Cangco v. Manila Railroad Co. is a 1918 case where Cangco sued Manila Railroad for negligence after being injured while disembarking a train. Cangco worked for Manila Railroad and was entitled to free rides on their trains between his home in San Mateo and Manila. One night, as he was disembarking in dim lighting at the San Mateo station, Cangco's foot slipped on sacks of melons piled on the platform edge, causing him to fall under the still-moving train. He was seriously injured and had to have his arm amputated. Though the court found Manila Railroad negligent for leaving objects on the platform that endangered passengers, it ruled Cangco could not
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Cangco Vs Manila Railroad Co (GR 12191, 14 October 1918)
Cangco v. Manila Railroad Co. is a 1918 case where Cangco sued Manila Railroad for negligence after being injured while disembarking a train. Cangco worked for Manila Railroad and was entitled to free rides on their trains between his home in San Mateo and Manila. One night, as he was disembarking in dim lighting at the San Mateo station, Cangco's foot slipped on sacks of melons piled on the platform edge, causing him to fall under the still-moving train. He was seriously injured and had to have his arm amputated. Though the court found Manila Railroad negligent for leaving objects on the platform that endangered passengers, it ruled Cangco could not
Cangco v. Manila Railroad Co. is a 1918 case where Cangco sued Manila Railroad for negligence after being injured while disembarking a train. Cangco worked for Manila Railroad and was entitled to free rides on their trains between his home in San Mateo and Manila. One night, as he was disembarking in dim lighting at the San Mateo station, Cangco's foot slipped on sacks of melons piled on the platform edge, causing him to fall under the still-moving train. He was seriously injured and had to have his arm amputated. Though the court found Manila Railroad negligent for leaving objects on the platform that endangered passengers, it ruled Cangco could not
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Cangco Vs Manila Railroad Co (GR 12191, 14 October 1918)
Cangco v. Manila Railroad Co. is a 1918 case where Cangco sued Manila Railroad for negligence after being injured while disembarking a train. Cangco worked for Manila Railroad and was entitled to free rides on their trains between his home in San Mateo and Manila. One night, as he was disembarking in dim lighting at the San Mateo station, Cangco's foot slipped on sacks of melons piled on the platform edge, causing him to fall under the still-moving train. He was seriously injured and had to have his arm amputated. Though the court found Manila Railroad negligent for leaving objects on the platform that endangered passengers, it ruled Cangco could not
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(GR 12191, 14 October 1918)
Facts: Pettoner Cangco s empoyed by defendant Mana Raroad Co. n Mana, and by vrtue of hs empoyment, he s entted free rde from hs house n San Mateo to Mana and vce-versa. On a fatefu nght around 8:00 PM at the staton of San Mateo where t was dmy ghted , pettoner whe aghtng the tran (though t was st movng very sowy to the pont of stop), not knowng that there are sacks of meon ped at the edge of the patform stepped on the ob|ects, causng hm to sp off baance. Pantff was drawn under the car n an unconscous condton and as a resut serousy n|ured hm. Hs arm was amputated and he was prevented from workng. He spent approx P800 pesos for hs medca expenses. Thereupon, he sued Mana Raroad to recover damages on the ground of neggence of the servants and empoyees of the defendant. The CFI rued that athough there s an apparent neggence on the part of the defendant through ts empoyees but nevertheess, the pantff cannot recover because he had faed to use due cauton n aghtng from the coach. Hence ths appea. Issue: Whether or not Mana Raroad Company s abe to the pantff for the neggent acts of ts empoyees, notwthstandng that pantff was aso neggent? e!": Yes. Whe the pantff may have been neggent, the defendant s aso neggent. The case fas under the category that of (1) cupa contractua, that s, contract of carrage by provdng the passengers safe trave begnnng from the tme heIt s mportant to note that the foundaton of the ega abty of the defendant s the contract of carrage, and that the obgaton to respond for the damage whch pantff has suffered arses, f at a, from the breach of that contract by reason of the faure of defendant to exercse due care n ts performance. That s to say, ts abty s drect and mmedate, dfferng essentay, n ega vewpont from that presumptve responsbty for the neggence of ts servants, mposed by artce 1903 of the Cv Code, whch can be rebutted by proof of the exercse of due care n ther seecton and supervson. Artce 1903 of the Cv Code s not appcabe to obgatons arsng ex contractu, but ony to extra-contractua obgatons - or to use the technca form of expresson, that artce reates ony to cupa aquana and not to cupa contractua. Responde at superor - One who paces a powerfu automobe n the hands of a servant whom he knows to be gnorant of the method of managng such a vehce, s hmsef guty of an act of neggence whch makes hm abe for a the consequences of hs mprudence. Cupa Aquana or extra-contractua cupa The abty arsng from extra-contractua cupa s aways based upon a vountary act or omsson whch, wthout wfu ntent, but by mere neggence or nattenton, has caused damage to another. From ths artce two thngs are apparent: (1) That when an n|ury s caused by the neggence of a servant or empoyee there nstanty arses a presumpton of aw that there was neggence on the part of the master or empoyer ether n seecton of the servant or empoyee, or n supervson over hm after the seecton, or both; and (2) that that presumpton s |urs tantum and not |urs et de |ure, and consequenty, may be rebutted. It foows necessary that f the empoyer shows to the satsfacton of the court that n seecton and supervson he has exercsed the care and dgence of a good father of a famy, the presumpton s overcome and he s reeved from abty. Dstncton between non-contractua and contractua Obgaton The fundamenta dstncton between obgatons of ths character and those whch arse from contract, rests upon the fact that n cases of non-contractua obgaton t s the wrongfu or neggent act or omsson tsef whch creates the vncuum |urs, whereas n contractua reatons the vncuum |urs exsts ndependenty of the breach of the vountary duty assumed by the partes when enterng nto the contractua reaton. The mere fact that a person s bound to another by contract does not reeve hm from extra-contractua abty to such person. Comparatve neggence - f the accdent was caused by pantffs own neggence, no abty s mposed upon defendants neggence and pantffs neggence merey contrbuted to hs n|ury, the damages shoud be apportoned. It s, therefore, mportant to ascertan f defendant was n fact guty of neggence. Test on Contrbutory neggence: Was there anythng n the crcumstances surroundng the pantff at the tme he aghted from the tran whch woud have admonshed a person of average prudence that to get off the tran under the condtons then exstng was dangerous? F#LL CA$% &O$% CANGCO, '!a()t(**+a''e!!a)t, vs, MANILA RAILROAD CO,, "e*e)"a)t+a''e!!ee, At the tme of the occurrence whch gave rse to ths tgaton the pantff, |ose Cangco, was n the empoyment of Mana Raroad Company n the capacty of cerk, wth a monthy wage of P25. He ved n the puebo of San Mateo, n the provnce of Rza, whch s ocated upon the ne of the defendant raroad company; and n comng day by tran to the company's offce n the cty of Mana where he worked, he used a pass, supped by the company, whch entted hm to rde upon the company's trans free of charge. Upon the occason n queston, |anuary 20, 1915, the pantff arose from hs seat n the second cass-car where he was rdng and, makng, hs ext through the door, took hs poston upon the steps of the coach, sezng the uprght guardra wth hs rght hand for support. On the sde of the tran where passengers aght at the San Mateo staton there s a cement patform whch begns to rse wth a moderate gradent some dstance away from the company's offce and extends aong n front of sad offce for a dstance suffcent to cover the ength of severa coaches. As the tran sowed down another passenger, named Emo Zuga, aso an empoyee of the raroad company, got off the same car, aghtng safey at the pont where the patform begns to rse from the eve of the ground. When the tran had proceeded a tte farther the pantff |ose Cangco stepped off aso, but one or both of hs feet came n contact wth a sack of watermeons wth the resut that hs feet spped from under hm and he fe voenty on the patform. Hs body at once roed from the patform and was drawn under the movng car, where hs rght arm was bady crushed and acerated. It appears that after the pantff aghted from the tran the car moved forward possby sx meters before t came to a fu stop. The accdent occurred between 7 and 8 o'cock on a dark nght, and as the raroad staton was ghted dmy by a snge ght ocated some dstance away, ob|ects on the patform where the accdent occurred were dffcut to dscern especay to a person emergng from a ghted car. The expanaton of the presence of a sack of meons on the patform where the pantff aghted s found n the fact that t was the customary season for harvestng these meons and a arge ot had been brought to the staton for the shpment to the market. They were contaned n numerous sacks whch has been ped on the patform n a row one upon another. The testmony shows that ths row of sacks was so paced of meons and the edge of patform; and t s cear that the fa of the pantff was due to the fact that hs foot aghted upon one of these meons at the moment he stepped upon the patform. Hs statement that he faed to see these ob|ects n the darkness s ready to be credted. The pantff was drawn from under the car n an unconscous condton, and t appeared that the n|ures whch he had receved were very serous. He was therefore brought at once to a certan hospta n the cty of Mana where an examnaton was made and hs arm was amputated. The resut of ths operaton was unsatsfactory, and the pantff was then carred to another hospta where a second operaton was performed and the member was agan amputated hgher up near the shouder. It appears n evdence that the pantff expended the sum of P790.25 n the form of medca and surgca fees and for other expenses n connecton wth the process of hs curaton. Upon August 31, 1915, he nsttuted ths proceedng n the Court of Frst Instance of the cty of Mana to recover damages of the defendant company, foundng hs acton upon the neggence of the servants and empoyees of the defendant n pacng the sacks of meons upon the patform and eavng them so paced as to be a menace to the securty of passenger aghtng from the company's trans. At the hearng n the Court of Frst Instance, hs Honor, the tra |udge, found the facts substantay as above stated, and drew therefrom hs concuson to the effect that, athough neggence was attrbutabe to the defendant by reason of the fact that the sacks of meons were so paced as to obstruct passengers passng to and from the cars, nevertheess, the pantff hmsef had faed to use due cauton n aghtng from the coach and was therefore precuded form recoverng. |udgment was accordngy entered n favor of the defendant company, and the pantff appeaed. It can not be doubted that the empoyees of the raroad company were guty of neggence n png these sacks on the patform n the manner above stated; that ther presence caused the pantff to fa as he aghted from the tran; and that they therefore consttuted an effectve ega cause of the n|ures sustaned by the pantff. It necessary foows that the defendant company s abe for the damage thereby occasoned uness recovery s barred by the pantff's own contrbutory neggence. In resovng ths probem t s necessary that each of these conceptons of abty, to-wt, the prmary responsbty of the defendant company and the contrbutory neggence of the pantff shoud be separatey examned. It s mportant to note that the foundaton of the ega abty of the defendant s the contract of carrage, and that the obgaton to respond for the damage whch pantff has suffered arses, f at a, from the breach of that contract by reason of the faure of defendant to exercse due care n ts performance. That s to say, ts abty s drect and mmedate, dfferng essentay, n ega vewpont from that presumptve responsbty for the neggence of ts servants, mposed by artce 1903 of the Cv Code, whch can be rebutted by proof of the exercse of due care n ther seecton and supervson. Artce 1903 of the Cv Code s not appcabe to obgatons arsng ex contractu, but ony to extra-contractua obgatons - or to use the technca form of expresson, that artce reates ony to cupa aquana and not to cupa contractua. Manresa (vo. 8, p. 67) n hs commentares upon artces 1103 and 1104 of the Cv Code, ceary ponts out ths dstncton, whch was aso recognzed by ths Court n ts decson n the case of Rakes vs. Atantc, Guf and Pacfc Co. (7 Ph. rep., 359). In commentng upon artce 1093 Manresa ceary ponts out the dfference between "cupa, substantve and ndependent, whch of tsef consttutes the source of an obgaton between persons not formery connected by any ega te" and cupa consdered as an accdent n the performance of an obgaton aready exstng . . . ." In the Rakes case (supra) the decson of ths court was made to rest squarey upon the proposton that artce 1903 of the Cv Code s not appcabe to acts of neggence whch consttute the breach of a contract. Upon ths pont the Court sad: The acts to whch these artces |1902 and 1903 of the Cv Code| are appcabe are understood to be those not growng out of pre-exstng dutes of the partes to one another. But where reatons aready formed gve rse to dutes, whether sprngng from contract or quas- contract, then breaches of those dutes are sub|ect to artce 1101, 1103, and 1104 of the same code. (Rakes vs. Atantc, Guf and Pacfc Co., 7 Ph. Rep., 359 at 365.) Ths dstncton s of the utmost mportance. The abty, whch, under the Spansh aw, s, n certan cases mposed upon empoyers wth respect to damages occasoned by the neggence of ther empoyees to persons to whom they are not bound by contract, s not based, as n the Engsh Common Law, upon the prncpe of respondeat superor - f t were, the master woud be abe n every case and uncondtonay - but upon the prncpe announced n artce 1902 of the Cv Code, whch mposes upon a persons who by ther faut or neggence, do n|ury to another, the obgaton of makng good the damage caused. One who paces a powerfu automobe n the hands of a servant whom he knows to be gnorant of the method of managng such a vehce, s hmsef guty of an act of neggence whch makes hm abe for a the consequences of hs mprudence. The obgaton to make good the damage arses at the very nstant that the unskfu servant, whe actng wthn the scope of hs empoyment causes the n|ury. The abty of the master s persona and drect. But, f the master has not been guty of any neggence whatever n the seecton and drecton of the servant, he s not abe for the acts of the atter, whatever done wthn the scope of hs empoyment or not, f the damage done by the servant does not amount to a breach of the contract between the master and the person n|ured. It s not accurate to say that proof of dgence and care n the seecton and contro of the servant reeves the master from abty for the atter's acts - on the contrary, that proof shows that the responsbty has never exsted. As Manresa says (vo. 8, p. 68) the abty arsng from extra-contractua cupa s aways based upon a vountary act or omsson whch, wthout wfu ntent, but by mere neggence or nattenton, has caused damage to another. A master who exercses a possbe care n the seecton of hs servant, takng nto consderaton the quafcatons they shoud possess for the dscharge of the dutes whch t s hs purpose to confde to them, and drects them wth equa dgence, thereby performs hs duty to thrd persons to whom he s bound by no contractua tes, and he ncurs no abty whatever f, by reason of the neggence of hs servants, even wthn the scope of ther empoyment, such thrd person suffer damage. True t s that under artce 1903 of the Cv Code the aw creates a presumpton that he has been neggent n the seecton or drecton of hs servant, but the presumpton s rebuttabe and yed to proof of due care and dgence n ths respect. The supreme court of Porto Rco, n nterpretng dentca provsons, as found n the Porto Rco Code, has hed that these artces are appcabe to cases of extra-contractua cupa excusvey. (Carmona vs. Cuesta, 20 Porto Rco Reports, 215.) Ths dstncton was agan made patent by ths Court n ts decson n the case of Baha vs. Lton|ua and Leynes, (30 Ph. rep., 624), whch was an acton brought upon the theory of the extra-contractua abty of the defendant to respond for the damage caused by the careessness of hs empoyee whe actng wthn the scope of hs empoyment. The Court, after ctng the ast paragraph of artce 1903 of the Cv Code, sad: From ths artce two thngs are apparent: (1) That when an n|ury s caused by the neggence of a servant or empoyee there nstanty arses a presumpton of aw that there was neggence on the part of the master or empoyer ether n seecton of the servant or empoyee, or n supervson over hm after the seecton, or both; and (2) that that presumpton s |urs tantum and not |urs et de |ure, and consequenty, may be rebutted. It foows necessary that f the empoyer shows to the satsfacton of the court that n seecton and supervson he has exercsed the care and dgence of a good father of a famy, the presumpton s overcome and he s reeved from abty. Ths theory bases the responsbty of the master utmatey on hs own neggence and not on that of hs servant. Ths s the notabe pecuarty of the Spansh aw of neggence. It s, of course, n strkng contrast to the Amercan doctrne that, n reatons wth strangers, the neggence of the servant n concusvey the neggence of the master. The opnon there expressed by ths Court, to the effect that n case of extra-contractua cupa based upon neggence, t s necessary that there sha have been some faut attrbutabe to the defendant personay, and that the ast paragraph of artce 1903 merey estabshes a rebuttabe presumpton, s n compete accord wth the authortatve opnon of Manresa, who says (vo. 12, p. 611) that the abty created by artce 1903 s mposed by reason of the breach of the dutes nherent n the speca reatons of authorty or superorty exstng between the person caed upon to repar the damage and the one who, by hs act or omsson, was the cause of t. On the other hand, the abty of masters and empoyers for the neggent acts or omssons of ther servants or agents, when such acts or omssons cause damages whch amount to the breach of a contact, s not based upon a mere presumpton of the master's neggence n ther seecton or contro, and proof of exercse of the utmost dgence and care n ths regard does not reeve the master of hs abty for the breach of hs contract. Every ega obgaton must of necessty be extra-contractua or contractua. Extra- contractua obgaton has ts source n the breach or omsson of those mutua dutes whch cvzed socety mposes upon t members, or whch arse from these reatons, other than contractua, of certan members of socety to others, generay embraced n the concept of status. The ega rghts of each member of socety consttute the measure of the correspondng ega dutes, many negatve n character, whch the exstence of those rghts mposes upon a other members of socety. The breach of these genera dutes whether due to wfu ntent or to mere nattenton, f productve of n|ury, gve rse to an obgaton to ndemnfy the n|ured party. The fundamenta dstncton between obgatons of ths character and those whch arse from contract, rests upon the fact that n cases of non-contractua obgaton t s the wrongfu or neggent act or omsson tsef whch creates the vncuum |urs, whereas n contractua reatons the vncuum exsts ndependenty of the breach of the vountary duty assumed by the partes when enterng nto the contractua reaton. Wth respect to extra-contractua obgaton arsng from neggence, whether of act or omsson, t s competent for the egsature to eect - and our Legsature has so eected - whom such an obgaton s mposed s moray cupabe, or, on the contrary, for reasons of pubc pocy, to extend that abty, wthout regard to the ack of mora cupabty, so as to ncude responsbty for the neggence of those person who acts or msson are mputabe, by a ega fcton, to others who are n a poston to exercse an absoute or mted contro over them. The egsature whch adopted our Cv Code has eected to mt extra-contractua abty - wth certan we-defned exceptons - to cases n whch mora cupabty can be drecty mputed to the persons to be charged. Ths mora responsbty may consst n havng faed to exercse due care n the seecton and contro of one's agents or servants, or n the contro of persons who, by reason of ther status, occupy a poston of dependency wth respect to the person made abe for ther conduct. The poston of a natura or |urdca person who has undertaken by contract to render servce to another, s whoy dfferent from that to whch artce 1903 reates. When the sources of the obgaton upon whch pantff's cause of acton depends s a neggent act or omsson, the burden of proof rests upon pantff to prove the neggence - f he does not hs acton fas. But when the facts averred show a contractua undertakng by defendant for the beneft of pantff, and t s aeged that pantff has faed or refused to perform the contract, t s not necessary for pantff to specfy n hs peadngs whether the breach of the contract s due to wfu faut or to neggence on the part of the defendant, or of hs servants or agents. Proof of the contract and of ts nonperformance s suffcent prma face to warrant a recovery. As a genera rue . . . t s ogca that n case of extra-contractua cupa, a sung credtor shoud assume the burden of proof of ts exstence, as the ony fact upon whch hs acton s based; whe on the contrary, n a case of neggence whch presupposes the exstence of a contractua obgaton, f the credtor shows that t exsts and that t has been broken, t s not necessary for hm to prove neggence. (Manresa, vo. 8, p. 71 |1907 ed., p. 76|). As t s not necessary for the pantff n an acton for the breach of a contract to show that the breach was due to the neggent conduct of defendant or of hs servants, even though such be n fact the actua cause of the breach, t s obvous that proof on the part of defendant that the neggence or omsson of hs servants or agents caused the breach of the contract woud not consttute a defense to the acton. If the neggence of servants or agents coud be nvoked as a means of dschargng the abty arsng from contract, the anomaous resut woud be that person actng through the medum of agents or servants n the performance of ther contracts, woud be n a better poston than those actng n person. If one devers a vauabe watch to watchmaker who contract to repar t, and the baee, by a persona neggent act causes ts destructon, he s unquestonaby abe. Woud t be ogca to free hm from hs abty for the breach of hs contract, whch nvoves the duty to exercse due care n the preservaton of the watch, f he shows that t was hs servant whose neggence caused the n|ury? If such a theory coud be accepted, |urdca persons woud en|oy practcay compete mmunty from damages arsng from the breach of ther contracts f caused by neggent acts as such |urdca persons can of necessty ony act through agents or servants, and t woud no doubt be true n most nstances that reasonabe care had been taken n seecton and drecton of such servants. If one devers securtes to a bankng corporaton as coatera, and they are ost by reason of the neggence of some cerk empoyed by the bank, woud t be |ust and reasonabe to permt the bank to reeve tsef of abty for the breach of ts contract to return the coatera upon the payment of the debt by provng that due care had been exercsed n the seecton and drecton of the cerk? Ths dstncton between cupa aquana, as the source of an obgaton, and cupa contractua as a mere ncdent to the performance of a contract has frequenty been recognzed by the supreme court of Span. (Sentencas of |une 27, 1894; November 20, 1896; and December 13, 1896.) In the decsons of November 20, 1896, t appeared that pantff's acton arose ex contractu, but that defendant sought to ava hmsef of the provsons of artce 1902 of the Cv Code as a defense. The Spansh Supreme Court re|ected defendant's contenton, sayng: These are not cases of n|ury caused, wthout any pre-exstng obgaton, by faut or neggence, such as those to whch artce 1902 of the Cv Code reates, but of damages caused by the defendant's faure to carry out the undertakngs mposed by the contracts . . . . A bref revew of the earer decson of ths court nvovng the abty of empoyers for damage done by the neggent acts of ther servants w show that n no case has the court ever decded that the neggence of the defendant's servants has been hed to consttute a defense to an acton for damages for breach of contract. In the case of |ohnson vs. Davd (5 Ph. Rep., 663), the court hed that the owner of a carrage was not abe for the damages caused by the neggence of hs drver. In that case the court commented on the fact that no evdence had been adduced n the tra court that the defendant had been neggent n the empoyment of the drver, or that he had any knowedge of hs ack of sk or carefuness. In the case of Baer Senor & Co's Successors vs. Compana Martma (6 Ph. Rep., 215), the pantff sued the defendant for damages caused by the oss of a barge beongng to pantff whch was aowed to get adrft by the neggence of defendant's servants n the course of the performance of a contract of towage. The court hed, ctng Manresa (vo. 8, pp. 29, 69) that f the "obgaton of the defendant grew out of a contract made between t and the pantff . . . we do not thnk that the provsons of artces 1902 and 1903 are appcabe to the case." In the case of Chapman vs. Underwood (27 Ph. Rep., 374), pantff sued the defendant to recover damages for the persona n|ures caused by the neggence of defendant's chauffeur whe drvng defendant's automobe n whch defendant was rdng at the tme. The court found that the damages were caused by the neggence of the drver of the automobe, but hed that the master was not abe, athough he was present at the tme, sayng: . . . uness the neggent acts of the drver are contnued for a ength of tme as to gve the owner a reasonabe opportunty to observe them and to drect the drver to desst therefrom. . . . The act companed of must be contnued n the presence of the owner for such ength of tme that the owner by hs acquescence, makes the drver's acts hs own. In the case of Yamada vs. Mana Raroad Co. and Bachrach Garage & Taxcab Co. (33 Ph. Rep., 8), t s true that the court rested ts concuson as to the abty of the defendant upon artce 1903, athough the facts dscosed that the n|ury compant of by pantff consttuted a breach of the duty to hm arsng out of the contract of transportaton. The express ground of the decson n ths case was that artce 1903, n deang wth the abty of a master for the neggent acts of hs servants "makes the dstncton between prvate ndvduas and pubc enterprse;" that as to the atter the aw creates a rebuttabe presumpton of neggence n the seecton or drecton of servants; and that n the partcuar case the presumpton of neggence had not been overcome. It s evdent, therefore that n ts decson Yamada case, the court treated pantff's acton as though founded n tort rather than as based upon the breach of the contract of carrage, and an examnaton of the peadngs and of the brefs shows that the questons of aw were n fact dscussed upon ths theory. Vewed from the standpont of the defendant the practca resut must have been the same n any event. The proof dscosed beyond doubt that the defendant's servant was grossy neggent and that hs neggence was the proxmate cause of pantff's n|ury. It aso affrmatvey appeared that defendant had been guty of neggence n ts faure to exercse proper dscreton n the drecton of the servant. Defendant was, therefore, abe for the n|ury suffered by pantff, whether the breach of the duty were to be regarded as consttutng cupa aquana or cupa contractua. As Manresa ponts out (vo. 8, pp. 29 and 69) whether neggence occurs an ncdent n the course of the performance of a contractua undertakng or ts tsef the source of an extra-contractua undertakng obgaton, ts essenta characterstcs are dentca. There s aways an act or omsson productve of damage due to careessness or nattenton on the part of the defendant. Consequenty, when the court hods that a defendant s abe n damages for havng faed to exercse due care, ether drecty, or n fang to exercse proper care n the seecton and drecton of hs servants, the practca resut s dentca n ether case. Therefore, t foows that t s not to be nferred, because the court hed n the Yamada case that defendant was abe for the damages neggenty caused by ts servants to a person to whom t was bound by contract, and made reference to the fact that the defendant was neggent n the seecton and contro of ts servants, that n such a case the court woud have hed that t woud have been a good defense to the acton, f presented squarey upon the theory of the breach of the contract, for defendant to have proved that t dd n fact exercse care n the seecton and contro of the servant. The true expanaton of such cases s to be found by drectng the attenton to the reatve spheres of contractua and extra-contractua obgatons. The fed of non- contractua obgaton s much more broader than that of contractua obgatons, comprsng, as t does, the whoe extent of |urdca human reatons. These two feds, fguratvey speakng, concentrc; that s to say, the mere fact that a person s bound to another by contract does not reeve hm from extra- contractua abty to such person. When such a contractua reaton exsts the obgor may break the contract under such condtons that the same act whch consttutes the source of an extra-contractua obgaton had no contract exsted between the partes. The contract of defendant to transport pantff carred wth t, by mpcaton, the duty to carry hm n safety and to provde safe means of enterng and eavng ts trans (cv code, artce 1258). That duty, beng contractua, was drect and mmedate, and ts non-performance coud not be excused by proof that the faut was moray mputabe to defendant's servants. The raroad company's defense nvoves the assumpton that even grantng that the neggent conduct of ts servants n pacng an obstructon upon the patform was a breach of ts contractua obgaton to mantan safe means of approachng and eavng ts trans, the drect and proxmate cause of the n|ury suffered by pantff was hs own contrbutory neggence n fang to wat unt the tran had come to a compete stop before aghtng. Under the doctrne of comparatve neggence announced n the Rakes case (supra), f the accdent was caused by pantff's own neggence, no abty s mposed upon defendant's neggence and pantff's neggence merey contrbuted to hs n|ury, the damages shoud be apportoned. It s, therefore, mportant to ascertan f defendant was n fact guty of neggence. It may be admtted that had pantff wated unt the tran had come to a fu stop before aghtng, the partcuar n|ury suffered by hm coud not have occurred. Defendant contends, and ctes many authortes n support of the contenton, that t s neggence per se for a passenger to aght from a movng tran. We are not dsposed to subscrbe to ths doctrne n ts absoute form. We are of the opnon that ths proposton s too bady stated and s at varance wth the experence of every-day fe. In ths partcuar nstance, that the tran was barey movng when pantff aghted s shown concusvey by the fact that t came to stop wthn sx meters from the pace where he stepped from t. Thousands of person aght from trans under these condtons every day of the year, and sustan no n|ury where the company has kept ts patform free from dangerous obstructons. There s no reason to beeve that pantff woud have suffered any n|ury whatever n aghtng as he dd had t not been for defendant's neggent faure to perform ts duty to provde a safe aghtng pace. We are of the opnon that the correct doctrne reatng to ths sub|ect s that expressed n Thompson's work on Neggence (vo. 3, sec. 3010) as foows: The test by whch to determne whether the passenger has been guty of neggence n attemptng to aght from a movng raway tran, s that of ordnary or reasonabe care. It s to be consdered whether an ordnary prudent person, of the age, sex and condton of the passenger, woud have acted as the passenger acted under the crcumstances dscosed by the evdence. Ths care has been defned to be, not the care whch may or shoud be used by the prudent man generay, but the care whch a man of ordnary prudence woud use under smar crcumstances, to avod n|ury." (Thompson, Commentares on Neggence, vo. 3, sec. 3010.) Or, t we prefer to adopt the mode of exposton used by ths court n Pcart vs. Smth (37 Ph. rep., 809), we may say that the test s ths; Was there anythng n the crcumstances surroundng the pantff at the tme he aghted from the tran whch woud have admonshed a person of average prudence that to get off the tran under the condtons then exstng was dangerous? If so, the pantff shoud have dessted from aghtng; and hs faure so to desst was contrbutory neggence.1awph!.net As the case now before us presents tsef, the ony fact from whch a concuson can be drawn to the effect that pantff was guty of contrbutory neggence s that he stepped off the car wthout beng abe to dscern ceary the condton of the patform and whe the tran was yet sowy movng. In consderng the stuaton thus presented, t shoud not be overooked that the pantff was, as we fnd, gnorant of the fact that the obstructon whch was caused by the sacks of meons ped on the patform exsted; and as the defendant was bound by reason of ts duty as a pubc carrer to afford to ts passengers factes for safe egress from ts trans, the pantff had a rght to assume, n the absence of some crcumstance to warn hm to the contrary, that the patform was cear. The pace, as we have aready stated, was dark, or dmy ghted, and ths aso s proof of a faure upon the part of the defendant n the performance of a duty owng by t to the pantff; for f t were by any possbty concede that t had rght to pe these sacks n the path of aghtng passengers, the pacng of them adequatey so that ther presence woud be reveaed. As pertnent to the queston of contrbutory neggence on the part of the pantff n ths case the foowng crcumstances are to be noted: The company's patform was constructed upon a eve hgher than that of the roadbed and the surroundng ground. The dstance from the steps of the car to the spot where the aghtng passenger woud pace hs feet on the patform was thus reduced, thereby decreasng the rsk ncdent to steppng off. The nature of the patform, constructed as t was of cement matera, aso assured to the passenger a stabe and even surface on whch to aght. Furthermore, the pantff was possessed of the vgor and agty of young manhood, and t was by no means so rsky for hm to get off whe the tran was yet movng as the same act woud have been n an aged or feebe person. In determnng the queston of contrbutory neggence n performng such act - that s to say, whether the passenger acted prudenty or reckessy - the age, sex, and physca condton of the passenger are crcumstances necessary affectng the safety of the passenger, and shoud be consdered. Women, t has been observed, as a genera rue are ess capabe than men of aghtng wth safety under such condtons, as the nature of ther wearng appare obstructs the free movement of the mbs. Agan, t may be noted that the pace was perfecty famar to the pantff as t was hs day custom to get on and of the tran at ths staton. There coud, therefore, be no uncertanty n hs mnd wth regard ether to the ength of the step whch he was requred to take or the character of the patform where he was aghtng. Our concuson s that the conduct of the pantff n undertakng to aght whe the tran was yet sghty under way was not characterzed by mprudence and that therefore he was not guty of contrbutory neggence. The evdence shows that the pantff, at the tme of the accdent, was earnng P25 a month as a copyst cerk, and that the n|ures he has suffered have permanenty dsabed hm from contnung that empoyment. Defendant has not shown that any other ganfu occupaton s open to pantff. Hs expectancy of fe, accordng to the standard mortaty tabes, s approxmatey thrty-three years. We are of the opnon that a far compensaton for the damage suffered by hm for hs permanent dsabty s the sum of P2,500, and that he s aso entted to recover of defendant the addtona sum of P790.25 for medca attenton, hospta servces, and other ncdenta expendtures connected wth the treatment of hs n|ures. The decson of ower court s reversed, and |udgment s hereby rendered pantff for the sum of P3,290.25, and for the costs of both nstances. So ordered. Areano, C.|., Torres, Street and Avancea, ||., concur. Separate Opnons MALCOLM, |., dssentng: Wth one sentence n the ma|orty decson, we are of fu accord, namey, "It may be admtted that had pantff wated unt the tran had come to a fu stop before aghtng, the partcuar n|ury suffered by hm coud not have occurred." Wth the genera rue reatve to a passenger's contrbutory neggence, we are kewse n fu accord, namey, "An attempt to aght from a movng tran s neggence per se." Addng these two ponts together, shoud be absoved from the compant, and |udgment affrmed. |ohnson, |., concur. ARAN%-A vs D% &O.A Facts: Respondent De |oya, genera manager, proposed to the board of Ace Advsertsng Corp., to send Rcardo Tayor to the US to take up speca studes n teevson. The Board dd not act upon the proposa. Nevertheess, sent Tayor to the US. Respondent assured Antono Araneta, a company drector, that expenses w be handed by other partes whch ater was confrmed through a memorandum. Whe abroad, Tayor contnued to receve hs saares. The tems correspondng to hs saares appeared n vouchers prepared upon orders of, and approved by, the respondent. Pettoner Lus Araneta, sgned three of the vouchers, others sgned by ether respondent or Vcente Araneta, the company treasurer. A tod, Ace Advertsng dsbursed P5, 043.20 on account of Tayors trave and studes. Then a year after, Ace Advertsng fed a compant before the CFI aganst respondent for the recovery of the tota sum dsbursed to Tayor aegng that the trp was made wthout ts knowedge, authorty or ratfcaton. The respondent n hs answer dened the charge and camed that the trp was nonetheess ratfed by the companys board and at any event he had the dscreton as genera manager to authorze the trp whch was for the companys beneft. A thrd party compant was fed by respondent aganst, Vcente and Lus and Tayor. Respondent proved that some of the checks to cover the expenses of Tayor were sgned by Vcente and Lus. In ther defense, Lus and Vcente camed that they sgned the checks n good fath as they were approved by respondent. The CFI rendered |udgment orderng the respondent to pay Ace for the amount dsbursed wth nterest at a ega rate unt fu payment and dsmssed the thrd party compant. Respondent appeaed to CA. CA affrmed the decson of tra court wth regard to ts decson n favor of Ace but reversed the dsmssa of the 3rd party compant. CA found as a fact that Tayors trp had nether been authorzed nor ratfed by Ace. It hed that Lus and Vcente were aso prvy to the authorzed dsbursement of corporate mones wth the respondent. That when they approved sgned the checks, they have gven ther stamp of approva. As t s estabshed that corporate funds were dsbursed unauthorzed, the case s of a smpe quas-dect commtted by them aganst the corporaton. Hence, ths appea. Issue: Whether or not pettoner s guty of quas-dect, notwthstandng that he was occupyng a contractua poston at Ace? Otherwse stated, whether or not quas-dect (tort) may be commtted a party n a contract? e!": Yes. The exstence of a contract between the partes consttutes no bar to the commsson of a tort by one aganst the other and the consequent recovery of damages. Hs gut s manfest on account of, n spte of hs beng a vce-presdent and drector of Ace, pettoner remaned passve, throughout the perod of Tayors trp and to the payment of the atters saary. As such he negected to perform hs dutes propery to the damage of the frm of whch he was an offcer. F#LL CA$% Petton for revew of the decson of the Court of Appeas n CA-G.R. 34277-R orderng Lus Ma. Araneta (herenafter referred to as the pettoner) to ndemnfy Antono R. de |oya (herenafter referred to as the respondent) for one-thrd of the sum of P5,043.20 whch the atter was ad|udged to pay the Ace Advertsng Agency, Inc., the pantff n the recovery sut beow. Sometme n November 1952 the respondent, then genera manager of the Ace Advertsng, proposed to the board of drectors 1 that an empoyee, Rcardo Tayor, be sent to the Unted States to take up speca studes n teevson. The board, however, faed to act on the proposa. Nevertheess, n September 1953 the respondent sent Tayor abroad. |. Antono Araneta, a company drector, nqured about the trp and was assured by the respondent that Tayor's expenses woud be defrayed not by the company but by other partes. Ths was thereafter confrmed by the respondent n a memorandum. Whe abroad, from September 1, 1953 to March 15, 1954, Tayor contnued to receve hs saares. The tems correspondng to hs saares appeared n vouchers prepared upon the orders of, and approved by, the respondent and were ncuded n the sem-monthy payro checks for the empoyees of the corporaton. The pettoner sgned three of these checks on November 27, December 15 and December 29, 1953. The others were sgned by ether the respondent, or Vcente Araneta (company treasurer) who put up part of the b connected wth Tayor's trp and aso handed hm etters for devery n the Unted States. The Ace Advertsng dsbursed P5,043.20, a tod, on account of Tayor's trave and studes. On August 23, 1954 the Ace Advertsng fed a compant wth the court of frst nstance of Mana aganst the respondent for recovery of the tota sum dsbursed to Tayor, aegng that the trp was made wthout ts knowedge, authorty or ratfcaton. The respondent, n hs answer, dened the charge and camed that the trp was nonetheess ratfed by the company's board of drectors, and that n any event under the by-aws he had the dscreton, as genera manager, to authorze the trp whch was for the company's beneft.. A 3rd-party compant was aso fed by the respondent aganst Vcente Araneta, the pettoner and Rcardo Tayor. The respondent proved that Vcente Araneta, as treasurer of the frm, sgned a check representng the company's share of the transportaton expense of Tayor to the Unted States, and that a seres of payro checks from September 15, 1953 to December 31, 1953, ncusve, whch ncuded the saares of Tayor, was sgned by Vcente Araneta and the pettoner who s a vce-presdent of the company. Both Aranetas dsowned any persona abty, camng that they sgned the checks n good fath as they were approved by the respondent.. On Apr 13, 1964 the tra court rendered |udgment orderng the respondent to pay the Ace Advertsng "the sum of P5,043.20 wth nterest at the ega rate from August 23, 1954 unt fu payment," and dsmssng the 3rd-party compant. The respondent appeaed to the Court of Appeas, whch on August 2, 1965, rendered a decson affrmng the tra court's |udgment n favor of the Ace Advertsng but reversng the dsmssa of the 3rd-party compant. The appeate court found as a fact that Tayor's trp had been nether authorzed nor ratfed by the company. The appeate court's fu statement of ts categorca and unequvoca fndngs of fact on the nature and extent of the partcpaton of the pettoner as we as Vcente Araneta s hereunder quoted: The evdence not ony s cear, but s even not dsputed at a by Vcente and Lus Araneta who nether of them took the wtness stand to refute appeant's evdence, that as to Vcente t was to hm that appeant frst broached the sub|ect-matter of sendng Tayor to Amerca, that Vcente Araneta evnced unusua nterest, and went to the extent of entrustng Tayor wth etters for devery to certan prncpas of Gregoro Araneta, Inc. n the Unted States, and he even sgned the check for P105.20 to cover expenses for hs tax cearance, documentary stamps and passport fees, n connecton wth the trp, on 8 September, 1953, and then on 5 October, 1953, st another check for P868.00 whch was haf the amount for hs pane tcket; and as to Lus Araneta, t not at a beng dsputed that when Tayor was aready n Amerca, hs saares whe abroad were pad on vouchers and checks sgned ether by hm or by Vcente, or by appeant hmsef; because of a these, the concuson s forced upon ths Court that t coud not but have been but that both Vcente and Lus were nformed and gave ther approva to Tayor's trp, and to the payment of hs trp expenses and saares durng hs absence, from corporate funds; f ths was the case as t was, there can be no queston but that they two were aso prvy to the unauthorzed dsbursement of the corporate moneys |onty wth the appeant; what had happened was n truth and n fact a venture by them gven ther stamp of approva; and as t was an unauthorzed act of expendture of corporate funds, and t was these three wthout whose acts the same coud not have happened, the |urdca stuaton was a smpe quas-dect by them commtted upon the corporaton, for whch sodary abty shoud have been mposed upon a n the frst pace, Art. 2194, New Cv Code; and ony De |oya havng been sued and made abe by the corporaton, t was the rght of the atter to ask that hs two |ont tortfeasors be made to shouder ther proportona responsbty. (emphass supped) The basc ega ssue s whether the pettoner s guty of a quas-dect as hed beow. It s our vew, and we so hod, that the |udgment of the Court of Appeas shoud be uphed. The pettoner's asserton that he sgned the questoned payro checks n good fath has not been substantated, he n partcuar not havng testfed or offered testmony to prove such cam. Upon the contrary, n spte of hs beng a vce-presdent and drector of the Ace Advertsng, the pettoner remaned passve, throughout the perod of Tayor's stay abroad, concernng the unauthorzed dsbursements of corporate funds for the atter. Ths pus the fact that he even approved thrce payro checks for the payment of Tayor's saary, demonstrate qute dstncty that the pettoner negected to perform hs dutes propery, to the damage of the frm of whch he was an offcer. The fact that he was occupyng a contractua poston at the Ace Advertsng s of no moment. The exstence of a contract between the partes, as has been repeatedy hed by ths Court, consttutes no bar to the commsson of a tort by one aganst the other and the consequent recovery of damages. 2 ACCORDINGLY, the |udgment of the Court of Appeas s affrmed, at pettoner's cost. /ARR%DO vs GARCIA The case of Barredo v. Garca (73 Ph. 607 (1942)) nvoves a 16-year od boy, one of the passengers of a caretea, who ded as a resut of a coson wth a reckessy drven tax. In the crmna acton, the parents of the vctm reserved ther rght to fe a separate cv acton. After convcton of the drver wth the charge of homcde thru reckess mprudence, they proceeded to fe a separate cv acton aganst the tax-owner based on Artce 2180 of the New Cv Code. The tax-drver met ths wth the argument that the drver havng been convcted of crmna neggence, Artce 100 n reaton to Artces 102-o3 of the Revsed Pena Code shoud govern hs abty, whch, pursuant to sad provsons s ony subsdary, but snce the drver has not been sued n a cv acton and hs property not yet exhausted, the pantffs have no recourse aganst hm. The Court, n sad case, rued n favor of the pantff, hodng that a quas-dect s "a separate ega nsttuton under the Cv Code, wth a substantvty a ts own, and ndvduaty that s entrey apart and ndependent from a dect or crme." The Comment thus anayzes reated decsons on the matter of nterpretng and appyng Barredo and Artce 2177 of the New Cv Code, whch ncude: Dana v. Batangas (93 Ph. 391 (1953)), |ocson v. Goroso (22 SCRA 316 (1968)), Mendoza v. La Maorca (82 SCRA 243 (1978)), and Padua v. Robes (66 SCRA 485 (1975)) on the one hand, and Tactaqun v. Paeo (21 SCRA 346 (1967)) on the other. The Author concudes by statng that the doctrne n Barredo s mertorous but s susceptbe to mprovement, n effect, posng a chaenge to egsators + Facts: On May 3, 1936, there was a head-on coson between a tax of the Maate taxcab drven by Fontana and a carretea guded by Dmaps. The carretea was over-turned, and a passenger, a 16-year od boy, Garca, suffered n|ures from whch he ded. A crmna acton was fed aganst Fontana, and he was convcted. The court n the crmna case granted the petton to reserve the cv acton. Garca and Amaro, parents of the deceased, on March 7, 1939, fed a cv acton aganst Barredo, the propretor of the Maate Taxcab and empoyer of Fontana, makng hm prmary and drecty responsbe under cupa acquana of Artce 2180 of the Cv Code of the Phppnes. It s undsputed that Fontanas neggence was the cause of the accdent, as he was drvng on the wrong sde of the road at hgh speed, and there was no showng that Barredo exercsed the dgence of a good father of a famy, a defense to Artce 2180 of the sad Code. Barredos theory of defense s that Fontanas neggence beng punshed by the Revsed Pena Code, hs abty as empoyer s ony subsdary, but Fontana, was not sued for cv abty. Hence, Barredo cams that he cannot be hed abe. Issue: Whether or not Barredo, as empoyer s cvy abe for the acts of Fontana, hs empoyee. e!": Ouas-dect or cupa acquana s a separate ega nsttuton under the Cv Code of the Phppnes s entrey dstnct and ndependent from a dect or crme under the Revsed Pena Code. In ths |ursdcton, the same neggent act causng damage may produce cv abty (subsdary) arsng from a crme under Artce 103 of the Revsed Pena Code of the Phppnes; or create an acton for quas-decto or cupa aquana under Artces 2179 and 2180 of the Cv Code and the partes are free to choose whch course to take. And n the nstant case, the neggent act of Fontana produces two (2) abtes of Barredo: Frst, a subsdary one because of the cv abty of Fontana arsng from the atters crmna neggence under Artce 103 of the Revsed Pena Code, and second, Barredos prmary and drect responsbty arsng from hs presumed neggence as an empoyer under Artce 2180 of the Cv Code. Snce the pantffs are free to choose what remedy to take, they preferred the second, whch s wthn ther rghts. Ths s the more expedous and effectve method of reef because Fontana was ether n prson or |ust been reeased or had no property. Barredo was hed abe for damages. Difference bet Crime and Quasi-delict 1) crmes - pubc nterest; quas-dect - ony prvate nterest; 2) Pena code punshes or corrects crmna acts; Cv Code by means of ndemnfcaton merey repars the damage; 3) dects are not as broad as quas-dects; crmes are ony punshed f there s a pena aw; quas-dects ncude any knd of faut or neggence ntervenes NOTE: not a voatons of pena aw produce cv responsbty. e.g. contraventon of ordnances, voaton of game aws, nfracton of rues of traffc when nobody s hurt4) crme - gut beyond reasonabe doubt; cv - mere preponderance of evdence- Presumptons: 1) n|ury s caused by servant or empoyee, there nstanty arses presumpton of neggence of master or empoyer n seecton, n supervson or both 2) presumpton s |urs tantum not |urs et de |ure TF may be rebutted by provng exercse of dgence of a good father of the famy- bass of cv aw abty: not respondent superor but the reatonshp of paterfamas- motor accdents - need of stressng and accentuatng the responsbty of owners of motor vehces. DIG%$- II I$$#%: Whether or not Barredo s |ust subsdary abe. %LD: No. He s prmary abe under Artce 1903 whch s a separate cv acton aganst neggent empoyers. Garca s we wthn hs rghts n sung Barredo. He reserved hs rght to fe a separate cv acton and ths s more expedtous because by the tme of the SC |udgment Fontana s aready servng hs sentence and has no property. It was aso proven that Barredo s neggent n hrng hs empoyees because t was shown that Fontana had had mutpe traffc nfractons aready before he hred hm - somethng he faed to overcome durng hearng. Had Garca not reserved hs rght to fe a separate cv acton, Barredo woud have ony been subsdary abe. Further, Barredo s not beng sued for damages arsng from a crmna act (hs drvers neggence) but rather for hs own neggence n seectng hs empoyee (Artce 1903). %LCANO vs ILL 77 SCRA 100 - May 26, 1977 Torts and Damages - Cv Labty from Ouas Dects vs Cv Labty from Crmes FAC-$: Regnad H, a mnor, caused the death of Agapto (son of Ecano). Ecano fed a crmna case aganst Regnad but Regnad was acqutted for "ack of ntent couped wth mstake." Ecano then fed a cv acton aganst Regnad and hs dad (Marvn H) for damages based on Artce 2180 of the Cv Code. H argued that the cv acton s barred by hs sons acqutta n the crmna case; and that f ever, hs cv abty as a parent has been extngushed by the fact that hs son s aready an emancpated mnor by reason of hs marrage. I$$#%: Whether or not Marvn H may be hed cvy abe under Artce 2180. %LD: Yes. The acqutta of Regnad n the crmna case does not bar the fng of a separate cv acton. A separate cv acton es aganst the offender n a crmna act, whether or not he s crmnay prosecuted and found guty or acqutted, provded that the offended party s not aowed, f accused s actuay charged aso crmnay, to recover damages on both scores, and woud be entted n such eventuaty ony to the bgger award of the two, assumng the awards made n the two cases vary. In other words, the extncton of cv abty referred to n Par. (e) of Secton 3, Rue 111, refers excusvey to cv abty founded on Artce 100 of the Revsed Pena Code, whereas the cv abty for the same act consdered as a quas-dect ony and not as a crme s not extngushed even by a decaraton n the crmna case that the crmna act charged has not happened or has not been commtted by the accused. Brefy stated, cupa aquana ncudes vountary and neggent acts whch may be punshabe by aw. Whe t s true that parenta authorty s termnated upon emancpaton of the chd (Artce 327, Cv Code), and under Artce 397, emancpaton takes pace "by the marrage of the mnor chd", t s, however, aso cear that pursuant to Artce 399, emancpaton by marrage of the mnor s not reay fu or absoute. Thus "Emancpaton by marrage or by vountary concesson sha termnate parenta authorty over the chds person. It sha enabe the mnor to admnster hs property as though he were of age, but he cannot borrow money or aenate or encumber rea property wthout the consent of hs father or mother, or guardan. He can sue and be sued n court ony wth the assstance of hs father, mother or guardan." Therefore, Artce 2180 s appcabe to Marvn H - the SC however rued snce at the tme of the decson, Regnad s aready of age, Marvns abty shoud be subsdary ony - as a matter of equty. DIG%$- II Issues: Whether or not quas-dect s restrcted to neggence and cannot appy to vountary acts or omssons producng n|ury (or feony)? Whether or not a father may be hed abe for the act of hs emancpated chd consttutng quas-dect? e!": No. To repeat the Barredo case, under Artce 2177, acqutta from an accusaton of crmna neggence, whether on reasonabe doubt or not, sha not be a bar to a subsequent cv acton, not for cv abty arsng from crmna neggence, but for damages due to a quas- dect or cupa aquana athough t mentons the word "neggence" but accordng to |ustce Bocobo t must be construed accordng to "the sprt that gveth ft- rather than that whch s tera that keth the ntent of the awmaker shoud be observed n appyng the same." Crmna prosecuton and cv acton are two dfferent thngs. On the second ssue (obsoete), yes, the father may be hed abe. Whe t s true that marrage of a chd emancpates hm from the parenta authorty of hs parents, what matters reay s whether or not such mnor s competey emancpated as defned by aw. In the case at bar, hs emancpaton s ony parta for as provded by aw he can sue and be sued n court wth the assstance of hs parents, he cannot manage hs own propertes wthout the approva of hs parents, and thrd as n the facts, he rees for subsstence from hs parents. F#LL CA$% G.R. No. L-24803 May 26, 1977 PEDRO ELCANO and PATRICIA ELCANO, n ther capacty as Ascendants of Agapto Ecano, deceased, pantffs-appeants, vs. REGINALD HILL, mnor, and MARVIN HILL, as father and Natura Guardan of sad mnor, defendants-appeees. Appea from the order of the Court of Frst Instance of Ouezon Cty dated |anuary 29, 1965 n Cv Case No. O-8102, Pedro Ecano et a. vs. Regnad H et a. dsmssng, upon moton to dsmss of defendants, the compant of pantffs for recovery of damages from defendant Regnad H, a mnor, marred at the tme of the occurrence, and hs father, the defendant Marvn H, wth whom he was vng and gettng subsstence, for the kng by Regnad of the son of the pantffs, named Agapto Ecano, of whch, when crmnay prosecuted, the sad accused was acqutted on the ground that hs act was not crmna, because of "ack of ntent to k, couped wth mstake." Actuay, the moton to dsmss based on the foowng grounds: 1. The present acton s not ony aganst but a voaton of secton 1, Rue 107, whch s now Rue III, of the Revsed Rues of Court; 2. The acton s barred by a pror |udgment whch s now fna and or n res-ad|udcata; 3. The compant had no cause of acton aganst defendant Marvn H, because he was reeved as guardan of the other defendant through emancpaton by marrage. (P. 23, Record |p. 4, Record on Appea.|) was frst dened by the tra court. It was ony upon moton for reconsderaton of the defendants of such dena, reteratng the above grounds that the foowng order was ssued: Consderng the moton for reconsderaton fed by the defendants on |anuary 14, 1965 and after thoroughy examnng the arguments theren contaned, the Court fnds the same to be mertorous and we-founded. WHEREFORE, the Order of ths Court on December 8, 1964 s hereby reconsdered by orderng the dsmssa of the above entted case. SO ORDERED. Ouezon Cty, Phppnes, |anuary 29, 1965. (p. 40, Record |p. 21, Record on Appea.) Hence, ths appea where pantffs-appeants, the spouses Ecano, are presentng for Our resouton the foowng assgnment of errors: THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN DISMISSING THE CASE BY UPHOLDING THE CLAIM OF DEFENDANTS THAT - I THE PRESENT ACTION IS NOT ONLY AGAINST BUT ALSO A VIOLATION OF SECTION 1, RULE 107, NOW RULE 111, OF THE REVISED RULES OF COURT, AND THAT SECTION 3(c) OF RULE 111, RULES OF COURT IS APPLICABLE; II THE ACTION IS BARRED BY A PRIOR |UDGMENT WHICH IS NOW FINAL OR RES-AD|UDICTA; III THE PRINCIPLES OF OUASI-DELICTS, ARTICLES 2176 TO 2194 OF THE CIVIL CODE, ARE INAPPLICABLE IN THE INSTANT CASE; and IV THAT THE COMPLAINT STATES NO CAUSE OF ACTION AGAINST DEFENDANT MARVIN HILL BECAUSE HE WAS RELIEVED AS GUARDIAN OF THE OTHER DEFENDANT THROUGH EMANCIPATION BY MARRIAGE. (page 4, Record.) It appears that for the kng of the son, Agapto, of pantffs-appeants, defendant- appeee Regnad H was prosecuted crmnay n Crmna Case No. 5102 of the Court of Frst Instance of Ouezon Cty. After due tra, he was acqutted on the ground that hs act was not crmna because of "ack of ntent to k, couped wth mstake." Parenthetcay, none of the partes has favored Us wth a copy of the decson of acqutta, presumaby because appeants do not dspute that such ndeed was the bass stated n the courts decson. And so, when appeants fed ther compant aganst appeees Regnad and hs father, Atty. Marvn H, on account of the death of ther son, the appeees fed the moton to dsmss above-referred to. As We vew the foregong background of ths case, the two decsve ssues presented for Our resouton are: 1. Is the present cv acton for damages barred by the acqutta of Regnad n the crmna case wheren the acton for cv abty, was not reversed? 2. May Artce 2180 (2nd and ast paragraphs) of the Cv Code he apped aganst Atty. H, notwthstandng the undsputed fact that at the tme of the occurrence companed of. Regnad, though a mnor, vng wth and gettng subsstenee from hs father, was aready egay marred? The frst ssue presents no more probem than the need for a reteraton and further carfcaton of the dua character, crmna and cv, of faut or neggence as a source of obgaton whch was frmy estabshed n ths |ursdcton n Barredo vs. Garca, 73 Ph. 607. In that case, ths Court postuated, on the bass of a schoary dssertaton by |ustce Bocobo on the nature of cupa aquana n reaton to cupa crmna or deto and mere cupa or faut, wth pertnent ctaton of decsons of the Supreme Court of Span, the works of recognzed cvans, and earer |ursprudence of our own, that the same gven act can resut n cv abty not ony under the Pena Code but aso under the Cv Code. Thus, the opnon hods: The, above case s pertnent because t shows that the same act machnst. come under both the Pena Code and the Cv Code. In that case, the acton of the agent keth un|ustfed and frauduent and therefore coud have been the sub|ect of a crmna acton. And yet, t was hed to be aso a proper sub|ect of a cv acton under artce 1902 of the Cv Code. It s aso to be noted that t was the empoyer and not the empoyee who was beng sued. (pp. 615-616, 73 Ph.). 1 It w be notced that the defendant n the above case coud have been prosecuted n a crmna case because hs neggence causng the death of the chd was punshabe by the Pena Code. Here s therefore a cear nstance of the same act of neggence beng a proper sub|ect matter ether of a crmna acton wth ts consequent cv abty arsng from a crme or of an entrey separate and ndependent cv acton for faut or neggence under artce 1902 of the Cv Code. Thus, n ths |ursdcton, the separate ndvduaty of a cuas-deto or cupa aquana, under the Cv Code has been fuy and ceary recognzed, even wth regard to a neggent act for whch the wrongdoer coud have been prosecuted and convcted n a crmna case and for whch, after such a convcton, he coud have been sued for ths cv abty arsng from hs crme. (p. 617, 73 Ph.) 2 It s most sgnfcant that n the case |ust cted, ths Court specfcay apped artce 1902 of the Cv Code. It s thus that athough |. V. House coud have been crmnay prosecuted for reckess or smpe neggence and not ony punshed but aso made cvy abe because of hs crmna neggence, nevertheess ths Court awarded damages n an ndependent cv acton for faut or neggence under artce 1902 of the Cv Code. (p. 618, 73 Ph.) 3 The ega provsons, authors, and cases aready nvoked shoud ordnary be suffcent to dspose of ths case. But nasmuch as we are announcng doctrnes that have been tte understood, n the past, t mght not he napproprate to ndcate ther foundatons. Frsty, the Revsed Pena Code n artces 365 punshes not ony reckess but aso smpe neggence. If we were to hod that artces 1902 to 1910 of the Cv Code refer ony to faut or neggence not punshed by aw, accordngy to the tera mport of artce 1093 of the Cv Code, the ega nsttuton of cupa aquana woud have very tte scope and appcaton n actua fe. Death or n|ury to persons and damage to property- through any degree of neggence - even the sghtest - woud have to be Indemnfed ony through the prncpe of cv abty arsng from a crme. In such a state of affars, what sphere woud reman for cuas-deto or cupa aquana? We are oath to mpute to the awmaker any ntenton to brng about a stuaton so absurd and anomaous. Nor are we, n the nterpretaton of the aws, dsposed to uphod the etter that keth rather than the sprt that gveth fe. We w not use the tera meanng of the aw to smother and render amost feess a prncpe of such ancent orgn and such fu-grown deveopment as cupa aquana or cuas-deto, whch s conserved and made endurng n artces 1902 to 1910 of the Spansh Cv Code. Secondary, to fnd the accused guty n a crmna case, proof of gut beyond reasonabe doubt s requred, whe n a cv case, preponderance of evdence s suffcent to make the defendant pay n damages. There are numerous cases of crmna neggence whch cannot be shown beyond reasonabe doubt, but can be proved by a preponderance of evdence. In such cases, the defendant can and shoud be made responsbe n a cv acton under artces 1902 to 1910 of the Cv Code. Otherwse. there woud be many nstances of unvndcated cv wrongs. "Ub |us Idemnfed remedum." (p. 620,73 Ph.) Fourthy, because of the broad sweep of the provsons of both the Pena Code and the Cv Code on ths sub|ect, whch has gven rse to the overappng or concurrence of spheres aready dscussed, and for ack of understandng of the character and effcacy of the acton for cupa aquana, there has grown up a common practce to seek damages ony by vrtue of the cv responsbty arsng from a crme, forgettng that there s another remedy, whch s by nvokng artces 1902-1910 of the Cv Code. Athough ths habtua method s aowed by, our aws, t has nevertheess rendered practcay useess and nugatory the more expedtous and effectve remedy based on cupa aquana or cupa extra-contractua. In the present case, we are asked to hep perpetuate ths usua course. But we beeve t s hgh tme we ponted out to the harms done by such practce and to restore the prncpe of responsbty for faut or neggence under artces 1902 et seq. of the Cv Code to ts fu rgor. It s hgh tme we caused the stream of quas-dect or cupa aquana to fow on ts own natura channe, so that ts waters may no onger be dverted nto that of a crme under the Pena Code. Ths w, t s beeved, make for the better safeguardng or prvate rghts because t reator, an ancent and addtona remedy, and for the further reason that an ndependent cv acton, not dependng on the ssues, mtatons and resuts of a crmna prosecuton, and entrey drected by the party wronged or hs counse, s more key to secure adequate and effcacous redress. (p. 621, 73 Ph.) Contrary to an mmedate mpresson one mght get upon a readng of the foregong excerpts from the opnon n Garca that the concurrence of the Pena Code and the Cv Code theren referred to contempate ony acts of neggence and not ntentona vountary acts - deeper refecton woud revea that the thrust of the pronouncements theren s not so mted, but that n fact t actuay extends to faut or cupa. Ths can be seen n the reference made theren to the Sentence of the Supreme Court of Span of February 14, 1919, supra, whch nvoved a case of fraud or estafa, not a neggent act. Indeed, Artce 1093 of the Cv Code of Span, n force here at the tme of Garca, provded textuay that obgatons "whch are derved from acts or omssons n whch faut or neggence, not punshabe by aw, ntervene sha be the sub|ect of Chapter II, Tte XV of ths book (whch refers to quas-dects.)" And t s precsey the underne quafcaton, "not punshabe by aw", that |ustce Bocobo emphaszed coud ead to an utmo constructon or nterpretaton of the etter of the aw that "keth, rather than the sprt that gveth ft- hence, the rung that "(W)e w not use the tera meanng of the aw to smother and render amost feess a prncpe of such ancent orgn and such fu-grown deveopment as cupa aquana orquas-deto, whch s conserved and made endurng n artces 1902 to 1910 of the Spansh Cv Code." And so, because |ustce Bacobo was Charman of the Code Commsson that drafted the orgna text of the new Cv Code, t s to be noted that the sad Code, whch was enacted after the Garca doctrne, no onger uses the term, 11 not punshabe by aw," thereby makng t cear that the concept of cupa aquana ncudes acts whch are crmna n character or n voaton of the pena aw, whether vountary or matter. Thus, the correspondng provsons to sad Artce 1093 n the new code, whch s Artce 1162, smpy says, "Obgatons derved from quas-decto sha be governed by the provsons of Chapter 2, Tte XVII of ths Book, (on quas-dects) and by speca aws." More precsey, a new provson, Artce 2177 of the new code provdes: ART. 2177. Responsbty for faut or neggence under the precedng artce s entrey separate and dstnct from the cv abty arsng from neggence under the Pena Code. But the pantff cannot recover damages twce for the same act or omsson of the defendant. Accordng to the Code Commsson: "The foregong provson (Artce 2177) through at frst sght startng, s not so nove or extraordnary when we consder the exact nature of crmna and cv neggence. The former s a voaton of the crmna aw, whe the atter s a "cupa aquana" or quas-dect, of ancent orgn, havng aways had ts own foundaton and ndvduaty, separate from crmna neggence. Such dstncton between crmna neggence and "cupa extracontractua" or "cuas-deto" has been sustaned by decson of the Supreme Court of Span and mantaned as cear, sound and perfecty tenabe by Maura, an outstandng Spansh |urst. Therefore, under the proposed Artce 2177, acqutta from an accusaton of crmna neggence, whether on reasonabe doubt or not, sha not be a bar to a subsequent cv acton, not for cv abty arsng from crmna neggence, but for damages due to a quas-dect or cupa aquana. But sad artce forestas a doube recovery.", (Report of the Code) Commsson, p. 162.) Athough, agan, ths Artce 2177 does seem to teray refer to ony acts of neggence, the same argument of |ustce Bacobo about constructon that uphods "the sprt that gveth ft- rather than that whch s tera that keth the ntent of the awmaker shoud be observed n appyng the same. And consderng that the premnary chapter on human reatons of the new Cv Code defntey estabshes the separabty and ndependence of abty n a cv acton for acts crmna n character (under Artces 29 to 32) from the cv responsbty arsng from crme fxed by Artce 100 of the Revsed Pena Code, and, n a sense, the Rues of Court, under Sectons 2 and 3 (c), Rue 111, contempate aso the same separabty, t s "more congruent wth the sprt of aw, equty and |ustce, and more n harmony wth modern progress"- to borrow the fectous reevant anguage n Rakes vs. Atantc. Guf and Pacfc Co., 7 Ph. 359, to hod, as We do hod, that Artce 2176, where t refers to "faut or neggenca covers not ony acts "not punshabe by aw" but aso acts crmna n character, whether ntentona and vountary or neggent. Consequenty, a separate cv acton es aganst the offender n a crmna act, whether or not he s crmnay prosecuted and found guty or acqutted, provded that the offended party s not aowed, f he s actuay charged aso crmnay, to recover damages on both scores, and woud be entted n such eventuaty ony to the bgger award of the two, assumng the awards made n the two cases vary. In other words, the extncton of cv abty referred to n Par. (e) of Secton 3, Rue 111, refers excusvey to cv abty founded on Artce 100 of the Revsed Pena Code, whereas the cv abty for the same act consdered as a quas- dect ony and not as a crme s not extngushed even by a decaraton n the crmna case that the crmna act charged has not happened or has not been commtted by the accused. Brefy stated, We here hod, n reteraton of Garca, that cupa aquana ncudes vountary and neggent acts whch may be punshabe by aw.4 It resuts, therefore, that the acqutta of Regna H n the crmna case has not extngushed hs abty for quas-dect, hence that acqutta s not a bar to the nstant acton aganst hm. Comng now to the second ssue about the effect of Regnads emancpaton by marrage on the possbe cv abty of Atty. H, hs father, t s aso Our consdered opnon that the concuson of appeees that Atty. H s aready free from responsbty cannot be uphed. Whe t s true that parenta authorty s termnated upon emancpaton of the chd (Artce 327, Cv Code), and under Artce 397, emancpaton takes pace "by the marrage of the mnor (chd)", t s, however, aso cear that pursuant to Artce 399, emancpaton by marrage of the mnor s not reay fu or absoute. Thus "(E)mancpaton by marrage or by vountary concesson sha termnate parenta authorty over the chds person. It sha enabe the mnor to admnster hs property as though he were of age, but he cannot borrow money or aenate or encumber rea property wthout the consent of hs father or mother, or guardan. He can sue and be sued n court ony wth the assstance of hs father, mother or guardan." Now under Artce 2180, "(T)he obgaton mposed by artce 2176 s demandabe not ony for ones own acts or omssons, but aso for those of persons for whom one s responsbe. The father and, n case of hs death or ncapacty, the mother, are responsbe. The father and, n case of hs death or ncapacty, the mother, are responsbe for the damages caused by the mnor chdren who ve n ther company." In the nstant case, t s not controverted that Regnad, athough marred, was vng wth hs father and gettng subsstence from hm at the tme of the occurrence n queston. Factuay, therefore, Regnad was st subservent to and dependent on hs father, a stuaton whch s not unusua. It must be borne n mnd that, accordng to Manresa, the reason behnd the |ont and sodary abty of presuncon wth ther offendng chd under Artce 2180 s that s the obgaton of the parent to supervse ther mnor chdren n order to prevent them from causng damage to thrd persons. 5 On the other hand, the cear mpcaton of Artce 399, n provdng that a mnor emancpated by marrage may not, nevertheess, sue or be sued wthout the assstance of the parents, s that such emancpaton does not carry wth t freedom to enter nto transactons or do any act that can gve rse to |udca tgaton. (See Manresa, Id., Vo. II, pp. 766-767, 776.) And surey, kng someone ese nvtes |udca acton. Otherwse stated, the marrage of a mnor chd does not reeve the parents of the duty to see to t that the chd, whe st a mnor, does not gve answerabe for the borrowngs of money and aenaton or encumberng of rea property whch cannot be done by ther mnor marred chd wthout ther consent. (Art. 399; Manresa, supra.) Accordngy, n Our consdered vew, Artce 2180 appes to Atty. H notwthstandng the emancpaton by marrage of Regnad. However, nasmuch as t s evdent that Regnad s now of age, as a matter of equty, the abty of Atty. H has become mng, subsdary to that of hs son. WHEREFORE, the order appeaed from s reversed and the tra court s ordered to proceed n accordance wth the foregong opnon. Costs aganst appeees. M%NDO0A vs ARRI%--A Facts: Pettoner, Edgardo Mendoza, seeks a revew on certorar of the Orders of respondent |udge n Cv Case No. 80803 dsmssng hs Compant for Damages based on quas-dect aganst respondents Feno Tmbo and Rodofo Saazar. On October 22 a three- way vehcuar accdent occurred aong Mac-Arthur Hghway, Marao, Buacan, nvovng a Mercedes Benz owned and drven by pettoner; a prvate |eep owned and drven by respondent Rodofo Saazar; and a grave and sand truck owned by respondent Fepno Tmbo and drven by Fredde Montoya. Two separate Informaton for Reckess Imprudence Causng Damage to Property were fed aganst Rodofo Saazar and Fredde Montoya. The cause of acton was due to how truck- drver Montoya was for causng damage to the |eep owned by Saazar, by httng t at the rght rear porton thereby causng sad |eep to ht and bump an oncomng car, whch happened to be pettoner's Mercedes Benz. The case aganst |eep-owner-drver Saazar, was for causng damage to the Mercedes Benz. The Court of Frst Instance rendered |udgment fndng the accused Fredde Montoya guty beyond reasonabe doubt of the crme of damage to property thru reckess mprudence. The tra Court absoved |eep-owner-drver Saazar of any abty n vew of ts fndngs that the coson between Saazar's |eep and pettoner's car was the resut of the former havng been bumped from behnd by the truck drven by Montoya. Nether was pettoner awarded damages as he was not a companant aganst truck-drver Montoya but ony aganst |eep-owner. After the termnaton of the crmna cases, pettoner fed a cv case aganst respondents |eep-owner-drver Saazar and Feno Tmbo, the atter beng the owner of the grave and sand truck drven by Montoya, for dentfcaton for the damages sustaned by hs car as a resut of the coson. |eep-owner-drver Saazar and truck-owner Tmbo were |oned as defendants, ether n the aternatve or n sodum. Truck-owner Tmbo fed a Moton to Dsmss on the grounds that the Compant s barred by a pror |udgment n the crmna cases and that t fas to state a cause of acton. An Opposton thereto was fed by pettoner. In an order respondent |udge dsmssed the Compant aganst truck-owner Tmbo for reasons stated n the aforementoned Moton to Dsmss, pettoner sought before ths Court the revew of that dsmssa, to whch petton we gave due course. Upon moton of |eep-owner-drver Saazar, respondent |udge aso dsmssed the case as aganst the former. Respondent |udge reasoned out that "whe t s true that an ndependent cv acton for abty under Artce 2177 of the Cv Code coud be prosecutedndependenty of the crmna acton for the offense from whch t arose, the New Rues of Court, whch took effect on |anuary 1, 1964, requres an express reservaton of the cv acton to be made n the crmna acton; otherwse, the same woud be barred pursuant to Secton 2, Rue 111. Pettoner's Moton for Reconsderaton thereof was dened n the order dated wth respondent |udge suggestng that the ssue be rased to a hgher Court "for a more decsve nterpretaton of the rue. Pettoner then fed a Suppementa Petton to revew the ast two mentoned Orders that requred |eep-owner-drver Saazar to fe an Answer. Issue: Is the acton aganst respondents barred because of a pror |udgment? e!": Pettoner's cause of acton beng based on quas-dect, respondent |udge commtted reversbe error when he dsmssed the cv sut aganst the truck-owner, as sad case may proceed ndependenty of the crmna proceedngs and regardess of the resut of the atter. The court hed- t s a we-setted rue that for a pror |udgment to consttute a bar to a subsequent case, the foowng requstes must concur: (1) t must be a fna |udgment; (2) t must have been rendered by a Court havng |ursdcton over the sub|ect matter and over the partes; (3) t must be a |udgment on the merts; and (4) there must be, between the frst and second actons, Identty of partes, Identty of sub|ect matter and Identty of cause of acton. It s conceded that the frst three requstes of res |udcata are present. However, we agree wth pettoner that there s no Identty of cause of acton between the crmna case and the cv case. Obvous s the fact that n sad crmna case truck-drver Montoya was not prosecuted for damage to pettoner's car but for damage to the |eep. Nether was truck-owner Tmbo a party n sad case. In fact as the tra Court had put t "the owner of the Mercedes Benz cannot recover any damages from the accused Fredde Montoya, he (Mendoza) beng a companant ony aganst Rodofo Saazar n the crmna case. And more mportanty, n the crmna cases, the cause of acton was the enforcement of the cv abty arsng from crmna neggence under Artce of the Revsed Pena Code, whereas the cv case s based on quas- dect under Artce 2180, n reaton to Artce 2176 of the Cv Code Pettoner's cause of acton aganst Tmbo n the cv case s based on quas-dect s evdent from the rectas n the compant . The court decare, therefore, that n so far as truck-owner Tmbo s concerned, the cv case s not barred by the fact that pettoner faed to reserve, n the crmna acton, hs rght to fe an ndependent cv acton based on quas-dect. N%C%$I-O vs 1ARA$ G,R, No, L+12323 Facts: In the mornng of |anuary 28, 1964, Severna Garces and her one-year od son, Precano Necesto, carryng vegetabes, boarded passenger auto truck or bus No. 199 of the Phppne Rabbt Bus Lnes at Agno, Pangasnan. The passenger truck, drven by Francsco Bandone, then proceeded on ts reguar run from Agno to Mana. After passng Mangatarem, Pangasnan truck No. 199 entered a wooden brdge, but the front whees swerved to the rght; the drver ost contro, and after wreckng the brdge's wooden ras, the truck fe on ts rght sde nto a creek where water was breast deep. The mother, Severna Garces, was drowned; the son, Precano Necesto, was n|ured, sufferng abrasons and fracture of the eft femur. Subsequenty, actons for damages were brought drecty aganst the operator of the bus. The atter peaded that the accdent was due to "engne or mechanca troube" ndependent or beyond the contro of the defendants or of the drver Bandone. After |ont tra, the Court of Frst Instance found that the bus was proceedng sowy due to the bad condton of the road; that the accdent was caused by the fracture of the rght steerng knucke, whch was defectve n that ts center or core was not compact but "bubbed and ceuous", a condton that coud not be known or ascertaned by the carrer despte the fact that reguar thrty-day nspectons were made of the steerng knucke, snce the stee exteror was smooth and shny to the depth of 3/16 of an nch a around; that the knuckes are desgned and manufactured for heavy duty and may ast up to ten years; that the knucke of bus No. 199 that broke on |anuary 28, 1954, was ast nspected on |anuary 5,1954, and was due to be nspected agan on February 5th. Hence, the tra court, hodng that the accdent was excusvey due to fortutous event, dsmssed both actons. Hence ths appea. Issues: 1. Whether or not the carrer s abe for the n|ures and damages sustaned by the passengers. 2. Whether or not the cause of the accdent s that of fortutous event. e!": 1. Yes. The Supreme Court hed that the preponderance of authorty s n favor of the doctrne that a passenger s entted to recover damages from a carrer for an n|ury resutng from a defect n an appance purchased from a manufacturer, whenever t appears that the defect woud have been dscovered by the carrer f t had exercsed the degree of care whch under the crcumstances was ncumbent upon t, wth regard to nspecton and appcaton of the necessary tests. For the purposes of ths doctrne, the manufacturer s consdered as beng n aw the agent or servant of the carrer, as far as regards the work of constructng the appance. Accordng to ths theory, the good repute of the manufacturer w not reeve the carrer from abty" (10 Am. |ur. 205, s,1324; and cases cted theren). The ratonae of the carrer's abty s the fact that the passenger has nether choce nor contro over the carrer n the seecton and use of the equpment and appances n use by the carrer. Havng no prvty whatever wth the manufacturer or vendor of the defectve equpment, the passenger has no remedy aganst hm, whe the carrer usuay has. It s but ogca, therefore, that the carrer, whe not n nsurer of the safety of hs passengers, shoud nevertheess be hed to answer for the faws of hs equpment f such faws were at a dscoverabe. 2. As to the second ssue, the record s to the effect that the ony test apped to the steerng knucke n queston was a purey vsua nspecton every thrty days, to see f any cracks deveoped. It nowhere appears that ether the manufacturer or the carrer at any tme tested the steerng knucke to ascertan whether ts strength was up to standard, or that t had no hdden faws woud mpar that strength. Ths perodca vsua nspecton of the steerng knucke as practced by the carrer's agents dd not measure up to the requred ega standard of "utmost dgence of very cautous persons" - "as far as human care and foresght can provde", and therefore that the knucke's faure cannot be consdered a fortutous event that exempts the carrer from responsbty (Lasam vs. Smth, 45 Ph. 657; Son vs. Cebu Autobus Co., 94 Ph., 892.). F#LL CA$% GERMAN NECESITO, ET AL., pantffs-appeants, vs. NATIVIDAD PARAS, ET AL., defendants- appeees. These cases nvove ex contractu aganst the owners and operators of the common carrer known as Phppne Rabbt Bus Lnes, fed by one passenger, and the hers of another, who n|ured as a resut of the fa nto a rver of the vehce n whch they were rdng. In the mornng of |anuary 28, 1964, Severna Garces and her one-year od son, Precano Necesto, carryng vegetabes, boarded passenger auto truck or bus No. 199 of the Phppne Rabbt Bus Lnes at Agno, Pangasnan. The passenger truck, drven by Francsco Bandone, then proceeded on ts reguar run from Agno to Mana. After passng Mangatarem, Pangasnan truck No. 199 entered a wooden brdge, but the front whees swerved to the rght; the drver ost contro, and after wreckng the brdges wooden ras, the truck fe on ts rght sde nto a creek where water was breast deep. The mother, Severna Garces, was drowned; the son, Precano Necesto, was n|ured, sufferng abrasons and fracture of the eft femur. He was brought to the Provnca Hospta at Dagupan, where the fracture was set but wth fragments one centmeter out of ne. The money, wrst watch and cargo of vegetabes were ost. Two actons for damages and attorneys fees totang over P85,000 havng been fed n the Court of Frst Instance of Tarac (Cases Nos. 908 and 909) aganst the carrer, the atter peaded that the accdent was due to "engne or mechanca troube" ndependent or beyond the contro of the defendants or of the drver Bandone. After |ont tra, the Court of Frst Instance found that the bus was proceedng sowy due to the bad condton of the road; that the accdent was caused by the fracture of the rght steerng knucke, whch was defectve n that ts center or core was not compact but "bubbed and ceuous", a condton that coud not be known or ascertaned by the carrer despte the fact that reguar thrty-day nspectons were made of the steerng knucke, snce the stee exteror was smooth and shny to the depth of 3/16 of an nch a around; that the knuckes are desgned and manufactured for heavy duty and may ast up to ten years; that the knucke of bus No. 199 that broke on |anuary 28, 1954, was ast nspected on |anuary 5, 1954, and was due to be nspected agan on February 5th. Hence, the tra court, hodng that the accdent was excusvey due to fortutous event, dsmssed both actons. Pantffs appeaed drecty to ths Court n vew of the amount n controversy. We are ncned to agree wth the tra court that t s not key that bus No. 199 of the Phppne Rabbt Lnes was drven over the deepy rutted road eadng to the brdge at a speed of 50 mes per hour, as testfed for the pantffs. Such conduct on the part of the drver woud have provoked nstant and vehement protest on the part of the passengers because of the attendant dscomfort, and there s no trace of any such compant n the records. We are thus forced to assume that the proxmate cause of the accdent was the reduced strength of the steerng knucke of the vehce caused by defects n castng t. Whe appeants hnt that the broken knucke exhbted n court was not the rea fttng attached to the truck at the tme of the accdent, the records they regstered no ob|ecton on that ground at the tra beow. The ssue s thus reduced to the queston whether or not the carrer s abe for the manufacturng defect of the steerng knucke, and whether the evdence dscoses that n regard thereto the carrer exercsed the dgence requred by aw (Art. 1755, new Cv Code). ART. 1755. A common carrer s bound to carry the passengers safey as far as human care and foresght can provde, usng the utmost dgence of very cautous persons, wth a due regard for the a the crcumstances. It s cear that the carrer s not an nsurer of the passengers safety. Hs abty rests upon neggence, hs faure to exercse the "utmost" degree of dgence that the aw requres, and by Art. 1756, n case of a passengers death or n|ury the carrer bears the burden of satsfyng the court that he has duy dscharged the duty of prudence requred. In the Amercan aw, where the carrer s hed to the same degree of dgence as under the new Cv Code, the rue on the abty of carrers for defects of equpment s thus expressed: "The preponderance of authorty s n favor of the doctrne that a passenger s entted to recover damages from a carrer for an n|ury resutng from a defect n an appance purchased from a manufacturer, whenever t appears that the defect woud have been dscovered by the carrer f t had exercsed the degree of care whch under the crcumstances was ncumbent upon t, wth regard to nspecton and appcaton of the necessary tests. For the purposes of ths doctrne, the manufacturer s consdered as beng n aw the agent or servant of the carrer, as far as regards the work of constructng the appance. Accordng to ths theory, the good repute of the manufacturer w not reeve the carrer from abty" (10 Am. |ur. 205, s, 1324; see aso Pennsyvana R. Co. vs. Roy, 102 U. S. 451; 20 L. Ed. 141; Southern R. Co. vs. Hussey, 74 ALR 1172; 42 Fed. 2d 70; and Ed Note, 29 ALR 788; Ann. Cas. 1916E 929). The ratonae of the carrers abty s the fact that the passenger has nether choce nor contro over the carrer n the seecton and use of the equpment and appances n use by the carrer. Havng no prvty whatever wth the manufacturer or vendor of the defectve equpment, the passenger has no remedy aganst hm, whe the carrer usuay has. It s but ogca, therefore, that the carrer, whe not n nsurer of the safety of hs passengers, shoud nevertheess be hed to answer for the faws of hs equpment f such faws were at a dscoverabe. Thus Hannen, |., n Francs vs. Cockre, LR 5 O. B. 184, sad: In the ordnary course of thngs, the passenger does not know whether the carrer has hmsef manufactured the means of carrage, or contracted wth someone ese for ts manufacture. If the carrer has contracted wth someone ese the passenger does not usuay know who that person s, and n no case has he any share n the seecton. The abty of the manufacturer must depend on the terms of the contract between hm and the carrer, of whch the passenger has no knowedge, and over whch he can have no contro, whe the carrer can ntroduce what stpuatons and take what securtes he may thnk proper. For n|ury resutng to the carrer hmsef by the manufacturers want of care, the carrer has a remedy aganst the manufacturer; but the passenger has no remedy aganst the manufacturer for damage arsng from a mere breach of contract wth the carrer . . . . Uness, therefore, the presumed ntenton of the partes be that the passenger shoud, n the event of hs beng n|ured by the breach of the manufacturers contract, of whch he has no knowedge, be wthout remedy, the ony way n whch effect can be gven to a dfferent ntenton s by supposng that the carrer s to be responsbe to the passenger, and to ook for hs ndemnty to the person whom he seected and whose breach of contract has caused the mschef. (29 ALR 789) And n the eadng case of Morgan vs. Chesapeake & O. R. Co. 15 LRA (NS) 790, 16 Ann. Cas. 608, the Court, n hodng the carrer responsbe for damages caused by the fracture of a car axe, due to a "sand hoe" n the course of moudng the axe, made the foowng observatons. The carrer, n consderaton of certan we-known and hghy vauabe rghts granted to t by the pubc, undertakes certan dutes toward the pubc, among them beng to provde tsef wth sutabe and safe cars and vehces n whch carry the traveng pubc. There s no such duty on the manufacturer of the cars. There s no recproca ega reaton between hm and the pubc n ths respect. When the carrer eects to have another bud ts cars, t ought not to be absoved by that facts from ts duty to the pubc to furnsh safe cars. The carrer cannot essen ts responsbty by shftng ts undertakng to anothers shouders. Its duty to furnsh safe cars s sde by sde wth ts duty to furnsh safe track, and to operate them n a safe manner. None of ts dutes n these respects can be subet so as to reeve t from the fu measure prmary exacted of t by aw. The carrer seects the manufacturer of ts cars, f t does not tsef construct them, precsey as t does those who grade ts road, and ay ts tracks, and operate ts trans. That t does not exercse contro over the former s because t eects to pace that matter n the hands of the manufacturer, nstead of retanng the supervsng contro tsef. The manufacturer shoud be deemed the agent of the carrer as respects ts duty to seect the matera out of whch ts cars and ocomotve are but, as we as n nspectng each step of ther constructon. If there be tests known to the crafts of car buders, or ron mouders, by whch such defects mght be dscovered before the part was ncorporated nto the car, then the faure of the manufacturer to make the test w be deemed a faure by the carrer to make t. Ths s not a vcarous responsbty. It extends, as the necessty of ths busness demands, the rue of respondeat superor to a stuaton whch fas ceary wthn ts scope and sprt. Where an n|ury s nfcted upon a passenger by the breakng or wreckng of a part of the tran on whch he s rdng, t s presumaby the resut of neggence at some pont by the carrer. As stated by |udge Story, n Story on Baments, sec. 601a: "When the n|ury or damage happens to the passenger by the breakng down or overturnng of the coach, or by any other accdent occurrng on the ground, the presumpton prma face s that t occurred by the neggence of the coachmen, and onus proband s on the propretors of the coach to estabsh that there has been no neggence whatever, and that the damage or n|ury has been occasoned by nevtabe casuaty, or by some cause whch human care and foresght coud not prevent; for the aw w, n tenderness to human fe and mb, hod the propretors abe for the sghtest neggence, and w compe them to repe by satsfactory proofs every mputaton thereof." When the passenger has proved hs n|ury as the resut of a breakage n the car or the wreckng of the tran on whch he was beng carred, whether the defect was n the partcuar car n whch he was rdng or not, the burden s then cast upon the carrer to show that t was due to a cause or causes whch the exercse of the utmost human sk and foresght coud not prevent. And the carrer n ths connecton must show, f the accdent was due to a atent defect n the matera or constructon of the car, that not ony coud t not have dscovered the defect by the exercse of such care, but that the buders coud not by the exercse of the same care have dscovered the defect or foreseen the resut. Ths rue appes the same whether the defectve car beonged to the carrer or not. In the case now before us, the record s to the effect that the ony test apped to the steerng knucke n queston was a purey vsua nspecton every thrty days, to see f any cracks deveoped. It nowhere appears that ether the manufacturer or the carrer at any tme tested the steerng knucke to ascertan whether ts strength was up to standard, or that t had no hdden faws woud mpar that strength. And yet the carrer must have been aware of the crtca mportance of the knuckes resstance; that ts faure or breakage woud resut n oss of baance and steerng contro of the bus, wth dsastrous effects upon the passengers. No argument s requred to estabsh that a vsua nspecton coud not drecty determne whether the resstance of ths crtcay mportant part was not mpared. Nor has t been shown that the weakenng of the knucke was mpossbe to detect by any known test; on the contrary, there s testmony that t coud be detected. We are satsfed that the perodca vsua nspecton of the steerng knucke as practced by the carrers agents dd not measure up to the requred ega standard of "utmost dgence of very cautous persons" - "as far as human care and foresght can provde", and therefore that the knuckes faure can not be consdered a fortutous event that exempts the carrer from responsbty (Lasam vs. Smth, 45 Ph. 657; Son vs. Cebu Autobus Co., 94 Ph. 892.) It may be mpractcabe, as appeee argues, to requre of carrers to test the strength of each and every part of ts vehces before each trp; but we are of the opnon that a due regard for the carrers obgatons toward the traveng pubc demands adequate perodca tests to determne the condton and strength of those vehce portons the faure of whch may endanger the safe of the passengers. As to the damages suffered by the pantffs, we agree wth appeee that no aowance may be made for mora damages, snce under Artce 2220 of the new Cv Code, n case of suts for breach of contract, mora damages are recoverabe ony where the defendant acted frauduenty or n bad fath, and there s none n the case before us. As to exempary damages, the carrer has not acted n a "wanton, frauduent, reckess, oppressve or maevoent manner" to warrant ther award. Hence, we beeve that for the mnor Precano Necesto (G. R. No. L-10605), an ndemnty of P5,000 woud be adequate for the abrasons and fracture of the femur, ncudng medca and hosptazaton expenses, there beng no evdence that there woud be any permanent mparment of hs facutes or body functons, beyond the ack of anatomca symmetry. As for the death of Severna Garces (G. R. No. L-10606) who was 33 years od, wth seven mnor chdren when she ded, her hers are obvousy entted to ndemnty not ony for the ncdenta oses of property (cash, wrst watch and merchandse) worth P394 that she carred at the tme of the accdent and for the bura expenses of P490, but aso for the oss of her earnngs (shown to average P120 a month) and for the deprvaton of her protecton, gudance and company. In our |udgment, an award of P15,000 woud be adequate (cf Acantara vs. Surro, 49 O.G. 2769; 93 Ph. 472). The ow ncome of the pantffs-appeants makes an award for attorneys fees |ust and equtabe (Cv Code, Art. 2208, par. 11). Consderng that he two cases fed were tred |onty, a fee of P3,500 woud be reasonabe. In vew of the foregong, the decson appeaed from s reversed, and the defendants-appeees are sentenced to ndemnfy the pantffs-appeants n the foowng amounts: P5,000 to Precano Necesto, and P15,000 to the hers of the deceased Severna Garces, pus P3,500 by way of attorneys fees and tgaton expenses. Costs aganst defendants-appeees. So ordered. Paras, C.|. Bengzon, Reyes, A., Bautsta Angeo, Concepcon, and Endenca, ||., concur. Fex, |., concurs n the resut. R E S O L U T I O N September 11, 1958 REYES, |. B. L., |.: Defendants-appeees have Submtted a moton askng ths Court to reconsder ts decson of |une 30, 1958, and that the same be modfed wth respect to (1) ts hodng the carrer abe for the breakage of the steerng knucke that caused the autobus No. 199 to overturn, whereby the passengers rdng n t were n|ured; (2) the damages awarded, that appeees argue to be excessve; and (3) the award of attorneys fees. (1) The rue prevang n ths |ursdcton as estabshed n prevous decsons of ths Court, cted n our man opnon, s that a carrer s abe to ts passengers for damages caused by mechanca defects of the conveyance. As eary as 1924, n Lasam vs. Smth, 45 Ph. 659 ths Court rued: As far as the record shows, the accdent was caused ether by defects n the automobe or ese through the neggence of ts drver. That s not caso fortuto. And n Son vs. Cebu Autobus Company, 94 Ph. 892, ths Court hed a common carrer abe n damages to passenger for n|ures cause by an accdent due to the breakage of a fauty drag-nk sprng. It can be seen that whe the courts of the Unted States are at varance on the queston of a carrers abty for atent mechanca defects, the rue n ths |ursdcton has been consstent n hodng the carrer responsbe. Ths Court has quoted from Amercan and Engsh decsons, not because t fet bound to foow the same, but merey n approva of the ratonae of the rue as expressed theren, snce the prevous Phppne cases dd not enarge on the deas underyng the doctrne estabshed thereby. The new evdence sought to be ntroduced do not warrant the grant of a new tra, snce the proposed proof avaabe when the orgna tra was hed. Sad evdence s not newy dscovered. (2) Wth regard to the ndemnty awarded to the chd Precano Necesto, the n|ures suffered by hm are ncapabe of accurate pecunary estmaton, partcuary because the fu effect of the n|ury s not ascertanabe mmedatey. Ths uncertanty, however, does not precude the rght to an ndemnty, snce the n|ury s patent and not dened (Cv Code, Art. 2224). The reasons behnd ths award are expounded by the Code Commsson n ts report: There are cases where from the nature of the case, defnte proof of pecunary oss cannot be offered, athough the court s convnced that there has been such oss. For nstance, n|ury to ones commerca credt or to the goodw of a busness frm s often hard to show wth certanty n terms of money. Shoud damages be dened for that reason? The |udge shoud be empowered to cacuate moderate damages n such cases, rather than that the pantff shoud suffer, wthout redress, from the defendants wrongfu act." (Report of the Code Commsson, p. 75) In awardng to the hers of the deceased Severna Garces an ndemnty for the oss of her "gudance, protecton and company," athough t s but mora damage, the Court took nto account that the case of a passenger who des n the course of an accdent, due to the carrers neggence consttutes an excepton to the genera rue. Whe, as ponted out n the man decson, under Artce 2220 of the new Cv Code there can be no recovery of mora damages for a breach of contract n the absence of fraud mace or bad fath, the case of a voaton of the contract of carrage eadng to a passengers death escapes ths genera rue, n vew of Artce 1764 n connecton wth Artce 2206, No. 3 of the new Cv Code. ART. 1764. Damages n cases comprsed n ths Secton sha be awarded n accordance wth Tte XVIII of ths Book, concernng Damages. Artce 2206 sha aso appy to the death of a passenger caused by the breach of contract by a comman carrer. ART. 2206. . . . (3) The spouse, egtmate and egmate descendants and ascendants of the deceased may demand mora damages for menta angush by reason of the death of the deceased. Beng a speca rue mted to cases of fata n|ures, these artces preva over the genera rue of Art. 2220. Speca provsons contro genera ones (Lchauco & Co. vs. Aposto, 44 Ph. 138; Sanco vs. Lzarraga, 55 Ph. 601). It thus appears that under the new Cv Code, n case of accdent due to a carrers neggence, the hers of a deceased passenger may recover mora damages, even though a passenger who s n|ured, but manages to survve, s not entted to them. There s, therefore, no confct between our man decson n the nstant case and that of Cachero vs. Mana Yeow Tax Cab Co., 101 Ph. 523, where the passenger suffered n|ures, but dd not ose hs fe. (3) In the Cachero case ths Court dsaowed attorneys fees to the n|ured pantff because the tgaton arose out of hs exaggerated and unreasonabe deeds for an ndemnty that was out of proporton wth the compensatory damages to whch he was soey entted. But n the present case, pantffs orgna cams can not be deemed a pror whoy unreasonabe, snce they had a rght to ndemnty for mora damages besdes compensatory ones, and mora damages are not determned by set and nvarabe bounds. Nether does the fact that the contract between the passengers and ther counse was on a contngent bass affect the formers rght to counse fees. As ponted out for appeants, the Courts award s an party and not to counse. A tgant who mprovdenty stpuate hgher counse fees than those to whch he s awfuy entted, does not for that reason earn the rght to a arger ndemnty; but, by party of reasonng, he shoud not be deprved of counse fees f by aw he s entted to recover them. We fnd no reason to ater the man decson heretofore rendered. Utmatey, the poston taken by ths Court s that a common carrers contract s not to be regarded as a game of chance wheren the passenger stakes hs mb and fe aganst the carrers property and profts. Wherefore, the moton for reconsderaton s hereby dened. So ordered. $ICAM %- AL vs &ORG% G,R, No, 149315, Au6ust 8, 2225 FAC-$: On dfferent dates, Luu |orge pawned severa peces of |ewery wth Agenca de R. C. Scam ocated n Paraaque to secure a oan. On October 19, 1987, two armed men entered the pawnshop and took away whatever cash and |ewery were found nsde the pawnshop vaut. On the same date, Scam sent Luu a etter nformng her of the oss of her |ewery due to the robbery ncdent n the pawnshop. Respondent Luu then wrote back expressng dsbeef, then requested Scam to prepare the pawned |ewery for wthdrawa on November 6, but Scam faed to return the |ewery. Luu, |oned by her husband Cesar, fed a compant aganst Scam wth the RTC of Makat seekng ndemnfcaton for the oss of pawned |ewery and payment of AD, MD and ED as we as AF. The RTC rendered ts Decson dsmssng respondents compant as we as pettoners countercam. Respondents appeaed the RTC Decson to the CA whch reversed the RTC, orderng the appeees to pay appeants the actua vaue of the ost |ewery and AF. Pettoners MR dened, hence the nstant petton for revew on Certorar. I$$#%: are the pettoners abe for the oss of the pawned artces n ther possesson? (Pettoners nsst that they are not abe snce robbery s a fortutous event and they are not neggent at a.) %LD: The Decson of the CA s AFFIRMED. YES. Artce 1174 of the Cv Code provdes: Art. 1174. Except n cases expressy specfed by the aw, or when t s otherwse decared by stpuaton, or when the nature of the obgaton requres the assumpton of rsk, no person sha be responsbe for those events whch coud not be foreseen or whch, though foreseen, were nevtabe. Fortutous events by defnton are extraordnary events not foreseeabe or avodabe. It s therefore, not enough that the event shoud not have been foreseen or antcpated, as s commony beeved but t must be one mpossbe to foresee or to avod. The mere dffcuty to foresee the happenng s not mpossbty to foresee the same. To consttute a fortutous event, the foowng eements must concur: (a) the cause of the unforeseen and unexpected occurrence or of the faure of the debtor to compy wth obgatons must be ndependent of human w; (b) t must be mpossbe to foresee the event that consttutes the caso fortuto or, f t can be foreseen, t must be mpossbe to avod; (c) the occurrence must be such as to render t mpossbe for the debtor to fuf obgatons n a norma manner; and, (d) the obgor must be free from any partcpaton n the aggravaton of the n|ury or oss. The burden of provng that the oss was due to a fortutous event rests on hm who nvokes t. And, n order for a fortutous event to exempt one from abty, t s necessary that one has commtted no neggence or msconduct that may have occasoned the oss. Scam had testfed that there was a securty guard n ther pawnshop at the tme of the robbery. He kewse testfed that when he started the pawnshop busness n 1983, he thought of openng a vaut wth the nearby bank for the purpose of safekeepng the vauabes but was dscouraged by the Centra Bank snce pawned artces shoud ony be stored n a vaut nsde the pawnshop. The very measures whch pettoners had aegedy adopted show that to them the possbty of robbery was not ony foreseeabe, but actuay foreseen and antcpated. Scams testmony, n effect, contradcts pettoners defense of fortutous event. Moreover, pettoners faed to show that they were free from any neggence by whch the oss of the pawned |ewery may have been occasoned. Robbery per se, |ust ke carnappng, s not a fortutous event. It does not forecose the possbty of neggence on the part of heren pettoners. Pettoners merey presented the poce report of the Paraaque Poce Staton on the robbery commtted based on the report of pettoners empoyees whch s not suffcent to estabsh robbery. Such report aso does not prove that pettoners were not at faut. On the contrary, by the very evdence of pettoners, the CA dd not err n fndng that pettoners are guty of concurrent or contrbutory neggence as provded n Artce 1170 of the Cv Code, to wt: Art. 1170. Those who n the performance of ther obgatons are guty of fraud, neggence, or deay, and those who n any manner contravene the tenor thereof, are abe for damages. ** Artce 2123 of the Cv Code provdes that wth regard to pawnshops and other estabshments whch are engaged n makng oans secured by pedges, the speca aws and reguatons concernng them sha be observed, and subsdary, the provsons on pedge, mortgage and antchress. The provson on pedge, partcuary Artce 2099 of the Cv Code, provdes that the credtor sha take care of the thng pedged wth the dgence of a good father of a famy. Ths means that pettoners must take care of the pawns the way a prudent person woud as to hs own property. In ths connecton, Artce 1173 of the Cv Code further provdes: Art. 1173. The faut or neggence of the obgor conssts n the omsson of that dgence whch s requred by the nature of the obgaton and corresponds wth the crcumstances of the persons, of tme and of the pace. When neggence shows bad fath, the provsons of Artces 1171 and 2201, paragraph 2 sha appy. If the aw or contract does not state the dgence whch s to be observed n the performance, that whch s expected of a good father of a famy sha be requred. We expounded n Cruz v. Gangan that neggence s the omsson to do somethng whch a reasonabe man, guded by those consderatons whch ordnary reguate the conduct of human affars, woud do; or the dong of somethng whch a prudent and reasonabe man woud not do. It s want of care requred by the crcumstances. A revew of the records ceary shows that pettoners faed to exercse reasonabe care and cauton that an ordnary prudent person woud have used n the same stuaton. Pettoners were guty of neggence n the operaton of ther pawnshop busness. Scams testmony reveaed that there were no securty measures adopted by pettoners n the operaton of the pawnshop. Evdenty, no suffcent precauton and vgance were adopted by pettoners to protect the pawnshop from unawfu ntruson. There was no cear showng that there was any securty guard at a. Or f there was one, that he had suffcent tranng n securng a pawnshop. Further, there s no showng that the aeged securty guard exercsed a that was necessary to prevent any untoward ncdent or to ensure that no suspcous ndvduas were aowed to enter the premses. In fact, t s even doubtfu that there was a securty guard, snce t s qute mpossbe that he woud not have notced that the robbers were armed wth caber .45 pstos each, whch were aegedy poked at the empoyees. Sgnfcanty, the aeged securty guard was not presented at a to corroborate pettoner Scams cam; not one of pettoners empoyees who were present durng the robbery ncdent testfed n court. Furthermore, pettoner Scams admsson that the vaut was open at the tme of robbery s ceary a proof of pettoners faure to observe the care, precauton and vgance that the crcumstances |usty demanded. The robbery n ths case happened n pettoners pawnshop and they were neggent n not exercsng the precautons |usty demanded of a pawnshop. F#LL CA$% Before us s a Petton for Revew on Certorar fed by Roberto C. Scam, |r. (pettoner Scam) and Agenca de R.C. Scam, Inc. (pettoner corporaton) seekng to annu the Decson1 of the Court of Appeas dated March 31, 2003, and ts Resouton2 dated August 8, 2003, n CA G.R. CV No. 56633. It appears that on dfferent dates from September to October 1987, Luu V. |orge (respondent Luu) pawned severa peces of |ewery wth Agenca de R. C. Scam ocated at No. 17 Agurre Ave., BF Homes Paraaque, Metro Mana, to secure a oan n the tota amount of P59,500.00. On October 19, 1987, two armed men entered the pawnshop and took away whatever cash and |ewery were found nsde the pawnshop vaut. The ncdent was entered n the poce botter of the Southern Poce Dstrct, Paraaque Poce Staton as foows: Investgaton shows that at above TDPO, whe vctms were nsde the offce, two (2) mae undentfed persons entered nto the sad offce wth guns drawn. Suspects(sc) (1) went straght nsde and poked hs gun toward Romeo Scam and thereby ted hm wth an eectrc wre whe suspects (sc) (2) poked hs gun toward Dvna Mata and Isabeta Rodrguez and ordered them to ay (sc) face fat on the foor. Suspects asked forcby the case and assorted pawned |eweres tems mentoned above. Suspects after takng the money and |eweres fed on board a Marson Toyota undentfed pate number.3 Pettoner Scam sent respondent Luu a etter dated October 19, 1987 nformng her of the oss of her |ewery due to the robbery ncdent n the pawnshop. On November 2, 1987, respondent Luu then wrote a etter4 to pettoner Scam expressng dsbeef statng that when the robbery happened, a |ewery pawned were deposted wth Far East Bank near the pawnshop snce t had been the practce that before they coud wthdraw, advance notce must be gven to the pawnshop so t coud wthdraw the |ewery from the bank. Respondent Luu then requested pettoner Scam to prepare the pawned |ewery for wthdrawa on November 6, 1987 but pettoner Scam faed to return the |ewery. On September 28, 1988, respondent Luu |oned by her husband, Cesar |orge, fed a compant aganst pettoner Scam wth the Regona Tra Court of Makat seekng ndemnfcaton for the oss of pawned |ewery and payment of actua, mora and exempary damages as we as attorney's fees. The case was docketed as Cv Case No. 88-2035. Pettoner Scam fed hs Answer contendng that he s not the rea party-n-nterest as the pawnshop was ncorporated on Apr 20, 1987 and known as Agenca de R.C. Scam, Inc; that pettoner corporaton had exercsed due care and dgence n the safekeepng of the artces pedged wth t and coud not be made abe for an event that s fortutous. Respondents subsequenty fed an Amended Compant to ncude pettoner corporaton. Thereafter, pettoner Scam fed a Moton to Dsmss as far as he s concerned consderng that he s not the rea party-n-nterest. Respondents opposed the same. The RTC dened the moton n an Order dated November 8, 1989.5 After tra on the merts, the RTC rendered ts Decson6 dated |anuary 12, 1993, dsmssng respondents compant as we as pettoners countercam. The RTC hed that pettoner Scam coud not be made personay abe for a cam arsng out of a corporate transacton; that n the Amended Compant of respondents, they asserted that "pantff pawned assorted |eweres n defendants' pawnshop"; and that as a consequence of the separate |urdca personaty of a corporaton, the corporate debt or credt s not the debt or credt of a stockhoder. The RTC further rued that pettoner corporaton coud not be hed abe for the oss of the pawned |ewery snce t had not been rebutted by respondents that the oss of the pedged peces of |ewery n the possesson of the corporaton was occasoned by armed robbery; that robbery s a fortutous event whch exempts the vctm from abty for the oss, ctng the case of Austra v. Court of Appeas;7 and that the partes transacton was that of a pedgor and pedgee and under Art. 1174 of the Cv Code, the pawnshop as a pedgee s not responsbe for those events whch coud not be foreseen. Respondents appeaed the RTC Decson to the CA. In a Decson dated March 31, 2003, the CA reversed the RTC, the dspostve porton of whch reads as foows: WHEREFORE, premses consdered, the nstant Appea s GRANTED, and the Decson dated |anuary 12, 1993,of the Regona Tra Court of Makat, Branch 62, s hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE, orderng the appeees to pay appeants the actua vaue of the ost |ewery amountng to P272,000.00, and attorney' fees of P27,200.00.8 In fndng pettoner Scam abe together wth pettoner corporaton, the CA apped the doctrne of percng the ve of corporate entty reasonng that respondents were msed nto thnkng that they were deang wth the pawnshop owned by pettoner Scam as a the pawnshop tckets ssued to them bear the words "Agenca de R.C. Scam"; and that there was no ndcaton on the pawnshop tckets that t was the pettoner corporaton that owned the pawnshop whch expaned why respondents had to amend ther compant mpeadng pettoner corporaton. The CA further hed that the correspondng dgence requred of a pawnshop s that t shoud take steps to secure and protect the pedged tems and shoud take steps to nsure tsef aganst the oss of artces whch are entrusted to ts custody as t derves earnngs from the pawnshop trade whch pettoners faed to do; that Austra s not appcabe to ths case snce the robbery ncdent happened n 1961 when the crmnaty had not as yet reached the eves attaned n the present day; that they are at east guty of contrbutory neggence and shoud be hed abe for the oss of |eweres; and that robberes and hod-ups are foreseeabe rsks n that those engaged n the pawnshop busness are expected to foresee. The CA concuded that both pettoners shoud be |onty and severay hed abe to respondents for the oss of the pawned |ewery. Pettoners moton for reconsderaton was dened n a Resouton dated August 8, 2003. Hence, the nstant petton for revew wth the foowng assgnment of errors: THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED AND WHEN IT DID, IT OPENED ITSELF TO REVERSAL, WHEN IT ADOPTED UNCRITICALLY (IN FACT IT REPRODUCED AS ITS OWN WITHOUT IN THE MEANTIME ACKNOWLEDGING IT) WHAT THE RESPONDENTS ARGUED IN THEIR BRIEF, WHICH ARGUMENT WAS PALPABLY UNSUSTAINABLE. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED, AND WHEN IT DID, IT OPENED ITSELF TO REVERSAL BY THIS HONORABLE COURT, WHEN IT AGAIN ADOPTED UNCRITICALLY (BUT WITHOUT ACKNOWLEDGING IT) THE SUBMISSIONS OF THE RESPONDENTS IN THEIR BRIEF WITHOUT ADDING ANYTHING MORE THERETO DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE SAID ARGUMENT OF THE RESPONDENTS COULD NOT HAVE BEEN SUSTAINED IN VIEW OF UNREBUTTED EVIDENCE ON RECORD.9 Anent the frst assgned error, pettoners pont out that the CAs fndng that pettoner Scam s personay abe for the oss of the pawned |eweres s "a vrtua and uncrtca reproducton of the arguments set out on pp. 5-6 of the Appeants bref."10 Pettoners argue that the reproduced arguments of respondents n ther Appeants Bref suffer from nfrmtes, as foows: (1) Respondents concusvey asserted n paragraph 2 of ther Amended Compant that Agenca de R.C. Scam, Inc. s the present owner of Agenca de R.C. Scam Pawnshop, and therefore, the CA cannot rue aganst sad concusve asserton of respondents; (2) The ssue resoved aganst pettoner Scam was not among those rased and tgated n the tra court; and (3) By reason of the above nfrmtes, t was error for the CA to have perced the corporate ve snce a corporaton has a personaty dstnct and separate from ts ndvdua stockhoders or members. Anent the second error, pettoners pont out that the CA fndng on ther neggence s kewse an unedted reproducton of respondents bref whch had the foowng defects: (1) There were unrebutted evdence on record that pettoners had observed the dgence requred of them, .e, they wanted to open a vaut wth a nearby bank for purposes of safekeepng the pawned artces but was dscouraged by the Centra Bank (CB) snce CB rues provde that they can ony store the pawned artces n a vaut nsde the pawnshop premses and no other pace; (2) Pettoners were ad|udged neggent as they dd not take nsurance aganst the oss of the pedged |eweres, but t s |udca notce that due to hgh ncdence of crmes, nsurance companes refused to cover pawnshops and banks because of hgh probabty of osses due to robberes; (3) In Hernandez v. Charman, Commsson on Audt (179 SCRA 39, 45-46), the vctm of robbery was exonerated from abty for the sum of money beongng to others and ost by hm to robbers. Respondents fed ther Comment and pettoners fed ther Repy thereto. The partes subsequenty submtted ther respectve Memoranda. We fnd no mert n the petton. To begn wth, athough t s true that ndeed the CA fndngs were exact reproductons of the arguments rased n respondents (appeants) bref fed wth the CA, we fnd the same to be not fatay nfrmed. Upon examnaton of the Decson, we fnd that t expressed ceary and dstncty the facts and the aw on whch t s based as requred by Secton 8, Artce VIII of the Consttuton. The dscreton to decde a case one way or another s broad enough to |ustfy the adopton of the arguments put forth by one of the partes, as ong as these are egay tenabe and supported by aw and the facts on records.11 Our |ursdcton under Rue 45 of the Rues of Court s mted to the revew of errors of aw commtted by the appeate court. Generay, the fndngs of fact of the appeate court are deemed concusve and we are not duty-bound to anayze and cabrate a over agan the evdence adduced by the partes n the court a quo.12 Ths rue, however, s not wthout exceptons, such as where the factua fndngs of the Court of Appeas and the tra court are confctng or contradctory13 as s obtanng n the nstant case. However, after a carefu examnaton of the records, we fnd no |ustfcaton to absove pettoner Scam from abty. The CA correcty perced the ve of the corporate fcton and ad|udged pettoner Scam abe together wth pettoner corporaton. The rue s that the ve of corporate fcton may be perced when made as a shed to perpetrate fraud and/or confuse egtmate ssues. 14 The theory of corporate entty was not meant to promote unfar ob|ectves or otherwse to shed them.15 Notaby, the evdence on record shows that at the tme respondent Luu pawned her |ewery, the pawnshop was owned by pettoner Scam hmsef. As correcty observed by the CA, n a the pawnshop recepts ssued to respondent Luu n September 1987, a bear the words "Agenca de R. C. Scam," notwthstandng that the pawnshop was aegedy ncorporated n Apr 1987. The recepts ssued after such aeged ncorporaton were st n the name of "Agenca de R. C. Scam," thus nevtaby mseadng, or at the very east, creatng the wrong mpresson to respondents and the pubc as we, that the pawnshop was owned soey by pettoner Scam and not by a corporaton. Even pettoners counse, Atty. Marca T. Bagos, n hs etter16 dated October 15, 1987 addressed to the Centra Bank, expressy referred to pettoner Scam as the propretor of the pawnshop notwthstandng the aeged ncorporaton n Apr 1987. We aso fnd no mert n pettoners' argument that snce respondents had aeged n ther Amended Compant that pettoner corporaton s the present owner of the pawnshop, the CA s bound to decde the case on that bass. Secton 4 Rue 129 of the Rues of Court provdes that an admsson, verba or wrtten, made by a party n the course of the proceedngs n the same case, does not requre proof. The admsson may be contradcted ony by showng that t was made through papabe mstake or that no such admsson was made. Thus, the genera rue that a |udca admsson s concusve upon the party makng t and does not requre proof, admts of two exceptons, to wt: (1) when t s shown that such admsson was made through papabe mstake, and (2) when t s shown that no such admsson was n fact made. The atter excepton aows one to contradct an admsson by denyng that he made such an admsson.17 The Commttee on the Revson of the Rues of Court expaned the second excepton n ths wse: x x x f a party nvokes an "admsson" by an adverse party, but ctes the admsson "out of context," then the one makng the "admsson" may show that he made no "such" admsson, or that hs admsson was taken out of context. x x x that the party can aso show that he made no "such admsson", .e., not n the sense n whch the admsson s made to appear. That s the reason for the modfer "such" because f the rue smpy states that the admsson may be contradcted by showng that "no admsson was made," the rue woud not reay be provdng for a contradcton of the admsson but |ust a dena.18 (Emphass supped). Whe t s true that respondents aeged n ther Amended Compant that pettoner corporaton s the present owner of the pawnshop, they dd so ony because pettoner Scam aeged n hs Answer to the orgna compant fed aganst hm that he was not the rea party-n-nterest as the pawnshop was ncorporated n Apr 1987. Moreover, a readng of the Amended Compant n ts entrety shows that respondents referred to both pettoner Scam and pettoner corporaton where they (respondents) pawned ther assorted peces of |ewery and ascrbed to both the faure to observe due dgence commensurate wth the busness whch resuted n the oss of ther pawned |ewery. Markedy, respondents, n ther Opposton to pettoners Moton to Dsmss Amended Compant, nsofar as pettoner Scam s concerned, averred as foows: Roberto C. Scam was named the defendant n the orgna compant because the pawnshop tckets nvoved n ths case dd not show that the R.C. Scam Pawnshop was a corporaton. In paragraph 1 of hs Answer, he admtted the aegatons n paragraph 1 and 2 of the Compant. He merey added "that defendant s not now the rea party n nterest n ths case." It was defendant Scam's omsson to correct the pawnshop tckets used n the sub|ect transactons n ths case whch was the cause of the nstant acton. He cannot now ask for the dsmssa of the compant aganst hm smpy on the mere aegaton that hs pawnshop busness s now ncorporated. It s a matter of defense, the mert of whch can ony be reached after consderaton of the evdence to be presented n due course.19 Unmstakaby, the aeged admsson made n respondents' Amended Compant was taken "out of context" by pettoner Scam to sut hs own purpose. Ineuctaby, the fact that pettoner Scam contnued to ssue pawnshop recepts under hs name and not under the corporaton's name mtates for the percng of the corporate ve. We kewse fnd no mert n pettoners' contenton that the CA erred n percng the ve of corporate fcton of pettoner corporaton, as t was not an ssue rased and tgated before the RTC. Pettoner Scam had aeged n hs Answer fed wth the tra court that he was not the rea party-n-nterest because snce Apr 20, 1987, the pawnshop busness ntated by hm was ncorporated and known as Agenca de R.C. Scam. In the pre-tra bref fed by pettoner Scam, he submtted that as far as he was concerned, the basc ssue was whether he s the rea party n nterest aganst whom the compant shoud be drected.20 In fact, he subsequenty moved for the dsmssa of the compant as to hm but was not favoraby acted upon by the tra court. Moreover, the ssue was squarey passed upon, athough erroneousy, by the tra court n ts Decson n ths manner: x x x The defendant Roberto Scam, |r kewse denes abty as far as he s concerned for the reason that he cannot be made personay abe for a cam arsng from a corporate transacton. Ths Court sustans the contenton of the defendant Roberto C. Scam, |r. The amended compant tsef asserts that "pantff pawned assorted |eweres n defendant's pawnshop." It has been hed that " as a consequence of the separate |urdca personaty of a corporaton, the corporate debt or credt s not the debt or credt of the stockhoder, nor s the stockhoder's debt or credt that of a corporaton.21 Ceary, n vew of the aeged ncorporaton of the pawnshop, the ssue of whether pettoner Scam s personay abe s nextrcaby connected wth the determnaton of the queston whether the doctrne of percng the corporate ve shoud or shoud not appy to the case. The next queston s whether pettoners are abe for the oss of the pawned artces n ther possesson. Pettoners nsst that they are not abe snce robbery s a fortutous event and they are not neggent at a. We are not persuaded. Artce 1174 of the Cv Code provdes: Art. 1174. Except n cases expressy specfed by the aw, or when t s otherwse decared by stpuaton, or when the nature of the obgaton requres the assumpton of rsk, no person sha be responsbe for those events whch coud not be foreseen or whch, though foreseen, were nevtabe. Fortutous events by defnton are extraordnary events not foreseeabe or avodabe. It s therefore, not enough that the event shoud not have been foreseen or antcpated, as s commony beeved but t must be one mpossbe to foresee or to avod. The mere dffcuty to foresee the happenng s not mpossbty to foresee the same. 22 To consttute a fortutous event, the foowng eements must concur: (a) the cause of the unforeseen and unexpected occurrence or of the faure of the debtor to compy wth obgatons must be ndependent of human w; (b) t must be mpossbe to foresee the event that consttutes the caso fortuto or, f t can be foreseen, t must be mpossbe to avod; (c) the occurrence must be such as to render t mpossbe for the debtor to fuf obgatons n a norma manner; and, (d) the obgor must be free from any partcpaton n the aggravaton of the n|ury or oss. 23 The burden of provng that the oss was due to a fortutous event rests on hm who nvokes t.24 And, n order for a fortutous event to exempt one from abty, t s necessary that one has commtted no neggence or msconduct that may have occasoned the oss. 25 It has been hed that an act of God cannot be nvoked to protect a person who has faed to take steps to foresta the possbe adverse consequences of such a oss. One's neggence may have concurred wth an act of God n producng damage and n|ury to another; nonetheess, showng that the mmedate or proxmate cause of the damage or n|ury was a fortutous event woud not exempt one from abty. When the effect s found to be party the resut of a person's partcpaton -- whether by actve nterventon, negect or faure to act -- the whoe occurrence s humanzed and removed from the rues appcabe to acts of God. 26 Pettoner Scam had testfed that there was a securty guard n ther pawnshop at the tme of the robbery. He kewse testfed that when he started the pawnshop busness n 1983, he thought of openng a vaut wth the nearby bank for the purpose of safekeepng the vauabes but was dscouraged by the Centra Bank snce pawned artces shoud ony be stored n a vaut nsde the pawnshop. The very measures whch pettoners had aegedy adopted show that to them the possbty of robbery was not ony foreseeabe, but actuay foreseen and antcpated. Pettoner Scams testmony, n effect, contradcts pettoners defense of fortutous event. Moreover, pettoners faed to show that they were free from any neggence by whch the oss of the pawned |ewery may have been occasoned. Robbery per se, |ust ke carnappng, s not a fortutous event. It does not forecose the possbty of neggence on the part of heren pettoners. In Co v. Court of Appeas,27 the Court hed: It s not a defense for a repar shop of motor vehces to escape abty smpy because the damage or oss of a thng awfuy paced n ts possesson was due to carnappng. Carnappng per se cannot be consdered as a fortutous event. The fact that a thng was unawfuy and forcefuy taken from another's rghtfu possesson, as n cases of carnappng, does not automatcay gve rse to a fortutous event. To be consdered as such, carnappng entas more than the mere forcefu takng of another's property. It must be proved and estabshed that the event was an act of God or was done soey by thrd partes and that nether the camant nor the person aeged to be neggent has any partcpaton. In accordance wth the Rues of Evdence, the burden of provng that the oss was due to a fortutous event rests on hm who nvokes t - whch n ths case s the prvate respondent. However, other than the poce report of the aeged carnappng ncdent, no other evdence was presented by prvate respondent to the effect that the ncdent was not due to ts faut. A poce report of an aeged crme, to whch ony prvate respondent s prvy, does not suffce to estabsh the carnappng. Nether does t prove that there was no faut on the part of prvate respondent notwthstandng the partes' agreement at the pre- tra that the car was carnapped. Carnappng does not forecose the possbty of faut or neggence on the part of prvate respondent.28 |ust ke n Co, pettoners merey presented the poce report of the Paraaque Poce Staton on the robbery commtted based on the report of pettoners' empoyees whch s not suffcent to estabsh robbery. Such report aso does not prove that pettoners were not at faut. On the contrary, by the very evdence of pettoners, the CA dd not err n fndng that pettoners are guty of concurrent or contrbutory neggence as provded n Artce 1170 of the Cv Code, to wt: Art. 1170. Those who n the performance of ther obgatons are guty of fraud, neggence, or deay, and those who n any manner contravene the tenor thereof, are abe for damages.29 Artce 2123 of the Cv Code provdes that wth regard to pawnshops and other estabshments whch are engaged n makng oans secured by pedges, the speca aws and reguatons concernng them sha be observed, and subsdary, the provsons on pedge, mortgage and antchress. The provson on pedge, partcuary Artce 2099 of the Cv Code, provdes that the credtor sha take care of the thng pedged wth the dgence of a good father of a famy. Ths means that pettoners must take care of the pawns the way a prudent person woud as to hs own property. In ths connecton, Artce 1173 of the Cv Code further provdes: Art. 1173. The faut or neggence of the obgor conssts n the omsson of that dgence whch s requred by the nature of the obgaton and corresponds wth the crcumstances of the persons, of tme and of the pace. When neggence shows bad fath, the provsons of Artces 1171 and 2201, paragraph 2 sha appy. If the aw or contract does not state the dgence whch s to be observed n the performance, that whch s expected of a good father of a famy sha be requred. We expounded n Cruz v. Gangan30 that neggence s the omsson to do somethng whch a reasonabe man, guded by those consderatons whch ordnary reguate the conduct of human affars, woud do; or the dong of somethng whch a prudent and reasonabe man woud not do.31 It s want of care requred by the crcumstances. A revew of the records ceary shows that pettoners faed to exercse reasonabe care and cauton that an ordnary prudent person woud have used n the same stuaton. Pettoners were guty of neggence n the operaton of ther pawnshop busness. Pettoner Scam testfed, thus: Court: O. Do you have securty guards n your pawnshop? A. Yes, your honor. O. Then how come that the robbers were abe to enter the premses when accordng to you there was a securty guard? A. Sr, f these robbers can rob a bank, how much more a pawnshop. O. I am askng you how were the robbers abe to enter despte the fact that there was a securty guard? A. At the tme of the ncdent whch happened about 1:00 and 2:00 o'cock n the afternoon and t happened on a Saturday and everythng was quet n the area BF Homes Paraaque they pretended to pawn an artce n the pawnshop, so one of my empoyees aowed hm to come n and t was ony when t was announced that t was a hod up. O. Dd you come to know how the vaut was opened? A. When the pawnshop s offca (sc) open your honor the pawnshop s party open. The combnaton s off. O. No one open (sc) the vaut for the robbers? A. No one your honor t was open at the tme of the robbery. O. It s cear now that at the tme of the robbery the vaut was open the reason why the robbers were abe to get a the tems pawned to you nsde the vaut. A. Yes sr.32 Reveang that there were no securty measures adopted by pettoners n the operaton of the pawnshop. Evdenty, no suffcent precauton and vgance were adopted by pettoners to protect the pawnshop from unawfu ntruson. There was no cear showng that there was any securty guard at a. Or f there was one, that he had suffcent tranng n securng a pawnshop. Further, there s no showng that the aeged securty guard exercsed a that was necessary to prevent any untoward ncdent or to ensure that no suspcous ndvduas were aowed to enter the premses. In fact, t s even doubtfu that there was a securty guard, snce t s qute mpossbe that he woud not have notced that the robbers were armed wth caber .45 pstos each, whch were aegedy poked at the empoyees.33 Sgnfcanty, the aeged securty guard was not presented at a to corroborate pettoner Scam's cam; not one of pettoners' empoyees who were present durng the robbery ncdent testfed n court. Furthermore, pettoner Scam's admsson that the vaut was open at the tme of robbery s ceary a proof of pettoners' faure to observe the care, precauton and vgance that the crcumstances |usty demanded. Pettoner Scam testfed that once the pawnshop was open, the combnaton was aready off. Consderng pettoner Scam's testmony that the robbery took pace on a Saturday afternoon and the area n BF Homes Paraaque at that tme was quet, there was more reason for pettoners to have exercsed reasonabe foresght and dgence n protectng the pawned |eweres. Instead of takng the precauton to protect them, they et open the vaut, provdng no dffcuty for the robbers to cart away the pawned artces. We, however, do not agree wth the CA when t found pettoners neggent for not takng steps to nsure themseves aganst oss of the pawned |eweres. Under Secton 17 of Centra Bank Crcuar No. 374, Rues and Reguatons for Pawnshops, whch took effect on |uy 13, 1973, and whch was ssued pursuant to Presdenta Decree No. 114, Pawnshop Reguaton Act, t s provded that pawns pedged must be nsured, to wt: Sec. 17. Insurance of Offce Budng and Pawns- The pace of busness of a pawnshop and the pawns pedged to t must be nsured aganst fre and aganst burgary as we as for the atter(sc), by an nsurance company accredted by the Insurance Commssoner. However, ths Secton was subsequenty amended by CB Crcuar No. 764 whch took effect on October 1, 1980, to wt: Sec. 17 Insurance of Offce Budng and Pawns - The offce budng/premses and pawns of a pawnshop must be nsured aganst fre. (emphass supped). where the requrement that nsurance aganst burgary was deeted. Obvousy, the Centra Bank consdered t not feasbe to requre nsurance of pawned artces aganst burgary. The robbery n the pawnshop happened n 1987, and consderng the above-quoted amendment, there s no statutory duty mposed on pettoners to nsure the pawned |ewery n whch case t was error for the CA to consder t as a factor n concudng that pettoners were neggent. Nevertheess, the preponderance of evdence shows that pettoners faed to exercse the dgence requred of them under the Cv Code. The dgence wth whch the aw requres the ndvdua at a tmes to govern hs conduct vares wth the nature of the stuaton n whch he s paced and the mportance of the act whch he s to perform.34 Thus, the cases of Austra v. Court of Appeas,35 Hernandez v. Charman, Commsson on Audt36 and Cruz v. Gangan37 cted by pettoners n ther peadngs, where the vctms of robbery were exonerated from abty, fnd no appcaton to the present case. In Austra, Mara Abad receved from Guermo Austra a pendant wth damonds to be sod on commsson bass, but whch Abad faed to subsequenty return because of a robbery commtted upon her n 1961. The ncdent became the sub|ect of a crmna case fed aganst severa persons. Austra fed an acton aganst Abad and her husband (Abads) for recovery of the pendant or ts vaue, but the Abads set up the defense that the robbery extngushed ther obgaton. The RTC rued n favor of Austra, as the Abads faed to prove robbery; or, f commtted, that Mara Abad was guty of neggence. The CA, however, reversed the RTC decson hodng that the fact of robbery was duy estabshed and decared the Abads not responsbe for the oss of the |ewery on account of a fortutous event. We hed that for the Abads to be reeved from the cv abty of returnng the pendant under Art. 1174 of the Cv Code, t woud ony be suffcent that the unforeseen event, the robbery, took pace wthout any concurrent faut on the debtors part, and ths can be done by preponderance of evdence; that to be free from abty for reason of fortutous event, the debtor must, n addton to the casus tsef, be free of any concurrent or contrbutory faut or neggence.38 We found n Austra that under the crcumstances prevang at the tme the Decson was promugated n 1971, the Cty of Mana and ts suburbs had a hgh ncdence of crmes aganst persons and property that rendered trave after nghtfa a matter to be seduousy avoded wthout sutabe precauton and protecton; that the conduct of Mara Abad n returnng aone to her house n the evenng carryng |ewery of consderabe vaue woud have been neggence per se and woud not exempt her from responsbty n the case of robbery. However we dd not hod Abad abe for neggence snce, the robbery happened ten years prevousy; .e., 1961, when crmnaty had not reached the eve of ncdence obtanng n 1971. In contrast, the robbery n ths case took pace n 1987 when robbery was aready prevaent and pettoners n fact had aready foreseen t as they wanted to depost the pawn wth a nearby bank for safekeepng. Moreover, unke n Austra, where no neggence was commtted, we found pettoners neggent n securng ther pawnshop as earer dscussed. In Hernandez, Teodoro Hernandez was the OIC and speca dsbursng offcer of the Ternate Beach Pro|ect of the Phppne Toursm n Cavte. In the mornng of |uy 1, 1983, a Frday, he went to Mana to encash two checks coverng the wages of the empoyees and the operatng expenses of the pro|ect. However for some reason, the processng of the check was deayed and was competed at about 3 p.m. Nevertheess, he decded to encash the check because the pro|ect empoyees woud be watng for ther pay the foowng day; otherwse, the workers woud have to wat unt |uy 5, the earest tme, when the man offce woud open. At that tme, he had two choces: (1) return to Ternate, Cavte that same afternoon and arrve eary evenng; or (2) take the money wth hm to hs house n Marao, Buacan, spend the nght there, and eave for Ternate the foowng day. He chose the second opton, thnkng t was the safer one. Thus, a tte past 3 p.m., he took a passenger |eep bound for Buacan. Whe the |eep was on Epfano de os Santos Avenue, the |eep was hed up and the money kept by Hernandez was taken, and the robbers |umped out of the |eep and ran. Hernandez chased the robbers and caught up wth one robber who was subsequenty charged wth robbery and peaded guty. The other robber who hed the stoen money escaped. The Commsson on Audt found Hernandez neggent because he had not brought the cash proceeds of the checks to hs offce n Ternate, Cavte for safekeepng, whch s the norma procedure n the handng of funds. We hed that Hernandez was not neggent n decdng to encash the check and brngng t home to Marao, Buacan nstead of Ternate, Cavte due to the ateness of the hour for the foowng reasons: (1) he was moved by unsefsh motve for hs co-empoyees to coect ther wages and saares the foowng day, a Saturday, a non-workng, because to encash the check on |uy 5, the next workng day after |uy 1, woud have caused dscomfort to aborers who were dependent on ther wages for sustenance; and (2) that choosng Marao as a safer destnaton, beng nearer, and n vew of the comparatve hazards n the trps to the two paces, sad decson seemed ogca at that tme. We further hed that the fact that two robbers attacked hm n broad dayght n the |eep whe t was on a busy hghway and n the presence of other passengers coud not be sad to be a resut of hs mprudence and neggence. Unke n Hernandez where the robbery happened n a pubc utty, the robbery n ths case took pace n the pawnshop whch s under the contro of pettoners. Pettoners had the means to screen the persons who were aowed entrance to the premses and to protect tsef from unawfu ntruson. Pettoners had faed to exercse precautonary measures n ensurng that the robbers were prevented from enterng the pawnshop and for keepng the vaut open for the day, whch paved the way for the robbers to easy cart away the pawned artces. In Cruz, Dr. Fona O. Cruz, Camanava Dstrct Drector of Technoogca Educaton and Sks Deveopment Authorty (TESDA), boarded the Lght Ra Transt (LRT) from Sen. Puyat Avenue to Monumento when her handbag was sashed and the contents were stoen by an undentfed person. Among those stoen were her waet and the government-ssued ceuar phone. She then reported the ncdent to the poce authortes; however, the thef was not ocated, and the cephone was not recovered. She aso reported the oss to the Regona Drector of TESDA, and she requested that she be freed from accountabty for the cephone. The Resdent Audtor dened her request on the ground that she acked the dgence requred n the custody of government property and was ordered to pay the purchase vaue n the tota amount of P4,238.00. The COA found no suffcent |ustfcaton to grant the request for reef from accountabty. We reversed the rung and found that rdng the LRT cannot per se be denounced as a neggent act more so because Cruzs mode of transt was nfuenced by tme and money consderatons; that she boarded the LRT to be abe to arrve n Caoocan n tme for her 3 pm meetng; that any prudent and ratona person under smar crcumstance can reasonaby be expected to do the same; that possesson of a cephone shoud not hnder one from boardng the LRT coach as Cruz dd consderng that whether she rode a |eep or bus, the rsk of theft woud have aso been present; that because of her reatvey ow poston and pay, she was not expected to have her own vehce or to rde a taxcab; she dd not have a government assgned vehce; that pacng the cephone n a bag away from covetous eyes and hodng on to that bag as she dd s ordnary suffcent care of a cephone whe traveng on board the LRT; that the records dd not show any specfc act of neggence on her part and neggence can never be presumed. Unke n the Cruz case, the robbery n ths case happened n pettoners' pawnshop and they were neggent n not exercsng the precautons |usty demanded of a pawnshop. WHEREFORE, except for the nsurance aspect, the Decson of the Court of Appeas dated March 31, 2003 and ts Resouton dated August 8, 2003, are AFFIRMED. Costs aganst pettoners. -% $1O#$%$ AFRICA et a! vs, CAL-%7 et a! G,R, No, L+12983 Marc8 91, 1933 FAC-$: A fre broke out at the Catex servce staton at the corner of Antpoo street and Rza Avenue, Mana. It started whe gasone was beng hosed from a tank truck nto the underground storage, rght at the openng of the recevng tank where the nozze of the hose was nserted (a ghted matchstck was thrown by a stranger near the openng, causng the fre). The fre spread to and burned severa neghborng houses. Ther owners, among them pettoners here, sued respondents Catex (Ph.), Inc. and Boquren, the frst as aeged owner of the staton and the second as ts agent n charge of operaton. Neggence on the part of both of them was attrbuted as the cause of the fre. The tra court and the CA found that pettoners faed to prove neggence and that respondents had exercsed due care n the premses and wth respect to the supervson of ther empoyees. Hence ths petton. I$$#%: WON, wthout proof as to the cause and orgn of the fre, the doctrne of res psa oqutur shoud appy so as to presume neggence on the part of appeees. %LD: the decson appeaed from s reversed and respondents-appeees are hed abe sodary to appeants, Both the tra court and the appeate court refused to appy the doctrne n the nstant case on the grounds that "as to (ts) appcabty . n the Phppnes, there seems to he nothng defnte," and that whe the rues do not prohbt ts adopton n approprate cases, "n the case at bar, however, we fnd no practca use for such doctrne." The queston deserves more than such summary dsmssa. The doctrne has actuay been apped n ths |ursdcton, n the case of Esprtu vs. Phppne Power and Deveopment Co The prncpe enuncated n the aforequoted case appes wth equa force here. The gasone staton, wth a ts appances, equpment and empoyees, was under the contro of appeees. A fre occurred theren and spread to and burned the neghborng houses. The persons who knew or coud have known how the fre started were appeees and ther empoyees, but they gave no expanaton thereof whatsoever. It s a far and reasonabe nference that the ncdent happened because of want of care. Even then the fre possby woud not have spread to the neghborng houses were t not for another neggent omsson on the part of defendants, namey, ther faure to provde a concrete wa hgh enough to prevent the fames from eapng over t.. Defendants neggence, therefore, was not ony wth respect to the cause of the fre but aso wth respect to the spread thereof to the neghborng houses. There s an admsson on the part of Boquren n hs amended answer to the second amended compant that "the fre was caused through the acts of a stranger who, wthout authorty, or permsson of answerng defendant, passed through the gasone staton and neggenty threw a ghted match n the premses." No evdence on ths pont was adduced, but assumng the aegaton to be true - certany any unfavorabe nference from the admsson may be taken aganst Boquren - t does not extenuate hs neggence. A decson of the Supreme Court of Texas, upon facts anaogous to those of the present case, states the rue whch we fnd acceptabe here. "It s the rue that those who dstrbute a dangerous artce or agent, owe a degree of protecton to the pubc proportonate to and commensurate wth a danger nvoved . we thnk t s the generay accepted rue as apped to torts that f the effects of the actors neggent conduct actvey and contnuousy operate to brng about harm to another, the fact that the actve and substantay smutaneous operaton of the effects of a thrd persons nnocent, tortous or crmna act s aso a substanta factor n brngng about the harm, does not protect the actor from abty. Stated n another way, "The ntenton of an unforeseen and unexpected cause s not suffcent to reeve a wrongdoer from consequences of neggence, f such neggence drecty and proxmatey cooperates wth the ndependent cause n the resutng n|ury." Decson REVERSED. Catex abe. F#LL CA$% Ths case s before us on a petton for revew of the decson of the Court of Appeas, whch affrmed that of the Court of Frst Instance of Mana dsmssng pettoners' second amended compant aganst respondents. The acton s for damages under Artces 1902 and 1903 of the od Cv Code. It appears that n the afternoon of March 18, 1948 a fre broke out at the Catex servce staton at the corner of Antpoo street and Rza Avenue, Mana. It started whe gasone was beng hosed from a tank truck nto the underground storage, rght at the openng of the recevng tank where the nozze of the hose was nserted. The fre spread to and burned severa neghborng houses, ncudng the persona propertes and effects nsde them. Ther owners, among them pettoners here, sued respondents Catex (Ph.), Inc. and Mateo Boquren, the frst as aeged owner of the staton and the second as ts agent n charge of operaton. Neggence on the part of both of them was attrbuted as the cause of the fre. The tra court and the Court of Appeas found that pettoners faed to prove neggence and that respondents had exercsed due care n the premses and wth respect to the supervson of ther empoyees. The frst queston before Us refers to the admssbty of certan reports on the fre prepared by the Mana Poce and Fre Departments and by a certan Captan Tno of the Armed Forces of the Phppnes. Portons of the frst two reports are as foows: 1. Poce Department report: - Investgaton dscosed that at about 4:00 P.M. March 18, 1948, whe Leandro Fores was transferrng gasone from a tank truck, pate No. T-5292 nto the underground tank of the Catex Gasone Staton ocated at the corner of Rza Avenue and Antpoo Street, ths Cty, an unknown Fpno ghted a cgarette and threw the burnng match stck near the man vave of the sad underground tank. Due to the gasone fumes, fre suddeny bazed. Ouck acton of Leandro Fores n pung off the gasone hose connectng the truck wth the underground tank prevented a terrfc exposon. However, the fames scattered due to the hose from whch the gasone was spoutng. It burned the truck and the foowng accessoras and resdences. 2. The Fre Department report: - In connecton wth ther aegaton that the premses was (sc) subeased for the nstaaton of a coca-coa and cgarette stand, the companants furnshed ths Offce a copy of a photograph taken durng the fre and whch s submtted herewth. t appears n ths pcture that there are n the premses a coca-coa cooer and a rack whch accordng to nformaton gathered n the neghborhood contaned cgarettes and matches, nstaed between the gasone pumps and the underground tanks. The report of Captan Tno reproduced nformaton gven by a certan Bento Moraes regardng the hstory of the gasone staton and what the chef of the fre department had tod hm on the same sub|ect. The foregong reports were rued out as "doube hearsay" by the Court of Appeas and hence nadmssbe. Ths rung s now assgned as error. It s contended: frst, that sad reports were admtted by the tra court wthout ob|ecton on the part of respondents; secondy, that wth respect to the poce report (Exhbt V-Afrca) whch appears sgned by a Detectve Zapanta aegedy "for Savador Capaco," the atter was presented as wtness but respondents waved ther rght to cross-examne hm athough they had the opportunty to do so; and thrdy, that n any event the sad reports are admssbe as an excepton to the hearsay rue under secton 35 of Rue 123, now Rue 130. The frst contenton s not borne out by the record. The transcrpt of the hearng of September 17, 1953 (pp. 167-170) shows that the reports n queston, when offered as evdence, were ob|ected to by counse for each of respondents on the ground that they were hearsay and that they were "rreevant, mmatera and mpertnent." Indeed, n the court's resouton ony Exhbts |, K, K-5 and X-6 were admtted wthout ob|ecton; the admsson of the others, ncudng the dsputed ones, carred no such expanaton. On the second pont, athough Detectve Capaco dd take the wtness stand, he was not examned and he dd not testfy as to the facts mentoned n hs aeged report (sgned by Detectve Zapanta). A he sad was that he was one of those who nvestgated "the ocaton of the fre and, f possbe, gather wtnesses as to the occurrence, and that he brought the report wth hm. There was nothng, therefore, on whch he need be cross-examned; and the contents of the report, as to whch he dd not testfy, dd not thereby become competent evdence. And even f he had testfed, hs testmony woud st have been ob|ectonabe as far as nformaton gathered by hm from thrd persons was concerned. Pettoners mantan, however, that the reports n themseves, that s, wthout further testmona evdence on ther contents, fa wthn the scope of secton 35, Rue 123, whch provdes that "entres n offca records made n the performance of hs duty by a pubc offcer of the Phppnes, or by a person n the performance of a duty specay en|oned by aw, are prma face evdence of the facts theren stated." There are three requstes for admssbty under the rue |ust mentoned: (a) that the entry was made by a pubc offcer, or by another person specay en|oned by aw to do so; (b) that t was made by the pubc offcer n the performance of hs dutes, or by such other person n the performance of a duty specay en|oned by aw; and (c) that the pubc offcer or other person had suffcent knowedge of the facts by hm stated, whch must have been acqured by hm personay or through offca nformaton (Moran, Comments on the Rues of Court, Vo. 3 |1957| p. 398). Of the three requstes |ust stated, ony the ast need be consdered here. Obvousy the matera facts rected n the reports as to the cause and crcumstances of the fre were not wthn the persona knowedge of the offcers who conducted the nvestgaton. Was knowedge of such facts, however, acqured by them through offca nformaton? As to some facts the sources thereof are not even dentfed. Others are attrbuted to Leopodo Medna, referred to as an empoyee at the gas staton were the fre occurred; to Leandro Fores, drver of the tank truck from whch gasone was beng transferred at the tme to the underground tank of the staton; and to respondent Mateo Boquren, who coud not, accordng to Exhbt V-Afrca, gve any reason as to the orgn of the fre. To quafy ther statements as "offca nformaton" acqured by the offcers who prepared the reports, the persons who made the statements not ony must have persona knowedge of the facts stated but must have the duty to gve such statements for record.1 The reports n queston do not consttute an excepton to the hearsay rue; the facts stated theren were not acqured by the reportng offcers through offca nformaton, not havng been gven by the nformants pursuant to any duty to do so. The next queston s whether or not, wthout proof as to the cause and orgn of the fre, the doctrne of res psa oqutur shoud appy so as to presume neggence on the part of appeees. Both the tra court and the appeate court refused to appy the doctrne n the nstant case on the grounds that "as to (ts) appcabty ... n the Phppnes, there seems to he nothng defnte," and that whe the rues do not prohbt ts adopton n approprate cases, "n the case at bar, however, we fnd no practca use for such doctrne." The queston deserves more than such summary dsmssa. The doctrne has actuay been apped n ths |ursdcton, n the case of Esprtu vs. Phppne Power and Deveopment Co. (CA-G.R. No. 3240-R, September 20, 1949), wheren the decson of the Court of Appeas was penned by Mr. |ustce |.B.L. Reyes now a member of the Supreme Court. The facts of that case are stated n the decson as foows: In the afternoon of May 5, 1946, whe the pantff-appeee and other companons were oadng grass between the muncpates of Bay and Caauan, n the provnce of Laguna, wth cear weather and wthout any wnd bowng, an eectrc transmsson wre, nstaed and mantaned by the defendant Phppne Power and Deveopment Co., Inc. aongsde the road, suddeny parted, and one of the broken ends ht the head of the pantff as he was about to board the truck. As a resut, pantff receved the fu shock of 4,400 vots carred by the wre and was knocked unconscous to the ground. The eectrc charge coursed through hs body and caused extensve and serous mutpe burns from sku to egs, eavng the bone exposed n some parts and causng ntense pan and wounds that were not competey heaed when the case was tred on |une 18, 1947, over one year after the mshap. The defendant theren dscamed abty on the ground that the pantff had faed to show any specfc act of neggence, but the appeate court overrued the defense under the doctrne of res psa oqutur. The court sad: The frst pont s drected aganst the suffcency of pantff's evdence to pace appeant on ts defense. Whe t s the rue, as contended by the appeant, that n case of noncontractua neggence, or cupa aquana, the burden of proof s on the pantff to estabsh that the proxmate cause of hs n|ury was the neggence of the defendant, t s aso a recognzed prncpa that "where the thng whch caused n|ury, wthout faut of the n|ured person, s under the excusve contro of the defendant and the n|ury s such as n the ordnary course of thngs does not occur f he havng such contro use proper care, t affords reasonabe evdence, n the absence of the expanaton, that the n|ury arose from defendant's want of care." And the burden of evdence s shfted to hm to estabsh that he has observed due care and dgence. (San |uan Lght & Transt Co. v. Requena, 244, U.S. 89, 56 L. ed. 680.) Ths rue s known by the name of res psa oqutur (the transacton speaks for tsef), and s pecuary appcabe to the case at bar, where t s unquestoned that the pantff had every rght to be on the hghway, and the eectrc wre was under the soe contro of defendant company. In the ordnary course of events, eectrc wres do not part suddeny n far weather and n|ure peope, uness they are sub|ected to unusua stran and stress or there are defects n ther nstaaton, mantenance and supervson; |ust as barres do not ordnary ro out of the warehouse wndows to n|ure passersby, uness some one was neggent. (Byrne v. Boade, 2 H & Co. 722; 159 Eng. Reprnt 299, the eadng case that estabshed that rue). Consequenty, n the absence of contrbutory neggence (whch s admttedy not present), the fact that the wre snapped suffces to rase a reasonabe presumpton of neggence n ts nstaaton, care and mantenance. Thereafter, as observed by Chef Baron Poock, "f there are any facts nconsstent wth neggence, t s for the defendant to prove." It s true of course that decsons of the Court of Appeas do not ay down doctrnes bndng on the Supreme Court, but we do not consder ths a reason for not appyng the partcuar doctrne of res psa oqutur n the case at bar. Gasone s a hghy combustbe matera, n the storage and sae of whch extreme care must be taken. On the other hand, fre s not consdered a fortutous event, as t arses amost nvaraby from some act of man. A case strkngy smar to the one before Us s |ones vs. She Petroeum Corporaton, et a., 171 So. 447: Arthur O. |ones s the owner of a budng n the cty of Hammon whch n the year 1934 was eased to the She Petroeum Corporaton for a gasone fng staton. On October 8, 1934, durng the term of the ease, whe gasone was beng transferred from the tank wagon, aso operated by the She Petroeum Corporaton, to the underground tank of the staton, a fre started wth resutng damages to the budng owned by |ones. Aegng that the damages to hs budng amounted to $516.95, |ones sued the She Petroeum Corporaton for the recovery of that amount. The |udge of the dstrct court, after hearng the testmony, concuded that pantff was entted to a recovery and rendered |udgment n hs favor for $427.82. The Court of Appeas for the Frst Crcut reversed ths |udgment, on the ground the testmony faed to show wth reasonabe certanty any neggence on the part of the She Petroeum Corporaton or any of ts agents or empoyees. Pantff apped to ths Court for a Wrt of Revew whch was granted, and the case s now before us for decson.1wph1.t In resovng the ssue of neggence, the Supreme Court of Lousana hed: Pantff's petton contans two dstnct charges of neggence - one reatng to the cause of the fre and the other reatng to the spreadng of the gasone about the fng staton. Other than an expert to assess the damages caused pantff's budng by the fre, no wtnesses were paced on the stand by the defendant. Takng up pantff's charge of neggence reatng to the cause of the fre, we fnd t estabshed by the record that the fng staton and the tank truck were under the contro of the defendant and operated by ts agents or empoyees. We further fnd from the uncontradcted testmony of pantff's wtnesses that fre started n the underground tank attached to the fng staton whe t was beng fed from the tank truck and whe both the tank and the truck were n charge of and beng operated by the agents or empoyees of the defendant, extended to the hose and tank truck, and was communcated from the burnng hose, tank truck, and escapng gasone to the budng owned by the pantff. Predcated on these crcumstances and the further crcumstance of defendant's faure to expan the cause of the fre or to show ts ack of knowedge of the cause, pantff has evoked the doctrne of res psa oqutur. There are many cases n whch the doctrne may be successfuy nvoked and ths, we thnk, s one of them. Where the thng whch caused the n|ury companed of s shown to be under the management of defendant or hs servants and the accdent s such as n the ordnary course of thngs does not happen f those who have ts management or contro use proper care, t affords reasonabe evdence, n absence of expanaton by defendant, that the accdent arose from want of care. (45 C.|. #768, p. 1193). Ths statement of the rue of res psa oqutur has been wdey approved and adopted by the courts of ast resort. Some of the cases n ths |ursdcton n whch the doctrne has been apped are the foowng, vz.: Maus v. Broderck, 51 La. Ann. 1153, 25 So. 977; Hebert v. Lake Chares Ice, etc., Co., 111 La. 522, 35 So. 731, 64 L.R.A. 101, 100 Am. St. Rep. 505; Ws v. Vcksburg, etc., R. Co., 115 La. 63, 38 So. 892; Bents v. Page, 115 La. 560, 39 So. 599. The prncpe enuncated n the aforequoted case appes wth equa force here. The gasone staton, wth a ts appances, equpment and empoyees, was under the contro of appeees. A fre occurred theren and spread to and burned the neghborng houses. The persons who knew or coud have known how the fre started were appeees and ther empoyees, but they gave no expanaton thereof whatsoever. It s a far and reasonabe nference that the ncdent happened because of want of care. In the report submtted by Captan Leonco Marano of the Mana Poce Department (Exh. X-1 Afrca) the foowng appears: Investgaton of the basc compant dscosed that the Catex Gasone Staton companed of occupes a ot approxmatey 10 m x 10 m at the southwest corner of Rza Avenue and Antpoo. The ocaton s wthn a very busy busness dstrct near the Obrero Market, a raroad crossng and very thcky popuated neghborhood where a great number of peope m around t unt gasone tever be theWact|vtes of these peopeor ghtng a cgarette cannot be excuded and ths consttute a secondary hazard to ts operaton whch n turn endangers the entre neghborhood to confagraton. Furthermore, asde from precautons aready taken by ts operator the concrete was south and west ad|onng the neghborhood are ony 2-1/2 meters hgh at most and cannot avod the fames from eapng over t n case of fre. Records show that there have been two cases of fre whch caused not ony matera damages but desperaton and aso panc n the neghborhood. Athough the soft drnks stand had been emnated, ths gasone servce staton s aso used by ts operator as a garage and repar shop for hs feet of taxcabs numberng ten or more, addng another rsk to the possbe outbreak of fre at ths aready sma but crowded gasone staton. The foregong report, havng been submtted by a poce offcer n the performance of hs dutes on the bass of hs own persona observaton of the facts reported, may propery be consdered as an excepton to the hearsay rue. These facts, descrptve of the ocaton and ob|ectve crcumstances surroundng the operaton of the gasone staton n queston, strengthen the presumpton of neggence under the doctrne of res psa oqutur, snce on ther face they caed for more strngent measures of cauton than those whch woud satsfy the standard of due dgence under ordnary crcumstances. There s no more eoquent demonstraton of ths than the statement of Leandro Fores before the poce nvestgator. Fores was the drver of the gasone tank wagon who, aone and wthout assstance, was transferrng the contents thereof nto the underground storage when the fre broke out. He sad: "Before oadng the underground tank there were no peope, but whe the oadng was gong on, there were peope who went to drnk coca-coa (at the coca-coa stand) whch s about a meter from the hoe eadng to the underground tank." He added that when the tank was amost fed he went to the tank truck to cose the vave, and whe he had hs back turned to the "manhoe" he, heard someone shout "fre." Even then the fre possby woud not have spread to the neghborng houses were t not for another neggent omsson on the part of defendants, namey, ther faure to provde a concrete wa hgh enough to prevent the fames from eapng over t. As t was the concrete wa was ony 2-1/2 meters hgh, and beyond that heght t conssted merey of gavanzed ron sheets, whch woud predctaby crumpe and met when sub|ected to ntense heat. Defendants' neggence, therefore, was not ony wth respect to the cause of the fre but aso wth respect to the spread thereof to the neghborng houses. There s an admsson on the part of Boquren n hs amended answer to the second amended compant that "the fre was caused through the acts of a stranger who, wthout authorty, or permsson of answerng defendant, passed through the gasone staton and neggenty threw a ghted match n the premses." No evdence on ths pont was adduced, but assumng the aegaton to be true - certany any unfavorabe nference from the admsson may be taken aganst Boquren - t does not extenuate hs neggence. A decson of the Supreme Court of Texas, upon facts anaogous to those of the present case, states the rue whch we fnd acceptabe here. "It s the rue that those who dstrbute a dangerous artce or agent, owe a degree of protecton to the pubc proportonate to and commensurate wth a danger nvoved ... we thnk t s the generay accepted rue as apped to torts that 'f the effects of the actor's neggent conduct actvey and contnuousy operate to brng about harm to another, the fact that the actve and substantay smutaneous operaton of the effects of a thrd person's nnocent, tortous or crmna act s aso a substanta factor n brngng about the harm, does not protect the actor from abty.' (Restatement of the Law of Torts, vo. 2, p. 1184, #439). Stated n another way, "The ntenton of an unforeseen and unexpected cause, s not suffcent to reeve a wrongdoer from consequences of neggence, f such neggence drecty and proxmatey cooperates wth the ndependent cause n the resutng n|ury." (MacAfee, et a. vs. Traver's Gas Corporaton, 153 S.W. 2nd 442.) The next ssue s whether Catex shoud be hed abe for the damages caused to appeants. Ths ssue depends on whether Boquren was an ndependent contractor, as hed by the Court of Appeas, or an agent of Catex. Ths queston, n the ght of the facts not controverted, s one of aw and hence may be passed upon by ths Court. These facts are: (1) Boquren made an admsson that he was an agent of Catex; (2) at the tme of the fre Catex owned the gasone staton and a the equpment theren; (3) Catex exercsed contro over Boquren n the management of the state; (4) the devery truck used n deverng gasone to the staton had the name of CALTEX panted on t; and (5) the cense to store gasone at the staton was n the name of Catex, whch pad the cense fees. (Exhbt T-Afrca; Exhbt U-Afrca; Exhbt X-5 Afrca; Exhbt X-6 Afrca; Exhbt Y-Afrca). In Boquren's amended answer to the second amended compant, he dened that he drected one of hs drvers to remove gasone from the truck nto the tank and aeged that the "aeged drver, f one there was, was not n hs empoy, the drver beng an empoyee of the Catex (Ph.) Inc. and/or the owners of the gasone staton." It s true that Boquren ater on amended hs answer, and that among the changes was one to the effect that he was not actng as agent of Catex. But then agan, n hs moton to dsmss appeants' second amended compant the ground aeged was that t stated no cause of acton snce under the aegatons thereof he was merey actng as agent of Catex, such that he coud not have ncurred persona abty. A moton to dsmss on ths ground s deemed to be an admsson of the facts aeged n the compant. Catex admts that t owned the gasone staton as we as the equpment theren, but cams that the busness conducted at the servce staton n queston was owned and operated by Boquren. But Catex dd not present any contract wth Boquren that woud revea the nature of ther reatonshp at the tme of the fre. There must have been one n exstence at that tme. Instead, what was presented was a cense agreement manfesty taored for purposes of ths case, snce t was entered nto shorty before the expraton of the one-year perod t was ntended to operate. Ths so-caed cense agreement (Exhbt 5-Catex) was executed on November 29, 1948, but made effectve as of |anuary 1, 1948 so as to cover the date of the fre, namey, March 18, 1948. Ths retroactvty provson s qute sgnfcant, and gves rse to the concuson that t was desgned precsey to free Catex from any responsbty wth respect to the fre, as shown by the cause that Catex "sha not be abe for any n|ury to person or property whe n the property heren censed, t beng understood and agreed that LICENSEE (Boquren) s not an empoyee, representatve or agent of LICENSOR (Catex)." But even f the cense agreement were to govern, Boquren can hardy be consdered an ndependent contractor. Under that agreement Boquren woud pay Catex the purey nomna sum of P1.00 for the use of the premses and a the equpment theren. He coud se ony Catex Products. Mantenance of the staton and ts equpment was sub|ect to the approva, n other words contro, of Catex. Boquren coud not assgn or transfer hs rghts as censee wthout the consent of Catex. The cense agreement was supposed to be from |anuary 1, 1948 to December 31, 1948, and thereafter unt termnated by Catex upon two days pror wrtten notce. Catex coud at any tme cance and termnate the agreement n case Boquren ceased to se Catex products, or dd not conduct the busness wth due dgence, n the |udgment of Catex. Termnaton of the contract was therefore a rght granted ony to Catex but not to Boquren. These provsons of the contract show the extent of the contro of Catex over Boquren. The contro was such that the atter was vrtuay an empoyee of the former. Takng nto consderaton the fact that the operator owed hs poston to the company and the atter coud remove hm or termnate hs servces at w; that the servce staton beonged to the company and bore ts tradename and the operator sod ony the products of the company; that the equpment used by the operator beonged to the company and were |ust oaned to the operator and the company took charge of ther repar and mantenance; that an empoyee of the company supervsed the operator and conducted perodc nspecton of the company's gasone and servce staton; that the prce of the products sod by the operator was fxed by the company and not by the operator; and that the recepts sgned by the operator ndcated that he was a mere agent, the fndng of the Court of Appeas that the operator was an agent of the company and not an ndependent contractor shoud not be dsturbed. To determne the nature of a contract courts do not have or are not bound to rey upon the name or tte gven t by the contractng partes, shoud thereby a controversy as to what they reay had ntended to enter nto, but the way the contractng partes do or perform ther respectve obgatons stpuated or agreed upon may be shown and nqured nto, and shoud such performance confct wth the name or tte gven the contract by the partes, the former must preva over the atter. (She Company of the Phppnes, Ltd. vs. Fremens' Insurance Company of Newark, New |ersey, 100 Ph. 757). The wrtten contract was apparenty drawn for the purpose of creatng the apparent reatonshp of empoyer and ndependent contractor, and of avodng abty for the neggence of the empoyees about the staton; but the company was not satsfed to aow such reatonshp to exst. The evdence shows that t mmedatey assumed contro, and proceeded to drect the method by whch the work contracted for shoud be performed. By reservng the rght to termnate the contract at w, t retaned the means of compeng submsson to ts orders. Havng eected to assume contro and to drect the means and methods by whch the work has to be performed, t must be hed abe for the neggence of those performng servce under ts drecton. We thnk the evdence was suffcent to sustan the verdct of the |ury. (Guf Refnng Company v. Rogers, 57 S.W. 2d, 183). Catex further argues that the gasone stored n the staton beonged to Boquren. But no cash nvoces were presented to show that Boquren had bought sad gasone from Catex. Nether was there a saes contract to prove the same. As found by the tra court the Afrcas sustaned a oss of P9,005.80, after deductng the amount of P2,000.00 coected by them on the nsurance of the house. The deducton s now chaenged as erroneous on the ground that Artce 2207 of the New Cv Code, whch provdes for the subrogaton of the nsurer to the rghts of the nsured, was not yet n effect when the oss took pace. However, regardess of the sence of the aw on ths pont at that tme, the amount that shoud be recovered be measured by the damages actuay suffered, otherwse the prncpe prohbtng un|ust enrchment woud be voated. Wth respect to the cam of the hers of Ong P7,500.00 was ad|udged by the ower court on the bass of the assessed vaue of the property destroyed, namey, P1,500.00, dsregardng the testmony of one of the Ong chdren that sad property was worth P4,000.00. We agree that the court erred, snce t s of common knowedge that the assessment for taxaton purposes s not an accurate gauge of far market vaue, and n ths case shoud not preva over postve evdence of such vaue. The hers of Ong are therefore entted to P10,000.00. Wherefore, the decson appeaed from s reversed and respondents-appeees are hed abe sodary to appeants, and ordered to pay them the aforesad sum of P9,005.80 and P10,000.00, respectvey, wth nterest from the fng of the compant, and costs. R%1#/LIC vs L#0ON $-%:%DORING GR No, L+15411 FAC-$: In the eary afternoon of August 17, 1960, barge L-1892, owned by the Luzon Stevedorng Corporaton was beng towed down the Pasg Rver by two tugboats when the barge rammed aganst one of the wooden pes of the Nagtahan Baey brdge, smashng the posts and causng the brdge to st. The rver, at the tme, was swoen and the current swft, on account of the heavy downpour n Mana and the surroundng provnces on August 15 and 16, 1960. The Repubc of the Phppnes sued Luzon Stevedorng for actua and consequenta damage caused by ts empoyees, amountng to P200,000. Defendant Corporaton dscamed abty on the grounds that t had exercsed due dgence n the seecton and supervson of ts empoyees that the damages to the brdge were caused by force ma|eure, that pantff has no capacty to sue, and that the Nagtahan Baey brdge s an obstructon to navgaton. After due tra, the court rendered |udgment on |une 11, 1963, hodng the defendant abe for the damage caused by ts empoyees and orderng t to pay pantff the actua cost of the repar of the Nagtahan baey brdge whch amounted to P192,561.72, wth ega nterest from the date of the fng of the compant. I$$#%: Was the coson of appeant's barge wth the supports or pers of the Nagtahan Brdge caused by fortutous event or force ma|eure? R#LING: Yes. Consderng that the Nagtahan brdge was an mmovabe and statonary ob|ect and uncontrovertedy provded wth adequate openngs for the passage of watercraft, ncudng barges ke of appeant's, t was undenabe that the unusua event that the barge, excusvey controed by appeant, rammed the brdge supports rases a presumpton of neggence on the part of appeant or ts empoyees mannng the barge or the tugs that towed t. For n the ordnary course of events, such a thng w not happen f proper care s used. In Ango Amercan |ursprudence, the nference arses by what s known as the "res psa oqutur" rue. The appeant strongy stressed the precautons taken by t on the day n queston: that t assgned two of ts most powerfu tugboats to tow down rver ts barge L-1892; that t assgned to the task the more competent and experenced among ts patrons, had the townes, engnes and equpment doube-checked and nspected' that t nstructed ts patrons to take extra precautons; and concudes that t had done a t was caed to do, and that the accdent, therefore, shoud be hed due to force ma|eure or fortutous event. These very precautons, however, competey destroyed the appeant's defense. For caso fortuto or force ma|eure (whch n aw are dentca n so far as they exempt an obgor from abty) by defnton, are extraordnary events not foreseeabe or avodabe, "events that coud not be foreseen, or whch, though foreseen, were nevtabe" (Art. 1174, Cv. Code of the Phppnes). It was, therefore, not enough that the event shoud not have been foreseen or antcpated, as was commony beeved but t must be one mpossbe to foresee or to avod. The mere dffcuty to foresee the happenng was not mpossbty to foresee the same. The very measures adopted by appeant prove that the possbty of danger was not ony foreseeabe, but actuay foreseen, and was not caso fortuto. F#LL CA$% Pettoner Lusteveco Empoyees Assocaton-CCLU (LEA) moved for reconsderaton of our decson of December 31, 1965. It aso fed a moton - whch we granted that a exhbts n Case 21-IPA Incdent 4 (L 18681) be forwarded to ths Court for perusa n resovng the moton for reconsderaton. Sad exhbts have now been eevated to Us. Respondent Luzon Stevedorng Corporaton (LUZON) fed an opposton to the moton for reconsderaton. And a repy to sad opposton was kewse fed. 1. It s movant's vew that the nature of ts strke underwent, a change from economc to unfar abor practce strke from the moment respondent LUZON refused ts aeged uncondtona offer to return to work for 300 workers, dated |une 2, 1959, and thereby commtted unfar abor practce. After the frst strke staged n |une, 1958, LUZON gave LEA up to |anuary 6, 1959 to return to work. None returned to work wthn that perod. Four strkers, however, were aowed to return to work on |anuary 26, 1959. Subsequenty, on |une 2, 1959, LEA, through a etter of ts Presdent, offered to return to work "under the status quo as drected by the Court of Industra Reatons n ts order of |une 21, 1958 wthout pre|udce to whatever the decson of sad Court may make on the ssues nvoved n the second strke". (Exh. O-1, Case 21-IPA|4|; emphass supped). In a etter dated |une 9, 1959 (Exh. O-2, Case 21-IPA |4| LUZON through ts Genera Manager reped "We fee that nasmuch as the queston of the egaty or egaty of the second strke s now before that Court |CIR|, and the Secretary of Labor has taken the ntatve of concatng the abor dspute between the partes, your aforesad offer shoud be hed n abeyance." In hs etter of |une 12, 1959, LEA's Presdent reterated the afore-stated offer to return to work. In ths Court's vew LEA's return-to-work offer was not uncondtona. It provded for a return to work "as drected by the Court of Industra Reatons n ts order of |une 21, 1958". And sad CIR order n turn provded, among other thngs, for payment of strke-duraton pay. (See p. 11 of CIR Record, Vo. I, 21-IPA.) As the records dscose, LEA's return-to-work offer, therefore, mposed as a condton, among others, the payment of strke-duraton pay. Accordngy, LEA, cannot nvoke Consodated Labor Assocaton of the Phppnes vs. Marsman & Co. Inc., L-17038 and L-17057, |uy 31, 1964 and smar cases to the effect that refusa of the company to accept an uncondtona offer of the strkers to return to work consttutes unfar abor practce so as to convert the strke nto a awfu one. And as regards the four strkers aowed to return to work, ther acceptance cannot be deemed an act of dscrmnaton, t not havng been shown n the records that ther offer to return to work mposed any condton as dd that of LEA wth respect to the 300 other strkers. 2. Anent the reducton of Chrstmas bonus, LEA contends that there s no evdence on decrease n percentage of proft as of December 31, 1958 to |ustfy sad reducton. Ths pont was aready passed upon n the decson. The Chrstmas bonus not havng been ncuded n the Coectve Barganng Agreement, t cannot be demanded by the unon. And even assumng that Chrstmas bonus s a concesson wthn the purvew of Artce 10 of the Coectve Barganng Agreement, provdng that "the Company agrees to mantan n effect a concessons presenty beng extended to ts empoyees, whenever practcabe," st the same cannot demanded n vew of the phrase "whenever practcabe." Furthermore, the Coectve Barganng Agreement expred sometme n September 1958 whereas the Chrstmas bonus n queston was granted n December 1958, three months after. Phppne Educaton Co. vs. CIR, 92 Ph. 385 s not n pont for there the bonus had aready been prevousy set asde. 3. Regardng the Exhbts A, A-1 and A-2, LEA mantans that the CIR erred n dscredtng them under the mpresson that they were found on top of the tabe of the unon Secretary after offce hours. It s camed that they were found nsde the og book whch was on the tabe of the nformaton poce. Ths reay makes no dfference. It s |ust as mprobabe, f not more so, for company offcas to put nsde sad og book, notes confdenta and damagng as Exhbts A, A-1 and A-2, the og book beng accessbe to a the guards, who were the persons concerned. 4. As to the reasons for the strke, ths Court, contrary to LEA's mpresson, consdered not ony the suspenson of the 7 securty guards; n fact, our decson stated the acts companed aganst by the unon. 5. Regardng the charge that the CIR dd not vew the over-a atttude of the company towards the unon, ths too s not correct. The CIR even dscussed the factua background of the strke n page 2 of ts decson. 6. LEA woud agan press the argument n ts bref that t coud egay decare a strke even as the causes for t were pendng n the CIR. We st fnd t unnecessary to dscuss the queston whether LEA coud have thus egay gone on strke. The fact s that n vew of other crcumstances, apart from the above queston, ts strke was ega. 7. The necessty of a strke notce s agan chaenged. Suffce t to reterate that, as the CIR found, LUZON not havng engaged n unfar abor practce, the strke was but an economc one, requrng a strke notce. 8. Seekng to excude from those whose dsmssas were authorzed by the CIR, strkers wth pendng crmna cases, movant states anew ts contenton that what was nvoved were soated acts of voence mputabe to both the company and the strkers. We fnd no reason, however to dsturb the CIR's fndng that the voence Commtted durng the strke was not provoked by LUZON. 9. LEA further contends that the CIR decson dsmsses 13 LEA members for havng been "actve unonsts" and thus s dscrmnatory and ega. Sad dsmssas, authorzed by the CIR's decson, however, are not for awfu unon actvty but precsey for partcpaton n an ega strke. They are therefore n order. 10. Smary, the CIR rghty hed the strke of the Lusteveco Buk O Unon (LBOU) ega, as a sympathetc strke to LEA's ega strke. It was not n ad|udcaton of the pendng sut n the CIR as to the egaty of the certfcaton eecton n the Sta. Mesa Spways and Engneerng Company and the ncuson of the Buk O Termna at Pandacan n sad eecton. 11. As to the notces sent by LUZON to the strkers, the same were not threats of dsmssa eveed drecty at the strkers, but a pubcaton cang a strkers to return to work by |anuary 6, 1959 or an offer to accept the strkers back to ther |obs. 12. Anent the aeged permsson by the CIR for the Secretary of Labor to ntervene n the case whe the same was pendng n court, the same has no reevance to the egaty or egaty of LEA's strke. 13. It s asserted that the strke shoud be deemed as one aganst an unfar abor practce n vew of LEA's "good fath" that LUZON's acts consttuted unfar abor practce. In Interwood Empoyees Assocaton vs. Internatona Hardwood & Veneer Co., L-7409, May 18, 1956. 52 O.G. 3936, 3941, the Court has rued that f the strkers act from an unawfu, egtmate, un|ust, unreasonabe, or trva ground, reason or motve, even f they do so n good fath, and the Court of Industra Reatons so fnds, the strke may be decared ega notwthstandng ther good fath. 14. Fnay, LEA nssts that the CIR msapprehended facts and arbtrary thrust asde the evdence presented by the unon. Ths argument has been rased n the bref and was aready passed upon by us n the decson. Substanta evdence supports the fndngs and concusons of facts of the CIR, and for ths reason the same are affrmed. Preponderance of evdence, nvoked by LEA, s not the crteron n these cases (Natona Fastener Corporaton of the Phppnes vs. CIR, L-15834, |anuary 20, 1961). Wherefore, the moton for reconsderaton s hereby dened for ack of mert. So ordered.