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landi http://www.landi-gas.it/eng/index.



The converters available are of compensated type and are designed to supply the engine constantly at a delivery pressure above that in the suction piping. They are all equipped with gas temperature sensor and relief valve, while the various models may or may not have the gas shutoff solenoid valve and cut-off.


LMI 0 ! "# $% &'( M " $% &' ) %0 &'(


The proportioner, on which the cut-off solenoid valve may also be installed, consists of two stepper motors which control the gas flow in sequential mode for minimum*low powers and medium*high powers respectively.

The distributor, that delivers the gas to each cylinder based on the vacuum created in the relevant duct by the opening of the suction valves. It maintain an in-let pressure that is slightly higher than the atmospheric pressure while the outlet pressure is similar to the pressure in the manifold.

The ele troni ontrol unit, that monitors all parameters to ensure that the system operates efficiently.

The s!it ", to install in the cabin, equipped with L+,s and a switch to select the petrol*gas operating mode. The LI- electronic components conform to directive .%*%/*0+ regarding electromagnetic compatibility and the containers are hermetically sealed according to I1 %/.


The LI- consists of standard components2 the only e3ception is the distributor which differs depending on the number of cylinders the vehicle has. Installing the LI- is simple, since all procedures are guided and are described in the instruction manual and on the vehicle information sheets. The electronic control of the system is fundamental. The LI- +04 is of autolearning type and contains a microprocessor which analyses the data instant by instant and ma5es the corrections needed to optimise operation of the engine. Landi -.rl. defines the system data which ma5e up the carburation map for every car and for every engine operating condition. The LI- is a system programmed by 1ersonal 0omputer by loading the carburation map relating to the car concerned. 6perating chec5s and any setting ad7ustments can be made using a 1ersonal 0omputer or hand-held tester.



They reduce the 0.!.8. pressure, allowing a regular gas flow at every engine request. Models and relevant characteristics are reported in the table.


! "%00 ) $.000cc( M " .%00 ) =.000cc( LM+ 09:;. - I!<+0TI6! -M "$.%00 ) /.000cc( -M$ "> ?.000cc( LM-+ 09:;. - I!<+0TI6! ! "%00 ) $.000cc( M "$.000 ) /.000cc( @ @ @ @ --@ @

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-M "/.000 ) ?.000cc( -M$ "> ?.000cc(

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Landi -.r.l. is bac5ed by ?0 years of e3perience in manufacturing the parts to convert automobiles to Liquid 1ropane 8as "L18( and 0ompressed !atural 8as "0!8(.

Landi -.r.l. is constantly carrying out research to 5eep trac5 of technical and standards developments in automobiles, with customer satisfaction as the highest priority.

Landi -.r.l. operates in all international mar5ets where gas is considered a valid alternative fuel for automobiles.

The Landi -.r.l. Auality -ystem has been I-6 .00 certified than5s to the constant commitment in all phases of our productsB life cycle, from design and mar5eting to post-sales assistance.

NAT(RAL GAS LIS L)ndi in*e tion s+ste, C.N.G.

0lic5 on components

CSWITCHD CTIMING !" NC# $%&C#SS&%D C$%&$&%TI&N#%D C#'#CT%&NIC C&NT%&' (NITD CCNG C&N"#%T#%D CCNG )I''." '"#D C!IST%IB(T&%D CWI%ING H %N#S.-#M(' T&%SD CCNG T N* " '"#D


0lic5 on components

CCNG T N* " '"#D CSWITCHD CCNG )I''ING " '"#D CCNG C&N"#%T#%SD CC $T#(% $%#SSI&ND CMI+#%D CG S&'IN# S&'#N&I! " '"# #",D CTIMING !" NC# $%&C#SS&%D


0lic5 on components



0lic5 on components

C'.#.S.D CCNG T N* " '"#D CSWITCHD CCNG )I''ING " '"#D CCNG C&N"#%T#%SD CC $T#(% $%#SSI&ND CMI+#%D CTIMING !" NC# $%&C#SS&%D CWI%ING H %N#SS#S-#M(' T&%SD



SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS L18 or Liquefied 1etroleum 8as, a by-product of refined crude oil, is a gas at room temperature and pressure, and a liquid at a pressure of $ ;ar. In automobiles it is used as a propane and butane gas mi3ture whose chemical and physical characteristics provide outstanding performances in terms of power, fle3ibility and efficient engine operation. It burns without leaving any engine carbon deposits that lead to premature wear and e3tends the service life of spar5-plugs, valves and pistons while helping engine oil maintain its original properties longer. 'hen burned, it produces less carbon and nitrogen o3ides and unburned hydrocarbons than petrol or diesel oil, without generating any aromatic hydrocarbons or sulphur dio3ide.


:efuelling is carried out by inserting a special noEEle into the carFs filler opening that differs in various countries "coupling type in Italy, bayonet in Golland, and 90M+ for the 4nited -tates, 0anada, 8ermany, 8reat ;ritain, Ireland, 9ustria and ;elgium(. It is possible to fill H0I of the tan5. 'e suggest to chec5 this filling value and to e3tinguish any flames and cigarettes while refuelling.

THE S1STEM 8as flows from the tan5 and, running along the high-pressure piping, passes through an on-off solenoid valve, that is closed when the car is running on petrol or when turned off, and reaches the reducer-vaporiser. In the reducer-vaporiser, the L.1.8., heated by the engine water to ensure perfect

gasification, changes from a gas to a liquid and thus at atmospheric pressure enters a special device that in7ects the gas into the engine according to demand.

SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS !atural gas "0G/( is the ecological fuel and one of the most abundant found in nature. In fact, because it has no impurities, sulphur, lead compounds or aromatic hydrocarbons, it generates a very limited amount of polluting e3haust emissions that are odourless and contain no particulates or combustion residues. Than5s to its chemical composition, natural gas produces much less 06$ than other fuels. It also reduces the formation of oEone in the atmosphere and e3tends engine life.

RE3(ELLING !atural gas can be pumped by attaching the special connector to the carFs refuelling valve. The types of connectors on the mar5et differ in various countries. In most cases the filler valve is located in the engine compartment, but may also be mounted on the e3terior of the vehicle. !ormally, natural gas is used at an operating pressure of $$0 bar. 'e suggest to e3tinguish any flames and cigarettes while refuelling.

THE S1STEM The gas flows from the tan5 and, running along the high-pressure piping, reaches the reducer, where its pressure is decreased as it passes through the reduction stages. The water from the engine cooling system provides the heat needed to prevent the reducer from freeEing. The gas leaves the reducer at atmospheric pressure and flows to a special device that in7ects the gas into the engine according to demand.

May $00$

LI45 L.P.G. Con6erter

This is a compensated Jpositive pressureK converter deriving from the L-+.H converter but without the $ nd pressure reduction stage. The LI0= converter is homologated according to :?L-0 -tandard and is used in the LI-0= in7ection system, to be fitted in vehicles provided with engines with power up to 00 5' " =? G1(. The LI0= converter is combined with the ,60$ proportioner2 the latter is characterised by the absence of the cut-off valve "present in the ,60 metering device which equips the LI-0 and LI-0$ systems(. Its function is performed by the solenoid valve located at the LI0= converter outlet. The main structure of the converter consists of the body of the stage to which all the other parts are 7oined by means of screws or flanged 7oints. The basic elements "body, covers and separator disc( are obtained by means of aluminium alloy die-casting. T"e LIS45 on6erter per7or,s t"e 7ollo!in8 b)si 7un tions9 :. Maporisation of the L18 in the liquid phase. '. ,elivery of the gaseous L18 at a pressure appro3imately bar above that of the air present in the inta5e manifold. 5. Interruption of the gas flow in petrol and gas operation, with the engine at a standstill or in the cut-off phase "interruption of delivery when accelerator is released(. ;. Limitation of gas pressure in the first stage and, consequently, of stress on the levershutter system in the event of vaporisation of the L18 following closing of the stage "safety valve(. T"e 7un tions des ribed )bo6e pro6ide t"e 7ollo!in8 ")r) teristi s9 :. Gigh heat e3change efficiency. '. +3cellent compromise between ad7ustment precision, reliability, ease of maintenance, compactness and construction economy, meeting the requirements for use of the converter in an in7ection system. 5. 1ossibility of using a flow regulator "proportioner( without cut-off valve. ;. 0ompliance with safety requirements.

May $00$

MV4: Multi6)l6e

The device manufactured by our company is approved in compliance with the +0+ :?L.0 standard by the Ministry of Transport of Lu3embourg under approval no. + = ?L:0 0 $.. It is e<uipped !it"9 - safety valve set to opening pressure of $L N bars, with flow rate of ..H nm=*min - safety device "fuse(, with melting temperature of $0N 0O0 - manual shut off valve of the flow to the tan5 outlet - solenoid valve for cutting off the flow to the tan5 outlet - tan5 filling level sensor with possibility of level or reserve only indication The device is available in the versions for cylindrical tan5s with ring nut at =0O and for ring-shaped tan5s with internal ring nut and e3ternal ring nut.

,. =")t )rs )n be on6erted to L.P.G. )nd to n)tur)l 8)s> -. C)n ) 8)s s+ste, be inst)lled in ) st)tion !)8on or in ) ,inibus> .. =")t )re t"e )d6)nt)8es o7 )n L.P.G. s+ste,> /. Ho! ,u " does )n L.P.G. s+ste, ost> 0. =")t )re t"e )d6)nt)8es o7 ) n)tur)l 8)s s+ste,> 1. Ho! ,u " does ) n)tur)l 8)s s+ste, ost> 2. Do t"e 8)s s+ste,s )nd t"e rel)ti6e en8ines re<uire )n+ p)rti ul)r ,)inten)n e>

=")t )rs )n be on6erted to L.P.G. )nd to n)tur)l 8)s>

The L.1.8. and natural gas system can be installed on petrol-powered cars equipped with a carburetor and with or without catalytic in7ection. The real important point is that the car to be converted must run efficiently on petrol. In particular, the ignition and electric system should be chec5ed before installing the system.

C)n ) 8)s s+ste, be inst)lled in ) st)tion !)8on or in ) ,inibus>

Pes, as described in circular %H of =0 9pril ..?.

=")t )re t"e )d6)nt)8es o7 )n L.P.G. s+ste,>

0ompared to a petrol system, the L.1.8. fuel system has the following advantagesQ about half the fuel cost compared to petrol less polluting emissions because it contains no aromatic hydrocarbons, sulphur dio3ide or lead possibility of travelling in historic centres during traffic bans due to pollution levels.

Ho! ,u " does )n L.P.G. s+ste, ost>

The cost of the L.1.8. system varies based on whether the car involved is equipped with a carburetor and catalytic or non-catalytic in7ection. The tan5 can be cylindrical or ring shaped "instead of the spare tyre(. The second type costs more than the first one. The table below shows the indicative costs of a system.

Car type Carburetor Non-catalytic injection Catalytic injection

Costs with tank (Lire) Normal 1,100,000/1,300,000 1,300,000/1,600,000 1,600,000/1,900,000 Ring-shaped 1,400,000/1,600,000 1,600,000/1,900,000 1,900,000/2,200,000

=")t )re t"e )d6)nt)8es o7 ) n)tur)l 8)s s+ste,>

0ompared to a petrol system, the natural gas fuel system has the following advantagesQ about one third the fuel cost compared to petrol less polluting emissions because it contains no aromatic hydrocarbons, sulphur dio3ide or lead greater engine life possibility of travelling in historic centres during traffic bans due to pollution levels.

Ho! ,u " does ) n)tur)l 8)s s+ste, ost>

The cost of the natural gas system varies based on whether the car involved is equipped with a carburetor and catalytic or non-catalytic in7ection. In terms of cost, the tan5 represents an important part of the system "about %0I( - for greater capacities, the costs are higher. Tan5s with a capacity of H0-.0 l are usually used to ensure a relatively long driving range of $%0-=00 5m depending on the type of car. The table below shows the indicative costs for the system

Type of car Carburetor Non-catalytic injection Catalytic injection

Costs with tank (Lire) 2,200,000/2,400,000 2,300,000/2,500,000 2,600,000/2,800,000

Do t"e 8)s s+ste,s )nd t"e rel)ti6e en8ines re<uire )n+ p)rti ul)r ,)inten)n e>
!o particular maintenance is needed. It is recommended to follow the routine maintenance program with special attention focused on the ignition and electric system. In any case, it is advisable to carry out the following two periodic chec5sQ

,. every %,000 5m chec5 the electric system and replace spar5-plugs and the air

-. every /%,000 5m as5 your local installer to ma5e there is no oil in the reducer
and, for the L.1.8. system, to replace the filter in the L.1.8. solenoid valve basin.

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