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Apology Letter: Signature

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APOLOGY LETTER Dear Name, I am sorry for my behavior at your birthday party.

I understand that I spoiled your day and I created a scene in front of everyone. I do not want to explain how it happened but still want you to know. You must be aware that I do not take alcohol. But that day I was forced to, with some of our common friends. I got carried away. I really was not in my sense and didn t know what I was speaking, its only in the morning I reali!ed what all I spoke and how much I hurt you. You trusted me and called me to the party and I messed up the whole party. I can understand how you must have felt in front of your parents. "lease forgive me and I promise that I will not behave in such a manner again. I do not want to lose your friendship. Believe me I will not repeat such this in future. I apologi!e for all the inconvenience and I will come and talk your parents and sort out all the things, I hope you forgive me. Yours sincerely Your name. COMPLAINT LETTER #$ %arket &treet 'al (aven, )* +$,-$ .une -/, 0//1 )ustomer &ervice )ool &ports, 22) 310- 4reen *errace 5oad 6sterville, 76 #$1-$ Dear &ir or %adam8 I have recently ordered a new pair of soccer cleats 9item :#$10+$,; from your website on .une 0,. I received the order on .une 0#. <nfortunately, when I opened it, I saw that the cleats were used. *he cleats had dirt all over it and there was a small tear in front of the part where the left toe would go. %y order number is 6=0#,#3,$#. *o resolve the problem, I would like you to credit my account for the amount charged for my cleats> I have already went out and bought a new pair of cleats at my local sporting goods store so sending another would result in me having two pairs of the same cleats. *han you for taking the time to read this letter. I have been a satisfied customer of your company for many years and this is the first time I have encountered a problem. If you need to contact me, you can reach me at 9$$$; $$$?$$$$. &incerely, Signature

LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION $#0 Ban@uest &treet =air 'alley, 62 3,-$# &eptember 03, 0//1 *o 7hom It %ay )oncern8 It is with great pleasure that I am recommending 5ose Berdinger to you. I am the (ead &ales %anager at 'acuums "lus and 5ose has been under my supervision from November of 0/// to 6ugust of 0//1 as a saleswoman. 5ose would be a great asset to any company. &he is one of the brightest employees that I have ever had. &he also has a great drive and passion for her work. 5ose is such a @uick learner. 7ithin her first two weeks at 'acuums "lus she had learned all the product names, their features, and how they work. It normally takes a new employee at least two months to get familiar with all the products that we sell. 5oseAs drive has led her to great success at 'acuums "lus. &he has had the honor of receiving the B*op &ales "erson of the %onth 6wardB ten times in her last year at 'acuums "lus, which is a feat that no employee has ever achieved here before. I believe that 5ose Berdinger will be an excellent fit for your company. 5ose has been nothing short of an exemplary employee. If you have any further @uestions, feel free to contact me at 9$$$; $$$?$$$ and IAll be happy to answer any @uestions you have. &incerely, Signature "eter Ciggad (ead &ales %anager

E-MAIL FOR ATTEMPT TO CONTACT A PERSON YOU HAVENT HEARD FROM 6nybody out thereD (elloE I know youAre out there somewhere, I can hear you breathingE &eriously, IAm wondering why I havenAt heard from you in such a long time. F?mail is supposed to make it easy to keep in touch. Did I do something wrongD Do I have bad breathD Needless to say, lots of things have been going on in my life, such as Gtantili!ing eventH. IAm willing to bet Iust as many big things have been happening in your world. IAd love to know what they are. &o drop me a line already, will youD If I donAt hear from you, IAll Iust assume youAve been given a new identity by the )I6 and been whisked away to Bora Bora. But please let me hear from you.

I%"J5*6N* &*F"&8 If your letter is for8 ,. 0. -. 1. $. #. O. 4I'IN4 IN=J5%6*IJN, you could start with K I am writing to inform you that....L 5FM<F&*IN4 IN=J5%6*IJN8 KI am writing to re@uest information about...L 4I'IN4 IN&*5<)*IJN&8 KI am writing to excplain how to ...L 5F26*IN4 6N F'FN*8 K I am writing to describe an accident I saw...8 4I'IN4 4JJD J5 B6D "JIN*&8 K I am very happy N sad to tell you that...L )J%"26ININ48 KI am writing to complain about...L DF&)5IBIN48 KI am writing to describe some lost property...L

6 5F"J5* *o8 &andra 7alters, Director, &tonebridge *ourist Jrganisation =rom8 Fric .ohnson, Deputy Director &ubIect8 "laces for students to eat and drink in the &tonebridge area Date8 #%ay. 0/.... "<5"J&F *he aim of this report is to provide details of places to eat in the &tonebridge area that are suitable for students visiting from other countries. =6&* =JJD 5F&*6<56N*& *here are a number of fast food restaurants in &tonebridge. *he two most popular are J Donnell s %ill &treet and *he Burger "alace in )ornwall 5oad, 6t either of these places students can enIoy cheap food in clean surroundings, 6nother advantage is that they have the opportunity to meet local people of Ptheir own age. 5F&*6<56N*& %any of the townAs restaurants can be found in Qingsbury &@uare, *he most popular of these are *uckerAs and *he 2obster "ot, which have varied menus, "rices are reasonable R about S$ for a main course. Booking is recommended at weekends. &tudents will enIoy dining in these restaurants, as they offer authentic local dishes in a cosy, traditional atmosphere. )6=F& 6ND B65& %ost of these are located in the old part of town, DaviesA )offee &hop serves sandwiches and pies at reasonable prices. 6nother favourite is *he QingAs 6rms, which has a friendly atmosphere and serves a limited range of home cooked meals. Both places are recommended for foreign students who want an enIoyable evening out listening ,/ music or dancing. )JN)2<&IJN Jn the whole. the eating places in &tonebridge offer good value and there is enough variety to suit studentsA individual needs, 6 visit to any of the above would be an excellent way to meet local people and experience local entertainment.

You are working abroad as a tour guide. Write a letter to a friend at home, describing the job and saying what you like and what you don't like about it. Write your letter. Do not write any addresses. (12 ! 1" words#

Dear (elen, (ow are youD &orry I haven t written sooner, but IAve been really busy with my summer Iob here in 2ondon. 6nyway, I thought IAd drop you a line and tell you all about it. 6s you know, IAm working as a tour guide for a company called T&tar *ravelB. %y Iob is to look after the people who come on the tour bus and tell them about the history of the places we visit *he )ompany gave me all the information I needed, but r had to study very hard to learn it. Now IAm an expert on all the main 2ondon sights, like &t "aulAs. *he (ouses of "arliament and the *ower of 2ondon. &o if you want to know anything, IAm the person to askE 7hat I like most about the Iob is meeting people from all over the world. &o far IAve met people from 6merica, 6frica and New Cealand. IAve even been out in the evenings with some of the new friends IAve made. *he only thing I donAt really like about the Iob is having to get up at six oAclock every morning, in time to greet people as they arrive. You know how I hate getting up earlyE 6nyway, . must close now. I hope your family are well. write back soon and tell me all your news. 2ove, %ary

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