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A Project Report ON "Retail Chain Management": Diploma IN Computer Engineering

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Session 2011-2014

Su !i""e# To$ E'( H)'*)+ Sin,Su - H(O(D( 0CSE1

Su !i""e# %&$ An.i" /u!)' Ro++ No( 110234225674


Certified that project work entitled Retail chain management carried out by, a student of Engineering College in Partial fulfillment for the award of Diploma in Computer Engineering of ni!ersity, during the year "#$$%"#$&' (t is certified that all correction)suggestion indicated for (nternal *ssessment ha!e been incorporated in the Report deposited in the departmental library' +he Project report has been appro!ed as it satisfies the academic re,uirements in respect of project work prescribed for the said degree'

-r' .arpal /ingh 0.ead of Department computer science1

+he entitled project Retail Chain -anagement (t is constructed for centrali2ed determination for daily sell of a number of retail outlets of same organi2ation' +hrough this the authorities of company can make production and marketing (n!entory decisions along with obser!ing account of indi!idual retail outlet '*ll this business processes are implemented by using P.P 3-y/,l and *pache' P.P is a ser!er% side scripting language ,-y/,l is Database and *pache is 4eb ser!er' 4hene!er browser re,uesting P.P file to web ser!er, web ser!er process interpret the P.P code and ,ueries are made to Database and after processing result the content is forwarded to web browser and thus it display results' Usin, 9o!*onen"5 1 2 6 4 PHP5(6(0 M&S:L5(1(64 A*)9-e2(2(11 A#o e D'e)!;e)<e'0e#i"o'1

+his application helps to e6ecute business process in short time and pro!ide data information which is used during business marketing and in!entory decisions more precisely and all these are now possible in less time and also it put low processing cost *ll these features make this application more useable in present competiti!e market'

4ords, like the real things are depicting, ha!e their own handicaps' +hey shall ne!er be able to pierce through the gamut of emotions that is suddenly e6posed during the routine of our life' +hey will ne!er be able to describe the spirit of co%operation with which we worked together, nor shall they e!er be able to e6press the feeling we feel towards the guide' 7efore we get into think of the things we would like to add a few heartfelt words for people who were the part of this seminar report in numerous ways' 4e feel it pertinent to add a word of praise for training guide for his cool mind, patience and always bearing grotes,ue smile which definitely pro!ided me encouragement, enthusiasm and li!ely atmosphere all the times' (t goes without saying that no work can be perfect without ample guidance' 4e wish to thank our .8D' Er' .arpal /ingh and all computer science dept' as our guide for the time they de!oted to re!iew the report and their helpful comments' 4e are indebted to them for being a perpetual source of inspiration and moti!ation for us ' ( feel pri!ileged to e6press my sincere thanks and deepest sense of gratitude to for helping me to o!ercome all the difficulties ( faced' 4ords are insufficient to e6press my profound sense of gratitude to my guides, parents, friends whose encouragement and blessings ga!e me great physical and moral strength'


-inor project is !ery important in engineering, because the engineering belongs to be practical engineers and the students need to learn manage and implement the projects and able to specify the projects' +he group work and working in team, listen the ideas of team members and project manager, and work with a great spirit is good for team members and project' sing new technology and make e6isting system more impressi!e and increase the features of system and make more efficient product and impro!e the producti!ity of system is main goals of a project' -inor project in engineering to final year students for brings new ideas for them, impro!e understanding on logics, increase their area of thinking are purposes of minor projects' 7ecause all of things starts at low le!el before begin at big le!el so students need to first implement any minor project before their major, so the thing of minor is ,uite important as major'


$' 9oal "' /cope :' +echnology used &' ;eatures <' /oftware de!elopment life cycle
<'$ Planning <'" /oftware Re,uirement /pecification


(=+R8D C+(8= a1 Purpose b1 /cope c1 Definition and *bbre!iation d1 References e1 8!er!iew


9E=ER*> DE/CR(P+(8= a1Product Perspecti!e b1 Product ;unction c1 9eneral Constraints


?' Design
?'$ Data ;low Diagram of /+8C@ management ?'" Data ;low Diagram of /E>> management

A' Coding
A'$ Coding for showing D*+*7*/E table stock A'" Coding for showing D*+*7*/E table sell A': Coding for performing !arious manipulation

B' +esting
B'$ /creenshot of -*(='html B'" /creenshot of stock table B': /creenshot of stock *DD operation B'& /creenshot of stock ED(+ operation B'< /creenshot of stock DE>E+E operation B'? /creenshot of /E>> table B'A /creenshot of =E4 /E>> B'B /creenshot of 8>D /E>>

C' (nstallation $#' -aintenance $$' Conclusion $"' 7ibliography

+oday business en!ironment one organi2ation ha!e a number of retail outlets located in different cities' /uch application should be capable of pro!iding the way of managing stock and regular sell and obli!iously in a large retail organi2ation +his project is made to simplifying and speed%up the retail business process 'in all such application can take important only when they can put all /uch corresponding authorities' ;or this purpose we ha!e to make use of web based en!ironment through this operator on a retail outlet , first enter the products in stock its name ,uantity, sell rate, purchase rate' +hen one ha!e to enter the daily sell of products their sell rate and ,uantity '*fter this action taken by application business information , accessible to


+his online application is dynamic and can be used at any type of retail outlets of each business 'one can make graphical data analysis for further marketing strategy and business planning'

/uch application can be used to analysis data regarding sell and stock' ;urther it can help in monitoring cash flow of outlets and for making decision for raw products purchase ordering and manufacturing unit according to market demand of their e!en indi!idual product'

+his type of application able

to pro!ides daily sell so authorities can make decreases the comple6ities of data

ad!anced decision also this kind of unit

interpretation and then analysis or make resultant accordingly'


+his project is an web based application that using 5 $' P.P%.yperte6t Preprocessor P.P<':'# "' -y/D><'$':? :' wamp ser!er"'"'$$ &' *dobe Dreamwea!er0editor1

:'$1 P.P is a powerful tool for making dynamic and interacti!e 4eb pages' +hus php is a ser!er side scripting language that makes web pages truly dynamically ' :'"1 -y/D>% -y/D> is the database construct that enables P.P and *pache to work together to access and display data in a readable format to a browser' (t is a /tructured Duery >anguage ser!er designed for hea!y loads and processing of comple6 ,ueries' *s a relational database system, -y/D> allows many different tables to be joined together for ma6imum efficiency and speed' :':1 wamp ser!er% wamp, is an open source installer that will install *pache, -y/D>, P.P, Perl, php-y*dmin, and an ;+P ser!er' (t is suitable for 4indows systems *pache% *pache acts as our 4eb ser!er' (ts main job is to parse any file re,uested by a browser and display the correct results according to the code within that file' *pache is ,uite powerful and can accomplish !irtually any task that we re,uire' :'&1 *dobe Dreamwea!er % Dreamwea!er C/< integrates with *dobe 7rowser >ab, one of the new C/ >i!e online ser!ices, which pro!ides a fast and accurate solution for cross% browser compatibility testing' 4ith 7rowser >ab you can pre!iew web pages and local content using multiple !iewing and comparison tools'

&' ;E*+ RE/

*dmin and operator login options a!ailable Pro!ide security and consistency Pro!ide category of products at first Easy interface for editing like adding and deleting or updating /eparate pages for in!entory and sell management *llow manager to make corresponding ,ueries like total sell details between specified date *long each sell it specifies date of sell *llow different constraint o!er desire employer 9eneral operator can only known about sell rate 8perator cannot sell any product below then its pre%specified limit (t can make warning about less a!ailable ,uantity when certain critical limit of ,uantity reach (t calculate amount of indi!idual product after gi!ing sale rate and ,uantity *gain it can calculate profit gi!en by indi!idual product sell (t stops to sell the product ,uantity when it is not currently present'


a1 PLANNING 5% +his online application is dynamic and can be used at any type of retail outlets of each business 'one can make graphical data analysis for further marketing strategy and business planning' ;or this purpose technology will be use as 5 $1 P.P%.yperte6t Preprocessor P.P<':'# "1 -y/D><'$':?

:1 wamp ser!er"'"'$$ &1 *dobe Dreamwea!er0editor1

<'" /8;+4*RE RED (R-E=+ /PEC(;(C*+(8=

(' (=+R8D C+(8= a1 Purpose% +oday business en!ironment one organi2ation ha!e a number of retail outlets located in different cities' /uch application should be capable of pro!iding the way of managing stock and regular sell and obli!iously in a large retail organi2ation +his project is made to simplifying and speed%up the retail business process 'in all such application can take important only when they can put all /uch business information , accessible to corresponding authorities'

;or this purpose we ha!e to make use of web based en!ironment through this operator on a retail outlet , first enter the products in stock its name ,uantity, sell rate, purchase rate' +hen, one ha!e to enter the daily sell of products their sell rate and ,uantity '*fter this action taken by application' .ere the project name is Retail chain management' +his project is referring the retail outlets of building material' b1 /cope % +his online application is dynamic and can be used at any type of retail outlets of each business 'one can make graphical data analysis for further marketing strategy and business planning' /uch application can be used to analysis data regarding sell and stock' ;urther it can help in monitoring cash flow of outlets and for making decision for raw products purchase and manufacturing unit according to market demand of their e!en indi!idual product'

+his type of application able

to pro!ides daily sell so authorities can make decreases the comple6ities of data

ad!anced decision also this kind of unit

interpretation and then analysis or make resultant accordingly'

c1 Definition and *bbre!iations% /oftware de!elopment life cycle 0/4D>C1% (t is an abstract representation of gradual de!elopment and e!olution of the software the undergoes a series of se,uential or concurrent steps of the software de!elopment process' /oftware re,uirements specification 0/R/1%(t is the major deli!erable arising from the re,uirement capturing process' (t pro!ides document outline for /4D>C ' d1 References E +his document outline is obtained from wikipedia' e1 8!er!iew % /ection $% pro!ides purpose ,scope of project and document outline' /ection "% pro!ides a general description of user re,uirements' ((' 9eneral Description a1 Product perspecti!e Design layout%(n this we make consideration of input and output field and also ordered them according to business rule' (mplementation% now its step for gi!ing actual code to sol!e !arios need i'e' .+-> code0main page, input forms1, P.P code0for dynamically functionality 1, -y/D> ,ueries 0retrie!ing data from database tables1

b1 Product function +his application pro!ides the fast functionality between retail outlet operator and distant management of that corresponding organi2ation' *t first operator ha!e to enter all details of initial stock of their goods in the columns of product name product ,uantity , corresponding purchase rate and sell rate 'this all entry made by operator is stored in table of database /+8C@0in this project1' =ow once the initial details is presented in database then its time to sell of products ' (n this phase operator can select product name from a dynamic drop down list and ha!e to enter ,uantity and sell rate of that product and this all selling info is submitted through a html form to database second table p!cFsell0in this project1'*pplication will update the ,uantity in /+8C@ to remaining items and specify system generated date along with each sell of product' c1 9eneral Constraints *s this is an online running application so it for submitting all information a network connection is mandatory at the time of information transformation' *ll +he user first ha!e to pass through an account filtrations before accessing database' d1 *ssumptions (n this project for reducing comple6ities of business rules ,the operator ha!e to enter the purchase rate of e!ery indi!idual product after calculating all applied +*G and other charges ' +he same is considered in the phase of selling of the products '

;irst database stock is created in -y/D> '+his created database is made with two tables p!c'stock and p!cFsell'stock respecti!ely' ;urther for user interface the /D> ,uery html form and tables retrie!ing data from database are designed with the help of C//0cascade style sheet 1'

(n design phase it is needed to show how the !arious process in this application takes place for this ( make use of D*+* ;>84 D(*9R*-

;ig ?'$ whole application ?'" D;D for /+8C@ -*=*9E-E=+



A'$ Coding for retrie!ing data from p!c'stock HIphp ))connect to -ys,l JconnectK mys,lFconnect0LlocalhostL,LrootL,LL1 or die 0Lnot connectL1M ))select e6isting database mys,lFselectFdb0LstockL1M ))select e6isting database mys,lFselectFdb0LstockL1M J,ueryKL/E>EC+ N;R8- p!cLM JresultKmys,lF,uery0J,uery1 or die0Lnot findL1M IO

HhtmlO HtitleOD(/P>*P PQC H)titleO Hstyle typeKLte6t)cssLO +DRcolor5S#C::<:<:<Mfont%family5!erdanaT +.Rcolor5S#C?;;;;;;Mfont%family5!erdanaMbackground%color5S#:?::??CCT body,td,th R

font%si2e5 $Bp6M color5S###MT body R background%color5S#CCCC;MT H)styleO Hmeta http%e,ui!KLContent%+ypeL contentKLte6t)htmlM charsetKutf%BLO H)headO HbodyO Htable widthKL$:##L heightKL$L borderKL<L alignKLrightL cellpaddingKL#L cellspacingKL#L bgcolorKLSCCCCCCLO HtrO Hth bgcolorKLS;;;;;;LOitemFidH)thO Hth bgcolorKLS;;;;;;LOname H)thO Hth bgcolorKLS;;;;;;LO,ty H)thO Hth bgcolorKLS;;;;;;LOsFrateH)thO Hth bgcolorKLS;;;;;;LOpFrate H)thO H)trO HIphp while0Jrow K mys,lFfetchFassoc0Jresult11R echo LHtrO LM foreach0Jrow as J!alue1R echo LHtdOLM echo LJ!alueLM echo LH)tdOLM T echo LH)trOLM T echo LH)tableOLM

IO H)tableO HhtmlO HheadO Hstyle typeKLte6t)cssLO HulO R list%style%type5noneM margin5#M padding5#M T a R display5list%itemM width5$##p6M background%color5S;;;M T H)styleO H)headO Hscript typeKLte6t)ja!ascriptLO HU%% function Popupw01 R window'open0 Luser input'phpL, Lsell windowL, Lstatus K $, height K :##, width K :##, resi2able K #L 1 T function Popupe01 R window'open0 Lp!cedit'htmlL, Lsell windowL, Lstatus K $, height K :##, width K :##, resi2able K #L 1 T function Popupd01 R window'open0 Ldelete'htmlL, LDelete windowL,

Lstatus K $, height K :##, width K :##, resi2able K #L 1 T H)scriptO

Hinput typeKLbuttonL onClickKLPopupw01L !alueKL*DDLO HbrO Hinput typeKLbuttonL onClickKLPopupe01L !alueKLED(+LO HbrO Hinput typeKLbuttonL onClickKLPopupd01L !alueKLDE>LO

H)bodyO H)headO H)htmlO

A'" Coding for retrie!ing data from p!cFsell'stock

HIphp ))connect to -ys,l JconnectK mys,lFconnect0LlocalhostL,LrootL,LL1 or die 0Lnot connectL1M ))select e6isting database mys,lFselectFdb0LstockL1M J,ueryKL/E>EC+ N from p!cFsellLM JresultKmys,lF,uery0J,uery1 or die0Lnot findL1MIO HhtmlO

HtitleOD(/P>*P PQC H)titleO Hstyle typeKLte6t)cssLO +DRcolor5S#C::<:<:<Mfont%family5!erdanaT +.Rcolor5S#C?;;;;;;Mfont%family5!erdanaMbackground%color5S#:?::??CCT body,td,th R font%si2e5 $<p6M color5SC:#MT body R background%color5S#CCCC;MT H)styleO Hmeta http%e,ui!KLContent%+ypeL contentKLte6t)htmlM charsetKutf%BLO H)headO HbodyO Htable widthKL$:##L heightKL$L borderKL<L alignKLleftL cellpaddingKL#L cellspacingKL#L bgcolorKLSCCCC;;LO HtrO Hth bgcolorKLS;;;;;;LOname H)thO Hth bgcolorKLS;;;;;;LO,ty H)thO Hth bgcolorKLS;;;;;;LOsellFrateH)thO Hth bgcolorKLS;;;;;;LOamountH)thO Hth bgcolorKLS;;;;;;LOprofitH)thO Hth bgcolorKLS;;;;;;LOsellFdateH)thO H)trO HIphp while0Jrow K mys,lFfetchFassoc0Jresult11R echo LHtrO LM foreach0Jrow as J!alue1R echo LHtdOLM

echo LJ!alueLM echo LH)tdOLM T echo LH)trOLM T echo LH)tableOLM IO Hstyle typeKLte6t)cssLO ul R list%style%type5noneM margin5#M padding5#M T a R display5list%itemM width5$##p6M background%color5S;;;M T H)styleO Hscript typeKLte6t)ja!ascriptLO function Popupw01 R window'open0 Lolddate'htmlL, L duration windowL, Lstatus K $, height K :##, width K :##, resi2able K #L 1 T function popups01R window'open0 L p!csell'phpL,Lsell windowL, Lstatus K $, height K :##, width K :##, resi2able K #L 1 T

H)scriptOHulO Hinput typeKLbuttonL onClickKLPopupw01L !alueKL8>D /E>>LO HbrO Hinput typeKLsubmitL onClickKLpopups01L !alueKL=E4 /E>>LO H)htmlO A': Coding for processing all data submitted by !arious .+-> form HIphp )) to insert into database JconnectK mys,lFconnect0LlocalhostL,LrootL,LL1 or die 0Lnot connectL1M mys,lFselectFdb0VstockV, Jconnect1 or die 0mys,lFerror011M JnamKJFP8/+WVnameVXM J,tKJFP8/+WV,tyVXM JsrKJFP8/+WVsFrateVXM J,ueryaKL/E>EC+ ,ty ;R8- p!c 4.ERE nameKVL'Jnam'LVLM J,yKmys,lF,uery0J,uerya1M Jrow,Kmys,lFfetchFrow0J,y1M Ju,KJrow,W#XM J,uerybKL/E>EC+ sFrate ;R8- p!c 4.ERE nameKVL'Jnam'LVLM JstKmys,lF,uery0J,ueryb1M JrowsKmys,lFfetchFrow0Jst1M JstKJrowsW#XM J,ueryKL/E>EC+ pFrate ;R8- p!c

4.ERE nameKVL'Jnam'LVLM JrKmys,lF,uery0J,uery1M JrowKmys,lFfetchFrow0Jr1M JprKJrowW#XM if0Ju,HKJ,t1 echo LHscriptOalert0V8nly L'Ju,'LL'Jnam'L a!ailable in stock V1 H)scriptOLM else if 0JsrHKJpr1 echo LHscriptOalert0Vminium sell rate of L'Jnam'L can be L'Jst'L or at least L'Jpr'L V1H)scriptOLM elseR function total0Jh,Js1 R JkKJhNJsM return JkM T JamK total0Jsr,J,t1M function proFfit0Ja,Jb,Jc1 R JpKJaN0Jb%Jc1M return JpM T JprofKproFfit0J,t,Jsr,Jpr1M ))date JtKdate0LP'm'dL1M Js,l K L(=/ER+ (=+8 p!cFsell 0name,,ty,sFrate,amount,profit,sellFdate1Q*> E/ 0VJnamV,VJ,tV,VJsrV,VJamV,VJprofV,VJtV1LM mys,lF,uery0LJs,lL1

or die0mys,lFerror011M J,ueryaKL/E>EC+ ,ty ;R8- p!c 4.ERE nameKVL'Jnam'LVLM J,yKmys,lF,uery0J,uerya1M Jrow,Kmys,lFfetchFrow0J,y1M Ju,KJrow,W#XM function update,0Jm,Jn1 R JfKJm%Jn M return JfM T Jf,Kupdate,0Ju,,J,t1M J,ueryuKL PD*+E p!c /E+ ,tyKV L'Jf,'LV 4.ERE nameKVL'Jnam'LVLM mys,lF,uery0J,ueryu1 or die0mys,lFerror011M T include0Lp!cFselllist'phpL1M


B' +E/+(=9
(n this phase of software de!elopment life cycle the built and integrated application files are checked for their functionality and connecti!ity with each other' +he process of testing is presented in this section as from bellow starting from main .+-> page snapshot as bellow5%

;ig'B'# main'html

+his main page ha!e link to p!c'stock table and p!cFsell table of our database stock' *fter clicking on p!cFlist 0&'$1 and on p!cFsell0&'"1 as described further B'$1 stock management 5%

*s shown in abo!e picture there are three buttons e6plained bellow a1 *DD E +o add new items in stock table through a .+-> form as shown bellow5


b1 ED(+ E+o edit any column entry of table &'$ by using .+-> form as bellow5%

;ig'B': c1 DE>E+E E+o delete any single row of table &'$ as shown 5%

;rom abo!e tables we ha!e to check for necessary updates or changes in stock table along with each steps'

B'" /ell management +his section describing the process on clicking p!cFsell link of main page and in this result the table is shown bellow 5%

*s shown in abo!e table presenting the data about pre!ious sell and ha!ing button

a1 =E4 /E>> E +o make entry of new product sell 5%

.+-> form as abo!e containing three fields first a Dynamic drop%down list which contain name of those products currently a!ailable in /+8C@' b1 8>D /E>> E +his button perform ,uery for pre!ious sell between two specified date in .+-> form 5%

During testing phase we ha!e to ensure these important points5% Check for each entry in stock table Check weather the ,uery gi!ing result correct or not Ensure that sell is made, not putting into lose Ensuring sell is made only for a!ailable products and ,uantity

C''(=/+*>>*+(8= %
=ow after resol!ing all detected problems in testing phase its the time for run real business process for this all the files oh coding are put into root directory of web ser!er and now !arious user make ,uery to database through ser!er' establishing connection between their host and database web

$#' -E=+*=CE %
4hat happens during the rest of the softwareVs life5 changes, correction, additions, mo!es to a different computing platform and more' +his, the least glamorous and perhaps most important step of all, goes on seemingly fore!er'

$$' C8=C> /(8=

(n this project at last ( found this as an basic application process for supporting retail business from distant location '+his type of application helps for further data interpretations and analysis of retail business by other regarding data from this software to make strategically business decisions ' +he

application can be used to directly as input for graphical representation '+hus these types of further possibilities through this application pro!ides its importance'

=e si"e$ 1 (;;;(*-*ne"(9o! 2 ;;;(;6s9-oo+(9o!

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