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Usage of Facebook and Its Effect On English Language Learning' by Jinali Patel

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Usage of Facebook And Its Effect on English Language Learning by Jinali Patel
Posted on MAY 1, 2013 by TARUN PATEL

ABSTRACT Very few websites have become as instantly and universally popular as Facebook. It is especially popular among teenagers and college students, who find no end of joy in posting pictures, updating family and friends about their daily lives, and harvesting their virtual crops on FarmVille. In this research paper researcher has examine the usage of Facebook and its effect on English language learning among the students. The research tests the hypothesis: using social networking website such as Facebook has neither interfering nor assisting effects on English language learning. The study aims to answer the following questions. 1. What are the major motives to use Facebook? 2. How does the usage of Facebook affect on students ability to read and write English Language? 3. How the usage of Facebook does influence the students in using words and expressions which are not grammatically correct? 4. How the usage of abbreviated words, phrases and sentences on Facebook does affect the students ability of English language learning? 5. Do students feel that the usage of Facebook helps them in enhancing their writing skill/ communication skill/ vocabulary? The data are collected from group of undergraduate students from two universities using online questionnaire method. After presenting a descriptive analysis of the data, the researcher concludes following: 1. The major motives to use Facebook among the students are to communicate with their friends. 2. Standard of English language is not improved by reading and writing others do on Facebook. 3. Facebook may improve reading skill but very few are careful in using proper sentence construction/ appropriate vocabulary and common errors of English language. 4. Students are writing more how they speak and less like they used to write. And, essentially, less like they had to write. Usage of abbreviations on Facebook affects on English language learning. 5. Yes, students feel that the usage of Facebook helps them in enhancing communication skill.

1. INTRODUCTION Facebook is used widely by the students in fulfilling their basic needs and interaction. It is becoming a popular medium for socializing. The frequent use of Facebook brought habit towards the site and simultaneously influences students academic and personal life at large. Facebook, a well-known social networking site launched in February, 2004 in the U.S., become popular around the world in the recent years (Facebook, 2013). According to the official statistics, there were 1.06 million Facebook users, who were active per month (6th February, 2013). The availability of more than 70 languages on Facebook indicates its popularity. Send the friend request n Ill friend u while this sentence makes sense to some users of English, others will find it absolutely idiotic. Since the meaning of language has a social significance and depends largely on the consensual understanding among the users, the members of Facebook may not see any problem in the aforementioned sentence. Their main argument will be that they can completely understand the meaning conveyed in the sentence. Here in this research paper, researcher has explained the usage of Facebook and its effect on English language learning. 1.1. Facebook Usage A Facebook usage refers to the frequency of application used on Facebook. Application includes Status Update, Upload photos & videos, Play games, Poke friends for fun and Comments on friends post. Status updated is to make immediate announcement on News Feed. It can be a post with texts, photos or videos. Photos and videos uploaded are a popular function on Facebook. One can create albums and upload photos and videos online to share with their friends. Besides, messages sent are available for both online and offline chats on Facebook among users. They can chat with single or a group of friends. Also, the Like button is for people to give a Click so as to indicate the awareness of presentations or to express preferences on posts. Lastly, comments on Facebook allow people to express opinion in texts for posts put up by others on Facebook. Both the Like button and comments available on Facebook can enhance communication and interaction between users in an easy and convenient way. 1.2. English Language Learning Like many Facebook users, the researcher began using the site while a student. At first the site was a fun way to get to know friends, classmates, to reconnect with childhood friends and to share information. As a result, researcher found himself/ herself being more in touch with the latest news and events. However, it was also evident that the way researcher reading and writing was changing on the Facebook. Surprisingly, the researcher came to know that no one was instructing his/her to change, where it has linguistic errors. In the era of Google, computer-based technology is playing such a vital role in language learning and teaching that a new mode of language learning Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is currently in practice. Nowadays, language learning taking place in various forms such as email exchanges, chat lines, online projects and webinar.

People across the world are using social networking websites such as, Twitter, Orkut, My Space, Google + and Facebook for socialization; moreover many of them find the sites helpful in developing English Language skill by making virtual friendships and chatting with English speakers. In the age of speedy communication, it is hard to ignore the role of communication technologies in English language learning. In the field of language learning and teaching CALL has secured strong positions. However, it is not free from controversy. Many scholars, educators and professionals find it an effective medium for teaching because learners tend to be better engaged in CALL activities. On the other hand, those who are skeptical about CALL express their concerns about the quality of teaching materials and evaluation systems, and affordability of new costly technology. To evaluate whether or not CALL is an effective approach to teaching English is not the objective of this study. The main focus is on the use of social networking websites such as Facebook and its effect on English language learning. 2. METHODOLOGY 2.1. Research Design For this research, researcher has followed the descriptive method. Kothari points out, Descriptive research includes surveys and fact finding enquires of different kinds.(2). Since researcher wanted to investigate the existing phenomena with specific question in mind, researcher chose to use descriptive method. A set of self administrative questionnaire was distributed to the respondents via online survey through email or directly on Facebook. Since researcher wanted to investigate the existing phenomena with specific question in mind, researcher chose to use descriptive method. 2.2. Research Hypothesis The research tests the hypothesis: using social networking website such as Facebook has neither interfering nor assisting effects on English language learning. 2.3. Population For the research, researcher chooses population of following universities undergraduate students: 1. Kadi Sarva Viswavidyalaya 2. Gujarat University 2.3.1. Respondents A total 55 Undergraduate students, who were studying at Kadi Sarva Viswavidyalaya and Gujarat University, were invited. Participation was voluntary. 2.4. Sample For this research, researcher chose a specific group of people. The sample was choosing based on random selection techniques. All of them were undergraduate students of Kadi Sarva Viswavidyalaya and Gujarat University. The Sample size was 55 students. The group of students comprised from various disciplines and with varying proficiency levels in English.

2.4. Data Collection Data was collected via online questionnaire. A set of questionnaire consists of 20 questions was developed to investigate usage of Facebook and its effect on English language learning. The link for online survey has been distributed among students in early April, 2013. Then a total of 55 questionnaires were collected in mid April, 2013 for the final data collection and data analysis. Students were required to 5-7 minutes to complete the questionnaire. 3. DATA ANALYSIS Table: 01: Frequency of Demographic information: Demographic Information Gender Male Female Academic Year First Year Second Year Third Year University Kadi Sarva Viswavidyalaya Gujarat University One of the research objectives is to find out the prior motives that influence students to use Facebook site. The researcher identified five major motives for Facebook use including: 1. Social Interaction 2. Passing time 3. Entertainment 4. Companionship 5. Communication Finding of the study shows out of 55 students 24 numbers of students mostly use of Facebook to keep in touch with friends. 20 students primarily use Facebook to pass time when they feel bored and this relate to the idea of being socialized with friends online. In term of entertainment, the findings shows 23 number of students believes that Facebook is the source of entertainment. Facebook has the function to facilitate friendship. 06 respondents used Facebook to find long- lost friends. Moreover, Facebook operates primarily as a tool for communication among students. 35 respondents use Facebook to send message and share information with their friends. The use of message in Facebook can save time and money and it was the fastest way to share information from one to another. Students can share information regarding their university activities, class notes, and assignments.

Table: 02: Distribution of Respondents motives to use Facebook Motives to use Facebook Social Interaction Passing Time Entertainment Companionship Communication Results show that out of all application on Facebook 2.47% students like to update videos, followed by 2.27% students like to play games. Apart from this, only 1.76% students like to chat with friends. Interestingly, the result shows in Table:03: majority students like to use below listed application on Facebook. Table: 03: Usage of application on Facebook Usage of application on Facebook 1- Rank

2- R

Update Videos Play Games Poke Friends for Fun Update Photos Update Status Take survey/ Quiz on Friends To post an opinion/ a thought/ a statement Comments on Friends Post Chatting with Friends Results from Table: 04 would demonstrate the purpose of Facebook usage. 38 out of 55 respondents used Facebook to improve their communication skill. 24 of them preferred to use Facebook to enhance their vocabulary in English and only 19 respondents used Facebook to improve their writing skill. Table: 04: The purpose of Facebook usage. The purpose of Facebook usage

34 32 32 22 22 22 21 19 14

To improve my communication skill To enhance vocabulary in English To improve my writing Skill As displayed in Table: 05, the majority of the students 30 out of 55 agreed with the statement I oftenthink about spellings/ grammar while posting/ sharing walls. Followed

by 26 of them believed that It has become a part of my daily life. 24 students said that I often think about English language while chatting with Friends. Furthermore, 16 respondents agreed that I think life without Facebook would be boring. Really, Facebook has become the first thing for the students when they logged to the Internet. Table: 05: Facebook as a Social Networking Site (SNS) & Students view Facebook as a Social Networking Site (SNS) & Students view I often think about spellings/ grammar while posting/ sharing walls. It has become part of my daily life. I often think about English language while chatting with Friends. I think life without Facebook would be boring. Moreover, there were a total of fifty five participants and many of them frequently logged on to Facebook following are the key results of the words. 1. 66.5% of them become less careful of grammar and spelling while writing on Facebook. 2. 83.6% respondents used abbreviated words such as gr8, lol etc 3. 94.5% believed that their Facebook friends understood the abbreviated words and expressions. 4. 80.0% of them respondents preferred to use abbreviated words/ phrases because it saved time. 1. 40.0% respondents sometimes wrote U for You and n for and in their academic writings. 2. 72.7% of them greeted their friends very informally on Facebook. 3. 81.8% of them felt a necessity to convey as much information in words as possible. 4. 83.6% thought that Facebook encouraged them to use words and expressions. 5. 70.9% believes that Facebook influence them to learn English as a foreign language. Facebook and its effect on English Language Learning

1 Do you become less careful of grammar and spelling when you chat or write on Facebook? 2 Do you use abbreviated words phrases and sentences such as LOL. Bcoz, Gn? 3 Do your Facebook friends understand these abbreviated words, phrases and sentences? 4 Do you use abbreviated language because its save time? 5 Do you sometime write n for an and u for you in your academic papers or answer sheets?

6 When you write on wall, send messages or chat with your friends, do you greet them formally?

7 When you write on wall, send messages or chat with your friends, do you try to convey as much information as poss in each word or phrase? 8 Are you always willing to learn new words, expressions or symbols used by other Facebook users? 9 Do you think that Facebook influences you to learn English as a foreign Language? 10 Do you think that Facebook influences you to use words and expressions which are not grammatically correct?

Table: 06: Facebook and its effect on English Language Learning 1. 4.

DISCUSSIONS A researcher began his/ her research with hypothesis using a social networking website such as Facebook has neither interfering nor assisting effects on English language learning. 66.5% of the respondents think that Facebook encourages them to use grammatically incorrect words and expressions. There is no doubt that due to usage of Facebook, its interfering on English language learning. Some of them also think that Facebook helps them to learn new vocabularies and elements of effective cross-cultural

communication. It is obvious from the respondents comments that they find Facebook a good site for socialization and entertainment. However, many of them at times fail to differentiate between the standards of English and to typical informal English used on Facebook. The findings of the research has shown that using Facebook has both interfering and facilitating effects on English language learning therefore, the hypothesis of this research has been rejected. Example: 01 Conversation between two users

Example: 02 Messages sent by Facebook user

Example: 03 Comments posted on the status uploaded on Facebook profile

5. CONCLUSION Opinions regarding the usage of social networking sites, such as Facebook is varied from person to person. The first group of people believes that Facebook does not have affirmative effects on learning. However, the second group disagrees with the first. And the third group sees Facebook as both poison and medicine. As a conclusion, Facebook is becoming an essential part of students daily life. Students largely use Facebook for Communication and Social interaction with their friends. However, when it comes to learning English, the negative effects of using Facebook compensate the positive ones. From the researcher view, inclusion of Facebook in the classroom is a positive idea because it helps dissolve the stigma of learning being institutionalized, stale, and boring. When learning experiences are infused with online platforms students learn while having fun. It does not have to be separate and unattached. Researcher allows students to create two groups on his/her Facebook profile. First group titled as Effective Public Speaking, where students who have attended the workshop of Effective Public Speaking share their views to many of their friends and because of that they recharge themselves. Second group named S.Y.Bcom-A, where students and researcher both update class details and quotes. Surprisingly, students realize that learning can and should be a part of everybody life.

Educators may see that social networking is not a pesky distraction, but a valuable resource that can bring even more success to students in all educational environments. Acknowledgement: I would like to give my deepest thanks to Dr. Jagdish Joshi for his guidance and support during the progress of the research paper. Besides, I would like to give special thanks to my colleagues cum friends Prof. Jayendra Jadav and Prof. Dharak Patel for providing me the atmosphere where I could develop my critical ability and confidence. I convey my special thanks to undergraduate students of Kadi Sarva Viswavidyalaya & Gujarat University, who have provided me the opportunity and facilitate for my research work. I thank Survey Monkey, a private American Company that enabled me to create my own web-based survey. Appendices A set of questionnaire consists of 20 questions was developed on Usage of Facebook and its effect on English language learning. A questionnaire has been divided in two parts. 1. The growth of Facebook usage among students. 2. Facebook and its effect on English language learning. * As researcher prepared online survey he/she is going to attach PDF questionnaires as form of an attachment. References Boyd, D., Ellison, N. Social Networking sites: Definition, history, and scholarship, in journal of Computer- Mediated Communication. Vol. 13(1), article 11.2007.Web. http://jcmc.indiana.edu/voll3/issue1/boud.ellision/jhtml Facebook, Facebook Statistics. Accessed on 12th April, 2013 from: http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics Hutchinson,T. and Waters. English For Specific Purposes: A Learning Centered Approach. Cambridge University Press, 1987. Print. Kothari, C. R. Research Methodology. New Delhi: New Age International (p) Ltd.Publishers, 2009. Print. Marshall, John P. The Teacher and His Philosophy. Nebraska: Professional Educators Publishers Co., 1973. Print. MLA. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed. 2009. Print. Rahman, Hifzur. Teaching of English. New Delhi: Sanjay Prakashan, 2005. Print. Severin,W.J.,Taknard,W.J. Communication Theories Origins, Methods, and Uses in the Mass Media.4th Ed., NY: Longman, 2007. Print. - See more at: http://www.eltweekly.com/elt-newsletter/2013/05/usage-of-facebookand-its-effect-on-english-language-learning-by-jinali-patel/#sthash.Cc7K4yre.dpuf

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