Globalization refers to integrating a country's economy with other countries through free trade and movement of capital and people across borders. It allows countries to efficiently use resources and export surplus production. Multinational corporations play a major role in globalization by jointly setting up production with local companies. Globalization has both benefits like increased foreign investment and employment, as well as issues like widening inequality and lack of benefits for small producers and workers.
Globalization refers to integrating a country's economy with other countries through free trade and movement of capital and people across borders. It allows countries to efficiently use resources and export surplus production. Multinational corporations play a major role in globalization by jointly setting up production with local companies. Globalization has both benefits like increased foreign investment and employment, as well as issues like widening inequality and lack of benefits for small producers and workers.
Globalization refers to integrating a country's economy with other countries through free trade and movement of capital and people across borders. It allows countries to efficiently use resources and export surplus production. Multinational corporations play a major role in globalization by jointly setting up production with local companies. Globalization has both benefits like increased foreign investment and employment, as well as issues like widening inequality and lack of benefits for small producers and workers.
Globalization refers to integrating a country's economy with other countries through free trade and movement of capital and people across borders. It allows countries to efficiently use resources and export surplus production. Multinational corporations play a major role in globalization by jointly setting up production with local companies. Globalization has both benefits like increased foreign investment and employment, as well as issues like widening inequality and lack of benefits for small producers and workers.
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Assignments in Social Science Class X (Term II) 4.