Chasi Analysis
Chasi Analysis
Chasi Analysis
9.262 x 6355 x (6355-2 x 1620)
= 24124.85 N
RD =
wl (l - 2a)
9.262 x 6355 x (6355-2 x 935)
= 34735.15 N
Calculation for Shear Force and Bending Moment
Shear Force
V1 = wa (3)
= 935 x 9.262
= 8660 N
V2 = Rc V1 (4)
= 24124.85 8660
= 15464.88 N
V3 = Rd V4 (5)
= 34735.15 15004.44
= 19730.71 N
V4 = wc (6)
= 9.262 x 1620
= 15004.44 N
Bending Moment
M1 =
9.262 x 9352
= - 4048536 N-mm
M2 =
9.262 x 16202
= - 12153596.4 N-mm
M3 = RC
| |
= 8862418.107 N-mm
Calculation for Stress Generated
Mmax = 12153596.4 N-mm
Moment Of Inertia Around The X X Axis
Ixx =
3 3
1 1 -
bh b h
(76x 2103) - (70 x 1983)
= 13372380 mm4
Section of Modules Around The X X Axi
Zxx =
3 3
1 1 -
bh b h
(76x 2103) - (70 x 1983)
6 x 210
= 127356 mm3
Stress produced on the beam is as under
max M
= 95.43 N / mm2
Check The Deflection of The Beam With All Assembly of
Moment of inertia of side bars
Ib1 = 13372380 mm4
Ib2 = 13372380 mm4
Moment of inertia of cross bar
Ib3 = 10023948 mm4
Total mass moment of inertia
= [(13372380x 2) + (10023948x 6)]
= 86888448 mm4
World Journal of Science and Technology 2012, 2(4):05-08
Deflection of chassis
( )
( )
{ }
- 2
2 2 2 2 2
- - 2( ) - ( - )
wx b x
Y x b x b c a c x a b x
EI b
= + + +
= 2.85 mm
That is within safe limit according deflection span ratio.
For carrying out the FE Analysis of chassis as per standard
procedure first it requires to create merge part for assembly to
achieve the connectivity and loading and constraining is required to
be applied also idealization of parts is done on structure this will lead
to faster analysis since the connected structure will not be physical
but it will be a sketch with mechanical properties of mechanical
structure. Procedure is followed in this section.
Cross Section of Main Frame
h = 210 mm, b = 76 mm, t = 6 mm
Fig 2. Existing main frame cross section
CAD Model Of Existing Chassis Frame
Simplified CAD model of existing chassis frame is created
using Pro/Engineer and it is imported in ANSYS as a external
geometry file. The model is depicted in Figure.
Fig 3. CAD model of chassis frame
Loading and Boundary condition
The truck chassis model is loaded by static forces from the
truck body and load. For this model, the maximum loaded weight of
truck plus body is 10.000 kg. The load is assumed as a uniform
distributed obtained from the maximum loaded weight divided by the
total length of chassis frame. Detail loading of model is shown in
Figure. The magnitude of force on the upper side of chassis is
117720 N. Earth gravity is also considered for the chassis frame as a
part of loading.
There are 4 boundary conditions of model; the first two
boundary conditions are applied in front of the chassis, the second
and the third boundary conditions are applied in rear of chassis,
there are shown in Figure.
Fig 4. Structural load and boundary condition for chassis frame
Element and Nodes
The meshed truck chassis model has 24840 elements and
48762 nodes. The element is tetrahedral. In order to get a better
result, locally finer meshing applied in the region which is suspected
to have the highest stress.
Fig 5. Meshing of chassis frame
The location of maximum Von Misses stress and maximum
shear stress are at corner of side bar which in Figure. The Von
Misses stress magnitude of critical point is 190.38 MPa and the
maximum shear stress magnitude is 106.08 MPa.
Patel and Patel
Fig 6. Equivalent stress in chassis frame
Fig 7. Maximum shear stress in chassis frame
The displacement of chassis and location of maximum
displacement is shown in Figure. The magnitude of maximum
displacement is 3.0294 mm.
Fig 8. Displacement in chassis frame
The highest stress occurred is 106.08 MPa by FE analysis.
The calculated maximum shear stress is 95. 43 Mpa. The result of
FE analysis is bigger 10 % than the result of analytical calculation.
The maximum displacement of numerical simulation result is
3.0294 mm. The result of numerical simulation is bigger 5.92 % than
the result of analytical calculation which is 2.85 mm.
The difference is caused by simplification of model and
uncertainties of numerical calculation.
I express my deep sense of gratitude to my guide Shri R. I.
Patel of mechanical engineering department GEC-Dahod, for his
constant support, guidance and encouragement Special thanks to
Eicher Co. Ltd. authorized show-room & service center Apco Motors
India Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad, for giving me training and required data.
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Automobile Technology