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Five J Taxi and Armamiento vs.

NLRC Case Digest

Five J Taxi and/or Juan Armamiento vs. NLRC 235 SCRA 556 Fa ts! Private respondents Domingo Maldigan and Gilberto Sabsalon were hired by the petitioners as taxi drivers and, as such, they worked for 4 days weekly on a 4!hour shifting schedule" #side from the daily boundary of P$%%"%% for air!conditioned taxi or P4&%"%% for non!air!conditioned taxi, they were also re'uired to pay P %"%% for car washing, and to further make a P(&"%% deposit to answer for any deficiency in their boundary, for every actual working day" )n less than 4 months after Maldigan was hired as an extra driver by the petitioners, he already failed to report for work for unknown reasons" Petitioners learned that he was working for Mine of Gold *axi +ompany" ,ith respect to Sabsalon, while driving a taxicab of petitioners on September (-./, he was held up by his armed passenger who took all his money and thereafter stabbed him" 0e was hospitali1ed and after his discharge, he went to this home province to recuperate" )n 2anuary, (-.$, Sabsalon was re!admitted by petitioners as a taxi driver under the same terms and conditions as when he was first employed, but his working schedule was made on an alternative basis where he drove only every other day" 0owever, on several occasions, he failed to report for work during his schedule" 3n September , (--(, Sabsalon failed to remit his boundary of P$%%"%% for the previous day" #lso, he abandoned his taxicab in Makati without fuel refill worth P/%%"%%" Despite repeated re'uests of petitioners for him to report for work, he adamantly refused" #fterwards it was revealed that he was driving a taxi for 4ulaklak +ompany" Sometime in (-.-, Maldigan re'uested petitioners for the reimbursement of his daily cash deposits for years, but herein petitioners told him that not a single centavo was left of his deposits as these were not even enough to cover the amount spent for the repairs of the taxi he was driving" *his was allegedly the practice adopted by petitioners to recoup the expenses incurred in the repair of their taxicab units" ,hen Maldigan insisted on the refund of his deposit, petitioners terminated his services" Sabsalon, on his part, claimed that his termination from employment was effected when he refused to pay for the washing of his taxi seat covers" 3n 5ovember $, (--(, private respondents filed a complaint with the manila #rbitration 3ffice of the 5ational 6abor 7elations +ommission charging petitioners with illegal dismissal and illegal deductions" "ssue! ,hether or not the deductions made were illegal and if illegal, considered a prohibition regarding wages" Ru#ing! *he +ourt declares that the deposits made amounts to the prohibition provided by law" *he deposits made were illegal and the respondents must be refunded" #rticle ((4 of the 6abor +ode provides as follows8 Deposits for loss or damage" 9 5o employer shall re'uire his worker to make deposits from which deductions shall be made for the reimbursement of loss of or damage to tools, materials, or e'uipment supplied by the employer, except when the employer is engaged

in such trades, occupations or business where the practice of making deposits is a recogni1ed one, or is necessary or desirable as determined by the Secretary of 6abor in appropriate rules and regulations" )t can be deduced that the said article provides the rule on deposits for loss or damage to tools, materials or e'uipments supplied by the employer" +learly, the same does not apply to or permit deposits to defray any deficiency which the taxi driver may incur in the remittance of his boundary" 3n the matter of the car wash payments, the labor arbiter had this to say in his decision8 :#nent the issue of illegal deductions, there is no dispute that as a matter of practice in the taxi industry, after a tour of duty, it is incumbent upon the driver to restore the unit he has given to the same clean condition when he took it out, and as claimed by the respondents ;petitioners in the present case<, complainant;s< ;private respondents herein< were made to shoulder the expenses for washing, the amount doled out was paid directly to the person who washed the unit, thus we find nothing illegal in this practice, much more ;sic< to consider the amount paid by the driver as illegal deduction in the context of the law": +onse'uently, private respondents are not entitled to the refund of the P %"%% car wash payments they made" )t will be noted that there was nothing to prevent private respondents from cleaning the taxi units themselves, if they wanted to save their P %"%%" #lso, as the Solicitor General correctly noted, car washing after a tour of duty is a practice in the taxi industry, and is, in fact, dictated by fair play"

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