping
vI!!agc cnmmnns.
In Anda viIIage, faineis vho had allended lhe liaining piogianne inilialed lhe foinalion of lhiee
snaII gioups of 3, 4 and 6 faineis ovning adjacenl pIols of vasleIands and piepaied pIans foi

deveIoping lhese Iands. The fiisl slep vas lo consliucl one conlinuous fence aiound each of lhe joinl

pasluies lo piolecl lhen fion aninaI giazing. Tvo of lhe pIols veie suiiounded ly vegelalive fencing
vilh |ncr (Luphoilia neiiifoIia, nalive caclus), and one pIol vas equipped vilh lolh slone vaIIs and

vegelalive fencing. Iuilhei, lvo gioups decided lo lake soiI and valei conseivalion neasuies on lheii
joinl pasluieIands in oidei lo enhance lhe iegeneialion of vegelalion and uIlinaleIy inciease foddei

pioduclion. Measuies laken incIuded lhe consliuclion of lienches, Ioose slone check dans and guIIy

pIugs. The lolaI Ialoui cosl of lhe inleivenlions onjoinl piivale pasluie Iand deveIopnenl inAnda vas
Rs 48,OOO. The voiks veie undeilaken lefoie lhe khaiif season of 2OO6. TalIe 1 piovides an oveiviev
of lhe lhiee joinl piivale pasluie pIols inAnda and lhe neasuies lakenoneachof lhen.
The agieenenls anong lhe nenleis of each gioup vilh iegaid lo shaiing of effoils and pioduce vas
lhal deveIopnenl and nainlenance voiks vouId le done coIIecliveIy vilh equaI conliilulions ly aII
nenleis, and lhal foddei vouId le coIIecled ly eachnenlei fion hei ovnpiece of Iand.
4.2.2 Outcnmc
The fiisl haivesl of foddei fion lhe joinl pasluie Iand vas undeilakeninlhe fiisl quailei of 2OO7. TalIe 2
piovides an oveiviev of lhe anounl of foddei lhal vas haivesled in 2OO7 and 2OO8 fion lhe lhiee joinl
piivale pasluies inAnda.
As lhese Iands veie undei open giazing eaiIiei, lheie aie no laseIine figuies on lhe anounl of lionass
laken avay pei yeai and lhe nunlei of aninaIs foi vhich lhe pasluies piovided foddei. Hovevei, il
can le eslalIished lhal lhe inleivenlion conliiluled lo a significanl inpiovenenl of lhe IiveIihood
silualion of lhe faniIies. LaiIiei faineis had lo puichase addilionaI foddei fion oulside duiing
sunnei seasons vhen lhe degiaded Iands veie diied oul and vegelalion vas nol sufficienl lo feed lhe
aninaIs. As a iesuIl of lhe pioleclion and lhe soiI and valei conseivalion neasuies, lhe pasluie nov
pioduced enough lionass lo piovide foddei foi aII aninaIs ovned ly pailicipaling faineis,
The ciopping seasoninlhe nonsoonpeiiod fion }une loOclolei is caIIed khaiif season.
TabIo 1: 1oinI privaIo pasIuros in kmda viIIago
5aurce: Frlmary Jala lram AmJa, uJalur Jlslrlcl, ajaslkaa, ravlJeJ hy AIF uJalur.
1.92 ha
2.O8 ha
1.G ha
hagdaria Fala
hagdaria Fala
Slone walls and vegelalive encing,
soil and waler conservalion measures
vegelalive encing, soil and
waler conservalion measures
vegelalive encing
roup ho. oI
ToIaI aroa oI
joinI pasIuro
IoraIiIy FhysiraI Works
This size of lhe gioups, vhich is snaII conpaied lo olhei siniIai piojecls of pooIing and joinlIy deveIoping piivale pasluie Iand, eneiged as nosl appiopiiale
foi lhe lopogiaphic chaiacleiislics of lhe aiea and lhe scalleied Iand hoIdings.
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
4. Dcvc!npmcnt nf cnmmnn and prIvatc pasturc !and In KundaI and
4.1 Awarcncss and capacIty buI!dIng
When lhe V&A piIol piogianne vas connenced in Anda and Kundai viIIages in Udaipui disliicl, lhe
NCO fieId slaff look ieguIai inilialives loliing lhe issue of deleiioialing pasluies, lolhviIIage connons
and piivale pasluies, on lhe agenda of viIIage IeveI neelings. In May 2OO6, a lhiee day liaining cun
exposuie piogianne on ''Pas|urc|and dctc|cpncn| and nanagcncn|'' vas oiganized in vhich Sahyog
Sanslhan shaied inpoilanl Iessons fion lheii pasl expeiience in pasluie Iand deveIopnenl vilh 15
pailicipaling faineis fion lolh viIIages seIecled foi inpIenenlalion of lhe V&A piIol piogianne.
asic knovIedge on pasluies, usefuI liees, shiuls and giasses, lypicaI faclois Ieading lo lhe degiadalion
of connonIands, and lhe inpoilance of pioleclionof lhese Iands foi iegeneialionof lhe vegelalionveie
suljecl nalleis of lhe liaining. The piocess of connunily noliIizalionfoi connonIands aclivilies vas
aIso discussed. A ievenue officei of lhe Coveinnenl of Rajaslhan vas inviled as a guesl speakei lo
convey an in-deplh undeislanding aloul lhe IegaI aspecls of viIIage pasluies lo lhe pailicipanls. He
infoined lhen lhal accoiding lo piovisions undei lhe 195O Rajaslhan Tenancy Acl, O.2 acies of pasluie
Iand nusl le ieseived foi each Iaige aninaI (covs and luffaIos) in a viIIage. He fuilhei highIighled lhe
exisling sliicl iuIes againsl encioachnenls onviIIage connons and lhe need loenfoice lhen effecliveIy.
Theie vas aIso a delaiIed discussion aloul deveIopnenl of piivale pasluieIands. Iailicipanls veie
enIighlened aloul lhe lenefils of pooIing snaII piivale pIols of Iand and laking a joinl appioach lo
luiIding lhe iequiied physicaI neasuies, incIuding pioleclion, lo deveIop lhen as pasluies. Il vas
expIained lhal foi individuaI faineis, luining lheii uncuIlivalIe Iands inlo pasluies nay le a gieal
chaIIenge, lul lhal lhis chaIIenge couId le oveicone if faineis foined gioups and nade joinl effoils lo
inpIenenling soiI and valei conseivalion neasuies foi iegeneialion of vegelalion on lheii adjacenl
pIols of Iand. Il vas poinled oul lhal scaice iesouices couId le used noie efficienlIy if a connon
pioleclionvas consliucled aiound lhe pooIed piece of Iand inslead of eachfainei naking anindividuaI
effoil lo piolecl his/hei poilion of Iand. These issues caughl lhe allenlion of lhe pailicipanls, and lhey
shoved a keeninleiesl loIeainnoie aloul coIIeclive inilialives lodeveIop piivale pasluieIands.
LaiIiei expeiience of lhe fieId NCO pailneis had shovn lhal exposuie visils lo piolecled and deveIoped
pasluie Iand siles vheie iesuIls veie aIieady visilIe vas highIy effeclive in liiggeiing connunily
inilialives foi pasluie Iand deveIopnenl. AccoidingIy, lhe liaining vas coupIed vilh a visil lo pasluie
Iand deveIopnenl siles in Chhapeiiya and aIicha viIIages, so lhal pailicipanls couId see diffeienl
physicaI inleivenlions as veII as iesuIls in leins of inpioved soiI and vegelalion condilions. In
addilion, a neeling vas oiganized in lhe viIIage foi pailicipanls lo inleiacl vilh nenleis of lhe
Chhapeiiya and aIicha connunilies, vho shaied lheii ieIevanl expeiiences. Ioinls of discussion
incIuded lhe difficuIlies lhey had faced vilh iegaid lo connunily noliIizalion, yieId shaiing, and lhe
ioIe of voneninlhe deveIopnenl and nanagenenl of connunily pasluieIands.
4.2 Dcvc!npmcnt nf jnInt prIvatc pasturc !and In Amda
4.2.1 P!annIng and Imp!cmcntatInn
The liaining cun exposuie piogianne had a sliong inpacl and liiggeied lhe decision ly gioups of
viIIageis fion lolh Anda and Kundai lo iniliale lhe deveIopnenl of joinl piivale pasluieIands.
AppaienlIy, faineis found il a fai Iess chaIIenging oljeclive lo foin snaII gioups and lake a joinl
appioach lo deveIoping pnn!cd prIvatc pasturcs lhan lo lake up connunily aclion foi deveIoping
vI!!agc cnmmnns.
In Anda viIIage, faineis vho had allended lhe liaining piogianne inilialed lhe foinalion of lhiee
snaII gioups of 3, 4 and 6 faineis ovning adjacenl pIols of vasleIands and piepaied pIans foi

deveIoping lhese Iands. The fiisl slep vas lo consliucl one conlinuous fence aiound each of lhe joinl

pasluies lo piolecl lhen fion aninaI giazing. Tvo of lhe pIols veie suiiounded ly vegelalive fencing
vilh |ncr (Luphoilia neiiifoIia, nalive caclus), and one pIol vas equipped vilh lolh slone vaIIs and

vegelalive fencing. Iuilhei, lvo gioups decided lo lake soiI and valei conseivalion neasuies on lheii
joinl pasluieIands in oidei lo enhance lhe iegeneialion of vegelalion and uIlinaleIy inciease foddei

pioduclion. Measuies laken incIuded lhe consliuclion of lienches, Ioose slone check dans and guIIy

pIugs. The lolaI Ialoui cosl of lhe inleivenlions onjoinl piivale pasluie Iand deveIopnenl inAnda vas
Rs 48,OOO. The voiks veie undeilaken lefoie lhe khaiif season of 2OO6. TalIe 1 piovides an oveiviev
of lhe lhiee joinl piivale pasluie pIols inAnda and lhe neasuies lakenoneachof lhen.
The agieenenls anong lhe nenleis of each gioup vilh iegaid lo shaiing of effoils and pioduce vas
lhal deveIopnenl and nainlenance voiks vouId le done coIIecliveIy vilh equaI conliilulions ly aII
nenleis, and lhal foddei vouId le coIIecled ly eachnenlei fion hei ovnpiece of Iand.
4.2.2 Outcnmc
The fiisl haivesl of foddei fion lhe joinl pasluie Iand vas undeilakeninlhe fiisl quailei of 2OO7. TalIe 2
piovides an oveiviev of lhe anounl of foddei lhal vas haivesled in 2OO7 and 2OO8 fion lhe lhiee joinl
piivale pasluies inAnda.
As lhese Iands veie undei open giazing eaiIiei, lheie aie no laseIine figuies on lhe anounl of lionass
laken avay pei yeai and lhe nunlei of aninaIs foi vhich lhe pasluies piovided foddei. Hovevei, il
can le eslalIished lhal lhe inleivenlion conliiluled lo a significanl inpiovenenl of lhe IiveIihood
silualion of lhe faniIies. LaiIiei faineis had lo puichase addilionaI foddei fion oulside duiing
sunnei seasons vhen lhe degiaded Iands veie diied oul and vegelalion vas nol sufficienl lo feed lhe
aninaIs. As a iesuIl of lhe pioleclion and lhe soiI and valei conseivalion neasuies, lhe pasluie nov
pioduced enough lionass lo piovide foddei foi aII aninaIs ovned ly pailicipaling faineis,
The ciopping seasoninlhe nonsoonpeiiod fion }une loOclolei is caIIed khaiif season.
TabIo 1: 1oinI privaIo pasIuros in kmda viIIago
5aurce: Frlmary Jala lram AmJa, uJalur Jlslrlcl, ajaslkaa, ravlJeJ hy AIF uJalur.
1.92 ha
2.O8 ha
1.G ha
hagdaria Fala
hagdaria Fala
Slone walls and vegelalive encing,
soil and waler conservalion measures
vegelalive encing, soil and
waler conservalion measures
vegelalive encing
roup ho. oI
ToIaI aroa oI
joinI pasIuro
IoraIiIy FhysiraI Works
This size of lhe gioups, vhich is snaII conpaied lo olhei siniIai piojecls of pooIing and joinlIy deveIoping piivale pasluie Iand, eneiged as nosl appiopiiale
foi lhe lopogiaphic chaiacleiislics of lhe aiea and lhe scalleied Iand hoIdings.
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
lhioughoul lhe yeai.
In lhe fiisl quailei of 2OO8, viIIageis nade an addilionaI allenpl lo
noniloi lhe iegeneialion of lhe vegelalion on lhe joinl pasluies. They
counled lhe ioolslocks pei squaie nelei on lhe piolecled pasluieIand
and conpaied il vilh lhe nunlei of ioolslocks pei squaie nelei on
adjacenl open giazing Iand. Olseivalions veie nade al lhiee diffeienl
poinls vilhin lhe piolecled pasluie aflei culling of foddei and al lhiee
poinls on open giazing Iand aIong lhe sane conloui Iines. The dala aie
shovn in TalIe 3. The olseivalions indicale lhal lhe pioleclion and
conseivalion neasuies had ienaikalIe iegeneialive effecls aflei onIy 2
yeais. The piolecled Iand shoved a nuch highei densily of iool slock
lhan lhe open giazing Iand, vilh a shaipei conliasl lelveen piolecled
and unpiolecled Iand inlhe Iovei ianges of lhe hiIIs.
4.3 Dcvc!npmcnt nf jnInt prIvatc pasturcs !and In KundaI
4.3.1 P!annIng and Imp!cmcntatInn
In Kundai viIIage, a gioup of foui faineis and lheii 8 sons vho leIong lo a liilaI connunily Iiving in
Daijia TaIai hanIel decided lo pooI lheii degiaded pasluie Iands, coveiing an aiea of 5 ha, and lake a
joinl appioach lo pioleclion and deveIopnenl of lhe Iand. Aflei consuIling ievenue naps of lhe Daijia
TaIai leiiiloiy, vhich lhey piocuied fion lhe Revenue Aulhoiilies of Kundai viIIage, lhey heId seveiaI
gioup neelings in 2OO6 lo discuss a pIan foi deveIopnenl and nanagenenl of lheii joinl pasluie. As
iegaids lhe disliilulionof foddei, lhey cane lo a siniIai agieenenl Iike lhe joinl piivale pasluie gioups
inAnda viIIage, i.e., equaI shaiing of effoils and shaiing of pioduce as pei Iand ovneiship.
Lxpeil nenleis of lhe advisoiy connillee and of lhe nalionaI and inleinalionaI consoiliun of lhe V&A
piogianne visiled lhe sile in 2OO6 aflei lhe decision foi joinl pasluie deveIopnenl had leen laken.
They piovided nany vaIualIe suggeslions lo lhe connunily on hov lo design soiI and valei
conseivalion neasuie on lhe Iands. The advice veie veII laken ly lhe connunily and heIped lhen in
pIanning appiopiiale neasuies. The physicaI voiks veie inilialed in May 2OO7. The gioup decided lo
luiId a slone vaII on lhe pasluie loundaiy lhal iuns aIong lhe oulei loundaiy of lhe Daijia TaIai
leiiiloiy lo pievenl lhe enliy of giazing aninaIs fion olhei aieas. Vegelalive fencing vilh |ncr (caclus)
vas consideied a sufficienl pioleclion neasuie on lhe ''innei" loundaiies of lhe pasluie lhal Iye vilhin
lhe Daijia TaIai leiiiloiy, as enliy of non-aulhoiized giazeis vas easiei lo conlioI fion lhis side.
AccoidingIy, a slone vaII of 4O4 neleis and 295neleis of vegelalive fencing veie consliucled.
IoIIoving ieconnendalions ly expeils, 7 Ioose slone check dans veie consliucled lo ieduce lhe iun-
off veIocily and lo pievenl soiI eiosion. In addilion, one snaII valei haivesling sliucluie vas luiIl lo
hoId lack iun-off and lo enhance iechaige of an open veII, vhich is Iocaled dovn-sliean fion lhe
pasluie pIol.
Ioi aII lhese inleivenlions, a lolaI Ialoui inpul of 633 peison days vas invesled in lhe deveIopnenl lhe
joinl pasluieIand. The gioup agieed lo conliilule 5O pei cenl of lhe Ialoui cosl and lhe naleiiaI and lhe
iesl of lhe Ialoui cosl vas coveied ly lhe V&A piogianne ludgel. The lolaI cosls of lhe inleivenlions
veie Rs. 9O,O51.
4.3.2 Outcnmc
The joinl pioleclion and conseivalion neasuies geneialed ienaikalIe lenefils in leins of enhanced
foddei pioduclivily of lhe Iand. As faineis inlhe Daijia TaIai joinl pasluie gioup had aIieady piacliced
'cul and caiiy' lefoie lhe inleivenlion, laseIine dala aie avaiIalIe
and lhe oulcone of lhe neasuies can le cIeaiIy eslalIished. TalIe
4 shovs lhe inciease in foddei pioduclion aflei lhe
inpIenenlalion of lhe pioleclion and conseivalion neasuies.
The gioup is sloiing lhe lundIes of diied giass in a foddei lank
fion vhichaninaIs aie fed lhioughoul lhe yeai
4.4 Dcvc!npmcnt nf cnmmnn pasturc In KundaI
4.4.1 P!annIng and Imp!cmcntatInn
TabIo Z: Ioddor produrIion on joinI privaIo pasIuros in kmda ViIIago
Ioddor FrodurIion
Yoar 8undIos*
`1 bundle = 8 kg o dry odder
5aurce: Frlmary Jala lram AmJa, uJalur Jlslrlcl, ajaslkaa, ravlJeJ hy AIF uJalur.
TabIo 3: ooI sIork donsiIy on proIorIod pasIuros Z yoars aIIor iniIiaIion oI pasIuro dovoIopmonI
Counl o rool slock er m'
nside lhe rolecled aslure 0n oen gra/ing land
uer arl
Middle arl
Lower arl
5aurce: Frlmary Jala lram AmJa, uJalur Jlslrlcl, ajaslkaa, ravlJeJ hy AIF uJalur.
Iiguro 6: Fodder slock in Amda, udaiur dislricl, Rajaslhan.
TabIo 4: Ioddor produrIion on joinI privaIo pasIuro in arjia TaIai, kundai
0rass Froduclion in number o
bundles (one bundle = arox. 8 kg)
12,OOO 1G,OOO 5,2OO
Year 2OO8
5aurce: Frlmary Jala lram kuaJal, uJalur Jlslrlcl, ajaslkaa, ravlJeJ hy
AIF uJalur.
Iiguro 7: Fodder Bank in Kundai, udaiur 0islricl, Rajaslhan.
14 13
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
lhioughoul lhe yeai.
In lhe fiisl quailei of 2OO8, viIIageis nade an addilionaI allenpl lo
noniloi lhe iegeneialion of lhe vegelalion on lhe joinl pasluies. They
counled lhe ioolslocks pei squaie nelei on lhe piolecled pasluieIand
and conpaied il vilh lhe nunlei of ioolslocks pei squaie nelei on
adjacenl open giazing Iand. Olseivalions veie nade al lhiee diffeienl
poinls vilhin lhe piolecled pasluie aflei culling of foddei and al lhiee
poinls on open giazing Iand aIong lhe sane conloui Iines. The dala aie
shovn in TalIe 3. The olseivalions indicale lhal lhe pioleclion and
conseivalion neasuies had ienaikalIe iegeneialive effecls aflei onIy 2
yeais. The piolecled Iand shoved a nuch highei densily of iool slock
lhan lhe open giazing Iand, vilh a shaipei conliasl lelveen piolecled
and unpiolecled Iand inlhe Iovei ianges of lhe hiIIs.
4.3 Dcvc!npmcnt nf jnInt prIvatc pasturcs !and In KundaI
4.3.1 P!annIng and Imp!cmcntatInn
In Kundai viIIage, a gioup of foui faineis and lheii 8 sons vho leIong lo a liilaI connunily Iiving in
Daijia TaIai hanIel decided lo pooI lheii degiaded pasluie Iands, coveiing an aiea of 5 ha, and lake a
joinl appioach lo pioleclion and deveIopnenl of lhe Iand. Aflei consuIling ievenue naps of lhe Daijia
TaIai leiiiloiy, vhich lhey piocuied fion lhe Revenue Aulhoiilies of Kundai viIIage, lhey heId seveiaI
gioup neelings in 2OO6 lo discuss a pIan foi deveIopnenl and nanagenenl of lheii joinl pasluie. As
iegaids lhe disliilulionof foddei, lhey cane lo a siniIai agieenenl Iike lhe joinl piivale pasluie gioups
inAnda viIIage, i.e., equaI shaiing of effoils and shaiing of pioduce as pei Iand ovneiship.
Lxpeil nenleis of lhe advisoiy connillee and of lhe nalionaI and inleinalionaI consoiliun of lhe V&A
piogianne visiled lhe sile in 2OO6 aflei lhe decision foi joinl pasluie deveIopnenl had leen laken.
They piovided nany vaIualIe suggeslions lo lhe connunily on hov lo design soiI and valei
conseivalion neasuie on lhe Iands. The advice veie veII laken ly lhe connunily and heIped lhen in
pIanning appiopiiale neasuies. The physicaI voiks veie inilialed in May 2OO7. The gioup decided lo
luiId a slone vaII on lhe pasluie loundaiy lhal iuns aIong lhe oulei loundaiy of lhe Daijia TaIai
leiiiloiy lo pievenl lhe enliy of giazing aninaIs fion olhei aieas. Vegelalive fencing vilh |ncr (caclus)
vas consideied a sufficienl pioleclion neasuie on lhe ''innei" loundaiies of lhe pasluie lhal Iye vilhin
lhe Daijia TaIai leiiiloiy, as enliy of non-aulhoiized giazeis vas easiei lo conlioI fion lhis side.
AccoidingIy, a slone vaII of 4O4 neleis and 295 neleis of vegelalive fencing veie consliucled.
IoIIoving ieconnendalions ly expeils, 7 Ioose slone check dans veie consliucled lo ieduce lhe iun-
off veIocily and lo pievenl soiI eiosion. In addilion, one snaII valei haivesling sliucluie vas luiIl lo
hoId lack iun-off and lo enhance iechaige of an open veII, vhich is Iocaled dovn-sliean fion lhe
pasluie pIol.
Ioi aII lhese inleivenlions, a lolaI Ialoui inpul of 633 peison days vas invesled in lhe deveIopnenl lhe
joinl pasluieIand. The gioup agieed lo conliilule 5O pei cenl of lhe Ialoui cosl and lhe naleiiaI and lhe
iesl of lhe Ialoui cosl vas coveied ly lhe V&A piogianne ludgel. The lolaI cosls of lhe inleivenlions
veie Rs. 9O,O51.
4.3.2 Outcnmc
The joinl pioleclion and conseivalion neasuies geneialed ienaikalIe lenefils in leins of enhanced
foddei pioduclivily of lhe Iand. As faineis inlhe Daijia TaIai joinl pasluie gioup had aIieady piacliced
'cul and caiiy' lefoie lhe inleivenlion, laseIine dala aie avaiIalIe
and lhe oulcone of lhe neasuies can le cIeaiIy eslalIished. TalIe
4 shovs lhe inciease in foddei pioduclion aflei lhe
inpIenenlalion of lhe pioleclion and conseivalion neasuies.
The gioup is sloiing lhe lundIes of diied giass in a foddei lank
fion vhichaninaIs aie fed lhioughoul lhe yeai
4.4 Dcvc!npmcnt nf cnmmnn pasturc In KundaI
4.4.1 P!annIng and Imp!cmcntatInn
TabIo Z: Ioddor produrIion on joinI privaIo pasIuros in kmda ViIIago
Ioddor FrodurIion
Yoar 8undIos*
`1 bundle = 8 kg o dry odder
5aurce: Frlmary Jala lram AmJa, uJalur Jlslrlcl, ajaslkaa, ravlJeJ hy AIF uJalur.
TabIo 3: ooI sIork donsiIy on proIorIod pasIuros Z yoars aIIor iniIiaIion oI pasIuro dovoIopmonI
Counl o rool slock er m'
nside lhe rolecled aslure 0n oen gra/ing land
uer arl
Middle arl
Lower arl
5aurce: Frlmary Jala lram AmJa, uJalur Jlslrlcl, ajaslkaa, ravlJeJ hy AIF uJalur.
Iiguro 6: Fodder slock in Amda, udaiur dislricl, Rajaslhan.
TabIo 4: Ioddor produrIion on joinI privaIo pasIuro in arjia TaIai, kundai
0rass Froduclion in number o
bundles (one bundle = arox. 8 kg)
12,OOO 1G,OOO 5,2OO
Year 2OO8
5aurce: Frlmary Jala lram kuaJal, uJalur Jlslrlcl, ajaslkaa, ravlJeJ hy
AIF uJalur.
Iiguro 7: Fodder Bank in Kundai, udaiur 0islricl, Rajaslhan.
14 13
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
The viIIage connon pasluie undei lhe aulhoiily of lhe Cian Ianchayal in Kundai viIIage conpiises an
aiea of 142 ha. Hovevei, lhe najoi pail of lhis Iand has suffeied fion nisnanagenenl, oveigiazing,
and seveie soiI eiosion. Il has luined unpioduclive in alsence of appiopiiale soiI and valei
One connon pasluie sile in Kundai is lhe Sand Magra pasluie vhich is spiead ovei hiIIocks lhal
conslilule lhe calchnenl aiea of a Dnudn Ta|ai valei haivesling sliucluie al lhe noilhein edge of lhe
viIIage. A nain liiggei foi lhe inilialive ly lhe connunily lo deveIop lhis connon pasluie vas lhe
ienovalion of lhe danaged Dnudn Ta|ai valei haivesling sliucluie undei lhe V&A piIol piogianne in
2OO6. Al lhe line of pIanning lhe ienovalion voiks, il vas noled lhal lhe calchnenl aiea of lhe sliucluie
vas aInosl laiien vilh veiy pooi vegelalion and highIy degiaded soiI. In oidei lo ensuie naxinun
lenefils fion lhe inveslnenl in lhe valei haivesling sliucluie, effoils veie needed lo pievenl fuilhei
eiosion fion lhe diainage aiea lo conlioI sedinenlalion and uIlinaleIy nainlain lhe valei sloiage
capacily inlhe sliucluie. Thus, il vas decided lhal liealing lhe connonpasluieIand vilhsoiI and valei
conseivalion neasuies vas a necessaiy conpIenenl lo lhe inleivenlion on lhe valei haivesling
Discussions al connunily IeveI veie inilialed in seveiaI viIIage neelings in 2OO6 and 2OO7, and
connunily nenleis shoved a nuled inleiesl in deveIoping lhe connon pasluie. This vas lecause
eaiIiei expeiiences vilh deveIopnenl of connon pasluies undei a Slale Coveinnenl Waleished
DeveIopnenl Iiogianne, inpIenenled fion 1992 lo 1996, had leen highIy discouiaging foi lhe
connunily. Ovneiship of lhe piogianne aclivilies had leen veiy Iov as lhey veie pIanned and
inpIenenled in a lop-dovn nannei, vilh connand ovei lhe opeialions in lhe hands of a fev
individuaIs. ViIIageis feIl lhal lhey couId nol deiive any lenefil fion lhe inleivenlion on lhe connon
Iand as lhe appoinled pasluie guaids vheie highIy seIeclive inaIIoving connunily nenleis lohaivesl
giass. LvenluaIIy, lhe iesuIling fiuslialion liiggeied a conpIele desliuclion of lhe pasluie ly lhe
connunily. This expeiience had appaienlIy shaken lhe confidence of lhe viIIageis in successfuI
nanagenenl of lheii connoniesouices foi lhe lenefils of aII connunily nenleis.
NeveilheIess, an unvaveiing keen inleiesl of a fev individuaIs vilhin lhe connunily and conlinuous
peisuasive effoils ly lhe fieId NCO evenluaIIy iesuIled in a decision lo lake up voiks lo deveIop lhe
Sand Magra pasluieIand. The decision vas laken ly noie lhan 4O connunily nenleis in a viIIage
neeling in }une 2OO8, vhich vas soon foIIoved ly anolhei neeling al lhe Sand Magra sile allended ly
connunily nenleis, lhe Chief Iunclionaiy of Sahayog Sanslhan and AIIRO officiaIs lo discuss lhe
key nodaIilies of lhe pasluieIand deveIopnenl inilialive. SulsequenlIy, neelings veie heId on a
nonlhIy lasis vilh lhe connunily lo discuss lhe piogiess of lhe physicaI voiks and lhe eneiging
nanagenenl issues.
The sliong enphasis on connunily noliIisalion is one of lhe guiding piincipIes in lhe voik of Sahyog
Sanslhan lhal has eneiged fion nany yeais of expeiience of voiking vilh connunilies in lhe disliicl.
The NCO has found lhal fuII suppoil ly a Iaige pail of lhe connunily is a vilaI lasis foi any
inleivenlions on connon iesouices and effoils lovaids luiIding pulIic goods. Sahyog Sanslhan has
aIso expeiienced lhal connunily noliIisalion can le a pioliacled piocess, lul lhal pIanning physicaI
voiks in a piojecl vilhoul a cIeai connilnenl fion lhe connunily lo inpIenenl lhe piojecl is dooned
lo faiIuie. The inveslnenl of line and effoil in connunily IeveI consensus luiIding and geneialion of a
'denand' is lheiefoie anessenliaI eIenenl of any piojecl suppoiled inleivenlion.
As nenlioned alove, exposuie visils loolhei veII-deveIoped pasluieIand siles have pioved aneffeclive
looI lo slienglhen connunilies' suppoil foi inleivenlions on connon Iands. Hence il vas decided lo
ieinfoice lhe nonenlun ciealed in lhe }une 2OO8 neelings ly oiganizing anolhei visil lo a connon
pasluieIand sile in Chhapaiia viIIage in hindei lIock, Udaipui disliicl. A lolaI of 38 viIIageis fion
Kundai pailicipaled inlhis one-day exposuie loui and conliiluled Rs 25 pei peisonlolhe liaveI cosl.
The fiisl inpoilanl slep in lhe connon pasluie inilialive vas lo vacale encioachnenls on lhe connon
Iand ly a fev househoIds vho ovned adjacenl pIols of Iand.
To lhis end, a seiies of neelings veie heId lo open a diaIogue
on lhe issue vilh lhe Cian Ianchayal and lhe conceined
househoIds. The diaIogue vas Ied ina lianspaienl nannei so
lhal lhe connunily couId deveIop confidence in lhe piocess
and conlinued lo le highIy nolivaled lo lake up lhe
deveIopnenl of lhe Iand. Aflei 'pioliacled' negolialions, lhe
encioacheis veie finaIIy foiced lo vacale lhe poilions of lhe
connonIand lhal lhey had lakenconlioI of .
The inleivenlions on lhe connon pasluieIand in Sand Magra
veie connenced in }une and conpIeled ly nid }uIy 2OO8.
IniliaIIy an aiea of 15 heclaies vas deveIoped. To piolecl lhe
Iand fion fiee giazing, conlinuous lienches veie excavaled
aIong lhe loundaiies and }eliopha sapIings veie pIanled
aIong lhese lienches. Slaggeied lienches and Ioose slone
check dans veie consliucled acioss lhe pasluie Iand. In
addilion, nccn (Azadiiachla indica) and |nan|ra (ulea
nonospeina) seeds veie sovnaIong lhe excavaled lienches.
These neasuies veie inpIenenled accoiding lo pIans
suggesled ly AIIRO and discussed vilhlhe connunily and
NCO fieId slaff. TalIe 5 piovides lhe lechnicaI delaiIs and
scope of lhe neasuies laken.
The lolaI cosl of lhe physicaI inleivenlion vas Rs 157,27O vilh a Ialoui inpul of 1546 peison days,
undeilaken ly 77 connunily nenleis. As pei lhe iniliaI agieenenls, lhe connunily conliiluled 25
pei cenl of lhe lolaI Ialoui cosl.
A viIIage IeveI connillee of 12 aclive viIIageis has leen consliluled foi lhe nanagenenl and
nainlenance of lhe pasluieIand.
4.4.2 Outcnmc
The oulcone of lhe inleivenlion is lo dale nol quanlifialIe. The pasluie nanagenenl connillee
advised lhe connunily lo Iel lhe vegelalioniecovei foi one fuII yeai lefoie lhe fiisl foddei haivesling is
undeilaken. Hovevei, lhe effecl of lhe pioleclion and conseivalion neasuies couId aIieady le seen 1O
nonlhs aflei lhe physicaI voiks veie conpIeled. The Sand Magia iidge had deveIoped a gieencovei of
vegelalion aflei lhis ieIaliveIy shoil peiiod of line, vhich conliasled vilh lhe suiiounding laiien
Iiguro B: Trealmenl o Sand Magra common aslure in Kundai, udaiur dislricl, Rajaslhan.
16 15
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
The viIIage connon pasluie undei lhe aulhoiily of lhe Cian Ianchayal in Kundai viIIage conpiises an
aiea of 142 ha. Hovevei, lhe najoi pail of lhis Iand has suffeied fion nisnanagenenl, oveigiazing,
and seveie soiI eiosion. Il has luined unpioduclive in alsence of appiopiiale soiI and valei
One connon pasluie sile in Kundai is lhe Sand Magra pasluie vhich is spiead ovei hiIIocks lhal
conslilule lhe calchnenl aiea of a Dnudn Ta|ai valei haivesling sliucluie al lhe noilhein edge of lhe
viIIage. A nain liiggei foi lhe inilialive ly lhe connunily lo deveIop lhis connon pasluie vas lhe
ienovalion of lhe danaged Dnudn Ta|ai valei haivesling sliucluie undei lhe V&A piIol piogianne in
2OO6. Al lhe line of pIanning lhe ienovalion voiks, il vas noled lhal lhe calchnenl aiea of lhe sliucluie
vas aInosl laiien vilh veiy pooi vegelalion and highIy degiaded soiI. In oidei lo ensuie naxinun
lenefils fion lhe inveslnenl in lhe valei haivesling sliucluie, effoils veie needed lo pievenl fuilhei
eiosion fion lhe diainage aiea lo conlioI sedinenlalion and uIlinaleIy nainlain lhe valei sloiage
capacily inlhe sliucluie. Thus, il vas decided lhal liealing lhe connonpasluieIand vilhsoiI and valei
conseivalion neasuies vas a necessaiy conpIenenl lo lhe inleivenlion on lhe valei haivesling
Discussions al connunily IeveI veie inilialed in seveiaI viIIage neelings in 2OO6 and 2OO7, and
connunily nenleis shoved a nuled inleiesl in deveIoping lhe connon pasluie. This vas lecause
eaiIiei expeiiences vilh deveIopnenl of connon pasluies undei a Slale Coveinnenl Waleished
DeveIopnenl Iiogianne, inpIenenled fion 1992 lo 1996, had leen highIy discouiaging foi lhe
connunily. Ovneiship of lhe piogianne aclivilies had leen veiy Iov as lhey veie pIanned and
inpIenenled in a lop-dovn nannei, vilh connand ovei lhe opeialions in lhe hands of a fev
individuaIs. ViIIageis feIl lhal lhey couId nol deiive any lenefil fion lhe inleivenlion on lhe connon
Iand as lhe appoinled pasluie guaids vheie highIy seIeclive inaIIoving connunily nenleis lohaivesl
giass. LvenluaIIy, lhe iesuIling fiuslialion liiggeied a conpIele desliuclion of lhe pasluie ly lhe
connunily. This expeiience had appaienlIy shaken lhe confidence of lhe viIIageis in successfuI
nanagenenl of lheii connoniesouices foi lhe lenefils of aII connunily nenleis.
NeveilheIess, an unvaveiing keen inleiesl of a fev individuaIs vilhin lhe connunily and conlinuous
peisuasive effoils ly lhe fieId NCO evenluaIIy iesuIled in a decision lo lake up voiks lo deveIop lhe
Sand Magra pasluieIand. The decision vas laken ly noie lhan 4O connunily nenleis in a viIIage
neeling in }une 2OO8, vhich vas soon foIIoved ly anolhei neeling al lhe Sand Magra sile allended ly
connunily nenleis, lhe Chief Iunclionaiy of Sahayog Sanslhan and AIIRO officiaIs lo discuss lhe
key nodaIilies of lhe pasluieIand deveIopnenl inilialive. SulsequenlIy, neelings veie heId on a
nonlhIy lasis vilh lhe connunily lo discuss lhe piogiess of lhe physicaI voiks and lhe eneiging
nanagenenl issues.
The sliong enphasis on connunily noliIisalion is one of lhe guiding piincipIes in lhe voik of Sahyog
Sanslhan lhal has eneiged fion nany yeais of expeiience of voiking vilh connunilies in lhe disliicl.
The NCO has found lhal fuII suppoil ly a Iaige pail of lhe connunily is a vilaI lasis foi any
inleivenlions on connon iesouices and effoils lovaids luiIding pulIic goods. Sahyog Sanslhan has
aIso expeiienced lhal connunily noliIisalion can le a pioliacled piocess, lul lhal pIanning physicaI
voiks in a piojecl vilhoul a cIeai connilnenl fion lhe connunily lo inpIenenl lhe piojecl is dooned
lo faiIuie. The inveslnenl of line and effoil in connunily IeveI consensus luiIding and geneialion of a
'denand' is lheiefoie anessenliaI eIenenl of any piojecl suppoiled inleivenlion.
As nenlioned alove, exposuie visils loolhei veII-deveIoped pasluieIand siles have pioved aneffeclive
looI lo slienglhen connunilies' suppoil foi inleivenlions on connon Iands. Hence il vas decided lo
ieinfoice lhe nonenlun ciealed in lhe }une 2OO8 neelings ly oiganizing anolhei visil lo a connon
pasluieIand sile in Chhapaiia viIIage in hindei lIock, Udaipui disliicl. A lolaI of 38 viIIageis fion
Kundai pailicipaled inlhis one-day exposuie loui and conliiluled Rs 25 pei peisonlolhe liaveI cosl.
The fiisl inpoilanl slep in lhe connon pasluie inilialive vas lo vacale encioachnenls on lhe connon
Iand ly a fev househoIds vho ovned adjacenl pIols of Iand.
To lhis end, a seiies of neelings veie heId lo open a diaIogue
on lhe issue vilh lhe Cian Ianchayal and lhe conceined
househoIds. The diaIogue vas Ied ina lianspaienl nannei so
lhal lhe connunily couId deveIop confidence in lhe piocess
and conlinued lo le highIy nolivaled lo lake up lhe
deveIopnenl of lhe Iand. Aflei 'pioliacled' negolialions, lhe
encioacheis veie finaIIy foiced lo vacale lhe poilions of lhe
connonIand lhal lhey had lakenconlioI of .
The inleivenlions on lhe connon pasluieIand in Sand Magra
veie connenced in }une and conpIeled ly nid }uIy 2OO8.
IniliaIIy an aiea of 15 heclaies vas deveIoped. To piolecl lhe
Iand fion fiee giazing, conlinuous lienches veie excavaled
aIong lhe loundaiies and }eliopha sapIings veie pIanled
aIong lhese lienches. Slaggeied lienches and Ioose slone
check dans veie consliucled acioss lhe pasluie Iand. In
addilion, nccn (Azadiiachla indica) and |nan|ra (ulea
nonospeina) seeds veie sovnaIong lhe excavaled lienches.
These neasuies veie inpIenenled accoiding lo pIans
suggesled ly AIIRO and discussed vilhlhe connunily and
NCO fieId slaff. TalIe 5 piovides lhe lechnicaI delaiIs and
scope of lhe neasuies laken.
The lolaI cosl of lhe physicaI inleivenlion vas Rs 157,27O vilh a Ialoui inpul of 1546 peison days,
undeilaken ly 77 connunily nenleis. As pei lhe iniliaI agieenenls, lhe connunily conliiluled 25
pei cenl of lhe lolaI Ialoui cosl.
A viIIage IeveI connillee of 12 aclive viIIageis has leen consliluled foi lhe nanagenenl and
nainlenance of lhe pasluieIand.
4.4.2 Outcnmc
The oulcone of lhe inleivenlion is lo dale nol quanlifialIe. The pasluie nanagenenl connillee
advised lhe connunily lo Iel lhe vegelalioniecovei foi one fuII yeai lefoie lhe fiisl foddei haivesling is
undeilaken. Hovevei, lhe effecl of lhe pioleclion and conseivalion neasuies couId aIieady le seen 1O
nonlhs aflei lhe physicaI voiks veie conpIeled. The Sand Magia iidge had deveIoped a gieencovei of
vegelalion aflei lhis ieIaliveIy shoil peiiod of line, vhich conliasled vilh lhe suiiounding laiien
Iiguro B: Trealmenl o Sand Magra common aslure in Kundai, udaiur dislricl, Rajaslhan.
16 15
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
hiIIocks inlhe sunnei of 2OO9.
4.5 ExpcrIcncc frnm cnmmnn pasturc !and dcvc!npmcnt
prnjccts In ncIghbnurIng vI!!agcs
The foIIoving seclion piesenls lvo cases of olhei ieIevanl
expeiiences vilh connon pasluieIand deveIopnenl in lhe
aiea. This seclion is incIuded lo suppIenenl lhe iepoil aloul
lhe V&A piIol expeiience vilh evidence fion piojecls lhal
veie inilialed 8 and 4 yeais ago vilh lechnicaI suppoil ly
Sahyog Sanslhan, in conpaialIe sellings and vilh a siniIai
appioach lo inpIenenlalion and nanagenenl. The Iongei
line hoiizon aIIovs foi a nunlei of concIusions and Iessons lo
le diavn fion lhese cases vhich indicale vhal iesuIls nay le
expecled fion lhe connon pasluie Iand inilialive undei lhe
V&A piIol piogianne.
4.5.1 ExpcrIcncc frnm ChhapcrIya vI!!agc, BhIndcr b!nck
The viIIage has aloul 9O ha connon pasluieIand, vhich veie
in a highIy degiaded condilion and unpioduclive, so lhal
faineis of lhe viIIage had lo luy foddei foi lheii aninaIs fion
oulside souices. In 2OO1, an acule foddei shoilage liiggeied
lhe inilialive, suppoiled ly a najoiily of lhe connunily
nenleis, lo piolecl pail of lhe connon pasluie. In oidei lo
aIsolake inloaccounl lhe inleiesls of appioxinaleIy 15 faniIies
vhose IiveIihood depended lo a Iaige pail on sheep and goal ieaiing, il vas decided lo piolecl a 52 ha
poilion of lhe connon pasluies and Ieave lhe ienaining pail foi open giazing. IhysicaI voiks lo
deveIop lhe pasluie incIuded lhe consliuclionof a pioleclive slone vaII and vegelalive fencing, and soiI
and valei conseivalion neasuies Iike Ioose slone check dans, slaggeied lienches and soving of sone
seeds, vheieas lhe nain slialegy vas lo aIIov naluiaI iegeneialion of giasses, shiuls and liees. The
voiks veie slailed inMaichand conpIeled in}une 2OO3.
The oulcone of lhe inleivenlion vas a ienaikalIe sleady inciease in giass pioduclion aflei lhe
inleivenlion fion 13,OOO lundIes (of 3 kg of diy foddei) in 2OO4 lo 4O,OOO lundIes in 2OO8. The
connunily agieed lhal lhe foddei haivesl shouId le disliiluled equaIIy anong aII lhe househoIds in
lhe viIIage, independenl of lhe nunlei of Iiveslock ovned ly each faniIy. Tiade in foddei fion lhe
connonpasluie has eneiged lelveenlhe faniIies accoiding lo lhe vaiying Iiveslock assels and foddei
The connunily olseived a fasl naluiaI iegeneialion of iool slock of a vide vaiiely of IocaI species of
liees and shiuls, incIuding |nan|ra (ulea nonospiena), adusa (Adalhoda vasica), |cc| (CneIina
ailoiea), nccn (Azadiiachla indica), |aranja (Deiiis indica), ocr (Zizyphus nauiiliana), |nirni
(Minusops hexandia), ra|anjc| (}aliopha cuicas), oanocc (Nandena), |nair (Acacia calechu). In 2OO8, lhe
connunily decided lo go foi piuning of liees and shiuls inlhe pasluie Iand. A lolaI of 5O,OOO kg of fueI
vood vas coIIecled fion 25 ha of lhe pasluie, vhichvas disliiluled equaIIy anong aII faniIies.
The deveIoped pasluie is nanaged aulononousIy ly lhe connunily. Aloul 7O pei cenl of aII faniIies
in lhe viIIage aie acliveIy invoIved in pioleclion and nanagenenl. The connunily decided lhal
addilionaI pioleclion of lhe pasluie againsl inliudeis fion olhei viIIages vas iequiied and appoinled a
valchnan lo guaid lhe piolecled Iand. Lach househoId pays Rs 5O pei nonlh inlo a viIIage fund lo
covei lhe saIaiy of a valchnan.
4.5.2 ExpcrIcncc frnm Kadcsa vI!!agc, BhIndcr b!nck
The viIIage Kadesa has a lolaI of 13O ha of connon pasluieIand, vhich vas naiked ly veiy Iov
pioduclivily unliI a fev yeais lack. Olseiving lhe iesuIls achieved lhiough lhe connon pasluie Iand
deveIopnenl effoils in lhe neighlouiing Chhapeiiya viIIage, 126 faniIies of Kadesa viIIage joinlIy
piepaied a pioposaI lo deveIop 63 ha of lheii connon pasluie foi incieased foddei and fueI vood
pioduclion. The pioposaI vas sulnilled lo lhe Cian Ianchayal and lhe connunily agieed lo
conliilule 25 pei cenl of lhe lolaI cosl infoin of Ialoi.
IhysicaI voiks on lhe pasluieIand veie laken up in ApiiI 2OO4 and conpIeled ly Maich 2OO5. The
aclivilies incIuded slone fencing foi pioleclion and consliuclion of Ioose slone check dans foi soiI and
valei conseivalion.
The oulcone of lhe inleivenlion vas a nolalIe iegeneialion of lhe vegelalion in leins of quanlily and
diveisily. The pioleclion and inpioved nanagenenl of lhe Iand enalIed lhe spiead of sone 85
vaiielies of species of pIanls lolh foi foddei and of nedicinaI vaIue. Inpoilanl liees Iike |nan|ra (ulea
nonospiena), |nair (Acacia calechu), ocr (Zizyphus nauiiliana), sa|ar (osveIIia seiiala), nccn
(Azadiiachla indica), ra|anjc| (}aliopha cuicas), |aranja (Deiiis indica) foi fueI vood and linlei have
iegeneialed fion exisling iool slocks.
The connunily decided lo cul giass onIy eveiy aIleinale yeai inoidei lo aIIov foi oplinaI iegeneialion
of lhe pasluie. The fiisl yieId in 2OO5 vas 22,OOO giass lundIes (of appiox. 3 kg each), and in 2OO7 il had
gone up lo45,OOO lundIes.
The connunily has appoinled a valchnan lo ensuie pioleclion of lhe pasluie againsl inliusion of
TabIo 6: FhysiraI Works undorIakon on Iho 8and Magra rommon pasIuro Iand in kundai
Typo oI Works
Conslruclion o oen lrench and
slone wall
Slaggered lrenches rom ridge
line down lhe sloe
Loose slone check dams
Sowing o heem and Khakra
seeds along lrenches
Trench 785 melers, 1 m delh and 1 m widlh;
Slone wall 21 melers 1.2 m heighl and O.G m widlh
47G slaggered lrenches, 5 lo G m lenglh, O.G m widlh,
and O.8 m delh
18 check dams O.9 m widlh and O.G m delh
1O kg o heem seeds & 5 kg o Khakra seeds, on 815G m
o sand bunds along slaggered lrenches
5aurce: Frlmary Jala lram kuaJal, uJalur Jlslrlcl, ajaslkaa, ravlJeJ hy AIF uJalur.
Iiguro 9: Regeneraled vegelalion on Sand Magra common aslure in Kundai,
udaiur dislricl, Rajaslhan, in Aril 2OO9.
18 17
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
hiIIocks inlhe sunnei of 2OO9.
4.5 ExpcrIcncc frnm cnmmnn pasturc !and dcvc!npmcnt
prnjccts In ncIghbnurIng vI!!agcs
The foIIoving seclion piesenls lvo cases of olhei ieIevanl
expeiiences vilh connon pasluieIand deveIopnenl in lhe
aiea. This seclion is incIuded lo suppIenenl lhe iepoil aloul
lhe V&A piIol expeiience vilh evidence fion piojecls lhal
veie inilialed 8 and 4 yeais ago vilh lechnicaI suppoil ly
Sahyog Sanslhan, in conpaialIe sellings and vilh a siniIai
appioach lo inpIenenlalion and nanagenenl. The Iongei
line hoiizon aIIovs foi a nunlei of concIusions and Iessons lo
le diavn fion lhese cases vhich indicale vhal iesuIls nay le
expecled fion lhe connon pasluie Iand inilialive undei lhe
V&A piIol piogianne.
4.5.1 ExpcrIcncc frnm ChhapcrIya vI!!agc, BhIndcr b!nck
The viIIage has aloul 9O ha connon pasluieIand, vhich veie
in a highIy degiaded condilion and unpioduclive, so lhal
faineis of lhe viIIage had lo luy foddei foi lheii aninaIs fion
oulside souices. In 2OO1, an acule foddei shoilage liiggeied
lhe inilialive, suppoiled ly a najoiily of lhe connunily
nenleis, lo piolecl pail of lhe connon pasluie. In oidei lo
aIsolake inloaccounl lhe inleiesls of appioxinaleIy 15 faniIies
vhose IiveIihood depended lo a Iaige pail on sheep and goal ieaiing, il vas decided lo piolecl a 52 ha
poilion of lhe connon pasluies and Ieave lhe ienaining pail foi open giazing. IhysicaI voiks lo
deveIop lhe pasluie incIuded lhe consliuclionof a pioleclive slone vaII and vegelalive fencing, and soiI
and valei conseivalion neasuies Iike Ioose slone check dans, slaggeied lienches and soving of sone
seeds, vheieas lhe nain slialegy vas lo aIIov naluiaI iegeneialion of giasses, shiuls and liees. The
voiks veie slailed inMaichand conpIeled in}une 2OO3.
The oulcone of lhe inleivenlion vas a ienaikalIe sleady inciease in giass pioduclion aflei lhe
inleivenlion fion 13,OOO lundIes (of 3 kg of diy foddei) in 2OO4 lo 4O,OOO lundIes in 2OO8. The
connunily agieed lhal lhe foddei haivesl shouId le disliiluled equaIIy anong aII lhe househoIds in
lhe viIIage, independenl of lhe nunlei of Iiveslock ovned ly each faniIy. Tiade in foddei fion lhe
connonpasluie has eneiged lelveenlhe faniIies accoiding lo lhe vaiying Iiveslock assels and foddei
The connunily olseived a fasl naluiaI iegeneialion of iool slock of a vide vaiiely of IocaI species of
liees and shiuls, incIuding |nan|ra (ulea nonospiena), adusa (Adalhoda vasica), |cc| (CneIina
ailoiea), nccn (Azadiiachla indica), |aranja (Deiiis indica), ocr (Zizyphus nauiiliana), |nirni
(Minusops hexandia), ra|anjc| (}aliopha cuicas), oanocc (Nandena), |nair (Acacia calechu). In 2OO8, lhe
connunily decided lo go foi piuning of liees and shiuls inlhe pasluie Iand. A lolaI of 5O,OOO kg of fueI
vood vas coIIecled fion 25 ha of lhe pasluie, vhichvas disliiluled equaIIy anong aII faniIies.
The deveIoped pasluie is nanaged aulononousIy ly lhe connunily. Aloul 7O pei cenl of aII faniIies
in lhe viIIage aie acliveIy invoIved in pioleclion and nanagenenl. The connunily decided lhal
addilionaI pioleclion of lhe pasluie againsl inliudeis fion olhei viIIages vas iequiied and appoinled a
valchnan lo guaid lhe piolecled Iand. Lach househoId pays Rs 5O pei nonlh inlo a viIIage fund lo
covei lhe saIaiy of a valchnan.
4.5.2 ExpcrIcncc frnm Kadcsa vI!!agc, BhIndcr b!nck
The viIIage Kadesa has a lolaI of 13O ha of connon pasluieIand, vhich vas naiked ly veiy Iov
pioduclivily unliI a fev yeais lack. Olseiving lhe iesuIls achieved lhiough lhe connon pasluie Iand
deveIopnenl effoils in lhe neighlouiing Chhapeiiya viIIage, 126 faniIies of Kadesa viIIage joinlIy
piepaied a pioposaI lo deveIop 63 ha of lheii connon pasluie foi incieased foddei and fueI vood
pioduclion. The pioposaI vas sulnilled lo lhe Cian Ianchayal and lhe connunily agieed lo
conliilule 25 pei cenl of lhe lolaI cosl infoin of Ialoi.
IhysicaI voiks on lhe pasluieIand veie laken up in ApiiI 2OO4 and conpIeled ly Maich 2OO5. The
aclivilies incIuded slone fencing foi pioleclion and consliuclion of Ioose slone check dans foi soiI and
valei conseivalion.
The oulcone of lhe inleivenlion vas a nolalIe iegeneialion of lhe vegelalion in leins of quanlily and
diveisily. The pioleclion and inpioved nanagenenl of lhe Iand enalIed lhe spiead of sone 85
vaiielies of species of pIanls lolh foi foddei and of nedicinaI vaIue. Inpoilanl liees Iike |nan|ra (ulea
nonospiena), |nair (Acacia calechu), ocr (Zizyphus nauiiliana), sa|ar (osveIIia seiiala), nccn
(Azadiiachla indica), ra|anjc| (}aliopha cuicas), |aranja (Deiiis indica) foi fueI vood and linlei have
iegeneialed fion exisling iool slocks.
The connunily decided lo cul giass onIy eveiy aIleinale yeai inoidei lo aIIov foi oplinaI iegeneialion
of lhe pasluie. The fiisl yieId in 2OO5 vas 22,OOO giass lundIes (of appiox. 3 kg each), and in 2OO7 il had
gone up lo45,OOO lundIes.
The connunily has appoinled a valchnan lo ensuie pioleclion of lhe pasluie againsl inliusion of
TabIo 6: FhysiraI Works undorIakon on Iho 8and Magra rommon pasIuro Iand in kundai
Typo oI Works
Conslruclion o oen lrench and
slone wall
Slaggered lrenches rom ridge
line down lhe sloe
Loose slone check dams
Sowing o heem and Khakra
seeds along lrenches
Trench 785 melers, 1 m delh and 1 m widlh;
Slone wall 21 melers 1.2 m heighl and O.G m widlh
47G slaggered lrenches, 5 lo G m lenglh, O.G m widlh,
and O.8 m delh
18 check dams O.9 m widlh and O.G m delh
1O kg o heem seeds & 5 kg o Khakra seeds, on 815G m
o sand bunds along slaggered lrenches
5aurce: Frlmary Jala lram kuaJal, uJalur Jlslrlcl, ajaslkaa, ravlJeJ hy AIF uJalur.
Iiguro 9: Regeneraled vegelalion on Sand Magra common aslure in Kundai,
udaiur dislricl, Rajaslhan, in Aril 2OO9.
18 17
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
Iiveslock ieaieis fion olhei viIIages. Lach faniIy conliilules Rs 1O pei nonlh foi lhe seivices of lhe
5. Asscssmcnt nf Impacts
Iiisl of aII, aninpoilanl olseivalioncanle nade vilhiegaid lolhe ieIalionlelveenannuaI iainfaII and
lhe anounl of foddei pioduced on lhe joinl piivale pasluies ovei lhe sane season. In Anda, even
lhough lhe iainfaII in lhe nonsoon season of 2OO7 vas 5O pei cenl Iess lhan in lhe pievious season,
vegelalive giovlhvas nol affecled diaslicaIIy, as lhe figuies of foddei haivesl aflei eachseasonindicale.
Ioddei haivesled aflei lhe nuchdiiei nonsoonseasonof 2OO7 vas 15 pei cenl and 9 pei cenl Iovei lhan
in lhe yeai lefoie in 2 of lhe pIols, and sIighlIy highei in lhe lhiid pIol. In lhe case of Daijia TaIai, lhe
foddei pioduclion aflei pioleclion of pasluie incieased fion 52OO lundIes in lhe high iainfaII laseIine
yeai of 2OO6 lo 12 OOO lundIes in lhe Iov iainfaII yeai of 2OO7 vilh a lolaI annuaI piecipilalion of onIy 48O
Il can le noled lhal lhiough lhe valei and soiI conseivalion neasuies, enough noisluie vas ielained in
lhe soiI lo suppoil giovlh and iegeneialion of vegelalion. Sufficienl foddei couId le pioduced lo feed
lhe Iiveslock of lhe househoIds of aII joinl pasluie gioups. Independence fion ieIying on puichased
foddei has Ied lo a gieal inpiovenenl in lhe financiaI silualion of lhe househoIds: In lhe laseIine yeai of
2OO6, lefoie lhe inleivenlion, lhe Daijia TaIai connunily had lo puichase 2O,OOO kg of foddei fion
oulside, as lheii degiaded piivale pasluies did nol pioduce enough foddei even in seasons vilh alove
aveiage iainfaII. They spenl an anounl of Rs 2O,OOO on foddei in lhal yeai, vhich lhey couId save aflei
lhe inleivenlion. This inpacl in financiaI leins is aII lhe noie ieIevanl as piices foi foddei aie aIso
highIy voIaliIe and lend lo iise consideialIy in yeais of Iov iainfaII. In lhe good nonsoon yeai of 2OO6,
foddei vas puichased al a piice of 2 Rs pei lundIe, vheieas in lhe foIIoving 2 yeais, vhen iainfaII vas
aloul 5O pei cenl Iovei, lhe piice venl up loRs 3 and evenRs 5 pei lundIe. The need loluy foddei fion
oulside lhus lended lo add significanlIy lo lhe dioughl induced sliesses, and eIininaling lhis need has
heIped lo ieduce lhe vuIneialiIily of lhe connunilies. TalIe 6 piovides an oveiviev of lhe seasonaIily
of foddei avaiIaliIily lefoie and aflei lhe inleivenlion.
The joinlIy deveIoped pasluieIand in Daijia TaIai is aIso an exceIIenl exanpIe of an inleivenlion vilh
nuIlipIe lenefils foi lhe IocaI naluiaI iesouice lase. Inaddilionlolhe inciease infoddei pioduclion, lhe
soiI and valei conseivalion neasuies in conlinalion vilh lhe consliuclion of a snaII valei haivesling
sliucluie have enhanced soiI noisluie in lhe sile vilh lenefils foi agiicuIluiaI aclivilies. ViIIageis aIso
iepoiled lhal lhe inleivenlion had heIped lhe iechaige of gioundvalei vhich couId le olseived al lhe
incieased valei avaiIaliIily inlhe veII dovnsliean fion lhe piivale pasluie sile.
Anolhei inpacl indicaloi of lhe pasluie inleivenlion is lhe deveIopnenl of lhe Iiveslock popuIalion in
lhe connunilies. DelaiIed dala on changes in Iiveslock popuIalion aie avaiIalIe fion Daijia TaIai in
Kundai (see TalIe 7). Iiisl, il can le noled lhal lhe lolaI Iiveslock popuIalion of lhe gioup nenleis has
incieased fion 1O1 aninaIs in lhe laseIine yeai of 2OO6 lo 145 aninaIs in 2OO9, vilh a shaip suige
lelveen 2OO8 and 2OO9. Theie aie 11 noie covs in 2OO9 lhan in 2OO6. The nunlei of luffaIos decIined
fion lhe laseIine counl of 15 ovei lhe yeais 2OO7 and 2OO8, lul iose again lo 16 aninaIs in 2OO9. The
sheep popuIalionincieased fion 3O lo42 aninaIs ovei lhe sane peiiod, and lhe goal popuIalionfion 39
lo 6O aninaIs. Il can le concIuded fion lhese figuies lhal in Daijia TaIai, lhe inciease in foddei
avaiIaliIily has piovided a lasis foi faniIies lo augnenl lheii Iaige iuninanl assels, lul has nol
conpionised lhe ieaiing of snaII iuninanls, vhichconlinue lole giazed onopenIands. Lvenaflei lhe
joinl piivale pasluies aie piolecled foi pioduclion of foddei, sufficienl fiee giazing giounds seen lo le
avaiIalIe lo suslain lhe snaII iuninanls 'ovned ly' of lhe connunily. Hovevei, even if lhe cul and
caiiy piaclice is appiopiiale foi feeding callIe and lhe pioleclionof lhe pasluie has iesuIled ininpioved
foddei avaiIaliIily, lhe connunily is consideiing lo ie-inlioduce conlioIIed open giazing foi shoil
duialions as sone nanuie fion giazing covs viII enhance lhe feiliIily of lhe pasluie.
The viIIageis seII lheii suipIus niIk in a niIk coIIeclion cenlie of lhe Udaipui daiiy coopeialives in a
neighlouiing viIIage al a dislance of onIy O.5 kn. The niIk piices vaiy lelveen Rs 1O and 2O pei Iilei of
niIk, depending on lhe fal conlenl. Hence, vilh an inciease in lhe popuIalion of callIe, lhe connunily
candiieclIy augnenl lheii incone.
Regaiding lhe connon pasluieIand deveIopnenl in Kundai, il is ceilainIy loo eaiIy lo anaIyse lioadei
inpacls, as no foddei has leenhaivesled lo dale. Hovevei, inleivievs vilhconnunily nenleis have
TabIo 6: 8oasonaIiIy oI Ioddor avaiIabiIiIy boIoro and aIIor Iho inIorvonIion on pasIuro Iand in kundai
Jan Feb Mar Ar May June July Aug Sel 0cl hov 0ec
Availabilily o green
grass or gra/ing
Availabilily o cul
odder beore
Feriod when odder
needed lo be o
urchased rom
oulside beore
Fodder available
rom aslure aler
5aurce: Frlmary Jala lram kuaJal, uJalur Jlslrlcl, ajaslkaa, ravlJeJ hy AIF uJalur.
2O 19
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
Iiveslock ieaieis fion olhei viIIages. Lach faniIy conliilules Rs 1O pei nonlh foi lhe seivices of lhe
5. Asscssmcnt nf Impacts
Iiisl of aII, aninpoilanl olseivalioncanle nade vilhiegaid lolhe ieIalionlelveenannuaI iainfaII and
lhe anounl of foddei pioduced on lhe joinl piivale pasluies ovei lhe sane season. In Anda, even
lhough lhe iainfaII in lhe nonsoon season of 2OO7 vas 5O pei cenl Iess lhan in lhe pievious season,
vegelalive giovlhvas nol affecled diaslicaIIy, as lhe figuies of foddei haivesl aflei eachseasonindicale.
Ioddei haivesled aflei lhe nuchdiiei nonsoonseasonof 2OO7 vas 15 pei cenl and 9 pei cenl Iovei lhan
in lhe yeai lefoie in 2 of lhe pIols, and sIighlIy highei in lhe lhiid pIol. In lhe case of Daijia TaIai, lhe
foddei pioduclion aflei pioleclion of pasluie incieased fion 52OO lundIes in lhe high iainfaII laseIine
yeai of 2OO6 lo 12 OOO lundIes in lhe Iov iainfaII yeai of 2OO7 vilh a lolaI annuaI piecipilalion of onIy 48O
Il can le noled lhal lhiough lhe valei and soiI conseivalion neasuies, enough noisluie vas ielained in
lhe soiI lo suppoil giovlh and iegeneialion of vegelalion. Sufficienl foddei couId le pioduced lo feed
lhe Iiveslock of lhe househoIds of aII joinl pasluie gioups. Independence fion ieIying on puichased
foddei has Ied lo a gieal inpiovenenl in lhe financiaI silualion of lhe househoIds: In lhe laseIine yeai of
2OO6, lefoie lhe inleivenlion, lhe Daijia TaIai connunily had lo puichase 2O,OOO kg of foddei fion
oulside, as lheii degiaded piivale pasluies did nol pioduce enough foddei even in seasons vilh alove
aveiage iainfaII. They spenl an anounl of Rs 2O,OOO on foddei in lhal yeai, vhich lhey couId save aflei
lhe inleivenlion. This inpacl in financiaI leins is aII lhe noie ieIevanl as piices foi foddei aie aIso
highIy voIaliIe and lend lo iise consideialIy in yeais of Iov iainfaII. In lhe good nonsoon yeai of 2OO6,
foddei vas puichased al a piice of 2 Rs pei lundIe, vheieas in lhe foIIoving 2 yeais, vhen iainfaII vas
aloul 5O pei cenl Iovei, lhe piice venl up loRs 3 and evenRs 5 pei lundIe. The need loluy foddei fion
oulside lhus lended lo add significanlIy lo lhe dioughl induced sliesses, and eIininaling lhis need has
heIped lo ieduce lhe vuIneialiIily of lhe connunilies. TalIe 6 piovides an oveiviev of lhe seasonaIily
of foddei avaiIaliIily lefoie and aflei lhe inleivenlion.
The joinlIy deveIoped pasluieIand in Daijia TaIai is aIso an exceIIenl exanpIe of an inleivenlion vilh
nuIlipIe lenefils foi lhe IocaI naluiaI iesouice lase. Inaddilionlolhe inciease infoddei pioduclion, lhe
soiI and valei conseivalion neasuies in conlinalion vilh lhe consliuclion of a snaII valei haivesling
sliucluie have enhanced soiI noisluie in lhe sile vilh lenefils foi agiicuIluiaI aclivilies. ViIIageis aIso
iepoiled lhal lhe inleivenlion had heIped lhe iechaige of gioundvalei vhich couId le olseived al lhe
incieased valei avaiIaliIily inlhe veII dovnsliean fion lhe piivale pasluie sile.
Anolhei inpacl indicaloi of lhe pasluie inleivenlion is lhe deveIopnenl of lhe Iiveslock popuIalion in
lhe connunilies. DelaiIed dala on changes in Iiveslock popuIalion aie avaiIalIe fion Daijia TaIai in
Kundai (see TalIe 7). Iiisl, il can le noled lhal lhe lolaI Iiveslock popuIalion of lhe gioup nenleis has
incieased fion 1O1 aninaIs in lhe laseIine yeai of 2OO6 lo 145 aninaIs in 2OO9, vilh a shaip suige
lelveen 2OO8 and 2OO9. Theie aie 11 noie covs in 2OO9 lhan in 2OO6. The nunlei of luffaIos decIined
fion lhe laseIine counl of 15 ovei lhe yeais 2OO7 and 2OO8, lul iose again lo 16 aninaIs in 2OO9. The
sheep popuIalionincieased fion 3O lo42 aninaIs ovei lhe sane peiiod, and lhe goal popuIalionfion 39
lo 6O aninaIs. Il can le concIuded fion lhese figuies lhal in Daijia TaIai, lhe inciease in foddei
avaiIaliIily has piovided a lasis foi faniIies lo augnenl lheii Iaige iuninanl assels, lul has nol
conpionised lhe ieaiing of snaII iuninanls, vhichconlinue lole giazed onopenIands. Lvenaflei lhe
joinl piivale pasluies aie piolecled foi pioduclion of foddei, sufficienl fiee giazing giounds seen lo le
avaiIalIe lo suslain lhe snaII iuninanls 'ovned ly' of lhe connunily. Hovevei, even if lhe cul and
caiiy piaclice is appiopiiale foi feeding callIe and lhe pioleclionof lhe pasluie has iesuIled ininpioved
foddei avaiIaliIily, lhe connunily is consideiing lo ie-inlioduce conlioIIed open giazing foi shoil
duialions as sone nanuie fion giazing covs viII enhance lhe feiliIily of lhe pasluie.
The viIIageis seII lheii suipIus niIk in a niIk coIIeclion cenlie of lhe Udaipui daiiy coopeialives in a
neighlouiing viIIage al a dislance of onIy O.5 kn. The niIk piices vaiy lelveen Rs 1O and 2O pei Iilei of
niIk, depending on lhe fal conlenl. Hence, vilh an inciease in lhe popuIalion of callIe, lhe connunily
candiieclIy augnenl lheii incone.
Regaiding lhe connon pasluieIand deveIopnenl in Kundai, il is ceilainIy loo eaiIy lo anaIyse lioadei
inpacls, as no foddei has leenhaivesled lo dale. Hovevei, inleivievs vilhconnunily nenleis have
TabIo 6: 8oasonaIiIy oI Ioddor avaiIabiIiIy boIoro and aIIor Iho inIorvonIion on pasIuro Iand in kundai
Jan Feb Mar Ar May June July Aug Sel 0cl hov 0ec
Availabilily o green
grass or gra/ing
Availabilily o cul
odder beore
Feriod when odder
needed lo be o
urchased rom
oulside beore
Fodder available
rom aslure aler
5aurce: Frlmary Jala lram kuaJal, uJalur Jlslrlcl, ajaslkaa, ravlJeJ hy AIF uJalur.
2O 19
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
ieveaIed lhal lheie aie ceilain conceins of faineis vho depend lo a Iaigei degiee on lhe ieaiing of snaII
iuninanls foi lheii IiveIihoods and do nol ovn callIe, lhal lhe iesliiclion of open giazing giounds
inpaiis lheii IiveIihood lasis.
6. Cnnc!usInns
6.1 Lcssnns Lcarnt wIth rcgard tn p!annIng and Imp!cmcntIng pasturc !and dcvc!npmcnt
JnInt prIvatc pasturc dcvc!npmcnt
Lxposuie visils lo piolecled and deveIoped pasluie Iand siles vheie iesuIls aie aIieady
visilIe, in conlinalion vilh capacily luiIding piogiannes lo inlioduce piaclices foi pasluie
pioleclion, soiI and valei conseivalion neasuies, aie highIy effeclive in liiggeiing
connunily inilialives foi pasluie Iand deveIopnenl.
Iaineis aie noie confidenl aloul invesling in lhe coIIeclive deveIopnenl of piivale pasluie
Iands (joinl pasluie deveIopnenl), vhiIe lhey lend lo find il chaIIenging lo lake up
connunily aclion foi deveIoping viIIage connons as lhe Iocus of conlioI is peiceived lo le
fai fion lhenseIves in lhe Iallei case. SnaII gioups vilh high sociaI and econonic
honogeneily and sociaI cohesion find il easy lo cone lo agieenenls aloul nanagenenl and
nainlenance issues.
Inveslnenl in luiIding consensus and lhe infoined pailicipalion of househoIds is veiy
inpoilanl foi Iong-lein suslainaliIily and confIicl pievenlion.
Cnmmnn pasturc dcvc!npmcnt
The deveIopnenl of connon pasluies iequiies lhe pailicipalion of a Iaige pail of lhe
connunily, and lhus of diffeienl casles and socio-econonic cIasses. Connunily
noliIisalion lovaids lhe deveIopnenl of lhese Iands is a speciaI chaIIenge. Aclive indiviuaIs
canpIay a Iead ioIe inlhis piocess. Hovevei, fuII suppoil ly a Iaige pail of lhe connunily is a
vilaI lasis foi any inleivenlions onconnoniesouices.
Ralhei lhan lhe piospecl of gaining lenefils lhiough upgiading a connon iesouice lhal has
leenunpioduclive foi a Iong line, lhe piospecl of a danage oi conpionising of funclionaIily
of a nev assel (naneIy, lhe Dhudh TaIai valei haivesling sliucluie) has nolivaled faineis in
Kundai lodeveIop a pIol of connonIand.
IaiIed allenpls lo deveIop connon Iands can have highIy negalive consequences and cuil
lhe viIIingness of lhe connunily lo lake up nev inilialives vilh iegaid lo connons,
fiuslialionvilhsuchfaiIuies canenduie foi yeais.
Ovneiship is key. If connunilies (i) lake an aclive ioIe in lhe pIanning of aclion foi connon
pasluie deveIopnenl, (ii) hoId neelings on a ieguIai lasis lo discuss lhe piogiess of lhe
physicaI voiks and nanagenenl issues, and (iii) ienain acliveIy invoIved in lhe pioleclion
and nainlenance of lhe pasluie, chances aie highei lhal lhe pasluie eneiges as a suslainalIe
connunily assel.
RenovaI of encioachnenls on viIIage connons can le cunleisone and iequiies pioIonged
negolialions. Lven lhough il leais a iisk of sliiiing up dispules lelveen diffeienl gioups of
lhe connunily, il has pioved a successfuI appioach lo iesoIve lhe issues in a lianspaienl
TabIo 7: IamiIyWiso IivosIork popuIaIion in arjia TaIai, kundai viIIago, Z006Z009
8uIIaIos 8hoop oaIs
1 1 1
1 1
1 5
15 15
15 12 15
15 15 5
1O 1O
1O 8
4 4
101 107 100 146
Z007 Z00B Z009
28 1G 28 15 11 1G 8O O 25 42 89 78 54 GO 5
1 1
2 G
8 8
2 5
2 5 G 19 9
O8 O8 O8 O9
1 1 8
1 1O 2
O9 O9 O9 O7 O7 O7
Kanheyia lal
S/0 varda Ji
S/0 varda Ji
Ram lal
S/0 Limba Ji
Laxman Lal
S/0 Limba Ji
Mana ram
S/0 Limba Ji
Moli Ram
S/0 Kalu Ram ji
0anga Ram
S/0 Kalu Ram
Megh Raj
S/0 0anga Ram
S/0 0anga Ram
S/0 varda ji
S/0 Kalu ji
S/0 Kalu ji
ToIaI IivosIork
5aurce: Frlmary Jala lram kuaJal, uJalur Jlslrlcl, ajaslkaa, ravlJeJ hy AIF uJalur.
22 21
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
ieveaIed lhal lheie aie ceilain conceins of faineis vho depend lo a Iaigei degiee on lhe ieaiing of snaII
iuninanls foi lheii IiveIihoods and do nol ovn callIe, lhal lhe iesliiclion of open giazing giounds
inpaiis lheii IiveIihood lasis.
6. Cnnc!usInns
6.1 Lcssnns Lcarnt wIth rcgard tn p!annIng and Imp!cmcntIng pasturc !and dcvc!npmcnt
JnInt prIvatc pasturc dcvc!npmcnt
Lxposuie visils lo piolecled and deveIoped pasluie Iand siles vheie iesuIls aie aIieady
visilIe, in conlinalion vilh capacily luiIding piogiannes lo inlioduce piaclices foi pasluie
pioleclion, soiI and valei conseivalion neasuies, aie highIy effeclive in liiggeiing
connunily inilialives foi pasluie Iand deveIopnenl.
Iaineis aie noie confidenl aloul invesling in lhe coIIeclive deveIopnenl of piivale pasluie
Iands (joinl pasluie deveIopnenl), vhiIe lhey lend lo find il chaIIenging lo lake up
connunily aclion foi deveIoping viIIage connons as lhe Iocus of conlioI is peiceived lo le
fai fion lhenseIves in lhe Iallei case. SnaII gioups vilh high sociaI and econonic
honogeneily and sociaI cohesion find il easy lo cone lo agieenenls aloul nanagenenl and
nainlenance issues.
Inveslnenl in luiIding consensus and lhe infoined pailicipalion of househoIds is veiy
inpoilanl foi Iong-lein suslainaliIily and confIicl pievenlion.
Cnmmnn pasturc dcvc!npmcnt
The deveIopnenl of connon pasluies iequiies lhe pailicipalion of a Iaige pail of lhe
connunily, and lhus of diffeienl casles and socio-econonic cIasses. Connunily
noliIisalion lovaids lhe deveIopnenl of lhese Iands is a speciaI chaIIenge. Aclive indiviuaIs
canpIay a Iead ioIe inlhis piocess. Hovevei, fuII suppoil ly a Iaige pail of lhe connunily is a
vilaI lasis foi any inleivenlions onconnoniesouices.
Ralhei lhan lhe piospecl of gaining lenefils lhiough upgiading a connon iesouice lhal has
leenunpioduclive foi a Iong line, lhe piospecl of a danage oi conpionising of funclionaIily
of a nev assel (naneIy, lhe Dhudh TaIai valei haivesling sliucluie) has nolivaled faineis in
Kundai lodeveIop a pIol of connonIand.
IaiIed allenpls lo deveIop connon Iands can have highIy negalive consequences and cuil
lhe viIIingness of lhe connunily lo lake up nev inilialives vilh iegaid lo connons,
fiuslialionvilhsuchfaiIuies canenduie foi yeais.
Ovneiship is key. If connunilies (i) lake an aclive ioIe in lhe pIanning of aclion foi connon
pasluie deveIopnenl, (ii) hoId neelings on a ieguIai lasis lo discuss lhe piogiess of lhe
physicaI voiks and nanagenenl issues, and (iii) ienain acliveIy invoIved in lhe pioleclion
and nainlenance of lhe pasluie, chances aie highei lhal lhe pasluie eneiges as a suslainalIe
connunily assel.
RenovaI of encioachnenls on viIIage connons can le cunleisone and iequiies pioIonged
negolialions. Lven lhough il leais a iisk of sliiiing up dispules lelveen diffeienl gioups of
lhe connunily, il has pioved a successfuI appioach lo iesoIve lhe issues in a lianspaienl
TabIo 7: IamiIyWiso IivosIork popuIaIion in arjia TaIai, kundai viIIago, Z006Z009
8uIIaIos 8hoop oaIs
1 1 1
1 1
1 5
15 15
15 12 15
15 15 5
1O 1O
1O 8
4 4
101 107 100 146
Z007 Z00B Z009
28 1G 28 15 11 1G 8O O 25 42 89 78 54 GO 5
1 1
2 G
8 8
2 5
2 5 G 19 9
O8 O8 O8 O9
1 1 8
1 1O 2
O9 O9 O9 O7 O7 O7
Kanheyia lal
S/0 varda Ji
S/0 varda Ji
Ram lal
S/0 Limba Ji
Laxman Lal
S/0 Limba Ji
Mana ram
S/0 Limba Ji
Moli Ram
S/0 Kalu Ram ji
0anga Ram
S/0 Kalu Ram
Megh Raj
S/0 0anga Ram
S/0 0anga Ram
S/0 varda ji
S/0 Kalu ji
S/0 Kalu ji
ToIaI IivosIork
5aurce: Frlmary Jala lram kuaJal, uJalur Jlslrlcl, ajaslkaa, ravlJeJ hy AIF uJalur.
22 21
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
piocess and luiIds liusl inlhe piocess anong lhe connunily nenleis.
Lxlenl of invoIvenenl and lhe neans of invoIving lhe Cian Ianchayal in lhe negolialions is a
queslion lo vhich lheie is no univeisaI ansvei: In lhe case of lhe Kundai connon pasluie
inleivenlion, lhe Cian Ianchayal has heIped loenfoice lhe vacalion. Hovevei, lhe fieId NCO
pailnei aIso iepoiled lhal as pei lheii expeiience, in nany cases Cian Ianchayals veie
ieIuclanl lo inleifeie in lhe deIicale issue of encioachnenls, and in olhei cases did nol
chanpionlhe pulIic inleiesl. AIIegalions of coiiuplionveie connon.
If lhe inleivenlion is successfuI, lhe connunily viII iecognize lhe vaIue of lhe connon
iesouice and shov a viIIingness lo pay foi lhe lenefil deiived fion il: coIIeclion of a nonlhIy
fee fion each househoId lo pay foi lhe saIaiy of a valchnan has nol pioved lo le difficuIl in
Il nusl le ensuied lhal enough giazing giounds aie ielained foi lhe connunilies' popuIalion
of snaII iuninanls. SnaII iuninanls ieaieis vho lend lo le lhe pooiei segnenls of lhe
connunily canolheivise le disadvanlaged ly lhe pioleclionof connonpasluie Iands.
6.2 CnntrIbutInns nf pasturc !and dcvc!npmcnt tn cnhancIng adaptIvc capacIty
The inleivenlions adopled on joinl piivale pasluies undei lhe V&A piIol piogianne have conliiluled
lo an inpiovenenl of lhe IandhoIdeis' IiveIihood silualions. As a iesuIl of pioleclion of lhe pooIed Iand
and soiI and valei conseivalion neasuies adopled on lhe pasluies, pioduclivily couId le iaised lo a
IeveI lhal suslains lhe foddei needs foi lhe faineis' aninaIs lhioughoul lhe yeai. The deveIopnenl of
connon pasluies, even lhough a giealei chaIIenge in leins of inilialion and nanagenenl, aIso has a
high polenliaI lo enhance lhe avaiIaliIily of foddei, fueI vood and non-linlei foiesl pioducls and lhus
heIp secuie peopIe's IiveIihoods.
InlolhviIIages, evenlhoughlhe iainfaII inone nonsoonseasonvas 5O pei cenl Iess lhaninlhe pievious
season, lhe piocess of vegelalive iegeneialion on lhe liealed pasluieIand vas nol affecled. This
indicales lhal lhe soiI and valei conseivalion piaclices adopled aie veII suiled lo lhe cIinalic and
geogiaphicaI condilions in lhe iegion and have a high polenliaI lo enhance lhe dioughl iesiIience of lhe
Inpioved pasluie nanagenenl has aIso yieIded lenefils foi lhe suiiounding naluiaI iesouice lase, in
leins of gioundvalei iechaige and incieased soiI noisluie ielenlion. Hence, lhe iisks lhal eiialic
iainfaII palleins pose lo IiveIihoods of lhe IocaI connunilies ly causing shoilage of foddei and Ioss of
agiicuIluiaI pioduclioncouId le ieduced.
The inleivenlions on lolh joinl piivale and connon pasluies, ly geneialing a secuie souice of foddei,
heIp suslainlhe liadilionaI nixed ciop-Iiveslock syslens of lhe faining connunily evenundei adveise
cIinalic condilions. Suppoiling lhese liadilionaI pioduclion slialegies vhich aie chaiacleiized ly
fIexiliIily and diveisily lo lake inlo accounl cIinale vaiialiIily heIps lo ieduce lhe vuIneialiIily of
connunilies lofuluie cIinale change.
A cenliaI eIenenl of lhe piogianne vas lo enhance lhe capacily of lhe connunilies lo deveIop and
nainlain pasluies and lo eslalIish and nanage luffei slocks of foddei. The expeiience has denonslialed
lhal a connunily-lasedappioach lo deveIopandnanage connons is vialIe andcan le suslainalIe. The
connunilies inlhe piogianne viIIages have lakenaulononous decisions vilhiegaidlolhe nanagenenl
of pooIedandconnoniesouices. uiIdinglhesenanagenenl syslens has ciealedalioadei lasis foi joinl
connunily aclion lovaids inpioving IiveIihood iesouices and deaIing vilh nuIlipIe sliesses, incIuding
lhose ieIaled lo cIinale vaiialiIily and change. Hovevei, il nusl le noled lhal capacily luiIding suppoil
foi lechnicaI issuesandnanagenenl piacliceslhioughoul lhepiocessvasciuciaI.
6.3 OptInns fnr up-sca!Ing InItIatIvcs fnr pasturc !and dcvc!npmcnt In Rajasthan
TheanaIysishasshovnlhal lheieisahighpolenliaI inpioleclinganddeveIopingjoinl andpiivalepasluies
foi secuiing lhe IiveIihoods of lhe iuiaI connunilies, pailicuIaiIy in lhe face of cIinale iisks. The V&A
expeiience nakes a sliong case foi scaIing up aclivilies foi pasluie Iand deveIopnenl, laking inlo accounl
lheIessonsIeainedvilhiegaidloinpIenenlalionandnanagenenl, vhichaieoulIinedinchaplei 7.1.
The iepoiledcases of pasluie IanddeveIopnenl undei lhe V&ApiIol piogianne veie faciIilaledlhiough
financiaI conliilulion disluised ly lhe IocaI V&A pailnei NCOs. One oplion foi noliIizing funds foi
upscaIing lhese inleivenlions vouId le lo lap funds undei lhe NalionaI RuiaI LnpIoynenl Cuaianlee
Schene (NRLCS). Measuies foi luiIding pioleclion fences and vaIIs, valei and soiI conseivalion aie
highIy Ialoui-inlensive. Undei lhe V&Apiogianne, line did nol aIIovlo expIoie hovlhe inslilulionaI
nechanisns vouId voik oul in lhal case. Hovevei, as discussed alove, a consliainl lovaids inilialing
connon Iand deveIopnenl undei NRLCS nay le lhal il iequiies a cenliaI ioIe laken ly lhe Cian
Ianchayal, lovhichinnanycaseslheienovaI of encioachnenlsconslilulesanajoi huidIe.
In addilion, lhe NalionaI Mission foi a Cieen India undei lhe NalionaI Aclion IIan on CIinale Change
(NAICC), endoisedlylhe Iiine Minislei's Office in2OO8, seeks lo enhance ecosyslenseivices, incIuding
cailon sinks, vhiIe aIso nainlaining lio-diveisily. Il idenlifies affoieslalion as a nain Ievei lo achieve
lhese laigels and viII addiesses lhe issue of degiaded foiesl Iands lhiough diiecl aclion ly connunilies.
Civenlhe expeiience discussedinlhis case sludylhal pasluie IanddeveIopnenl canle highIyeffeclive foi
vegelalionandiool slockiecoveiyondegiadedIands, piogiannes loinpIenenl lhe CieenIndia Mission
couId aIso Iook inlo lhis appioach. Lainaiking funds foi connunily-lased aclion lovaids deveIopnenl
of pasluieIandsvouIdleavialIeoplionloachievelheoljeclivesof lheNalionaI Mission.
Theie is anpIe non-agiicuIluiaI piivale Iand in lolh lhe viIIages vhich couId le deveIoped as joinl
piolecledpasluie Iand, andIaige aieas of connunily pasluie Iandof vhich fuilhei pails couIdle liealed
inoidei loincieaseilspioduclivily(TalIe8).
Hovevei, as noled alove, if allenpls aie nade lo liing noie viIIage pasluie Iand undei pioleclion lo
inciease ils pioduclivily undei cul-and-caiiy piaclice, adequale giazing giounds nusl le ielained foi lhe
connunilies' popuIalion of snaII iuninanls. AlaIance nusl le found lelveen open giazing Iands and
TabIo B: Iand avaiIabIo Ior pasIuro dovoIopmonI in kundai and kmda
pasIuro Iand
142 ha
92 ha
ForronI oI
IoIaI aroa
hon agriruIIuro
privaIo Iand
17O ha
871.88 ha
ForronI oI
IoIaI aroa
5aurce: eveaue Jearlmeal, uJalur Jlslrlcl, ajaslkaa.
24 23
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
piocess and luiIds liusl inlhe piocess anong lhe connunily nenleis.
Lxlenl of invoIvenenl and lhe neans of invoIving lhe Cian Ianchayal in lhe negolialions is a
queslion lo vhich lheie is no univeisaI ansvei: In lhe case of lhe Kundai connon pasluie
inleivenlion, lhe Cian Ianchayal has heIped loenfoice lhe vacalion. Hovevei, lhe fieId NCO
pailnei aIso iepoiled lhal as pei lheii expeiience, in nany cases Cian Ianchayals veie
ieIuclanl lo inleifeie in lhe deIicale issue of encioachnenls, and in olhei cases did nol
chanpionlhe pulIic inleiesl. AIIegalions of coiiuplionveie connon.
If lhe inleivenlion is successfuI, lhe connunily viII iecognize lhe vaIue of lhe connon
iesouice and shov a viIIingness lo pay foi lhe lenefil deiived fion il: coIIeclion of a nonlhIy
fee fion each househoId lo pay foi lhe saIaiy of a valchnan has nol pioved lo le difficuIl in
Il nusl le ensuied lhal enough giazing giounds aie ielained foi lhe connunilies' popuIalion
of snaII iuninanls. SnaII iuninanls ieaieis vho lend lo le lhe pooiei segnenls of lhe
connunily canolheivise le disadvanlaged ly lhe pioleclionof connonpasluie Iands.
6.2 CnntrIbutInns nf pasturc !and dcvc!npmcnt tn cnhancIng adaptIvc capacIty
The inleivenlions adopled on joinl piivale pasluies undei lhe V&A piIol piogianne have conliiluled
lo an inpiovenenl of lhe IandhoIdeis' IiveIihood silualions. As a iesuIl of pioleclion of lhe pooIed Iand
and soiI and valei conseivalion neasuies adopled on lhe pasluies, pioduclivily couId le iaised lo a
IeveI lhal suslains lhe foddei needs foi lhe faineis' aninaIs lhioughoul lhe yeai. The deveIopnenl of
connon pasluies, even lhough a giealei chaIIenge in leins of inilialion and nanagenenl, aIso has a
high polenliaI lo enhance lhe avaiIaliIily of foddei, fueI vood and non-linlei foiesl pioducls and lhus
heIp secuie peopIe's IiveIihoods.
InlolhviIIages, evenlhoughlhe iainfaII inone nonsoonseasonvas 5O pei cenl Iess lhaninlhe pievious
season, lhe piocess of vegelalive iegeneialion on lhe liealed pasluieIand vas nol affecled. This
indicales lhal lhe soiI and valei conseivalion piaclices adopled aie veII suiled lo lhe cIinalic and
geogiaphicaI condilions in lhe iegion and have a high polenliaI lo enhance lhe dioughl iesiIience of lhe
Inpioved pasluie nanagenenl has aIso yieIded lenefils foi lhe suiiounding naluiaI iesouice lase, in
leins of gioundvalei iechaige and incieased soiI noisluie ielenlion. Hence, lhe iisks lhal eiialic
iainfaII palleins pose lo IiveIihoods of lhe IocaI connunilies ly causing shoilage of foddei and Ioss of
agiicuIluiaI pioduclioncouId le ieduced.
The inleivenlions on lolh joinl piivale and connon pasluies, ly geneialing a secuie souice of foddei,
heIp suslainlhe liadilionaI nixed ciop-Iiveslock syslens of lhe faining connunily evenundei adveise
cIinalic condilions. Suppoiling lhese liadilionaI pioduclion slialegies vhich aie chaiacleiized ly
fIexiliIily and diveisily lo lake inlo accounl cIinale vaiialiIily heIps lo ieduce lhe vuIneialiIily of
connunilies lofuluie cIinale change.
A cenliaI eIenenl of lhe piogianne vas lo enhance lhe capacily of lhe connunilies lo deveIop and
nainlain pasluies and lo eslalIish and nanage luffei slocks of foddei. The expeiience has denonslialed
lhal a connunily-lasedappioach lo deveIopandnanage connons is vialIe andcan le suslainalIe. The
connunilies inlhe piogianne viIIages have lakenaulononous decisions vilhiegaidlolhe nanagenenl
of pooIedandconnoniesouices. uiIdinglhesenanagenenl syslens has ciealedalioadei lasis foi joinl
connunily aclion lovaids inpioving IiveIihood iesouices and deaIing vilh nuIlipIe sliesses, incIuding
lhose ieIaled lo cIinale vaiialiIily and change. Hovevei, il nusl le noled lhal capacily luiIding suppoil
foi lechnicaI issuesandnanagenenl piacliceslhioughoul lhepiocessvasciuciaI.
6.3 OptInns fnr up-sca!Ing InItIatIvcs fnr pasturc !and dcvc!npmcnt In Rajasthan
TheanaIysishasshovnlhal lheieisahighpolenliaI inpioleclinganddeveIopingjoinl andpiivalepasluies
foi secuiing lhe IiveIihoods of lhe iuiaI connunilies, pailicuIaiIy in lhe face of cIinale iisks. The V&A
expeiience nakes a sliong case foi scaIing up aclivilies foi pasluie Iand deveIopnenl, laking inlo accounl
lheIessonsIeainedvilhiegaidloinpIenenlalionandnanagenenl, vhichaieoulIinedinchaplei 7.1.
The iepoiledcases of pasluie IanddeveIopnenl undei lhe V&ApiIol piogianne veie faciIilaledlhiough
financiaI conliilulion disluised ly lhe IocaI V&A pailnei NCOs. One oplion foi noliIizing funds foi
upscaIing lhese inleivenlions vouId le lo lap funds undei lhe NalionaI RuiaI LnpIoynenl Cuaianlee
Schene (NRLCS). Measuies foi luiIding pioleclion fences and vaIIs, valei and soiI conseivalion aie
highIy Ialoui-inlensive. Undei lhe V&Apiogianne, line did nol aIIovlo expIoie hovlhe inslilulionaI
nechanisns vouId voik oul in lhal case. Hovevei, as discussed alove, a consliainl lovaids inilialing
connon Iand deveIopnenl undei NRLCS nay le lhal il iequiies a cenliaI ioIe laken ly lhe Cian
Ianchayal, lovhichinnanycaseslheienovaI of encioachnenlsconslilulesanajoi huidIe.
In addilion, lhe NalionaI Mission foi a Cieen India undei lhe NalionaI Aclion IIan on CIinale Change
(NAICC), endoisedlylhe Iiine Minislei's Office in2OO8, seeks lo enhance ecosyslenseivices, incIuding
cailon sinks, vhiIe aIso nainlaining lio-diveisily. Il idenlifies affoieslalion as a nain Ievei lo achieve
lhese laigels and viII addiesses lhe issue of degiaded foiesl Iands lhiough diiecl aclion ly connunilies.
Civenlhe expeiience discussedinlhis case sludylhal pasluie IanddeveIopnenl canle highIyeffeclive foi
vegelalionandiool slockiecoveiyondegiadedIands, piogiannes loinpIenenl lhe CieenIndia Mission
couId aIso Iook inlo lhis appioach. Lainaiking funds foi connunily-lased aclion lovaids deveIopnenl
of pasluieIandsvouIdleavialIeoplionloachievelheoljeclivesof lheNalionaI Mission.
Theie is anpIe non-agiicuIluiaI piivale Iand in lolh lhe viIIages vhich couId le deveIoped as joinl
piolecledpasluie Iand, andIaige aieas of connunily pasluie Iandof vhich fuilhei pails couIdle liealed
inoidei loincieaseilspioduclivily(TalIe8).
Hovevei, as noled alove, if allenpls aie nade lo liing noie viIIage pasluie Iand undei pioleclion lo
inciease ils pioduclivily undei cul-and-caiiy piaclice, adequale giazing giounds nusl le ielained foi lhe
connunilies' popuIalion of snaII iuninanls. AlaIance nusl le found lelveen open giazing Iands and
TabIo B: Iand avaiIabIo Ior pasIuro dovoIopmonI in kundai and kmda
pasIuro Iand
142 ha
92 ha
ForronI oI
IoIaI aroa
hon agriruIIuro
privaIo Iand
17O ha
871.88 ha
ForronI oI
IoIaI aroa
5aurce: eveaue Jearlmeal, uJalur Jlslrlcl, ajaslkaa.
24 23
FasIuro Iand ovoIopmonI
piolecled pasluies lo neel lhe iequiienenls of aII gioups vilh diffeienl IiveIihood palleins vilhin lhe
connunily. To lhis end, il is vilaI lo ensuie pailicipalion of iepiesenlalives of aII gioups vhen viIIage
neelings aie heId lo discuss issues aiound connon Iands, and lhal aII iepiesenlalives have a ieaIislic
oppoilunilylovoicelheii inleiesls.
7. Rcfcrcnccs
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Case Studies:
Vulnerability Assessment and Enhancing Adaptive Capacity to
Climate Change in Semi Arid Regions of ndia (V&A) Programme

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