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Top Solid 2008

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Missler Software i
Whats New
ii Missler Software
2008, Missler Software.
7, Rue du Bois Sauvage
F-91055 Evry, FRANCE
Web: http://www.topsolid.com
E-mail: info@topsolid.com
All rights reserved.
Information is subject to change without notice. No material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose without the express written permission of Mis-
sler Software.
TopSolid is a registered trademark of Missler Software.
TopSolid is a product name of Missler Software.
The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without notice and
should not be considered commitments by Missler Software.
The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in
accordance with the terms of this license..
Missler Software iii
Table of contents
TopSolidDesign 2008: What's New.................................................................................1
Slave parts ..........................................................................................................................2
Ergonomics .........................................................................................................................2
Sketch .................................................................................................................................4
Assembly/Components .......................................................................................................7
Points ..................................................................................................................................8
Tools | Options ....................................................................................................................8
Protection (floating license).................................................................................................9
TopSolidDraft 2008: What's New..................................................................................11
General points...................................................................................................................12
TopSolidFold 2008: What's New...................................................................................17
Boilerwork assistant ..........................................................................................................20
Sheet metal converter .......................................................................................................20
Layout ...............................................................................................................................22
TopSolidWood 2008: What's New.................................................................................23
Layout ...............................................................................................................................30
TopSolidMold 2008: Whats New..................................................................................33
Parting elements ...............................................................................................................34
Movement .........................................................................................................................35
Design management .........................................................................................................36
Mold versions....................................................................................................................37
Analyze Flow analysis....................................................................................................38
TopSolidProgress 2008: Whats New...........................................................................41
Preparation of the part ......................................................................................................42
Tools .................................................................................................................................45
Tools and dies...................................................................................................................52
Tools .................................................................................................................................53
iv Missler Software
TopSolidCam 2008: Whats New...................................................................................57
Cycles ...............................................................................................................................58
2D Milling ..........................................................................................................................60
3D Milling ..........................................................................................................................62
5D Milling ..........................................................................................................................64
Basic Milling Operations....................................................................................................65
Environment ......................................................................................................................68
Post-processor ..................................................................................................................71
Tools .................................................................................................................................71
Processes .........................................................................................................................72
TopSolidWoodCam 2008: What's New.........................................................................73
Machining cycle.................................................................................................................74
Machine management.......................................................................................................75
Miscellaneous ...................................................................................................................76
TopSolidPunchCut 2008: What's New..........................................................................77
Multi-documents import .....................................................................................................78
Tool speed and strike rate management in the operator card ..........................................79
Changes to the management of the punches/matrices clearance....................................81
Punched lettering with obligatory sequences....................................................................82
Color parameters for differentiating the cut and the marking............................................82
Split line the format into several parts...............................................................................84
Cutting parameters viewer ................................................................................................85
Changing the cutting gas at the end of nesting.................................................................86
Changes to the burning function .......................................................................................86
Changes to the Lead in function .......................................................................................87
TopSolidDesign 2008: What's New TopSolid2008
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TopSolidDesign 2008: What's New
TopSolid2008 TopSolidDesign 2008: What's New
2 Missler Software
This document describes the improvements made to the design application of the TopSolidDesign
software: 2008 version.
Slave parts
The slave parts that appeared in the 2007 version permitted the isolation of a part of the assembly in
which it had been designed, in order to facilitate its machining, its drafting and its management in PDM.
The machining and folding information was added so that it could be used by TopSolidFold (for
unfolding), by TopSolidCam (for machining), as well as by TopSolidDraft for the tables and drilling
The construction tree can now have up to six tabs allowing the simultaneous display of the histories
of several elements. The Main and Favorite tabs are created by default and cannot be modified. The
other tabs are managed and saved on a document basis.
New tabs are created via the contextual menu in the construction tree.
Customization example:
TopSolidDesign 2008: What's New TopSolid2008
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The most often used components can be regrouped in the documents stored in the
$TOPCONFIG\Favorite folder. They will then automatically be displayed in the Favorite tab of the
construction tree and can be included in a document by simply dragging and dropping them.
The ergonomics of the graphic cross section have been redefined. The modifiers now permit the
dynamic changing of the position of the section plane. This position can also be precisely located by
way of a numeric value.
What's more, it is possible to create sections (associative) on a graphic cross section. These sections
are stored in SECTIONS SET and can be activated or deactivated at any moment.
For Space Mouse users, it is possible to define keyboard shortcuts for changing the views.
The reference axes are dissociated which facilitates easier selections while defining a direction.
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4 Missler Software
The result of a distance analysis is now displayed graphically with on-screen text notes that can be
It is now possible to dimension the gap between two circles.
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The Parallel function is no longer limited to a segment. It can now handle entire profiles.
Chamfers are now possible at the top of sketches.
The axis function permits the creation of the axes or the arc of a circle. The resulting elements are of
the Construction type.
Several copies of the sketch elements can be made thanks to the new Copy function.
For contours, two new shortcuts (toggles) are available:
Pressing the A key switches to the TANGENT mode.
Pressing the Z key switches to the HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL mode.
The sketch manages the automatic scaling of the contour, on addition of a first dimensional
constraint. This permits freehand drawing, without having to worry about the scale.
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An option permitting the rotation of a regular polygon has been added.
Enclosing rectangles and circles can now be created via the new function in the Enclosing curves
The POINTS option of the Curve | Manage | Rebuild function allows for the rebuilding of curves by
sampling them and reinterpolating the resulting points.
The dimensioning function has a new SYMMETRY CONSTRAINT option which allows the addition of
symmetry constraints once the dimension has been created.
In the creation functions for extruded, revolved, pipe and flat shapes, sketch elements can now be
used separately (local mode) or globally. It is then possible to modify the shape so as to insert or
extract the sketch elements.
The new function in the Enclosing shape menu allows for the creation of enclosing blocks and
The fillets and chamfers can be extended by following the extension of the operation to which they
are attached. Drill holes, grooves, bosses and pockets are the operations that are affected by this.
The cone bottom type has been added to the SHELL HOLE option which in turn is part of the
Pocket function.
The COMPOSITE SURFACE option belonging to the Shape | Other Shapes | Face function permits
the copying of several faces of the same part. The copied faces may then be limited by a curve.
When creating an ruled shape with a CURVE / CURVE correspondence between two curves having
the same number of control points and nodes, the Parametric constant option allows for the
generation of a surface whose isoparametric curves have the same characteristics as the reference
Drilling on a group of points
The SKETCH option in the drilling function, allows for the drilling on all points of the sketch. Moreover, it
is possible to extend the drilling on a group of points (the group must have been created beforehand) or
on the points of a sketch. This functionality is available during the extension of the ON COORDINATE
SYSTEMS drilling.
Ergonomics of the polar and radial coordinate system
Polar coordinate system
Previsualization of the coordinate system in non-dynamic mode (coordinate system + drilling)
TopSolidDesign 2008: What's New TopSolid2008
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Possibility of giving an angular value in degrees while changing the origin.
Radial coordinate system
Previsualization of the coordinate system in non-dynamic mode (coordinate system + drilling)
Associativity of the change of origin
Fillet and chamfer ergonomics between faces
When the fillet settings definition window is displayed, it is now possible to select the curve which is
normal to the fillet sections.
Improvements to the reciprocal trimming
It is only possible to limit the first selected shape.
While that is possible, the SEW option allows for the sewing of shapes limited to a given tolerance.
The standard components with digital drivers benefit from a server inclusion mode. In this mode, the
geometry is calculated once and for all which permits the making of gains on several levels:
A gain in performance on the insertion of several identical components.
An acceleration of the updating of assemblies.
A reduction in memory use.
A reduction in the size of assemblies.
The modification of the attributes driving mode for several components can be done in just one
TopSolid2008 TopSolidDesign 2008: What's New
8 Missler Software
In order to permit a complete integration of TopSolidDesign in TopSolidPdm, the scenarios are now
stored in the design document.
The scenario management window permits the importing and exporting of scenarios in text format.
While loading, the scenarios are automatically included in the document and the old scenario files (.scn)
can be erased on backup.
The barycentre point now supports surfaces.
Tools | Options
Declaration of user libraries (without restarting TopSolid).
Activation/Deactivation of document locking.
For the entering and modification of settings, it is now possible to predefine the tolerances that will be
available via drop-down lists.
The possibility of editing the properties definition file (TOP.PRD) with Attribute | Properties.
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Protection (floating license)
The tokens of the declared modules on the license server can be taken and released during the session
with the help of the Help | Codes function.
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TopSolidDraft 2008: What's New TopSolid2008
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TopSolidDraft 2008: What's New
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12 Missler Software
This document describes the improvements made to the drafting application of the TopSolidDraft
software: 2008 version.
General points
Interrupted view
It is now possible to interrupt a view following two directions (X and Y). Furthermore the following
modifications are available:
Addition and removal of interruption curves.
Adjustment of the interruption distance, on creation and from the symbolic tree.
The dynamic displacement of the 2
interruption curve once the view has been opened out.
Drilling tables and dimensions on the slave parts.
It is now possible to make the drilling tables and the drilling dimensions on the slave parts.
Points projection in piping view
Global projection of the 3D contour points in the piping views thanks to the Project 3D points option in
the creation box for piping views. The result is what we would have had by projecting the points one by
Modification of a view following F
It is possible to modify the height and the name of the text associated with the definition arrow (as with
the polygon cut of a cut). The modification is made in the view modification dialogue box or by directly
selecting the arrow.
Sorting projected dimensions
In the projection of the dimensions in a view, in automatic mode, it is only possible to keep the
dimensions that have a tolerance thanks to the new button keep the dimensions with tolerances =
Hatching pattern user
It is now possible to create hatching patterns from drawn curves.
Patterns are created with the aid of the Attribute | Hatching pattern function and the CREATE
TopSolidDraft 2008: What's New TopSolid2008
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The defined hatching patterns can be associated with a user material.
Draft with draft template
The Multi-draft function becomes Draft in the File menu of a design document. This new function offers
the choice of either doing a multi-draft (via theMULTI-DRAFT button), or of drafting a part or an assembly
directly from the 3D by choosing a draft template.
Multi-draft with multi-folios
The multi-draft offers the choice of either drafting one part per DFT document, or of drafting one part per
folio in just one DFT document.
Multi-draft with drilling tables
The multi-draft offers the possibility of creating a drilling table for each drafted part (the question can be
removed by way of a configuration word whose syntax is described in the online help).
The information concerning the position and reference view of the drilling table can be defined in the DFT
document model as follows:
The reference view is that which has the property drilling table view, otherwise it's chosen at
The table will be positioned either between the two points that will have the following properties first
position of drilling table or second position of drilling table, or with respect to the title block.
If the model has neither a title block nor two points with these properties, the drilling table won't be
Drilling tables
Using Tools | Options and File| Properties, it is now possible to adjust advanced information (special
cases of depth calculation, transformed parts management, pre-pierced holes management) that was
previously only accessible by configuration word.
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Dimension table for the control
The new Dimension| Dimension table function enables certain dimensions and tolerance symbols to
be displayed, so that they can be verified in the workshop, and so that custom or quality sheets can be
The number, dimension, tolerance and average columns are automatically presented. Others can be
added by way of a configuration word whose syntax is described in the online help.
All columns, with the exception of dimension and tolerance can be edited and modified.
Table of Cartesian points and coordinate systems as notes
There are new buttons in the creation of the table of Cartesian points. One lets you associate arrows with
coordinate systems, the other lets you trace a frame around the coordinate systems.
Table of 3D Cartesian points
The 3D MODE option lets you create tables of Cartesian points of projected points whose coordinates
are those of the corresponding 3D point, in an index chosen from the 3D document.
Import Excel table: Color configuration
The new configuration word D_TABLE_ALG_EXCEL_WRONG_COLOUR, lets you match a non-authorized
TopSolid color with an authorized TopSolid color.
Alignment of auxiliary views and views in one direction
It is possible to modify the alignment of an auxiliary view or a view in one direction at the time of creation:
Auxiliary view: modification of the alignment after creation.
View in one direction: with the Alignment=YES/NO button as with a section.
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Bill of material
It is now possible to carry out an automatic indexing of a view by using indices with information. The new
ADD MULTI-ARROWS option belonging to the Index function lets you index the same one piece in
several different parts of the document.
Hooking stability in the views
A radius dimension on a drilled hole having a fillet at its base will remain hooked when the the fillet is
A linear dimension that remains hooked to a segment cut in two (e.g. by a groove) will remain hooked
when the groove is removed (return to just one segment).
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TopSolidFold 2008: What's New TopSolid2008
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TopSolidFold 2008: What's New
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This document describes the improvements made to the sheet metal design application of the
TopSolidFold software: 2008 version.
In the calculation mode of the flange length in POINT mode, it is now possible to specify an offset value
which lets you ensure a gap with the sheet metal.
Both the radius and the folding angle can be specified without having to use the PARAMETER option.
Swept flange
It is now possible to define a linear generatrix without having to draw it first, by giving it a length and an
angle of inclination.
Improvements have been made to the handling of closed swept flanges.
Improvements have been made to the handling of the edge breaks that are now constructed so as to
present a minimum width.
The parameters of the form of the notches at the base of the edge breaks can be defined.
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The function now has an improved operating mode for the closure of the openings between flanges.
During the selection of two neighboring boundary edges TopSolidFold suggests default overlapping
(corner-corner, hidden and inclined field).
The old mode of operation is accessible via the ONE EDGE option.
Extrude face
It is now possible to use this function for reducing the dimension of a face.
Break corners
The handling of rectangular break corners has been improved.
Groove: groove on a lateral face
This new option lets you apply grooves or slots (face extrusion) on the lateral faces. This function is
intended for plastic sheet metal working or very thick sheet metal working.
It is possible to carry out a solid flattening that keeps the grooves for machine milling.
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20 Missler Software
Unfold a fold / Refold a fold
The functions can handle the conical parts.
The Fillet/Chamfer command is now available in the sheet metal menu. It automatically filters the lateral
edges and suggests a set of simplified parameters for speeding up the creation of fillets/chamfers on the
sheet metal.
The fillets/chamfers on boundary edges are now recognized as lateral faces.
Solid flattening
The unrolling of conical surfaces is now supported.
The lateral faces of the folds are now rebuilt.
Boilerwork assistant
Improvements have been made to the broadening function, which lets you create more complex
boilerwork shapes.
Sheet metal converter
Visualize face geometry
This function now integrates a verification of the edge sewing tolerance and displays the edges whose
sewing tolerance is greater than a given value.
Too large a sewing tolerance indicates the part needs to be repaired or cleaned, otherwise problems may
be encountered at the solid flattening level.
Visualizing face geometry
A new Repair loops option lets you reconstruct the base surfaces of a metal sheet by improving the
connection of the face definition loops (removal of the open loops in the parametric space).
Modify face type
During the selection of the faces to modify, the Follow tangential faces = YES/NO option has been
TopSolidFold 2008: What's New TopSolid2008
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It is now possible to assign local losses to several faces all at one time. During the unfolding of a
surface, it is now possible to control the side towards which the thickness is applied. A new option for
the orientation of the unfolding is available. This lets you orientate the unfolding in such a way that its
encompassing rectangle is as small as possible. In this case, the unfolding is oriented so that the
largest dimension of the encompassing rectangle obtained is aligned with the X axis of the
destination reference.
These dimensions can be returned as properties for the template part and displayed in the bill of
material. They can then be used for making estimates, for example.
When the Display fold edges option is activated, the position of the created borders is calculated in
relation to the unrolled length of the fold, taking into account the losses at the applied folds (before,
the length used was equal to the length of the fold at the level of the interior radius).
A new representation option is available for displaying a fold line with two segments at the start and
end of the fold.
The parameters of the displayed segments can be modified.
Displaying fold information
The following information can now be displayed:
The unrolled length of the fold
The value of the equivalent neutral fiber coefficient
TopSolid2008 TopSolidFold 2008: What's New
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The type of loss calculation used for the calculation of the fold length.
It is now possible to mark the unfolded folds with a local loss.
Displaying the angle
It is possible to not display the fold angle value for folds of 90 (only angles that are not 90 will be
See Unstamping, page 42.
Improvement of the automatic dimensioning.
TopSolidWood 2008: What's New TopSolid2008
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TopSolidWood 2008: What's New
TopSolid2008 TopSolidWood 2008: What's New
24 Missler Software
This document describes the improvements made to the design and draft application of the
TopSolidWood software: 2008 version.
Panel entity
The interactivity of the panel entity has been improved in order to provide better ergonomics.
Advanced adjustments are done visually in a window.
In addition to the definition of the panel model, the Copy panel function lets you directly reuse the
settings of a panel entity already done in the document.
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Assembly kit
A new function lets you make multi-component assemblies in one single operation.
Definition of assembly models
These models of assembly kits are directly defined by the user by way of an assistant, with standard
eccentric components, pins, screws and lamellos.
Assembly kits use
A new assembly function lets you use these assembly kit models that automate the repetitions and
activation of associated processes.
Note: the bill of material representation of these assembly kits can be displayed in three different ways:
Components (without the sub-assembly kit)
Kit (without the components that make it up)
Kit and components (intermediate kit sub-assembly)
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26 Missler Software
Definition of distributions
The ergonomics of the distribution definition window has been revised for better understanding and to
integrate a new extension mode.
This new advanced mode permits two types of distribution:
Calculation of the start and end distances according to the number, the steps and the minimum
predefined distances. (exists in version 6.8)
Calculation of the start and end distances and step according to the number, the minimal predefined
distances, and a unitary step. The step will be the largest multiple of the unitary step that permits the
respect of the constraints of number and minimal distances.
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Edge configuration editor
This new function is for detecting the edges present in a document, and to enable the user to make a
precise selection by way of different specific criteria so that they can be interchanged with another edge
This interchangeability of edges is possible, irrespective of their design level and their positioning method
(panel entity or Edge function).
Moulding, grooving and rebating
The modification of the operation in the assembly of the new version brings even more flexibility to
modeling. It allows the modification of the moulding, grooving and rebating of several parts
TopSolid2008 TopSolidWood 2008: What's New
28 Missler Software
simultaneously, irrespective of their assembly level. This is achieved without altering the model
This functions authorizes not only the interchange of tools but also to set the different parameters of the
selected operation:
Lead in and lead out conditions
The values of the X-Z offsets and of the angle
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Property configuration editor
A new function lets you assign new properties to different parts contained in the document, irrespective
of their assembly level.
In the same way as in the edge configuration editor, users can precisely select by way of different
specific criteria, the parts to which they wish to apply these properties.
Personalization of the automatic coding
TopSolid'Wood 2008 allows the user to create, in a bill of material file, a so-called "coding" property. This
coding is established by way of a concatenation of information available in the bill of material. The user
can therefore personalize this property and use it as a bill of material index, in a title block or as a file
name when exporting.
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30 Missler Software
Wood hatchings are now available in the 2008 version.
Several hatching designs are delivered with this new version, e.g. wood block (cross cut and rift cut),
blockboard, plywood, fiberboard, MDF etc. As none of these designs have been standardized, users
have the possibility of easily creating and saving their own designs in the configuration.
All of these hatchings can be associated with the materials, and respect the direction of the grain
attributed in the parts' definition. The hatching of the surfaces is therefore completely linked to the
definition of the 3D model and the direction of the grain.
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Interrupted view in two directions
The interrupted view of the 2008 version allows one or several interruptions in both directions (direction
of X and/or Y axes).
Machining export in 2D
This new export allows the generation of tagged DXF files that can be configured for machining with
machine manufacturers' software. On the same principles as existing interfaces:
Selection: Unitary or Multi-part
Reference face: Manual or Parts Definition
Selection of the configuration
The objective is to export the different geometries on the different layers.
These layers are named automatically according to the tool names and a Z altitude. The color of the
elements of each layer is also attributed automatically.
This export can edited by the user on a first level.
The standard configurations supplied are:
TopSolid2008 TopSolidWood 2008: What's New
32 Missler Software
4- Campus (NC-Hops)
5- TwinCam 32
Changes to the PanelCam interface
Exporting from TopSolidWood 2008 to PanelCam has been enriched by the bill of material information
by directly exploiting the panel optimization of PanelCam.
The TopSolidWood 2008 configuration has been further enriched. All of the software's default settings in
terms of files are now directly accessible via one single dialogue box.
Default choice:
Of tools (moulding, grooving etc.)
Of assembly components (pins, eccentric components etc.)
Of sorting for parts selection (for multi-draft and machining exports)
Of symbol for grain direction
Of interface-linked applications.
TopSolidMold 2008: Whats New TopSolid2008
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TopSolidMold 2008: Whats New
With the courtesy of EC Duplex (Hungary)
TopSolid2008 TopSolidMold 2008: Whats New
34 Missler Software
This document describes the improvements made to the conception of mold application of the
TopSolid'Mold software in the version 2008.
Parting elements
Split in 2 shells
Once designed the parting lines, you can now ask for the 2 shells splitting. It would allow you to check
your geometry, or to help you in your insert design. At the end, you will get the Aside and Bside shells.
Create your Parting lines on your part to inject .
Start the function Create part shell .
Select your part.
The software creates the upper and lower shells, regarding the part and parting lines. Those shells are
associative. They will be on layers and with colors defined in Tools | Options.
Shells control
Sometimes, you are trying to design a mold with "poor" design. Even if you had used our
TopSolid'Design tools to fix and got a valid and solid shape, some "problems" could appear on your part.
For example, you can have a non detected linked face between the Aside and the Bside of your part.
Generally, today this problem occurs when you try to trim your CC blocks.
You can now check visually where the failure appears. The software will allow you to detect, face by face,
where is the area to repair. How to do that?
In the Check function , start the Parts shell validity.
Select the part to analyze
The software shows you a first face, then the "progression" of this shell.
If a link exists between the upper and the lower sides, you see it directly on the part.
You will be able to :
Zoom on the concerned surfaces
Advance / Go back in your detection echo
TopSolidMold 2008: Whats New TopSolid2008
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Set the attributes parameters (layer, transparency, colors) for those elements in Tools | Options.
In the Check function , launch the mode Test parting surfaces. A new option allows you to check
where the sewing operations failure betweens the 2 shells and the parting surfaces occurs. It is easier
now to see where the area to fix is.
Creation wizard
Until now, you were able to insert your movement components one by one (slide, guiding rails,
locking heel, and angular pins). A Wizard helps you now to:
Choose your components in one time, and to insert this movement assembly once the selection is
Move in your wizard to adjust the movement parameters. In this way, you can optimize your different
Save your movement configuration, and call them back in a new mold design.
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Components server
Use the TopSolids components server mechanism. Currently, all the components are created in the end-
use Mold document. In some case, it could grow up the file size. TopSolidMold can now manage the
identical components in the way to save computation time and reduce the size of your documents.
Components bookmarks
As in TopSolidDesign, the most used components can be grouped in a bookmark document. They will
be displayed in the Bookmark tab in your symbolic tree. You will be able to drag and drop those
components from your tree to the graphical area, to insert them in your current design.
We add the following libraries:
Polimod (Brazil)
Totalmatrix (Chili)
New types of components have been added in the existing libraries:
Mold support bolts
Bushing balls
Design management
Predefined Mold sub assemblies
We create new predefined sub assemblies to allows you a faster exploitation of your mold 3D design.
When you insert Mold components, those ones will be directly affected to their correct sub assemblies.
Of course, the manual management is possible. The predefined sub assemblies are managed in Tools |
Options | BOM.
The created sub assemblies are:
With screw management
With ejector pins management
Bolts and screws
Only with screws management
Ejector pins
Standard components
Machined elements
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With machined standard components management
For example, once you had inserted your ejector pins, the creation of the ejector pins BOM in the 2D will
be very easy. And add a component will automatically update the ejector pins set.
It becomes very simple to create filtered BOM, on different formats, exploitable directly to help you to
manage your production and your orders.
Associative rough
In the Visu and BOM window, the stock information is now an associative data. Moreover, you can now
A rectangular stock dimensions
A cylindrical stock dimensions
BOM properties
The BOM properties had been renamed, sorted out, some of them created (regarding the new
predefined mold sub assemblies) to allow a better use in your BOM definition.
Mold versions
We add some specific functions to allow a faster management of your Mold versions. The functions:
Slave part creation and use
Affectation of elements that come from many files
2D creation from different versions.
They are driven by this new management. You can allow to more than one designer to work on a version,
and then integrate their works in a final Mold design.
This file will be easily manageable because:
You can create so much versions as needed
Get an automatic recognition of the common elements
Assign by yourself some elements to a version or to the common design
Display a specific version
Work in this version, regarding the other versions that are your current design.
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Square orbit for planar electrode
A new strategy is available in TopSolidElectrode 2008: the square planar orbit. You can set your
undersize to this type of electrode. The software will manage automatically the pocket radius.
Affect as an electrode
It is now possible to affect a shape (dead solid, TopSolidDesign form) and to assign it as an electrode
in the TopSolidElectrode module.
Analyze Flow analysis
Technical integration with Moldflow
Once the part to inject insertion is done, you will be ready to transfer your 3D TopSolidMold data to the
plastic simulation software Moldflow Plastics Advisers (MPA) of Moldflow Corporation. The use of
the flow analysis during the earliest stages of your mold design will allow you to evaluate the
manufacturing feasibility of every part iteration.
TopSolidMold 2008: Whats New TopSolid2008
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You can find the link to Moldflow in the text menu Part Export to Moldflow.
Link to ANSYS
Missler Software and ANSYS developed an interface between TopSolid and ANSYS solutions. It
allows structure analysis need to part validation. This link is now also available in TopSolidMold 2008.
You can find it in the text menu ANSYS.
TopSolid2008 TopSolidMold 2008: Whats New
40 Missler Software
TopSolidProgress 2008: Whats New TopSolid2008
Missler Software 41
TopSolidProgress 2008: Whats New
With the courtesy of EC Duplex (Hungary)
TopSolid2008 TopSolidProgress 2008: Whats New
42 Missler Software
This document describes the improvements made to the conception of progressive tool application of the
TopSolidProgress software in the version 2008.
Preparation of the part
Sheet metal converter Visualize geometry of faces
This function integrates now a check of the tolerance of sewing of edges and displays the edges which
the tolerance of sewing is superior to a given value.
A too big sewing tolerance indicates that it is necessary to work on the repair or on the cleaning of the
part because problems could ensue from during process.
Sheet metal converter Visualize geometry of faces
A new option, REPAIR BOUNDARIES allows rebuilding the basic surfaces of a sheet metal part by
improving the connection of the loops of definition of faces (closing of loops opened in the parametric
A new simulation parameter is available: the penetration radius. It allows refining the meshing in the
bottom of the curve surface. This value was previously coupled with the meshing tolerance. It is
interesting to affect values smaller than that of the tolerance of meshing (of a factor 2 approximately).
Meshing tolerance: meshing refinement of the edges of the rounded surface.
Penetration radius: meshing refinement in the bottom of the curve surface.
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44 Missler Software
During an unstamping with a projection surface, it is now possible to uncheck the rough boundaries
mode and choose the rebuilt boundaries mode: the boundaries are re-interpolated. Furthermore, in this
case, the edges corresponding to the fixed edges are not rebuilt.
The option Generate surface allows to trim automatically the projection surface with the
contour got with the simulation.
TopSolidProgress 2008: Whats New TopSolid2008
Missler Software 45
When you want to recreate unstamping shape, now it is not thickened automatically. Only a
surface is created.
Leading surface
A new option is available to choose the extrusion direction of the surface faces: Position of tangents =
Edges path extremities. The other mode is Position of tangents = Edges extremities. It was the mode
which was systematically used previously. As it selects extrusion direction for each segment, result is
more irregular as shown bellow.
Import part / Unbended
A new option is available: Import 3D part only. It allows importing the 3D model to work in the inverse
sense of the process of shaping, by unfolding and by local unstamping.
TopSolid2008 TopSolidProgress 2008: Whats New
46 Missler Software
Duplicate imported part
It is possible to create an imported unbended part from a part in the same group applying a
transformation (translation, rotation, symmetry). The new part is automatically inserted in the same group
than the model part. It is possible to duplicate an imported part, not matter if is unbended or not.
A new parameter is available: the penetration radius. It allows refining the meshing in the bottom of
the curve surface. This value was previously coupled with the meshing tolerance. It is interesting to
affect values smaller than that of the tolerance of meshing (of a factor 2 approximately).
The option Choose v-tools by bend radius was added.
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Missler Software 47
Strip creation
If the part to be treated was imported without unbending, the strip is automatically created in mode
3D too. Only the geometry of the part is integrated into the stations, without addition of the matter
defining the strip. In this case, the draft area is not created. The operations of unbending or local uns-
tamping are naturally put back on the following stations.
It is now possible to invert the strip direction (regarding to the direction X+ defined by the strip
It is now possible to shift the position of the stations regarding the strip frame. For example, we can
position the third station frame on the strip frame. Furthermore, it possible to have always the last sta-
tion on the frame of the strip about is the number of station.
It is now possible to create a strip with an unbended part without adding the matter around the
part. This option is particularly interesting for the transfer technology or for the quick strip conception
(preliminary mode).
New methodology to create strip
The evolutions presented above allow a new methodology of strip creation for the treatment of the
complex parts:
The principle is to combine a conception of an inverted strip (regarding to the process of shaping) and
TopSolid2008 TopSolidProgress 2008: Whats New
48 Missler Software
a conception of "classic strip" (in the order of the process of shaping).
We begin by importing the 3D part, and then create a 3D strip (by inverting the order of the stations).
We apply then the operations of local unstamping and / or the operations of unfolding.
We use one of the intermediate stages of shaping to calculate an unbended of the part with the func-
tion Import part (use Sheet metal converter, in associative mode). This unbended allows the crea-
tion of a 2D strip to define the punching. The intermediate stages are re-applied on the strip by using
the function unite on station.
Cut part
This function allows now to choose the main part among the isolated shapes. This option has been
added to allow its use on the 3D strip, for example during the preparation stage for a local unstamping.
It is now possible to define a punching depth to design some punching operations that are offset
regarding the cutting reference plane( cutting after forming operations, or half punching).
Furthermore, is it possible to ask to keep the strip loss. corresponding to the cut. A value allows to set the
vertical offset applied to this strip loss. This option can be used, for example, when the punching
operation releases a part (the part is the strip loss).
Finally, it is possible to position only the cutting profiles, without any creation of punching operations on
Transform a piece of part
This function allows to transform a piece of part in the strip by a bending or unbending transformation.
A free transformation is also allowed. This function is associative. It is also available during the part
preparation stage.
TopSolidProgress 2008: Whats New TopSolid2008
Missler Software 49
Die base
The function Define Die base can generate an Excel catalog file. You only have to fill your Excel file that
will drive your die base in your TopSolidProgress document.
Components server
Use the TopSolids components server mechanisms. Currently, all the components are created in the
end-use Progress document. In some case, it could grow up the file size. TopSolidProgress can now
manage the identical components in the way to save computation time and reduce the size of your
Components bookmarks
As in TopSolidDesign, the most used components can be grouped in a bookmark document. They will
be displayed in the Bookmark tab in your symbolic tree. You will be able to drag and drop those
components from your tree to the graphical area, to insert them in your current design.
TopSolid2008 TopSolidProgress 2008: Whats New
50 Missler Software
Components configuration
It is now possible to affect, for each kind of components, a default layer and color values.
When you configure the process clearances, it is now possible to define a standard tolerance linked to a
dimension. You define it as tolerance interval.
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Missler Software 51
Components creation Processes
The definition of the set of faces can be made on an auxiliary shape. This shape is different from the
Spring sample : we will detect the component
collision regarding the cylindrical shown shape
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52 Missler Software
Tools and dies
Die clearing
The computing of the enclosing circle was been improved, it is now exact. It is possible to define a table
of predefined diameters of drilling to round automatically the dimensions of the circular removals. It
allows getting diameters of die clearing used usually in the company.
Composite surface
This new function allows creating a surface with copying the faces taken from on or several shapes. The
faces are sewn. This function will be particularly useful to define the trimming surfaces for the forming
punches and stamping die operation.
Stamping die operation
This function is redefined. Now a trim is available with a surface (in particular, with using the composite
surface function).
TopSolidProgress 2008: Whats New TopSolid2008
Missler Software 53
Visualization/ Global visu
In the tree of the tool presentation, it is possible to group the parts with the same designation in the same
Forces analysis
This function has been totally redefined to allow local analysis on some strip area. The function of
global forces computation applied to a strip is of course still usable.
It is also possible to create a restricted analysis linked to a kind of operation (punching, bending). It
is also allowed to manage manually a restricted analysis to a kind of operation (e.g., to only consider
punching operations).
It is possible to define manually all type of forces (punching, bending,..). This way to do is often used
to add stamping forces that are not considered during the automatic computation.
For all those defined forces, we can now compute the center of the forces, information that could be
very useful to balance the tooling set during the insertion of the die base.
TopSolid2008 TopSolidProgress 2008: Whats New
54 Missler Software
It is also possible to project in 2D the forces visualization computed by the forces analysis.
Include tooling set
This function is equivalent to Assembly / Include sub assembly part, but it allows to filter the tooling
set characteristics ( Strip set, Punch set, Dies set, Stripper set).
It allows you to work in a collaborative way. In a master document, you design your strip and the main
die base elements. Once done, you can include this master document in other sub files. At the end,
those design documents are re included in the final assembly.
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Tooling checking
It is now possible to check if the main tooling sets are present in the Progress document. If they are not,
you can automatically re affect them. To do that, please start the function Tools | Rebuild tooling sets.
Main strip
Module 1
Module 2
Final assembly
TopSolid2008 TopSolidProgress 2008: Whats New
56 Missler Software
Tooling views
The Open book projection mode is now available in a vertical direction.
A new mode view, Die+Stripper set / Puch set has been added.
Multi draft
It is now possible to add automatically the drilling tables during the multi draft creation.
To be able to use this function, you must specify a keyword in your configuration file.
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58 Missler Software
Edition of the geometry of drilling cycles
Addition of elements (points, circles or cylinders)
Deletion of elements
Possibility of manual edition of the order of drillings (and option of optimization of the tool path for
each operation)
Edition of operations linked to the same process
Analyze Cylinders / Features
In the cylinders analysis, as in drilling forms analysis, the operator can choose criteria which deter-
mine holes to be regrouped together (ex: to regroup or not by Z levels). The search for cylinders (but-
ton Search for cylinders) is configurable in the same way for each operation. The parameters of
configuration are henceforth saved in the file.
An icon is shown in front of each drilling shape. This icon indicates if existing operations allow the
possibility to machine all the elements of the drilling shape. There are 3 cases:
Already created operations did not machine the feature
Already created operations totally machine all the elements of the feature
TopSolidCam 2008: Whats New TopSolid2008
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Already created operations machine only a part of the elements of the feature. In this case, the user can
see which of the feature remain to be machined (Right click on the feature, in the contextual menu, Choo-
se Infos).
During the selection of a cylinder, the operator can carry out a search for the cylinders which have the
same diameter (also for circles). In case the operator drills circles and/or points, he can specify res-
pectively values by default of the depth and/or the diameter. A list enabling the choice of a filter of
selection was added (filters: none, cylinders, circles, points). In the case where the user selected
holes with different diameters, tools are filtered between the smallest and biggest diameter.
Edition of chip breaker personalized directly from the dialog box of the drilling.
Modification of the cycle of deep drilling to take into account fixed cycles as well as different methodo-
logies from approach.
Centering / tipping
Dissociation of fields Diameter and Depth in the dialogue boxes of centering and tipping.
Management of the staggered drills
For drilling, axial drilling, radial drilling and drilling on the axis in turning operations realized with staggered
drills by using the second diameter, an option allowing the possibility to move the origin of the drilling to-
wards the driven point is henceforth present in the tab Cutting conditions.
TopSolid2008 TopSolidCam 2008: Whats New
60 Missler Software
2D Milling
Milling and pocketing on sketches
TopSolid'Design sketches can be used for the contouring and pocketing operations.
Mouse facing
Possibility of creating tool paths leaning on one or several faces of a solid, even though these are circular,
by using, or not, the tool compensation.
Contour milling and pocketing
Edition of the height of 2D pocketing realized on profiles (directly in the dialog box).
Contour milling
Possibility of making the approach and retract strategies identical. This avoids defining the same
parameters twice.
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Management of a draft angle for contour milling realized on profiles.
Possibility of changing the position of material side for contour milling realized on profiles (directly in
the dialog box).
Contour milling by Plunge roughing
Possibility of machining by going down and going up! It assumes the use of special tools, of some fi-
nishing operations and the operation must to go through the part.
TopSolid2008 TopSolidCam 2008: Whats New
62 Missler Software
3D Milling
Possibility of setting the angle of approach / retract for all 3D machining.
In the case of checked surfaces, TopSolidCam 2008 offers the possibility of selecting the stock to
leave, by associating a color code with a defined stock to leave. It is also possible to apply these
rules to the finished part itself (without selecting checked surfaces). However, this mode of functio-
ning is voluntarily restricted to checked surfaces for the moment.
Possibility of setting a maximal distance between points in finishing and left material operations.
Possibility of defining a tolerance of machining < 1 micron in 3D operations.
Roughing operations
A new variable allows the machining of pockets from the outside to the inside. This parameter is
active when the machining is in spiral mode or in successive contouring mode.
In the "roughing by Z levels" mode, the flat faces are machined during the machining of each level (in
previous versions they were machined at the end of the roughing operation). However, a flat face is
machined only after the Z level below it has been roughed.
Machining of flat faces
All roughing types of machining are authorized.
The Z approach is managed differently. The machining begins at the height of the stock + security
distance, contrary to what happened before (Starting Z).
The machining of the flat faces in sweeping mode has a new option allowing the choice between zig-
zag or square cycles.
Approaches of the machining of flat faces can also be made in helix.
Approaches and retracts of the machining of flat faces are customizable.
Possibility of creating arcs of circle for approaches and retracts to limit the number of points when the
TopSolidCam 2008: Whats New TopSolid2008
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tolerance is "very small".
Undercut Z-Level
Possibility of defining points of plunge.
The tool paths are optimized. For the same Z level when a pass ends, it is the closest following tool
path which is machined.
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64 Missler Software
Left material machining
Possibility of making several passes by managing several stock levels to be left during 3D left material
5D Milling
5 axis contouring
Management of angular strokes bigger than 1 revolution (for example: from -90 to 360)
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Machining of aeronautical pockets
The machining of "aeronautical" pockets in 5 axes (rough & finish) is back. This new improvement must
be confirmed with a user.
Tilted revolution Parallel plane machining
Possibility of setting an angle of tilting. The machining becomes 5 axis machining. Attention, the non ac-
cessible areas stay non accessible!
Basic Milling Operations
Addition of a parameter which allows the setting a duration for DMB, REM, PP Words commands.
TopSolid2008 TopSolidCam 2008: Whats New
66 Missler Software
TopSolidDesign sketches can be used for the following turning operations: roughing, plunge roughing,
contouring, copying, profiling and threading.
Axial and radial drilling
Automatic recognition of features and cylinders for axial and radial operations.
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Addition of a function allowing execution of axial and radial drilling operations on 2 turrets so that
these operations are realized simultaneously.
Roughing operations divided by 2
Rather than to divide the roughing cycle by distributing passes on 2 tools, it is the same pass which is
realized with 2 tools by doubling the feed rate and by moving tools in Z. With this cycle, plunge in pockets
becomes possible. In the menu, function Roughing divide by / 2 has been renamed Machining on 2
Breaking angle
In the function breaking angle, addition of an option allowing the regroupment of chamfers which can be
realized in a single plunge (ex: 2 chamfers being on top of a groove).
Spindle movement
Addition of a parameter specifying the length of the "slow" movement of the spindle. If this length is 0 or
is superior to the movement of the spindle, there will be no rapid movement. The value by default is 50
TopSolid2008 TopSolidCam 2008: Whats New
68 Missler Software
Dialog boxes
All the input fields of a real value can have five decimals except in the cases where it is not necessary.
Cylinder of security
For table-head machines or for Mill/Turn machines, the cylinder of security is a better solution to manage
the movements of approach and retract as well as inter-operation movements.
Dynamic collisions
Addition of the detection of collisions with jaws when they are in rotation (turning). (NC Data)
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Operations plan
Function Reproduction of an operations plan allows the reproduction of the operations plan of a part A
on a part B, which are morphologically (completely) different. In turning, the operation ranges are often
similar for totally different parts.
Operations manager
Addition of an internal function to save and to restore current position of the cursor in the operations
manager dialogue box. It enables the user to find the operations manager in the state it was left in.
Access to the configuration settings by the contextual menu.
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70 Missler Software
Tool paths Modifiers
The picking of points, to set modifiers, uses a multi-selection mode. (So, it is possible to set the same feed
rate for a group of points).
Possibility to create a manual WCS by selecting a face.
Possibility to use the machine work coordinate system as a reference for the calculation of the WCSs
of the part.
Possibility to propagate 4 axis machining when the axis of circular propagation or the linear direction is
merged with the axis of rolling-up.
Possibility of specifying a file for the stock by default. This stock is loaded in every check.
A color chart to explain the results of a comparison can be permanently shown on the screen.
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Addition of the variable Tool.wcs.min and Tool.wcs.max. They represent the minimum and maximum
movements of all the machining made on the same WCS as the first machining of the tool. (Kodama)
Addition of the variable Tool.allwcs.min and Tool.allwcs.max. They represent the minimum and maxi-
mum movements of all the machining made with this tool, even though the WCS is different. It is
about minimum and maximum on every WCS. If the first machining comes down to Z-10 in coordina-
tes of its WCS, and which the second goes down to Z-30 on its own WCS, it is -30 that one will find in
Addition of a graphic zone to view the part in setup sheets. In this graphic zone it is possible to show
the finished solid, the stock, tool paths, the part and\or the clamping. (Please note that the clamping
refers only to the objects which are linked to an element of the machine (see the appropriate com-
mand)). This type of view is available in all types of setup sheets. This new template is called 'detailed
The PDB supplies parameters user defined in the Design document of the part. It allows the user to take
out parameters in the ISO.
Tool changer
Possibility of copying tools of a tool changer of a document towards a tool changer of another document
by keeping the numbers of tools.
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72 Missler Software
Save the current association in the document. If the loaded association is unknown on the computer, it is
the previous current association which is used.
TopSolidWoodCam 2008: What's New TopSolid2008
Missler Software 73
TopSolidWoodCam 2008: What's New
TopSolid2008 TopSolidWoodCam 2008: What's New
74 Missler Software
This document describes the improvements made to the design and draft application of the
TopSolidDraft software: 2008 version.
Machining cycle
5-axis machining
The TopSolid'Wood 5-axis operations of profiling, grooving and rabbeting that are no longer limited to the
faces of the reference planes are now automatically connected in TopSolidWoodCam.
The resulting generated 3D tool paths, let you operate easily and continuously, numerically controlled
machining centers having 5-axis heads.
Continuous 4-axis machining
Continuous machining of grooves on non planar lateral faces is now possible. The possibilities for using
aggregates with a simpler implementation are thus multiplied. The use of aggregates is no longer limited
to "4 axis positioned".
TopSolidWoodCam 2008: What's New TopSolid2008
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Machine management
Guidance of positioning strips and suction cups
New ergonomics let you manage the positioning of strips and suction cups. This management is
completely linked to the kinematics of the machine. These positions that are defined virtually in
TopSolidWoodCam can therefore be automatically retransmitted to the machine via the post-processor.
This new functionality can be used on machines possessing the digital positioning of strips and suction
cups either by digital axes or by LED display.
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76 Missler Software
Multi machining
A new multi machining functionality lets you automatically display the list of operations in the journal that
haven't been handled. This helps prevent against forgotten tasks during programming.
Two Nesting creation modes are now possible for machining.
Creation of all parts: This lets you intervene manually (choice of operations to deal with) on each of
the parts even when these are identical.
Propagation of identical parts: For faster processing, the operations concerning identical pieces are
extended when there is no need to differentiate between these at a machining level.
Tool paths
A new lead in mode for calibrations, openings and cuts is available.
It allows for progressive attacking right in the material via plunge ramping.
TopSolidPunchCut 2008: What's New TopSolid2008
Missler Software 77
TopSolidPunchCut 2008: What's New
TopSolid2008 TopSolidPunchCut 2008: What's New
78 Missler Software
This document describes the improvements made to the sheet metal machining application of the
TopSolidPunchCut software: version 2008.
Multi-documents import
Option of importing TOP -> PCH files from a tabulated file list (as already exists for the importing of DXF/
DWG/IGES multi-documents).
Tools, Options
Starting with a part file, use the Miscellaneous, Import, TOP>PCH Multi-documents, FROM FILE LIST
Validate general parameters:
Indicate the name of the "part files backup directory"
Validate or otherwise the inputted data in task manager
Automatic parts machining
At the time of PCH file creation, it is possible to start the automatic machining of each file separately.
Depending on the different technologies, the automatic machining will be handled as follows:
Punching machine only
Default loading of the standard turret, if it has been defined
Positioning of the automatic tool assembly
Automatic allocation of tools in safe mode
Laser only
Search for the direction of advance and the corner in the Tools, Options, Cut, Machining
associated with the nesting parameters
Search for the contour closest to the corner
Automatic cutting and linking
TopSolidPunchCut 2008: What's New TopSolid2008
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Default loading of the standard turret, if it has been defined
Positioning of the automatic tool assembly
Automatic allocation of tools in "safe" mode of contours made with a single punch
Search for the direction of advance and the corner in the Tools, Options, Cut, Machining
associated with the nesting parameters
Search for the non-punched contour closest to the corner
Automatic cutting and linking of the rest of the part
Tool speed and strike rate management in the operator card
Possibility of entering the information on Speed and Strike Rate codes per tool and per material/
thickness. This information can be altered in the simulation of a given nesting and is edited in the Draft
operator card. The "SPEED" and/or "STRIKE RATE" column needs to be added to the stations_infos
designation table.
Tools management
A new button on the Strike conditions heading lets you manage the speeds per material /
TopSolid2008 TopSolidPunchCut 2008: What's New
80 Missler Software
Choose a Material from the list
Choose a new thickness and then click on the ADD button
Replace the general default values for speed and strike rate with the new values.
The REMOVE button lets you delete the information pertaining to the thickness on which the focus is
found in the Thickness (dmm) list.
To modify the speed and strike rate values, choose the thickness from the Thickness list and change the
The Copy Material button lets you apply the parameters of the current material to other materials in the
Choose the materials to which you're going to apply the same speed and strike rate parameters for
the different chosen thicknesses. By ticking the Copy all thicknesses box, it is possible to recopy all
the thicknesses of the model material.
The Copy Parameters button in the Tool characteristics dialogue box now lets you use the Speed
and Strike rate data for one tool with a selection of tools.
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Altering the default values in the simulation operations order dialogue box
After calculating the simulation, it is possible to alter the speed and strike rate default values for the tools
relative to a nesting, by using the Speed and strike rate per tool button.
The locally modified values are kept when we Reinitialize the strategies and also when we Reinitialize
the simulation in the drive. To reestablish the tool management default values, use the Default
parameters button.
Changes to the management of the punches/matrices
Lets you define the punches/matrices clearance by material/thickness in the tool parameters.
Function accessibility
In tools management
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82 Missler Software
By using the Copy material button, it is possible to transfer the sets of a given material to other
materials. With the Copy parameters button in the tool characteristics dialogue box, it is possible to
transfer the punches/matrices clearance of one tool to other tools.
The punches/matrices clearance can still be adjusted in the turret modification box.
It can be displayed in the DRAFT operator card with the list of tools.
Punched lettering with obligatory sequences
Creating an obligatory sequence taking in all of the curves that define the text letters of the punched
Color parameters for differentiating the cut and the marking
Associating one color of the TopSolid elements for the curves that are going to be cut and one color of
the TopSolid elements for the curves that are going to be marked.
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Function accessibility
Tools, Options
To use this option, it is necessary to tick the Use the colors of the Design document elements box.
It is possible to choose one color for the elements that are going to be cut and one color for the elements
that are going to be marked. Elements with other colors will not be handled by the automatic assignment
of the laser.
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84 Missler Software
Cutting document
For punching, the marking option for free geometries and lettering has been added to Tools, Options.
Split line the format into several parts
Splitting the sheet metal vertically and then horizontally at adjustable distances depending on the size of
the format. Placing micro joints whose spacing is given.
Menu Split line, Split line format in several parts
Possibility of configuring a function for memorizing the parameters by machine. Preconfigured
parameters can be changed for the current nesting.
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Cutting parameters viewer
A new function of the Part, Cut, Common, Visualize the cutting parameters used menu.
This function displays a dialogue box that lists all the cutting parameters used in the part document. Each
parameter is differentiated by a color that is temporarily applied to the cutting element that possesses
that parameter. It is also possible to hide the support geometries as well as the links between cuts.
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86 Missler Software
Changing the cutting gas at the end of nesting
Lets you change at the last moment the cutting gas in the nesting before starting the post processor. This
function modifies not only the cutting parameters of the nesting file trajectories but also all of the part files
on which the nesting depends in association with the new cutting gas requested.
N.B. If the nesting file is saved, all of the parts files will also be saved with the new cutting gas.
Function accessibility
The General parameters function in the nesting document. The list of cutting gases is no longer grayed
out and the new gas can be selected. .
This action requests a confirmation:
If a cutting parameter corresponding to a given geometry type and dimension hasn't been found for the
new gas, the updating state of the nesting turns orange
Example: the "Diam. int.#3" contour type was chosen for the initial gas and doesn't exist in the new gas:
the nearest parameter is therefore chosen for the new gas.
The cutting gas used can be indicated on the operator card.
Word #gas_used#
Changes to the burning function
It is now possible to burn a selection of parts.
The possibility now exists to burn only the trajectory lead ins and not the entire trajectory.
A STOP can now be added to the end of the burning cycle.
Ergonomics modification
Cut, Common, Protected sheet metal management function.
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The function now has an OK button for validating modifications.
When you select a burning mode other than "None", a new question bar appears.
By default, all parts of the sheet metal are burned (visualization by hatching).
If only certain parts need to be burned, choose "selection" in the combo and graphically select the parts
to be burned.
The selection of parts to be burned can be changed.
Choose between burning all of the cuts or just the "lead ins". Add a STOP at the end of the burning cycle.
Don't forget to validated the modifications with the OK button before changing the function.
Changes to the Lead in function
Shrink lead in on the open cuts
Once a lead in/lead out is added, this will be outside the geometry to be machined. When cutting an open
geometry, more material is cut.
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88 Missler Software
Shrink lead in lets you carry out the lead in on a given length from the start point of the open geometry.
In the Tools, Options menu, indicate for a given machine if you want to shrink lead in on open cuts, and
decide on the default length of this lead in. (the same goes for the lead out).
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During the machining of the open cut, the lead in is carried out on the inside of the curve itself.
A limitation point makes the separation possible.
The length of the lead in can be changed with the wrench.
If you move the limitation point with the function, the size of the lead in is also changed.
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Cutting parameters
In the cutting parameters on the ES tab, you can fine-tune the dimensions of the lead in and lead out on
an open curve.

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