This document is the Quality Management Manual for Terna S.A. outlining the company's quality management system. It describes the system's general requirements including the quality manual, document control, and records control. It also covers management commitment, customer focus, quality planning, responsibilities and reviews. The system applies to all of Terna's business activities and aims to fulfill the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 standard.
This document is the Quality Management Manual for Terna S.A. outlining the company's quality management system. It describes the system's general requirements including the quality manual, document control, and records control. It also covers management commitment, customer focus, quality planning, responsibilities and reviews. The system applies to all of Terna's business activities and aims to fulfill the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 standard.
This document is the Quality Management Manual for Terna S.A. outlining the company's quality management system. It describes the system's general requirements including the quality manual, document control, and records control. It also covers management commitment, customer focus, quality planning, responsibilities and reviews. The system applies to all of Terna's business activities and aims to fulfill the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 standard.
This document is the Quality Management Manual for Terna S.A. outlining the company's quality management system. It describes the system's general requirements including the quality manual, document control, and records control. It also covers management commitment, customer focus, quality planning, responsibilities and reviews. The system applies to all of Terna's business activities and aims to fulfill the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 standard.
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The key takeaways are that the document describes a quality management system for an organization called TERNA S.A. that is compliant with ISO 9001 standards and aims to ensure quality in the organization's work and services.
The purpose of the quality management system is to define the policies, processes, and responsibilities to ensure quality in TERNA S.A.'s work and compliance with customer and legal requirements.
The main elements/sections included in the quality management system are general requirements, management commitment, customer focus, quality policy, quality planning, responsibilities, review of the system, control of non-conforming products, data analysis, and system improvement.
APPROVED BY : MANAGING DIRECTOR ISSUED BY : QUALITY MANAGER TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -001 Page 2 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 REVISION PAGE PARAGRAPH NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF ALTERATION 0 0 N N T T A AL L S SS SU UE E 1 1 R RE EV V S S O ON N D DU UE E T TO O R RE EV V S SE ED D S ST TA AN ND DA AR RD D S SO O 9 90 00 01 1: :2 20 00 08 8 2 2 A AP PP PR RO OV VA AL L A AU UT TH HO OR R T TY Y O OF F T TH HE E Q QU UA AL L T TY Y M MA AN NU UA AL L A AN ND D T TH HE E Q QU UA AL L T TY Y P PO OL L C CY Y TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -001 Page 3 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................... 3 2. SCOPE OF APPLICATION.................................................................................................................. 5 3. BACKGROUND AND ACTIVITIES OF TERNA S.A. - GEK-TERNA GROUP .......................... 5 4. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ............................................................................................... 6 4.1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................. ..6 4.1.1. IN GENERAL.............................................................................................................................. 7 4.1.2. QUALITY MANUAL................................................................................................................... 7 4.1.3. DOCUMENT CONTROL ........................................................................................................... 8 4.1.4. RECORDS CONTROL ............................................................................................................... 9 4.2. MANAGEMENT`S COMMITMENT............................................................................................ 9 4.3. FOCUSINGONTHE CUSTOMER ............................................................................................. 10 4.4. QUALITYPOLICY...................................................................................................................... 11 4.5. QUALITYPLANNING(DESIGN) .............................................................................................. 12 4.5.1. QUALITY OBJECTIJES .......................................................................................................... 12 4.5.2. PLANNING OF THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.................................................... 12 4.6. RESPONSIBILITIES, AUTHORITIES ANDCOMMUNICATION........................................... 13 4.6.1. RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITIES.............................................................................. 13 4.6.2. MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIJE...................................................................................... 13 4.6.3. INTERNAL COMMUNICATION.............................................................................................. 13 4.7. REVIEWOF THE QUALITYMANAGEMENT SYSTEMBYTHE MANAGEMENT ............ 14 4.7.1. GENERAL................................................................................................................................. 14 4.7.2. REJIEW DATA (REJIEW INPUT) .......................................................................................... 14 4.7.3. REJIEW RESULTS (REJIEW OUTPUT) ................................................................................ 15 5. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT........................................................................................................... 16 5.1. PROVISIONOF RESOURCES.................................................................................................... 16 5.1.1. MEANS (RESOURCES) ........................................................................................................... 16 5.2. HUMANRESOURCES................................................................................................................ 16 5.2.1. GENERAL................................................................................................................................. 16 5.2.2. SKILLS, INFORMATION, TRAINING ..................................................................................... 16 5.3. INFRASTRUCTURE.................................................................................................................... 17 5.4. WORKENVIRONMENT............................................................................................................. 17 6. PRODUCTIVE PROCESS IMPLEMENTATION (PRODUCT REALIZATION) ....................... 18 6.1. PRODUCT REALIZATIONPLANNING.................................................................................... 18 6.2. CUSTOMER RELATEDPROCESSES........................................................................................ 19 6.2.1. DETERMINATION OF PRODUCT RELATED REQUIREMENTS ......................................... 19 6.2.2. REJIEW OF PRODUCT RELATED REQUIREMENTS.......................................................... 20 6.2.3. COMMUNICATION WITH THE CUSTOMER........................................................................ 20 6.3. DESIGNANDDEVELOPMENT................................................................................................. 20 6.3.1. DESIGN PLANNING................................................................................................................ 20 6.3.2. DESIGN INPUTS ..................................................................................................................... 21 6.3.3. DESIGN OUTPUTS, REJIEW, JERIFICATION, JALIDATION............................................ 21 6.3.4. CONTROL OF DESIGN CHANGES........................................................................................ 22 6.4. PURCHASES................................................................................................................................ 22 6.4.1. PURCHASE PROCESS ............................................................................................................ 22 6.4.2. PURCHASE INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 22 6.4.3. JERIFICATION OF PURCHASED PRODUCTS .................................................................... 23 6.5. PRODUCTIONANDPROVISIONOF SERVICES .................................................................... 23 6.5.1. CONTROL OF PRODUCTION AND PROJISION OF SERJICES......................................... 23 6.5.2. JALIDATION OF PRODUCTION AND SERJICE PROJISION PROCESSES...................... 23 6.5.3. IDENTIFICATION AND TRACEABILITY ............................................................................... 24 6.5.4. CUSTOMER PROPERTY......................................................................................................... 24 6.5.5. PRODUCT PRESERJATION................................................................................................... 24 TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -001 Page 4 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 6.6. CONTROL OF INSPECTION, MEASURING ANDTESTINGEQUIPMENT .......................... 25 7. MEASUREMENT, ANALYSIS AND IMPROVEMENT................................................................. 25 7.1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................................... 25 7.2. MEASUREMENT ANDMONITORING..................................................................................... 26 7.2.1. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION.................................................................................................. 26 7.2.2. INTERNAL AUDITS................................................................................................................. 26 7.2.3. MONITORING AND MEASURING PROCESSES ................................................................... 27 7.2.4. PRODUCT MONITORING AND MEASUREMENT................................................................ 27 7.3. CONTROL OF NON- CONFORMINGPRODUCTS.................................................................. 27 7.4. DATAANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................... 28 7.5. SYSTEMIMPROVEMENT......................................................................................................... 28 7.5.1. CONTINUAL IMPROJEMENT ............................................................................................... 28 7.5.2. CORRECTIJE ACTIONS ......................................................................................................... 29 7.5.3. PREJENTIJE ACTIONS.......................................................................................................... 29 TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 5 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 2. SCOPE OF APPLICATION The Quality Management Manual presents the Quality Policy of TERNA S.A. and describes the Quality Management System applied by the company, as established in order to fulfill the SO 9001:2008 standard and the company's Quality Policy. The Quality Management System covers all market sectors in which the company has commenced business activities: preparation for participation in Construction Project Tendering Procedures organization and construction of construction projects up to the stage of the project's final acceptance by the customer and the completion of the respective contractual requirements. The Company is committed to implement the Quality Management System it has developed. 3. BACKGROUND AND ACTIVITIES OF TERNA S.A. - GEK-TERNA GROUP n 1999 GEK and TERNA, in the context of the development of the construction branch, and in order to better utilize their capabilities, decides to unite their powers and to create a strong and flexible Group. GEK was established in 1969 and has been mainly active in the construction of ndustrial Buildings. n short time, its activities expanded to building projects of all kinds and to special constructions. TERNA was established in 1972 and has since then been active in undertaking and performing a wide spectrum of composite construction and investment projects. Today, TERNA S.A. is one of the most important Contractor Companies in Greece with a strong presence in the regions of Southeastern Europe and the Middle East. TERNA covers the entire spectrum of Construction, ndustrial and Energy projects both of the Public and of the Private Sector. Today, it successfully implements a substantial number of major and complex infrastructure, Building and Energy projects. TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 6 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 TEPNA is a subsidiary company controlled 100% by the GEK-TERNA S.A. Group, which covers the sectors of construction activity (private and public projects, building and infrastructure projects), concessions, i.e. major self-financed projects (e.g. Motorways), Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), energy production and real estate development. TERNA possesses high level infrastructure as regards owned equipment and T systems, a modern organizational structure and particularly experienced human recourses. TERNA's development is incorporated into the overall strategy of the GEK-TERNA Group and is based on: ts capability to build major projects achieving a level of quality, effectiveness and reliability which secures long-term stable relationships with its customers and a large share in the construction market. The extensive investment program it implements and the improvement of the skills of its human resources through continuous education and training. 4. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4.1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The written Quality Management System of the company fulfills the requirements of the SO 9001:2008 standard and supports the company's Quality Policy. Special emphasis is given in this written Quality Management System to the identification and satisfaction of the customer's requirements. The procedures developed are organized under an "activities group" rationale (process oriented), in order to ensure the functionality of the company's Quality Management System. n particular it: identifies and documents the processes comprising the system specifies the interactions between processes TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 7 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 specifies criteria and methods in order to ensure efficient operation and control of processes secures the availability of required information in order to support and monitor the processes t also carries out measurements and analyses of processes and specifies measures in order to achieve planned objectives and continual improvement. DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS 4.1.1. IN GENERAL The Quality Management System comprises the following levels of documentation: Quality Manual Quality Procedures Work nstructions Quality Forms 4.1.2. QUALITY MANUAL The method of mplementation of the requirements of the SO 9001:2008 standard through the written quality management system (with the above structure) is depicted in the table showing the correspondence between the SO 9001:2008 standard and the Written Quality Management System of the company, such table being attached hereto as Annex (B) The Quality Management Manual describes the quality policy of TERNA, the general structure of the company and the method of fulfillment of the requirements of the SO 9001:2008 standard in each of its paragraphs in order to confirm that each action has been performed according to the requirements. Job Descriptions TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 8 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 Quality Procedures specify "who does what and when, as well as the method of documenting that each action has been implemented according to the prescribed requirements as well as which data will be filled with a view to properly manage acquired knowhow. Work nstructions describe how a job is done and are developed wherever their lack could influence quality. Forms and Lists: The forms are used in order to provide "evidence that the system is properly managed and that the quality requirements are met. Completed forms are hereinafter referred to as Documents and Files. The Lists are usually ancillary files supporting specific procedures. Job Descriptions specify/summarize authorities -responsibilities of every employee of the company. 4.1.3. DOCUMENT CONTROL A written procedure for the management of documents and data has been established by the company. All quality forms are drafted in a specific manner, prescribed under the respective procedures, in order to avoid errors and omissions. All quality documents are inspected before being issued, both as regards their sufficiency and conformity with the company Quality Policy by the person responsible for their approval and as regards their compliance with the SO 9001:2008 standard by the person responsible for their issuance. TERNA maintains a Master Controlled Documents List showing the current status of quality documents. At TERNA the original of the controlled quality documents is maintained under the responsibility of the Quality Manager who distributes the documents of the Quality Management System in a controlled manner to all company employees, wherever necessary. TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 9 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 Cases of mass reproduction of system forms are handled with care in order to avoid the use of previous/invalid issues. Previous, revised and invalid issues are destroyed, except of some Original Documents of previous issues kept for legal and/or historical reasons and which must be identified in order to ensure that they will not be used. Changes are reviewed and approved by the same person who has carried out the initial inspection and approval. n case this is not possible, a new person with sufficient experience in this matter is appointed. Where required, the nature of the change is noted in the documents. 4.1.4. RECORDS CONTROL Completed forms constituting proof of successful achievement of quality and fulfillment of the customer's requirements, as well as forms which are useful for the continual improvement of the Quality Management System are kept as records at the company and are specified in the respective procedures. The manner of identification, collection, filling, storage and maintenance of the records as well as the period of their maintenance is set out under the respective procedures. MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY 4.2. MANAGEMENT'S COMMITMENT The company Management is committed to fully satisfy the requirements of its customers. The company fully observes legislative and other requirements during the construction of all projects (building, infrastructure, energy etc. projects). A customer-centered policy is implemented in order to satisfy the needs and expectations of its customers and to gain their trust, while, at the same time, the company's interest is always focused on issues of quality, technological development, support etc. TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 10 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 TERNA fulfills the above requirements through its organization pursuant to the Quality Management System according to the SO 9001:2008 standard based on: the qualified and specialized personnel operating within the framework of a perfectly organized internal structure; the constant training of its employees and the evaluation of its results; the continual evaluation of its suppliers and associates; the continual improvement and modernization of the work environment and equipment; the constant updating on issues pertinent to its activities. The Management's Commitment relates to the everyday level of operation of the company and is documented by the decisions carried at the Quality Management System Review meetings of the Management. 4.3. FOCUSING ON THE CUSTOMER The company identifies the needs and expectations of the customers in combination with the technological developments in the sector and introduces the experience acquired from each customer to the existing service provision framework. Furthermore, TERNA identifies the needs of all persons or organizations directly or indirectly influenced by it and it handles their requests as if they were customers of the company. Hereinafter we will designate the above category of the population as ndirect Customers. Moreover, the company is able to assess the percentage of achievement of the quality objectives specified by itself as regards customer satisfaction, thus being able to constantly improve the quality of its services. For the above reasons it has established and implements a series of procedures securing that the provision of services to its customers meets the quality requirements. TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 11 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 4.4. QUALITY POLICY Our Companv is committed to achieve the Maximum Possible Degree of Satisfaction of the customer, and the full observance of all contractual requirements and modern state- of art best practices. Our obfectives are. Building of construction profects. Within the period specified under the contractual obligations or within the time schedules specified bv the companv. Incorporating the excessive knowhow of the companv and fostering its growth at the same time Research and utili:ation of new activities related to the Companvs subfect-manner Constant efficiencv improvement. The obfectives are achieved through the existence and completion of the following conditions. Detailed planning of companv activities Maintenance of experienced and active personnel Confirmation of the fact that companv emplovees understand the requirements of the customer
Renewal and constant maintenance of the Mechanical equipment Monitoring market requirements and scientific developments Knowhow transfer from and to each profect through an organi:ed communication svstem Continual improvement of the Qualitv Management Svstem of the Companv based on market requirements and experiences gained from the profects Careful evaluation of suppliers and subcontractors Training of the Companvs personnel The Managing Director George Peristeris TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 12 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 4.5. QUALITY PLANNING (DESIGN) 4.5.1. QUALITY OBJECTIVES The company establishes quality objectives as regards the construction and operation of the projects, which are both qualitative and quantitative, and are measured, analyzed and revised during Quality Management System Review meetings of the Management. The recording and measurement of the objectives is carried out based of documented indices. 4.5.2. PLANNING OF THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM At TERNA S.A. planning in quality issues is carried out through the implementation of the written Quality Management System and the establishment of system control and improvement procedures. The Quality Management System planning for each project undertaken by TERNA is based on the determination of the following: Activities influencing the quality of the project Required inspections and tests Equipment and resources in general required for the project Personnel qualifications Required control and progress records Observed specifications and regulations A Project Quality Manager is appointed for each project, who, in cooperation with the Company's Quality Manager and the entire staff, undertakes the planning of the project's Quality Management System according to the requirements of the SO 9001 standard, the specifications, the state-of-the-art, as described in the respective procedures of the quality management system. TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 13 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 4.6. RESPONSIBILITIES, AUTHORITIES AND COMMUNICATION 4.6.1. RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITIES The organizational structure of TERNA S.A. is described in the attached Organization Chart of Annex (A), where the levels of responsibilities and authorities of the staff directing, performing and verifying works influencing the quality of company's activities are laid down. The distribution of responsibilities and authorities at TERNA S.A. is described at an initial level in the Company's Job Descriptions or in the Job Descriptions of each project and more detailed at a second level in the System Procedures . . 4.6.2. MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE The Management Representative is responsible for ensuring that the Quality Management System is effectively implemented, fulfilling the principles of the SO 9001:2008 standard and of the Quality Policy, by all company employees as regards the role played by each employee and procures its continual improvement and upgrading. The Management Representative directly cooperates with the Project Quality Managers in order to monitor the effective implementation of the System, informs the Company's Management on all quality issues either directly or by convening the Quality Management System Review Board and secures the implementation of the measures specified by the Review Board. 4.6.3. INTERNAL COMMUNICATION nternal communication within the company is secured at all levels and for all activities required for the maintenance of the Quality Management System. n particular: mportant information is communicated through the notice boards located at obvious spots. The findings of nternal Audits are communicated to the interested parties n particular, the company's Quality Policy is notified to all company employees using one of the following manners: This Manual TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 14 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 Direct publication (posting). Training of employees in quality matters Quality procedures The Management closely monitors through the Management Representative the establishment and implementation of the Quality Policy. 4.7. REVIEW OF THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BY THE MANAGEMENT 4.7.1. GENERAL A written Procedure for the planning and conduct of the Quality Management System Review Meeting is established in the Company. The review is carried out at least once in each year. During the Review it is examined: whether the Quality Managements System is sufficient and effective whether Quality Policy has been achieved whether the level of training of the staff covers the needs pertinent to the works suggestions for the improvement of the Quality Management System in general Members of the Quality Review Board are the Chairperson of the BoD, the Managing Director of the Company, the Technical Directors, the Management Representative, the Quality Manager(s) and any other person deemed necessary by the Management Representative. The findings of the Review are notified to the higher levels of the company's management. 4.7.2. REVIEW DATA (REVIEW INPUT) The Management Representative in cooperation with the Quality Manager(s), before the commencement of the Quality Management System review meeting, organize a file with all data to be used during the meeting, such file been forwarded to the participants. TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 15 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 The file contains: 1. Findings of Audits 2. nformation Customer Complaints Data regarding degree of customer satisfaction 3. Data on the implementability and functionality of the procedures 4. Records of non-conforming products. 5. Suggestions on points requiring the development and implementation of Corrective Preventive Actions 6. Progress- evaluation of the implementability of corrective actions decided at the previous Quality Management Review Meeting 7. Monitoring measures decided by the previous Quality Management Review Meeting. 8. Changes that might influence the quality of the Management System. 9. New technologies and trends 4.7.3. REVIEW RESULTS (REVIEW OUTPUT) nclude decisions and measures related to: The improvement of the effectiveness of the Quality Management System and its procedures. mprovements on projects under construction by the company in relation to customer requirements. Resources required for improvement. TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 16 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 5. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 5.1. PROVISION OF RESOURCES 5.1.1. MEANS (RESOURCES) At TERNA the means (resources) required for the operation of the company at all levels are identified as specified in the respective Procedures. The resources required may be divided into the following categories: Smooth operation of the company dentification, evaluation and participation in tendering procedures for the construction of projects and conclusion of contracts with the customer. Construction of projects. The identification of the resources is performed for each of the aforementioned sectors due to the particularities of each sector. Through the organization of the company and the communication structures the resources required for the qualitative operation of each sector are identified and evaluated and the method of their provision is organized. 5.2. HUMAN RESOURCES 5.2.1. GENERAL TERNA has established a written procedure based on which the human resources required for the establishment and improvement of the Quality Management System are defined and provided. t is ensured that the members of the staff whose work affects the quality of services have the proper training and experience. 5.2.2. SKILLS, INFORMATION, TRAINING The company has established a written procedure in order to secure that: Works affecting the quality of projects are performed by employees having suitable skills, information and training. Training needs are identified TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 17 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 Proper training procedures are planned and implemented the distribution and transfer of knowhow from experienced company employees to younger employees will be achieved Records are kept regarding training/experience of personnel. 5.3. INFRASTRUCTURE The needs for the improvement of material-technical infrastructure are analyzed and identified at the company and the necessary measures are implemented in order to ensure its continual improvement. The Equipment of the company is fully recorded and codified and the operating status of each device is indicated. Maintenance cards are provided for each device, insofar as its operation is crucial, and a file for the device is also provided where all documents related to the operation of the respective device are included. The needs for the improvement of the infrastructure result from the Quality Management Review Meeting, the nternal Audits, the corrective and preventive actions and the collected problem reports. 5.4. WORK ENVIRONMENT TERNA ensures a satisfactory work environment: During the construction and the operation of the projects the work-areas are functional, manageable and safe. All health and safety regulations are observed. A written risk assessment is regularly prepared. An emergency plan has been established. Fire safety design. The proper safety singing has been installed in the company's premises. TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 18 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 Employees are obliged to use the appropriate personal protective equipment and access to construction sites is controlled Suitable accident prevention equipment is provided Finally, the equipment necessary for diminishing the effects of an accident has been installed 6. PRODUCTIVE PROCESS IMPLEMENTATION (PRODUCT REALIZATION) 6.1. PRODUCT REALIZATION PLANNING Written Procedures have been established at TERNA in order to secure that construction and operation is planned and performed under controlled conditions. "Controlled conditions include the following: All personnel performing crucial work for the quality of the project is selected, trained and evaluated in order to ensure its capability to successfully complete its work. Personnel which has not yet completed its training or deemed as having received insufficient training for the performance of any specific activity is employed in activities not affecting the quality of the project or is closely supervised by a supervisor as regards every part of its work.. During all phases of the construction of the project all kinds of tests are conducted in order to ensure that the product will be of the required quality. Checks are conducted by experienced and trained personnel using the equipment necessary. The company's equipment is sufficiently maintained and calibrated on a prescheduled basis in order to ensure continuity of the works. Equipment not calibrated is only used for ancillary measurements conducted by the company. An Equipment List exists (including crucial equipment for the quality of the final product), based on which all equipment is monitored. Personnel training records and maintenance control and equipment calibration records are kept. TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 19 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 6.2. CUSTOMER RELATED PROCESSES 6.2.1. DETERMINATION OF PRODUCT RELATED REQUIREMENTS TERNA possesses a written description of the methodology based on which the identification of the requirements related to the final product is ensured. n particular, the method of identification of the requirements related to the product is detailed therein for each sector where TERNA is active. TERNA has established written Procedures in order to secure that contracts (tenders, project contracts, customer orders) are reviewed. During the preparation phase of the tender for a project, the contractual requirements are analyzed by experienced personnel and the ability of the company to meet the requirements is ensured. Justification may be provided for the tender upon a respective request of the customer. n case the project is awarded to TERNA, experienced personnel confirms, following an examination of the contract, that the requirements of the customer are clear and documented and ensures that any differences between the contract and the tender are solved. During the project organization phase the contract is examined and its requirements regarding time, quality and work control are determined. During the implementation of the project, oral orders of the customer are documented and reviewed and any amendments to the contract are examined, in order to evaluate their effect on the works already completed, on the time schedule and on costs. Communication with the customer on contractual issues is in writing and the respective correspondence is kept based on a written procedure. Required information is available at the Company's Management. TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 20 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 6.2.2. REVIEW OF PRODUCT RELATED REQUIREMENTS The company reviews the requirements related to the product during each phase of its construction or production. The detailed methodology used for the review of the requirements is described in the procedures. 6.2.3. COMMUNICATION WITH THE CUSTOMER Communication with the customer is ensured by means of the written Quality Management System where the methodology used in such communication is detailed. Communication prevents the production or construction of products not compliant with the customer's requirements, solves any discrepancies, enables the identification and review of all requirements laid down by the customer in relation to the construction of the product, enables the identification of the degree of customer satisfaction and, finally, enables the recording of any complains. 6.3. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT TERNA S.A. possesses a written Procedure ensuring control and review at the required stages of the designing in order to meet the specified requirements. 6.3.1. DESIGN PLANNING n case that the development of a Design is a requirement under the tender and/or the Contract documents; the Company analyzes the documents (tender or contract) for defining: subject-matter and categories of the design (type of design, degree level etc.) design stages/phases design specifications and applicable Legislation milestones and time schedule data for the development of the design. Based on the aforementioned the categories/specializations of the designers who will have to be engaged in the preparation of the design are specified and a design development plan is laid down, specifying the basic deadlines and the persons responsible for monitoring its development. TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 21 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 6.3.2. DESIGN INPUTS The design inputs, which include the following, are determined: Minimum contractual requirements of the customer which define the design boundaries and provide project objectives and operation and performance requirements Applicable legal and regulatory requirements nformation from previous similar designs, where possible All the essential design requirements The sufficiency and completeness of design inputs is examined, while, where deficiencies, ambiguous or conflicting requirements are ascertained, all required actions are undertaken for the provision of supplementary clarifications by the Company or the customer, if necessary. 6.3.3. DESIGN OUTPUTS, REVIEW, VERIFICATION, VALIDATION ntermediate and final design outputs are recorded, verified and reviewed as regards their correctness. t is also examined whether they meet the requirements of the design inputs and the prescribed requirements. The review of the design by the competent personnel is then conducted, which comprises: Examination whether all design specifications have been met Examination whether the performance of the works, as designed, is feasible Examination whether it is possible to procure the materials, as specified in the design Examination whether the construction of the project is feasible based on the prescribed acceptance criteria Determination of construction characteristics and parameters that are crucial for safety and proper operation Examination whether the construction of the project is financially feasible The designs approved by the company are submitted for approval to the customer according to the call for tenders or the contract of the Project. TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 22 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 6.3.4. CONTROL OF DESIGN CHANGES All changes and amendments to be made on any design are documented, identified, reviewed, verified and approved by competent persons before their implementation. The review of the amendments includes an evaluation of the effects of the design amendments. 6.4. PURCHASES 6.4.1. PURCHASE PROCESS The Company has established written procedures in order to ensure that the products and services to be procured meet specified requirements. The procurements procedure includes equipment procurements, equipment maintenance services, equipment calibrations, personnel training and special services. 6.4.2. PURCHASE INFORMATION All the suppliers of goods and services cooperating with the Company are evaluated in order to ensure that their features correspond to the requirements. Thus, in order to select a supplier the following are examined, if applicable: References to the supplier company's history. References to the production system or the quality system by independent auditors. nspection / Audit of the supplier's premises by TERNA. The Company maintains a list of approved suppliers for goods and services that are crucial for the quality of the final product. The Company issues official documents for all procured goods, equipment and services. Procurement documents, as applicable, include information such as: Description of procured material. Purpose of the procurement Packaging requirements TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 23 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 Specifications Certification requirements Manual requirements Storage/transportation requirements Handling requirements Material labeling (serial or lot number) Delivery time. 6.4.3. VERIFICATION OF PURCHASED PRODUCTS Materials procured by TERNA are checked upon delivery to ensure that they meet agreed requirements. Conducted checks are scheduled for each case and recorded in a special form. 6.5. PRODUCTION AND PROVISION OF SERVICES 6.5.1. CONTROL OF PRODUCTION AND PROVISION OF SERVICES TERNA has established written Procedures and work instructions in order to ensure that the completion of the projects as well as their operation is designed and conducted under controlled conditions. 6.5.2. VALIDATION OF PRODUCTION AND SERVICE PROVISION PROCESSES All production and service provision processes implemented by TERNA S.A. are controlled and validated in an organized manner. As regards the project construction sector, the validation of the processes is conducted by means of the organization and implementation procedure for the new project and, in particular, through the development of the Project Quality Management System and the Project Quality Plan. n general, for each company activity: Process review and approval criteria are specified TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 24 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 Human and material resources used are evaluated in order to meet the requirements of each process Methods used comply to the existing specifications and the state-of-the art Required records are kept Finally, the causes making a review and re-validation of the processes necessary are identified. 6.5.3. IDENTIFICATION AND TRACEABILITY dentification and traceability at the projects implemented by the company is enabled, to the extent necessary (contractual requirements, project significance) and feasible (nature of works), by means of: the labeling of the materials incorporated in the project the filing of drawings and specifications the completion and filing of control and progress forms the filing of information, such as material certificates, order forms, agreements with subcontractors/suppliers etc.. the Project Log 6.5.4. CUSTOMER PROPERTY For the materials supplied by the customer a special procedure is developed for the project, describing the entire flow of the material (from its procurement to its incorporation in the project) and how to contact the customer in case of non- conforming material. 6.5.5. PRODUCT PRESERVATION TERNA S.A. identifies for each product the necessary conditions which must exist for its preservation until it is incorporated in the project but also during its delivery to the customer. Therefore, all storage requirements are observed both for the materials to be incorporated in the project and for the materials to be used at any stage of the operation of the company. Also, all measures necessary are taken in order to preserve the products to be incorporated in the projects during transportation. TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 25 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 6.6. CONTROL OF INSPECTION, MEASURING AND TESTING EQUIPMENT TERNA has established a written procedure for the management of measurement equipment in order to ensure that: the method of calibration of the measuring equipment is specified the suitable devices (i.e. those capable of providing the required accuracy and reliability) are selected the manner of handling, maintenance and storage of such devices ensures their accuracy and suitability for use no measuring devices are used that have not been calibrated except in cases where their use aims to a simple indication. The Company maintains a list including all devices and their calibration plan. The handling, maintenance and storage of measuring devices are carried out according to the specifications of their manufacturers, in order to ensure their accuracy and suitability for use. Calibration of the measurement equipment is conducted at prescribed intervals, based on the instructions of the manufacturer. Calibration is carried out by an accredited organization and the respective certificates are kept. n case a device is no longer accurate, the consequences of its use are examined and required measures are decided. 7. MEASUREMENT, ANALYSIS AND IMPROVEMENT 7.1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The company has, on the one hand, specified the operation standards and the objective to successfully perform its activities and, on the other hand, has planned and maintains TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 26 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 an effective and decentralized measurement, analysis and continual improvement system for the Quality Objectives, and the operation and the efficiency of the Quality Management System. 7.2. MEASUREMENT AND MONITORING 7.2.1. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION A written procedure exists at TERNA S.A. based on which the degree of customer satisfaction in relation to provided services is examined and necessary measures are undertaken in order to improve such satisfaction. The identification of the customer satisfaction degree (customers may be direct or indirect, as described under the respective procedure) is carried out by means of the dispatch to the customer of the evaluation form for the offered services. Completed forms are received by the Quality Manager who analyses and evaluates the data. The processing of the aforementioned forms enables the determination of the customer satisfaction indices. The company's objective is the improvement of the above indices. n order to achieve the objectives the respective corrective and preventive actions are planned. 7.2.2. INTERNAL AUDITS nternal Quality Audits at the company are always conducted according to the written Procedure, in order to maintain an effective System. Audits are scheduled by the Quality Manager based on the importance and complexity of the works, the experience of involved personnel and of the findings of previous audits. Auditors may belong to the company's personnel (but they must be independent from the audited activity) and must be trained in the conduct of audits or may be external specialized consultants. The findings of Audits are recorded and notified to the personnel responsible for the audited unit. Deviations or failure trends observed during Audits are investigated in order TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 27 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 to undertake suitable Corrective Actions. Finally, competent persons monitor the actions undertaken in order to abolish any deviations. The findings of the Audits are examined at the Quality Management Review Meeting. nternal Quality Audits reports are kept as records. 7.2.3. MONITORING AND MEASURING PROCESSES TERNA S.A. has established a written procedure based on which critical processes are monitored. A flow chart exists depicting the processes flow and the conducted controls. Each activity is monitored and both its significance for the production of the final product and measurable performance indicators are established. The evaluation regards both compliance of the manner of performance of the specific activity in relation to the provisions of the respective written procedure and the procedure itself. The purpose of all aforementioned actions is the identification of the points for which corrective or preventive actions must be undertaken in order to achieve the objectives prescribed by the agency. 7.2.4. PRODUCT MONITORING AND MEASUREMENT Controls and measurements of products have been specified in order to ensure the quality of the product as well as it compliance with the specifications/requirements laid down by the Management or prescribed by the legislation. 7.3. CONTROL OF NON - CONFORMING PRODUCTS TERNA S.A. has established a written Procedure for the management of materials and works not compliant with the specified requirements. t includes the methods of identification, recording, assessing and immediate handling of the non-conformity as well as the method for the notification of the non-conformity where needed. TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 28 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 The authorities and responsibilities for the acceptance and disposal/handling or non- acceptance of the non- conforming products are defined, as described in the respective Procedure, depending on the case in question Non-conforming materials are clearly distinguished in order to avoid their use until their disposal. Non-Conformities are monitored in order to confirm their settlement. Non-Conformities and the method of their settlement are examined during the Quality Management Review Meeting. The company keeps records of Non-Conformities, including the actions taken and the decisions made. 7.4. DATA ANALYSIS Achievement or failure to achieve the preferable Quality of the works provided by the Company is monitored through the Quality Records. Observance and updating of Quality records serves the following objectives: Documentation of provided works. Documentation of the operation of the Quality Management System. Support for traceability requirements. Provision of information and measurable results regarding performance and effectiveness of the company's works. 7.5. SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT 7.5.1. CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT Written Procedures exist at the company for the continual improvement of the Quality Management System. TERNA S.A. DOCUMENT TYPE : QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANUAL DOCUMENT CODE : QAM -01 Pages : 29 of 29 Date of Issue: 13/06/2012 Rev. 2 Customer complaints, non-conformity reports, findings of internal and external quality audits and expected trends of problem occurrence are recorded and investigated in order to determine the required measures for the avoidance of their repetition. Each action taken for the improvement of the Quality Management System is defined as a Corrective or Preventive Action. Competent for the approval of corrective and preventive actions is the Management Representative of TERNA S.A., who, when he deems it expedient based on the particularities of each case and the significance/ extent of the corrective/preventive action, requests approval by the competent Director of the Company through the Quality Management Review Meeting. Upon completion of the implementation of the corrective/preventive actions their effect on other elements of the Quality Management System is examined. 7.5.2. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS At TERNA S.A., non conformities, customer complaints and supplier problems are examined by the Management Representative in order to indentify the causes and to plan the most effective method for the solution of the problems and the prevention of a repetition of the problems. Respective records are kept. 7.5.3. PREVENTIVE ACTIONS The prevention of repetition of errors and omissions in a project, the incorporation of new information, technology and developments into the system and the identification, by means of the monitoring of the system, of its failure trends, lead to the preparation of the Preventive Actions Plan. Respective records are kept.