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Tay Kim Gaik Centre for Science Studies, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia <tay@uthm.edu.my> Rosmila Abdul-Kahar Centre for Science Studies, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia <rosmila@uthm.edu.my> Abstract
In most examinations, scientific calculator is used to do calculation. As compared to Casio fx-570MS, Casio fx570ES calculator is more users friendly. The display of the n x m matrix is more natural which is exactly in their mathematical form. This natural textbook display will avoid confusion among students as Casio fx-570MS only shows one line expression. In this paper, a collection of keystroke sequences is illustrated to highlight its features of matrix computation. Once the students can utilize their calculator throughout matrix computation in numerical methods, they can expand their ability to any other problems involving matrix in a similar pattern for any subjects in undergraduate level.

Introduction When using calculator in a classroom, almost immediately in a picture of a mind is a graphing calculator with all the accessories attached to the big screen display. However, it is not practical if student cannot bring and use the graphing calculator anywhere because it is costly, bulky and heavy. In an examination hall with a large number of students taking numerical method, only a handheld calculator is allowed. As fx-570MS calculator (Guerrero-Garca & Santos-Palomo, 2008; Tay, 2006) promotes only one line display and soon become outdated, the Casio fx-570ES is an everyday calculator which student can afford to buy. Students need to get the maximum benefit out of this calculator. Not to make the full use of this calculator is such a waste. It can be used in almost all subjects in a university which need calculator. With the help of Casio fx-570ES emulator, lecturers can easily display their keystroke sequences from their laptop in the classroom. In numerical method, matrix is used in topics such as system of linear equations, eigenvalueeigenvector, boundary value problem (BVP) in ordinary differential equation (ODE), partial differential equation (PDE) and finite element method (FEM). Not to forget the manual calculation of matrix which was introduced in linear algebra, student will still need a step further using their calculator in solving matrix. With Casio fx-570ES calculator display of the n x m matrix exactly in their mathematical form, students will reduce the amount of time spending in solving related problems. Matrix Keystroke sequences of casio fx-570ES for the basic operation of two matrices, A and B.
Let A 3 2 0 2 3 1 0 1 3 and B 3 2 1 4 1 2 . Find A B, A - B, AxB , A -1 , A T and B T . 2 3 1

Activity Input 3x3 matrix A

Input 3x3 matrix B

Adding matrix A and B

Keystroke w6113p2p0p2p 3p1p0p1p3p Press C button to clear screen q41213p2p1p4p 1p2p2p3p1p Press C button to clear screen q43+q44

Calculator Display

p Press C button to clear screen q43-q44 p Press C button to clear screen q43Oq44 p Press C button to clear screen q47 q43)p q43up q48q43) p q48q44)p

Subtracting matrix A and B

Multiplying matrix A and B

Checking if A exist, determinant is nonzero. A-1 The transpose of matrix A, AT



System of linear equations Gauss Elimination Method Suppose the task is to solve the linear system below by Gauss Elimination method. The keystrokes sequences in Casio fx-570ES is the same as Casio fx-570MS (Tay, 2006), therefore, the keystroke will not be discussed:

2 x1 3 x2 10x 3 9 5 x1
According to Tay (2006), the answer should be as

x2 3 x3 x3

6 2

4 x1 7 x2

0.660 0.210 0.831

Student can use direct solution of 3x3 matrix using Casio fx-570ES for comparing their answer in solving system of linear equations in numerical methods.
Activity Entering the linear system Keystroke Calculator Display

w5 2

First row Second row Third row

2p3p10p9 p5pz1p3p6p 4p7p1p2

pp p p

x The answer is y z

242 367 77 367 305 367

0.660 0.210 which is the same as x 0.831

0.660 0.210 . 0.831

Cholesky Method To solve the system of linear equations below by Cholesky method, the matrix should be shown first as positive definite. 3 1 0 x1 1

1 0

3 1

1 x2 3 x3

2 4 3 1 0 1 3 1 0 1 3

In solving the above equations using Cholesky Method, matrix A

must be symmetric

positive-definite. Theorem: A symmetric matrix A is positive definite if and only if each of its leading principal submatrices has a positive determinant.
Activity det (3)=3>0 det Keystroke w6153p1p1p3pq 47q43)p Calculator Display

3 1 =8>0 1 3
1 3 1

3 det 1 0

w6113p1p0p1p3 0 pz1p0pz1p3pq4 1 =21>0 7q43)p 3

It is shown that the 3x3 matrix above is symmetric positive-definite. From A LLT , solve for L and LT . 3 1 0 a 0

0 0 f

a b d 0 c 0 0 e f




1 0
Activity Compare element by element a 2 3, a ?

3 1

1 3

b c d e

ab b c bd ce 2 ad bd ce d e 2 f 2
Calculator Display

w1qw1Q)dQr3 qr p




ab 1,b ? a X ,b A

Q)QzQr1 qr


0, d


manually QxQrs3 Qzrp

b2 c 2
bd ce

3,c ? c

1,d 0,e 1 / QjQrz1PQxp c e D e 2 f 2 3, f ? QmQrs3 Qjdrp f M

From LY

b , solve Y by forward substitution:

1.732 0.577 0
Using direct solution from Casio fx-570ES,

2 6 3 6 4

0 0
42 4

y1 y2 y3

1 2 4

0.577 1.021 2.855

From LT x Y , solve x by backward substitution:

1.732 0.577 2 6 0 3 0 0
Using direct solution from Casio fx-570ES,

6 4 42 4

x1 x2 x3

0.577 1.021 2.855

0.096 1.286 1.762

Advantages and Shortcomes of Casio fx-570ES calculator Casio fx-570ES calculator helps educators and students in solving numerical methods. Its helps to reduce the amount of time spend in solving the tasks given in the class. Even though it is designed for a system of maximum 3x3 matrix, it helps student a lot in the examination hall. For more than 3x3 matrix, student should use other resources such as EXCEL, MATHCAD, MAPLE, MATLAB, MATHEMATICA or C Programming. Hence users can extend the concept presented here to a system of n linear equations. Conclusion Several examples of solving matrix in numerical methods are shown in this paper. As some of the keystrokes sequences for Casio fx-570ES are the same as Casio fx-570MS in the book written by Tay, (2006), the steps to solve specific topic are not described. For future research on squeezing the most out of Casio fx-570ES calculator, more topics on numerical method will be studied.

References Tay, K.G. (2006). How To Use Calculator Casio FX-570MS In Numerical Methods. Batu Pahat: Penerbit KUiTTHO. Guerrero-Garca, P. & Santos-Palomo. . (2008, June). Squeezing the most out of the casio fx-570ms for electrical/electronics engineers. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, Spain.

Copyright Statement Copyright 2009 <Tay Kim Gaik> & <Rosmila Abdul-Kahar>. The authors grant a non-exclusive license to the organisers of the 3rd CosMED International Conference 2009, SEAMEO RECSAM to publish this document in the Conference Book. Any other usage is prohibited without the consent or permission of the author(s).

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