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Amplifier Using Operationa Amplifier

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ECE 2C Lab #1

Audio Amplifier Circuit

In the first part of lab#1 you will construct a low-power audio amplifier/speaker driver based on the LM38 I! from "ational #emiconductor$ %he audio amplifier will be a self-contained& battery-operated component$ In the second part of the lab you will construct a microphone circuit usin' a compact electret condenser microphone cartrid'e$ %hese circuit modules are important buildin' blocks of many audio communications systems& and will be used in our ultrasonic transceiver system$ %here are several thin's you can learn in this lab if you pay attention$ (y studyin' this document and e)perimentin' with the components and circuits in the lab& try to understand the followin'* 1+ ,lectrical characteristics of audio speakers -+ !haracteristics of condenser microphones 3+ .esi'n of sin'le-supply battery-operated op-amp circuits /+ 0se of diode limiters/clamps for input protection 1+ 0se of bias de-couplin' capacitors on I!s + 2ctive filters for tone control 3+ 4ow to choose .! blockin' capacitors 5e will discuss the analytical aspects of active filter desi'n in lecture$ 6ou will have an opportunity to desi'n an active filter yourself in a later lab$ %he ob7ective of the lab is not simply to create a workin' circuit& it is to learn about circuits8 #o& as you pro'ress throu'h the lab& try to understand the role of each component& and how the choice of component value may influence the operation of the circuit$ 9lease tinker with component values* that is an especially valuable way to learn$ 2sk yourself :uestions such as* 5hy is this resistor here; 5hy does it have this resistance value; 5hy is this blockin' capacitor 1<= instead of >$1<= or 1><= or 1>><=; 5hy was this particular opamp chosen; It is only when you can answer such :uestions that you will truly understand the labs and pro'ress towards desi'nin' your own circuits$ In the process you may even find a better solution? in fact& the present laboratory e)periments in this course have several sli'ht modifications from the ori'inal that were inspired by student feedback$

1 @ (ob 6ork ->>3

2udio 2mplifier !ircuit

Audio Amplifier Circuit

Pre-lab Preparation Before Coming to the Lab Parts List Schedule for Lab #1 Full Schematics for Lab #1 Background information Audio Speakers In-Lab Procedure 1 1

3 3 3 3 4 6 8

!ome comment" on our c#oice of IC" !h" the L#3$ % !h" the L#3&$%

8 $ $

1 2 1 3 1 ( 1 * 1 6

!peaker E$ui%alent Circuit


'""emble 'mplifier on Breadboard


!umming net)ork


+ptional -- ,one-Control Circuit


-ard)ire t#e 'mplifier


1 Po""ible Impro%ement" . Lab 1 /ecord '(ui)alent Circuit modeling for the Speaker Audio Amplifier on Breadboard

1( 16 1 1

@ (ob 6ork ->>3

Pre*lab Preparation

Pre-lab Preparation
Before Coming to the Lab Aead throu'h the lab e)periment to familiariBe yourself with the components and assembly se:uence$ (efore comin' to the lab& each 'roup should obtain a parts kit from the ,!, #hop$ Parts List %he ,!,- lab is stocked with resistors so do not be alarmed if you kits does not include the resistors listed below$ #ome of these parts may also have been provided in an earlier kit$
Qt y 1 1 1 2 1 2 8 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 Description Audio Speaker, 8-Ohm, 2 Watt, 0.3-9KHz LM38 !-3 Lo"-#o$ta%e Audio &o"er Amp$i'er LM3)8 Lo"-&o"er *ua$ Op-Amp 8-pi+ $o"-pro'i$e ,- .o/ket 10 Ohm 102W re.i.tor 2.2k 102W re.i.tor 10k 102W re.i.tor 100k 102W re.i.tor 10k trimpot 20k trimpot 230 u4 1 # e$e/tro$5ti/ /apa/itor 6&- $ead7 100u4 1 # e$e/tro$5ti/ /apa/itor 6&- $ead7 10u4 1 # e$e/tro$5ti/ /apa/itor 6&- $ead7 1u4 /apa/itor Circuit (2 (1 110 113,112 11),19,112,11) 1 -3 18 111 -9 -10 -2,-1,-2,-3,-)

A m p l i f i e r A u d i o

1 2 1

0.033u4 /apa/itor 6-K0) $o"-8o$ta%e /erami/ 7 0.022u4 /apa/itor 6-K0) $o"-8o$ta%e /erami/ 7 0.1u4 /apa/itor 6-K0) $o"-8o$ta%e /erami/ 7

-3 -11,-12 -8

2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 9 9

1!2128 .ma$$-.i%+a$ Si$i/o+ diode 2.)9 : ). 39 8e/tor;oard 1u;;er 'eet Stereo Audio <a/k 3.)mm ma$e-to-ma$e .tereo pat/h /ord 9# ;atter5 $ead. 9# ;atter5 ho$der 6adhe.i8e ;a/ked7 9# ;atter5 *ou;$ed-.ided adhe.i8e tape 'or mou+ti+% .peaker '$ea /$ip. =22 .tra+ded "ire 6;$a/k7 =22 .tra+ded "ire 6red7

Schedule for Lab #1 %o stay on schedule& you must do the followin'* > 5eek #1* 2udio amplifier

Microphone > 5eek #-* circuit %he audio amplifier pro7ect is more difficult and time-consumin' than the microphone preamp& so part of week #- may be used to finish the audio amp$ 2ll breadboardin' and testin' can and should be done in lab$ #olderin' and hardwirin' can and should be done outside lab$
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2udio 2mplifier !ircuit

Full Schematics for Lab #1

=i'ure 1-1 C #chematic for the basic audio amplifier$

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Pre*lab Preparation

=i'ure 1-- C #chematic for the audio amplifier with optional tone-control circuit$
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2udio 2mplifier !ircuit

Background information
Audio Speakers 2udio speakers convert electrical si'nals into mechanical motion$ %he most common speakers for hi'h -:uality audio are constructed as shown in =i'ure 1-3$ %he electric si'nal is passed throu'h a coil of wire Dthe EvoiceF coilG& which is suspended a stron' ma'netic field provided by a permanent ma'net$ 2 time-varyin' current in the coil leads to a mechanical deflection relative to the ma'net$ %he coil is attached to a li'htwei'ht conical membrane Dusually made from a heavy-'rade paperG that couples the mechanical motion of the coil to the surroundin' air molecules$

(and of operation



=i'ure 1-3 C DaG !ross section and DbG Impedance curve for a typical 8? dynamic speaker$

If you look throu'h catalo's of audio-speakers& you will find many different siBes and price ran'es$ =or e)ample& check out http*//www$tb-speaker$ com/tbp$htm$ 4i'h-:uality audio speakers can be :uite e)pensive& and are desi'ned for a flat& omni- directional

fre:uency response in the specified operatin' ran'e$ #mall ine)pensive speakers& such as the ones used in this lab& have poor low-fre:uency response and limited power-handlin' capacity$ #peakers are commonly specified by their fre:uency response& impedance level& and power-handlin' capacity$ %ypical speaker impedances are E8 ?F or E/?F or E1 ?F$ %his is often a source of confusion because it su''ests the speaker is modeled by a constant resistance of this value$ In reality there is a si'nificant reactive component of impedance and hence a stron' variation of impedance with fre:uency& as shown in the fi'ure above$ %he impedance can also depend stron'ly on the surroundin's$ =or e)ample& a speaker measured in isolation Dthe Efree-airF responseG will have a different impedance than one mounted in a wooden enclosure$

.$ ($ 5eems& +esigning, Building - .esting "our /0n Speaker S"stem & %ab (ooks* (lue Aid'e #ummit& 92& 1H8/
@ (ob 6ork ->>3

Background information

%he 2! impedance often displays at least one resonance& relatin' to the siBe and stiffness DEcomplianceFG of the cone$ ,lectrically this mechanical resonance can be modeled by a parallel AL! circuit$ %he operatin' fre:uency ran'e R L c c for the speaker be'ins at or above this resonance& and in this ran'e the speaker impedance is well modeled by 7ust a resistance in series with an inductance$ %he inductance comes from the voice coil itself$ %he L C R resistance term is lar'ely the .! resistance of the m m m voice coil& with a small additional contribution which represents ener'y conversion to mechanical motion$ %he combination of the two resistances is usually close to the specified impedance of the speaker De1g1 8?G in

the middle of the operatin' ran'e$ 2 pretty 'ood e:uivalent circuit model for any speaker is shown in =i'ure 1-/ and can be created by measurin' or findin' the followin' parameters*

=i'ure 1-/ C ,:uivalent circuit for an audio speaker

1+ .! Aesistance of the voice coil& 2c -+ =ree-air resonant fre:uency& fs

> Input resistance 2t at f3fs Dthe impedance is purely resistive at resonanceG 4 A 2t / - G$ %he (andwidth I@f of the resonance Dbetween the points where t factor is 5msJ fs /@f then 1+ Inductance Lc of the voice coil Dmeasure at a hi'h fre:uency& f66fsG


%he free-air mechanical resonance is modeled by a parallel AL! circuit$ #ince the I-factor of a parallel resonator is 5ms A2C & and the resonant fre:uency is fs A1/ - LC & the e:uivalent circuit parameters can be found as L B2 5 ms A A 1 A C 2 DG 2 - f m 2 f C m t c m
s m s m

Kne last point about speakers* for a sin'le-speaker application the polarity of the speaker is irrelevant$ 4owever& if multiple speakers are used& it is important to connect them to'ether with the correct polarity so that the voice coils and cones will move in phase with each other$ =or this reason& speaker terminal are often desi'nated with a ELF or E-F symbol$

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2udio 2mplifier !ircuit

In-Lab Procedure 1.1 ome comments on our c!oice of ICs

Why the L !"#$ 2t first 'lance this pro7ect looks simple? all we need is an amplifier to drive an audio speaker& ri'ht; 5hy not 7ust use a simple op-amp 'ain sta'e; 5ell& one immediate challen'e is that speakers have a low impedance& typically 8-Khm$ ,ven for a low-power >$15 audio amplifier& P A 7 - 2 / - re:uires that the amplifier must be able to source a peak 2! current of around 31> m2 with an 8-Khm load$ %his is a lot more than a typical op-amp is desi'ned to provide$ =or e)ample& the LM318 and L=313 Dtwo op-amps used in this labG can source around ->-/>m2 at most$ #o we need a device that can handle hi'her currents$ 5e also want a device that can be operated from a sin'le supply volta'e Da battery in this caseG$ It is possible to make a suitable amplifier usin' an op-amp and a couple of e)ternal power transistors& but we went with a simpler solution& and chose a chip that was specifically desi'ned as an audio driver& the LM38 & shown in =i'ure 1-1$

=i'ure 1-1 C LM38 internal circuit and 8-pin .I9 pin assi'nments$

%his is an old chip that has been a popular choice for low-power audio applications for many years$ %here are many other audio amp I!s on the market DLM38> and LM383 are similar but hi'her-power amps from "ationalG& but the LM38 is sufficient for our purposes$ It comes in three-flavors& the LM38 -1& LM38 --& and LM38 -3& which can provide >$35& >$15& and >$35 respectively& more than ade:uate for this lab$ 2nother nice thin' about the LM38 is that the 'ain-fre:uency curve can be shaped with some e)ternal feedback

components& so it is a very fle)ible device$ If you do a web search on ELM38 F& you will find many e)amples of clever circuits that people have come up with over the years$ %he one in this lab is a minor modification of a circuit described in the data sheet$ Why the L !%"$ =or the remainder of the circuit Da simple unit-'ain summin' networkG we have chosen an LM318 op-amp& which is a low-power device that can be operated from a sin'le volta'e supply& therefore appropriate for battery-operated circuits$ Low-power op-amps draw very little :uiescent current and hence help prolon' the life of the battery$ %he LM318 is a 'ardenvariety op-amp and there are many other possibilities that could be used& but this one is very cheap8 5e also chose a dual device in case you choose to do the optional tone-control
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Speaker '(ui)alent Circuit

circuit$ It doesnMt matter which of the two internal op-amps you use for the summin' network or the tone-control circuit& they are identical$

1." peaker #$ui%alent Circuit

5eMll start by measurin' the characteristics of the audio speaker in your kit$ %his is a small& 'eneral-purpose speaker used for intercoms and other ine)pensive audio systems$ For these measurements, it is important to keep the speaker face-up. C C 0sin' the 2*L*C meter in the lab& measure the coil resistance and coil inductance Dthe meter uses a fre:uency that is well above the speakerMs mechanical resonanceG$ "ow weMll use the function-'enerator at your workstation to drive the speaker$ #ince the speaker has a small impedance& we must be careful to keep the amplitude of the function 'enerator low so that it doesnMt have to source a lot of current$ 2d7ust your function 'enerator to produce a sinusoidal wave with an 2! amplitude of 8gJ ->> mN and Bero .! offset$

C ,lectrically connect your speake t functio r o the n 'enerat a or s shown in =i'ure 1- & usin' a small resistor i 2 n series with the speaker Dsomethin '


4 A 2
8 B8

around 1> ?& or two 1>> ? |Z| resistors in parallel& seems to work wellG$ %his =i'ure 1C #peaker test circuit creates volta' a e divider& so that the volta'e across the speaker is proportional to the ma'nitude of its impedance$ %hus by measurin' 8g and 8L we can map out the variation of impedance with fre:uency usin' the formula in =i'ure 1- $ 1O =ind the resonant fre:uency Dsomewhere in the ran'e of 1>>-->> 4BG& and record the impedance at resonance and the bandwidth$ %hen compute the e:uivalent circuit parameters as discussed in the back'round information$

1.& Assemble Amplifier on Breadboard

%he schematic for an LM38 -based amplifier is shown in =i'ure 1-3$ 5e will first construct this amplifier usin' your plastic solderless breadboard and bench power supply$ Knce you debu' the circuit and demonstrate that it works properly& you will Ehard-wireF it onto a

vectorboard and power it from a HN battery$ %he idea of breadboardin' the circuit first is not to create more work8 It is 'ood practice in 'eneral& since it allows you to debu' your desi'n more easily& allows you to e)periment with component values& and more importantly will help preserve your battery8
H @ (ob 6ork ->>3


2udio 2mplifier !ircuit

=i'ure 1-3 C #chematic of LM38 2mplifier$

1O =irst study the schematic carefully& and locate all the necessary parts in your kit$ =ind the
LM38 chip and compare it with =i'ure 1-1 and the schematic in =i'ure 1-3 to correlate pin numbers with the circuit connections$ -O !onfi'ure your breadboard with connections to the power supply and appropriate wirin' to the power busses& then add the LM38 I! and make the power Dpin G and 'round Dpin /G connections as shown in the schematic$ 2dd the 1>><= and 1><= bias/bypass capacitors$ 3O 5ith reference to the schematic& add in the resistor and capacitor elements as shown$ "ote the role of each component* 1$ 1D= capacitor* .! blockin'& 2! couples the input si'nal -$ 1>k trimpot* volta'e-divider for volume control 3$ 1>D= capacitor* Internal 2! bypass Dsee data sheetG$ /$ 1>k? resistor and 33n= capacitor between pins 1-1* bass-boost feedback

circuit Dsee data sheetG& helps compensate for the poor low-fre:uency response of our speaker 1$ /3>D= capacitor* .! blockin' Dwhy is this so lar'e compared with other blockin'/bypass capacitors;G $ 1>? resistor and >$1D= capacitor* a EsnubberF circuit for hi'h-fre:uency stabiliBation& prevents potential oscillation due to inductive loadin'$ /O 2dd in the back-to-back diodes at the input terminal of the device$ %hese diodes clamp the input volta'e on pin 3 at L/- >$3 N& to insure that e)cessive volta'e is never applied to this pin& which could dama'e the circuit$ 1O 2dd the speaker$ 6ou will need to first solder wire 7umper leads to the speaker terminals$ 6ou are now ready to test the circuit as shown in =i'ure 1-8$

1O =irst connect your bench function 'enerator to the oscilloscope and ad7ust for a 1k4B
sinewave with a >$- N amplitude& and verify on the oscilloscope$ %hen apply this si'nal

@ (ob 6ork ->>3

Summing net0ork


to your amplifier alon' with the LHN bias$ If all 'oes well& you should hear a tone$ 2d7ust the volume control as necessary$ 1O 5ith the volume ad7usted to a reasonable level& sweep the fre:uency to determine the lowest and hi'hest audible tones and record your data$ -O Kbserve the output waveform at

=i'ure 1-8 C %estin' the amplifier circuit

pin 1 on the oscilloscope for a >$1 Power Supply Function N amplitude input si'nal at 1k4B$ Generator "ote that the output is level shifted Spea to appro)imately half the power ker suppl volta' se y e$ !an you e +9 V distortio a th volum n s e e is Amplifier increased; 5hy is this happenin'; Circuit C th LM3 temporaril Aemove e 8 y L and / 1 sinus apply a - N oid at 1k4B to the amplifier input and observe the waveform at pin 3 under full-volume conditions$ 6ou should observe the clampin' or limitin' action of the input diodes$ Aecord this waveform in the L2( A,!KA.$ 1O Aeconnect the I! and speaker and insert the bench multimeter in series with the power supply as shown above to measure the .! current flow into the amplifier$ Aecord the current under the operatin' conditions described in the L2( A,!KA.$

1.' umming net(ork

%he ne)t step is to add the summin' network& which is used to combine several audio inputs into a common output si'nal$ =or e)ample& if we want to hook our EmonoF amplifier to a EstereoF si'nal& such as produced by an M93 player or !. player& then we need to add the left and ri'ht stereo channels to'ether so that the amplifier can amplify both simultaneously and deliver them to the speaker$

Stereo ,+put Ea/k -1


1u4&OL 2

10k 12 Au: ,+put


10k? 13



10k? 12

#-9 # 1

Sets ref level at Vcc/2


100k? -2 10u4-&OL

LM3)8A! (1A

3 8


1 0 k


13 100k?

=i'ure 1-H ended 'ain summin' network and LM318 C #in'leunity- pinout 11 @ (ob 6ork ->>3


2udio 2mplifier !ircuit

1O 2dd the summin' circuit as shown above$ Pust put in the 20Q channel for now& donMt
worry about the stereo 7ack and associated A! elements$ %here are two important points to understand here& both of which are related to the use of a sin'le DbatteryG supply$ =irst& in the te)tbook dual-supply op-amp summin' circuit& the positive Dnon-invertin'G input is usually 'rounded$ %he volta'e at this pin defines the EreferenceF volta'e for the input si'nals& which is the desired avera'e or .! output level in an audio system$ 5e usually choose this level to ma)imiBe the possible 2! volta'e swin'& hence it should be midway between the two supply volta'es$ =or a dual DbipolarG supply& this would be 'round D> NG& but for our HN battery supply& it is half the supply volta'e& or /$1 Nolts$ %his is accomplished usin' the two 1>>k resistors in a volta'e divider Dwe choose 1>>k resistors here to minimiBe the current draw from the batteryG$ %he 1> D= bypass capacitor helps prevent this volta'e level from fluctuatin' durin' operation& maintainin' a constant potential and hence a 'ood 2! 'round$ #econdly& since the input and outputs of this summin' network will be capacitively coupled& the data sheet recommends addin' an e)ternal resistive .! current path to 'round at the output of the op-amp& to increase the bias current throu'h the transistors in the op-ampMs output sta'e durin' operation$ %his is what A1 is for$ 6ouMll have to wait until ,!, 1332( to fully appreciate the details$ 2'ain& weMre choosin' a lar'e value resistor here to minimiBe the .! current draw from the battery$

1O Knce everythin' is put to'ether& test your circuit as in the previous section& applyin' the
si'nal from the function 'enerator to the input ports$ 5hen you are confident that your circuit works& proceed to the ne)t step$

1.) *ptional -- +one-Control Circuit

%he LM318 is a dual op-amp& so we have an e)tra op-amp to play with$ 5hy not use it; %his is not a re:uired element of your pro7ect& but is a common feature in simple audio systems to improve/ad7ust the sound :uality$

dB ,ain-

2 0 1 ) 1 0 )


0 -) 1 0 1 ) 2 0 10 100 10,00 1,000 0 /re$uency- 01 100,0 00



=i'ure 1-1> CDaG #in'le-knob tone control circuit$ %his makes use of the second op- amp in the LM318$ 6ou can use the same Nref as for the summin' circuit$ DbG (ode plots for the tone-control circuit at opposite e)tremes of the potentiometer settin'$
@ (ob 6ork ->>3

9ard0ire the Amplifier


%here are many possibilities for tone-control circuits$ %he basic idea is to selectively boost or EcutF DattenuateG si'nals dependin' on their fre:uency$ %his is usually done usin' an op-amp 'ain sta'e with fre:uency-selective feedback$ %he circuit in =i'ure 1-1>a is a simple e)ample that basically starts with a unity-'ain invertin' amplifier confi'uration& and adds series A! networks in parallel with feedback resistors$ 2 potentiometer controls the tappin' point for the feedback$ 5hen the wiper is at its midpoint& both sides of the feedback network are identical& and the system has unity 'ain for all fre:uencies Dassumin' identical component valuesG$ 5hen the wiper is at the top& there is a low-fre:uency 'ain of around 3 D1> d(G& and hi'h-fre:uency attenuation of about 1/3 D-1>d(G$ 5hen the wiper is at the bottom& the action reverses so that the low-fre:uencies are cut and the hi'h-fre:uencies are boosted$ =i'ure 1-1>b shows the (ode plots for the midpoint and two e)tremes of the potentiometer settin'$

1.2 0ard(ire t!e Amplifier

"ow we are ready to put everythin' to'ether& and add the stereo 7acks and battery supply$ (efore we 'o further& letMs consider the standard 3$1mm audio connectors$ %hey look like the picture in =i'ure 1-11& and are probably familiar to everyone$

Rnd !h !h 1

=i'ure 1-11 C #tandard 3$1mm stereo audio plu'

%he stereo Eplu'F Dsometimes called EmaleF instead of Eplu'FG has three separate cylindrical connectors& each separated by a thin plastic insulator$ %he lar'est of these is the 'round connection$ %he other two carry the left and ri'ht channels of the stereo si'nal$ %he 3$1mm desi'nation refers to the diameter of the cylindrical conductors$ %here are other diameters on the market& but 3$1mm is the standard for audio$

9in 1

=i'ure 1-1- C 3$1mm stereo audio 7ack used in this lab$

13 @ (ob 6ork ->>3


2udio 2mplifier !ircuit

In your kit& you should have been provided a stereo E7ackF Dor EfemaleFG similar to that shown in =i'ure 1-1-$ %here are a lar'e variety of different 7ack confi'urations& dependin' mostly on how they will be mounted D i1e1 surface mount& 9! board& panel mounted& etc$G$ #ome 7acks also have more than three pins which are connected in a way that 'ives an open or short connection when a plu' has been inserted or removed from the 7ack$ %he one we will use is 7ust a simple 3-terminal 9!( stereo 7ack$ Kn the backside you will see each pin marked by a number& correspondin' to the dia'ram above$

1O %ransfer the amplifier desi'n to the vectorboard and EhardwireF everythin' into place$ -O 3O /O 1O O 3O
0se the I! socket provided in the parts kit so that if anythin' 'oes wron' with the LM38 or LM318& you can replace it without havin' to resolder the circuit$ 2dd the HN battery leads supplied in your kits$ If you were 'iven a battery holder& install that as well$ 2ttach the stereo 7ack to the ed'e of the vector board$ !onnect pins - and 1 to the summin' network& and connect pin 1 to 'round$ 2ttach the remainin' Eau)F input on the summin' network to a flea clip$ Lastly& attach the speaker to the vectorboard$ If the speakers have a mountin' bracket& you will be 'iven some screws/nuts to attach the speaker to pre-drilled mountin' holes& otherwise you will be 'iven some double-sided tape to secure the speaker$ %est your circuit usin' the bench power supply$ 5hen it is workin'& add the battery and test a'ain under battery operation$ 2nswer all the remainin' :uestions in the lab record$ 0sin' the patch-cord in your kits& you can now test your amplifier by hookin' it up to the headphone 7ack on a portable !. player& M93 player& or computer$

Congratulations& you no' ha(e a portable audio amplifier) 1.3 Possible Impro%ements
%he circuit youMve 7ust built is a nice buildin' block for many pro7ects where it is desirable to have a simple& ine)pensive and versatile audio output$ %he obvious deficiencies with this system are* 1G it is monophonic Dnot stereoG? -G it has relatively low output power? 3G it is not very efficient in terms of battery life? and /G the small speaker siBe limits the low-fre:uency response$ %hese are all areas that can be easily improved upon if you are interested$ =or a true stereo output we would need separate amplifiers for the left and ri'ht channels& not to mention separate left/ri'ht speakers$ "owadays you can often pick up a cheap set of speakers desi'ned for use with computer systems that often have surprisin'ly 'ood performance& much better than the little paper-cone speaker we chose for this lab$ In terms of power and efficiency& there are now several sin'le-chip !lass-. audio power-amps on the market that can 'enerate much hi'h powers with very little power consumption$ 2s one of many such e)amples& the "ational Instruments LM/ 3 chip is a self-contained -5 stereo amplifier chip that can directly drive two e)ternal speakers and a set of headphones& powered off a sin'le 1N supply& with S83T efficiency& and it costs around U1$1>8 !learly if you really needed to build an audio power amp for a critical en'ineerin' application& a sin'le-chip solution like the LM/ 3 is probably 'oin' to be much more attractive in terms of siBe and cost than piecin'
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Possible 7mpro)ements


to'ether a system from several discrete parts& as we did in this lab$ Kn the other hand& you most certainly learned more about the circuit buildin' it from scratch then you would have by simply hookin' up the LM/ 3 circuit below8

2nother possibility for future work is to create a more sophisticated tone control& like a multi-band 'raphic e:ualiBer$ Most work on similar principles as the sin'le-knob tone control circuit we used here$ 2 web search will turn up many possibilities& and you can also come up with your own ideas$ Lastly& you may wish to put your circuit in some kind of enclosure to protect it& with shaft V knob potentiometers for the volume and tone controls& and perhaps a 7ack for headphones Dnote that there are headphone 7acks available that have an e)tra set of contacts for disablin' the speaker connection when a headphone plu' is insertedG$ 2nother nice addition would be a power switch with an L,. power indicator$ 5e didnMt put an L,. in the pro7ect to reduce the :uiescent current draw and thus keep the battery alive lon'er$

Congratulations4 5ou !a%e no( completed Lab 1a

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2udio 2mplifier !ircuit

Lab 1 6ecord


*+ui(alent Circuit modeling for the Speaker Aecord the input resistance at 1k4B* WWWWWWWWWWWW Khm Aecord the coil inductance at 1k4B* WWWWWWWWWWWW 4 Aecord the resonant fre:uency* WWWWWWWWWWWW 4B Aecord the X 4 X / - bandwidth* WWWWWWWWWWWW 4B

!alculate the I-factor of the resonance I* WWWWWWWWWWWW !alculate the e:uivalent circuit parameters for the parallel resonance*



Audio Amplifier on Breadboard 5hat is the low-fre:uency cutoff of the amplifier* WWWWWWWWWWWW 4B Aecord lowest fre:uency audible tone* WWWWWWWWWWWW 4B Aecord 4i'hest fre:uency audible tone* WWWWWWWWWW k4B
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Lab 1 2ecord


2re the limits above related to limits on your hearin' or are they due to the limited fre:uency response of the speaker itself; 5hy is the output waveform clipped for lar'e input si'nals;

Aecord input waveform at pin 3 with a F1N sinewave at 1k4B and the speaker disconnected*

2vera'e current drawn by audio amplifier under full-volume conditions with a F>$>-1 N 1k4B sinewave input* WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW m2 2vera'e current drawn by audio amplifier under full-volume conditions with a F>$-1 N 1k4B sinewave input* WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW m2 2vera'e current drawn by audio amplifier when playin' music audio under normal listenin' conditions * WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW m2 =rom your answer above& estimate the battery life for this circuit assumin' a 1>> m2-hr battery ratin'* WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW hrs


@ (ob 6ork ->>3

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