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Odera Odenyo - Ujamaa in The Context of A Tanzanian Development Policy

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The first president of Tanzania, Julius Nyerere, implemented a nirtional developnrent policy of ujuntott. The policy included the concept of self'-relrance (kujitegemea), but in the context of collective sroups. strong social saf-ety nets, and shared resources and ri'ealth.,\,hra|inttr (Teacher) Nyerere's contribution to Tanzania's unitl' and national identity is well-documented. UrrfbrtLrrratelv.,16r'alirttu is ttjtunarr policies were ecouomically ur-rsuccessful. described by East Africa's leading academic, Prof-essor Ali ivlazrui. as a "Heroic Farlure." Lecture rccorded and transcribed




William H.




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Dr. A* ou Qtieno Od enqo

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Dr. Amos Otieno Odenyo was the first Kenyan to obtain a Ph.D. (Sociology) from the University of Minnesota. He was the Chairman of Social Sciences foryork College (City

University ofNew York) for the majority of his career (1970_ 2007). Dl Odenyo also served on the Board of Trustees fol World Education @oston), and tirelessly supported the educational ambitions of his extended family Nyu-u,

His son, Odera Odenyo, has haveled extensively tkoughout Eastem Africa, and in 1996 obtained a Masters ofArts in Intemational Relations fromAmerican Universitv
in Washington D.C. For additional information, visit the authors'personal website at www.nyanzasun.com.

Thi" is ahistorical

memoir o{ a {athet's comingto and a son's return to his fi{rican roots.

It begins in colonial Kenya, when at age seven, otieno is forced to lie on his back and stare at the equatorial sun. only the ancient herbs of the forest are able to preserve his sight. At age fourteen he endures the painful adult-initiation ceremony required by the haditions of his Luo community in Gem, Nyanza province. Now considered a man, otieno is required to leave his father's house and build his own. Barefoot, poor, and living in his earth and grass "simba," otieno is rich with personal ambition and the priceless insfiration of the village elders. After graduating from Kisii High School, otieno becomes one of Kenya,s firstAfrican police inspectors. Howeveq his desire for higher education propels him to join the 1961 "KennedyAirlift" and start a new life in South Dakota, u.s.i. ti is tne height of the civil rights era in America, and Otieno,s personal struggle has only just begun. otieno's American-bom son, odera, g."* ,rp 1istening io u, ru[", tell inspirational stories of Nyanza. odera heard tales of the Luo migratiori rroUganda into Kenya, the rise and fall of the great Luo warrior (Luanda Magere), the legacy oicrri.roa".uAkung,o of Gem, and the contributions ofpre-independence leaders iomNyanza. However, of all these_great stories of Nyanza,which are documented in this ground-breaking memoir, it was the story of his own father that most inspired Odera.
ISBN t?8-0-18a80E5_1,_?



& Shield Publishing

u.s. s27.9s

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