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Population Density of Indian Giant Squirrel Ratufa Indica Centralis (Ryley, 1913) in Satpura National Park, Madhya Pradesh, India

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Article Citation:

Raju Lal Gurjar, Amol S. Kumbhar, Jyotirmay Jena, Jaya Kumar Yogesh,
Chittaranjan Dave, Ramesh Pratap Singh and Ashok Mishra.
Population density of Indian giant squirrel Ratufa indica centralis (Ryley, 1913) in
Satpura National Park, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Journal of Research in Biology (2013) 3(7): 1086-1092





Population density of Indian giant squirrel Ratufa indica centralis (Ryley,
1913) in Satpura National Park, Madhya Pradesh, India
Central Indian landscape, Distance sampling, density estimation, Ratufa
indica centralis.

Information on population and distributional status of Indian giant squirrel
Ratufa indica centralis is poorly known from central Indian hills. The species is
endemic to India and widely distributed in Western Ghats, Eastern Ghats and Central
India. In this study using line transect distance sampling we estimated population
density of giant squirrel in Satpura Tiger Reserve (STR), which is a major biosphere
reserve in central India that harbors wide variety of rare endemic and endangered
species. Density estimate with total effort of 276km line transect shows 5.5 ( 0.82)
. This study provides first baseline information on ecological density
estimate of Ratufa indica centralis in central Indian landscape. Reduction of
anthropogenic pressure should be the first priority for park managers in Satpura Tiger
1086-1092| JRB | 2013 | Vol 3 | No 7
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Journal of Research in Biology
An International
Scientific Research Journal
Raju Lal Gurjar
Amol .S. Kumbhar
Jyotirmay Jena
Jaya Kumar Yogesh
Chittaranjan Dave
Ramesh Pratap Singh
Ashok Mishra

1. WWF - India, Nisha
Building, Near Forest
Barrier, Katra, Mandla,
Madhya Pradesh, India.

2. Field Director Office,
Satpura Tiger Reserve,
Hoshangabad, Madhya
Pradesh, India.

Corresponding author:
Amol S. Kumbhar

Email Id:

Web Address:
Received: 08 Oct 2013 Accepted: 08 Nov 2013 Published: 25 Nov 2013
Journal of Research in Biology
An International Scientific Research Journal
Original Research

Habitat fragmentation is cited one of the major
reason for the decrease in abundance of arboreal
mammals and isolation of many species into small
population (Umapathy and Kumar, 2000). Indian Giant
Squirrel Ratufa indica centralis is a maroon and buff
colour and is endemic to India with four sub-species. The
conservation status of Indian giant squirrel (IGS) is the
least concern category of IUCN, Appendix II of
CITES and Schedule II (part II) of Indian Wildlife
(Protection) Act 1972 (Molur et al., 2005). Giant
squirrels occur across a wide range of natural forests.
They have been reported from moist deciduous, dry
deciduous and riparian forests (Datta and Goyal, 1996;
Baskaran et al., 2011; Kanoje, 2008; Jathanna
et al., 2008; Srinivas et al., 2008), old mature teak forests
(Ramachandran, 1988) and teak-mixed forests (Kumara
and Singh, 2006). Habitat fragmentation is one of the
major threats which influence giant squirrel population
due to its arboreal nature. Throughout India several
investigators already studied on population status of
Malabar giant squirrel in Western Ghats (Baskaran et al.,
2011; Ramachandran, 1988; Ganesh and Davidar, 1999;
Madhusudan and Karanth, 2002; Kumara and Singh,
2006; Jathanna et al., 2008; Ramesh et al., 2009;
Umapathy and Kumar, 2000). In central India though
there are studies available on ecobiology of Ratufa
indica centralis (Datta, 1993, 1998, 1999; Datta and
Goyal, 1996; Kanoje, 2008; Kumbhar et al., 2012;
Pradhan et al., 2012; Rout and Swain, 2006) but there is
no study available on status and population density of
this species from central Indian landscape.
In the current study we tried to estimate
population densities of Ratufa indica centralis by line
transect distance sampling (Jathanna et al., 2008) in
Satpura Tiger Reserve of central India. It believes that
this kind of effort will help forest department to take
better management and conservation strategies.

Study area
The Satpura Tiger Reserve (2219 - 22 30N
and 77 56 - 78 20E) covers an area of 1427.87 km

(Figure 1) in south east border of Madhya Pradesh state,
it extends from east to west in the southern part of the
district Hoshangabad in Satpura ranges of Central Indian
landscape. The forest types of satpura tiger reserve
consist of southern moist mixed deciduous forest,
southern dry mixed deciduous forest and dry peninsulas
Sal forest (Champion and Seth, 1968). The terrain of
park is hilly and highly undulating, with dominated tree
species such as Tectona grandis, Shorea robusta,
Buchanania latifolia, Terminalia arjuna, Emblica
officinalis, Madhuca indica and Rauwolfia serpentina.
The faunal diversity comprises of major carnivore such
as Tiger (Panthera tigris), Leopard (Panthera pardus),
Dhole (Cuon alpines) and other small carnivores
including Jungle cat (Felis chaus), Palm civet
(Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) as well as ungulates such
as Spotted deer (Axis axis), Sambar (Cervus unicolor),
Wild boar (Sus scrofa), Barking deer (Muntiacus
muntjak), Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) and
Common langur (Semnopithecus entellus). In satpura
birds of prey like crested hawk eagle, black eagle and
crested serpent eagle were major predators of Ratufa
indica centralis (Datta, 1999; Kumbhar et al., 2012).
Also Mehta (1997) reported leopard attempted to prey on
giant squirrel.
Line transect methodology was adopted
(Buckland et al., 2001; Jathanna et al., 2008) and
distance sampling methodology was used to estimate
population density of giant squirrel in our study area.
Field sampling was carried out in the months of
December to February 2011 2012. Dur-ing this period
39 permanent transects were established in different
habitat types including riparian patches. Each transect
was surveyed thrice by well trained observer be-tween
Gurjar et al., 2013
1087 Journal of Research in Biology (2013) 3(7): 1086-1092
06000900 hr. Each transects differed in length, the
average transect length was 2km to 4km. Every time the
species was detected group size, sighting distance and
angle of sighting were recorded. Sighting distances were
measured using lesser rangefinder and the angle of
sighting was recorded using a liquid filled compass. The
field protocols were followed described in Jhala et al.,
(2009). The density of Indian giant squirrel (IGS) was
calculated using DISTANCE program version 6.0 (Laake
et al., 1994). The best model was selected on the basis of
the lowest Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) (Burnham
et al., 1980; Buckland et al., 1993).

A total of 35 Giant squirrel sights comprising
42 individuals were recorded during the study period in
total efforts of 276km. Analysis were done by fitting
different detection functions to the observed data for the
estimation of density. Based on minimum AIC value
(94.9), half normal with cosine proved to be the best fit
for giant squirrel data. As giant squirrel is a arboreal
species its visibility is very high when we compare it
with other terrestrial animals so detection in uniform
manner is normal, AIC value also supports the model
selection. The encounter rate was 0.12 0.06/km
walked, IGS known to be a solitary animal, maximum
two individuals were recorded in a group and mean
group size was calculated as 1.2 0.6 in Satpura Tiger
Studies conducted elsewhere on Indian Giant
Squirrel (IGS) have shown different estimates of
population density (Table. 2). The variation in different
Gurjar et al., 2013
Journal of Research in Biology (2013) 3(7): 1086-1092 1088
Figure 1: Location of Satpura Tiger Reserve in India.

estimates in different studies could be due to the different
habitat types in the different study areas; also seasonal
annual variation and observer differences put limits of
comparison. The present study is the first attempt to
provide baseline information on ecological density status
of Indian giant squirrel in Central Indian landscape
(Table. 1). IGS distribution in STR was observed in
Terminalia arjuna, Madhuca longifolia and Tectona
grandis. These trees are mostly used for feeding and
nesting (Kumbhar et al., 2012). Maximum IGS sightings
were recorded in riparian patches of churna, moist and
dry deciduous forest of watch tower and semi-evergreen
forest of Nimghan to pachmarhi. A viable population is
one that maintains its genetic vigor and potential for
evolutionary adaptation (Kumar et al., 2007), therefore
continuous monitoring of the population status of this
lesser-known mammal in central India should be given
high conservation priority. Excessive amount of
Gurjar et al., 2013
1089 Journal of Research in Biology (2013) 3(7): 1086-1092


Figure 2: Result of model fitted in the DISTANCE to estimate detection probability and effective
strip width of giant squirrel in Satpura Tiger Reserve.
Perpendicular distance in meters
Note: DS- estimate average group size; E(S) estimate expected value of cluster size; D estimate of density of
animal; N estimate no. of animals in specified area; Chi-square value P 0.969.
Table 1: Population density and average group size of Indian Giant Squirrel
(density /Km
) estimated in Satpura Tiger Reserve.
Parameter Point Estimate Standard Error Percentage Coefficient
of variation
95% Confidence Interval
DS 4.786 0.66 13.83 3.62 6.31
E(S) 1.169 0.59 5.05 1.05 1.29
D 5.595 0.82 14.73 4.17 7.49
N 6.000 0.88 14.73 4.00 7.00
poaching pressure and habitat fragmentation has been
reported in Orissa (Pradhan et al., 2012) which can leads
to population decline. We hope this baseline study will
encourage long-term study, which includes on nesting
breeding habits and resource availability of IGS
populations in Central Indian Forest. Further research
study about population status for this species and
conservation strategies in the central Indian landscape
are recommended.

The present population density of Indian giant
squirrel 5.5 0.8 / Sq Km in Satpura tiger reserve in
central Indian forest is very important as it is first density
estimates from any central Indian forest and will provide
baseline data for future study. Present study is address
the issue of urgent need of survey the status, distribution
and abundance of Indian giant squirrel in central Indian

We are really grateful to Ravi Singh, Secretary
General and CEO, WWF-India and Principal Chief
Conservator of Forest (Wildlife), Chief Wildlife Warden,
Madhya Pradesh for give permission to conduct
phase-IV monitoring of predators and their prey in
Satpura Tiger Reserve. We would like to acknowledge
frontline staff of Satpura tiger reserve, Ratnesh and
Kamal Thakur for their extensive help in field work.

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