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The Non-executive to E1 Written Test contains multiple-choice cum objective type questions. There is no negative marking for wrong answers. The duration of the test is 60 minutes. The test comprises of the following sections: a) b) c) d) Company Information Quantitative Ability/ Maths English Usage Analytical Reasoning

The questions may cover the following areas from each of the above sections:

1. Plants of NTPC and their features i.e installed capacity, the states in which they are situated, type of plant (coal based, gas based, combined cycle, hydro, mining etc.) 2. Latest company information published in NTPC News 3. Information about JV and Subsidiaries of NTPC, with which companies these JV/Subsidiaries have been formed and what business they are into etc. 4. Corporate Symbols of NTPC - Mission, Vision, Core Values statements. 5. Statistical figures related to NTPC performance of last year and targets for current year profit after tax, Generation, Capacity addition etc. 6. History of NTPC e.g. in which year different plants started production etc.

The questions on quantitative ability shall be covering maths related to our day-to-day lives e.g. questions related to monthly expenditure, saving, installments, discount, appreciation/depreciation, time and work, partnership, averages, sequence and series etc. 1. Concept of Time and Work In questions related to time and work we consider a work to be 1 and look at amount of work done by a person in one day. Let us take an example. If A can complete a work in 4 days his output of 1 day becomes . If this amount of output i.e. is put for 4 days the total work done becomes + + + = 4/4 = 1. Using the same concept - If B takes 8 days to complete the same work his output for 1 day would be 1/12. Q1: How much time A & B together would take to complete the work?

Ans: Daily output of A = Daily output of B = 1/12 Daily output of A & B combined = + 1/12 = (3+ 1)/12 = 4/12 = 1/3 If combined daily output of A and B is 1/3, the work can be completed in 3 days i.e. no. of days that would be required to make 1/3 to 1. 2. Concept of Partnership: In questions related to partnership, we look at the amount different partners have invested in a business. Any profit or loss gets divided amongst the partners in the ratio in which they have invested the amounts in the business. A has invested Rs. 5000 and B has invested Rs. 15000 in a business. If there is a profit of Rs. 1000, how the profit will be distributed between A and B? Amount invested by A = Rs. 5000 Amount invested by B = Rs. 15000 Total Investment = Rs. 5000 + Rs. 15000 = Rs. 20000



Ratio of their investment = 5000: 15000 = 1:3 Sum of the parts of the ratio = 1 + 3 = 4 parts Contribution of A = parts of total Investment = x 20000 = 5000 Contribution of B = 3/ 4 parts of total investment = x 20000 = 15000 Any profit/ loss will be divided between A and B in the ratio of and respectively. Therefore, Profit of A = x total profit = x 1000 = 250 Profit of B = x total profit = x 1000 = 750 3. Concept of Time and Distance: Speed (S) = Distance traveled (D) /Time taken (T); S = D/T ; D =S x T ; T = D / S The speed of a car is 100 km/hr. If the car starts at 08:00 a.m. from Delhi, at what time will it reach Agra a distance of 300 km from Delhi? Speed of Car = 100 km/hr Time taken to cover a distance of 300 km; T = D/ S = 300 km/ 100 km/hr = 3 hours. Therefore if the car starts at 08: 00 a.m. from Delhi it will reach Agra by 11:00 a.m. Concept of Discount and Multiple discount/ Appreciation/ Depreciation If the MRP of material is Rs. 1000, what shall be its price after 20% discount? MRP = 1000 Amount of discount = 20% of 1000 = 20/100 x 1000 Price of material after discount = MRP minus amount of discount = 1000 20/100 x 1000 = 1000 (1 20/100) = 1000 (100 20/100) = 1000 (80/100) = 1000 (0.8) = 800 The same way if the discount percentage was 30%, the price of material after discount = 1000 (0.7) = 700 Concept of double discount If the MRP of material is Rs. 1000, what shall be its price after multiple discount of 10% and 20%?



4. Q4


4.1 Q5


MRP = 1000 Amount of discount = 1000 x (100 10/100) x (100 20/100) = 1000 x (0.9) x (0.8) = 1000 x (0.72) = 720 Concept of Appreciation If the value of a material increases by 10% every year, its value after 1 year will be = current value x (100 + 10/100) = current value x 110/100 = current value x (1.1) If the value of a House appreciates 10% every year, what shall be its value after 2 years if its current value is Rs. 60,00,000? Current Value = 60,00,000 Value after appreciations of 1st year = 60,00,000 x (1.1) Value after appreciations of 2nd year = 60,00,000 x (1.1) x 1.1 It may be noted if the value of a material increases by 10% in a year and then decreases by 10% the next year, its value after 2 years will be = current value x (100 + 10/100) x (100 10/100) = Current value x (1.1) x (0.9) = current value x (0.99). It means that the value of the material in fact decreased by 1% after 2 years. Concept of Average Average age = Sum of ages of all persons/ no. of persons or Sum of ages of all persons = Average age x no. of persons The average age of 6 children in a class is 15 years. If a child whose age is 10 years leaves the class, what shall be the new average age of the group?






Ans. Sum of ages of 6 children = average age x no. of children = 6 x 15 years = 90 Sum of ages if a child aged 10 years leaves the class = 90 10 = 80 New average age = Sum of ages of remaining 5 persons/ no. of persons = 80 / 5 = 16 years. It may be noted that if a child whose age is less than average age of the class, leaves the class, the new average shall be greater than earlier average age and vice-versa.

Sequence and Series Arithmetic Progression : When the immediately next number in a series differs by a common difference with the preceding number, the numbers are said to be in an arithmetic progression e.g. 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, 43, 50. Here the first term of the series is 8 and each term of the series is greater than 7 (common difference) from its immediately preceding term. 50 43 = 7; 43 36 = 7; 36 29 = 7; 29 -22 = 7; 22 15 =7; 15 8 = 7


Complete the series : 77, 66, 55, ____ , 33, 22?

Ans. Each term in the series is getting reduced by 11 by its immediately preceding term. The common difference of this series = -11. Therefore, the series should be as follows: 77, 66, 55, 44, 33, 22 and the missing term is 44. Geometric Progression: If number in a series when divided by its immediately preceding term yields the same common quotient, the numbers are said to be geometric progression e.g. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128. Here the first term of the series is 2.Each number in the series is 2 times (common quotient) its immediately preceding number. 128 64 = 2; 64 32 = 2; 32 16 = 2; 16 8 = 2; 8 4 = 2; 4 2 =2. Q9. Complete the series : 3, 6, 12, 24, ____ , 96, 192 ?

Ans. Each term in the series is double its immediately preceding term. The common quotient is 2 in this series. Therefore, the series should be as follows: 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192 and the missing term is 48.

The section on English Usage is not intended to test the candidates on Knowledge of English Grammar, Vocabulary etc. rather it is intended to test the IQ of candidates by assessing their understanding of the context of sentences/ paras. The questions shall be based on contextual usage. JUMBLED SENTENCES Jumbled sentences test the ability of the candidates to make overall meaningful sentences/ paras by understanding the context of its scattered/broken pieces. The questions typically carry a starting phrase and end with a closing phrase, in between carrying broken pieces of sentences. To solve the question one must look at the starting phrase and try to guess which piece should immediately follow the first part. The same way one must look at the last phrase and try to guess which part should immediately precede it. By the process of elimination one can finally arrive at the correct answer. Q1. 1. In the present day world, P. technology, medicine Q. in the fields of R. demand for specialists S. there is a lot of 6. and business management b) RPQS c) PQRS d) SRQP


Ans. Out of the four options, two options end with S (Option b and c) and two with P (Option a and d) Let us check whether the last phrase in the jumbled sentence can be S or not. In the present day world, .. there is a lot of and business management. As per the rules of English grammar there is a lot of should be followed by an object of the phrase i.e. some noun. Instead of some noun there is a lot of is being followed by a conjunction and. And is used to join similar things. This arrangement doesnt result in any meaningful construction of sentence. Therefore, the last jumbled phrase cannot be S, as a result option b) and c) are ruled out.

The last phrase, therefore, should be P. It may be noted that the first phrase in both the cases is S. The construction could be as follows: In the present day world, there is a lot of . technology, medicine and business management. Now we have to decide whether the construction should be QR or RQ, given that first phrase is S and last is P. As explained above there is a lot of should be followed by an object; some noun. This requirement is met only when R is taken as next phrase after S. The construction now becomes In the present day world, there is a lot of demand for specialists in the fields of technology, medicine and business management. The correct answer is option d) SRQP WORDS HAVING MULTIPLE MEANING/USAGE In this type of questions, two sentences (I) and (II) are given. Each sentence has a blank in it. Four alternatives (a), (b), (c) and (d) are given. Out of these, only one fits at both the places in the context of each sentence. Q9. I. The organization decided on an hourly minimum _______ of Rs. 35/-. II. Will he ________ a war on these fronts to improve things? a) pay b) declare c) wage d) launch

Ans. Let us try out the options one by one. The word pay fits into the first sentence however when used in the second sentence, the sentence becomes Will he pay a war on these fronts to improve things. One can declare a war or wage a war but not launch a war or pay a war. One can launch an attack, however pay a war is not as per the rules of English usage. Therefore, Option a) and d) are eliminated. Both words declare and wage fit into the second sentence, but the word declare when fitted into the first sentence doesnt lend any meaningful construction to it. The organization decided on an hourly minimum declare of Rs. 35/- , carries no meaning. The correct answer is option c) wage.

SENTENCE CORRECTION BY FILLING APPROPRIATE WORDS In this type of a part of the sentence is underlined. Below will be given alternatives to the underlined part at (a), (b) and (c) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed your answer will be (d). Q9. The security guard would be recruited at all places to beef up security. a) employed b) deployed c) appointed d) no improvement

Ans. Look at the phrase after the blank. Key to solving this question is to understand the context. The sentence is not talking about recruitment of security guards, it is rather talking about their placement at different locations. In this context, one cannot say employed at all places or appointed at all places. Security guards can be employed only in the companies which hired them; they cannot be employed in all places. Security guards cannot be recruited at all places. The same way, Security guards can be appointed only in different posts; they cannot be appointed in all places. However, Security guards can be deployed at all places. The correct answer is b) deployed. FILL IN THE BLANKS In this type of questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four as your answer. Q9. She is very beautiful _______ her fingers are ugly. a) and b) but c) because d) so

Ans. From the context of the sentence, you may expect other positive physical/facial features of the girl to follow the phrase she is very beautiful However, in the second part a word which is exactly opposite to beautiful i.e. ugly is coming. These two oppositely shaded words can be joined only by the word but to give the sentence a meaningful construction. Let us look at other options.

She is very beautiful and her fingers are ugly. And is used to connect words having similar shades; either both positive or both negative e.g. She is very beautiful and has almond-shaped eyes. She is very beautiful because her fingers are ugly !! The girl will be expected to look ugly and not beautiful, if her fingers are ugly. She is very beautiful so her fingers are ugly !! So is used to connect two parts of sentence, one carrying the cause of action and the other carrying likely result. If the girl is beautiful the likely result could be that the girl decides to become a model. In this case the sentence will be She is very beautiful so she decided to become a model. The correct answer is option b) but. READING COMRPEHENSION (FILL IN THE BLANKS TYPE) In the following passage some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks from the alternatives given. Rich countries usually help poorer ones ( 1 ) African countries through donations and aid. Their (__2__) are not always successful as loans are often ( 3 ) used for the projects for which they are ( 4 ). China, however, has found a different ( 5 ) to help Africa- by trading more with the ( 6 ). In 2009, Chinas trade with African countries was $ 90 billion- $ 4 billion ( 7 ) than that of U.S.A., which was $ 86 billion. ( 8 ) countries have now begun to notice the opportunities available in Africa. Chinas attitude has ( 9 ) the way the world deals with poor countries. Trade not Aid is the new mantra of African nations. Q1. a) belonging Q2. a) efforts Q3. a) meaningfully Q4. a) grant b) with b) challenges b) not b) took c) like c) attempt c) greatly c) hired d) compared d) achievements d) purposefully d) sanctioned

Q5. a) goal Q6. a) others Q7. a) high Q8. a) Recently Q9. a) transform

b) fund b) abroad b) further b) Many b) convert

c) way

d) skill

c) neighbours d) poor c) less c) while c) exchanged d) more d) Any d) changed

The test is designed to check the ability of examinees to critically analyse a piece of information, figure out relationships or patterns and arrive at a conclusion. LOGICAL REASONING Q1. Priti scored more than Rahul. Yamuna scored as much as Divya. Lokita scored less than Manju. Rahul scored more than Yamuna. Manju scored less than Divya. Who scored the lowest? a) Rahul b) Manju c) Yamuna d) Lokita

Ans. Let us arrange the above people on the basis of their scores. 1. Priti scored more than Rahul; Priti > Rahul 2. Yamuna scored as much as Divya; Yamuna = Divya 3. Lokita scored less than Manju; Manju > Lokita 4. Rahul scored more than Yamuna; Rahul > Yamuna 5. Manju scored less than Divya; Divya > Manju We are supposed to connect statements 1 to 5 above. Let us take those statements where common names are appearing e.g. statement 1 and 4 where Rahul is the common person. Combining theses two statements we get statement 6 as Priti > Rahul > Yamuna. Let us combine 2 and 6 where Yamuna is the common person. This will give us statement 7 as Priti > Rahul > Yamuna = Divya. Combining statement 7 and 5 where Divya is the common person we get statement 8 as Priti > Rahul > Yamuna = Divya > Manju. Combining statement 8 and statement 3 we get the final conclusion which is Priti > Rahul > Yamuna = Divya > Manju > Lokita. Therefore Lokita scored the lowest; answer is option d). ANALOGY In this type of question there is a definite relationship between a pair of words. One is required to identify the pair which carries the same relationship.


Umbrella : Rain :: Coat : ? a) Summer b) Winter c) Hero d) Suit

Ans. Let us look at the relationship between Umbrella and Rain. We use Umbrella to protect us from Rain. Using the same relationship, we can say that we use coat to protect us from Winter. The correct option is b) ODD MAN OUT In this type of question a set of words/ numbers are given and there is a commonality amongst them. One of the words/ numbers would not fit into this commonality. One is required to identify this word/ number. Q1. Mumbai, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Chennai, Nagpur a) Mumbai b) Kolkata c) Chennai d) Nagpur

Ans. The above places belong to a set of capitals of different states. Nagpur is not capital of any state. Hence, it does not belong to the above group of words. The correct answer is d) PICTURE SERIES In this type of question, the pictures in the Question figure follow a definite pattern. One is required to identify the figure which will come at (?) that will continue the pattern. In the following questions, supply the missing figure indicated by ( ? ) from the alternatives given in the Answer figure. Q1 Question Figure Answer Figure

A ( --x x-) (

B ) (

C ) (

D )

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