DNA Sands Time
DNA Sands Time
DNA Sands Time
by J. Justice
The contents of this work including, but not limited to, the accuracy of events, people, and places depicted; opinions expressed; permission to use previously published materials included; and any advice given or actions advocated are solely the responsibility of the author, who assumes all liability for said work and indemnifies the publisher against any claims stemming from publication of the work.
All Rights Reserved Copyright 2006 by J. Justice No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the author. ISBN-10: 0-8059-8868-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-8059-8868-0 Library of Congress Control Number: 2006933574 Printed in the United States of America First Printing For information or to order additional books, please write: RoseDog Books 701 Smithfield St. Third Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222 U.S.A. 1-800-834-1803 Or visit our web site and on-line bookstore at www..rosedogbookstore.com
I am Thankful for the privilege to be able to bring this Knowledge from the Akashic Records, back down to the earth. It has been made possible by many Spiritual Beings and Spiritual Groups. I give Thanks to Creator, The Light of The Christ Consciousness, The Ancient Ones, The Akashic Lords, The Order of Melchizedek, The Cobalt Blue Beings, Ra, The Archangels of The Legion of Michael, The Destroyer Force Angels, The Master Vibrational Warriors of Light, The Warriors of Light and many other Individual Spiritual Beings that continually guided us in this knowledge. I also Thank the Higher Dimensional Races of Sirians and Pleiadians. I Thank my wife, for her patience and constant help with all this material. Without her and her direct support, this book would not be possible. The knowledge within this book belongs to the human race. You will notice that all the information is given from the viewpoint of We, which are all the Spiritual Beings and Higher Dimensional Beings that have guided me in the writing of this book. There is no I in this book. This book is not my opinion or my personal thoughts or those of my wife. The information in this book comes from the permanently recorded human history from the Akashic Records. This history cannot be altered or changed. It is human history as it actually happened. It can only be Accepted or Rejected by those who read it. I am only a tool being used by Creator to bring this knowledge back to you. This is Creators Gift to Those that Have Eyes to See and Ears to Hear. This is your Truth to awaken your lost memory. You will soon discover, Life Is Not What You Think It Is. Although I am the Author of this book, I am not the Author of your history. You, the human, are the only true Author of your history. I am a Teacher from your distant past. You know me although you do not recognize me. I am bringing back your lost and forgotten knowledge and showing you where your truth has been altered. You now have a very rare and unique opportunity to refresh your memory of your past history. Everything in life is interconnected and must agree to be truth. Think of life as a giant picture of many dots and new dots have been continu-
ally added. A picture of dots is meaningless and useless if the dots do not connect together. This book connects the essential dots between the Spiritual, the Physical, Science, Astrology, Astronomy, History, Past, Present and Future, Religion, the Apocalypse, the Rapture, Medical Science, Aliens, Human DNA, the Human Brain, Mind Control, Weather, Global Warming, Consciousness, the Ascension and then directly connects it to your ordinary daily life. For those who find this book intimidating or not in agreement with your belief systems, it is time for you to do a serious reality check. You need to look at yourself in a mirror and sincerely ask yourself, why do I feel the way I do? Search your heart for truth. Dont Persecute the Messenger. Its a waste of your precious time and you have very little time left. Study the Message and understand, you the human wrote the Message by living it and you are now finishing its final chapter. So I now say, Congratulations Humans, you have written an awesome adventure and everyone in this universe is watching to see the final outcome. This book was assembled over a 5 year period and several of the entries are given as they actually happened and were being recorded in the Akashic records. You will recognize them by the dates given. You will also see a clear progression of current events and evolving potentials that will affect the entire human race. Most of these are in the latter part of this book.
Beginning Of Remembering The Past ........................2 Defining Information And Words ..................................2 True Word Of God ............................................................4 Unrecognized Words Of Wisdom ..................................6 Prophets ............................................................................7 The Original Fall, The Original Sin ..............................8 Visualize This ....................................................................9 Beginning Of Separation From Creator ......................10 Angels - Spiritual Beings ................................................11 Sin - Separation ..............................................................12 Beginning Of The Sons Of Darkness And Sons Of Light On Earth ..................................................................14 Destruction Of Atlantis ....................................................17 4th Dimensional Survivors Of Atlantis ..........................18 Mother Earth - Gaia ........................................................19 The Unknown Sleep Of Gaia ........................................20 The Death And Rebirth Of Planet Earth ......................21 Our Moon ..........................................................................22 Akashic Records And Ancient Texts ............................23 Genesis And Ancient Texts ............................................25 Moses The Editor ............................................................25 World Changes ................................................................27 Reincarnation ..................................................................30 Heaven And Hell ............................................................31 Gods Of The Bible - Creation Of Man ..........................33 The Elohim Of The Bible ................................................38 Men of Renown ..............................................................40 Women Of Renown ........................................................42 Beginning Of Homo Sapiens - Humans ......................43 The Event At The Garden Of Eden ..............................46 Not The fall Of Man ........................................................48 Cain And Abel ................................................................50 The Serpent - Devil Or Satan ........................................51 Tower Of Babel ................................................................54
Planned Destruction Of The Human Experiment The Flood ..........................................................................58 Sodom And Gomorrah ..................................................64 Beginning Of Human 2 Strand DNA ............................67 Helix Of The DNA ............................................................68 Natural Abilities Of Homo Erectus ................................69 Physical Traits Of The Nefilim Gods ............................71 Physical traits Of Homo Erectus ....................................73 Digestive System Of Homo Erectus ..............................74 Homo Erectus Up Date ..................................................75 Beginning Of World Blood Types ..................................76 Beginning Of World Races ............................................76 Gargoyles ........................................................................77 The Day Of The Lord ......................................................78 Rapture ............................................................................80 Book Of Daniel ................................................................84 Book Of Revelation ..........................................................84 Collective Consciousness ..............................................88 Power Of United Prayer ..................................................89 Universal Law And The Ten Commandments ..............................................89 Ark Of The Covenant ......................................................93 Hidden Driving Forces Behind Mans Evolution ................................................................97 Jehovah ............................................................................98 Yahweh ............................................................................99 Order Of Melchizedek ....................................................99 A Melchizedek ................................................................100 Priest Of The Order Of Melchizedek ............................101 True Melchizedek ............................................................101 Declaration Of Independence Charters Of Freedom ......................................................103 Hidden Member Of The Order Of Melchizedek ................................................................103 Devil ..................................................................................104 Satan ................................................................................104 Dominant Races Of Atlantis ..........................................104 Chaos In The Cosmos - The Lucifer Rebellion ..........................................................................109 Understanding The Past ................................................111 Evidence Of Atlantis ........................................................113 Time Line Of Coinciding Events In Both Parallel Dimensions ..............................................116
New School To Experience Emotions And Separation ..............................................................117 Beginning Of New Civilizations After The Flood ..........................................................................120 The Fall Of Egypt ............................................................122 Jesus The Christ ..............................................................124 The Christ ..........................................................................126 Events And Influences In The Life Of Jesus ................130 Miracles In The Gospels ................................................134 True Beginning Of Christianity ......................................137 666 Mark Of The Beast ....................................................140 The Two Thieves Of The Crucifixion ............................141 The True Anti Christ ........................................................142 Crucifixion - The Test ......................................................143 True Meaning Of - It Is Appointed Unto Man To Die But Once ..............................................................145 Secret Plan Of The Master Teachers Of The Order Of Melchizedek ......................................149 Descendants Of Jesus And Mary Magdalene ............................................................152 Words Of The Christ Consciousness Spoken Through Jesus ................................................................157 To Accept Or Reject ........................................................159 Jewish Holocaust ............................................................160 Shroud Of Turin - Burial Cloth Of Christ ......................163
Recent Events ..................................................................169 Harmonic Convergence Beginning Of The Apocalypse ......................................173 Return Of The Christ Consciousness ............................175 The Christ Consciousness is 12 Strand DNA ....................................................................................175 Invocation To Clear And Release Emotions ................179 Photon Belt ........................................................................180 Kali Yuga ..........................................................................181 Awakening Of Female Intuition ....................................186 Successful Plan Of Satan ................................................186 Time Of The Next Pole Shift ............................................187 Astrology ..........................................................................188 Three Wise Men - The Three Astrologers ....................189 Astrology In Relation To The Schumann Resonance ..........................................192
Psychic Predictions In Relation To The Schumann Resonance ..........................................193 Time Line Of Past Events Affecting Us Flow Chart ........................................................................198 Update On The Nefilim Gods ........................................205 Crop Circles ......................................................................211 Master Warriors ..............................................................212
Consciousness ..................................................................213 Universal Consciousness ................................................214 Christ Consciousness ......................................................214 Light Of The Christ Consciousness ..............................215 Separate Self Consciousness ........................................216 Forming Of Our Subconscious Beliefs ..........................217 When The Spirit Enters The Womb ..............................218 Indigo Children ..............................................................219 Crystalline Children ........................................................221 Medical Science Recognizes DNA Changes ..............221 Recognize Your Separate Self Consciousness ............222
Lightbody: 12 Levels With 12 Octaves In Each Level ..................................................................231 Pioneers That Opened The Path For Ascension Home ......................................................239 Planet Earth - The Place To Be ......................................241 Why Are 6 Billion People Now On Earth ......................242 Understanding The Meld ..............................................243 Temperature Change In 12th Level Lightbody ......................................................251 Sirian DNA And Blood Pressure ....................................251
Understanding Ascension ............................................254 Eons Of Time ....................................................................255 False Salvation ................................................................256 Ascension Choices ..........................................................257 Direct Ascension ..............................................................258 Group Ascension ............................................................259
Those Who Will Not Make The Dimensional Shift ....................................................264 Working Out Excess Karma ............................................264 The Unknown Event ........................................................267
Understanding Emotions ..............................................272 Different Way To Understand Spiritual Growth ..............................................................274 Understanding The Vibrations Of Emotions ..............282 Relationship Of Consciousness And Emotions ..........................................................................287 Imagine This ....................................................................288 Emotions As Viewed From The Spiritual Realm ........................................................291 Know This ........................................................................301 Read To Understand ......................................................302 School Is Closed ..............................................................302 Karma ..............................................................................304 This Is Only A Test ............................................................307 The Child And The Kingdom ........................................308 911 Event (2001) ..............................................................310
Advanced Clearing And Releasing Programs ........................................................317 Explanation Of Condensed Programming ................319 Activation Of All Programs ............................................353
Unknown Facts The Mystery Of Mount Sinai ..........................................415 The Mystery Of The Garden Of Eden ..........................416 The Mystery Of The Great Pyramid And Stonehenge ..............................................................420 The Mystery Of The Sphinx ............................................422 Carbon 14 Dating And Other Dating Processes ..................................................423 A Look Into The Earths Past History ..............................427 The Core Of The Earth ....................................................432
Ibocca ..............................................................................433 Unrecognized Loss Of Immunity From Human Diseases ..............................................................436 Star Of David ....................................................................437 Spiritual Beings Now Living In The Bodies Of The Jewish Race ..............................437 Life In The Milky Way Galaxy ......................................438 Potential Disasters ..........................................................440 Global Warming ..............................................................441 Destroyer Force Angels ..................................................448 144,000 Master Vibrational Warriors Of The Light ..........................................................................449 Schumann Resonance ..................................................450 SIDS - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome ........................456 The Human Homosexual ..............................................456 The Making Of A Homosexual ......................................457 The Twenty Third Psalm ................................................459 The Birth Date Of Yashewah Ben Yoseaf ( Jesus The Christ ) ..................461 The Cup Used At The Last Supper (The Holy Grail) ................................462 The Ark Of The Covenant ..............................................463 The Unknown Witnesses ................................................466 Old Testament Prophets Prophesied To Witness At The End Of The World ............................467 The Acceleration Of The Shifting Of The Underground Plates ..........................................468
Current Unknown Facts The Greatest Developing Potential ..............................498 Mysterious Jet Airplane Crashes ..................................514 Codex ................................................................................516 Hurricane Katrina, Rita And Wilma ............................518 The Wrath Of God ..........................................................527 The Unknown Killer Virus ..............................................531 The New Unknown Bacterial Killer Disease Morgellons - Skin Fiber Disease ....................................534 Star Wars ..........................................................................538
The Human Brain ............................................................547 Mind Control ....................................................................559 Mind Control World Wide ..............................................564
Unknown Other 2 Strand DNA Experiments And A WARNING From The Spiritual Realm ........................570
The Announcement ........................................................578 Information On Finding Products ................................580 Suggested Reading ........................................................581 Glossary ............................................................................582 Source Reference ............................................................584
way of expressing what they believe is God and in Gods eyes, all these names are correct. Realize that God or Creator knows Itself and knows when it is being called upon or prayed too, even if the name or expression is wrong. God or Creator reads the intentions of the heart of the individual, knowing their thoughts and desires and answers accordingly. When you are given a greater knowledge and understanding of God, more is expected of you. It then becomes appropriate when working with God on higher levels, to express yourself more clearly. As we begin to define the word God in this book, we ask you to open your mind and do not judge the information as you read it. Continue to read with an open mind. Read to understand, since the name of God and the other names will be revealed as you read the book. A greater knowledge of the word God will unfold as you read this book, giving you a greater understanding of the God of the Bible and Creator. A big picture will unfold in your mind as you read the book. The information contained within this book, will be controversial to many. It will be accepted by some and condemned by others, since most of this information cannot be verified by any written records or texts that are still on the planet, or are available to the public today. Some of the information within this book, was on the planet and was systematically destroyed over time, with the most recent being destroyed in the last 15 years. There is still some proof left on the planet about small portions of the information contained in this book. There is also other proof, called the Dead Sea Scrolls, although it will most likely never be revealed, since it is now being suppressed by those in authority. The reason for this book is to bring back the important information that was destroyed, misinterpreted, mistranslated, lost and altered, for the purpose of deceiving people, to gain control and power over you and your life. The information in this book comes from the Akashic Records. These are permanent records of every event that ever happened on and too this planet, from the beginning of its formation out of the elements of the universe. It is also the record of every civilization and every person that has ever stepped on this planet, since its creation, including the Gods of the Bible. These records are permanent, extensive and detailed, they cannot be destroyed or altered by man. There is another group of records called the Hall Of Records. The Akashic Records and the Hall Of Records are essentially the same body of records, although they are viewed as separate by some. Like all records, they are broken up into different parts to record the massive amounts of infor-
mation. The Bible also makes a brief reference to these records and calls them by another name, the Book of Life. They are the same records as the Akashic Records and they hold the History of your personal Physical and Spiritual life, past and present. There are many that believe the Akashic Records also hold information about the future. This is not true. They do hold the potential of the future, based on the information of the past. The future has not happened yet, so it cannot be recorded as fact. The purpose of the information in this book, is to fill in missing information and to answer the questions of, Who Am I, Where Did I Come From, How Did I Get Here, What Am I Doing Here, How Do I Leave Here, Where Am I Going and How Do I Get There? These are age-old questions and the answers are all in the past. You must search the past to find the truth to these questions. A great amount of the information that is still on the planet has been altered, so the truth, as it actually happened, has been changed. As the language of humans changed over the centuries, the true meanings of words and actual events have been misinterpreted, so that the truth has also been lost. The greatest part of the important information has been destroyed over time, by an unseen and ongoing battle, between the Forces of Darkness and the Forces of Light. The whole story of human existence on this planet is no longer available in written form or records. That is the reason, why this information has been brought back down to the planet from the Akashic records, at this moment in time. We will go back in time, to show you the big picture, of how the human race came into existence. We will then come forward in time, correcting the altered and misinterpreted information, while filling in missing information. This is the time period when we are permitted to bring this knowledge back into the human race. There are those who are seeking truth, and for them, this information is what they have been looking for. The Truth Will Set Them Free. It will answer many important questions. There are others who will not understand or accept what is written in this book, and they will condemn it. In doing so, they will condemn themselves to repeat their past ancient history, all over again. We will explain human evolution, by viewing it from the Spiritual Side, instead of the physical side. We will be looking behind the scenes of events, to understand how they affected us. We will explain the spiritual side of human 2 strand DNA and show how it is the key factor, that controls the consciousness, health and evolution of the human race. You will come to
understand, why the human race lives in a world that is full of war and destruction, with great suffering as a normal way of life. We will then show how we can evolve and turn into another life form, called Lightbody. There are many on this planet, that have an inner feeling, that they are tired of life and have a deep desire to go Home. We will explain the transition to return Home and what it takes to make it happen. There is a tremendous amount of knowledge we could give. We have chosen to give only that which is necessary, in order to keep it simple and focused. When you read this book the first time, you will gain a great deal of knowledge. Read the book again. The knowledge is layered and you will learn more every time you read it. After you understand what is in this book, you will gain an ability. We will use an expression that you may have heard before. You will have the ability to read between the lines and to understand why things happen in life the way they do and their true purpose. You will also gain the ability to understand world events and the actions of those who are in all positions of authority. The information that has been given about DNA and Lightbody, is not a dream and it is not a science fiction story. It is truth that is happening now and it has already physically manifested in humans that are now living on this planet. The information in this book about DNA and Lightbody, is written from the actual experiences of two people that have already traveled this complete path. They have documented it as they evolved, so that others could know what to expect. This part of the book is an actual, accurate guide, to what is happening, as it actually happens. The evolution of human 2 strand DNA into12 strand and higher, is the future of the human race. You are now evolving, if you are ready or not, and the evolution will not and cannot not be stopped, until it is completed. This will all take place within a short time period of 26 years, that is happening now and the time is quickly running out. You will be part of this evolution, or you will be permanently separated from it. There will be No 2 strand DNA in the 4th dimension. The experiment with 2 strand DNA will end, at an event called the Dimensional Shift, which will happen at the end of this age. For those, who have doubts about DNA changing, be observant and you will see that Medical science is now beginning to discover the changes that we have described about DNA. This is a book of Knowledge. You are presented with facts and the necessary information to understand the facts. The information in this book, is not a smooth flowing story, it is not a
story book and it is not written to entertain you. The purpose is to awaken you, to realize that you are more than a human and why you are here on this planet. You are presented with direct knowledge that comes right to the point, without excess information. It is many pieces of different and separate information, which is put together, to give you a big picture of your past and the present, which will unfold in your mind. We will be skipping through time and the thought pattern will constantly change from different time periods and different events. We will also include necessary and helpful information as needed. You will read information that you may not understand at first. Then several pages later it will become clear. You must read the whole book in order to see the big picture and understand a greater truth that has been hidden from humans. This is not a book that you can read through one time and absorb all the information. As we previously stated, the information is layered and it will continually reveal itself to you the more you read it. For those who have a deep knowledge of the Bible, this information will open your eyes to a greater truth and understanding about God and the events of the Bible. You must read it with an open mind and a desire to understand. Do not try to judge the information in this book against the Bible. It will be an exercise in frustration and a waste of your time. Read to understand, since this information is from the Akashic Records, where all events that happened on this world, are recorded as they happened, including all the events that are recorded in the Bible and every other spiritual book ever written on this planet. This information from the Akashic Records cannot be altered or tampered with by man, or the Sons of Darkness. It can only be Accepted or Rejected by you. It is given in truth, as a gift, for all who search for the deeper knowledge of truth about their past and present. For those that apply themselves, you will also gain the ability to read between the lines in the bible and awaken to a greater understanding that has been totally hidden from you. There will be those who will condemn this book, since it will take away their power over you, once you understand the information within it. Realize that this book is a Book of Knowledge. It does Not belong to any faith, it is Not a belief system, it is Not condemning anything, it is Not starting any type of new belief system and it is Not asking anything from you. We have nothing to gain from it or you and you will come to realize this as you read the book. What you will gain from this book, is the awakening of your consciousness and you will regain the ability to take your spiritual power back, allowing you to take your phys-
ical power back and control your life, instead of life controlling you. It reveals several sources of knowledge, ancient, hidden, forgotten, lost and current knowledge that has been altered, misrepresented and misunderstood. It is a Gift to you, allowing you to see a greater truth that was hidden from you, by those who seek to control your life. You will find, that those who are into control over other peoples lives, those that possess authority, those that have something to lose in the way of power over others or financial gain, they will be the ones who will condemn, ridicule and try to discredit this book. Be aware of them, Know Thy Enemies, for they are your hidden enemies. There are others that have rigid belief systems and they cannot or will not accept anything outside of their chosen beliefs. For those with rigid belief systems, they will have to experience life all over again, learning the hard way. They will have failed to recognize their true purpose in life. For those who want more proof, you will receive it after your death. You will then be shown the proof of truth, in a way you cannot deny, when you have the privilege to read it yourself, in the Book Of Life. Then you will finally have your undeniable proof at last! Once you see that undeniable truth, it will be too late for you to use it, since you too will have failed to recognize your true purpose in life while you were still living. As always, you have the free choice to Accept or Reject this information. Choose Wisely! The last part of the information is how to grow in lightbody. It is beyond the maximum growth of DNA and it is a path that we all must take at some time, during our experiences in the lower dimensional worlds, if we wish to return to our original spiritual dimensional home. When you decide to take this path, is strictly up to you. You can do it now or100 million years from now. It is a free choice and this information is freely given for those that are ready to return home. At the latter part of the book, are a group of programs that will interest those that choose to make a difference in their spiritual life and enter lightbody. After you read the main text of the book, these programs will begin to make sense to you. These are the programs, that were used by those that have already attained lightbody. They are a direct personal connection to your Creator, which many refer to as God. When you use these programs, there will be no one between you and Creator. When you use them, you will connect directly to your Creator and grow spiritually as described in the book. The information is complete and is the same information that has already been
used by others to attain the spiritual state called lightbody. For anyone that will dedicate them self to using the programs daily and doing the necessary internal cleansing of the body, they can evolve into the 12th level of lightbody, in 18 to 24 months. Then you are ready to directly ascend to your spiritual home when the time comes. There is very little time left to play with the programs. You will need to apply yourself immediately and make it a daily way of life, or you will miss the only window of opportunity to ascend from this world. For all people living on this planet earth, this is your last opportunity in this age and this age is quickly coming to an end. Following these programs is information about food and internal cleansing of the body. The information given about internal cleansing, is what was used by those that have already evolved into lightbody. It has worked for them exceptionally well and is included with supporting information about toxic food elements that need to be eliminated from your daily diet. Realize that the same foods and physical conditions, which create sickness and disease, are the same ones that create a block to your spiritual growth. Know that everything in life is interconnected. Your physical life is actually your spiritual life. They are not separate and have never been separate. The only way you can separate them, is in your mind and this is a direct result of a lack of knowledge and awareness of what life is all about. This knowledge about food and internal cleansing is important to everyone, no matter what path you are on. We have added information on unknown facts and current events that are now having a direct affect on human life. These unknown facts are taken from the Akashic records and this will allow you to see current world events as they are seen from the spiritual realms. You will now see the other side of the story and hopefully realize, some things are not what they seem to be. Some of this information will be a great surprise to you. It will also reveal some hidden mysteries, current spiritual activity and answer some age old questions. This information is given as Unknown Facts. Unknown knowledge about current events has also been added at the end of this book since it is directly affecting your life today. You are also given a clear warning from the Spiritual Realm about an unseen irreversible disaster now unfolding. It will affect your future one way or another. The content of this book is knowledge. It will stretch your mind beyond what it is now. It is knowledge that will cause your consciousness to expand far beyond what it is now. You will learn in this book what consciousness is and you will come to
realize the value of knowledge and gain a new understanding of what life is all about. Once your consciousness is expanded, it will Not and Cannot go back to what it was before. This is a life changing book. We will be continually searching for truth from the Akashic records throughout the book. We will constantly mention we are getting this information from the Akashic records to remind you where this information comes from. Remember, these are your human experiences which you have already lived in the past and are now living today. These are not our personal opinions. We give the information from the Akashic records as it is given to us to be presented to you. We wish to make you aware of the knowledge In Chapter 9 , Internal cleansing. This chapter contains common knowledge which was pointed out to us to be included as necessary information for those preparing for Ascension in lightbody. There was also knowledge from the Akashic records added to it to complete the knowledge. All other knowledge is from the Akashic records. Enjoy the book, It Is A Gift, To You, From Creator. This gift is presented to you through the Descendants Of The Ancient Ones.
Chapter 1
This book is being written in order to explain the spiritual side of DNA. Very few realize that this is the next step in our evolution both physically and spiritually. On the physical side we will be able to experience healing from disease, eventually becoming disease free while also gaining a longer life span from 150 up to 950 years, which is the full potential of the human body. The spiritual change in consciousness is the driving force that is altering our DNA from 2 strand to 12 strand and beyond. This change will be verified by the medical researchers when it finally manifests itself fully in the physical body, allowing the changes to be seen by the electron microscope. At this moment in time the scientific medical establishment is about 10 to 12 years behind the DNA changes that have already happened. Within the next 8 to 9 years, all living humans on this planet will be 12 strand DNA. This change will not happen from medical breakthroughs, it is happening as a direct result of the consciousness level of humans going up. It is happening right now as you are reading this book, it has been happening for the last 19 years. This is the beginning of the human race entering into what is called the Christ Consciousness. This Christ Consciousness has Nothing to do with Christianity or the Christian Faith. This will be explained in the text. This change is happening now, this is the proper time, since this is the end of the age, not the end of the world. The world is not going to end. It will change dramatically from what it is now. The harvest that the bible speaks about at the end of the age has already begun. As the age ends, so also will 2 strand DNA end. Science and the medical profession are pushing forward as fast as possible to understand what is happening, trying to learn the science of gene manipulation, called genetic engineering, for the good of man, or so they say. Looking behind the genetic work being done, we already see that genetic research is being used for the wrong reasons, which is for financial profits, including the ultimate control of the human population. This has already happened in our past, mankind has forgotten, so it is possible that the lessons of the past will have to be learned all over again. This in itself will dramatically alter our lives affecting the quali-
ty of life that we can live. We now have cloning of animals without realizing the long term consequences of our actions, without allowing the time to see what will happen to the new creations. Our food supply is already seriously compromised by genetically altered seeds that have not been totally tested over a sufficient period of time to see and document the long term results. Serious damage to the food supply has already been done. The news of genetically modified children being born has already been revealed. The results of this experiment are not known. Will man repeat the mistakes of the past? Probably not to the degree that it has happened before, for the simple reason that time has almost run out for us in this age. The end of the age is here, now, with less than 8 years left. Man has totally forgotten that it was genetic experiments that have imprisoned us to an existence on this planet, affecting us to this day. That is the reason we keep going around on the wheel of incarnation. We are here until the lessons of the past have been recognized and learned. Lessons that are learned and forgotten, will again be repeated. The time is now to complete the events that have started more than 16,000 years ago. We are preparing to enter the Golden Age that was prophesied by many, thousands of years ago.
The past holds the key to the understanding of whom we are, why we are here. Only when we understand our ancient history are we able to make the changes that are necessary to complete our lessons so we can return home. Planet earth is not our true home. The completion of the lesson is simple, Matthew 18-3; I Assure You, Unless You Change And Become Like Little Children, You Will Not Enter The Kingdom Of God. This statement is profound, positive and clear beyond the shadows of doubt. This statement will be examined later in the text. This is the very reason that the earth has been blessed with the knowledge of DNA. The timing is perfect. Those who are ready can use this knowledge to heal themselves physically, extending their lifetime to 150 years or more. On the spiritual side we will gain enlightenment which is the Christ Consciousness, then move on into lightbody, become one with Universal Consciousness, then ascend and become once again what we were in our former existence, immortal spiritual beings.
you can remember. You already know it, but over time you have forgotten. Through the ages knowledge has been lost, hidden away and texts that are available have been misinterpreted and altered so that the true meanings are no longer understood. We will clarify the knowledge as much as needed to make it as understandable as possible. We will define the meaning of important words so it will mean the same to everyone. We may repeat information over in different parts of the text for the purpose of understanding. Statements will be made and there will be explanations of what they mean. The intent is to take scattered information, weaving it together in order to draw you the big picture, while filling in the missing pieces from the Akashic Records, so it will make sense to all who will read this. One word that we will define to start with is God. The word God is a very loose description that is used to describe many different beings at different time periods. It can be interpreted many different ways, causing the true meaning to be lost. When we are talking about the one true God, we will use the word Creator, identifying it as the Prime Creator, The Infinite Mind, The Source of All That Is, the God of all Gods. If you study the bible, in the English language, at the beginning of Genesis it is written, In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. This is the first error of which there are many thousands in the Bible. According to the original texts it says, In the beginning the Gods created the heavens and the earth. The word for God in the original texts is Elohim, which when correctly translated means, Many Gods. It should make you think, how many Gods? It changes the meaning in a dramatic way. This will give you something to think about. This is only one example why it is important to define terms and meanings. The word Consciousness is another word that you will hear continuously as you read through this book. We will explain it several ways since it is so important. Consciousness is an inner knowledge of a persons own true identity and an understanding of the situation they are involved in, or a groups identity and the situation they are involved in. Another way to explain it is, that consciousness is an inner knowledge by which you have an absolute and complete understanding of Knowing Who You Are, Knowing Where You Came From, Knowing How You Came Here, Knowing What You Are Doing Hear, Knowing How to Leave Here, Knowing Where You Are Going and Knowing How to Get There, without any doubts in your mind. To know who you are, we must go back to the forgotten past of what your existence was before this present life. To know where you came from, how
you came here and what you are doing here, we must go back in history to understand. To know how to leave here, where you are going and how to get there, you must understand your 2 strand DNA. The level of your consciousness is directly affected by the knowledge that you have, the understanding of that knowledge and the wisdom that you have gained from your understanding of that knowledge. We will also be talking about Universal Consciousness which we will define as the Consciousness of Creator, the Mind of Creator, which is also the consciousness of all of the universes, and called the Consciousness of the Cosmos. When we are connected to Universal Consciousness, we are connected directly to the Infinite Mind of Creator, we are one with Creator. In this state of consciousness we are open to all knowledge. If you are reading this book through human eyes, in a human body, you have broken your conscious connection with Creator. You are separate from Creator and you are now trying to learn about Creator, while struggling to understand all the confusing information about Creator. If you were connected to Universal Consciousness, you would have the knowledge that is in this book already within you, and you would fully remember it and understand it.
For those who believe that the bible is the only true word of God, we ask you to do this. Go to the bigger book stores and look at how many different versions of the English bible there are available. Now take twelve different bible versions and start comparing the same verse in each version. Continue doing this. For many people this will be a great surprise. After doing this, you will realize that there is a problem. You will start to understand that the English versions have very serious errors in translation from the original texts. Now, can you tell which one is the true word of God, or the more true or more correct version of God? You will find a very large amount of factual information is lost in translation. The original languages of the bible are Greek and Hebrew. When you study the Greek and Hebrew concordant in its original language, the errors become very obvious, the word God is only one example. In the English language there are no words to describe many words that are in the original language, so substitute words are used which dramatically change the original meaning. Many people do not know that the Master Teacher, Jesus the Christ, spoke in another language called Aramaic, which does not always have the same mean-
ing as the Greek or Hebrew language. This creates even more errors. Over many hundreds of years a belief system has grown based upon the errors in these translations. It has taken on a life of its own, spawning many new belief systems, especially over the last five hundred years. Publications by bible students claim there are more than 49,000 documented errors in translation in the original King James version, which is also the most popular bible published in the English language. The truth is, there are many more errors that are not even recognized. Another important question to ask is who said that the bible is the only true word of God? To answer this, you must go back to the time when the bible began its existence. The Bible as we know it today, did not exist in the time of Jesus the Christ. All the writings that existed at that time, were regarded as inspired writings from the Gods. They were all important, many coming to us from what we today call the prophets. The bible we know today had its beginning during the destruction of Jerusalem between 70 and 72 AD. With the destruction of Jerusalem, the Jewish people kept the books alive that were important to them during their captivity. This began the formation of the old testament. If you study it objectively, it becomes obvious how these books were related to their trials and tribulations. It is their past history. It is also noteworthy to know that all the books of the old testament were addressed to the Jewish people. None were addressed to the Christians. At the same time the early Christians looked on at the destruction of the Jewish nation, backing away from them, taking the books that were important to their new belief system, and assembling them into what eventually became the new testament. The Christians were very divided which is one of the reasons why the number of books in some bible versions, have more books in them than others. These books were called the Apocrypha, which are still controversial today. Many other texts were ignored and eventually forgotten about since they were not understood and so they were not considered important at the time. The books that the early Christians held as important to them, were the more recent writings of the words of Jesus the Christ, which was more understandable to them and formed the basis of their new belief system. The early Christians were also trying to separate themselves from the Jews, since the Jews were persecuting them, also fearing the destruction of Jerusalem could become their destruction as well. In this same time period many texts were put in hiding to preserve them for future generations. A quick note of interest to those who study biblical
Archaeology. This is also the time when many scrolls were hidden in caves near the Dead Sea to preserve them from destruction. This happened before the fall of Jerusalem. These scrolls belonged to a group called the Essenes that had a community in an area called Qumran, located in the north, north west corner of the Dead Sea, among the high cliffs. The ancient scrolls have been rediscovered in 1947, being given the name, The Dead Sea Scrolls. These Essenes were the pioneers who were healers from the light, who came here to begin to reestablish the light back on earth. The light that they came here to reestablish was the light (which is knowledge) of the Christ Consciousness. More will be discussed on this later in the book. It is also note worthy to know that there are only three gospels that can be said to be directed to the early Christians according to bible scholars, these were written by the apostle Paul. During these troubled times, the recent writings of the words of Jesus became very precious, eventually taking on a higher importance to later generations. As Christianity evolved, these writings evolved into books that became the center of the Christian belief system, They Were Eventually Declared By Man, NOT GOD, As The Only True Word Of God. The Akashic records record that it was man who declared this collection of books to be the only true word of God. Any person who will take the time, putting their efforts into researching this information with an open mind to learn and understand, can find these truths. This is recorded history in the Akashic records and this same recorded history is still available on the planet today.
There are many ancient texts that exist that man does not know about. The Dead Sea Scrolls are one such collection of texts. They are so controversial, that the Christian churches are the ones who have opposed their publication. These texts will rock and possibly shatter the very foundation that Christianity was built on once they are fully published. Another group of ancient texts that are not known are the texts of Enoch. This is the same Enoch mentioned in the book of Genesis as the one who walked the garden with God. Enoch left us fourteen books of which only four are in circulation, three are in the Saint Catherines Monastery, five are in the Vatican, with two still hidden away under a rock, waiting to be rediscovered. Two more books that are not widely known are The Forgotten Books of The Bible and Lost Books of The Bible. The same lessons and themes that are in the Bible to raise mans consciousness, directing
man to the way of salvation, are also found around the world in other books including the Koran, The Book of Mormon, The Vedas, The Bhagavad-Gita, The Kabbalah, The Teaching of the Native American Indians, The Teachings of the Law of One, and many more texts, books, and archeological information that are too numerous to mention. The Fact is that Everyone on this planet has access to the knowledge of Creator. Receiving Creators word no matter where you live in this world, no matter what nationality or race or ethnic group you are part of, We Are All One, All part of Creator. We are All Equal in the Eyes of Creator. We receive Creators words everywhere, always. If you think or believe that your faith or your spiritual religious group, your denomination or congregation is the only one true faith, with the only true word of God, you have fallen into the Deadly Trap of Spiritual Ego. Think about this! Do you remember what happened to Lucifer when he tried to raise himself above God? What do you think will happen to you, when you try to raise yourself and your beliefs above your brothers and sisters beliefs?
Today people believe that faith is frozen in time and is unchangeable. Many people believe that the prophets have stopped coming to earth since the time of Christ and this ended any new knowledge from God. The question should be asked, who or what is a prophet? A true prophet is an evolved spiritual being who has chosen to be born on this planet into a human body, in order to be a receiver of information from Creator. The information he or she receives will become a source of inspiration that can be guidance, chastisement, revelations, or anything else that is needed at that time for the good of that person or the people. These prophets (evolved spiritual beings) have been here during every century since the time of Christ. There are prophets here now, some are visible, although they are not recognized as prophets. Other prophets are living quiet lives so as to be invisible to the public eye. They are going about their work very quietly so it can be quickly accomplished, since we are now at the end of the age with no time to spare. Some of the ancient prophets became famous after their works were published, others were disregarded when the people could not understand what their words meant. All the inspired writings are valuable or they would not be here. Some were only to be understood in the last days of this age so that we would have the privilege to look back in time, hopefully, with a higher level
of consciousness so that we could see the big picture. The Biblical prophets that we know about today were connected to or part of the Jewish Race. It should make you wonder why there are no more Jewish Prophets. They stopped appearing after the final destruction of Israel, even though the Jewish Race is still here. Since they are referred to as the chosen race, does it seem strange that their God no longer sends them prophets to direct them, or has their God totally abandoned them for some reason? Were they really True Prophets from Creator, or were they prophets from one of the many Gods, The Elohim? We will answer these questions as we search in the past.
Its now time to ask the question. Why are you really here now on this planet? Have you ever devoted time to find the true answer? The answer to this question is in the past. It happened more than 16,000 years ago. The civilization it happened in was called Atlantis, you were there, you lived there creating the events that started what is now called the wheel of incarnation on earth. The events that happened in Atlantis are the reason why you are here now. To understand more fully, we will now define more terms and lay the thought pattern of understanding. If we ask you what kind of life form you are, the reply would most likely be, that I am a human being. The truth is that you are a spiritual being, experiencing what humanity is like. You are not totally human, only your body is, you are spirit. Your spirit is what is giving life to a human body, the body is only a shell, it belongs to the earth. When the spirit leaves, the body dies, decays and becomes part of the earth again. The bible says you are born of dust and into the dust you shall return. It is talking here only about the human shell, the body. This simple statement says two things. You are not human and the earth is not your home. When you die, your spirit becomes separate from the body and goes somewhere else. The bible states we were created in the image and likeness of God. This is true, we were created in the image of the Gods, the image is only the human form, the human body. Remember, only the human body was created to resemble the Gods. Now what about the other part of us, the spirit, the life force that animates the human body. This part of us is part of Creator. Creator does not have a human form. Creator is spirit. The human form is not spirit, it is physical, it belongs to the earth in the lower dimensions and it is of the humanoid form which contains five appendages, two arms, two legs and one head. Look at the
humanoid forms on this planet which are monkeys, apes, and big foot. All these living bodies are built in the same basic way. Now what is spirit? This is a very controversial question. In simple terms, spirit is conscious energy. It is like having a brain that is always alive without a body of any kind. Since there is no body to hold the brain, the brain can be as big as the universe, as big as all the universes. This is what Creator is. Creator is every where at the same time. A law of physics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be changed continually. In other words, the energy that is in the universe always was and will always be. Creators says, I Am the Light of The World. What is light? It is energy, it is knowledge. I Am That I Am, I Am The Alpha And The Omega, I Am The Beginning And The End. All these statements mean the same. They all say that Creator always existed. Creator is the conscious energy that fills the universes and all creation. We are All part of that Energy, we are All part of Creator. We (our individual spirits) are the energy that has left the Creative Source, in order to go out, experiencing creation, through all the universes, in all its beauty, while at the same time growing in consciousness. We, you and every other human, are spirit.
We ask you to remember the last time when you observed a fire in a fireplace, a campfire or any type of roaring fire. When the fire was burning, sparks would shoot out from the main part of the fire. Now visualize the main part of the fire as being Creator and visualize your spirit as one of the sparks that shot out from the fire. The main part of the fire is the source from where all the sparks come from. The spark was originally part of the main fire. It is the same as the main part of the fire, although it is now only a miniature part of the fire since it is now separate from the main fire. In the same way that the spark separated from the fire, by leaving the main part of the fire, we have separated from Creator. We are part of Creator, we are the same as Creator, we are a miniature piece of Creature. We are Creator. There are times when we separate from the Creative Source to experience something different. Sometimes we separate by choice and sometimes we do it by making a mistake. We always have a free choice to experience anything we want too in the unlimited creations in the universes. At this moment in time we are separated from Creator and our true home. Why did we separate?
Visualize This!
The separation of our spirit from Creator happened in a civilization called Atlantis. Atlantis was a very advanced civilization beyond what we are now. The normal life expectancy in this civilization was approximately 300 years. The low end of the life span was around 150 years while the high end of the life span was about 700 years. They had the knowledge of how to extend the normal life span by using the advanced technology of magnetics. This was done in the Temple of Rejuvenation. It was basically reserved for the rich and the powerful. They also had the knowledge of DNA and how to genetically modify humans and animals. As their knowledge grew their DNA experiments grew out of control. The intention to use DNA for the good of man changed. It became an experiment that turned against nature and humans. The experiment went totally out of control. There was a complete loss of ethics, morality, goals and purpose. The animals were genetically crossed so that an animal would have several body parts and features of other animals. There would be every kind of combination that man could think of. Then came the genetically modified combinations of animals and humans. Part human, part animal, of any combination possible. There were goat and horse bodies that had human heads, human bodies that had animal heads of goats, birds, etc. Humans were even mixed with fish. Does this sound like science fiction, or just absurd? This is truth and is recorded in the Akashic records. Why do you think there are carvings and drawings of part human and part animal in many cultures around the world? These drawings and carvings were records of the past events in Atlantis so that it would not be forgotten. This is ancient lost history. It was even recorded in Roman and Greek mythology. The genetic breeding in Atlantis continued for approximately 3,800 years. The human animals continually multiplied and were used as pets, for slaves and many other forms of entertainment. As this was happening a great many spiritual beings, while living in their spiritual form, were observing everything and were fascinated by the combinations, wondering what it would be like to experience the strange mix of emotions that these new creatures now had. On the spirit level they could sense great pleasure that was different from their own experiences. They wondered what would it be like to experience these feelings and they knew that by entering into the creatures bodies, they could experience these emotions completely. Now remember. These spiritual beings never had any experience inhabiting the consciousness of any
type of animals, creatures or any other forms of physical bodies. In other words, they never lived in any type of physical body, animal or humanoid. They were always pure spirit. They were true Spiritual Observers. They roamed the universes observing and enjoying creation to its fullest. These spiritual beings had the ability to instantly manifest whatever they desired. They had a very high vibrational frequency and the knowledge and ability to use it. They were connected to the mind of Creator which is what we call Universal Consciousness. So a very large group of these spiritual beings lowered their high vibration to the low vibration of these new creatures in order to enter into their physical bodies. Remember the word Vibration. It is very important. What happened, is that they lowered their vibration too quickly. Once their spirits entered into the creatures bodies, they took on the creatures low vibration, causing them to lose their consciousness and their connection to Creator. All these spirits became trapped and could not leave these bodies since the low vibrations of the creatures emotions mixed with the high vibrations of the spirits, causing their vibrations to drop to a low vibrational level. A level so low, that they could not remember their knowledge or abilities. They lost their memory of whom they were. They now took on the mixed consciousness of the creatures, which is a very low vibrational level. Remember, consciousness is a total knowing, a total awareness of who we are and the complete understanding of what we are doing. This type of consciousness only exists at a high vibrational level. A low vibrational animal consciousness (the consciousness of the new creatures) does not have a knowing of what it is. It has a consciousness that is guided by instinct for survival. These spiritual beings originally had the consciousness of Creator since they are part of Creator. When they entered into the animals, they lost the knowing of who they were and their connection with Creator, which was a total and permanent memory loss. This was a total loss of their universal consciousness. They only had the animal consciousness to guide them. Having no experience of living in this kind of low vibration bodies, they did not realize that they could become trapped in this type of animal consciousness. The spiritual beings made a mistake by one act. This Was The Fall. This Was The Beginning Of Original Sin.
We will now stop and make a distinction between spiritual beings, angelic beings and angels. There are an unlimited
number of specific groups of angels, angelic beings and spiritual beings. It is correct to say that many of us are angels and it is also correct to say that many are angelic beings. There are also many spiritual beings that are not angels or angelic beings. There are angels, archangels and numerous different legions of angels. There are guides who incarnate, Master guides that never incarnate and there are angelic guides. There are spiritual teachers, Master teachers and angelic teachers. There are Masters, ascended Masters, Master teachers and the list goes on and on. The meanings and relationships between all these groups are complicated and confusing. On the spiritual plane, the differences between all these groups is clear and precise. On the physical plane it is not, since this knowledge is not necessary to know here. On the physical plane (on the planet) the difference between these three different groups is only important to help us understand and clarify written texts. There are those that state that the Fall at Atlantis happened to angels. In other words it was an angelic fall. The truth is that there were angels, angelic beings and spiritual beings involved. It is correct to say, we are all spiritual beings, since we are all spirit. So we will state, that All that were involved in the fall at Atlantis, were All, spiritual beings. For the purpose of clarity in this text, we will refer to all spirits as spiritual beings, unless otherwise noted. The word angels have specific meanings as it is used on this planet and recorded in the bible. We will point out these different meanings. That is the reason why we stated that the fall at Atlantis was the Fall of the Spiritual Beings.
In the bible Jesus was asked by the pharisees what the problem with man was. His reply was Sin. Jesus spoke in the Aramaic language and his teachings were also in this language. The word Sin in Aramaic simply means Separation. That is exactly what happened in the fall. This is the event that caused the Original Sin, The Original Separation. The original separation was the event when Spiritual beings separated themselves from Creator by their own free will, their free choice to experience something different. This was a separation from Universal Consciousness. Did these spiritual beings disobey any of the laws of Creator? NO, They Did Not. There was no evil intent. They simply made a mistake based on ignorance that was due to lack of experience. They never had any experience entering and living in bodies of any type and they never experienced low vibrational emotions. It was a totally new experience. This is
Sin - Separation
where the mistranslation of the word Sin in the Bible caused many errors in truth directly affecting peoples physical and spiritual lives. Many people believe that sin is a transgression of Gods laws, not doing Gods will, not following or obeying the commandments. This is not the correct meaning. It never was. We ask the question, if you believe sin is a transgression of Gods law, which one of the Gods does this law belong to? Remember, the word God in the Bible is also an error in translation. It means many Gods. Give it some serious thought. Now keep in mind that the Original Fall (original sin which is separation) happened more than 12,000 years before Jesus walked the planet and the Bible was written. It also happened in the 4th dimension of Atlantis while Jesus walked the earth with humans in the 3rd dimension. Now we continue with ancient history. When the Fall happened there were many other spiritual beings watching what was happening. When they realized that the first group became trapped in the creatures bodies, causing their loss of consciousness, a plan was set into action. A second large group of spiritual beings decided to come down to the planet and take physical form in order to care for the creatures because they were being used and abused in so many ways. The second group would come down by lowering their vibrations very slowly in order to keep their consciousness as high as possible. They knew that they would also loose their consciousness eventually, with the same separation from Creator. They felt this was necessary since it was their spiritual brothers and sisters who were trapped and helpless. The difference is that the second group would come down into bodies that were of humanoid form. This way, they had the ability to physically care for as many of the creatures as possible. The consciousness of the spiritual beings from both groups was no longer connected to Creator. They were no longer pure spirit consciousness, at the same time they were not pure animal consciousness. The mixture of the two created a new form of consciousness that became a Separate Self Consciousness. In order for this new consciousness to survive, it took on the emotion of Selfishness, which allowed it to draw to itself everything that it would need for its own survival. This emotion would allow it to grow and preserve itself for that one lifetime (one incarnation). A separate self consciousness cannot survive without the emotion of selfishness. This was the birth of the Selfish, Separate Self Consciousness. This new form of consciousness was not in harmony with Creator or nature. It did not fit anywhere or have any
true purpose. It caused great disturbances on the planet that only got worse over time. It is very important to know this Original Sin (separation), is not the same event that happened to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The fall of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, due to Original Sin, is a False Teaching that has came form the Sons of Darkness. Adam and Eve never had a fall. We will explain this later in greater detail. We stated that the second group came down into bodies of the humanoid form. During this event there were no humans from the human race like ourselves living in Atlantis. The human race was created and only lived in the 3rd dimensional level while Atlantis was taking place in the 4th dimensional level. There is a total separation between these two levels. We will explain this later in the book more fully. In other words, there were never any pure humans in Atlantis. There were many races of humanoids living in Atlantis. They resembled humans in that they had a main body, two arms, two legs and a head with either male or female organs. Some of these humanoid races looked very much like our human race although there were many genetic differences. The second group of spiritual beings did not become immediately trapped like the first group. They were born into the different humanoid races that inhabited Atlantis. These humanoids had 12 strand DNA and higher and were connected to the Christ Consciousness. Since they were not connected to Universal Consciousness, the spiritual beings of the second group eventually lost their high vibration, by becoming exposed to all the low vibration emotions that were part of this society. Some of the second group had experience living in humanoid forms and some did not. As they became more involved with low vibrational emotions, they created karma that required them to return to this experience over and over in many lifetimes. The karma they created, trapped the second group in the 4th dimensional experience, just like the first group. Now everyone was trapped on the wheel of incarnation.
As the consciousness of the second group evolved, it picked up many new emotions. Every emotion carries a different vibration. The new emotions that were picked up were fear, judgment, hate, anger, revenge, pride, ego, selfishness, etc. The list just kept growing. Many of the spiritual beings never had these
kinds of emotions to contend with before, since they were always very high vibrational spirits. These new emotions were all low vibrations and the only way to learn about them was to directly experience them. Once they experienced them, it was a real challenge to try to control them. As these low vibrations grew stronger, most of those who came in with the second group lost all their conscious connection with Creator. Now the beginning of the Christ Consciousness became their total guidance while living on the planet. Those that still had a partial connection with Creator held on to their knowledge and were able to keep that partial connection and grow back to a greater knowing of who they were. This second group of spiritual beings eventually split with some following the Christ Consciousness and others turning away from it. This led to great conflicts in Atlantis politically, socially and spiritually. Over time, those that turned away from the Christ Consciousness, became known as the Sons of Darkness (they were in a spiritual state of darkness, which is the absence of spiritual knowledge). They also fell under the influence of a Satanic being called Belial, becoming known as the Sons of Belial. They became devoted to gaining personal power and the pleasures it provided. Those that followed the way of the Christ Consciousness, became known as the Sons of Light, (they kept the spiritual knowledge alive, knowledge is light). It is from this time period that began, what is now called the Battle between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness. This spiritual battle has gone on continuously on planet earth since it began. It became so intense that the light on the planet could not be seen for thousands of years. There was always a presence of the Sons of Light who held the knowledge and preserved it to this day. This battle is still going on today. Pay attention to what is happening in Israel. The last battle will be fought there, it can be an all out war or it can be a peaceful ending. This battle in Israel will not go away. It must be brought to completion. Know this, as Israel lives, so lives the world. If Israel is forced into war, it will pull the world along with it. If it lives in peace, the world will live in peace. Remember, you are directly involved in this war. You created it because of the Original Fall (original sin) that you were involved in. You are either on the side of the Sons of Light, or on the side of the Sons of Darkness. It is not a fight between Jews and Arabs. It is a spiritual battle between the Forces of Light (Sons of Light) and the Forces of Darkness (Sons of Darkness) that is being played out in the bodies of Jews and Arabs. If there was ever a need to pray to Creator for peace, this is it.
We stated that you are involved in this war since you created it. The way you created it was when you decided to separate from Creator to experience the emotions of the genetically modified creatures. Once you made that choice, you became subject to the influence of the Dark Forces, since they are the ones who give you the privilege to experience these emotions. Now you must decide how you will handle these emotions. That is the true essence of the last battle that is going on in Israel today. Once you understand emotions, you will come to realize 3 emotions are necessary to bring peace. The emotions are Unconditional Forgiveness, Love and Compassion. Once you understand the true meanings of these emotions as they are viewed from the spiritual realm, you will be able to gain an understanding of the conflict and how the past trials and hardships of these two nations are forcing them to play with these emotions. They must begin to practice these emotions or there will never be peace. We will discuss these emotions later. This last battle that we mentioned is not the Battle of Armageddon. Todays teachings of the Battle of Armageddon are all false teachings that were started by the Sons of Darkness, which we will point out in this book. Have you ever wondered what group you were part of during the fall of the spiritual beings, the first or the second? There was only a very small number that held onto their conscious connection to Creator from the second group. All the rest of the second group and all of the first group fell into spiritual darkness and total separation from universal consciousness. Practically all the spirits that were part of the Original Fall are on the earth at this time living in human bodies. None of the spiritual beings from the first group have gained back universal consciousness at this time. A very small number of spiritual beings that were from the second group have already gained back universal consciousness and left the planet. There is no reason for them to return. The number of this group is extremely small. Approximately 200. Out of this small number, there is a handful of them that have returned again and again for the sole purpose of helping the others to accomplish the same thing, which is completing their lessons so that they can also get off the wheel of incarnation and return to their former state of existence in the higher dimensions. The love they have for their sisters and brothers is so great that some of these ascended beings have returned many times. There are at this time ascended Master teachers on the planet in human bodies. They have come to help the fallen ones awaken their consciousness
Atlantis was already a decaying civilization before the fall of the spiritual beings. It was deeply divided, spiritually and politically. These divisions were spread into other areas of society as well. This civilization had a very advanced knowledge of generating their power from crystals. This form of power satisfied their needs and it was in harmony with nature. As Atlantis fell deeper into decay, remaining in harmony with nature was no longer important. The attitude that they followed about genetic engineering was the same type of attitude they had about working with heat energy. The attitude was, lets see if we can do it and worry about the consequences later. They were exercising their individual personal power, working for their own personal gain instead of working for the good of the all. They had the ability to genetically modify or create any type of living human animal being, so they did it, just because they could. This attitude was driven by ego and arrogance, not in harmony with nature or Creator. During the same time period that the genetic experiments were taking place, the Atlantians were experimenting with heat energy and the greatest source of heat was molten lava. They began using the power of crystals to drill down through the earths crusts in order to tap into this heat source that was deep inside the earth. The experiments began creating seismic activity and over time, it was beginning to weaken the earths crusts. There were many of these holes in different parts of the world, so the damage that was being done was wide spread. They knew that they were creating a potential for disaster. Regardless of the consequences, this did not stop the progress. Finally the damage reached a point where it could not be reversed. Then a magnetic pole shift happened at this time. The earth erupted in destructive earthquakes and volcanoes that totally devastated everything on the surface of the planet, destroying the continent of Atlantis, including the surrounding islands and the culture with its advanced technology. The genetically modified human animals died as well as many of the Sons of Darkness. A very small group of the Sons of Light left Atlantis before the final destruction, so as to preserve the knowledge of Universal Consciousness in other parts of the world. The greatest majority of physical life in the 4th dimension died. The fallen spiritual beings were freed from the bodies of the human animals, those who followed the Sons of Darkness and the inhabitants of Atlantis, were also freed from their phys-
ical bodies. Now all those who died at the pole shift were trapped on what is called the Wheel of Incarnation. Since they created so much karma and were separated from Creator, they now had to be born again, over and over until they learned to Master all the emotions that created the karma. They would have to work their way back to their original physical and spiritual home, the slow way. There was only one place to be born back into, the human race in the 3rd dimension, in order to experience the karma they created. For now, they were all trapped in what is called the Astral Realms, which are lower dimensional realms of spiritual existence that are connected to the dimensional levels of every planet. After the destruction was over, the earths rotation changed from 360 days a year to 365.25 days a year. Life on earth during the time of Atlantis was in the 4th dimension, after the destruction was over, it dropped down to the 3rd dimension, which is where we are now. This dimensional shift is also the reason that archaeologists cannot find the remains of Atlantis. The remains are still there in the 4th dimension, while we are here in the 3rd dimension. When a pole shift happens, the level of consciousness which is on the planet at that time, has a direct relationship with it. If the consciousness level is high, which means we are in harmony with Creator and are living in tune with nature, there will be very little change or destruction. When the consciousness level is lower, there will be earth changes. Realize that earth changes are directly tied to the world human consciousness, not ancient prophecies. Ancient prophecies are only possibilities that can likely happen and it is human consciousness that will bring them into actual physical reality. During the time of Atlantis the consciousness level was very low, it was out of harmony with Creator and nature. The natural order of the humanoid and animal world was altered by genetic engineering. What made it worse, was that it was helped along by fallen Spiritual Beings, whose consciousness was not connected with Creator or nature. They created a Separate Self Consciousness. The damage to the earths crust was the final damaging act. Those living on the earth at that time sealed their own fate which was almost total destruction.
Besides the Sons of Light that survived in other parts of the world, there was also a remnant of the Atlantians that were of the higher consciousness. This group survived by building cities under the ocean. A total of sixty-two under the sea domed cities
were built in anticipation of the destruction of Atlantis. Some of these were destroyed during the pole shift. Others were also destroyed in separate mishaps. Today there are still thirty-four of these domed cities still active under the ocean, with a remnant of the survivors of Atlantis still living there. This remnant is alive and well today, still living in the domed cities under the sea, in the 4th dimension.
Another fact that many people are no longer aware of, is this planet earth we live on, is not a big dead rock traveling through space. In the same way that you are a spirit living in a human body, this planet earth is also a body for a spirit. The spirit that is in the body of this earth is commonly called Gaia. It is a spirit that has a feminine trait. That is why the earth is referred to as mother earth. The only difference between mother earth and a human body is that the earth is a lot bigger body that has a different type of spirit in it. Make a mental note of this in your mind. When Jesus walked the earth he gave us only one commandment, Love One Another As I Have Loved You. Many people think that Jesus was saying that we must love our fellow man. That is only half the truth. Jesus was actually telling us to Love One Another on the spiritual level. He was not addressing the human shell of the body, Jesus was addressing the spiritual beings that are inside the human shell. The human shell does not have emotions, the human shell cannot love, it is the spirit that is inside the human shell that loves. When Jesus said to love one another, He was talking to our spirit. He told us to love the spirit that is in every human. Love the spirit that is in the earth, love the spirit that is in every animal, love the spirit in every tree and love the spirit that is in every living thing in nature. We are all spirit, we are All One, we are all part of Creator. Love is allowing all things to exist in harmony. This is what it means to Love One Another. Those who were living during the time of Atlantis did not practice love toward Gaia (mother earth), the animal kingdom, nature or even among themselves. The first experiences of the fallen spiritual beings of living in physical bodies was definitely a total disaster. They fell into and became trapped in a civilization that had already stopped practicing love. This is a lesson of what happens to our spirits when we are disconnected from Universal Consciousness. The first emotion that the fallen beings experienced was fear, when they realized they were trapped. Immediately after that it was deep shame, realizing they made
a bad mistake. Then selfishness overwhelmed them in order to survive in this experience. They now had to survive by their own efforts. This is not what they were expecting to feel, they did not anticipate these kinds of emotions.
During the time of Atlantis the spirit of earth, called Gaia, became very troubled with the decay of a whole civilization. It was affecting everything, the nature kingdom, the animals, the consciousness of humanoids, humans and the destructions of the earths mantle. Since Gaia was of a feminine vibration, she nurtured everything that was on the planet. Everything that was on the planet was actually living on the surface of her body. Remember. The planet earth is a body for her spirit. When drilling started to tap the molten lave in the earth, this caused severe pain and damage to her body which created more stress on her spirit. These holes were like very deep puncture wounds that were left open. The mantle of the earth was severely weakened, creating seismic disturbances, including volcanic eruptions. These drilled holes were like open volcanoes that could not be controlled. The time finally came when the planet would have a pole shift. The consciousness was now very low. The damage to the body of Gaia was so extensive, that a tremendous change took place on the planet surface. When this pole shift happened Gaia was very upset. She was let down by humanoids. Grief stricken, her spirit was broken. During the pole shift, the surface changes on the planet (her body) were so massive that she went into a coma. When a human being suffers extensive, severe injuries, the body shuts down its activities in order to heal itself. The spirit or consciousness of that person will often temporarily leave the body causing it to go into a coma and the spirit will drift in and out of that coma. This is exactly what happened to Gaia. She went into a deep coma, a deep sleep, drifting in and out of that coma for about 13,000 years, not ever being fully awake. This time was needed to heal her broken spirit. The day of being fully awakened occurred when the French Government set off six nuclear bombs near Tahiti in 1995 and 1996. They intended to set off eight nuclear bombs. After the sixth, she was now totally awakened. The other two nuclear bombs were not detonated. A spiritual being appeared to those who were monitoring the nuclear explosions, giving them a warning of severe consequences. The nuclear testing stopped. The hidden reason for the nuclear testing was that this was actually an attempt by the Sons of Darkness to
destroy the Christ Conscious grid which extends through the earth. This attempt failed. Gaia is now gaining her strength back and will be working with humans so we can make the shift into the 4th dimension.
We will now stop and step back much further in time to explain the death and rebirth of planet earth and the changing of the spirits that lived within it. This is necessary to gain a greater understanding of truth about the book of Genesis in the Bible. Another event, which is important to know, happened more than 5.5 million years ago. At that point in time a large planet entered our solar system for the first time from the deep regions of outer space. When this planet entered our solar system it came into it in a clockwise direction. All the planets of this solar system orbit the sun in a counter clockwise direction. What happened was that the path of this new planet, called Nibiru (also called Marduk) entered this solar system coming into it in a clockwise direction, crossing the orbit of planet earth on a collision course. When they came close together, one of the moons of Nibiru collided with planet earth splitting it in two. At this time the spirit that lived in the shell of planet earth was called Tiamat. Now that Her body (planet earth) was broken in two, the spirit of Tiamat left her dead body (planet earth), the same way that our spirit will leave the human body we are in when it dies. Half of the planet was knocked into a new orbit which is the orbit that planet earth is in now. It is from this point in time, that the Genesis of the Bible begins. This half of the planet was reshaped into a new planet earth that was to become the new body (shell) for the spirit of Gaia to live in. The Biblical seven days of creation is the entering of the spirit of Gaia into the planet and bringing it back to life. This is the story of her birth into the planet earth and the rebirth of planet earth. When the planet Nibiru came around on its second orbit, it smashed into the other half of planet earth, breaking it apart and forming what is today called the Asteroid belt. This planet Nibiru was now captured by the suns gravitational pull and became a permanent part of this solar system. It orbits the sun once every 3,600 years. In 1979 it was rediscovered by NASA by research and study of ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, and Mesopotamia texts, that are thousands of years old. These are also the same texts that the Genesis of the Bible is edited from.
We will also give information from the Akashic records about the Moon that orbits the earth. Realize the moon that is orbiting the earth today is not the same moon that was here 5.5 million years ago. The moon at that time was a small living planet that was occupied by the spirit called Kingu, which brought the planet surface to life. It was alive and it was habitable just like the planet earth is. Thats what the moon was like that orbited the earth over 5.5 million years ago. Once the earth was split in two pieces and separating, the planet (moon) was no longer held in place by the gravity of the earth. It lost its orbit. The planet (moon) had nothing to rotate around and drifted off. The spirit that was in the body of the planet (moon) at that time gave up its desire to live, since it lost its life connection to the earth. The spirit departed the planet (moon) and left. Without a life force within the planet (moon) to sustain it, the body of the planet (moon) died and became a dead planet (moon). Gravitational forces eventually broke the body of the planet (moon) apart in many pieces. They were 5 larger pieces, 3 smaller pieces and many smaller insignificant pieces. The larger and smaller pieces became caught up by the suns gravitational pull and the influences of the planets gravitational pull. These 8 pieces became periodic asteroids or comets that continually visit the inner solar system on different orbits and at different times. Halleys Comet is one of these pieces. After the spirit of Gaia entered into the half of the earth that survived, it started to reshape the earth body into a round planet and eventually bring it back to life. As we mentioned, this is the beginning of the story of the 7 Days of Creation recorded in the bible. After the planet was reshaped into a round planet and the land became stable, life started to return to the surface of the earth. The planet had the potential of becoming suitable for humanoid life. A very advanced race took notice of the changes that were happening to the planet. They observed there was a problem with the activities of the water. This race knew the problem was the absence of a rotating moon around this water planet. They went outside of the Milky Way Galaxy into deep space and located a small dead planet of the proper size that was floating around with no purpose. There was no spirit in this planet at that time. They brought this dead planet into this solar system and put it into orbit around the earth to become its new moon. This created the needed activities with the water creating tides and the necessary conditions for water
Our Moon
creatures, fish, mammals and sea life to flourish. The dead moon was then used as an observation platform to watch the changes on the earth take place. Once the planet became stable and habitable, this advanced race then seeded the planet with humanoid life that became its first civilization. This new moon also served as an observation place from which the new humanoid life forms were observed by advanced races to watch their progress. There are different races that now come to visit the moon for the purpose of mining its elements and to observe the life of the human race on earth. This moon we now have is still a dead body and no spirit has attempted to enter it or dwell in it. This new moon is approximately the same size as the old moon was. Know that in the past, the planet earth has already supported five different humanoid civilizations which have evolved and ascended off this planet from the 3rd dimension. The human race is the sixth civilization to live on this planet.
There are spiritually awake people who are familiar with the Akashic records. These are records of every event that has ever happened on this planet. The records also record the information of every life form, every single human, humanoid and spirit that ever lived on this planet since its original creation. One of the great mysteries is why the Akashic records only go back 5.5 million years. The reason is that the spirit of Gaia has only lived in this earth body for around 5.5 million years. These records are all for the time period that she has lived in the body of earth. If you wish to access the records before this time period, you will have to access the records for the time that the spirit of Tiamat lived in the body of the earth. She lived in the earth body before Gaia for close to 50 million years. During the latter part of her life the earth was a water planet. The spirit that lives in the body of the Sun is called Apsu. Apsu and Tiamat are soul mates. If you wish to learn about the time before Apsu and Tiamat, you have to access the records of the spirit of Safrin, who lived in the earth body before Tiamat for around 60 million years. During her life span the spirit that lived in the body of the Sun was Agis. Know that Agis and Safrin are soul mates. These two spirits originally birthed this little solar system over 2 1/2 billion years ago. There are those who will find this information interesting. When Agis and Safrin left this solar system, they left together allowing Apsu and Tiamat to come in together to replace them.
Then Tiamat was forced to leave the body of earth when she was struck by a moon from the planet Nibiru when it made its first orbit in this solar system. Her life in the body of earth was cut short forcing her to leave her soul mate. Apsu stayed since his journey was not finished. The journey of Apsu is now ending and he is preparing to leave. The spirit that will take over the body of the Sun is the soul mate of Gaia, who is anxiously awaiting his arrival. When the switching of the two spirits takes place in the sun, there will not be any noticeable difference to the average person. Those who will notice a difference in the suns activity will be astronomers, scientists and physicists. For those who have doubts about the Akahic records, search in the bible. Job and John both make reference to the records in the heavens. Even NASA believed it to the point that they have developed the technology to access the records. They are located in the Van Allen belt that surrounds the earth. The reason NASA is so interested is they know there is going to be a pole shift, probably at the end of, or just past the end of this decade. They are trying to preserve the records of humanity so they will not be lost again similar to the missing information of 5.5 million years ago. Be aware. No information is ever lost. No one knows how to access this information. It must be accessed in a different way. If you want to access the records of this time period, all the way back to 5.5 million years, understand that all these events happened to the earth body (shell) while Gaia was living in it. These are her personal records, so you have to access the personal records of Gaia. If you wish to access information for the 50 million years before Gaia, you must access the personal records of Tiamat. If you wish to access the information for the 60 million years before Tiamat, you must access the personal records of Safrin. Now do not think you can just have access to another spirits records. The Akashic Lords, the ones who have control over the records, will not allow this to happen. There are sealed records and there are open records. The records of Tiamat, Safrin and Agis are sealed. You will have to have a spiritual connection to these planetary spirits with a very good reason why you want to see their personal records. Also, you must have the spirits personal permission and the approval of the Akashic Lords. This is a process and takes time. The open records of Gaia and Apsu can be accessed through the Akashic Lords. Their sealed records require the same process as other sealed records. The records that are not sealed are more easily accessed if your reasons are valid and accepted by the Akashic Lords.
For those who believe that the Bible is the only word of God, you might be surprised to learn that the word of God is written in other ancient texts. Also, the Bible is not the only record of the story of Creation. There are two complete versions of creation in two different ancient cultures that both say the same, the Shumerian and the Mesopotamia texts. These texts existed several thousand years before the time of Moses, before the Bible came into existence. The story of Genesis is contained within these texts. When you study the texts you will find that the story of Creation can be edited from them. What this means is that Genesis is an incomplete version, only a part of the full story. Think about this for a moment. If the inspired word of God is only in the Bible, of which Genesis is a part of the Bible, and this inspired work of Genesis is also in the Shumerian and Mesopotamia texts, why are people afraid to admit that these ancient texts are also the inspired words of God? This knowledge was given to the ancient civilizations to be passed on to the following generations so that man would have a record of his past. These texts contain the full meaning of these words (In the Beginning, God Created The Heaven And The Earth). Remember in the original translation, the word God is not single, it is more than one, it is many. The texts are very clear about this. Now you must also ask the question, which Gods gave us this knowledge? It was the Nefilim Gods who gave this knowledge to man. The genetic creators of the human race. For those who say that the Bible is the only inspired word of God, we ask this question. How can you edit something out of another work and call only the edited part inspired by God? Why was it edited in the first place from another ancient text and why was the rest of the text ignored? You must also ask, who edited Genesis out of these ancient texts? You may be thinking that these are leading questions based on a presumption. You are right on the leading, although it is not a presumption. It is recorded history in the Akashic records.
To the surprise of most people, Genesis was edited by Moses out of the ancient Shumerian and Mesopotamia texts. When he led the Jewish slaves out of Egypt, it was under the direction and power of the Nefilim Gods. In order to make a nation out of these people they were given the Law of the Ten Commandments. They were also given the first part of the book of Genesis which is the primeval history of early mankind and creation. Moses
had access to many of the ancient texts so that they were familiar to him. Moses was then instructed by the Nefilim Gods to edit out of the ancient texts what would become the beginning of Genesis. The purpose was to make the ancient history of man easy to understand to a people that were totally uneducated. It was necessary to eliminate all information that would confuse the people, leaving only what was essential, according to the wishes of the Gods. This new Jewish nation needed to have a basic understanding of life the way the Gods wanted them to view it. This would give the people a core knowledge that the Gods would build on in order to direct this nation to do the will of the Gods. It was also meant to make these people dependent upon the Gods for theyre very life and their continued existence. It was the Nefilim Gods who directed Moses to alter the Nefilims original texts of the history of man. Moses being an upright man obeyed the commands of the Gods he believed in. Another reason for altering the texts and simplifying them is that the human race was entering a period when their consciousness was very low. This made it extremely hard for humans to understand and retain knowledge. We will explain this later when we talk about the Kali Yuga. After Genesis was written, the ancient texts were forgotten about for more than 2 thousand years. In the last century these ancient texts are again being studied, creating much confusion, while at the same time awakening man to the ancient truth about himself. In the Bible in Psalm130, it is written, (the entering of thy words gives light; it gives understanding unto the simple). The word simple, refereed to the low consciousness of the human mind. Remember. Knowledge is power, knowledge is light and it lights up the darkness of mans past and reminds him who he is, what truth is. Genesis is only telling us half the truth. Take away the knowledge from people and you take away their power. You might ask why is the ancient knowledge still being hidden and denied today? The Nefilim are no longer here. They left us our history in several civilizations and we have the choice of learning about ourselves or ignoring the knowledge. Be aware that the Sons of Darkness (followers of Satan) are always here and they are now using these altered texts to gain power over man, just like the Nefilim did to the Jewish nation when they were on earth. They are also working to keep the information out of circulation and confusing what information has been published. This is the on going battle between the Sons of Darkness and the Sons of Light. It would be a major defeat to the
Sons of Darkness if this knowledge was published, understood and accepted. It is time to wake up to the fact that knowledge is being manipulated, altered, hidden, destroyed and the true meanings changed, so that man is trapped in his own ignorance and is being led by the forces of darkness who are in human form in positions of authority and power today. This is the battle between the Sons of Darkness and the Sons of Light happening in front of youre very eyes. Pay attention to the hidden battle that is going on to stop the printing of the Dead Sea Scrolls. It is going on quietly, behind closed doors, led by the Christian denominations. If the Dead Sea Scrolls ever become fully printed, this knowledge will shatter the foundation Christianity was built on. Today very few people are searching for knowledge about their past. Very few question their present belief system since most people are comfortable with what they believe, especially when they believe they know the truth. Once a person believes they know everything about a subject, they have great difficulty accepting or learning there is higher knowledge beyond what they know and believe.
We now return to how life was after the destruction of Atlantis. The world was different in many ways. The earth was cleansed from the genetically modified human animals, the many deep holes that were drilled down to the earths molten lavas were covered over or filled in. Continents changed shape, land sank beneath the oceans, while new land rose from beneath the oceans. Rotation of the earths orbit changed, resulting in a 365 and a quarter day year from the original 360 day year. The people that were living on the planet in the 4th dimension that survived, dropped from the 4th, down to the 3rd dimension. The spirit of earth, Gaia, dropped into a coma like deep sleep from a broken spirit. There was a massive loss of humanoid and animal life in the 4th dimension and a loss of human and animal life in the 3rd dimension. Even with this great loss of life, there was still approximately 1,600,000 survivors. The loss of life meant that there were not enough bodies for the spiritual beings to be born back into. This quickly changed as the survivors from Atlantis and the human race joined together into groups that evolved and started reproducing into a new human race. This is the beginning of the worlds many nationalities. Now the work of bringing the consciousness of the fallen spiritual beings back up to the consciousness of
World Changes
Creator could truly begin. It is important to understand that if you were part of the first group, that were from the original fall, or part of the second group that came to help the fallen ones, or those who fell from Atlantis, does not really matter. Once you are born on this planet, in this reality, your vibration is now 3rd dimensional. You are locked into this reality in a human body, with only 2 strand DNA, which has a Separate Self consciousness and is not part of the Universal Consciousness of Creator or the Christ Consciousness. This Separate Self consciousness must evolve to the point that it can recognize what it truly is, a total separation from the Universal and Christ Consciousness. There are now many more spiritual beings here who are not part of the first or second group from Atlantis. These spiritual beings have come from other planets and races. They are from within the Milky way galaxy, from other galaxys in this universe and outside of this universe from many other universes. All came here to the earth for the privilege to enter into human form. Some have come in the last several thousand years while others in only the last several hundred years to experience the spiritual lessons that can be learned in a world of duality. Duality meaning opposites such as light and dark, hot and cold, good and evil, love and hate, happiness and sorrow, health and sickness, forgiveness and judgement, oneness and separation, etc. There are those who came here to experience the upcoming dimensional shift from the 3rd to the 4th dimension. Then there are those who are here to explore planet earths genetic library for the purpose of genetic research to save their dying races and others to speed up the evolution of their races through genetic changes. Many of the new comers in the last several hundred years are here to become masters of their emotions so they can return to their original spiritual homes during the dimensional shift. If you are now on the planet in a human body, regardless of who you are or why you are here, there is only one way to leave the 3rd dimension of this planet. You must become a master of your emotions. Those who want to directly return to the higher dimensional spiritual realms must become a master of their emotions, clear and release all 3rd dimensional emotions, then connect back up too Universal Consciousness through a process called Lightbody. There is no other way. We will explain this process in detail later in the book. The next step of the plan to raise the consciousness of spiritual beings up to what they were before the fall, is the necessity of these beings to come back into the human body many times in short lifetimes, in as many different situations as needed, in
order to have the opportunity to experience the full range of all 3rd dimensional emotions. This is called the Wheel of Incarnation. Once you step into it (which is every person who is on the planet), you cannot permanently leave until you have experienced all emotions, and learned the lessons that these emotions were part of. The wheel of incarnation is a continuous cycle of being born through birth into a human body, experiencing life with emotions and lessons, then leaving through death, back into the astral realms to await another turn of the birth and death cycle. Birth and death are just two revolving doors. You enter through birth into a human body on earth, then exit that body from the earth through death. Remember that your spirit never dies, it only lives in the human body for a preset time period. When this time is completed, the body dies, going back to where it came from, the dust of the earth. We will briefly mention that when the humans and the survivors of Atlantis joined together and mated, creating offspring, this combination of genetics started reverting to the 2 strand DNA of humans by the 3rd generation. This is what eventually created the short lifetimes that were necessary, in order to have many more lifetimes to live. This made it possible to completely experience emotions to their fullest. Know that those who fell from Atlantis had 12 strand DNA and higher. In order to maintain the minimum of 12 strands of DNA in their offspring, both the man and woman needed to be 12 strand. If one partner was 12 strand and the other 2 strand, the resulting mixture would drop down to 2 strand since the higher level of 12 strand was not supported and renewed by the lower level of 2 strand. The mixing of all the humans and all those who fell from Atlantis, was completed within 1,000 years after the flood. After 1,000 years, the average lifetime of the greatest majority of the new mixture of the human race, ranged from 40 years to 60 years old, with a small percentage around 100 years old. There was an even smaller percentage that lived between 100 and 300 years old. This group also dropped to the shorter lifetimes over the next 500 years. After 1,500 years there was a small number which lived up to 120 years old and this age was only reached by 2% of the total world population. There was also a very small number out of this group which lived beyond 120 years old. At this point in time, all the 12 strand DNA and higher from the survivors of Atlantis, dropped down to the 2 strand DNA of the human race. All people in the 3rd dimension on planet earth, were now 2 strand DNA.
Mans consciousness is so low, his knowledge so little, that he has been led to believe that he has only one life to live. If you accept this false teaching that was started by the Sons of Darkness, you open yourself up to be totally controlled by them or others and you will be living a life of spiritual or physical slavery, or maybe both at the same time. It is interesting to know that around 85% of the worlds population believes in life after death. These same people do not believe in a before life, which is life before this one, since most have no knowledge or understanding of where they came from or how they got here. It is still a mystery to most people. All the major religions of the world believe in reincarnation except for the Christian religions. Have you ever wondered why Christianity is the only one that is different. If you question the churchs teachings, the answers that you receive will be many while some of the answers will amaze you. The hidden truth is this. In the year 325 AD the early leaders of the new Christian movement gathered together and held a council meeting called the Council of Niece. During this council the teachings and beliefs on Reincarnation were brought up, discussed, voted on, with the result that all information of Reincarnation was totally eliminated from church doctrine permanently. The early church did not have enough control over the people that were in it. So by eliminating all the teachings and beliefs about Reincarnation, the early church set into motion a way to control its followers. It was the early Christian church leaders that voted to eliminate all the information on Reincarnation at the Council of Niece. They then declared Reincarnation was not true. This was man declaring his own doctrine so that some men could have absolute power over other men. This was the work of the Sons of Darkness who where in the early Christian church. Think about this. The people at this point in time, early Christians, were mostly uneducated with no access to any written material. The printing press was not yet invented. All documents were hand written, on very fragile paper. These documents were in the possession of only the educated elite, those who could read, of which there were few. When the church leaders or those in authority spoke, who was smart enough to know if they were being told the truth or not? The uneducated people blindly accepted what was told to them by the educated, those who they trusted to teach them the word of God. The new church teachings were simple. You have only one life to live. If you live a good life the way the church tells you too, you go to heaven. If you live a bad life, according to what the church
calls bad, you will go to hell and burn there forever. If you were half good and half bad, you will go to purgatory and stay there until you have worked off all the bad, then you will go to heaven. Could you imagine a loving Creator sending part of its own creations to burn forever? Does that sound like love, compassion or forgiveness to you? The early church now had a way to gain total control over peoples lives. People lived in fear of going to hell forever, they only had one life to live and they had to live it right, there was no second chance. They became spiritual and physical slaves of the church. They never learned true love. It was overshadowed by fear. Another interesting word, is the word Forever. The word forever does not exist in the Greek or Hebrew language. It is an error in translation. The original word is Eon, and the correct translation is A Period of Time, or an Age. The common English translation of Eon is forever, or forever and ever, which completely changes the original meanings whenever it is used. This error in translation is in most English Bible translations. So for those who do believe in hell, this is your lucky day. You cant burn in hell forever. The early Christian church became known as the Roman Catholic Church. Most of the other Christian churches that were formed from it, or broke off from it, are still carrying on these same teachings today. Remember that the early Christian church was the group that eliminated the knowledge of reincarnation. This false doctrine has been taught by Christian churches for 1,678 years. Christians have lived in spiritual darkness all this time and that darkness has been overshadowed by the fear of going to hell forever.
The information about Heaven and Hell is in the Akashic records. Heaven and Hell do not exist as a physical place. Heaven and Hell are a state of mind. They are a product of Universal Law. As You Believe, So Shall It Be. If you believe that there is a hell and you as an individual hold that thought strong enough, and long enough, you yourself will create your own private personal hell type scenario, that you alone will go to, after you die and your spirit returns to the Astral realm. You, by your own daily thoughts and beliefs, will imprison yourself in the hell type scenario that you created upon your return to the Astral realm. You will stay there until you figure out you created it. Once you figure it out and release that thought pattern, the hell you cre-
ated will no longer exist. There is no physical or spiritual place of Hell fire damnation that was created by any God or Creator for you to go to. If you want to go to hell, you have to create your own hell by yourself. The same way with heaven. You will have to create what you think heaven is like. All the teachings of hell fire and damnation, and the teachings of heaven, as they are being taught today, are all false teachings to keep you in fear and to control your life through fear. There are many people that have died in fear of hell and their spirits were afraid to return to their spiritual home out of fear of going to hell forever. Instead their spirits remained on the earth plane as a wandering spirit and they imprisoned themselves on this world, creating their own hell right here. Why do you think there are so many troubled spirits, especially around cemeteries, old battlefields, burial grounds, haunted houses and all the paranormal events that are happening world wide. All these wandering spirits used to live in human bodies. Many of them believed in a hell and they are afraid of it and will not return to their spiritual home. Remember, we are spirit and have a free choice to experience anything we choose and the ability to create our future. You can create your own heaven or hell, or anything in between by holding that thought long enough and strong enough. It will eventually manifest as real to you. For those who are teaching and preaching the doctrines of hell fire and damnation, we give you this information. When you teach and preach, you put yourself under Universal law. As You Do Unto Others, So Shall It Be Done To You. If Others have imprisoned themselves in hell type scenarios, as a result of your teaching and preaching, you will have the opportunity to experience what these Other souls are suffering through, as a result of your teaching and preaching. Think about this long and carefully, As You Do Unto Others, So Shall It Be Done To You. At this time we would like to relate an interesting event since it states the same information that we have just given you. This story hit the news and then quickly disappeared. In the year 2001, the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope John Paul II, stepped out onto the balcony over looking St. Peters Square and said to the people. Heaven and Hell do not really exist in the physical sense, they are a state of mind. The Pope stated, if there is any form of eternal damnation it is by our own doing, not Gods. In other words, Pope John Paul II said there is no physical place called Heaven or Hell. In really simple language, Creator does not condemn anybody, we condemn ourselves. When a
person dies and leaves this planet, they return to the astral worlds, which is our temporary home between our lifetimes on this planet. When we return to the astral world, our eyes are opened to knowledge, understanding, wisdom and the truth of Creators laws. Then we have the privilege to look back on the life that we just lived, and we use this information to judge ourselves, to see if we are becoming masters of our emotions. No one judges us, not even Creator, we are our own judge. This review of the life we just lived helps us to prepare the lessons we need to learn in the next life. If you have ever studied the human mind, you will come to understand that you are your own worst judge. Pope John Paul II is the spiritual leader of over a billion people world wide and He just changed the way these people will view life and death by speaking a simple truth. Heaven and Hell do not exist, they are a state of mind. There is a set of laws that govern this universe we live in, these laws are hidden in the bible. We repeat, one of these laws is stated in very simple terms, As You Believe So Shall It Be. In other words if we believe there is a heaven, we will create it, according to what we think it is. If we believe there is a hell, we will also create it according to what we believe it is. If we do not believe in heaven or hell, we will not create either of them. This is a Universal Law. Remember. You are part of Creator and you have the ability to create. Thats just the way it is.
Now we must go back again in time to gain an understanding of how our 2 strand DNA came into existence. We will introduce you to the Gods of the Bible who are the ones that are responsible for creating the human race. We are going to the very beginning of the time when the planet Nibiru first entered this solar system. The planet earth was in an orbit that was going counter clockwise around the sun, which was the same for all the other planets. When this new planet entered this solar system, it came into it in a clockwise direction heading toward Earth, on a collision course. The two planets did not collide directly. They were close enough, that one of the moons of Nibiru collided with the Earth, splitting it in two, knocking half of it into a new orbit. Then the planet came back around and struck the other half of the planet Earth smashing it into many pieces forming the asteroid belt. At this point in time there was no life on the planet Nibiru or Earth after this collision. Later, as life was seeded and formed on Earth, life also appeared on the
planet Nibiru. The difference is that life on earth was evolving while life on Nibiru appeared. This planet became the home of a people called the Nefilim (also called the Anunnaki). The Nefilim came from a distant galaxy that is located near the edge of our universe from the direction of Canis Major and Canis Minor, which is the gateway to the lower heavens. They were forced to leave their planet which was being destroyed by war. These are the people that the Bible describes as the ones from above. These people are 4th dimensional, they are of a male vibration, that can be described as a warrior type people. They are space travelers, highly evolved, way beyond what the human race is now. They are the ones who populated Nibiru. The Nefilim have been visiting planet earth for more than 450,000 years. One orbit of the planet Nibiru around our sun takes approximately 3,600 years, while one orbit of the earth around the sun takes 365.25 days. Their first visits to earth would take place during the time that they were nearing our solar system, up until they were leaving it, heading back out into deep space. This is recorded in ancient history in the Shumerian and Mesopotamia records and texts. Their planet was different in that it did not get its light from the sun, instead the planet produced its own light. This is one of the reasons that NASA was able to rediscover it. The Nefilim had a problem with the planet Nibiru that was causing them to be concerned. They were slowly losing their atmosphere around the planet. If they could not find a solution to this problem, this would in time force them again to look for a new home planet. When the Nefilim first came into this solar system, they explored it from the air. They developed and assembled a system in which they could transport themselves to the surrounding planets easily for the propose of exploring them. This was accomplished about 400,000 years ago. For those who watched the television series called Star Trek, do you remember that they had a device on the USS Enterprise called a transporter? It was a device in which they could transport people and small items from their ship down to the surface of a planet or onto another ship. It also works similar to a device called a star gate that was shown on the television series, Star Gate. This transport system of the Nefilim worked on the same principles. The Nefilim developed the system and received help from other races, especially the Hathors, to make it operational. The Hathors are a race that live in the 4th dimensional level on the planet Venus. They originally used it in the beginning with the Nefilim. They have since evolved beyond it. It was designed to work within a 3rd dimen-
sional level in this solar system. It could also be used to transport outside of this solar system. The transporter system was used periodically for around 100,000 years for exploring the neighboring planets. After that it was no longer needed. This system was based on older technology. It required a mechanical frequency generator system and a mechanical magnetic system to work. There were 2 large emerald stones that were part of the transporter. The stones came from the planet Nibiru where they form naturally. They were approximately 2.5 to 3 feet tall and 15 to 18 inches in diameter. These stones were solid, one piece emerald. The transporter was ultimately controlled by the consciousness of the person who would use it. The conscious control of the system is like a built in safety so it could not be used for evil intent. The user must have a higher consciousness with a very high degree of mastery over their emotions. Human emotions contain too many low frequency vibrations. These emotions must be eliminated from the person who will use the transporter. It works on high vibrations and is the same principle that is explained in this book to prepare for ascension to the 4th dimension or to your dimensional home in the higher dimensions. When a person wants to raise their consciousness and vibration up, they do it by eliminating low vibration emotions. The person must only have high vibrational emotions that must match in the same frequency range as the frequency generator system. Thats why a person with evil intent will not be able to get the transporter to work. This system required a location to transport from and a location to transport too. The Nefilim had several transporters. One was on earth with others on the surrounding planets. Today there are only two left with the remains of another. The one on Mars has been destroyed and the one on Venus has been shut down by the Hathors. The one on earth has been shut down, is still here and has not been used for 300,000 years. This transporter also had the capability to move people and large objects around the planet itself when used properly. It may interest you to know that a transporter device like the one we just described is normal for 4th dimensional races and highly evolved 3rd dimensional races that choose to use them. There is a race called the Pleiadians which have a home planet with the same type of transporter system that is used planet wide. Their main and private dwellings all have a system like this. A person steps on it and consciousness takes them to where they have the intent to go. It is transportation between all types of dwellings, all over the planet. The planet has no surface
transportation such as roads. The environment of the planet is kept all natural. Transportation to other parts of the planet or to move large objects and goods is accomplished by a vehicle similar in principle to a hover craft or a helicopter. It flies higher than a hover craft, similar to a helicopter. It does not operate on rotating blades or the principles of airplane flight as we understand. It is quiet and does not disturb the air around it. Their flying vehicles work on the principle of magnetics. As the Nefilim continued to explore earth, they met a highly evolved 5th dimensional race called the Ibocca that are from outside of this universe. They were visiting this planet for the purpose of creating a humanoid race here. The Nefilim observed very carefully the complete process of genetic engineering, starting with the genetic creation of the DNA code and the adding of selected DNA from several other races. They were allowed to observe this whole process from beginning to end. The Ibocca are highly skilled in the knowledge of genetic engineering and their genetic creation was successful without experimentation. They created the race of homo erectus, started them on their path of evolution and then left the planet. They return from time to time to check on their creation. The Nefilim have never genetically created another living humanoid. They were skilled in the process of genetics for food production and to maintain their own race. This for them was a fascinating experience to observe and be part of. They retained the knowledge of the process for future possibilities. As they continued to explore this solar system, the surrounding planets and the earth, they discovered the element gold on planet earth. By refining the gold and suspending it in their atmosphere, they slowed down the loss of the oxygen in the atmosphere and extended the life of their planet Nibiru for many thousands of years. Now the mining of gold on earth by the Nefilim race has been going on for thousands of years. There came a time when the Nefilim finally became tired of doing the tasks of mining. There was what can be described, as a revolt of the working people of this race against this type of work. What was needed was a worker or slave class of people to do the manual labor. Their first thoughts were to use the new race of homo erectus that was just recently created. Their success with them failed. Even at the beginning of the evolution of homo erectus, they were already too evolved and could not be controlled by the Nefilim. They decided they needed workers to be a type of people who could be totally controlled, so they could not multiply by birth on their own. Their thinking ability
needed to be just enough to get the job done, without having too much mental ability to think for themselves. It was also important that these workers would look to the Nefilim for all their needs. Since homo erectus was already adapted to the planet, the Nefilim decided to try and genetically create their own humanoid race of workers. The creation of the homo erectus race was still fresh in their mind. They decided to try and genetically engineer a worker by taking the genes from the genetic line of homo erectus and combining them with their own genes to produce a people that were made in their own image and after their likeness. This is the true beginning of the race of Adam and Eve. This was the birth of homo sapiens (humans). Many genetic experiments of trial and error took place over thousands of years before what the Bible calls Adam was finally created to satisfy the needs of the Nefilim. You may find it interesting to note that the evolutionary connection between homo erectus and homo sapiens cannot be found. The reason is, there is none. Homo sapiens are a genetic manipulation, they were genetically engineered by the Nefilim with help from the Sirians to fill a special need. The race of Adam and Eve was a genetically engineered hybrid race, a simple minded worker, to do the work of mining the gold. When the final genetic code of Adam was completed, the Nefilim eventually fell in love with their creation. They brought them from the gold mines of Africa, finally putting them in the Garden of Eden, to do all the gardening. We need to make you aware that the Nefilim as advanced as they were, needed the help of another more advanced race, called the Sirians, to complete the genetic creating of humans. What was not known by the Nefilim is that the Sirians secretly added an extra ingredient to the genetic mixture that is not recorded in history. They added what we would call silica to the genetic mixture. The Sirians were aware of what the Nefilim were planning in the genetic engineering of 2 strand DNA and the controlled type of human that would come from it. They prepared for the future evolution of humans from the very start. The silica in the genetic code would give the new genetic creation the ability to hold knowledge, when the right time came, in order for humans to evolve. Knowledge is power and they prepared the genetic mixture for this potential to hold knowledge. The Nefilim never knew this and only became aware of it after it was too late. We will speak about this later. For those people who have ever worked with crystals. Have
you ever wondered why crystals are in harmony with the human body and can be used by some people for physical healing? The reason is the extra element of silica, that was secretly added to the genetic mixture by the Sirians. It made this possible. It brought the human body into harmony with the crystalline elements of the earth. Realize that the earth has a crystalline structure to it and this gave humans the opportunity to be in greater harmony with it. The crystal would resonate with the human vibration allowing the consciousness to expand and hold knowledge. For those who have an understanding of crystals, you should know they can be used for physical healing. A person who has an expanded consciousness can direct the energy of crystals and amplify it for physical healing. The amount and types of healing which can be accomplished using crystals is unlimited. Humans have no concept of the power and versatility of crystals. Crystals can be used to completely eliminate the need for fossil fuels. The unique characteristic of crystals, is they grow from a seed, they are a living element of the earth.
We now go back to the beginning of the Bible in order to gain a deep understanding of the Gods that created this solar system and the Gods that created man. In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth. The word God in the original text is Elohim. The correct translation of Elohim is many Gods. The many Gods that the original texts refer to in the story of Creation were the Spirit Gods that lived inside the bodies of the planets, just as the spirit of Gaia (Mother Earth) now lives in the body of planet earth. During the event that the Creation story describes, the spirit of Mummu lived in the body of Mercury, the spirit of Lahmu lived in the body of Mars, spirit of Lahamu in Venus, spirit of Tiamat in Earth, Kishar in Jupiter, Anshar in Saturn, Anu in Uranus, Ea in Neptune, Gaga in Pluto and Apsu in the Sun. The God Apsu in the Sun is the Creator God of this solar system since it gives light to all the other planets that revolve around it, allowing life to exist in this solar system. This is the first group of Elohim from this recent specific time period. The term Elohim is also used to describe another group of Gods. When we study the original texts of the creation of Adam and Eve, it is written that the Gods created man in their own image and after their likeness. The Gods that are referred to now are the Nefilim of the Bible. This is the race of people that genetically crossed the genes of homo erectus with their own genes to produce a hybrid race called homo sapiens, which is
what the human race is called. It also tells us they created man to look like them, so we are a very close duplication of what the Nefilim look like. When Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge, it is written that the Gods (Elohim) said, behold man has become as one of us, to know good and evil. What this means is that these Gods, (the Nefilim), are saying that man has now become like all of them, man is now like all the Nefilim, (the word us means the many, the many are the Nefilim). It is also saying that man is gaining the knowledge to know good and evil as a result of eating a certain type of fruit. We will now continue on with another statement from the Bible. It is written that the Gods (Nefilim) created man in their own image and after their own likeness, male and female, He created them. Now we know that there were female Gods since we are a duplication of them in male and female form. We continue on, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair, and so they took them for wives of all that they chose. So now we are told the Gods (Nefilim) took the human women as wives, as many wives as they wanted. You must ask yourself the question, what does a God need with wives? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Definitely something to think about! On the other hand, if the God is like a human, with emotions, feelings and a physical attraction for beautiful women, it is very easy to understand why they took human females for wives. It is more than obvious that the Gods of the bible (the Elohim) are a living, breathing, flesh and blood, human type physical being with emotions, including the emotional desire for female companionship. Now lets stop and think about this for a moment. Let us now see if Creator fits in this picture as the creator of man. If we say that the Prime Creator, the Infinite Mind, the Source of All that is, was the one who created Adam and Eve, how could Creator create them in its Image? Creator has no image. Prime Creator is Spirit, energy, without form. It is written that Creator told us that I Am The Light Of The World. Now look at your fellow man and see what kind of image he has. What you see is that man or woman has an image that is composed of flesh and bone, there is no visible light. If you go into a room without windows, close the door and turn off all the lights, do you see any visible light coming out of your body or anyone elses physical body? No, you do not. (For those who are thinking of the aura, it is not an image and you see it through your third eye, not your physical eyes. We will explain this later). What this shows is that the physical image, the body of man is not created in the image of the Prime Creator. It is created in the image of another human type
person that is physical just like us. Continuing on, it is written, and the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he is also flesh. Pay attention to the words, he is also flesh,it means that the Gods are also flesh just like us, and the us are the Nefilim. The Nefilin Gods are in a body type that is composed of flesh, just like humans. Continuing on it is written, there were giants on the earth in those days; and also after that, when the Sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Now ask yourself how many Sons of the One God are recorded in any ancient texts. The only one that is recognized is Jesus the Christ and He is only one Son. The only problem is that Jesus was not alive at that time. Since there are no other records of Sons of God, who are these Sons of God? The original texts tell us that these Sons of the Gods are the children of the Nefilim. Now we are told that the sons of God (children of the Nefilim), mated with the daughters that were born of men. That means that we had male children from the race of the Nefilim, mating with female children from the race of Adam and Eve (human race). From this union of the Nefilim (Gods) and the humans, children were born that grew up to accomplish great things. The men of these children were called men of renown and they were actual living human beings. Nefilim Race Human Race Male Female Male Female \ / \ / Nefilim Human Male Child Female Child \ / Half Nefilim - Half Human Male Child - Men of Renown Since they were born, they had to grow up. This tells us that they were physically born as a baby in order to be born from a human female. They also had to grow up, just like humans. The Sons of the Gods followed the same natural process of birth and growth just like humans. They had to grow up just like humans and become an adult before they could accomplish great things, in order to be known as men of renown. It is obvious they were not defective, deformed or limited in any physical way, or by a limited consciousness. The men of renown stands for the
physical accomplishments they achieved while they lived on the earth. It also tells us that they were very well known during the time they lived. History should tell us something about these great men, since the Bible made this statement about them. Are there any records of these men of renown? Yes, there are. They are recorded in Greek and Roman Mythology, in the Hindu Vedas and the early Egyptian culture. It said that the Sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and the women had children from this encounter. In order to have children, the male Son of God had to be a very close duplicate of a human male physically and genetically. This is necessary in order to be able to sexually mate with the female, producing a healthy child. Again, you have to ask, why would the Sons of God have to mate or want to mate with a human female in order to have children anyway? The reason is, they made the choice to mate with the fair looking human females because they wanted to. They are also driven by emotions, just like humans. As you can see, it is very clear that these Gods (Nefilim) with their Sons and all their children, are all living, breathing, physical flesh and bone, human type beings, that lived on this planet, just like you and I are doing right now. These Gods of the Bible, the Nefilim, are the ones who declared themselves to be Gods over man, since they created man. Humans at that time just accepted this as fact, since they were not smart enough to know better. Now we are going to change our direction of thinking, so pay close attention! This is where the Prime Creator, the Infinite Mind, the Spirit comes in. In Genesis it is written, He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.The word for soul is Nephesh, which means spirit. This spirit is the part that comes from the Prime Creator that allowed the genetically engineered body of man to come to life. Without the Spirit of Creator, the shell of man that was genetically engineered would just be a lifeless body. When the body has no life in it, you will not see an aura around it. The reason for this is, the aura is a part of the spirit, it is the spirits energy that is creating the aura. The aura only becomes visible around the human body when a spirit enters into it, giving it life. That is reason why after death, when the spirit leaves the body, there in no longer an aura around it. YOU, the person who is reading this book, are Spirit. YOU are part of Creator. YOU are the spirit that is giving life to the body which is connected to the hands that are holding this book. YOU are the Spirit living inside this body, so you have the opportunity to experience what it feels like to be human.
Your spirit living in a human body gives you the opportunity to be able to experience the full range of human emotions that pure spirits cannot feel. When Your spirit leaves this body, the body will die, decay and return to the earth where its physical elements belong. Your Spirit lives on, returning to the Astral or other dimensional realms that you inhabit as your real home. These last several paragraphs are a good example why it is necessary to define words and terms, including the word God and the different types of Gods that are described in the bible. This information that you have just read has been misinterpreted in translations and the true meanings have been lost in time. You now have a true understanding of what these words mean. We have talked about the Men of Renown, the children of the Nefilim Gods that were born from Nefilim seed and human women. We will now tell you that there were also Women of Renown that were born from the same combination of Nefilim seed and human women. Nefilim Race Human Race Male Female Male Female \ / \ / Nefilim Human Male Child Female Child \ / Half Nefilim - Half Human Female Child - Women of Renown You do not hear anything about them and you will not find any records on the earth about them. They do exist and they are alive and well today. The reason why there is no information about them on the planet, is that you now live in a male dominated world. The male ego eliminated the records and information about these Women of Renown, since the dominant males controlled all the information and records. These Men and Women of Renown are alive today and live in a place called the Eleashin Fields. It is a place that is inter-dimensional, located between the 4th and 5th dimensions. It is a created dream state in which they physically live. They created it and they sustain it. Most of the Men and Women of Renown dwell in the Eleashin Fields. There are some who stayed with the Nefilim and there are others who ventured off on their own. It takes a combination of human and Nefilim to be able to create this dream state and live in it. The pure breed Nefilim cannot do this. In their evolution, they chose higher logic over higher intu-
ition. They are now so technologically advanced, that they have lost the ability to create in dreams. Humans can do this, since we inherited the ability from the homo erectus genes. This is a natural ability for homo erectus and they use it for the good of the all. Humans can also develop this ability since they can now raise their consciousness. The one limitation of this ability is that you must use it for the good of the all. These Men and Women of Renown are now a developing race that have the potential to achieve great things. They have already evolved beyond the Nefilim and have separated themselves from them. This is not normal for a group to evolve in such a short time. It simply does not happen. This group accomplished an evolutionary leap that has not been done before. It is very important to realize, that the ability to evolve so quickly, comes directly from the homo erectus genetics, which is what the human race is created from. Homo erectus was created by a highly skilled race (Ibocca) that used many specific genes that came from selected races. Homo erectus has a potential that is beyond human imagination. Realize that humans have this same potential, once they raise their consciousness up and live the Law of Love. The human race has the potential to accomplish great things and to evolve very quickly, just like the Men and Women of Renown. The human race also has the potential and the necessary genetics to make an evolutionary leap.
It is important to know that the beginning of the genetic experiments by the Nefilim to create a suitable hybrid slave, started more than 300,000 years ago. This is also documented in ancient texts. The genetic experiments were carried on over a period of time (approximately 200,000 years), producing different combinations of the new humans, which was a lot of trial and error, until the right combination was found. Humans are part homo erectus, which is actually what we would refer to as an ape-man. This species was evolved to a high level, with a high consciousness, being able to procreate and reproduce itself. The ability to procreate or having a high conscious level, was not wanted by the Nefilim in a worker. It could easily get out of control by the worker reproducing to many of its own kind or getting too smart for its own good. Eventually wanting to go its own way and do its own thing. The combination that became the basis of the new genetic make up of homo sapiens, consisted of using the male sperm from the Nefilim race, joined together with the egg from the female of the homo erectus race. The
fertilized egg was then implanted into the womb of a female Nefilim, so it would be nourished by Nefilim blood. This was the beginning combination. It was not the final genetic code. They still had 12 strand DNA, which was the DNA level of homo erectus at that time and this had to be changed. The consciousness level was too high to have in a worker that they wanted full control over. They then genetically disassembled ten strands of the DNA to bring it down to 2 strands. There were originally 12 helixes, now only the 2 strand double helix remains. This was the final 2 strand DNA that we have in the human race at this time. The disassembled strands were left within the human cells, disconnected and non functional. This change permanently limited the human race so it could not reach its full potential physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The most important change that happened was that it limited mans consciousness permanently. The consciousness was now locked in at a low level. This is what became the true beginning of the modern homo sapiens, the human race as we know it today. This final genetic code is what is referred to in the bible, as Adam. For those who have read the bible completely, you will have noticed that there are many warnings in the bible against sodomy and homosexuality. The reason for this is that humans were originally half of the homo erectus (ape-man) genetic line and these sexual habits were normal for these evolving creatures. Its in their genes. These sexual habits were not evil as we think of it today. It is part of the process of evolution. The Nefilim, have already evolved beyond these sexual habits, so this practice was not acceptable to them. Since the new human (homo sapein; Adam) was half of each of these genetic lines, there was an on going problem with recessive genes that would bring back these traits from the homo erectus side. So the Gods would constantly warn the humans that this was not acceptable, since they were made in the image of the Gods and after the Gods likeness. The human was now held to a higher standard of living just like the Nefilim Gods lived. The warnings were also there since the new human consciousness was locked in at a low level. It limited the function of the human mental process of understanding, so the constant guidance and directions of the laws were given as warnings of what could happen if they did not obey the Gods. Now is a good time to stop and think about the Ten Commandments and all the other laws that the Nefilim Gods gave to the humans. You must understand that the basic sexual drives of homo erectus and the recessive genes, constantly
recreated the natural basic sexual drives in humans and with the low level of human consciousness, they became the driving force and the very reason in how and why the laws were written. The main reason the laws were written for man, was for the Nefilim Gods to have control over man. It had nothing to do with spiritually, since man could not evolve spiritually with only 2 strand DNA. It had everything to do with maintaining a peaceful coexistence among the humans, using the natural emotions of fear, as a directing and controlling force. The Gods tried to force the humans to measure up to their idea of a high standard of living. Soon science will discover many of these recessive genes such as genes that cause homosexuality and alcoholism addictions. They will discover gays and lesbians are genetically inclined to be homosexual. They are discovering damaged genes, as in dwarfism, cystic fibrosis, huntington disease and an extra gene that causes mongoloids and many other abnormalities. You may have heard of people being born with a full set of male and female organs together in the same body, called morphodites. This is not a freak of nature, it too is a recessive gene that comes from a civilization that existed before Atlantis. There are also people that have heads and faces that very closely resemble animals. These are recessive genes from the times of Atlantis when humanoids were crossed with animals. Humans have many recessive genes that come from many races that existed during the time of Atlantis and medical science is discovering more of them every day. Recessive genes will plague the human race until our DNA evolves to a higher level. The blood of humans has also taken on a new importance. You have many statements in the bible about the blood. It is written For your own lifeblood too, I will demand an accounting from every animal, I will demand it, and from the man in regard to his fellow man I will demand an accounting for human life. Who ever sheds mans blood, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has man been made. The Nefilim Gods made a very clear separation between the blood of homo erectus and the blood of their new genetic creation, homo sapiens (humans). You will not shed human blood since it is the blood of the Gods that flows in the veins and arteries of the humans. The life is in the blood, therefore it is sacred. When Cain killed Able shedding his brothers blood, he was driven out of the Gods presence and settled in the land of Nod. Before he left, a mark was placed on him so no one would think of killing him for what he did to his brother. If anyone killed him, they
would suffer sevenfold. Cain was made an example for all who met him, that killing another human being was wrong. The genetic experimentation by the Nefilim was to produce a hybrid worker to work the gold mines. After many experiments they finally produced a working model that met all their needs, this being the first Adam, which was then duplicated into Eve. They were so proud of their creation they eventually gave Adam and Eve the privilege to work in the Garden of Eden and at the same time they were also given the command by the Nefilim Gods, not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. God said, you shall not eat the fruit, neither shall you touch it or you shall die. The tree was used as a symbol to represent knowledge, a knowledge that the Nefilim would keep beyond the reach of the humans. The fruits that grew in the garden were different from the fruits we have on the planet today. These fruit trees did not grow on planet earth, they were brought down from the planet Nibiru. They were genetically engineered to meet the needs of the Nefilim long life span. The tree of knowledge had the effect of altering the consciousness, directly affecting the mind and was a powerful stimulant to the senses. It could be compared to todays very strong mind altering drugs. The Gods did not truly know what kind of effect the fruit of the tree of knowledge would have on the altered 2 strand DNA of the humans, so it was wise to keep them from eating it. Another fruit that they were commanded not to eat or touch came from the tree of life which was a very potent, genetically engineered live fruit supplement that stopped the cellular structure of the Nefilim from aging. The Gods did not want the humans to have this since their life span was already genetically predetermined to be an average age of 750 years.
Then an unexpected event happened. Along came the Serpent who told Adam and Eve that they would not die from eating the fruit. He told them to eat of the fruit of the tree and their eyes shall be opened and they would be like the Gods, knowing good and evil. Remember that Adam and Eve had a very low consciousness level. They were simple minded and they trusted the Serpent when He spoke to them. Eve saw that the tree was good for food, it was pleasant to the eyes and saw it as a tree to be desired to make one wise. She took the fruit, ate it and shared it with Adam who also saw the fruit as being desirable. Guess what, the Serpent was right, they did not die, proving that God was lying to them. Why was the God, who commanded
them not to eat of the fruit, lying to them? The simple reason is, this is how the hybrid human race was controlled. Keep knowledge away from the humans and do not stimulate the mind or raise the consciousness. They could not produce children since they did not have the knowledge about sex. Remember what we said about knowledge. Knowledge is power. After eating the fruit for the first time and not dying, they became very excited. They ate the fruit not once, but many times, since they enjoyed the mind-altering experience and a powerful sexual stimulation that came from it, which they had never experienced before. During these experiences they discovered how their bodies worked and they learned how to sexually mate, giving them the ability to now have children. After these many continuous experiences of eating the fruit, their eyes were eventually opened. They came to realize that they were naked so they now covered their sexual organs like the Gods did, since they now began to understand the importance of these organs. When they did this, the Gods knew that they were eating the fruit. This eating of the fruit happened over a period of time, stretching the mental capacity of Adam and Eve to a new higher level. From these many experiences they began to grow in the knowledge of good and evil, which was the beginning of an understanding of the teachings and laws of the Gods. When the Gods discovered what happened, they became very angry. Do you understand why they become angry? This was a disaster. The Gods had now lost control over the human race that they had spent thousands of years creating. They had lost control of the experiment. Before this event happened, the humans would live a pre determined life span, then they would die. Now with the knowledge of their sexual ability, they could have their own children before they would die, eliminating the selective breeding as practiced by the Gods. God said, behold, the man has become as one of us, to know god and evil. With no more control over the humans, the Nefilim Gods cast them out of the garden, giving them many commands on how to live including some facts about their new existence. One important fact was that the women would have children in pain. This was not a punishment, it was a direct result of the genetic engineering that changed the 12 strand DNA to 2 strand. Humans were never intended to sexually mate and have children, so the parts of the DNA that told the female body to produce glands that would secrete hormones to stop all pain during childbirth, were missing. The human female bodies did not and do not have these glands. The woman was also told that her desire shall be
to her husband, and he shall rule over her. The reason for this was that the humans were still part of the homo erectus genetic line, and their genes would give them the desires to procreate and live in a social structure that would closely resemble the homo erectus way of life, which was male dominance as head of the group and protector, with the female desiring the male companionship, and so being subject to his wishes. The highly evolved Nefilim males did not rule over their females, they treated each other as equals, their evolution was much different. This is important to know. The event of Adam and Eve eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge, having their eyes opened, gaining the ability to know good and evil and then being cast out of the Garden of Eden, Was Not The Fall Of Man. Man Never Had A Fall. Think about this very carefully. Man at this point (before eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge), was not connected to the consciousness of Christ or Creator. Human 2 strand DNA cannot connect to Christ or Creator. Man had the lowest possible level of an undeveloped Separate Self Consciousness. His consciousness had never developed. Man did not have a level of consciousness to fall from. His consciousness was so low that He did not know or understand the purpose of His own body parts. He did not know about sex or how to procreate and did not have a knowledge of good or evil. Mans 2 strand DNA only had a double helix and the purpose of this genetic design was to keep man simple minded so that he would make a good slave. Do not forget that the genetic experiment was not over yet. Man was still being artificially bred by the Nefilim, according to how many slaves were needed to do the work. Man was still a genetic experiment, a hybrid that was not capable of living by itself or reproducing itself. Man at this point in time did not have the ability to think for himself, he did not have an instinct to guide him. He was created so that he could be programmed by the commands that were given to him by the Nefilim. At this stage of mans genetic creation, you could compare him to a computer that was just built, without an operating system or any programs. The computer has tremendous potential when it is built, nevertheless it is useless until it is properly programmed by installing an operating system with the necessary software to have the ability to do the task that it is needed for. Man was genetically built to have the necessary potential, with only a very limited operating system. You can say that the commands that the Nefilim gave to man, can in the same way be compared to the commands that a programmer puts in a computer. Man at this point was just
like a computer, each man and each computer had to be built one at a time, man or computer could not procreate, they can not procreate since they have no consciousness, they both had to depend on someone or some source outside of themselves, even for simple existence. The Serpent had a great love for man, knowing the potential that was within him and wanted more for him than the simple life of a slave. When the Serpent told Adam and Eve to eat of the tree of knowledge, he already knew that the main purpose of mans existence, mining gold, was already coming to an end. The Nefilim had already mined the necessary amounts of gold, so the slaves were now being put to use in the Garden of Eden. In time the slaves would no longer be needed for their original purpose and they would be allowed to live their life and die out, ending the genetic experiment. The Serpent God took the bold step to preserve the genetic creation of man, which was a labor of love and accomplishment, by giving them the basic knowledge to start the growth of their consciousness to become a New Life form. This event, Adam and Eve eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge, was the True Birth, of a new self-sufficient species-called Homo Sapiens, simply called Humans. This was not the fall of Man. This was the Birth Of Man, the New Human Race, from the genetic hybrid slaves called Adam and Eve. Over time, the information of the fall of the spiritual beings was forgotten. The actual written records were put in hiding so that they would not be destroyed by the Sons of Darkness. The information, that was available to the people, was altered, combining the fall of the spiritual beings with the story of Adam and Eve, which is what you have today. These are False Teachings that come from the Sons of Darkness. The actual written records existed for many thousands of years and they would have been revealed again in the last days. Unfortunately, they have recently been discovered and destroyed by the Sons of Darkness. This is one of the reasons, why this information is now being brought back from the Akashic records. Its time to reveal truth. With the loss of control over the humans, the Nefilim then drove them out of the garden to keep them away from the tree of life. Since they ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge, then it was very certain they would also eat the fruit from the tree of life. This would be a disaster. Why? The Nefilim had a life expectancy that was unlimited, which required them to control their number of offspring. They were highly evolved, space travelers and their consciousness was evolved, possessing the power of the knowledge of genetics. If humans gained this abil-
ity of unlimited life, their 2 strand DNA would hold them back from developing consciously, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The human consciousness was too low and genetically limited. Humans would become a civilization that would multiply uncontrollably and with an unlimited life they would quickly overpopulate the world without having the necessary ability or will power to control their number of offspring. They would not consciously evolve, and become responsible for their actions in many areas of life. This would be a disaster in the making and the Nefilim would not allow this to happen, they would not be responsible. Even though they were very angry with the humans, they would still allow them to live out their lives on their own. They could not eliminate them since they created them from their own blood and the female Nefilim birthed them. Humans were their genetically created children and over time they had fallen in love with them.
One of the commands the Gods gave to Adam and Eve was to go out, be fruitful and multiply. They did not realize that this is one command that the humans would take to heart, creating a population increase beyond what the Gods anticipated. It is important to know that Adam and Eve were not the only two humans at this time who were in the Garden of Eden. There were many hybrid humans in the garden and the name Adam was symbolic and referred to the entire male race. When the genetic experiments were started, male hybrids were the first to be created, being given the name Adam. Then a female mate was created later to keep Adam company and she was given the name Eve, which is symbolic and referred to all human females. This is the reason behind the mystery of the bible story of the two children of Adam and Eve called Cain and Abel. When Cain killed Abel, he left the land where he was dwelling and went to a foreign land, called the land of Nod and took himself a wife. Many of the other humans who were in the garden, experimenting with the fruit from the tree of knowledge, expanding their mind, learning how to procreate, had already moved to other lands, including the land of Nod, joining together as couples, creating their own children. The sexual knowledge of procreating spread so fast that humans were multiplying very quickly and spreading out into the neighboring lands. So after Cain killed Abel and went to a foreign land, there were other children already grown up just like Cain. That is why he was able to find a wife so quickly. The bible story of Adam and
Eve was translated in error and over time the details of the truth of the event were lost. The genealogy, that is given in the bible of the descendants of Adam and Eve, were the descendants of only one couple of humans, that stayed and lived outside the garden near the Nefilim Gods. Most of the other humans had already moved away, spreading into many different lands. As we know, man was cast out of the Garden of Eden and settled to the east of it, then a Cherubim with a flaming sword was placed at the gate to guard it. Another False Teaching is about the word Cherubim. The Cherubim was not an angel protecting the Garden of Eden with a flaming sword. These words were used as a symbolic term to express a very high level of protection, meaning that the garden was very well protected all the way around. If you have ever seen a security fence around a maximum security prison, which is composed of several rows of a chain link fence, 12 feet high, with layers and strands of barb wire and razor wire, this will give you an idea of what the symbolic meaning is trying to tell us. That those on the outside of the garden will not get in, it is very well protected. Casting man out of the garden by God was a protective measure, so that man could not eat of the tree of life. This was a Separation of Man from the Garden of Eden. It was NOT a Separation of Man from the Nefilim Gods. The Gods did not separate from man , they continued to teach, instruct and guide man on his new path of evolution, of which the bible and many other ancient texts are the written proof.
There is hidden in the story about the Serpent that tempted Adam and Eve, an interesting fact that people may not be aware of. The word Serpent in the English Bible translations means snake, the type that crawls on the ground. Today it is usually called the Devil or Satan. This is another error in translation. The biblical term for Serpent is Nahash,which is an expression of one who has great knowledge of hidden secrets. Have you ever stopped to think that the Serpent actually talked to Eve? Snakes do not have the ability to talk to people, but the Serpent did! Eve understood and believed what the Serpent told her. This was a conversation between two people. Eve did not have a developed intuitive ability or any psychic abilities as a result of her low level of consciousness. Eve was not educated. The only way Eve could understand was to have someone intelligent to guide her in simple terms. Remember, the original intent of genetically engineering humans with only 2 strand
DNA, was to keep their minds simple, with enough ability and brains to do the slave work that the Gods commanded them to do. Adam and Eve up to this point still had no knowledge of procreation, sexuality or the importance of their sexual organs. Their mentality was too low to figure these things out. The Serpent was the one who knew the potential of the human creation and how to expand it. If you noticed, the God who commanded Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit, did not curse them after they broke his command. The reason he did not curse them is he knew that they were not intelligent enough to make a rational decision. Instead he cursed the Serpent, the one who had Great Knowledge. He cursed the Serpent for sharing this knowledge with the humans. So, who was the Serpent? Why was the Serpent cursed? Why did the Serpent have such a great knowledge? You must ask the question, was the Serpent one of the Gods? The answer is YES. The Serpent is one of the Nefilim Gods. Then you must ask, was the symbol of the Serpent a status symbol of one of the Gods? Again the answer is YES. It is a symbol of the knowledge that this God possessed, a knowledge of genetics that was recognized and honored by the entire Nefilim race. The Serpent was recognized by a symbol of intertwined snakes, basically the same symbol used by the medical profession today. The intertwining of the snakes represents the helix of the DNA. If you search out and study Ancient Shumerian and Mesopotamia texts of which the bible is part of, they also point to the symbol of the intertwined snakes as a symbol of one of the Nefilim Gods, Not The Devil Or Satan. The cursing and condemning of the Serpent by God, was a very serious disagreement between two of the powerful Nefilim Gods, over the direction that the human race was headed. The Serpent was one of the Gods who was the head of the genetic engineering of the human hybrid race. He eventually fell in love with His creation wanting it to become much more than it was. In the love hate relationship between the Gods and humans, this Nefilim Serpent God, was one of those who deeply loved the humans, becoming personally involved with their destiny. The Serpent is the one who had the courage to save the human race, by guiding them to eat the genetically altered fruit in the garden, to expand their minds, so that they could learn how to sexually mate, giving them the ability to procreate. This also expanded their mental ability, allowing the human race to evolve on its own. The Serpent God sincerely believed that a greater good could come from the survival of the human race. The thought should have already crossed your mind. Since
the Serpent is not the Devil, or Satan, then who is the Devil? Who is Satan? Something to think about! Humans were now developing a Separate Self Consciousness and had also developed an instinct that helped them make better decisions in lifes challenges. Their experiences of living and accomplishing things on their own was growing at a very fast rate. Humans learned to raise their own food and animals, becoming quickly able to survive without the aid of the Gods. This part of their evolution was a direct result of the seed and blood of the Nefilim that was used in creating man. It gave man the capability to learn more quickly, allowing his mental capacity to expand, even though man had a very low level of consciousness, which gave him a very short memory. Man only had the memory of one lifetime, which was the life that he was living in at that moment. Even mans memory within that lifetime was very short. What man accomplished during his lifetime, was quickly forgotten if it was not constantly repeated to refresh his memory. Have you ever heard the expression, use it or lose it. Humans still have that problem today. As you can now visualize, humans had great capability mixed with greater built in limitations to overcome. Humans at this point were physically capable, having a mentality that was greatly expanding to meet the challenges of living. Their morality had not yet developed to meet the standards of the Gods. They still had no connection to the Christ or Creator Consciousness and they were spiritually blind. This spiritual blindness was a total lack of any knowledge about Creator or anything about the spiritual realm. The only Gods humans knew, were the Nefilim Gods, their creators. The original intent of the Nefilim was to have humans as workers only. It was never intended for the human race to evolve, so spiritual knowledge was never given to humans since it was not necessary. Once the usefulness of the human workers was over, the experiment was supposed to be stopped and the remaining humans allowed to live out their life and die off, ending the experiment. As you now know, the Serpent changed Nefilim history forever. We bring you more information from the Akashic records to shed light on the time frame of the event of the Garden of Eden. There has been great speculation when this event happened, with most of it based on the genealogy in the bible. Know that the genealogy is not complete and that accurate records do not exist on earth. The genealogy that was given by the Nefilim Gods, that is recorded in the bible, was given to man after the flood of Noah. This was given as a way for man to connect with
his past, so that man could have a way to relate to his birth as a human, that was created by the Gods. It is incomplete, and it was taken out of the time period of when it happened. The genealogy was given to man to keep the connection between man and the Gods alive, so it could be understood easily by future generations. Man was only given information that the Gods wanted him to know. Also know that early humans, did not have names as we have them today.
There were also two major events that caused major losses in recorded knowledge, which we will now talk about. Know that the event at the Garden of Eden, happened approximately 45,000 years ago from today. At that time there was one language that all the humans spoke. After the event in the garden, with the necessary amount of gold mined, the Nefilim started returning to their planet and only left a presence on the planet, to represent them while they were away. While they were away, man began to miss the company of the Gods. Know that man was educated by the Gods in the many sciences and technologies after they left the garden. Man did not have to figure things out. Knowledge was given to him freely by the Gods. Since man became awakened from the fruit of the garden, his abilities grew to a very high level. This mainly manifested as an understanding of knowledge, the ability to use it and to build on it. Man still had no connection to, or the knowledge of Creator. The only connection he had was to the Nefilim Gods and the only knowledge he had, was taught to him by the Gods. Mans brain power quickly evolved in the sciences of the Gods. This part of mans early evolution created memories and abilities that were genetically passed on to their children. Man had the ability to keep records and record knowledge, while building on this knowledge. As mans knowledge grew, his yearning to be with the Gods also grew. Man knew all about the home planet of the Gods and how they traveled back and forth between it and earth. They understood the planet Nibiru, as being Heaven, which was the home of the Gods. The word Heaven at that time, had a dual meaning. The planet Nibriu at that point in time was called Heaven, the abode of the Gods. The expression, The Heavens, was used to describe the asteroid belt that is located in our solar system. That is where the expression of Heaven originally came from and has stayed with the human race ever since. Know also, the planet Nibiru is the same planet that NASA rediscovered in 1979, the home planet of the Gods. Mans knowl-
Tower Of Babel
edge grew to the point that he realized, he had the ability to go and visit the home of the Gods. They wanted to surprise the Gods, to show them how much they learned from them. They wanted the Gods to be proud of them. They then set out to build a city with a launch tower, from which they could launch a space ship to travel to Heaven. History records this as the Tower of Babel. This Tower of Babel had the same ability that our modern Cape Canaveral has, where we launch our rockets, satellites and the space shuttle into space. The only difference is that the Tower of Babel was more advanced. Man was using the technology of the Gods to build this city with its tower. The progress of building it was very good and it was completed to a great degree. Then an unexpected event happened. The Nefilim Gods arrived ahead of their normal time from space orbit. When they returned to the earth, they found the tower that man was building and were deeply angered. And the Lord said, behold, the people are one, they all have one language and this they begin to do; and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Let us go down and confound their language, that they may not understand one anothers speech. The Gods realized that if man could do this, he could do anything that he set his mind to. The Lord confounded their language, scattered man upon the face of the earth, and then destroyed the entire Tower of Babel. They would not allow man to complete his plans. When you understand the progress that man made in his short evolution, it is an insult to man, that the tower of babel is depicted today, as primitive men building a round tower with primitive tools. Even the analogy that man was doing something absolutely silly or impossible, is insulting to the human spirit. Man has made remarkable progress in the short time of his evolution, since he started to awaken in the Garden of Eden. It has only been 28,200 years since man left the Garden of Eden, until this event at the Tower of Babel. The Nefilim were deeply angered over this event for two basic reasons. The first reason was that they were totally losing control over man all over again, just like they did in the garden. This, they could not allow to happen again. Man was growing too smart too fast. The intention of man to build a launch tower, was to launch a space ship to go to heaven, the home of the Gods. If man succeeded in doing this, he would eventually populate their planet. The Nefilim did not want man on their planet and this was the second reason why they would not allow this to happen. Only those with full Nefilim blood were allowed to
live on their planet. There were others who were mixed descendants, part Nefilim, part human, that were approved by the Gods and given permission to live on their planet, with the requirement that they had to be 75 % or 3/4 Nefilim blood. The Gods also realized that man was starting to grow consciously, by using his imagination. This would have to be stopped, or man would eventually discover the Universal Laws of Creator and turn away from the fear-based laws of the Nefilim Gods. They would then gain the ability to take their power back and become a powerful race without anymore help from the Nefilim Gods. The Nefilim created the humans and they felt that they owned them. They were going to be the Gods of the humans, if the humans liked it or not. The Nefilim confounded mans language, by using mental telepathy on the humans to confuse them. They started to mentally broadcast 9 different languages and this went on for about 7 days and nights continually. The humans never knew what was happening, all they knew was that they could no longer understand or talk to each other. They could no longer understand their original language. The superior mind of the Nefilim, with their evolved mental ability, completely and totally overwhelmed the simpler minds of the humans. To state it in simple terms, the humans were exposed to severe brainwashing by the Gods. At the end of the seven days, the Gods stepped in and then acted as the saviors of the humans, since they could talk all these new languages. They then divided them up into groups that could basically understand each other and took them to different lands to live. They then began to teach the humans their new languages. After the humans were scattered across the new lands, the Gods then destroyed the city and the Tower of Babel. This event created fear, panic and long lasting confusion in the minds of the humans and very great chaos in their lives. It also broke up marriages, families and friendships, since the people could no longer communicate to each other like they did before. The humans never realized the Gods did this to them. In doing this to the humans, the Nefilim created great Karma against themselves that would eventually come back to haunt them. The confounding of mans only language, was a very serious blow to man since he could not work together with others and share knowledge. The great knowledge that man had gained was no longer accessible to him, since he could no longer understand his original language. His records of knowledge were now useless. Man did not have the ability to translate the
knowledge that he remembered into their new languages. There was also a long learning curve to learn these new languages with different groups learning different languages. Language was now a major setback and totally stopped the evolution of the human race. With all the knowledge lost, man went backwards in his evolution. He went back to the basics of working the land and working with animals since this had become an instinct for survival. Technology quickly faded away and the ancient records of knowledge were lost in time. This was the first loss in the recorded knowledge of man. All the knowledge that the Gods were teaching, was now taken away. It was actually the elimination of knowledge from man, so that his evolution could be stopped and controlled by the Gods. This event at the Tower of Babel, happened approximately 17,200 years ago from today. The confounding of the language and the scattering of man over the face of the earth, was a new tactic of control by the Gods. It was now divide and conquer, with the end result of man against man, nation against nation. This is the situation that we have in the world today. When people cannot communicate and understand each other, they become separated and eventually become hostile to each other. They turn into enemies, thus leading to wars over the differences between them. Now the Nefilim could use man against man, to control the progress and direction of the human race. Does this sound like a loving God to you? The original language of the Nefilim was a form of Sanskrit, which was the one language that was used by everyone. This is not the same Sanskrit that we are familiar with today. The Sanskrit of today has changed from its original form. After the event at the Tower of Babel, Sanskrit then became a background or root language that was no longer in common use and was replaced by the 9 different languages. Once the people were scattered over the face of the earth, many secondary languages came into existence. People began to live separate from each other as a normal way of life. After several generations of separation, people could not communicate, since the main languages were constantly changing in different areas as man evolved. This created more and more variations of languages and greater separation of man. The Gods were only keeping a token presence to represent them on the earth since they were now spending most of their time on their home planet Nibiru. This created a whole new problem for the Gods, since they still needed to be able to communicate their laws to the
humans. It was necessary for the humans to know and understand the laws, since the laws of the Nefilim Gods would remain as the most important form of control over humans. We have mentioned earlier in the book, that the Nefilim did not know the Sirians added silica to the genetic mixture, when they helped them create the human genetic code. The Nefilim were beginning to suspect that something was wrong, since humans were holding knowledge and evolving beyond what they should. The Tower of Babel event was the proof, that the genetic code was tampered with. Eventually the Nefilim figured out the Sirians added Silica to the genetic mixture and that is the reason why humans evolved to a high level of using knowledge so quickly.
The love the Nefilim had for the humans after the event in the garden, turned into a Love Hate Relationship, that is recorded throughout the Old Testament of the bible. The Gods continually instructed the humans in the proper ways to live, just like the Gods lived, so as to help them evolve into a civilization that obeyed the laws of life, according to the teachings of the Nefilim. The book of Genesis is part of the record that proves, the Nefilim tried to educate the humans to live at a higher standard, which turned into a very frustrating experience. The humans still could not understand the higher standards of the Gods, since the homo erectus genes made them feel very comfortable with their feelings and relationships among themselves. Since the Gods were educating man in the sciences and technologies, man wanted to show the Gods how much they evolved, by building the Tower of Babel, so they could visit the Gods on their home planet. This would be a great achievement for the humans and they felt the Gods would become very proud of them. Humans did not realize the true feelings the Gods felt about them. They did not understand the Gods were using them as toys to play with for their own personal goals. They did not know or understand their own limitations and genetic short comings. Humans did not know and did not realize the Gods were deeply angered about the Tower of Babel. The confounding of their language was a total mystery to them. They were very thankful their Gods came to their rescue to help them. After the Tower of Babel event, the evolution of man stopped and went backwards. Technology disappeared within one generation. Man returned to the land and the animals to
survive. They now began to turn back to the life style that was natural to them, since they inherited it from their homo erectus genes. There was now very little to accomplish since all knowledge was lost and since there was nothing of value to work toward, they worked to just survive. They became comfortable living the way that was natural to them. This went on for 4,200 years. Man evolved very slowly during this time. He had to learn to do things for himself by trial and error. Finally the Gods saw the human genetic line they created was turning out to be a great failure. There were too many genetic memories and recessive genes from the homo erectus line that were affecting the humans. The Nefilim, who were judging by their own highly evolved standards of social living, felt the humans could not measure up to their expectations. They could only see wickedness and corruption, which were the humans imitating the homo erectus way of life. Remember that the homo erectus are on a completely different evolutionary path then the Nefilim are on. This led to a very deep regret over what they had done. Finally the Gods decided to destroy man. The destruction was to come about during a pole shift of which the Nefilim were well aware of. The Nefilim Gods were divided among themselves, not all agreed at first that man should be destroyed. Finally, they all agreed, and decreed to allow the destruction of man, by the pole shift and the floods that would result from it. One of the Gods in particular had a special love for Noah and His family. This God is the one that went against the decree of the other Gods to destroy the humans in the flood. He secretly directed Noah, how to build Arks (large ships) so as to save himself, his family, friends, fellow humans and the animals that would be needed to replenish the earth after the coming pole shift and flood was over. This God was the Serpent God, the same one who helped the humans learn how to procreate in the Garden of Eden, by directing them to eat the fruit of knowledge. The Serpent God, is the one who had the great love for all humans and He showed it again by His courage in directing the human race in how to save itself, sincerely believing that a greater good would come from it. We will stop for the moment and add unknown and missing information that was not recorded on the earth about the flood. This information is from the Akashic records. The population of the human race on the earth just before the flood was approximately 600,000 people. The bible records only Noah, his family and the animals and Noahs Ark. (The Ark is a very large ship). Think of the size of Noahs Ark. It is
described in the bible in cubits of which we know the length from various texts. For all practical purposes, the size of the Ark can be compared to the size of one of your largest World War II battleships. If you have some idea of the size of a battleship, you know that the Ark was huge. There were actually 13 Arks that were built. There were 5 of these Arks that were the size of battleships. The other 8 Arks were slightly smaller although they were also very large. One Ark, the one that Noah was on, contained most of the animals and also approximately 12,000 people to help him with the animals. The other Arks contained small amounts of animals, mostly people and they were packed in like sardines in a can. Noah, his family and approximately 400,000 humans survived the flood. This was the amount of survivors from the 3rd dimension. Approximately 200,000 humans died during the pole shift, flood event. The larger portion of the survivors survived in the Arks, approximately 280,000, while the others survived in the high areas in the mountains. Remember, the humans knew that the flood was coming, thanks to the Serpent God instructing Noah about it, and most prepared for it. After the flood was over, the Arks landed in different parts of the world. On what is now called Mt Ararat, three of the Arks landed there. On the lower slopes the remains of two of the Arks are buried there, and it may still be possible for the trained archaeological eye to see the remains from the sky. The third Ark, Noahs Ark, is consumed within Mt. Ararat. Also know that Mt Ararat did not exist before the flood. It was born out of the pole shift and the violent movements of the earth. When Mt Ararat began rising it caught Noahs ark and carried it upwards. Two of the other arks were caught on the lower slopes of the mountain. The other 10 arks landed in different parts of the world, helping distribute the human race among the survivors from Atlantis. Realize the building of 13 Arks was a great accomplishment and tribute to the spirit of humans to survive. From the 4th dimension during the time of Atlantis, there were approximately 1,200,000 humanoids that survived the pole shift and destruction of Atlantis and this is the number that dropped from the 4th dimension, down into the 3rd dimension. They came into this dimension in many groups and landed all over the world. They eventually intermixed with humans creating the beginning of the many different races and cultures around the world. So after the dimensional shift, the total population of the world in the 3rd dimension, was approximately 1,600,000 people. This was the population of our world approximately 13,000 years ago from today.
The actual flood was giant tidal waves that were caused by the violent tilting of the earth on its axis. The pole shift events of massive earth quakes, volcanoes violently erupting, land areas sinking, others rising, and the continuous shifting of the earths land masses and continents, lasted for 3 days. Within this time, a quick violent tilting of the earth happened, causing the tidal wave effect. When the axis of the earth started to change, it took 6 hours for the axis to shift from its old position to its new position. It literally splashed the waters out of the ocean basins across the continents. The words in the bible, that the rain was upon the earth for 40 days and nights, was the amount of time that it took for the waters to recede and drain away and for everything to return to normal. In other words, after 40 days everything had already returned back to normal. The Biblical story of the flood was composed by the Nefilim Gods to make it the most important memory for humans to remember. It raised the Nefilim to the status of Gods, that now had the power of life and death over humans and the whole world. There are many cultures around the world that have memories of the flood. They are all valid, since all the human survivors and the survivors from Atlantis remembered the flood. Each group told its own story, telling about how it happened to them. Remember, this event happened world wide. In the same way that the story of Adam and Eve was told, by describing the events in the garden as happening to one couple, the story of Noah and his family was told by describing the flood as it affected only one family. This was a simple way to tell a simple story to people that had short memories. The story is told with only the necessary details so man could remember it. The loss of 200,000 human lives during the pole shift and flood, was a direct result of the many different languages and secondary languages that were now on the planet. There were many who could not understand the message that was given by the Serpent God, to prepare for survival, by building Arks, or moving into the high mountains. The humans low consciousness, a direct result of 2 strand DNA, was another contributing factor that made it hard for many to understand and accept how something like the flood could happen. After the flood was over, the Gods looked down upon the earth, seeing the destruction that they allowed to happen, having a very deep regret and sorrow for their actions. If you never paid attention to the words of the bible, where the Gods looked down upon the earth, now is the time to pay attention. They were able to look down upon the earth, since they left the earth
way before the flood ever happened. The Nefilim actually left the surface of the earth approximately 700 years before the flood happened. They were in their space craft, orbiting above the earth, waiting for the pole shift to happen, while staying out of harms way. The Nefilim stayed off the surface of the planet earth. That is the reason why the Gods did not know that the humans were building Arks and preparing for the flood. It is also the reason why the Gods did not know that the humans starting moving to the high mountains. When the Gods discovered that the humans had survived the flood, it caused their deep sorrow to turn into deep anger over this event. The Nefilim Gods did not have the heart to kill their own children. You must realize that it was the destruction of the pole shift and flood, that was intended to do the dirty work of eliminating the failed human experiment from the planet. Then Noah built an altar unto the Lord, offering burnt offerings upon it. When the Gods smelled the sweet savor of the offerings, the anger of the Gods again turned back into sorrow and regret. Then God said in His heart, I will not again curse the ground anymore for mans sake, for the imagination of mans heart is evil from His youth, neither will I again smite anymore, everything living, as I have done. By this statement, the Nefilim admitted they realized man could not do any better than he was already doing, because of his low consciousness that was a direct result of only 2 strands of DNA. The Nefilim also felt the deep guilt of being responsible for mans limitations. The part of the statement, that the imagination of mans heart is evil from his youth, means he still possessed the qualities of the social structure of the homo erectus race, from which his genes came from. Man did not and could not, meet the Nefilims high expectations at this time of his very short evolution, even with the Nefilim seed and blood mixed in as part of the 2 strand DNA. Nevertheless, the Gods were pleased that Noah honored them with the burnt offerings. Also, it was Noahs way to say to the Gods, that the humans were sorry and would follow the ways of the Gods. The Gods accepted the offerings, then blessed Him, establishing a covenant with him and all humans including all the generations to come. Remember. Noah and all the humans knew that they were created by the Nefilim Gods, with their very existence directly controlled by them. The experience of the flood was a lesson of the power of the Gods that they held over the humans, the power of life or death. Make no mistake, at this point in the human evolution, the Nefilim were the only Gods the humans knew about and understood. Any knowledge or under-
standing of a Creator or of the spiritual realms did not exist. The Nefilim was all that existed in mans thinking. This is all a direct result of 2 strand DNA. The statement in the bible that said; Noah built an altar unto the Lord; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And the lord smelled a sweet savour. The altar that Noah built was actually a place to eat. It would be the same as the table of honor or being seated at the head of a table, where honored guests are seated at a meal. The burnt offering was the food that was roasted and grilled, so that it was edible. This was done so that the Lord and the other Gods who found Noah and the survivors, could join them in a great feast of celebration. There are many that have interpreted this as a type of religious ceremony. It was NOT a religious ceremony. It was more like a very large size barbecue, that was a celebration of their survival from the flood. It was attended by more than 12,000 people. The reason that the Lord smelled a sweet savour was because He had a nose just like us and the Lord and the Gods enjoyed eating animal meat. They anticipated the meal since they were in orbit for the last 700 years waiting for the pole shift to happen. They did not have meat for a long time and they missed this delicacy. This is where the humans inherited the tradition of eating animal meat. They used to watch the Gods eat meat. Thats why they knew the Lord would accept the meal they prepared. The Lord is mentioned specifically in this event, since this Lord was the head of the Council of 12 Gods that ruled the Nefilim race. We have stated that there were two events that caused major losses in recorded knowledge from the past. The first was the Tower of babel which we already explained. The second great loss was the flood. The flood destroyed practically all written records except those that were written or carved on stone, tablets or cylinders. Much of what survived was buried in the flood and is still being discovered today. The other part of the loss during the pole shift was the memory of the humans and the survivors of Atlantis. The pole shift caused everyone to lose their memory and that means they lost their knowledge. At the same time people were only concerned with surviving after the flood and very little knowledge was recorded for a long time. People survived on survival instinct and had to relearn many things by trial and error. The human race had again dropped down to another low point in its evolution. There was a great deal of knowledge that was saved by a group called the Ascended Masters that came into this 3rd dimension from
Atlantis. All this knowledge was put into hiding to preserve it from destruction by the Sons of Darkness and the Nefilim. This is the knowledge that was taught in the hidden Mystery schools to those who seriously sought enlightenment. This knowledge has been continuously given to humans as they evolved. The Nefilim also gave humans knowledge to evolve and remember their past. This did not replace the lost knowledge of the past from the Flood or the Tower of Babel event.
We have stated previously in the text, that the confounding of the language at the tower of Babel was a new tactic of control by the Gods. It was now divide and conquer. They could now isolate any group, community or city and have greater control over them, with the main purpose of enforcing the law of the Gods. We now move on to another major event. We will move forward in time, after the flood, to the twin city called Sodom and Gomorrah. Do you remember the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah? Do you remember the reasons, why the Nefilim Gods were going to allow man to be destroyed from the face of the earth during Noahs flood? They were again, the same reasons which the Gods described as the wickedness of man, with the thoughts of his heart being continually evil. The people in these cities were not living according to the laws that the Gods have been teaching man. Since man was now scattered over the face of the earth, it was very easy and only necessary to deal with the problems of the small communities and cities that the Gods were angered with. The Bible describes two angels, that were sent to these cities to destroy them, after removing Lot and his family, who were favored by the Gods, since they obeyed Gods laws. The word angels, is another word that is misunderstood and misinterpreted in the many English translations of the Bible. These angels were servants, also being called messengers of the Nefilim Gods. They were not angels from the spiritual realms of Creator, as it is being taught today. These angel servants were warriors and they were the ones that fulfilled the warrior or military part of the Nefilim social structure. These servants were themselves full-blooded Nefilim, that came to carry out the wishes and commands of the ruling Gods. It is also important to know that the Nefilim Gods ruled by a Council of 12 Gods, that made the final decisions in the affairs of man. After the decision was made to destroy the twin cities, it was carried out by these warrior servants (called angels). Sodom and Gomorrah was
destroyed by the Nefilim Gods for not obeying their laws, they were Not destroyed by Creator, Angelic beings or Universal laws. The cities themselves were located in the southeast corner of what is now the Dead Sea and part of the barren desert. During the 1970s, the ancient library of Elba was discovered by archeologists with all its writings intact. As they were being translated, records of Sodom and Gomorrah were discovered, bringing truth to the existence of these cities. All other physical records of these cities were lost in time. All information about Sodom and Gomorrah is recorded in the Akashic records. It is interesting to note, that the desert area located around the southeast corner of the Dead Sea, has a black cast to the white desert sand, when seen from a high-flying airplane or from satellite. When scientists investigated this strange area, they found that one side of the grains of desert sand were melted into glass, while the other side of the grain was still sand. Glass is made from melting sand at very high temperatures. In this particular event, the very intense heat to melt the glass was present, only staying this hot for a very short time, then quickly cooling before the whole grain of sand could melt. If this piece of sand were used as a piece of evidence in a court of law today, it would be refereed to as a smoking gun, in other words it tells the story of how it happened. Scientists then went back to the desert to measure radioactivity. They found, a radioactive residue was present. This is the finger print of an atomic explosion that was used to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, just like the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima Japan, in World War II. This information is also recorded in the Akashic records. The Nefilim warrior servants (called angels), are the ones that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah by using an atomic weapon to destroy the twin cities. The Nefilim have the capability of atomic weapons and this shows they used them to control man, keeping their power over man. It also shows that the Nefilim would not hesitate to use them again to accomplish their goals. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah drifted away from following the laws of the Nefilim. It angered the Gods and they made an example out of the twin cities by destroying them. After this event, it was obvious that there would need to be a better way to teach the laws and keep in touch with the people. Nations that were now scattered over the face of the earth were growing. Man was constantly multiplying through birth and on the move to settle new lands, losing touch with the Nefilim laws and the teachers of the laws.
This is not the only record of atomic warfare on planet earth from the past. It is also recorded in the ancient India writings called the Vedas. It is described in an ancient book called the Mahabharata. It clearly describes the event of an atomic explosion in very accurate detail. Again, it was the Nefilim Gods who were involved. This time they were fighting among themselves and they split into opposing groups. One group was directed by the Council of 12, while the other group was composed of those who were turning against the Council. They were divided with each group building a human army and trying to gain power over the other. The atomic explosion destroyed a whole city, with a large surrounding area including the greater majority of the armies. The area that this happened in was located in the west, north west part of what is now India. The death toll from this atomic explosion was much greater then Sodom and Gomorrah. This happened over 9,000 years ago. The Nefilim Gods, those connected to the council of 12, remained in control. The Nefilim Gods fighting among themselves is another sign that they are like humans, not Gods, with strong emotions and physical drive to accomplish and dominate. We originally described the Nefilim as a warrior type people. Their warrior ways among themselves are what destroyed their home planet and this event shows that they would turn on their own people the same way they turned on humans. When you look at the big picture of the Nefilim teachings in the bible, you will realize, the Nefilim did not practice what they preached. It is important to know, the word angels, has a dual meaning in the Bible. In the Book of Genesis and other Old Testament books, the angels were actually servants or messengers of the Nefilim Gods. They were the Nefilim military. In the New Testament writings, the word angel took on a complete new meaning and what they represented also changed. In the gospels, the word angel, now had the meaning of one who was a Levite. Other words that had a dual meaning are these. The word Gods, now referred to humans who were Priests. Kings were referred to as the Spirit. Those who were called servants were now those who served the humans in positions of authority. When the Bible was reinterpreted and translated the original understanding and meaning of the words were completely lost. Today, the meaning of the word angel has changed again. It has now become the accepted word to describe Angelic Beings that come from the spiritual realms, which many people today call heaven.
We will now turn our attention to the human 2 strand DNA, that we have referred to so much in this book. It is important to gain some basic knowledge of your DNA, so that you have an understanding of what makes you tick. This is not the kind of knowledge that you will find in a medical text book. It is knowledge that is beyond the medical field. It is important to know, that 2 strand DNA, is not the standard amount of DNA for living humanoids bodies in this universe. The beginning standard of DNA in this universe, is 12 strand DNA. It has been this way since the creation of this universe. The 2 strand DNA was brought about by a chain of events on the planet earth. The first event was the Nefilim inhabiting the planet Nibiru, after it became part of this solar system. The second event was the decay of Atlantis, which started from its very beginning and quickly accelerated with genetic engineering on animals and humans. The third event, was the genetic engineering of a new genetic hybrid breed, called humans. The fourth event, was the fall of the spiritual beings. This spiritual decay of Atlantis and the fallen spiritual beings, brought about the need for a place of learning, where spiritual beings could play with all types of emotions, in unlimited different types of experiences, while being totally separated from Creator, including, the knowledge of Creator. The fifth event was the birth of the human race, from the genetic hybrid breed, into a self reproducing race by Divine Intervention through the Serpent. Out of this chain of events, 2 strand DNA in a human body became a reality. It would fulfill the need of a way to experience all emotions, while living many short lifetimes in a human body, in the 3rd dimensional level on planet earth, completely separated from Creator and the Christ Consciousness. This would give the spiritual beings trapped on planet earth, a place to learn lessons and evolve back up to Universal Consciousness. This 2 strand DNA by its very nature in a humanoid body, will have a very short life expectancy. There are too many genes that are no longer working because of the disassembled 10 strands. It will evolve to its mature state and since there are no longer the necessary amount of genes to maintain itself, it will start to deteriorate, until it will self destruct. It will start to break down at the cellular level after an average age of 30 years old. It will Not be immune to disease, viruses and bacterias. It does not have the capability to continually repair itself and stay youthful. 2 strand DNA is Not capable of a long and healthy life, or a high quality of life in a humanoid body. 2 strand DNA is
designed for the animal kingdom, Not humanoid bodies. The homo erectus or ape-man, is where the genes came from that form the beginning of the human race. When the term ape-man is used, we get the immediate picture in our minds of wild hairy apes living in jungles. It is time to understand some truth about your ancestors and Yes, they are your ancestors. The original homo erectus is alive and living today. They are occasionally seen all around the world, including the United Stated. Their normal dwelling place is now in the 4th dimension and they have the ability to travel between the 4th and 3rd dimension. Big Foot, Sasquash, Yeti and other descriptions are all one and the same creature, that is homo erectus, adapted to different climates and areas of habitat. There are close to a million of them on the planet today. These humanoids are still evolving through the natural cycle of evolution. They are very smart in the ways of nature, having a consciousness that is highly evolved. Their consciousness level is much higher then the human consciousness, which will be a shock to people when they read this. Now lets examine why. Homo erectus has 12 strands of DNA, the human race has only 2 strands. In the genetic engineering of the human race,10 strands of the DNA from homo erectus were disassembled, disconnected , and were left not functioning in the human cell. The 2 strands of DNA that were left, became the basis of our human DNA. It is important to know, that the level of consciousness, is directly related to the number of chromosomes in the genetic make up. Homo erectus has a larger number of chromosomes in their genetic makeup. For this reason alone, homo erectus has the capacity for higher consciousness, which the human race does not have. When medical researchers look at the human genetic make up, they tell us about 90% of the genetic material has no use, it is non functional. The reason it is non functional, is that it is disconnected, which is the direct reason why our consciousness is so low. Genetically, Homo erectus has a 90% higher capacity above human consciousness.
The helix of the DNA is another very important factor to consider. This is our connection to the consciousness of Creator. The helix is actually made up of fine strands, that are light encoded filaments carrying information. These light encoded threads are actually receivers of information. They allow us to receive the information that is needed to raise our consciousness level. Again,10 of the helixes are disassembled and non functioning
in the human race. For those who have understanding, remember when you have heard the statements in the bible, that man was living in darkness, the people were void of the light. These statements are referring to the lack of the ability of humans to receive light, which is knowledge, in order to raise the level of your consciousness. This is a direct result of the 10 helixes that are now non functional due to the change to 2 strand DNA. The light information that we need to receive, to raise our consciousness, comes from the light behind the light. The first light that we receive is the light that comes from the sun and its reflection off the moon. This light is visible to the human eyes. The light behind the light, the second light, is the light that comes from Creator, which is not seen by human physical eyes. This light from Creator carries the information that we need to grow consciously, this is the light that humans cannot receive. When the Nefilim genetically changed the 12 strand DNA to 2 strand DNA, leaving only the double helix, they genetically stopped the humans from receiving Creators light. This put the Nefilim into the position of playing God. This made the humans totally dependent on the Nefilim and the knowledge they would receive from them.. The 2 strand DNA was a complete and permanent separation from Creator. There can be no connection to Creator, until the 2 strand is reactivated Back to 12 strand DNA. The Nefilim can not do this in a living person. This could only be done, by the direct intervention of Creator. Today, Medical science tells us that we only use around 10% of the genes in our cells, with the other remaining 90% being useless material. Modern science has no explanation of where the useless 90% came from, or why it is there. This 90% of useless material, is the disassembled 10 strands of DNA. Medical science also knows, that the cell will not function without the useless 90% of genetic material in the cell. Why the cell operates like this, is still a mystery to science.
At the time period, when the genetic engineering was being performed to create humans, the DNA of homo erectus was12 strand. They were originally created with the higher consciousness of 12 strand DNA. Homo erectus was genetically equipped with the abilities of telepathy, manifestation, teleportation and other abilities, which humans can only dream of at the moment. The ability of teleportation, is one of the reasons, why these humanoids have been seen by humans around the world, without anyone being able to catch or track them to where they live.
During the last pole shift and Noahs flood, when all the surviving humanoids from Atlantis fell dimensionally, joining into the human race, homo erectus ascended to the 4th dimension, where they now live. Teleportation gives them the ability to travel dimensionally, between the 3rd and the 4th dimension. They can come and go, whenever and wherever they choose. The homo erectus race is still on the natural course of evolution and they are deeply connected with the animal kingdom and Creator. They must be respected and left alone to continue without intervention from humans, who view them as inferior animals. Remember, the reason they are different, is the path of their evolution is different. Also Remember. They are your physical ancestors. Realize there are spiritual beings just like you and I, living in the humanoid bodies of home erectus. Those spirits just made a choice to experience a different lifestyle, in a different type of humanoid body. At this moment in time, their race is far superior to humans. Think about it this way, the human race only has 10% of the DNA of homo erectus, or homo erectus has 90% more DNA then humans have. We would be willing to say, this bit of information will hurt human pride. Does it hurt yours? Humans view life as intelligent, only when it meets their narrow views of looking like them. It is a human response, when living creatures do not measure up to human standards, to be labeled as inferior, primitive or alien. Remember. When the human race was genetically created, you were the inferior, simple minded, primitive slave labor. Humans had only slightly higher intelligence than animals. You were reduced to 2 strand DNA, basically duplicating the DNA structure of the animal kingdom on this planet. Your scientists are now in the process of learning and proving how close human DNA is to animal DNA. Humans are still an inferior race and will remain inferior, until the human DNA evolves to 12 strand and beyond. Human consciousness is so low that humans cannot remember their own history, even failing to recognize that intelligent life has many forms. Two other forms of life that have a very high consciousness level above humans, are the whales and dolphins. Whales hold the complete memory of the earths past history and dolphins are the original holders of the planets vibration, until humans reach the level of world consciousness. The spiritual beings in them, are 4th dimensional beings. Realize they are also spiritual beings just like you and other people. We are living in human bodies. The bodies they are living in, are not humanoid bodies, they are mammals. It is just two of the more than millions of different type bodies, that you can experience a different lifestyle
in. Now look at how the human race treats them. Whales were hunted until they became an endangered species and dolphins were also killed, especially by your tuna fishing industry. Humans do not have respect for other life forms. They do not understand how other life forms fit into the big picture of life and how they are connected to Creator. This is a direct result of a low level of consciousness, it is total separation from the Consciousness of Prime Creator, created by 2 strand DNA. Humans have always lived in spiritual darkness, since their creation by the Nefilim Gods. Today, the greater majority of humans are still living in spiritual darkness. The darkness is familiar and comfortable. The 2 strand DNA with a separate self consciousness creates a human nature which is a natural spiritual darkness. This results in a human nature which is naturally afraid of change.
Have you ever wondered what the Nefilim Gods looked like? The male Nefilim are an average height of from 5 6 up to 5 10 tall. The average weight is 160 pounds. The male skin tone is dark grey. The men are bigger framed than the women, although they do not have a muscular build. This is one of the main reasons that the Nefilim genetically engineered homo sapiens. They needed gold to suspend in the atmosphere of their planet, in order to save the oxygen supply from depletion. Since they are a small body, with a weak muscular build, the process of mining gold was very hard on them. This was a process that lasted for many thousands of years. The males objected bitterly almost to the point of an uprising. This is the main reason why the genetic work began, to create a genetic hybrid to do the work of mining. Homo sapiens (humans) became that slave labor. The females are an average height of 4 5 up to 5 5 tall. The women are small framed with small petite features. The average weight is 115 pounds. The female skin tone is blueish grey. The male and female bodies are completely hairless. This means the men and women are bald. They have no eyelashes and no eyebrows. The Nefilim are a smooth skinned race. Picture in your mind a woman with a blueish grey skin tone, who is bald, with no eyelashes and no eyebrows. Now look at an average human female, that has a lite neutral skin tone, with a full head of hair, with eyebrows and eyelashes. This is what the Nefilim men saw and that is the reason why the Nefilim men found the human females to be attractive and took them
for wives, as many as they wanted. You would think that the Nefilim females would object to all these extra wives. They did not object. The human females were still slaves and the Nefilim women saw them as a totally and permanently inferior life form, with no intelligence and a short limited life expectancy. In their mind there was absolutely nothing to be jealous about. The Nefilim are not an old race. They were created around 250 million years ago in a distant universe, by a very highly evolved race. When they were created, their genetic code was set at 36 strands of DNA. During this long existence, they have never evolved beyond 36 strands. Many of the choices they made during their existence, has locked them into this 36 strands and they have not evolved beyond it. We have stated that the Nefilim have an unlimited lifetime. There are a small number among this group, that are as old as the race itself. They have lived in the same physical body for around 250 million years. During the genetic engineering of the human race, one genetic trait that was left out on purpose, was the long life span of the Nefilim. The human race then took on the life span of the homo erectus genes. Humans were genetically engineered to live an average life span of 750 years. Remember that 10 of the 12 strands of DNA were disassembled and laying non functional in the cell. After man was cast out of the Garden of Eden and learned to procreate, this changed. The genes for a long life span were contained within the disassembled strands and were no longer working, so the genes for a long life span of 750 years, were not there to pass on to the next generation of children. Each following generation, lived a shorter and shorter lifetime, until the normal life span dropped down to around 40 to 60 years old, with less than 2% reaching120 years old. With 2 strand DNA, the human body now reaches its peak fitness level around the average age of 30 years, after that the body starts to genetically deteriorate until death. The Nefilim are 4th dimensional beings that are highly evolved, which gives them capabilities that are beyond your imagination. They have the knowledge and capability to work at the molecular level, genetic and the atomic level. Splitting the atom is very ancient technology to them. They are space travelers and possess an intimate knowledge of the workings of stars and planets. They tried to teach humans the knowledge of this solar system and show us how its subtle energies and planetary alignments affect us physically, emotionally and ultimately spiritually. This is where the science of Astrology came from, a
gift from the Nefilim Gods. They educated us in mathematics, sciences, astronomy, arts, law, social living, several different languages and whatever else was necessary to help us evolve. Their mental capacity and ability is so evolved that they can listen to a new language and learn it while the other person is speaking it. Their psychic abilities are so advanced, that they can listen in on our thought patterns, any time they choose. They also have the ability to directly influence our thoughts, by putting their thoughts in our minds by telepathy. This is what happened at the Tower of Babel. Remember that The Nefilim Gods are the creators and the first teachers of the human race. We will also point out that the Nefilim were not bound to their planet or its orbit. By this, we mean that they did not have to wait for their planet to enter this solar system, in order for them to visit earth. They have several large ships with many smaller ones. The larger space ships are totally self sufficient and can go anywhere, anytime they want to, in this universe or any other universe. They have no limitations on their ability to travel in space. They have collected great knowledge of space flight in 250 million years. Remember that they are space travelers and space travel is their way of life. They have made many planets their home since they were born as a race.
The males have an average height between 7 and 8 feet tall. They weigh between 300 and 500 pounds. Their bodies are totally covered with hair and the color of their hair ranges from white to brown to black and any shades in between. They have the natural ability to change the color of their hair to match their surroundings, just like a chamaeleon can change its color to match the background where it is at, so it blends in. The face, palms and the soles of the feet have no hair. The females average 61/2 to 71/2 feet tall. They weigh from 270 to 450 pounds. They have the same type of body hair and the natural ability to change the color of their hair, just like the male. The face, palms, soles of the feet and the breasts have no hair. The normal life span of homo erectus is 150 to 200 years old with somewhere around 10% of them living up to 900 years. They were originally created in the 3rd dimension with a genetic code of 12 strand DNA. At the last pole shift 13,000 years ago, they ascended to the 4th dimension, during that pole shift. Today, they are evolved to an average of between 36 and 48 strands of DNA. Homo erectus is a young race that is around 365,000 years old. They were genetically created by an evolved
5 dimensional race called the Ibocca, that live outside of this universe. The name Ibocca, is not known on this planet and it is pronounced as a quick vibration ( i- ba), not a name. They live three universes away and they travel in and out of this universe. The homo erectus race was created with selected genes from several races. They were created as a humanoid race and their body structure has not changed since their creation. They are not evolved from another life form. They were genetically created by the Ibocca, just like the human race was genetically created by the Nefilim, with help from the Sirians. The main external genetic traits of homo erectus genes, that are outwardly displayed on the human body, are facial and body hair, underarm hair, genital hair and the areola, which is the pink colored ring of tissue around the nipples. The main external trait of the Nefilim, is smooth skin, with the total absence of body hair. The combination of homo erectus and Nefilim, is what gives us our basic human form. Remember, there were many humanoid survivors that fell from the 4th dimension, which contributed to our modern day genetic pool. The original human race, all had one skin color, which is neutral white and very light brown hair with a reddish tint. The different skin colors, skin tones and different nationalities in the human race today, are a direct result of the many different genes, of those that fell from the 4th dimension. In time, they all become absorbed by the 2 strand DNA of the humans, creating our modern day human race.
When the race of homo erectus was created, it was designed with a digestive system that would function and prosper on a total natural diet, that would be supplied by the plants of the earth. Today we would call this a total vegetarian diet. Homo erectus did not eat any type of animal meat at all and they did not eat any type of fish either. There was no flesh meat in their normal diet. Their diet consisted of fruits, vegetables, plants and grains, which they ate in the natural raw state and this is what kept them healthy in order to live their longer life span. The digestive system of the human race is the same as homo erectus, requiring the same kind of nutritional diet, in order for humans to maintain a healthy life. Humans were not wise enough to understand this about themselves. They learned everything from the Nefilim Gods and so they began imitating the eating habits of the Gods, which included eating animal meat. They adopted this practice after being cast out of the gar-
den. In the 2 strand DNA human bodies, the eating of animal meat would cause a slow progressive deterioration of the physical body, as it would change the balance of body acids, causing cellular damage over time. It also introduced foreign viruses and bacteria into the human body, which would be passed on to their children through birth and into following generations. It was the beginning of what we now call disease in the human body and the human race. To the Nefilims body, this was not a problem, since their DNA protected them and they had the knowledge of genetics, through which they created many genetically modified plants that would stop or eliminate these problems. The tree of life was one such type of genetically modified food. Before the humans were cast out of the garden, they lived on a vegetarian diet that allowed them to live the predetermined life span of 750 years. Some lived fewer years while some lived up to 900 years old. After they were cast out of the garden, the humans adopted the habit of eating animal meat, which became a major factor in speeding up the shortening of the human life span, which was already being shortened due to the missing 10 strands of DNA. Humans did not have access to the genetically modified plants to control the problems, since they could no longer enter the garden or eat of any of its abundance. All they had access to, were the normal fruits, vegetables, grains and plants that were native to planet earth, which the Gods instructed them how to use.
We have stated that homo erectus, the resident life form on this planet, have 12 strand DNA. They are now evolved beyond 12 strand DNA, which is the reason why humans seldom make contact or even see them. The fact is, the homo erectus race is already in the 4th dimension. When the pole shift happened 13,000 years ago, causing Noahs flood, homo erectus was living in the 12th octave of the 3rd dimension. They did not drop down to the lower octaves of the 3rd dimension like the humans and survivors from Atlantis did. Instead they made the transition to the 4th dimension during the pole shift and are now living there. In the last 13,000 years, the homo erectus race has evolved from 12 strand, up to an average of between 36 to 48 strands of DNA. Occasionally they come to visit the 3rd dimension, usually staying only a very short time. This is when they accidently have encounters with humans. Remember, human DNA originally came from homo erectus.
The blood of the Nefilim is different than human blood. They have only one blood type and their blood is a blueish grey color when it is exposed to oxygen. The homo erectus race has only one blood type and their blood is a light shade of red color when exposed to oxygen. Remember that human blood was originally a combination that came from the Nefilim and homo erectus. This combination produced a new blood type and it was the only blood type in the original race of humans (homo sapiens). This one blood type lasted from the genetic creation of humans, until the time of Noahs flood. We already stated that approximately 400,000 humans survived the flood. At the same time of the flood, there were approximately 1,200,000 humanoids from many races that fell from the 4th dimension, during the destruction of Atlantis, into the 3rd dimension with the humans. This large group from Atlantis was composed of many races, with six that were predominant. Within these races were many blood types. As all these races integrated together through sexual relations and marriage, this created many new blood types. Approximately 1,500 years after the integration of all these races, the original human blood line no longer existed in its original form. Some of the new blood types were viable and some were not. This event is what created the many blood types that eventually evolved into the 4 major blood types we have today. There are also other blood types in different parts of the world that are different than the 4 major types, although they are rare.
This combining of the human race and the fallen races from Atlantis during the pole shift, is the event that created the different combinations of genes, that are responsible for the beginning of the different races around the world. There is no information on the planet that records this, since it happened after the pole shift. Remember that everyone lost their memory of the past and record keeping was non existent at that time. The Nefilim recorded only a vague explanation of this which is in the bible, leaving out the whole truth. Man at that time in his evolution, would not be able to comprehend or use this knowledge. All this information is recorded in the Akashic records and that is why this information is being revealed at this time. At this time, it would not serve any useful purpose to follow the genealogy of the races back to Atlantis. We give you this information since it is necessary to realize, that this event was the root cause
that started the beginning of all races and nationalities. There is no individual race left today that is a pure strain from the original single bloodline of humans, which originated from the creation of homo sapiens, by the genetic engineering of the Nefilim and homo erectus genes. All humans are now crossbred with the survivors from Atlantis and the single original human bloodline is nonexistent. Realize also, that there are no pure blood lines existing from those that fell from the 4th dimension.
We have stated that homo erectus is the resident life form on this planet. This was true in the 3rd dimensional level. They are now in the 4th dimensional level, with the remnant that survived from Atlantis. There is another life form on this planet that we have not mentioned, in order to avoid confusion. They are called the Gargoyles, they live in the 5th dimension and they do not come down to the lower dimensional levels. Their body type is humanoid, like humans, homo erectus and the Nefilim. The average height is four feet tall, they are male and female. Average male weight is 135 pounds and the average female weight is 100 pounds. They are stocky built for their short height. Distinguishing features are a reddish grey skin tone, big ears, very little body hair and what could be described as bulging eyes. When their blood is exposed to oxygen, it is crimson in color. Their DNA is from 48 to 53 strands, with a life expectancy that is unlimited. They are a very gentle, very playful race and the evolutionary path they follow is connected intimately with nature. There are about three quarters of a million of them scattered around the world in the fifth dimension. They are as old as the Nefilim and they are evolved far beyond the Nefilim. They are originally from a very distant universe and they are interdimensional travelers. They do not have or require any space craft to travel. They can travel anywhere they choose to go in the cosmos, by activating their personal Merkabas and by Teleportation. Statues of what they look like are carved and mounted on many early Christian churches in Europe. There are also many carvings that depict them as grotesque figures, with devilish looking dog and bird faces. This is not true, they do not look like that. They are not grotesque and there is nothing grotesque about them. They are beautiful humanoids that are just different from humans. There is no knowledge of them in this dimensional level. The memory of the Gargoyles came from those individuals that lived in Atlantis and fell into this 3rd dimension, during the simultaneous destruction of Atlantis and
the flood. Those that lived in Atlantis knew about the Gargoyles and from time to time they would have limited interactions with them. There are a very small number of Gargoyles that became trapped in the 5th dimension on this planet, as a result of their efforts to help those in Atlantis. They will be freed at the time of this dimensional shift, allowing them to travel freely again. The 5th dimension on planet earth is one of the many homes of the Gargoyles and a stopping place for them as they travel in and out of this universe. At this moment in time, there are no physical races living in the sixth dimension. It is a vacant paradise.
The event in the Garden of Eden was more than a struggle between the Gods over the destiny of their genetic experiment. This event, was a Divine Intervention by the will of Creator, to prepare a race that would be used by spiritual beings, to come down into a 3rd dimensional reality, so as to have the opportunity, to completely experience the full range of low vibrational emotions. This race of humans was prepared, so it would be ready at the proper level of consciousness, in order to integrate with another event that was taking place on a different dimensional level. As we have pointed out, man was growing to meet the challenges that were put before him, under the watchful eye of the Nefilim. It is important to know, that the Nefilim started visiting planet earth approximately 450,000 years ago, while keeping a presence on the planet for almost this entire time period. This is recorded history in ancient texts that are kept in more than one place on the planet. After the event in the garden, with man venturing off on his own, and with the necessary amount of gold mining being completed, the Nefilim began returning to their home planet, leaving man to his own destiny. After Noahs flood, the Nefilim no longer had a continuous presence on the planet. When ancient history is studied for the last 14,000 years, you will find that the evolution of man happened in cycles. A study of the cycles will revel that they happen in a pattern of approximately 3,600 year cycles. This time period of 3,600 years, is the time it takes for the planet Nibiru ( home planet of the Nefilim ), to make one orbit around the sun. During the planets orbit, when it came close to entering this solar system, it makes it convenient for the Nefilim to have an opportunity to visit planet earth, which could last until the planet completely orbited the sun, then reaching the outer edge of this solar system, before entering deep space again. The time of their stay
on the planet was 150 years more or less. During these visits the Nefilim would dwell again with man, teaching him knowledge, expanding his capabilities, giving him direction, and correcting his short comings. These are the times when the great advances could be seen in human evolution, including punishments from the Gods when they felt it was necessary. These periodic visits also created some strange results to the planet itself. The bible talks about the Day of the Lord, which was a day full of fear. Some of the oddities that would happen during these days are, the sun would no longer give its light; the sun would become dark; there would be neither a day nor a night; the earth would become dark during the day; the moon would be as red as blood; the stars would no longer shine; there would be rains and floods; there would be earthquakes and the eruptions of volcanoes. Depending on which prophets book you are reading in the bible, you will get a slightly different view, although it all means the same thing, describing the same event. Some of the prophets who wrote about the Day of the Lord are Amos, Habakkuk, Isaiah, Job, Joel and Zachariah. Isaiah, considered one of the greatest prophets, gives us another description of the Day of the Lord. He tells us of events to come in the last days, And the Lord shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people, and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. We must remember that the Gods were away for 3,600 years, which gave man plenty of time to get himself into trouble, by not obeying the laws of the Gods. When the Gods returned on their orbit from deep space, man would be corrected and set back on a course, that was again in harmony with their will and the law. Also take note, that the word Lord became the common expression of one who was in authority. After the flood, before The Gods left planet earth, they appointed rulers to direct man, giving them the title of King. They were translated as Lords, since this was the most common way of man recognizing them. After the flood of Noah, the word Lord became a common expression of all those in authority, including the Gods, the kings and all others appointed to positions of very high authority. They were all referred to as the Lords. You will even find the expression, the Lord God, used to directly signify the head of the Nefilim Gods in the bible. Noah also addressed the head of the Nefilim Gods as Lord, when they appeared to him after the flood. As you can see, the Day of the Lord was also known as the
day of judgement, with everything else added, it evolved into teachings that became the predictions of the end of world. As a matter of fact, it is the present Christian teachings that state, that these events will happen at the end of the world, which is the destruction of the physical world and the end of man. Many people believe this and are now waiting for it to happen. If you have been following these teachings, you will notice, that all the End Times authors, those who are tracking the end of the world, are now without explanations, as to why the events have not already taken place. If you are one of those who is expecting the world to end, with Jesus coming to take you away in the rapture, you are going to be bitterly disappointed, and soon you might also become disillusioned with your beliefs.
The Rapture, is another word that had its original meaning changed. Today people are being told, that the rapture is an event, in which Jesus is coming back, to take all those who believe in Him, to heaven. This way, they will not experience another event called the seven years of tribulation, before the end of the world, ending in the battle of Armageddon. These are all False Teachings. The true meaning of the word Rapture, is a gathering of those who believe. It was to be the gathering together of the Jewish race, that was split apart by the destruction of Israel and their captivity in Babylon. This event, the Rapture, was going to happen when the Nefilim Gods returned to earth, to once again become the Lords and Gods of man. The Rapture was to be the gathering of all those who believed in the Nefilim Gods. It was going to be a physical event, happening on the planet and it would take place in Israel. This event was scheduled to happen at the time period when Jesus the Christ walked the planet. This event, the rapture, never happened since Jesus the Christ prevented the Nefilim from coming back to the planet, due to the vibrations of Love, the 9 dimensional levels and the Christ Consciousness that He was carrying. There was NO rapture and there will NOT be a future rapture, since the Nefilim are not coming back to this earth in this 3rd dimensional age. We will explain this in more detail later in the text. The true meaning of the Day of the Lord is this. When the planet Nibiru comes into our solar system from deep space, it could cause a disruption in the rotation of planet earth. Sometimes this will actually cause the rotation of the planet to stop for approximately a day. This is also directly affected by where the earth is in its orbit, when Nibiru passes by. Sometimes
the effects are dramatic, sometimes there are no effects at all. The gravitational effects of the two planets passing too close to each other, is the cause of the problems. The Day of the Lord is an event that happens every 3,600 years. The bible prophets knew this and understood this true meaning, recording it accurately. The true understanding was lost over time, in the same way that the knowledge of Nibiru was lost in time, until it was again rediscovered by NASA. The true meanings of the texts were misinterpreted and misrepresented for several reasons. The first reason, is again, a direct result of mans 2 strand DNA, with only a double helix, which holds mans consciousness at a low level. We cannot connect with Creator to learn truth, so we must rely on our growing scientific ability to discover knowledge. The only other way to try to learn truth, is to study our past. This creates its own problems. A low consciousness directly affects our memory, causing us to have a short memory. Our personal memory is only one lifetime long. Group memory is around 3 generations, from 60 up to120 years, while collective memory, such as a nations memory, is around 200 years. History proves this. Nations continuously rise and fall on an average of 200 years. The original intentions, purpose, directions and all that brings a nation to greatness, will be forgotten and changed from the original intentions, as each new generation reinterprets this information, continually forgetting more of the past, allowing it to slip away, causing nations to fall. The written records of these nations will still be there and will still say the same, although the interpretations will be different for each generation. Each generation will change the interpretation to suit their lifestyles, goals and needs. Adding up all the changes over several generations is when the problem shows up. On the average of 200 years, a nation will loose its original purpose, directions and intentions, that originally made it a great nation, creating its downfall, then forcing it to learn its forgotten lessons all over again and so the cycle continues. This is part of the human experience, a direct result of our 2 strand DNA. Now think what happens to our memory after 3,600 years. There is no memory. Even the written history of the ancient texts of our past, do not make any sense to us. Our understanding of the meanings of the languages, that ancient texts were written in, have changed considerably, cutting us off from the true understanding of the knowledge of our past. Everything that we translate from another language, has to be interpreted according to what our understanding is today. The true meanings and what they signify are lost in time, so we must put our modern mean-
ing on them. Many words do not exist in our language, so we substitute other words, completely changing the original meaning and intentions of the ancient texts. Parts of texts are lost, which further confuses the translations. Other texts are altered by someone in the past and we have no idea who, when or why it was done. We have no way of proving if an ancient text has been altered or not, so we have to accept it at face value. This is what happened to the ancient bible texts. Look at the dozens of bible translations that are all different in meaning and content. They were all translated from the same ancient texts. Look at the United States, we have many Christian denominations using one bible version, with each one interpreting the same texts in different ways. The fact is, the original purpose, meaning and intentions from the past are lost. The second reason, is the ongoing battle between the Sons of Darkness and the Sons of Light. The Sons of Darkness always position themselves in many places of power, authority and influence, doing this through out mans history, including today. They are continuously manipulating anything that will give them control and power over other humans. The Sons of Darkness have already misinterpreted, misrepresented and altered the ancient texts of the bible, including the teachings of Jesus the Christ, continuing their effort up to today. Many ancient texts have been hidden away, in order to deny man this knowledge, with many more completely destroyed by the Sons of Darkness. The third reason, is the older writings of the bible, that speak of the Day of the Lord, have been taken out of the time period that they were intended for, and are being combined with the Book of Revelation, which has spawned a whole new interpretation of end time prophecies, of which the greater majority of these teachings, are not true. To put it another way, The Teachings Of The End Of The World, The So Called End Time Prophecies, Are False Teachings. The Sons of Darkness have put these teachings in place, to keep man in Fear about his future. When you understand the way your spiritual vibration works, you will realize this fact. There Is No Spiritual Growth, When You Live In Fear. Creator allowed the Nefilim Gods to give man the Ten Commandments, which are fear based, so the spiritual beings that fell during the time of Atlantis, who are now in the bodies of man, could have the privilege to experience fear to its deepest levels and to live with it and to play with it, so their learning experiences would be complete. You ask why? Very simple, spiritual beings cannot
experience any of the low vibrations, such as fear, anger, judgement, ego, hate, revenge, sorrow, shame, despair, jealousy, depression, anxiety, guilt and many other emotions, while living in the spiritual realms. These emotions only exist on the lower dimensional levels of physical planets, such as planet earth. You can only experience them to their fullest, in the lower dimensions, when you are completely separated from the consciousness of Creator. Think about this. You are locked into bodies with only 2 strand DNA. You only have one double helix, so that you have virtually no connection to Creator. Creator allowed man to receive the Ten Commandments which are fear based, from the Nefilim, since they were our first teachers. The lessons have been going on for more than 12,000 years, so that you had the privilege to have many lifetimes to experience fear and all the other low vibrations. Man was then given the privilege to turn away from fear. The time for the lessons to come to an end, was when Jesus the Christ came to this planet. Remember when Jesus said; Matthew, chapter 5, verses 17 and 18; Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law and the prophets; I have come, not to abolish them, but to fulfill them. Of this much I assure you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter of the law, not the smallest part of a letter shall be done away with, until it all comes true. In the events of the life of Jesus the Christ, the law of the Ten Commandments was fulfilled and the original covenant of the Nefilim Gods ended. Man was given a new covenant, with only one law to replace the Ten Commandments. Jesus the Christ gave us this new law when He said, This Is My Commandment, That Ye Love One Another As I Have Loved You. The new Law Giver of this Law of Love, was the Christ Consciousness, that was speaking through the mouth of Jesus. Jesus was only the voice for the Christ Consciousness, that was now giving us the Law of the Universe, that replaces all laws. To stop the new law from spreading, the Sons of Darkness tried to crucify the new law giver. They then persecuted and killed the Apostles who where to spread the law. They could not stop the new law, so the teachings were altered and corrupted. Then the Ten Commandments were brought into the new Christian faith by the Sons of Darkness. The Commandment to Love One Another, was then overshadowed and replaced by the old familiar law of fear. Man had the privilege to turn away from the old law and to live the Law of Love, for more than 1,900 years. Man allowed this privilege to slip away by keeping the old law. With fear from the old law, mixed into the Law of Love,
man has not been able to grow spiritually since the time of Jesus. Why? Fear will not allow it to happen. Think very carefully of the end time prophecies, what are they loaded with, what are they based on? Fear! The fourth reason, is that the rotation of the earths axis, causes the consciousness of all humans to drop down to a very low level. You could say that the consciousness of humans goes to sleep. The ability of the human consciousness has been dropping for the last 10,000 years and has reached its lowest level more than 2,000 years ago. It has remained at this level for the last 1,800 years. We have been awakening consciously very quickly for the last 100 years. We will explain this in more detail when we talk about the Kali Yuga.
We have already discussed the true meaning of the Day of the Lord. Many of these prophecies are used as end time prophecies. These are all false teachings and false interpretations to keep you in fear. They are a good portion of these prophecies. The book of Daniel is another book that has been altered by the Sons of Darkness. This book was originally intended to describe what would happen to Babylon and that is the only time period it was written for. It has been misinterpreted and taken out of its intended time period. It has also been used as end time prophecies. These teachings are false teachings. The proof is in the Akashic records. The book of Daniel was SEALED, in the Akashic records, in the fourth century BC, which is over 2,400 years ago. This is approximately 431 years before Jesus walked the earth. Everything in this book, that is truth, has been completed more than 2,400 years ago. This book has absolutely nothing to do with the events that are happening in the world today. We give you this information from the Akashic records, so you can release your fears of false end time prophecies. This book has absolutely nothing to do with the time period we are now living in.
Book Of Daniel
The other major portion of the end time prophecies are contained in the book of Revelation. The book of Revelation has been called a book of allegory and symbolism, since no one really understood it. This book is shrouded in mystery, with even the true author in doubt. It was assumed, that it was predictions for the future, since it started out with information that was happening at the time of Jesus and was presented as the revela-
Book Of Revelation
tions of Jesus the Christ and the events that were to come. It is now time to understand the truth about the book of Revelation. The truth of the book of Revelation is permanently recorded and sealed in the Akashic Records. We give you this knowledge from the Akashic records to awaken you and release you from your fears of the false end time prophecies. The first truth of the book of Revelation, is that the book has several authors. It is actually a collection of seven books, which came from different historical time periods. Several of these books were altered, some are now missing, others have been totally destroyed. The second truth, is that the early Christian Church has stated, that the apostle John, the one who was loved by Jesus, was the author of Revelation. This is not true. John the apostle, is not the author of the book of Revelation. Another man by the name of John, assembled these writings from different time periods, taking portions of each, altering them and assembling them together to make this book. He was guided by the Sons of Darkness to alter these writings and create the book of Revelation, a book that would put fear into the hearts of man till the end of the age. This book was written to keep the emotion of fear in people, in order to dilute the vibration of love. The book of Revelation has been a total success at keeping fear in the hearts of man up too now. The third truth, is that the first three chapters, are the only chapters of this book that were written by this John and they were written only after the lives of Jesus and the apostles were over. This delayed time span in writing, assembling and releasing the book of Revelation to the people, was necessary, so that no one would be alive who could recognize the false teachings. The fourth truth, is that chapters 4 through 19, are from a text that foretold the fall and destruction of Babylon. At this time Babylon included Mesopotamia and Palestine. The destruction started when it was conquered by Cyrus the Great around 538 BC. The Jewish nation was freed from captivity and allowed to return to Israel. This destruction of Babylon was instigated by the Nefilim Gods as a punishment, for allowing the Jews to experience a different way of life outside of the Jewish laws during their captivity, causing a split to happen in the Jewish nation, creating the people of the Diaspora. This was the second lesson given to the Jewish nation to obey the Laws of the Gods. The first lesson was the destruction of Solomons temple and the city. This second lesson was the destruction of Babylon instead of the Jewish nation, as another warning and example to obey the
Gods or pay the consequences. These texts have been drastically altered, with many additions added from other texts, with the greater portion of these original texts now missing. The fifth truth, is that chapters 20, 21 and 22, are part of the texts that describe the ending of the Lucifer rebellion on this planet. These texts have been altered and major portions of the original texts are also missing. This 3rd rebellion started around 3 million years ago in the Milky Way Galaxy and planet earth is located on the outer edge of one of the spiral arms of this galaxy. There are many people who will reject what we have just revealed about the book of Revelation. The ultimate and final truth of this book is recorded in the Akashic Records. The sixth truth, is that the Book of Revelation is SEALED, in the Akashic Records, which means that it is already completed. It has been SEALED in the second century AD, which is over 1,800 years ago. What this means, is everything in the book of Revelation that was truth, has been completed over 1,800 years ago and it is finished. The Book Of Revelation has Nothing to do at all with Events Happening Now At The End Of This Age. This is Not The End Of The World, it is The End Of The Age and it is Happening Now, Between The Years Of 1987 and 2013. Anything and everything, that has teachings and predictions for the end of the world, including the return of Jesus to rapture His followers, that are based on the book of Revelation, the book of Daniel, or based on any texts that are part of the information of the Day of the Lord, Are All False Teachings. They were started by the Sons of Darkness to keep you in Fear. If you believe in these end time prophecies, you have been tricked and now you are a prisoner of your own beliefs and your own fears. There are many in the Christian faiths, who believe all prophecy ended with Jesus and the Apostles. This is Not True. It is another false teaching that was started by the Sons of Darkness, to keep humans from searching out truth and growing in knowledge and wisdom. This is keeping them (You) from growing spiritually and consciously. Realize that the Jewish prophets ended with the destruction of Israel. The reason behind this, is that the Jewish prophets were receiving their information from the Nefilim Gods. After the destruction of Jerusalem in 72 AD and captivity of the Jews, the Gods gave up the plan of living on earth again. There was no reason to give new information, since there was no longer a nation to give this information too. Understand that the old testament writings, were specifically directed to the Jews. They were Jewish history.
Prophecy has been steadily coming down to the planet since the time of Jesus. Creators word is constantly being brought down to the planet, to enlighten all humanity. Most of the information has been ignored and not understood, since the consciousness of man was at its lowest level for the last 2,160 years. People do not recognize and no longer seek wisdom. It is the Sons of Darkness in positions of power and authority, that have tricked people into believing that prophecy stopped with the Jewish prophets. Look at your self, are you satisfied with your spiritual knowledge? Have you tried to understand or figure why there are no more prophets? Have you been searching out more spiritual knowledge? Have you been searching for spiritual knowledge outside of your belief system? Have you been searching to understand different belief systems? Have you tried to search for spiritual knowledge outside of the established belief systems? For how long have you been searching? Are you finished searching after reading this Book? The course of Christian history for the last 1,800 years has also been altered by the false interpretations and teachings about the book of Revelation. When we believe in something, even if the belief is false, Universal law (As You Believe, So Shall It Be) will allow it to happen. When you believe false teachings and hold that thought pattern in your mind and memory, then what you think will actually begin to happen. If you clear these thoughts and beliefs out of your mind and memory, changing your thought patterns, then none of the possibilities will happen. This is exactly what is already happening. The collective consciousness of man has changed. The greater majority of the worlds population, no longer believes in all the end times destruction. So for now we will probably not have the massive destructive earth changes that many people are teaching today. If for some reason, the collective consciousness of man changes their beliefs and again believes in world destructive changes, it will happen. There are some nations that believe in this destruction very deeply and if they keep these thought patterns and beliefs in their consciousness, they will bring this destruction down upon their nation, to the degree, that they hold these beliefs in their national collective consciousness. If man chooses to interpret the biblical texts to mean that all this destruction will happen and enough people believe in it, then all these things could happen. What kind of future do you want for your family and friends? The choice is yours. Remember these simple words in the bible, As You Believe, So Shall It Be. This statement is a Universal law that directs our future, it does
not matter if you believe it or not, it just is. It is Creators law for everyone in this universe. It works in your life every day; if you believe you are sick, you will become sick; if you believe you are a winner, you will become a winner; if you believe you are a loser, then you will become a loser; if you believe that you can do something, you will accomplishment it; if you believe that you cannot do something, you will fail. Whatever you believe in your mind, will eventually happen in your life.
A simple example of the way collective consciousness works is this. When the greater majority of the world believes that there will be massive destruction world wide, lets say this is a belief of 70% of the worlds population. Since this is the belief of the greater half, the massive destruction will eventually happen. If we reverse this belief pattern, the opposite will happen. When there is only a minority of the worlds population, that believes that there will be massive destruction world wide, lets say that this is a belief of only 30% of the worlds population. Since this is the lesser of the half, the destruction will most likely not happen. There may be some destruction and it will most likely be very little, if any. If the world belief in world wide destruction is divided with 50% believing in it and the other 50% not believing, we will have some of the destruction happen, not all of it, with most of it happening to those who believe in it the most. It is important to understand that there is a collective consciousness, which is sometimes called a group consciousness. There is the consciousness of the whole world that affects all of us together; there is a consciousness of every continent, of every nation, of every city, town, organization and family. Wherever people are gathered together, no matter how large or small the group of people are, they form a collective or group consciousness and the beliefs that they have will affect all their lives for good or bad, according to how many believe the same way and how deeply they believe in their beliefs. Every single person in the world is connected to these many groups and collective consciousness. You cannot separate from them. As long as you are on the planet earth, you are part of them for good or bad, for better or worse, like it or not.
Collective Consciousness
Remember when Jesus said; in Matthew, chapter 18, verse 19 and 20; Again I tell you, if two of you join your voices on earth to pray for anything whatever, it shall be granted you by my
Father in heaven. Where two or more are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst. Realize that this statement is being made by the Christ Consciousness, speaking through the mouth of Jesus. It is the Christ Consciousness that will be there in the midst of two or more gathered together in prayer. What do you realize from this statement? Two or more gathered together is collective group consciousness in action. This group consciousness is also working with Universal Law, prayer is a Hope and Belief of things to come. As You Believe, So Shall It Be. Also remember what the Christ Consciousness said through the mouth of Jesus; I Am The Way, The Truth And The Life, No Man Cometh Unto The Father But By Me. Since we are disconnected from Universal Consciousness, the Christ Consciousness is our connection to Creator (The Father) and is also the one that will direct our prayers to Creator.
It is important to understand, that man has the power to choose his future, which involves the laws of man and the laws of the universe. We will explain this to a deeper level. What we need to understand, is that there are laws in this universe that control what our future will be. These laws are called Universal Laws, since they affect absolutely everything that happens in this universe. The Universal Consciousness of Creator is everywhere, nothing can exist outside of Creator. Creator is the conscious energy that everything is created from and the Source of All that is. The All, is always in Divine Order, with every universe having its own laws. You have probably never heard of anyone teaching anything about them. This is actually higher knowledge and is hidden in the bible and other sacred books and writings. This information was taught in the hidden Mystery schools for thousands of years. The reason why they are hidden, is that when you discover one of these laws and gain an understanding of it, the law then becomes active in your life, allowing you to take charge of your future. You now have the opportunity to actually take back your own personal power. Once these laws become active in your life you cannot ignore them or try to forget them. You also cannot turn away from them or turn them off. Once they become active in your life, they will begin to work, regardless if you use them or not. It is a matter of, will you use them for your greater good, or will you let them take their own course, which could just as easily be against your greater good. When you do not direct the universal law that you learned, it is just like getting into a car, starting it, putting the transmission
into gear, then jumping out and letting the car go wherever its wants to. You started the car and put it into motion, so you are now responsible for its actions and consequences if you like it or not. Universal law is the same way, you are responsible how it is used. Universal law is also like water. Once you become introduced to it in your early life, you are going to get wet. It does not matter if you spill it on your self, stand in the rain or jump in the water, you are still going to get wet. The more you learn about water and how to use it, the more useful it becomes in your life. Water can be used to create and sustain life, such as the water that nourishes a garden. It can also destroy life by causing you to drown in a swimming pool or a flood. Discovering and learning about the Universal laws is a Gift of Knowledge from Creator. And since it is a gift, there is one little important piece of knowledge that you need to remember. To Those That More Has Been Given, More Will Be Expected. In other words, once you learn about the Universal Laws, you are expected to use them wisely. Another reason the Universal Laws are not being taught, is that it is not in the best interest of the Sons of Darkness. They are the ones who are working behind the scenes to take your choice and power away, so they can control your life. Two of the most important Universal Laws are; As You Believe, So Shall It Be. This law works constantly in our lives, minute by minute, day by day. Whatever we believe will eventually happen, good or bad. Look at your thoughts very carefully to see what is constantly on your mind. This is how we create our future. The other Universal Law is; Whatever You Create, You Will Experience. We create by our thoughts, by our beliefs and by our actions. Think what happens when your thoughts, beliefs or actions run wild. They will eventually become your future. Not a very pretty picture is it? There are other Universal Laws and we will briefly name them and give a brief description of what they pertain to; How many are you familiar with? Law of Action- We create our life or manifest something by thinking it, acting it, believing it, and speaking it. These four actions must be balanced together as one. Law of Attraction- Like vibrations attract like vibrations. High vibrations attract high vibrations and low vibrations attract low vibrations. Love attracts Love. Fear attracts Fear. Law of Changing of Energy- Thoughts are energy, we change energy by changing our thoughts and by controlling our thoughts, our actions, our beliefs and our words.
Law of Consequences- All actions are choices, every single action we do, has a consequence, for good or bad, that results from a previous action. We create lifes daily events, by every single action we do. There are no accidents in our life or in the universe. Our life is the result of our continuous, minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day actions. Law of Compensation- As we give to others, so will it be given to us. The expression; What goes around comes around, applies to the law of compensation and the law of consequences. Law of Gender- Balance of yin and yang, balance of masculine and feminine energies, balance of positive and negative. The Creative force of the universe is the balance of these opposites. Law of Harmony- All laws in the universes affect each other and all laws are in harmony with each other. Law of Love- To allow All life forms and All things to exist in harmony, in All of creation. The law of Love is the fabric of the Cosmos and the glue that holds everything together. Law of One- We are All One, we are All part of One Energy, we are All of One Mind, we are All from One Source. The Infinite Mind, The Prime Creator, The Source Of All That Is. Law of Polarity- Everything has an opposite with varying degrees between these opposites. Law of Balance- A state of balance where everything is dependent on everything else. Nothing is absolute. Law of Rhythm- Universe operates in cycles or a rhythm, like the continuous rising and falling of the ocean tides. Like the rising and setting of the sun. It affects everything in the universe. Law of Vibration- Higher vibrations consume lower vibrations. Love and Compassion (high vibrations), consume fear, anger, hate, revenge, judgement, etc. (low vibrations). The laws that most people are familiar with, are the Ten Commandments. We now need to understand the reasons why the laws (Ten Commandments) were given to Moses by the Nefilim God on Mt. Sinai. It is necessary to understand the hidden purpose and results that these laws would accomplish. Know that these laws already existed, with many other laws, in the many different languages during that time. It was now time to refine the laws and to renew them. These laws were refined and given again to a people that were totally uneducated, living as slaves of the Egyptians, surviving on the bare necessities of life, without any type of social structure. These laws, were the types of laws that were needed to bring people up to a common standard of living, in order to
build a social structure, that would become a nation. These laws would bring order to peoples lives, while at the same time they would be used to control the population by the motivation of fear and punishment by the Gods. The laws were expanded upon by the Gods, so that the people were totally controlled by the power of the law. These laws (Ten Commandments) are not laws that are motivated by love. These laws did not come from Creator. They are laws of power and control over people, by other people, they are laws created by the Nefilim Gods. These laws at the time were necessary, for the purpose that they were intended for, bringing about law and order, with a social structure, for an uneducated people. These laws served the purpose of helping man to raise his consciousness level to a point where he could learn higher laws. All the laws given in the Ten Commandments, with all their added teachings, were only a stepping stone on the path of spiritual growth. Even today, Christian teachings have expanded the laws by including hell fire damnation for eternity. If you still follow the Ten Commandments because of Fear within you of judgement, condemnation and hell fire damnation for eternity, you have not grown spiritually or consciously. You are stuck in the past. When the Master Teacher, Jesus the Christ was on the planet, He said, Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets, I have come, not to abolish, but to fulfill them. What He was saying was that the law has served its purpose and fulfilled its destiny. He came to bring it to completion, for it no longer served the good of the people. He went on to explain in the form of parables, a new law, that was motivated by a complete different emotion, the emotion of Love. The old law of the Ten Commandments was driven by Fear, with people controlling other peoples lives, by using the power of the law over them. Jesus gave us a new law, from Creator, that was spoken by The Christ Consciousness, through the mouth of Jesus, before He left this planet. It was very clear and given in simple language, John, chapter 15, verse 12, This Is My Commandment, That Ye Love One Another As I Have Loved You. This was a personal message from Creator, that was to be given to the fallen spiritual beings who, were now living in the bodies of humans. It was a reminder to stimulate their consciousness, of who they were and where they came from. In the book of John, chapters 15 thru 17, the Christ Consciousness speaks through Jesus, explaining the true relationship between Creator and the spiritual beings that are in the bodies of man, and Christ addresses
Creator as Father. At the end of chapter 17, Christ acknowledges the separation of man from Creator, O righteous Father, the world hath not known Thee, but I have known Thee, and these have known that Thou has sent Me. And I have declared unto them Thy name, and will declare it; that the love that Thou hast loved Me with, may be in them, and I in them. Christ was directly acknowledging Sin, which is the separation of the spiritual beings from Creator, that are now living in the bodies of humans. It is very important to realize, that until this point in the history of man, the Nefilim were the only ones that were honored as the Supreme God. Think about this for a moment. Jesus was telling the people about a Creator, who He referred to as Father. He was telling them that there is another God that they do not remember and that they are separated from this God. He was telling them all this, while they already believed in the God of Moses, that brought them out of Egypt with a powerful hand, working many miracles, the God that resided in the Holy of Holies, speaking to them through the Ark of the Covenant. Jesus was telling the Jews that there was another God, beside the God of the Jews. If you belonged to a church today and a person came into your group of believers and told you there was another God that you do not know about and do not remember and he would not go away, what would your reaction be to this person? Be honest with yourself, you would probably run him out of your church, condemn him as a heretic, possibly get very ugly with him and start confronting him with your beliefs. At the very least you would leave his presence and stay away from him. You would probably ban him from your church, labeling him as a religious nut. Thats the way Jesus was treated. The Jewish leaders were threatened by what He preached. He was so outspoken, for so long, and would not go away, that the Jewish leaders persecuted Him and had Him sentenced to death? Jesus was challenging the God of Moses with another God, called Father.
There are many people who have heard of the Ark of the Covenant and have probably seen it in a popular movie. Have you ever wondered what it really is? The Ark is actually a mechanical device made out of solid state materials. The Ark is a dual purpose receiver transmitter, that was designed by the Nefilim Gods. The Ark received the voice of the Nefilim Gods and allowed the Jewish High Priest to be able to talk back to God. It operates on the same principle as a two way FM radio.
The other half is a multitasking device and a powerful transmitter that controls the whole operation. This is how the Nefilim Gods spoke to the High Priest in the Holy of Holies, where the Ark was kept. The transmitter was kept in a very high stationary orbit above the earth. Today science has the technology to build another Ark and a transmitter that will work with the receiver. They already have what is needed, although no one has realized this yet. No one has attempted to figure out how to put the pieces together to make it work. There was an attempt by a group years back to build an Ark, according to the description in the Bible. When they started to assemble it, it began to give off electrical discharges and it was decided that it was to dangerous to continue. The project was stopped. What is not known is that the receiver part of the Ark is turned on permanently once it is assembled. It is designed to receive 3 different radio frequencies. This combination of frequencies made the Ark electrically hot, so that anyone that touches it will be killed. You could stand by the Ark safely, although touching it was deadly. The only way the Ark can be safely assembled is to isolate the components during construction from all radio frequencies until it is completely built. Once it is taken out of isolation, it is permanently on since it is constantly receiving energy from the background energy of the universe. The transmitter part could raise the frequencies (the energy level) to the level that anyone within a distance of 180 feet could be killed, if the operator (one of the Nefilim Gods) decided to show his power or his anger by simply turning up the power of the transmitter. The Ark was a low tech device operated by a high tech transmitter, used by the Nefilim to play God over the Jewish nation. We stated that the transmitter that operated the Ark was a multitasking device. What this means is that the transmitter was used for more than one purpose. There were many receivers placed on the planet that were used by Moses and later the Jewish High Priests in order to communicate with the Nefilm Gods. Moses and the high priests were not aware of these receiving transmitting devices and did not have any kind of knowledge about these devices. Technology as we have today did not exist among humans during the time of Moses or the Jewish nation. To them it was a mystery and a miracle that God would communicate with them and this showed the humans the power of God. If this sounds impossible to believe just think of your portable telephones, your cell phones. With a tiny hand held cell phone you can now communicate to practically anyone anywhere in the world where communication is set up. In
the same way the Nefilim used the transmitter with many different disguised two way receivers to talk to Moses and the Jewish High Priests. For those that read the bible, do you remember when Moses talked to God in the burning bush? Within the burning bush was another receiver that was a different size and style that was operated by the same transmitter. The Nefilim Gods talked to Moses through the two way receiver in the burning bush and Moses talked back to the Gods. The burning bush itself was a projected illusion similar to a hologram. It can all be easily duplicated today. Remember the people of that time period had no concept of what we call technology, only the Nefilim had this great technology and they kept it hidden. In Exodus of the bible, it describes God as appearing to Moses in the form of a cloudy pillar at the Tabernacle. This was also an illusion similar to a hologram that was used continually by the Gods. It was another one of the functions of the multitasking transmitter. Another illusion was the writing of the ten commandments. They were written by the hand of the Nefilim God on stone tablets and this was done with a laser type device. The bible describes that the first tablets were the work of God and the writing was the work of God. The first stone tablets were already made and waiting for Moses when he received the ten commandments. Moses broke the first set of tablets in his anger over the wickedness of the Jews when he returned from Mt Sinai to the encampment. Moses was then told by God to make a second set of stone tablets like the first and then God would write on this new set of stone tablets. Does it seem a little strange that God could make the first set of stone tablets but not the second set. If God was God it would not be a problem to quickly fashion another set of stone tablets quickly at that moment. Instead, Moses had to physically make the second set and take them to God to write on. This little incident recorded in the bible shows that the Gods had human type limitations and they were not prepared for having something happen to the original stone tablets. They did not anticipate the original stone tablets being broken by an angry Moses. They were caught unprepared. Can you imagine God not being prepared? When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, he went to the edge of the Red Sea. When Pharaoh sent his chariots to destroy the Israelites, they were stopped by a column of smoke and fire. This column of smoke and fire was also a function of the transmitter. Even the staff that Moses carried had a two way receiver hidden in it. The Gods were very resourceful. There were many other functions of the transmitter, with the Ark, the burning bush and the columns of cloudy smoke
and fire being the most dramatic ones that were recorded. Man, up to this point, still did not have any knowledge about Creator. The information about Creator and the spiritual realms, including the fall of the spiritual beings during the time of Atlantis, was kept in secret to preserve it and protect it from the destruction by the Sons of Darkness, who were also in the bodies of man. The Nefilim Gods were the undisputed rulers of man. Jesus was one of the Master Teachers that came to teach man about Creator. The Ten Commandments were given to the Jews and to no one else. Have you ever wondered why? To understand, you must go back in time to the fall of Atlantis. After the fall of the spiritual beings, with their separation from Creator, the higher evolved spiritual beings from different dimensions, put together a plan that you could call a rescue plan. This plan actually turned planet earth into a giant classroom for the fallen beings, so that they would have the privilege to experience the full range of emotions of a 3rd dimensional planet. They could play with these emotions to learn about them, experiencing them in many different ways and evolve up to the necessary level of consciousness, in order to become masters over these emotions. Once they mastered these emotions, they could finally release themselves and raise their vibrational and conscious level back to what it was before the fall at Atlantis. These spirits could not return to their former existence, until they raised their consciousness back up to the level of Universal Consciousness. This presented another problem that had to be solved, since the 2 strand DNA of man limited the growth of their consciousness. The higher evolved spiritual beings put together a plan to solve this problem. These higher dimensional beings are called the Astral Pure Bred. Their great love for their fallen brothers and sisters, motivated them to come down to the planet to form a nation, that would become a nation of teachers. Then they would go out into the world to spread the knowledge and the truth of Creator. They would also take on the highest karmic lessons, with the purpose of raising the consciousness of man to the highest level. They incarnated on the planet as a group, going into the bodies of the slaves of Egypt. This was the beginning of the Jewish nation of world teachers. Moses brought them out of Egypt to prepare them to become this great nation. The Scriptures of the Bible tell us that, once a Jew, always a Jew, which means that once these spiritual beings were born into the Jewish race, they would always have to reincarnate back into the Jewish race for all generations, until this age was over. The
reason for this, was the commitment that the Astral Pure Bred had, to enlighten and free their fallen brethren from this limited existence that they were trapped in. Realize at the same time, there was another level of control over the Jewish nation by the Nefilim Gods. They wanted to keep the Jews together as one nation, so that they would become the chosen race of the Gods. Then the Nefilim Gods would use the Jewish nation to go out and teach the Ten Commandments to the world. You can now see, that the Astral Pure Bred in the Jewish nation had a different intention, which was to go out and teach the world about Creator. This conflict of different intentions between the Astral Pure Bred and the Nefilim Gods, made life extremely difficult for the Jewish nation. No matter how difficult it would become, the Astral Pure Bred would not allow themselves to fail. The Ten Commandments were only a step in the larger plan. As we stated before, the purpose of the law was to bring order to peoples lives while building a social structure that would become a nation. The main drive of the law is fear, an emotion that drives everyone to some degree. The greater the fear, the greater the desire to follow the law. Realize, that even up to this point in the history of man, the Nefilim were still the only ones that were honored as the Supreme God. Now they were called the God of Moses.
As you can now see, the Nefilim were the main driving force in the direction of mans growth. They were mans creators, their parents and they were the only God that man understood up to this point in time. As we pointed out different events in mans history, always remember, the Nefilim Gods created man originally as a hybrid slave and when man became a self reproducing race, they felt they had a responsibility to guide and direct their evolution. They also had power over man, keeping control over him, according to their personal wishes. When they felt that man was not living up to the Nefilim standards and obeying their laws, they did what they thought was necessary to punish man. When man was evolving to fast, they stopped his evolution by confounding his language. They then tried to eliminate man by letting the forces of nature destroy him. As you can see, there was a very definite love hate relationship between man and the Gods. The Nefilim understood the Universal Laws of this universe, they used them to achieve their collective goals. They also continually compromised their ethics and they used force when it suited their needs. That is why they never evolved
beyond 36 strands of DNA. They gave man the laws that were necessary for him to grow from his low level of consciousness, up to a certain level, with built in stops inserted in the law, to keep him at that level. These built in stops in the law were the emotions of Fear and Judgement that we will discuss more in the text. Fear of punishment from breaking the laws given by the Gods, was also necessary at the beginning of mans evolution, since man was simple minded in the way of the laws. Fear would usually get mans attention to take notice of the laws. It was necessary for man to evolve through the levels of all emotions, in order to understand and master them. The Ten Commandments and all the other laws and commands of the Nefilim Gods, were necessary at this level of consciousness. We will now mention the other hidden forces that were behind the evolution of man. Regardless of what the Nefilim did to man, the human race was going to survive by the Divine Will of Creator. Man would eventually be given free choice, so that man alone would have the privilege to decide his own destiny, or to bring about his own total destruction and death of the human race.
Another force that was shaping mans evolution, which was hidden from view, was an 8th dimensional being called Jehovah. The teachings of today say that Jehovah was one of the names of God. These teachings are in error, with the true understanding being lost in time. Jehovah is Not part of the Nefilim Gods and is Not one of the names of Creator. Jehovah is a highly evolved 8th dimensional spiritual being that is a Melchizedek, who took on the responsibility of bringing out of Egypt, a people that would become a Jewish nation, fulfilling Creators desire. Jehovah was involved in the affairs of man from the foundation of the Jewish nation, up until the time of the destruction of Israel. Jehovah influenced the Jewish nations birth and evolution directly, by working through the Nefilim Gods, intervening directly when necessary, without the Nefilim ever realizing that they were being led by Jehovah, to accomplish Creators will. When the Jewish nation refused to accept the new Law of Love, that was given to them by Jesus, and after the destruction of Jerusalem and the death of the Jewish Zealots at Masada, Jehovah departed this 3rd dimensional level, since the nation was now destroyed and scattered. All the work with the Jewish nation was already completed and Jehovahs work was done. Jehovah has never returned to this 3rd dimensional
level since leaving. The original purpose of the Jewish nation was to become world teachers, separating themselves from the old covenant and the laws of the Ten Commandments, then going out to all nations and teaching the new Law of Love that Jesus gave them, Love One Another As I Have Loved You. There were many obstacles that the Jewish nation ran into. Satan working through the Sons of Darkness set out to crucify the law giver and then they set out to kill his disciples. The Law of Love was rejected. Israel failed to complete its spiritual purpose. This was a total failure for the nation and a terrible setback for the Astral Pure Bred who were trying to help their fallen Brethren, to consciously awaken from their fall at Atlantis. In the ongoing battle between the Sons of Darkness and the Sons of Light, this was a tremendous victory for the dark forces.
The name of Yahweh is another name that is also being used incorrectly. The teachings of today about this name are in error, with the true understanding also being lost in time. Yahweh is not one of the Nefilim Gods and Yahweh is Not one of the names of Creator. Yahweh is an 11th dimensional spiritual being that came to this 3rd dimensional world, directly from the Central Sun of Creator, to bring the sacred pronouncements of the Hebrew language to the Astral Pure Bred that were now in human bodies and would become part of the Jewish Nation. This high vibrational spiritual being is also a Melchizedek. Yahweh came to this planet after the flood and worked in the background to educate those that would become the Jewish nation. The purpose was so the Jews would be prepared with the knowledge and a higher consciousness to become world teachers. After receiving the Law of Love from Jesus, it was intended for them to travel the world to reintroduce man back to the knowledge of the true Creator and to help them remember who they actually are, fallen spiritual beings.
A main force in planetary evolution that is part of the Sons of Light are those from the Order of Melchizedek. For those who do not know or understand the name Melchizedek, we will explain it. There are a number of beings on this planet who belong to this order, some work in spirit form while others incarnate in human bodies just like you. Some will declare openly that they belong to this order, most will not. They prefer to work in the
Order Of Melchizedek
background, out of the spotlight, which helps them to accomplish their work more easily. The Order of Melchizedek, is a teaching order, that works on all the planetary levels, such as on planet earth, to bring the light of knowledge and understanding to evolving worlds and planets. They do the will of Creator by bringing all creation to the Light (knowledge) of Creator. The Order of Melchizedek existed before the creation of the universes, so it could be there to direct their evolution. For all practical purposes we could say this order existed before time itself existed. There are a few from this order that are descendants from the Ancient Ones. The original Ancient Ones never incarnate. This order also teaches on the planes of existence that do not have physical form or properties, in other words, they teach on the pure spiritual planes where there in no physical form, only energy. They also teach in the Astral realms to help spirits between lifetimes. They teach in all the universes, anywhere that spiritual beings dwell and they teach and travel throughout all creation in the Cosmos.
The greater part of those who belong to this order are called those; Who Are of The Order of Melchizedek. These are the ones who incarnate into human bodies in order to work directly on a planet. They are all highly evolved spiritual beings with each one having a certain responsibility to fulfill, which is usually called a contract in human terms. When they are born on this planet, they take on the same separation from Creator, just like anyone else on this planet. Then they have to wake themselves up to who they are, raise their consciousness, figure out their contract, then work to fulfill it. This is an overwhelming task to accomplish, especially on this planet, since it is separated from the consciousness of Creator. Also know that the spiritual beings who are of the Order of Melchizedek, that come into this planet in human form, are born into male and female bodies. Yes, that is what you just read, there are females on this planet who are in the Order of Melchizedek. It is important to know that in the spiritual realm, there is not male or female, all is one, all is energy. It is the choice of the spirit that is going to incarnate (being born into a human body) on this planet, to choose either a male or female body, according to what lessons they choose to learn and the work that they will be doing.
A Melchizedek
There are those within this order who are called Priests of the
Order of Melchizedek. The King of Salem, that is mentioned in the Bible in Genesis and Hebrews, was this type of Priest. He was recognized as a priest by Abraham. It was also known that this Priest of the Order of Melchizedek did not have a father or mother, He was not descended from humans. He appeared on the planet, completed His work, then disappeared. He had no physical birth or physical death. He was recognized as a priest that possessed the authority of Creator. The second Priest of this order that came to this planet, also being recognized by man, was Jesus the Christ. In the Bible in Hebrews, man started to make the connection between the Melchizedek that was recognized by Abraham as being from Creator, to the Priesthood of Jesus the Christ. The sacrifice of bread and wine was made by both of these priests, waking people up to the fact that Jesus was also of a higher order of priests. They questioned why these priests came to them, realizing that they were both greater than the Levitical Priesthood that came after the Order of Aaron. They questioned why another priesthood was necessary, never realizing that a higher priesthood was needed to bring in a higher law. What the Jewish nation failed to recognize, was that this higher priesthood came to the planet to fulfill the old law, by bringing it to a completion, and to put in its place the Law of Love from Creator. The priests of the Order of Melchizedek receive their authority directly from Creator, the priests that follow the Order of Aaron, the Levites, receive their authority from the Nefilim Gods. The laws of Creator as taught by the Order of Melchizedek, are based on Love, which is an allowing of all creation to exist in harmony. Love is one of the highest vibrations. The law of the Ten commandments as taught by the Nefilim Gods are based in Fear, with people controlling other people for some type of gain. Fear is one of the lowest vibrations. There are Priests of the Order of Melchizedek on the planet today that are not recognized and have not revealed their identity. They choose to work outside of the public eye, so they can complete their work in the time that is left in this age.
There is another group that is within the Order of Melchizedek. These we will refer to as a True Melchizedek. The difference between those of the Order of Melchizedek and a True Melchizedek is that a True Melchizedek has the ability to travel all the 144 dimensional levels and to remain conscious, keeping their total consciousness, their total memory. They are so evolved that they have earned the privilege to remain with Creator, or to
True Melchizedek
do Creators work by traveling to all the universes, throughout all creation. There are also several True Melchizedeks, walking the planet today, that have not revealed themselves. On every planet in this universe, there is always one Satan and one Melchizedek that reside there during the planets evolution. The purpose is so that there is a balance between these two opposing forces, so that the evolution on that planet will happen at the proper speed and time. This is part of the Divine order that is kept in balance throughout the universe. Many people will not be able to understand how Satan helps create divine order. Satan is allowed to be here, so that we have the opportunity to experience free choice. Creator does not command us or anyone else to love Him or to do His will. We always have free choice. The Nefilim Gods of the Bible have commanded us to love and to fear them. They commanded us to love them, by using fear in the laws. This is not true love. It is only the awakening to understand love. Creator allows us to make our own choices and to learn from our experiences. Universal laws tell us what we can expect to happen from the choices we make. Satan is here to offer us this wide variety of choices. Think about these. How could you appreciate the light of the day if you never experience the darkness of night? How could you appreciate the warmth of the sun if you never experienced the bitter cold? How could you appreciate food if you never experienced hunger? How could you appreciate a home if you never experienced being homeless? How could you appreciate kindness if you never experienced hate? How could you appreciate companionship if you never lived alone? How could you appreciate good health if you never experienced sickness and disease? How could you appreciate living in a safe peaceful country if you never experienced the fear of living in a war torn country? How can you appreciate wealth if you never experienced poverty? How can you appreciate anything, if you have not experienced its opposite effect? Satan helps us by providing this balance of opposites between what we call good and evil, right and wrong. The True Melchizedek that resides on a planet during its evolution does not come to the planet through birth. It will descend down to the planet as spirit and it will materialize a body whenever it needs one. It can reside on the planet in a body, or as a spirit and change back and forth at will in any type of body it chooses. It can travel on the planet, off the planet, in the spiritual realms and back and forth in time instantaneously. It has no restrictions and no limitations.
We have talked about the order of Melchizedek and at this time it is appropriate to state that they were a driving force in the forming of the United States. There were three men who were instrumental in directing the writing of the Declaration of Independence. These men were, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and Don Adams. All three of these men were of the Order of Melchizedek. Benjamin Franklin was a True Melchizedek. There were also 6 others of the Order of Melchizedek that were instrumental in the forming of the new nation. In all, there were 9 from the Order of Melchizedek, who played a part in formulating the Declaration of Independence and the Charters Of Freedom. This should help you to realize how important the Charters Of Freedom were to guide this nation and for other nations to learn from. The United States was Divinely Ordained to receive this and to be a driving force in the world to bring about the equality of all people. Today the Patriot Act is destroying the core principles of these documents.
We have just revealed hidden information on some of the people of the Order of Melchizedek and how they influenced the Declaration of Independence and the Charters of Freedom. Realize that it is necessary for this country to practice what it preaches, when it comes to equality. The work for equality has never stopped and is still going on. In this generation, a man came forward with one speech that affected this nation, bringing equality between the races. The speech was called, I Have A Dream, and it was given by a man called Martin Luther King. This was the defining moment in the work of this man. Once the speech was finished, His work was essentially completed. That is what he came here to do. We can now reveal to you, that Martin Luther King, belonged to the Order of Melchizedek. As you know, he paid the ultimate price to bring equality among people. He was assassinated, giving His life, just like so many others of the Order of Melchizedek have already done down through the centuries on this planet.
Previously in this book, we talked about the Serpent and revealed his true identity. We then asked the question. Since the Serpent is not the Devil or Satan, then who is the Devil? Who is Satan? The Devil is not a spiritual being or a person. The word
Devil evolved over time as an expression of devious, of how one acts, eventually evolving to represent an evil person or spirit. The word Devil is only an expression that evolved, with no connection to the past.
Now Satan, is a real spiritual being. The resident Satan that dwells on planet earth, was called Belial. During the time of Atlantis, Belial was the one who directed the Sons of Darkness. At that time in Atlantis, anyone, male or female, who would devote themselves to the pursuit of power and pleasure, were called the Sons of Belial, the Sons of Darkness. The Old Testament of the Bible describes a God of the Phoenicians and the Canaanites as Baal. Today it is called Bul. These 3 beings, Belial from Atlantis, Baal from the Old Testament and Bul today, are all one and the same spiritual being. The names were just spelled and pronounced differently, since they came from 3 different time periods and different languages. This resident Satan, (Belial - Baal - Bul), is with us today and is not recognized as a Satan. This Satan is not a fallen being from the light, this Satan is from the dark side and has always dwelt on the dark side by choice. Those spirits who are from the dark side and have continually dwelt there since their original separation from Creator, are called Satans. Realize this Satan is very powerful and operates on all the lower dimensional levels of planet earth, from the 1st up to the 6th dimension.
We have talked about Atlantis and the problems they had with genetic experimentation. When Atlantis was formed, it was composed of many races, including many small groups of different races. The largest races that are important, are the ones we will talk about, since they were the greatest part of Atlantis. Now remember, we are talking about life in the 4th dimension, not where we are now, which is the 3rd dimension. Life was abundant in the 4th dimension and these humanoid races looked very much like human beings, although they were not from the human race, they had some genetic differences. All these races in the 4th dimension where 12 strand DNA and higher. These races were the Lemeurians, Specknuta, Reptelians, Nomads, Greys, and the Lizards. The Lemeurians looked like humans and came from the continent of Mu, often referred to as the mother land, which was located in what is now the Pacific Ocean. They were different in
that they originally possessed a full set of male and female organs in the same body. They had the ability to procreate by inseminating themselves, becoming pregnant and carrying the child full term until birth, then nuturing it, all without the help of another individual. Today we call a person who has both sets of sex organs a morphodite, describing them as a freak of nature or a genetic accident. Before the time of Atlantis, this gene and genetic makeup was normal, it was a genetic trait that defined the Lemeurian race. Most of this race was destroyed in the destruction of Atlantis, although not all. There were many survivors that dropped into the third dimensional level, bringing their genetic makeup into this reality. They crossbred with humans and other survivors of Atlantis, diluting their genetic makeup to the point that the morphodite gene became a recessive gene. This gene also appears when a spirit that was from the Lemeurians race is born into a human body. This gene is carried in the morphogenic field, around the master cell in the pineal gland and combines with human DNA, showing up as a recessive gene. There are many of these spirits from this race, returning to earth and being born into human bodies at this time. They are normally very peaceful spirits, often referred to as peacemakers. The Specknuta race, was distinguished by what we would call a flat look. Their body features would resemble the features of a cartoon character, that we called Gumby. This race of people comes from a planet that is three universes away from us. They are very emotional and have a hairless body with an average height between four and five feet tall. There were no survivors of this race from Atlantis. The Reptilians have a home planet in a neighboring universe. There were survivors from the fall in Atlantis into this reality, bringing their DNA with them. They crossbred, diluting their genetic makeup, with their genetic traits becoming recessive genes. When mixed with human DNA, these recessive genes produce distinguishing characteristics, that could show up as an extra vertebrae in the spinal column, double joints or extremely flexible joints and bodies. These are the people who can bend their fingers backwards, turn their legs backwards, twist their bodies, arms, legs, torso and head in directions and positions, that are totally impossible for normal 2 strand DNA humans. These characteristics can show up all together, single or not at all. The normal Reptilian DNA is totally different from human DNA. They seem to be equally divided between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness. There is a segment
of this race that is genetically modified and they work with the Dark Forces. The original body forms these spirits lived in on their home world, were dragon type bodies. Today many people associate them with crocodiles and alligators. The Nomads are a race that live several universes away. They have the same body structure as man, being much bigger than man, with DNA resembling mans to a high degree. The front of their bodies are free of body hair, while their backs are thick with hair. They are basically like man except they are an average of eight to nine feet tall. They are a very gentle people, they were described as the gentle giants of the universe. There were survivors of this race from Atlantis. They have crossbred, with the only distinguishing feature, being their height and their gentle disposition. The Greys that were in Atlantis, are the same group that was associated with the United States government for the last sixty years. It was from them that we have learned a tremendous amount of knowledge, achieving many technical advances. Many Grey spirits have incarnated into human bodies and many of them were part of the Philadelphia experiment. The failure of this experiment was a major defeat and setback for the Greys. They lost the power they had gained in the government at that time. They are no longer on this planet in their normal genetic form. There are still many Grey spirits from the Grey race who are in human bodies and they are trapped at this time, in the human game of learning to control emotions and becoming a master of their emotions. They are a race that lacks many human emotions, especially love and compassion and with excess emotions of apathy, fear, despair and loss of hope. We will see them acting out this combination of emotions in acts that are hideous, sickening and violent. As a race, they have failed to evolve, they are now a dying race, they are losing their soul. They destroyed their home planet in a war a long time ago. The Greys have no respect for human life and were responsible for killing humans and animal mutilations, in order to get access to genetic material to save their race from dying. The Greys that have worked with our government, in their original genetic form and all the Greys that have left their genetic form in spirit and were born into the human race, are all of the same race and they are also the same race that lived on the planet Mars over a million years ago. This race of Greys, are the same ones that are mainly responsible for the destruction of life on Mars and the destruction to the planets surface and ecology system. They were not alone on Mars, there were also other
races that share in the responsibility of the destruction on Mars. The Lizards are descended from the Reptilians. Back in time, the Reptilians experimented with genetics, creating a genetically modified version of themselves, causing a great division among themselves. This division became a permanent separation of the race and it split into two separate races. Part of this race remained Reptilians, while the other part changed their name to the Lizards, so as to completely separate themselves from being associated with the Reptilians in any way. The Lizards are the Reptilians that were genetically modified. They were also associated with the dark Forces and in Atlantis they were called the Sons of Belial, Sons of Darkness, since they followed Belials leadership. There were also survivors from Atlantis that came into this reality and have crossbred with other survivors and humans. One of the distinguishing features, is that the Lizards had a red tint to their skin. When they are born into human bodies, this genetic trait becomes a recessive gene. For those of you who had the thought cross your mind, that the red skin is a distinguishing feature of the American Indians (Redskins), the answer is No. The American Indians are not part of the Lizard spiritual beings, they are not connected to the Lizards in any way, there is no connection, spiritually or physically. The American Indians are a combination of several races from the 4th dimension. They are a distant relative to the Lemeurians. They are 1/3 Lemeurians and the other 2/3 are a mixture from several of the minor races that lived in the 4th dimension. The red skin of the American Indians, is a result of the combination of genetics from these several smaller races. They did not live in Atlantis, they lived outside of Atlantis, evolving separately as part of the minor races. There were many that survived the pole shift and destruction of Atlantis. Another race that is important to know about, are the Zeta Rectilli. This race was not in Atlantis and they are not part of earths past. They were called in by our Pleiadian guardians over fifty years ago, to help control the Greys and protect humans. They are still here today. Their technology is beyond the Greys. The Zeta Rectilli were also Greys and they came from the same planet as the Greys. There was a great war that destroyed the Greys home planet. This war was a fight between the Forces of Darkness and the Forces of Light. After the destruction of the planet, those of the Light made a genetic change to themselves. They genetically eliminated emotion out of their emotional bodies, so that they would not again make the same
mistake, that of waging war based on emotions. They took on the name of Zeta Rectilli, in order to completely separate themselves from being identified in any way with the Greys. They are here now, doing genetic work in order to breed back emotion into their emotional bodies. They have discovered over time, that taking out emotion, had more drawbacks than advantages. The way they are doing this work, is that they make contracts at the soul level with spiritual beings, before they are born into human bodies. These spiritual beings have a desire to work with the Zeta Rectilli and have full knowledge of what they are doing. When these spiritual beings are born into human bodies, they do not remember their soul contracts, since our memory of the past is blocked when we are in human form. This creates its own set of problems with emotional humans. When these humans reach maturity, genes are then shared with the Zeta Rectilli in various ways. They are working within Universal Laws and have a very deep respect for all life. No one has ever been physically hurt by them. Their technology is very advanced, way beyond the Nefilim Gods. We mentioned, the Zeta Rectilli, since they are often confused with the Greys and are blamed for the abductions and animal mutilations that are done by the Greys. When you see a Zeta Rectilli being and a Grey being standing side by side, they look the same. The only way you can tell who is who, is by looking deep into their eyes. The Greys eyes are coal black and reflective, they have no depth, the reason for this, is they are losing their soul, they are dying as a race. The Zeta Rectilli eyes have depth, so you can see deep into their soul and they are advancing as a race. Realize that before the pole shift, Noahs flood and destruction of Atlantis, the only humanoid life forms in the 3rd dimension were the homo erectus race, the Nefilim and the human race. All these other races were in the 4th dimension where life was abundant. After the pole shift event, they were all joined together as one, forming the new human race. After the pole shift was over, several different races, some from inside this universe and some from outside of this universe, visited planet earth to study how 2 strand DNA would work in a humanoid body. These visiting races, had many of their people join the human race, integrating into it through birth, as a way to closely study in detail, the evolution of 2 strand DNA in a humanoid body. There is no better way to study it, than to experience it. This was new and no one knew what the outcome would be. Only time would tell. These races have returned at this time and are prepared to collect their people that are in the
human race, when the pole shift happens. That is one of the reasons for a portion of the UFO activity that has been going on for the last several decades. At the coming pole shift, the experiment with 2 strand DNA will come to an end and there is no longer any reason for their people to remain on this planet.
You might ask the question, where did all these races come from? Why are they here? It is important to know, that Atlantis fell into decay from its very beginning. One race in particular, the Greys, were causing the major problems, with others adding to it. These six races, and small groups from other races, excluding the Zeta Rectilli, have been on the planet earth for more than a million years. They were living in the 4th dimension and that is why there is no trace of their past in the 3rd dimension that we live in. They are here trying to evolve back up to the higher dimensions, where they normally live. There is a mixture here that comes from different universes, which is the result of an event called the Lucifer rebellion. There were actually three different rebellions that happened over a long period of time. These races, with the spiritual beings that live within them, were the causalities from these rebellions. They too have lost their higher consciousness, their connection with Creator and fell dimensionally. There are too many other races to mention that were affected. Also, there is no way to translate the names of these races into our very limited languages and make them understandable. The first Lucifer rebellion happened between 15 and 18 million years ago. The first rebellion spread throughout all the universes, creating great chaos through the entire Cosmos. Everyone, everywhere, was eventually affected by this event in one way or another. The second rebellion was centered in this universe that we a part of and affected all the surrounding universes. The third rebellion was centered in the Milky Way Galaxy in this universe. This galaxy is where our earth is located in. We are situated on the end of one of the spiral arms that spread out from this galaxy. The cleansing of this galaxy started over 3 million years ago. It started in the center and is working its way out toward the spiral arms. We, planet earth, are the last planet in this galaxy, where the teaching is still going on to enlighten and prepare these spiritual beings for the dimensional shift that is to come. This is the final battle of the 3rd Lucifer rebellion that is taking place on planet earth at this time. This battle has literally spilled over from the spiritual realm, onto the planet. And No, this is Not the battle of Armageddon. We
explained that earlier in the book. The Battle of Armageddon was the final destruction of the Babylonian Empire, that happened around 538 BC , more than 2,541 years ago. When we make this dimensional shift, it will end the Lucifer rebellion. This is the reason for all the UFO activity that is happening around the world today, including crop circles. There are many different races and groups parked in their space craft, in the 4th dimensional level, patiently awaiting the dimensional shift. They have spiritual family on this planet and if their family members complete their lessons of mastering their emotions, they are ready to reclaim their family members and take them home to their original dimensional worlds and home planets. There will be many happy reunions taking place during the dimensional shift. There is also another reason why we are the center of attention in this universe. We have been turned into an experiment, by our total isolation from Creator. The evolution that is happening on this planet, has been speeded up to a new level, by the free choices we make while living in spiritual darkness and total separation from Creator. What happens on this planet with our vibrational level, will affect an entire newly created universe. When we make the dimensional shift, the vibration of this planet will be measured. Then this newly created universe will take on this measured vibration, setting into motion the opening of this new universe, for spiritual and physical beings to explore, experience and live in. We have this great mixture of spiritual beings from many races and universes, here now in human bodies, in order for them to learn the same lessons, as the fallen spiritual beings that fell from the spirit realms, during the fall of Atlantis. Those who were affected by the Lucifer rebellion, causing them to fall dimensionally, or those who fell at Atlantis, all have to do the same thing. All must raise their vibrational level, by mastering, clearing and releasing their emotions in order to make the dimensional shift from 3rd up to 4th or other higher dimensional levels. Those from the spirit realms who fell at Atlantis, must go beyond that and also connect back to the Universal Consciousness of Creator, in order to return to their former homes. Those who fell from the first Lucifer rebellion, have been working since that fall, in order to go back to their original homes, some for many millions of years. There is well over 80% from the first Lucifer rebellion, who have still not made it back to their original dimensional home. The greatest majority have not even been able to make it out of the lower 3rd dimensional
worlds since their fall. We cannot give you a physical number, since your mathematics cannot express this great amount. That is why there are many of these spirits on this planet now. Those spiritual beings who fell at Atlantis have only been working on going home for a little over 13,000 years. This is the last planet in this galaxy, that is still teaching how to master, clear and release your emotions. For those who do not accomplish this before the dimensional shift takes place, they will have to experience 3rd dimensional life all over again, until they become a master of their emotions. This information about these other races, will seem absolutely crazy to some people, while to others it will awaken past memories. The higher the consciousness of the person reading this, the greater the amount of memories that will be awakened. Remember. From the human physical and consciousness viewpoint, we really have no idea or conception, of what is real beyond our planet or in the times past. This is due to our 2 strand DNA and our low level of consciousness. We have lost our memory, we do not remember, our total memory is short, covering the time span of only one lifetime. From our limited viewpoint and knowledge, we think that everything that comes from the heavens, are only our images of Angels and God. Know this; Everything that comes from the heavens is an unlimited variety of countless creations. Creation is variety that is unlimited. It is an allowing of all different aspects of thoughts, forms, and emotions to exist in harmony. The fabric of the universe has the vibration of Love, which is the quality of allowing everything to exist in harmony. There were texts on this planet that described the Lucifer Rebellions. The last 3 chapters of the book of Revelation were from these texts. As of today, all these texts have been completely destroyed by the Sons of Darkness. That is why this information has been brought back down to the planet from the Akashic records. It is to make you aware of these Lucifer Rebellions.
We have stated that after the destruction of Atlantis, there were many earth changes that took place. For all practical purposes, Atlantis is only a fable or myth to most everyone, since you cannot find, or positively identify any physical remains of this civilization. You may ask, why there are no written records of Atlantis in the ancient texts that are on the planet today? There are written records on the planet. They came from the Ascended spiritual Masters and they are being kept hidden by
the Sons of Light, so that they would be preserved from destruction by the Sons of Darkness, who are now actively searching to find and destroy them. They were originally saved so that they could be revealed at the end of the age. Since the battle between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness, has now reached such a fever pitch, with seven Satans on the planet and with the remainder of the Lucifer Rebellion now on the planet, it may be impossible to expose the ancient records to the public. They would most likely, be quickly destroyed. So the information is coming another way. There are also complete records of Atlantis and every civilization that has ever lived on this planet, on all dimensional levels, kept in the Akashic records, which the Nefilim and the Sons of Darkness can not destroy. These records are permanent as they are part of the earths history. The important information from the Akashic records is being revealed in books like this one. There are no written records of Atlantis passed down from the Nefilm. They considered anyone from this civilization and dimensional level, a threat to their control and power. Those that dimensionally fell from the different races from Atlantis, had a high level of consciousness, since they had 12 strand or higher DNA, while humans only had 2 strand. This made them a direct threat to the Nefilim, since they could consciously awaken and expose the Nefilim and their game of playing God. Man has been kept in darkness and ignorance about the truth of the past, so man would only believe the words of the Nefilim Gods. Any writings of the past about Atlantis, were destroyed with the help of the Nefilim Gods. The passing of time, caused the remainder of the memories to fade. In time, all that survived was the knowledge that came from the Nefilim Gods. They gave us all the knowledge that is contained in the Old Testament of the Bible. They are the true authors of all the ancient Biblical texts and all ancient knowledge of every civilization that has existed in this 3rd dimensional reality. Remember. They have been visiting this 3rd dimensional world for 450,000 years and had a living presence on this planet for most of that time.
Have you ever wondered why there are no physical remains of Atlantis. Proof of this past civilization does not seem to exist. Remember that Atlantis was destroyed around 13,000 years ago. Atlantis existed in the 4th dimension while we are now in the 3rd dimension. It may be interesting for you to know, that only objects made of natural elements of the planet, can be shifted
Evidence Of Atlantis
from one dimensional level to another, such as going up from the 3rd to the 4th dimensional level, or coming down from the 4th to the 3rd level. Natural elements are objects such as natural stones and woods. Unnatural elements are like cars, appliances, cell phones, roads, concrete, modern buildings, boats, all kinds of metal objects and any manufactured items, or any item that was altered from its natural state. All unnatural elements can be shifted within the 12 octaves of the dimensional level they are in. They cannot go from one dimensional level to another. There are several reasons why there are no remains of Atlantis in the 3rd dimensional level. The main reason is that there is a void between every dimensional level. This void is a barrier that is actually a combination of vibrations, you could call it a complex vibration. It keeps the vibration of each dimensional level separate. Only natural elements can pass through it. Very few elements and structures passed through the void during the pole shift. The civilization of Atlantis used what we call today, manufactured items, these cannot pass through the void. Another reason is, that many items were a combination of elements. An example of a combination of elements would be a structure or a building that was built of natural stone, with the stone being erected on top of a concrete foundation. When a shift would happen the natural stone structure would pass through the dimensional barrier called the void. The concrete foundation was not natural, the elements were altered from their natural state and would not pass through the void since it was not a natural element. So the stone sitting on top of the foundation, would collapse into a pile of rubble, once it passed through the void, since the foundation was now gone with nothing to support the stone. This pile of rubble would be hard to recognize as coming from a structure out of the past. Those structures that did come through the void and were combinations of natural and unnatural elements, would self destruct and no longer be recognizable as a structure, building or something of importance. Those structures or items that did come through the barrier, had 13,000 years to wear away, erode or be destroyed by nature or humans, so they are no longer recognizable as anything of importance. The greatest part of the remains of Atlantis are still in the 4th dimension, with most of Atlantis still resting there on the bottom of the ocean. These two civilizations, Atlantis, with its mixed genetic races, and the Nefilim Gods with the human race of Adam and Eve, were both living on planet earth and their history was happening in parallel with each other at the same time. The difference
was, the civilization of Atlantis was taking place in the 4th dimension, at the 8th octave, while the Nefilim civilization was taking place in the 3rd dimension, at the 12th octave. The history and events of these two civilizations were separated by a space called the Void, which is a barrier between the dimensional levels that keeps them physically separated. They each began their existence separately on these two different dimensional levels, without crossing over in each others physical space. There are two illustrations on the following pages. One shows the dimensional levels and how the pole shift changed life in these dimensional levels. The other shows how life existed in parallel on the two separate dimensional levels and the consequences that are a result from the drop into the 3rd dimensional level.
There is an event that was soon going to happen, which is called a pole shift. This pole shift will usually happen at a set point in the precession of the equinoxes, between the shift of the ages from Virgo to Leo and from Pisces to Aquarius, which is usually once every 12,960 years. We are now at the time between Pisces and Aquarius. These pole shifts can be dramatically earth shaking, or can pass by unnoticed. Sometimes, there is no pole shift. The amount of the pole shift, is in direct relation to the consciousness of the life forms, that live on the planet at that time. The last pole shift happened between the ages, from Virgo to Leo, approximately 12,960 years ago. At that point in time, the consciousness of the civilization of Atlantis, in the 4th dimension was very low, with the event of the fall of the spiritual beings, adding to the drop of this consciousness. All the genetic engineering, with the crossing of animals and humans, created a separate self consciousness, that was separate from Nature, the Christ Consciousness of this universe and the Consciousness of Creator. This created a tremendous drop in consciousness. The consciousness of the Nefilim civilization in the 3rd dimension was not low, like Atlantis. The consciousness of the human race was exceptionally low, due to their 2 strand DNA. This pulled the consciousness in the 3rd dimension down. All this added up a total drop in the consciousness on the planet. When a pole shift happens, it takes place on all dimensional levels at the same time. When this last pole shift happened, it created the final destruction of Atlantis in the 4th dimension and also the flood of Noah at the same time in the 3rd dimension. Since the overall consciousness of the life forms on the planet were so very low, the destruction was world wide, with massive devastation, including a massive loss of life. When the event was finally over, what was left of the survivors of Atlantis, (not including those who were in the domed cities under the ocean) had dropped from the 4th dimension, 8th octave, down to the 3rd dimension at the 4th octave. The survivors of the human race, Noah, his family and many other humans, in different parts of the world, including the Nefilim, dropped from the 3rd dimension, 12th octave, down to the 3rd dimension at the 4th octave. At this point in time, we had the joining together of these two civilizations at the 3rd dimension in the 4th octave. We have all evolved together since this event.
What we now have is a race (homo sapiens), that was actually prepared by Ascended Masters, according to the will of
Creator, that was brought into existence by the Nefilim with the help of the Sirians. The Nefilim did not realize that Creator was using them to fulfill the Divine Will. The human race was now the new school on planet earth, which would be used by the fallen spiritual beings and all the survivors from Atlantis, to experience the total separation from Creator and the knowledge of Creator. The fallen spiritual beings would now have the opportunity to experience the full range of all emotions, that do not exist in the spiritual realms. Those, who fell dimensionally from Atlantis, would have the opportunity to learn their lessons of Love and Compassion all over again, since they had forgotten. This school, the human race, will teach the spiritual beings all about emotions and those from Atlantis, Love and Compassion. This would be accomplished by living many short lifetimes, one after another, experiencing complete separation from Creator and experiencing emotions to the deepest levels possible, to help them to avoid the mistakes that happened in Atlantis. The many short lifetimes that are necessary to learn lessons of mastering emotions, is called the Wheel of Incarnation. You will reincarnate over and over, staying on it, until you have completed your lessons and mastered your emotions. Then you have the privilege to leave. Many people fail to realize, that all spiritual beings are constantly evolving, either on a planet, in some type of body, or in the spiritual realms. After the flood, the Nefilim Gods no longer stayed on the planet earth. There was no reason for them to stay. With the dimensional fall and the joining of both civilizations, this world had totally changed. The mining of gold was already completed more than 32,000 years before the flood. All the building they had accomplished was destroyed and they were totally frustrated with man. They did not want to deal with the survivors from Atlantis. If these survivors could consciously awake, they would become a direct threat to the power and authority of the Nefilim. They did not want to deal with them or the future situations that would develop. After the flood, the Nefilim appointed Kings and Lords to represent them, to direct the humans and any survivors from Atlantis. The planetary alignment at that time, after the flood, made it necessary for the Nefilim to leave earth, so they would not miss their easy window of opportunity, to go back to their own home planet. It was their intention to leave and allow these civilizations to join together and evolve on their own. They would return once every 3,600 years, during their normal orbital cycle through this solar system, to check on the humans and keep them in line.
All those who fell from Atlantis, were 12 strand DNA or higher. After going through the polar shift and dimensional fall they did not have any memory of their past, or of their links to other civilizations or races. They began to marry and mix into the human race, with the human race absorbing them over many generations. After 1,200 to 1,500 years, the individual races were completely absorbed into the human race. Their DNA also mixed and they eventually all became 2 strand, with their individual racial traits becoming recessive genes. The capacity of the consciousness of those from Atlantis also fell, since they diluted their 12 strand DNA with human 2 strand DNA. They no longer had the genetic ability to hold a higher consciousness level. The ancient Sumerian and Mesopotamia texts, including the Genesis of the Bible and the Old Testament, were all written by the inspiration and direction of the Nefilim, so that man had a way to remember his past, including, remembering who he owed his life too, the Nefilim Gods. There were other survivors on the planet that were not mentioned besides those from Atlantis. The homo erectus race also survived the destruction of the flood. They are being seen by man today in different parts of the world, which is proof in itself, that others besides Noah and His family survived the flood. This simple fact shows, that the Bible itself is very incomplete and biased about many facts from the past. The Nefilim only wanted man to know, what they wanted him to know. This strengthened the control the Nefilim Gods had over man, since knowledge is power and the Gods controlled the Knowledge. Before the pole shift happened, there were many groups from Atlantis in the 4th dimension, that left the main center of their civilization, to other parts of the world, in order to survive the devastation that they knew was coming. It is the combination of those survivors who fell from the 4th dimension during the time of Atlantis, with the survivors of the human race that were scattered in the arks during the flood, that combined sexually to produce the many different races and cultures that we have in the world today. The combining of these different races with the human race happened very easily, since they all lost their memory, eliminating any form of racial prejudice or any other prejudice against each other. Those that dropped from the 4th dimension to the 3rd dimension, including all the human survivors from the 3rd dimension, lost their memory from the past. The Ascended Masters and homo erectus, did not lose their memory. The Nefilim did not lose their memory, since they were not on the
planet during the pole shift, they were above it, in their space craft. They also had the knowledge to preserve their memory if it became necessary. You may have asked yourself the question, why did the Ascended Masters who came down from the 4th dimension during the pole shift, not lose their memory? The Ascended Masters that were in the Sons of Light, did not lose their memory since their consciousness was very high. They knew what was happening and they had their Merkabas activated. A Merkaba is a personal vehicle of light, that is composed of two counter rotating fields of light, formed by a very high vibrational consciousness, that surrounds the body of a spiritually advanced person. It allows that person to maintain its own magnetic field around its physical body, so it preserves the full memory and consciousness of that spirit while in the human body. Homo erectus did not lose its memory, since they were evolved to the point that they were ascending from the 3rd dimension to the 4th dimension during this pole shift.
The Sons of Light (Ascended spiritual Masters) from Atlantis survived with their full memory and consciousness, bringing their knowledge with them. They divided themselves up into three groups, one of them going to the Himalaya Mountains, in what is now called Tibet. Another group went to the Andes Mountains, to an area that today borders three countries, Peru, Chile and Bolivia. The remaining group went to what is now Egypt, to an area where the Great Pyramid is situated. If you study world history, you will notice that great things happened in each of these areas. It is important to realize that before the pole shift happened, travel around the world in the 4th dimension, was a normal way of life for the different races that existed during the time of Atlantis. The Nefilim where also world travelers, although they mostly traveled in the 3rd dimension. When the pole shift happened, life was already scattered all over the world in the 4th dimension. Human life in the 3rd dimension, was also scattered by the arks that landed in different parts of the world. After the shift, those that survived from the 4th dimension and Atlantis, basically landed in the same areas of the world that they lived in before the shift, except that they were in a lower dimensional level. The land masses of the earth, the continents and the bodies of water are basically the same in each adjoining dimensional level. The only ones from Atlantis that did not fall from the 4th dimensional level, were those who occupied the domed cities that were built under the ocean.
These were occupied by those who had the highest consciousness levels and those who possessed great knowledge. They were preserved, so that a remnant would remain, to retain the high level of technology that this civilization gained, so it would not be lost to the world. When a pole shift happens, the earth will lose its magnetic field from 1 to 3 days, anywhere from 24 to 72 hours. Do you remember reading about the 3 days of darkness in the Bible? There are many teachings about this event which are false. The three days of darkness happen because of the pole shift and they are the same event. Our memory depends on the magnetic field of the earth. When we lose the magnetic field, we lose our memory. This is what happened during the pole shift that caused the destruction of Atlantis and at the same time Noahs flood. The survivors of the pole shift lost their memory of the past. That is the main reason why the Nefilim wrote the ancient texts, including the books that are contained in the Old Testament of the Bible, so that man would know about his past. As these books were written, Creator inspired changes or added what was needed, to help man evolve, even when man was led and manipulated by the Nefilim. When you study the ancient history of man, which was mostly centered in the middle east, you can see that man evolved in great strides every 3,600 years, which is well documented. Now carefully notice in world history, that the three areas that the Sons of Light went too after the pole shift and flood, had great civilizations spring up almost overnight. People were already there, these being the survivors of Atlantis, who had lost their memory. Since all these survivors still had 12 strand DNA or higher, they were quickly reeducated by the Sons of Light and accomplished great things. The Egyptian civilization developed with the guidance of the Sons of Light and then incorporated knowledge from the Nefilim on its own. The area of Tibet quickly produced many monasteries with knowledge that is still not known today by the western world. This knowledge covered every conceivable aspect of life, even with the technology from Atlantis of producing power without fossil fuels. The life expectancy in some of these monasteries, lasted for many hundreds of years, while their human bodies maintained an average age of around 45 to 50 years old. All of this has been hidden from the world, so it would not be abused by man. In the last 16 years the Chinese Communists, being led by the Sons of Darkness, have systematically searched out these hidden monasteries, completely destroying them and the Sons of Light
living within them. In the Andes Mountains, the Incas sprang up as a great civilization, all without the influence of the Nefilim Gods knowledge. Machu Picchu, located near the city of Cozco in Peru, was one of the hidden cities that the Spanish explorers did not find, that has remains that survived till today. It was the Spanish Christians who destroyed these civilizations, looting their gold and treasures, taking it back to their country where it remains today, all in the name of Christianity. Pay attention to these simple facts. The monasteries that sprang up in Tibet from the influence of the Sons of Light, with the knowledge that they brought from Atlantis, are now being totally destroyed by the Sons of Darkness in the Chinese Communist government. They are being destroyed now, since this is the time when the information that was hidden, was supposed to be released to the world. They have effectively destroyed the bulk of the physical records from the past. The civilizations that sprang up in the Andes Mountains of Peru, from the influence of the Sons of Light, were destroyed by the Sons of Darkness that were inside the Spanish Christian religion, namely the Catholic Church. The treasures of these civilizations are still in the possession of Spain, the Catholic Church and individuals. The civilization that sprang up in Egypt from the influence of the Sons of Light was attacked in a different way. It was attacked in a very clever way by the Nefilim Gods.
After the event of the pole shift, the Gods returned to their planet and were away from earth for the next 3,600 years. When they returned, they realized what had happened during and after the pole shift. They saw the new civilizations and how quickly they had grown. They also recognized the Ascended Masters in the Sons of Light, as being the ones who were influencing this tremendous growth. The Nefilim Gods were very upset with the rapid growth of Egypt, since it was in the territory that they wanted to control. You might say that Egypt sprang up in the Nefilims backyard. They also saw the growth of Egypt as a dangerous threat to their authority and control over man. They allowed this to continue until their next visit to the planet. They then set their plans in motion to create a nation of world teachers to spread the laws of the Nefilim. Everything was now in place and the children of Israel were multiplying in Egypt. Then they set out to influence a New Pharaoh of Egypt who inherited the throne, which happened after the death of Joseph, who was the son of Jacob. These two people are men-
tioned in the bible. This Pharaoh was also the grandfather of Rameses. They influenced him by using the emotion of fear, with the thoughts that the people of Israel, who were now living and prospering in Egypt, were now stronger then Egypt and would leave them and join their enemies, to fight against Egypt. They corrupted the Pharaohs mind with fear and he believed in the fear. Then He acted by imposing slavery upon the children of Israel. This slavery continued into the rule of two more Pharaohs. The next step in their plan was to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt, by the leadership of Moses. Remember. It was Jehovah who was actually bringing the children of Israel (those called Astral Pure Bred) out of Egypt, according to Creators will, to become world teachers of the Law of Love. This new Law of Love would soon be brought down to the planet by Jesus the Christ. Jehovah was doing this by working through the Nefilim Gods, without them realizing that there was a higher purpose for the Jewish race. The Nefilim had their own plans to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt. They were going to use them to become world teachers for the Nefilim Gods, with the purpose of teaching the Ten Commandments to the whole world, in order to keep control of humans through the fear of the law. There would come a time, when man would be able to choose between these two sets of opposing laws, having a choice of which law to follow. It was the Nefilim Gods who directed Moses during this whole event. After the many plagues that came upon Egypt, Pharaoh became deeply angered against Israel and cursed the first born of the children of Israel, with the intent to kill them. Since Pharaoh was the head of a nation, He controlled great power over his people. When He spoke, He spoke for His nation when He cursed the first born of Israel in deep anger and hate. His position of authority, spoken in anger, invoked Universal Law and brought it down upon His Nation. (As You Do Onto Others, So Shall It Be Done To You). Now His curse turned against the first born of His own nation, including His son. The Angel of Death now honored His curse, by taking the life of the first born of Egypt, including Pharaohs son. Pharaoh then let the children of Israel go. When the children of Israel left Egypt, following Moses, they took a great part of the wealth of Egypt with them, including gold. The Nefilim Gods then hardened the heart of Pharaoh, King of Egypt against the children of Israel. He then sent out his army to go and destroy them in the wilderness. Now timing was
very important to complete the last part of the plan. This next event would show the ultimate power of the Nefilim, the God of Israel, to the Egyptians beyond any doubt. By manipulating nature, the Nefilim Gods triggered an earthquake, that created a tidal wave on the Sea of Reeds (also called the Red Sea). This created a tidal wave on the inland sea that went south, causing the water to be sucked away from the Sea of Reeds. This allowed the sea bottom to run dry, exposing what could be called an underwater land bridge (a raised area on the sea bottom), which allowed the children of Israel to cross over to the other side. This wall of water traveled south to the end of the Red Sea and then reversed itself, traveling back north. At the proper time, the Gods then withdrew a column of fire and smoke, which they used to hold back Pharaohs army from attacking the children of Israel. With the column now withdrawn, all of Pharaohs army was now able to go after the children of Israel, across the sea bed, putting them in the perfect position to be destroyed by the returning wall of sea water. They were all on the sea bed when the wall of water came roaring back, killing Pharaohs entire army. The timing was perfect. Remember, we stated before, that the Nefilim are a warrior type race that are very powerful. They manipulated nature and then allowed nature to do the dirty work of killing, the same way that they were going to allow nature to kill the humans and wipe them off the face of the earth during Noahs flood. This entire event struck total fear into the hearts of the Egyptians, since it caused the loss of their army, their treasures and their loved ones. This all happened without the children of Israel ever lifting a finger to fight, the Gods did it all. The Egyptians would now stay away from the children of Israel, since they were so cleverly and totally defeated by the God of Israel, the Nefilim Gods. This event brought the beginning of the downfall of Egypt. As you can see, all the areas that were established by the Sons of Light, were attacked and destroyed by the Forces of Darkness and the Nefilim Gods. This is just another part of the ongoing battle between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness.
The most important person, that is recognized as having the greatest influence on the spiritual evolution of man in our time, is Jesus the Christ. We will examine who this man is and why he came to visit this world, at a certain point of time in our history. If you noticed, we referred to this man previously, as Jesus the Christ. Have you wondered why? The first thing that you must
understand, is that the name, Jesus Christ, is incorrect. It is necessary to know that the correct name of Jesus, is Yashewah Ben Yoseaf. During His life, He was called the King of the Jews, Son of God, Word of God, High Priest, Priest after the order of Melchizedek, The David, The Master and The Lord. As time went on, He has also been called the Nazareen, The Galileen, The Messiah, The Christ and many more names, with Jesus Christ becoming the most common. Many churches have taken on these names, in order to present themselves, as being more closely associated with His teachings. Understand this. Jesus is a separate spiritual being, just like you are a separate spiritual being, that is separate from the Spiritual being called Christ. This we will now explain, since this knowledge has been lost in time and the truth has been altered. The spiritual being called Jesus (Yashewah Ben Yoseaf), is a 9th dimensional being, who is perfected in the love vibration. Since He was perfected in this Love vibration, He had the ability and the power to bring the Law of Love, one of the highest vibrations, to the planet earth, in order to bring a new vibrational balance into the world. This balance was necessary, so man would have the opportunity to make a free choice. The choice, would be to break away from the chains of the old law, and to accept the new Law of Love. Or, man could reject the new law and continue to live under the burden of the old law. Jesus was a Priest of the Order of Melchizedek and received His authority from Creator. Within that order, He is also a Master Teacher. He was recognized by the Jews as having the same level of authority, as Melchizedek, the King of Salem, who was honored by Abraham, as recorded in the Bible in Genesis. In the Bible, the book of Hebrews records the information about the Priesthood of Jesus. Since he was perfected in the love vibration and working within the Order of Melchizedek as a Master Teacher, it allowed Jesus to carry the Christ Consciousness within himself, during His life, while living on planet earth. In other words, Jesus has His own consciousness and He also took on the consciousness of the spiritual being, called Christ, the Creator Son. Now the consciousness of Jesus and Christ, were joined together in one body, the physical body of Jesus (Yashewah Ben Yoseaf), both at the same time. It is expressed as Jesus carrying the Christ Consciousness. That is why we call him, Jesus, the Christ. Know also, that the consciousness of Jesus and the consciousness of Christ were separate, even though they were both in the same physical body of Jesus at the same time. This would allow the Christ Consciousness to speak directly through the mouth of Jesus at
the appropriate times. When Jesus was born on this planet, He also took on a Separate Self Consciousness at birth, like all humans, so that he could completely feel, experience and understand all human emotions to their deepest levels. By doing this, Jesus would experience life just like every other human on this planet.
The next question is, who is the spiritual being called Christ? This paragraph may be confusing at first. We ask you, after you read this paragraph, to read it again. Since Christ has been called by many names and different expressions, we will attempt to clarify and simplify these expressions. In this paragraph, the Creator that we are talking about, is the Prime Creator, The Infinite Mind, The Source Of All That Is. We will now refer to the Creator, as Father, in order to avoid confusion with the word, Creator Son. We will also put the word Creator, in parentheses after Father, (Creator), to help keep the meaning and thought pattern clear. We will use the familiar words, Father and Son, to explain the relationship in the expression, that Jesus Christ is the Living Son of God. Christ is a spiritual being who is a Creator Son. Christ is one of the Creator Sons, that is seated around the throne of the Father (Creator). Christ has no physical form. Christ is pure conscious energy, just like the Father (Creator). Christ dwells in the presence of the Father (Creator), leaving the Fathers (Creators) presence, from time to time, to go out and create the Fathers (Creators) will. This universe that we live in, was created by this Creator Son, called Christ. Some time in the future, when this universe is finally brought to perfection, it will be offered up to the Father (Creator) as a gift from Christ. As we stated, Christ is one of the Creator Sons. There are 24 Creator Sons that are seated around the Fathers (Creators) throne. These Creator Sons have also been known to us, as the Twenty Four Elders. Christ is one of the Twenty Four Elders and is the only one that we are familiar with at this time, since we live in this universe that Christ created. This universe, carries the Christ Consciousness and it is referred to as a Christ Conscious Universe. The teachings, that Jesus Christ is the Living Son of God, is a mixture of truth. For the remainder of this paragraph, when we use the word God, we will include the words, Father and Creator, next to the word God. We will put them both in parentheses (Father-Creator), so that the word God will not be confused with the Nefilim Gods, that we have been talking about in the book. Jesus is a Son of God (Father-Creator). Christ,
The Christ
the Creator Son, is a Son of God (Father-Creator). The other 23 Elders, that sit around the Fathers throne, are Sons of God (Father-Creator). In the same way, You and I, are Sons of God (Father-Creator). We are all Sons of God (Father-Creator). The word, SON, is symbolically used to express this and the true meaning was eventually lost. It was not correctly interpreted and translated over time. The original ancient meaning of the word, SON, was not referring only to men or males. The true meaning is; Anyone Who Is Descended From Someone. For example; if we call Creator or God, Father, then all those, male and female, who are descended from the Father, are Sons. We now change the expression. If we called Creator or God, Mother, then all those, male and female, who are descended from Mother, are daughters. The writers and translators of the Bible could have just as easily called us all daughters of God. Since men have been dominant over women, for the last 13,000 years, and were the main translators of the Bible, the men have chosen the expression of God, as a Father figure, with Sons as descendants, giving it a new meaning that was different from the original. Sons or daughters, are only a way of expressing our lineage, or who we are descended from. We are all living Sons of God (Father-Creator). This includes You and I, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Lord Krishna, your brothers and sisters, your mother and father, your children, your family, your friends, your neighbors, your enemies, all people of every race, including, Christ the Creator Son and the other 23 Creator Sons, called the Elders. We Are All Descendants From One Infinite Mind, One Prime Creator, One Source Of All That Is. Even though we are physically male and female on this planet, We Are All Equal, We Are All Energy, We Are All One, We All Come From One Creative Source. We (everyone on this planet) are All Living Sons Of God. Know that in the spirit realms, there are no males or females. Male and female forms only exist in the physical realms, not the spiritual realms. The spiritual beings that work with us (Angels, and Guides), only take on these forms of male and female, so that we can more easily relate to them. They do this for us, since we have a limited consciousness. We have absolutely no memory of what the spiritual realms are really like. Let us take Archangel Michael as an example. Archangel Michael is not male or female. In paintings, He is pictured as a male warrior, carrying a spear or a sword with an armor shield. This image came to us from the middle ages, since this is what human warriors looked like during that time period. Artists visualized Archangel Michael as a warrior and all warriors were
male, so Michael was now represented as a male and is now referred to as He, which is a male expression. That is the way they painted His image, passing it down to us in many paintings and statues. He was now assumed to be a man. This is our human image of what we think He looks like. Since Archangel Michael is here to serve us, He took on that image so that we feel comfortable with Him as a male warrior. Over time these paintings and statues have become sacred, becoming the only accepted way of believing in Him. If you had eyes to see Archangel Michael in His true energy form, you would see a very large sphere of energy, with a translucent blue in the center, surrounded with a rainbow of colors, constantly radiating from this center, with the rainbow of colors turning in a continual star burst of color all around the sphere. Now, what image is easier for humans to relate too, a multicolored sphere of energy in continuous motion, or an ancient male warrior with wings? Human minds can easily accept the male warrior. It is very difficult for humans to accept the true image of the multicolored sphere of energy in continuous motion. It is important to know, that Master Teachers like Jesus the Christ, have also come to different cultures and countries during different time periods. These Teachers also carried the same Christ Consciousness with them, when they were born on this planet and they are all of the Order of Melchizedek. The Ascended Masters who came down from the 4th dimension during the pole shift, that destroyed Atlantis and created Noahs flood, were all Master Teachers of the Order of Melchizedek. They are the ones that started the great civilizations in the Himalaya mountains in Tibet, the civilizations in the Andes mountains, bordering Peru, Chile and Bolivia and the Egyptian civilization along the Nile. The physical records of these great civilizations have been lost in time, so we cannot look back and see all that they accomplished. In more recent times we have the religions and belief systems that are more familiar to us. Islam had its beginning in the 7th century AD from the teachings of Mohammad. Buddhism had its beginnings in the 6th century BC from the teachings of Buddha. Both Mohammad and Buddha are Master Teachers of the Order of Melchizedek as are all the teachers of Hinduism. They all carried the Christ Consciousness while on the planet. Hinduism had its beginning around 2000 BC and does not have a specific teacher that they hold up as its founder. They have been visited by many Master Teachers. When these Teachers left the planet, a religious belief system sprang up to honor them.
It may interest you to know that the Nefilim and the Sons of Darkness were not able to influence or alter the teachings of Buddhism or Hinduism. They still hold basic truths and understanding of knowledge that is missing in Christianity today. For those who think that Christianity is the only true faith, know that you are only fooling yourself. All these religions have been taught by Master Teachers from the Order of Melchizedek and they all received their power from the same Creator. The same truths are revealed to everyone, with each culture understanding it in a way that makes sense to them, even though others may see it as not being true in their way of thinking. Another truth that is necessary to know, is that there is always someone on the planet who is carrying the Christ Consciousness. At this moment in time, it is being carried by a Master Teacher, from the Order of Melchizedek, who is living in India. The name of this person will not be revealed. We wish to mention that there were two other groups that the Nefilim were not able to influence. One of these is the Mayans. They came to this planet after the flood to bring us information about ourselves and the future that would change our way of life at the end of the age. They even left a physical remnant to live on the planet, so that the information would not be lost, forgotten or misinterpreted. They kept accurate records, so that humans could be awakened at the beginning of the Apocalypse, which was the end of this age. Their work is now completed. They are very highly evolved 4th dimensional beings, with 48 strand DNA and they have a home planet in this universe. They are spiritually evolved beyond the 4th dimensional Nefilim which are 36 strand DNA. They did not crossbreed with the human race, or those who fell from Atlantis, they kept their DNA pure. If you will carefully study history, you will see that the Mayans suddenly appeared, turned into a thriving culture, left their messages for us, then disappeared. The Mayans are advanced to the point that they do planetary travel by teleportation. They bypassed space ships in their evolutiuon to live a more simple life. The Ascended Masters in this race directed the building of a pyramid inside a mountain in what is now southern Argentina. They left within it records from the past which are now called the Revelations of Metatron. Another group that the Nefilim did not influence are the American Indians. They are descendants from the minor races of the 4th dimension and have integrated with humans. After the flood they were visited by the Arcturians, who are a 6th dimensional race that live in this universe. They were instructed
and taught by them. The prophecies that the American Indians received about the future of their country were given to them by the Arcturians and they were accurate predictions about the future of the Indians and their country (North American Continent) all the way up to the decade of the 1970s. At this point in time, their future prophecies are no longer accurate, since the human race has changed its destiny and we are now on a different time line. We will explain this in more detail, later in the book.
We will now be dealing with the life Of Jesus and the many events that affected human DNA and the future of the human race. We will bring out many points of importance, that are not known, have been hidden and were changed by the Sons of Darkness. Some of the information may seem out of place in the text, although it is necessary to give you the big picture. We give you this information from the Akashic records in order to reveal truth. When Jesus was born into a human body, it was during a specific time period. The ancient texts, have recorded the birth of Jesus as happening in 7 BC, while there are others who state 4 BC and even the year 0 between BC and AD. It is important to know, that there were 3 different ways to date the events that happened in the time period, when Jesus was born on planet earth. During this time period, there were 3 calenders that were in use. There was the Lunar calender, the Solar calender and the Julian calender, with differences among all three calenders. This is one of the reasons for the controversy of the many ancient dates. For all practical purposes, the precise dating of events is not really necessary in order to see the big picture. After the destruction of Jerusalem and the mass suicide of the Jewish Zealots at Masada, the political struggles between the use of two of the calenders ended, since it was the Jews that were struggling among themselves, using and changing the Lunar and Solar calenders, in order to predict the Day of the Coming of The Lord. In the 1st century AD, these two calenders were replaced by the Julian calender, which we still use today. The scriptures are now generally interpreted using the Julian calender, which gives incorrect information, causing errors in meanings and events. During the time period when the two calenders were in use, the dates were changed many times, in order to try and predict the exact date of the Coming of The Day of The Lord. The
prophecies that were given by the Old Testament Prophets for the coming of this day, were given for this time period, when Jesus walked on the earth. This was the time period when the Nefilim Gods, who were now called the Lords, were supposed to return to earth. This was the time when the old social structure of human life would come to an end and pass away, with a final collapse of the political, social and religious structure taking place. There was also the possibility of devastating earth changes if needed. These changes would be brought about by the Lords, in order to show their power as Gods and exert their authority. Then would come the judgement, condemnation and salvation of the people. This would end with the Rapture, the gathering together of all the believers of the Nefilim Gods. This would create the beginning of a new Golden Age, just like all the other Golden Ages, that happened every 3,600 years during the other returns of the Nefilim. Then the Nefilim Lord would lead His people and live among them, so the people would receive His Light. The true meaning of the words, His Light, was His knowledge. The people would receive the knowledge of the Lord. They would again prosper with His knowledge and leadership. During this time period, those who were in places of authority in the Jewish religion, were trying to match up the dates, with the up coming events and the prophecies of the prophets. They were under the impression, that the Lords would return on an important feast, or an occasion such as the equinox or solstice. They were also trying to use astrology to pinpoint the exact time. It might surprise you to know, astrology was a major factor in the lives of the people that lived, when Jesus walked the planet. Astrology is not evil and it is not the work of the Devil or Satan. Astrology is the Oldest Science that is alive on the planet today. It was taught to man by the Nefilim Gods, so that man would learn to understand the many influences that affected him on a personal and physical level. It is pure science, which was taught to us by a very intelligent race that understood these subtle energies. These influences, that affect us, come from the alignment and rotation of all the planets in this solar system, especially the moon, the changing magnetic influences, solar winds, our sun, the stars and many other factors that are present in our universe. It also includes the astrological signs that we were born under and how they directly affect us. People would gain a great insight about themselves, if they would study the knowledge that is available about their birth sign and the astrological sign they were born under. Remember, this is the pure
science of subtle energies, given to us by the Nefilim Gods which created us, to educate us about ourselves. As we stated earlier in the book, the prophecies of the Coming of the Day of the Lord, were directly written for this time period, which was the returning of the Nefilim Gods, during the time when Jesus walked the earth. This is the time and the event that all Jewish prophets spoke of, the end of their world and their way of life, as they understood it. The Jewish nation, that was called out of Egypt to become world teachers, would now be restored to power, including over the Romans. They would be directed by the Nefilim Gods, to go out and to preach the Law of the Nefilim to all nations, which was the Law of The Ten Commandments, including all Jewish Law that is added to it. This was the time period for the Nefilim Gods to return and renew the power of the Jewish nation, by direct intervention of the power of the Gods. The new Kingdom was prophesied, to be reestablished with a successor to the throne of David. Whatever successor was alive at the time of the Lords return, would then be placed on the throne, as the King of The Jews. It is important to know the father of Jesus, who was Joseph, was the legal heir to the throne of David, before the birth of Jesus. It is also important to know, Joseph was not just a simple carpenter, that was living a quiet life during this time period. He was a political activist, who was caught up in the political religious movement, to restore the power of the Jews and to reestablish the throne of David to its power over the Roman Empire. He practiced carpentry, which was a prosperous and highly honored craft in his day, in order to support himself and his family, since he was denied his rightful position, as the legal heir to the throne of David. The lineage of Joseph gave him the right to be called, King Joseph, King of the Jews, just as his forefathers before him. As King of the Jews, He inherited another title. He was also called the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit. We need to go back to past events and refresh our memory about the Jewish nation. The Nefilim Gods are the ones who physically called the Jews out of Egypt, in order to turn them into a nation of teachers. The Nefilim Gods needed these teachers, to go out into the world to reestablish their law, to once again gain control of the human race they created. They lost control when they scattered the people by confusing their language at the tower of Babel. The people scattered into different parts of the world, creating the beginning of many nations, while at the same time losing contact with the Nefilim teachings. This is the reason why the other religions of Buddhism and
Hinduism, were not changed or altered by the Nefilim Gods or the Sons of Darkness. They were living quietly out of contact with the rest of the world, which was a blessing in disguise. It allowed them to keep their original teachings and truths untouched. The Nefilim Gods knew that there were many higher dimensional spiritual beings, living in the bodies of humans, within the Jewish Race. They wanted to control them and use them to their advantage by manipulating them through the emotions of fear and judgement. This made it important for them to reestablish control over the Jewish race and over man. The Nefilim were coming back to earth, for two reasons. The first one is that they created man and had the firm intentions to be mans only God (Thou shalt have no Gods before Me) and to keep absolute control over man, through the teachings of the Jewish nation. The second reason, is that the Nefilim had intentions to reestablish a permanent residence on the planet earth again, since their home planet Nibiru, was still losing the oxygen from its atmosphere and it was now becoming critical. It would only be a matter of a short time before their home planet would no longer be able to support life. They needed a new home and they were needing it now. Yes, earth was supposed to be their new permanent home. This is why there were so many scriptures that were preparing man for the Coming of the Day of the Lord. At the same time all this was happening, Creator had other plans. The Order of Melchizedek was working to fulfill the greater good. Yahweh, who came from the Central Sun, had completed His work and returned. Jehovah had also completed His work, by bringing the Jews out of Egypt, by working in the background, inspiring and guiding the Nefilim Gods. Jehovah would remain to see the outcome of the choice the Jews would soon make between the two laws. Remember, the Nefilim physically brought the Jews out of Egypt with a mighty hand, so they could elevate themselves up to be the one and only God of the human race. Also remember that Creator was allowing them to do this, since Creator was soon going to give the Jewish nation a choice. They would have the opportunity to continue to live in fear of the Old Law, or choose the Law of Love. Now came another Melchizedek, the one who is called Jesus the Christ. He was born on the planet, just before the Nefilim arrived back into this solar system from their last 3,600 year orbit. He was the son of Joseph and Mary and was the next legal heir to the throne of David. Some day he would have the right to be called the King of the Jews. Jesus was a political figure and activist in his lifetime. He had a totally different purpose for com-
ing to this planet at this particular time, that no one knows about, until today. There are many teachings that he came here to open the gates of Heaven by his death. These are all false teachings. There are no gates to open and no purpose in his death. His first purpose was to introduce the Law of Love to the people who had the best chance to recognize it. These were the Jewish people. They are the ones we described as the Astral pure Bred, those who where a higher vibration and had come for the purpose of helping the fallen spiritual beings from Atlantis. They would have a higher ability to recognize the teachings of Jesus, while living in a human body that only had 2 strand DNA.
Jesus began to teach in parables. He did this for two reasons. The first reason was so the people could more easily understand the examples that he was giving, since they all had limited consciousness, which was a direct result of their DNA. To add to this limitation, the alignment of the planets magnetic north pole was in a position that caused mans consciousness to be at its lowest level. This planetary alignment has a direct relationship to the event called the Kali Yuga, which we will discuss later. The parables were given, so they would easily grab peoples attention at the time he was giving them, also to attract others who would read his words in the future. The truth is, humans with a limited consciousness, are easily attracted to events that are beyond the ordinary, which is what we call miracles. All the events that are called Miracles in the Gospels, Are NOT Miracles. Many of these events are a play on words that had a dual meaning. They were written to attract your attention, so you would study them to a deeper level, in order to find the true meanings. In every parable and every miracle, there is another meaning that explains the event as it actually happened. This dual meaning also hid the truth, so the teachings of Jesus would not be destroyed by the Sons of Darkness. The second reason he taught in parables, was for those people who would study his teachings at a later time, so they could recognize the real truth behind the parables and the miracles, leading them to a higher truth. This truth, was a realization, that his teachings do not agree with the writings of the Old Testament. Jesus was teaching a Law of Love, while the Ten Commandments were teaching a Law of Fear. These two teachings are direct opposites of each other. Also, that is the reason why Jesus came to fulfill the Old Law, which meant that he came to bring the Old Law
to an end, for it has served its purpose. The New Law of Love was now here to take its place. The reason the New Law of Love was so important, is this law is the very fabric that holds all the universes together and the One Law that is absolutely necessary to live, in order to join back to Universal Consciousness. When you fully understand the Law of Love, you will come to the realization that all laws that direct you, too Love They Neighbor As Thyself, are contained within this one law. The Law of The Ten Commandments is directly opposed and against the Law of Love. This Old Law is only useful, to lead a Separate Self Consciousness back to Universal Consciousness. This was the next step in the evolution of our limited consciousness. This is the choice Creator was now giving to man, to live in Love, or live in Fear. Which law do you live by? The life of Jesus was full of controversy, especially when it came to the argument that he was the legal heir to the throne of David. This all started over the birth of Jesus being born to a virgin. The teachings of the virgin birth are mixed with truth and false teachings, which were used to elevate Jesus, to the status of being the only Son of God and that he did not have a human father. The true lineage and father of Jesus is in the bible, in the gospel of Matthew, chapter 1. The true father of Jesus, is the man Joseph, the true mother of Jesus, is Mary. Joseph and Mary became engaged. Then Joseph and Mary had physical intercourse and Mary conceived a child, this child was Jesus. This child was conceived after they were engaged and before they were legally married. Since Jesus was conceived before his parents were married, Jesus was described as being born of a virgin, which was a common expression in that day, for a child that was born out of wedlock. Mary was still a virgin according to the law, since she was not married. Physically, she was no longer a virgin. By Jewish law, Jesus was an illegitimate child, so he could not inherit the throne of David. Over time, the meaning of the word virgin has been used differently. Today it commonly means a person who has Not had physical, sexual intercourse. There are Christian teachings which say that Mary conceived a child while she was physically a virgin. This is not true. These are false teachings. The Bible also states that Mary conceived by the Holy Ghost, other versions state that Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit. This is True, since the title Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit, was the title of Joseph, who was the true father of Jesus. So yes, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit, who was the man named Joseph. This title was a common expression of those who were heirs to the throne of David.
This expression came into use after the time of the first destruction of the temple and the Babylonian captivity. There are people who will say, that Joseph and Mary were so Holy, that they would never have intercourse outside of marriage. The truth is, they did have sexual intercourse outside of marriage. It is recorded in the Akashic records and it is also recorded in physical records that are still on the planet. They are being kept hidden by the Christian churches, specifically the Catholic Church. This information is in the History of the Essenes (part of the Dead Sea Scrolls), of which Jesus and Mary were members of that group. Know this; with Creator there are no accidents or mistakes. Everything, that happened in the life of Jesus, happened for a specific reason. Since He was the next heir to the throne of David and the one chosen to deliver the Law of Love, it was planned that he be conceived on purpose, after the engagement and before the marriage of Joseph and Mary took place, thus being labeled as born of a virgin. This happened for the sole reason of making him a very controversial political figure, that would stand out to everyone, and to become a historical figure, who would attract the attention of people in future generations. This way people would become interested in his life and study his teachings. This would spread his teachings to those who were under the burden of the law and who knew that there was more truth beyond the law. By studying his teachings and comparing them to the Old Law, people would become aware and open to the truths of the highest vibrations of the Law of Love. This would eventually lead them to finding truth and the way back home, back to the spiritual realms where they came from. During the time period that Jesus was born on the planet, his physical birth took place just before the Nefilim Gods arrived back into our solar system. This gave the Gods the opportunity to psychically tune into what was happening on the planet. Remember that their abilities in the psychic fields are way beyond what we even think is possible. They felt all the political turmoil that was happening to their chosen nation of Jewish people. They also discovered a vibration on the planet, which they have not felt here before. This vibration was coming from the person called Jesus, who was carrying the full essence of the love vibration, which included the vibrations of 9 dimensional levels that the earth supports. These vibrations were also amplified by the Christ Consciousness vibration that Jesus was carrying. This combination of the vibration of love, was in direct opposition, to the vibrations that the Nefilim Gods were carrying
at this particular time. The effect was the same as when we put two powerful magnets together, with the north poles facing each other. The more powerful the magnets are, the more they will repel each other. This is what happened between the vibrations of Jesus the Christ and the vibrations of the Nefilim. Since they were both evolved past the 3rd dimensional level, the repelling effect was so strong, that the vibrations that were carried by Jesus the Christ, would not allow the Nefilim to land on the planet. This is the reason, why they did not land on the planet during this return to our solar system. They stayed above the planet in an earth orbit, long enough to witness their Laws (Ten Commandments) coming to an end and being replaced by the Law of Love. They witnessed the final destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, which is where their power was going to be centered. Then they witnessed the mass suicide of the Jewish Zealots at Masada. Their whole plan of world domination crumbled in front of their very eyes and they could only watch and feel all these events. They could not land and intervene, since the vibration of Jesus the Christ, the 9 dimensional levels and the Christ Consciousness, would not allow this to happen. Now there was nothing left, no Jewish nation, no religion, not enough chosen people to do the work. The Nefilim left the earth orbit and went back to their home planet in hopes of a better day. Their desire to be the One God and Lord of the humans, with control over the human race, came to an unexpected delay. You might ask the question, why didnt the Nefilim simply wait until the death of Jesus was over and then land? The answer is simple. Jesus did not die. He stayed on the planet until these events were completed and the Nefilim left. This will be explained in the following pages. We have stated before, Jesus was a political figure, a Jewish activist and the next heir to the Throne of David. The problem was, Jesus was not working for the good of the Nefilim Gods, or for carrying on the strict Jewish religion, which was the law of the Nefilim Gods. He was working against them. His loyalty as a Melchizedek was only to Creator, in order to establish the Law of Love.
We will now turn to Christianity. The true beginning of Christianity actually started after the destruction of the first Temple of Solomon and the taking away of the Jews as captives into Babylon, in the year 586 BC. Make no mistake, Christianity came from and through the Jews. It was actually the splitting of
the people of the Jewish religion, during their captivity in Babylon into two separate groups. The main group stayed with the strict Jewish law during their captivity, while the other group gave up the strict practice of the law. This group, that gave up the strict practice of the law, did this from the experiences of their new life in Babylon. They learned that a different way of life was not bad or evil, it was just different and it was a relief to be freed from the burden of the Jewish law. This other group did not have a name, they eventually became known as the Diaspora, which meant the Jews that were scattered outside of the land of Israel. After the captivity was over and the Jews could return to their homeland, many chose to stay and live in Babylon. This is the beginning of the people that formed the Diaspora. Babylon was very wealthy and the Jews that stayed there prospered. They eventually began to move out into other parts of the Roman Empire and continued to prosper. The main group of Jews that returned to Jerusalem, came back to a desolate land and had to start rebuilding their lives and the temple over again. The struggles were hard for those who returned. They looked upon the others who did not return, with condemnation for turning away from the law and not returning to the home land of Israel. The condemnation of their fellow Jews, also led to the condemnation of Babylon by the Jewish prophets, since it was the better life that they experienced in Babylon, which led the Jews away from the practice of the strict Jewish law. Babylon was given the name, Mystery Babylon the Great, The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth. These prophecies were given to the Jewish prophets by the Nefilim Gods, predicting the fall and destruction of Babylon. These are the prophecies that are contained in the book of Revelation and the book of Daniel which we have already discussed. This split of the Jewish race was against the will of the Nefilim Gods, since the Jewish nation was to become the new world teachers, of the Law of the Ten Commandments. Even though Babylon was living with knowledge and guidance, that was previously given from the Nefilim Gods, the survival of the Jewish nation was now more important to the Gods than Babylon. The dividing of the Jewish people created a serious problem, that would now have to be dealt with by the Gods. This change would have to be dramatic, so the Jews could not ignore the results. Now it was necessary for the Gods to turn their wrath on Babylon, since it was the cause of the breakup of the Jewish nation. The Nefilim Gods instigated the destruction of Babylon, as a lesson to teach the Jews. If the Jews turned away from the Laws that the Nefilim Gods gave them,
they too would be punished severely, just like Babylon. It is interesting to observe the Nefilim Gods attitude toward the newly chosen Jews and the other children of the Gods. Babylon was already a flourishing culture of the Nefilim Gods. Now the Gods called the Jews out of Egypt to become teachers of the Law. When the Jews started to turn away from the Law, the Gods instigated the destruction of the Jewish temple and their captivity by using Babylon to do their dirty work. When the Jews began to become part of the Babylonian culture and not return to their homeland, the Gods then turned on their other children, the Babylonians, and destroyed them. It is very clear to see that the Gods used whatever group of humans they chose, to keep control of the human race. They would use any means necessary to keep control of the human race, including turning on their own children and turning humans against humans. To the Gods, the humans were still their children and their slaves. They felt they could do anything they wanted with them. In the eyes of the Nefilim Gods, man was still very inferior, with a very low consciousness level and no hope of it ever changing. Man was still an interesting toy to be played with by the Gods. Know this, Babylon was not an evil or sinful empire, it was no more evil or less evil than life is in this country or any where else in the world. Babylon was labeled the evil nation by the Jewish Prophets and condemned by the will of the Nefilim Gods. Babylon was an innocent bystander, already living according to the will of the Nefilim Gods and had nothing to do with the dividing of the Jews during their captivity. It was the freedom from the burden of the Jewish law, that created the division among the Jews, creating the group called the Diaspora. Babylon was destroyed because of the anger of the Nefilim Gods, at their own failure to control the Jewish nation. This is another example of the love hate relationship between the Gods and man. You could even call it, the Evil Intent of the Gods. The spoken will of the Gods against Babylon, was given in the prophecies of the Book of Revelation and Daniel. Later generations, such as our generation, being misled by the Sons of Darkness, blindly accepted these old prophecies as truth for our modern day. The group that became known as the Diaspora, is the group that Jesus gained his following from. This is also the group that eventually took on the name of Christians. This group followed the Jewish law in its simple form, without all the strict regulations. They saw the law as still good and a guide to live by.
It is also important to know, the Nefilim Gods had a very low opinion of humans. This is where the number 666 came from. Today we call it the Mark of the Beast. If you want to know who the beast is, look into a mirror and you will see the beast. We humans are the beast. The reason is that the human body was created from the earth. The number 666 was the chemical composition of carbon, of which we are carbon based. The name, the Mark of the Beast became part of the expression added to the 666. The reason, was that man was still imitating the sexual tendencies of the lifestyle of homo erectus. The Gods looked on homo erectus as beasts of the earth. The gods did not find this lifestyle acceptable for man, since he had Nefilim blood in his veins. The Nefilim Gods passed judgement on man, calling him a beast and the 666 came to symbolize this. This is where the true meaning came from and has stuck with man all the way up to the time of the Babylonian Empire. After the time of Jesus the Christ, this number 666 was given a new meaning by the Sons of Darkness, when the book of Revelation was written, with the purpose of misleading and keeping fear in the minds of future believers. This fear would be passed on to believers of future generations. Where there is fear there is no spiritual growth. The teachings of today, where people are looking for an Anti Christ, with the numbers of 666 in his name, are all false teachings. This plan was very successful for the Sons of Darkness to put fear in people. It worked very well and is still working very well today. Look in the bookstores and you will find many Christian writers and leaders who are teaching the book of Revelation and the end of the world as fact. It has even made its way into the movies. Remember the movie, Left Behind and its following sequel? These Christian writers and leaders are unknowingly doing the work of the Sons of Darkness, by keeping fear alive and well in the hearts and minds of Christians and others. The real political life of Jesus started around his 30th birthday, with the death of Joseph, his father. Joseph at this time, was next in line to inherit the throne of David, since Josephs father, Jacob, was already dead. Now with the death of Joseph, Jesus became the next heir to the throne of David. This was the start of the turmoil that was centered around Jesus. He was an illegitimate child by law, born of a virgin, and the Jewish leaders felt that he had no rights to the throne of David. Jewish law would instead honor James, the brother of Jesus, as the next legal heir. James was legally born according to the law and was accept-
able to the Jewish leaders. Those who were supporters of Jesus, including the twelve apostles, stood by him during his public life. The teachings, sermons and prophecies, that were delivered to the people by Jesus, attracted the people of the Diaspora, who did not have a leader to direct them. They also gathered around Jesus and supported his goal of bringing the division, between the strict Jews following the law and those of the Diaspora to a political confrontation. It created so much controversy, that the Jewish leaders decided to find a way to eliminate Jesus. The influences that drove the Jewish leaders to crucify Jesus, came from the Sons of Darkness and by inspiration from the Nefilim Gods, who were now psychically observing all the events. Jesus had already declared himself as the High Priest, that was above the Jewish priesthood, which was descended from the Levis. This was against the strict Jewish law, since Jesus was descended from the Tribe of David and they were not allowed to be High Priests. He also declared he was the legal heir to the throne of David, which caused the leaders of the Jews to seek the death of Jesus and his two fellow priests.
The scriptures have many details missing which has caused them to be interpreted incorrectly about the death of Jesus and the two thieves. The word, thieves, was an expression, that was applied to the Jewish Zealots and these two fellow priests were considered Zealots. Zealots were the more militant Jews. Jesus was not crucified along with two common thieves. He was crucified along with two Jewish Zealots, who where also priests and supported him in his political life. They were labeled as thieves, since they supported Jesus and his legal rights, as the legal heir to the throne of David and as the new High Priest. Simon of Cyrene was one of those priests and he was actually Simon Magus. The name Cyrene was symbolic and given to Simon Magnus during his trial by the Jews, as a sign of his fall from the level of High Priest. The other priest was Judas Iscariot, who was also a High Priest. This Judas is the one who turned on Jesus and betrayed him in order to save himself. Both Simon and Judas were descended from the tribe of Levi, which was the only tribe that the Jewish priests could come from. These two priests, had turned away from the strict Jewish law by following Jesus and now became outcasts and enemies of the strict Jewish leaders who were now in power. It was these two priests, who were crucified along with Jesus, in what was a politically motivated crucifixion. It was done so that the leaders of the Jews, who were
followers of the strict Jewish law, could once again gain control of the Jewish religion and eliminate the competition for the leadership of the Jewish people. Simon Magus (Simon of Cyrene) was also known as a magician. The bible talks about magicians usually referring to them as wizards. This word has been mistranslated in our day and given a different meaning. Today we associate the word with witchcraft, which is seen by most as evil. The original true meaning of the word Magician, is a person who has the ability to make a permanent change in their consciousness. Those who were true magicians, raised their consciousness up to a higher level. They knew more and understood what others did not. They had knowledge and wisdom. They could make things happen, by controlling the thoughts in their mind. They learned and understood the higher laws of the universe, which are above the Ten Commandments. The magicians were the self awakened spiritual geniuses of their day. Simon Magus was a magician, he was a direct threat to the Jewish leaders, since he was supporting Jesus. He was a very intelligent Zealot and the Jewish leaders were very afraid of him. It is also interesting to note, that in the old testament of the bible, you will find the Nefilim Gods condemning the magicians (wizards), since they had raised their consciousness by understanding Universal Laws and they were a threat to the controlling power of the Gods. Think about this. In order for us to become masters of our emotions, we must make permanent changes to our own consciousness. We will be doing the same thing the magicians did, also becoming magicians.
We will also mention another item of interest. Many people today are looking for a person called the Anti-Christ. The teachings of today, are that an Anti-Christ will appear on the planet in the last days, to directly oppose the teachings of Jesus. Many people are expecting him to be the Great Evil One, who will rule the world. These teachings are False. The true original meaning of the word Anti ; is to imitate, to duplicate, to be the same as. The original meaning, was a person who would be the same as Christ. When Jesus walked the planet, He was then know as the Christ, was a Jewish High Priest, called Christ. The true Anti-C Jonathan Annas, who lived at the same time as Jesus. At an event called the Day of Atonement, on the Sabbath, Jesus, by surprise, took the place of Jonathan Annas as the High Priest, also wearing the robes of the High Priest. By this action, Jesus
Declared that His Priesthood, the Order of Melchizedek, was now replacing the Jewish Priesthood and that his teachings were above the Jewish Law. This event also Declared, the Jewish Priesthood and the Jewish Law that was given by the Nefilim Gods, was no longer necessary. This action of Jesus was also symbolic, it signified the completion and the End of the Jewish Law. This action, earned Jesus the title, of the Wicked Priest. For according to the Jews, this action was unforgivable. This is the event that established the meaning of the word, AntiChrist. Jonathan Annas was no longer needed as High Priest, even though he continued to act as the High Priest, imitating the Priesthood of Jesus the Christ. This now made Jonathan Annas, the True Anti-Christ. Jonathan Annas was not a bad or evil Man. On the contrary, he was a Holy Man who deeply believed in the Jewish tradition. The teachings of an Anti-Christ appearing in the last days of this age, were started by the Sons of Darkness, as another way to put fear into the minds and hearts of people. All the present day teachings about an Evil Anti-Christ appearing today, are all false teachings. Now the historical events of the past get interesting. What we are going to say has been hidden from mans view and other information that was lost in the past. Jesus, in the events of his last days, was stepping out to claim his birth right to be the legal Heir to the throne of David and declaring his power as the High Priest, that was above the priesthood of the Levis. It would take a fulfillment of the prophecy of the Nefilim Lord returning, in order to make the claim of Jesus valid. Jesus knew there would be no fulfillment of the prophecy and no return of the Nefilim Lords at this time. It was the vibrations of 9 dimensional levels and the vibration of the Christ Consciousness that Jesus was carrying, that would prevent this from happening. Jesus had already given the Law of Love to the people. Now the law would be tested.
Jesus and the two priests were tried and condemned to death by dying on a cross. The three men were suspended on the crosses according to the customs of crucifixion. This was supposed to be a slow death over a period of time. During this crucifixion, the time was too short for the three men to die, while still on the crosses. When Jesus cried out on the cross, I thirst, he was given a mixture of vinegar wine that was bitter. This drink was a drug mixture that drugged him quickly, causing him to pass
out. Jesus Did Not Die On The Cross. When the Roman soldier pierced the side of Jesus with a spear, blood came out, which was an indication to his followers, that he was Not dead. Also, Simon and Judas did not die on the cross. Their legs were broken according to custom to speed up and bring on their death. They were all taken down from the crosses alive, in about 6 hours, before the Sabbath was about to begin, since it was against Jewish law to leave bodies on the crosses at this time. They were all buried alive in the tombs according to custom. Then a guard was placed at the tomb. History did not record this. The guards were not Roman soldiers. They were Levi priests, who were guarding the tomb and they were sympathetic toward Jesus. They allowed Jesus to be attended to and the drugs were cleansed from his body. He was alive although he was weak. His recovery was very quick, due to the level of his spiritual vibration. Simon also survived, as his broken legs were attended too. Judas, the one who betrayed Jesus and the twelve apostles, met His death at the hands of those who he betrayed. Since his legs were already broken, he was then thrown off a cliff, down to his death. The stories of Judas hanging himself out of remorse for betraying Jesus, are all false teachings. Now it is important, to discuss the words that Jesus spoke, when he was hanging from the cross. He said Father, Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They Do. This was an act of Unconditional Forgiveness, Love and Compassion. This was the test that Jesus was put to in order to test his vibration of Love. When he said these words, he passed the ultimate test, the Law of Love now became anchored on the planet and in the hearts of the people who would accept it. Now the Law of Love could replace the Laws of Fear which are the Ten Commandments. This brought the old Covenant of the Law, that was given by the Nefilim Gods to the Jewish nation, to a Final End. People were now free to choose to live by the New Law of Love. The people of the Diaspora now took on the title of the followers of Christ. They eventually became known as Christians, in honor of the teacher who was willing to suffer and if needed, to give his life for them. The New Law of Love, was the true beginning of the way home, for the spiritual beings that were trapped on this planet during the fall of Atlantis and now living in human bodies. The time period for experiencing all the emotions, that are part of a 3rd dimensional reality, were now starting to come to an end. Working on the principles of the Law of Love, is the beginning of the preparations to go home, to our former spiritual existence.
This was the beginning of a Golden Age that was not recognized by man. Instead, it became known as the Dark Ages, as the Sons of Darkness immediately set out to destroy, alter and manipulate the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of the Prophets.
We now go back to the scene at the cross, when Jesus was hanging with the other two priests. When Jesus said the words, Father, Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They Do, He passed the test of Love. At this point in the life of Jesus, there was no purpose in his death. We now refer to the statement, that it is appointed unto man to die but once. Many people in the Christian religions believe that you are born once, live one life and then you die. Christian people believe this, since all the teachings of Reincarnation were eliminated from religious Teachings at the Council of Niece. This happened in the early Roman Christian Church. Eventually many different groups split from the original church, forming many new Christian religions and they took with them the beliefs of the original Roman Christian Church. Also Christians have been taught, that their religion is the only true one and that all other religions and different faiths, are all false. This belief is so deeply ingrained in Christians, that they now fight among themselves as to which Christian church is the only true one. For these reasons they have never searched other religions, especially the Buddhists or Hindu religions which still hold the teachings of reincarnation that these people live by. Remember the Sons of Darkness were not able to alter or manipulate the teachings of these religions, they still hold many of their original truths today. The true meaning of the words that is appointed unto man to die but once, does not refer to physical death. It refers to the Final Death of the Separate Self Consciousness. The fact is that we live many lifetimes, in many different cultures, in different parts of the world, in order to experience the full range of emotions in different circumstances, with a physical death in every life time. The physical death is not a true death, it is only the death of the physical body and nothing else. The spirit that was living in that body goes on to the astral realm and prepares for another life experience. Even in the astral realm, the spirit is still a Separate Self Consciousness since it is not connected to Universal Consciousness or the Christ Consciousness. The spirit is open to the knowledge of Creator in this realm, although it cannot connect back to Creator.
Realize that birth and death, are a revolving door to physical life. Birth is the entrance for the spirit into the human body and death is the exit for the spirit, out of the human body. It is the way we come and go on this 3rd dimensional planet. The name for this is reincarnation. Once we experience all these 3rd dimensional emotions and become a Master of our emotions, we have the privilege to separate from our Separate Self Consciousness. When we make the final separation from our Separate Self Consciousness, it will die, since it is our conscious energy and cannot exist without us. The Final Death, means our Separate Self Consciousness cannot be reborn again in the next lifetime, since we will be finished with our journey on the wheel of incarnation. There will be no purpose in coming back to this 3rd dimensional level. We will no longer be separated from Creator. This final death will happen only one time. This is the true meaning, of what is appointed unto man to die but once. It is the final death of the Separate Self Consciousness. Jesus did not have to suffer a physical death on the cross for two reasons. He had already experienced the death of his Separate Self Consciousness earlier in his life and was already connected to Universal Consciousness. He was already a Master of his emotions. He was carrying the Light of the Christ Consciousness, which is always connected to Universal Consciousness. When the time would come for him to leave the planet, he would not have to exit his body through death. He would have the privilege of taking his physical body with him. This is what is called Ascending in Lightbody (Ascension). The second reason there was no purpose in a physical death, was that only half of the work that Jesus came here to do was completed. When Jesus left the tomb alive the second half of his work began. We will go back for a moment to the physical death. When the spirit separates from the body, the body will die. The spirit will then return to the astral realm, which is the home for all spirits who are experiencing humanity. This is a temporary home until the spirit becomes a master of its emotions and breaks free from all spiritual bonds that are still holding it here. In other words, it is our home away from home. When a spirit returns to the astral realm between lifetimes, it has the opportunity to look back on its life and judge for itself what it has accomplished and what it has failed in, then it begins to prepare for its next lessons in another incarnation. The spirits are not judged by God as people are being taught in different faiths today. When we return to the astral realm between lifetimes, our eyes and
minds are open to truth and we have full knowledge of all that is truth. We are our own judge and judge ourselves according to Creators Universal Laws. The Nefilim Gods, the creators of the human race, set themselves up as God and judge of all physical human beings while living on the earth. This is the theme that runs through the entire Old Testament of the Bible and thats the way it was. It was all changed when Jesus the Christ came to this planet more than 1,925 years ago. We have been freed from the Nefilim, they are no longer our judges as we live as humans. The Nefilim Gods during this time were still orbiting earth and psychically observing the events as they were unfolding. Remember that the Gods could not land because of the vibrations that Jesus was carrying. They were still waiting for the death of Jesus and his exit from the planet, so the Gods could land and fulfill the prophecies of the Day Of The Coming Of The Lord, which was putting their chosen people, the Jewish nation, in power over everyone else. Since Jesus was still alive on the planet they could only remain in orbit and continue to observe. The Gods had lots of time and were not in a rush. Remember, it was their intention to make planet earth their new permanent home. Jesus also remained on the planet so the Gods could not land. The time period during the crucifixion and the destruction of Jerusalem, was a time period that was given to the Jews, to allow them to absorb the teachings of Jesus, which were now being taught by the 12 Apostles. The Jewish nation as a whole, rejected the Law of Love and persecuted its teachers, even putting the Apostles to death. With the rejection of the Law of Love, the prophecies about the destruction of Jerusalem and the prophecies about the coming of the Day of the Lord became real and were partially fulfilled with the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. Part of the prophecies were unfulfilled, which was the actual physical coming of the Nefilim Lords. They could not come, the presence of Jesus on the planet, carrying the vibrations, would not allow it to happen. No one was spared from the destruction, since as a nation, they had rejected the Law of Love. The destruction of Jerusalem and the temple was symbolic. It represented the end of the Law of the Ten Commandments and the place from where they practiced it and held it in reverence. It was also a symbol, of the end of the Nefilim Gods seat of power and the place from where they controlled the Jewish nation. It was a symbol of the ending of the Nefilim rule. Then four years later in AD 74, the mass suicide of the Jewish Zealots at Masada, brought the Jewish nation and its
future kingdom to a final end. After these events, the Nefilim Gods left earth orbit to return to their planet. You would think that the Nefilim Gods would just wait until Jesus left the planet and then land. You would think that Jesus would eventually have to physically die. Not True. Before the crucifixion, Jesus had already mastered his emotions and entered into Lightbody. This gave him a life expectancy that could last indefinitely. From hundreds of years to millions of years or more. The Nefilim Gods also knew that Jesus could stay on the planet as long as he wanted to, since he was in lightbody. So there was no sense or purpose in waiting around. The Nefilim Gods knew they had been defeated by this spiritual being in human form, called Jesus. They now had to get on with the business of looking for a new planet to call home, since their planet Nibiru was still losing its oxygen and would soon have to be abandoned. Now the second part of the work of Jesus was completed. Man was now free to choose his future without the physical presence and direct control of the Nefilim Gods. With the leaving of the Nefilim Gods, Jewish prophecy also came to an end. Have you ever wondered why there were no more Jewish prophets after the time of Jesus. All the old testament prophets, that prophesied to the Jewish race, received their prophecies from the Nefilim Gods, not from Creator. The Jewish prophets were there to spread the teachings of the Nefilim Gods to the people, according to the will of the Gods. For those who have studied the old testament, you have probably noticed that it is the history of the Jewish nation, with teachings, instructions, condemnations and prophecy of the future for the Jewish nation. All this was necessary to direct and control the Jewish nation according to the will of the Gods. Now that the future of the Jewish nation is ended, the Gods no longer had any reason to communicate with them. The Nefilim Gods no longer had any interest in them and no purpose for them. They now abandoned the remaining Jews and no longer sent information to the prophets. The Jews were now on their own. That is the reason why the Jewish prophets and their prophecies came to an end. The Jewish people of the Diaspora, that followed the teachings of Jesus, became centered in Rome, evolving into the beginning of the new Christian religion. There were also many Romans who became part of this new Christian movement. From this center it spread all over the European continent and eventually into other parts of the world. The Sons of Darkness worked quickly, altering the teachings and manuscripts, while
at the same time gathering the texts and putting them in hiding, so that the truth would be hidden from future generations. Most of the work of the Sons of Darkness was completed by the end of the 3rd century. The teachings of the Jewish prophecies that were already completed and no longer useful, were now reintroduced into the new Christian faith, with false teachings to support them. The Book of Revelation, took the old prophecies and made them into new ones for the future of man, by taking past truth and weaving them into a new book of false teachings. The Book of Revelation is a Masterpiece of Deceit, put together by the Sons of Darkness. The Law of Love, (Love One Another As I Have Loved You) was overshadowed and then replaced by the Law of the Ten Commandments, which are based on fear. Today we still live with the concept of an eye for an eye. We still have not realized the true essence of the Law of Love, or even the true understanding of the emotions of love and compassion. We now live in a world that is filled with constant fear and that fear is reinforced by many religious teachings today. We remember the life and events of Jesus and celebrate it constantly. The great tragedy is that we have forgotten and lost the spiritual meaning behind the words and actions. Remember where there is fear there is no spiritual growth. Love and fear are opposites. The Law of Love has now become extra words that are added onto the Ten Commandments. The human race as a whole has not accepted the Law of Love. Humans cannot understand the full meaning of Love, which is, To Allow All Life Forms and all Things To Exist In Harmony In All Of Creation. Have you ever wondered why the Apostles and people of the Diaspora actually followed Jesus and why Christianity grew so quickly? The true and hidden reason is, Jesus survived the crucifixion and lived to guide them. If Jesus died on the cross the movement would have also quickly died.
We give you this knowledge, since this hidden plan has not been revealed on the planet before. It is not physically written or recorded anywhere on the planet. It is only recorded in the Akashic records. It can now be revealed since the plan is completed. It has been a total success. Jesus knew that his teachings would be directly attacked by the Sons of Darkness. So the Gospels were written in code, with miracles to attract your attention, with the intent that you would search them out and learn the hidden truths. Most people
accepted the words just as they were written, which is what was expected to happen. There are those who then found the hidden truths and brought them to the public awareness. They were then branded as Heretics, Liars, Sinners and Workers of the Devil. This is still going on today. The Master Teachers of the Order of Melchizedek knew that this would happen, that the higher knowledge would be suppressed by the Sons of Darkness. They also knew that the limited consciousness of man, which is a direct result of 2 strand DNA, would have a difficult time understanding the hidden truths that were written in many ancient texts besides the Bible. To solve this problem, another plan was put into action that was completely hidden from mans view. It was also hidden from those who followed the Sons of Darkness. This plan was started with Jesus, Mary Magdalene and many other members of the order of Melchizedek. When Jesus was born on this planet, he brought with him a different type of DNA. Jesus came to this planet with Sirian DNA. There is also a woman who came down to this planet at the same time with Sirian DNA. Her name is Mary Magdalene and she is also the same person called Mary of Bethany. Mary Magdalene came from Bethany. Since Jesus was the next legal heir to the throne of David, it was a requirement for him to have a successor. Jesus honored this requirement by a legal marriage according to Jewish Law, to Mary Magdalene. Jesus the Christ and Mary Magdalene Were Legally Married and they had 3 children. The first child born was a girl. She could not fulfill the requirement of a successor to the throne. A second child was born, this was a boy. He would become the legal heir to the throne after Jesus. A third child was born who was also a boy. Jesus knew that his son would never inherit the throne of David and his son also knew this to be true. They knew that Israel and the throne of David would quickly come to an end in their lifetimes. The daughter and sons of Jesus the Christ and Mary Magdalene, all came down to the planet with the same Sirian DNA. The hidden purpose of this family in coming to this planet, was to establish this line of Sirian DNA in the human race and to quietly spread it out into the world. To start with, it would be spread through the survivors of the Jewish race and then an event would happen in the nineteenth century that would release this DNA out into the world. Remember, the spirits that were in the bodies of the Jewish people, were the ones that we called the Astral Pure Bred. These are the ones who came to help free their fallen brethren. These are the ones who came into this world after the fall of Atlantis and accepted the biggest
challenges and karmic lessons, in order to prepare the world for the raising of its consciousness. Jesus and Mary Magdalene, their daughter and sons, their future son in laws, future daughter in laws and grandchildren are all from the Order of Melchizedek. A great number of their many descendants were Astral Pure Bred. For those who do not know, the Sirians are another race of people that live in this universe and have constantly cared for us, even though the world is not familiar with them. There is also another race called the Pleiadians, that also care for us and they have the same basic type of DNA as the Sirians. Both of these races are intimately involved with us, working with us on the spiritual level and quietly working with us on the physical level, so that they are not seen or observed. They do not visibly intrude into our lives, since they honor our free choice to experience life the way we choose. These races are highly evolved in the 4th and 5th dimensional levels. Their DNA is evolved to a very high level, way beyond the 2 strands of man, beyond the 12 strands of homo-erectus and beyond the 36 strand DNA of the Nefilim Gods. Earlier in this book, we explained some of the aspects of DNA, when we discussed the 2 strand DNA of man that was taken from the 12 strands of homo erectus. The reason why the Sirian DNA was brought down to the planet, is that it has more ladder strands than the 12 strand DNA of homo erectus. When you have more ladder strands, you have a higher level of communication to the Universal Consciousness, a greater connection to the mind of Creator. The purpose of bringing this Sirian DNA to the planet at this time, was to start raising the consciousness level of man. By joining the Sirian DNA, with 2 strand human DNA, it would begin the plan of giving the spiritual beings who where living in human bodies, the ability to access the Universal Mind of Creator and to bring truth and light, which is knowledge, down to the people on the planet, who were now living in spiritual darkness. The DNA would be passed down through the children of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and their generations after them. In time this DNA would spread out and be ready to activate in those who would awaken spiritually in a future time period. If the teachings of Jesus became so corrupted and the truth lost, there would be those who could contact Creator and bring the truth back to light again. The genealogy of the successors to the throne of David, was no longer kept by the Jews since their religious establishment
was destroyed. It was not kept by the children of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, so they could disappear into a quiet life and continue the hidden work. There are those in this generation who would destroy anyone, that they found with this type of DNA. They are the ones who could use this information, to persecute or kill those who carried this DNA. It would be those in the scientific medical establishment, who are connected to the Sons of Darkness. Only in this age would they have the capability to trace back through genealogy, to find these people, so without this, there is no way to find them. Also when the Sirian DNA is joined with human DNA, the Sirian aspects of it are totally invisible. They combine as one. There is nothing that can be seen by physical instruments such as the electron microscope, or any type of testing. Even during this age, when humans have gained the knowledge and science about human DNA, the Sirian aspects are completely hidden, so that all science will see is 2 strand DNA. It was planned this way to protect those who have the Sirian DNA. This plan did not fail, it is a total success, it is completed, it has unfolded in this generation, the last generation of this age. To give you an idea how fast this Sirian DNA spread, we will show the numbers of the direct descendants of Jesus and Mary which are their 3 children, their 28 grandchildren and 211 great grandchildren. To answer the question in your mind, we will also state that Joseph and Mother Mary, the parents of Jesus and also the parents of Mary Magdalene, did not have Sirian DNA. They were all born with 2 strand DNA and then they were activated into 12 strand DNA, growing beyond 12 strand, so that they would be the proper hosts to receive the children with Sirian DNA. Descendants Of Jesus And Mary Magdalene Jesus and Mary Magdalene had 3 children in their relationship; 1st born, female; had 8 Grand Children and 69 Great Grand Children 5 males 37 male 3 female 32 female 2nd born, male; had 14 Grand Children and 74 Great Grand Children 7 male 42 male 6 female 32 female
3rd born, male; had 6 Grand Children and 68 Great Grand Children 2 male 48 male 4 female 20 female Grand Children 28 Total Great Grand Children 211 Total
There are also others who came to the planet carrying the same Sirian DNA, that were born after the children of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. We briefly mention them and we will not elaborate on them, since the focal point of this plan started with Jesus and Mary Magdalene and their first 3 children. After Jesus and Mary Magdalene had their 3 children, they raised them to the point that they became self sufficient. Then Jesus and Mary separated, went their separate ways and continued the work of implanting the Sirian DNA into the Jewish Race. Jesus had 4 more relationships after separating from Mary Magdalene, with a total of 9 more children from these relationships, 4 boys and 5 girls. Mary Magdalene had 2 more relationships, with a total of 5 children from these relationships, 3 boys and 2 girls. This information may be shocking to many people. Know it is truth as recorded in the Akashic records. If and when the Dead Sea Scrolls are fully published, there will be information in them that will verify the marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, their children and the separation between them. This is some of the information the Christian Churches, specifically the Catholic Church, are trying to suppress about Jesus and the events in his life. They are afraid, that once the people learn about the real life of Jesus, they will come to realize that he was an ordinary person doing something special for us and he is not the Person the churches have portrayed him to be. What is important to understand, is that marriage during the time of Jesus was not the same as it is today. Its purpose was rooted in survival and loving someone was just an extra blessing. It was important to always have children, so that they would care for the parents as they grew old. This was the number one priority for family survival. If a husband or wife died young, or died for any reason without children, someone would step in, male or female, from inside or outside of the family, according to the situation at the time and would provide that surviving person with children, so they would have at least one or more children to take care of them in their old age. This was
a standard practice of that time and it was expected by the people at that time. It was a common occurrence for husband and wife to be separated for long periods of time. During these times it was common practice to have relationships with other people while they were apart. Many times events would happen and the husband and wife would be permanently separated. If a mate never returned, life still had to go on and there still needed to be children to take care of them in their old age. People expected events like that to happen and they were prepared, by having children with someone outside of the marriage, while they were still married. Marriage at that time was honored and relationships outside of marriage were honored and accepted as well. It was an accepted normal way of life and provided security in the form of many children. The only form of real security in those days, were children. So do not try to judge the people of that day, by the standards that you live by today. Realize also that Jesus and Mary Magdalene came at that time, to spread the Sirian DNA into the Jewish race. In what way did you expect them to accomplish this task? The only way it could be accomplished, was to have children, as many as possible, during the lifetime of Jesus and the lifetime of Mary Magdalene. They worked together in marriage and continued to work together for the same purpose after they were separated. They did this according to the accepted standards and customs of the time they lived in and they completed their work. There are those who are actively trying to trace the genealogy of Jesus and Mary Magdalenes children. They are trying to uncover the trail through the history of the Holy Grail. They believe that they have it figured out to a high degree. What is not known, is there was another event that totally scrambled the genetic lineage this DNA was hidden in. We will discuss this event later. When Sirian and human DNA are mixed together, the Sirian aspect of it must be renewed in the next generation, by another spirit bringing it with them into the physical body, or it will revert back to 2 strand. This aspect was renewed by the 3 children, who also brought the Sirian DNA down to the planet and their following generations. This was kept up for 50 generations and then stopped. What is not very well understood, is that it is the spirit that is inside the human body that is actually carrying the Sirian DNA. So tracing the human genealogy is actually an exercise in frustration. The Sirian DNA will not be found in inherited genetics. When one of these spiritual beings is born into a
body, that was conceived by two people who have 2 strand DNA, it can bring the Sirian aspect with it. So for those who are searching through family trees and genealogy to trace the descendants of Jesus and Mary, be aware, that the spiritual beings that were the descendants in those bodies, are no longer in any of those genetic lines, or in the Jewish race. When we look back, we see that Jesus completed his work on the planet. He gave us the Law of Love, anchoring it on the planet, in order to replace the Old Law of the Ten Commandments, a law based on fear. After the events of the crucifixion, Jesus stayed in seclusion and did not make appearances in public. He only had contact with those who were dedicated followers. He spent time directing the recording of his messages and parables into the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the book of Acts. He directed the recording of the Gospels, so that they would be preserved in code for the future generations. Jesus was also influential in the recording of other books. The quick growth of the Christian movement, was a direct result of Jesus surviving the crucifixion. These people realized, that the survival of Jesus and Simon Magus, was a blessing and a confirmation from God the Father, that the teachings of Jesus were true. Jesus stayed on the planet during the destruction of Jerusalem, the temple and the mass suicide at Masada. He continued to remain on the planet until the Nefilim Gods left their earth orbit, finally giving up on their plans to land on earth and live here again as supreme Gods over the humans. Jesus the Christ completed all the work that he came here to do. He lived on the planet for 82 physical years. Jesus then ascended in lightbody, from this planet. Jesus, The Physical Man, and His Spirit, are Not Coming Back To This Planet. He will not come back and be worshiped as a God in a physical body and his spirit will not return to the earth in another body since all his work is completed. The One Who Is Coming Back, For Us, Is The Christ Consciousness. The Spiritual Being, the Creator Son who spoke through the mouth of Jesus. All the teachings about Jesus returning to planet earth at the end of this age, are False teachings. The scriptures were altered to make it look like he personally was coming back in human form. This is one of the greatest deceptions that the Sons of Darkness have created in the Christian faith. That is putting your faith in another human being to save you, instead of putting your faith in yourself and making a direct connection to Creator and or, the Christ Consciousness. By a direct connection, we mean by your own
private individual meditation and prayer. In other words, meditate and pray alone. Prayer is talking to Creator and the silence in Meditation is listening to Creator. When you pray with another person or many others, you form a group consciousness and the group consciousness is a connection to Creator or Christ for the group, not you individually. You need your own direct connection, without a go between, such as a preacher, minister, elder, deacon, rabbi, priest or any other representative. It needs to be just you alone, talking directly to Creator and or Christ, and you alone listening, as Creator and or Christ talks directly to you. Do not allow anyone to speak for you, or get between you and Creator and or Christ. There are many people waiting for Jesus to return, without realizing that they have been tricked into believing a clever lie. They are waiting for an event that will never happen. They have been tricked so completely, that they have stopped searching for truth and have put their entire faith in this one single event, the Rapture. Many see no reason why they should change their lives, since they have not come to the true realization of what it means to Love One Another. When those who believe in the return of Jesus, finally awaken to the truth, many will become very disillusioned with their faith and belief system, turning away from it. The confusion and turmoil that will result is exactly what the Sons of Darkness have planned to happen. These people will be caught up in an emotional turmoil in their mind and heart, and this emotional turmoil will become a trap for them. They will have failed themselves, since they have not become a Master over their own emotions. If they do not awaken to truth in time, for them, time may run out, without completing their personal awakening and clearing. For them it may be too late and they could easily miss the opportunity at the end of this age, to be part of the coming ascension at the dimensional shift. Many people wonder about Mary Magdalene. Know this. Her spirit is an Archangel from the 11th dimension. Mary was born 9 years after Jesus and remained on the planet after Jesus Ascended, for 10 years longer. The later part of her life was spent in the country of France. She lived on the planet for 83 physical years and then physically ascended in lightbody, just like Jesus. A group of Archangels carried her spirit back to her 11th dimensional home. There are no physical remains of her body left on the planet. The spirit of Mary Magdalene will not be back. She played a key role, as important as Jesus and to this day her importance has not been recognized or honored. To state her importance in simple terms, Jesus the Christ, could not accom-
plish and could not complete his work, without Mary Magdalene. We honor Her Spirit. Know that Jesus the Christ and Mary Magdalene, came to this planet together, on special assignment, for one lifetime only. That one lifetime is finished, for both of them and they will not return, their assignment is completed.
In the Gospel of John; chapter 14, verses 1- 7, we have some of the words that were spoken by Jesus that are being taught today. We will use this chapter as a prime example of how the Words of Jesus are misunderstood today. These words came out of the mouth of Jesus, they were spoken by Jesus. The truth and reality is, that it was actually the Christ Consciousness speaking through the mouth of Jesus. Jesus carried the Christ Consciousness during his lifetime, for the purpose of allowing the Christ Consciousness to speak directly to the spiritual beings that were inside the human bodies, for the purpose of awakening their consciousness, to who they are. Remember, the Christ Consciousness is the dominant consciousness in this universe, since this universe was created by this consciousness. The words that were spoken in these verses, have many hidden meanings that are actually hidden in our memory. Ver rse 1; Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe in me. The Christ Consciousness is saying, if you believe in Creator, believe in me since I come from Creator and serve Creator. Remember, we all come from Creator, We Are All One. Remember, you knew me as you lived in spirit in this universe. Ver rse 2; In my Fathers house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. The Christ Consciousness is saying to remember that there are many Father Universes and Son Universes that we dwell in. Our true home is among them and there is a place prepared for us to return too. A great welcome is already prepared, waiting for our return. Ver rse 3; And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there you may be also. The Christ Consciousness was telling us, that it would return for us and join with us, becoming one with us again. It would return and we would have the privilege to accept it, allowing it to enter us and become part of our living, breathing bodies,
C hrist
C onsciousness
S poken
leaving its imprint in us and on our soul. Do you also remember when Christ said, the Kingdom of God is within us and we have not recognized it yet. The Kingdom is not outside of us, it is inside of us, it is part of our spirit. The Kingdom of God is within us in the Energy of our heart center. Christ is telling us he will enter this heart center and work with us, becoming one with us again. We will then have the privilege to carry the Christ Consciousness within us, as Jesus did when he walked this planet. So where Christ is, we may also be and Christ will remain with us wherever we choose to make our home, in this universe or beyond. Ver rse 4; And wither I go ye know and the way ye know. The Christ Consciousness is telling us that we know where he dwells and he is reminding us, that we already know how to get there. We must look back and remember our past so we can see how we got here. Only then will we realize what we must do to leave here. We have forgotten that we must clear ourselves of all human emotions, since we are not human, we are spirits living in human bodies. He also reminded us at another time when he said that we must again become like children, in order to enter the Kingdom God. Children are free spirits that are free from our adult emotions and we must become like them again. To be free of emotions in an adult body is to be a Master over all your emotions. We must remember this is the way. We must learn to Love One Another. Ver rse 5; Thomas said unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest, and how can we know the way. Thomas answered for all humans. We do not remember, we cant find our way. The sad fact is, we are living in spiritual darkness and we have lost our way since we lost our connection to Creator, which is a direct result of the fall at Atlantis and our 2 strand DNA, which limits our consciousness. Ver rse 6; Jesus saith unto him. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me. The Christ Consciousness is telling us we must first join together with it and it will guide us back to our spiritual home. Once we become fully integrated into it, then we can join back to Creator, which is Universal Consciousness. When we lost our connection to Creator, during the Lucifer Rebellions and the disastrous events that occurred from the times of Atlantis, we dropped down from the high vibrations of the Father and Son Universes, down to the lower worlds of creation, with a separate self consciousness. To go home we must raise our vibration up, evolving up from the lower worlds of creation, up into Christ Consciousness, which is the Consciousness of this universe,
becoming perfected in this Consciousness first. Through this Consciousness, we may enter back into Universal Consciousness. The Christ Consciousness is the bridge that joins the Separate Self consciousness back to Universal Consciousness. You cannot enter back into Universal Consciousness without first entering into Christ Consciousness. There is no other way. Remember. Many of the words that came from Jesus, were directly spoken from the Christ Consciousness, to shake our inner memory so we would wake up from our long spiritual sleep. Different religious faiths, have been teaching, that it was Jesus speaking to us as the only begotten Son of God. Remember. We are All Sons of God. Jesus has been turned into a God, by man, to be worshiped by man, the same way that Buddha and Mohammed were turned into Gods, to be worshiped by others. That is one reason why these Master teachers will not return to this earth physically. They will not allow themselves to return to earth again, to be made into Gods and physically worshiped by man.
There are many people, who will not accept the information that we have presented about the Christ consciousness and the connection between Jesus and the Christ. Most people are locked into their own personal beliefs and refuse to accept or acknowledge anything outside of what they already believe. There are many different faiths, religions, and denominations, with numerous divisions among themselves, that have their set personal opinion about Jesus the Christ. Since the Christian faith has raised Jesus to the status, as the only Son of God, many others have rejected his teachings. There are many who know in their hearts, that Jesus is not the only Son of God and do not believe in the miracles as written in the Bible. Since Jesus carried the Christ Consciousness during his life and it spoke through him, it helped create the illusion, that Jesus and the Christ are one and only one person. The name itself, Jesus Christ, conveys the thought, that this is the name of only one person. The knowledge of Jesus carrying the Christ Consciousness, was not known to the public during the time of Jesus. Down through time, there were always some on the planet who knew the truth, about the connection between Jesus and the Christ. The truth was not to be publically known, until the proper time at the end of the age. The time of revealing the true knowledge, would start after the event called the Harmonic Convergence,
To Accept Or Reject
that would happen in 1987. This event triggered the beginning of the Apocalypse, which is the time period at the end of an age, when truth is revealed. Those, who first awakened their consciousness at this time, are the ones who came to the realization of the Christ Consciousness, when they started to self activate their DNA. They connected to the Christ Consciousness, during their self activation to12 strand DNA. Now the knowledge about the truth of Jesus and his connection to the Christ Consciousness is being revealed to the world, to those that choose to know and choose to accept it. Believing in the Christ Consciousness, has nothing to do with believing in Jesus. As we stated, they are two separate spirits. The Christ spirit is a Creator Son and the Creator of this universe. Since Christ created this universe, it carries the Christ Consciousness. The spirit of Jesus is a 9th dimensional being and no one carries the consciousness of Jesus, only Jesus carries his consciousness. He is an individual spirit, just like the rest of us on this planet. The Christ Consciousness was carried by Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Lord Shiva, many Melchizedeks and numerous others that have walked this planet. Everyone on this planet has the privilege to accept or reject the Christ Consciousness since it is a Gift to us. Realize that everyone on this planet will make a choice, to accept or reject the Christ Consciousness. You will make this choice consciously, with knowledge and understanding, or you will make it unconsciously, without the knowledge or understanding of the Christ. When you make this choice unconsciously, without knowledge, your spirit will make the choice according to your level of consciousness and it will be make in your heart, without you ever realizing it. This choice will be based on your level of Love. It is a direct result of you learning to Love One Another and allowing all things to exist in harmony. At the spirit level, we all know the Christ Consciousness. If we accept the Gift, we will move forward spiritually, when we reject the Gift, we lock ourselves into another 3rd dimensional experience, for another age. Rejecting the Gift, is rejecting our only connection back to Creator. There will be many at the spirit level that will reject the Gift since they have not evolved enough on the human path of learning to Love One Another. It does not matter if you believe this information or not, thats just the way it is.
We now bring you more information from the Akashic records, about an event, that is still fresh in the memories of
Jewish Holocaust
many people. The Holocaust. From the human point of view, it was a terrible human tragedy. From the spiritual view, it was one of the greatest sacrifices that was made by any group on this planet. There was a hidden purpose for this event, that is not recorded on the planet. We bring you this information, so that you can realize the great sacrifices that the Astral Pure Bred were willing to make, to raise the consciousness of the world, so that their brothers and sisters world wide, who live in darkness, could finally awaken to the truth of who they are. We have stated that an event happened, that scrambled the Sirian DNA, that was passed down through the lineage of the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. This event happened in our lifetime and it is called the Holocaust. It happened during World War II and it was the killing of the Jews by Nazi Germany. We must go back in time, to the point when Yahweh came to the planet, to bring the sacred pronouncements of the Hebrew language, to those who would be part of the Jewish nation. The spirits that would enter the bodies of the people that were to become the Jewish Nation, were those that we called the Astral Pure Bred. These are the spirits that came down to the planet, to help those who became trapped here, from the fall that happened during the time of Atlantis. Once the plan of the Jewish nation was started, it was agreed that all who would enter this race, would have to stay in this race, no matter what the consequences. It meant that once you were born a Jew, you always had to come back in all your future lifetimes as a Jew. You could not leave the Jewish race and be born into another race. Once a Jew, always a Jew. A Jew for all generations. This commitment stayed active, all through the ages until World War II. Together as a group and a nation, they agreed to take on the hardest lessons and the greatest challenges, in order to help raise the consciousness of the human race, to the level of spiritual awakening. That is the reason why the Jewish nation and its descendants, were caught up between the whims and wishes of the Nefilim Gods and the attacks by the Sons of Darkness, while they were trying to awaken spiritually. As they sought a higher spiritual path, they became outcasts to the world. When World War II came, the Astral Pure Bred decided as a spiritual group, in the spiritual realms, that they were not achieving their goal of spiritual awakening, in the human bodies of the Jews. They came up with a plan, to make a change to release themselves from the Jewish race, so that they could complete their work, since the end of the age was now only about 70 years away. The plan, was to self sacrifice a portion of their own
Jewish race, to be exterminated during the war. In other words, they spiritually agreed among themselves, to allow themselves to be exterminated, while living in their human Jewish bodies. The extermination of Jews was carried out by Nazi Germany. This was the Holocaust. This was an extra ordinary sacrifice, with incredible suffering, that they brought down among themselves. This would create a severe shortage of necessary bodies, for these spirits to be born into. These spirits had the right and privilege to come back to finish their work. As expected, after the Holocaust was ended, there was a shortage of Jewish bodies for the spirits to be born back into. In anticipation of this coming event, a dispensation was given in the higher realms. This dispensation allowed the Astral Pure Bred to be born outside of the Jewish race, into other races. There were some requirements. They would have to be born into the low or lower middle class of society and they all had to be born into a family, that would give them a religious education. It did not matter what kind of religious background they were educated in. The religious education was only for the purpose of starting the process of spiritual awakening. Once they started to awaken, they would leave on their own, or they would be pulled away from these religious organizations by individual events in their life. Then they would pursue a separate spiritual path, that would bring them back to Creator. Their full awakening would take place on this spiritual path, outside of organized religions. They would then set out to complete their work, outside of the Jewish race. Now all those spirits who have the Sirian DNA, that were in the Jewish race, have been reincarnated into bodies outside the Jewish race. These spirits started reincarnating, when the first Jewish person was killed, at the beginning of World War II. They are the spirits, who are the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. They brought their DNA with them, so they could awaken within this lifetime. There is no way for the Sons of Darkness, or others, to trace these spirits from the genetic lines that they were in, while they were in the bodies of Jews. This is another level of protection from the Sons of Darkness in this modern technical age. So the DNA trail is now totally scrambled and sealed in the Akashic records. Again, the Sirian DNA is hidden within the human 2 strand DNA. This is the main level of protection. There are now only a literal handful, of Astral Pure Bred left in the Jewish race today. They are old and are now in the process of leaving the Jewish race. Realize the spirits of the Astral Pure Bred that have left the Jewish race during the Holocaust, have been reborn in an assortment of different phys-
ical bodys. They are now spread all over the world and are not recognized. This plan is now totally completed and has accomplished its goals of raising consciousness world wide. Know also, that not all the Astral Pure Bred that were born outside of the Jewish race, have Sirian DNA. Only a group of them possess this DNA. There are other DNA types, that the Astral Pure Bred are Carrying, including Pleiadian, Reptilian, Arcturian and other lesser known types of DNA, which are all within the Astral Pure Bred Group. For those who studied the history of the Jewish race and seek to understand the Holocaust, you can now see what really happened to the Jewish nation, with the revelation of this information from the Akashic records. This should give you a greater understanding, of the eternal love that the Astral Pure Bred had for their fallen brethren, who became trapped on this planet, from the times of Atlantis. They were willing to do whatever was needed to be done, in order to accomplish the raising of consciousness and bringing the light (knowledge) back to this spiritually dark planet. They have given the greatest gifts possible, that of giving their life for another. Many of them have made this sacrifice more than once. They not only gave their individual lives, they also gave the life of their country. Their self sacrifice raised the level of consciousness on this planet to the level of spiritual awakening. The spiritual awakening that started in the 1970s up to today is a direct result of the Holocaust and the personal and group sacrifices of the Astral Pure Bred. Remember, there is no greater gift or greater sacrifice than to give your life for another. You have been given information that is recorded in the Akashic records, so that you could understand, how truth has been altered by the Sons of Darkness. You have also been given information about the life and events of the man called Jesus, to awaken you to the false teachings about him, so that you could see the big picture of truth. If you still believe that Jesus is coming back, you will be bitterly disappointed. You now know that Jesus and Christ are two completely different spiritual beings. We are now in the time of the Apocalypse and the true meaning of the word is the time for the Revealing of Truth. You can accept this truth from the Akashic records, or you can reject it. As always, you have a free choice. Choose wisely.
There are those, who believe that their faith would have no meaning, if Jesus did not die on the cross, rise up from the dead,
then ascend into heaven. The basis of their reasoning is wrong, since their whole thought, is based on false teachings about death. We have already explained the meaning of birth and death, which in the physical body is the process of reincarnation. We explained the meaning of the phrase, that it is appointed unto man to die but once, that this is the final death of the Separate Self Consciousness. Now we will look at something interesting that is on the planet today. There is a burial cloth, that is called the Shroud of Turin. This cloth is claimed to be the burial cloth, that Jesus was wrapped in, after being taken down from the cross. This claim is True. A selected group of the worlds top scientists, have examined this burial cloth, for the purpose of determining if it is from the time period, when Jesus lived and if it truly is the burial cloth of Jesus, or if it is a very clever fake. When you study the research, you will find that the scientists discovered something interesting, about the imprint of the image that is on the shroud. For many years, it was believed that the image on the shroud, was a result of the blood of Jesus, soaking into the shroud, producing the image. Scientists discovered that the image is not a blood stain. The blood stained the shroud first and then the image was actually burned on. It is burnt on one side of the cloth fibers, without burning through the whole fiber. Science does not know and cannot explain how the image was burned on. The reason for this happening, is not physical, it is actually spiritual. We have stated that Jesus, very early in his life, experienced his one appointed death, which is the death of the Separate Self Consciousness. He became a Master of his emotions, separated from His Separate Self Consciousness and joined back to Universal Consciousness. He was also carrying the Christ Consciousness. At this point in his life, physical death was no longer necessary, since he had already achieved all that was necessary to leave the planet and not have to return. He mastered his emotions, cleared and released them, raised his spiritual vibration, then stepped into his lightbody. When Jesus was hung on the cross, he was already evolved into lightbody. He was then drugged, simulating death. Next, He was taken down from the cross, alive, in a drugged state. Then he was laid in the tomb. His body was now covered in a burial cloth. This allowed blood from the body to stain the fibers.
The intense energy of his lightbody, in the form of radiated light, which produced heat, began radiating out of his body
and this is what burnt the image into the shroud. This was not a sustained light, it was more like a slow intense burst of light. When you put your hand next to a lighted 150 watt lightbulb, you will get a similar affect, of light producing heat, which is only felt on the side of your hand facing the bulb. Keep your hand there long enough and it will get burnt on that side. This happened before he was revived, from the vinegar wine that drugged him. The intense energy from his lightbody, started healing the physical body. The intense energy from his lightbody, burnt his image into the shroud, on the one side of each fiber of the cloth, that was facing his body. Then Jesus was uncovered, by those who came to assist him and he was given myrrh and aloes, to remove the drugs from his body that came from the vinegar wine. For those of you who do not know what lightbody is, we will explain briefly. Lightbody is a physical state of the body, that takes place from spiritual growth. When a person starts to become a master of all their emotions and raises their DNA up to a preset level, they enter the beginning of a spiritual state called lightbody. They learn to perfect themselves in the emotions of Compassion, Caring, Gentleness, Kindness and Harmlessness. These emotions are called the Keys to Lightbody. This will lead the person to evolve into the emotions of Unconditional Forgiveness and Unconditional Love. Then they will become perfected in Unconditional Love and Compassion and they will evolve into becoming an observer and Master over all their emotions. They will then separate from their Separate Self Consciousness and join back to Universal Consciousness. When all this happens, the vibration of the body, will raise up to the level of light. The physical body will lose density between the cells, creating space around the cells. Light will be created from the high vibration of the spiritual growth and will begin to fill in these spaces between the cells, with this created light. A person in lightbody, has the ability to control this energy, to intensify the light by raising up their vibrational level, to a higher level. This glowing light coming from the body, will radiate heat from the body when it is intensified. The persons body will actually have a glow of light coming out of it. What is happening, is that this person is becoming their true self again, while still living in a human body. They are beginning to turn back to energy, energy in the form of light, which is their true spiritual state. At this point in a persons spiritual growth, there is no longer any purpose in physical death, since they are transforming the body into light. The next step, is when they are
ready to leave the planet. They then have the privilege to Ascend off the planet, in their lightbody. This is what is called the Ascension process. The only people who can see this glow of light, are those who can see through their third eye or their spiritual eye, often called psychic vision. They must also be on the same spiritual path. In other words, only those who have Eyes to See, will be able to see those who are in lightbody. Those who only have 2 strand DNA and those who do not have their third eye open, will not be able to see this. The full integration into lightbody and the joining back to Universal Consciousness, frees us from physical death and is the last step in the Ascension process. So for those who think that Jesus had to die and raise himself up from the dead, know that he actually did accomplish this. He just did it differently than you were led to believe. Even though the gospels are written in code and have been altered by false teaching, from the Sons of Darkness, there is always hidden away, confirmation of the truth. The Shroud of Turin is one confirmation of the truth. Only in this age of technology, could science discover the truth about the mysteries of the Shroud. The burnt image on the shroud, is absolute proof of the existence of lightbody, the proof that man is more than just a human, the proof that we are energy and we can bring this energy into our physical bodies. One of the many Master Teachers of the Order of Melchizedek, Jesus, left us this evidence, that would only be revealed in the last days of this age, at the same time the truth of our DNA would also be revealed. As we go on further in this book, you will see how all the pieces fit together. There is another confirmation of truth that is waiting to be revealed. The Sons of Darkness are very actively trying to stop this. There is a collection of ancient scrolls, called the Dead Sea Scrolls, that were discovered in 1947, hidden in caves among the cliffs of the Dead Sea. These scrolls date back to the time of Jesus and before. They contain information that is centered around an area called the Qumram plateau and are records about a very strict religious group, called the Essenes. Jesus was an Essene, along with his wife Mary Magdalene and many of those who were part of the events, that happened during the life of Jesus. Remember. Jesus was a real person, he was a zealot, what you would describe as a trouble maker today. There are many details of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and the events that led to the beginning of the Christian religion, containedwithin these scrolls. When the Dead Sea Scrolls are published and understood, it will shine a new light on the ancient scriptures. It
will be of great importance for Christians to study these works, since it will change your views of Christianity. Know the Christian Churches, specifically the Catholic Church, do not want these scrolls published. A very powerful Cardinal in the Catholic Church by the name of Cardinal Ratzinger, has been instrumental over many years, of carefully and skillfully working to block the publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls. He has worked through and presided over the Pontifical Biblical Commission and the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith. He has eliminated, expelled and deprived anyone of their positions in these organizations that has opposed him and his agenda. He has also persecuted the Catholic Church theologians who dare to expose truth. Cardinal Ratzinger is now Pope Benedict XVI. Now he is in the most powerful position to block publication of the scrolls and completely stop a self critical examination of the conscience and teachings of the Catholic Church and all other Christian faiths. If the Scrolls are published, it will destroy the doctrine of Papal Infallibility and Celibacy. It will expose the corrupt foundation of lies the Christian Church was built on. It may even destroy the foundation the Christian Churches are built on when people awaken to truth and realize they were believing in many lies. These lies directed their lives and controlled them. They will realize they have become prisoners of their sacred beliefs, instead of finding their salvation through these beliefs. Even though it may destroy the Christian Churches, it will not destroy Christianity. Instead, it will free Christians, from those people who use the teachings of the Bible, to control other peoples lives, through Fear and False Teachings, especially the doctrine of Heaven, Purgatory and Hell. The truth, will truly set them free. The Sons of Darkness are in the Christian Churches in the most high places and they are using every means possible to stop the publication of these scrolls. They have been very successful so far. They fear once the knowledge reaches the people, they will lose their control over them. It is important to realize, the fighting going on now in Israel, between the Jews, the Palestinians, Hezbollah and Hamas, is a very important part of the effort by the Sons of Darkness to stop the Dead Sea Scrolls from being completely published. The Jews are too busy fighting Hezbollah, Hamas and the Palestinians while trying to protect themselves from suicide bombings. The fighting and these bombings have the powerful potential, to cause the Jews to put the scrolls in a safe keeping mode or to hide them for safety. This would completely stop the work on the publication of the Scrolls. This is an excel-
lent excuse to delay publication of the scrolls indefinitely. The more than one billion Christians in the world need to wake up, join together as one voice, continually demanding the publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls until all the scrolls are published. This information belongs to all humans. No Christian organization, especially the Catholic Church and Pope Benedict XVI have the right to deny the world this knowledge. It was preserved so it could be reveled to the entire world in these last days of this age. Time is quickly coming to an end in this age and you are also quickly running out of time to benefit from the knowledge within these scrolls. As we have previously stated, beware of those who deny, criticize and condemn knowledge. Knowledge is power and those already in power have the intent to keep you away from new knowledge. Know thy enemies Know this. There is very great karma against the Catholic Church and everyone else directly and indirectly stopping the publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls, since it affects Christians and non Christians world wide. There is also very great karma directly against the Catholic Church and all its leaders who were instrumental in altering, hiding and continuing to hide the truth about Mary Magdalene, her marriage to Jesus the Christ and the birth of their 3 children. The Catholic Church during its entire existence, has directly, aggressively and continually dishonored Mary Magdalene, an Archangel of Creator. This dishonor has spread to women world wide. This karma will soon be demanded of all involved in the continuing evil deception and dishonor of Mary Magdalene. The many leaders of the Catholic Church who have suppressed knowledge and truth will also have a karmic price to pay for they have denied the world a great amount of knowledge. This knowledge is out of sight and out of mind hidden away in the Vatican Library. The world has no knowledge or access to what is contained in this library. Only the powerful and the elite have access to this knowledge. Remember, knowledge is power! The powerful and elite will do what is necessary to keep knowledge away from you and to continue using this power over you.
Chapter 2
We now switch to more recent events that are directly affecting us. This next combined event had directly and permanently altered the path that the human race was on. All prophecy and predictions of the future, which were supposed to happen after this event, are no longer accurate and will not happen. Think of yourself driving in a car on an interstate highway. This event had the effect of picking your car up, moving it and putting it down on another interstate highway heading in the same direction, to a completely different destination. You cannot go to your original destination. You are no longer on that original highway. You cannot go back to that highway. You are now going to a new destination if you like it or not. This is how the path of the human race was changed, without anyone knowing it happened. As we move forward in time, we come to an interesting event, which started to happen in the decade of the 1960s. Our sun at this time was beginning to emit powerful solar pulses and was on the verge of a massive solar explosion, that would wipe out all 3rd dimensional life on planet earth. The speculation of this was in the news at the time, with the scientific community growing very concerned. This was all being visually observed by scientists, physicists and astronomers, as the solar flares were increasing up to the anticipated main event. Then all of a sudden it seemed to all stop and the anticipated disaster never happened. It quickly became old news and was soon forgotten. Science had no answer to explain the strange events. The answer to this event is this. We have previously talked about the spiritual beings that live in the planets and the sun. We have stated that the sun has the spirit of Apsu in it. Before the destruction that happened to planet earth 5.5 million years ago, Tiamat was the spiritual being that lived in it. She was forced out of her body by the collision of one of the moons of Nibiru, which split the planet in half, ending her life in that body. This cut her lifetime short by 5.5 million years, forcing her to leave. Know that Apsu and Tiamat were soul mates. The original intent
Recent Events
of Apsu and Tiamat were to leave this solar system together, when their time was completed. Their plans were changed by the destruction of earth. Tiamat is already gone and is now waiting for Apsu, so they can continue their evolution together. This event of the sun emitting massive solar flares, is the beginning of the separation of the spirit of Apsu from the body of the sun. This is a process that will take several hundred years to complete. During this process, the spirit of Apsu, will begin leaving, while the spirit of the soul mate of Gaia, will begin entering into the body of the sun. There will be a crossing over of the two spiritual beings in the body of the sun as this happens. The magnetic field of the sun will also drop to a very low level and may even collapse. This is already happening. Then there will be a time period, where the magnetic field of the sun will fluctuate. This will stabilize when the new spirit is integrated into the body of the sun, then the sun will balance itself. If Tiamat was still living in the body of the earth at this time, all life would have been destroyed by the massive solar flares. This would have freed Tiamat, by ending her obligations to the life forms on the planet, so that she could leave the earth body, leaving this solar system with her soul mate. It may also interest you to know, that when there is the changing of the spirits in the suns and the planets, this is a time when many planets are cleansed from lower dimensional life forms that have become corrupted. This is a natural cycle in the universes, it then allows new life forms the opportunity for a fresh start. The expected massive solar explosion, actually happened in the summer of 1972, and it was blocked from our physical view, by our Sirian guardians and other galactic members, who helped to change the outcome of this coming disaster. In 1972 our sun let out a powerful solar pulse, which was hot enough to completely burn up everything on planet earth and this intense heat would last for several hundred years before dissipating and going back to normal. The Sirians and other galactic members, figured out a plan to protect the planet and everything on it, so that we could continue our evolution into the 4th dimension, undisturbed. We should have already been at the Christ conscious level at the time of this event, and if we were, this solar event would not affect us. Since we were not at that level, the Sirians and others stepped in to protect us, from the coming physical destruction. When all this work was being done to protect us, it was being done at the 4th dimensional level, so that it would be invisible to humans. This way it would not affect our free will and free choice. The plan was successful and earth
with its human and animal life was spared. When the Sirians and others were celebrating their success of saving planet earth, the Dark side was very quietly and cleverly completing their own plans for the destruction of man. Four more Satans (a total of 5) entered the earth with a host of Satanic forces and traveled backward in time. This allowed them to rewrite human history, which would alter the outcome of the human race. It would have caused the destruction and death of the human race. When this was discovered, a host of Angelic Golden Beings assembled and also went backward in time to undo the damage, that the Dark side had done. By doing this, the Angelic beings gave us the time to complete the Christ Conscious Grid, so that we could bring the Christ Consciousness down to the planet and prepare ourselves to enter the 4th dimension. This has happened in 1972 and it took approximately seven years earth time, for the Angelic beings to correct the damage that was done by the Satans and their Satanic forces. Since this time, the battle between the Forces of Darkness and the Forces of Light, has spilled over onto planet earth and we are now the battle ground. After the four extra Satans came down to the planet, four extra Melchizedeks were summoned, to bring balance back to the planet. This is the first time that five Satans and five Melchizedeks were on the same planet at the same time. Then in the year 2000, in the month of November, a sixth Satan came down to the planet and again another Melchizedek was summoned to bring balance back to the planet. Then again in the year 2002, in the month of May, a seventh Satan came down to the planet and a seventh Melchizedek was already waiting. No more Satans will be allowed to come down to the planet, as the seventh is the number of completion. Now the final battle of the 3rd Lucifer Rebellion, is being fought on planet earth and we humans are the targets that are in the middle of it. You probably never realized how important you are! It is important to know, that these seven Melchizedeks, all came to this planet as pure spirit. They have the ability to work in the spiritual realm or the physical realm, by taking on a body if needed. They can change into a physical body or back to spirit instantly at will. They have no limitations or restrictions in their movements or abilities. The balance they hold and the work they do, is mostly done in their spirit form, since this is how the Satans work. There is very little purpose for them to be in a physical body. For those who are thinking in their mind, that this could be
the final battle of Armageddon, the answer is No, it is Not. Remember. The battle of Armageddon was fought over 2,500 years ago and the book of Revelation describing these events, was sealed in the Akashic records in the second century AD, which is over 1,800 years ago. The battle of Armageddon was the destruction of Babylon, which covered a large area, including Palestine and Macedonia, with the final destruction around 538 BC. We have previously explained, that battle of Armageddon, which was supposed to happen at the end of the world, was a false teaching, that was started by the Sons of Darkness, in order to put FEAR into man. When you hold FEAR within yourself, you cannot grow spiritually, you cannot raise your vibration to the light, you cannot grow in the Christ Consciousness, you cannot step into Lightbody and you cannot reach Universal Consciousness. We have just stated ,that 5 Satans and a host of others, including Angelic beings, traveled backward in time. To most people this sounds like something out of Science fiction. To those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, know that time travel is normal and is actually the way of life for spiritual beings who are connected to Universal Consciousness. In our 3rd dimensional reality, we cannot do this, since we are not connected with the higher levels of Christ Light or Universal Consciousness. When we do connect, we will be able to once again time travel, with full conscious memory. When you are fully connected to Universal Consciousness, you will be able to visit different places at different time periods, stay, observe and have the full ability to participate in the events of that time. This is exactly what happened to the spiritual beings who were trapped in the fall of Atlantis. They were time traveling and they stopped to observe the genetic experiments that were happening in Atlantis. They became so interested with the great variety of emotions and genetic combinations of the experiments, that they decided to join in the events. They made a free choice, they stopped observing and started to participate, in order to experience what it felt like. That is when they became trapped. They entered into an event in which they had no previous experience. This event turned out to be a simple mistake. There are mistakes like this one, continually happening throughout this universe and the entire cosmos. These mistakes are opportunities, to gain experiences of the unlimited and constantly changing variety of events and creations. This is what we do in the spiritual realm. We continually experience the constant change of the creative process, which never stops. When we make a mistake and become
trapped in an event, we stay and work our way out, just like we are doing now on planet earth. That is how we become evolved Ascended Masters. Normally, we choose when we want to enter into events or places. We always have free choice. When you make the choice, you accept the consequences, even if its a mistake. Then you learn from your mistakes. We will now come forward in time, to the events that are happening today, that many people may not be aware of and they may not understand the significance of how it will affect their life. The way we are living today, is changing much faster then people realize. Life is not going to end like the doom and gloom prophecies are telling you. Although we never know when a surprise may happen. The way of life we are now living is soon going to change beyond your imagination. You may have already figured that out in the information that you have just read.
Moving forward in time we come to an event called the Harmonic Convergence. This event happened on August 16 and 17, in 1987. This is the time when the 3rd dimension that we were living in, officially came to an end. The next 26 years, between 1987 and 2013, is a time period in which we will be living between dimensions. We are no longer in the 3rd and have not made it into the 4th dimension. This time period will end somewhere around 2013 when we make the dimensional shift into 4th dimension. It will be triggered by a planetary alignment that will happen three times. Twice in 2012 and once in 2013. Now Be Aware. The dimensional shift happening in 2013 is not an absolute fact. The dimensional shift will be triggered by the world consciousness level and the state of mind that the consciousness is in. You must realize and understand, that the dimensional shift could happen any time after the year 2002. The reason is, that in the beginning of 2003, the planetary grid will be locked in place. Once the grid is locked in place, everything is complete. An event, called the Ascension, can take place and the dimensional shift can be triggered to happen at any time between 2003 and 2013. If it does not happen during this time period, the three planetary alignments will trigger it to happen at the end of the 26 year time period. Essentially all prophecy that needed to be completed, is done and that prophecy which is not completed, is no longer essential. World Consciousness and only world Consciousness, will dictate when
the dimensional shift will happen, not a fixed date. We know the time period, which is now. Only Creator knows the exact date. Beginning Apocalypse We are here End (--------------------------- 26 years --------------*------------------------) 1987 -----------To ---------- 2002 2003 --------------To--------------2013
(--This time is gone forever --) ( ? This time period is unknown ? ) Dimensional shift can now happen anytime after the beginning of 2003. We do not know if we will have this time left to live on this earth between the years of 2003 and 2013. The information on the planetary dimensional shift, was brought down to the planet by a group of very highly evolved 4th dimensional beings, who came here in a civilization called the Mayans. These beings are what you might call Time Keepers or Keepers Of The Time. They help developing civilizations to understand the realities of time and changes that will inevitably come. Creator sent them here to give knowledge to humans, to awaken and help us to understand our destiny in the future. They gave us knowledge that the Nefilim Gods knew about and did not tell mankind. Knowledge is power and the Nefilim Gods deprived man from the knowledge of their future destiny. The Gods wanted to completely control human destiny, for their own selfish desires. The Mayans came here to record the knowledge for the future generations and they did this right under the nose of the Nefilim Gods. They have performed one of the greatest services to humans and no one has recognized it. They brought the knowledge and then left, returning to their home planet in the Sirus system. Since the time of the Mayans, a remnant has remained on the planet to this day, to count the days and years up to the time of the Harmonic Convergence. This has been happening for more than 5,000 years. This was done, so that the knowledge of the dates would not be lost, or misinterpreted when this time period arrived. The Mayans are a major force in directing us toward the Ascension and the dimensional shift. They are helping us behind the scenes, just like the Sirians, Pleiadians and Arcturians. Creator has given us this knowledge and delivered it to humans in many different ways. This is just one of the many ways. This 26 year time period is also known as the time of the
Apocalypse. The true meaning of this word is the Time of Revealing. This is the time period at the end of the age, when Truth is revealed for those who have Eyes to See and Ears to Hear. The truth is available so that we can all make wise spiritual choices, to prepare ourselves for the beginning of our next spiritual and physical experiences, that will start at the dimensional shift. Remember, the 3rd dimension ended in 1987. We are now between the 3rd and 4th dimensions and continually heading toward the 4th dimension. We now go back to those, who still believe that Jesus is coming back to save them, at the end of the age. For many people, the proof is in the final outcome of events. You now know that the end of the age has already happened in 1987. The 3rd dimension is over, it was finished over 18 years ago. Jesus has failed to return before the end of the age, according to the way the prophecies were interpreted. The interpretations of the prophecies have failed. Now what do you do? We are now between the ages and at this point in time, we have passed the half way point between the ages. Still, there is no sign of Jesus. How long will it take you to realize and admit that something is very wrong? How long will it take you to realize, that the prophecies you believed in, are not true? When will you come to the realization ,that you have been tricked into believing a very clever lie? Hopefully, all the information we presented, will begin to open your eyes to truth. We now continue.
After 1987 a promise began to be fulfilled. It was spoken through the mouth of Jesus and came from the Christ Consciousness. It is contained in the Gospel of John, Chapter 14, verses 1 thru 3. Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe in me. In my Fathers house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I Will Come Again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may also be. This promise has been fulfilled. The Christ Consciousness has returned at the beginning of this 26 year period.
It has returned as promised to earth for all who have eyes to see and ears to hear. It is here now for all who will accept it. There are those on the planet who then began to spiritually awaken. Remember those who came down to the planet, that
were the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, the ones who brought the Sirian DNA down to this planet in the Jewish blood line and then were freed from the Jewish race by the Holocaust? These spiritual beings are here now, on the planet and are spread worldwide in different nationalities. It is these spiritual beings that are carrying the Sirian DNA, who began to awaken after the Harmonic Convergence, to the Christ Consciousness, by seeking to connect to Creator with Pure Intent, in order to join back to Universal Consciousness. 90% of those who first awakened, were carrying the Sirian DNA. The secret plan that was set in motion by Jesus, Mary Magdalene, their children and descendants, was now completed by those, whom the Christ Consciousness made the original promise too. These are the ones who are on what is called the Ascension path. They are the Astral Pure Bred from the Jewish race, The Starseeds, the Wanderers and the Acended Masters. They awakened at this time and began to self activate their DNA. They originally began to activate their DNA through their chakra system. It was necessary to have 17 chakras open to do this work, 7 chakras in the body and 10 chakras outside the body. The work was started with Pure Intent. These self activations started in the decade of the late 1980s and early 1990s. After they activated their DNA and evolved to 12 strand and beyond, the 12 strand DNA for humans, became anchored in the planetary grid system. This opened the door to bring the knowledge of DNA down to the planet and to make it available for all who will accept it. In the middle to late 1990s, the DNA work was channeled down to the planet and put into spiritual techniques and programs, so that it could be taught to those who were spiritually awakening. Realize that this work is happening around the world. Originally, you had to first activate all the chakras in the body, of which there are 6. They are the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, and third eye. Then you had to activate your thymus, then the crown. Next came your alpha and omega. Then you would open up the chakras outside of the body, one at a time, starting with the emotional body, the mental body, spiritual body, your Other Self, the Christ Consciousness, your Higher Self and finally the chakra to connect to the Infinite Mind, The Prime Creator, Source Of All That Is. You had to open up all these 17 chakras at one time, then go up with your consciousness, out your crown chakra, up through all the chakras above the crown to the Source chakra and call on Creator with Pure Intent to activate your DNA. You declared your Intent to serve others, not self, and your Intent to Ascend from
this planet in Lightbody. Your DNA was then activated. Then you had to raise your consciousness by knowingly seeking and adding to your knowledge. Once your Intent reached a certain point and was honored by Creator, knowledge was then opened up to you. Then the work began to start clearing out human emotions and feelings that no longer served you. This was the beginning of raising your vibrational level up. As you cleared and released emotions and feelings that no longer served you for your highest good, your DNA would keep going up with your spiritual vibration.
To clear emotions and feelings that no longer served you for your highest good, it was necessary to recognize, what emotions and feelings you were ready to clear and release from your body and your vibrations. In order to do this, you had to connect with Creator. You do this by using the Invocation To Clear And Release Emotions underlined below and the following visualization. You connected to Creator by saying in Silence; I call upon The Infinite Mind, The Prime Creator, The Source Of All That Is. Repeat this three times in Silence and Creator will be in your presence. Then you declare to Creator, your Intents to do so. You would say; It is my intent to clear and release (name the emotion, feelings or thought patterns that you want to clear and release), then you would declare the following Invocation; I Claim It, I Own It, I Created It, I Lived It, I Loved It, I Learned From It, And No One Can Take It From Me, Not Even Creator. Then you would release it by your own free will, since you recognized that it no longer served you for your highest good. You release it with the Intent to send it to the Light of Creator. You now declare this by saying; I Now Release It By My Own Free Will, For It No Longer Serves Me For My Highest Good And I Send It To The Light Of Creator, To Be Changed Back To The Light. Now you would do the visualization. You may feel it as energy or heat traveling upward, through your body. You would visualize the clearing as energy, or moving light, coming up from the bottom of your feet, going up through your entire body and exiting out through your crown chakra and going up to the Light of Creator. Creator will do the clearing and releasing out of your body cells and your entire vibrational field, clearing it from your vibration. This Invocation to clear and release emotions, feelings and thought patterns, that no longer serve you for your highest good, always works. It is very powerful, and complete in itself. This Invocation works when other techniques do not. This is the way the DNA work first started and was being done by those who had eyes to see and ears to hear. Creator does the work of
clearing as long as you have True Intent, to release the emotions, feelings and thought patterns that no longer serve you for your highest good. This declaration is done in silence to clear and release emotions, feelings and thought patterns. This same Invocation works to break stubborn habits and it is done by speaking the Invocation verbally, out loud. The visualization is done the same way. For those who have eyes to see, you would see clearing and releasing as a cloud of smoke coming out of the crown chakra, then the cloud of smoke vanishes.
Now we return back to 1987 again. Another event happened that same year. The earth in the spring of 1987, entered into a band of high vibrational light, that is known as the photon belt. This is a band of light in our universe, that our planet rotates through every 11,000 years. Our planet stays outside of this band of light for 11,000 years, then it crosses into the band and stays inside this band of light for 2,000 years. The cycle continues with another 11,000 years outside the band of light and another 2,000 years crossing through the band of light again. A full cycle for our solar system to come back to its starting point, is approximately 25,920 years. This band of high vibrational light, triggers many changes to take place. It has a direct affect on our consciousness and can very quickly accelerate our awakening. The most important effect, is that it allows us to release all negative karma. We have always had the ability to release karma through out every lifetime. Now, while in the photon belt, we can release All negative karma, all the way back to the beginning of our spiritual experiences, in this cycle of duality. For those who separated from Universal Consciousness during the fall at Atlantis, you now have the opportunity to release all the karma, back to this time period and before for those who lived in Atlantis, the continent of Mu and civilizations before these. It is absolutely necessary to release all negative karma for those who are seeking to enter light body and Ascend from this planet, in order to return to your spiritual home. This will be your Greatest Opportunity and Your Last Opportunity to release all karma. For those who want to Ascend and make the dimensional shift to the 4th dimension, this is your Last Opportunity to release all karma, so that you can make the shift. It must be done now, before we make the dimensional shift. If you do not release your negative karma, you will stay in a 3rd dimensional reality, separate from Creator and have the privilege to do this all over again.
Photon Belt
We will now move forward in time to January 14 to 17, in the year 2001. Another event happened called the Kali Yuga. This event is a celebration of the awakening of our consciousness from darkness. We will explain briefly how this works. Our planet earth has a tilted Axis, which directly affects our consciousness. This axis actually rotates very slowly. If you were looking at earth from space, above the north pole, you would see that this rotation traces an ellipse, that takes 25,920 years to complete. It moves 1 degree every 72 years, causing the changing of the signs of the Zodiac. This causes the sign of the Zodiac to change every 2,160 years, which is every 30 degrees. There are 12 signs of the Zodiac, equally spaced out 30 degrees apart, which adds up to the full rotation of the axis, which is 360 degrees or one full rotation. When the axis of the north pole is facing the galactic center (the central sun of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is called Alycone), our consciousness is at its highest point. As the axis turns away from the galactic center, consciousness starts to continuously drop lower, until it falls to its lowest level, which is about 900 years before the Kali Yuga. When it is facing 180 degrees away from the galactic center, our consciousness is at its lowest point. The lowest level of human consciousness lasts for 900 years before the Kali Yuga and for 900 years after the Kali Yuga, which is a time period of 1,800 years. We are now coming out of this time period. The rotation of the earths axis has triggered the changes in January of 2001, for our consciousness to start awakening very quickly. On the following pages we have four illustrations. The first one is to explain and show the earths tilted axis. The second, third and fourth illustrations are overlaid to show how all details interact. The second illustration relates the earths axis to the ellipse it draws in more detail and how it intersects the photon belt. The third illustration shows the affects on consciousness by the rotation of the earths axis. The fourth illustration shows in more detail how consciousness is affected in each constellation of the Zodiac.
Kali Yuga
It is important to note the changes in the female consciousness that are happening in society today. Notice how many women are running for public office, joining the armed forces, doing jobs and occupations that were traditionally male orientated. Notice how many are taking leadership positions in all aspects of society. This is due to the shifting of the energies and awakening of the intuitive side of the female. When the earths axis is pointing toward the galactic center, the intuitive female and logic male, are both consciously awake and in balanced harmony with each other. When the axis moves away from the galactic center, the female intuition is the first part of consciousness, to start dropping to a low level. Both males and females possess logic and intuition. The male possesses more logic than intuition and the female possesses more intuition than logic. Logic drops off the same as intuition, only much slower. Since logic does not drop off as fast as intuition, the male becomes dominant with his logic mind. The male logic becomes the protector and the guide as the consciousness continually drops during its long travel toward the Kali Yuga. Approximately 900 years after we pass the Kali Yuga, intuition starts to awaken first, then logic will awaken. Since the female possesses more intuition, the female intuitive side awakens first. Female intuition then leads the awakening of the consciousness, with the male intuition awakening much slower. The logic will awaken in the male quicker and awaken much slower in the female. We will eventually have a balancing of energy between male and female. The female energy must take back its power and its place in the leadership of society, in order to bring balance and peace into this world. Its time for the male society to look at the female as an equal. Regardless of what people think or feel, the coming age of Aquarius will elevate the female, to be an equal with the male. The logic and intuition that are possessed by both male and female, will also become balanced within each individual. This is the way it will be in the next age.
A tactic of Satan was to use this natural cycle of the lowering of consciousness, due to the changing of the earths axis, as a way to eliminate or limit the female intuitive ability. Satan set out quickly to lay the plans for the future, to eliminate all women from the priesthood and positions of authority and power. Satan also made use of the natural genetics inherited from homo
erectus. Remember when the Nefilim Gods cast the humans out of the garden. They told the woman that her desire would be to her male mate and he shall rule over her. These genes are still active today, since it is part of the human genetic make up. Satan amplified and reinforced this natural desire to the extreme, so that women would feel inferior and be naturally dominated by men, so that they could not, or would not use their intuitive abilities to see truth at the time of the awakening. This was accomplished and worked according to Satans plan, until the awakening of the hidden Sirian DNA, within the Astral Pure Bred spirits, which were freed from the Jewish race. Half of them that reincarnated outside the Jewish race, were born as women and this blew a great big hole in the plan of Satan. These women awakened and took their power back. Women are now using their intuitive ability openly and many more are constantly awakening. The more women that awaken and take positions of authority and power, the quicker this world will become peaceful and balanced.
You may have noticed, that we have some events happening close together. The Harmonic convergence happening in 1987, with the earth entering into the photon belt. The Sun entered the photon belt in 1999. The time period of 900 years after the Kali Yuga, happened in 2001. At the same time our consciousness is awakening, we have also arrived at the point, where the earth is triggered into pole shifts. This happens after the sun enters the photon belt and the changing energies, 900 years after the Kali Yuga. This sets up the triggers for the pole shift. Pole shifts happen approximately every 12,960 years, with the designated time happening, 900 years after the earth axis starts pointing away from the galactic center and 900 years after the Kali Yuga, with the sun entering into the photon belt during these two events. Yes, we are now in the time of the pole shift. The dimensional shift can happen at the same time as the pole shift. Consciousness will dictate what kind of a pole shift we will have. If consciousness is up and the world is at peace, it can be smooth and gentle, if consciousness is very low and we are at war, it can be earth shaking. Peace in the world will allow the consciousness to grow while war will cause the consciousness to drop dramatically. It is wise to look back 1,800 years and realize that the beginning of the lowest point of human consciousness, is when Jesus the Christ came to this planet, to bring the Old Law of the Nefilim
Gods, the Ten Commandments, to completion. He then anchored the Law Of Love and planted the Sirian DNA in the human race. It is also the same time that the Nefilim Gods planned to return and reoccupy this world, becoming our Gods again, by taking control of the human race. When you look back in history, you will realize why it was appropriately called the dark ages. Another important thing to remember, is that during most of the last 5,000 years, the greater majority of people could not read or write. Being educated became a privilege and was eventually reserved for the ruling class and the scholars of the day. Most written material was in the hands of the powerful or well to do. Even if the common person could obtain written information, they did not have the ability to read or understand it. They had to listen to those in authority who were educated and believe what was told to them. This was due to the level of consciousness constantly dropping, as the earth axis traveled toward the Kali Yuga. Now It is different, consciousness is awakening and access to knowledge is exploding, there is no excuse for ignorance today. Most everyone has the choice to be informed and educate themselves.
For those who do not know, the Signs of the Zodiac and astrological information about the 12 ages, was originally taught to us by the Nefilim Gods, so that we could learn to understand how these subtle energies affect us physically, mentally and spiritually. It is the Nefilims actual experience of studying this solar system for the last 450,000 years, that is the basis of our knowledge of astronomy and astrology. This knowledge was the most important for man to learn. It is even more important to know, than the study of the Old Testament of the Bible. The reason is, this information affects us on a daily level, directly affecting our emotions, feelings and the directions we take in our lives. It directly affects our spiritual growth and our level of consciousness. The bible on the other hand, is only recorded history, so that man could remember his past, and avoid the mistakes of the past. The bible was not sacred knowledge and it was never intended to be sacred knowledge, only a way to remember our past. The history of mans past was edited by the Nefilim Gods to keep control over man. Once the Gods left this planet and no longer had a presence here, the Sons of Darkness then altered the history of mans past, before it became the bible. They used this biblical knowl-
edge to gain power over man, using this knowledge as their main tool of power. The Sons of Darkness are the ones who influenced and manipulated man, into declaring this knowledge as the sacred word of God. There are those who will say, the bible states, that man should stay away from the knowledge of astrology, calling it an evil. This is true. The bible does say that. The Sons of Darkness are the ones who added it to the bible. The reason why it was added to the bible, was that they were working to gain control over man, so they decided to keep man away from this knowledge, by condemning it. Remember, knowledge is power. Take away your knowledge and they take away your power. Now think about this. Why would the Nefilim Gods teach man the science of astrology to help us evolve and to understand ourselves, then condemn this same science as evil. This should make you realize that something is not right in the scriptures. They have been altered. This tactic worked very well for the Sons of Darkness and there are many Christian belief systems that are still unaware of this tactic today.
For those who still question this information about Astrology, think about this. When Jesus the Christ was born on this planet, he had three visitors. They were called the Three Wise Men, the Three Magi or the Three Astrologers, depending on which bible version you have. They were actually Astrologers, who studied the science of Astrology as taught by the Nefilim Gods, to predict the birth of Jesus. They were the ones who directed the attention of the world to his arrival, through the knowledge of Astrology. They were the ones who knew the proper gifts to bring Him, frankincense, gold and myrrh. Through the knowledge of Astrology, Earth Elements and Energies, they knew to take the freshly mined gold and to trace it around his aura, so that Jesus could hold the energies of the nine dimensions that he brought down with him when he was born on this planet. They also knew, that if they did not trace the gold around his aura, that Jesus would die as a child. Yes, this is true, Jesus would have died as a baby child. Do you have any understanding why Jesus would die as a child? We bring you this information from the Akashic records since it has been hidden from man. When Jesus was born on this planet, he brought with him the energies of the nine dimensional levels, that this planet is capable of supporting. These energies from each dimensional level, are the energies of change for the human race. He was born at
this certain time, since this is the when the changes would have to start. It was either now or never. He made the choice to be the carrier of these changes. What he did, was put his life into the hands of humans. If Jesus was recognized and accepted by humans, he would live, if he was not recognized, he would die. Humans had the choice to accept him and the nine dimensional levels of change that he carried, or to reject him with these nine levels. If humans accepted him properly, then change would be set in motion for the humans and they would have the privilege to evolve up through all these nine dimensional levels. If He was rejected by humans, then he would die as a child and the human race would be locked into a third dimensional existence for another full age, giving the human race, the full opportunity, to totally eliminate itself from the planet, by its own self destruction. It was a choice that would have to be made by three people in the human race, specifically three people. It would have to be three people who realized, what his birth truly meant. To be accepted, these humans would have to be very knowledgeable in the science of Astrology. Through Astrology they would recognize the time period, when change could start to happen. They had to recognize who this person would be, that would bring this change to the earth. Next, they would have to know and understand the energies of the dimensional levels and the balancing energies of the elements of the earth. When the time was right, they would have to search for this person, who would carry the energies of these nine levels and then be able to recognize these energies in that person. Through the science of Astrology, the science of Earth Elements and the science of Energies, they knew, that if and when they found this person, they would have to have fresh mined gold, then trace this gold around his aura, in order to balance these 9 dimensional energies to his energy field, so that he could hold these energies during his life. If they did not trace his aura with the fresh mined gold, the energies of the 9 dimensional levels would kill Jesus as a child. The energies are to strong for the human body and would destroy it. So you can see, that it took very knowledgeable people, educated in the sciences the Nefilim Gods gave to man, to be able to figure this all out. No one told the Three Astrologers about Jesus, they had to figure it out all by themselves, using ancient knowledge from the past. The Three Astrologers were the representatives of the human race that accepted Jesus properly. They did this by tracing the gold around his aura, so that he could live and this signified that the human race accepted the changes he brought down to the
planet for humans, which could now be set in motion. This acceptance signified, the human race could now evolve as a race, past the 3rd dimension and it could evolve beyond the earth out into this universe. Did you know, the Three Astrologers are from the Order of Melchizedek? Yes, its true. They are. For those hard core Christian believers and others that are against astrology, know this truth. If the Three Astrologers did not study the science of Astrology, the science of Earth Elements and work with Energy, as taught by the Nefilim Gods, then act according to this knowledge, Jesus the Christ would be born and then die as a baby child. Jesus the Christ would never have grown up, there would not be a Christian faith today for you to believe in. There would not be the Law of Love brought down to the planet. The Christ Consciousness would not have returned. We would not know about Creator or Christ and we would not be preparing for Ascension, or the shift into the 4th dimension. Instead, the world would be living under the laws and rules of the Nefilim Gods again, stuck in a 3rd dimensional world. Remember. It was Jesus the Christ holding the energies of 9 dimensions, the Christ Consciousness and the vibration of love, that stopped the Nefilim Gods from returning to this planet, to make this their home world. Christianity would not exist today, if the Astrologers did not have the courage and conviction to study the science of astrology and to act according to this knowledge. It was the knowledge of the science of Astrology, that recognized Jesus the Christ and allowed him to live on this planet and alter our history. There is no evil in any science, especially Astrology. The evil is in the heart of the person who uses any science to control others, or for their own personal gain. Did you know Pisces is one sign of the Zodiac, depicted in stained glass on the left side of the Ambulatory window, in the Cathedral of Notre Dame, at Chartres France? It would be interesting to know, how hard core Christians against Astrology, can explain this 700 year old symbol in one of the greatest Christian Cathedrals in the world. Remember. Astrology is pure science given to us by the Nefilim Gods, just like the science of mathematics and how everything can be studied in the universe mathematically. We wish to elaborate on the previous statement about evil. There are many people that see evil in many things on this earth. The evils range from sex to financial greed, air pollution to water pollution. The rape of women to the rape of earth resources, wars for freedom to wars for control of others, atomic bombs to atomic waste, urban decay to earthquakes, loss of the
worlds forests to loss of farm land and the list goes on and on. At the very heart of all these issues is a basic truth. There is no evil in this world. Evil is created by choice. Evil comes from the heart of the spirits that live in humans, those who choose to serve themselves for their own good, instead of serving others for the greater good of all. Evil choices are made, when we are separate from the Mind of Creator. Also remember, we can only experience evil when we are separate from Creator.
For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, studying astrology, your sign and your chart, can reveal many aspects of your physical and spiritual path, giving you an understanding why youre what you are today. At this point in time, Astrology is very useful to study the beginning of your life. It is no longer useful to us as a guide for our future, since our future has been dramatically altered and here is why. Astrology has been on the planet for several hundred thousand years and was taught to man after he was cast out of the Garden of Eden and learned to procreate. Remember that man was cast out of the Garden of Eden approximately 45,350 years ago. Since this time, the vibration of the planet, called the Schumann resonance, was always 7.8, never changing. The knowledge of astronomy as it affects humans, was studied and documented at this resonance of 7.8 and was always accurate. In 1987, just before the harmonic convergence, the resonance went up to 7.9. This .1 change caused a total change in our reality. We were no longer on the same human path and the future of the human race was now altered. Our future was changed and it is no longer tied to the same time line as our past. At the harmonic convergence of 1987, the 3rd dimensional age ended, altering our future even more. Consciousness started to change and the Schumann resonance kept changing from 7.9 all the way up to around 12. We are now floating between 12 and 12.5 as of the beginning of 2003. All during this time period during 1987 and 2003, our future potential was constantly changing. The knowledge of astrology is not changing as it affects our future. We are basically using the same knowledge, that was accurate for us at 7.8. It is no longer accurate for us as an individual guide for the future. The planetary alignments and their effects are still the same. We are constantly opening up to new energies which are creating changes in the subtle energies. We are also not the same vibration, since our consciousness has dramatically risen, causing our human vibrations to rise. When our vibrations rise, the energies affect us
in different ways. At the same time, our level of DNA is going up. This again will change how the energies affect each one of us individually, at each different level of DNA. For those who have entered lightbody, your chart will not be accurate, since you have changed realities completely and these realities are not tied to this earth. For those on the Ascension path, you may have noticed your readings are not accurate anymore. You may have noticed, that any psychic readings you get, are not accurate. They were probably accurate when they were given to you. So please, do not accuse your astrologer or psychic reader of doing a bad reading. If a day or a week later, you evolve another strand of DNA, the readings would no longer be accurate, since your vibration changed causing you to enter into a new reality. Since we have passed the end of the age in 1987, we are now constantly creating our future reality. There is now no future reality set for the human race. The direction of the human race is now being directed by the collective consciousness of the world. The future for the human race will not be set until after we enter the 4th dimension and go through the photon belt completely. When we exit the photon belt in about 2000 years, the future destiny of the human race will then be set, for the next 11,000 years. In the same way, our individual futures are constantly changing. This is neither good nor bad. It is just a result of the 26 year transitional period that we are now in, called the Apocalypse, the time of revealing. This information is just to make you aware of the changing energies.
For those who follow psychic predictions, about the dooms day events of the world, you may have noticed that those predictions are no longer accurate. Even the prophecies of old prophets such as Nostradamus are no longer accurate. In 1972 our realities were changed by the Satans going back in time and rewriting history. This would have caused the destruction of the human race. When this was discovered , a group of Golden Angels also went back in time, to correct what the Satans altered and to rewrite history, so that humans could continue their evolution. It was the Golden Angels that changed the Schumann resonance by .1, causing it to change from 7.8 to 7.9, forever changing the destiny of the human race. After 1972, predictions were no longer accurate which is a direct result of the rewriting of history by the Golden Angels. In 1987, the earth entering the photon belt, with the Schumann resonance at 7.9,
our reality changed again, causing predictions to fail. Then in 1996 we had another very big shift in our reality, our consciousness shifted. For all practical purposes, after this shift in consciousness, predictions became non existent, they are now voided. Our reality is so dramatically different, that dooms day predictions are a thing of the past. The earths future is no longer tied to any predictions. Any earth changes that happen, are now directly tied to the collective world consciousness, not ancient prophecies. The collective world consciousness now has the ability to bring about total peace or total world destruction. The human consciousness can bring about very gentle earth changes or devastating earth changes. What every individual person thinks in the world, now adds up together and dictates what will happen to all of us. We are no longer isolated from each others thoughts and feelings. The energy of everyones thoughts and feelings are joined together as one. We are now being driven by the world collective consciousness which is constantly co-creating our future. There is now a new reality that has been created, which people have not recognized yet, it can become a blessing or a curse. Since our consciousness has risen so fast, we now have the ability to create events, both good and bad, by just holding the thoughts and feelings of these events in the world consciousness or a nations consciousness. Thoughts and feelings are energy. With the higher Schumann resonance and higher consciousness, humans have the ability to create or change events in a very short time period. This has the potential to create a heaven on earth or horrible dooms day events from the past, if we hold those thoughts in our mind and dwell on those events. We even have the ability to recreate an Armageddon type event to a certain degree, like the one that was shown in a popular movie, if we are foolish enough to believe in it and hold these thoughts in our consciousness. If enough people believe in the same thing strong enough, good or bad, they will create it. Remember Universal Law, as you believe, so shall it be. We have two illustrations on the following pages that relate the constellations of the Zodiac to the earth orbit through the photon belt. The second illustration relates significant human events to the constellations of the Zodiac. I
As you can see from the illustration, the human race was cast out of the Garden of Eden at the beginning of the age of Scorpio. This is the true birth of the Human Race which happened when it learned to procreate through birth. This happened approximately 45,000 years ago from today. At that point in time, the axis of the earth was going from Sagittarus to Scorpio which allowed consciousness to grow very quicky. The Human Race began evolving in Scorpio when consciousness was high and going higher. The human race did not learn knowledge on its own, it received all its knowledge directly from the Nefilim Gods. This is one of the reasons why human consciousness was able to evolve so quickly. They evolved for a complete cycle, going through the photon belt twice. First in Leo, then in Aquarius and returning back to Scorpio. The Human Race with only two strand DNA, was now highly evolved in the knowledge they received from the Nefilim Gods. Another reason humans evolved so quickly was the ability to hold this knowledge, which is a direct result of the silica that was secretly added to the genetic mixture by the Sirians when they helped the Nefilim create humans. As they passed out of Scorpio into Libra, they were preparing for space flight to show the Gods how well they had learned from them. They wanted to surprise the Gods on their return from space by meeting them on their home planet Nibriu, which was called Heaven. The Gods returned early and were taken totally by surprise on how highly evolved the humans had become in the Nefilim knowledge. The rest is history. The Tower of Babel event and the confusing of the one language set humans back to the level of existence they lived after being cast out of the Garden of Eden. Being in Libra at this time, which allows consciousness to be very high, the human consciousness started to re-evolve again. The language barrier stopped man completely from evolving in the sciences of the Gods. Humans now learned crafts by trial and error and this was evident when they built the 13 Arks to save the Human Race from the coming flood. Building the 13 Arks was a tremendous achievement. Then came the flood and pole shift 4,200 years later. This stopped human evolution again and altered the course of the Human Race. This is when the survivors from Atlantis and the 4th dimension joined together with the survivors from the Human Race in the 3rd dimension. This event was the beginning of many different nations and genetic cultures around the world. The three civilizations started by the Sons of Light in the Himilaya mountains, Egypt and the Andes mountains are shown. The last visits of the Nefilim Gods are also
shown. It is during these last two visits that the Mesopotamian and Shumerian texts originated. The time periods of the start of the worlds major religions by individual teachers are also noted. As you can see our solar system is entering the photon belt, leaving Pisces and entering into Aquarius. This is when the earth experiences its pole shifts and dimensional shifts.
All Dates Are Approximate All Events Happened In The 3rd Dimension Except Where Noted 18 million years ago; Beginning of 1st Lucifer Rebellion in the entire Cosmos (all universes). 12 million years ago; Beginning of 2nd Lucifier Rebellion centered in this Christ Consciousness Universe affecting all the surrounding universes. 5.5 million years ago; Planet Nibiru entered this solar system. Collision between moon of Nibiru and old planet earth. Destruction of original planet earth, split into two halves. Tiamat, Spirit that lived in the earth leaves split earth. Half of split earth knocked into a new orbit. Other half of earth collided with Nibiru, creating asteroid belt. Death of the original moon around the old earth. Spirit of Gaia enters into half of earth knocked into new orbit. Birth of new smaller earth. Beginning of Bible epic in Genesis called the seven days of creation. 3 million years ago; Beginning of 3rd Lucifer Rebellion; centered in the Milky Way Galaxy in this Christ Consciousness universe. 450,000 years ago; Nefilim claimed Nibiru as their home planet. Nefilim came to this solar system. 400,000 years ago; Nefilim explored this solar system. 368,000 years ago; Nefilim observed the creation of Homo erectus race by the Ibocca race. 300,000 years ago;
Nefilim began genetic experiments to create a hybrid humanoid slave. 45,400 years ago; Nefilim finished mining gold. 45,000 years ago; Birth of human race by eating from tree of knowledge, learning to procreate. Humans cast out of Garden of Eden - Start of Separate Self Consciousness 17,200 years ago; Tower of Babel event, confusing of mans one language. Birth of 9 new languages. Birth of the beginning of nations. 17,000 years ago; Start of genetic experiments that lasted for 3,800 years in the civilization of Atlantis, this happened in the 4th dimension. 15,000 years ago; Fall of the Spiritual Beings in Atlantis (sometimes called the Angelic Fall) this happened in the 4th dimension. Beginning of Original Sin, the Original Separation from Creator and Universal Consciousness, this happened in the 4th dimension. Beginning of the Separate Self Consciousness, this happened in 3rd and 4th dimension. 13,000 years ago; Planet earth entered photon belt. Pole shift event happened, devastating destruction on earth. Spirit of earth (Gaia) fell into a deep coma like sleep. Noahs flood in the 3rd dimension. Death of 200,000 humans; 1/3 of the human race. Destruction of Atlantis, this happened in the 4th dimension. Survivors from Atlantis dropped from 4th down to 3rd dimensional level Joining of 400,000 human and 1.2 million survivors from Atlantis. Beginning of the worlds many different races, many new nations and many different cultures. Beginning of the worlds 4 major blood types. Beginning of the modern Human race with 2 strand DNA. 12,800 years ago; Nefilim pack up and leave earth; beginning of human Kings and Lords.
12,500 years ago; Beginning of new Civilization in Himalaya mountains in the Tibet area started by the Ascended Masters from Atlantis from the 4th dimension. Start of many monasteries for higher learning. Many hidden monasteries built containing knowledge from Atlantis. 12,100 years ago; Beginning of the Civilization of Egypt started by the Ascended Masters who came from Atlantis, from the 4th dimension. 12,000 years ago; Modern human race with 2 strand DNA now have 40 to 60 year life span. 11,800 years ago; Beginning of new Civilization in the Andes Mountains in area that borders what is now Peru, Bolivia and Chile started by the Ascended Masters from Atlantis from the 4th dimension. 11,000 years ago; Arcturians started visiting American Indian Tribes, teaching knowledge and giving prophecies of their future. All the following dates listed as BC and AD are open to interpretation according to which calender you use, the Solar, Lunar or the Julian. All dates are for the purpose of showing the time line of events. They are not given to establish an exact date. 7,400 BC; Nefilim revisit earth on return orbit. 3,800 BC; Last visit of Nefilim Gods. 2,000 BC; Aryan and Indian cultures join together as Hinduism. 1,850 BC; Time of Abraham. 1,230 BC; Time of Moses. 586 BC; Jewish captivity in Babylon. Beginning of the people of the Diaspora. Destruction of Solomons temple. 560 BC; Time of Buddha. 539 BC; Beginning of destruction of Babylon as punishment from
Nefilim Gods. Jewish nation freed from Babylon, they return to Israel. Split of Jewish nation and people of the Diaspora. 438 BC; Book of Daniel sealed in the Akashic Records. All prophecy completed. 7 BC; Birth of Jesus the Christ. Beginning of bringing Sirian DNA down to planet into human race. 5 BC; 3 Astrologers change course of human race future by anointing Jesus. Human race can now evolve out of 3rd dimension into higher dimensions. Human race can now evolve off planet earth and travel the universe. 0-------------Time change from BC to AD Return of Nefilim to earth to fulfill prophecies about the Day of the Lord. 3 AD; Birth of Mary Magdalen, bringing Sirian DNA down to human race. 30 to 33 AD; Completion of the Jewish Law. Law of Love anchored on the planet. Time of the true Anti-Christ. Beginning of the birth of the children of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. 70 to 72 AD; Destruction of Jerusalem. Beginning of the formation of todays Bible. 74 AD; Mass suicide at Masada. Nefilim left orbit and returned to their home planet. Nefilim race split in two, with a group staying in this solar system. 75 AD; Jesus the Christ Ascended off the planet in Lightbody. 86 AD; Mary Magdalene Ascended off the planet in Lightbody. 100 to 200 AD; Book of Revelation sealed in the Akashic Records. All prophecy completed.
325 AD; Council of Niece; elimination of all Christian doctrine on Reincarnation. 632 AD; Time of Mohammed. 1,101 AD; Kali Yuga; mid point of the lowest consciousness of man. 1938; Killing of the first Jew leading to the Holocaust. The beginning of releasing the Astral Pure Bred spirits from the Jewish race. Descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene with Sirian DNA and Astral Pure Bred begin being born outside of the Jewish race. 1939; 1st generation of Indigos begin to be born on the planet after the first person is killed as a causality in World War II. 1972; Beginning of the spirit of the Sun leaving and new spirit entering the Sun. Massive solar explosion triggered by changing of the spirits in the Sun. Human raced saved by Sirians & others from extinction by solar explosion. 4 extra Satans enter the earth plane. 4 Satans plus resident Satan, total 5, enter earth, go back in time. Satans Change the course of human history to destroy the human race. 4 extra Melchizedeks summoned to bring balance to the earth. Golden Angels go back in time to correct changes made by 5 Satans. Golden Angels alter Schumann resonance from 7.8 to 7.9. .1 change in Schumann resonance allows humans to continue evolving. Course of human future altered by .1 change in Schumann resonance. 1st dramatic change in direction of human race; consciousness shifted. First major shift in Human Consciousness. Beginning of the end of the accuracy of Prophecies
about the human race. 1979; Planet Nibiru rediscovered by NASA. 1987; Earth entering into the photon belt. Harmonic Convergence. End of the 3rd dimensional age. Beginning of the 26 years of the Apocalypse; Time of revealing. Beginning of the 26 year transition between the 3rd and 4th dimension. Return of the Christ Consciousness for all who will accept it. Awakening of Sirian DNA from spiritual line of Jesus & Mary Magdalene Beginning of self activations of DNA and continued evolution of DNA. Beginning of the releasing of all Karma from this age of experience. 2nd dramatic change in direction of human race; consciousness shifted again. Second major shift in Human consciousness. All prophecy predictions for future of human race no longer accurate. 1996; Awakening of Gaia (spirit that lives within body of earth) from deep sleep by 6 atomic explosions set off by France near Tahiti. 3rd dramatic change in direction of human race; consciousness shifted again. Third major shift in Human consciousness. All old and ancient Prophecy predictions for future of human race are now totally voided. Direction of human race guided by world consciousness, not prophecy. All earth changes guided by world consciousness, not prophecy. 1999; The Sun entered into the photon belt. Mid point of the Apocalypse; the end of spiritual teaching to learn lessons about emotions. Beginning of awakening to lessons already learned. The time of choice at the spiritual and physical levels to ascend or not.
2000; 6th Satan entered the earth plane. 6th Melchizedek summoned. 2001; 900 years after Kali Yuga. Triggering of the rapid awakening of consciousness. 2002; 7th Satan entered the earth plane. 7th Melchizedek summoned. 2003; Completion of the Christ Conscious Grid around planet earth. Beginning of the unknown time period (2003 to 2013) when world consciousness can trigger the dimensional shift and the pole shift at any moment, triggering ascension into 4th dimension. Beginning of 4th dimension will be controlled by world consciousness of those that ascend into it and those already living there, which are homo erectus and the remnants of Atlantis. Beginning of the time period when 1st Ascension can take place. May 2003; The last group of Nefilim leave this solar system. July 2003; Master Warriors of the light enter earth plane for first time ever. THIS EVENT IS THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THIS AGE October 2003; Inner spinning core of the earth reached the point of no return. It cannot return to its minimum rate of spin. This begins the final slow down of the cores spinning, leading to the pole and dimensional shift in a very short time period. This event was recorded in the Akashic records in November 2003; This means the pole shift is now going to happen, it cannot be stopped. This event is the begin ning of the final time period, which will end, when the core of the earth stops rotating, triggering the pole shift to happen. This information will be explained in the Review of the book. 2004; March 2004; Start of the lighting up of earths core with the Light
Behind the Light. June 23, 2004; Core of the earth now continually lit with Creators Light. June 25 to July 10, 2004; 144,000 Master Vibrational Warriors of Light came to the planet. December 26, 2004; Tsunami west of island of Sumatra in Indian ocean. Final wake up call, live in peace or suffer the consequences. Earthquake aligned plates deep in the earth, setting the potential for quick core slow down, for the purpose of bringing the age to a quicker end, by triggering pole and dimensional shift. 2005; December 2005; Electrojet in a continuous state of acceleration toward point of no return.
At this time it would be appropriate to mention the Nefilim Gods again. We have stated that they have returned to their home planet. The most pressing problem they now have, is to find a new planet to live on, since their planets oxygen supply has fallen to the level where it will soon no longer support physical life. At this moment in time, the Nefilim have for all practical purposes abandoned their planet. They have divided up into smaller groups and are now searching for a new home. They still have people on their planet who are basically observers and care takers. As of now, they have not found a planet that is suitable for a new home. It is very unlikely that they will be coming back to visit earth. They have changed their opinion of humans and are now working on the spiritual level, to undo the harm that they caused the human race, by playing God. They have collected karma and now they must undo what they have done, in order for them to go on with their evolution. We stated that the Nefilim were blocked from landing on the earth almost 2,000 years ago, by the presence of Jesus the Christ, who was carrying the vibrations of nine dimensional levels and the Christ Consciousness. After the destruction of Israel and the Jewish nation, the Nefilim departed from their orbit around the earth. They now had to find a new world to call home. Their planet, Nibiru, had lost oxygen to the point, that they could no longer survive on it and they have to abandon it. This is one of the main reasons that they were coming back to
earth, to live as Gods over humans again. This is the reason that the bible has so many references to the Day of the Coming of the Lord. It was to prepare humans for the return of the Gods. This event created the beginning of a new chapter in the life of the Nefilim. This is the beginning of the splintering of this Nefilim group, that lived in this solar system for approximately 450,000 years, into separate groups. There was a differing of opinion on what to do, in order to find a new home planet. The main group of the Nefilim left earth orbit and returned to their planet. Their intent was to find a new home closer to the Sirus system. The other group wanted to return to earth and be part of life here again. This group of Nefilim remained in this solar system, staying on several space craft including one of their larger space craft. This space craft is totally self sustaining and it could stay in this solar system or in an orbit, for an indefinite time. This particular craft has approximately 10,000 Nefilim on it. It has a height of 13 different levels on it. When we speak of levels, it would be the same as describing a building that is 13 stories high. The difference, is that one of these levels or stories, is 3 times taller than the standard construction in our tall buildings. Another way of looking at it, is that it would be the height of a 40 story building. The top 8 levels are the full width of the craft and the lower 5 levels are approximately 75% as wide as the upper levels. Above these levels, on the very top, is where the navigation of the craft takes place. There is a second craft that is slightly smaller, with approximately 6,000 on it and there are several smaller space craft. The total number of Nefilim in this group is around 30,000. During this time, the Nefilim have been orbiting earth observing us. They have technology to conceal themselves from us when they want to. They have also spent time orbiting around Mars. When they first entered this solar system, they put an artificial moon, about 17 miles in diameter, in a low orbit around Mars for their own use, to meet their needs. They have spent much time in this area. The reason for this remnant remaining here, is that they knew that the next pole shift was coming in approximately 2000 years, after the time of Christ. This time period for them is basically a short time to wait and observe the human race, to see what the outcome would be in its evolution. The potential for the human race to destroy itself, was so great, that this remnant of the Nefilim decided to wait it out and watch the outcome. If the humans destroyed themselves, they could easily land and again claim earth for themselves. They could then contact the other members of their race who could return at will or wait till
around 3500 AD when Nibiru would make its return orbit to this solar system. There was also the great potential, that the greater majority of humans would be destroyed during the pole shift that was coming. Human consciousness was so low, that it was a great possibility that many would not survive. A low consciousness combined with the violent nature of humans, especially in this last century, would create a devastating pole shift, leading to a tremendous loss of life. Those who survived the pole shift would have no memory, which is a natural consequence of a low consciousness, and they could be easily controlled again. If this happened, the Nefilim could again land and reclaim the earth. It was a calculated risk that had a great potential for success. This group of Nefilim would patiently wait and watch to see if the humans would destroy themselves or be destroyed. These Nefilim were many of the younger members of their race and they still had a love for the human race with a desire to help them, although this help would come at a price. The Nefilim would again seek to have total control over the human race, as a price to help them survive the pole shift, or to help them pick up the pieces after the pole shift, whichever occurred first. They did not foresee or realize what was happening with the conscious awakening of the human race. The secret plan that was started by the Order of Melchizedek, the bringing down of Sirian DNA by Jesus, Mary Magdelene, their children and grandchildren, created a conscious awakening, that the Nefilim did not imagine was possible. They had no clue that humans had a hidden ability, to consciously awaken and this awakening caught them by total surprise. After the Nefilim saw the conscious awakening, they decided on a new strategy. They began to make themselves known and allowed themselves to be seen. They actually started contact in the early 1980s with the most technologically advanced governments, those who are part of The New World Order of the human race and this contact lasted until May of 2003. Another intent of the Nefilim, was to return to the surface of the planet, to show us how to fix some problems that we do not see as problems. This would insure that the world remain habitable for human life. This contact eventually turned against them and you could say it was in their best interest to leave. The humans turned against the Nefilim, thinking they had the power to force a show down, with the power to back it up and the capability to destroy these space craft. Humans have a potential weapon, that is a frequency generator, that is directional and generates a frequency that is the same as the background frequency of
the universe, from around 455 to 480 megahertz. It could possibly be made into a very powerful weapon, beyond the capability of Harp. You might say the Nefilim were surprised at their encounters with the humans. They were surprised that the humans had become so violent and deceitful. They actually now have a fear of modern human beings. It is now obvious to them that todays humans are not the same as our ancestors. With this realization, they have very little desire to live with us on the same world. This confrontation grew to a very tense point, starting in mid December of 2002 and lasted until the last week of May, 2003. The final peak of the confrontation was between May 15 and May 31 of 2003. The confrontation is now ended, with the Nefilim leaving this solar system. At this time, this remnant have no idea in which direction they will go or what they will do. For now, the danger has passed. You will probably never know or hear anything about this event in the news media and it will be denied by all government people in positions of authority. Just know that it happened. There were many psychics that picked up on this confrontation between the humans and the Nefilim. They did not truly understand what was happening, although they realized there was a tremendous potential for world wide disaster. If the confrontation between the humans and the Nefilim turned violent, it would have created havoc, world wide. Remember, the Nefilim have capabilities that are way beyond us and they know this solar system like the back of their hand. Humans think they won this confrontation, the truth is, the Nefilim allowed them to think they won it. There really was no victory for humans or loss for the Nefilim. Be aware, they can read our minds accurately and continually. Humans cannot read the minds of the Nefilims. Humans do not know what the Nefilim will do next, they can only assume. Also realize the Nefilim are a warrior type race. They may be small in numbers, which is deceiving, since they have technology that is beyond our imagination. They are clever, calculating and cunning and have the technology and ability to quickly turn this world into a waste land if they choose to do so. Now it is time to look at humanity through the eyes of the Nefilim. In the big picture, the Nefilim observed the destruction the human race has done to the planet. They can see the end result of all the damage to the planet and the human obsession with dangerous and uncontrolled use of atomic power, microwave weapons and HAARP type technology. They see the problem of oxygen depletion on the planet and it was their
intent to come and fix the problems. It would benefit both humans and the Nefilim, if they could live on the planet together in peace. The Nefilim know time is now almost too short, in their estimation, to avert disaster to the planet. The damage could be reversed by the technology that the Nefilim possess. Instead, they see it as wiser for them to finally leave and give up on the idea of again living on this planet. What they see is that planet earth will not be a habitable place to live after the pole shift. The reasons are simple. The destruction of the earths oxygen generating capacity is now severely damaged. The oxygen level will drop below the point that is necessary to sustain life after the pole shift and it will take several thousand years before it repairs itself. There may be land shifting and moving during the pole shift and there may be major damage to nuclear power plants. Remember, once we go through the pole shift, humans will loose their memory. There will be no one who will remember how to shut down nuclear power plants and take care of all nuclear waste and nuclear weapons. Power plants will crumble from old age. The break down of nuclear material, nuclear waste from power plants and nuclear and biological weapons, will create its own havoc. All nuclear material will be eventually released and work its way into the oceans. This combination could eliminate the remainder of life on the planet in the next 3rd dimensional age. It will take many thousands of years for the radioactivity of nuclear waste to dissipate, before this 3rd dimensional level can start to repair itself. The oxygen level before the turn of the century was analyzed at 38% to 44%. It was measured by the Swiss after World War II at approximately 22%. It is now around 20% and falling. Some research puts it below 20%. Human life is endangered at 19.5%. The worlds forests generate about 30% of the world oxygen and they have almost been destroyed. The oceans generate the other 70% of the oxygen and man has polluted the oceans to the point, where they are now beginning to lose their generating capacity to produce oxygen. After the pole shift, the nuclear waste will break the chain of life in the oceans and add the finishing touch by depleting the plankton in the oceans that produce oxygen. The result of biological weapons waste is unknown. Another unknown is the potential destruction of the earths oxygen level from microwave and HAARP Tesla type experiments leading to the potential overload of the electrojet. The destruction from this potential is unimaginable. So you can now see, what the Nefilim see. The destruction of the earth and its consequences for the next age. It could happen
as seen through the eyes of the Nefilim. And it is all happening by the humans that they created. It is a direct result of a limited consciousness. Man cannot remember his past beyond this one lifetime and man has no conscious ability to see the future. Humans cannot come to the realization, that the result of all their actions in this lifetime, good or bad, will affect the future. Humans have a Selfish, Separate Self Consciousness, and with this combination, we only have the ability to see the present and live for the now, ignoring the future. Since the conscious awakening started in the early 1980s, the entire course of human existence has changed several times. Since consciousness has risen, a great amount of physical destruction from the coming pole shift, has been changed. There will no longer be massive destruction, unless consciousness drops. There will be changes and there will be some destruction, to bring balance to the planet. The planet will still have its oxygen level drop in the 3rd dimension after the pole shift and with all the nuclear waste, it will still create a disaster. This is one reason why there will be no human life on the planet, in the next age, in the 3rd dimension. That is why we have stated, all those who do not make it to the 4th dimension, will have to repeat a 3rd dimensional experience all over again, on another planet, most likely in a different type of humanoid body. The splintering of the Nefilim into small groups, could become the downfall of this advanced group. Remember, this group of Nefilim left their last home planet, since it was being destroyed by war. This is basically a small remnant from the original race that lived there and they limit their birth rate since they have an unlimited lifetime. Those who left this solar system during the time of Jesus the Christ, headed toward the Sirus system, to start the search for a new home planet. They have already abandoned Nibiru and have broken up into many small groups. This is stretching their resources thin and different groups are developing different goals. So far they have not located a suitable planet. Karma has come into play, for the way they played God with the human race. Even though they are an advanced race, they are subject to Universal Laws just like we are. The karma they created will have to be worked out and it will most likely stop them from finding a new home planet. This can take a very long time to work out all the karma. In the mean time, they will need materials and facilities to repair and maintain their space craft. This has the potential to create a great hardship on them. They are slowly losing the capability of using their advanced technology and they will lose more as time goes
by. They lost a part of their greatness when they left their last home planet over 600,000 years ago. Now the technical knowledge is being spread out and is no longer accessible to all the Nefilim. They are slowly losing more of their greatness. This is how great races lose their greatness and the Nefilim will now have to travel that path. If they can pull everything back together, they will overcome these setbacks. Only time will tell what will happen to them. Humans may meet them again in the future.
We would like to give you some information, about the many Crop Circles that are appearing around the world. You may have heard news, that there are people who are claiming to be the impersonators of these crop circles. A very small amount of this is true. There are some people who are trying to imitate crop circles for publicity and this has happened many times. Know that crop circles are made in fields of growing crops. When crop circles are made artificially, the crops which they are made in, are damaged. The stems of the plants are broken at the base, in order to push them down to lay flat in different designs. Real crop circles do not break the stems of the plants and none of the crop is damaged. There is no loss or damage when the crop is harvested. The real reason why crop circles are being drawn, is to wake people up to the fact that you are not alone. There are other living people, just like you that live in this Milky Way galaxy. The greater majority of the crop circles, are being made by a 6th dimensional race called the Arcturians. They make the crop circles, by using high frequency sound waves. That is why the crops which they are made in, are never damaged. If you would pay attention to the designs that are made in these crop circles, you will find they are continually becoming more intricate in designs, that are impossible for man to duplicate. Some of the designs are about human DNA and the changes that are coming. Others are symbolic, to jog your memory of the past of who you are. When they make these crop circles, their space craft are just above the surface of the earth in the 4th dimension. This way they are hidden to human eyes and this does not interfere with our free will or intimidate us into any kind of action. We have a free choice to recognize what is happening or to ignore it. Realize that this is being done for your benefit. Basically what these crops circles are saying, is wake up people, you are not alone, its time for change and change is coming. We encourage you to pay attention, to all the information that is available about crop circles
Crop Circles
This information is for those who have eyes to see. We would like to make you aware of a group of spirits that are now present on planet earth in spirit from. They have never been on this planet before. They appeared for the first time in July of 2003. They are actually Master Vibrational Warriors of the Light. They are here to bring balance back to the earth, since the Lucifer Rebellion is on the planet and has now intensified to a whole new level. The way these warriors work, is by being present in their energy from and holding their vibration. They work by Universal Law, using the Law of Vibration, which is higher vibrations consume lower vibrations. We will give you an example of how it works. Think of a 4 watt light and the light it produces. It is a very low level of light. Think of this 4 watt light as a warrior of darkness. Now think of a 150 watt lightbulb, the bright light it produces and think of it as a warrior of the light. When you put the 150 watt lightbulb, next to the 4 watt lightbulb and turn it on, what happens? With both lightbulbs turned on and next to each other, the only light you will see, is the light of the 150 watt lightbulb. The light of the 150 watt bulb is so bright, it completely out shines the light of the 4 watt lightbulb, or you could say the light of the 4 watt lightbulb is consumed by the bright light of the 150 watt lightbulb. No matter how you express it, all you see is the light of the 150 watt lightbulb. That is the same way these Vibrational Warriors work. The vibration of their energy is so high, that it overshadows or consumes the low vibrations of the warriors of darkness. This brings balance back to the chaotic energy on the planet. For those who have eyes to see, these Master Warriors will appear as the figure of a large body, that radiates white light, with a blue cape. Their energy body is around 70 feet tall. For those who may see them you will find it an awesome sight to see. There are about 500 of them now on the planet and they will remain until the dimensional shift, when the Lucifer Rebellion will come to an end. They will then depart after the dimensional shift.
Master Warriors
Chapter 3
We have talked about consciousness and now we will pull all the information together. Another term that is used to describe an expanding Consciousness, is to Enlighten ones mind or to gain Enlightenment, which is a growing spiritual insight. These words are often used interchangeably when discussing spiritual growth. For the purpose of clarity we will only use the word Consciousness and we will clearly define its meaning. Separate Self Consciousness This is the human consciousness we now have, which is a direct result of only having 2 strand DNA. Christ Consciousness - Starts at 12 Strand DNA. Light Of The Christ Consciousness Starts at 56 strand DNA, at the 11th level of Lightbody. Universal Consciousness - Starts after the 12th level of Lightbody. Consciousness is our memory, it consists of memory which is beyond the physical. It is actually memory of our existence from the spiritual realms in which we exist and the many different types of experiences we had. It also affects our physical memory directly. The average person usually has memory only of this lifetime. Consciousness is the total knowledge of all our memory. Consciousness is in direct proportion to the number of our strands of DNA. The levels of Consciousness are directly related, to the number of chromosomes in the genetic makeup. It consists of knowing on the physical level, who and what we are on the spiritual level. We are not human, we are Spirit, experiencing what it is like to be human. Consciousness Is The Knowledge, The Knowing and The Memory Of Our Spiritual Existence Of ; Knowing Who You Are, Knowing Where You Came From, Knowing How You Came Here, Knowing What You Are Doing Here, Knowing How To Leave Here, Knowing Where You Are Going, Knowing How To Get There.
We have the privilege of having different types of consciousness. We normally are connected to Universal Consciousness, which we will call the Mind of Creator. This is the highest level of consciousness, since we are connected to Creator and the whole of all creation, which we will call the Cosmos. In this state we have the privilege to travel from universe to universe through out the cosmos. In this spiritual state we are True Observers.
Universal Consciousness, which is the Mind of Creator, is refereed to as the Infinite Mind, The Prime Creator, The Source Of All That Is. The name is self explanatory. The Universal Consciousness of Prime Creator, is the creative energy, which created what we call the Father Universes. These Father Universes are also called the Kingdom Worlds. These worlds have no physical form in the human way of thinking. They are constant energy in motion.
Universal Consciousness
There is another consciousness that is in this universe, it is called Christ Consciousness. The reason for this is that this universe was created by the Christ Consciousness. Christ is pure consciousness energy which comes from the Prime Creative Source. Christ has no form or physical shape and does not take physical shape. Those who are of the proper vibration, have the privilege to carry the Christ Consciousness in their energy being and also in their physical bodies. Christ is a Creator Son and is one of the 24 Elders, who has the privilege to be intimately present around the presence of the Prime Creative Source of All That Is. The Bible refers to them as the Elders who are seated around the throne of the Father. Christ and the other 23 Creator Sons periodically through the ages, leave the presence of Prime Creator, going out to create the will of Prime Creator. This is how the creation of the endless number of Son Universes come into physical form. Any universe that Christ creates, will carry the Christ Consciousness. When any of the other 23 Elders create a universe, it will carry their consciousness. Every Son Universe will carry the consciousness of the Creator Son who created it. Realize that the Son Universes are constantly being recreated. As Einstein discovered, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can be constantly changed and that is what is happening in the Son Universes. As the old passes away, the new is created. There are 2 levels of Christ Consciousness. In order to reach
Christ Consciousness
the First Level of Christ Consciousness, you must have 12 strand DNA. It is important to understand, 12 strand DNA is only the beginning of Christ Consciousness. This amount of DNA is necessary to connect to this level of consciousness, there is no other way. Humans have never been connected to the Christ Consciousness from the beginning of their creation, since they only have 2 strand DNA. Those who fell dimensionally from Atlantis during the pole shift, lost their Christ Consciousness, when they intermixed and married with humans. Their off spring lost their higher DNA and their genetic makeup reverted down to 2 strand DNA, just like the humans. They then acquired a Separate Self Consciousness like humans. This is the reason people like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammad and many other Melchizedeks came to the planet carrying the Christ Consciousness. They all were born with 12 strand DNA which allowed them to carry the Christ Consciousness. That is why they were able to bring light, which is knowledge, down to this dark planet. As they grew in consciousness, they were able to bring down higher levels of light. When life is created in another universe, that life will take on the consciousness of the Creator Son which created that universe. When you are evolving in another universe, the Creator Son of that universe will be your connection to Creator, the same way that the Christ Consciousness is our connection to Creator, as we are evolving in this universe. If you are connected to Universal Consciousness and travel through different Son Universes, you will automatically connect to the consciousness of the Creator Son of that universe, as you travel through it or in it. If you have not realized it yet, know that homo erectus is connected to the Christ Consciousness and has always been since their creation by the Ibocca.
The Second Level of Christ Consciousness is called the Light Of The Christ Consciousness. In order to reach this level in a human body, you must evolve up to 53 strands of DNA. Then you must enter into Lightbody at 56 strands of DNA and evolve up to the 11th level of Lightbody. After you enter into the l1th level, you can then enter into the Light Of The Christ Consciousness. You must reach this level and become initiated into it, before you can enter back into Universal Consciousness. Do you remember when the Christ Consciousness spoke through Jesus, when it said, (John, chapter 14, verse 6) I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me. This is where
those words apply to humans. You must enter into the Light Of The Christ Consciousness and then from it, you can enter into Universal Consciousness.
We have talked about Separate Self Consciousness and now we will explain how humans acquire it. We already know, that our 2 Strand DNA limits our consciousness to a very low level. The creation of man, by the Nefilim Gods, with only 2 strand DNA, is the reason why we are separate from all other conscious connections. We were created by the Nefilim without these conscious connections, so that they could have total control over us. Creator had a higher purpose for the human race. Humans were created this way, so we could experience the full effect of separation from Creator and our eternal home. With this full separation, we could experience the full range of 3rd dimensional emotions, to its greatest degree possible and become Masters of all these emotions. This was to help the spiritual beings who fell at Atlantis, to gain first hand experience of the emotions that trapped them on this planet. Those who fell, had never incarnated into lower dimensional worlds before. Their fall was from a lack of experience, which created their mistake. Now with experience, they will be able to avoid these mistakes again. When the humanoids from Atlantis fell, from the 4th down to the 3rd dimension, they brought their 12 strand and higher DNA with them. They lost all their memory during the pole shift, not remembering who they were. As they mixed with and married humans, their children were born with a lower level of DNA. By the 3rd generation of children, their bodies began to revert to 2 strand, since their genes were now mixed with the human genes. The continuing birth process of mixed genes, completed the shift to 2 strand DNA and the Separate Self Consciousness. Our consciousness is divided into two parts, the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious part is what is reading this book and the sub conscious part is judging and evaluating all that you are reading. The subconscious will form an opinion and then store it for future use. The important part that we need to understand, is the subconscious, since this is where we store everything we believe in, our entire belief system. The subconscious is the source of all our conscious emotions, the emotions which we are constantly using to relate to people and how we respond to all the events in our life. It is the source of all emotions, emotional responses, feelings, thought patterns and all
that we believe in. Our subconscious is always reformed at birth and continues to change during our entire life time.
We start forming our sub consciousness beliefs before we are born. The first thing we inherit before birth is the emotion of SHAME. It is the shame of making a mistake and the consequences that came from the fall at Atlantis, the separation from Universal Consciousness. We inherit it in all our cells. It comes from the genes of both parents and is the direct result of the fall of the spiritual beings during the time of Atlantis. This was the original separation of the spiritual beings from Creator. We have already explained about ORIGINAL SIN which is the ORIGINAL SEPARATION from Creator. Now we add to our sub conscious beliefs, by what we bring with us into each lifetime. The first thing we bring, is all our SPIRIT OR SOUL EXPERIENCES. These are the experiences that we have had in the past, that were formed before we began incarnating on this planet. In other words, experiences we had before we even knew that the earth existed. These are permanently imprinted on our energy body, which can also be called the soul. The second thing we bring with us, is the HISTORY of all our past lives. Each life we live on this planet constantly adds to our experiences, continually altering our perceptions of life. The third thing we bring, is the INFLUENCE OF OUR ASTROLOGICAL SIGN. Our sign alters everything we inherit before birth and everything we bring in with us. The knowledge of Astrology was taught to us by the Nefilim, so that we could learn to understand ourselves. The next step of forming our subconscious beliefs, is at birth. The first thing we experience at childbirth is PAIN. When the child enters the birth canal, the pain begins and intensifies. The mother experiences it and the child feels the pain of the mother. At this point, mother and child are united together as one and feeling as one. The subconscious registers that we are entering a painful experience. The pain continues until the child exits the womb. The second experience is going from WARM to COLD. The child has been in a controlled environment at the temperature of 98.6 degrees. Then suddenly the temperature drops an average of 20 to 30 degrees, which the child has never experienced before. This change from the normal temperature, registers in the subconscious as a COLD PLACE to be. For some it is even a shock to the system. At the same time the child hears NOISE, which is an UNKNOWN experience. The only noise the child has known, is the heart beat of the mother which
was constant and soothing. Now the CUTTING of the CORD happens. This is the BEGINNING of a LIFE and DEATH STRUGGLE to SURVIVE. The child no longer feels the pulse of the mothers heart beat. An inner FEAR sets in as the result of the separation from its mother. It must now learn to survive on its own. It has already stored in the subconscious that this total experience is painful, cold, noisy, fearful and is a struggle to survive. It now realizes and also knows, that it is no longer connected to anyone and now it feels total separation from the only place it has known, the womb of the mother. Now the full effect of separation begins. We now THINK we are Separate. We now BELIEVE we are Separate. We now ACT like we are Separate. The Natural Outcome of our Separateness, is a SEPARATE SELF CONSCIOUSNESS. Since we only have 2 strand DNA, we have no conscious connection to any other form of consciousness such as the Christ Consciousness or Universal Consciousness. There is no consciousness connection to tell us we are okay. We are now by our self, alone, without any ability to communicate or operate our new body. We now have the Total Illusion of Separateness from Everyone and Everything in the universe. Selfishness is now Born from Separateness. We now begin to Pull Everything to our Self to Survive. This Develops our Selfishness as a Driving Force in life. Our consciousness now becomes a SELFISH SEPARATE SELF CONSCIOUSNESS, with Selfishness becoming a Root of all Emotions and A Root Cause of all Problems.
There is a great amount of controversy, about when the spirit enters into the womb of the mother, after a child is conceived. From the beginning of conception in the womb, the consciousness of the mother is actually the consciousness of the developing child (fetus). They are one, and it remains this way, through the longest part of the pregnancy, until about the last month or two, depending on the choice the spirit makes. No spirit will enter and stay in a developing child in the early part of a pregnancy. There is no purpose in it, since the body is not useful until it reaches a certain point of growth, which is when it is viable. The spirit that makes the choice to use the new body, will continually enter and leave the newly developing body. It is doing this in order to familiarize itself with the new body and the consciousness of the mother. The spirit also has the privilege during this time, to change its mind and reject the body. This can be a
miscarriage, or it will give another spirit the privilege to use this body. Be aware, that it is the spirit that picks the parents that it wants to be born too. The parents do not pick the child, they can only accept it or reject it. The spirits consciousness, usually enters the childs body totally, a few weeks before birth, or any time in between, all the way up to just before the birth process begins. If the spirit changes its mind at the last minute and does not enter the body, the body will be born dead (stillborn), since no other spirit had the opportunity at the last minute, to enter that body. If something is happening to the mother, where the child will be taken ahead of time, out of the womb, such as in a c-section, accident or premature birth, the spirit can choose to enter the body at that time or reject it. One of the main reasons for a spirit rejecting a body at these events, is that it will alter the astrological sign that the child will be born under. For many spiritual paths, this is totally unacceptable. The Astrological sign is an extremely powerful directing force in every human life and most humans do not realize its overwhelming importance. This can totally change the direction in life that the spirit needed to follow and the lessons that were planned during its lifetime. Being born under the proper astrological sign for many spirits is an absolute requirement. It is totally up to the spirit to choose the parents, the body it needs for the coming lifetime, the time when its consciousness will totally enter into the body of the unborn child and the Astrological sign that it is born under. There are no set rules or timetable. It is, as always, the spirits free choice.
After each lifetime is over, we return to the astral realms, to prepare for our next incarnation on earth. When we are again reborn into another body, the birth process will reinforce our Separate Self Consciousness. The cycle will be broken when a male and female have both evolved into 12 strand DNA, and then conceive a child, who will be born with 12 strand DNA, connected to the Christ Consciousness at birth. This has now started to happen with the 3rd generation of Indigo children. When these Indigo children reach maturity and have offspring, it will then begin to reinforce the Christ Consciousness, instead of the Separate Self Consciousness. This is the first major step in the evolution of human consciousness, the joining together at birth with the Christ Consciousness. There may be those who are not familiar with the term Indigo children. Those who are Indigos, are born with a higher
Indigo Children
vibration and an awareness of who they are and where they come from. They have the ability to see through the veil of darkness that separates us from seeing through to the other side, the spiritual realms. They also have the ability to communicate very clearly with the Angels, Guides, Masters and Teachers who serve them. Their awareness, communication and psychic vision is beyond the ability of humans now living on the planet. They already know what we do not, they find their direction in life quickly. They are very intelligent and mostly impatient with the human way we live, since they can see the future, while we can only dream of it. The 1st generation of Indigos started coming in, when the first person was killed as a war casualty at the beginning of World War II. When they arrived nobody even noticed. The 2nd generation started coming in the early 70s. This second group has arrived while being quietly recognized by those of higher consciousness. A portion of them have married and are now bringing the third generation in. This 3rd generation started coming in the mid 80s. A lot of the Indigo children being born today, are not born from Indigo parents. For those who are born from Indigo parents, both the mother and father, an interesting change is happening. A portion of the 1st generation Indigos married and their children were also Indigos. This allowed these children of the 2nd generation, to evolve consciously much faster than the rest of the group. A portion of these 2nd generation Indigos, were led by their consciously evolving 1st generation parents and have quickly reached the Christ Conscious level, with 12 strand DNA and higher. They are now marrying. There are now married couples who are both 2nd generation Indigos and have both reached the Christ Consciousness level. They are having children and these children are being born with 12 strand DNA and are connected to the Christ Consciousness from birth. Some of them are also equipped with all the missing glands that 2 strand humans do not have. We refer to them as fully Loaded Indigos. For instance, some of the females of this 3rd generation have the gland that produces pain killers during childbirth. When they grow up and have children, they will have no pain in childbirth. The whole childbirth experience will be a pleasure to enjoy. They will also have the glands that will bring the body back to the same condition as it was before the pregnancy and childbirth. There will be no after affects or deterioration of the body from having children. Males and females will have the natural ability of resistance to the many diseases
that now plague man. They have codons activated at birth, that give them a natural immunity. Their lifetime will be doubled to somewhere between 150 to 200 years, with the ability to live the full potential of the human body, which can be over 900 years old. They will not live as old people during this long lifetime, their bodies will stop aging between 35 to 40 years old. This may sound like something out of science fiction. It is not. These are part of the actual changes that are now happening to the human race which are still hidden from human eyes.
There is now a different vibration child being born on this planet. These children will be called the Crystalline children. Their vibration will be higher than the Indigos and they are the ones who will eventually inhabit the 4th dimension on this planet. The crystalline vibration in an evolved human body, will be more suitable for those living on this planet, at the higher dimensional level. They will be born from parents that are both fully Loaded 3rd generation Indigos and they are starting to arrive here now. They will be fully Loaded like the 3rd generation Indigos and also have higher abilities than the Indigos.
Crystalline Children
The word is out, that people have been found with three and four strand DNA. Human medical science at this time will be blocked from seeing or finding anyone with the 12 strand DNA. They are also being blocked from seeing the DNA structure of the people who have Sirian, Pleiadian, Reptilian and other types of DNA. The sole reason for this, is to protect those humans so they do not become guinea pigs for experimentation in this corrupt world. We are not calling Medical science corrupt. They are being opened up to this science by Creator, since it is the destiny of the human race. There are those in power, who will take this science and corrupt it. So Medical science will only be allowed to find the lower levels of DNA, such as seeing people with 3 and 4 strand DNA, after many people evolve to that level. After many people evolve to 5 strands, they will be able to see it, and so on. The evolution of the DNA, is about 10 years ahead of what medical science knows and can see. At this point in time in the year 2001, there are people who are from the 1st generation of Indigos and those who possess the Sirian DNA, now walking the planet, that have evolved to 56 strand DNA. In the year 2002, some of these have evolved to the 12th level of light of lightbody and are now walking the planet.
The path of evolution is now complete and is anchored in the grid system of the planet. Anyone who chooses to follow this path, can do so in a much shorter period of time than the first pioneers who walked this path. The pioneers who first walked this path and self activated their DNA, are the ones who anchored it in the grid system and it took them around 14 years to figure out how to do it and to reach the 12th level of lightbody. Since they completed the journey and anchored it in the grid system, a truly dedicated person can reach the 12th level of lightbody in around 18 months.
We have talked about how your separate self consciousness is your only guidance. It will be for your greatest good, to become aware of and to recognize your separate self, learning to realize and know how it guides you in your life. When you become aware of this conscious energy and begin to understand it, you will find that your separate self consciousness is your greatest friend and your worst enemy, all rolled up into one. It will guide you to grow to the highest levels of accomplishment that you can achieve. When you turn away from it, it will become your enemy, creating road blocks, detours, dead ends and lead you into total catastrophes in your life. Your separate self does not work out of love or compassion. It ignores and does not follow Universal Laws, since it is not connected to Creator and knows that its existence is limited. It will do whatever is necessary to guide and to keep you under control, for its own highest good. You can look at the separate self, as being similar to the makeup of an entity. It is conscious energy that comes from you and takes on a life of its own, in order to direct your life in a way that insures its own survival. It survives off your energy, since it is attached to your consciousness. Its that quiet voice that your hear in the back of your mind. Some people never notice this voice, while others can hear it as clear as when another person is talking to them. Where do you think all the thoughts come from that constantly enter your mind? Where do all the new ideas and things that you never knew about, suddenly come from? Where does your guidance come from, in making daily decisions and in times of trouble? All these thoughts, ideas and guidance come from your separate self consciousness. If you pay attention, you will come to realize that your mind is never quiet, your separate self is constantly communicating with you. That is the reason why you cannot hear Creator, or hear the Angels, Guides, Masters and Teachers who
spiritually serve you. In order to hear them, you must silence the mind from the constant chatter and momentarily stop the communication from your separate self. This is done through the silence of meditation. When you physically die and your spirit (soul) leaves the body, the separate self will separate from your spirit and die with the body. It cannot live on by itself. When you are reborn into another body and lifetime, a new separate self consciousness will again be born and develop to guide you through this new journey. You and the new separate self consciousness will grow and evolve together, so that you can now learn new lessons from a whole new set of experiences. The Bible states it is appointed unto man to die but once. This death the Bible talks about is the Final Death of the separate self consciousness and all information from the ancient texts explaining it, have been deleted or destroyed. The Final Death of the separate self consciousness only comes when we reach the point of joining back to Universal Consciousness. At this point there is no purpose or reason for any other consciousness. It means that we will no longer create a separate self consciousness again. It has died its Final Death and will not be reborn again. This lifetime will be different for many. When you finally reach the end of this journey and consciously choose to join back to Universal Consciousness, your separate self will not like it. In other lifetimes it did not have a choice, it died when the body died and your spirit (soul) left. This time it sees you making a conscious choice, about replacing it with another consciousness. As you go through the process of joining back to the Christ and Universal Consciousness, the separate self will start putting up blocks to this spiritual growth, since it begins to realize that it is being replaced by another consciousness. The more you grow the more the separate self will oppose you, by leading you in an opposite direction, with blocks, detours, dead ends and playing tricks on you, to prove that it is the boss. It will lead you into many situations just to prove a point to you, that it knows best. It will become your friendly enemy. At this point it is fighting to control you, so that it can survive. It does not want to die and will do whatever it takes to survive. When you are ready and you make the choice for the final separation of your energy and consciousness, from the separate self consciousness, you may have the privilege to meet it face to face. Some people will meet it in their dreams and some will meet it in their psychic vision, both of which can take on the reality of being a real
event. There are some who will have no memory of this encounter, as it will be blocked out. If and when you do, you may meet the separate self in all its ugliness, since you are separating from it intentionally. Its almost the same type of emotional event as when one person is rejecting a possessive life long lover. The lover will become extremely possessive, dominant and controlling, doing anything it can to stay attached to that person. This may well be your worst nightmare. It will be just like meeting another person, thats just like you, except that it is an energy form, your energy form. When you do meet it, do not stop. Go straight for it and go right through it. Remember that this is only your energy, even though it looks just like you. Once you pass through it, you will enter a void of nothingness, a void of blackness. Keep going and do not stop or look back. Keep going as long as it takes until you see a light. Then keep going towards the light until you enter into the light. Once you enter into the light, you will have entered into Universal Consciousness. For those of you who will have your wits about you and recognize the event, it would be proper before you pass through the separate self into the void, to thank it for serving you faithfully on this journey. Then continue moving on to the light. Does this sound a little scary to you? Dont worry, its not. It is actually the not knowing about this event, that totally catches you by surprise. Now you know. No surprises.
Chapter 4
We will discuss the changing of the number of strands, while pointing out some of the important levels and how they will affect you. The levels we point out are only indicators of your growth along the path of evolution. We all start from 2 strands and evolve up to the higher levels of DNA, by evolving two strands at a time.
You are Controlled and Guided by A Separate Self Consciousness, which is a complete separation from Christ and Universal Consciousness. You are born into this separation. If you stay at 2 strand DNA, and never evolve any higher, it means that your consciousness has not grown enough to discover who you truly are, a spiritual being. If you have not learned how to master your emotions and begin to clear and release these emotions, your consciousness has still not grown and you will have the privilege to experience 3rd dimensional reality all over again. The Judge of this is your Higher Self, the spiritual part of you that resides in the 6th dimension. It will look into your heart and soul to see where your spiritual level is at. In other words you will judge your self, from your higher spiritual side.
2 Strand DNA
This is the beginning of Christ Consciousness. This consciousness is a gift. You have the privilege to accept it or reject it. It is your choice. There are several ways to receive it. You can have your 12 strand DNA directly activated, through one of the techniques that has been channeled down to the planet. You can learn how to do it yourself or have someone do it for you with your permission. The actual work can be done in a matter of minutes, once you learn the techniques. Another way is to open up the chakras outside of the body and access Creator directly, asking for the activation of your DNA. There are other techniques that activate your DNA, when they are done with the intention to begin your spiritual growth. If You have pure intent to grow spiritually, you can simply start by clearing out old emotions and feelings that no longer serve you, while calling on Creator with the intent to spiritually evolve your DNA. Creator will look into your heart and read your true intent. If your intents are true, your DNA will be activated by Creator and you will start to evolve. All it takes is true intent. There are techniques and programs that take time, study and dedication. This is not a game or something to play with. It is serious work. The first signs of DNA activations will vary from person to person. Many will get Flu like symptoms, depending on how toxic the body is. This is called spiritual clearings. The reason why you get these spiritual clearings, is that the body is beginning to drop low vibrations and many of the vibrations that are held in the body, are from toxic elements that enter our body through our food chain. You may begin to have vivid dreams which you never had before. Some will begin to experience clear visions which they never had before. Others will begin to hear psychically, which will be a new experience. Once you begin the process, it would be wise to learn how to start clearing out emotions and feelings, that no longer serve you. Working with your emotions with True Intent is the key to your spiritual growth, to raise the level of your DNA, also raising your vibration. It will allow your consciousness to grow, every time your DNA level grows. When your DNA and consciousness grow, you will do more spiritual clearings, which will allow your vibration to grow. Everything in your spiritual growth is tied together. This growth will also activate your Pineal gland, which will start growing according to the speed of your growing consciousness. This may be experienced as headaches that feel like they are coming out of the middle of your head, with pressure from behind the eyes, between the eyes or
12 Strand DNA
between the ears. They fade away by themselves. You may wonder how this is going to help you spiritually. Once you are activated into the Christ Consciousness (12 strand DNA) you will have the privilege to make the dimensional shift from the 3rd to the 4th dimension. At this level when you reach the 4th dimension you will lose your personal memory. You will be like a child in an adult body and you will have a learning curve to reorientate yourself back to your new reality in the new dimension. We have stated that the Christ Consciousness, is a gift to all humans who are on planet earth at this time. For those who do not understand this information and those who do not have the privilege to have their DNA directly activated, there are other ways that they will become activated. Realize that human cells talk to each other. When a person has their DNA activated and it starts to evolve into more strands, the cells of the body know this and know the process. There is an intelligence in all the cells of our body. When the cells in one persons body have their DNA activated, and that person touches another person whose cells are not activated, the cells that are activated will talk to the other persons cells that are not activated, passing on the information how to activate, all during a simple touch. This simple touch will begin to activate the DNA in this person, if the person is spiritually ready at the soul level to evolve. If the person is not ready to evolve, then nothing will happen. The cells will not activate. There will be many people who will not have contact to activated people or to this type of information. When the time is right, if they have the proper intent in their heart to evolve, their 12 strand DNA will be directly activated by their Higher Self. We have stated that this is a gift from the Christ Consciousness and no one will be left out or left behind, as long as the intent of the heart and soul is true and is right with Christ and Creator. The Higher Self of each person will personally attend to this DNA activation. 12 Physical strands of DNA will develop and will be eventually seen by science. Medical science is now seeing 3 strands and others are reporting that 4 strands are becoming visible. As time goes on, more strands will become visible and be seen under the powerful electron microscopes. If the conscious growth continues at the same pace as it is now, it is possible that we may be able to see all 12 strands before the end of the decade. All strands above 12 are light strands of DNA and can only be seen by those who have eyes to see (psychic vision). Beginning a thorough detox or total internal cleansing pro-
gram will work wonders to help eliminate most flu like symptoms (spiritual clearings). Cleaning the body internally and eating Real Food ,will speed your spiritual growth by eliminating low vibrations of food and toxins from entering your body. Past the point of 12 strand DNA, all your growth will be completely dependent on your ability to recognize the emotions that no longer serve you, for your highest good and how you clear and release these emotions from all levels of your being. This takes work, commitment and the desire to change, since it will become a part of your life, affecting how you live and relate to all the people around you. Make no mistake, this work will change your life, when you commit to the process. The beginning of your growth is easier and faster and you can achieve quick growth at this stage of the work.
At this level many people will experience increasing flu like symptoms and headaches. This is a point for many, who will recognize the awakening of their psychic abilities. At this point, cells talking to cells will no longer speed up your growth. What this means is, if you happen to touch a person who has a higher level of DNA than you, your cells will talk to other persons cells. If your body is ready, the touch from a person of higher DNA, will cause your DNA too quickly evolve to that level. This will no longer happen after 24 strands are reached in your body, you are now on your own. You must continue clearing emotions and feelings that no longer serve you in order to continue growing past 24 strands. At this point your growth starts slowing down.
24 Strand DNA
Your growth slows down more. You must start to specifically clear and release emotions and feelings that no longer serve you and are 3rd dimensional. You may feel that you are working with the same emotions over and over. This is due to the releasing of these emotions on deeper and deeper levels.
34 Strand DNA
Your Merkabah (personal vehicle of Light) begins to self activate. Everyone has a Merkabah. We are not using them, so they are basically put aside and not active until they are needed. You may notice that at times you will be sitting or standing and everything seems to be moving in a circular motion. It may feel like the ground under you is moving. When you reach out to
44 Strand DNA
steady yourself, you recognize, that it is you that is moving in a circular motion while everything around you is still. This is normal and quickly passes. It is just an indicator that your Merkabah is becoming active. Most people will have a reorientation of relationships and social connections. You may find that family members and friends no longer relate to you the same way they did before. Some may begin to avoid you, while others will become attracted toward you. This has to do with your vibration changing. As your vibration goes up, people with low vibrations will start to avoid you, as they become uncomfortable around you. They usually have no idea why they feel that way. The higher your vibration goes up, the more it will repel people with low vibrations. If there are very low vibrational, people with whom you are close, this may cause major problems, usually leading to a separation, with each person going their own way. At the same time people with higher vibrations will become attracted to you. Many who work at jobs where there is a lot of confrontation and negativity, will quit and find new jobs that are more satisfying and peaceful. Your growth slows down more and is totally dependent on clearing all emotions and feelings that are 3rd dimensional.
At this level you will reach a plateau of very slow growth. You may think you are standing still in your spiritual growth or that you are stuck. Be patient and continue the work with your emotions and feelings, since you are working at deeper levels.
46 Strand DNA
At this level your Merkabah is fully self activated. When the dimensional shift happens, you can now make the shift from the 3rd dimension to the 4th while retaining your full memory and consciousness. During the shift, the earths magnetic field will collapse, causing the loss of memory for anyone who does not have their Merkabah activated. Your active Merkabah will produce a magnetic field around your body, keeping your memory intact.
50 Strand DNA
This is the highest level of DNA that the body can evolve to. At the same time you reach a level of the Christ Consciousness which is the highest level that the human body is capable of holding. Those who will leave through deaths door and Spiritually Ascend on the other side of the veil, to the 4th dimensional level, will stop evolving at this level. When they
53 Strand DNA
do come back into the physical 4th dimension on earth, they will enter into it through birth and will be connected to the Christ Consciousness. Past this level of 53 strands there are 3 extra strands. The only purpose of these extra strands is to prepare the genetic structure of the human body to enter into lightbody. It is a personal choice to go on into Lightbody. This is the beginning of the transition period of the human body into Lightbody. Past this point you will experience more changes in your relationships, changes in your body as it reacts to cellular changes and changes in how you view the world and how your connect to it. Your whole relationship to the human race is going to change since this is the beginning of the separation between you and the human race. Your life will not be the same after you enter into lightbody. Lightbody is preparation for direct ascension to your spiritual home. Lightbody is the direct path back to Universal Consciousness and the higher dimensions. This is the short cut back to our spiritual home. When we directly Ascend in lightbody, we will bypass the 4th, 5th and other dimensional levels, going directly to the higher dimensions or to the dimensional level where we originally came from. This is the ultimate direct path Home. Every spirit that is on this planet will eventually have to enter into lightbody, in order to join back to Universal Consciousness. You may do it in this lifetime, in another lifetime, in a different dimension, or on another planet. It is personal choice. This is the only way to join back to Universal Consciousness, once you are completely separated from it. This is the time period when it is made available to everyone. It is also the time period when it the easiest to do, since the information is available and the process is anchored in the planetary grid. At this point in time, the changing energies and consciousness level, support the quick growth in lightbody and the photon belt make it easy to clear and release all karma. This is a rare opportunity that will not happen on this planet again for a very, very, long time. It only happens at the end of an age. This is the first time direct ascension will happen in a 3rd dimension in this universe and most likely the only time.
This is the completion of the transition period into the beginning of lightbody. After these 3 extra strands are activated, the genetic structure of your body is now prepared for the changes that will happen in lightbody.
56 Strand DNA
Chapter 5
This is the continuation of the personal experiences of the two people on the Direct Ascension Path. They recorded their experiences as instructed while they happened, so that people would know what to expect on a personal level. There is information on the planet about the process of Ascension and Lightbody that was given in the early to mid 1990s. Since then, parts of this information are no longer relevant or true since the consciousness of the world has changed dramatically causing changes in the Lightbody process. We are no longer on the same time line, causing everything to change. The process of Lightbody for the purpose of Direct Ascension is not an automatic process for anyone. Each individual person must make this personal choice to enter into the process of Lightbody. Even the group called Lightworkers, must become aware and apply them self to the process since they must make personal choices to evolve on this path. Everyone has the opportunity to follow this path. There is information on the planet that everyone is going to ascend. It is time to wake up to the reality that this is not true. The information from the Akashic Records in the next chapter will explain this. In our daily life, we all make the individual choice to ascend, stay at the same dimensional level or descend. This is a direct result of How We Live With People and Love One Another in every life time we live.
This is an outline of what can be expected to happen as you evolve through the 12 levels. There are 12 octaves in each level. As you progress through each octave in these levels you are constantly expanding your consciousness, while your vibrational level is continually going up. Remember that you are now evolving up through 144 levels of lightbody. It is all choice and personal commitment to follow this path. 1st level of Lightbody When you enter into lightbody, The spiritual realm becomes silent. If you were communicating to your Angels and Guides on a daily basis, this sudden silence will cause you a great deal of
anxiety and possibly alarm. The angels and Guides who serve you step back as a sign of Honor as you step up into this first level. They are still there even though they are silent. Before you came into this lifetime, you made prearrangements with a group of Master teachers, who will orientate you into lightbody. They now join your group of Angels and Guides and will be the ones who will communicate with you. They are of a more serious nature, you can say they are very business like. They will stay until you step into the 2nd level, then leave. If needed, they will stay longer. You will now have a constant changing of Guides, Master teachers and Ascended Masters, that will be teaching you on the spiritual level. This will happen all through lightbody. This level takes a longer time to get through than the other levels. By the end of this level your body starts emitting light. Only those who have eyes to see will see this light. People may notice changes in you, although they will not know what it is, or why. You must make hard choices and changes to continue on. It is time to start eliminating negativity. You must continue to clear and release all 3rd dimensional emotions and make all necessary changes to release all bonds to this 3rd dimensional reality. You must now start clearing and releasing all subtle emotions. At this point, spiritual or energy techniques no longer work for you, although you can do them for others. All energy techniques on the planet are 3rd dimensional and you are now stepping out of the 3rd dimensional reality, so expect these changes. If you intend to evolve into lightbody, its time for a personal working relationship with Creator. All your future work will be done through and by Creator. It is time to start serious detoxing. If you do not detox, spiritual clearings will become a way of life, which may not be very enjoyable. You will experience lots of anxiety, confusion and worry, life seems turned upside down. Psychic and Astrological readings become increasingly less and less accurate past this level. If you are toxic and have not done internal cleaning, you may experience weight gain. The Guides who serve you, will trigger spiritual clearings. Either you do the internal cleansing on your own or they will do it for you. It is not fun when they do it. Time to change eating habits and start eating live food. Live food is fresh fruits, vegetables and grains. Any type of Processed
food is dead food. It has no enzymes, while most of it is toxic to the body and will have to be cleared out anyway, either through physical detoxing or through spiritual clearings. Toxic and processed foods slow down or even stop the changes that the cells must complete. The vibrations of toxins and processed foods opposes your vibrational growth and toxins may even stop your growth. Meats will slow down or completely stop your growth. (We will discuss foods later). 2nd level of Lightbody More flu symptoms. If you have not done a total internal cleansing, it would be wise to start and be very aggressive with it. You will begin to feel Anxiety, tiredness, depression, uncertainty. There will be changes in the spin of the emotional, mental and spiritual body, causing physical tiredness. It is important to Exercise, walking every day will do wonders. Spiritual clearings become more frequent if you are not detoxing the body. 3rd level of Lightbody Your continuing mutation in lightbody cannot be stopped by others past this level. Physical senses of hearing and tasting become amplified. You begin connecting to Axiatonal lines causing changes in the cells. These are energy lines in the Universal Grid (lattice) that span the solar system and are connected with resonating star systems that intersect your electromagnetic energy body. Cells start using light as food. This light, is the light behind the light, it is not sunlight. This light is the light of Creator that lights up the universes, which 3rd dimensional beings (like humans) cannot see with physical eyes. The amount of light the cells use, increases with each level of lightbody until the completed lightbody (12th Level) can finally live on light instead of food. You can choose to eat normally or to wean yourself off food, either way is okay. It is wise to keep eating so you will fit into society easily and not become an oddity to people who do not or cannot understand what you are doing. After you stop eating and live on light it will be very difficult to start eating again as your digestive system will adapt to light. You will always need to drink sufficient amounts of water as long as you are still on the planet. You cannot stop drinking water. It will be wise to drink half your body weight in ounces of water or more
daily. DNA begins to use light, changes are starting that are the beginning of infinite energy and infinite information. These changes will be complete when lightbody is completed. 4th level of Lightbody You start connecting to people and nature on higher levels. Changes begin in the brain chemistry and the electromagnetics of the brain. Both sides of the brain start working together. Flashbacks and lucid dreaming increase. Your lucid dreams will become so real, that you can walk in and out of them, stand back and observe them or fully participate in them. It is a good idea to start to document your dreams in writing, since you will be receiving information in them. You begin to question your reality and wonder if this is real. 5th level of Lightbody You come to the realization that you are surrendering control of your life to Spirit. You are awakening to non linear thinking. You feel like you are starting to lose control physically and mentally. 6th level of Lightbody More big changes in personal relationships. Separation from many old relationships. Reality changes, you begin to question your purpose in life and your future. Objects appear in peripheral vision. When you look at them, they disappear. If you will learn to view them from your peripheral vision, its gets very interesting. You start to notice that objects that are normally solid, are not solid. With so many changes happening to you, the human thinking process starts creating mental blocks, causing us to question if we want to continue this changing into lightbody. This is a good time to stop thinking like a human. Try to think like spirit. It is important at this point to allow everything to flow in your life. 7th level of Lightbody Your Higher Self starts descending into the physical body. You begin to experience living in the moment, (Living in the now). You begin opening up to multi dimensionality. The heart
chakra opens to deeper levels allowing dimensional travel directly through it. You may become emotional and find that you are wrestling with your emotions. You struggle with ego (spiritual superiority). Spiritual Ego is the biggest stumbling block to overcome and usually one of the last to gain Mastery over. Pineal and pituitary gland start functioning at a higher level. 8th level of Lightbody People cannot connect with you. You relate to them differently. Many unusual changes begin to happen. You experience memory loss, audio dyslexia and have trouble talking. You have trouble pronouncing words that you have used all your life and now you become tongue tied when talking. Words just wont come out of your mouth properly and you start catching yourself talking backwards. You may even amaze your self how well you can talk backwards. You hook up to multi dimensional mind. Thoughts and information come to you and you have no idea where it came from. Activation of 3 seed crystals, to begin receiving light languages and information for later use. Activation of recorder crystal above right ear, which stores information. Consciousness is expanding rapidly with the connection to multi-dimensional mind. 9th level of Lightbody You must make a choice to go on in your spiritual growth in lightbody; Or, stay at this level in order to continue to live on the planet earth. When you make the choice to stay at this level, you will still be involved in the normal human way of life, your evolution in lightbody stops at this point. It will not continue until you again make the conscious choice to go on. You must make a consciousness choice (speak it in your mind) to go on, it does not happen automatically. You will also be required by your guides to verbally speak your choice to go on through the Gate of Awakening. After you make the conscious choice to go on and have spoken it verbally, you will be allowed to Pass through the Gate of Awakening - The time to go through the gate takes an average of between 5 to 10 days.
Once you go through the Gate of Awakening, You cannot return to the other side of the Gate. This Is The POINT OF NO RETURN To Normal Human Existence. Now you begin to Surrender to Spirit. You control nothing on a personal level. You will experience the deepest separation from the ego of the separate self consciousness. Your guiding separate self consciousness is no longer your main guide. The Christ Consciousness now becomes your main guidance. The separate self is still there although it has little influence and is now in the background, being overshadowed by the Christ Consciousness. Your Higher Self now begins a massive descent into your physical body. Past this point Psychic and Astrological readings will have no accuracy for you. If you still desire Psychic readings, they must be done by someone who is in lightbody and is at your level (9th level) or above it. Otherwise your readings will be information and events from the past. Remember, the Gate is a dividing point between the past physical and the now spiritual. No one from the human side, the past physical, will be able to read you on the other side of the gate, the now spiritual, (9th level up). Astrologically, you are no longer affected by changing energies since you passed through and are now on the other side of the Gate of Awakening. You are now beyond these influences. 10th level of Lightbody Shedding of outer energy body. You will shed your outer energy body the same way that a snake sheds its skin. Those who have third eye vision (psychic vision) can see this happen. You experience greater separation from people. Your Merkabah evolves to a higher consciousness, allowing you to pass through space, time and dimensions. You go through serious clearing and releasing of subtle emotions. 11th level of Lightbody You have a quickening and deepening of the Christ Consciousness. You now begin the Full Initiation into the Light of the Christ Consciousness. You find that you now have deep separations from 3rd dimensional reality. You become more of an observer and less of a participant in
human life. You experience life as a 3 dimensional movie. You may have difficulty identifying what is real and what is a dream. Linear time changes for you, everything is parallel. You are living more in now time. The past and the future seem to no longer concern you and you do not waste your energy on them. You must now make a decision to stay in the full Christ Consciousness, OR go on to Universal Consciousness. To continue on, You must Consciously (speak it in your mind) speak Your decision and then Verbally speak Your decision to go on. Awakening of Avatar abilities. This is the proper time for the awakening of your Avatar abilities. Due to unforseen events, at this point in time, all Avatar abilities will not be awakened, since it would not be for the highest good of humans. This a direct result of the Seven Satans and their legions, that are now on the planet earth, engaged in the final battle of the Lucifer Rebellion. It would be too dangerous for humans to engage in Avatar activities, while this spiritual battle is taking place. Those who would awaken now to their Avatar abilities would be seen as participants in this battle and would become immediate targets, even to the point of their physical life being terminated. Since humans are not aware of this battle, they are not be prepared to participate, without seriously endangering themselves. This final battle will intensify until the end of this age, so for the remainder of this age, the opening to Avatar abilities for humans will not take place. 12th level of Lightbody Your communication to the Christ Consciousness and to Creator now changes. You may have spent a lot of time in prayer (talking to Creator) and meditation (listening to Creator). Your communication is now direct. You have now become the prayer and you have also become the meditation. You will talk to Creator, the Christ Consciousness, your Higher Self, your Other Self, the Angels, Guides, Masters and Teachers who serve you, the same way you talk to an intimate loved one. You do not need to call them, it is not necessary, they are always in your presence and you are now in their presence. Direct conversation, mentally and physically, is now your normal way of communication. There is again, another massive descending of your Higher Self. Now you begin a Meld (joining all three Selfs together as One), between your Higher Self and your Other Self from the opposite side of the veil. Your Higher Self normally stays on the 6th dimensional level while you are incarnating on this 3rd
dimensional level. Your Other Self is always on the opposite side of the veil. All three parts of you, your Higher Self, your Other Self and your Separate Self, are each dwelling separately during this age of experience and each Self contains the equivalent of one third of your spiritual being. Your Separate Self lost its consciousness during the fall at Atlantis, others lost their consciousness during the Lucifer Rebellions and did not contain this full one third. You gain back that one third when you complete your evolution into lightbody. Now that you have reached this level of consciousness, you are prepared to begin the Meld back together as One Spiritual Being. All 3 parts of you will now start to join together as one again. This process takes a long time and depends on your consciousness, your deepest desires and your personal commitment. You will be able to complete about 98 % of the Meld while still living on the planet. The remaining 2 % of the Meld will only be completed after you separate from your Separate Self Consciousness and at the time of the actual Ascension. The Separate Self Consciousness cannot live together with the Higher or the Other Self in Universal Consciousness. When the time comes for the Ascension to take place, those who are ready will ascend as a group. There will be 3 individual groups, with each group ascending separately at a different time. The level of Collective Consciousness within each group, will control when this event happens for each individual group. When the Ascension begins for the group, Then you will have the final clearing and releasing of emotions. You will then experience the final Separation of your Separate Self Consciousness. Then the death of the Separate Self Consciousness. You Are Now Gone; In An Instant; You Have Ascended ! The Meld between You, your Higher Self and your Other Self, will now be completed. You will receive an imprint on your Soul for this whole age of experience. You Are Now At The Journeys End For This Age Of Experience : You Are United Back To Universal Consciousness And Immortality. You Can Now Ascend To The Dimensional Level You Originally Came From. You Have The Privilege To Go Home, OR To Go To The Next Age Of Experience That You Have Chosen. For The Few Who Are Ready, You May Re - Integrate With The
Creative Source. We bring you this information from the Akashic records to awaken you to an interesting fact. Take note; approximately 200 people, out of the total number of the worlds population of 6 billion people, are the only ones who have gained back Universal Consciousness in the last 13,000 years. That includes all the spiritual beings that have lived on this earth in the 3rd dimension. This small number should wave a red flag in your mind, that returning home to your former existence in the spiritual realms is serious work, it takes dedication and serious life changes. It should also raise many more red flags in your mind, that what the greatest majority of the world is doing to accomplish what they call their salvation, is not working and has not worked for the last 13,000 years. So you need to open your eyes and wake up to the fact, that emotions trapped you here and working with your emotions will free you from here.
There is a handful, and we mean a literal handful, who will have the privilege to Ascend at the time of their own choosing. They can do this, since they are the pioneers who have opened the path for Ascension and have anchored it in the grid system of the planet. The work that they have done, has made it possible for everyone who chooses the Ascension Path to easily follow. These individuals will have a very great separation from their Separate Self Consciousness while still living in the human body. They will complete the Meld while living on the planet. This will cause their Separate Self to step away from them, since it cannot function in the presence of Universal Consciousness and the Higher Self after the Meld. They will then become One with Universal Consciousness while still living on the planet. Their Separate Self Consciousness will then become transformed, since it cannot exist with them or without them. This has the same affect as the death of the Separate Self Consciousness, although it is done in a different way. When these individuals choose to Ascend, they make the decision consciously, then verbally speak their decision. There is the final clearing of all emotions, and They Will Be Gone, In an Instant, Ascended. Then they receive their imprint. They are now at the Journeys End.
We have stated that lightbody is the short cut to the way Home. It takes us directly to the Dimensional Level, that we have evolved too or normally stay at. The most accurate way to
describe Home, is a place where you always want to return to from time to time, a the place where you choose to be between different ages of experience. A place to rest and refresh your spirit when all 3 of your Selfs are joined together as One. Realize that the word Home is a human expression and it is not an appropriate way to describe where we truly live. Our home is actually the entire Cosmos, which is the unlimited number of Universes and dimensional levels that are contained within it. For all practical purposes, there is no limit to the size of our Home. Our human minds cannot comprehend the size of the Cosmos, we cannot even comprehend the size of our own universe. Home actually comes to us, through the constant process of the Universe recreating itself over and over and over. Our dimensional Home is familiar and comfortable to us, although it never stays the same. This constant recreating never stops, giving us a continuous choice of countless different places to inhabit, with unlimited types of experiences that we can choose from. There is no such expression in the Cosmos as boredom, or I have already done that. There are many spirits that have more than one place they call Home. For many who are here now, this is a Home away from Home. In other words, your second or temporary Home is really right here, on planet earth. There are other spiritual beings who will spend many eons of time on this planet. These spiritual beings call earth Home and they live in the bodies of Nature spirits and the Wee people. There is also the resident life form, the humanoid called homo erectus, our relatives. They will evolve up through the dimensional levels. The Gargoyles are another humanoid race that call earth home. Dont forget the remnant in Atlantis in the 4th dimension. Remember that planet earth supports nine different dimensional levels. There is a lot to experience here. For all practical purposes, that it is equivalent to 9 different worlds. You may not understand this now, although it will become very clear after you leave this human existence and return to the astral realm, which is your spiritual Home between physical lifetimes. There are a few spirits, who will complete the meld with their Higher and Other Self, then they will become physically united with Creator again, as One. In other words they will reintegrate back into the Creative Source, instead of going to a particular dimensional level or a familiar dwelling place called home. For them the familiar dwelling place is the Creative Source. Do you remember when we described your spirit, as a spark leaving a fire? Now it is just the opposite, these spirits, the sparks, are now
returning to the fire and becoming one with the fire again. When the Ascension happens it is important to know that many spiritual beings in human bodies, may not actually be going anywhere. We as humans always believed, that when we Ascend, we go up and off the planet. The dimensional levels do go up according to our human knowledge of numbers and written descriptions of human thoughts. Remember, that this world alone supports nine dimensional levels. These levels are all in the same physical place, at the same time, being separated by different vibrational frequencies. What is important to realize, is that the level of our consciousness creates our reality. A higher consciousness has the ability to create a higher reality. There are those who will travel from one dimensional level, to another and never leave the same spot that they are standing on. Those who will make the shift in their human body, from the 3rd to the 4th dimension on this planet, will experience it this way. They will enter the 4th dimension, while still standing in the same spot that they were on, while in the 3rd dimension. Those who will make the shift with full consciousness (Merkabah activated), will actually see and experience this awesome event. Everything will change around them, while they stand in one spot.
Did you know that overpopulation, is not an acceptable way of life on other planets? Do you realize why the world is so overpopulated? The reason is that many spirits want to experience our home, since the experiences on this planet are so unique and are not available on other planets. This planet, at this time, is the place to be. This is where all the excitement is at, in this Milky Way Galaxy. Our home, planet earth, is the center of attention in this universe and countless surrounding universes. Remember why? This is the last planet in the Milky Way Galaxy where teaching to Ascend is still being taught. It is also the vibration of this planet that will be measured at the pole shift and then superimposed on a newly created universe, that is ready for us to experience. Everyones vibration will contribute toward this measurement, for good or bad. It is also the last battle ground and the ending of the Lucifer Rebellion that started 18 million years ago. This is the first time that there are Seven Satans and Seven Melchizedeks on the same planet at the same time. Another first is, this is the First Direct Ascension from a Third Dimensional Planet, to the Higher Spiritual Dimensional Levels in this universe. Also, this is the only Third Dimensional Planet you can ascend from to the Higher Dimensional Levels.
This has been made possible by the Starseeds, Wanderers, Ascended Masters, Angelic Beings, Astral Pure Bred and those of the Order of Melchizedek, who came to this planet, to awaken the spirits that fell during the time of Atlantis. These are the reasons why there are close to a Trillion spirits, still waiting for any chance to be born anywhere on this planet at this time. Do you realize how fortunate you are to be here? Do you have any real understanding of the privilege you have to be here now, living at this time on planet earth?
We will go back for a moment to talk about the many spirits that have made earth their second home. We have stated that overpopulation is not an acceptable way of life and gave some of the reasons why so many people are now on this planet. At this moment in time, we can give you information from the Akashic records, that will enlighten you to the purpose of the 6 billion people who are now on the planet. This information is approximate as of August 2003. It will actually change very little, if any, between now and the dimensional shift. We will break down the numbers into percentages of the population. The percentages that we are describing, are the spirits that are living in human bodies on the earth. We are describing where they are from or the reason why they are here. Out of a world population of 6 billion people; 22 % are from the many races in the 4th dimension, the civilization of Atlantis and the original Human Race. They are now all integrated together as one in the modern Human Race. 38 % are spirits that dimensionally fell as a result of the Lucifer rebellion and lost their connection to Universal Consciousness, just like the spiritual beings that fell in Atlantis. 18 % are here for the purpose of gathering genetic material for their own races, to help them advance and evolve. Others are gathering genetic material to save their dying races. 15 % are here to experience the dimensional shift from a great variety of races and many of them are from outside of this universe. 4 % are here to hold the light and help raise the vibration of the planet, for the coming Ascension. These spirits come from many evolved 4th, 5th
and 6th dimensional races from inside and outside of this universe. 3 % are from a variety of groups called the Astral Pure Bred, Starseeds, Wanderers, Ascended Masters and those from the order of Melchizedek. These are the driving forces trying to awaken humans to the fact they are spirit and to prepare this planet for the Ascension. There are also a few from the Father and Son Universes who are descendants from The Ancient Ones, they are hidden among you and are not known. They are observers, coming here to help their fallen spiritual family to return to their spiritual homes. Humans have no idea of the great sacrifices that were made for them out of Pure Love. This information will help you to gain a greater understanding, of what the human race is composed of and the main reasons why 6 billion spirits are now living in the human race. Realize that it is a very great privilege to be on the planet at this time. We cannot express to you, how privileged you are to be chosen to be here at this time. There is close to a Trillion spirits still waiting in line, in hopes of being able to be born into the human race. Those who are here now, on the planet, have the greatest capability to ascend to their dimensional homes, if they will apply themselves to becoming masters of their emotions. The greater majority of the almost Trillion spirits waiting for a chance to be born into the human race, are casualties from the Lucifer Rebellion who are stilling trying to work their way back to their dimensional home. This is the last planet in this galaxy, where the teaching on how to Ascend back to your dimensional home, is still going on and it the last and only 3rd dimensional planet where you can Ascend from. This is the reason why the tremendous overpopulation is allowed to happen on the planet at this time. We now go back to the information in the 12th level of lightbody, where you have been given a brief description, about the process called the Meld. We will now elaborate more on this process, so that you will have a very clear understanding of how your spirit works. We have stated, that a Meld between you, the Separate Self, your Higher Self and the Other Self, will start to take place in
the12th level of lightbody. There are 3 illustrations, to help you understand how this meld will take place. In the first illustration, you are shown that your Spiritual Being is One. You are not divided as you live in the spiritual realm. You are whole, one Being. As you travel through the cosmos observing, you will remain as One. When you experience anything in the 6th dimension or higher, you will experience it as One. If and when, you decide to experience something below the 6th dimension, your spiritual being will not remain as One. It will divide into 3 equal parts. The Higher Self will always remain in the 6th dimension. The Separate Self, will be the part that will enter into the experience. The Separate Self is you on planet earth. The Other Self will remain in the same dimensional level as the Separate Self, except, it will be on the other side of the veil and it will be the connection between the Separate Self and the Higher Self. This is what happened to the spirits, that became trapped at the fall at Atlantis, during the genetic experiments. All the humanoids, who were living in the 4th dimension during the time of Atlantis, were already separated from their Higher Self and Other Self, as part of the normal way a spiritual being works. The only difference, was the spiritual beings that fell at Atlantis, did not realize what happened. They had never incarnated into any type of living body before. You might say it was a shock to them. All the humanoids that were already living on the planet during the time of Atlantis, made that free choice, and were there for the purpose of experiencing, what that type of life was like. After the dimensional fall and pole shift, the humans from the 3rd dimension and humanoids from the 4th dimension in Atlantis, were thrown together, to eventually become the modern human race. Whoever is on a 3rd dimensional planet, no matter where they came from, or how they came here, including all those spirits that are here as a result of the Lucifer rebellion, will have to do the same thing in order to leave here. They must become a Master over all their emotions, clearing and releasing all these emotions and their vibrations, in order to complete or release all karma. Then you can leave. You can leave by evolving up through each dimensional level, then ascending up to the next level. One level at a time, until you reach the 6th dimension. Or, you can enter into lightbody and evolve back to Universal consciousness and do it all at the same time. For those that are spiritually home sick, lightbody is the shortcut to the way home. For those who choose to evolve and ascend one level at a time, you will join together and complete the Meld with your
Higher Self and Other Self, when you reach the 6th dimensional level. You will have to ascend from this 3rd dimensional level, to the 4th level, evolve through the 4th, then ascend to the 5th level, evolve through the 5th, then ascend to the 6th dimensional level. Once you are in the 6th level you will have to evolve through it, then you will Meld together with your Higher and Other Self as one. At this point you will be able to ascend back to your home in the higher dimensions. As you can see, this is the slow way to return home and it can take from many millions to many billions or trillions of years, or more, to make that journey. Once the process is started (dividing into 3 equal parts) and the Separate Self goes off to experience something, it can lose all or part of its consciousness. Through the process of the experience it is in, it will have to regain its full consciousness back and then evolve in lightbody. The Separate Self was originally 1/3 of the whole and it must again become a full 1/3 of the whole, in order to join back to the Other Self and Higher Self so it can become whole or One again. The first illustration, shows the process of Your Spiritual Being dividing into three parts, with the Separate Self as incomplete. It goes on to show the Separate Self regaining its consciousness and preparing to evolve in lightbody. You then see all 3 equal parts beginning the meld and finally the completed meld as one again. This is how your Spiritual Being works. In the second illustration, you find the same drawing, except that the Separate Self is missing in the second step. We also joined the total illustration together, by drawing lines between all the major points. For those who study Sacred Geometry, you should begin to recognize the form. In the third illustration, we put the drawing on the left and a very familiar drawing on the right. As you can see, they are one and the same drawing. This drawing is the Symbol of the Tree of Life, as it is taught in the Sacred Teachings of the Kabbalah. A hidden meaning of the Tree of Life, is that it is a Symbol of the Spiritual Being, as it travels through the Eons of Time, constantly stepping into the changing Creations of the Cosmos, experiencing it to the fullest extent possible. This is a Symbol of Your Spiritual Being. There are many who have heard of the Triune God, also called the Trinity or the BlessedTrinity. It is often symbolized as a Triangle, with God, often referred to as Father, on the top of the triangle and the Son and the Spirit on the bottom of the triangle. Some may only know it as the Trinity, that is made up of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There are many different ver-
sions of this description that have been started and they are all one and the same. This is why the number 3 is so significant and why the triangle is used to join the 3 Selfs together as One, as it is shown in the Tree of Life. We now give you a higher truth, it is time for you to realize that the Triune God, the Trinity, is Your Complete Spirit. The Father is your Higher Self which is at the top of the triangle. The significance of being at the top of the triangle is that the Higher Self dwells in the 6th dimensional level or higher. The Spirit is the Other Self and the Son is the Separate self. They are both on the bottom of the triangle, which signifies that the Spirit and the Son travel together down to the lower dimensional realms of creation. The Son is the part that enters into the experience (such as the human experience) and the Spirit stays with the Son, while dwelling on the other side of the veil. The Spirit is the link between the Father and the Son. Your Father (the Higher Self) and the Spirit (the Other Self), never take on physical form, such as living in a human body, they always dwell in their natural form, which is Energy that manifests as light, with an endless array of color. Only the Son, the Separate Self, takes on physical form.
The Triangle symbol by itself is not complete. There is another symbol that is part of the triangle that brings it to completion. To complete the Symbol of the Triangle, we give you another truth. Within that Triangle is an Eye, a single Eye, often called the All Seeing Eye. The Single Eye, represents a Single Consciousness, which is Universal Consciousness. The Triangle is the Symbol of Your Spirit, as it travels through the Eons of time and the Eye within that Triangle, is the Symbol of Creators Consciousness, guiding us through these Eons of time. It is the Universal Consciousness of Creator (the Eye), that guides your Spirit (the symbol of the Triangle) through the never ending Eons of Time, to experience the constantly changing Creations of the cosmos (the endless number of universes), to the fullest extent possible. Without the Eye, which is the Consciousness of Creator, the Triangle, which is our Spirit, could not exist. Our Spirit can not exist by itself, our Spirit comes from the Conscious Energy of the Cosmos, often referred to, as the Source Of All That Is, or The Central Sun. We are all born from Creator and we separate from Creator in order to experience and enjoy all that Creator has created and constantly recreates. We are All One, all Spirits are part of Creator and in time, we will complete our wandering journeys and return to Creator. We will become pure spirit again and we will take back our true spiritual form, which is energy, manifested as light, in an endless array of colors. For those who are thinking, what about the many Satans and the forces of darkness? Know that they also come from Creator. They made a choice to experience darkness, which is a separation from Creator. They are the ones who bring us the choices, that we can make in our lives. Everything in creation is balanced and the many Satans and forces of darkness, are part of that balance. The forces of darkness can only exist in the lower dimensions. This is from the 1st to the 6th dimensional levels. Past the 6th level and all the way up to the12th, only those of the light can exist. If a spirit from the forces of darkness chooses to return to Creator, it must evolve up to the 6th dimensional level and then change to the light. In order to do this, it must stop serving itself and begin serving others.
An unrecognized change for those in the 12th level of lightbody, will be their body temperature. This is a result from the meld with your Higher, the Other Self and yourself, joining together into One, in the human body. Your body temperature will start to drop a degree, two, three, four or more. Since you are now holding a higher vibration, when joined with your other Selfs, you will be holding more energy. This may be felt as excess body heat. You will have a drop in body temperature, which is a balancing between body heat and higher energy you are holding, so you will feel comfortable in your human body. For all practical purposes you will feel the same. Each person at this level of lightbody, will have this balancing according to their personal need. So do not try to compare yourself to another person. If you happen to go to a medical doctor and they measure this temperature drop, they may diagnose you as having a serious problem. Thyroid problems are commonly indicated by lower body temperature. So beware that you are not wrongly diagnosed with a thyroid problem. At this level of lightbody, the body temperature will fluctuate according to the energy you are holding and the surrounding physical air temperature. Your body temperature measured under the tongue will fluctuate and this will be normal for the remainder of your human existence in lightbody. If you are concerned about your thyroid, measure your body temperature under your tongue and then check it under your left arm. No matter what the temperature is under your tongue, the difference between the two readings will be approximately one degree or less and this is normal. If it is more than a degree and a half difference, between the two readings, you may have a slow thyroid. For those of you who happen to get into a situation where your temperature is questioned as a medical problem, it will be interesting how you will explain this difference to a medical professional. We suggest you dont even try. Use your imagination and excuse yourself from the situation. Realize that in 12th level of lightbody, there will be many bodily functions that will not be normal anymore. As you grow in lightbody, you will recognize those many changes that are happening to you. You are more spirit then human at the 12th level of lightbody.
We wish to point out another unrecognized problem. We have talked about the Astral Pure Bred, who were in the Jewish race, that received the Sirian DNA from Jesus, Mary Magdalene
and their 3 children and grandchildren. We have also stated that they are now freed from the Jewish race by the event called the Holocaust. They are now scattered all over the world outside of the Jewish race. Their Sirian DNA is now activated and it may cause some concern for those, who realize that they have this DNA. If you realize you have this DNA, we strongly suggest that you do not advertise it. Sirian DNA is different from human DNA, in that the blood pressure in a Sirian body is much higher. You could say, that the circulatory system in a Sirian body, is a high pressure circulatory system. The human body is a lower pressure circulatory system. So for those who have the Sirian DNA in a human body, you will have a higher blood pressure than the normal medical established standards of today, which is 120 over 80. Your blood pressure by normal standards may be very high, even dangerously high. We cannot give exact numbers, as the combination of Sirian DNA and human DNA will cause different levels in each person. For those who have discovered that they have Sirian DNA, and have high blood pressure problems, this may help put your mind at ease. This is normal for the changes going on in your body. Many of you had a higher than normal blood pressure, that started when you became a young adult. You may have struggled with this problem and the medical profession probably could not find any reason for your high blood pressure. Realize that this is an effect of the Sirian DNA. As your DNA changes from human to Sirian, your genetics are telling the organs to maintain a higher pressure. There are also changes happening to your heart, lungs, kidneys and bladder to support this higher blood pressure. The heart and lungs will enlarge, while the kidneys and bladder will shrink. This will cause your blood pressure to rise higher than your already high blood pressure. The arteries, capillaries and veins in the human body take a longer time to make the necessary changes to handle this higher blood pressure. The human circulatory system is slower to adapt, it will take several years and probably up to seven years to make the genetic changes, for your human body to handle the higher blood pressure properly. For most, your blood pressure will level out at a higher level than humans. If your blood pressure is to high, it would be wise to get medical attention to control it. Know that Natural or Alternative means may not be strong enough to lower the blood pressure, for those in this particular situation. We give you this word of warning, it would be in your highest interest not to use these blood pressure medications or any designer drugs that contain them. Do Not Use Calcium
blockers, Beta blockers, or Ace inhibitors, singly or in any combination, since these blood pressure medications will cause great harm to you, due to your Sirian DNA. You are changing at the cellular level and these medications will interfere with those changes and they have a very great potential, to bring an abrupt end to your physical life. In other words these medications can very easily kill you. We strongly suggest you refuse to use them. Instead, we suggest you insist on using the older medications, called diuretics and no harm will come to you. Another older blood pressure medication called Clonidine also works very well for those in this situation. Those who discover they have Pleiadian DNA may have the same blood pressure problems as those with Sirian DNA, since the genetic structure is basically the same. There will be some with Sirian or Pleiadian DNA, that have other inherited human genetics, giving them naturally smaller arteries and veins. This combination will probably require you to stay on blood pressure medication longer and possibly permanently. Know that daily exercise, especially daily brisk walking, will benefit your condition greatly. A minimum of two miles a day is a good start. For your personal information, the normal low end of Sirian blood pressure at rest is 140 over 90. At normal activities it can be in the range of 170 over 90. Others will have a normal low at rest of 150 over 90 with higher levels of 180 to 190 over 90 to 95 at normal activities. Many as they go through these changes will at some point experience blood pressures of 200 to 220 over 100 to 110 or higher and not even realize this is happening. It is wise for all on the path of lightbody to keep check on your blood pressure. It would be wise to check it weekly and when it starts rising check it daily and keep a record for your own peace of mind. Learn how to check your own blood pressure and buy a blood pressure checker. It is easy to do in the privacy of your own home and the instruments to check your blood pressure are inexpensive. Remember, each person will have different blood pressure according to the way their higher DNA combines with the mature human structure. Dont compare yourself with somebody else. You must decide what is right for you. Keeping personal track of your blood pressure will keep you aware of the changes which are taking place in your body. Then you can take appropriate measures if necessary.
Chapter 6
We have talked about Ascension and now we will bring all the information together to make it more understandable. We have previously given information about the dimensional levels and octaves within them. We will now look at the bigger picture, pulling the information together. Planet earth supports 9 dimensional levels, which is the 1st up to the 9th level. Within each dimensional level there are 12 octaves. In the natural course of evolution, humanoid life starts at the 3rd dimensional level. It will evolve slowly through each octave in the 3rd dimension, starting at the 1st octave, evolving upward until it reaches the 12th octave. At this point, if the humanoids have learned all the lessons that are necessary, they will make a dimensional shift up into the next dimensional level, which will be the 4th dimensional level. They will now continue their evolution starting at the 1st octave, evolving upward until they reach the 12th octave. When they have learned all the lessons at this dimension, they will make another dimensional shift up into the 5th dimension, again starting at the 1st octave evolving up to the 12th octave. Then comes another dimensional shift up into the 6th dimension, starting at the 1st octave evolving up the 12th octave. This process continues through each dimensional level. Every dimensional level takes longer to evolve through than the last level. The higher the level. the longer the journey through it. When life starts at the 3rd dimension, all lessons must be learned before any humanoid can evolve up into the next dimensional level. If the lessons are not learned, they will repeat the experiences all over again in that dimension, until they get it right. There is no way to bypass any of the lessons that must be learned. They will spend an Eon of time at each dimensional level, the first time they experience that level. Failing to learn all the lessons, means that they will spend another Eon of time doing it all over again. If necessary, they will spend as many Eons of time that are needed in that dimension, in order to learn the necessary lessons. For example, there are an uncountable number of spirits, in many types of humanoid bodies, that are
Understanding Ascension
still learning the same lessons over and over for the last 18 million years. These are the ones who were led astray during the first Lucifer Rebellion and still have not found their way home yet. Most are stuck in 3rd dimensions. There are many of these spirits on planet earth right now, in human bodies. The reason is, this is the last planet in the Milky Way Galaxy that is still teaching how to Ascend up to the higher dimensional levels, which is where these spirits fell from.
The word Eon in the Bible is mistranslated. It has been translated as Forever and Ever which is not correct. An Eon is a set time period, for a specific event to take place and to be completed. Simply stated, an Eon is an Age to accomplish something in. An Eon is not a standard measure for a specific amount of time or number of years. For instance, it takes an Eon of time to evolve through the 3rd dimension, the 4th dimension, the 5th dimension and so on for each dimension. Using an earth cycle as a example, an Eon of time in the 3rd dimension, will take approximately 26,000 years. An Eon of time in the 4th dimension will take approximately 76,000 years. An Eon of time in the 5th dimension will take approximately 125 million years. In the higher dimensions time stretches out into infinity and does not exist. As you can see, each Eon is a different length of time as seen from our view on earth. These numbers of years, are only accurate according to our way of calculating our time. It is not accurate in other dimensions. The measure of time we have on earth is superimposed on us, as a way to measure our progress, as we travel through this dimension. Realize time in other dimensions is not the same, as it is seen and understood by us while living in this 3rd dimension. We only have a vague perception of time in other dimensions. Remember, an Eon, is an expression of a set time period, for a specific event to take place and come to completion. It is not a pre determined or a preset number of physical years. Each event is different and each Eon of time is different. Example; humans as a self reproducing race, existed in the 3rd dimension for an Eon of time, which is 45,400 years. Ascension, in simple terms, is stepping into the next life without loss of consciousness. The normal evolution for all spiritual beings in humanoid bodies, is to evolve in each dimension, stepping up to the next higher dimension, which is one dimensional level or one step at a time. You can refer to this as stair step evolution. You evolve, one dimensional step at a time, by
Eons Of Time
stepping from this dimension, to the next higher dimension, without loss of consciousness. This normally takes an undetermined amount of many millions or billions of years. For humans, we now have the privilege to make the first step from the 3rd to the 4th dimension. This will happen during the dimensional shift, for those who are prepared and learned to become a Master over all their emotions and learned to Love One Another. For those who have not, they will have the privilege to learn these lessons all over again, until they become a Master over all their emotions.
It would be appropriate at this time, to say there are many in the major world religions, who are looking to the human Gods, that religions were formed after, for their so called salvation. There are those who are looking for Jesus, others who are looking for Allah or Mohammed, still others are looking for Buddha and Lord Shiva to save them. The truth is, Jesus, Allah, Mohammed, Buddha, Lord Shiva and others are not going to save anyone. Every person has a free choice and everyone must learn to become a Master over all their emotions. No one can do it for you. In the United States, there are many who are declaring that Jesus will save you, if you accept Him as your personal Savior and you will be taken away in the rapture. These are false teachings. Jesus gave you the Law of Love, To Love One Another As I Have Loved You. When you follow that law faithfully, by loving all others, you will begin to learn to become a Master over your emotions in time. You must do the work of loving others, there is no substitute for this law, no one will save you from not showing love to others. Even the Nefilim Gods, your first teachers, gave you a very strong hint of this law in the Ten Commandments. Seven out of the ten commandments, have to do with your neighbor and your parents. In other words, all the other people in the world. As for the words, to save you. You should ask yourself, to save me from what? We have already explained, that Heaven and Hell are only a state of mind, that is created by our beliefs and is a direct result of Universal Law, As you believe, so shall it be. So what is someone going to save you from? The thoughts in your mind? Your own lack of effort to treat other people with Love! To Love One Another! No one will save you from a lack of Love, toward other fellow human beings. Remember. You are Spirit living in a human body. Eventually the body will die, it is temporary, it is destined to die and your Spirit will leave it and go on to anoth-
False Salvation
er experience. Your Spirit is eternal, it never dies, so again, there is no need for someone to save you. For most people, salvation is to save them from hell and eternal death. This is false and is based on a lack of understanding, of why they are here in human form and from the fear of many false teachings. There will be two ways for humans to Ascend, from the 3rd to the 4th dimensional level. The first way to Ascend, for those who Mastered their emotions, is to leave the planet through deaths door and then to ascend to the 4th dimension in the spiritual realm. In other words, you will make the dimensional shift on the other side of the veil, which is the spiritual side, instead of doing it on the planet, during the pole shift, while living in a human body. Then you will be born again into the human race in the 4th dimension. Now being born again into a human body in the 4th dimension, may take a long time, since there will not be very many bodies on the planet after the pole shift. You will have to wait a long time for a body to become available. The second way to Ascend from the 3rd to the 4th dimension, is to do it in the physical body you now have. You do this by having your DNA activated, which is your first sign that you will do it while still living in a human body. Be aware, even though you activate your DNA, you can still pass through deaths door and ascend on the other side. There will be people who will learn about DNA and have themselves activated by the techniques that are now on the planet, even though they have no intention to become a Master of all their emotions. They will see this as a sure way to ascend to the next 4th dimensional level. Having your DNA activated is not a guarantee that you will ascend. You must learn all your lessons. You must learn to Love One Another and clear out the emotions that belong to this 3rd dimensional level, or you will not ascend, even if your DNA is activated. Realize that 12 strand DNA is a gift to all humans. Remember. For Those Who Have Been Given More, More Will Be Expected From Them. For those who raised their level of consciousness and mastered their emotions, becoming enlightened, the path to faster growth in the 4th dimension, will be to ascend in your body from this 3rd dimension. That way you will not have to wait for many hundreds or even thousands of years for a body to be born into. The body you now have, will have the privilege of an extended lifetime anywhere from 150 to 200 years, even up to 950 years and beyond if you so wish. You will also live this long lifetime in a body of approximately 40 years old.
Ascension Choices
For those who choose to ascend in the physical body, you have 2 ways to do it. Once your DNA is activated and you are 12 strands of DNA or higher and less than 50 strands, when the shift happens, you will go to the 4th dimension. When you arrive there, you will not remember any of your past and you will awaken not knowing where you are, how you got there or where you came from. The reason for this is that you will lose all your memory when the magnetic field of the earth collapses. This is not a problem and most people who will make the shift in the human body, will experience it this way. You will be cared for and you will learn how to become independent again. It is part of the normal process. The 2nd way, is for those who will work on clearing out all the old emotions and raising their DNA up to 50 strands or the highest level of 53 strands of DNA. At this level you will have learned to Master many of your emotions and your Merkabah will be self activated. When it self activates, it will hold a magnetic field around your physical body and keep your memory intact, so that you will witness the whole event as it is happening and have full memory of your entire past and the dimensional shift. You will evolve much faster than those who make the shift and have no memory, since you will not have a learning curve to relearn everything. Your consciousness will be at a much higher level and your spiritual growth will continue uninterrupted.
Now we will talk about a group of people, who will ascend in a totally different way. We have stated that Ascension happens one level at a time, which is the normal way to ascend. We referred to this as stair step evolution. This group will ascend more that one dimensional level at a time. They will ascend directly, to the dimensional level from which they originally came from. Some will ascend two levels and others will ascend several dimensional levels at one time, whatever is necessary to return to their dimensional home. This is direct ascension. This group will be mainly composed of Starseeds, Wanderers, Ascended Masters, Melchizedeks and others that came down to the earth through birth, in order to hold the vibration of Light. This group has worked much harder at raising their conscious level of awareness. They have already figured out many, if not all the answers of who they are, how they got here, what they are doing here, and how to leave this planet and not have to return. They came from the 4th, 5th, 6th and higher dimensional levels, to help awaken their fallen brethren. All those who will
Direct Ascension
enter into lightbody at 56 strands of DNA and evolve up to the 12th level of Lightbody, will have the privilege to Directly Ascend, with their lightbody, to the dimensional level they originally came from. All in the Twinkling of an Eye. After this ascension, they once again become immortal spiritual beings. For them, the journey through this age of experience is over and they do not have to return to the lower dimensions. They will not pass through deaths doors any more, since they have cleared and released all 3rd dimensional emotions from their physical and spiritual body. Any person on this planet can ascend to the dimensional level where they originally came from. They must prepare the same way as the Starseeds, Wanderers, Ascended Masters, those of the Order of Melchizedek and others have done. Ascension in Lightbody, is now possible for everyone who makes the choice, since the grid system of the planet is completed.
When the ascension takes place, all who are ready, will be joined together in groups. They will not meet as a physical group. They will ascend from where they are located in different parts of the world, all together at the same time. There will be three groups in lightbody, that will ascend at three different times, to many different dimensional levels. They will return to the levels that they originally came from. The ascension of each group will be dictated by the collective consciousness within that group. There will also be a handful, who will have the privilege to ascend any time they choose. At this point in time, in the year 2003, it is very likely that the first group will ascend before the pole shift. The second group is very likely to ascend during the pole shift and the third group is very likely to ascend after the pole shift, sometime in the fourth dimension. These approximate times are given, since this is what the consciousness of these groups is now dictating. These times are not set in stone and they are subject to change according to the consciousness of each group. We can now give you this information from the Akashic records, since we know the Intent and the number of those who are preparing for this event. Realize that the people contained in these numbers are spread all over the world and there is no concentration in any one place. The number of those, who are preparing for Ascension in lightbody world wide, is less than 1% of the worlds population which is approximately 6 billion people. To put this number
Group Ascension
into perspective for you, we will show it in percentage (%) and numbers. At this point in time in the year 2003, those preparing for the 1st Ascension is; .00001 of 1% of the worlds population or approximately 70,000. 2nd Ascension is; .00005 of 1% of the worlds population or approximately 300,000. 3rd Ascension is; .00005 of 1% of the worlds population or approximately 300,000. As you can see there is approximately 670,000 people world wide, who are preparing for the Ascension at this time. Again, this number is not set in stone and could change according to consciousness and individual choice. We will now address the number of those, who will make the dimensional shift from the 3rd to 4th dimension. At this point in the year 2003, we know the Intent and the number of those who are preparing to make this dimensional shift, while living in the physical body. There are approximately; 120 Million ( 120,000,000 ) out of 6 Billion ( 6,000,000,000 ) or 2 % of the worlds population, that are spiritually preparing to make the dimensional shift, from 3rd to 4th dimension ,while still living in the human physical body. This is approximately 1 in every 50 people world wide, who is spiritually preparing. To put it another way, 5.8 Billion ( 5,800,000,000 ) people or 98 % of the worlds population, will not make the dimensional shift from the 3rd to 4th dimension while living in human physical bodies. From the 120 Million people, that will enter the 4th dimension in physical bodies, 36 million will be over 12 years old or adults, which is 30 % of the total group. From this group of 36 million, approximately 21 million or 17 % will be adults. The remaining 15 million or 13 % will be young adolescents. From the 120 Million people, that will enter the 4th dimension in physical bodies, 84 Million will be under 12 years old, which is 70 % of the total group of 120 million. Out of 120million 84 million will be children under 12 years old 15 million will be adolescents between 12 and 21 years old.
21 million will be adults over 21 years old. Less than 20 % of the people, who will make the shift from 3rd to 4th dimension in the human physical body, will make it with full conscious memory ( having 50 strands of DNA or more ). Over 80 % will make the shift and lose their memory. You can see why this will happen, less than 20 % will be adults at the time of the shift and they will be the ones who prepared their consciousness for this event, by working with their emotions to raise their DNA to the necessary level. We have previously stated, that there will be those, who will leave the planet through deaths door, and make the shift from the 3rd to 4th dimension, on the other side of the veil, in the spiritual realm. The numbers of those who will make the shift in the spiritual realm is still changing at this time. Out of a world population of 6 billion people, anywhere from 4 % (240 million) up to 8 % (480 million) of the worlds population, will make the shift in the spiritual realm. Again, this number is not set in stone and can change according to individual consciousness at any time. They will then be born back into a human body in the 4th dimension, to continue on with their spiritual evolution. As you can see by the numbers, there will be approximately 120 million, who will make the shift in bodies. These are the ones who will take mates and have children. The only difference is that the standards of having children in the 4th dimension, will not be the same as we have today. When they mature, they will not rush to have children and when they do, it will be few and far between. There will be a different quality of life, since they will all have a longer life span. The bearing and raising of children will be out of a greater love, not by a command. The 120 million people that make the shift into the 4th dimension, will eventually grow to approximately 250 million people, which will be the total world population. The population will basically double and it will take anywhere from 2,000 to 5,000 years to reach this 250 million. This 250 million population in the 4th dimension will remain fairly constant. Over population will not exist in the 4th dimension. So those who make the shift in the spiritual realm will be waiting a long time before they can return to the earth. At this point in time, we can say that out of a world population of approximately 6 billion people, anywhere from 6 % (360 million) up to 10 % (600 million) of the people will make the shift from the 3rd up to the 4th dimension. At this point in time, it means that anywhere from 90 % (5.4 billion) up to 94 % (5.6 billion) of the worlds population, will Not
make the dimensional shift to the 4th dimension and will repeat the 3rd dimensional experience all over again, since they have not learned their lessons and have not grown consciously and learned to Love One Another. This means that at least 9 out of every 10 people cannot ascend from this 3rd dimension and will remain in the 3rd or lower dimensions for the next eon of time. Another way to express it is only 1 out of every 10 people can ascend from this 3rd dimension which is 10% or less of the worlds population. Remember. This number is not set in stone and can change according to individual consciousness at any time. This information is given from the Akashic records in the year 2003, since the Christ Conscious grid was completed in the beginning of 2003. Ascension can now start to happen any time since the grid is completed.
We have talked about all those who will make the dimensional shift. Now, we will briefly mention those (probably from 90 % to 94% of the worlds population) who may not be prepared and will not make the shift into the 4th dimension. These souls will repeat a 3rd dimensional age all over again, in another world, outside of this solar system. Many will go through more than one 3rd dimensional age, possibly several ages, before they can ascend to the 4th dimensional level. Since the earth will not support life in the 3rd dimension during the next age, they will enter the realm that can be referred to as the lower heavens. In these lower dimensional worlds, they will again experience the same lessons all over again, until they consciously awaken to who they are and learn what it takes to ascend from these worlds. They will not be in human bodies. Many of these humanoid bodies will have a resemblance to humans, although they will not be human, since the human race will only exist on planet earth for the foreseeable future.
There are many who have created an excess of karma while living in this world during this age. These spirits will not go to another 3rd dimensional world. Instead, they will descend, by going to a lower 2nd dimensional world to work off their karma. Then they will have to work their way back up into a 3rd dimensional world. These 2nd dimensional worlds have lower life forms, which are the developing animal and nature kingdom. There are no humanoid life forms that exist in the 2nd dimensions. Yes, their spirits will have the privilege to enter and experience life in animal bodies and nature bodies, with many becoming observers, by entering into natures many life forms such as trees. They will spend a great amount of time observing, while working through these evolving 2nd dimensional worlds. This could take many eons or longer, before they can evolve out of this lower dimension. For those who have gone beyond an excess of karma, they will descend and go down to the 1st dimensional worlds. These are worlds that are evolving from the process of the creation of a new world and they are essentially void of all life, since they are still in the process of forming. These spirits will have the privilege to become total observers, starting at the beginning of creation. These spirits will actually inhabit the planets elements. They will literally have the privilege to become, as dumb as a rock. This is the perspective that they will now view evolution
from.. They will have to begin evolving all over again from the beginning, as the planet evolves, which is a very long and slow process. And NO, this is not hell. These are the consequences, which are the results of choices these spirits made while living many lives in this age. Starting out again from the 1st dimension is like a complete reeducation process by observation, and along the way, the karma is very, very slowly worked out. You could say the karma is worked out at the speed of a rock. Now, imagine how fast a rock moves on its own! That is the speed that you will evolve at in the 1st dimension. Get the message? Does that sound exciting? Remember, you have the privilege to ascend to the higher dimensional realms, or if you choose, to descend to the lower dimensional realms. Ascending or descending, is the result of the choices you make in every lifetime and every age. When your choices are in harmony with Universal Law, you may ascend. When your choices are not in harmony with Universal Law, you may remain at the same level you are now at until you learn how to Love One Another. When your choices are against Universal Law, you will descend to the lower dimensions. Your choice! Your future! We have given you the numbers of those who are preparing to ascend and those who are not preparing. Out of the 90% to 94% who are not preparing, we cannot give you numbers of what dimensional level they will go to, since these people have not made any real choices yet. Their fate and direction for the future has not been decided. All we can see is the potential direction that they are headed in and all we can give you is this potential. Out of this 90 %, a large number will remain in the 3rd dimension and an equally large number will drop down to the 1st dimension. A much smaller number will drop down to the 2nd dimension. Remember. These numbers and potential directions are not set in stone and will change according to peoples consciousness at anytime. One group that we must specifically mention, are the children. Most people will assume that all children are good and will automatically go on to the 4th dimension. This is not true. Know that children are also responsible for their own actions. They have all lived past lives and are responsible for them. For the last 13,000 years up to today, children with 2 strand DNA, took on the responsibility for their actions between 16 to 24 months old. Around two years old, a behavior pattern would start, which most parents referred to as the terrible 2s. This is the time the child took on responsibility for its own actions and
began a very deep relationship with its Separate Self Consciousness, creating the terrible 2s. Once they took on this responsibility, they created karma, both good and bad just like adults. Since we are in the apocalypse, preparing for the dimensional shift, the children being born now, are taking responsibility for their actions at a much earlier age. Children now born with 2 strand DNA are becoming responsible at the spirit level, between 12 to 16 months old. The Indigo children born now, are becoming responsible between 6 and 12 months old. The Indigo children now coming in with 12 strand DNA, are taking responsibility from birth to 6 months old. They are connected to the Christ Consciousness at birth. Because of inherited emotions, they still try to form a Separate Self Consciousness, which they must overcome. The Crystalline children with 12 strand DNA, are responsible for their actions at birth. The reason for this, is the Crystalline children do not have the emotional drive to create a Separate Self Consciousness. They are connected to the Christ Consciousness at birth with 12 strand DNA and this higher consciousness is their total guidance. At the spirit level they are connected to the Christ consciousness and totally aware of this, even though they are not physically capable of speaking about it or explaining it. Thats just the way it is! When Jesus said, I Assure You, Unless You Change And Become Like Little Children, You Will Not Enter The Kingdom Of God, He was referring to the attitude of a 12 month old child of the time period when he lived on the earth. It is important to realize, if there is an event that leads to war and spreads out into the world, the dimensional - pole shift and the time for the Ascension of the first two groups, will happen more quickly. In other words, the time remaining from now until 2013 will be shortened considerably. The greater the conflict, or the greater the amount of people involved in the conflict, the more time will be shortened. If consciousness drops, time will also be shortened. The only way we will have all the time left from now until 2013, is if the world is peaceful and the consciousness of people, is allowed to keep growing upward. Pay attention to the conflict in Israel and all the Arab countries. Unrest in the Arab world has the potential to lead to war and drag the rest of the world into it. World wide terrorism is another disaster waiting to happen. Other potentials for war, are with the countries of North Korea, Iran and China and Taiwan. Peaceful solutions are the only answers.
We have talked about the dimensional shift and the pole shift through out this book. There are many who want to know when it will happen and what to expect. We cannot tell you the exact information, since it has not been decided yet. It is the world consciousness that will decide when it will happen and how it will happen. We know the basic time period when it will happen. Only Creator knows the exact time and day. What we can tell you are some of the small details. Pay attention to the shifting of the earths axis and magnetic north pole. It has been shifting for many years and now it is shifting more dramatically. It has shifted enough, people are starting to notice by the shadows of the rising and setting sun, something has changed. The rotation of the earth is no longer normal. When ordinary people start to notice, realize the dimensional shift is almost here. You will probably not hear any information from the scientific community, since this would most likely create an eventual panic situation and they do not want to be responsible for creating any panic. The more the earth axis and magnetic pole shifts, the closer we are to the actual event. Where the new north pole will be and what amount of earth changes there will be, or not be, is not totally known, since world consciousness is still changing. Remember, world consciousness, not prophecy, will dictate when the event will happen and if there will be earth changes or not. Look around and judge for your self. If the world is at peace, there will be gentle earth changes. If it is at war, like the events now happening in the middle east and other trouble spots, expect more severe earth changes to take place. The more war, the more devastating the earth changes will be. The first group of those in lightbody will ascend before the pole and dimensional shift happens. This event may, or may not be recognized on the planet. In the spiritual realms, the celebration has been going on and they are only waiting for the guests of honor to arrive. They are the ones in lightbody, the ones that have prepared, those who know they are members of the great spiritual family. At this moment in time, the pole shift will most likely happen at the same time the dimensional shift happens. From the human perception, it will take place as one event. When this event starts to happen, the earth will lose its magnetic field, which can last from around 24 to 72 hours. This will not be noticed at first. After the field collapses, the earths rotation will start slowing down and then stop. This can take 12 hours or
more for the rotation to stop. Once the rotation stops it can stay that way from 13 to 36 hours and possibly longer. For those who are always aware of their surroundings, the first thing that will be noticed, is that the day is getting longer and then they will notice the sun is standing still. On the opposite side of the earth, people will notice that it is staying dark longer that normal. Once the earth stops rotating it will stay sunny on one side of the world and the other side will stay dark. It can stay this way up to 48 hours. Then the dimensional shift will start. When we start shifting dimensionally, you will probably start to see small man made objects disappear and reappear. You may have the telephone that is in your hand disappear, maybe the tools you are working with will disappear, or the food that you are eating will disappear. If you are one of those ascending to the 4th dimension, you will start passing through the void. You will see cars, homes, boats, factories, power poles, streets, bridges, all kinds of buildings and all man made 3rd dimensional objects disappear. The reason all objects are disappearing is that you are personally leaving the 3rd dimension and all the objects that are in it. As you enter the 4th dimension, different objects will appear. The very landscape that your standing on will change in front of your eyes until you settle into the 4th dimension. When the dimensional shift starts, it will take from 16 to 24 hours to complete. There will be some minor changes that will still happen up to 72 hours. After 72 hours everything will be stable in the 4th dimension. Everything man made in the 3rd dimension will stay there since it cannot pass through the void, which is the separation between dimensions. Realize that nothing man made will pass through the void, not even the clothes you are wearing, your shoes or your eyeglasses. It will be an absolute awesome experience, for those who will go to the 4th dimension with full consciousness and their Merkaba activated. They will observe it all in detail and remember the entire event. The event will be imprinted in their memory. It will be a moving adventure into a strange paradise. Those that ascend to the 4th and do not have their Merkaba activated, will suddenly come to the realization of something new and different. They will have no memory of the past, so there will be no fear. It will be more of a curiosity or exploration of where they are at. For the many children that will make the shift, there will be guardians waiting to receive all of them. They will be guided, cared for and educated until they can live and prosper on their own. Since the children will have no memory of the past, they will not know or miss their parents, brothers, sisters or friends. For the
children it will be a living adventure and they will quickly accept the people around them and the guardians that are there waiting for them. For those that will not make the shift into the 4th dimension, they will have a different experience. They will still be in the 3rd dimension and may have the privilege of watching people disappear. We all have a mineral within our brain called magnetite. When the magnetic field of the earth is functioning normally, it activates this mineral, which creates a barrier between the physical world and the spiritual realms. This barrier has often been called the veil of darkness, since it stops us from seeing the other side, the spiritual realms. When the magnetic field of the earth collapses, this magnetite will no longer be active and this veil of darkness will slowly start to disappear, allowing people to see into the past, present and the spiritual realms. This will happen after the rotation of the earth is stopped. During this time, it will be a mass awakening for everyone left in the 3rd dimension at the same time. This will be the time for the exit of the masses from the earth that will not make the dimensional shift. The rotation of the earth has been stopped while all this is happening. Then the earth will shift and take a new position that will give the planet a new north pole. At this point in time, the world consciousness is dictating, that the planet will literally rotate or flip, somewhere around 160 degrees or more, so that our current north pole will be facing in the general direction of south. The speed of the flip will determine how those in the 3rd dimension exit the planet, peacefully or violently. The earth can gently rotate and gradually settle into this position, or it can be a violent quick flip, like during Noahs flood, causing a cleansing of the earth. After this, the magnetic field will start to build up and then the earth will start to rotate in the same direction that it did before. The difference is that the world is now upside down. From our view on the planet, the sun will still rise from an easterly direction and the sun will set in a westerly direction, depending on the number of degrees that the earth flips. The actual rotation of the earth will now be backwards, or opposite of what it is now and will remain this way for the new age. At this point, the 3rd dimension is now void of all human life forms. All those that have left the 3rd dimension, will have the opportunity to review their past lives in the Book Of Life and judge themselves. Then they will be off to what ever new experience they have chosen according to universal law and the karma they have created. Their exit from the 3rd dimension, to the awakening and judgement, then off to their new experience, will seem
like one continuous, non stop event. There will most likely be the ascension of the second group of those who have attained lightbody, sometime at the very beginning, during or at the end of this event. They will ascend directly to the higher dimensional levels called home and they will join in the great homecoming celebration. The 4th dimension, will now be the new home of all humans that have ascended from the 3rd dimension. The evolution of the human race will now continue in the 4th dimension. Time will pass, then the third group of those in lightbody will ascend, sometime in the 4th dimension, to join in the ongoing celebration. When the earth rotates or flips that 160 degrees or more, the speed of the flip will be according to world consciousness at that moment in time. If we had this dimensional pole shift happen today, in the year 2006, the earths flip would be fast and most likely violent, causing massive world destruction, much like in the time of the destruction of Atlantis and Noahs flood. The reason why we would have this massive destruction, is the fighting that is going on in the middle east among several nations including the United Stated, England and others. World terrorism is growing more common and the violence from it is escalating, the massive deaths from aids and fighting in Africa, the war in Israel, the nuclear intentions of North Korea and Iran, the intentions of nuclear war between Pakistan and India, the drug wars in Columbia South America and other small wars and conflicts around the world, are all adding up to a drop in world consciousness. If this world changes and turns into a peaceful world, with peace everywhere, the flip will be slow and gentle with very little or no destruction. Remember. When the rotation of the earth is stopped and the flip begins, those that are not going to make the dimensional shift, can exit the planet peacefully, if the flip of the pole is slow and gentle. If the earths flip is very fast and very violent, you will exit this world in a mass of chaos and destruction. It is world consciousness that will dictate how you exit the planet and you are part of this world consciousness. If the world lives in peace, you will exit peacefully, if the world is at war, you will exit by destructive forces just like those experienced in war. Your choice! Everyday life will continue on as it normally does until the shift begins to happen. As we stated, once the dimensional shift starts to happen, it will be completed in 16 to 24 hours. It is a non stop event. It is most likely that the dimensional shift and the pole shift, with the collapsing of the earths magnetic field, the stopping of the earths rotation and the pole flip, will all happen
together as one single event. Once it starts, there will be little or no time to search for news, or to discuss the strange event with other people. Everyone will be involved at the same time. You will be too caught up in the events of the moment, to do anything other then to be amazed at what is happening. Everyone will have their mind occupied, especially when the veil disappears and all will have the privilege to see into the past, the present and the spiritual realms. When this event is over, you will not look back, you will not be discussing this event and you will not be arguing, or trying to decide, or even debate, if the information in this book is true or not. You will be gone! End of discussion! Thats just the way it is!
Chapter 7
We have stated many times, that to leave this third dimensional level, you must complete your lessons, and to return home, you must release all third dimensional emotions. We have given you the lost information, of how the fallen spiritual beings became trapped, in genetically modified humanoid animal bodies, which were part of a grand genetic experiment, that lasted for 3,800 years, during the civilization of Atlantis. This happened in the 4th dimension. We also explained the chain of events that brought you into this 3rd dimensional reality. You now know how a great number of spirits that are living in human bodies, became trapped on this planet. The root cause of the fall of the Spiritual beings during Atlantis, was their choice to experience what the emotions of these genetically modified bodies felt like, since they have never experienced emotions like this before. Their intent to feel the emotions completely, was their free choice to experience something different, by entering these bodies, which caused them to become trapped. They never incarnated in bodies like these before and had no experience to go by. They made a mistake. The only emotions these spiritual beings ever experienced, was Unconditional Love and Compassion. They were spiritual Observers. They never lived in a physical flesh and blood body before and did not know what to expect when they entered these genetically modified humanoid animal bodies. They did it for the purpose of experiencing the strange mixture of animal and humanoid emotions. This is the way they came into this world, with only Two Emotions, and this is the only way you can leave, with only Two Emotions, Love and Compassion. We wish to mention, that the greater number of spiritual beings that fell during the 3 Lucifer Rebellions, also entered into the lower realms of creation with the same Two Emotions of Love and Compassion. So for those of you who are on this planet, who fell during these rebellions, know that this is also the only way you can leave this third dimensional level. We have talked about several emotions and now we will
Understanding Emotions
relate how emotions directly affect you. We will first start with a comparison to make the information more understandable. All emotions have a particular vibration. There are basically two types of vibrations. There are high vibrations and there are low vibrations. The greatest majority of emotions on the planet at this point in time, have vibrations that range from low to very low. There are a few that have high vibrations with some of these vibrations very high. For the sake of illustration, and a better understanding of spiritual growth, we will compare different brightness light bulbs to different levels of spiritual growth and vibration. Most people understand that a higher wattage light bulb, gives off more light and a lower wattage light bulb gives off less light. We will build this illustration on that principle. All the information on spiritual growth has already been given, now we can give each level a different watt lightbulb. We will start, with a 150 watt light bulb and say that this light bulb is the highest level of light that we can reach. This level of light will also have the highest vibration that we can reach. This highest level of light is also the highest level of Consciousness. The amount of light, is directly connected to the level of vibration and the level of consciousness. The highest light is the highest vibration and the highest level of consciousness. At this level (150 watt light bulb), we only have emotions with the highest vibrations, since we will have cleared and released all emotions with low vibrations. In other words, the highest level of vibration, is the absence of all low vibrations. The opposite of light is Darkness. It is the lowest level of vibration and the lowest level of consciousness. It is the Absence of Light. Remember, the absence of light is the absence of knowledge. At this level we will have a combination of mostly low and very low vibrations. High vibrations seldom exist at this level. We will now call the highest level of light, vibration and consciousness, Lightbody, which is the highest level of spiritual of growth that you can reach. This is the level that we must reach, in order to be able to Ascend back to the dimensional level where we came from, which we call our Home. This is also the level where we join back to Universal Consciousness and we become Immortal spiritual beings again. This is our true goal, this is what we are trying to reach even though we may not realize it. There are two ways to return to our higher dimensional home. One way is to enter into Lightbody, which is the direct way home. The other way is to evolve spiritually up through every dimensional level, one level at a time. This is the normal
slow way and can take an untold amount of many millions or billions of years or more to reach our dimensional home. Think about this for a minute. The First Lucifer Rebellion happened more than 18 million years ago. There is an unnumbered amount of spiritual beings who fell dimensionally, all across the cosmos during this rebellion, just like the spiritual beings who fell in Atlantis, during the grand genetic experiment. The greatest number of these spirits, approximately 82%, have still not made it back to their original dimensional home in the last 15 million years. During this time the greatest majority have been stuck in a 3rd dimensional existence and have not been able to ascend to the 4th dimensional level. As we have already stated, there are now a great number of these spirits on this planet, trying to find their way home. Below is a chart that shows the distinct differences between the human existence in Darkness and spiritual existence in Lightbody. Darkness Normal Human Existence Absence of light - no knowledge of your spiritual self. Lowest level of consciousness. Lowest level of vibration . Emotions - combination of high and low vibration emotions. Separate Self Consciousness. Lightbody Normal Spiritual Existence Highest level of light - highest or full knowledge of your spiritual self. Highest level of consciousness. Highest level of vibration. Emotions - only highest vibrations - all low vibration emotions cleared and released. Universal Consciousness.
We will now relate spiritual growth, starting from the lowest level called darkness, to the smallest light bulb, increasing to a bigger and brighter light bulb (higher watt light bulb), at every level of spiritual growth, until we reach the level of the brightest light bulb, which we call Lightbody. Each light bulb represents one step in our spiritual growth.
The lowest level is darkness, and this is the level of human existence on this planet in the 3rd dimension. It has been this way since the birth of the human race. It was planned to be this way by Divine Providence and was carried out by the Nefilim Gods, without their realizing its true purpose. The human race and planet earth became a 3rd dimensional school and is a place of lessons, to experience all emotions to the greatest degree possible. This could only happen when we are totally separated from Universal Consciousness, which is living in darkness. Since we were separated from Creator and needed a guiding consciousness, we developed a Separate Self Consciousness. This is a direct result of 2 strand DNA which keeps us permanently locked in Darkness. At this point in time, the greatest majority of humans are still actually living in darkness. This darkness is the absence of light, which is the absence of the knowledge of who we are. At this level, we may be happy or satisfied with life, or we may be struggling to survive. We have never really searched out what life is all about. We just go along with the flow of life. We live in darkness and the only light we have is the guidance of our Separate Self Consciousness. As we experience living as humans, we are totally driven by emotions. For many of us, we may reach a point in life, where we are no longer satisfied with the ordinary. We want to know more and we start thinking, there must be more to life than we have been told. We now start asking questions and searching. For many people the simple question of what came first, the chicken or the egg, becomes an obsession. They want to know the answer. Once the human mind is stretched, it can no longer go back to the way it was. Now it has to know more about many different things in life. Eventually, they ask these same questions about themselves. Who am I, where did I come from, how did I get here, what am I doing here and where am I going after I die? When you start asking and searching you have reached the first level which we will say is equal to a 4 watt lightbulb. This is a very low level of light and is also a very low vibration. It is the beginning of raising yourself out of the darkness of normal human existence. Many people on the planet reach this level and become content and satisfied with what they have learned. Most people stop learning at this level, for this is the level that breeds self satisfaction, since it gives a small level of meaning to life and all that seems to be happening. Most people are satisfied with the answers and accept them as truth. They come to the point of accepting, that this way of life they
are now living, is the way life is. There will be a large percentage of this group that is still not satisfied with the answers that they have learned. Instead of answering their questions, the knowledge they learned has created more questions. They want to know more and search even deeper. When they look up at the night sky and see all those stars, their heart tells them there is a lot more that they do not know. Their search leads them deeper through religions and different faiths and ancient knowledge. These are the ones that search out the past in order to understand the future. They are the ones who develop a thirst for knowledge, that is not satisfied by the teachings of what is available. They know there is more and keep searching ever deeper and deeper. These are the ones who awaken to the unknown and forgotten knowledge. They are not afraid to reach out and step into the unknown or the forgotten past to obtain more knowledge. These are the ones who are on the path of consciously awakening. This is the 10% of the world population that goes beyond the socially accepted limits of society and is not afraid to say that the world is missing the greater truth. These are the ones who we will now compare to the 7 watt light bulb. Out of this group will be a very small number that discover and awaken to ancient truths. They follow their hearts and are able to connect to the spiritual realms through prayer and meditation. They speak to Creator through prayer and listen to Creators voice in meditation. They listen to what is told to them and then they follow the guidance given to them, to help them awaken. They begin to make a connection to Creator that becomes more clear and understandable. As they follow this Divine inspiration, their consciousness starts to grow more and they begin to evolve. There are those in this group, that discover how to self activate their DNA. This handful of people has now opened the door for all humans, to begin the reawakening process of regaining their lost consciousness. These are the ones who are the pioneers that anchored the Ascension process into the earths grid system, so that anyone who chooses may follow. This has already happened in the late 1970s up to the beginning of the 1990s. Now other people on the planet receive this information and make it understandable in written form. This was the beginning of many spiritual techniques to help people to evolve. This has already happened in the decade of the 90s. The beginning of the awakening process is now open for everyone, who wishes to follow. These are the ones who we will now compare to the 15 watt light bulb. These are the ones who are
not afraid to step into the unknown. They are trying to make a connection to a higher Consciousness and now realize that there is much more that man has forgotten, or that man does not know. There is an inner knowing within these people, that there is more that needs to be accomplished. Individuals will now go on beyond established boundaries of religions and faiths and start learning new spiritual techniques. Their consciousness will evolve and it will reach a point where they will trigger changes in their DNA by their Intent. Some will activate their 2 strands into 12 strands of DNA through direct activation techniques, while others will evolve from 2 strand DNA one strand at a time, through clearing techniques. Past 12 strand DNA, you will only evolve one strand at a time. Once you evolve to 12 strands of DNA, you become connected to the Christ Consciousness, even though you may not realize it. Many spiritual techniques were brought down to the planet to meet the spiritual needs of the many. There will be those who take this work seriously and they are the ones who are now quickly evolving. Their DNA is growing, their consciousness is expanding and their spiritual vibration is rising. We will compare these people to the 25 watt light bulb. To go past this level, it is necessary to understand the past, in order to see the future. It is also necessary to come to the realization and understanding of how emotions directly affect you spiritually. You will only grow spiritually and raise your spiritual vibration in direct proportion to the effort that you put into clearing and releasing all your 3rd dimensional emotions. There is no other way. Those who now have their DNA activated, will be making choices as to how fast they grow and to what level they will go to. When your Intent is true and you actively work at clearing and releasing all 3rd dimensional emotions, you will earn the privilege to go on to the 4th dimension. Many spiritual teachers have described this next dimensional level as the Golden Age and life will be totally different from this 3rd dimensional age. You have the choice of deciding, if you will make the dimensional shift in human form, or if you will leave through deaths door and then be born into the 4th dimension. You will also choose to enter this level with no memory of the past or full memory of the past. It will be a new and exciting beginning, with all new challenges and opportunities. We will compare these people to the 40 watt light bulb. You must reach this level in spiritual growth, (equal to the 40 watt lightbulb) or you will repeat life all over again in another
3rd dimensional reality, for another Eon (Age) of time. If you do not reach this level, you could not or did not awaken your self to the fact, that you are a spiritual being, and that you are here to become a Master of your Emotions. You will have failed to completely learn all the lessons that were presented to you by events in your life to help you evolve spiritually. Remember, for the greatest majority of spiritual beings living in human bodies on this planet, this is not your home, it is a temporary home, a school, to learn lessons about emotions. Out of this evolving group, there will be those who will choose to enter the 4th dimension in the body that they are now in. They will evolve up to the point that their Merkabah will self activate. This will become active when the pole shift begins to happen. It will produce a personal magnetic field around their body, which will allow them to keep all their memory. They will experience the shift by going through it with full memory and consciousness. This is an experience that can only be described as Totally Awesome. It is beyond your imagination. This is an event that you must be in the right place at the right time to experience. There are many who came to this planet for the opportunity, to experience the dimensional shift while living in the human body. We will compare these people to the 50 watt light bulb. As you can see, they will make the shift into the 4th dimensional level, with their full memory of the past and the present. They will have a head start evolving, since they will not have to relearn anything. Their spiritual growth will continue uninterrupted. The journey all the way back to the dimension they originally came from is still a long way off for them, although it will be easy for them to accelerate their growth, with their full memory of past knowledge. Those who make the shift to the 4th dimension in human form, with full memory and have not yet evolved into lightbody, will be able to evolve into lightbody easily. They will remember what they did to evolve to the point they are now at. They will just continue the clearing and releasing of emotions as they did before, eventually entering into full lightbody. There are those who have already made the conscious choice to Ascend. They have searched and found, that the direct way home is by evolving into lightbody. They are following this way with True Intent and they will make the personal choice, by evolving the extra DNA strands that will prepare the body to evolve into lightbody. We will compare these people to the 60 watt light bulb. Believe it or not, this is the time when evolving into lightbody will be the easiest and the fastest possible. After
the pole shift, it will become increasingly harder to Ascend. There is a third group that will Ascend in the 4th dimension. Almost all of them will be from this group that made the dimensional shift with full memory and some from the following groups that also have full memory. They have already made the commitment here, in the 3rd dimension and are starting to prepare. Once this group leaves the planet, it will become difficult to Ascend on your own, since the window of opportunity to ascend will close. The window for the next opportunity has not been created yet and will not be created for a very, very long time. There are a small number that will evolve into lightbody and still live on the planet in the 4th dimension. These people will experience heaven on earth. They will evolve to the 9th level of lightbody and stop their spiritual growth at the Gate of Awakening. Their main guidance will be the Christ Consciousness. At his level (9th) the Separate Self Consciousness has no control over them. They will not go through the Gate of Awakening at this time. They will have the privilege to live the full life expectancy of the human body (950 years) and way beyond that if they choose. At any time, when they are ready, they can decide to complete their evolution into lightbody. We will compare these people to the 75 watt light bulb. For those having the inner yearning to go on, they will go through the Gate of Awakening and have the privilege to become One with the Light of the Christ Consciousness. They will have the privilege to stay on the planet for as long as they choose and some may choose this as their new home. This experience may also intensify your desire to go back to the dimension you call home. Once you become fully initiated into the Light of the Christ Consciousness, your mind is opened to a greater degree of what is on the other side. You will awaken to the realization of your true spiritual existence. You may find that there is nothing on this planet that draws your interest anymore. You may find yourself searching and struggling for a reason why you should stay here. The desire to go home can become so intense and overwhelming, that you may have difficulty staying on the planet. We compare these people to the 100 watt light bulb. When you evolve into full lightbody, you have reached the journeys end for this age of experience. You have raised your vibration to the highest level, which is the level of light. Those who reach this level are compared to the 150 watt light bulb, the highest level, your true spiritual state. All emotions that no longer serve you are cleared and released. You have become a Master of your emotions. You totally control your emotions, they
do not control you. Your consciousness is now evolved and you are now becoming an Equal with your Higher Self and your Other Self. All three parts of you start melding together to become One again. You are now ready to Ascend to the dimensional level you call Home. Your consciousness is now reunited with Universal Consciousness. You leave this planet with the only two emotions that you came here with, Love and Compassion. Once again, you are now a true Observer, an Immortal spiritual being, free to roam the Cosmos, or to start a new experience somewhere else. There are some who will reach the 12th level of lightbody and choose to remain on the planet and have the privilege of living an unlimited lifetime. Darkness, no light; rt At This normal human existence We All Star Level total loss of consciousness of who we are. Memory of only one life time. 4 watt light bulb; the searching and the asking, who am I, where did I come from, how did I get here, what am I doing here, where am I going? What is life all about? 7 watt light bulb; the beginning of conscious awakening. 15 watt light bulb; the beginning spiritual awakening. 25 watt light bulb; the beginning of Christ Consciousness. 40 watt light bulb; the privilege to enter into the 4th dimension in a human body OR the privilege to enter the 4th dimension by leaving through deaths door, then being reborn into the 4th dimension in a new body - You must reach this level of spiritual growth or you cannot enter into the 4th dimension. 50 watt light bulb; the privilege to go to the 4th dimension with full memory in the human body that you are in now. 60 watt light bulb; the choice to enter into lightbody and the choice to Ascend. 75 watt light bulb; the privilege to live in the 4th dimension in lightbody.
100 watt light bulb; lightbody privilege to enter the highest level of Christ Consciousness, The Light of the Christ Consciousness. 150 watt light bulb; full lightbody privilege to Ascend to your home dimension and join back to Universal Consciousness OR start a new age of experience. This Is The Jour rneys En nd For r This Age Of Exper rien nce. As you can see by the chart above, we all start every lifetime in darkness. The knowledge is here for anyone who will seek it out and apply themselves to learn it. It becomes a personal journey for every person. In darkness there is no light, and light is knowledge. As we increase our knowledge, we increase our light, our level of consciousness and our spiritual vibration. They are all tied together. As you can see we grow in steps, one step at a time, from no light to the brightest light, just like the increasing levels of light, from each brighter light bulb. We cannot bypass or jump ahead of any level. We must go through each step in a set order, in order for us to grow to the level of the brightest light. Each level that you go through is usually brought about by more or new knowledge, or a new understanding of knowledge that you already have. Each higher level takes more effort and more dedication to achieve. It also requires us to let go of the past and most of the time, this past is directly connected to our belief system that we grew up with. This is very scary to people. It is part of human nature to resist or reject change. We have a built in fear of the unknown. We feel safe and secure with what we already know, especially if it satisfies our immediate needs. For all of us an old saying is very appropriate. A journey of a 1,000 miles starts with the first step. In order to take that first step, we move one foot from where it is now standing and place it in another spot. Now the other foot must also do the same. We begin leaving a familiar spot and start stepping out into the unknown. We are leaving the place where we felt secure, our comfort zone, leaving it behind and letting it become part of the past, so we can continue the journey forward. We cannot go forward without leaving that familiar place in the past. Everything that we see, experience and learn for the next 999 miles on this journey, will all eventually become part of the past. This is also what will happen to many of our set beliefs and the belief system that we now hold on to so passionately. Once we truly begin
growing on a spiritual path, the beliefs that many of us now hold on to, will be left in the past. Nothing will stay the same, and our beliefs and what we view as truth will constantly change, until our consciousness can reach the total truth of who and what we really are. When we reach the end of the journey at that last mile, we will have gained a greater knowledge, that will now become our new beliefs based on our new truth. Remember, in a 3rd dimensional level, all we have is the Shadow of Truth, since this is the place where we must seek out truth, in order to move forward to the next dimensional level and beyond. The greater knowledge that we have learned on the journey is what will awaken our consciousness from its journey as a Separate Self, to becoming part of the whole again. The whole is Universal Consciousness.
We have talked about emotions and vibrations since the beginning of this book. Now we will explain them to a deeper level, so that you can understand how they form your vibration and are the basis of your spiritual growth. We stated that each emotion has a particular vibration. The emotions that have the highest vibrations are Love, Compassion, Caring, Gentleness, Kindness and Harmlessness. Forgiveness is a very high vibration and when it is used, it is the pathway to the highest vibrations. You cannot reach the highest vibrations without having unconditional forgiveness for everyone. There are no exceptions. All other emotions are lower to very low vibrations. Emotions such as apathy, anxiety, worry, impatience, self denial, doubt, grief, sorrow, loneliness, and hopeless to name a few, are low vibrations. There is nothing bad or evil about any of these emotions. They are just emotions that belong to this 3rd dimensional reality and this is the place where we can play with them to our hearts desire. Then we have the emotions that have the lowest vibrations, which are fear, judgement, blame, hate, anger and revenge. These vibrations are so low, that they totally stop your spiritual growth. Ego can also be grouped with these. In the human with 2 strand DNA, ego is mostly self serving, which is serving yourself. Self serving ego will pull your spirit away from Creator. This stops your spiritual growth and strengthens your connection to your Separate Self Consciousness. This leads you down a path of spiritual darkness. You will have to start with these emotions first, since they are the biggest blocks to spiritual growth. One of the greatest and usually one of the last emotions that humans
have to deal with, is Spiritual Ego. This is the greatest stumbling block for those who are on a serious spiritual path, especially those who are on the Ascension Path. Every human will have to deal with the emotion of spiritual ego at some time. There are hundreds of emotions that we deal with in our daily lives that we are totally unaware of. What must be understood about emotions, is that we are here to experience them to the greatest degree possible and in every way imaginable, so that we can come to the point of recognizing them and become a Master of these emotions. Humans are driven by emotions, this is normal for us. This is the way it was planned to be. When we become a Master over our emotions, we are no longer driven by them. Instead, we have total control over them. We know when to use them, how to use them, which ones to avoid and which ones are for our highest good. There is a small sample list of emotions and feelings in the following pages, that are listed under the heading of Vibrations Of Feelings And Emotions Affecting Spiritual Growth. We all are experiencing the greater majority of these vibrations in our daily lives. Go to the bottom of the list and you will find some of the lowest vibrations. In the middle you will find vibrations that range from low to high and at the top you will find some of the highest vibrations. In order to raise our spiritual vibration up, we must Stop practicing the lowest vibrations. Some emotions must be controlled by us such as fear, since it is necessary for survival. Hate, anger, revenge, blame and judgement against others are emotions that no longer serve us for our highest good. They must be eliminated from our life, completely and permanently. There is no other way. As we recognize these emotions and feelings in our life, we will get to the point that we want to release them out of our life. It is at this point in our life, we need to learn how make a connection to Creator, calling on Creator to clear and release them out of our cells and our vibrational field. The part of becoming a Master of our emotions and feelings, starts with our ability to recognize these emotions and feelings and how we use them. Only after we recognize how we use them in our daily life, will we be able to avoid and eliminate them. If we fail to recognize them and continue to use or practice these emotions and feelings in our daily life, we recreate the low vibrations all over again and they will enter into our cells and anchor into our vibrational field. It all happens in an instant. After we have made the connection to Creator, we will be able to make a new and constant effort to eliminate these emotions and feelings from our daily life, with a deeper intent to
release them. As we call upon and work with Creator, our renewed desire to change the way we relate to people, will bring change to our emotional life. Realize that we will do this over and over and over again, until we learn to become a master of all our emotions and feelings. As we played with emotions, we created habits that became a part of those emotions. We may release these emotions and Creator may clear them out for us, although old and bad habits will recreate them, without us ever realizing it. You will learn, that you will have to recognize and break many habits, in order to break this cycle of recreating low vibrations. This is the time period when we have the opportunity to completely release all 3rd dimensional emotions and feelings, all the way back to the point, when we first entered this age of experience or this world. This happens at the end of the age, which is now. As of the year 2006, the maximum amount of time left to do this work, should have been around 6 years. This may no longer be true. It actually could be a lot less than that. In 1987, at the end of the age, we began the transition from the 3rd to the 4th dimension. At the beginning of the transition, the vibration of the planet, called the Schumann resonance, was at 7.9. This vibration is also in direct relation to the consciousness of human life on the planet. Since consciousness has never gone up, the vibration has always stayed the same. Now very carefully think about the following information. Starting before 1987. it increased by .1 which is in relation to the consciousness of the people that were starting to awaken consciously. It should have taken approximately 26 years for that 7.9 to reach the level of 13, which is the level it will stop at and remain in the 4th dimension. When we hit near the level of 13, world consciousness will trigger the dimensional shift and the pole shift. At this point in time, in the year 2003, the vibration should be around 11. Instead, the vibration is fluctuating between 12 and 12.5, which is only .5 away from 13. Normally we would reach 12 in the year 2008 and 12.5 in the year 2010. We are now very close to 13, which is about 5 to 7 years quicker than expected. Since the magnetic grid is now completed in early 2003, the dimensional and pole shift can happen at any time. In other words, you are quickly running out of time. You do not become a Master of your emotions overnight. It takes personal discipline and the realization of what you are doing and why you do it. It takes time, and you have very little time left. At this point in time, a person who will dedicate themselves to spiritual growth, by working with their emotions daily, can evolve from 2 strand DNA into the 12th level of Lightbody, in
approximately 18 to 24 months, which is 2 years or slightly less. This is the time to complete this work and since time is speeding up at this point between the ages, it is allowing this work to be accomplished quickly. On the following pages is a chart called, the Relationship of Consciousness and Emotions. There is a sub heading on the top left called The Changing Of Consciousness At Different Levels of Spiritual Growth. When you look at the bottom of the page, on the left side, you will see that humans start at the level of 2 strand DNA. Your Separate Self Consciousness is your only guidance and is the main controller over you in your life. As you make spiritual choices to evolve and begin releasing emotions and feelings that no longer serve you for your highest good, your DNA will start to change. We are showing the number of strands of DNA and next to them is how your Separate Self is being affected by these DNA changes. You will see, that as your DNA starts to grow to a higher level, your Separate Self will start to quickly become your biggest stumbling block, as it puts serious doubts in your mind about what you are doing. Then it will start to trigger the emotions in you, that will stop you from spiritually growing and your Separate Self could make your life, what can be described as a living hell. Your Separate Self has figured out, that you are going to get rid of it and replace it with another consciousness. It is now fighting for its very survival for all its worth. As you grow spiritually by releasing 3rd dimensional emotions and feelings, your DNA will evolve to higher levels and at the same time your Separate Self consciousness losses more and more control over you. By the 3rd level of Lightbody, your Separate Self is no longer dominant over you and by the 9th level, it no longer has any control over you. At this level (9th), you are now being guided by the Christ Consciousness. After you are fully initiated into the Light of the Christ Consciousness, you then have the privilege to join back to Universal Consciousness. We will present another way to help you understand the relationship between emotions, spiritual growth and the control that your Separate Self Consciousness has over you. Look at the chart called, Relationship Of Consciousness And Emotions. Now look at the bottom of the page where it states, WE ALL START AT THIS LEVEL. . As you start to work with the emotions of fear, judgement, hate, anger, revenge, ego, pride jealousy and dominance, your DNA will start to evolve up to higher levels. Take a piece of paper the size of this page and cover the bottom of the page where it says 2 Strand DNA all the way across the page.
Cover the entire box from the line between 2 strand DNA and 12 strand DNA, so that everything is covered by the sheet of paper all the way across the page. This represents the end of your 2 strands of human DNA. It is now gone with the low vibrations from those emotions and it is in the past. You are now 12 strands of DNA and you become connected to the beginning of the Christ Consciousness. When you keep releasing and clearing emotions and feelings, you will evolve up to 24 strands. Now move your sheet of paper and cover the box that has 12 in it, all the way across the page. You can see, as you become a master over more of your emotions, your level of DNA goes up again. Next to that DNA level is how your Separate Self Consciousness will react to you. Now move your sheet of paper up to cover the next block that has 24 in it. You see that more emotions are disappearing as you cover up each block and the level of control over you by your Separate Self is less. Now cover up each block, one by one and read what is happening to the Separate Self. Realize that as the emotions disappear, your DNA level will go up and your Separate Self is losing more and more control over you. Do this until you reach the 12th level of Lightbody. When you reach the 12th level, you have accomplished the releasing and clearing of all the 3rd dimensional emotions that no longer serve you and now you are a Master over these emotions. All you have left are the highest vibrational emotions and the natural outcome from them is Love and Compassion. When you reach this level you are ready to Ascend. As you can see, everything below the 12th level is in the past, including all the 3rd dimensional emotions and feelings.
We will now give you another way, to think about clearing out the vibrations of emotions from your vibrational field. Imagine your spiritual field as a big swimming pool, that is full of muddy water. Imagine the mud in the water as being your emotions. You have decided to clean the pool out, to clean out your old emotions. The only tool you have to clean it out with, is a gallon bucket. Think of each bucket full as one emotion. Now take a gallon of that muddy water out of the pool and throw it away. Then replace it with a gallon of crystal clear clean water. Can you see a difference in the water now? No, you cannot. Now take another gallon of muddy water out and replace it with another gallon of clear clean water. Can you see a difference in the water now? No, you still cant see any difference. There is too much mud in it, the same way you are loaded with emotions. You realize that this is going to be a long drawn out job to do it this way and it looks like it is going to take forever. You have already made up your mind to do it, so you get busy and start dipping out a gallon of muddy water, one gallon at a time and replacing every gallon with a gallon of clear clean water. After a lot of work you notice that the real muddy water is not so muddy anymore. It is now only murky water. You are encouraged with the results of all the hard continuous work that you have already done. So now you double your efforts. You continue with the work and eventually you have only very cloudy water. You now come to the realization, that it took twice as long to get the water to the point of looking very cloudy, then it did when you started to get it from muddy to murky. Getting the water from muddy to murky looking, was actually the easy part. Going from murky to very cloudy took twice as long and double the amount of gallons that you had dump out and replace. You continue the work. It now takes four times longer and four times the amount of gallons you have to dump and replace to get the water from very cloudy, to just cloudy. This job is getting to feel like it will never get done. With the continuing effort you find that it takes eight times longer and you had to dump and replace eight times the number of gallons of water, in order to get the water from just cloudy to clear. You have reached the point where the water is clear, although it is not crystal clear. Back to work dumping and replacing water again. Now it takes sixteen times longer with sixteen times the amount of water to dump and replace, to get the water from clear to crystal clear. Finally the job is done. Now remember that the swimming pool of water is your
Imagine This
spiritual body and the mud in the water, is the emotions that must be cleaned out in order for you to ascend. When you start doing the cleaning work, the task will seem like it is overwhelming and endless. If you dedicate yourself to the effort and stay with it continuously every day, the work will be completed in time. This will give you an idea of what it takes to spiritually cleanse your vibrational field, from emotions that no longer serve you for your highest good. Do you need another example to help you understand? Get a 5 gallonbucket of water and stir in a full cup of mud. Then get a teaspoon and take out one teaspoon of muddy water and replace it with one teaspoon of clear water. Do this a teaspoon at a time until the water is again crystal clear and clean. This will make a impression on you mind. We have stated that you must become a Master over all your emotions and feelings, no matter what emotions or feelings they are. We have stated that you must release and clear out all third dimensional emotions. When you release and clear out all third dimensional emotions, it does not mean that these emotions are no longer in you. They will always be in you as long as you are in a human body. What you are doing in the process of releasing and clearing, is eliminating them in your vibrational field and out of your cells, at the same time becoming aware of the emotions that are in your life and how and when you use them. As you recognize them, you begin to realize how your life is directly driven by them and how it affects all the people that you come in contact with in your daily life. As the awareness grows to greater levels, you begin to break the habits that you have formed around these emotions. Habits that were formed over a lifetime, will recreate the emotional vibrations in your field over again, in an instant. This part of the process of breaking old habits, becomes very challenging. You must reach a point where you no longer have any buttons left that someone can push, or that some kind of event can trigger into an emotional response within you or from you. You must reach a point where you will be able to observe all actions, reactions and any kinds of event, and the only kind of feelings, emotions and responses that you have, will be Unconditional Forgiveness, Unconditional Love and Compassion. You must be able to Observe everything without Judgement. In other words, emotions and feelings no longer drive you, instead, you have Mastered them by having complete control over them. You can now interact with all people and easily live the One Necessary Command In Life, To Love One Another. To start with, this
process sounds easy. After you start, you will eventually become aware of emotions and feelings that you have never recognized in yourself. For some people it will seem like an endless overwhelming task. Its not, we are just recognizing these emotions in our self, which is a real surprise to most people. It is a fact of life that people do not recognize how emotions affect their life. People think about emotions the same way that they think about the air they breath. Emotions are only recognized when they create a serious problem. The same way air is only recognized when we have a problem breathing. Remember. We have been playing with these emotions and feelings for thousands of years and many, many lifetimes for the purpose of becoming a Master over all of them. At the end of this lifetime and this age, the privilege of playing with them is over. At the end of 1999 and the beginning of the year 2000, we passed the half way point through the Apocalypse. The teaching of the lessons ended at that point in time. You are now past the point of learning. Everyone at the soul level has already made a choice as to where their future is headed. This is the time and the last chance to act on that choice. For those who wish to change their choice, there is still time left, very little time left. It is now time to clear out and release all 3rd dimensional emotions completely. At the same time, you release all Karma that is attached to them from this age of experience. Be aware that to return back to our dimensional homes we must ascend. We can do it one dimensional level at a time, over many millions of years, or we can choose to enter lightbody and make the ascension back to our dimensional home now, at this time. This is the time when the window of opportunity is open. After the dimensional shift happens, the window of opportunity in this 3rd dimension is gone. After the 3rd group ascends, the window of opportunity to ascension in lightbody, will also close. Only those who have acquired the knowledge of ascension here and now in this 3rd dimension, and physically ascend to the 4th dimension with full memory, including those that started the process of lightbody in this 3rd dimension, will be able to accomplish lightbody ascension in the 4th dimension. If you make the choice, you must start now. Regardless of which way you choose, some time, some where, now, or in another world or dimension, we will all eventually need to enter into lightbody, in order to make that final transition into Universal Consciousness. After the dimensional shift happens on this planet, all the information about ascension that is on the planet now, will no longer be available to you. Why? This information is here for you now, only at this point in
time, for this Special Window of Opportunity. There is no next window of opportunity, it does not exist. It may never be created in a 3rd dimensional age again. Could another window of opportunity be created? Only Creator knows! Direct ascension from a 3rd dimensional planet never happened before and there is no guarantee it will happen again.
Spiritual. The word spiritual starts with spirit, which is what we are. When we talk about a Spiritual Path, it refers to a person who is rediscovering that they are a spiritual being, who is in a human body for the purpose of experiencing what it feels like to be human. When we talk about Spiritual Awakening, we are referring to a person, who is raising their consciousness to a high level of understanding about their existence in the spiritual realm, our true home. On this path of spiritual awakening, they will be able to answer the question of, what is consciousness, to an ever increasing greater degree and greater depth, until they reach the truth about their true spiritual existence. They are also awakening to the true purpose of life on planet earth. Spiritual Growth is learning and understanding how emotions directly affect you, physically and spiritually. It is your ability to become a Master of Your Emotions, so emotions no longer control you. You control them. It is your ability to raise your vibration back up into the light and become One with Universal Consciousness again. As you can see, spiritual has nothing to do with what some people call a holy or religious person, or someone who has a deep faith. Spiritual is being consciously awake and evolving into an enlightened state of who and what you truly are, a Spiritual being. Consciousness. Consciousness is the knowledge of our spiritual existence of; Knowing who you are, Knowing where you came from, Knowing how you came here, Knowing what you are doing here, Knowing how to leave here, Knowing where you are going and Knowing how to get there. These are questions that people have been asking and searching for answers too, since mankind realized, there was more to life than the Nefilim Gods told us about. In the time peri-
We will now explain several important emotions and meanings of words as they are viewed from the Spiritual realm, Not the Human realm.
od, during the transition between 3rd and 4th dimension, called the Apocalypse, which we are in now, (that started in 1987 and will end in 2013), this information will be available on the planet during this 26 year time period, for those who choose to know. It will then cease to exist on the planet when this age is over, since it will have fulfilled its purpose. Universal Consciousness. This is a state of consciousness, in which we are directly connected to The Infinite Mind of Creator, The Prime Creator, The Source of all Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom. This is the consciousness that we are normally connected to. Creator has no physical form as we understand. Creator is pure Conscious Energy that fills the entire Cosmos. Christ Consciousness. This is a state of consciousness, in which we are connected to the Creator Son, who is called the Christ. The Christ Consciousness is the Creator of this universe that the planet Earth is located in. The Christ Consciousness has no physical form. This Creator Son is pure Conscious Energy that fills this universe. There are two levels to this consciousness. The level of learning and evolving is called the Christ Conscious level. The higher level of spiritual existence, is called the Light of the Christ Consciousness and you must be in the 11th or 12th level of lightbody, in order to be connected to this level of consciousness. Unconditional Love. First, you must realize, there are no conditions attached to something that is unconditional. You might say it means, there are no strings attached, no excuses, no exceptions. With Love, it means there are no conditions attached. Love is not a doing, it is not a condition, it is not raging hormones, it is not even an emotion, even though it is described as one in human terms. The true meaning of Love is, The Allowing Of All Life and All Creations To Exist In Harmony With Each Other. This is the fabric of the Cosmos (all universes), that holds all things together. On earth, it is the allowing of all people to live in harmony with each other. It is the allowing of Nature to live in harmony with itself, and with people and nature living in harmony together. It is the allowing of free choice to exist for the good of the All. The Law of Love that Jesus brought down to this planet, is based on this principle of Allowing all Life and All Creation To Exist In Harmony. Compassion. Is an Awareness or Knowing of the outcome of an event, or many events, Allowing Them To Happen, for good or bad, according to the choice that was made, without our judgement or intervention to alter the outcome. It is also assist-
ing others with their choices without our judgement or intervention to alter the outcome. We allow those who made a choice, to follow their chosen path. As you can see Love and Compassion are very closely intertwined together, although they are different and separate. Truth. This word has caused wars and chaos all through out human history. What is truth to one person is not truth to another. Truth is absolutely different for every person living on this planet. Your truth is based on your belief system. Your beliefs are mostly formed by the environment you grow up in. In other words, you are a product of your environment. The fact is, There is No Truth on a 3 r d dimensional level, since the 3rd dimension is a place where you are learning about truth. The closest you can come to truth on this level, is the Shadow of Truth. Realize that your Truth is based on three elements. It starts with the amount and type of Knowledge that you have. From this knowledge you will gain an Understanding of what it means. From the understanding of your knowledge, you will gain Wisdom. The amount of Wisdom you gain, becomes Your Truth. As you gain more Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom, Your Truth will change accordingly. Your Truth will constantly change all through your life. In the same way, truth will change for every person on this planet. If your Truth does not change through life, you are probably not growing in knowledge or understanding. In other words, The one thing that should be Constant in your life, Is Change. Your life should be constantly changing and this includes your belief system. Truth can never be found without change. Immortality. Many people believe that Immortality is living forever in one body, such as the Nefilim, who have an unlimited lifetime. The Nefilim are not immortal, they are only humanoids that have an unlimited physical life. The true meaning of Immortality, is going from one age of experience to another, without a loss of consciousness. It is going from one lifetime to another, without a loss of consciousness. It is going from one physical body into another physical body, without a loss of consciousness. In other words, we always know the answers to the questions of what consciousness is, no matter where we are in the universe, the cosmos, or whatever we are experiencing. We always know and no one has to tell or teach us. Immortality is a Spiritual State of Existence, a complete knowing through our connection to Universal Consciousness. Without this connection to Universal Consciousness we cannot regain Immortality. Ego. There are many religious and spiritual teachings today,
that state, the Ego must die and be replaced by God, the Spirit or something else. This is Not true. You must realize that your spirit is part of Creator and is already a driving force within you. You have a choice to follow your inner spirit (your soul), or to follow the direction of your Separate Self Consciousness. You always have this choice. It is Love, the fabric of the cosmos, that allows you to have this choice. The fact is, your spirit, (your soul), is Ego driven by its very nature, to learn about itself, to experience and to evolve. Remember, Evolution is never ending, it is a constant in the cosmos (the many universes). So the Ego is not Bad or Good, it just is. What the Ego does, can become bad or good, according to the path it takes in life. When it follows the Separate Self Consciousness completely, it will become engrossed in human emotions and easily lose direction. This is one of the reasons why good people do bad things. The Ego will never die, it cannot die, since it is part of our energy. Also remember that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, since it is a constant in the cosmos. Realize that energy can always be changed. Instead, the Ego must be redirected to follow the inner guidance of your spirit (your soul). When the Ego is redirected, it will use its inner drive to rediscover itself and reconnect back to Universal Consciousness. Then it becomes connected to the Mind of Creator and we again function as One with Creator. Your Final Spiritual Goal, is for You To Redefine Your Ego, As Spirit. Hate. This emotion can best be described as an all consuming emotion. Hate and Anger go together hand in hand. If you have one, you have the other, they are inseparable. Hate will block your ability to show true love and compassion. You cannot, and you will not grow spiritually when there is hate in you. It is on the same level of vibrations as fear. When you hold hate inside you, it will bring on disease, which will manifest itself as cancer. The vibration of the word Hate, is so strong on this planet, that when you use the word hate in your normal everyday language, such as, I hate when you do that, or, I hate that food, or using the word hate in any type of expression, even if it is just an innocent expression, it will bring the vibration of hate into your spiritual vibration and it will anchor itself to you and stay with you. Just saying the word hate, in any type of conversation, must be eliminated from your vocabulary. There is no spiritual growth when this vibration of hate is in you. Anger. We must make a clear distinction between the Gods of the bible and Creator. The Gods of the bible practiced anger and it is often referred to as Self Righteous Anger. This was
acceptable to the Gods, since they since used anger the same way humans do. Remember, the Gods of the bible are only 4th dimensional beings and they lived in a world of emotions. They are still on the path of evolution and they are still learning and evolving. They have much to learn. Know This; Creator does not accept, or honor Self Righteous Anger. There is no such emotion as Self Righteous Anger. Anger is Anger. It is karmic and it is against the Law of Love. If you practice it, you will pay the karmic penalties. This emotion is the venting of hate or the emotional release of hate. Anger is becoming one of the leading hidden causes of incurable cancer in the world today. The vibration of anger is magnified as the earth enters completely into the Photon belt. The process of this form of cancer, caused by the vibration of Anger, started to manifest in the year 1938, when the earth started entering the outer vibrations of the Photon belt. It has been increasing steadily every year since. When the earth actually started entering the Photon belt in 1987, the rate of cancer, caused from the vibration of anger greatly increased. It will continue to increase to the point of manifesting cancer at a continuously climbing higher rate. The vibration of anger and hate will enter whatever is the weakest part of the body and will manifest cancer starting in that weak part. When this type of cancer manifests in a body, the disease can also progress much faster. This type of cancer is not curable by modern medicine. Remember that anger is Karmic. These emotions of anger and hate must be removed before the cancer can be cured. It will soon be discovered, that removing Anger and Hate will bring on many miraculous healings from cancer, if there are no other complicating factors. What is not known, is that cancer is not a true disease. Cancer is the bodys response to protect itself from vibrations that enter it, that are not in harmony with the normal vibrations of the human body cells, by surrounding these foreign vibrations and isolating them to protect the body. These vibrations can be from emotions, viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungus, toxins from heavy metals, chemical toxins, pesticide toxins, food additives and a host of other elements. Everything on this planet carries a vibration. When an element enters the human body and it carries a vibration that is not in harmony with the cells of the human body, the bodys response is to protect itself, causing it to trigger the response that we call cancer. There is a group of genes that can be described as very weak genes in human DNA, often referred to as cancer genes. They are not cancer
genes or weak genes. Once they are triggered by the bodys response to protect itself, these genes trigger cells to multiply and they do not have the corresponding genes to regulate them or turn them off after they begin multiplying. When these cancer triggering elements with their out of harmony vibrations are removed from the body, the trigger response for cells to multiply is gone and the cancer can be eliminated. If the elements are not removed, the uncontrolled multiplying of these genes will eventually kill the body. The genes that regulate or turn off this body response are missing. They were taken out of the 12 strand DNA by the Nefilim, when the DNA was genetically engineered from 12 strand, down to 2 strand DNA. For the original purpose of human life, these genes were not necessary, just like the genes to eliminate pain during child birth were not necessary. These genes are still in the human cells, they are disassembled and are non functional. They are part of the 90% of the genetic material in the cell that is non functional. It is important to realize, cancer will increase as the end of the age draws closer, since this disease will become an exit door, through death, for many spirits leaving the planet. The pain and misery of going through this disease, will give many of them the opportunity to learn great lessons in love, compassion, forgiveness and hopefully release the anger and hate before it becomes a karmic issue, that must be experienced in another lifetime, in another 3rd dimensional world. There is another way to eliminate cancer from the human body. By working with vibrations, the cancer can be eliminated. The opposite vibration of the cancer cells, will destroy the cancer cells themselves. It is the same affect as canceling out noise by its direct opposite. This has already been discovered by sound engineers, although no one has any idea that it can be applied to medicine. There are also people world wide, called DNA Healers, that use this same principle by working directly with Creator. There are others that use the vibration of light, while working with Creator, to eliminate cancer. Also, changing the vibration of the elements that are out of harmony with the bodys cells, which are causing cancer, can eliminate the cancer. We repeat, these principles will not work on any person holding anger and hate within themselves, or is suffering from cancer, as a result of a karmic issue of anger and hate from present or past lives. Their Higher Self will not allow them to be healed, until they satisfy the karma, or wake up to the fact they must clear and release anger and hate from their life completely. Shame. This emotion is a direct result of the separation of the
spiritual beings from Universal Consciousness, as a result of their fall during the time of Atlantis. After the fall they became ashamed that they made such a foolish mistake. We inherit this shame and it is in every cell of our body. When you die and your spirit leaves the human body through deaths door, the shame is left in the dead body, so you do not take it with you. For those that choose to ascend, the vibration of shame must be cleared and released from every cell of the body. This is done over a period of time by spiritual clearings (flu like symptoms) and the petitioning of Creator to clear and release this emotion from your vibrational field. Fear. This emotion is necessary in the third dimension for our very survival. This type of fear will come and go as necessary to assure our survival from any type of event which threatens us. It is not a constant fear. When we live in constant fear, such as the fear of being condemned to live in Hell forever, the vibration of fear will completely stop us from growing spiritually. Fear is one of the lowest vibrations and one of the easiest ways to control others. We have pointed out how the Ten Commandments, that were given to Moses from the Nefilim Gods, are fear based, which is a constant fear that has stopped people from growing spiritually. Fear will keep you from stepping into the unknown, keeping your consciousness from growing. This constant fear must be eliminated. Fear is an opposite vibration from love and compassion. Love allows, fear stops. Selfishness. This emotion is born out of our will to survive. We all develop it at birth by pulling everything to us that we need to survive, (care, food, clothing, shelter, etc). Since we lost our connection to Creator, we must survive by our own efforts. Selfishness allows us to live separate from Creator. Without selfishness we would not survive. Selfishness is a hidden root of all emotions and the hidden root of all human problems and it is not recognized. Every human has the emotion of selfishness. You need it to survive with a Separate Self Consciousness. Unconditional Forgiveness. This is the act of absolute forgiveness. It means to forgive everyone completely, without any conditions or strings attached. Know that forgiveness is one of the highest vibrations and it is absolutely necessary in order to reach unconditional love and compassion. Know that it is wise to know your enemies. Even though you forgive them, they may still be your enemies and may seek to harm or destroy you. This is one of the fine lines that you must walk in this 3rd dimensional reality of opposites. Ego - Apathy - False Gods. These three emotions are the ones
that are held by almost everyone world wide and are now the greatest stumbling blocks for all humanity. Ego becomes predominant and turns into a self driving force within you, when you choose to serve yourself, instead of others. We become so self centered that we forget or ignore the good of others around us. Your Ego is directed by your belief system and your Separate Self Consciousness. When you make a choice to serve yourself, your Ego leads the way directed by the Separate Self. It is the Self Serving Ego that is a major problem today. Spiritual Ego is the greatest and usually the last stumbling block for those on a serious spiritual path, especially those who enter lightbody. This will be their greatest challenge. The feeling within you is, look what I am, or look what I have accomplished. I am now greater than you. You can say it is feeling spiritually superior over others. You feel spiritually superior, since you have accomplished something that others have not or could not. Also know that Spiritual Ego is tied directly to Spiritual Arrogance. You must recognize spiritual arrogance and overcome it. Apathy is the attitude, that it is not my problem. So I do not care since I cant do anything about it anyway. We look the other way and ignore problems until they affect us personally. It has to affect our job, family or our income, before most people will even admit that there is a problem. The great silent majority of society, are the ones who are guilty for allowing wars to exist, poverty to flourish and the great social problems that plague the world today. They refuse to look and see what is happening outside their little private world around them. They refuse to learn and educate themselves about lifes problems and are too busy with their personal life, to spend their precious personal time and energy to help make a positive change for the good of the all. At this point in a persons spiritual growth, apathy is another indicator that the person is serving self, since it is not concerned with serving others. Those that serve self will have a very difficult time moving forward spiritually. Apathy and Ego point out your direction in life. Think about it? False Gods. Whatever or Wherever we put out Time, Energy and Resources into, and put our Hearts Desires and Mind into, has the potential to become a false god. It can be a can of beer, a car, a boat, a house, another man or woman, or another person, a job, a hobby, a sport, an obsession or anything else that consumes the greater part of us in accomplishing it. It can become an uncontrolled, overwhelming hearts desire. It is that
which we have accomplished, in any way or form, that we are so attached to, that we can not walk away from it, or turn away from it. In other words it owns us, instead of us owning it. We can willingly give anything our Time, Energy and Resources. If something possesses and controls us, taking or consuming our Time, Energy and Resources from us by itself, it may have already turned into a false God to that individual. Our attitude in life will directly affect how we choose false gods. We have a choice. You can chose to serve others during your life on earth, or You can choose to serve yourself. Choosing to serve others is a higher spiritual path that leads back to Creator. On this path we become aware of false gods and realize how they affect us, helping us to make wise choices. Choosing to serve yourself is a path that leads away from Creator into spiritual darkness. This path totally blinds us to false gods and is Self Ego driven. As you can see by the numbers of those who are not prepared at this time, to make the shift into the 4th dimension during the dimensional pole shift, it is very clear how these three emotions are affecting the whole world. Over 90% of the worlds population of 6 billion people is directly and deeply affected by these three emotions. Do you remember the main traits that separate the Sons of Darkness from the Sons of Light? The Sons of Darkness are Self Serving. The Sons of Light Serve Others. Where do you fit in this picture? Who do you serve? Sons of Darkness. These are individuals, male and female who are Self Serving. They are Ego driven to control and possess for their own self satisfaction and power. Their goals and desires in life come before everyone else. There are those who seek wealth, and or, positions of power to control and dominate others. This happens on all levels of society from the individual, up through the family, all the way up into positions of leadership, authority and power. Sons of Light. These are individuals, male and female who are here to Serve Others. Their main goal is service to others. They may serve others publically or be completely hidden from the public eye. It is the True Intent of the Heart to serve, that makes one a Son of Light. Remember, the word Son, is an ancient expression that includes all humans, male and female. There are 5 emotions that are very important. These are called the KEYS. They are the KEYS to Direct or Group Ascension and joining back to Universal Consciousness. They are; Compassion, Caring, Gentleness, Kindness and Harmlessness.
When you perfect these Vibrations within yourself and they become a permanent part of you in your daily life, it will lead you to the highest vibrations of Unconditional Forgiveness, Compassion, and Unconditional Love. The Natural Outcome From These Vibrations is that You Become An Observer, Your True Spiritual State. You must be perfected in these vibrations before you can Ascend directly to the higher dimensional levels you originally came from, a place called home. It is important to know, that it does not matter what your faith is, what religion you belong to, what church you attend, what your nationality is or even if you have no faith at all. Religions, different Faiths, spiritual techniques, mystery schools, sacred studies and many more are all different paths to spiritual growth. You have to ask yourself, which is the true path? They all contain truth to different degrees. It does not matter which path you started out on. What is important to know is that there are many paths, but, there is only One Way. All these paths are human aspects that evolved from human thinking and they are not important in the big picture. They will all pass away at the end of this age. You should have already gained the Wisdom to know what is important. If you do not realize what is important, we will state it in clear language. In this 3rd dimensional reality, you are given opportunities in countless ways to practice Love and Compassion. Thats what all the up and downs in life are, thats what all the good and bad things that happen to you are, thats what all the diseases, poverty, catastrophes and every single event in your life are for. They are all lessons and opportunities to practice love, compassion, caring, gentleness, kindness, harmlessness and unconditional forgiveness. You were given the Law of Love, which is, Love One Another As I Have Loved You. It can also be stated as, Do On To Others As You Would Have Them Do On To You. OR, Love Thy Neighbor As Thy Self, OR, Love Everyone As You Love Yourself, OR, Love Others As They Wish To Be Loved. They all mean exactly the same thing. This Law has been given by countless Master Teachers of the Order of Melchizedek. They have come to this planet in every nationality and on every continent of this world. Some of these Master Teachers were made into Gods by human adoration and devotion which then evolved into major world religions. The many other Master Teachers did their work silently, without being noticed by the public.
sage, in many different ways and forms so that it was understandable by every person, every race and every nation in this CH IS THE ONE WAY, is within us, it is world. This law of Love, WHIC in every single person, it is already in our hearts. It is time to wake up and recognize it. Kn now This; The teaching on this planet has come to an end at the mid point of the apocalypse, it happened in late 1999. This age of learning lessons about emotions and the privilege to learn to master them is over. Now you are only being reminded of what you already learned and already know. Your Spiritual growth is a direct result of how you live with and treat ALL people in your daily life, while living in this world. nds and ALL enem mies. . (LOVE ONE ANOTHER) It includes ALL frien This is the Standard that You will Judge Yourself by when You leave this world. It is the Standard by which you are measured against, to see if you will Ascend home, go to the 4th dimension, repeat this 3rd dimensional experience all over again, or drop f LOVE and down to the lower dimensions. It is the STANDARD of . COMPASSIO ON. . There is no other Standard. THIS IS THE ONE WAY. r Way. . It is as simple as that. There is No Other Remember, the Vibration of Love is the very Fabric that the entire Cosmos is created of and It holds all things together. The way you live with all people, is that you interact with them EMOTIONALLY, using both good and bad EMOTIONS daily. Think about it. Humans are driven by emotions. Life is all about ry THO OUG GHT, ever ry ACTIO ON, is DRIVEN by EMO Oemotions. Ever TIO ONS. . Thats what we are here to learn about, EMOTIONS, and to become a Master over all of these EMOTIONS. Thats what life is all about. Everyone already knows this in their heart. It is a matter of personal choice how you live with and treat all the people in your life. It is your choice how you emotionally react to all lifes situations. The proof that you learned your lessons and mastered your emotions, is shown by how you Love One Another. You Must Love Everyone. It is as simple as that. Stop for a minute and judge yourself. Now be honest. Are the emotions of Love, Compassion, Caring, Forgiveness, Gentleness, Kindness, and Harmlessness a way of life with you? If they are not, you have a lot of work to do and very little time left to do it in. Remember, your ordinary daily life and your daily emotions are your true spiritual path. You dont change your life to be spiritual. You change the way you use your emotions and the kind of emotions you use. Your normal every day physical life is
your spiritual life and it is your choice to recognize this fact or deny it. Thats the way it is! Read This Paragraph Slowly To Understand It Completely. Then Read It Again So You Will Not Forget It. We again bring you this information from the Akashic records, as a reminder to keep you awake to this fact. Approximately 200 people, out of the total number of the worlds population of 6 billion, are the only ones who have gained back Universal Consciousness in the last 13,000 years. That includes all the spiritual beings that have lived on this planet earth in this 3rd dimension. This extremely small number, should wave a red flag in your mind, that returning home to your former existence in the spiritual realms is serious work, it takes dedication and serious life changes. It should also raise giant red flags in your mind, that what the greatest majority of the world is doing, to accomplish what they call their salvation, is Not working and has Not worked for the last 13,000 years. So you need to open your eyes and wake up to the fact, that emotions trapped you in this 3rd dimensional world. Working with your emotions, becoming a Master over all emotions and the clearing and releasing of all emotions that belong to this 3rd dimensional world, is the One Way, The Only Way that will free you from this world. Remember, that out of this small group of 200, a handful of them have returned, again and again to awaken you to these facts that we have presented to you. This handful has stepped back into this reality with you and lost their conscious connection to Creator all over again. They then learned all over again how to become a Master over all their emotions and joined back to Universal Consciousness again. They have done this more than once. Some have accomplished this several times, just to show how easily it can be done. If they can do it, you can do it! You have to make the personal choice to change and commit yourself to the work, no one can do it for you. rpose In Every human on this planet has only One True Pur r. That is the lesson in this 3rd Lif fe. . To Lear rn To Love One Another dimension. Remember, the proof you learned your lessons and Mastered your emotions is shown by how you Love One Another.
We have stated earlier in the text, that planet earth became a school for all the spiritual beings that fell at Atlantis. The purpose of this school, was a place to experience all emotions to the greatest degree possible. This is spiritual teaching according to Universal Law. At the time that we were experiencing all these
School is Closed
emotions, we did not know about Universal Law. We learned by the school of hard knocks, by trial and error, so that the lessons we learned, would become part of our spirit. Hopefully they will not be forgotten or fade in time. We have just stated, that the teaching on this planet has come to an end at the mid point of the Apocalypse, which happened in late 1999. We will explain this more clearly. The spiritual teaching of lessons, for the purpose of becoming a master over our emotions, is the teaching that has come to an end on this planet. This teaching of lessons is the result of all the karma that we have collected according to Universal Law, which dictates what experiences we will have in every lifetime. In other words, the end of teaching means, we do not need to experience new situations or events in our life, to learn any more new lessons about emotions. Everyone has already experienced all that is necessary in the many lives we lived, to learn about emotions. We do not need any more lessons to learn from in this life and that is why the teaching has come to an end. This school on planet earth, to learn about all 3rd dimensional emotions, is closed, the teaching is finished. You graduate by ascending to the next level or repeat it all over again in another school. Another way of looking at it, is through Universal Law. As you do to others, so shall the same be done to you. Since we dont need these experiences of, so shall the same be done to you, we have the privilege to stop these lessons. It is called the releasing of karma. In other words the teaching of spiritual lessons is over and that is the teaching that has come to an end. For those who are ready and preparing to make the ascension to the next dimensional level or beyond, the only lessons you will be experiencing are lessons to make you aware of emotions that you must clear and release. When you do this, all the karma that is attached to them is also cleared and released. As long as you do not recreate any new karma of the same kind, you will not be tested on that lesson again. Do not confuse the spiritual teaching, that came to an end on this planet, with physical teaching and learning about any type of new or old knowledge. The physical teaching such as in schools, colleges, technical institutes, seminars, spiritual techniques, spiritual information, spiritual updates, new sciences, translations of ancient texts, and the learning of any type of physical knowledge, will continue on as normal. You will continue to learn from teachers and others, who have something important or necessary that you feel is needed in your life to succeed. This type of teaching will continue as usual.
There is a flow of information coming down to the planet, for the sole purpose of helping those who are spiritually asleep to awaken. For them all information is important. For those who are spiritually awakened and those who are spiritually advanced, this information may seem like old news. Be aware that the information is constantly changing. We all have different interests at different times of our life. Follow your instinct to learn what is important for you.
To give a few examples how we treat other people, lets start with judgement and its karmic effects. Do you remember what karma means and what it will do to you? Karma is, in simple terms, What You Do To Other People, Will Also Be Done To You. Have you ever heard the Expression, What Goes Around, Comes Around? It means the same thing. How you treat every person in every life time will all come back to you in the next lifetime or it can come back quickly in this same lifetime. There will be people who will treat you the same way that you treated other people. It may be a stranger, a boss, a family member of even a friend. Take judgement as an example. The amount of judgement and how severely you judge another, will come back to you, so that you can experience what the person felt like that you judged. Say for instance that you are a manager in a company. You are a boss over many people. Lets say that you judge someone so unfairly that they get fired from that job. The next lifetime around, you will be the person who is judged by an unfair boss and you will lose your job. It can even happen in this lifetime, that someone in a position higher than you, will fire you from your position. You will experience the same amount of hurt and misery that you originally did to the person, who you first judged. Lets say that you are an abusive spouse and you physically and psychologically abuse your mate. The next lifetime you will have a mate that will abuse you to the same degree. Lets say, that you are an abusive parent to your children. The next lifetime you will be an abused child to the same degree that you abused your children. It can also happen in this lifetime. When you reach an older age and become feeble and incapacitated, the very children you abused may be the ones who will take care of you in your old age and return the same abuse back to you. A person who murders someone, will come back in another lifetime to be murdered, so that they can feel what it is like to have their life taken away. Someone may even murder you in this lifetime. People who dominate other people,
will come back in another lifetime to experience the same level of domination by others. In this lifetime, you may even be put in a position where you will be dominated by others. As an example, you may be falsely accused of a crime and sentenced to a long jail term. You are now dominated by the legal system. If you were a thief in this lifetime, the next lifetime you will have your possessions stolen just like you did to other people. You may even have all your possessions taken away in this lifetime ,by someone else or even by an act of nature such as a hurricane or tornado. Remember the law? Do On to Others As You Would Have Them Do On to You. Love One Another As You Love Yourself. Are you getting the big picture? In your daily life, how you treat every person that you have anything to do with, is where all the karma is created, and where all the karma comes back for you to experience. This is where all our lessons come from, so that we can become Masters of all our emotions. Do you ever wonder why bad things happen to good people? Very simple. They are at the receiving end in this lifetime, experiencing the karma they created, by doing bad things to other people in past lifetimes. Even though they may be a very good person in this lifetime, they will still have to experience all the bad things they did to other people during past lifetimes. That is the way the Universal Laws work, that is the way Karma works. What you have done to others, will be done to you either in this lifetime or future lifetimes. Be aware, since we are at the end of this age, karma is now coming back quickly. For those on the spiritual path, it is coming back very quickly, sometimes within hours, days or weeks. This is a blessing, since it is making you aware of emotions that need to be recognized and dealt with. For others, not on a spiritual path, it will most likely collect for the next lifetime. Now for an example, lets take a look at national karma, specifically the United States. Have you noticed the great push for the production and use of genetically modified seeds in this country. People do not realize, that this has created national karma for the United States. Why? The hidden reason for genetic seeds is for total control of the food supply for profit and power over people. Seed is a gift from Creator to be used freely by all humans and animals on this planet. It is a basic right for all humans, the nature kingdom and the animal kingdom to have the seeds for all to use freely according to the Divine Plan for life on this planet. This also applies to the herbs on this planet. No one has the right to control the gifts from Creator and to use them to control other peoples lives. For humans, it is the
basic element of your survival. If you cannot grow or harvest the fruit of the earth freely, you will be controlled by whoever controls the seeds. At this point in time, your basic right to use, save and grow seeds, has been taken away by the hidden intent of genetic seeds. You must buy the genetic seeds from the people who now grow the seeds. After they are planted and mature, the seeds that the plants produce will not grow, they are modified so they will not grow again. You must go back to the seed company and buy their seed again and again. You will soon have no choice. Pay attention! Look at the ownership of the major seed companies. They are almost all controlled by one power. Look at the new laws about seeds in this country. They legally support the control of seeds by one power. Look at the seed companies and how they are now dealing with farmers. They are forcing the farmers into using genetic seeds or they will be forced out of business. Up to this point, this is all karma against all the individual people, who are creating this control over seeds. Now you will see this country and the major seed companies trying to force their seed on other countries. When this happen, the karma then becomes national karma and this whole nation will have to suffer the consequences. Realize that when genetic seeds are openly planted, over time they will affect the natural seeds causing nature to lose its natural balance. This in time will affect the natural reproduction of seed and it will affect the whole animal kingdom, since this is the basic source of all food on the planet. There are many who think they can save their heirloom seeds, reproducing and sharing them and avoid this seed control system. There is new technology that is called Terminator technology, a process by which they can take heirloom seeds, treat them and stop them from germinating a second time. So you see, the control is almost complete and very few people realize this has already happened. Great karma has already been created against humans and if the genetic seeds become wide spread, the damage to the nature and animal kingdom will create more karma and it will add to the national karma against the Unites States, that will come back on all the people of this nation. When and how this karma will come back to be cleared, is dictated by universal law. As you do unto others, so shall it be done unto you. That also includes what you do to, or against the animal and nature kingdoms. The karmic debt could very likely affect your food supply in this country. Or, another nation could dominate and control this country. It can happen in many unrecognized ways. Or, Mother nature can step in and settle the score. Time will tell!
The emotion of apathy allowed this to happen. The great silent majority of people in this country are too busy to notice and understand what is happening around them. They allowed it to happen by their apathy, an attitude that its not my problem. Realize that this is only one example of national karma and also an example of the emotion of apathy that allows karmic situations like this to happen.
Realize that every emotion has an opposite emotion. Remember that this is a world of duality, which means that everything has an opposite. It is time for you to recognize the opposites of all emotions, by becoming your own private investigator of all your emotions. No one else is going to help you. Its your lessons, you have to figure it all out, thats how you learn. Once you recognize the emotions that chose bad karma, then find the opposite, you will then realize that you have a choice. Now you can choose to change the way you act toward all people, by using emotions that create good karma. Thats how you become a Master over all your emotions. Realize that the emotions that you cannot control, the ones that keep repeating themselves, those are biggest ones that create bad karma. They are the ones that you are here for in this lifetime, to recognize, work on and change. These are your greatest emotional challenges that you need to recognize now. Remember. Planet earth is a school where you are learning about emotions. When you recognize the emotions, feelings and situations that are causing you problems, those you are struggling with, STOP . Then say these words out loud. THIS IS ONLY A TEST, THIS IS ONLY A TEST, THIS IS ONLY A TEST. When you hear these words with your own ears, you will begin to come to a new realization of why you are struggling with these emotions. Do this often and you will be able view these emotions, from a totally different perspective. It will begin to change your attitude about life, with its many trials and challenges. Realize that your daily life is the TEST and every person and every event and situation in your life is part of the TEST. The TEST begins the moment you are born and is over the moment when you spirit separates from the body in death. Everything that happens between birth and death, is the TEST. The TEST is the continuous choices you make everyday. Practically every person has experienced the physical death of a loved one or an intimate friend. Think back when that person died. Do you remember what that person took with them?
Absolutely Nothing! Only the spirit of that person left. All the events of their entire life, both good and bad karma, were recorded daily in the Akashic Records, which the bible calls the Book of Life. This karma will set the agenda for lessons to experience in the next lifetime. This is the way we have all been leaving this earth after every lifetime until now. In this lifetime, since we are now in the photon belt, we can eliminate all karma, freeing us from the lessons that have kept us here on this planet. At the end of this age, those who are diligently working toward physical Ascension, will have the privilege at this departure from the planet, to take their evolved lightbody with them. Since there is no more karma to work out or lessons to learn, there is no purpose to come back to this dimensional level. Just think? For those that will ascend in lightbody, there will no physical body to morn over, no body to bury, no funeral. Not a trace of that person will be left. For those who may be fortunate to witness this event, there will only be a dusting of ash at the spot where that person was, just before they ascended. Do you think this event might stir peoples emotions or cause some distress in our modern society? Or will the event be ignored and brushed aside as a strange phenomenon? Will there be enough people who will ascend in this country, that people will notice the event, or will there be so few that ascend, that it will go by totally unnoticed? Only time will tell!
We now go back to the words of the Master Teacher in Matthew, 18-2,3; And Jesus Called A Little Child Unto Him, And Set Him In The Midst Of Them, And Said. I Assure You, Unless You Change And Become Like Little Children, You Will Not Enter The Kingdom Of God. We stated that this statement is profound, positive and clear beyond the shadow of doubt. Also know that the child Jesus called unto Him, was 12 months old. Now lets examine the basic traits of a young child as opposed to adults. To start with they have very little fear, hate, anger, revenge, or judgement. When they do, it does not last long and does not stay with them. They are always looking and trying new things to entertain themselves. Getting into different situations to experience what it feels like. They are trusting of their parents and they quickly forget when they are disciplined. They dont hold bad feelings against their parents for discipline. When they fight with their friends, they always make up and play with them again. Usually within minutes. They crave attention from their parents and are very loving even after being disciplined. They
quickly forget the bad moments in their life and go forward with living. They are contented with the simpler things of life. When you pay attention to their basic traits you will come to realize that at their level, they practice love as a continuous way of life. They are very big on compassion and do not dwell on fear, hate, anger, revenge or judgement. If they do, it is only for a short time and it quickly passes. Do you realize that all these traits are emotions, the very emotions that we were discussing in this book? By the inner instinct of their spirit, they are living the higher vibrations of Love and Compassion. As they start to grow up, they are taught the many different low vibrations by the people around them. It is the adults that teach the children the low vibration emotions, by their words, actions and examples. That is why Jesus said that we adults must change and become like little children, or we will not enter into the kingdom of God. That is exactly what we have been telling you and explaining to you in this book. You must live with love and compassion like the little children and let all the low vibration emotions go, or you will not ascend to the higher dimensional levels. In this simple statement of the Master Teacher, you have the same truth, that we have presented to you in this book. How much more proof do you need to realize, that you must become a Master over all your emotions and the Law of Love, is the One Way to Accomplish this. Realize, when the dimensional pole shift happens, the experiment of 2 strand DNA will come to an end. In other words, your life will be over, ended. The great opportunities to learn lessons about emotions and to evolve in such a short time, will come to an end. The privilege to ascend from a 3rd dimensional planet directly to the higher dimensional realms, will also come to an end, since this is a one time opportunity. If you do not ascend to the 4th dimension at this time, you will lose the privilege to be part of the human race in the future. Know that after the human race evolves in the 4th dimension, it will have the capability to evolve as fast, or faster then homo erectus, since we have their genes and a variety of others including Nefilim genes. The human race will also have the same capability and privilege to make an evolutionary leap, just like the Men and Women of Renown did. Remember, they were also part homo erectus, part human and part Nefilim. The human race has the potential to become one of the great races in this universe and to become travelers throughout the cosmos. Something to really think about! Imagine! The privilege to live in a human body for an unlimited lifetime as a young adult!
Never aging, no disease! The opportunity to continually travel through the universes to explore and experience on a never ending adventure!
The destruction of the Twin Trade Towers in New York and the attack on the Pentagon is still fresh in most peoples minds. There is great controversy why this happened, from conspiracy theories to the work of terrorists. There are many that believe it was allowed to happen as an excuse for this country to start a war, with the underlying cause being the control of oil. This is true. All this will play out in the news and the truth may possibly come out in time. What we can say, is that this event is a lesson of emotions on a grand scale. We wish to give you a different view from the spiritual side which is not what people may expect. All the people that died in the 911 event, excluding the terrorist hijackers, are connected together as a spiritual group. In the physical world, most did not know each other, they were basically strangers. Before any of them were born in this lifetime, they made a decision in the spiritual realm, to work together as a spiritual group. They came into this lifetime as this spiritual group, for the purpose of being available and ready to sacrifice their life, if it was needed for a higher purpose. The higher purpose was to raise the level of compassion and love on a grand scale, to balance karma and to keep the world consciousness evolving to a higher level. This must be understood. Since the 3rd dimension ended in 1987, the world consciousness started to grow. It grew at a fairly steady rate all the way up to the year 2000 and then it slowed down and almost stopped. We talked about the five Satans that were already on the planet since 1972 and that the Lucifer Rebellion spilled over onto the planet through their efforts. These Satans were working overtime, to stop the growth of the world consciousness. In the month of November 2000, a sixth Satan came down to the planet. This Satan has been dipping in and out of the affairs of man for a time, before coming down to the planet to stay for a while. At this time there was a great spiritual awakening happening in the United States and Satanic plans were being made to slow it down and stop it. The people of the United States were the target of this Satan and its efforts were directed at the Presidential election. Most people should remember the elections since they were full of controversy that affected the whole nation. This drawn out event helped to slow down the spiritual conscious growth of the U. S. On the other side
of the world, Satanic work was being done to create a world, that would be drawn into war. The way to create a lasting war, would be to make sure the worlds super power was part of it. This became reality as a result of the terrorist attack on the Twin Trade Towers and the Pentagon. The attack was successful and created a new ongoing war against terrorism, that would be driven by the one world super power, the U. S. This Satan would now instigate a justifiable war, that would reach anywhere there were terrorists, that the U.S. felt were a threat to its security. In the pursuit of the just right to self defense, the U.S. was drawn into the planned war created by the Satanic forces. One outcome of the attack was not expected by the Satanic forces. The great loss of life, created an outpouring of Love and Compassion from people around the world toward all those that died and their survivors. This was not expected to happen and this event started the world consciousness growing again. All those that died in the 911 event, were prepared at the spiritual level to make this sacrifice, by being the innocent victims in this attack on the U.S., for the greater good of the All. Their death reawakened in people, the highest vibrational emotions of Love and Compassion. In the human way of thinking, the 911 event was a devastating catastrophe. From the spiritual view, it was a great blessing, that awakened many sleeping spirits to reorientate their lives to become more meaningful and fruitful, physically and spiritually. This attack on the United States, also helped balance karmic debt against this country, for the use of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Japan in world War II. Also know that all the karmic debt against the U.S. for using the two atomic bombs on Japan, is still not yet satisfied. The spiritual awakening was now growing again. Now it was necessary for the Satanic forces, to raise the level of war to a higher level and try to stop the reawakened world consciousness from growing again. The help arrived when a seventh Satan entered the world in May of 2002. This Satan would concentrate on expanding the war against terrorism and also at the same time, expanding the acts of terrorism as much as possible and for as long as possible. So you see, there are Satans working on both sides of the war. The Satanic forces are driving the terrorism on one side and they are also driving for the defeat of terrorism on the other side. It does not matter who you think is right or wrong in this war, or which is the evil side or the good side. Wake up and look at the big picture. The end result is an ongoing war, no matter who started it, with the attitude and feelings of everyone, on both sides, thinking they are justified in fighting this war. War
is war, no matter what the reason. There is only one winner in this war. The Victory goes to the Satanic Forces. The result of the ongoing war, is that the world consciousness has now stopped growing and is starting to drop. Those on both sides of the war, say that God is on their side. We wish to remind you, that Creator is not on any side. Creator allows us to make our own free choices, so that we can learn from them. That is why we were given the Law of Love One Another, As I Have Loved You, OR, Do Unto Others, As You Would Have Them Do Unto You, OR, Love Thy Neighbor As Thy Self, they all mean the same thing. The first response from people is, when we are attacked, we have no choice, we must defend our self. This is absolutely true according to your thinking, you dont have a choice, or do you? This is the TEST of a nation on a national level! Think! As a nation, did you Pass or Fail the TEST? Look at the big picture and realize that in an ongoing war, there is no right or wrong. We are all players in the same game. What does war do? It brings up the lowest vibrational emotions of fear, revenge, hate, anger, judgement, blame and many others. No matter which side of the war you are on, you will be affected by these emotions. This gives us the opportunity to play with these emotions, to become masters over them and replace them with forgiveness, love and compassion. That is the TRUE TEST. We ask the question again! Did the U.S. pass or Fail the TEST? All those that died on 911 in the attack against the United States, are only one small group. There are many more groups, some here and others around the world, that have made the same spiritual commitment to sacrifice their lives, as a group for the greater good of the All, if and when it is needed. Be aware that there are large spiritual groups, that are around 80,000 spirits in human bodys, that are prepared to become innocent victims and make the same sacrifices as those of the 911 group. Realize that these groups can easily join together greatly increasing their numbers. Do you realize that in the U.S., there is a group that is as large as the size of a big city? They are prepared to be innocent victims. Think of what kind of event it would take to destroy a city? And No, we are not talking about New Orleans and their destruction by hurricanes. We will now tell you what no one in the United States will want to hear. Realize that there were also spiritual groups in Afghanistan and Iraq that have made the same sacrifice, giving up their life, by being innocent victims of the United Stated war against terrorism. They gave their lives for the greater good, to
balance karma against their nation and to reawaken the world consciousness to start growing again in that part of the world. There are also spiritual groups on both sides of the Arab Israeli conflict in Israel. It does not matter if a country is the attacker, or if a country has been attacked by someone, there are spiritual groups on both sides of every war and on both sides of every conflict. They are already committed and spiritually prepared to sacrifice their lives for the greater good of the All. We wish to tell you, that the greater majority of those in the spiritual groups, that gave up their lives as victims for the greater good of the All, have earned the privilege to ascend to the 4th dimension. By their sacrifice, the majority have completed their lessons by giving their life for another, so that others would have the opportunity to awaken to the higher vibrational emotions of Love and Compassion, as a result of their death. We wish to point out a threat to world peace that is not recognized and not accepted. When the Soviet Union fell, it disintegrated as a super power, leaving the United States as the only remaining world super power. This was viewed as good since the U. S. was not an aggressive military nation and stood for equality. After the 911 terrorist attack, the U.S. adopted a new policy of First Strike. In other words they would attack any one, or any nation that they felt was a threat to their national security. The U.S. now took on the roll as a World Military Aggressor. The U.S. is now a threat to world peace with the policy of First Strike. The U.S. has already attacked and invaded two nations, Afghanistan and Iraq and it should be obvious, that there may be more. Realize that the conquest of any nation by another nation, will create karma for the conquerors. Remember, As You Do Unto Others, So Shall It Be Done To You. Know that the terrorist attack against the U.S. by the terrorists, created karma for those that planned, supported and executed the attack against the U.S. If the U.S. would join together with other nations in fighting terrorism, instead of going it alone, there would be a balancing of karma. To root out and punish those that were responsible for planning, supporting and executing of the attack, is all that is acceptable by karmic law, to bring about a balance of karma. Any military action beyond that, creates karma against the U.S. The killing of innocent people in Afghanistan, which the U.S. calls collateral damage, has already created great karma against the United States that will have to be balanced. The number of those killed in Afghanistan, is far greater than those killed in the U.S. from the terrorist attack on 911. The number killed in Iraq is also very large, although it is not published. All
those that died in Iraq from the U.S. invasion are karmic deaths, since the invasion was unjustified and the karma must be balanced against the U.S. This is direct karma against the U.S. If the U.S. remains on this path of First Strike for national security, it will create more karma against itself and plunge the world into a war against the Arab world. It will also encourage other nations, such as North Korea, Iran and China, to declare a first strike policy. Realize that it is the apathy of the American people that is allowing this to happen and continue. It is also the American people that will suffer the full karmic consequences, when the balancing of karma takes place. There may be many spiritual groups called upon in the U.S., to make the sacrifice of giving their life to balance this karma. For those that live in the U.S., we ask the question, are you part of the problem by supporting the policy of First Strike, which is resulting in the ongoing destruction of other nations, or are you part of the solution, looking for a way to end the violence and establish a peaceful existence? Or are you one of the great majority that is guilty of apathy? Remember. As You Do Unto Others, So Shall It Be Done To You. In the month of March, 2004, the nation of Spain was rocked with a series of bombs, on a passenger train, that killed over 170 people. This was a terrorist act. The people that died from the bombing of the train, are all part of a small spiritual group. This is one of the many spiritual groups that we have just talked about. Then in 2005 you had terrorists attack the subway trains in England setting off several bombs killing many people. This is another spiritual group. The next terrorist attack happened in 2006 in India as their trains were bombed causing more loss of life. Again, another spiritual group steps forward. Wake up to the fact, there will be many more spiritual groups called upon in the days ahead. We once again ask the Question? Did the U.S. as a nation Pass or Fail the Test? Now looking at the bigger picture, is the world Passing or Failing the Test? Have the people of the world learned to Love One Another? If they have, then why is there continuous war and growing world terrorism? Realize terrorism is rooted in oppressed people who have lost all hope even though you may not see or understand their loss of hope. Through out the book, we presented information to open your consciousness up to a higher level, for the purpose of awakening you to the fact, that you are spirit hiding in a human body. We have taken you back to the past and explained the important events as they affected the human race. We have
then brought you forward in time, filling in the missing pieces of the big picture. We have answered the questions of what consciousness is. Who you are, where you came from, why you are here, what you are doing here, how to leave here, knowing where you are going and how to get there. You have been given information in this book, that has never been recorded on the planet before. Also information that was previously lost through time and destroyed on purpose, to hide truth from man. Truth has again been revealed, to expose writings that were altered, misinterpreted and misunderstood. We have taken you back in time and revealed truth that is recorded in the Akashic Records, so that you will come to realize that everything is not what it seems to be. Planet earth is an experiment of total separation from Creator. We are living in physical bodies that were created for us, so that we could learn and experience what we could not experience in the spiritual realms, emotions. We are all actors, playing our parts on this physical stage called earth, learning lessons about emotions and experiencing them to the deepest levels possible. Everything in the spiritual realms is hidden from us, to make the experience seem absolutely real. The experiment worked beautifully. The only problem is, humans think the experiment is the real thing. Humans are having an exceptionally hard time awakening to the truth, they are spirit hiding in a human body. Humans still think they are only human trying to have a spiritual experience. Its time to wake up and realize you are spirit having a human experience. The truth is, every thing you see, is not real. What you do not see, is real. Ready or not, your eyes will soon be opened to what is real and what is truth, when the dimensional shift takes place. We wish to address a point of confusion and controversy about being religious or spiritual, or both. Think about this carefully. Religion is a human institution. It is created, directed and maintained by humans. You are obligated to follow their teachings, their beliefs and their created laws in order to be accepted by them and be recognized as one of them. You accept the limitations from the religion or faith you follow. You accept the belief they are there to serve you and help you grow spiritually. In this process you may also have the privilege to serve them and others in their institution. Being spiritual is awakening to what you truly are, a spiritual being hiding in a human body. It is a state of mind awareness about yourself which we call consciousness. Being spiritual is not a human institution. You are not obligated to anyone in
order to be spiritual. You are not attached to any institution so you are free to learn about yourself, the world around you and Creators laws, all according to your knowledge, understanding and wisdom, and in this process, learning to Love One Another. You have the privilege to study knowledge from around the world to learn from. You have no limitations. You have the privilege to serve others according to your personal beliefs. These are the fundamental differences, between being religious and being spiritual. When you truly understand the differences, you will realize you can be one or the other. Trying to be both at the same time will create internal conflict and chaos in your life for they are not really compatible. They are two different paths. There are those who turn to religious institutions as a way of life. These institutions will serve you in life from birth to death and for many, it gives meaning to life. There are those who are raised in religious institutions that reach a point in life when their religion no longer serves them. They search the spiritual path to find greater meaning to life and are looking for more wisdom, understanding and knowledge. They reach a point when there is no longer any purpose in allowing them self to be limited by other humans, their institutions, teachings, beliefs or their created laws. Once they become truly spiritual they become free from the limitations of human religious institutions. We encourage you to read this book over again. The information is layered and the second time you read it, you will come to a deeper understanding of the knowledge within this book. The more you read it, the more will be revealed to you. Now we continue with more knowledge.
Chapter 8
These programs are a direct result of the original form of clearing and releasing emotions and feelings, that keep our spiritual vibration locked in this 3rd Dimensional reality. The way the work started, with the chakra system, is explained and this system has always been valid through the ages and will remain valid. With time being shortened, these two people were given directions by Creator how to speed up the process of clearing and releasing. There are different techniques available that will start the process and help you evolve your DNA up to the level of Lightbody and through it. They all take time and you are rapidly running out of time. These Programs are specific, for Direct Ascension Home and Ascension into the 4th Dimension ft from m Creator r, so that you and are freely given to you as a Gif th can evolve up to the 12 level of Lightbody in the shortest time possible, which is between 18 to 24 months. In order to achieve this you must apply yourself to the work on a Daily basis. It is up to you to discover and recognize all emotions, both good and bad, recognizing how you use them in your daily life to live with and Love One Another. For those that are associated with religious or spiritual groups, you should have already recognized, that they are all fundamentally based on how you use your Emotions to Live With and Love One Another.
Advanced Programs
Form A Personal Working Relationship With Creator To Prepare For Ascension In The Time That Is Remaining. We wish to point out that there are many paths to ascend to the 4th dimension. We can use the example of going to the top of the mountain. The goal is to get to the top and there are many paths that will lead you up to it. No matter which path you take, there is only one way to get there. You must go up. You can climb up the mountain, you can hike up it, you can bicycle up it, you can ride a motorcycle up it, you can drive a four wheel drive vehicle up it, you can ride a horse up it, you can even get in a helicopter to fly up to the top and then jump down on top of it. All the different ways to get to the top are different paths, which are the many religions, different faiths, different cultures and nationalities and there are many. When you take any of these paths and take their teachings to heart, most will prepare you over time, to make the shift from the 3rd to the 4th dimension, when the dimensional shift happens. As you experienced emotions and feelings through lifes lessons, it was necessary to grow spiritually to the point of releasing all emotions and feelings, while replacing them with love, compassion and forgiveness. If you have done this as a way of life for this and past lifetimes, you are ready for the dimensional shift. Now you must release all the karma attached to them so that you can make the dimensional shift to the 4th dimension. For those that wish to directly ascend you must do much more. The path of direct ascension to the higher dimensional realms is through lightbody and time is running out for preparation. We have talked about the extremely small group of 200 people that have ascended in the last 13,000 years. These spirits awakened their consciousness by gaining knowledge, understanding and wisdom, which led them to discover how to free themselves from this 3rd dimensional world. They became Masters of their emotions by working directly with Creator and it is through this process of clearing and releasing emotions and feelings, that allowed them to ascend. This information is obtained by raising your consciousness level. Know that this information was never obtained by the masses of people on the earth, since their consciousness was too low to understand it. So it was necessary for the masses to remain here, for 13,000 years, to learn the lessons of emotions and all the feelings that are attached to them, to help their consciousness to grow. The time for lessons and learning is over. The information to clear and
release emotions and karma, is now revealed to everyone that is ready, it is your choice to recognize and accept it or reject it. We will now present programs that are for clearing and releasing emotional vibrations and feelings that no longer serve you, in preparation for direct ascension or ascension to the 4th dimension. Consider these programs as a crash study course before a big graduation test. Some people are already prepared for the graduation test to the next dimensional level, most are not. For those that are not, working with these programs is a direct and intensive way to bring your daily emotions to your awareness, so that you can clear and release those that no longer serve you for your highest good. These programs only work if you work them. You must apply yourself to recognize all emotions and the feelings associated with them. These exact same programs have already been used by others to reach the 12th level of lightbody. The only way to clear and release all emotions that belong to this 3rd dimensional reality, in the time that is left, is to work directly with Creator. When you are finished doing this work, all you will have left will be Unconditional Love and Compassion and you will become a Master of all emotions, so that you can Observe them all, without Judgement.
With these programs and Your Daily Personal Dedication to the spiritual path, you now have the ability to raise your vibration up to the highest level of Christ Consciousness, continuing up into Lightbody and going up through all 12 levels. You will be passing through the Gate of Awakening, becoming one in the Light of the Christ Consciousness and then join back to Universal Consciousness. At the end of this process, you gain Immortality again, your True Spiritual state. Then you have the privilege to return directly Home or to go on to your next new experience at the dimensional shift. It is very important for all Starseeds, Wanderers, Masters, Light workers and all who have the intent to be part of the Direct Ascension or the Ascension to the 4th dimension, to awaken to the fact, that you must clear and release all third dimensional emotions and feelings. Now you can do this with Direct Intent with these programs. It is time to start preparing yourself personally. For spiritual teachers that wish to Directly Ascend, know that the time for slaying the Dragon is now over for you and the time for saving the lost masses is also over for you. The teaching lessons are over and the awakening is happening now. All this
work will be picked up and carried on by those Lightworkers who are still on their path, having lessons to learn, experiences to complete and have not raised their consciousness to a high enough level to directly Ascend at this time. Remember that the Ascension path is only one path and all paths will eventually lead to it. At this time period it is a path of choice for those who have completed their lessons and are ready to go directly back home. There are also many paths that lead to the 4th dimensional Golden Age, other paths that lead to Higher dimensions in other Worlds and Universes. What ever path you are on, you must still clear out All Third Dimensional emotions and feelings in order to go on. If you do not complete this work, you will have the privilege to continue on in another 3rd dimensional reality like this one and do this all over again until you figure it out. There are many familiar with the Ascension path that hold the feeling of not being ready to go yet. They want to stay and help others and those that have children, have the intent to stay and raise them. Realize that when the dimensional shift happens, everything ends in this age including the raising of children. Everyone starts the new age according to the level that they have evolved to during the many lifetimes they have lived in this age. This happens from the newborn, through all ages up to the oldest person living. No one is left out or left behind, we all have a place to go and start something new again. This is just the way it is, it is only a reminder that this is the way it works in the universe. Ready or not, this age is almost over. It is best to prepare for your highest good where your wish to go. Since the 3rd dimensional age is already over (ended in 1987) and the time period of transition (26 years) from the 3rd to the 4th dimension is more than half over, and with Creator telling us, that the remaining time will be shortened by about 20%, we have passed a point where there is no time left to play. It is now time for those that wish to ascend, to put your Toys and Tools away and get serious about separating from your Separate Self Consciousness, evolving in the Christ Consciousness and preparing to ascend at the dimensional shift. For those with the intent to directly ascend home to the higher dimensional levels, you will have to evolve in lightbody and then step up to Universal Consciousness in order to experience Direct Ascension. There is only enough time left to apply yourself to clearing out all 3rd dimensional emotions and their feelings. You will not clear these emotions overnight, since you have been creating them for this entire age of existence, which
is many lifetimes. Everyone here on this planet has experienced hundreds of millions of emotional feelings in all these lifetimes. When you think about this, it almost sounds impossible to accomplish. Realize that we use the same emotions over and over and it is the way that we use them that is important to identify. As we identify emotions and feelings in this lifetime, they resonate with all other lifetimes and when we clear and release them for this lifetime, it also clears and releases them for all lifetimes. Each person must identify every emotion that is within them, that belongs to this 3rd dimensional reality that they want to release and this will take time. It is our Total and Complete responsibility to search out and identify all emotions and feelings that are held within us. We are the ones who shared these experiences, we created the Karma, and we learned from it all. This is our experience, our lessons and our work and Creator Will Not Do This Work For Us. Creator will honor us by clearing and releasing the emotions, the feelings and other work that we have the intent to be done. The Time of Learning Lessons About Emotions is Over and this is the time to clear and completely release all Karma. As we identify emotions and feelings, clearing and releasing them, we also clear and release all the karma associated with them. It is the recognizing of the emotions and how we use them in our life that shows we have become a master over them. How can we be a master over our emotions and feelings, if we cannot recognize them in our self and control them in our daily life? Always be aware that you are recognizing emotions within you, by observing others and seeing how those emotions and feelings affect you. There is now nothing that is being hidden from us, we have access to knowledge that has been hidden, destroyed and lost in time, so that we can complete this work. All that was Hidden is now being Revealed, all that was Sealed, is Now Open to us. For those preparing for Ascension, you must clear all third dimension emotions and the feelings that these emotions are used in. We quickly think of the emotions of fear, anger, revenge, hate, judgement, pride and other emotions, that we know we should not have. Those emotions are only the beginning of many. Remember, we must clear All 3 rd Dimensional Emotions, including emotions such as worry, impatience, anxiety, irritable, cynical, apathy, despair, moody, boredom and many, many more that we do not even think of at all. We tend to think that these emotions are normal for us. This is true, they are normal for us in this 3rd dimensional existence and they must
stay here, we cannot take these emotions with us. All emotions must be cleared since they belong to this 3rd dimension of experience. The only emotions that you can take with you are Un ncon ndition nal Love an nd Com mpassion n. You must also reach the level of Unconditional Forgiveness and become an Observer Without Judgement. If you cannot accomplish this, you will not be part of the Direct Ascension to the higher dimensional levels that we call home. For those who have already reached the beginning level of Lightbody, you may have already noticed, that all the spiritual techniques and tools that you have acquired along the way to get to this point, no longer work on you or for you. The reason they do not work, is they are all 3rd dimensional tools and techniques and were given to you in order to reach this level. Past this level, which is the first level of Lightbody, there are no tools or techniques that another person can perform on you, that will clear out the left over emotions and feelings that remain within you. You are now on your own and the only way you can complete the work of clearing and releasing emotions, is with a Creating Personal One On One Relationship With Creator, by Co-C the changes that you desire. If f you have not wor rked dir rectly with Creator r over r a per riod of tim me, specif fically iden ntif fyin ng, clear rin ng and releasin ng emotion ns an nd feelin ngs for r the pur rpose of pr repar rin ng for r ascen nsion n, then n you have not com mpleted your r necessar ry work. These programs will complete your work. They were written for you to work directly with Creator, in order to evolve in the Christ Consciousness, through Lightbody, into the Light Of the Christ Consciousness and to join back to Universal Consciousness. These programs can be used by any lightworker and anyone else on this planet, who is seeking to directly return to their spiritual home. This is spiritual preparation and has nothing to do with any religions, faiths, sects or denominations of any kind. It is just you and Creator, without anyone else getting in the way. For those on the spiritual path, know that we have evolved from raising our consciousness up outside the body to work directly with Creator, to having Creator come inside our Heart. We are now joining our heart center (heart chakra) and our thymus center (thymus chakra) into one center, so that now Creator can come into this expanded heart center, to do all the work that we have the Intent to accomplish. There are techniques that work with commands which are the beginning of a Working Relationship with Creator. They are mostly used for physical healing on yourself and others. The
next level beyond that, is a Personal Relationship with Creator and there are no commands given. When you reach a certain point in Lightbody, Creator will no longer obey your commands and will ignore them. The reason why this happens, is that you are becoming One with Creator and you are now actively cocreating as your normal state of existence. Since we have evolved to a higher level of consciousness and time has been shortened, we now have the privilege to call Creator into our heart center. Our very thoughts during the day can be directed into clearing and releasing any and all emotions, that pop up as they happen, without having to wait or take out extra time to do the work. What more can we ask for? Creator is allowing us to integrate together all programs as one, so all that what we have the intent to do, will be completely done in all aspects of our reality, at one time. That is what these programs are written for, the clearing and releasing of all emotions and feelings, including anything and everything that is keeping us bound to this 3rd dimensional reality, in any way, shape or form. Remember, we have reached the point where our intents hold more power than commands, since we are now working within Universal Law. Know that in the 4th dimension there are no faiths, religions or denominations as we know today, you will learn and live by universal law. These programs will also very quickly speed up anyone on other spiritual paths, regardless of the path they are on. Remember, you will be working directly with Creator in a personal and intimate relationship. There are a total of 13 programs. The programs 1 thru 12 are intended to be used together as one. You will first activate each program individually. Then you will activate all the programs together as one, by your Intent spoken in your heart. Program 13, is Creators blessing on the food and liquids you consume on a daily basis, which is a necessary part of the spiritual work, especially in Lighbody. Program 10, to eliminate blocks, is an expandable program, with the essential blocks to knowing truth already written in. Whatever else is necessary to know truth about for your individual path, can be added and it will become part of the program. Program 11 is another expandable program, which identifies your emotions, feelings and the ways you use them in your life. You will continually expand this program until you have identified all emotions and feelings in yourself. Program 13 is activated with the other programs all at one time. You can also activate it by itself and it is shown both ways.
This program is to receive Creators blessing on all the food and liquids you consume every day. The wording of the programs is very specific, we are calling on only one mind, the Infinite Mind, since there are many spirit minds, with only one Infinite Mind, of which we are all part of. We are calling on the Prime Creator, the First Creator, since there are many Creators, which are all secondary, including the Christ Consciousness, the Twenty Four Elders and a Host of many more including the Creator Angels. We are calling on the Source Of All That Is, for there are many sources, from each universe, from every galaxy and every solar system. All these sources initially receive from one source. These programs do not use any other titles. The complete invocation is; I Call Upon The Infinite Mind, The Prime Creator, The Source Of All That Is. After we give our Intents to Creator, it is always appropriate to thank Creator. When we thank Creator, it should be a knowing in our heart, that what we have the intent to do, is already done, And So It Is, is the recognition that what we have the intent to do, is already done. In these programs we thank Creator by Saying; Thank You Creator And So It Is. Read all the programs in order to understand them to your fullest ability. You need to know and understand what you are asking Creator to do for you. Once you ask Creator to activate these programs, they will remain active for the remainder of your lifetime. For those that make the dimensional shift with full memory, from the 3rd to the 4th dimension in the human body that you are now in, these programs will remain active, since you are still in the same lifetime, even though you have changed dimensions. You will be able to continue this work in the 4th dimension and directly ascend in lightbody from that dimension. When you are ready to activate the programs, you will find them all written together near the end of the chapter. The instructions are clear and the work of activation is easy. Follow the instructions for the programs, until you have silently read all 13 programs. This is done one time. Then when you are ready, use the single program to activate all 12 programs for clearing and releasing emotions and feelings at one time. The 13th program is for the blessing of food and liquids whenever you eat and drink. It is very easy to identify the programs. Every program starts with the words; Infinite Mind, Prime Creator, Source Of All That Is, and every program finishes with the words; Thank Your Creator, And So It Is. All the programs are written in Italics just
like this sentence. You may also activate program 13 by itself. This program is self explanatory. After doing this you will use only two programs to do all the work. The Single Activation Program is used to activate all 12 Programs at one time to do the work of clearing and releasing all emotions and feelings. The other program is to Bless the foods and liquids that you are consuming. When you become serious with this work and establish your True Intents, Creator will honor you, by having you use the Advanced Final Single Activation Program. It is at the end of all the programs with an explanation. Creator will let you know when to start using it. When you start out doing this work, it would be for your highest good to read these programs and explanations over once a month, in order to keep your mind focused on the work that you are accomplishing. There is a lot of information that you may not understand the first time you read the Programs. The more you read it, the more you will understand. It does not matter if you completely understand it at first. It is your intent to do the work of clearing and releasing, that is honored by Creator. Do the work and trust that it will accomplish what needs to be done. You may not know or understand in your physical brain all this information. At the spirit level you know, even though you are not aware of it. Trust the process, if you apply yourself, it will not fail. These Programs will clear and release all the low vibrations, that are part of all emotions and feelings that keep you bound to this planet. When all the low vibrations are gone, your vibration will go up and you will eventually vibrate at the vibration of light, the highest vibration. At the beginning of this work, your vibration will go up as your DNA goes up, they will evolve together, they are inseparable. These programs will bring your DNA up from 2 strand, into the beginning of Christ Consciousness (12 strand). At the higher levels of 45 to 50 strands of DNA, they will bring your Merkaba into self activation. These Programs will take you into Lightbody, through the Gate of Awakening, into full initiation in the Light of the Christ Consciousness and all the way up into the 12th level and back into Universal Consciousness (the Mind of Creator). This is the Journeys End, bringing us back into Immortality and the privilege to return directly to the Dimensional level we came from called Home. This is what you can accomplish, by using these Programs daily, on a One to One Personal Relationship with
Creator. Remember, this work is done in your mind and your heart and it will change your life. We are now going to present each program individually and give an explanation so that you will have an understanding of what it means. We are not going to activate the programs until you have read each one, with its explanation first. So for the next several pages you will only be reading to learn. Once you learn about them, you will activate them all together. The activation procedure starts after the explanation of Program 13. It begins with the heading, Activation Of All Programs. Under this heading is states, this is the page you start on when you are ready to Activate all the Programs at one time. We now give you an Explanation of how we start the work; Take a deep breath, hold it for several seconds, then slowly let it out, then relax and clear your mind. Do this 3 times. Center your Consciousness (your thoughts) in your heart center (your heart chakra), by visualizing a glowing ball of light where your heart is, in the center of your chest, and silently say; My Intent is to center my consciousness in my heart center. Hold this thought and visualize the glowing light from this ball expanding out to your entire body and the auric field around your body with pure white light. It would be good practice for you to try this visualization several times, until you are very comfortable with it. Normally after you are finished with this visualization, you would begin to activate the programs. For now we will continue to present the programs with their explanations. This is an explanation, how we call upon Creator to come into our presence and into our heart. PROGRAM 1 We say these words in the quiet of our mind. (Do not say them out Loud) We repeat this 3 times in Silence; I Call Upon n The Infin nite Min nd, The Prim me Creator r, The Sour rce Of All That Is. . nd, The Prim me Creator r, The Sour rce I Call Upon n The Infin nite Min Of All That Is. . I Call Upon n The Infin nite Min nd, The Prim me Creator r, The Sour rce Of All That Is. . Creator is now in your presence. That is the first step. By Universal Law, when a Spirits name is properly called 3 times in sequence, they will be in your presence. We will now present all the programs with their explanation. This is the program to activate all programs at the same time.
In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, that from now to the end of this lifetime, that programs, 1 nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, thru 12, be activated, by calling the In Sour rce Of All That Is, into my heart center. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . Explanation of Program 1 Once this Program is silently spoken to Creator, it is the start of a permanent relationship with Creator, that will be honored for the rest of this incarnation on this planet. It will activate all programs 1 thru 12, and any new emotions and feelings that are added to the programs, will automatically be acted on by these programs the next time you use the single activation program. From now on we will center our consciousness in our Heart and all the work will be done in the Heart Center. Always Remember, Creator Does The Work And We Now Witness It By Our INTENT For It To Be Done And Our KNOWING That It Is Completed. When Creator enters into our heart center, an interesting change takes place. For as long as Creator stays within us, time as we know it, momentarily changes and we enter into what we could describe as No Time or a Timeless state. Since Creator has no boundaries of time, this affect is passed on to us. By Universal Law, higher vibrations consume lower vibrations. Creators vibration is so much higher than ours, that Creators vibration consumes our vibration, which allows Creators reality of No time, to replace our reality of time, for as long as Creator is within us. During this event, everything is held in balance and the work of releasing and clearing emotions and feelings is the most effective, since everything is in harmony with Universal Consciousness, which is the Mind of Creator. When the work is finished, Creator immediately leaves, otherwise it would not allow our free will and free choice to function, since Creators higher vibration would still be consuming our lower vibration and our mind would be influenced by Creators mind. We would become as one with Creator, we would not be our own individual mind. Creator will Not do this, since it takes away our free choice. The very fabric of the Cosmos (all universes) is Love and this allows all things to exist in harmony. which is where our free choice and free will comes from. When Creator enters into us to do the clearing work, it is completed almost instantly. Then Creator leaves our heart center and dwells outside of us. For those that do this work, they describe a warm fuzzy feeling all over.
PROGRAM 2 Clearing And Releasing Of Emotions And Feelings On All Levels At One Time In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, that all emotions and feelings, that no longer serve me for my highest good, that I have experienced, on all planes of existence, since the beginning of my experience in this age, be r, and replaced with emoall cleared and released by Creator niver rsal tions and feelings, that are in harmony with Un Con nsciousn ness And Divin ne Order r, for my highest good. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . Explanation of Program 2 This is a real gift from Creator, that will now allow us to go about our daily life experiences and to clear and release emotions and feelings on the go, as we recognize them. This way we will not forget the events that happened during the day, that triggered the emotion or feelings that we were not originally aware of. Creator has told us that time is short and desires to work with us if we allow it. We can no longer accomplish what we used to do in a normal day, since time is changing. Many have already noticed that time appears to have been speeding up. That is why we are now allowed to integrate the clearing and releasing into our daily life, working in our heart center with Creator, while we are on the go. In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, It is my intent, that all vibrations that went out into the universe from me, by my thoughts, emotions, feelings and experiences, and all thought forms, that have come from me and evolved into a self perpetuating entity, with a life of its own, since the beginr ning of my experience in this age, be brought back by Creator r ,with vibrations that and transformed into the Light Of Creator niver rsal Con nsciousn ness And Divin ne are now in harmony with Un Order r. It is my intent, that they be in harmony with my emotions, feelings and vibrations, for my highest good and for the highest good of the All. . Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. Explanation of Program Clearing and releasing emotions and feelings on all levels, is only part of the work to be done. When we lived our many lives, experiencing emotions and feelings through thoughts and actions, our vibrations radiated out into the universe, carrying our imprint on them. All thoughts and emotions are energy and they carry our vibration, which is a low 3rd dimensional vibration. These vibrations create chaos, by resonating with us and
others of like vibrations. They constantly feed back to us through this resonance, keeping the chaos alive and well on the planet. Some of our thoughts evolved in thought forms and continued evolving into self perpetuating entities. Since we created them, it is our responsibility to clean them up before we leave this age of experience and to bring them back into harmony with Universal Consciousness And Divine Order. PROGRAM 3 Gene Replacement To Eliminate All Low Vibrations In The Body Cells In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, that all genes, that are damaged, defective, karmic or r, altered in any way by low vibrations, be replaced by Creator niver rsal Con nsciousn ness with genes that are in harmony with Un An nd Divin ne Order r, for my highest good. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . Explanation of Program 3 The gene replacements are for the purpose of eliminating all low vibrations, from the genes and the cells of the body. Emotions and feelings are held in the genes and the cells. Many times the genes are damaged in different ways. Any gene that will hold a low vibration, regardless of the reason, will be replaced by Creator, for the purpose of raising the vibration of the body to the highest vibration, which is necessary for direct ascension to our dimensional home, to join back to Universal Consciousness and regain immortality again. This program is written for the person that has made a personal connection to Creator. It is only intended to by used by you on yourself. The programs are only valid when used in combination with all the other programs, as one single program, for the purpose of eliminating all low vibrations, including the clearing and releasing of emotions and feelings, in preparation for Lightbody, direct ascension or ascension into the 4th dimension. These programs are not written to be used by one person, for the purpose of working on another person, that has a genetic problem. There are different requirements, precautions and protocols that are necessary to work on another person and they are not part of these programs. The intent of these programs is for the individual person to use them for their own spiritual growth.
PROGRAM 4 Releasing Of All Binding Commitments And Limitations In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, to cancel and release, all binding commitments and limitations, on all planes of 3rd dimensional existence, that I have inhabited, since the beginning of my experience in this age, freeing me to ascend to the higher dimensions, for my highest good. r, that I It is my intent, to release all soul fragments to Creator have brought into this lifetime for lessons and all other karmic fragments, that no longer serve me for my highest good. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . Explanation of Program 4 Many people do not realize, that they have made many binding commitments such as vows, oaths, curses, pledges, contracts, promises, spells, self imposed bondage, the selling of our souls and many other forms of binding commitments. Many, if not most of them, are still active in our lives, since most of these commitments last till the end of this age. We just do not remember all those that we made in our many past lives. We also have many limitations in this age, such as crystal devices that limit us, the veil of darkness that keeps us from seeing our spiritual side, genetic limitations, such as a short lifetime and our limited consciousness, that keeps us from remembering our past. Physical death is also a limitation. We bring into our lifetimes soul fragments that draw lessons into our lives, that must be learned, or as a result of karma, which must be worked out and balanced. This program of Releasing All Binding Commitments and limitations, and the following program of the Ending and Resolution of Karma, frees us from being bound to, or by any person or group, or spirit, that we have shared lessons and experiences with, since the beginning of our experience in this age. This age of experience is different for all souls. For some it is very short, it could be only several thousand years long. For others it is very long, lasting into many millions of years. This age of experience starts at the end of our last age of experience. We could not start this new age, until our last age was completed and an imprint put on our soul, that was the sum total of all the experiences we had during that age. This imprint is carried in our energy field. Then the Akashic records of all those experiences are sealed and we are ready to start the next age of new experiences. We are now at the end of this age and for those who are ready to move on, they must complete everything. Then they will receive another imprint on their soul, which will be the sum total of all
the experiences they had in this present age. After they receive their imprint, they are ready to move on to another age of experience, or to return to the dimensional level that they call home. If they do not complete everything, or have not learned their lessons, which is becoming a master of their emotions and releasing all the low vibrations from them completely, they will remain in this dimension and repeat the whole experience all over again, for another age, until they do. There is no judgement on what we do, no good or bad, there is only our free choice. We have the choice to remain here in this 3rd dimension for another age, or to complete everything and move on to something new, a new age of experience. Releasing Of Our Separate Self Consciousness In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce of All That Is, it in my r put a permanent separation, between intent, to have Creator my Separate Self Consciousness and my Spirit. It is my intent, to become one with the Christ Consciousness and one with Universal Consciousness, and to release my Separate Self Consciousness to its final death. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . Explanation Of Releasing Our Separate Self Consciousness This program is to release the Separate Self Consciousness, that has guided us in this age of experiencing the full range of emotions on planet Earth. It is our most intimate friend, our personal protector, our greatest enemy and our worst nightmare, it is the Great Pretender. Completely taking the place of the Christ and Universal Consciousness, separating us from Christ and Creator. The separation that we ask for, between the different levels of consciousness, gives us the opportunity to learn to recognize this Separate Self Consciousness, as our primary driving force. It is separate from the Consciousness of Nature, Christ and Creator and the only place it can exist, is in a reality of Karma and duality. It is appointed for this consciousness to die, when we finally join back to Universal Consciousness. In order to Advance spiritually, complete our lessons and permanently leave this planet, we must learn to recognize and then separate from this consciousness completely, sending this consciousness to its ultimate final death. This is the last step, the death of the Separate Self Consciousness, before entering into Universal Consciousness, by bringing our spiritual vibration up to the vibration of light, by clearing and releasing all 3rd dimensional emotions and feelings. The Separate Self Consciousness no longer serves us for our highest good and we must now separate from it.
PROGRAM 5 Ending And Resolution Of Karma In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my r to cancel and resolve all karma, that I have intent, for Creator created, on all planes of existence, that I have inhabited, since the beginning of my experience in this age, so that my life is in niver rsal Con nsciousn ness And Divin ne Order r, for my harmony with Un highest good. IF, it is for r my highest good, I ask Creator r, to be separated from all souls, that no longer serve me and any connection with them be ended for this lifetime. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . Explanation of Program 5 This program will release us from all karma, that is holding us back from the Ascension path, to go on to the 4th dimension or the higher dimensional levels. We are telling Creator that we have learned all our lessons and we are ready, willing and able to move on. We are saying that the karma we have left, is no longer necessary to experience and we are asking Creator to end it and resolve it, so that we can move on when the dimensional shift happens or before. The ending and resolution of karma, will also release us from experiencing the on going lessons of low vibration emotions, so we can raise our vibration up to the level that we choose for our highest good. In the second part of the program, IF, it is for my highest good, to be separated from this person or group etc.? This is necessary, since many of us are experiencing karmic lessons with soul mates and members of our soul group and all this is hidden from us, until the lessons are over. For many of us, these people are the ones that will become loving mates, close friends and future partners that will support us in our spiritual growth, other people are there strictly for karmic lessons, nothing more. Remaining with them will stop our spiritual growth. Creator knows who is who and which people need to separate and which ones need to stay together. So we leave this decision to the Infinite Mind Of Creator, to direct us for our highest good and the highest good of all others involved. PROGRAM 6 Soul Retrieval In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my rs light intent, that all my soul fragments, be purified by Creator and returned to me and all fragments that are not mine, be purirs Light and returned to the souls they belong to. fied by Creator
It is my intent, that this process be handled gracefully and easily, for the soul of each spirit that will be involved in this exchange of soul fragments, for the highest good of the all. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . Explanation of Program 6 It is a requirement for direct ascension, that everyone retrieve all their soul fragments, since the beginning of this now experience in this age. You cannot ascend to the higher dimensional levels without your soul being whole again. There are many that will do a soul retrieval and then forget about it. In a short time they will begin to fragment again, without realizing that it has happened to them. We will continue to fragment our soul, as long as we are in human form and experiencing life and its lessons. We also create fragments from past life experiences that we bring into this lifetime with us, for the sole purpose of helping us to experience something that we must learn. If we keep these fragments, the lessons of experiencing them will keep happening. These fragments also contain low vibrations and must be cleared out. The only way that we can eliminate them, is to sent these fragments to Creator. Creator will transmute them back into the light for us, since they no longer serve us for our highest good. By including this program with the other programs and activating it with them, you will complete your soul retrieval and by doing it together with all the other programs continually, you will keep your soul together as one without having to worry about it.
PROGRAM 7 Cutting Of Cords Or Energy Connections In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, for Archangel Michael, to cut all cords or energy connections, that no longer serve me for my highest good. It is my intent for this to be completed now. It is my intent, that a sphere of violet flame, be placed around me now, that will not allow any cords or energy connections to attach to me, that are not for my highest good. It is my intent, for this sphere of violet flame to remain with me, to the end of this lifetime. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . Explanation of Program 7 The first part of the program disconnects all cords and energy connections that no longer serve you, while allowing the connections that you need, to remain. By disconnecting low vibration connections, we allow our vibration to increase to the high-
er vibrations toward the light. Those who are now connected to us, will vibrate very closely to our own vibration, some higher and some lower. They will not hold us back from increasing our vibration. It is for our highest good to renew this program with the other programs. When a person, that we have an energetic connection to, changes their path by their intent, affecting our vibration in a way that is not for our highest good, Archangel Michael will cut that connection, at the appropriate time. The violet flame sphere, will allow the cords and energy connections to be attached, that are for our highest good. It will not allow any connection to be made, that is not for our highest good. There are those, who put spheres of light around themselves, with the intention that no cords or energy connections, that are not of the vibration of the light of God, or anything less that the light of God, not be allowed to connect to them. This is Not a wise practice. When you do this, you could cut yourself off from loved ones, your mate and those that are supposed to help you complete your work and lessons here. This is Not for your highest good or for the highest good of the all. Many times those who are connected to us, are at a lower vibration and they may be there for the balancing of karma or the completion of karmic lessons. Remember that you your self are not of the vibration of light and your family, husband or wife, children, loved ones and friends, are not that vibration either. Only those that have joined back to Universal Consciousness and have their lightbodys fully activated, are vibrating at the frequency of light. If you think that you are at the vibration of the light of God or Creator, you better think again. If you were at that vibration of light, you would not be walking on this planet, doing this clearing work, since you would have completed all your lessons and you would have already ascended from this planet. In order to complete your lessons and work, you still have to work with humans that are of different and lower vibrations, and still be connected to them, for the highest good of the all. Its all part of our blueprints, contracts, lessons and balancing of karma. We are here now for the final and complete releasing of all 3rd dimensional vibrations, so those that are prepared, can directly ascend to the higher dimensional levels, while others can raise their vibration up to the 4th dimension vibration. PROGRAM 8 Wayward Spirits And Entities Other Life Forms (Aliens) In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my
intent, for an Archangel from the Legion of Michael, to remain with me as a guardian and protector, from now to the end of this lifetime. It is my intent, for this Archangel, to protect me from all wayward spirits, entities and those from the dark side, that enter into my energy field, trying to attach to me or trying to harm me in any way. It is my intent, for this Archangel, to remove all of them, so they cannot attach to me or harm me in any way. It is my intent that the Archangel deal with each spirrs Light, that it, honoring their free will and take those to Creator make the choice to go. Than nk you Creator r, And So It Is. . In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, IF, this is for r my highest good and the highest good of all other rs involved, it is my intent, that all soul contracts, that I have made with all other life forms (Aliens), that are being carried out in this lifetime, that allow me to be implanted, abducted or experimented on, be canceled now for the remainder of this lifetime. It is my r cancel all soul contracts and any other intent ,that Creator forms of contracts, on all planes of existence, that I have inhabited since the beginning of my experience in this age, allowing niver rsal me to have free choice, that is in harmony with Un Con nsciousn ness And Divin ne Order r. IF, this is for r my highest good and the highest good of all other rs involved, It is my intent, to be physically separated from these other life forms and all connections with them be ended for this lifetime. r make any and all gene changes, It is my intent, that Creator that are necessary, to restore my genes to my original blueprint, If f the chan nges, are for my highest good. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . Explanation of Program 8 There is a lot of information about aliens and most of it is totally blown out of proportion, about how bad they are and all the evil things they have done. There were groups on the planet that had no respect for life. Bad things have happened, people died, and as usual only the bad gets reported since it sells magazines and newspapers. Most of what is written was blown totally out of perspective. Its time to look at aliens through different eyes and understand there are only a very tiny number, which can be described as bad. Look at yourself first, you are an alien on this planet, all humans are aliens on this planet. Are all humans bad? The one life form that is the natural resident on this planet is homo erectus and they existed here a very long time before human existence ever started. They are not bad. They are
humanoid in form and do not look like modern day humans. Remember, man is genetically engineered from homo erectus. It is important to know that this planet is a living library of genetic material. Even within the human 2 strand DNA there are several different types of DNA that have not been recognized yet. There are many different spiritual beings who have come to this planet through the birth process and are now living in human form. They are not here for spiritual lessons or to take part in the ascension process or the dimensional shift. They are here for the purpose of obtaining DNA from humans and others to join with their own, in order to help their races evolve and others to help save their races from dying out. The greatest majority of them are doing this work according to universal laws and their intent is to harm no one. They are here to help themselves in ways that we are not capable of understanding yet. They came as groups from different worlds, different races and soul groups. Their intent is to work together with their own groups, which does not always work, since they are also subject to the veil of darkness. For all intents and purposes, they also think they are human, just like we think we are human, so just like us they lose their way in this world. Their original plans are to be involved in experiments, implants, abductions, especially experiments with embryos and fetuses, for the higher good of their own worlds and races. When they are lost in this world, as most of them are, they get involved with the work of our reality, trying to complete spiritual lessons, prepare for ascension and the dimensional shift. They would use programs like this one and without knowing it, they would completely jeopardize the work they came here to do. Remember, Creator honors all intents and commands from all spirits throughout all universes. If their intent was to be separated from other life forms, since they are now in human form, they would become totally separated from their original groups and lost, since they would lose total contact with their working groups, races and soul groups. For them it would be a disaster and a terrifying long dark night of the soul. That is why it is so important to use the phrases; IF this is for my highest good and the highest good of all others. Creator knows what every spirit is here for and knows the work that all are trying to accomplish. When we use this phrase, it gives Creator permission to sort it all out, for the good of all involved. This program is to free those who were abused by other life forms (aliens) and also to protect those (aliens) who are working for the good of their races and others, so that they do not become trapped in our different reality. This planet was a school house to learn lessons about emotions and
feelings for fallen spiritual beings, for thousands of years. This is no longer true and it is time to wake up to this reality. Realize that in this 3rd dimension, during this age, extensive human DNA experiments have been taking place on this planet, for the last 6,000 years. They are still taking place now and will continue until the dimensional shift. The only thing is that people were never aware of this, since DNA has only been recently discovered by man. PROGRAM 9 Changes For The Highest Good Of The All In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, that all spiritual and non spiritual work, that I am doing and has already been done in this lifetime, without asking for it to be done for my highest good and the highest good of the all, r, IF necessar ry, so be stopped, resolved or changed by Creator niver rsal Con nsciousn ness And that it is now in harmony with Un Divin ne Order r, for the highest good of the all. . Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. Explanation of Program 9 During this last age of our experiences, we have commanded and had the intent for many things to be done and made many choices that were not for the highest good of the all, or even for our own highest good. Think about this! How many times in this lifetime, have you asked, commanded or had the intention to have things done for the highest good of the all, spiritually and physically? How many times, when you made choices, did you ask yourself if this was for the highest good of the all. This has happened in many lifetimes and in many different ways. Every time this was done against the greater good of the all, parallel realities were spun off in your life, in order to complete blueprints, contracts, lessons, and realities, so that everything flowed in Divine Order for everyone around you. Now everything must be brought to completion and must become one again. The same way that our soul fragmented during this age of experience, requiring us to retrieve all our soul fragments, we must also bring all our parallel realities back into one again. By doing this program, it brings us back to our true path and by repeating it with the other programs, we will be kept on our true path, since all choices and intents will be for our highest good and the highest good of the all. Be aware, that when you use this program with true intent, it can change your reality, relationships, career, job, etc. If you are not on your true path, it will bring you back to your true path
and keep you on it. When we use these programs, we ask that all this work be done for our highest good and the highest good of all others. Even though we have the intent to have Creator do something for us, that we think is for our highest good or the good of others, Creator can always see the bigger picture and know if it is for the highest good or not. If it is not, it will be delayed, changed or resolved by Creator, for our highest good. We may think that Creator is not honoring our intents or maybe that we are being totally ignored. You must be patient and realize that everything is done in Divine Order. Creators time is not our time and everything will be done in Creators time. Thats just the way it is. So dont get upset when everything is not going your way. Be patient, never quit, continue your work and trust that it will be done for the highest good. PROGRAM 10 Eliminate Blocks In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce of All That Is, it is my intent, that all blocks, including those I add to this list, be eliminated; to know myself physically, to know myself spiritually, to know my natural abilities, to know my spiritual path, to know my chosen mate, to know my true friends, to know my soul group, to know my blueprint of life, to know my contracts, to know my path of ascension, to know my true spirit, My Higher God Self, to know my psychic abilities, to know my spiritual gifts, to know my separate self consciousness as friend and enemy, to know my ego, to know my limitations, to know how to overcome my limitations, to know true inner peace, to know that I Am that I Am, r and I are One, to know that Creator to know the truth why I am now here on earth, to know the truth that we are not alone, to know the truth of fear,
to know the truth of judgement, to know the truth of compassion, to know the truth of unconditional love, to know the truth of unconditional forgiveness, to know the truth of being an observer, to know all emotions that I must clear and release, to know all feelings that I must clear and release, to know the Christ Consciousness, to know Universal Consciousness, It is my intent, that all blocks on all planes of my existence, since the beginning of my experience in this age, be unblocked r, so knowledge will be open to me, with understandby Creator ing of that knowledge, and the ability to gain wisdom from it. It is my intent to be open to the knowledge, understanding and niver rsal Con nsciousn ness And Divin ne Order r in my life, wisdom of Un for my highest good and to bring my vibration up to the vibration of light. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . Explanation of Program 10 For those who desire to be opened to know truth, this program will remove the blocks and limitations that keep us in spiritual darkness. It will begin to allow you to see through the Eye of Creator. This is an ongoing process that will unfold in your daily life. Creator may use what is already on the planet to open you to truth. You may be inspired to read a book or many books. You may meet people that are total strangers, that will answer questions in your mind without you ever asking the question. Many people are now receiving answers in dreams. Others clearly hear answers in their mind when they meditate. Then there are those that hear answers clearly through their physical sense of hearing, just like some one is talking to them. This usually happens when no one else is around. Sometimes it even happens in the middle of a crowd or an emotional event. There are many ways you will receive answers. Also know that prayer and meditation are different. Prayer is talking to Creator, it is your voice and your active mind communicating to Creator for some reason or purpose. Meditation is the process of quieting your mind, so that all the chatter that is in your mind, will become still and silent. When you accomplish this, Creator will talk to you directly. Creator will not talk over your mind chatter or through it. Realize that a lot of the mind chatter, is your separate self consciousness communicating to you. It is highly recommended that you get a good book or two on meditation and learn how to meditate in silence. The rewards of learning to
meditate in silence, are simply amazing. When you need to know truth about something, this program is expandable by just adding it on this page as a permanent part of this program. Just write down what you need to know truth about.
Program To Know Truth Continued Below; PROGRAM 11 Program Book 11 Activation In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, that all emotions and feelings, that I have already identified, including all those listed in my separate program book 11, be cleared and released by Creator, in combination with the activation of all programs, 1 thru 12. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . Explanation of Program 11 This program starts off with one page of EMOTIONS and another page of EMOTIONAL FEELINGS. When you read these two pages, you will probably find that you have experienced most if not all of these emotions. These two pages contain the beginning core of many emotions that we experience. They do not contain all the emotions and do not describe the many ways and feeling that we use these emotions. Everyone experiences these same emotions over and over in many thousands of different ways. No two people will have the same kind of lists. FOR THAT REASON THIS PROGRAM IS EXPANDABLE AND IT IS THE ONE MAIN PROGRAM, THAT YOU WILL CONTINUALLY ADD TO, AS YOU IDENTIFY THE MANY DIFFERENT KINDS OF EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS YOU HAVE. IT IS THE ONE PROGRAM THAT YOU WILL CONTINUALLY ADD TO, AS YOU IDENTIFY THE DIFFERENT WAYS YOU EXPERIENCE THESE EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS. Now purchase a separate spiral lined note book and label that book as Program 11 Continued Emotions and Feelings To Be Cleared And Released. At the end of each day, you will need to write down in this book all the emotional experiences that you recognized during the day, that have caused you problems, were negative, bad, evil, upset you, or those that you realize you had bad responses to. Write down any and all emotions and emotional feelings that have pushed your buttons during that day. When you look at other people and see something that they are doing, that upsets you, stirs emotions within you, or something that they did, that is not in agreement with your thinking, write it down the same way you would say it. Anything that you observe, experience or recognize, that some one else has done, that causes you to have any kind of opinion or feeling about it, in any way, shape or form, write it down. Write down all your prejudices, your strong opinions, everything you dislike and everything that you feel is
wrong, no matter what it is or who it is about. For they are all judgements in different forms. Write down all your pet peeves and personal irritations, since they are all connected to emotions and feelings. When you experience an emotion or feeling by observing it in someone else or experiencing it in any way, it means that you have some of that emotion or feeling within you, no matter how small it is. You are feeling it, since it is resonating with you on some level, otherwise you would be able to observe it without any emotions or feelings, other than Unconditional Love and Compassion. All this has to be cleared in order to reach Universal Consciousness and to directly ascend to the higher dimensional levels called home. You must reach a point, where you no longer have any buttons left that someone can push, or that some kind of event can trigger into an emotional response within you or from you. You must be able to observe all actions, reactions and any kind of event, with the final result that your emotions will be Unconditional Forgiveness, Unconditional Love and Compassion. You must become an observer without judgement. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY. Realize that you will still feel emotions like fear, anger, hate, judgement, revenge and all others at the moment of an event. This is normal, since you are still in a human body. When you begin to master your emotions, you recognize these emotions and then turn away from them. In other words, they no longer control you, you are no longer driven by these emotions. Instead your mind and heart turns to the highest vibrational emotions of love and compassion. As you add and collect emotions and emotional feelings in your book, you will have Creator clear and release them on a daily basis, by your intent to activate all programs 1 thru 12. As you add new emotions to clear and release, you will also daily re-clear and release the old emotions over and over again, so those that you recreate will not become part of you again. Yes, you will recreate many, if not all of them over again many times. As you add to your book daily, you will be clearing and releasing these emotions on deeper and deeper levels until eventually, all that is left is Unconditional Love and Compassion. When you write emotions and feelings in your book, you will be using the senses of writing, visual sight and mind thoughts. This will begin to bring the process of working with emotions and feelings, to the front of your daily thought patterns, making it easier to identify them and it will become a part of your life. If you do not apply yourself to recognizing all these feelings and emotions, by daily adding to this list, you will only be fooling yourself. The list I have given you is only a starter list. Looking at the
list, you will immediately notice that the great majority of emotions and feelings are not what you call bad or evil. They are just every day emotions and feelings, that are used in unlimited ways in our daily life. You must come to the point that you will become a master over all emotions, no matter what they are. That is the reason why you are now on this planet. This program will become your personal journal, of what Creator will clear and release in order for you to leave this third dimensional level and Ascend. Remember, Universal Law dictates that you must recognize all your own emotions and how you use them. If you do not recognize these emotions in yourself, how do you expect to become a Master over them? If you do not recognize them in yourself, you will have the opportunity to experience them all over again in another third dimensional age. You will have failed what you came here to learn, to become a master over all emotions, by recognizing how you use them in your daily life living among people. The choice is yours! We can only show you how to do the work, no one can do it for you, not even Creator. If you ever get confused about what emotions are and the way you use them, always compare every emotion and feeling against Unconditional Love, Unconditional Forgiveness, Compassion, Caring, Gentleness, Kindness and Harmlessness. These are the benchmark which everything else is measured against. Unconditional means there are no conditions or strings attached. Unconditional Love is the allowing of all life and all creations to exist in harmony with each other. It is the allowing of free choice to exist for the good of the all. It is the allowing of all people to live in harmony with each other. It is the allowing of Nature to live in harmony with itself. It is man living in harmony with nature. Unconditional Forgiveness is to forgive everyone, always, for everything, without any conditions or strings attached. Compassion is an awareness or knowing of an outcome of an event, or many events, allowing them to happen for good or bad, according to the choice that was made, without our judgement or intervention to alter the outcome. It is assisting others with their choices, without our judgement or intervention to alter the outcome. The emotions of Caring, Gentleness, Kindness and Harmlessness are self explanatory.
PROGRAM 12 Visual Confirmation Of Programming Work For those people who need or feel more comfortable with a visual, this program will give you a stunning visual, that Creator will honor you with. For those that have their 3rd eye or psychic vision active, you will enjoy this visual. For those that do not, visualize this taking place in your mind and usually over a period of time, this will activate your ability to see this in your minds eye. Be patient with yourself and know that even though you cannot see this visual at this time, trust that the work is being done until you gain the ability to see. In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, that all emotions and feelings be identified individually, by being written separately, on square cards, standing on end and placed one behind the other in a staggered formation in a diamond shaped field, with the first card being my intent to start the work, and the last card being my witness of knowing the work is completed. It is my intent to see this visual picture in my minds eye every time I activate all 12 programs. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . Explanation of Program 12 When we activate all 12 programs together, we will be given a visual in our minds eye, without having to search for it. Then you will see rows of cards in a diamond field giving you visual confirmation of the hundreds of thousands of different ways that your emotions and feelings are used in. Creator will honor you by placing each emotion and each feeling on a separate card, so that each instance it was used in, is individually identified. Your intent is the first card that starts the process and the last card is your knowing that the work is completed. Sometimes you will see a small diamond shaped field, other times the diamond shaped field will stretch almost out of sight, covering everything in front of you. Your intent pushes the first card down with an effect like the falling of dominos taking over, pushing all the cards down to the very last one. It does not matter how big the diamond shaped field is, you will always clearly see the last card fall. When the last card falls down, your knowing is visually confirmed that the work by Creator is completed. There are some that have clearly seen a card or two with an emotion or feeling on it that would not fall down, even when they cleared it several days in a row. They could see the emotion written on the card or instinctively know what it was. When this happens it is a sign to you, that this emotion or feeling is buried deeply within you and it affects your vibration to a very great degree.
It is a sign to you that this emotion or feeling needs your constant recognition and long term attention to work out. It may also be an emotion or feeling that you dont want to let go and you may not realize it.
After you have activated all 12 programs, you will start out using this one single short program, to continually re-activate all the 12 programs at one time. This is the single program that you will use on a daily basis, whenever you want to clear and release any and all emotions and feelings that push your buttons and those that you recognize as being a problem for you. To do the work of activating this program, SAY SILENTLY WITHIN YOUR MIND;
In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, It is my intent to have Your Presence in my Heart Now. It is my intent that all emotions and feelings, Including; now say the new ones you want to clear) That no longer serve me for my highest good, be cleared And released on all programs, 1 thru 12 now. Than nk You Creator r, and So It Is. .
After you use this single program for a while, you will notice that you can do it in about 30 to 45 seconds. Now you can do this work anytime, anywhere. It is short and easy to memorize. Remember to write down all the new emotions and the feelings that went along with them at the end of the day, in your Program 11 notebook. Example Of Using The Single Program We will now give you an example of how this single program works. Lets say at the end of the day you realize that you had a very short temper that day. You had a angry, ugly disagreement with your boss and lost the argument. Then you accused him of something that he was not guilty of. Then you worked at stirring up other employees, since you did not get your way. Then driving on the way home you almost had an accident, when another driver went through a stop sign. You avoided the accident, although you were badly shaken and now you were overly cautious for the rest of the trip home. That near accident put a strong fear in you, since you never had a close call like that before. Once you arrived home you did not want to do anything. You had a bad day and wanted the rest of the family to know it and leave you alone. You were totally arrogant toward your family. You then became very depressed for the rest of the day. Now lets look at the emotions you experienced. # 1 You realized that you had a short temper. # 2 You realized that you were angry, sarcastic and confrontational arguing with your boss. # 3
You lost the argument and that embarrassed you. # 4 You judged him unfairly. # 5 You did not forgive him for winning the argument and you wanted to get back at him by stirring up trouble, that was your way of revenge. # 6 You experienced deep fear from you near accident. # 7 When you arrived home you were disgusted with the day. # 8 You exercised your dominance over the family as the head of the household. # 9 You were arrogant toward your family. # 10 You ended the day in a depression. This is the way to write your feelings and emotions in your program book 11 at the end of the day. Always write them down the way you express them and understand them, so that they make sense to you. Now you clear your mind, and silently say; In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, It is my intent to have Your Presence in my Heart Now. It is my intent that all emotions and feelings. That no longer serve me for my highest good, be cleared And released on all programs, 1 thru 12 now. Than nk You Creator r, and So It Is. . You are finished. You cleared and released 14 emotions and feeling. Now that you realized the emotions and feelings that pushed your buttons through the day, you will now be more aware of them and try to avoid them. If you do happen to use those same emotions in the same way again, when you use the single program the next night, Creator will clear and release them again, since you have already identified them. Now it is up to you to work harder to avoid them. As you use this single program every day, all the emotions and feelings that are in your program 11 book will be re-cleared and re-released every day and it will happen on deeper levels each time. The continuous work of recognizing, clearing, releasing and changing the way you use your emotions and feelings to live your daily life, is the way to become a master over all your emotions. As you do this work, your spiritual vibration goes up, and the use of 3rd dimensional emotions that drive you, go down. It is wise to read over everything you put in your program book 11 from time to time. This will make you more aware of how you use your emotions daily, the progress you made and the changes that you will need to make. There will be days when you will not add anything to your Program 11 notebook. On these days, take a minute to clear your mind and activate the single program just like it is written above. Do this in order to continually clear and release all the emotions and feelings you have already identified. You will be clearing and releasing on deeper and deeper levels. Do this
every day. Even do it twice a day or more, morning, noon and evening, to keep your mind aware of what you have the intent to accomplish. Remember, it is done silently, in your mind and its just between you and Creator. No one else even has to know. Lets give another example. You are in the grocery store, in line waiting to check out and the person ahead of you is giving the checkout person a very hard time. The checkout person has to keep double checking prices to satisfy the persons concerns. This is wasting your time since you are in a hurry. In your mind you are getting impatient and it has grown into anger over the long delay. You then realize the emotions and feelings that were stirred up inside you and recognize the impatience and anger. You clear your mind and silently say, In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, It is my intent to have Your Presence in my Heart Now. It is my intent that all emotions and feelings, Of impatience and anger over this person in front of me, That no longer serve me for my highest good, be cleared And released on all programs, 1 thru 12 now. Than nk You Creator r, and So It Is. . You are finished and you just cleared and released the emotions of impatience and anger. You also cleared and released everything that is already written in your program book 11. You did this silently in 30 to 45 seconds. At the end of the day put these two emotions in your program 11 book, briefly describing how you used them. So you see by the example above, you have the ability to clear and release emotions and feelings as you go through your normal daily routine of life, instead of waiting to do it at the end of the day. You can do it anywhere, anytime that you become aware of emotions and feelings that push your buttons or are not the emotions of love and compassion. This is what it will take to prepare you for direct ascension or ascension into the 4th dimension. We remind you again, that it is your responsibility by Universal Law, to learn to identify all your personal emotions and feelings, coming to a realization of the many different ways that you use them in your daily life. Creator will not do this for you. Creator will clear and release them for you, after you identify them. PROGRAM 13 Blessing of Food and Liquids This is a stand alone program that is used by itself, when you
are going to eat or drink. You activate this program one time and then it is always active for the remainder of this lifetime. You will be activating this program when you activate the other 12 programs or it can be activated by itself by following the steps listed below. You activate the program by saying these words in the quiet of your mind. (Do not verbally speak out loud) Repeat this 3 times in Silence. I Call Upon n The Infin nite Min nd, The Prim me Creator r, The Sour rce Of All That Is. . I Call Upon n The Infin nite Min nd, The Prim me Creator r, The Sour rce Of All That Is. . I Call Upon n The Infin nite Min nd, The Prim me Creator r, The Sour rce Of All That Is. . Creator is now in your presence. Now say the program for the blessing of food and liquids and say it in Silence one time. In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, It is my intent, that all toxins, organic and inorganic, and toxic elements that are present, including their vibrations, be removed from this food and these liquids. It is my intent, that all harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, molds and all other harmful organisms and their vibrations that lead to disease and death, be removed from this food and these liquids. It is my intent, for the proper spin to be placed on all liquids and to remain that way until they are all consumed. It is my intent, for the life force to be restored to all elements that make up these foods and liquids, so that they are once again live, and will remain that way until they are consumed. It is my intent, that the vibration from the Light Behind The Light, be infused into this living food and liquid and remain there until it is all consumed. It is my intent, that this be done now and for the rest of my incarnation on this planet and that this program be activated rs blessby the conscious INTENT in my heart, by asking Creator ing upon all foods and liquids that I consume, or to be Activated by any food or liquid or anything else that enters my mouth and body, and anything that touches my body. It is my intent, to do this for my highest good, to eliminate all low vibrations from my food and liquids and to bring my vibration up to the vibration of light and for the highest good of all others who share this food and liquid with me. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . The program is now activated. Now when ever you want to
bless your food and liquids, All we have to say in the quiet of your Mind is; In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, Bless This Food And Liq quid, Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . As you can see, it takes about 10 seconds every time you ask Creator for this blessing. Explanation of Program 13 The language of the program is very clear, that we are asking creator to detox our food and water before we consume it, or use it. We ask Creator to restore the life force back into it and put the vibration of Creator (The Light Behind the Light) into it. We have also given the intent for Creator to always do this by asking for Creators blessings on this food and liquid in the quiet of our heart, by using our Intent. It is also our intent for this to be done even when we forget to ask for Creators blessing before we eat or drink, since we are forgetful in our human ever day life. Everything that enters our body, affects our personal vibration up to 72 hours. That is why it is so important on the path of direct ascension, to have everything that enters your body brought up to the highest vibration, or else it will slow down your vibrational growth or even stop it. We have stated that eating meats, for example pork, will stop your vibrational growth. Know that blessing it will not take out the affect of the consciousness that lived in that animal. Remember that there was a spirit that lived in that animal and it had no choice when it gave up its life. Some person made a choice to take its life without permission and this act is not in harmony with universal law. For those that higher knowledge is given too, more is expected of them.
This Is The Page You Start On When You Are Ready To Activate All The Programs At One Time. To Start The Work; Take a deep breath, hold it for several seconds, then slowly let it out, relax and clear your mind. Do this three times. Then Center your Consciousness (your thoughts), in your heart chakra, by visualizing a glowing ball of light where your heart is, in the center of your chest and Silently say; My Intent is to center my consciousness in my heart center. Hold this thought and visualize the glowing light from this ball expanding out to your entire body and the auric field around your body with pure white light. After you feel comfortable with this visualization,
continue by silently reading everything, exactly the way it is written on the following pages. I Call Upon n The Infin nite Min nd, The Prim me Creator r, The Sour rce Of All That Is. . I Call Upon n The Infin nite Min nd, The Prim me Creator r, The Sour rce Of All That Is. . I Call Upon n The Infin nite Min nd, The Prim me Creator r, The Sour rce Of All That Is. . Creator is now in your presence. Now Silently read all 13 programs until you are done. In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, that from now to the end of this lifetime, that programs, 1 nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, thru 12, be activated, by calling the In Sour rce Of All That Is, to come into my heart center. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. .
In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, that all emotions and feelings, that no longer serve me for my highest good, that I have experienced, on all planes of existence, since the beginning of my experience in this age, be r, and replaced with emoall cleared and released by Creator niver rsal tions and feelings, that are in harmony with Un Con nsciousn ness And Divin ne Order r, for my highest good. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, that all vibrations, that went out into the universe from me, by my thoughts, emotions, feelings and experiences, and all thought forms that have come from me and evolved into a self perpetuating entity, with a life of its own, since the beginr ning of my experience in this age, be brought back by Creator r, with vibrations that and transformed into the Light Of Creator niver rsal Con nsciousn ness And Divin ne are now in harmony with Un Order r. It is my intent, that they be in harmony with my emotions, feelings and vibrations, for my highest good and for the highest good of the All. . Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, that all genes, that are damaged, defective, karmic or r, altered in any way by low vibrations, be replaced by Creator niver rsal Con nsciousn ness with genes that are in harmony with Un An nd Divin ne Order r, for my highest good. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. .
In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, to cancel and release, all binding commitments and limitations, on all planes of 3rd dimensional existence, that I have inhabited, since the beginning of my experience in this age, freeing me to ascend to the higher dimensions, for my highest good. r, that I It is my intent, to release all soul fragments to Creator have brought into this lifetime for lessons and all other karmic fragments, that no longer serve me for my highest good. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce of All That Is, it in my r put a permanent separation, between intent, to have Creator my Separate Self Consciousness and my Spirit. It is my intent, to become one with the Christ Consciousness and one with Universal Consciousness, and to release my Separate Self Consciousness to its final death. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my r to cancel and resolve all karma, that I have intent, for Creator created, on all planes of existence, that I have inhabited, since the beginning of my experience in this age, so that my life is in niver rsal Con nsciousn ness And Divin ne Order r, for my harmony with Un highest good. r, to be separated IF, it is for r my highest good, I ask Creator from all souls, that no longer serve me and any connection with them be ended for this lifetime. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my rs light intent, that all my soul fragments, be purified by Creator and returned to me and all fragments that are not mine, be purirs Light and returned to the souls they belong to. fied by Creator It is my intent, that this process be handled gracefully and easily, for the soul of each spirit that will be involved in this exchange of soul fragments, for the highest good of the all. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, for an Archangel Michael, to cut all cords or energy connections, that no longer serve me for my highest good. It is my intent, for this to be completed now. It is my intent, that a sphere of violet flame, be placed around me now, that will not allow any cords or energy con-
nections to attach to me, that are not for my highest good. It is my intent, for this sphere of violet flame, to remain with me to the end of this lifetime. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, for an Archangel from the Legion of Michael, to remain with me as a guardian and protector, from now to the end of this lifetime. It is my intent, for this Archangel, to protect me from all wayward spirits, entities and those from the dark side, that enter into my energy field, trying to attach to me or trying to harm me in any way. It is my intent, for this Archangel to remove all of them, so they cannot attach to me or harm me in any way. It is my intent, that the Archangel deal with each spirit, honorrs Light, that make the ing their free will and take those to Creator choice to go. Than nk you Creator r, And So It Is. . In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, IF, this is for r my highest good and the highest good of all other rs involved, it is my intent, that all soul contracts, that I have made with all other life forms (Aliens), that are being carried out in this lifetime, that allow me to be implanted, abducted or experimented on, be canceled now for the remainder of this lifetime. It is my r cancel all soul contracts and any other intent, that Creator forms of contracts, on all planes of existence, that I have inhabited since the beginning of my experience in this age, allowing niver rsal me to have free choice, that is in harmony with Un Con nsciousn ness And Divin ne Order r. IF, this is for r my highest good and the highest good of all other rs involved, It is my intent, to be physically separated, from these other life forms and all connections with them be ended for this lifetime. r make any and all gene changes It is my intent, that Creator that are necessary, to restore my genes to my original blueprint, IF, the chan nges, are for my highest good. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, that all spiritual and non spiritual work, that I am doing and has already been done in this lifetime, without my asking for it to be done for my highest good and the highest good of the r, IF necessar ry, all, be stopped, resolved or changed by Creator niver rsal Con nsciousn ness And so that it is now in harmony with Un
Divin ne Order r, for the highest good of the all. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce of All That Is, it is my intent, that all blocks, including those I add to this list, be unblocked; to know myself physically, to know myself spiritually, to know my natural abilities, to know my spiritual path, to know my chosen mate, to know my true friends, to know my soul group, to know my blueprint of life, to know my contracts, to know my path of ascension, to know my true spirit, My Higher God Self, to know my psychic abilities, to know my spiritual gifts, to know my separate self consciousness as friend and enemy, to know my ego, to know my limitations, to know how to overcome my limitations, to know true inner peace, to know that I Am that I Am, r and I are One, to know that Creator to know the truth why I am now here on earth, to know the truth that we are not alone, to know the truth of fear, to know the truth of judgement, to know the truth of compassion, to know the truth of unconditional love, to know the truth of unconditional forgiveness, to know the truth of being an observer, to know all emotions that I must clear and release, to know all feelings that I must clear and release, to know the Christ Consciousness, to know Universal Consciousness, It is my intent, that all blocks on all planes of my existence, since the beginning of my experience in this age, be unblocked r, so knowledge will be open to me, with understandby Creator ing of that knowledge, and the ability to gain wisdom from it. It is my intent to be open to the knowledge, understanding and
niver rsal Con nsciousn ness And Divin ne Order r in my life, wisdom of Un for my highest good and to bring my vibration up to the vibration of light. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, that all emotions and feelings, that I have already identified, including all those listed in my separate program book r, in combination with the 11, be cleared and released by Creator activation of all programs, 1 thru 12. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, that all emotions and feelings be identified individually, by being written separately, on square cards, standing on end and placed one behind the other in a staggered formation in a diamond shaped field, with the first card being my intent to start the work, and the last card being my witness of knowing the work is completed. It is my intent to see this visual picture in my minds eye every time I activate all 12 programs. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, it is my intent, that all toxins, organic and inorganic, and toxic elements that are present, including their vibrations, be removed from this food and these liquids. It is my intent, that all harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, molds and all other harmful organisms and their vibrations that lead to disease and death, be removed from this food and these liquids. It is my intent, for the proper spin to be placed on all liquids and to remain that way until they are all consumed. It is my intent, for the life force to be restored to all elements that make up these foods and liquids, so that they are once again live, and remain that way until they are consumed. It is my intent, that the vibration from the Light Behind The Light, be infused into this living food and liquid and remain there until it is all consumed. It is my intent, that this be done now and for the rest of my incarnation on this planet and that this program be activated rs blessby the conscious INTENT in my heart, by asking Creator ing upon all foods and liquids that I consume, or to be Activated by any food or liquid or anything else that enters my mouth and body, and anything that touches my body.
It is my intent, to do this for my highest good, to eliminate all low vibrations from my food and liquids and to bring my vibration up to the vibration of light and for the highest good of all others who share this food and liquid with me. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . You have now finished activating all 13 programs. You are now ready to start clearing and releasing all emotions and feelings, by using the single program on a daily basis. This single program is the next program. Now you will only use this One Single Activation Program, to activate all 12 programs together at once. This is the single program that you will use on a daily basis, whenever you want to clear and release any and all emotions and feelings that push your buttons and those that you recognize as being a problem for you. To do the work of activating all the 12 programs at one time, silently say in your Mind; In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, It is my intent to have Your Presence in my Heart Now. It is my intent that all emotions and feelings, (Including; now say the new ones you want to clear) That no longer serve me for my highest good, be cleared And released on all programs, 1 thru 12 now. Than nk You Creator r, and So It Is. .
Every time you eat and drink, always ask Creator to bless the food and liquids. Since you have already activated the program, all you say in the quiet of your Mind is;
In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, Bless This Food And Liq quid, Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. .
Advanced Program Explanation of Advanced Program There is another single program, which is an advanced program that we will explain. This program is similar to the single program that you will be using to start with. This advanced program will be used after you do the work for a period of time. DO NOT start out using the Advanced Program, until you have established your True Intents with Creator. In other words you have to show Creator, that you are serious about this work and you show this by doing it daily.
Doing the work with Program 11 and your Program Book, is the core work of establishing your True Intent. It is the start of identifying your emotions, feelings, the many different ways you use them in your daily life and the patterns and cycles of your emotions and feelings. Creator will honor your work, when you apply yourself to the point that this work becomes a everyday way of life and the communication between you and Creator becomes an intimate personal relationship. At that point, you will be told by Creator to start using the Advanced Program. You may hear this in your mind, you may hear it physically through your ears or it may be an overwhelming feeling to start using this advanced program. You will know when to start using it. The Advanced Single Program will replace the Single Program that you started out using. You will continue to use the Advanced Program every day, until you directly ascend or until the dimensional shift happens. For those that will ascend to the 4th dimension in the third group, you will continue to use this program in the 4th dimension until you ascend. As you use it every day you will keep your vibration up and continue to evolve in lightbody. It is now very simple to do since, Creator does all the remembering for you. All you are doing is recognizing your emotions and feelings. When you start using the Advanced Program, the only difference, is that you stop adding emotions and feelings in the spiral note book, that you labeled as Program 11 Continued. Creator knows your True Intents and remembers all the emotions and feelings that you have already identified and had the true intent to clear and release. You have also reached the point, that you recognize emotions as a way of life and you do not need your spiral note book to remind you. Now you just state the emotions and feelings and Creator will do the remembering for you. Advanced Program This is the Advanced single and final Program that you will use daily, to activate all programs 1 thru12 at the same time. You will use this program daily until you Directly Ascend Home. For those going to the 4th dimension with full memory in the 3rd group, you will also use this program in the 4th dimension until you Ascend. There will be no knowledge on ascension when you arrive in the 4th dimension. The only knowledge will be what you remember from the 3rd dimension. This Advanced
Program is short and easy to remember. To do the work of activating this program, Silently say in your mind; ________________________________________________________________
In nfin nite Min nd, Prim me Creator r, Sour rce Of All That Is, It is my intent to have your presence in my Heart Now. It is my intent that all emotions and feelings, (Including; now say the new ones you want to clear) Including all those that I have already identified since the beginning of my spiritual awakening, that no longer serve me for my highest good, be all cleared and released on all programs 1 thru 12 now. Than nk You Creator r, And So It Is. . ________________________________________________________________
The question should be asked, what if I dont do this work? The answer is simple. Its Your Free Choice. The information is a gift from Creator. It will be given only one time, at the end of the age and now is the time. You can accept it, or reject it. If you have already perfected yourself in the emotions of Love, Compassion, Caring, Gentleness, Kindness, Harmlessness and Unconditional Forgiveness, and also balanced all your karma from this and past lives, you do not need to do this work. You are ready to ascend to the 4th dimension. Now are you sure, beyond all doubt, that you accomplished all this? If you are sure that you accomplished all this, we ask this one question? Why you are still living in a human body again? You should have already ascended. Being in a human body again, in this lifetime, means that you are still on the wheel of incarnation, still learning lessons and balancing karma. If not, you would be gone, just like the other 200 spiritual beings that have already left this planet. Think about that very carefully! For those that dream of going Directly Home, to your former Spiritual Life and being connected to Creator again, evolving in Lightbody is the only way. The window of opportunity to Directly Ascend Home, from this 3rd dimensional planet, is now open. This is a one time gift from Creator, it will not be repeated in this dimension. This window will close at the end of this age.
Chapter 9
Previously in the text about lightbody, we stated that we would talk about foods later. Now we would like to give you some information that many people are not aware of. It is important to know, that what we eat, has a direct affect on our spiritual vibration. We will start with animals. Look into the eyes of an animal to see its consciousness. Yes, all animals have a consciousness. It is different than the consciousness we have. The higher the consciousness of the animal is, the more it will affect you after eating it. The higher the consciousness, the more it will pull your vibration down from what it normally is. Animal vibrations are all below human vibrations. When you eat the meat from an animal, the vibration of that animal will remain with you for approximately 72 hours, holding your vibration down during this time, until it totally dissipates from your body. The higher the consciousness of the animal, the more it will pull your personal vibration down when you eat it. Below is a list of the common edible meats to give you an idea of what the vibrations of different animals are. 10 Bear 9 Beef - Deer 8 7 6 Goat 5 Elk Buffalo -
Vibrations Of Food
4 3 2 1 0
Chicken -
Turkey -
Emu -
other Fowl
You might notice that Pork, Dog, Cat, Dolphin and Whale are not even on the list. Eating them will stop your spiritual vibration from growing completely and it will bring your vibrations down. If you are on a spiritual path, eating Pork, Dog, Cat, Dolphin and Whale, are an ABSO OLUTE NO O for you. Those on a serious spiritual path ( the ascension path), will also eliminate all the high numbers (6, 9, 10) and seriously limit the amount and times of consumption of mid numbers (4). The reason why these animals affect our vibration when they are killed and eaten, is that we are not allowing them to live in harmony with nature and us. They have a consciousness and Love dictates that they be allowed to exist in Harmony. In other words, the killing of animals by humans is not in harmony with the Universal Law of Love. The process of hunting and killing also puts great fear in these animals when they die and this vibration of fear carries over in the meat. Since their vibration is much lower than humans, it will pull the human vibration down. The higher the animal consciousness, the more it will pull human vibrations down when eating it. The killing of one animal by another animal, is part of natures natural cycle of animal life in this 3rd dimension and it is in harmony with itself. It is in harmony with nature, since this is part of the evolutionary process of the animal consciousness. This is where the animal consciousness learns its first lessons of living together with love and fear. As the spirit of the animal consciousness evolves, from inhabiting the small animal bodies, into occupying the bodies of larger animals, it will learn lessons of compassion and other emotions. So you see, nature and its laws of survival of the fittest, is just another school for teaching the beginning of emotions on a much lower level. The Nefilim ate meat and early humans picked up this habit from the Gods. The Nefilim Gods in their arrogance gave the humans the right to eat animals. They had no authority to do this, since it is not in harmony with Universal Law. The Nefilim did put restrictions on the kinds of animals that humans could eat and this was done strictly for the purpose of eliminating disease carrying animals from the human diet. There never was any spiritual significance to the laws when they were originally
given to the humans. The Nefilim created humans as a non reproducing slave that would never grow beyond 2 strand DNA. To the Gods, it was not necessary to educate humans in this spiritual knowledge, since they had virtually no connection to Creator or the Christ Consciousness. The Nefilim put themselves in the position of playing God. The food laws as well as all the other laws, were basically a way to exercise power and control by the Nefilim Gods over the human race. Eventually as the human race multiplied and the Gods exercised more control over them, these food laws began to take on a new meaning. Man made the laws sacred after they were reintroduced into the human race through the Jewish nation. There are those who are wondering how this decision of letting humans kill animals affected the Nefilim. The Nefilim created karma for themselves and it will have to be satisfied just like any karma we create. No one is above karma since it is dictated by Universal Law. Since this was an age of lesson and learning, the world animal consciousness allowed humans to kill them and use their body as a means of survival. In this way the animal consciousness could grow at a faster pace, since the lessons they were learning, were also happening much faster. It was understood by the world animal consciousness, that 2 strand DNA humans did not have the knowledge to know better. Those who have evolved to the higher levels of DNA should now know better. It is still acceptable to kill animals for food, although this acceptance that was given by the animal consciousness is coming to an end at the end of this age. The fundamental structure of the human body is vegetarian by its genetic makeup. Remember, the human genetic makeup came from Homo erectus, which is a total vegetarian. They do not eat any type of animal flesh, not even fish. The Nefilim are also basically vegetarians. Their bodies thrive on a vegetarian diet even though they did eat meat. They had the knowledge of genetics, to modify plants that would fortify and protect their bodies from the problems that arose from eating animal meats. Humans never had this protection or knowledge. They suffered the consequences of eating animal meats, which in humans, is disease. You may find it interesting to know, that a highly evolved race called the Pleiadians, also have an appetite for animal meat. They have a deep respect for the consciousness of all animals and do not kill them. Instead, they use the knowledge of genetics, to genetically grow meat for consumption in an artificial environment. This way there is no living consciousness con-
nected to the meat, it is only cells multiplying for the purpose of humanoid food consumption. Fruits, vegetables and grains do not pull our vibrations down. They will actually raise it temporarily to very high levels. An example is the use of Essentials Oils, made from plants that have the ability to raise our vibration up to the level of physical healing. It will soon be realized by medical science, that a vegetarian diet is normal for the human body. This is the normal combination of natural foods, that keep the pH of the human body around the same pH as the human blood. Remember this important information, since it is not known or accepted by the medical establishment. When the blood and the body pH are kept at the same level, the human body will function in a much greater state of natural health. In the United States, the farming methods have already severely depleted the lands from their natural balance of minerals and necessary trace elements. The greater majority of foods no longer contain the necessary minerals and trace elements to practice a healthy vegetarian lifestyle. It is now necessary to supplement your diet, to maintain a natural healthy state of being. That means, it is in your highest interest to thoroughly educate yourself about food and its nutritional value. A very important element for any person, especially those on the ascension path, is to drink pure clean water. The cells of the human body only function properly with pure clean, clear water. It is wise to eliminate all bottled or canned drinks from your diet. Those in lightbody will require pure clean water and more of it on a daily basis. For those on the ascension path, it is in your highest interest to follow a basic vegetarian lifestyle, and eliminate all processed foods. Processed foods also have a much lower vibration than fresh foods and include many of the harmful elements that your body will have to clear out during spiritual clearings. So when you stop putting in these processed foods, you will have less to clear out. You can include the animal meat groups that are listed as no vibrational affect whenever you choose. Those with a low vibrational affect such as fish foods can be eaten several times a week. Those such as chicken, turkey and other fowl should be limited to twice a week or less. Anything higher than these should be eliminated from your diet. If you want your spiritual vibration to grow quicker, eliminate everything from #2 up. The purpose of following this type of lifestyle is to eliminate all the low vibrations that you receive from these animal meats. Every vibration that enters your body, adds up and becomes
part of your whole vibration. When you are clearing and releasing vibrations from emotions and feelings that no longer serve you, your vibration will go up. When you eat meat with a low vibrational affect, it will slow down your vibrations from rising, keeping them from going up faster. When you eat meats with a high vibrational affect, it will stop your vibrations from going up. When you eat the meat from pork, dog, cat, dolphins and whales, it will bring your vibrations down. As an example, eat a high vibrational affect meat on Sunday. Then eat it again on Wednesday. The vibration of the meat will stay with you for approximately 72 hours. From Sunday to Wednesday, it will stop your vibration from going up. Eat it again on Wednesday and it will again keep it from going up for another 72 hours and that will keep your vibration from going up until Friday. Come Saturday, the animal vibrations will start to dissipate out of your field. That one day without meat only puts you in the position so that you can start to grow. It is very unlikely that you will grow at all in that one day. Most people eat meat daily as a way of life. Most people that are now entering a spiritual path, have no idea how meat affects them. Looking at it another way, there are168 hours in a week. When you eat meat twice that week, every 3rd day, you will have that low animal vibration in you for approximately 144 hours of that week. That only leaves you 24 hours left in the week. The 24 hours will be used up while the animal vibrations dissipate. Your vibrational growth in that 24 hours will be minimal, if any at all. Hopefully this example will help you understand how animal vibrations will affect your spiritual growth and even stop it. It is important to realize, those who are on the path of direct ascension, evolving in lightbody and working to join back to Universal Consciousness, by directly ascending to the higher dimensional levels, that you will be doing a double clearing. You are clearing and releasing all the low vibrations from emotions and feelings in your spiritual field and in your cells. You must also clear and release all low vibrations that enter your physical body through physical food and liquids (processed foods and bottled drinks). The spiritual clearings will also start to detox the body, by clearing toxins from the cells and clearing them out of the body. They will manifest as flu like symptoms, diarrhea or even the temporary forms of common diseases, even though you will not have those diseases. They will appear for a short time and then will disappear. As you grow spiritually, these clearings will continually manifest as needed, according to the level of growth that you are at. This spiritual clearings will
be triggered by your personal spiritual guides when they are needed. For those on a natural vegetarian diet or close to it, and who understand how to do internal body cleaning, and actually do it, you will experience very mild and very few spiritual clearings. A good internal cleansing program that cleanses the colon, the liver and the blood stream, will help you to grow spiritually and allow your vibration to grow, with the least amount of spiritual clearings. For those who are at the higher levels of DNA and those who have entered lightbody, you may have noticed that you no longer have a desire for animal meats. You will find that the higher you climb in lightbody, the less desire you have for animal meats and processed foods. When you get to the high levels of lightbody, your physical body may begin to reject many of these foods, by giving you a quick stomach ache and a quick case of diarrhea to push it out of the body. You will also find as you grow in lightbody, that your physical body does not require the same amount of food that it did before. You will become full with less food. This is normal, since your body is beginning to live more on light. At the higher levels of lightbody, you will probably amaze yourself on how little food it takes to fill you up. For those who like to eat a lot, you will definitely have to make some changes in your way of thinking about food and the amounts you eat. If you do not, you may find yourself gaining an excessive amount of unwanted weight. INTERNAL BODY CLEANSING TO ELIMINATE MAJOR DISEASE CAUSING PROBLEMS AND TO PREPARE THE BODY FOR DIRECT ASCENSION PLEASE NOTE DISCLAIMER For proper diagnosis and treatment of any disease or serious physical condition, see your medical doctor first. It is your responsibility to check with your doctor about any natural remedies. All the information contained in this material, is intended for educational purposes only. It is not our intent to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or prescribe any type of treatment, directly or indirectly. Always consult your Doctor or licensed health care professional regarding your specific health condition and your personal health care needs. This information is for those who manage their own health and have knowledge about vitamins, minerals and herbs and understand how to use them. This information is given to those
that are on a DEDICATED spiritual path, which is raising their level of DNA and their personal vibration up to the vibration of light, by evolving through a process called Lightbody. They will be doing spiritual clearings that will manifest usually as flu like symptoms. These flu like symptoms will vary according to how toxic their body is. If their body is very toxic, the symptoms could be severe and cause you to be very sick, even bedridden. If those on this spiritual path will aggressively detox the body in an intelligent manner, the symptoms of spiritual clearings will be very mild, usually lasting around 24 hours as an average. When your detox program is aggressive, as outlined in this material, you will have very few and mild spiritual clearings. This is the way people have internally cleansed that have already reached lightbody. You have the privilege to detox the body and make the transition in Lightbody easy on your self. If you do not detox and are on the spiritual path in Lightbody, your Guides and Angels will trigger the clearings as needed. The internal body cleansing is basically common information that most people do not know. For those that have taken charge of their own health, it will be easy to understand. When you follow the steps for internal body cleansing, you will eliminate the greater majority of problems, restoring the body to a high level of health and balance. For those that are not familiar with this information, it is very easy to learn. Anyone that will follow the internal body cleansing will restore the body to a healthy state. It does not matter if you are on a spiritual path or not. The same problems, toxic foods, drinks and chemicals create the same disease for everyone. It is important on the ascension path, to have everything that enters our body, brought up to the highest vibration or else it will slow our vibrational growth down or even stop it; (for example, eating pork will stop our vibrational growth). Everything that enters our body affects our personal vibration up to 72 hours. The built up toxins and chemicals that are stored in the body, also hold back our vibrational growth since these elements are all low vibration elements. You will have spiritual clearings, to cleanse the body internally of all toxins and chemicals. You have the privilege and now the knowledge in your hand to cleanse the body internally, reducing the number and intensity of spiritual clearings. Your body will be changing at the cellular level and for this to happen easily and quickly, the body must be in a balanced and healthy state. After you do this clearing work, your spiritual vibration will not be held back by physical elements.
There are 10 steps, that will work together to bring the body to a healthy balanced state. Doing only a couple will not achieve the desired results. They are all important. There is also information on what to avoid and eliminate in the way of harmful food. Included is information on how the body works, as it pertains to the internal cleansing. Everything you put into your body has a vibration and those on a serious spiritual path must clean out all the low vibrations of disease, toxins and dead foods that hold their vibrations down. This is the physical part of releasing low vibrations from the body. All this internal cleansing is done by natural ingredients that can be obtained at health food stores. The oral chelation therapy is now obtainable at some health food stores and by private health organizations on the Internet.
To cleanse the body properly, you must follow a logical order. 1 - You must drink the proper amount of water for your body size. A good standard is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day. If you weigh 150 lbs., drink 75 ounces of water daily; if 200 lbs. drink 100 ounces daily, etc. drink 1/3 of your water upon awakening in the morning. 2 - You need to have 3 bowel movements every day, never less than 2 in order to keep the colon clean. 3 - Always clean the colon first. This will eliminate the cause of around 80% of common diseases. A proper colon cleanse will take anywhere from 1 to 2 years, for some longer. 4 - Cleanse the kidneys. 5 - Clean the liver/gallbladder after the colon. This will eliminate many causes of the remaining 20% of other diseases. Always clean the colon out for 30 days before doing any type of liver cleansing. When you do liver/gallbladder flushing, clean the colon out for 60 days before starting and have the colon regulated to 3 bowel movements a day. 6 - Balance the pH in your body to match the blood pH, which is 7.35 to 7.45. Low body pH is an acid condition which allows cancer, and many diseases, to live in the body. This will require lifestyle changes in eating for most people. 7 - Eliminate parasites in the body, everyone has parasites which imitate many diseases. 8 - Eliminate candida, everyone has it to varying degrees imitating many diseases. 9 - Cleanse the body from excess toxins (heavy metals). We all have metal toxins.
10 - Clean out your arteries. The average 21 year old person today on an American diet has 25% clogged arteries. Water Water is the second most important element that the body needs to stay healthy. Air is the first element. Without air we die in minutes, without water we can die in 5 to 7 days. When the body lacks the proper amount of water over a period of time, the first and the most serious problem that occurs, is the functioning of the colon slows down. We will briefly explain the results of a lack of sufficient water and the long term problems it creates. The first body function that is affected is the movement of the colon. Instead of 2 to 3 bowel movements per day, it will slow down to 1 a day or less. Many people only have one bowel movement every 2 or 3 days, some longer. Instead of the colon emptying out every 8 to 12 hours, it will now empty out once every 24 hours or once every 2 or 3 days. The waste material in the colon now has more time to decay and rot in the warm moist body. The colon will start to back up and start stretching the colon walls out, making more room for decaying matter. When the colon is stretched and packed, the peristalsis movements (involuntary wave like muscular contractions that move food through the digestive system) slow down. When food that is toxic enters the colon, it is covered by a mucus film, for the purpose of holding the toxic substances in suspension, so that they cannot be absorbed into the body. They are held in suspension until it is eliminated from the colon. This mucus is sticky and will stick to the colon wall. When the colon is slow moving, this mucus has more time to become stuck on the colon wall. With this normal functioning of mucus, to protect the body from toxic food, this waste material becomes a perfect breeding place for bacteria, viruses and parasites to live. As more decayed matter sticks to the colon wall, it builds up in layers and becomes hard, like a rubber hose. This build up turns into a coating on the colon wall, that all foods, liquids and nutrients must pass through, in order to enter the bloodstream and feed the body. Know that the colon absorbs the liquids and nutrients from the digestive system and sends them into the blood stream. This coating can limit and slow down the amount of nutrients and liquids that enter the blood stream. The body will eventually reach a point, when it cannot absorb the proper amount of liquids or nutrients. If the person tries to drink the proper amount of water, many times it will turn into loose bowels and diarrhea. So now the person drinks less water to avoid loose
bowels and diarrhea. As they drink less water, there is no longer the proper flow to keep the kidneys clean and flushed out. Residue builds up in the kidneys, the tubes and the bladder, leading to future disease. The body becomes locked into a permeant state of dehydration because of the coating on the colon wall. The body will stay in this state of dehydration, that will go from mild to severe and become worse over time. The body will attempt to adapt to severe dehydration which will show up as chronic incurable diseases. The only thing that will restore health, is to remove the built up layers of decaying waste material on the colon wall, by doing a long term colon cleanse, that will take from 1 to 2 years for the average person and longer depending on the severity of the problem. Just look around at the many people that have overly large stomachs. They have been collecting waste in the colon for a long time and it will take them longer to clean it out. Know that it takes many years to create a build up on the colon wall, dont be fooled into thinking you can correct the problem in a month or two. Realize also that if this condition has gone on for a long time, you may have cellular damage creating a disease that may not be reversible. At the same time all this waste material is building up in the colon, it remains at the body temperature of 98.6 degrees, which is a perfect breeding place for disease carrying bacterias, viruses, parasites and worms. There are many publications that are now saying, that anywhere from 75 to 85% of diseases, are coming from waste material built up in the colon. The only way to eliminate the breeding of disease in the colon, is to clean it out and keep it clean. Important Information on dehydration. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated; that is 3 out of every 4 people. Water is a major factor in fatigue. Dehydration slows down the bodys metabolism. Asthma is a state of dehydration. It is a result of the body trying to manage a dehydration problem. A direct result, is that the body narrows down the bronchial tubes, to cut down the loss of body moisture, through the normal act of breathing. Water loss through the lungs is 12% of body moisture. Other water loss is through the skin which is 22%, water loss through feces in the colon is 6% and loss through urine is 60%. You can see that after slowing down water lost through the urine flow, which has already affected the colon and kidneys, the body only has the skin and lungs left. We always breath, constantly
losing 12% of our body moisture, seldom sweat. When this type of dehydration continues, there is genetic damage that can not be reversed and can lead to death. Allergies are a state of dehydration. Histamines are a body response to dehydration. Heartburn is a sign of a water shortage in the upper part of the alimentary tract (digestive system). It is a major indicator of thirst from the body. Chronic Arthritis, rheumatoid joint pain, low back pain, arthritis of the spine and disc problems, are all a state of dehydration and lack of proper minerals. Osteoarthritis is long term dehydration and lack of proper minerals, with the result of cellular death leading to crippling deformities. Angina (heart pain) is a sign of dehydration in the heart and lung area. Migraine headaches are a sign of dehydration in the brain and eyes. Colitis pain is a sign of dehydration in the colon. The intestine is trying to squeeze extra moisture from the 6% lost through elimination of the bodys waste material, leading to constipation, then advancing to fecal impacting and leading to hemorrhoids, polyps and diverticulitis. Hypertension (high blood pressure). One of the factors is a result of dehydration, that if left to continue leads to heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease etc. Diuretics (blood pressure medications) dehydrate the body more than it already is, which causes potassium imbalances. Diabetes is an advanced state of severe dehydration, the body slows down insulin production as a way of rationing water to all the body cells. This leads to blood vessel damage, gangrene, loss of limbs, eye damage, blindness and eventually death. High Cholesterol is a warning sign of the body trying to adjust to dehydration. Cholesterol acts as a barrier to stop an osmosis effect between cell membranes and the blood stream, so the cell membranes dont lose their precious moisture. Chronic Fatigue syndrome is a state of dehydration. Depression is a state of dehydration. Dehydration plays a major part in Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus and Fibre Myalgia. Know that caffeine in coffee, tea, drinks, chocolate and cocoa solids dehydrate the body. For every cup you drink, it takes 2 cups of plain water to compensate for the dehydration. Many of these conditions can be reversed and possibly elim-
inated with proper colon cleansing and the proper amount of clear, clean water daily, as long as there is not permanent cellular damage caused from dehydration. The body needs the proper amount of water for its body size. Whatever your weight is, divide it in half and this is the minimum amount in ounces of water that will supply the body what it needs. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs., drink 75 ounces of water daily. If you weigh 200 lbs., drink 100 ounces of water daily. Coffee, tea, soft drinks, juices, beverages and other fluids do not replace water. The bodys cells require a clean, clear low mineral content fluid to function in a healthy state. The only fluid that meets these requirements is pure, clean, clear water. A good habit that works, is to drink 1/3 your minimum daily intake of water in the first 15 minutes upon awakening in the morning. The body will assimilate it easily at this time when the colon is clean. Also change your water cup size from 8 ounces to 16 ounces, so you will get in the habit of drinking more when you do drink. This is a simple change that helps you to drink more water. Colon Cleanse There are many colon cleanses on the market that are sold by health food stores and private companies. Some work good and some dont. This is a simple combination that gives excellent results and is the basis of most colon cleanses. A simple, inexpensive and painless way to clean the colon is this. At the health food store buy; A 1 lb. bag of Slippery Elm Powder, A 1 lb. bag of ground Whole Psyllium Husks. Put 6 ounces of water in a cup, Mix in a tablespoon of Slippery Elm Powder Mix in a tablespoon of ground Whole Psyllium Husks, Stir them together and immediately drink it all down or it will turn into a thick mixture. Now wash it down with another 8 ounces of water. Do this as a daily routine, every day. The psyllium husks will hold moisture on the colon and the slippery elm powder will slowly dissolve the buildup on the colon walls. It will do it gently and safely without any inconvenience to your normal daily routine. It will begin to bring your bowel movements back to normal as you use it daily. This would be a good time to drink 1/3 your minimum daily amount of water as part of the mixture and to wash it down. The mixture is
very bland, almost tasteless. You can do this in the morning before you eat, or in the evening, do it whenever it is convenient for you. It is absolutely necessary to drink the proper amount of clean clear water daily for any colon cleanse to work. Know that coffee, tea, soft drinks, juices, beverages and other fluids do not substitute or replace clear water. For people that need more help to get the colon moving again on a regular schedule, there are single herbs or mixtures that are excellent for this purpose. They are cascara sagrada, senna leaves and cape aloe leaf. You may find them separately or in a mixture. Cascara sagrada is the herb of choice. They all contain a substance called emodin. When emodin comes in contact with nerve cells in the intestines, it causes the muscles of the colon to contract, creating the movement called peristalsis, which creates bowel movements. For many people, several ounces of apple juice or prune juice a day will help them to become regular. Still others eat 2 or 3 apples a day, some have large spinach salads. There are many ways and methods, find the one that works best for you. Kidney Cleanse One of the most effective ways to cleanse the kidneys, is with fresh asparagus juice. An American diet turns the blood very acidic, creating a very strong odor in their urine. Asparagus is not acid, it is alkaline and will basically neutralize excess acid quickly, allowing the kidneys to excrete toxins and start the process of bringing the blood stream back toward a normal alkaline balance. While doing this, it will impart an unusual odor to the urine while the body is detoxifying itself. To obtain fresh juice you will need a centrifugal type juicer. The masticating juicers do not work as well for this purpose. Drink 4 ounces of green asparagus juice (fresh juiced). This usually requires juicing about 8 oz., (1/2 lb.) or from 8 to 12 asparagus stems, depending on size. Do this for 30, 60 or 90 days as needed. For serious problems it can be done twice a day. You can also add 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper to the asparagus juice to stimulate the kidneys. Always drink the asparagus juice fresh. For those that feel the asparagus juice is too strong, juice a small 1/2 lb. fresh sweet potato along with the asparagus. For those who have kidney stones you can take this combination to dissolve the stones and pass them out of the body. Pineapple juice - 8 oz. Cream of tarter - 1 teaspoon
Nutmeg - 1 teaspoon Epsom salts - 1 teaspoon Olive oil - 1 tablespoon Mix all the ingredients together and take this mixture before you go to bed. Do this until you pass the stone or stones. During the day drink several glasses of pineapple juice. The more the better. The acid in the pineapple juice will dissolve the kidney stones and clear out the kidneys. To clean out built up residue in the kidneys, the tubes and the bladder, use this combination. Also use this if you have kidney and bladder infections that keep recurring. Use it once a day for 30 days. If needed, do it again for 30 days. Pineapple juice - 4 oz. Apricot juice - 2 oz. Black cherry juice - 2oz. Mix all three juices together and always drink them before going to bed. The combination of natural acids from these juices will clean the built up reside out. As it cleans it will increase the urine flow. Continue until urine is clear. Pineapple juice by itself will clear out built up residue in the kidneys. After they are cleaned out, two to three 8 ounce glasses of pineapple juice a week will keep the kidneys clear. You may also use asparagus juice to keep the kidneys clean. Remember that when you clean out the kidneys with juices, you add to the acid level of the body, when you clean out the kidneys with asparagus, you reduce the acid and add to the alkaline level since the asparagus is alkaline. Keep this in mind when you are balancing your pH. Liver And Gallbladder Cleansing Cleaning out the liver and gallbladder can be done two ways. There is the quick way with immediate results or there is the slow way with slow results. If you do not have an immediate problem, we suggest the slow way to cleanse. It is easy and it is done as a daily routine. Put from 2 to 4 ounces of tomato juice or a tomato cocktail, such as V8, in a cup. Add 1 tablespoon of Bragg organic apple cider vinegar. Add 1 tablespoon of extra virgin, first pressing, cold pressed, full-bodied olive oil. Mix together and drink. The natural acid in the apple cider vinegar will slowly start to dissolve the built up residue and stones in the liver and gallbladder. The olive oil will remove this dissolved residue and pass it out of the liver into the colon to be
expelled out of the body. There is no inconvenience and it is an inexpensive way to completely clean out the liver over a period of time. Depending on the condition of your liver, it will talk from 12 to 24 months to clean out the liver. If you are not accustomed to having olive oil or apple cider vinegar, start out with a teaspoon of each and build up to a tablespoon of each. Do not use olive oil that is refined and do not use lite oil. They do not work as well. Do not use a store bought apple cider vinegar, since they are made from petroleum crude oil. Only use a naturally fermented, raw unfiltered, organic apple cider vinegar and we mentioned Bragg brand, since it is generally available at health food stores. There are other brands. This is an easy and simple way to clean out the liver and gallbladder and is highly recommended. This liver flush is for those knowledgeable about their health. For those that have a need to do serious liver cleansing, we give you the full liver/ gallbladder flush. Before doing a liver flush for the first time, do a 60 day colon cleanse and have 2 to 3 regular bowel movements a day. Liver / Gallbladder Flush. You will need 3 quarts of apple juice, that is 100% pure, fresh apple juice. Do not use juice that is from concentrates, reconstituted or frozen. Do not use apple cider juice, it will not work. You will need a bottle of Ortho Phos (pharmaceutical grade phosphoric acid). The ortho phos and the malic acid in the fresh apple juice combined, will soften the stones so that they can be flushed out. Do Not do the flush without the Ortho Phos, it will not wor rk. You will need 8 ounces of Coca Cola in a glass or plastic bottle. (No canned Coke) You will need 8 ounces extra virgin olive oil, first pressing, cold pressed, full bodied. You will need a fresh lemon or 2 ounces of Realemon lemon juice. You will need a small container of Epsom salts. Day 1- Mix 90 drops of Ortho Phos in 1 quart apple juice. Drink the entire quart of juice throughout the day. Day 2- same as above Day 3- same as above Evening of day 3 - do not eat. Mix 8 ounces of olive oil (1 cup) and fresh lemon or 2 ounces of Realemon lemon juice together.
Now mix 8 ounces (1 cup) of Coca Cola and IMMEDIATELY drink the whole mixture down. Do not drink part of it or sip on it. You must drink it all at one time. IMMEDIATELY lie down on your RIGHT SIDE and draw your knees up to your chest (fetal position) for half an hour (30 minutes) or longer. This is absolutely necessary. This causes the flush to go directly to the liver and gallbladder. After the 30 minutes you may get up and move around. Now wait 6 hours, but no longer than 8 hours. By this time the flush is finished. Now mix 2 well rounded tablespoons of epsom salts in 16 ounces of water and drink it down all at the same time. This will flush the debris from the liver, out of the colon quickly. You can also mix the 2 tablespoons of epsom salts in 2 ounces of water and gulp it down, then drink the other 14 ounces of water after it. You can also mix some citrus juice with the epsom salts to taste better. The epsom salts also relax the bile ducts so that the liver stones will pass out easily. Do not substitute a colon cleanse product for epsom salts for the liver flush, the colon cleanses work too slow. Everything that is coming out of the liver is toxic and it needs to be flushed out of the colon quickly, so that it is not reabsorbed into the body. If you do not flush it out of the body quickly and it is reabsorbed you could become very sick. You may start eating 4 hours after you take the epsom salts. You are finished. On the first liver flush you very seldom see any stones come out, they usually start coming out in the second and third flush. The liver stones look like waxy emerald green peas from a tiny pea size up to possibly golf ball size. Keep doing liver flushes until you see red stones come out. They are the last to come out and are usually very small. It may take several or many flushes to clear all the stones out. People who have done the flushes have reported passing dozens of stones up to over a thousand stones. On the first flush many people, especially women, flush our large amounts of candida, which resembles sawdust with a lite brown to an off white color. It will take two flushes to clear the liver from candida. When doing liver flushes, you will also clean out the gallbladder at the same time. If you ever experience pain in the area of the liver or gallbladder, you may have loosened some stones that did not come out during the flush. Just take 2 rounded tablespoons of epsom salts in 16 ounces of water and it will relax the bile duct so that the stone will pass out easily. If necessary do it again. Epsom salts are magnesium which is a natural muscle relaxer. Continue to drink lots of water. For those who have serious liver problems and complica-
tions or are too weak, do the cleanse instead of the flush by taking 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with 1 teaspoon of olive oil mixed in 4 ounces of tomato juice or V8 cocktail juice. Do it for 30 days, If there is no problem then go to 2 teaspoons of each for 30 days and work your way up to a full tablespoon of each and stay on it long term. This can be done by anyone without any complications. pH Balance For those on the path of direct ascension in lightbody, balancing your pH is absolutely essential, since you will be changing at the cellular level and this will allow the cells to change easily and quickly. There are no short cuts to balance the body pH. It will require changes in the way you eat and the type of foods you eat. Read the material to understand. The symbol pH stands for Pondus Hydrogenii, which is the weight of hydrogen. The pH is the measuring of the hydrogen-ion concentration in a liquid. Your body and the food you eat are made up of hydrogen-ions. Those are the scientific terms, now we will explain it in simple terms. When referring to the human body, the symbol pH is used to indicate the strength of an acid or a base liquid. We will be using pH to indicate the strength of the acidity or the alkalinity that is in our body, which is 60% liquid. Also know that 40% of this liquid is in the body cells and it must be a clear low mineral liquid and be balanced around the blood level pH, for the cells of the body to maintain health and function properly. pH is measured on a scale from 0 to 14. Number 7 on a pH scale is called neutral which is a point of balance. Pure water is a neutral solution. It contains an equal amount of both acidity and alkalinity. Anything below 7 is more acid, all the way down to 0, which is the most acid. Anything above 7 is more alkaline, all the way up to 14, which is the most alkaline. Another way of looking at this balance, is that alkalinity is created by a shortage of acidity or acidity is created by a shortage of alkalinity. The pH scale is also logarithmic, which means that each number is 10 times more than or 10 times less than the number that it is next too. An example is; 6 is 10 times more acid than 7, 5 is 10 times more acid than 6, 4 is 10 times more acid than 5, etc. Another way of saying this is that; 6 is 10 times more acid than 7,
5 is 100 times more acid than 7, 4 is 1,000 times more acid than 7, 3 is 10,000 times more acid than 7, etc On the other side of the scale an example is; 8 is 10 times more alkaline than 7, 9 is 10 times more alkaline than 8, 10 is 10 times more alkaline than 9, etc Another way of saying this is that; 8 is 10 times more alkaline than 7, 9 is 100 times more alkaline than 7, 10 is 1,000 times more alkaline than 7, 11 is 10,000 times more alkaline than 7, etc. pH Scale -14 - ALKALINE -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 Blood - 7.35 > -7 - NEUTRAL -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 - ACID To simplify the explanation, we will say that all foods and liquids that we eat and drink are either acid or alkaline, with water being neutral. Foods and liquids that create an acid body, will measure from 7 down to 0 on the pH scale, forcing the body to become more acid. Foods and liquids that create an alkaline body, will measure from 7 up to 14 on the pH scale, forcing the body to turn more alkaline. Now we will show how this relates to the human body. It is important to know that the pH of the blood is between 7.35 to 7.45, which is just above neutral and is slightly alkaline. It is maintained within this narrow range by the working of the lungs and the kidneys. If the blood pH ever drops out of its narrow range, it has a direct affect on our health. A drop on blood pH of .4, will severely depress the nervous system function in a persons body. The body will do whatever is necessary within its capability, to maintain the pH balance in the blood stream. If
the body becomes too acid and remains that way, it will allow disease (viruses and bacteria), candida (yeast infections), cancer and a host of other diseases to live in the body, while it uses the alkaline reserves in the body to maintain the blood pH. In other words, it will sacrifice the rest of the body to disease, in order to maintain blood pH. All diseases live and grow in a acid environment inside the body, the more acid the body, the more disease will grow. Cancer cannot live in an alkaline body, also candida (yeast infections), parasites, disease causing bacterias, viruses and other diseases cannot live or grow in an alkaline body. There are times when you may get sick, if your body is alkaline, which is 7.45 or higher, the disease will be short lived and will not be severe. If the body is acid the disease will last longer. If your body is very acid, the disease will grow and the body will not heal no matter what you do, leading to life threatening situations and death. In order to maintain a healthy body, you want to keep the pH level of the body around the same pH level of the blood, which is 7.35 to 7.45 or slightly higher. In order to understand life you must understand death. From the moment of death to the total decay of the body is one of the secrets to a healthy life. Most people understand the birth process since it has become a common topic of conversation. We are now able to observe the beginning of life starting with the joining of the sperm and the egg, all the way to the formation of a new baby, even to the point of observing live births on television. The only part of death that most people see is the moment of death and the bodies that are prepared for viewing in a funeral home. Past this point, our observation stops. Now it is time to understand what happens next. When a body dies, including animals, the first major event that happens, is that the circulation of blood stops. When this happens, the body has no more oxygen coming into it and the entire body starts to quickly turn acid. That is why when a person dies they are embalmed. It is to stop the process of natural decay. Living within all bodies are many different types of microorganisms, both good and bad. These microorganisms do not die when the body dies. Instead they multiply very quickly, since the ideal environment for them to live and multiply in is an acid environment. The next major change, and what people do not realize, is that these microorganisms mutate and change into living bugs and other organisms, that will totally consume the entire body. This is Mother Natures way of house cleaning. You must understand that these microorganisms are always alive in us
and are necessary in our body to live. This is all part of the Divine Plan of Life. To say it as simply as possible, the lesson that people need to learn, is they need to keep their body in a balanced alkaline state, so that these microorganisms work for our health and do not mutate into harmful microorganisms while we are still living in this body. When your body is very acid, this is a signal to these microorganisms to start to mutate and do their work of consuming the body which shows up as disease. The more acid the body is, the stronger the signal is to the microorganisms to mutate more, creating more disease, consuming (destroying) more living cells and damaging the organs. You do not need germs, bacteria or viruses entering into your body in order to develop a disease. All you need is a low acid pH, which will signal the microorganisms in your body to mutate and they will create a disease, by the simple process of consuming (destroying) living cells and organs. In this country, the U. S., the greater majority of people are acid, their bodies are dying a slow disease filled death, instead of living a healthy vibrant life. In the same way that an acid body will signal the microorganisms to start to mutate, making the body alkaline again, will send a signal to these same microorganisms, to mutate back to their normal state and work in harmony within the body. Another important piece of information that people need to know, is that the human body was genetically engineered from another humanoid life form called homo erectus. These humanoids ate off the abundance of the land which is fruits, nuts, vegetables, etc. They did not consume fish, meats or any substances that came from these meat animals and that includes our great variety of dairy products. Our bodies are designed to eat, digest and stay healthy by eating the same foods, which is basically a vegetarian life style. If we like it or not, thats the way it is. There are two ways that a person can check their pH at home by them self. You can check the pH of the body by measuring the pH of the saliva under the tongue or by checking your urine. The saliva under the tongue is not a good test of the body pH, since the amount of carbon dioxide in your blood will affect the readings which shows up readily in the saliva. The lungs are constantly adjusting the body pH by the very act of breathing, which is the release of 12% of the body moisture. This moisture will be either acid or alkaline, depending on what the body is doing internally to adjust the pH at that moment. The saliva is not an accurate indicator. The saliva will generally read high-
er than the urine when the body is acid and generally lower than the urine when the body is alkaline. The best way to check pH is to measure the urine, since the body will be releasing the excess acid or alkalinity that it does not need. So if your urine reads in the acid range, it means that the body is releasing its excess acid which generally means it has too much acid in the body. When you are very alkaline, the body will release this excess alkalinity in the urine. Remember that the body is always trying to balance itself to the level of the blood pH and whatever excess it has, will be discarded in the urine as acid or alkaline. What we want to do is make the body slightly alkaline, so that we can see this alkalinity in the urine when we check it. To test your pH you must purchase Litmus paper, which is available through your health food stores or have them order it for you. There are also liquids and tablets which we do not recommend. The Litmus paper is easy to use and it generally comes in two common types. One type measures the complete range of pH from 0 to 14. The other type measures pH from 4.5 to 7.5 or from 5.5 to 8. Either range will work. We recommend the Litmus paper that measures from 5.5 to 8, since this is the range that you want to work in. Those litmus papers that break the pH range down to fractions are easiest to read. For example; Litmus paper with a range from 4.5 to 7.5, will read as 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, and 7.5 which makes it easy to read and compare to the color chart that comes with it. The Litmus paper with a range of 5.5 to 8, will read as 5.5, 5.8, 6.0, 6.2, 6.4, 6.6, 6.8, 7.0, 7.2, 7.4 7.6 and 8.0 which makes it very easy to read with the accompanying chart. We recommend the 5.5 to 8 range Litmus paper. The best time to measure your pH, is when you get up first thing in the morning, before you do anything else. We suggest you start out by checking your pH under the tongue and in your urine at the same time and this will begin to educate you how your body works. Use a short strip of test paper from 1/2 to 3/4 inch long. Put it under the tongue and let it soak up the saliva for 5 to 10 seconds, until fully wet and compare it to the color coded chart that comes on the Litmus paper container to get your reading. Write it down and keep a record for reference. Now test your urine which you will collect in a clean paper or plastic cup. Dip the Litmus paper in the urine and compare it to the color coded chart and keep a record of it. Discard the two test strips and the cup. The greatest majority of people will find, that the reading under the tongue is higher than the urine reading. As you work to alkalize the body, these two readings will come close together with the urine reading generally becoming
slightly higher as the body becomes more alkaline. For a person that finds they have a very acid reading and wants to correct the problem, know that you can do it naturally, since pH is the direct result of eating habits. You will have to change the way you eat. There is no other long term sensible way. It will generally take several months. For those that want to make permanent changes more quickly, the easiest way to do this is by Juicing Fresh Vegetables and consuming about 12 to 16 ounces of this fresh juice every day. When you reach the alkaline range you will have learned by experience what it takes to keep your body alkaline. You will need less of this fresh juice to keep it there and will probably only need to check your alkaline level once a week after that. Then eventually once a month. Some minerals that are important to alkalize the body and maintain that level, are salt, potassium, calcium and magnesium. These minerals must be in the body as reserves for the body to use when needed. Your body will also alkalize quicker when you supplement the juicing by taking a daily mineral supplement of; a pinch of Sea salt which is less then a half of an 1/8 teaspoon, 400 I.U. of vitamin D to aid absorption, 300 milligrams of chelated potassium, 750 milligrams of chelated magnesium, 1,500 milligrams of calcium; the better calciums are coral calcium, calcium citrate, Liquid calcium carbonate and chelated calcium since they are the most absorbable. Find which one works best for you. These minerals are concentrated when you juice fresh vegetables, which is the reason why it is much easier to alkalize the body and keep it alkaline. It is a way of life that works. For those that choose to juice fresh vegetables, we will give you some information. A good tasting combination for an alkaline drink is; carrots (4 to 5), celery (3 to 4 stalks), and a small sweet potato, all to equal 12 to 16 ounces of juice. Fresh asparagus juice will also alkalize the body, since it will leave an alkaline ash in the body. Juice 8 to 12 asparagus spears to get 4 ounces of asparagus juice and you may want to also juice a small sweet potato with it to make taste different. You may want to have 8 ounces of fresh juice in the morning and 8 ounces in the evening or 12 to 16 ounces as part of your breakfast. Make a schedule that works for your life style. There are many combinations of vegetable juices that will alkalize the body. These that we just suggested are at the top of the list and
they can all be mixed together. These are the juices that will alkalize the body the quickest and easiest. An excellent juicing base to build from is, use 2 1/2 parts carrot juice to 1 part celery. This will give you a general idea of the amount of juice these ingredients will make; carrots - 2 medium to large (7.5 ounces) will make about 4 ounces of juice. celery - 2 medium to large stalks ( 6 ounces) will make about 4 ounces of juice. sweet potato - 1 medium (8 ounces) will make about 4 ounces of juice. asparagus - 8 to 12 spears (8 ounces) will make about 4 ounces of juice. These amounts vary according to the efficiency of your juicer. There are many good juicing books on the market and we suggest that you go to your bigger book stores and check them out. Just realize one important fact, the greatest amount of alkalinity comes from fresh vegetables. That is the one basic source of alkaline foods. When you begin to alkalize the body, you must also eliminate the foods that create an acid body. You must balance your diet by eating 20% to 25% acid foods and 75% to 80% alkaline foods (fresh vegetables). The more alkaline your diet is, the quicker you will alkalize the body. All animal meats, animal products, fish, dairy products, poultry and its products, all processed foods, all refined foods, wheat, all wheat products, wheat glutens, all fermented foods, yeast products, sugars, artificial sweeteners, teas, coffees, all carbonated beverages and many fruits and grains will turn the body acid. All protein that enters the body turns acid and high protein diets are very acid. It is important to start getting the majority of your proteins from fresh vegetables that are not cooked, fried, baked or processed in any way. In other words, eat your vegetables fresh in their natural raw state. Cooked vegetables and coked foods are more acid and cooking your vegetables destroys all the enzymes. Lightly steaming your vegetables is an excellent way to fix them. Eating your vegetables fresh will give you a steady flow of live enzymes in your diet, which is another necessity for the body to remain healthy. Enzymes are proteins and a body depleted of them cannot stay healthy. Enzymes are numerous types of complex proteins which are produced by living organisms, that are necessary to control the chemical reactions in the
body, at the rate the body needs them, in order for these chemical reactions to happen. There are no enzymes in processed and refined foods, only fresh fruits and vegetables have the proper live enzymes. When you juice vegetables or fruits, immediately drink the juice since the enzymes start dying when they are exposed to oxygen. Most enzymes die after about 5 to 10 minutes of exposure to air. For this reason do not store fresh vegetable juices, always make them fresh. One of the biggest acid makers in the body is refined sugar. Refined sugars must be permanently eliminated from the diet, since there are no positive ions in it and it will bring the body into an acid state very quickly and keep it there. You will not be able to alkalize a body if you are on a steady diet of products that contain refined sugars such as candies, sweets, chocolates, bakery products, snack foods, syrups, sweetened drinks, etc. start reading labels on all foods and drinks and eliminate all those with sugars. Do not replace sugar with artificial sugar replacements. Wheat, wheat products and wheat glutens, cause allergic reactions in 44 percent of the worlds population, causing the body to stay acid, with stiff or painful joints and many digestive problems. These people must eliminate the wheat totally from their diet and stay away from it permanently. All meats, beef, pork, deer, poultry, wild game, etc. cause the body to turn acid and a constant diet of these will cause the body to stay acid. Dairy and cheese products cause the body to turn acid and a steady diet of this will help keep the body acid. The calcium that you get from processed cheese foods is dead calcium, which means it has no enzymes and causes many problems, including constipation, which leads to build up in the colon. One of the biggest arguments you hear from people, is that they cannot get their calcium by giving up their milk and dairy products. Stop and think, where do you think the cows get their calcium from? They get it from the greens that they eat and you can do the same by eating fresh green vegetables. Isnt that amazing? There are many health conscious people that actually juice grass such as wheat grass and barley grass, and this is steadily gaining in popularity. The basic food source that will alkalize the body and keep it there, are fresh green vegetables. By now you figured out that there is nothing left to eat. Relax and gain an understanding why this is happening. The information we gave you is only the start. You will still probably eat many of the same things except
that you will now change the portions and the amount of times you eat them. When you know the main culprits that produce an acid body and eliminate the main ones, you will find by experimentation what works for you and what does not work. That little piece of Litmus paper, tells the true story of how your body reacts to foods and liquids and now you have the knowledge and the tools to fix the problem. Also think of a juicing machine as a tool. When you compare it to a doctors visit, you can buy a quality machine that has a ten year warranty on it for one or two doctors visits. Its quite a bargain when you think of it that way. For those that wish to start altering their diet to alkalize their body, here are some suggestions and guidelines. Limit all meat consumption. At this point in time it is a wise decision to stop eating red meat such as beef and deer. Mad cow disease has already been identified in this country and it is only a matter of time before it becomes widespread. And the reason why, is that it has been identified in the wild animals such as deer and elk in many states. t is estimated that this country has 20 million wild deer. That means we have 20 million potential carriers that travel around the country at will and mix with commercial herds constantly. This will all be denied by the government. Use your common sense and figure it out for yourself. Limit poultry to once or twice a week.. Eat it grilled or baked, not fried. Limit fish to twice or three times a week. Eat it grilled or baked, not fried. Eliminate all refined sugar and the products it is in. Read the labels. Eliminate the worst offenders first. Eliminate coffee and teas, coffee has a pH of around 5 and dehydrates the body. Tea has a similar affect. Use herbal teas for intended purposes and limit their use while alkalizing the body. Limit the amount of fruits to very small amounts, while working to alkalize the body, since they are more acid. An example of the pH of popular fruits are listed. The pH varies according to the many different types and these are average figures. Orange juice is 2.8 Apple juice is 3 Sauerkraut is 3.5 Lemon and lime juice is 2.5 to 3 Tomato juice is 4.2 Grapefruit juice is 3 Always think of fruits as the cleaners of the body as they are
more acid. The acid does the cleaning, thats one of the reasons lemons and oranges are added to household cleaners. Thats why pineapple juice cleans out the kidneys. Think of vegetables as builders of the body since they supply proteins in the form of enzymes and they are more alkaline. Remember it is the balance between the two that we want to achieve. One fortifies the body and the other keeps it clean. It is wise to eliminate all canned and bottled beverages, they are all more acid than water. All carbonated beverages present another problem. The carbonation in them changes the calcium-phosphorus ratio in the body, opening the door to osteoporosis, and in growing children, it leads to easily fractured and broken bones. This has been finally recognized in our children and it is now receiving attention as a national problem. Calcium is a necessary mineral for strong bones and it is needed to make and keep the body alkaline. Carbonated drinks reduce the ability of calcium to function in the body. It is wise to permanently eliminate all carbonated drinks. Make pure water your beverage of choice, since the pH is 7 and the bodys cells require a clear low mineral fluid, that is balanced around the blood pH of 7.35 to stay healthy. Only pure water will supply this. Many people add lemon or lime juice to their water for flavor and this is okay in moderation since these two juices will turn more alkaline after entering the body. Install the best water filter you can afford on your faucet if you drink tap water, in order to filter out all the chlorine and other harmful elements. Chlorine is poison and that is why it kills bacteria in the water. Chlorine will also kill the friendly bacteria in your intestines when you drink it, the same way it kills the unfriendly bacteria in the city water system. When you have a depleted level of friendly bacteria in your intestines, your body cannot properly digest the food you eat, so you will not get the full benefit out of the good food you consume. Your body has to detox this poison through the liver. Eventually this constant flow of chlorine poison will damage the body and the organs. Also put a chlorine filter on your bathtub and shower head, since chlorine absorbs through the skin when taking hot baths and showers. Taking a shower or hot bath in chlorinated water is actually much worse than drinking it, since the large surface area of the skin very quickly absorbs the chlorine. Chlorine adds to the acidity in the body. The greater majority of people are infected with candida, which is yeast and fungus in the body. If you have these, you will have a hard time or may not be able to alkalize the body. All
these are living microorganisms that feed on the nutrients in your body and they produce an acid waste that stays in the body. You will have to eliminate these microorganisms and clean out their waste products in order to eliminate all the excess acid build up in the body. You can kill the candida in the body by using a product called Grapefruit Seed Extract. You can buy it in health food stores in one or two ounce bottles. The best way to take it, is to buy size 0 gelatin capsules (also available in health food stores) and put your drops in it, close it up and wash it down before a big meal. The food will absorb it and you will not taste it. Then take a supplement called Molybdenum to clean out the waste products of candida, which are called acetaldehydes. At the same time you are taking Molybdenum it is wise to take a chelated copper supplement, since the Molybdenum will also remove copper from the body. We will explain this in more detail later. Practically everyone has parasites and the parasite waste product that is left in your body is acid. The easiest way to get rid of them is to use Oregano oil, that is available in health food stores in one or two ounce bottles. Oregano has a strong taste and the best way to take is to buy size 0 gelatin capsules and to put the oregano drops in it, close it up and wash it down with water. Do this before a heavy meal and the food will absorb it and you will avoid the taste of the oil. We will explain this in more detail later. When you reach the point that your urine pH goes over 7.5 and stays there, it is time to start adding more fruits to your diet and observing the change it makes in your pH. Give the body time to adjust which may take two or three days. After you get that all figured out start adding poultry and fish to the diet and observe the changes it will make. While you are doing all this, remember to keep a record of your pH and keep notes. When people get to this point they seldom return to their old ways of eating acid foods. They now are healthier and feeling better with a much higher energy level, allowing them to enjoy life again. When people balance their pH to the alkaline level of the blood and keep it there, interesting things start to happen. People that are considerably overweight and constantly diet are usually very acid. The body uses the fat to protect the organs from an overly acid body. Many overweight people start to lose excess weight without trying and underweight people start to gain a normal amount of body weight. The body weight will balance itself to its normal weight as long as it stays alkaline and there are no other problems. People that constantly suf-
fer from indigestion and heartburn find permanent relief from the problem. Remember to balance your meals with 20% to 25% acid foods and 75% to 80% alkaline foods. Do no get discouraged when starting out to alkalize the body, since the initial progress will be slow. If you start out with a urine pH around 4, realize that your body is 1,000 times more acid than it should be. It could take two or three months before your readings come up to the pH 5 level. Level 5 is 100 times more acid than normal and from this level it will take less time, possibly several weeks or more to reach pH 6 level. At this point the progress will happen more quickly since you are only 10 times more acid than normal. Be patient as your body adjusts back to a balanced level. Your pH will never stay at one number consistently. It will drift up and down within a range according to the foods and liquids you consume. Aim to keep it within a range of 6.8 to 7.8. There are no short cuts to balance the body pH, you will have to change your eating habits and eliminate many foods and liquids that cause the acid condition. This will cause you to make life style changes by learning about and eliminating acid forming foods. If you think you can do this by simply eating and drinking green supplements and still consume acid forming foods, you will be terribly disappointed. You will never achieve and maintain blood level pH without eliminating the acid forming problems and eating the proper balance of foods and liquids. We recommend starting out by buying a good quality centrifugal juicer, they retail around $200. Look over the many books on juicing so you can self educate yourself to get what your body needs from every day natural food sources. Check for some suggested sources in the back of the book. There are many supplements that you can buy, to bring to bring pH up, that work very well. The problem is that people get tired of taking expensive supplements and eventually give up. They never become serious about making fundamental changes and making the necessary effort to learn about how food affects their body. Instead of educating themselves how to balance their pH, many people give their power away to someone else that is selling products to solve their problem. Take your power back. Make your own supplements from common fresh fruits and vegetables, especially by learning to juice vegetables and fruits. Learn about yourself, your worth it. When you faithfully check your pH and get personal with your food, you learn what works for you and balancing your pH becomes a personal accomplishment, leading to a healthy energetic life.
The following list of food ingredients to avoid is essential to know. For those just looking to improve there health, avoiding these will make a tremendous difference. For those on the spiritual path of lightbody, all these food ingredients to avoid, carry a very low vibration and will have to be eliminated by spiritual clearings or by detoxifying your body and not putting these ingredients back into it. Any processed food, chemical additives, meats and all food elements that enter the body, that are not for its highest good, are low to very low vibration and must be eliminated by your efforts or by spiritual clearings. It is time to start reading food ingredient labels and understand. If you cannot read a food ingredient, pronounce it, or understand what it is, dont buy it or eat it. Food Ingredients To Eliminate From Your Daily Diet Start reading the labels on all foods and products you purchase. Some of these ingredients are in soaps, shampoos and other household products and enter the body through the skin All the following oils are foreign to the human body, they are the wrong type of fats. They mix with the cholesterol in the body, oxidizing and turning into toxins called free radicals, which create coronary artery disease. The Nations #1 killer disease. Hydrogenated or Partially Hydrogenated oils, fats and shortening of any kind; The process of hydrogenating oil changes the melting point of the oils so they stay solid. They are popular with food processors since the shelf life of the products they are used in is unlimited. You cannot taste it when these oils break down and become rancid while sitting in the grocery store, they always taste good. Once they enter the body they become toxic (carcinogens) to the system. Palm oil, Palm Kernel Oil, Coconut oil; saturated fat. Canola oil; it is made from rape seed which is poisonous. Olestra or Olein oils; mostly in snack foods, made from soybean oil. A processed oil that once it gets past the intestinal cell walls cannot be easily expelled from the body. Refined oils Polyunsaturated o ils f rom c orn, s oybean, p alm a nd coconut oils Margarines; all margarines. All oils used in deep fry cookers to make Fried Foods, the heating of the oil turns it rancid. MSG, Monsodium Glutimate; kills brain cells, dehydrates the body cells, it is a toxic brain stimulator, creates headaches, stim-
ulates the brain into craving more food. MSG also crosses the brain barrier, which is the bodys only way to protect the brain. MSG is labeled in pure form as MSG; many people are complaining about this ingredient, so now the new food laws allow MSG to be hidden under New Legal Names; they are sodium caseinate, calcium caesinate, autolyzed yeast, yeast extract, hydrolyzed protein and textured protein. Its also hidden in sub labels such as natural flavorings and spices. As people discover these new legal names, more ingredient names will appear to hide MSG in products. New legislation is now allowing MSG to be put into products without directly labeling this ingredient. It is now in the process of becoming hidden in most processed foods. Soft Drinks in cans; contains artificial sweeteners which are toxic, including the metal toxins from the metal of the cans themselves. Chlorine; poison in drinking and bathing water. Fluoride; poison in tooth paste. Alcohol; kills brain cells and the damages the liver. Aluminum; body stores it in the brain, from kitchen pots and pans, from antacids, added to most brands of baking powder and flour. It is now in a great variety of baked goods. Food Colorings; affects indigo children directly. Ethylene Glycol; poison; main ingredient in antifreeze, brake and hydraulic fluid. Its in soft drinks, bottled drinks, liquid foods, cosmetic products and many different products that could get freeze damage in the winter. Causes liver and kidney damage, two fastest growing cancers today. Artificial Sweeteners; Aspertame, Nutresweeet, Equal, Spoonful etc. They are made from Wood Alcohol (methanol). Above 85 degrees it breaks down into its component parts. Remember the body temperature is 98.6 degrees, so it breaks down in the body. It converts to formaldehyde which is what we use to embalm dead people. Then it breaks down to formic acid ,which is the poison in the fire ants sting. Formaldehyde stores in the fat cells. It mimics the diseases of multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus and fibre myalgia. Splenda; chemically modified sugar, contains 3 chlorine atoms. Chlorine is poison, a carcinogen. Refined Sugar; white and brown sugar, corn syrup, malt syrup, glucose, molasses, dextrose, etc. All have negative ions, no positive. Sugar stresses the thyroid
gland and adrenal glands and over time it will burn them out. The damage to these glands is permanent. Also know; consumed sugar is quickly converted to a fat in the bloodstream. It triggers the release of insulin, which causes the fats to be deposited on artery walls. If the fats are not burnt up they will be processed and stored as fat. Nitrates, BHT, BHA, in processed meats; a chemical composition that is poison. Nitrates combine with protein in the stomach to form nitrosamines, they enter the blood stream causing inflamation in the body cells and it will change the cellular structure. Nitrates are proven carcinogens (cancer). It is in processed meats and caned meats. Processed Meats; Communiated Meats, Mechanically Separated Meats; they have toxic metals in them from the processing; which are nickel, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, copper, tungsten, cobalt and silicon. All processed White Flour, Bleached Flour; mix flour and water together and what do you get? Glue. Wheat flour makes a high quality glue. This is what happens when you eat anything that has processed flour in it, it turns to sticky glue in your intestines and stops up the colon and sticks to the colon wall, creating a breading place for viruses, bacteria and parasites. All Fortified Foods; including fortified Rice, Corn, Flour, Oats, Barley, and Wheat. In the process to turn whole grain to white flour, 24 nutrients are lost in the processing. Four are added by law which is what Fortified means and these are thiamin, niacin, riboflavin and iron. 66% to 90% of the minerals are lost during processing. Eliminate fortified foods and replace them with whole grain foods. Caffeine; in coffee tea or drinks; dehydrates the body. For every glass of coffee or tea consumed it takes two glasses of plain water to compensate for the dehydration. Causes breast soreness in women. Excess Salt in foods; dehydrates the body cells, causing an out of balance condition between the ratio of salt to potassium in the body. Antacids; contain aluminum that the body cannot eliminate. Linked to Alzheimers disease. Anti Perspirants containing aluminum; clogs underarm sweat glands and overloads the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system becomes clogged and cannot eliminate toxins. Toxins are stored in the fat of the body. In women the closest fat is the breast tissue. Chocolate and cocoa solids; dehydrates the body more
than caffeine. Sodium Laureth - Lauryl Sulfate; in shampoos, liquid soaps; scientifically documented to be linked as the # 1 cause of loss of eyesight in children and the # 1 cause of allergies in adults. Triclocarban and Triclosan; the active ingredient in all antibacterial soaps both liquid and solid. It is absorbed through the skin and slows down the functioning of the thyroid gland leading to weight gain. It is a factor in obesity. Microwave Ovens; the only way to fix this is to ELIMINATE YOUR MICROWAVE OVEN. They heat the food from the inside out. The cell structure of the food explodes when heated in a microwave. It destroys the necessary nutrients that the body needs from the food. When it is consumed the body does not recognize it as food, some of it passes out of the body unused, some the body sees as toxic carcinogens and covers them with mucus to protect the body. The body is deprived of the nourishment it needs. There are estimates that up to 60% of the food heated in microwaves cannot be used by the body and is passed out as waste. By fixing meals in microwave ovens you are slowly starving your body for necessary nutrients to keep you healthy. Nickel Toxins; this affects men greatly. Excess nickel toxins collect in the prostrate gland which attracts bacteria that causes swelling and enlarging of the prostrate. Nickel is fat soluble and stores in the fat tissue and absorbs through the skin from contact with denture bridges, metal dental ware, watches, metal jewelry, stainless steel (which is 8% nickel), metal pots and pans, stainless utensils, eyeglass frames, chrome metals, etc. and it is also in dental filings. For example; mayonnaise reacts with stainless steel and a microscopic film will come off it and you eat it. Take a stainless spoon and spread mayonnaise on it. Let it set for a couple of minutes. Then lick the mayonnaise completely off the spoon in one slow hard lick right down to the metal. You will get a metallic taste and this is the nickel that you are tasting. And you have used stainless steel spoons, forks and knives for how long? Artificial Sweeteners Aspartame, Nutrasweet, Spoonful, Equal, Sucralose, ETC, including Splenda and the new generic brands and future imitators of Splenda When the temperature of aspartame exceeds 86 degrees, the wood alcohol in aspartame converts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis.
Formic acid is the poison found in the sting of fire ants. Formaldehyde is grouped in the same class of drugs as cyanide and arsenic, it is also used for embalming dead people. It is a deadly poison. Remember that the bodys temperature is 98.6 degrees, so aspartame will break down in the human body. Diet drinks are the biggest offenders. People with the most problems drink three to four 12 oz. drinks a day. These artificial sweeteners are also packaged for home use to replace refined sugars. Both of these, artificial sweeteners and refined sugars need to be eliminated form your food permanently. There are 92 documented symptoms of aspartame from coma to death. The most obvious are fibre myalgia symptoms, multiple sclerosis symptoms, lupus symptoms, spasms, shooting pains, numbness in your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision and memory loss. You may ask, are the affects from aspartame reversible? Most symptoms will disappear after the person stops using it. It may take from several weeks to many months. The liver has to detox it from the whole body and this takes time. If the liver and colon are in poor health it may not be able to detox it. Those that have the symptoms from multiple sclerosis and methanol toxicity will have most symptoms disappear, but not all. Those that have symptoms of lupus are not so lucky. Their symptoms will not reverse themselves. Those with fibre myalgia symptoms usually have colons and livers that are in poor health and for most it will take internal cleansing of the body to relieve the symptoms. For most of them it is a slow to very slow process. Results of aspartame use; It changes the brain chemistry, it changes the dopamine level in the brain. It makes the body crave carbohydrates, food cravings are a cause of obesity. Formaldehyde stores in the fat cells, especially in the hips and thighs. It creates big hips and thighs, especially in women. Phenylalanine in aspartame breaks down in DXP which is a brain tumor agent. Aspartame converts to formaldehyde in the retina of the eye, causing blindness. Aspartame keeps blood sugar our of control in diabetics. Phenylalanine is aspartame breaks down the seizure threshold and depletes serotonin, causing seizures, maniac depression, panic attacks, rage and violence. When used during pregnancy, phenylalanine concentrates
in the placenta causing mental retardation in the child. Memory loss is due to the fact that aspartic acid and phenylalanine are neurotoxic without the other amino acids found in protein, this allows it to go past the brain barrier and deteriorates the neurons in the brain. Splenda is chemically altered sugar with 3 chlorine atoms added to a sugar molecule. Chlorine is poison, a carcinogen. The manufacturing process to make Splenda uses 18 different chemicals. There are two interesting books that document these problems, they are; Excitotoxins - The Taste That Kills by Dr. Russell Blaylock. Defense Against Alzheimers Disease by Dr. J. H. Roberts IF IT SAYS SUGAR FREE or SUGAR SUBSTITUTE - DO NOT EAT OR DRINK IT Instead use Stevia, a liquid sweet food, pure honey, or unrefined cane sugar called Turbinado. Hydrogenated Oils And Oils Foreign To The Body These oils are foreign to the body, they are the wrong type of fats. When these fats mix with the bodys cholesterol, the oxygen in the bloodstream turns the combined cholesterol and fats rancid and this is called oxidation. The oxidation produces toxins which are called free radicals. These free radicals damage artery walls by creating microscopic cracks in them. The rancid fat and cholesterol form a sludge in the blood stream, which slows down the flow of blood and makes it easy for the excess fat and cholesterol, to be deposited in the cracks on the damaged artery walls. Then calcium forms over the deposits, forming plaque which creates clogged and narrowed arteries, a condition called atherosclerosis. Remember that the average 21 year old person in America today has 25% clogged arteries, which is a direct result of hydrogenated oils and oils that are foreign to the body. These clogged arteries lead to hardening of the arteries, heart attacks, strokes and other related circulatory diseases. When oxidation reactions occur in excess, cellular damage occurs and even cellular death. Heart disease in America is the Number 1 Killer Disease. Colons Reaction To Any Toxic Foods When food that is toxic enters the colon, it is covered by a mucus film for the purpose of holding the toxic substance in suspension, until it is eliminated from the colon. This mucus is sticky
and will stick to the colon wall. When a person has a slow moving colon, this mucus has more time to become stuck on the colon wall, also giving the waste material more time to decay and to begin rotting. This decayed matter will also stick to the colon wall creating a perfect breeding place for viruses, bacteria and parasites to live. Also know that the colon is the organ that absorbs the moisture that goes into the bloodstream. When a person does not drink the proper amount of water to flush the colon, the waste material lays in it and becomes packed and stretches the colon out of shape. This makes the situation much worse by allowing more decaying waste material to build up in the colon, creating a bigger breeding place for disease. The decayed waste material that is on the colon wall eventually becomes hard, like a rubber hose and builds up in layers. Remember that liquids are absorbed through the colon wall, including all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients that nourish the body. All these nutrients are now passing through this build up on the colon wall, while at the same time they are picking up more and more harmful viruses, bacteria, and toxins, carrying them into the bloodstream, creating a constant overload for the liver. At the same time, many of the nutrients and water that the body needs, can no longer pass through this build up on the colon wall. So now the body is slowly starving for the nutrients it needs and it also starts dehydrating for the lack of the proper amount of water. The liver keeps cleaning the blood and dumping the toxins it removes from the bodys cells and bloodstream, back into a dirty colon. These toxins now lay in a dirty colon and are reabsorbed back into the bloodstream. This turns into a viscous cycle. The liver dumps toxins into the colon and since the colon is not working properly, the toxins go back into the bloodstream and the liver tries to remove them again and again. Eventually the liver will have to much toxic material to dump, so it will store it by covering it in bile an forming liver stones. When there is to much stored in the liver, it will dump the toxins in the gallbladder creating gallstones. When it cannot clean the blood stream, the toxins build up, causing them to back up in the lymphatic system, then the toxins are pushed into the kidneys, creating more problems. Since there are now more toxins in the body than the organs can handle, the toxins will collect in the cells and various parts of the body. Now the whole body is toxic and suffers from any number of diseases and problems. Hopefully you can now see why a long term colon cleanse and the liver cleanse is so important. We have talked about mucus forming in the digestive system
(alimentary tract) to protect the body from toxins. Know that mucus (mucoid) is also formed in the respiratory system, lymphatic system, uterus, vagina, urinary system and connective tissue. Excess mucus creates its own problems by building up in the body. It is wise to limit and avoid high mucus forming foods. Know that the natural plant foods; fruits, vegetables and grains produce little to no mucus. Dairy products including soy (soybeans) produce higher levels of mucus. Flesh foods; meats, fish, also including eggs produce higher levels of mucus. Gas ripened bananas produce high levels of mucus. Practically all bananas are gas ripened except for organic bananas, which are almost impossible to find. Realize that refined sugar is a bigger problem then it was originally thought to be. Turning the body acid is only one major problem. When sugar enters the body it is quickly converted to fat in the bloodstream. The sugar triggers the release of insulin, which causes this fat to be deposited on the artery walls. If the fats are not burnt up as energy, they will be processed by the body and stored as fat. Recommendations For Internal Body Cleansing 1 - You must drink the proper amount of water daily, which is half your body weight in ounces of water. Water should be your main beverage except for natural juices. It keeps the colon and kidneys moving and helps balance the pH level since it is pH neutral. There is no substitute for clean water. If you fail to drink the proper amount of pure water daily and fail to eliminate substitutes for water and artificial drinks, the rest of the internal body cleansing will fail. Pay attention to how much water you are now drinking. It takes a week to two weeks for the body to adjust to a higher intake of water. Over a period of 2 weeks, gradually increase your water until you are drinking half your weight in ounces of water. This is the minimum amount of water that you need to drink. Natural juices are in addition to your minimum amount of water. If you find that you cannot drink that amount, without having lose bowels or diarrhea, then stay at the level you are now at. After you do the colon cleanse for 60 to 120 days, you should then be able to drink your minimum amount. If you drink your water out of an 8 ounce glass, replace it with a 16 ounce water glass, so when you do drink, you will be inclined to drink more. Drink 1/3 your minimum amount of water first thing in the morning. Eliminate
the chlorine from the water you drink and bathe with. There are many types of filters available to accomplish this. 2 - You need to have an average of 3 natural bowel movements a day, to keep the colon clean. The human digestive system is designed to have a continuous flow of small amounts of food and then dump the waste products out before they start to ferment or decay from the natural body heat, which is 98.6 degrees. Practically all natural foods are totally digested within 4 to 5 hours. Meats and dead foods (Processed foods and chemical additives) are not. Some are never digested at all and most dead foods disrupt the natural cycle of the digestive and elimination system. Once you start the colon cleanse, your bowel movements will start to increase. Use natural means to keep regular, especially juices such as apple and prune juice. Add bulk to your diet such as eating an apple or more a day, whole grains or a bowl of whole grain oats for breakfast. Oats is an excellent source of fiber. Spinach works great for many people. Experiment and find what works for you. 3 - To clean the colon, use slippery elm powder and whole ground psyllium husk powder. Use it daily for 1 2 years. You will normally use about 2 2 to 3 lbs. of psyllium to every lb. of slippery elm. Buy it in 1 lb. bulk bags which are inexpensive when purchased in bulk. Once a month, every month, while you are doing the colon cleanse, take a Acidophilus supplement for seven days. Do this at the same time every month until you finish the colon cleanse. Normally take it about 30 minutes after a meal. As you are removing waste material from the colon, this will reestablish a healthy balance of bacteria in your intestines. Use the Pro-Biotic Acidophilus Formulas that contains the assortement of bacteria which are; Lactobacillus acidophilus, E. faecium, Lactobscillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, S. thermophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Bifidobacterium infantis. There are different combinations of bacteria for different brand names, this will give you the basics so you know what to look for in the health food stores. The colon itself will generally be cleaned in 10 to 14 months. It is the tiny capillary tubes that lead from the colon to the blood vessels that take a long time to clean out. Cleaning these capillaries out, is the same process like cleaning packed mud from inside a 6 foot piece of garden hose and doing it from one end only. There are hundreds of these tiny capillaries and it is a very slow process to clean them out. 4 - Cleansing congestion from the kidneys with fresh aspara-
gus juice takes from 30 to 60 days on an average. You can do it daily, since it is a natural food that is very alkaline. Cleaning residue form the kidneys using pineapple juice or fresh pineapple fruit, can be done for several days at a time. Since pineapple is a natural acid, it is wise to start using it in 3 day cycles. Use it for 3 days and skip 3 days and continue this cycling until the desired results are achieved. Observe if your body reacts from the natural acids such as acid bumps on the tongue or lips. If you do not react, you can use it for a longer time period such as 5 days on and 5 days off. It all depends on how acid your body is. Both combinations, to clean out kidneys, bladder and tubes, and to clean out kidney stones work very well for most people by cycling their days on and off. If you have kidney stones you will naturally be more aggressive by drinking pineapple juice several times a day until the stone is out. Use common sense. When the kidneys, the ureter tubes, the bladder (prostrate for men) and the colon are clear, clean and functioning properly, you can drink 24 oz. of water and you should urinate a strong steady flow in about 30 to 45 minutes as a general rule. 5 - It is recommended to do the slow daily liver cleanse using apple cider vinegar and olive oil daily. This mixture will slowly dissolve and release all buildup in the liver very gently. It is highly recommended that you only use a naturally fermented brand such as Braggs organic apple cider vinegar to achieve these results since it is naturally fermented and available at health food stores. There are other brands in different parts of the country which are also naturally fermented. Do this for 1 2 years every day and you will cleanse the liver in a natural and safe way. If you are sickly start out using 1 tsp. each of vinegar and olive oil and work up to1 tablespoon of each. Putting it in the tomato juice is not necessary, it is only for the purpose of hiding the flavor of vinegar and oil, making it compatible to easily drink. If you have greater liver/gallbladder problems use the liver/gallbladder flush. It can be done for the average person once a week up to an average of 4 weeks, then take 2 to 4 weeks off and do it again if needed. When the small red stones come out, you are done. Use common sense according to your health. A person in poor health may only be able to do it once or twice a month. Many people that do psychic readings have reported that their readings took on a new clarity after doing the liver/gallbladder flush. They also noticed that they had a very clear mind. The every day mind fog disappeared and did not come back. When you do the daily liver cleansing, you will achieve the same results. It will happen gradually and you may
not notice. When you do the full flush, the result is very obvious and you cannot help seeing the difference. 6 - Once you purchase Litmus paper and test yourself, you will see that work is usually necessary. You can balance your pH by changing the way you eat, without doing anything else. Remember pH is a direct result of what you eat. If you are very acid it will require a major change in your eating habits. You must eliminate the acid foods that created your acid body in the first place. Like it or not, our bodies were designed to be balanced and maintained by what is called a vegetarian life style and this lifestyle will naturally maintain the body pH at the blood level pH. Starting out, this is a slow way and the results show up over a longer period of time. There are no miracles. We highly recommend juicing to achieve quicker results and they allow you a more flexible lifestyle in the variety of foods you can eat. Since juicing concentrates alkalinity, it can be used to over compensate and this allows you to eat some of, or more of the acid foods you like and still keep your pH in the range of blood pH. If you do juicing in a bigger way like having 16 oz. or more for breakfast, you will gain a much higher energy level that stays with you and is not obtainable by just eating or supplements. We suggest you start out by purchasing a quality centrifugal juicer that is easy to clean. Quality units are around $200 to $300 with 5 to 10 year warranties. Forget the do it all machines, to many parts and too much to clean up. If its not handy and easy to clean, you wont use it. It should take just a couple of minutes to clean it up by simply rinsing in clean water and using a small brush such as a tooth brush or small fingernail brush to clean the screen and the small juicing basket. Make sure all juicing parts can be soaked in clorox bleach or a 6% bleach solution. Cheap juicers cannot. They are made from inferior stainless steel and the bleach solution dissolves the stainless juicing basket. With a quality juicer, you can soak juicing parts once a month for a day or two to sanitize it in a strong bleach water mixture (1 gal water and 12 ounces of bleach) and this will clean off any vegetables stains. This makes it simple, practical and convenient for a busy person. Many people that travel even take their juicers and vegetables with them. Its becomes part of their way of life, just like sleeping and eating. We have also mentioned juicing for another reason. When you do juicing every day, the concentrated juices detoxify the body naturally and consistently every day. This speeds the whole process of detoxifying at the cellular level. The more juicing you do the better it is. After a while you will be pleasantly surprised by the higher energy level you feel and it
stays with you through the day. You will notice this immediately on the days that you skip juicing. 7 - Everybody has parasites. You will never permanently eliminate them, it is a matter of eliminating those that you have and then do it again twice a year to eliminate the new ones you acquire, so they are no longer a problem for your health. The average person can clean their system the first time in 2 to 4 months. A larger bodied person or those with large stomachs, may be loaded with them and take much longer to eliminate them. People that eat deer meat and other wild game usually have parasites in the blood and it could take up to 6 months or more to effectively eliminate them. To eliminate parasites, use Oregano Oil available from health food stores in one or two ounce dropper bottles. Also buy size 0 gelatin capsules. Open the capsule and use a dropper to drop 3 drops into the capsule, close it up and wash it down with water before a full meal. Always take it before a full meal so you do not burp it up. If you have never done this before, do not use more than 3 drops for the first week. See how your body reacts. If you have a lot of parasites, you may experience some nausea. Skip a day and let the nausea pass, then continue. Do this for 7 days and stop. Take seven days off then start it again for seven days. The second time you start, use 4 drops a day. Continue for 7 days and stop for 7 days. The third time you do this, use 5 drops for 7 days and stop for seven days. The fourth time use 6 drops for 7 days. This should be enough for the average person. To keep yourself clean from parasites in the future, do this once every 4 months, for 7 days, using 7 drops a day. Then for 7 days, take Pro Biotic Acidophilus. If you find the oregano repeats on you or upsets your stomach use 5 drops a day and do it for 2 weeks. If you are very sensitive use 3 drops per day for 3 weeks. There is no hard and fast set rule. Use common sense. Always start out slow, to avoid a healing crisis. 1st week 3 drops oregano oil per gelatin capsule per day 2nd week skip oregano and take Pro Biotic Acidophilus for 3 days 3rd week 4 drops oregano oil per gelatin capsule per day 4th week skip oregano and take Pro Biotic Acidophilus for 3 days 5th week 5 drops oregano oil per gelatin capsule per day 6th week skip oregano and take Pro Biotic Acidophilus for 3 days 7th week 6 drops oregano oil per gelatin capsule per day After the seventh week take Pro Biotic Acidophilus for 7 days
For those that have eaten wild game such as deer, elk, squirrels and other wild animals, it is wise to do the seven weeks again in about 5 months since it is most likely you may have parasites in the blood and it takes longer to kill them. 8 - If you eat or have eaten sugar, you have candida. It can be eliminated by using Grapefruit Seed Extract. It is an oil obtained from grapefruit seeds and is available at health food stores in 1 or 2 oz. bottles. Quality varies among brands. It comes in one or two ounce dropper bottles. We recommend you put it in a gelatin capsule and take it before a full meal. Take it daily for 6 weeks. 1st week 3 drops per gelatin capsule per day- plus 1 molybdenum per day. 2nd week 4 drops per gelatin capsule per day- plus 1 molybdenum per day. 3rd week 5 drops per gelatin capsule per day- plus 1 molybdenum per day. 4th week 6 drops per gelatin capsule per day- plus 1 molybdenum per day. Also during the 4th week take, Pro Biotic Acidophilus every day for the entire week. 5th week 7 drops per gelatin capsule per day- plus 1 molybdenum per day. 6th week 7 drops per gelatin capsule per day- plus 1 molybdenum per day. At the beginning of the seventh, week take Pro Biotic Acidophilus for 7 days. 7th week continue taking 1 molybdenum per day plus Pro Biotic Acidophilus every day. 8th week continue taking 1 molybdenum per day. 9th week continue taking 1 molybdenum per day. 10th week continue taking 1 molybdenum per day. Now take a chelated copper supplement of 2 mg. a day for 60 days. If you happen to feel very sluggish, like you dont have any energy after the first day or couple of days, do it every second day for a week until the sluggish feeling passes. This is an indication that you have large amounts of candida and it is being eliminated which loads the system down. Six weeks of cleansing should do for the average person. If you are a woman with frequent yeast infections, do it for an additional two weeks at 7 drops a day. Always start out slow so you do not create a healing crisis. There is no hard and fast set rule. Use common sense. Start out slow.
While you are taking the grapefruit seed extract, also take a supplement called Molybdenum. When candida is eliminated from the body it leaves a reside called acetaldehydes, which the body cannot easily expel. Molybdenum will remove this residue from the body. You can start taking the molybdenum at the same time you are taking the grapefruit seed extract. Take one capsule per day which is usually 300 mcg. and do this for 10 weeks. Always take the molybdenum for 4 extra weeks longer than you take the grapefruit seed extract so that all the residue of candida will be removed. In other words, if you take the grapefruit extract for 6 weeks, take the molybdenum for a total of 10 weeks. After you are finished with taking the molybdenum, take a chelated copper supplement of 2 mg. a day for 60 days since the molybdenum will also remove some of the copper out of your system and this will replenish the copper in the body. To keep the body clean from candida, eliminate sugars from your diet, since it directly feeds candida. At least 4 times a year, take 7 drops a day, for 7 days, to keep the body clean from candida. Then for 2 weeks, take molybdenum to remove the residue and a chelated copper supplement of 2 mg. a day for 2 weeks, after you finish the molybdenum. You can do this 2 to 4 times a year if needed. A source will be given for molybdenum at the end of the book. 9 - We all have heavy metal poisoning. It is only a matter if we are aware of it or if we have a disease that is caused by it. If you eat processed food, drink water and breath air, you will have heavy metals in your body. The food manufacturing process is contaminated and most water in this country is contaminated. The aerial spraying of our environment with barium and aluminum that is coming from the contrails of jet airplanes over the last few years, has affected everyone even children. It is suspended in the atmosphere and there is no way to avoid it. We are all absorbing it into the body and it is affecting the thyroid gland especially in women. Use the recipe to remove heavy metal poisoning. It can be used aggressively since it is all natural food. Use a tablespoon of the recipe every day for one month. Then use the recipe at 4 different times throughout the year for a total of 12 weeks a year. You may even wish to change the taste by adding extra spices to your taste. Just make sure all the original recipe is included since it is the combination that works so well. You may prefer to use juicing to detox the body from heavy metals or use mineral supplements. For those that juice this is an added benefit since your daily juicing will help detoxify the body, and keep the body free from accumulating
heavy metal toxins. This information is given in the following pages, called removing heavy metals from the body. 10 - Cleaning out the arteries is done by a method called Oral Chelation Therapy. This can take from 6 months to 2 years, depending on the severity of the problem. Chelation therapy is using a combination of amino acids or EDTA supported by the proper amount of vitamins, minerals and herbs to strip the build up out of the clogged arteries. It is made into capsules, tablets and liquids depending on the manufacturer and you take a set amount a day just like a vitamin supplement. It is proven to work and will prevent clogged arteries and clear out clogged arteries. How do you know if you have a problem? You dont, unless you have medical tests done to check for this condition. Some people have these tests done for their own peace of mind since clogged arteries are a silent killer. When the problem shows up, its to late and the damage is already done. Look at the way you have been eating during your life. And dont fool yourself into thinking everything you ate is healthy. Read the labels of all the foods you are currently eating. If you find that you have been eating meat products such as beef pork, etc. and products with oils that we describe as foreign to the body, it would be wise for you to do oral chelation therapy. Know that over 70 % of all processed foods contain these oils and almost all forms of bread use hydrogenated oils. Read the ingredient labels on food products and see for yourself. Do you have a microwave oven? Practically everyone has a microwave oven and it contributes to the long term problem. Autopsy information is telling us that the average 21 year old person has an average of 25 % clogged arteries on our type of American diet. Use your own common sense. You do the Oral Chelation Therapy as a preventative measure. If you are fairly young do it for at least 6 months, if you are older do it for 1 year or longer. Then repeat it every 2nd year. It will cost you around 40 to 45 dollars a month to do this. There are several sources that have this available. One type is a combination of amino acids and the two main amino acids that do the work are cysteine and methionine. There is another type that uses EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid) as the main ingredient. Both of these combinations work very well. There is also a liquid intravenous, given by medical doctors that use it for heavy metal poisoning and to clear arteries. This is considerably more expensive, time consuming and difficult to find a doctor to administer it. It is only recommended for those in serious trouble. It is much easier and cheaper to prevent and clear
clogged arteries before a heart attack or a stroke happens by using oral chelation. Natural Order Of Internal Cleansing 1 - Start drinking you minimum amount of water for your body size. Give yourself a week or two or longer to adjust to the larger amount of water. 2 - Begin to Regulate your bowel movements. 3 - Start the colon cleanse Both of these are started at the same time. Most of the time, the colon cleansing will regulate the bowel movements. If not use herbs, fruits or fruit juices to speed up the bowel movements. The main result of the colon cleanse will depend on the amount of build up in the colon. Most people experience more frequent bowel movements and much larger bowel movements for 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the amount of buildup. Those with large stomachs may experience this for a longer time. This is the lose material that is not permanently stuck to the colon wall and it will flake off more easily. There are people that were on the colon cleanse for over a year and then experienced bowel movements that contained large pieces of waste that resembled a garden hose. This is old impacted material that broke lose from the colon wall at one time. Very few people experience this, since the build up flakes off in small pieces that are not noticeable. 4 - Cleanse the kidneys. After you are daily drinking your minimum amount of water for your body size, start the kidney cleanse. When you use the asparagus, if your system is very acid, it will give off a strong odor that smells like ammonia as the acids are neutralized. After several days to several weeks, it will begin to fade until there is no odor from the urine. When you use the fruit juices for cleansing, always watch and feel for acid bumps on your lips or tongue. Those with very acid bodies may experience this. Check your urine with litmus paper and you will know. Cycle the juice for so many days on and so many days off, according to how your body reacts. Once your pH is more balanced, this is usually not a problem. If you find that you cannot take the fruit juices without continuous acid bumps, it would be wiser to use the asparagus juice until you pH is more balanced. 5 - Start the liver cleansing. After you have been doing the colon cleanse for 4 weeks using slippery elm and psyllium daily and have your bowel
movements regulated to at least 2 a day or more, you may start the liver cleansing. We recommend the daily simple method of daily apple cider vinegar and olive oil. If you wish to do a liver/gallbladder flush, wait until 60 days after you have started the colon cleansing. This way you will not overload the colon. After you do the flush the first time you can do it after that any time you choose. Just remember that you have to follow the entire flush procedure every time you do it. There are no short cuts. 6 - Start to balance your pH.. You can start at any time. The sooner you start the better. 7 - Parasite cleanse. After 60 days of colon cleansing and 30 days of liver cleansing, do the parasite cleanse. When you start the parasite cleanse you may feel a sluggishness after the 2nd or 3rd day. Skip a day and let the sluggishness pass then continue again. If the sluggishness comes back, skip another day and continue on. This is normal as the body is cleansing itself of dead parasites and will usually pass after a week. 8 - Candida cleanse. After you finish the parasite cleanse do the candida cleanse. For those that have large amounts of candida, after the 2nd or 3rd day you may feel a sluggishness as the candida is eliminated. Skip a day and let the sluggishness pass and then continue. If it comes back again skip another day then continue. If necessary keep skip several days. This is normal as the body is cleaning itself of the candida. It may last for one or two weeks. 9 - Heavy metal cleansing. You can start doing heavy metal cleansing after you have done the liver cleansing for 60 days. Do not take anything to cleanse the body from heavy metals during the first 4 weeks that you do a parasite cleanse and the first 4 weeks that you start candida cleansing. This way you will not overload the liver as it clears itself out. 10 - Clean your arteries out. You can start cleaning your arteries out after you have done the liver cleansing for 30 days. Different brands may have different instructions and always follow the manufactures instructions completely. Most Oral Chelation Therapy requires 6 tablets or 6 capsules a day which is three in the morning and three in the evening. Start our by taking only one the first day, two the second day and three the third day. Then continue taking only take three a day for a full
week to see how it affects you. Most people will have loose debris in the arteries and when this starts coming lost it will make you very sluggish. If you get sluggish stop for 2 or 3 days and let the sluggishness pass, then continue. This gives the body extra time to work out the excess debris from the blood system. When you can take 3 a day without sluggishness then you can slowly build up to the required amount of 6 per day. USE EXTREME CAUTION - IF IN DOUBT ALWAYS CONSULT A HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONER ESPECIALLY SOMEONE INVOLVED WITH NATURAL REMEDIES AND HERBS. We have mentioned to always start out slow with any kind of cleansing. If you have never done internal cleansing and you start out fast, you may have so many toxins become stirred up at one time, that the body cannot expel them fast enough and you will make yourself sick. You could end up in a hospital. This is called a Healing Crisis and it is easy to avoid. When you start any form of cleansing for the first time, do it for one day and skip the next day, so you will see how it affects your body. If there are no problems, do it for two days and skip a day. If there are still no problems, do it for three days and skip a day. Then do it for four days and skip a day. If still no problems then continue on every day. If you have problems that you have to skip many days, this is okay, since you may have stirred up a lot of debris or toxins and the liver will need time to expel them out of the body. Anytime you feel sluggish or out of sorts while cleansing, skip a day or two or three until the sluggishness and the out of sorts feeling disappears. Always allow yourself the benefit of the doubt. Want to test your colon to see if it is clean? Remember your kidneys also have to be clean. When you drink 24 oz of water you should urinate in 30 to 45 minutes as a general rule. If you do not do this, you are not ready to test yourself. When the colon cleansing is done and your stomach is flat like it should be, you can test yourself. If you have an enlarged stomach do not do this. The first thing when you get up in the morning, drink half your body weight in ounces of water in 5 to 10 minutes. You will feel a fullness from drinking the water and the fullness of the water will pass within 5 minutes. A clean colon will absorb the water like a thirsty sponge into the blood stream. You will have no bloating or discomfort and no watery stools or diarrhea. You will start to urinate in about 30 to 45 minutes in a strong steady flow, depending on your body needs. If your colon is clean you can do this for several days, without any problems of diarrhea or watery stools. If your colon absorbs the water and you start retaining water, then your kidneys may not be totally clean.
Remember, this is only a simple test to see how your body functions. Use common sense. One more item we wish to mention is your teeth. If you have any fillings in your teeth, you have a breeding place in your mouth for bacteria and viruses to live. People do not realize that teeth are actually porous. When you have a cavity, the dentist will drill it out and put a filling in of some type of material. All the fillings used today are not porous and this seals up the tooth, so it is no longer porous. Now you have created a dead space under that tooth that can no longer drain. Bacteria and viruses that enter the mouth work their way past the gums and under these teeth that have fillings in them. They start breeding and multiplying and are the cause of many diseases and symptoms. This has already been documented. There is no real cure for this problem, once a tooth is drilled out and filled, except to have all your teeth pulled and replaced with false teeth. There is a simple solution that will control the problem. It has been proven to work by many people. At your health food store purchase a bottle of Pharmaceutical Grade Tea Tree Oil, also called Melaleuca altrenifolia. This oil comes from Australia and is available most everywhere. Also purchase a dropper bottle if it does not have a dropper with it. Put your tooth paste on your tooth brush and push it into the bristles. Now put two drops of tea tree oil on the brush, allowing it to soak in and start brushing. If the tea tree oil does not soak into your brand of toothpaste and runs off, then dip your tooth brush with the toothpaste on it in baking soda and then drop the tea tree oil on the baking soda and it will absorb it. It works very well. This will control the bacteria and viruses under the fillings since it will kill bacteria, fungus and viruses. Many people put it directly on a toothache and report it usually eliminated the ache. Two drops used every day is a good general maintenance for the average person. If you use a mint flavored toothpaste it is very hard to taste the oil and for most people it is not noticeable. For someone that has bleeding gums, use 3 drops and brush twice a day and it will eliminate the bleeding gums after a few weeks. Then drop back to 2 drops a day for daily maintenance. For those on a serious spiritual path, you would be wise to consider changing your eating habits toward a vegetarian life style and eliminating all meats except fish and sea food in order to speed up the growth of your spiritual vibration. We are quickly running out of time to make changes. At the same time you do this it will speed up the process of internal body cleansing, especially with juicing fresh vegetables and fruits. It makes the tran-
sition into lightbody much easier on you. Remember that you will be changing at the cellular level and all this internal cleansing is to give the cells the ability to change easily and quickly without a lot of spiritual clearings. If you follow the recommended order of internal body cleansing, in about 6 months you will be in excellent shape to grow vibrationally and you will have a minimum of spiritual clearings and they will be very mild. You will enjoy the transition into lightbody. For those that have done some internal cleansing, you may use any of the cleansing techniques by themselves. They were given in an order for someone that has never done any type of cleansing. Any of the cleansing can be repeated if necessary. The colon, kidneys and liver will stay clean, when you eliminate the foods and liquids that create the problems and drink the proper minimum amounts of daily water. Keeping your pH balanced must become a way of life. It is very wise to do a cleanse for parasites and candida about 4 times a year, spaced out every 3 months. Think about this. People that have animals for pets and those that raise animals for a living, treat these animals for worms and parasites twice a year or more. We live in the same environment that these animals get their parasites and worms from. What makes people think that they dont have the same problems, or have they even thought about it? When are people going go get wise enough to realize, that we need to clean out our body on a regular schedule? Realize that the heavy metal cleansing should be ongoing, as a way of life, since our way of modern life has created this problem and you cannot avoid it. As for your arteries, they will remain clear by totally eliminating the causes of the problem. We wish to mention an unrecognized problem that is becoming widespread in all age groups, especially children. This is a deficiency in trace minerals. Most people know about the normal minerals that are supplemented in vitamin and mineral formulas. There are more than 84 trace minerals that the human body needs in tiny amounts. That is where the name trace minerals comes from, since these minerals are need in trace amounts. The soils that crops constantly grow on, are depleted from these minerals, so they are no longer available through many of our foods. The majority of food is grown on commercial farms that never let the soil rest. In other words, the fields are always in production to grow some kind of crops. In our society, economics will not allow farmers to let the land rest and replenish itself. It must make money since farming is driven by cost, demand and economics. There is also no longer
enough crop land to rotate in order to let the land rest. The demands for food is growing to meet the growing world population. Farmers can no longer follow the advice of the Gods in the Bible, to let the land rest every seventh year. Now society must live with this problem. Growing your own garden and eating your fresh produce is no longer an option for many people. Very few people have the land to grow gardens anymore. Many of those that have land, are too busy with living to take the time to garden. This source of trace minerals for many people has been lost. The only way to solve the problem is take a trace mineral supplement that contains at least the known 77 trace minerals. These trace mineral supplements come mostly in liquid form. It is for your greatest good to supplement your body with trace minerals. The problems that a lack of trace minerals cause is too numerous to mention. It would require a book in itself. The young children of today are especially affected by this problem. It is a root cause of many behavioral problems, growth problems, mental problems and a main contributor to disease. Children that are diagnosed as ADD and ADHD are lacking in trace minerals especially vanadium. Vanadium can also be purchased as a individual mineral by itself. Again we encourage you to supplement yourself and your children with trace minerals. Many problems will show improvement in 30 to 60 days of daily trace mineral supplementing. Supplement with trace minerals for 30 days at least 4 times a year. See what works for you. Read the labels of trace mineral supplements. Look for 1 liter bottles that contain from 18,000 to 38,000 milligrams, of from 70 to 80 different plant derived trace minerals. These are the concentrations that work. This knowledge is for those that have ears to hear. Removing Heavy Metals From The Body This is a popular recipe that we received from several people via e-mail and have used it extensively. There are also different variations to this recipe. We disclaim any rights to it or accept credit towards it. The originator of this recipe is unknown. This is an excellent combination to remove heavy metals and it tastes good. 4 cloves garlic 1/2 cup brazil nuts 1/4 cup sunflower seeds 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds 2 cups packed fresh coriander (also called cilantro, Chinese parsley)
12 tablespoons or 3/4 cup flaxseed oil - if not available use olive oil (extra virgin, full bodied) 4 tablespoons lemon juice 2 teaspoons dulse powder Braggs liquid aminos Process the coriander and flaxseed oil in a blender until the coriander is chopped. Add the garlic, nuts and seeds, dulse powder, lemon juice and mix until the mixture is finely blended into a paste. Add Braggs to taste and blend again. Lemon juice or oil may be added to achieve a smooth paste or oil reduced if too runny a paste. Store in dark glass jars if possible. It freezes well, so purchase coriander in season and fill enough jars to last thorough the year. Coriander has been proven to chelate toxic metals from our bodies in a relatively short period of time. Combined with the benefits of the other ingredients, this recipe is a powerful tissue cleanser. A tablespoon a day for three weeks is sufficient for urinary excretion of mercury, lead, aluminum, nickel and other toxic metals to begin, effectively removing the toxic metals from the body. Use it until the problems disappear. It may take weeks or months to totally detox the body depending on the severity of the toxic build up. There is nothing that is harmful to the body. Use it 4 times a year for several weeks at a time to keep the body free from heavy metal. It is delicious on toast, baked potatoes and pasta. The garlic, lemon juice and coriander are available in grocery stores. All the other ingredients are available in a health food store. Two Minerals That Remove Heavy Metals From The Body, Selenium and Zinc. Use the chelated minerals since they are easier for the body to assimilate. Using over 2000 milligrams of zinc a day is toxic. Using over 600 micrograms a day of selenium is toxic. Always use under the toxic levels. If you choose to use mineral supplements at the higher doses, it is wise not use them at the highest doses for more than 30 days at a time. Then allow the body to rest. Find what works best for you. Using them at the low doses as a daily supplement works best. Do not use these mineral supplements when you are using the recipe above to remove heavy metals since they are already included in the recipe.
For those that do fresh juicing, one of the best combinations is a juice that is half fresh carrots and half sweet potato. Drink 16 ounces of this combination a day. Juice the whole vegetable, skin and all. Do not peel the potatoes since many of the minerals are in the skin. They contain peptides called phytochelatins that interact with the mineral sulphur rendering heavy metals harmless and detoxify them out of the body. Fresh carrot juice, potato juice, green peas, cabbage, tomato puree and cranberries, all pull heavy metals from the tissues, bind with them and expel them out of the body. Remember they must be fresh and not processed in order to expel heavy metals out of the body. Brown potatoes juiced are stronger then sweet potatoes for detoxifying heavy metals, although they make a very strong juice that may require being spiced up to taste acceptable. For those that juice daily, use a juicing base of 2 1/2 parts carrots, 1 part celery and 1/2 part sweet potato, adding whatever you want to make different combinations. Doing this will continually detox heavy metals from the body and keep your cholesterol down naturally as a part of your daily normal routine. Celery juice will naturally lower your cholesterol and daily celery juice will keep your cholesterol down. Also know, the daily consumption of approximately 1/2 to 1 cup of whole rolled oats, is excellent to lower your cholesterol and keep it down. Celery juice and whole rolled oats taken together daily, will work much better than cholesterol lowering drugs. Imagine that! The herb coriander (also called cilantro and Chinese parsley) is proven to remove toxic heavy metals from the body and it can be included in many different types of salad mixtures. It also can be used in soup and is very effective this way. When using Coriander in soups, use one or two packed cups depending upon the size of your original recipe. The more the better. Use your imagination. It is available fresh in most grocery stores. Another Recipe To Remove Heavy Metals 1 cup packed fresh Coriander (Cilantro or Chinese parsley) 1 or 2 cloves garlic to taste 1/4 cup almonds 1/4 cup cashews 1/4 cup brazil nuts 3 tablespoons lemon juice You can use either olive oil or sesame oil according to your taste. 6 tablespoons olive oil (extra virgin, full bodied, first cold pressing)
OR 6 tablespoons sesame oil (unrefined) for those that do not like olive oil Chop the almonds, cashews and brazil nuts into a fine mix and put aside. Chop the garlic into very small pieces and process with the coriander in a blender, with the lemon juice, olive oil or sesame oil until finely chopped. Add the other ingredients and blend into a paste. It freezes well. Store in dark glass jars if possible. To make it a stiffer paste you can add another 1/4 cup more of nuts. To make it a softer spreadable paste add an extra tablespoon of oil, lemon juice, or both. You can also add Braggs liquid aminos to change the taste. Dont be afraid to experiment. Use this recipe the same way as the other recipe .All these ingredients are available in most grocery stores. Detox Cocktail To Remove Heavy Metals And Cleanse The Liver This is a very powerful, quick, easy and inexpensive way to detox the body from toxic elements and heavy metals. Cilantro is the ingredient that does the actual detoxifying. Its all natural, easy and quick to make and it tastes like a salsa cocktail. All ingredients can be purchased at a grocery store. Drink one of these cocktails every day for 30 days or longer if you have problems. If you know you have heavy metal problems, such as by hair analysis, drink two cocktails a day, morning and evening, for 30 days or longer until the problem is eliminated. You can stay on this cocktail as long as you want since there is nothing in it that is harmful to the body. Use it for 30 days 4 times a year, or year round to keep the body cleansed from toxins and heavy metals. NOTE; Coriander and Cilantro are the same plant. When it is young it is called Coriander and when it is mature it is called Cilantro. It is also called Chinese parsley. In a blender add these ingredients; 3 tablespoons - Lime Juice: reconstituted or if available use fresh squeezed limes 1 tablespoon - Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar or other brand of naturally fermented apple cider vinegar. Only use a naturally fermented apple cider vinegar. 1 tablespoon - Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Sesame Oil for those that do not like olive oil. 1/16 teaspoon - Cayenne Pepper or up to 1/8 teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper 1/16 teaspoon - Sea Salt: Only use sea salt. If on a salt restricted diet, use a small pinch to taste.
1/2 - of a Green Onion 1/2 teaspoon - Minced Fresh Garlic or 2 - clove of a small garlic 1 ounce - Cilantro; Cilantro may have a strong taste to you. Chew a piece and see how you like it. If it tastes too strong use 2 ounce until you get used to the taste then go to one ounce. Chop the cilantro into very short pieces and put in blender. Turn blender on slow speed to grate or blend up cilantro and other ingredients, 20 to 30 seconds. 1 - Large Tomato, (10 or 12 ounces) or two small tomatoes equal to one large tomato. Dice tomato into smaller pieces and put in blender. Turn blender on slow speed to grate or blend up tomato into mixture. About 30 seconds. If you like it cold, add 2 to 4 ice cubes and blend. Do not blend over one minute. The longer you blend it the thicker it becomes. It should make about 12 to 14 ounces. The quantity of the drink depends on the size of the tomato. The thickness of the drink depends on the cilantro. If its too thick, add a small amount of water, 2 to 3 tablespoons. Dont be afraid to experiment. Add spices to change the flavor. Cilantro is the main ingredient that does the actual detoxifying. Want a smaller drink? Use a medium tomato (8 ounces) and 1/2 an ounce of cilantro with all the other ingredients. One cocktail a day this size, consumed daily year round, will keep the body detoxified. It will slowly and gently detox the liver over a year to a year and a half due to the apple cider vinegar and extra virgin olive oil that is in. It will also detox and shrink most swollen prostrate glands in men. Continue to drink it and it will keep the liver clean and the body detoxified.
Chapter 10
Saudi Arabia, a one quarter mark, a half mark, a three quarter mark and the final reference point which is the Syrian border. The three quarter mark is closest to the Syrian border. Now go back to the northern most part of Saudi Arabia where Jordan and Iraq meet. Draw a line from this point at 3 degrees going toward the Syrian border. This 3 degree line intersects all three marks. Now look at the point where the 3 degree line intersects the three quarter mark. Just above the three quarter mark, on the 3 degree line, is the approximate location of the Mountain of God, where Moses originally received the 10 Commandments. Realize this event happened over 3,000 years ago. Over this time period the desert has consumed the entire foothill range and the Mountain of God is no longer distinguishable. This area is now desert. You now know the true location of the Mountain of God in the time of Moses.
There has been a great deal of speculation through the years over the original location of the Garden of Eden. It is generally accepted to be located in the Mesopotamia region. There are some who believe it is in Africa or an off shore island. Many believe the Biblical description literally even though they cannot properly identify all the stated rivers that flowed from the Garden. Modern scientific research puts it in the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Iraq, while some researchers put it under water where the Tigris and Euphrates empty into the Persian Gulf. The Taurus Mountains are another place where some believe the Garden of Eden was located. Researchers are not sure if the flood of Noah changed the landscape or not, since the Garden existed before the flood and there is no record of where it is after the flood. If it did change, how much did the landscape actually change? There are even some who believe it is above the earth. The fact is, no one really knows where it is. The only information that is still on the planet, which gives a hint about where the Garden of Eden was located, is contained within an ancient writing called the Book of Adam and Eve. Within this ancient writing it states; In order to enter into the Garden, you step up into it. When you leave the Garden, you step down unto the earth. That is the extent of the information of where the Garden is located and it leaves a lot open to interpretation. We now go to the Akashic records to find the original location of the Garden of Eden. It will take a greater understanding of the knowledge the Nefilim Gods possessed and used, in order
to understand the Garden of Eden. We will give you additional information so you can better understand. The Nefilim Gods created the Garden from a higher knowledge they possessed. This knowledge was their Higher Ability of the Science of Levitation. The Garden of Eden was created and suspended above the earth. It was not attached to the earth in any way or suspended by anything physical on the earth or above it. The Garden of Eden was suspended by the Science of Levitation above the earth. It was originally located approximately 75 to 100 feet above the physical earth. It was also located One Octave Higher in the 3rd dimension, than the octave that the Nefilim and humans were actually living in. At the time the Nefilim created the Garden, they were living in the 3rd dimension in the 10th octave. The Garden was created and located in the 11th octave. This was very easy for the Nefilim to do. The one octave separation made the Garden virtually invisible to anyone including the humans they created. Since the Garden was built with the Science of Levitation, its size and shape was different. It is something humans will have a great difficulty understanding, if they can understand it at all. The Garden had no boundaries, no size, no shape. It has no beginning and no end. Know that it is a real physical place. The only way we can describe this is to have you imagine that you are inside a gigantic ball. Imagine yourself walking inside that ball and as you walk the ball turns under you. Which ever direction you walk in, the ball always turns under you as you are walking. You are always walking on the flat bottom part of the ball (the bottom curve of the ball) no matter how far you walk. When you look around, you can see as far as the eye can see. Everything looks normal to your eyes. No matter where you walk or which direction you walk in, or for how long you walk, you will never come to an end. The Garden is continuous in all directions and you can actually get lost in it very easily. Since the Garden was created from the Science of Levitation, above the earth, it was naturally protected from 3rd dimensional pollens, bugs, animals and all types of planetary disturbances and catastrophes. This way the genetically modified plants were protected and maintained in their genetically created pure state. The modified plants and foods worked exactly the way they were genetically planned and modified to work. Everything in the Garden was completely balanced. It received the natural sunshine that the earth received and it received the natural rain of the earth. The rain collected in the Garden and flowed all through it, coming to a point in the Garden where it exited and fell to the earth as a giant waterfall.
When this water hit the earth it fell in a large lake that was formed below the Garden. This lake was located in the mountains and was the original source and headwater of the rivers called the Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekel (Tigris) and the Euphrates. These four rivers flowed in four distinct different directions from this mountain lake, which you would commonly refer to today as north, south, east and west. For those familiar with rivers, use your imagination and realize the Garden was extremely big, since it constantly gathered enough water through rainfall to feed these four rivers and these rivers constantly flowed. Know that during the flood of Noah, the earths surface changed dramatically. After the flood was over, nothing was the same or recognizable to the humans and even to the Nefilim. There is absolutely no connection to where the Garden of Eden was originally located. before Noahs flood, to the land masses of today. Everything changed and is different today. The actual location of where the Garden was suspended over the earth in the past is of limited value today. We can give you this one bit of information which may be interesting to those who try to understand the devastation of Noahs flood. When the flood happened, the earth tilted 90 degrees from what it is today, which is what caused the oceans to splash out of their basins and across the land masses. Another piece of information will show how the land in the Middle East has also dramatically changed. The water that flowed out of the Garden of Eden and fell on to the earth in the form of a water fall, into a large mountain lake, fell at the location of 56 degrees longitude and 23 degrees latitude. This large lake was completely surrounded by land and the four rivers flowed across this land in four different directions. And again we caution you. This point does not correspond with any land mass today. Know the two rivers which are now called the Tigris and Euphrates rivers today, have no physical connection to the Garden of Eden before the flood. After the flood, these names were used again symbolically for the new rivers they represent today. This was done by some of the survivors of Noahs flood who remembered these names. The Ancient Science of Levitation is not a technology. It is a Science that is very complex and multi-faceted and there is absolutely no connection from it to human technology in any way. It is actually beyond human understanding, comprehension and ability. There are no words or expressions on earth in any language that will explain the Ancient Science of Levitation. It can be described and understood through the lan-
guage of Sanskrit and the original true words and meanings of this language have been totally lost to humans. It can also be described and understood in other universal languages although humans have no knowledge of these languages. There were many entrances into the Garden and many exits from it. When humans were first taken into the Garden, they had to be guided into it, since it was invisible to them. Not all humans were placed in the Garden. They were hand picked according to the individual traits they possessed. There was never more than 500 humans in the Garden and not less than 400. This number varied within this range and was not constant. Once humans entered into it, none of them wanted to leave. To them it was a virtual paradise and it was very easy for them to disappear in the Garden. Now that you have an idea of how large the Garden of Eden actually is, you can realize how easy it was for the humans to avoid the Nefilim Gods in it. You can now understand how the vastness of the Garden allowed the humans to experiment with eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge over a long period of time without being be discovered. After the humans were expelled from the Garden, a Cherubim with a flaming sword was placed at the entrance gates and exits to stop the humans from entering the Garden. This was previously explained earlier in the book under the heading Cain And Abel. The Cherubim was not an angel protecting the Garden of Eden with a flaming sword. These words were used as a symbolic term to express a very high level of protection, meaning that the garden was very well protected all the way around. We gave you an example by describing a security fence around a maximum security prison, which is composed of several rows of a chain link fence, 12 feet high, with layers and strands of barb wire and razor wire. This was to give you an idea of what the symbolic meaning is trying to tell you. That those on the outside of the garden will not get in, it is very well protected. We now add to that knowledge. The Cherubim with the flaming sword was actually a very powerful magnetic field placed around the entrances and exits to the Garden. This was the actual high level of protection keeping humans from entering the Garden. Now for the fascinating part. The Garden of Eden was not destroyed by the flood. Remember it is above the earth. The Garden is still here in the same place in this 3rd dimension in the 11th octave. It is still protected by the Cherubim, which is a powerful magnetic field. When the Garden was created it was set into what humans would call a recycle mode. In other
words, the Garden would automatically recycle itself the same way everything is recycled on the earth. After the flood the Gardens automatic recycle mode was reset. This recycle mode is now in a minimal operational mode, kind of like an energy saving mode. It is collecting a minimal amount of rain to satisfy its minimum requirements. There is no excess water collecting and so there is no water flowing out from the Garden. The Garden is still at the same height it was created at, although the ground below it has dropped several thousand feet lower than it was before Noahs flood. Humans have the technology today to locate this magnetic field with modern high tech instruments. The challenge is to figure out how to get past the magnetic field. The Garden is still here since its creation over 350,000 years ago. It is out of sight and out of mind and just out of arms reach to humans. The Garden will stay in this minimal recycle mode indefinitely. If or when the Nefilim decide to return to the earth some time in the future, it will still be here waiting for them. They just reset the function of the Garden to full recycle mode and it will begin to function in its normal recycle mode again. No matter what humans do to the planet or on it, the Garden will not be harmed. Even if there is an atomic war on the planet, destroying it, or the electrojet destroys all life on the planet, the garden will not be harmed. It is continually protected by the Science of Levitation and the higher ability the Nefilim possess to use this science to its full potential.
We have introduced you to the unknown ability the Nefilim had as a result of their knowledge and higher Ability of the Science of Levitation. Now we will add to this information. There is a famous landmark on the planet, located on the west bank of the Nile River called the Great Pyramid of Giza, also called the Great Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu) and it is called one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Egyptians claim this Pyramid as a burial tomb and there is great controversy over this claim. We go to the Akashic records to find the truth about this pyramid. The Great Pyramid of Giza was not built by the Egyptians. It is not a burial tomb and it never was. The pyramid was built by the Nefilim Gods just after the flood of Noah. The actual reason the pyramid was built was for the purpose of celestial navigation. Before the flood the Nefilim had built structures for deep space navigation and all these structures were destroyed during the flood. Also the physical locations of their
original navigation aids changed, since the world tilted 90 degrees from its original position. These locations were now no longer useful. It was necessary to build new navigational aids at new proper locations. The Great Pyramid of Giza is a deep space observatory built by the Nefilim using the Science of Levitation and it was built to last by covering it with its limestone covering. At the top of the pyramid a very large one piece emerald capstone was placed. This capstone was an exceptionally large rare stone from the planet Nibiru. It served as a beacon and communication device. The Nefilim eventually removed this rare emerald stone taking it with them. The Nefilim constructed another navigational aid and today it is called the Monument at Stonehenge. It is a megalithic circle on the Salisbury Plain in southern England. Approximately 70 miles down into the earth and deeper, are many emerald stones, permanently placed there by the Nefilim to activate this site for communications. The stones were precisely set into the earth in a uniform circular formation larger in diameter than the megalithic circular structure on the planet surface. You could describe the emerald stones as being set in a symmetrical formation. Both of these structures were built at the necessary specific locations for deep space navigation. They are stationary reference points and they were necessary for deep space navigation. Know that both the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Monument at Stonehenge were built with the Higher Ability the Nefilim possessed about the Science of Levitation. This knowledge gave them the ability to quickly and accurately assemble these navigational aids before they left the planet after Noahs flood. Both these navigational aids were completed approximately 150 years after Noahs flood. This makes these two structures approximately 12,800 years old. We have stated the Nefilim explored this solar system in the 3rd dimension and the 4th dimension. They referred to the 3rd dimension as the lower worlds and the 4th dimension as the upper worlds, since these are the two dimensions the Nefilim dwell in. There is a dramatic difference between these two dimensions. There are many planets in this solar system that are not physically visible or detectable by humans in this 3rd dimension. Wherever the Nefilim explore, they build and leave navigational aids. They build them according to the environment and available material on the planet they locate them on. Within this solar system, in both the 3rd and 4th dimension, they have a total of 32 navigational aids constructed and this includes the two on Earth and two located on the planet Mars.
They also have navigational aids constructed on planets in deep space located between this solar system and the Sirius system (located in the constellation Canis Major). They also have navigational aids and stopping off points located in the Sirius system even though they do not permanently dwell there.
At Al Giza in Egypt, there is a huge stone statue having a Lions body and a head described as the head of a man, or possibly a ram or a hawk. It is assumed the Sphinx is somehow related to the Great Pyramid. We now go to the Akashic records to learn about the Sphinx. The Sphinx was not built by the Egyptians and it was not built by the Nefilim. It was built by a group we have previously talked about. They are the Ascended Masters that were in the Sons of Light. At the time of Noahs flood they came down from the 4th dimension into the 3rd dimension to bring knowledge to humans and to help them to start to reevolve back up to the 4th dimension in the future. The Ascended Masters brought 4th dimensional knowledge with them to help educate humans and jump start there evolution. After the flood the Ascended Masters kept a low profile and did not interact with humans until after the Nefilim completed their new navigational aids and left the planet. They then waited a period of time until the Nefilim were definitely on their way to Sirius and they knew they would not be coming back for a long time. Approximately 500 years after Noahs flood, the Ascended Masters started the construction of the Sphinx in the area today called Al Giza. The true and hidden purpose of the Sphinx is not what humans think. It is a vast store house of information about humans past, extensive information about Atlantis and the past of those who fell from the 4th dimension and a wealth of information about the spiritual realm. All this information was stored under the Sphinx in hidden rooms for use at the end of this age. It would be retrieved if it was needed and consciousness was evolved to the proper level. In the last several years secret passages under the Sphinx were discovered that led to underground rooms. When they were opened humans entered them and to their surprise and disappointment, the rooms looked basically empty to human eyes. Know that all the information is Psychically stored in these rooms. Entering into the room is the key way that will allow the Psychically tuned person to access this information. This has already been done and a portion of the information has already been accessed. There is still much more information that can be accessed in the immediate future.
We wish to bring to light an accepted scientific fact that is fundamentally flawed. This information comes from the Akashic records and is overwhelmingly evident in numerous records in practically all human dates and ages that were established by using Carbon 14 Dating and other dating processes. We are talking about Carbon 14 Dating since it is the most widely known process that is used in the process of dating old and ancient structures and materials. This dating process is fundamentally flawed and is not accurate. To be specific, Carbon 14 Dating is not accurate and cannot be made accurate. There is no scientific dating system available to humans at this time that will give any degree of accuracy to dating old and ancient structures and materials. We now wish to use an appropriate human expression. It is time for Scientists, the Scientific Community and Archaeologists to Pull the Plug on Carbon 14 dating and all the dates they have established by using this process and all other dating processes. Many already know that the process of dating is flawed. It is a public secret among Scientists and Archaeologists although no one will publically admit it. The entire human history has been misinterpreted, misrepresented and misunderstood as a direct result of using these dating processes. It is now altering your future in a negative way without you realizing it is happening. Carbon 14 is affected by many factors not recognized by scientists. It is also affected by some factors that are recognized and completely ignored. This factor is already recognized. The strength of the magnetic field of earth affects the amount of cosmic rays entering the atmosphere. The magnetic field of the earth has been constantly dropping due to the coming dimensional shift and pole shift. This has been recognized by scientists and directly affects C14. The many scientists that recognize this to be true have chosen to ignore it since it would cause them to admit their work is flawed. This factor is also already recognized. The earth moving toward and finally into the Photon Belt has been recognized by scientists as affecting C14. It directly affects it. The many scientists that recognize it have chosen to ignore it since it would cause them to admit their work is flawed. The two factors above are both recognized and ignored by the scientific community. To admit the process is flawed would create overwhelming havoc in the scientific community and
cause many years of work to be invalidated. It will require the re-writing of chronologies, history, databases and accepted facts in many scientific fields. It will literally change how you look at your past history and how you plan your future. The following factors are not recognized by the Scientific community as affecting the dating process. The decay of C14 and other isotopes is assumed by science to be constant. It is not constant. Over time C14 will actually decay more spontaneously than constantly. Each isotope has different decay characteristics. This has not been recognized by scientists since they have only been observing this for the last 56 years. Cosmic rays penetrating the earths atmosphere affects the amount of C14 produced and it varies with the suns activity. The changing of the spiritual beings that dwell in the body of the sun of this solar system, has altered the level of C14. This has been happening for a long time and it has tremendously accelerated in the decade of the 1960s and has continued to today. All this activity is hidden from human view and has not been recognized by scientists. It directly affects C14. Volcanic eruptions affect C14 and the greatly increased volcanic activity of the Ring of Fire is directly affecting C14 by creating a continuous change. Noahs flood has greatly changed the carbon balance on the planet and this has not been recognized by scientists. It has greatly affected C14. The atomic bombs that were used by the Nefilim Gods on the city of Sodom and Gomorrah and in what is now India, have not been recognized by scientists as affecting C14. Science does not know or realize the earth was a water planet over 5.5 million years ago and this one factor alone dramatically changes the entire accuracy of all dating processes. This also affects C14 and the forming and aging of all elements on this planet. We have also previously given the information how the planet earth was split in two 5.5 million years ago, when it collided with a moon from the planet Nibiru when it first entered this solar system. This has also created dramatic changes in the reshaping of the earth into a new planet. This again added to the dramatic changes that affect the entire accuracy of all dating processes. The half life of C14 is not constant. It never was and will never be. Know that it constantly fluctuates according to the factors and conditions stated above plus many others factors not mentioned. These factors cannot be compensated for in any scientific calculations. The reason is, there is no base measurement to
start from and this base measurement would have to be made when the earth was a water planet or before it became a water planet. This information is not available to humans today. Realize the earth was formed a very long time ago and the conditions it was formed under were completely different then they are today. Science cannot duplicate those conditions or even simulate them since they have no concept of what they are. What was in the past on this planet is not the same as it is today. Realize the base measurements used today for date and age processing were made in1950 and that became a standard that is used to make measurements today. These measurements do not and cannot represent the past and cannot be used as a base measurement. There is a great deal of information on Radiocarbon dating readily available to anyone interested so we will not dwell on how it works. Simply stated, radiocarbon dating is based on measuring the half life of isotopes. There are common ones. The half-life of carbon-14 is 5,700 years, it is only used for dating objects up to about 60,000 years old. The principle of carbon-14 dating also applies to other isotopes. Potassium-40 is another radioactive element naturally found in your body and has a half-life of 1.3 billion years. Other useful radioisotopes for radioactive dating include Argon 39- Argon 40 (half-life 1250 million years), Uranium -235 (half-life 704 million years), Uranium -238 (half-life 4.5 billion years), Thorium-232 (half-life 14 billion years) and Rubidium-87 (half-life 49 billion years). Scientists can now measure these isotope concentrations very accurately. Also know isotope concentrations are not dates. To arrive at ages and dates from such measurements, assumptions have to be made. These assumptions cannot be proved by science. The assumptions already made are not correct, they are not accurate, they are flawed. Also know the half life of all these isotopes varies with time and energy. They are not constant and will never be constant. They fluctuate constantly. Know this; Nothing In The Created Physical Universes Is Constant. Everything is constantly changing since the Physical Universes Are Constantly Be Re-Created. We called these physical universes the Son Universes since they were created by the 24 Creator Sons. Even in the Father Universes, energy is in constant motion. So remember, the one Constant in all universes is Change. We also wish to mention the scientific theory of the Big Bang. This theory is only partially correct. There was no one Big Bang. There are many Small Bangs constantly occurring in every physical universe ever created. This is part of the continuous
process of constant change, creation and re-creation. This is how the universes constantly evolve. There are also other methods which are completely different to radiocarbon dating and use different methods to provide dates. Some of the dating methods include Amino Acid Racemisation dating (eggshell, bones), Electron Spin Resonance (teeth), Obsidian Hydration (obsidian), Thermoluminescence (pottery, sediments), Uranium/Thorium dating (dating coral etc), and many other dating methods. There are also radiometric dating methods used today to give ages of elements and materials such as for rocks and stones. These dating methods, unlike carbon dating, mostly use the relative concentrations of parent and daughter products in radioactive decay chains. As an example, uranium-238 decays to lead-206 via other elements like radium; uranium-235 decays to lead-207; potassium-40 decays to argon-40; rubidium-87 decays to strontium-87; etc. These techniques are applied to igneous rocks, and are normally seen as giving the time since the elements became solid. It is interesting to note that scientists have stated radioisotope dating may not work so well in the future. Anything that dies after the 1940s, when Nuclear bombs, nuclear reactors and open-air nuclear tests started changing things, will be harder to date. Science ignores the fact of the atomic bomb that was used in the past by the Nefilim to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and the atomic bomb used in India as recorded in the Vedas when the Nefilim were fighting among themselves. The Akashic records also show there were 3 other atomic explosions on this planet and these are not recorded anywhere on the planet. One of these atomic explosions was very big. Scientists can accept the logic that the future will be harder to date, while they cannot accept the logic or choose to ignore it, that the past can be just as hard, much harder or even impossible to date. Today, there are over 130 radiocarbon dating laboratories around the world producing radiocarbon assays for the scientific community. The C14 technique has been and continues to be applied and used in many different fields including atmospheric science, archaeology, biomedicine, geology, geophysics, hydrology, oceanography, palaeoclimatology and many other fields of study and branches of science. Chronologies are based on it, databases are built on it and history and science is re-writing the evolution and cultural emerging of humans. The evolutionists, creationists and scientists are all blindly leading the human race in different directions and
creating very deep divisions in society. It is affecting your knowledge of the past and your view of the future. The unknown and unaccepted fact is that all of this is based on flawed science, a entire flawed dating system. Think about this. Scientific dating cannot consistently measure the simple growth of trees. Trees record their growth by their internal rings so you have an accurate indicator of the trees age. If you cannot do the simple dating on trees accurately and consistently, how can you do more complex dating? Of great interest would be one object that was incorrectly dated called the Shroud of Turin. As recorded in the Akashic records, it is the true burial cloth of Jesus the Christ when He was taken down from the cross. Science has dated the shroud incorrectly between the years 1260 and 1390 AD. This is a dating error of around 67%. To look at it another way, it is an error of around 1,325 years and that is a dramatic dating error since the shroud is around 1,975 years old. As a result of this flawed dating the shroud was labeled as a medieval artifact from the middle ages. Others now refer to it as a forgery. This is a prime example of how the flawed dating process is affecting the belief system of just one group of people which are millions of Christians. Even the structures we have just talked about, the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Megalithic Monument at Stonehenge and the Sphinx at Al Giza are all dated incorrectly by human dating processes. The unaccepted fact is radiocarbon dating is not accurate. We repeat again. It is time for the Scientists, the Scientific Community and Archaeologists to admit the entire dating process is deeply flawed. It is time to Pull the Plug on Carbon 14 dating and all the other dating processes including all the dates, ages, chronologies, data banks, history and all the information they have established as scientific facts by using these flawed dating processes.
We now wish to give you a small picture of the earth as it was in the past. According to human understanding, we will take you back an estimated 36 million years earth time and then go beyond this point, without expressing time in earth years. We can not go beyond this time and accurately express it in your earth years since it is not recorded this way in the Akashic records. Beyond these years, we cannot give you information that will coincide with your earth time line. You must remember that the measure of a year changed after Noahs flood and your year measurement is only accurate according to your current
way of calculating a year. This means your current year measurement is only accurate for the last 12,952 years. The measurement of a year was different before Noahs flood. The year measurement also changed dramatically 5.5 million years ago. Dating by years beyond this point is totally different. It changed again 36 million years ago. To be accurate, everything in the past beyond each of these three points would have to be given in Sanskrit or another universal language that humans have no knowledge of. The past information cannot match up with the limited languages and expressions used on the earth today. The information would be completely foreign to you and you could not understand it. The human Scientific community has the belief that everything can be calculated in years as far back as they want to go according to human science and accumulated knowledge. We do not wish to disappoint you, or to use a human expression, we do not wish to bust your bubble. This is not the way the universe works. We will give you a brief description we hope you will understand. Beyond this estimated point, 36 million years ago, the earth has already existed for many long Eons of time and there were many of these Eons of time. It is a time span beyond human thinking. The world and this solar system is much older than humans can even accept. During these past Eons of time, the earth has been occupied by numerous spiritual beings which have inhabited the body of the earth. Each one of these spiritual beings has their own personal Akashic records during their stay in the earth and all these records are written in unknown languages to humans. This information cannot translate to your languages. The size of the earth is also beyond the knowledge of science. During these Eons of time, the earth was more than 4 times larger than it is today. The earth surface was an ideal ratio consisting of 35% water and 65% land. The ocean water at this time period was not salty like it is today. It had a negligible amount of salt in it. The weather was very stable in that it had an environment similar to what you call a rainforest today. The rock structure of the planet was also completely different than it is today. It was layered in a way that there was an unimaginable amount of open space under the surface of the planet. These underground open spaces were so big you could put your biggest cities side by side inside the earth and they would be literally lost in these open spaces. The roof height of these underground spaces was so high it was like you were under a night sky. The roof height would be measured in many miles and the width and length measured in countless miles. These
underground spaces were not dark, they were illuminated by a natural process of fluorescence. There was humanoid and animal life on the surface of the planet and humanoid and animal life under the surface of the planet in the vast open underground spaces. Know that the different species of whales living on earth today, lived during these Eons of time. This is the reason you will find information which states, the records of earths history is contained within the DNA of the whales and this is true. Whales are the living record of this planets unknown ancient history. Some day humans will have the ability to access this knowledge. This was also the time of the large animals such as the dinosaurs and others. As big as the earth was, there was room for everyone, humanoids and animals and no one was in anothers space. All these large animals were vegetarians. You have labeled a large animal called the T Rex as a killer and a meat eater. There were no killer animals or killer meat eaters roaming the earth during this extensive time period and T Rex was not a vicious killer as humans describe it today. It served the same function in that time period with the big animals as the buzzard serves today with the small animals. The T Rex and the buzzard are both natures clean up animals and they lived for the purpose of consuming dead carcasses. The T Rex was equipped to clean up large dead animals such as dinosaurs and others. Know there were other animals of different sizes and types that were also clean up animals for nature. The earth back then was perfectly balanced. Humanoids, animals and nature lived in total harmony and peace. It is during this time period that 5 different humanoid races evolved and eventually ascended from this 3rd dimension. This existed for a great many Eons of time. This was all before the beginning of the Lucifer Rebellions 18 million years ago. These rebellions happened while the earth was a water planet. Then an estimated 36 million years ago the earth was hit with an asteroid that was around 375 to 400 miles in diameter, depending on how you measured its irregular shape. It was big. This asteroid hit the earth and started a chain reaction in that it caused the earth to collapse upon itself. The layered rock structures that supported the roof structures of the underground spaces crumbled world wide and this event eliminated all life on the surface of the planet and below the surface. The land and structured rock compacted and forced the water on to the surface of the earth. The earth literally shrank to less than half its physical size and now became a water planet. The earth literally shrinking to less than half it size, should help to give you
some idea how big and vast the open underground spaces actually were. The surface of the planet was now between 95% to 97% water with only 3% to 5% of land sticking above the water. This happened during the time when Tiamat was the spirit living within the earth body. The water life survived and became the dominant species on the planet. The earth became a water planet which lasted for an estimated 30 million years. Then an estimated 5.5 million years ago an event in another part of this universe caused a planet and its moons to lose its orbit. This is the planet known as Nibiru. It was thrown into deep space and eventually came into this solar system. It crossed the path of earths orbit and one of the moons of planet Nibiru hit the planet earth and split it in two parts. It knocked half of the earth into a new orbit and when it came around again, Nibiru hit the other half of planet earth breaking it apart creating what is now called the asteroid belt. This Nibiru was captured by the gravity of the sun of this solar system and is now part of this solar system. It orbits the earth once every 3,600 years. Scientists and astronomers have recently discovered this planet. The spirit of Tiamat abandoned the earth after its body was cut in two. It was now a dead world. Then another spirit called Gaia entered the planet and brought it back to life and began the process of reshaping it into a round world again. It took Gaia 100,000 years to reshape the split half part of earth back into a round planet again. When the planet was split in two, the whales, dolphins and a great amount of sea life survived the impact and splitting of the planet. They continued to survive as a direct result of the spirit of Gaia entering into it and bringing the planet back to life. This is where the Bible story of Creation starts. A very advanced race took notice of the changes that were happening to the planet and observed the problem with the activities of the water. They knew the problem was the absence of a moon around the planet. They went out to deep space and located a dead planet of the proper size, brought it back and set it in orbit around the earth to become earths new moon. This once again created the movement of the water called the tides. The water creatures, fish, mammals and sea life now flourished again. Gaia brought the earth back to life again and land based animal life was seeded back on the planet by advanced races. After the planet was balanced and in harmony, several humanoid races again made it their home. The greater majority of humanoid life on the earth was now in the 4th dimension. No humanoid races have ascended from the 3rd dimension since the Spirit of Gaia inhabited the new downsized earth.
450,000 years ago the Neflim claimed Nibiru as their home planet. They then began to explore this solar system 400,000 years ago. When the Nefilim arrived on planet earth in the 3rd dimension, it was vacant from humanoid life. Gold was eventually discovered on the planet and the Nefilim began mining it for the purpose of stabilizing the atmosphere on the planet of Nibiru. The earth was stable in this position for those 400,000 years. It has not suffered any devastating changes during that time. Then came Noahs flood and the pole shift that was directly influenced by falling consciousness in the 4th dimension and 3rd dimension. This falling consciousness caused a dramatic and devastating pole shift causing the earth to shift 90 degrees from it former position. This was Noahs flood. It cleansed the 4th dimension and rearranged the 3rd dimension. The planet earth as you now see it on your maps and globes has been approximately the same for the last 12,950 years up to today. The rest of the history has been previously explained in the beginning of this book. So now you have a better understanding of your planet earth, its deeper past, and the changes it went through to become what it is now. For those who have knowledge about scientific dating processes, it should help to explain why C14 dating and all other dating processes are deeply flawed. Know that within the earth today there are many unknown giant caverns, some bigger than your imagination. Big enough to easily fit your largest cities in. There are also many underground tunnels and connecting passageways around the world. Many of these caverns and passageways are from when the earth had vast underground spaces that existed before the earth was hit by the asteroid an estimated 36 million years ago and new ones were created when the earth was split in two. The greater majority of these are unknown to humans today. Many that are known are kept secret from the public and used for secret purposes. Some are used for good and some are used for evil intent. Think about this. In the past, 5 different humanoid races lived, prospered, evolved and ascended from the 3rd dimension of planet earth. There was no damage done to the earth in this dimension from any of these races. They all left the planet in what you could say was a very good condition. The 6th race to evolve on planet earth is the human race and it is the only race in the entire past history of earth that is totally destroying the land, forests, animals, atmosphere, the oceans and sea life. The human race will leave this planet totally devastated and unfit for other humanoid races to come here and live. It will take an Eon
of time to undo the damage the human race has done to planet earth. It is interesting to note that the spiritual beings who enter information into the Akashic records, record the human race as a primitive race. It is no wonder the Akashic records show the potential of a devastating pole shift up to 160 degrees or more. Realize it is the potential for the earth to do a complete flip as a result of the falling consciousness and escalating war on the planet. It only did a 90 degree flip during Noahs flood. Think of the higher devastation that can happen in a full flip. At this moment in time, the potential for the human race to ascend is desired by a very, very small number. You also need to realize, humans will be the first humanoid race to have the greatest potential to be purged from the earths 3rd dimension during the coming dimensional pole shift, if they dont destroy themselves first. A very sad commentary on the human race.
We wish to make you aware of one final major event, which has passed by silently and no one has noticed. It happened in the month of October 2003. It was recorded in the Akashic Records in November 2003. In order to understand this information, it is necessary to describe it in a simple form. There is a toy that children play with and many people are familiar with it. It is called a spinning top. You spin it and it will continue to spin for a long time until it gradually loses momentum and it will slow down, then stop. Once the speed of the spinning top slows down to a certain point, the top will start to lose its balance and begin to wobble. This point, is the beginning of a very fast slow down of the final spinning of the top, before it stops. You could say, the spinning of the top has passed the point of no return. It cannot return to its normal spinning. This is what is happening to the core in the center of this earth. The earths core had very gradually, over thousands of years slowed down, reaching this point of no return and passed this point in October 2003. The beginning of the final spinning of the core has started and it will now slow down very rapidly until it comes to a sudden stop. This will not be felt physically by humans living on the planet surface. What is happening, is that the core slow down past this point, has now set in motion, the beginning of the final time period that is left before we have a magnetic reversal of the north and south pole. In other words, the magnetic reversal is now certain and will happen within a short time period. At this point in time, the magnetic reversal cannot be stopped. No one knows when the actual event will happen. The time period
remaining before the magnetic shift will be determined by world consciousness. If the developing war consciousness that is now in the middle Eastern countries intensifies and this war consciousness spreads world wide into the world consciousness, the intensity of the low vibrations such as fear, revenge, anger, hate, judgement and etc., will bring the rotation of the core to a quick slow down and stop. It will trigger the dimensional and pole shift, eliminating the remaining time in this time period and end this 3rd dimensional age. If peace develops and the war consciousness is changed to a peaceful consciousness, the higher vibrations in the world consciousness, will keep the core spinning for a longer time and allow the human race to live the remaining years up to 2013. Then the dimensional pole shift will be triggered by planetary alignments. It is most likely that the dimensional shift will happen at the same time as the magnetic reversal. As you can see by the previous information that was given, we are now in the time period of the pole shift. Everything is on schedule according to the Divine plan of Creator, if we humans are ready or not. There are people that are watching for this event to happen. For those that are paying attention, try to remember. You may have noticed in the last week of November 2003, that your perception of time has suddenly changed. You perceived time as suddenly slowing down, with the normal day to day events as happening at a very slow pace. For some people it was very obvious. Remember that time has not slowed down, only your perception of time. This is due to the slow down of the core passing the point of no return. Those that have sensed the slow down in time are actually feeling the coming shift. Before the earth actually stops rotating, scientists will probably be able to measure a very small change in the earths rotational speed. This will most likely happen just before the rotation stops. We have briefly mentioned the name of a 5th dimensional race called the Ibocca. They are the race that created homo erectus. For those that are interested we will give more detail. The men of this race are an average of 5 feet 6 inches to 6 feet tall. Their average weight is 170 pounds. The women are 5 feet to 5 feet 4 inches tall and weigh an average of 150 pounds. Their body features are very uniform when compared to each other. They have very little hair on their bodies and the hair they do have is very fine and clear looking to the point of being transparent. It is almost invisible. The body from the neck down is sim-
ilar to humans. Their head is larger than humans and very round. The eyes are deep set. The ears are almost miniature in size compared to humans. The nose is tiny and resembles a pug nose. Their skin color is neutral. They have the ability to vary their skin color so they can blend in easily with most everything and they can alter their body shape to a degree to blend in. It is easy for them to alter their body shape to look like humans if the need arises. They wear no clothes except for ceremonial festivities. This race is well over a billion years old. There are members of this race that are still in the same physical body since the creation of this race. Their life expectancy is unlimited. Their bodies are young looking and they look as if they were frozen in time in their youth. This race contains very great wisdom and knowledge. They have the ability to travel the universes in their space craft or by teleportation. This is one race that has developed technically, spiritually and psychically all at the same time. When the Ibocca created homo erectus, they created their dream. They created what they are not, something they wish they could be like. They collected DNA in their many travels until they finally collected all they wanted and needed to create their dream. They came to the 3rd dimension on planet earth to create this new race since it was vacant. The only ones here were the Nefilim and this was only a temporary second home for them. This would give the newly created race a peaceful place to evolve in. They gave them the ability of teleportation so that they could easily move out of the way of the Nefilim or any future unforseen danger. This also gave them the ability to live anywhere on the planet they wanted to. Their genes contained the ability to change their hair and skin color to blend in anywhere on earth. The Ibocca created the DNA mixture and implanted it in their females and they physically birthed the homo erectus race. There was no experimenting with the DNA. It was done right the first time and it was completely successful. After a certain number were born, raised and became self sufficient, the Ibocca left them to evolve on their own. They come back to this planet from time to time to check on the progress of their creation. We have stated the homo erectus is actually what we call Big foot, Yeti or Sasquash. They are big, much bigger than the Ibocca, ranging from 270 lbs. up to 500 lbs. You may wonder how the small Ibocca women birthed these big babies. It was simple. The DNA was configured, so that when the homo erectus baby was born, it was small and the same virtual size as a normal Ibocca baby. Know that the Ibocca are highly skilled
with DNA. Homo erectus was created with 12 strand DNA, so they were connected to the Christ Consciousness at birth. They need very little teaching. The Ibocca taught them how to use their abilities and become self sufficient. The rest of the knowledge they needed to evolve, came from the guidance of the Christ Consciousness. For those that are interested, know that there is no connection between the race of homo erectus and the Neanderthal race. They are two completely different races. This is recorded in the Akashic records. The Neanderthal race was also extinct before the Nefilim set foot on this planet. You may find it interesting to know that the Ibocca do not wear clothes. The homo erectus and Gargoyles do not wear clothes. The Nefilim males only wear a loin cloth covering their genitals. The female Nefilim do not wear any clothes. The original human race never wore any clothes until after the event in the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve spoke to the Nefilim Gods and said they were naked, it was the men that were instructed to cover their genitals. Wearing the loin cloth for the men was a symbol of their ability to procreate. Eve did not wear any body covering. Clothes only became necessary when the humans started moving on the planet and needed clothes to protect them from the cold and harsh elements. Clothing then became an accepted normal way of life. The American Indian males originally wore only loin cloths. The females wore nothing. They brought this custom with them when they dimensionally fell from the 4th dimension where they lived the same way. There are many races that do not wear clothes. Several of the races in Atlantis did not wear clothes. The more highly evolved races are the ones that do not wear clothes. Realize that these evolved races do not have the uncontrolled emotions that the human race is constantly struggling with. That is the reason why body coverings are mostly for ceremonial purposes or to blend in while visiting lower dimensional developing races. Also know that bodies from the more evolved humanoid races have a young or very youthful appearance. Old age does not exist in the more evolved races. They are more uniform in body structure due to their evolved genetic codes and do not possess the mixed genetic pool that the human race is composed of. They are proud of their natural body and that is the normal way they live. Speaking in human terms, do you realize that the Ibocca are the Grandparents of the human race? Look at the potential that is locked within your genes. We have given you several names of humanoid races that
were genetically combined into the human race, after the dimensional fall of Atlantis from the 4th dimension, during the last pole shift. For your information, there are 23 different races combined into the human race. Out of these 23 races, 19 of them came from Atlantis and the 4th dimension.
Have you ever wondered why some people are more immune to disease than others. The raising of an infant child from birth, on the mothers breast milk, is the single most important factor of protecting the child from disease and passing immunity from disease on to the following generations. When human children were originally born to the Nefilim women, they were nursed by the mother for an average of 6 months. Never less than 3 months. The purpose was to pass on immunity to disease to the newborn child. This immunity originally came from the Nefilim and is developed over many generations and continually evolves in the human race as necessary. The human race does not realize the importance of the transfer of this evolved immunity. When a human baby is born and denied the mothers breast milk, the baby will survive on artificial milk and most likely live a normal life. It will gain a limited amount of immunity from the DNA. When this baby grows up and has a child, it will not have the high level of evolved immunity to pass on to its child and these children will most likely be more sickly and unprotected against many diseases. When these sickly children grow up and have their own children, they will have an even lower level of evolved immunity to pass on to their children. And the cycle goes on, with the onset of more serious diseases in each following generation. The lack of evolved immunity from disease in humans, is a direct result of infants not being raised on breast milk. Once the cycle of breast feeding is broken, the following generations will suffer from disease. It will take many generations of continuous breast feeding of children to redevelop a new immunity to disease. While this new immunity is developing, these following generations will have to suffer through all these diseases in each generation in order to develop this immunity. This new immunity will not be as good as the original evolved immunity that was passed on to humans from the Nefilim. There is no substitute for breast milk and there is no substitute for the original evolved immunity that was passed on from the Nefilim race. Immunizations that humans have today, will not take the place of evolved immunity that is
Did you ever wonder what the true meaning of the Star Of David symbol is? The 6 pointed Star Of David is the symbol of your Merkaba, which is your awakened consciousness that manifests as counter rotating energy fields around the body that form a vehicle of light. For those that have eyes to see, this is the way it appears around the human body when it is seen. It is used as a vehicle of travel in the spiritual realms. It is a symbol of an awakened consciousness and it was a reminder for all the Astral Pure Bred to help them awaken over time. Deeply contemplating or meditating on the Star Of David, would awaken memories of their spiritual home. It was a symbol to awaken them to their true spiritual nature and how they will be able to leave this planet. They would have to awaken their own personal Merkaba in order to directly ascend to their higher dimensional home at the end of this age. Since there were originally no Astral Pure Bred outside the Jewish race, this symbol had no meaning to the rest of the world, only the Jewish nation.
Star Of David
We have given you the information about how the Astral Pure Bred were freed from the Jewish race during the World War II event called the Holocaust. Since this event, the Jewish race has been open to any spirit that wishes to experience what Jewish life is like. If you have noticed, the Jewish race has grown in numbers since the Holocaust? Have you ever wondered, what spirits are replacing the Astral Pure Bred spirits in all the Jewish people that have been born since World War II? We have a surprise for you. A great many of the spirits that are now living in the Jewish bodies, are spirits that just recently lived in the Arab world in Arab bodies. After they died from their Arab lifetime, their spirits were reborn into the Jewish race as Jews. These Arabs were former enemies of the Jewish nation. They are now living in the bodies of Jews, for the purpose of having the privilege, to experience what it feels like to live in the Jewish nation. Look at what is happening between the Jews and the Palestinians. Do you realize what we are saying? The spirits that are in Arab bodies are now fighting the spirits that just died from Arab bodies and have been reborn into a Jewish body. In the big picture, it is actually the spirits of the Arabs fighting the spirits of the Arabs. The Arabs are now spiritually
fighting themselves, even though they do not realize it. There are only a few Astral Pure Bred left in the Jewish race and they are old and leaving through deaths door. This is a prime example of Karma in action. As you do unto others, so shall it be done to you. The way you treat others is the same way you will be treated. The spirits that lived in Arab bodies that persecuted the Jews, are now living in Jewish bodies and are being persecuted the same way they persecuted the Jews. There is also a small mixture of spiritual beings in the bodys of Jews that were never in the Arab race. They are from the group of spirits that have fallen during the Lucifer Rebellions.
Did you know that there are other inhabited planets in this Milky Way Galaxy? There are 38 planets that are inhabited by humanoids in this Milky Way Galaxy. There is humanoid life on these planets on many different dimensional levels. Humanoids can live in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th dimensional levels according to how vibrationally advanced they have evolved. Out of these 38 planets there are 17 planets that have abundant humanoid life in the 3rd dimension. In the Milky Way Galaxy there are 137 individual races of humanoids permanently living here. There are 14 races of humanoids that travel in and out of this galaxy and they have homes here and in other galaxies as well. That makes a total of 151 races that reside in the Milky Way Galaxy. You may ask the question, why dont we know this and why is there no knowledge of them? The answer is simple. Most humans refuse to accept that there is life beyond earth. There is knowledge already on the planet and it is not accepted. Even the knowledge about the Nefilim Gods that is recorded in the ancient texts, is not accepted. You may ask why they have not been seen by human eyes? They have been seen by some humans and the rest of the world does not believe those that have seen them. You may ask why humans do not have communications with these other worlds and humanoid races? The reason there is no communication with these worlds, is that the human race and its 2 strand DNA is an ongoing experiment. For this reason, it is isolated from the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy, until the experiment is over. The experiment will be completed at the coming dimensional pole shift. The human 2 strand DNA is rooted in selfishness and the main path of growth is dominance and greed to gain power and abundance in order to survive. This leads to constant confrontations and wars to gain power and control to satisfy the driving emotion of selfishness.
This 2 strand DNA experiment of very limited consciousness will not be allowed to travel the galaxy and create chaos. This is the main reason why the human race will not be allowed to be part of the galactic community or know very much about it. Another way to express your isolation is this. The human race is Quarantined on planet earth, in the 3rd dimension, until the experiment of 2 strand DNA is over. Humans will only become part of the galactic community when all humans evolve into 12 strand DNA. The process of human DNA evolution was started during the 26 year time period called the Apocalypse, which is the small space of time between the 3rd and 4th dimension, as it was described in this book. It will be completed after the dimensional pole shift when the human race enters into the 4th dimension and evolves into the new human race. The human 2 strand DNA that we have today will no longer exist and will be eliminated from the planet at the dimensional shift. Only 12 strand DNA or higher will be allowed in the 4th dimension. Then the newly evolved 12 strand DNA human race will become a part of the galactic community. When the first atomic bomb was exploded by the United States, it sent a shock wave out into space that traveled through the Milky Way Galaxy, then out through out the entire universe, into the surrounding universes and beyond. This explosion created deep anxiety wherever it was heard. This triggered alarms to go off to all the neighboring races in the Milky Way Galaxy and to other races that inhabit this universe and beyond. It brought these many neighboring races down into the 3rd dimension to observe what was happening. The atomic bombs used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki confirmed the worst. The human race with its low limited consciousness, now had the ability to destroy anything and everything around it, including it self. This was a very frightening prospect, since one planet was already completely blown apart from the misuse of atomic power in this universe. Many races entered our atmosphere, creating the sightings of UFOs. If you had eyes to see, you would see that the air space above us is crowded with space craft observing us. Our neighboring races are more evolved and have the ability to make their space craft invisible to humans. We can only see them when they want us to see them. For them it is easy to accomplish invisibility. The 4th dimension air space above us is also crowded with numerous space craft observing and many others that are waiting for the dimensional shift to happen, so that they can retrieve their people that were trapped on this planet during the fall of Atlantis. The use of
atomic weapons for war, stopped the neighboring races in the Milky Way Galaxy from communicating with the human race. Humans have now become too dangerous for their own good and for anyone trying to communicate with them. The communications with our neighboring races that were planned to happen during the Apocalypse, before the end of this age, were canceled. There will be little or no communication with our neighbors, until after the dimensional shift happens. Know that there were 4th and 5th dimensional races that intervened directly in the affairs of humans, for the purpose of not allowing an atomic war to take place between the super powers of the United States and the USSR. These higher dimensional beings actually walked the halls of the White house in this country and government buildings in other countries. They were never noticed. At this point in time, the use of atomic weapons is again being threatened. Pakistan and India are ready to destroy each other over a small piece of land called Kashmir. North Korea and Iran are developing atomic weapons for military use. There is also a small nation that has not been recognized that is very close to developing an atomic weapon. Since the world is now being directed by world consciousness, it will require the world leaders to join together to stop and control the development and use of atomic weapons for the purpose of war. With the world consciousness dropping, it is possible that the world will again be in the position to destroy itself by atomic weapons. If and when atomic war is about to happen again, it is very likely, the higher dimensional races will not intervene. They may allow the human race to destroy itself. Time will tell. Ever since the human race made the evolution to a world consciousness in 1996, the human race has become responsible for its own actions. World human consciousness must decide, war or peace. No one will do it for us. The human race has its destiny in its own hands. It can destroy itself or continue to evolve to higher dimensional levels.
We have stated that the old prophecies of doom and gloom are no longer active. This took place in 1996 when the human race evolved into a world consciousness. We have also explained how consciousness can recreate some of these old prophecies. There are potential disasters evolving on the planet now that will look like the old prophecies. They are not. Humans have created this all by themselves. It has been creat-
Potential Disasters
ed by the emotions of greed and revenge. We are specifically referring to the invasion of Iraq by the United States and the ongoing war of terrorism in Iraq. All this information is revealed in your daily news even though you have not recognized it. You will eventually recognize how these potential disasters started when you study your current national growth, political policies, hidden government agendas and events that were a result of the first Gulf War. A great deal of information on government corruption has already been reveled. The people of the U. S. have closed their eyes and ears to this corruption. They simply cannot believe that their government is so corrupt. Apathy of the great silent majority in the U. S. is allowing this corruption to continue and grow. Soon the whole nation will suffer as a result of this apathy. Time has passed since the destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers at 9-11. We will now take another look at human consciousness. After the destruction of the world trade center, consciousness took a dip and then went back up to a higher level. The invasion of Afghanistan was the balancing of karma and the war should have remained there and stopped there. It is also justified, to continue to root out terrorists by cooperation with other nations. The invasion of Iraq was not justified and created great karma against the United States. The terrorism of 9-11 was an excuse that was used to invade Iraq. The hidden agenda to invade Iraq was revenge from events of the first Gulf War and oil. This invasion has succeeded in bringing world consciousness down to a lower level. Since the invasion of Iraq started, consciousness has fallen continuously and is still falling. Now low consciousness is starting to affect the world in different ways.
We wish to point out a potential disaster this falling consciousness is now affecting. Most people have heard of global warming. Guess what! You will be able to experience the results of global warming in the next few years. This is not from an old prophecy. The human race has created this coming disaster all by itself. We will explain. In this country, the United States, global warming started with the industrial revolution and consumption of coal and crude oil. The use of natural gas added to the problem. The important fact to understand about coal and crude oil consumption, is the final end result of using them, is the generation of heat and pollution. Over a period of time, this has created a green house affect and raised the world temperature just enough to change the balance of air temperature
Global Warming
and weather patterns. Glaciers have been melting in north America for over 40 years. Recently the polar ice cap started getting thinner. Now we have the melting of the north pole ice cap and the south pole ice formations. The changes are now accelerating and cannot be stopped. Realize this is only one source of global warming. There are other greater sources. In the year 2002, the north pole ice cap completely melted over the north pole. This ice cap was an average of 10 feet thick or more. It was composed of fresh water frozen into ice. Now that it has melted, the fresh water is mixing with salt water and changing the ocean currents. The fresh water is specifically altering the flow of the Gulf Stream by diluting the salt water as it meets the Gulf Stream, causing the Gulf Stream to slow down. It has been slowing down for the last decade and now is slowing down dramatically, to the point that the Gulf Stream is beginning to change its course. This has the potential to stop the flow of the Gulf Stream. Know that the Gulf Stream is a steady flowing stream of warm water on the surface of the Atlantic ocean. It brings this flow of warm water from below the equator, up the north Atlantic coast, then it flows east to Europe, turns south along the European coast, then it turns west and flows toward the equator. It then flows south below the equator to renew its warmth and then returns up the Atlantic coast on its continuous journey. It keeps the Atlantic coast of North America and the west coast of Europe warm. It balances the climate and controls other weather patterns around the world. When the Gulf Stream stops flowing, it will cause eastern north America and western Europe to experience very frigid winters. Another result, is that there will be a continuous drought in central North America, which is the United States, from the west coast all the way up to the Midwest of the American continent. The western part of the U. S. depends on the winter snow fall in the mountains to melt and supply water to that part of the country. The winter snow fall will also be affected. The amount of snow will be normal. What will be different is that the snow pack will have a lower content of moisture. It will be a drier snow pack in the western mountains. When it melts, there will not be the normal expected amount of water, there will be less, adding to the drought. The east and north east will experience unpredictable rains. When the Midwest finally sets into this drought, it will affect the crop production in this country. Do you remember what we have pointed out in the book about the possible karma against the U.S., due to its hidden agenda of genetic seed and the use of new terminator technology. Pay attention. This is developing karmic payback to the U.S.
for the evil intent of genetic seeds and terminator technology. This unfolding scenario will create its own form of disaster that will affect everyone. That is only half the story of global warming. The other half gets more interesting. The south pole will create another event. The Antarctic continent is breaking up and melting. Two small sections have broken off the continent and melted. They are called the Larsen ice shelf A and B. The Larsen ice shelf A broke off several years ago. Then the Larsen ice shelf B broke off and melted in a month and raised the worlds ocean levels almost an inch. This by itself is an insignificant amount. The important thing to know is that the Larsen B ice shelf was holding the Ross ice shelf in place. This Ross ice shelf is tremendous in size and is the largest ice shelf in Antarctica. It is estimated to be between 600 to 3,000 feet thick and about 600 miles long. The cliffs at the waters edge are about 200 feet high. If you look on a world map you will see it is nearly the size of the countries of Spain and Portugal. The Ross ice shelf is the outlet for the West Antarctic ice sheet which is composed of several large glaciers. The Antarctic continent is covered by about 70% of the worlds fresh water. Ice shelves cover 50% of the Antarctic coast. When the Ross ice shelf breaks loose into the ocean and melts, this volume of ice is estimated to have the potential to raise the worlds ocean levels anywhere between 15 to 20 feet higher. Know that the Ross ice shelf is cracking. That should give you something to think about. Think of the U. S. coastal cities. New Orleans is already below sea level. Parts of Florida are only three feet above sea level. Look at the rest of your country and you can see the potential unfolding disaster. Now look at other countries around the world, including many small low lying islands. Another unrecognized potential for raising the worlds ocean levels is the continent of Greenland. It is melting and the melting is going to accelerate and there is no way to stop it. Since the greater part of the ice on Greenland is above water, anything that melts will directly add to the rising of the ocean levels. The melting ice cap of Greenland alone has the potential to raise the ocean levels up to 18 feet higher. Now add the melting ice from Antarctica and Greenland together and you can see the emerging potential disaster. You may be saying to yourself that this cant really happen. Surprise! It is happening now. The big question left, is how fast will the ice melting accelerate? Know that it cannot be stopped, events have passed the point of no return. You will find it interesting to know why the Ross ice shelf is cracking. It is recorded in the Akashic records. The cracking of the ice shelf started over 6 years ago. Do you remember the
information in the book about the awakening of Gaia (the spirit that resides within the earth) which happened in 1996 near Tahiti. The French government set off 6 atomic explosions under ground, for the purpose of destroying the Christ Conscious Grid that extends through the earth. They failed and stopped their attempts when a spirit appeared to them with a warning. The problem was that the atomic explosions radiated into the earth and set off a movement of the underground plates. This movement put stress on the bottom side of the Ross ice shelf and this stress caused the beginning of the cracking of the Ross ice shelf in 1997, starting at the bottom of the ice formation. This cracking has been going on for over 6 years. The cracking will soon begin to appear on the surface of the ice shelf. The damage is already done. The cracking of the Ross ice shelf is a direct result of the 6 underground atomic explosions in 1995 and 1996 near Tahiti by the French government. Scientists have been wondering why the Antarctic continent is warming up faster then the rest of the world. It is now about 4.5% degrees warmer then it was in 1947. Global warming is having a small effect. A very large influence that is causing a temperature rise on the Antarctic continent is the large hole in the ozone layer that is centered over the continent. This hole is caused by two main reasons. The extreme thinning of the ozone layer is part of the process of the coming dimensional shift. This allows higher vibrations to enter the atmosphere that are part of a driving force, which is causing the Schumann resonance to rise at this moment in time for this event. After the dimensional shift is over, this ozone layer will eventually heal itself and close up. We stated that the extreme thinning of the ozone layer was necessary. Instead, we have a depletion of the ozone layer. The depleting of the ozone layer is caused by man made pollutants that have risen in the atmosphere over time. They caused the thinning condition to be turned into a depleted condition. It will now take a much longer period of time for the ozone layer to repair itself. This repairing of the ozone layer will not happen until after the dimensional shift. Since there will be no life in the 3rd dimension after the shift, the pollutants from the surface of the earth will eventually stop. Then the process of the ozone layer repairing itself can start. The pollutants will eventually break down into natural elements and dissipate. This will take a very long time. Global warming in itself would not create this kind of disaster in such a short time. There are other factors involved beside the green house effect. The next contributing factor is
the slow down of the spinning of the earths core past the point of no return. We have already explained this event. Deep under ground the plates of the earth have been slowly shifting as the spinning core is slowing down. This change, together with global warming, will help speed up climate changes to a higher degree. Then there is the falling consciousness, especially from all the fighting in the middle east. Since this fighting is centered in the middle east, there is a great potential that the shifting of the earths plates deep inside the earth, will be affected to a greater degree in this area. In fact, the plates closer to the surface may also be affected by this dropping consciousness. This shifting will result in changes that will affect the pumping of oil from this region. It has the great potential to interrupt the worlds oil supply or limit the supply the worlds needs. If consciousness drops dramatically, it will shift the oil deeper underground, so that it is no longer easily available, possibly even disappearing deeper underground. Think of the world wide consequences of any type of oil interruption or shortage. The shifting of the plates will also have another effect. It will change the water tables under ground around the world. Some areas may have more water, others less water or no water at all and other areas may remain the same. Consciousness will directly affect this greatly. Another factor that is a contributor to this unfolding disaster, are upper atmosphere experiments conducted by the United States government and 4 other countries. The U. S. experiment is called HAARP , the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. This program is not a science research program. It is a military weapon. It has been used and experimented with for many purposes including controlling weather. HAARP is experimenting with the unknown potential of scalar waves. The operators of HAARP , have stepped blindly into an unknown science. It has the potential to create havoc with the earths weather patterns. All 5 countries have already gone past a point of no return and set into motion forces that they cannot control. They have all crossed the point of no return twice. The first time they did this, it was stopped and corrected by the unseen Spiritual Forces of Light, for the good of the planet. The second time they crossed the point of no return, it was not stopped, due to the reckless arrogance of all the operators of HAARP type technology. The experiments are out of control and no one has realized this, not even the operators of HAARP . Now the world will suffer the consequences. It took the combination of 6 different events to create this
coming twofold disaster. Global warming, slowing down of the rotation of the earths core, world consciousness dropping, the 6 atomic explosions near Tahiti, depletion of the ozone layer and the reckless experiments of HAARP type technology. Looking at these events, you can see that 5 of them are man made. The slowing down of the earths core by itself, would not create this coming disaster or any other disaster. The extreme thinning of the ozone layer by itself would not cause any disaster. These two events together would have very little affect on human life and by themselves, they would probably never be recognized. It is the combination of events that has created the potential for disaster. It is the same result as having a row of dominoes standing on end next to each other. When you push the first domino down, it will push the next domino down, then the next and this will continue until all the dominoes have fallen. The planet earth is the same way. For every action there is a reaction. Every action on this earth has a consequence, good or bad. There are many reactions in the process of happening, with most creating bad consequences to come. Many will be the result from all the atomic bombs that have been set off since World War II above and below the earth. The testing of atomic bombs has loosened many underground plates and started their movements. If atomic bombs were never used on the planet in the last 60 years, we would not have the shifting of the deep underground plates today. This shifting was directly created by humans. Then there is all the drilling and pumping of oil out of the ground, including the new deep well drilling and explorations. All this has created more movements of the underground plates which man has not recognized. Remember, the earth is a living body with the spirit of Gaia living in it. When the body is injured, it will react. We have described 5 man made events. The use of a human expression is appropriate to describe one of these events. HAARP type technology, is the straw that broke the camels back. The HAARP type experiments are now the driving force of global warming. It is the trigger that is setting the coming events into motion. People of the United States need to learn about HAARP . It is directly affecting your life in ways that are completely beyond your imagination. It is time to pay attention to the volcanic chain called the ring of fire. This ring of volcanoes goes around the Pacific rim. You will now see constant activity above what is normal with volcanoes erupting and numerous earthquakes. The volcanic eruptions will not seem to be very violent. Some of the earthquakes will be violent. What you must realize is that the volcanic
eruptions and earthquakes are a result of the constant movement of the deeper underground plates. The ring of fire is becoming more active as the underground movements are increasing. The longer you see the ring of fire stay above normal activity, the more shifting is taking place. In 2004, the underground plates have already shifted to the point that oil production is starting to be affected in the Middle East. No one is talking about this. If they did, it would begin to create an escalating panic among nations. We would like to give you information that will specifically affect the United States. The U. S. has created a war in Iraq that has the potential to destabilize the Middle East. It now has a karmic price to pay for this unjust war. If the war continues to escalate, causing a deep drop in consciousness, the U. S. will have a short fall in its oil supply. The U. S. currently consumes 25% of the worlds oil production. It has the potential to lose 7 % to 8% of this oil. Its means the oil supply will drop down to 18% and even as low as 16% of the worlds oil production. This means that there would be a shortage of oil that will cut the available oil supply by 28% up to 32%. As we stated, this is a developing potential, if the war is not stopped and peace quickly restored in that region of the world. For those that are curious about the raising of the ocean levels after the dimensional pole shift, when all humans are gone from the 3rd dimension, we give you this information. We wish to point out another event that will happen after the dimensional pole shift. We have stated that at this point in time, the world will rotate or flip approximately 160 degrees away from what is now the north pole. When this happens, the continent of Antarctica will no longer be directly opposite the north pole and it will not be located in a pole position. It will be approximately 20 degrees away from a pole position and this new position will allow the continent of Antarctica to almost completely melt, causing the ocean levels world wide to rise approximately 125 feet higher then their present level. Depending on the direction of the planets flip, there is the greater probability of the melting of Greenland which will add another 25 feet to the ocean levels. For a long period of time the ocean levels will remain at these higher levels until the 3rd dimensional weather patterns are stabilized. Humans will not experience this, since there will no longer be human life in this 3rd dimension after the coming dimensional pole shift. This should make many people glad that they are leaving before this happens. It is interesting to note that the U. S. is the biggest consumer
of crude oil. It is the biggest producer of green house gasses and pollution. The government of the U. S. refuses to recognize the problems it has created for the world. The people of the nation are also ignoring this developing disaster. Again, the silent majority is guilty of apathy for allowing this to happen. Also the government of the U. S. is guilty of overwhelming arrogance. They knew of the problem a long time ago and refused to act. The people are the government, they elect it and support it, so the people of the nation are also guilty of arrogance.
We have given the information about the slowing down of the rotation of the earths core. Now we wish to give you more unknown information. There is a group of Angels, called the Destroyer Force Angels. These Angelic Beings serve us by working with the forces of energy. Over a period of several months, starting around March, 2004, they directed the light behind the light, which is the light of Creator, into the core of the earth. We will describe the process using human time. Approximately one minute every hour, they would trigger the core of the earth to radiate Creators light from the core, outward to the surface of the planet and out into the atmosphere. This created great confusion for the dark forces. Then the core of the earth was triggered to radiate Creators light for one minute every 30 minutes or twice every hour. In May it was intensified to radiate for one minute out of every 10 minutes. It was continually increased until the core of the earth was finally lit up continually on June 23, 2004, with Creators light. No spiritual being from the dark side could hide inside the earth from this light. Then an energy sphere was formed around the earth just beyond the area of the Van Allen Belt. The earth is now within a huge sphere and the inside of this sphere, which is facing the earth, is acting as a reflecting energy mirror, to reflect Creators light back to the core of the earth. This reflecting energy sphere is intensifying the light that is constantly radiated from the core. The lighting up of the core by the Destroyer Force Angels with Creators light, was a response from a Melchizedek, due to the intensifying of the battle from the Lucifer Rebellion that has entered the earth. The battle between the forces of Light and Dark is at its peak intensity and will remain that way until the dimensional pole shift takes place. The intent of the dark forces is to destroy the human race by instigating humans to destroy themselves. This is the last stand for the forces of Darkness in this dimension. This lighting up of the earths core, has marked the beginning of the end for
the forces of darkness on this dimension and the beginning of the end of the Lucifer Rebellion on this planet. For those that have eyes to see, look into the center of the earth and your will see these Destroyer Force Angels doing this work. Creators light is being directed into the core of the earth at the north and south axis points of the earths rotation. There is a 3rd point in which the light originally entered the core. This entrance point was in the heart of the Dove. This point will soon be disconnected since it is no longer necessary. There is a lot of spirit activity in the earths core at this time.
Another interesting unknown event happened in the year 2004. From June 25 to July 10, a force of 144,000 Master Vibrational Warriors Of The Light came down to the planet earth. Their purpose is to bring balance and hold the light during the time remaining from now until the dimensional pole shift is completed. They will not allow the Forces of Darkness to directly intervene in the affairs of humans. They will only allow the free choice of humans to create their own destiny. The arriving and intensifying of the Lucifer Rebellion onto the planet earth created a need for their presence. They were summoned to the planet by a Melchizedek to help the forces of light. It is sad to say that many light workers have lost their direction. Others have fallen asleep. The lack of cooperation between light workers, has made it impossible for them to join together and gain strength against the dark forces. Since the light workers could not join together in sufficient numbers, it was necessary to call in these elite Warriors of the Light. If human consciousness changes, these Warriors of the Light can easily turn disasters and potential disasters around for the good of the human race. They honor the free will of humans and will not intervene in the affairs of humans, even when humans create their own man made disasters. People must awaken and learn to Love One Another again. All the wars in the Middle East must be stopped and a solution found for peace. It will take the cooperation of all nations to achieve this goal. The people of the United States must very closely scrutinize the actions of their government and wake up to the fact that they are now a world aggressor. They have created the war in Iraq which is responsible for the falling of world consciousness. The basis for war against Iraq, when carefully studied, will be found to be false. The U. S. government created the Iraq war and now they cannot figure out how to stop it. The hidden agenda of the Iraq war is revenge from
events of the first Iraq war and oil. Hopefully, people will soon figure this out. The silent majority allowed this to happen through apathy, a lack of knowledge and the overriding emotion of revenge for 9-11. They must wake up from their deep apathy and make their voices heard. Are you part of the silent majority that allowed this to happen? You are either for the war, against it, or you are part of the silent majority. For those that think the war in Iraq is not their problem, know that the karma from it, will fall on everyone in your nation. Remember this. When the sun shines, it shines on the good and the bad people at the same time. When it rains, it rains on the good and bad at the same time. Karma will fall on the good and the bad, the guilty and the innocent, all at the same time. Remember that everyone in your nation is joined together by a national consciousness. That makes everyone responsible for what this nation does. Your consciousness is also joined together with everyone else in the world as one. Know that all events of disaster and chaos can be quickly changed by the changing of world consciousness. Consciousness must change from a war consciousness to a peace consciousness. At this moment in time, the U.S. must be the first to change to a peace consciousness.
We talked about the Schumann resonance and how it is changing and the level it will rise to. Know that the rising of the Schumann resonance was driven by consciousness. Since consciousness is now falling, it is no longer driving the resonance. Also know that the Schumann resonance will not reverse itself. Once it was set in motion, the Schumann resonance will continue to rise to its predetermined new level. It cannot be reversed. It can only be slowed down or speeded up by world consciousness. We gave a simple explanation about the Schumann Resonance and how it is rising in the book. It was kept simple, so that it was more understandable. Now we will explain it in a more detailed way. The Schumann Resonance of the earth is determined by the size of the earth and the speed of light in each dimension. The resonance is a permanent standing wave in the atmosphere that resonates between the earths surface and the ionosphere. This wave is sustained by the planets interior electromagnetic forces and atmospheric lightning. Know that atmospheric lightening works on the speed of light in this dimension. The earth and ionosphere act together as a giant electrical capacitor. These details are constant and never change. The core of the
Schumann Resonance
earth rotates at approximately 1 cycle or 1 complete revolution once every 400 years. The rotation of the core is fairly constant and only changes abruptly to bring about a pole shift. All this can be studied in detail in Quantum physics. One detail that science does not know, is that the speed of light is different in each dimension. It increases progressively in each dimension above the 3rd dimension and it decreases in each dimension below the 3rd dimension. In other words, the scientific calculations for the speed of light in this 3rd dimension, are only accurate for this 3rd dimension. The illustration below will help you understand this more clearly. As you can see, the speed of light increases in each dimension. The 1st dimension on earth has the slowest speed of light. The speed of light becomes faster in each higher dimension. The 9th dimension on earth has the fastest speed of light. Slowest Speed Of Light On This Planet Is In The 1st Dimension 1st dimension 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th dimension th Fastest Speed Of Light On This Planet Is In The 9 Dimension We will be using the word Hertz. It simply indicates how many cycles per second a frequency is at. An easy way of understanding hertz and cycles per second is this. On a piece of paper slowly draw a large circle for practice. Now draw as many circles as you can in one second. Lets say you drew 3 complete circles in one second. What you accomplished was to draw circles at the rate of 3 cycles per second or 3 hertz. This should help take the mystery out of the word hertz. The 7.8 hertz of the 3rd dimension is actually 7.8 cycles per second. The third dimensional frequency of 7.8 hertz can change between 9 and 12 hertz. This 9 to 12 hertz is the center of the alpha range of the human mind. The natural frequencies of the human mind are, Delta which is from 1 to 3 hertz. Theta which is from 4 to 7 hertz. Alpha which is from 8 to 13 hertz.
Beta which is from 14 to 30 hertz. The full range of the human mind is from 1 to 30 hertz. You will now see how the human mind is connected with our environment. The Schumann Resonance on planet earth is composed of more than one resonant frequency. It is composed of a combination of nine different frequencies. They are 1.8, 4, 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 hertz. These frequencies start from 1 hertz to 50 hertz. The human mind operates from 1 hertz to 30 hertz. Each frequency is also directly related to an individual dimensional level. Remember that planet earth supports 9 dimensional levels. Each level is marked by a different resonance. The resonant frequency for each dimensional level is actually a rise in the amplitude or intensity of the frequency. Frequency In Hertz From 1 To 50 hertz 7.8 1 1.8 4 14 20 26 33 39 45 50 hertz |--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|------|||------|--------|--------| 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th dimension 1st The Nine Dimensional Levels That Earth Supports The The The 1st dimensional level is 1.8 hertz. 2nd dimensional level is 4 hertz. 3rd dimensional level is 7.8 hertz.
The human race was living in the 3rd dimension. We left it in 1987. The human race is now between dimensions, this time period is called the Apocalypse. Any time between the years 2003 and 2013, when humans reach the average level of 13 Hertz, the dimensional shift will be triggered and we will be able to enter into the 4th dimension. All those with a spiritual vibration at 13 hertz or above can enter the 4th dimension or directly ascend to their higher dimensional home. Those that do not reach 13 hertz cannot go back to the 3rd dimensional level of earth. They will be taken to a 3rd dimension in different worlds. Those that have their spiritual vibration drop below 6.8 will go to the lower 2nd dimensions. Those that have their vibration drop below 3 will go to the lowest level, the 1st dimension, they will enter into newly evolving worlds. Everyone will go to a place that matches their spiritual vibration. The 4th dimensional level is 14 hertz.- Future home of human race.
The 5th dimensional level is 20 hertz. The 6th dimensional level is 26 hertz. Dividing point between physical and non physical dimensions. The 7th dimensional level is 33 hertz. The 8th dimensional level is 39 hertz. The 9th dimensional level is 45 hertz. Now look at the dividing line between the 6th and 7th dimension. It is approximately 30 hertz which is the upper end of the Beta range of the human mind. Remember, physical life only exists in the lower dimensions which are the 3rd to the 6th dimensions. There are no physical bodys or solid forms above the 6th dimension. All life that exists above the 6th dimension is in pure spirit form. It is a pure energy form which is constantly in motion. Now you see how the ability of the physical mind is designed for the lower dimensions, from the 3rd to the 6th. It is not designed to operate in the higher dimensions above the 6th since physical forms cannot go there. The resonant level of the 3rd dimension will always be 7.8 hertz. The truth is, the Schumann resonance level is not rising, the resonant level is still the same, which is 7.8 hertz. What is happening, is that we humans are the ones that are rising and it is our spiritual vibration around our physical body that is rising and resonating above 7.8 hertz. We started at 7.8 hertz. When we rose to 7.9 hertz, we began the process to exit the 3rd dimension. We humans are no longer in the 3rd dimension. We left the 3rd dimension in the year 1987 and now we are between dimensions. This is called the Apocalypse which is the time period between the years 1987 and 2013. The beginning of the 4th dimension starts at 13 hertz. Every person that wants to ascend to the 4th dimension, or those that want to directly ascend to their higher dimensional home, must have their personal spiritual vibration of 7.8 hertz rise and reach the level of 13 hertz or higher. If you do not reach 13 hertz, you cannot ascend anywhere. That is the purpose of the Advanced Programs. They are for The Clearing And Releasing Of All Emotions And All Spiritual Bonds To This 3rd Dimensional Reality, In Preparation For Spiritual And Physical Ascension. These programs are contained in this book and are to be used daily to clear and release all low vibrational emotions from your spiritual and physical vibration. As you clear and release all the low vibrational emotions, (fear, anger, hate, revenge, judgement, etc.) from your body, the spiritual resonant frequency that surrounds your physical body, will slowly rise from 7.8 hertz up to the level of 13 hertz or higher. That is how you are judged if you are worthy to ascend to the higher dimension-
al levels. Your spiritual vibration must resonate with the vibration of the dimension you want to enter into. Remember these words, whatever vibration you bind on earth, is bound in ( heaven) the spiritual realm, whatever vibration you loose on earth, is loosed in ( heaven ) the spiritual realm. This resonant frequency process basically works the same in each dimension. You must raise your 7.8 hertz to 13 hertz in order to enter the 4th dimension. Once you evolve in the 4th dimension, you will have to take your 14 hertz and raise it to 19 hertz in order to enter the 5th dimension. Once you evolve in the 5th dimension, you will have to raise your 20 hertz to 25 hertz in order to enter the 6th dimension. This process continues in order to enter the higher dimensional realms all the way up to the 12th dimension. Anyone that wants to enter the 4th dimension must bring their vibration up to 13 hertz which is the vibrational entry point. All those that wish to return to their higher dimensional homes, must reach the vibrational entry point of that dimension. Lets say that you are a 9th level dimensional spirit and that is where your home is. In order to directly ascend to the 9th dimensional level, you must have your vibrational level up to at least 44 hertz, which is the vibrational entry point to the 9th dimension. Now you know the way it works. The rising of the resonant frequency level in each human is driven by four events. The first one is the slowing down of the rotation of the core of the earth, causing the decreasing and eventual collapsing of the earths magnetic field. The second event is the planet entering into the photon belt. These two events happen every 13,000 years on this planet. It takes the combination of the first two events and the addition of the third event to create a dimensional shift on this planet. The third event is the extreme thinning of the ozone layer to allow higher vibrational frequencies to enter the atmosphere. The higher vibrations are the key ingredient necessary to make the dimensional shift possible. These higher vibrations come from two separate sources. One source is from the Central Sun in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy called Alycone. The other source is from outside of this universe and is called the Central Sun or the Creative Source. It is actually a higher vibration directly from Creator. These two vibrations combine to make the dimensional shift possible. The fourth event is the clearing and releasing of all low vibrations in the physical body and the vibrational field that surrounds the human body. They are the combination of low vibrations that come from low vibrational emotions (fear, anger, hate, revenge, judgement, etc.) and physical low vibrations that come
from low vibrational foods such as animal meats and the many toxic elements that are part of the food chain, including toxic chemical pollutants. The only event that the human is responsible for is the fourth event. Every human that wants to ascend, must be ready and prepared when the other three events happen together. If the human does not complete the fourth event of clearing and releasing all low vibrations, that human cannot ascend to a higher level dimensional level for another age. If the vibration of the human is below the 3rd dimensional level, it will descend. At this moment in time, in the year 2004, the first three events are almost complete. Are you ready? We have just mentioned that the speed of light is different in each of the 9 dimensional levels the earth supports. There are also 3 dimensional levels that planet earth does not support. These are the 10th, 11th and 12th dimensional levels. Know that the speed of light becomes faster in each of these higher dimensional levels. There is no way to accurately describe the speed of light in each dimension in comparison to the speed of light in the 3rd dimension, since time, light and mass are dramatically different in each dimensional level. We can give you one comparison that may help you to understand how different life is beyond the 3rd dimensional level. On planet earth, you give the speed of your aircraft and spacecraft in relation to the speed of sound, which is approximately 738 miles per hour. You have just passed the barrier of going ten times the speed of sound by your new experimental ram jet technology, which is approximately 7,380 miles per hour. The space shuttle travels at approximately 25 times the speed of sound or about 18,450 miles per hour. That is very fast from the human point of view. Your more advanced humanoid neighbors in the Milky Way galaxy, compute the speed of their spacecraft, against the speed of light, not sound. The speed of light in your 3rd dimension is computed at about 186,000 miles per second in a vacuum. Compare the two ways of measuring. Humans are measuring in miles per hour, your advanced humanoid neighbors are measuring in miles per second. Remember, there are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. Know the advanced humanoid races around you can travel approximately 26 times the speed of light, as measured in your 3rd dimension. This is about 4,836,000 miles per second. When you do the math to convert it to miles per hour, it means they can travel at approximately 669,600,000 miles per hour. That is much faster then your 7,380 or 18,450 miles per hour. Their spacecraft travel at this speed as a normal way of travel. This comparison is to help you realize the great
differences between your 3rd dimensional civilization and advanced 4th and 5th dimensional civilizations. There are also much faster ways to travel, although this is beyond the comprehension of the human mind. There are many humans familiar with physics and Einsteins equation, E=mc square. This formula is not correct. Einstein only considered the energy of this universe. The energy outside of this universe from the surrounding universes, directly affects it. It would be correct to state the formula as E=mc to the 3rd power. Also know this equation is no longer correct outside of this 3rd dimension.
Sudden infant death has been happening continually ever since humans learned to procreate in the Garden of Eden and learned to live on their own. When a person dies a sudden death or violent death for any reason, such as by an accident, from war, or is killed by another human or animal, their spirit is not settled and is restless. It was forced out of the body and it was not ready to leave. The spirit of that person will come back and be born again into a human body, for the sole purpose of dying a peaceful death. This death will usually happen from just after birth to within the first two years of life. It is only recently that this phenomenon has been recognized and given the name of SIDS, the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. The medical profession does not understand the cause of these many infant deaths. They are looking for a physical reason and have not been able to find any cause or reason why this is happening. Know that SIDS does not have a physical cause. SIDS is caused by a spirits spiritual desire. The desire for a spirit to die a peaceful death. Remember that the spirit chooses the time to be born and the time to die. When a spirit chooses a time to die, no human can prevent it from happening
There is great controversy over homosexuality. For those that are against homosexuality, know this. The last pole shift that happened 13,000 years ago, created our modern human race, by the additional joining together of 19 more individual races from the 4th dimension and Atlantis. When the pole shift occurred, the low consciousness in the 4th dimension, created a dimensional drop into the 3rd dimension. When there is a dimensional shift downward, all memory of the past is wiped clean, it is immediately forgotten. Those that survived the shift,
had no memory of what their relationship to the other people around them were. The memory of family relationships was gone. The memory of physical relationships was gone. All that was left was instinct for survival and the natural desire of sex. As a result of this loss of memory, the new human race began the practice of sexual mating as described in the following paragraph. This began the creation of homosexual genes and damaged genes, which duplicate the homosexual drive. The additional joining of people from these 19 races, created the modern human race with a total of 23 different races. This created a very great variety of genetic problems, including homosexual genes and damaged genes. Homosexuality was created in the human race from this point in time. In the last 13,000 years, homosexual genes and damaged genes have passed through the entire human race. No one person is more than a fiftieth cousin to any other person on this planet. Everyone in the human race is related and everyone has this recessive homosexual gene. If it is recessive, the person does not have the homosexual desire and if it is dominant, the person has the desire to live a homosexual life style. Homosexuality is not an accident or a true individual choice. Homosexuality was created as part of the TEST of Learning to Love One Another and Allowing All People To Live In Harmony.
We wish to give you information that will help you to understand what makes a person a homosexual. Being a homosexual is not a true human choice. There are several reasons and ways a homosexual is created. The first way a homosexual is created, is by sexual mating within the immediate family or close blood family members, such as between a brother and sister, a father and daughter, or a mother and son. It can also happen with a brother that mates with his sisters daughter, or a sister that mates with her brothers son. These types of sexual relationships has been going on for thousands of years. The children born from these types of unions, become potential homosexuals, as a result of the genetic combining of the parents genes, producing altered genes which create the homosexual drive, or by a combining of genes, which results in damaged genes. These damaged genes also duplicate the homosexual drive. When a child with these genes grows up and has a relation with another person, resulting in a child being born from this union, these damaged or altered genes will be passed down to the following generations. It will become a dominant or
recessive gene. Many homosexuals have these genes and it is inherited. It is part of their genetic makeup. Know these homosexual genes or damaged genes do not go away. They are continually passed on to all the following generations as a dominant or recessive gene. The greater part of these genes show up in the human race as recessive genes. When the genes are recessive, there is no homosexual drive. When the genes becomes dominant, a homosexual is born. The second way a homosexual is created, is by the spiritual being living many continuous lifetimes in the same sex body. We will start, using a woman as an example. After a spiritual being lives many continuous lifetimes as a woman and then decides to change and be born as a man, a homosexual is created. When the spirit enters a mans body, it will bring with it fragments of its many lifetimes as a woman. When these fragments combine with the male genetic structure, it will create a homosexual as a normal result. It works the same way when a spiritual being has many continuous lifetimes as a man. When the spirit decides to be born as a woman, it will bring with it fragments from its many lifetimes as a man. When the fragments combine with the female genetic structure, it will create a homosexual as a normal result. These combinations will become imprinted on the genetic structure and if there are any children born from this person. they will inherit these genes and it will be passed on to all following generations. It will become a dominant or recessive gene. The third way a homosexual is created, is when a person is living in a body and dies a sudden death or violent death, for any reason, such as by an accident, from war, or is killed by another human or animal. Their spirit is not settled and is restless. Many spirits make the choice to be born again for the purpose of dying a peaceful death. We explained this as the cause of SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. There are also many spirits that do not choose this way. Instead, they will be born into another body and choose to live a full lifetime in an opposite gender body. In other words, if they were a man and died a sudden death, they would choose to be born as a woman. If they were a woman and died a sudden death, they would choose to be born as a man. The switching of genders, from male to female or from female to male, allows the spirit to find peace from the sudden or violent death that it experienced in the last body. Which ever way it happens, from male to female, or from female to male, the spirit will bring very strong fragments in with it from that unfinished lifetime and the combina-
tion with the opposite gender will create a homosexual. This combination will imprint itself on the genetic structure and if any children are born from this person, they will inherit these genes. These genes will be passed on to all following generations. It will become a dominant or recessive gene. There is another situation that is viewed as a homosexual relationship. This type of relationship is a result of the ending of this dimensional age. There are many spirits that are trying to join together with their soul mates for the purpose of living this last lifetime together. The purpose is to evolve and ascend together. These are spiritual agreements that are made before the spirits are born into human bodys. The problem is to find suitable bodys that are available at the proper time and place, with the necessary attributes, that will allow these two spirits to evolve and set them on the proper path, so they can join together in the ending years of this age. This is very hard to do. It limits the choice of available suitable bodys for this purpose. Many of these spirits have no choice and wind up in bodys of the same sex. When they finally meet and recognize each other as true soul mates, the spiritual connection is made and this is much more important than the physical problem of being in the same sex body. Since the entire human race has these recessive genes, these two spirits living in the same sex bodys, can easily draw from this recessive gene and its past experience. The living with a true soul mate at this point in time, to evolve and ascend, overshadows any and all problems. Remember, homosexuality is not an accident or a true choice. Homosexuality is part of the TEST of Learning to Love One Another and Allowing All People To Live In Harmony. There is no evil in homosexuality and there never was. Evil is created by the arrogance and ego of those that judge, persecute and condemn the homosexual. And when they judge, persecute and condemn the homosexual, they Fail the Test of Love.
The Lord is my Shepard: I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His names sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: For thou art with me: thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil: My cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in
the house of the Lord forever. This psalm is repeated by many in the Christian faith as a promise from their God that they will forever dwell in the house of the Lord. When you carefully and thoughtfully read the psalm, you should realize that no promise to live in the house of the Lord is given to anyone. The psalm is only a recognition of a promise made to someone. We now go to the Akashic records to see who this promise was originally made to. The Akashic records show this particular promise, that was recognized and recorded in the Bible, in the Twenty Third Psalm, to dwell in the house of the Lord forever, as being given to only one person at that moment in time. It was given only to King Solomon. This Psalm was spoken by Solomon. It was Solomons recognition of a promise that was previously given to him by the Nefilim Gods. If Solomon would obey the will of the Lord and lead the people of Israel according to the will and Commandments of the Lord, Solomon would have the privilege to leave this earth and go to live on the planet of the Nefilim Gods. This Twenty Third Psalm is the words of Solomon as He dreams about the privilege of living in the house of the Lord. This is the same privilege that was already given to Enoch and Moses as a reward for their obedience to the will of the Lord. At this time period, Enoch and Moses were already living in physical form, which is in human bodies, in the house of the Lord which is located on the planet Nibiru. This privilege would also be given to another person by the Name of Elijah. Solomon did not receive the privilege to live in the house of the Lord. He made poor choices during His life and did not strictly follow the will of the Lord. Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord. This is recorded in the Bible. He died a physical death and did not inherit the privilege of living in the house of the Lord. For those who believe in this promise, know it was only made to a small group of people that lived on earth. There is a strict requirement in order to receive the privilege to live in the house of the Lord, which is on the planet Nibiru. The requirement is that you must have 75% or 3/4 Nefilim blood. There is no one on the planet earth that now meets this requirement. There is also no one on the planet earth that has meet this requirement in the last 3,000 years. The last person to meet the requirements of being 75% Nefilim blood was Moses. For the last 3,000 years no one was taken up to the house of the Lord except for Elijah. This privilege permanently ended 3,000 years ago. Elijah was not 75% Nefilim blood. He received the privilege to be taken to the house of the Lord for a different reason. The
Nefilim Gods recognized that the spirit within Elijah was a more highly evolved spirit than anyone within their race and they honored him. They wanted Elijah to become part of their race and knew he would become an asset to them. That is the reason why Elijah was taken up to the house of the Lord to dwell with the Nefilim Gods. He was an exception to the requirement of having to be 75% Nefilim blood. We have previously stated about the Nefilim Gods taking human women as wives. The result of this cross breeding between humans and Nefilim resulted in many cross bred humans. In the final count, less than 500 humans with 75% of Nefilim blood, actually received the privilege to be taken up to the house of the Lord and live the remainder of their life on the planet Nibiru. Many of these cross bred humans lived a full life of up to 1,000 years old. As of today, all of these cross bred humans have already died a natural death on planet Nibiru. There are none living, except for Moses, Elijah and Enoch and they have also left the planet. Moses has returned to the Nefilim race and travels with them, while Elijah and Enoch have a home base on the planet of the Mayans. There is a great belief in a particular part of the psalm, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. The word forever,does not exist in the ancient languages as it is translated. The original meaning was for an Age. The correct translation is, I will dwell in the house of the Lord for the age. As recorded in the Akashic records, the actual meaning of the word Age, as it is used in this verse is, I will dwell in the house of the Lord for the remainder of my human life. Errors in translations of the bible have created a false belief and there are many that hold this false belief as a truth. This is a false belief that will never become reality for its believers. It is a false dream and a hopeless dream for the many that will never come true. Remember also, the House of the Lord, which is the planet Nibiru, has now been abandoned by the Nefilim, as a result of the depleting oxygen level, dropping below the necessary level to support humanoid life. To dwell in the house of the Lord is now just an ancient memory of the past.
There is constant controversy over the true birth date of Yashewah Ben Yoseaf, the one called Jesus the Christ. In the time period when he was born, there were three calenders in use. We have given this information previously. There is no accurate way
to give his true birth date using any of these three calenders. We give you another way to accurately know his true birth date. You have two yearly events called the summer solstice, which happens in June and the winter solstice, which happens in December. It is very easy to accurately measure both these events. Yashewah Ben Yoseaf, the one called Jesus the Christ, was born 14 days before the summer solstice. This date falls more or less in the middle of the month of June according to your modern calender. This may cause confusion for many Christians that celebrate his birth date at Christmas. The event of Christmas started back in the early Christian Church. There was an annual event before the winter solstice similar to a very large farmers market and community gathering. Many people traveled to it and gathered together during this time to celebrate the winter solstice, the fall harvest, to socialize, buy, sell and trade. The early Christians were very enthusiastic about spreading the Gospel of Jesus. They saw this event as a way to introduce this great gathering of people to the teachings of Jesus the Christ. The early Christian Church took upon itself the authority to move the celebration of the birth of Jesus, for their own convenience, from before the summer solstice, to the time period of the winter solstice. The summer solstice had a small gathering of people in a hot part of the year. The winter solstice had much better weather and a very large gathering of people. Christmas was born from this event. Over time, this became known, accepted and celebrated as the time of the birth of Jesus the Christ. This is recorded history from the Akashic records.
There are several prophecies which predict that the cup or chalice, (often called the Holy Grail), that Jesus the Christ used at the Last Supper, will be found or recognized before the end of this age. Know the cup is not lost. The cup that Jesus the Christ used is hidden in plain view and it not recognized for its true historic significance. The person that possesses it does not see any value in it. It is thought to be just an ordinary old cup. Its location is recorded in the Akashic records and this information will not be given out to anyone for any reason. This information is sealed. The reason the cup will not be allowed to be recognized for its true historic value, are the evil intents that will arise from its discovery. It will not be permitted to use the cup for evil purposes. It will remain hidden in plain view and it will not be recognized for the remainder of this age.
The original Ark Of The Covenant that Moses had built, is another item that will not be found. The original Ark was hidden away deep in a natural cave that was located beyond an old monastery. That monastery was on the slopes of Mt Ararat. At the end of World War II, there was an earthquake on mount Ararat. The monastery was completely destroyed and buried. The cave where the Ark was hidden in collapsed and the Ark was crushed. The earthquake was not an accident. It was triggered intentionally by higher spiritual beings for the purpose of destroying and burying the Ark. The reason for this happening, was so the Ark could not be used by the future Jewish race. Remember, the Jewish race was originally composed of higher spiritual beings called the Astral Pure Bred. They were released from the Jewish race by the Holocaust and these spiritual beings would not be born back into the Jewish race. They were born outside the Jewish race for the purpose of completing their spiritual work before the end of this age and to have the opportunity to prepare for the coming ascension in a more peaceful existence. The new spirits that have been entering into the bodys of newborn Jews, since World War II, would be those spirits that lived in the races that persecuted the Jewish race. We previously explained this and how the Jewish race has become a karmic lesson for those that persecuted it. There will also be other spirits that fell during the Lucifer Rebellions entering into the bodys of Jews, for the purpose of working out karma. All these new spiritual beings would have no purpose for the Ark. The possible temptation of using the Ark for evil intent was eliminated for the highest good of all. What is not known or recorded, is that within the original Ark was a very large emerald stone. This emerald stone is one solid piece and it measures approximately 22 inches tall and 16 inches wide. This stone was used for direct communication to the Nefilim Gods by Moses. The emerald stone functions on the same basic principles as a crystal, although it has more unique qualities and is much more powerful than a crystal. It also requires a person with a higher level of consciousness in order to use it. The only human capable of using it at that time was Moses. When the Ark was crushed during the earthquake, the stone remained undamaged. For those that think they can recover the stone, be aware, the natural cave it was hidden in was over 20 miles of winding passages going deep into the mountain and the Ark was placed at the end of the cave. It is buried deep within the mountain and it will only be released when the earth gives up this treasure in another age.
We would also like to make you aware there are duplicate replicas of the Ark that were made before the fall of Jerusalem. When it was evident Jerusalem was in danger of falling, the original Ark of the Covenant was secretly taken out of the temple and out of the city. A duplicate replica of the Ark with stone tablets was put in place of the original Ark in the Holy of Holies. The Jews would not allow the real Ark and its secret treasure (emerald stone) to fall into the hands of their enemies. The original Ark started on a secret journey north and fifty years later was finally hidden deep in the cave on the slopes of Mt Ararat, where it remains buried today. We now reveal unknown knowledge. The Akashic records record a total of 5 duplicate replica Arks made before the fall of Jerusalem. They were intended to be used as decoys and they are excellent duplicates, since all were made when the original Ark was available to copy from. They do not possess the power and capabilities of the original Ark. One of the 5 duplicate Arks is in the possession of those who claim to be the descendants of the original Templars. This Ark is hidden on British soil. When the Templars originally took possession of this Ark, they realized it was not the original Ark. Those who now possess this Ark, do not realize, the contents that were inside this Ark, are not what they think they are. Another one of the 5 duplicate Arks is hidden on French soil. Two of the duplicate Arks were destroyed. It is very possible the last duplicate of the Ark may be found, since it is hidden underground, within the city of Jerusalem. People are actually walking very close to this Ark, within 30 feet, although they do not know it. We now reveal more unknown knowledge from the Akashic records about the stone tablets that the Ten Commandments were written on. Moses in his anger broke the original set of stone tablets which were engraved with the Ten Commandments. Moses then fashioned another set and these were engraved with the Ten Commandments. These stone tablets were the symbol of the Law of God and were very precious to the Jews and also to the Nefilim Gods. This was the symbol of the power the Gods had over the Jewish race. When it was evident the city of Jerusalem was in danger of falling, these stone tablets were put in a separate container for the purpose of hiding them. Then this container with the stone tablets disappeared and could not be found. Absolutely no one knew what happened to them. Unknown to the Jews, this container was taken away from them by the Nefilim Gods. They have the ability with their technology to easily accomplish this. These
stone tablets are no longer on the planet earth. After the mass suicide of the Jewish zealots at Masada, which brought the Jewish nation and its future kingdom to an end, the Nefilim Gods left their earth orbit and took these stone tablets with them. They went to the upper world, the 4th dimension and stored these stone tablets in one of the 28 navigational aid structures that were already built. These stone tablets are now on a planet in the 4th dimension where man cannot reach them. The planet they are on is not visible to human 3rd dimensional eyes. This planet rotates around your sun outside the orbit of planet earth. The Nefilim Gods put the stone tablets there for safe keeping and for future use. It was their intent to use them when they would try to return to earth before this coming dimensional pole shift or just after it. It was their hope to return to earth and reestablish their law and authority over humans and these stone tablets would be their symbol of power again. They have failed to accomplish this. We have already stated, the Nefilim have finally left this solar system in May of 2003. They have totally given up trying to reconnect with humans. They feel they can no longer help us and have left us to our own self destruction. It seems these stone tablets will now be only a memory of the past for the Nefilim, reminding them of when they played God over the human race they created. So now you know what really happened to the stone tablets that the Ten Commandments were engraved on. We have just stated that Moses was the only person capable of using the emerald stone to communicate directly with the Nefilim Gods. He had a much higher consciousness level than the humans. Have you ever wondered, what kind of spirit was within the body of Moses that gave him a higher level of consciousness? You may find it interesting to know, the spirit within the body of Moses was a Nefilim spirit. This spirit lived in the Nefilim race and left it in order to be born into the body of Moses. This spirit had a very deep love for the human race and wanted to help it evolve in a greater way. That is why the spirit in the body of Moses had a higher consciousness and was able to use the emerald stone for direct communication to the Nefilim Gods. For a moment in time, we will go back to the wandering of the Israelites in the desert. When the time of wandering in the desert for the Israelites was over, Moses led them to the river Jordan. The Nefilim Gods told Moses that He could not enter into the promised land, as a result of not following the command of God at the waters of Meribah-Kadesh. Moses handed the leadership over to Joshua so he could lead the nation of Israel into
the promised land. Then Moses separated himself from the Israelites and went off to Mt Nebo, to view the promised land and to die on the Mountain. It is recorded in the Akashic records, Moses did not die. Instead he was greeted by the Neflim on Mt Nebo and welcomed back into the Nefilim race. Moses is alive and well today and living with the Nefilim. He is still in the physical body of Moses. The moment he was welcomed back by the Nefilim, the aging process of his body was stopped and reversed. You could say it was frozen in time. His body never aged another day from that moment in time. Moses today has the youth and vitality of a human male that is between the age of 35 to 40 years old. His body is now over 3,300 years old and it will never age again, due to the knowledge the Nefilim possess about DNA.
There are two spirits living on planet earth today in human bodys, that will bear witness to the promise of the Christ Consciousness. The promise that was spoke by Christ, through the mouth of Jesus, to the Jewish nation, as recorded in the Bible, in John, chapter 14, verse 3. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am , there ye may be also. They are here for the purpose of bearing witness to the Ascension and to directly Ascend to their higher dimensional homes. These two spirits lived during the time of Jesus the Christ. One spirit lived in the body of the second born child, which was the first male child of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Within the Dead Sea Scrolls is information that was recorded about the Essenes. In this information, the childs name is recorded as Jesus Justus. He was also called Jo-abb later during his life to hide his true identity. The second spirit lived in the body of Martha, the sister of Mary Magdalene. Both of these spirits are very well hidden in the human race today and have not been revealed. They have already evolved to the 12th level of lightbody, separated from their separate self consciousness and have joined back to Universal Consciousness. They are fully prepared, ready and waiting, to ascend when the moment is right. They will be opening the door to physical ascension, by being the first to ascend. They will be leaving the planet through physical ascension, preparing the way for the first ascension group to ascend. Both of these spirits are in the Order of Melchizedek. They are both True Melchizedeks.
There are many old prophecies about two witnesses that will return to the earth to testify in the last days, before the end of the world. These two witnesses were assumed to be Enoch and Elijah. Both of these men did not have a physical death and were taken off this planet alive. There is a belief they would return to the planet and die as witnesses at the end of the world, then rise up again. Remember, this was supposed to happen when the Nefilim would return to the earth. It was supposed to happen over 2000 years ago. This event did not happen. The Nefilim did not return to the surface of the planet, since Jesus the Christ was on the planet and blocked their return, as was previously explained in this book. For those people that are looking for their return, realize, they are not coming back to planet earth, since their work here is finished. Both of these humans were taken off this planet, alive, by the Nefilim Gods and never experienced a physical death. We will now explain why. At the beginning of the book we stated that Enoch had written 14 books and all of them are still on the planet. It should have raised a question in your mind. How could a human with a low consciousness have the capability to write 14 books? Where did he get this knowledge from? Enoch, is recorded in the Bible in Genesis, as the one that walked with God. It is written, Enoch walked with God; and he was not; for God took him. Enoch was taken by God when he was only 365 years old. Did you ever wonder why Enoch was taken by God? The reason is, Enoch was part human and part Nefilim. It was never recorded on earth, although it is recorded in the Akashic records, that Enoch was 75% or 3/4 Nefilim and only 25% or 1/4 human. Yes, the physical body of Enoch was more Nefilim than human. That is one of the reasons why he was so close to the Gods and walked with them. He was one of them. The words, walking with God, means that Enoch had a very close relationship with a Nefilim God. Enochs close relationship is the reason why he received knowledge from the Gods and this knowledge is recorded in the 14 books he wrote. As a result of being 75% Nefilim, he had a consciousness that was the equivalent of the Nefilim consciousness. Since he was 75% Nefilim, he was also allowed to go to and live on the planet of Nibiru. That is why he was taken alive off the planet earth. Know that Enoch is alive and well today. He is still living in the same body that he lived in while on planet earth. He resembles a cross between a Nefilim and a human about the age of 35 to
40 years old. His body has never aged and it never will age. He will live forever young in that body. You may find it interesting to know, the spirit that lives in the body of Enoch is a Suemerian spirit. His spiritual home is in the higher 7th dimensional level, in a Father Universe. The Suemerians were a very ancient physical race that evolved beyond physical form, into an energy form. This happened an untold amount of Eons ago. In the human understanding of time, it was over many, many billions of years ago. He is now living on the home planet of the Mayans in the Pleiadian system. He travels with the Nefilim on their space ships and travels as an individual by teleportation. The ancient Suemerians do not have any connection to the Sumerians that lived on planet earth. When Elijah was born into the human race on planet earth, he brought in Sirian DNA with him. This allowed him to evolve past 2 strand DNA into 12 strand and beyond. This was quickly recognized by the Nefilim Gods and they became attached to him. That is the reason why Elijah was taken alive off the planet earth and taken to Nibiru. At this moment in time, he lives on the home planet of the Mayans in the Pleiadian system, with Enoch. He also travels with the Nefilim on their space ships and separately by teleportation. He lives in the same physical body that he lived in while on planet earth. He resembles a human between the ages of 35 to 40 years old. He has not aged and he will never age. He will also live in a body that is forever young. Elijah is an Astral Pure Bred spirit. His spiritual home is in the 9th dimension in a Father Universe. There are no limitations on Enochs or Elijahs travels. They can both travel anywhere within this universe and anywhere outside of this universe. The cosmos is now their playground. When they both left their higher dimensional spiritual homes, and were born into physical bodys on earth, they started on a new journey, a new experience. This journey can now take them through many eons of time, anywhere in the cosmos, for as long as they choose. Also know that Enoch and Elijah have both evolved far beyond the Nefilim.
We have previously stated, how the shifting of the underground plates would affect the availability of underground oil and water, world wide. We wish to point out three events that have now quickly accelerated the process, of the shifting of the underground plates. The first event happened on November 11,
2004. It was a magnitude 7.5 earthquake that struck eastern Indonesia. This earthquake occurred about 6 miles below the ocean bottom. The second event happened on December 24, 2004. It was a magnitude 8.1 earthquake that struck the ocean floor about 1,000 miles southwest of New Zealand. The third event occurred on December 26, 2004. It was a magnitude 9 earthquake that was located west of the island of Sumatra in the Indian ocean. Sumatra is located just west of Indonesia. This earthquake was more than 6 miles deep and the shock waves extended all the way down to the rotating core of the earth. The shock waves also extended around the world. It had the potential energy equivalent of 50,000 atomic bombs, all exploding at one time. A 620 mile section of a geological plate shifted, causing a deadly tsunami in the surrounding area in south Asia. This earthquake also shifted the axis of the earths rotation. It killed people in nine countries. The total death toll from this earthquake and the tsunami it created, will never be fully known on this planet. We now look into the Akashic records to gain an understanding of this massive earthquake. The most important fact, you must understand, is This Earthquake Did Not Need To Happen. This earthquake was triggered by the falling world consciousness that we have already pointed out in the previous pages of this book. The falling world consciousness is a direct result of world terrorism and the turmoil and wars in the middle east. The people that died from this event, young and old, are all from a very large soul group. They all agreed to exit in this manner, if consciousness fell to a predetermined level. World consciousness has fallen to that level and so world consciousness triggered this devastating earthquake. We repeat, This Earthquake Did Not Need To Happen. The people of this soul group are not guilty of creating this devastation. It is the rest of the world that is guilty. The people of this group agreed to sacrifice their lives for the purpose of raising the world level of love and compassion, by nations around the world coming to the aid of the survivors. There will be many accounts from governments of the numbers that died during this event. The Akashic records tell us that the potential death toll will be close too, or just above 250,000 people. If the world joins together and helps the survivors, the number of dead will be just below this number. If the world is slow to respond, or the pledged aid is stolen or diverted by corruption, this number will go well above 250,000. It all depends on the level of love and compassion given to the survivors. Lets look at this event in another way. Over 200,000
people of this soul group were willing to give their life, to help the rest of the world, wake up to love and compassion for their fellow human beings. There is no greater gift than to give your life for another. This event as viewed from the human mind, is one of the worlds greatest disasters. This event as viewed from the spiritual realm, is one of the greatest accomplishments. There is a great spiritual celebration now going on in the spiritual astral realm and the reason is, all those in the soul group, that gave up their life and died in this event, have reached the level of love and compassion that they came to this earth to learn. They passed the Test of Love. Always remember, birth is the door way into this world and death is the door way out of this world back to our spiritual home. It is the overwhelming level of sudden mass death that shocks the human mind. Now for the rest of the information. This earthquake, off the coast of the island of Sumatra, is the main trigger, that set off an accelerated chain reaction deep in the earth. The plates at deeper levels in the earth are now aligned, so that the core of the earth, now has the potential to slow down more quickly. In other words, the time remaining in this age, before the pole and dimensional shift happen, is about to be shortened. The spirit within the earth, Gaia, has originally agreed to work with humans to make the transition to the 4th dimension a smooth one. The escalating terrorism and on going turmoil and wars in the middle east, are not part of the agreement. Gaia is quickly running out of patience with these situations. Remember, Gaia went through a similar experience 13,000 years ago, with the decay of a whole civilization during the time of Atlantis, in the 4th dimension. Consciousness dropped dramatically creating a dimensional fall of all humanoids from the 4th dimension down to the 3rd dimension of the planet. We explained how Gaia fell into a coma like state, from a broken spirit and has only awakened from that deep sleep in 1996. Gaia is now fully awake and has been observing patiently the activities of all humans. She recognizes the spirits of those that lived in the 4th dimension and remembers how they created the falling consciousness and is watching them do it again. Guess what? Gaias patience is about to run out. She will not tolerate the same abuse she suffered 13,000 years ago. For a moment, we wish to direct your attention to a dog. When a dog jumps into water, the water soaks into its hair coat. When the dog leaves the water, it will quickly shake its whole body from front to back, for the purpose of shaking the water out of its hair coat. This is a very quick energetic shaking and some people see it as a quick violent
shaking. When Gaia runs out of patience, this is exactly what she will do. Gaia will start violently shaking the world to rid herself of the turmoil, wars and the abuse to her physical body, which is the planet earth. Be aware, if this last violent earthquake does not raise the level of love and compassion world wide and if the world does not join together in peace, there will be many violent earthquakes and drastic weather changes. Gaia will start to eliminate the people and the problems on the planet that are causing her grief and pain. Realize that Gaia has the power and the right to do this, since the planet earth is her physical body. We again repeat, the devastating earthquake off the island of Sumatra, in the Indian ocean, Did Not Need To Happen. It is a final wake up call to people world wide. Live in peace, or suffer the consequences. There are observant people in the areas that were devastated by the tsunami. They recognized that the animals survived and many are wondering how they managed to survive. The truth is that the animals are connected to the consciousness of nature, which is Gaia, and she protects her own. The animals are in tune with her and the world they live in. Remember, this is their home. The humans are the alien visitors. Humans are not connected to the consciousness of Gaia or any other consciousness. Humans are all directed by their individual Separate Self Consciousness and driven by the base emotion of selfishness to survive. There are many people that have trouble believing or understanding this connection to another higher consciousness. The fact is, the animals survived by an inner knowledge and connection to the consciousness of the spirit of Gaia. It directed them to move out of harms way and they survived. The humans died, they were not connected to a higher consciousness. They were only connected to their own separate self consciousness and that consciousness is not in tune with the world. Realize, at this point in time, the acceleration of the shifting of the underground plates will continue, if the world consciousness keeps dropping. We have stated earlier in the book, the earth will experience a flip of about 160 degrees and most likely it would happen during the dimensional pole shift. Know that Gaia has changed this potential as a result of dropping consciousness. This massive earthquake in the Indian ocean, off the island of Sumatra, has prepared the underground plates of the earth for this potential change. The earth axis is no longer stable, it is now set for a flip. It can be slow, or violently fast. It can also shift in large or small increments. Remember, world consciousness will trigger the flip. If it is slow, or in increments, the world will experi-
ence dramatic changes, as continents are shifted out of their normal weather patterns, creating unimaginable confusion and destruction world wide. It will affect your life in unknown ways and accelerate potential disasters. World consciousness must wake up and force its leaders to live in peace, or it will bring these potentials into reality. Gaia awaits your choice. Looking at the United States, there is a great potential for devastation, since the U. S. is now a world aggressor and has collected great karma. The potential for the U. S. is the destruction of its west coast by the shifting of underground plates, causing a breaking off of the continent west of the Cascade and Sierra mountain ranges. The east coast has the potential to sink into the Atlantic ocean. The center of the continent has the potential to be greatly disturbed by the New Madrid fault and all along the Rocky mountain range from north to south. Remember, these are potentials, not prophecies. The rising or falling of the national consciousness of the U. S., will dictate what the potential devastation, if any, will happen. The people of the U. S. must force its leaders to turn away from its hidden agenda of world aggression and dominance, or suffer the consequences. We wish to point out, in this chapter of Interesting Unknown Facts, that we have given you information, which might be taken as prophecy of future events. It is Not prophecy. There is No valid prophecy in this time period, when world consciousness is joined together as one. It is only potential events, which can happen, if the world continues on the course, it is now on. If and when the world consciousness changes, these potential events will also change. These events may never happen, or they can develop very quickly into world disasters. If consciousness changes dramatically, a whole new set of potential events will develop and those potentials we have given you, will disappear. In the process of receiving the information from the Akashic records, we have given you several potentials for upcoming disasters. These are current potentials and are based on current events, driven by world consciousness. They will only be valid, if the consciousness keep falling. All these potentials we have given you, were created by a falling world consciousness. Even if peace breaks out in the middle east, the war in Iraq stops and peace is reached in Israel, the falling consciousness has started events that will keep unfolding. These events will only change, or stop, when the hidden agenda, which is creating war, changes. If the war continues on and spreads to Lebanon, Syria, Iran, North Korea or other countries, more potentials will quickly develop and the older potentials will
become reality. The emotions of hate, anger, prejudice, judgement, revenge and the drive for dominance, power and control over others, must change in the hearts and minds of people. At this point in time, the only acceptable change will be for the people of the world to wake up and Love One Another, to Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself. The world leaders must change, or the people of the world, must change their leaders. Remember, your thoughts, attitude, desires and directions in life, are joined together with every one else in the world, creating the world consciousness. World consciousness is directing these potential events and creating new potential events, for good or bad. The human race and only the human race, is in charge of its own destiny. If you will very carefully examine the reasons for war in the middle east, with an open mind and without prejudice, you will become aware, the powerful few, have blinded the many and are leading the many, on a path of destruction. All prophecies of the past that were given in the last 13,000 years, to everyone on this planet, were all centered around the presence of the Nefilim Gods, or as a result of their presence. It did not matter if they were given in the Bible or other sacred books and teachings around the world, or even the prophecies that were given by great seers, such as Mallachi and Nostradamus. All prophecy was affected by the presence of the Nefilim, or driven by the power and will of the Nefilim Gods. They gave many prophecies and brought them into physical reality. That is how they guided, controlled and manipulated the human race. Remember, the Nefilim are no longer here, they have abandoned the human race and left this solar system in May of 2003. The human race has the privilege to choose its own future destiny. The only driving force on this planet is world consciousness and it is deeply influenced by human ego, false Gods, apathy and by those that hold on to the old false prophecies of the past. World consciousness will now be fulfilled by Universal Law, bringing everything into reality. We encourage you to pay attention to the constant underground earthquakes that are now happening around the world. A new potential is forming. It is very possible that structures of Atlantis which passed through the dimensional barrier during the last pole shift, will be uncovered by massive earthquakes, giving humans the privilege to view the forgotten past. You may even see the remains of the temple of Poseidon. Ancient myths will suddenly become real. So pay attention, these massive earthquakes can create awesome changes. Life could become very interesting!
Chapter 11
You have been given a great deal of information. A great amount of this information is no longer recorded on the planet and has been lost and destroyed through time. This is the time period, the Apocalypse, when lost knowledge is being given back to the human race. You now have the ability to put together in your mind, the big picture of what life is all about. We have given you all the main events about the creation of the human race, your creator Gods (Nefilim), where your DNA came from (homo erectus), including all the important events that have affected your human evolution up too now. We have broken down the 6 billion people that are here on the planet into main groups, so you can figure out why you are here. The information from the Akashic records has been given about the potential future for the human race, as the time of the Ascension and the dimensional shift has now arrived. Are you among the number that is preparing to ascend? Maybe you have been too busy, involved with living to the point that you never had time to seriously consider what will happen to you after this life is over? Or are you one of the great majority that will continue to live on in another 3rd dimensional world and become trapped, in the 3rd dimension, just like those who fell from the Lucifer Rebellions that started 18 million years ago? Or will you be among those that will descend to the lower worlds and life forms? There is still time to change your destiny if you are not happy about your life, or you realize that you have failed the test of Loving One Another. Be aware, time to make changes in your life is quickly running out. Know that it is never too late to change. We have given you the names of the six main alien races that inhabited Atlantis and several others as they became relevant to the story of your past. If you had time to contemplate the information, you should have arrived at the conclusion that you, disguised as a human, are an alien on this planet. In the big picture you should be able to see that you are spirit, born into this human race to experience it for only a predetermined time. You are spirit disguised as a human and your true home is in the higher dimensions. Events of the past, the Lucifer Rebellions, the
fall of the Spiritual Beings at Atlantis in the 4th dimensional world and the destruction of Atlantis, trapped you here on this planet in this 3rd dimensional reality. You have forgotten who you really are and now you think you are human and everyone else is an alien. Its time to wake up and realize that being a human is only another experience. All the spiritual beings living in human bodies, except for the Spiritual Beings that fell at Atlantis, have experienced living in countless different types of humanoid bodies for eons of time. You should now know that the world is not coming to an end in a fiery battle of Armageddon. It will not happen. As you learned, all the prophecies of Armageddon and the last days are false. Their time has already past. Many are still waiting for the wrath of God to strike this sinful world. This also will not happen. The Infinite Mind, The Prime Creator, The Source Of All That Is, has no wrath. All the wrath that has fallen upon the human race came from the creators of the human race, which are the Nefilim Gods, a 4th dimensional race of humanoids. The Nefilim Gods that have practiced wrath on the human race are no longer here and have stopped intervening in the affairs of the human race. Their final departure was in May of 2003. The Infinite Mind, The Prime Creator, The Source Of All That Is, has given you free choice to experience life the way you choose and Universal Law will dictate what will happen to you based on how you live and love one another. There are no accidents, mistakes, wrong or unfair events in your life or this world. Everything that happens to you and everyone else, good or bad, is a consequence of what you have already done or are doing now. Realize that the human race was always affected by the will of the Nefilim Gods. They were always here, even though they were not always physically present on the planet. They were always in orbit, either around the planet Earth, around Mars or on the opposite side of the sun. They kept guiding humans psychically by mind control behind the scenes. We are their physical creation and they felt responsible for us. Their love, hate relationship with humans has been pointed out in this book. We have only mentioned one name of the Nefilim Gods. He was the one we called the Serpent. His love for the human race is beyond human comprehension. It was the raw courage and love of the Serpent, which guided the genetically modified humans in the proper direction, to learn how to sexually mate and begin to procreate life by themselves. He guided Adam and Eve through the process of changing from a genetically
modified life form, into the true birth of the human race, turning it into a self-sufficient life form. The human race owes its birth and survival to the Serpent. He later on saved the human race from extinction a second time that would occur during the devastation of the pole shift and flood (Noahs flood), which occurred 13,000 years ago. He alone stood up against the other Gods twice, to save the human race from total destruction. He had great faith and a greater hope, knowing in his heart, that a greater good could come out of the human race. The coming ascension of humans into the 4th dimension, will finally prove that the Serpent was right. A greater good is coming out of the human race. With the altered translations and misinterpretations of ancient texts and many false teachings today, the Serpent has gained the reputation as the evil one. He has been called the devil and Satan rolled up into one person. As we pointed out in the book, all this is false. It is a tragedy that a person that has loved the human race so much and put his life on the line to save them twice, would be condemned so bitterly by the humans he loved. Now that the truth about the Serpent has been revealed, it would be interesting to know, how many people would actually thank the Serpent in their heart, for the love he has for the human race? Know that he is alive and well and constantly observes us psychically. Remember that the Serpent is the first Savior of the human race. He directed its creation by Divine guidance from Creator and made it possible for you and 6 other billion spirits to have another way to return to your dimensional homes. Think about this very carefully. His great love created and saved the human race. This made it possible for spiritual beings to use the human race to learn about emotions. Then it became possible for others with great love to come and guide us back to our spiritual home. He made it possible for teachers like Jesus The Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, Lord Shiva and others of the Order of Melchizedek to come to you. We have not mentioned the names of the Nefilim Gods, other than the Serpent God, so that we would not cause confusion in the texts. Three of the other important Nefilim Gods are Anu, Enki and Enlil. Anu was the head of Nibriu, the home planet of the Nefilim. Enki was the head of earths explorations and settlements by the Nefilim in the 3rd dimension of earth and the 3rd dimension of the other planets in this solar system. The 3rd dimensional worlds were called the lower worlds. Enlil was head of the upper worlds, which were the explorations in the 4th dimension of the earth and the 4th dimension of the other plan-
ets in this solar system. Remember, the Nefilim are a 4th dimensional race and they can live in the 3rd dimension (lower world) or the 4th dimension (upper world) of this planet or any other planet. They decided not to occupy the 4th dimension on earth since it was already too crowed, with many different races including Atlantis. They chose the 3rd dimension on earth for a second home for the availability of the element gold and the peace and quiet of no other races, except for homo erectus. Remember, the Nefilim witnessed the birth of homo erectus as it was created by the 5th dimensional race of the Ibocca, so they felt comfortable sharing this dimensional level with them. The homo erectus avoided the Nefilim which gave everyone lots of space to do their own thing. The names of these Gods are prominent in the ancient texts. We did not go into any detail about them since they are not important to the theme of this book. For those who wish to learn more about the Gods, their history is in the Mesopotamia and the Sumerian texts. When you search in the Akashic records, there are no Sumerian Texts and no information about them can be found. All the information about the Sumerian texts, is contained in the Akashic records of the Shumerian texts. Sumerian is not the proper name, Shumerian is, although Sumerian is the name humans use on this planet as the source for this ancient recorded information. We wish to repeat again that the Old Testament of the Bible, including many other texts and scrolls, is basically the history of the Jews. It was given to them by the Nefilim Gods as a way to remember theyre past and the lessons that the Gods wanted them to learn and remember. The Jewish race, was the race chosen by the Gods to do the work of spreading their teachings to the rest of the world. Since you have read the book, you now understand how the Jews were used and abused by the Gods and then finally abandoned. The Nefilim Gods desire to control the world by using the Jewish nation to spread the Ten Commandments, with all it laws, was a failure. Realize that there is great wisdom in the Old Testament and we have not condemned it. We have only pointed out its true purpose and how it was used by the Nefilim Gods to control humans. It contains many lessons that humans must learn today and there is even information in it that was inspired by Prime Creator, when Divine Guidance was necessary. It is a history book of lessons and wisdom that has served its purpose in this 3rd dimension and it will pass away when this age with its 2 strand human DNA passes away. The human race is no longer driven by prophecy from the
Nefilim Gods. It is now driven by world consciousness. The time period of this dimensional age is soon going to end. Life will not end. When the dimensional shift occurs, there will be sudden dramatic changes in how humans live. Life from this 3rd dimension will then continue on in the 4th dimension, for the small number of people that have learned to love one another. There are those that are prepared to directly ascend to their higher dimensional worlds. A great number will move on to continue life in other 3rd dimensional worlds with many dropping into the 2nd dimensions and a great number dropping into the 1st dimensional worlds. Your spiritual vibration will dictate to what dimensional level you are going. Life will continue in many different ways, as everyone will have their eyes open to truth and receive their just rewards according to Universal Law. There is nothing to fear in the dimensional shift, since you are the ones that are creating your own destiny. Those that remain in the human race by ascending to the 4th dimension, will eventually have the privilege to travel among the stars, just like the Nefilim Gods and the Men and Women of Old. Humans can also change their course in the future and become like the homo erectus race, the Gargoyles or the Mayans. Humans have the ability to travel among the stars through teleportation and by activating their Merkabas. You inherited this from the homo erectus race and the Ibocca, even though you have not yet reached that level of consciousness. The driving spirit within the human race has the ability and the great potential to quickly evolve beyond this galaxy and beyond this universe. The life span of the human body in the 4th dimension will constantly grow longer. It can grow beyond the 950 years that we have mentioned, even into an unlimited life expectancy, just like the Nefilim. The first true Golden Age of a self-governing human race is about to begin. Are you ready? Are you going to be part of it? There will be those that will read this book out of curiosity and their heart will sink in despair, at the thoughts that they have not followed a more spiritual path. There is nothing to despair about or to fear. Your physical life is your spiritual path. They are one and the same and cannot be separated. This book does not condemn. It was not written to put you into a state of despair or fear. It is written to awaken you to your past and your true purpose here. It is a condensed book of knowledge. It is an awakening to the lessons which you should have learned and recognize that you must learn, so you can move forward to the 4th dimension, or return to your true higher dimensional
home. The spiritual lessons you must learn and practice are to Love One Another. To Love Thy Neighbor As Thy Self. Everyone in this world is your neighbor, both the good and the bad, your friends and enemies, those that believe like you and those that do not. To Love One Another is what life is all about. Its never too late to start. Remember, everything in life is a choice and all choices are acted out by our emotions and how we use them in our daily life as we live among all people. Then Universal law creates all the events in your life, according to the choices you have made. Remember, whatever you do to someone else, good and bad, will also be done to you. Nothing that happens to you is a mistake or an accident. You created it all by your daily choices in life. There are people who have a problem with the statement, To Love Thy Neighbor As Thy Self or Love Thy Neighbor As You Want To Be Loved. Both expressions basically mean the same thing. They would say that a person cannot love his neighbor when he does not love himself. This is true. Before one person can love another, he or she must learn to love them self first. It is necessary to come to the point of accepting yourself for what you are and who you are. Remember that you are not an accident. You chose your parents and the body that you entered into in this lifetime. You knew everything about your body before you were born into it and you had the choice before your birth into this body, to accept it or reject it. The problem is, you dont remember the process you went through to prepare for this lifetime. Since you are here now, reading this book, it is obvious that you approved of and accepted the body you are now in. Everything that happens to you in your body in this lifetime was created by you, as a result of how you lived in previous lifetimes. You even prearranged all the main events that would happen to you in this lifetime. This is called your blueprint of life. Everybody has one if you know it or not. Many people also come into life with a contract to accomplish something very specific and their blueprint will lead them to the fulfilling of this contract, whatever it is. So it is necessary to accept yourself as you are. Accept the lessons and events that are happening in your life, since this is what you created to experience in this lifetime. When you accept yourself and your life, you will be able to love your neighbor as yourself. Also realize that each individual person is a product of their environment and each individual person wants to be loved according to their belief system and their way of life. People want to be accepted for what they are. There is a great revival in all religious faiths and spiritual
belief systems around the world today. Church buildings and places of worship are going up everywhere. People are looking for a faith, religion or spiritual movement that will lead them to salvation. Many are disappointed since they cannot find this connection. You will hear many people say, when they now read the Bible and other Holy Books of different faiths, the words within them have become empty. The reason that the words are empty, is that the purpose of all these teachings is coming to an end, at the same time that this age is coming to an end. For those that experience this empty feeling, be happy. Your Higher Self, the Creator God within you, is calling you to awaken. Remember the words, the Kingdom of God is already within you, and you have not recognized it. Its time for you to start a personal conversation with Creator, by making time to talk and listen in silence. Do this all by yourself, in private, without anyone else around. Take 15 minutes or 30 minutes, or even an hour every day, when you will not be disturbed. Prayer is talking to Creator and meditation is listening. It is important to meditate, which is to listen. For many it is hard to meditate. The trick is to learn to silence the mind. This takes practice. There are many good books on meditation and we strongly encourage you to learn to meditate. You will not be disappointed. Your prayer and meditation should then quickly evolve into a personal relationship with Creator. You will be able to talk to Creator just like you are talking to your most intimate friend. For those that start meditating, know this. When you sit in silence and call Creator into your presence, Creator will talk to your spirit even though you physically do not think you are hearing anything. Just know that your spirit is receiving Creators words and they will enter your reality when necessary. Realize that there is no one faith, no one religion, no one spiritual technique, no one teacher or anyone special that will connect you to Creator or gain you salvation. Many are looking to other humans and organizations for guidance, instead of connecting to Creator by their own personal efforts. Most people want someone else to take care of them and lead them in the right direction. They want someone to tell them that they are okay with God. At this point in your life, where are you at with your relationship with Creator? Are you personally connected to Creator, or are you part of the crowd being led by someone, according to what they believe and what they think is right for you? Are you spiritually directing your life, or is someone directing it for you? If someone is directing your life for you, be aware, it is not in your highest interest. The only way you can evolve
spiritually is by your personal efforts. How do you know the person or people directing you is connected with Creator. You dont know, you can only assume they are and believe what they say. You cannot read their heart or their true intents, only Creator can read the true intents of the heart. Creator may or may not have a personal relationship with your directors. If Creator does not, then who is guiding your directors? Remember, the dark side can appear as an Angel of light. The only way to avoid these pitfalls, is to connect directly with Creator. Creator wants a personal relationship with you. There are now many people at this point in time that no longer believe in anyone anymore. For these people, it is time to wake up to the fact that Creator is calling you to turn away from human belief systems and go within yourself. All human belief systems are coming to an end at the end of this age. Creator does not care to what faith you belong too or what religious belief you follow or any other human labels you are attached too. Creator reads what is in the heart of each person. Is your heart right with Creator? Do You Truly Love One Another? As this age ends with the dimensional shift, 2 strand DNA will come to an end. The 2 strand DNA was an experiment inspired by Creator and brought into reality by the Nefilim Gods. The purpose of this experiment was two fold. The main purpose was to create a new humanoid race. This was to allow the Angelic beings that became trapped in the genetic experiments, during the time of Atlantis, to have the opportunity to experience the full range of emotions and feelings that they originally desired to experience. Using 2 strand DNA would allow them to experience these emotions to the fullest extent possible, in the shortest time possible, since they would be completely separated from Creator and all knowledge of Creator. It was also another doorway, for many spiritual beings that became trapped in the lower dimensions, during the Lucifer Rebellions, to return back to their former higher dimensional homes. Know that two strand DNA is not suitable for long term humanoid life, since it is self limiting and self destructing. It is only suitable for the evolving animal kingdoms, which are connected to the consciousness of the planets spirit that they are evolving on. By its very nature, two strand DNA cannot connect to the Consciousness of the Creator Sons or to Creator. It requires 12 strands of DNA to connect to any of the 24 Creator Sons. It requires evolving beyond 12 strands, up to 56 strands and then evolving up through the 12 levels of Light body, in order to connect directly with Creator. Thats just the way it is and it will remain that way if you accept
it or not. We have given you information about DNA and how it evolves up to the higher levels and what to expect. You have been given the complete information of evolving up through Light body. You now know what to expect, including the verbal declarations that you must make to move forward past the 9th level and the 11th level, in the process of joining back to Universal Consciousness. Every spirit that leaves the higher dimensions and separates themselves from Creator, by experiencing life in the lower dimensions, in a Separate Self Consciousness, will eventually have to enter into Lightbody, in order to return back to their higher dimensional home. And that means everyone that is experiencing life on planet earth. You can enter into lightbody by doing do it now, in the next age, the next dimension, 10 million years from now or 100 million years from now. You have the free choice to decide where and when to return back to your dimensional home. At this time, in this age, it is now one of those Golden Opportunities when you can enter lightbody and return directly home. These opportunities are few and very far between. You can accept it or reject it.
There are many people called light workers that have been traveling on the spiritual path for many years. There was information published in the early 90s about the beginning of the Ascension process. Realize that the early information is no longer correct. We will explain. Know that everyone living on the planet has the opportunity to ascend to the 4th dimension or directly home to the higher dimensional worlds. Since everyone had the opportunity to ascend, It was planned that everyone would be activated into lightbody at the same time. This has not happened. The time line that the earth was on at that time, was changed, making it impossible to activate anyone into lightbody. The change in the time line was a direct result of the 5 Satans that entered earth and went back in time, altering earths history. This happened in 1972 as previously explained in the book. The intent of the Satans was to bring about the total destruction of the human race. When this was discovered, Golden Angels went back in time to correct the damage done by the Satans. The Golden Angels could not put it back the way it was originally, since time was lost when the earth history was altered. The lost time could not be replaced and so the ascension process was also changed. The Golden Angels are the one that made it possible to ascend again, by altering the
Schumann resonance from 7.8 to 7.9. This .1 change in the Schumann resonance was the first dramatic change in the direction of the human race, causing the first major shift in human consciousness. In other words, the human race was now on a new time line, completely different from the old time line. This changed the ascension process and the basic change is this. Instead of everyone being activated automatically at the same time, it was now necessary for each person to individually declare their intent to enter into lightbody. There was no longer an automatic activation. That was the basic change. Those that read the early information on ascension, assumed that everyone would ascend to the 4th dimension, since everyone would be activated into lightbody. This was a false assumption. Just because everyone would be activated, does not mean that everyone would follow the spiritual path of lightbody. Remember, everyone has an individual choice. At that period of time, the information on the planet about ascension, was not complete, since it was not necessary. The ascension process was just starting. The original information was a general outline of the lightbody process without all the details. The requirements to ascend have always been the same. Everyone must complete their lessons and release their karma. Everyone must learn To Love One Another and come to the realization that To Love Is To Allow Everyone And Everything In The Universe To Exist In Harmony. Everyone must become a Master over their emotions, by identifying, clearing and releasing all low vibrational emotions and feelings. To ascend to the 4th dimension, required each individual person to reach the level of 12 strand DNA and their individual vibration would have to reach the level of 13 hertz or higher. It required each individual person, that wished to ascend directly to their higher dimensional home, to do physical internal cleansing to remove all low vibrations from toxins in the body and to reach 56 strands of DNA. Then they had to individually declare their intent to enter into lightbody and verbally declare their intents to move forward past the 9th level and the 11th level of lightbody. They also had to reach the vibrational level of their home dimension in order to enter into it. So the ascension process itself was not changed. It cannot be changed. It is based on the principle of vibration which is how the universe works. Only the method of activation was changed, now requiring each person to individually declare their intent to enter lightbody. You now have a full understanding of what it takes to ascend. The information in this book is complete. We have given you Advanced Programs for clearing and
releasing all emotions and all spiritual bonds that are holding you in this 3rd dimensional level. These programs will prepare you for Spiritual and Physical Ascension into the 4th dimension. They will also prepare you for Direct Ascension in Lightbody to your true higher dimensional home, in the time that is remaining in this age. When you ascend in Lightbody, you will then join back to Universal Consciousness. It is important to know, These Programs Are A Gift From Creator. The programs are simply explained with each program having a separate explanation. It is not necessary to know or understand all the material in the explanations. What is necessary is the true intent to identify, clear and release all emotions and the feelings associated with them. When you accomplish this, your attitude about life will change. This change in your attitude will directly affect how you live and interact with all people. Then you will be able to Truly Love One Another and be able to Allow Everyone And Everything In The Universe To Exist In Harmony. There will be people that will say they do not know how to identify their emotions and feelings. Know that every thought you think, is inspired by an emotion and is attached to one or more emotions or feelings. Every action of your body is driven by these emotions and feelings. It is up to the individual to recognize these emotions and feelings. That Is What You Are Here To Learn. That Is Your Test. To recognize all emotions and become a Master over them. Humans are driven by emotions and feelings. When you identify, clear and release them, you are no longer driven by them. Know that the emotions and feelings you clear and release will never go away, since they are part of this 3rd dimensional experience. When you become a Master over them, you have control over all emotions and feelings, instead of them, having control over you. Pay attention to your emotions and feelings when you see something you do not like in another person, a child, a friend, an enemy or even something on television or in the movies. If it attracts your attention in any way, stirs your emotions, or inner feelings, or upsets you in any way, know that the same emotions or feelings, are also in you, or you would not recognize it in someone else and it would not stir your emotions or push your buttons. That is how you begin to recognize your emotions and feelings. The more time you spend learning to recognize them and thinking about them, the more easily you will be able to recognize them, on deeper and more personal levels within yourself. The ability to recognize your emotions and feelings will grow within you.
Why are these programs so important? The reason is simple. Whatever is bound on earth is also bound in Heaven. We go back to the time of Jesus The Christ. This is located in the Bible, Matthew 16, verses 14-19. When Jesus asked the question, Whom do men say that I, the Son of man am? Then He asked the Apostles. Whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not reveled it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the Keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. We will now explain the true meaning of these verses, since the true understanding of the Keys of the Kingdom were lost in time. Remember, the Apostles were part of the Astral Pure Bred. They are higher dimensional spirits. When Peter heard the question, whom say ye that I am, his eyes and ears were opened by Creator to a revelation of higher truth. Peter recognized at that moment the Christ Consciousness and that Jesus was the Son of the living God. Peter recognized they were two separate individual beings, the Christ and the Son. Jesus confirmed this by saying, Creator reveled this to you Peter. Then the Christ Consciousness spoke through the mouth of Jesus and confirmed to Peter that He was a Rock. The rock symbolized a foundation. Peter become the Foundation of Knowledge, which is Light, and the gates of hell, which is Darkness, shall not prevail against it. What happens when you bring light into a dark place? It becomes lit up with the light, since darkness cannot exist in the presence of light. The Christ Consciousness gave the Foundation of Knowledge, which is Light, to be passed down to all following generations. The Light was the Keys to the Kingdom. The Way Home. The Keys to the Kingdom are the emotions of Compassion, Caring, Gentleness, Kindness and Harmlessness. When you perfect yourself in these emotions and they become a permanent part of you, it will raise your spiritual vibration to the level of light and darkness cannot exist in the presence of your light. The combination of these vibrations will transform you to the highest vibrations of Unconditional Love, Unconditional Forgiveness and Compassion. At this high vibration you become an Observer,
your true Spiritual State and you are prepared to Ascend to your true spiritual home. The Christ consciousness continued and stated; Whatsoever was bound on earth, was bound in heaven. When you raise your spiritual vibration to the high vibrations, which are the keys, while living on earth in a physical body, you become bound to these vibrations, they become part of you. When you leave the earth, you will still be bound by these vibrations, so you will have the privilege to ascend to the dimensional level that your vibration has risen to. Read The Schumann Resonance again to gain greater understanding of your spiritual vibration.
What this means, is that all low vibrations, which are low vibrational emotions and feelings, that are cleared and released on earth, will also be cleared and released in heaven. It means all karma will be cleared and released, so you are freed from all low vibrational emotions and feelings. You are also freed from the wheel of incarnation on planet earth. You will never have to return again to learn lessons of emotions in this world of emotions, which is the 3rd dimension of planet earth. Peter was never given the power to bind or loose another person. Also realize to bind another person is against the Law of Love, Which Is Allowing All Things To Exist In Harmony. When the Christ Consciousness spoke to Peter, he was addressed as an individual, not as a person of authority. Peter was not given any authority to pass down to anyone. He was only a receiver of knowledge and it was this knowledge that was to be passed down to others, so that it could be used by each individual person. Each individual person would now have the knowledge and power to bind or loose them self. He was called a Rock, as a sign of His spiritual strength and belief. In His heart he knew and understood the power of the keys and had the ability to build on this knowledge and to pass it on. After a short time, the Keys became ignored by the disciples of the Apostles, after the persecution and death of some of the apostles. They could not fully understand the true value of these emotions. It seemed to them, these emotions were a sign of physical weakness. It became hard to practice Compassion, Caring, Kindness, Gentleness and Harmlessness, when the Apostles were being put to death. Eventually, the words that came from the mouth of Jesus, took on a new different meaning. The words
and true meaning became corrupted under the influence of the Sons of Darkness. The early Christian Church was influenced by the Sons of Darkness, into claiming the power of the Keys to condemn or to forgive. They became the Keys to physical and spiritual power over others. The power for some people to have authority over other people. People were led to believe that the church could condemn you to burn in hell forever. They also believed the church could keep you from going to heaven, by condemning you to a place called purgatory, or they could help you get to heaven. Many people today still believe this and are afraid of the authority of the churches. This is the power that many churches have over people, the power of Fear, the Fear of being condemned to burn in hell forever. This Fear, is a direct result of the loss of the true meaning of the Keys of the Kingdom. It is also a direct result of the corruption of the meaning, by the influence of the Sons of Darkness, for the churches to use the Keys as a symbol of power, authority and fear over others. Know and understand, whatever power someone perceives them self to have, over another person, comes directly from the human ego, or it is blindly accepted from another human ego. Each individual person, only has the power to bind or loose him or her self. No person or organization has the power to bind or loose another person. To attempt through fear or any other means, to bind or loose another person, is against the free will of each individual to experience life according to their individual choices. To attempt through fear or any other means to bind or loose another person, is against the will of Creator and the Law of Love. To attempt through fear or any other means to bind or loose another person, is also against Universal Law. As you do unto others, so shall it be done unto you. When you convince another person through fear or other emotions that you have authority over them and that you can bind or loose them, and they believe you, you take on the karmic penalty of having the same thing done to you, the same way you did it to another person. If you are attempting, or have done this to other people, you can not ascend, since you have bound yourself by karma, to experience the same thing in a 3rd dimensional world. Remember, the only way you could become bound spiritually on earth, is to believe that someone else, either a person or an organization, has power over you. No one can bind or loose you spiritually while you are living on this earth, only you can do it to yourself. No one can judge you spiritually. After this lifetime is over for you and you leave this earth and return to the spiritual realm, knowledge will be open to you by Creator. With
this knowledge you look back on your past life and you will judge yourself. Why are you going to judge yourself? For the simple reason, you yourself are a Creator, you are part of Prime Creator and only you are worthy to judge yourself. Every one that is on this planet now, is bound here by a free choice that they made long ago. If you never wake up to the fact that you can bind or loose yourself, know that you are still bound to the wheel of incarnation and bound to the 3rd dimensional worlds of learning lessons, since you have never awakened to your own spiritual power, to loose and free yourself from this planet of lessons. Thats what the Advanced Programs for clearing and releasing all emotions and all spiritual bonds to this 3rd dimensional reality are for, the power to loose and free yourself from this planet of lessons, so you can prepare for spiritual ascension and physical ascension. Remember, These Programs Are A Gift To You From Creator. At this point in time, Creator has prepared a way for everyone to ascend and is calling you home. We wish to remind you. Anyone that will dedicate them self to using the programs Daily and do the necessary internal cleansing of the body, can evolve into the 12th level of lightbody in 18 to 24 months. Then you are ready to directly ascend to your spiritual home when the time comes. There is very little time left to play with the programs. You will need to apply yourself now and make it a Daily way of life, or you will miss the windows of opportunity to ascend. We have given you information on how to internally clean the body in the simplest way. There are many ways to internally clean the body. You need to study and learn, so that you can decide what is right for you. Realize that many low vibrations come from disease and toxins that are in the body, which are caused by eating processed foods containing chemicals, additives and toxic residues and other toxic elements that come in contact with the body and enter into it. When you eliminate toxins in the body, you bring it into a balanced state of health and eliminate many of the low vibrations that hold you back spiritually. Realize that emotions, which have low vibrations, activate toxins in the body that have low vibrations, causing the beginning of many diseases. This is important when you are evolving in DNA and Lightbody. With your 2 strand DNA, you do not have the necessary genes active that protect the body and constantly rebuild it. So with todays toxic environment, your life is short and sickly. When the human race evolves up to 12 strand DNA and higher, a longer healthy life span will become normal.
Remember, it is a combination of low vibrations that you must clear and release to bring your spiritual vibration up to at least 13 hertz in order to enter into the 4th dimension. One of the most important elements of maintaining a healthy body is your pH level. It is important to maintain a urine pH level that is at the pH level of the blood which is 7.35 to 7.45. It is just above neutral pH which is 7 and it is slightly alkaline. The bodys pH is not recognized by the medical profession as being important and is ignored today. Know that body pH is an accurate measurement of everything that has entered the body. It can only be changed by changing what goes into the body. It is a true indicator of a state of health and a warning indicator of disease or the breakdown of the body to disease. The ten steps of body cleansing, all affect your body pH. It is for youre greatest good to learn and understand how your pH works and to make the life changes in your eating habits to keep it balanced. Today in the United States, it is very difficult to maintain a healthy life style since the basic foods you eat are grown with pesticides and herbicides, which are poisons. Your major crop growing areas are now depleted from many necessary natural nutrients, including trace minerals. Many plants are forced to grow with chemical fertilizers. There is no pure drinking water left. It has all been contaminated by industrial waste, pesticides, herbicides, automotive emissions, electrical power plant emissions and now by the aerial spraying of aluminum, barium, bacterias, viruses and other toxic elements from the exhaust of jet planes. People need to wake up to the fact that aerial spraying from the exhaust of jet planes, has a hidden purpose. The true long range purpose of this spraying is to eliminate the weak and take physical control of the population with an eventual goal of world population control. This plan is being worked by the Forces of Darkness and it has gone array. The long term affect is death to the very young, the elderly and the seriously ill. It is now also weakening the strong. It will weaken the thyroid system of the rest of the people, leading to their eventual control, by intervention from the medical system, which will be eventually directed by the government. Two of the main elements are Barium and aluminum. When they enter the body, they Short Circuit Healthy Cells in the Thyroid. This will cause damage to the Nervous System and to the Balance of the Brain Waves. People with High Blood pressure will be greatly affected by this process. Do you realize that you are breathing in the aluminum, barium, and a variety of bacterias, viruses and other toxic ele-
ments from the jet plane exhaust, directly into your lungs? Once you breath them in, they go directly into the blood stream. There is no way to avoid this contamination. This has been going on for several years already. The medical establishment has not recognized this as a problem yet. We wish to tell you that it will affect everyones health, since everyone has to breathe. The long term effects will be the weakening of the thyroid gland and it will compromise the glands ability to regulate the body in all its functions. It will weaken the bodys immunity to disease, creating an accelerated death rate from all diseases. It will also have a hidden effect, in that it will slow down the rate of conception in the population. Aerial spraying is a hidden and a very cruel method of forced population control, by eliminating the weak and elderly through an accelerated death rate and by reducing the national birth rate. This agenda of an accelerated death rate and mass birth control will be expanded world wide in order to reduce the over population of the world. This is one of the hidden goals of aerial spraying. The Akashic records indicate that over 82% of all Americans are already affected by contaminated air from aerial spraying, by a very large variety of chemicals, pesticides and toxins in the food supply, by contaminated meats, by contaminated medical injections they receive and by contaminated water. All the contaminates from these sources eventually find their way back into the water supply and now keep it continually contaminated. Have you noticed that the natural animal life on land and in water is now affected and is beginning to slowly die off? Remember your national symbol, the Bald Eagles, that were dying from DDT poisoning, until people realized that they would lose their national symbol. They researched the problem and made the necessary changes to preserve these beautiful birds. There are many other animals that are dying off that are never mentioned, since they are not seen as important. Do you realize that the hardiest of birds and one of the most important, the buzzard, is also starting to die off? The marine life in the lakes, rivers and oceans are also dying as result of the accumulation of toxins. Now you are losing an essential source of food since the pollution of the marine life has now become toxic to humans when they eat it. There are also many dead spots in the oceans around the world, where marine life has been exterminated by toxic waste from humans. The oceans are now very slowly starting to turn to an acid pH. Its time to wake up humans! This is a prime example of apathy. You are part of the group called the silent majority. You think all these animals and fish that are
dying is the other persons problem. It is not. Its your personal problem, since the same pollution is slowly killing you and your loved ones, little by little. You are dying of diseases that do not exist in other parts of the world and never existed before the industrial revolution. Wake up before its too late! Join together and either stop the pollution or pay the consequences. It is also wise to educate yourself how to detoxify your body as a normal way of life. When you look at the big picture, you can see that humans have gained abilities to create a great society. The only problem is that humans are destroying themselves faster and faster as technology grows. Humans refuse to take responsibility for their actions. They have not learned to love one another. They have armed themselves so that they can destroy their fellow man very efficiently. Humans have polluted everything, the land, the water, the air and you have fatally damaged the generating capacity of the earth to replenish the oxygen that you breath. Atomic waste is a time bomb of destruction waiting to happen. Even the Gods that created you, the Nefilim, have abandoned you, since you are on a self-destructive course. So for all those that have this deep fear of the world destroying itself by a great battle at Armageddon, or the wrath of God, fear not. Humans are destroying themselves by your own actions, without help from anyone. That is the reason why the experiment with 2 strand DNA is a short one, only 45,000 years long and predetermined to be ended at the dimensional and pole shift that is soon to happen. This experiment proved that life in a humanoid physical form with only 2 strand DNA cannot exist very long without a connection to Creator or the Creator Sons. When life exists with a Separate Self Consciousness, it will self destruct, since it cannot see into the future. It works to satisfy its own selfish immediate needs only. It cannot learn from its past, since it cannot remember the lessons it learned in the past. The earth is now seriously over populated by humans refusing to control the worlds birth rate and self limit their numbers. Humans cannot see the damage that they are doing by overpopulation. They are consuming everything on the planet to satisfy their growing numbers. The animal kingdom is being destroyed since their natural habitats have been destroyed. The forests that generate 30% of the oxygen you breath have practically all been destroyed. The few remaining forests are now dying or burning. The oceans with their marine life are also dying. Farm land is disappearing as a result of humans needing more room to live and the remaining farm land is being
pushed to its limits of production by chemical fertilizers, poisonous pesticides and herbicides. The overwhelming number of 6 billion people on the planet and the massive amounts of waste they create, are killing everything on the planet. This has all happened, as a direct result of humans that cannot not see or realize, that nature must be allowed to live in balance with itself and humans must fit into that natural balance, in small limited numbers. The very nature of a human with a Separate Self Consciousness, will eventually destroy itself and everything around it by the action of one emotion, which is absolutely necessary for its very survival. This emotion is selfishness. Selfishness is the root cause of greed and all other emotions. The true essence and workings of this emotion, have not been recognized or understood today. The truth of the matter is that you cannot exist without selfishness and you cannot exist very long with it. That is the nature of living with a Separate Self Consciousness and the challenge of your existence living in a body with 2 strand DNA. Speaking of selfishness in human terms, you are dammed with it and you are dammed without it! It will destroy you either way. There is no escape from selfishness. The only way the human race can survive is to evolve up to12 strand DNA and connect to a higher consciousness. We have spoken of the unknown event. The dimensional and pole shift that will most likely happen at the same time in the immediate future. We repeat that the day of this event is not known. Only Creator knows. There is no prophecy and there will be no prophecies that will point out this day. If you hear of prophecies, ignore them, they will be false. When the day will happen and if that day is violent or peaceful, will all be established by the collective human world consciousness. Humans are now in the process of creating that day. If it is peaceful when that day arrives, the greatest majority of the worlds people will not recognize it for what it is. It will happen as an ordinary day with your attention being drawn to strange things that are happening and you will be quickly caught up in the event. You could say there will be breathtaking surprises for everyone during this event. Everyone will experience it differently according to their level of consciousness. As the day happens, each individual person will be smoothly shifted into their new reality and each person will continue on like nothing ever happened. As that day ends everyone will be involved in their new reality and will not remember the awesome event that just happened. The memories of the past will be instantly wiped clean as each person enters their new reality. All you will know is what you are
now doing in your new reality. There is no interruption in life as each person moves forward in their new individual reality. If there are wars and violence in the world when that day arrives, we cannot say what will happen, since it will depend upon the degree of war and violence at that time. We have previously stated, those few that have their Merkabas activated and are 50 strands of DNA or higher, will have a full memory of the past and the entire dimensional pole shift event. For them it will be an awesome experience they will remember and that they can pass on to others in the 4th dimension. This is such a great event that there are many who came to this planet from other worlds outside of this universe, just to experience this event, by physically going through it. They will then have the privilege to take this experience back to their home worlds and share it. As you noticed, there is no mention of anyone going to heaven or hell, since these places do not exist in the spiritual realms. Do you remember what the choice of destinations are. There is a very, very small number of those that are prepared for lightbody ascension. They will go directly home to the higher dimensional realms. Next, there is a small group that will ascend into the 4th dimension on planet earth. These are the future humans. There is a great number that will repeat the 3rd dimension over again in other worlds, since planet earth will not support the 3rd dimension in the next age. There is a smaller number that will drop dimensionally into the 2nd dimensions. Then there is a great number that will drop dimensionally into the 1st dimensional worlds. Those that will repeat the 3rd dimension over again and those that will drop down to the 1st dimension are almost equal in numbers. These two groups together are the greatest majority of the human race. Where are you going when the dimensional pole shift happens? We have already given the potential of those that are preparing to ascend. Anywhere from 6% to 10 % of the world population. That means that anywhere from 90% to 94% of the worlds population, are not yet prepared to ascend. We wish to give a word of encouragement to those called lightworkers. Many of them are waiting and looking for the dimensional shift to arrive. There are many that have become discouraged and are starting to lose faith in what they believe. They have noticed that the spiritual information was very abundant with many books, seminars and spiritual techniques to help them grow and evolve. This has been going on since the 1980s and became very strong in the 1990s, hitting a peak just
at the turn of the century. After the year 2000, the whole spiritual movement seemed to slow down and has now begun to disappear. This has caused many light workers to become disillusioned. Realize that this is the way it is supposed to be. The first half of the Apocalypse from 1987 to 1999 was the period of awakening and revealing and this is now complete. The second period of the Apocalypse from 2000 to 2013, is the final period of personal growth. This second time period is broken up into 2 parts. The first part is from 2000 to 2003. This is the time to complete you personal evolution and become prepared so you can ascend to the 4th dimension or evolve in lightbody for those that want to ascend directly home. The planetary grid was locked in place in the beginning of 2003, completing the first part of the second time period. The ascension of the first group can now take place any time since the grid is complete. The second part of the second time period, from 2003 to 2013, is an unknown time period that will be determined by world consciousness. If there is peace in the world, it will give many people more time to awaken and complete their lessons and release their karma, so they can make the shift into the 4th dimension. If there is war in the world, this time period will be cut short. War brings out and intensifies the lowest vibrational emotions. If world consciousness cannot elevate itself above war, the time will be cut short. Higher spiritual growth for the purpose of preparing to ascend, cannot take place in a war filled consciousness. Since the world is joined together in a world consciousness, those that are still not prepared to ascend, will be part of this war consciousness and it will stop their higher spiritual growth. So there will be no purpose in having the extra time for spiritual growth. Also the intensifying of low vibrations in the world consciousness will slow down the spinning of the earths core quickly, causing it to stop, triggering the dimensional pole shift and ending the 3rd dimensional age. At this moment in time, the remaining time period, from 2006 to 2013, has already been shortened as a result of the growing war in the middle east and world terrorism. Those that are prepared to ascend will not be held back by a world at war, they will not be denied the privilege to ascend. For those that are waiting for the ascension, keep on working as usual and keep evolving spiritually since you are still in the Test until the moment of your ascension. Know the dimensional shift is almost here. Everything is completed. World consciousness must now decide on war or peace. The first ascension can happen at any time. Remember, world wide, there are approximately 70,000 that were preparing
to ascend in this group. It will be hard to notice 70,000 people disappearing out of a world population of 6 billion. The second ascension will take place just before, during, or just after the dimensional shift. The third ascension will take place in the 4th dimension. It can happen any time from the beginning of the 4th dimension, up to the time when the earth begins to leave the photon belt. It must happen while the earth is in the photon belt. After the third group ascends, the window of opportunity to ascend to the higher dimensions will begin to close. It will be extremely difficult for anyone to ascend after the ascension of the third group. After the earth leaves the photon belt, the window for ascension is completely closed. This gives a time period of about 1,900 years. The third ascension can happen any time in the 4th dimension during this 1,900 year time period. You may be thinking that the time period is longer than the life of the human body. This is true in the 3rd dimension. It will no longer be true in the 4th dimension. Those living in lightbody in the 4th dimension will have the privilege to extend the human life as long as they wish. Remember, those that will be part of the third ascension, must prepare now and reach 50 strands of DNA or higher, in order to activate their Merkabahs. This will allow them to retain all their knowledge, so they can take this knowledge with them through the dimensional shift. There will be no written information in the 4th dimension to study about ascension. Many people today, believe they are a human, having a spiritual experience. Only your body is human. You are actually a spiritual being, having a human experience. You have been given information from the hidden mysteries of the Kabbalah, which were never before revealed to the human race. You now have an understanding of how your spirit works and how you continually experience the constant changing of all creation in the cosmos. We hope that you now realize you are Spirit, a piece of Creator, living in a temporary human body. Within this book you now have a condensed history of the past of the human race. You now know you existed before you became a human and you may be able to realize where you came from, before you entered the human race. It is a good possibility you may recognize what group you are from and why you came to this reality. Everyone on this planet is here for a reason. You may be part of the angelic fall or part of the fall from the Lucifer rebellion. You may have forgotten what love is and need to learn it all over again. It does not matter what the reason is. You should now know, your purpose here, in this 3rd dimension, is to experience
emotions and feelings, something you can not experience in the spiritual realms. Now that you experienced and played with all these emotions for thousands of years, you should realize, you have to became a Master over all these emotions and feelings. When you look at the big picture, it should become obvious, Life is a Test of Emotions and Feelings. The End Result of the Test, is to Learn To Love One Another and To Allow Things To Exist In Harmony. Love is the fabric and vibration of the entire Cosmos. You will live Love, or you will learn how to Love. If you lived Love, you would not be here. Since you are here, you are here to learn how to Love. On earth, it is the allowing of all people to live in harmony with each other. It is the allowing of nature to live in harmony with itself, without humans disturbing the natural order. It is humans and nature living together in total harmony. You cannot ascend to a higher dimension until you learn what True Love Is and live it in your life. It does not matter if you believe this information or not, thats just the way it is. You now have the information and know what to do in order to leave this 3rd dimension and return home, or continue on a journey into the 4th dimension. If and when you apply yourself to the ascension programs in this book, more information about yourself, will continually be reveled to you by the many spiritual beings that guide you and by your Higher Self. The information will be there and will enter into your mind without you realizing where it came from. You will have many occasions when you will say to yourself, A- HA, now I know what that means, now I understand. It will be a inner knowing about truth, about yourself, where you are going and what changes you must make in your life to get there. We have opened up the Akashic records to bring you this Book Of Knowledge. You have been given missing and unknown information about the human race. Truth from the Akashic records has been revealed about information on the planet that has been altered, misinterpreted and where the original meanings were lost through time. You now have the ability to see and understand the big picture of the human race. We have taken you from its creation by the Nefilim, through its past and present history, explained its true purpose and explained the evolution that is now happening. We have given you details about the ending of the 2 strand DNA experiment and its evolution into 12 strand DNA and beyond. You now know the information about ascension to the 4th dimension and direct ascension in lightbody to your former higher dimensional homes. The ascension process is explained so you know how it works what it takes to
ascend. The Akashic records have been opened for you. You can see the future choices the 6 billion people on the planet are making for their future. Realize you are one of these 6 billion people. Have you made your choices? Or are your choices being made for you? Where do you fit in this big picture? We have given you information about earth changes that are now happening to the planet and why they are happening. This comes from the Akashic records so you can know truth and understand what is really happening. There is one spiritual being that no one on the planet even thought about. The spirit in the planet, Gaia. She is fully awake and will no longer tolerate any more abuse to her body. Her patience is nearly exhausted. She is ready to rearrange the surface of the planet. Gaia can change human reality beyond your imagination. The choice is peace or suffer the consequences. There is unlimited information in the Akashic records. If consciousness goes back up and the planet turns peaceful, greater information will again be brought down to the planet. We encourage you to read this book again. You will be amazed at the deeper understanding you will gain when you read it a second time, a third time and more. The information is layered and the more you read it, the more will be revealed to you. This book will raise your consciousness by the very process of reading it. Consciousness grows with new knowledge or a new understanding of old knowledge. This is not your ordinary book! This is a life changing book!
Chapter 12
Bush. It was revenge against Saddam Hussein for making a fool of his father (former President George H. Bush) after the Gulf war. Now we go from recorded information in the Akashic records to future potential in the Akashic records. The next potential objective is Iran. Again, oil is involved. Iran also possess nuclear weapons and it is willing to use them. That is the reason why the U. S. is trying to gain support from other nations to go after Iran. Now pay attention to North Korea. They have announced publically in February 2005, they have stockpiled nuclear weapons. North Korea has had an active atomic weapons program for the last 15 years. The U. S. is not going after North Korea, since there is no purpose in war with them at the moment and nothing for the U. S. to gain. North Korea originally built its nuclear weapons, for the purpose of becoming a power in that region of the world. After the invasion of Iraq by the U. S., North Korea is afraid of the U. S. and has the intent to use its nuclear weapons to defend itself. Now look closely at what is happening in the United States. There is only one super power and it is the United States. The U.S. government is being influenced and directed by an unseen and unknown group called the Controllers to accomplish the hidden agenda of a New World Order. It is the U. S. that is the driving force behind creating a new war consciousness and this drive started with the attack of the U. S. on 911. The people of the U. S. are blinded by their government and they have lost control of their country, when Congress foolishly passed the patriot act, without examining its contents. The U. S. news media is controlled, so truth is hidden from the people. We now again look into the Akashic records for truth. In the presidential election of 2000, Al Gore and the Democratic Party won the presidency legally. Mr. Bush and the Republican party took the victory by fraud. The vote was manipulated and turned in favor of Mr. Bush and the Republicans. In the election of 2004, John Kerry and the Democratic Party won the presidential vote legally. Mr. Bush and the Republican party, again, took the victory by fraud. This time it was much easier, with the use of electronic voting machines and no accurate paper trail to prove the accuracy of the votes. The Republican party is dominated by corporate America. Corporate America makes money in war. Corporate America and the American military must have oil in order to prosper. It is a marriage of need and greed. The U. S. is only 4% of the worlds population and it uses 25 % of the worlds oil. Think about that very carefully. The U. S. is oil hungry and it must have this oil in order to maintain its life style and military power. Oil is
power, wealth and comfort. The U. S. economy is driven by oil. Without the necessary amount of oil, the economy can dip into a deep recession or a depression and possibly collapse. Most of the people of the U. S. have no concept and no understanding of what is happening in the world concerning oil. They are living in a fairy tale world, virtually blind to the reality around them. The government knows and its elected officials know what is happening with oil. They have chosen not to act. The U. S. has not made any serious efforts or long term commitments to cut down its oil consumption in order to become independent of foreign oil. It had over two decades to accomplish this goal since the first oil shortage and it did nothing. Corporate Americas greed has stopped all serious conservation efforts and changes. Now the U. S. is trapped with its oil appetite and there is no quick way out, except to get more oil. China is growing exceptionally fast and they are buying and consuming all the oil that is available. At this moment in time they are starting to compete with the U. S. and the world for available oil. As a result of the shifting of the underground plates, due to the slowing down of the rotation of the earths core and the undersea earthquake off the Indonesian island of Sumatra, there will be a future shortage of oil available to the world. This has the potential to create war over oil. U. S. foreign policy and American Corporate arrogance, have turned the world against America, especially the Arab countries. The Arabs view America as the Great Satan and they are justified to feel this way. If the Americans stood in the Arabs shoes and looked through their eyes, they would feel the same way the Arabs feel now. The American need for oil is turning from supply and demand, to getting oil one way or another and this includes war. The picture in the middle east is not good. The war in Iraq is spreading. It has given the Arabs new courage to face the Americans in a fight and the fight will be on their terms, which is terrorism. Terrorism was supported by the profits made from the sale of oil through Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is also a main supplier of oil to the U. S. The terrorism from Iraq, is linked together with the terrorism in Israel. The intent of the terrorists is to spread their terrorism through out the middle east and into foreign countries. It is their intent to disrupt peaceful countries, with the goal of spreading turmoil world wide. They intend to establish themselves as a powerful force. The middle east is quickly developing from a potential disaster into a real disaster. Even if Iraq finds peace through a political or military victory, the terrorists will regroup and start again somewhere else.
Look at the nuclear arsenals, several are in the middle east. Israel, Iran, Pakistan, India, Russia, China, North Korea, Britain, France and the United States. All possess nuclear weapons. The United States also stockpiles nuclear weapons in Britain, Germany, Turkey, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands. There is also unknown stockpiling of biological weapons. The devastation from biological weapons will be much greater than a nuclear war. We wish to go back to the presidential election in 2004. We now look in the Akashic records to find truth. The American public was unknowingly manipulated by a high level of mind control, before, during and after the presidential election. We will call this high level of mind control, the second level. The second level of mind control started immediately after the first televised debate between George W. Bush and John Kerry. George Bush lost the first debate and panic over his loss started the second level of mind control option to be turned on. The mind control remained turned on nation wide until the last votes were counted in Ohio, including the recount. This was done in order to keep people from awakening and causing riots and protests nation wide over the victory of George Bush and the Republican party. After the recount was finished, the second level of mind control was turned off. The mind control is HAARP technology and it is broadcast nation wide from cell phone towers and from satellites in stationary orbit. This experimentation with broadcasting frequencies to control the mind has been going on for over 15 years. There are 2 levels of mind control. The first level is broadcast from satellites in stationary orbit and it covers the whole country like a great dome. The satellites have been turned on continuously for over 5 years and they are still on now and they will remain on permanently. They broadcast the mind control frequencies over the U. S. and it forms something that looks like a matrix, in the shape of a giant dome over the entire country. The mind control consists of broadcast frequencies that interact with the human brain waves, changing the brain wave patterns, causing a numbing of the mind, also causing the mind to become complacent. It is a numb state of calmness, where important issues are no longer important. The mind only wants to dwell on things that it is familiar with. This level of mind control will cause people to do things that they would not normally do. After they do these things, which are usually strange or bizarre actions, or actions totally out of character for them, they cannot remember why they did it or even remember doing it. If you had paid attention to news reports, you should have noticed,
people are doing things which were unthinkable in the past. There is a great deal of bizarre events taking place across your nation daily. To use a human expression, people are going off the deep end. They are losing mental control of themselves and the situations they are in. Memory is interrupted causing temporary memory loss. It affects the ability of people to concentrate and focus on what they are doing. People are living and acting like they are in a deep mind fog. This is the result of altered brain waves, which is a direct result of the first level of mind control. All ages and intelligence levels of people are affected including small children. The second level is broadcast from cell phone towers and it is directed to specific areas. It is the cell phone towers that were turned on continuously after the first presidential debate, until the recount was finished in Ohio. The mind control worked exceptionally well and was not detected by anyone. George Bush and the Republicans won the election by fraud and hardly anyone challenged the election results, even though many people immediately knew, something was wrong by the exit pole results. People of the U. S. did not know this was happening and do not know this technology was used against them, by the behind the scenes supporters of George Bush. The people that operate the mind control behind the scenes have every intent to keep the mind control turned on and active permanently. It will be a great struggle for the people of the U. S. to have the mind control turned off. This can only happen when the people of the U. S. awaken to the fact they are being mind controlled and demand change and force it to happen. We continue in the Akashic records. The broadcasting of the mind control frequencies also affects airplanes. It is a deadly result when these waves cross and an airplane is at the point of the crossing of these waves. The airplanes are only affected during take off and landing which is a result of how the frequencies are broadcast. If an airplane happened to be taking off or landing, when these signals crossed where the plane was, it would cause the plane to immediately lose control and crash. It would literally knock the plane out of the air. The smaller the plane, the easier it is to knock it out of the sky. The larger passenger planes would experience it as turbulence. We will mention several crashes that are well known, which were directly caused by these mind control broadcast signals. Also know that many other private plane crashes were also a direct result of these broadcast waves and most were blamed on pilot error. Shortly after 911, an American Airlines passenger plane, an Airbus A 300, Flight 587, went down in November 2001, its tail
section was ripped off and it crashed into Queens, New York, killing 260 people on board and 5 people on the ground. This plane is a good example of how deadly these broadcast frequencies are to airplanes. This large passenger plane was not knocked out of the air like the smaller airplanes are. Instead, it was torn apart in flight and then crashed due to loss of control. On February 16, 2003, a Cessna air taxi crashed near Ferguson Kentucky. There were 3 killed and 4 survivors. On July 10, 2004, a twin engine Piper airplane crashed approaching Ticonderoga New York. The 2 people on board were killed. In September 2004, a plane with 5 forest workers went down in Montana. There were 3 killed and 2 survived. On October 24, a Learjet 35 A, which was a medic flight air ambulance plane, crashed near Alberque New Mexico. All 5 aboard were killed On October 19, 2004, a turbo prop commuter plane, Flight 5966, crashed near Kirksville, in northern Missouri. There were 13 killed and 2 survivors. On October 24, a private airplane carrying the Nascar Hendrick Motor Sports team members, went down near Martinsville Virginia. There were 10 killed including the son, brother, and two nieces of owner Rich Hendrick. On December 6, 2004, a Cessna air taxi crashed on approach to runway 31 at Friedman Memorial Airport in Hailey Idaho. The 2 people on board were killed. On February 16, 2005, a twin engine plane registered to Circuit City crashed near Pueblo Colorado. There were 8 people killed. There were federal and local officials aboard. There are many more small private planes crashes that are sacrificial victims of these mind control frequencies and most of the crashes and deaths are blamed on pilot error. These small plane crashes will continue to happen nation wide until the mind control frequencies on both levels of mind control are turned off. To the Controllers, this loss of life is insignificant and just part of doing business to accomplish their bigger goals. Human life has no value to the Controllers unless it serves their purpose. Those that are operating HAARP , have the technology down to a science. They have the ability and skill to pick out an individual airplane and literally knock it out of the sky. This experimenting has been going on for over 15 years. This technology has been used as a weapon for political assassination. On October 16, 2000, a twin engine Cessna carrying the governor of Missouri, Mel Carnahan, piloted by his son Roger, with
a campaign aid aboard, crashed south of St Louis. All 3 were killed. This was not an accident. The plane was literally knocked out of the air from an altitude of 6,500 feet. It was a deliberate and planed political assassination. On July 16, 1999, a private Piper airplane piloted by John F. Kennedy Jr. age 38, crashed off Marthas vineyard. John F. Kennedy Jr., his wife and his wifes sister Lauren were together in the plane. All 3 were killed. This was not an accident. It was a deliberate and planned political assassination. Kennedy had strength and charisma and was a potential Democratic presidential candidate in 2000 or 2004. John F. Kennedy Jr. was a direct threat to the plan and direction that the Controllers had for the fall of the U. S. and they eliminated him so their plans could precede without delay or any future interruptions. We also wish to mention that on November 22, 1963, in Dallas Texas, the Controllers had President John F. Kennedy assassinated by elements within the U. S. government. The greatly publicized shooting by a lone gunman was an elaborate coverup. John F. Kennedy was also a direct threat to the plans and direction the Controllers had for the future of the U. S. There is a powerful group of people that work behind the scenes of all governments. We will call them the Controllers. They are the elite of the Sons of Darkness on this planet and are not known by the public. The Controllers are very wise and operate according to human logic. They do not create situations of good against bad. Instead they create situations of good against good and bad against bad. The natural outcome will be the good against the bad. They have the ability to exert control on all nations and all organizations world wide. They decide who goes to war, who will be involved and who will win. They decide what nation will fall and which one will prosper. They set the events in motion to force their will and objectives on the world. We wish to give you more information from the Akashic records about the death of two recent world leaders. This will show how the Controllers can direct world affairs. One of them is Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader that recently died. It was the Controllers decision that Yasser Arafat was no longer serving their purpose and they had him eliminated. The news reported Yasser Arafat died from a lengthily unknown blood illness on November 10, 2004. The Akashic records recorded he was poisoned by those who served him directly, those who personally worked with him at his side, the ones he trusted with his life. The other person was Pope Paul I. He was elected to the office of Pope by the College of Cardinals. He ruled as Pope
of the Catholic Church in Rome from August 26 to September 28, 1978. A total of 33 days. Then he died. It was the Controllers decision to eliminate Pope Paul I, to stop him from revealing corruption within the Catholic Church, the College of Cardinals, the Italian banking system and other corruption. The Akashic records recorded he was poisoned by those within the Catholic Church that directly served him. Five very influential, high ranking Cardinals, were directly involved with the death of Pope Paul I. Two of these Cardinals have already died. Three of these Cardinals are still alive today. One of these living Cardinals is now in a most powerful position within the Catholic Church. This should give you some idea of how powerful the Controllers are. Even world religious organizations are directly influenced by them. The Controllers are now in the process of internally destroying the United States. Open your eyes and look back in time to the event called the Nafta Treaty. This treaty began the acceleration of the process of taking away the industrial manufacturing capability of the U. S.. Since that event, American manufacturing has been continually leaving the U. S., going to Mexico and then going overseas. The wealth and strength of the nation has also left with the loss of manufacturing capacity and capability. You may recognize it as a loss of high paying manufacturing jobs and the loss of the high tech industry. The 911 event, the war in Afghanistan, the Iraq war and the planned future wars, are draining the financial stability of the nation. It has the potential to bring into reality the collapse of the U. S. currency. The U. S. no longer has the manufacturing capability and it does not have the financial resources to sustain a prolonged war. It cannot not manufacture its own steel anymore which is a basic necessity. It does not possess the access to unlimited oil in order to support the military machine. The military base closings that were announced in May of 2005 are another calculated step to weaken the U. S. military. The U. S. currency is continually being moved to the point where it has the greater potential to collapse. With the collapse of the U. S. currency, the cost of oil will devastate the economy. The war on terrorism has a hidden agenda and it is two fold. It will drain the U. S. of its resources and it will bankrupt it. During these wars, the Controllers will use the U.S. military might to gain control over the Arab countries and middle east oil. All of this combined expense will cause the economy of the U. S. to eventually collapse like the U.S.S.R. did. Now view the big picture. The Controllers have set this in motion and it is now in the process of happening. Mind control is also being used on a continuous
basis in the U. S. to control the country from civil unrest and riots. The second level of mind control was used to put the controllers choice of a president and cabinet in office. President Bush and the Republican party is unknowingly doing their work. There are many people that see their country deteriorating and understand exactly what is happening. The problem is, they have no will or determination to try to stop it or change it. This is a result of the first level of mind control that is being continually broadcast over the U.S. from stationary satellites. It takes away your will to accomplish difficult tasks that need to be done. For those who have a very strong will, the Patriot Act will be used against them. This combination of the Patriot act and mind control is keeping Americans from acting and fixing what is wrong. The U. S. is being transformed from an independent military superpower, into a nation that is on a par with other nations and dependent on other nations to survive. Once the U.S. economy collapses, it will be easy to control and the U.S. military will be used by the controllers according to their will and purpose. The military might of the Unites States is being used by the Controllers to gain control over the middle east and while the U.S. is doing this, it is on a course of self destruction, that was pre planned by the Controllers. The potential for atomic war could become reality, when another country stands up to the U. S. aggression, by using nuclear weapons against it, or by the U. S. trying to overwhelm another country with their first strike policy. Then there is Israel. They will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons to defend themselves against their neighbors. Terrorists also have the intent to use nuclear weapons and biological weapons. The U. S. is being used by the Sons of Darkness as the driving force to bring down world consciousness and the U. S. will have a karmic price to pay, for allowing itself to be used to create a new war consciousness. This war consciousness will change the physical surface of the earth. It has already started in the sea floor of the oceans and then it will affect the land masses. Gaia, Mother nature, will show you the results of the last fall in consciousness that took place in the 4th dimension. Gaia, the living spirit within this earth, is rearranging the ocean floor and will raise the remnants of destroyed civilizations, including Atlantis, that have passed through the dimensional barrier, as a Last Warning to Humans to Change and Love One Another. We have already stated, you may be privileged to see the remains of the temple of Poseidon. The evidence of the changes of the ocean floor rising and falling has already been shown to the
world, although the world has not recognized it. In the first week of February 2005, a cruise ship in the Pacific ocean was hit by giant waves that came from the sea floor up to the surface of the water. The waves ranged from 45 to 55 feet high. In the third week of February 2005, a cruise ship in the Atlantic ocean was also hit by these giant waves. The waves were thought to be violent enough to bring the cruise ship to the danger point of capsizing. Then on April 9, 2005, another cruise ship called the Norwegian Dawn, with approximately 2,500 people on board, was sailing in the Bahamas and was hit by these giant waves with one wave estimated to be 70 feet high. It was later broadcast on the national news that these freak waves were a result of two colliding weather fronts creating the giant 70 foot wave. This is not true. The 70 foot wave and others were generated by the rising and falling of the sea floor. The changes in the sea floor occurred during the storm at sea and so it was assumed the waves were generated by the storm. The assumption was wrong. These are not freak occurrences, they are not tsunamis and there will be more. There will be little if any warnings when these events happen. They do not generate seismic readings like earthquakes, volcanoes or tsunamis. The rising and falling of the sea floor will continue. These earth changes are a direct result of a falling consciousness, specifically a war consciousness which started at 911 and is being driven by the U. S., under the false pretense of going after terrorists and spreading democracy. The raising and lowering of the ocean floor is how the beginning of the destruction of Atlantis started in the 4th dimension. You should now be able to see how this greatest potential is forming and becoming a reality. If world consciousness keeps falling, this developing potential will over shadow everything and will develop into many devastating world events, leading into a violent dimensional pole shift. This should give you something to seriously think about. The greatest developing potential has another side to this scenario. You must be aware that HAARP technology is also developed and is being used in other countries. Each country gives this technology a different name, although they are all similar. It is also being quickly and quietly developed in smaller countries. Some of these small countries are ready to activate this technology with others almost ready. People do not realize how quickly this technology has spread. We wish to give you another name and a source of the greater part of this technology. It is called Tesla technology. This information from Tesla and much more from many other scientists added together, created
the HAARP technology and HARRP is the name of the U.S. version of this technology. This Tesla information has been available to others. Russia also possesses this technology and has brought it to a higher level of use than the U. S.. Many people believe that with the fall of the other superpower, which was Communist Russia, that it is no longer a threat to anyone. This is not entirely true. The big difference is that Russia is not trying to project its power world wide as it did in the past. They are now involved more with their own internal problems. Russia is still as great a threat, as it was during the cold war. Another difference is they no longer need their large military might to defeat others. They have developed a similar type of HAARP-Tesla technology, although it is called a different name. It has the same capability as HAARP . Russia has developed it to a higher level and have been using it longer than the U.S.. The U.S. is playing a catch up game and it has the intent to make a leap in technology by putting HAARP in orbit above the earth. When this is fully accomplished, the U. S. will gain a significant advantage in its use over Russia and every other country. There are also others, including the Japanese, the British and the French that have already developed and tested the similar HAARP-Tesla technology. Realize that this technology is far beyond nuclear weapons and it will make nuclear weapons obsolete. Basically this technology uses electromagnetic standing waves to disrupt the environment. Now anything in the environment can become a lethal weapon. This technology can activate sleeping volcanoes, artificially produce violent earthquakes by shifting underground tectonic plates, activate known earthquake fault lines into violent earthquakes, spawn tornadoes and violent winds. Weather can be engineered at will. It can move the jet stream and create prolonged droughts and intense rain to create floods. It can create violent and powerful storms in the worlds oceans including creating hurricanes. It can create sustained heat waves and sustained frigid cold weather. Heat and cold can also be used to create powerful explosive forces. You already know it is being used for mind control in the U. S. and this can be expanded to world wide mind control. It can also disrupt electrical power grids and communications world wide. It has been used to destroy ICBM missiles and airplanes of any size. Do you remember the airplane flight TWA-800. In July of 1996, this passenger plane was split apart in mid air with technology that was derived from HAARP and microwave technology. There was an experiment with this technology taking place at the time and TWA-800 ran into these broadcasted experimental waves. You
could say it was an accident, since it was not done intentionally by the operators of HAARP . There are those claiming the plane was shot down by another nation and others claim it was shot down by a surface to air missile. Not true. It was split apart by American HAARP and microwave technology, operated by Americans. This technology can also sink ships and submarines. Do you remember the nuclear attack sub, the U.S.S. Thresher that sank in deep water off the east coast of the U.S. in 1963? It was destroyed by another country with this type of technology, as a casualty of the cold war. This technology can reach anywhere in the world, below the ground, above it or in the oceans. It has no limitations on this planet. It is the ultimate super weapon. We now turn your attention to the group called the Controllers. Again we remind you, they are the elite of the dark forces on this earth and they are personally guided by the Satans. They are the ones who have set into motion a plan for world domination. It is referred to as the New World Order. Their hidden agenda and true purpose is to reduce the world population from 6 billion people down to around 2 billion or less. This will make it easier to control the world under the New World Order. In their way of thinking, reducing the worlds population will bring the world back into a balance between nature and man. It is their intent to control this balance according to their will. They intend be the keepers of all human technology and rule over the human race the same way the Nefilim Gods ruled over the human race in the past. The Controllers now feel they have the ultimate technology to even fight against the Nefilim and win. Make no mistake. The human race can very easily be destroyed by the Nefilim, if and when they decided to go to war against humans. This is the reason why the Nefilim have finally left this solar system in May of 2003. They see no purpose in destroying a perfectly good planet they have lived on for 450,000 years. If there will be any destruction, the Nefilim will let the human race do it all by itself. Be aware that the Controllers are skillfully maneuvering one nation against another, with the intent to create their own version of a massive world wide disaster in the future. World problems are being greatly exaggerated beyond your imagination. The purpose is to push all nations into a state of fear and panic about their future, their financial stability, the ability to feed themselves, protect themselves, protect their country and sustain their way of life. When the HAARP-Tesla type of technology spreads to enough countries and is active, the Controllers
intend to set into motion this world disaster. This has the potential to happen very quickly with this technology, since the great capability and advantage of using it, is the ability of first strike. Pay attention. The U.S. has already declared the privilege of first strike. First strike means one nation will attack another nation without warning, when it feels threatened by another nation. When fear and panic spread far enough and deep enough, many nations will have their trigger finger on the button ready to strike at others. When the first strike takes place, others will strike back and this technology will have a snowball effect. Once it starts, there will be no stopping. Some nations will not have this HAARP-Tesla type technology and they will be more dangerous then those that have this technology, since they will be trying to make up the difference in nuclear weapons. Destruction will happen world wide. Now that is only half the plan of the Controllers. The other half has also been in progress for many years. The other half of the plan is to weaken the immune systems of all humans living on the planet. As an example, the U.S. has been doing aerial spraying from airplanes. Those long white trails of exhaust coming out of the jet engines of airplanes that stretch across the sky, are called contrails. The exhaust of these jet planes contains mixtures of different viruses and bacterias, genetically combined viruses and bacterias and toxic elements. These are already spread throughout the entire environment. They are a ticking time bomb waiting to happen. Two of the toxic elements spread by aerial spraying are superfine aluminum and barium. You breath these into your lungs and they eventually wind up lodging themselves into the thyroid gland. Once the thyroid gland is compromised the body will not be able to defend itself against genetically altered viruses, bacterias and genetically combined viruses and bacterias. It will also not be able to defend itself against plagues such as smallpox. Think about this. If smallpox is released world wide, it has a kill rate of 30%, which means it can kill approximately 2 billion people. If smallpox were released at the beginning of a planned disaster, there would be no way or time to vaccinate or create vaccines. With weakened immune systems world wide, the kill rate will be much higher. Know that several countries around the world have already set different methods into use that have weakened the immune systems of people world wide and this has been going on for many years. If you will open your eyes and look around, you will see many diseases turning into epidemics. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes and one of the biggest tell tale
signs of thyroid problems, obesity. Realize that the thyroid gland is becoming an epidemic problem by itself and no one has recognized this problem yet. Even ingredients in the food supply are steadily weakening the thyroid. Two unrecognized groups of food products in particular are harmful to the thyroid and weaken it over time. One group is all soy products. The soy itself, in any product, will form a coating over the thyroid cells, not allowing them to receive electrical impulses or signals from the body. The other group is all products that have MSG, monosodium glutamate in them. MSG has an affect similar to acid poured on metal. It will eat away at the cells in the thyroid gland eventually destroying it. MSG is now hidden under many different names and different ingredients combinations. It is the seasoning of choice by food processors and its use is now widespread throughout the food supply. It is also in many foods that claim to be MSG free. New laws are now allowing MSG to be put into products without specifically stating it is in the product. In other words, you no longer know what ingredients are in the foods you are eating. Thyroid problems from the eating of products containing soy will over a long period of time reverse themselves, once the person stops consuming these products containing soy. The coating over the thyroid will eventually crack and slowly disintegrate over time, allowing the thyroid to function again. Thyroid problems from the consumption of products containing MSG are not reversible. The damage from MSG is permanent and the thyroid is permanently damaged. Thyroid damage from the aluminum that enters the thyroid from the aerial spraying of con trails is partly reversible by detoxing the body from heavy metals. The thyroid damage from barium that enters the thyroid from the aerial spraying is not reversible. The thyroid damage from barium is permanent. You see, the Controllers have it all planned out. Now create a technology war among nations with HAARP-Tesla type weapons, including nuclear weapons and another 2 billion people or more will die from various causes world wide. All the planning of the Controllers is quickly falling into place and no one has recognized their master plan to depopulate the world. The Controllers have created a fatal flaw in their plan. They will have contaminated the entire earth, the air, water, soil, animal life, marine life and food sources. After their intended destruction is over, there would be the massive problem of radioactivity from destroyed power plants and other sources. Survival in a radioactive contaminated world, with a falling oxygen level due to the loss and destruction of rain forests and
ocean plankton, will become almost impossible. Human life cannot survive in this type of contaminated environment for very long. This is another reason why the Nefilim Gods left this planet. Humans with 2 strand DNA do not have the ability to see and understand the future consequences of their actions. Humans are already in the daily process of destroying themselves and do not realize they are doing it. At this point we must elaborate on information we have given you previously in Global Warming. We stated that the Unites States HAARP experiments have passed the point of no return twice. The first time the point of no return was passed, it was stopped and corrected by the unseen spiritual forces of Light for the good of the planet. The second time the point of no return was passed it was not stopped because of the reckless arrogance of the operators of HAARP . We will know be more specific. All the nations, the United States, Russia, the Japanese, British and the French that are currently using HAARP-Tesla type technology, have passed the point of no return at different times. It was stopped and corrected for everyone the first time they crossed this point. Now pay attention. The collective arrogance of all these nations together has passed the point of no return as a collective consciousness a second time. This second passing of the point of no return as a collective consciousness has not been stopped and will not be stopped. Know the experimenting with HAARP-Tesla capabilities has already set in motion earth changes, volcanoes, earthquakes, strange and devastating weather patterns and they will now accelerate. It is also responsible for the accelerating of global warming and is now in 2006 the main driving force of global warming. The use of microwave technology is another driving force in global warming. The world will now suffer the consequences. This was a developing potential that turned into reality in the spring of 2005. The HAARP-Tesla experiments are now out of control and the operators of these experiments have not realized this. There are those who will ask, how could this happen? Simply stated, it is happening as a continuous series of events, composed of poor and bad choices that are allowed to happen as a result of the emotion of apathy. In the mind of the greater population, the simple thoughts are, its not my problem, let someone else fix it, Im too busy. Apathy allows small problems to grow out of control until they become a major catastrophe. It also allows others to make decisions about your life and future. If you do not know or understand what all these decisions are, you will no longer be in control of your life. Others may wonder
and ask the question, how could God allow this to happen? We ask you, which God are you wondering about? The creators of the human race, the Nefilim Gods, have abandoned the human race in May of 2003 and left you to find your own way. They will not stay around and watch the human race destroy itself. You are still their children and they still feel attached to you. You might even say, the Nefilim were forced to abandon you as a result of your human arrogance and ego. The other God, whom we call The Infinite Mind, The Prime Creator, The Source Of All That Is, has given you freedom from the Nefilim Gods, so that the human race can make a free choice about its own future. Humans can choose to move ahead by ascending to the 4th dimension and prosper there in a new Golden Age, choose other spiritual or physical paths, or the human race can totally destroy itself. Its your free choice. Remember, you choose your future by the constant choices you make in your daily life by Loving One Another or the Lack Of Learning To Love One Another. You will arrive at your future according to the choices you have made in your life. We have already discussed all your choices in the book. As bad as all this greatest developing potential sounds, remember, it is only a potential. World consciousness can stop the Controllers dead in their tracks, regardless of what the Controllers try to do to the human race. Realize that world consciousness is the only director of the future path of the human race. Remember, world consciousness is your daily thoughts and actions added together with the thoughts and actions of every other person in this world. The Controllers cannot control world consciousness. They can only direct it by stirring your emotions, especially fear, by altering and controlling events that happen in your life. They can only control what the human race allows them to control. Apathy gives them the control they need. Fear paralyzes people from acting and it is the result of a lack of knowledge. Knowledge will free you to overcome the unknown. Dont be afraid of truth, its your greatest ally. Take charge of your life. Learn to understand what is actually happening in your country and in other countries around the world. It is important to understand why something is happening. Look at the big picture and challenge yourself to learn to read between the lines. Knowledge is power. Recognize it, learn it and use it for the greater good of Loving One Another. We leave you with one essential thought to remember. Do not allow yourself to forget it.
ING G YOUR EMO OTIO ONS AND LEARNING G TO LOVE ONE ANO OTHER. . When everything in life goes wrong, remind yourself, ITS ONLY A TEST, ITS ONLY A TEST, ITS ONLY A TEST. . THE TEST IS THE CHO OIC CES YOU MAKE ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. . REMEMBER, LIFE IS ALL ABO OUT CHO OIC CES. . EVERY CHO OIC CE IS THE TEST. . So pick yourself up and start again, its never too late. The choices you made in your past brought you to this point in time. From this moment forward you will be making new choices that will create your future, choose wisely. The Test is not over, until your spirit leaves your body, bringing this life to an end.
We would like to bring your attention to the months of August and September, 2005. There were six specific passenger jet airplane incidents, which all occurred in the month of August and September. The first incident looked like pilot error while landing and the other incidents are still a mystery. The truth is, all six of these airplane crashes were the direct result of one cause. This information comes from the Akashic records. The first incident was on August 2. A passenger jet landed in bad weather in Canada and ran off the end of the runway. All the passengers escaped before the plane burst into flames, totally destroying the plane. There were no fatalities in this accident. This accident was not pilot error. The second incident was on August 6. A small jet crashed off the coast of Italy. There were 16 killed in this accident. The third incident was on August 14. A passenger jet crashed in Greece, killing all 121 passengers on board. It was observed by two F16 chase planes which identified the passenger jet as having signs of loss of cabin pressure, possibly causing some passengers to freeze to death. The pilot was missing from his seat and the copilot was observed as slumped over in his seat. The plane eventually crashed in Greece killing all on board. The fourth incident was on August 16. It involved a chartered passenger jet that crashed in Venezuela. The pilot reported both engines had failed and the plane crashed, killing all 152 people on board. The fifth incident happened on August 23. A Peruvian airliner crashed in Peru killing 41 people. There were also survivors. The sixth incident happened on September 5. An Indonesian passenger airliner crashed into a neighborhood in Medan Indonesia. Initial reports state that between 100 and possibly up to 131 people were killed on the plane and 47 people killed on the ground. All six of these passenger jet planes were hit by microwaves from satellites in stationary orbits. Each
plane was affected in a different way from the microwave damage. There are three specific satellites involved which affected the six passenger jet planes. These satellites are located high above the earth in stationary orbits and are all located over water. The three satellites are in high orbit above the equator and are equally spaced around the world in a triangular formation. This way they can be used as space based microwave weapons, which can reach virtually anywhere around the world. The people who normally have control over these satellites have recently lost control over their operation. There was a behind the scenes power struggle to control the operation of these satellites. The original operators have lost control and were taken over by a more powerful group with a different agenda for use of the microwave satellites. You could say the rules for the operation of the satellites have now changed. In this struggle for power to control the satellites, the actual physical control over the operation of the satellites was lost. The satellites were out of human control and were spewing out microwaves in an uncontrolled random pattern. These six passenger jets were hit by these random microwaves. These planes were not targeted and were not hit intentionally. You could say, it was an accident, due to loss of control over the operation of these microwave satellites. The truth is, it is a direct result of a power struggle over control of the satellites operations. Realize these satellites are high tech space based weapons. These satellites are controlled by the United States. The truth of this event will never be admitted by the U. S. The only knowledge outside of the government of this event is recorded permanently in the Akashic records. You now know the truth why six airplane incidents happened so close together in different parts of the world. At this moment, it would be appropriate to point out that microwaves released into the atmosphere have a undesired affect. You know about global warming and the melting of the glaciers, the melting of the Arctic and Antarctic ice caps and many other areas. Many people own and use microwave ovens in their homes. Think what these microwaves do. They heat and cook your foods and liquids and they are used to thaw out frozen products from your freezer. Now think of a very powerful microwave oven over your head in space operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These microwaves are coming from satellites in orbit around the earth. Know there are many of these microwave satellites operating in space all pointing their microwaves down at the earth for one reason of another. The
combined affect of all these microwaves is a heating of the earth. You can argue the point any way you want to for and against their use. The end result is heating of the earth which is contributing to the accelerated melting of the worlds ice. No one has realized, these microwaves are directly contributing to global warming. On top of this add the heating that is produced by the HAARP type technology experiments continually being done by several countries. Also realize, no government will admit to their use of microwave or HAARP type technology experiments. The result is accelerated global warming beyond anything scientists imagined. You could say the earth is being turned into a giant microwave oven. We again remind you, the HAARP type experiments by all countries are out of control and these experiments have become the main driving force behind global warming. Many scientists have not realized this yet and those that have, are deeply afraid to expose this truth. Those who expose secret government experiments will most likely be discredited, ruining their career. They may even meet with a fatal accident, snuffing out their very life or the lives of their loved ones. This has already happened to others. We ask this question. How long do you think this out of control situation can last before disaster happens? Only time will tell!
We wish to make you aware of a new law crafted in Europe which will eventually be enforced by the United Nations. It is simply called the Codex. It started with the Codex Alimentarius, an international commission created by the World Health Organization (WHO) to develop a code of standards for foods. The original stated intent was to protect the health of all people. The original intent was a clever disguise. The true hidden agenda is to design and implement a control system to use food as a tool of control over people. This is the ultimate long term hidden goal of the Codex. It will eventually be used as a major tool of control over the world population. In August of 2005, new legislation called the EU Supplements Directive, will go into effect in Europe. It will remove over 5,000 natural supplements now available to people all through Europe. These supplements include vitamins, minerals and herbs and they will now be controlled by pharmaceutical companies with the intent of them becoming prescription drugs. They are starting with vitamins and minerals since this is the point of least resistance and confrontation with the general population. Then it will work up into
food itself. If you will read between the lines, you will see supplements and food used as a tool of control over people instigated and set in motion by the Controllers. You will see manipulation by the pharmaceutical companies for control of these supplements for profit and to replace their failing prescription drugs with natural remedies to cure diseases that have always worked. The problem the drug companies had, is they cannot make money on natural supplements, since they cannot control them and they cannot patent natural remedies by law. Now with the Codex Laws, the drug companies are free to do as they please. The law has now been altered in their favor. The pharmaceutical drug companies will do the work of bringing the Controllers plan into reality. Some drug companies understand the eventual consequences of creating control over people and will do it knowingly and there are some lacking understanding doing it unknowingly. At the same time you will see the suppression and elimination of many natural cures. This is part of the Controllers plan of reducing the world population and shortening the life span of the retired and older population of the world. Realize that the Controllers consider the retired and older population of the world, a liability against society and no longer a necessary or useful asset. If you cant or dont work, for whatever reason, it is the intent of the Controllers in the future, to eliminate you from society. There are many people assuming the Codex laws and legislation will not affect the United States. They are only fooling themselves. There are three important dates in the formation of Codex . On November 1st , 2004, Dr. Christine Taylor of the World Health Organization, announced the beginning of a new World Health Organization structure with an all encompassing international model for the evaluation of the safe upper limits of nutrients. On November 2nd , 2004, the Codex Alimentarius Commission agreed on the final language of guidelines on vitamins and minerals as food supplements. Within these guidelines you will find that food itself will eventually be included. Realize this has already been set in motion. There are coupons called Food Ex and these are basically Codex food coupons. There is the potential for these Food Ex coupons to become a form of future currency and the potential to become the only currency that will be accepted to purchase food. In the near future, the intent is to regulate the quantity and quality of food you consume. On November 10th , 2004, the General Principles Committee agreed to the deletion of the notification and acceptance procedures in the Codex Procedural Manual as
obsolete and irrelevant. This eliminated the right of any country to reject the Codex Mandates. This makes Codex Mandates world law and it will be enforced by the United Nations. This is just another step in world control and the reduction of the world population according to the plans of the Controllers. Many people may think they can raise their own food and beat the new world system. Remember, we told you about terminator technology so seeds cannot reproduce. It is now in use and it started with garden seeds. Eventually all those saved heirloom seeds will pass away or be destroyed by pollination from genetically modified seeds. It is only a matter of time. Your food and food supply is already controlled. It happened silently and smoothly right in front of your eyes. The only thing missing is your government or the United Nations declaring that it now controls your food supply. The time for this announcement to be made is in the near future. It would be in your highest personal interest to investigate and learn about the entire Codex issue. The Codex Mandates are designed to control the food supply to the human world population in the very near future. Know also, there are already laws made and new ones in the making, which will control the water supply. Just as food will be controlled, so will water be controlled. You may think control of water is impossible. Know that all water is now contaminated with toxins. When the time is right, the toxic contamination of water will be revealed to the public. You will be shown how toxic water is slowly killing you and is the cause of many diseases. When you finally come to the understanding of how toxic water is, you will gladly accept purified water for yourself and your loved ones. When you do accept it, you will willingly fall under the control of the World Health Organization controlled by the United Nations. Also keep in the back of your mind that water is energy and it can be used to eliminate the world oil shortage that is starting to develop, by turning water into hydrogen fuel. Whoever controls the water, controls the fuel, controls the profits and ultimately controls the people.
Hurricane Katrina is now considered the greatest natural disaster to hit the United States. It happened on August 29, 2005. The city of New Orleans was 80% under water and several communities along the Gulf Coast completely destroyed and other communities completely devastated. The greatest damage occurred in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. The total dev-
astation will not be fully known for some time. There is the statement from religious leaders declaring that hurricane Katrina is a punishment from God for the evil that exists in this area. This is not true. Know that there is no greater evil in this area, than there is in any other city or area in the world. The religious leaders who created these statements, should know better than to cast the first stone. Evil is what each person perceives it to be. Remember, Creator gives you free will. The Nefilim Gods, which held judgement on the human race, showing wrath and anger against humans, are no longer here to judge you or punish you. So who are you going to blame for this disaster? Now we will show how this tragedy was created by humans, against humans. After the hurricane passed, the emergency work needed to immediately begin. The local emergency structures were damaged and no one was really able to assist the needy. The only immediate assistance was from the Coast Guard and National Guard using helicopters. This region needed the immediate help of the full U. S. government. The government emergency services did not come until about 4 to 5 days after the hurricane past. At this point in time people were desperate and anarchy was starting to develop. There was a total lack of communication between the cities, states and the U.S. government. Government officials already knew the mass potential of damage and were supposed to be prepared. The government officials observed the disaster on television and did nothing. It seemed no one was in charge at the top level of the U. S. government. Even the President of the U.S. was still on vacation after the storm was over. The U. S. government failed its people at its most desperate time of need. Most everyone has seen the horror of the devastation on television as it happened, so we will not dwell on the tragedy. The biggest question remaining in the mind of the American public is, who is to blame for the late and inadequate emergency response? Why did the U. S. government wait so long before responding on a national level to help the victims of the disaster? There is a great blame game going on among everyone. Many are looking to the President for answers and He cannot give you an answer. So now, we will give some of the answers from the Akashic records. They involve government corruption, mind control and HAARP . We wish to remind you about the mind control that is still being broadcast over the U. S. from satellites in stationary orbit. It is being broadcast continually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
This first level of mind control affects everyone, especially those that have to make decisions. Remember, we stated the mind control will cause a numbing of the mind, causing the mind to become complacent. It creates a numb state of calmness where important issues are no longer important. The mind only wants to dwell on things it is familiar with. It affects the ability of people to concentrate and focus on what they are doing. This disaster is a prime example that showed how the mind control affected people to such a high degree that so many could not function to help themselves or to help others even in a disaster. Even the government officials were affected by the mind control. People across the country witnessed live on television the starting of the rescue effort. Most people recognized it as an absolute disaster even though no one knew what to do to fix it. People nation wide do not know mind control had a direct affect on getting the rescue started. Now you know. This was an excellent example of watching mind control work on people showing how they were unable to act in real circumstances. It is important to note one group in particular was not affected by the mind control. This was the U. S. Coast Guard and some from the National Guard. These people have stronger wills and their excellent training allowed them to quickly and completely overcome mind control and function at their best. Know also there were many individuals that were able to overcome the mind control and step forward to help in the rescue effort. To obtain a greater understanding of the hurricane disaster, we go to the Akashic records. The information is not what you will expect. To gain a more complete understanding, we must return to the point when the hurricane was east of the Florida peninsula in the Atlantic ocean. At that point, the hurricane was a category one hurricane. This hurricane was a naturally occurring storm. We wish to clearly stress the point, hurricane Katrina was a naturally occurring storm. This is important to remember. After the hurricane passed over the Florida peninsula into the Gulf of Mexico, it was still a category one storm. It had the natural potential to gain strength and become a strong category two storm. We wish to stress the point again. The natural potential of the storm was to become a category two hurricane and nothing more. The storm would have taken the same path and hit approximately the same area as a category two storm. If nature was allowed to take its natural course, there would have been only minimal damage. New Orleans would not have been flooded and there would not have been a large storm surge. The oil refineries would have only minimal damage and
only temporarily shut down due to the category two storm. There would not be a gasoline crisis and the pumping of crude in the Gulf of Mexico would only be temporarily interrupted. In other words, the great disaster from hurricane Katrina would not have happened, if the hurricane followed it natural course. This hurricane is a lesson for the people of the United States to learn and wake up to reality. The lesson to be learned is that absolute power breeds absolute corruption. Once hurricane Katrina passed over the peninsula of Florida into the Gulf of Mexico, its path was recorded and followed. It now became an opportunity for the creation of a national disaster to achieve hidden goals. The operators of HAARP (High Frequency Active Aural Research Program) turned the power of HAARP on hurricane Katrina. They turned a potential category two hurricane into a high category five hurricane. It was their intent to direct this category five hurricane directly into the oil refineries to create a national disaster and a crippling fuel and gasoline shortage. This would allow the raising of gasoline prices, jet fuels, heating oil and other energy sources to be raised to higher levels. This in turn would translate into higher profits for the oil industry and those connected with it. The HAARP enhanced hurricane was intended to cripple the oil refining capacity of this nation. This intent was to produce a public outcry for new refineries with the public willing to pay for them. It would also allow the drilling of oil in Alaskan protected areas and allow drilling off the coast of American states. The operators of HAARP successfully raised the hurricane very quickly from a category two storm to a category five storm. The operators of HAARP also failed. They could not steer hurricane Katrina directly into the oil refineries. The oil refineries did not receive the massive destruction intended for them. Instead, the hurricane turned to the right of New Orleans causing the massive devastation to the American public. HAARP was used against the American people that paid the taxes to build it. This is just one of the many times that HAARP was used against the American public. As we stated, absolute power breeds absolute corruption. The operators of HAARP answer to no one. They have no concern for any loss of life or property. Congress voted for the funding to build HAARP and they know absolutely nothing about its real use and its capabilities. The operators of HAARP follow their own secret agenda. The intent of this enhanced hurricane was political and financial gain. The political gain was the drilling for oil in the Alaskan protected areas and off shore drilling until 2012 and the side stepping of EPA regulations. The
financial gain was the huge profits for the oil companies and those connected with it. Maybe this time Americans will wake up once they realize HAARP was used against them. The presidents record for handling national disasters must be questioned. During the attack of 911, the President was reading to a class of young children at a school. After he was informed about the incident of the first plane crashing into the World Trade Center, he continued to read to the children. How many people really paid attention to the presidents actions during this time, after he received the news? how many really observed his expression and emotions after he was told of the disaster? He continued to read to the children until he was informed a second time. Does it seem strange the President of the U.S., the nations leader, showed no concern or excitement about a passenger airliner crashing into the World Trade Center, where 25% of this nations trade takes place and is located in the heart of a city where many thousands of lives could be lost. Or did you notice a troubled look on the Presidents face and in his actions. You should ask the question. Does the president have a problem dealing with emergencies, or is there another reason? Did the President have prior knowledge this event was going to happen and did not know how to handle it? Then he finally left the classroom, after the major damage was already done. During this event no one was in charge and even the President did not take charge when he was informed about it. He had to be informed twice as precious time was lost. Or was it necessary to let the precious time to go by so the destructive events could be completed? Are these the qualities of a Presidential Leader or the qualities of a compromised Presidential Leader? Actions speak louder than words! Now we go to hurricane Katrina. Everyone knows the president is always fully informed about what is going on in the nation. The U. S. government already knew the hurricane would hit land around New Orleans as a category 4 or 5 hurricane. They knew the potential for the damage that could occur. They had a conference and stated they were ready to act. After the hurricane was over, the government officials watched the disaster from the hurricane unfold. The whole nation watched in horror. The President was on vacation and did not respond to the disaster. Nobody in the White House started immediate action, even those who were supposed to lead emergency help. The word never came from the President until about 4 days after the disaster was growing. Again, the President failed to respond to a national disaster. Only this time he was out of view of the public
eye. The Presidents actions spoke for him. You need to ask the question again. Does the President have a problem dealing with emergencies or is there another reason? Did the President have prior knowledge that hurricane Katrina was a special hurricane with a hidden agenda? Why did the President not take charge? Are these the qualities of a Presidential Leader or the qualities of a compromised Presidential Leader? Actions speak louder than words! Was the time delay for sending federal emergency help planned, for the purpose of impressing on the nations mind, this hurricane will have national consequences for the future? If that was the reason, it worked! They achieved the greater part of their hidden goals. Or, did the President and the White House not realize that the hurricane changed course, missing the refineries and doing the massive damage to New Orleans, Gulfport and other areas? If so, they were not prepared for this massive damage to the public, since HAARP was supposed to direct the hurricane into the refineries and emergency help at the federal level was not really planned, since it would not be necessary. Or are both these reasons valid? We will not give you the answer, only the questions. Its time to wake up America! Find out for yourself! On national television there was an outcry from an African American. Her name is Oprah Winfrey. She had a deeper sense of the entire tragedy when she proclaimed on national television that the nation owes these people an apology and she was absolutely right. The poorest people of your nation suffered the most. The American people owe these people an apology by fixing the problem at its source. HAARP , mind control and a government that controls people instead of representing their greatest good. Now the American public knows the power of HAARP . They watched on television, observed the results and witnessed the continuing horror and sorrow unfold. As of September 21, 2005, 1,036 people died as a result of this HAARP enhanced hurricane. The estimated cost to rebuild could reach 200 billion dollars or more. Know that HAARP is much more devastating than what you witnessed in Hurricane Katrina. Know that for the last year and a half, the President of the U.S. has been gradually and steadily having more influence over the operations of HAARP . Before this event of hurricane Katrina happened, the President was taking responsibility for directing HAARP and was having direct input in the activities of HAARP to advance his political agenda. This information is not made public from the government. It is given to you as it is
recorded in the Akashic records. Now we continue this horror story. Katrina did not do the anticipated damage to the oil refining industry. Another hurricane, called Rita, would now give those controlling HAARP a second chance to deal another blow to the industry. On September 20, 2005 another natural hurricane called Rita passed the Florida Keys as a category one hurricane. On September 21, hurricane Rita quickly grew from a category 1 to a category 5 hurricane in a 24 hour period. Again, HAARP was turned on and enhanced the hurricane into this category 5 storm. On September 22, HAARP was turned off and the intensity of Rita dropped from a category 5 to a category 4. Even though the hurricane was enhanced by HAARP to a category 5, the hurricane did not have the natural ability or the proper conditions to sustain itself at the category 5 level. That is the reason why the hurricane dropped down to a category 4 and then eventually hit land as a category 3. This hurricane created more destruction for the American people and a small amount of damage to the oil refining industry to convince the people of the United States, they had a very serious energy problem. If you noticed, the advertised fuel shortages never really happened. Within a month after this hurricane, fuel supplies and distribution were again normal. The only result that continued was the inflated higher prices of energy and huge profits for the oil companies and those associated with them. The remaining result of enhancing these two hurricanes left the area and weather patterns unstable and out of balance. This instability showed up when another tropical storm called Wilma formed south of Cuba and west of Mexico. When Wilma entered this area on October 18, 2005, the instability and out of balance weather patterns whipped Wilma into a category 5 hurricane in less than 24 hours. On October 19, 2005, Wilma was now a full category 5 hurricane and slowly headed toward Cancun Mexico. When it hit Cancun, the storm stalled over the area for 2 days causing massive destruction. Then it moved out toward southern Florida and on October 24 hit the west coast of Florida as a category 3 hurricane causing extensive damage. It quickly moved across Florida and went out to sea. It then created flooding in the north east part of the country. This is very important to understand. Tropical storm Wilma was whipped into a category 5 hurricane by the atmospheric instability and out of balance weather patterns that were a direct result of using HAARP to enhance hurricane Katrina and Rita into category 5 hurricanes. HAARP was not directly used to enhance trop-
ical storm Wilma into a category 5 hurricane. It is the continuing atmospheric instability and out of balance weather patterns created by the prior use of HAARP that created hurricane Wilma. This is an example of the continuing damage that HAARP and Tesla type technology is doing to the planet. Know that HAARP and Tesla type technology is being continually used on a daily basis and this has created world wide atmospheric instability and out of balance weather patterns. We now go to the Akashic records to see the original potential of tropical storm Wilma. If HAARP was never used to enhance Katrina and Rita into category 5 hurricanes, tropical storm Wilma would have naturally evolved into a strong category 1 hurricane. It would never have hit Cancun Mexico. It would naturally have gone into the Gulf of Mexico and hit the western Florida coast as a strong category 1 hurricane. We pass this information on to you the people of the earth. Mother Nature, which is the spirit Gaia that resides within the earth, is becoming intolerant of the people of the world by allowing HAARP to exist. Gaia originally agreed to help the human race reach the time of the dimensional and pole shift as peacefully as possible. Humans have now made this impossible. The operations of HAARP by this country and the operations of HAARP type technology by other countries have created a unbalanced situation that is out of control. Weather patterns will now become extremes. As of this last week in September, 2005, Be Warned. Gaia is going to start showing her power. Gaia does not have direct control of the atmosphere, only indirect control. Gaia does have direct control of the earth and everything in it and on it. Hurricane Katrina also produced an unknown new type of mold. With the flooding of New Orleans, the mixture of toxic chemicals, and dead bodies of humans and animals decaying, a perfect breeding environment was created for mold to grow. When the city remained flooded, it allowed the necessary time for molds to grow in this toxic mixture and mutate into a new killer mold. This killer mold will be spread by spores and these spores will be spread by normal prevailing winds and humans who have breathed in these spores. Once you breath them in, they will attach themselves inside the lungs. As people travel, they will unknowingly breathe these spores out of their lungs, spreading them and causing them to multiply. The south east part of the United States is already infected and it is quickly spreading to the north east. It will continue to spread across the U.S. and Mexico. This mold is very hardy and will be impossible
to eradicate. There will be a continuous and escalating death rate from this killer mold. The medical profession will be in denial of it. They are afraid when it is revealed, it will cause widespread panic. We wish to speak about your oil crisis. The United States does not have an oil crisis. It never did. It has an overwhelming greed for profit crisis that is able to operate in a nation in which its people have no concept of how national and international economics work. This has created the oil crisis. The U. S. had the opportunity to turn away from oil over two decades ago. It did not do so as a result of the greed of those in the oil business and the financial system. Who controls oil? You would think the oil companies do. This is true to a degree. Who controls the oil companies? The banks and the financial system. Who are the bankers and the controllers of these systems? They are a group of people consisting of the rich, the powerful, business leaders and many industries. Who is financially supporting the oil companies? You and the entire working class of all people in America. Everyone is part of the problem and no one will admit it. Everyone blames the oil crisis on someone else. So you see, everyone shares in the blame to a very high degree. As a result, the U. S. has become the most energy wasteful nation in the world. The United States has issued and possesses many pattens for high mileage fuel systems. All these pattens have been purchased by the oil companies and car manufactures and have been hidden away. There were even laws passed to keep anyone from using these pattens. Gasoline is even formulated so many of these pattens will not work. The U.S. has the ability and the knowledge to completely eliminate the oil crisis within 2 years. Also know, the U.S. is also holding back the change over to a hydrogen economy. This is old proven technology that is being denied the public by the oil industry, the financial system, the car manufactures and the U.S. government. They all work together hand and hand. The reason given, why hydrogen is not practical, is the needed development of fuel cells. The only purpose of fuel cells is the ability of those in power over you, to control you and profit from you by taxing your energy consumption, the same way they profit from taxing your diesel and gas consumption. Once fuel cells are developed the consumer and car owners will again be locked into the new system and again be at the mercy of big business. Know there is a simple way to eliminate the need of fuel cells and turn to a hydrogen economy overnight. The fact is the on board generation of hydrogen fuel in vehicles is practical and it would dramatical-
ly reduce the need for crude oil. It could also dramatically reduce and practically eliminate the need for the production of gasoline. It would also reduce the amount of diesel required by the trucking industry and then continually reduce the demand for it as it changes over to hydrogen. On board generation in a vehicle means you produce the hydrogen as you need it and this eliminates the storage problems. You carry your water on the vehicle and generate hydrogen as you drive. It also eliminates the greatest potentials of fire hazards and explosions in vehicle accidents and crashes. It also makes the vehicles much safer than gasoline powered vehicles. Can this actually happen? Yes it can happen and it can start immediately. Will it happen? No. To start with the American public has no backbone to demand change since they are now controlled by government mind control. They are also too comfortable with what they now have and most cant see or understand the big picture about oil. The powerful oil companies, car manufactures and financial system will not allow it to happen. They will have to be forced into action. It would put the government in a difficult position charging a tax for every gallon of water to run your car and heat your home. The entire taxing system would have to change. The oil industry would begin to collapse and the rich and powerful will not allow that to happen. The financial system that controls oil would fall into a uncontrolled panic. The stock market could not handle the change. This would be the start of organized and unorganized chaos. Regardless of the consequences, it can be done if the nation joined together and made it work. Know the rest of the world has been preparing for this oil crisis while America sleeps. For those who do not know, Ford motor company and Mazda, which is partly owned by Ford, are already producing hydrogen cars for use in China. The U. S. manufactures are already helping the Chinese toward energy independence. The foreign motorcycle manufactures are already in the process of building hydrogen motorcycles. The population of the U. S. is being deliberately denied this technology and it is being denied the information of this knowledge. Wake up America! You are on a collision course with disaster and its almost to late to avert the disaster.
There are now many statements from many religious leaders, declaring that hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma are punishments from God. They are also declaring that God is showing
His wrath and anger toward the sinfulness of the people in New Orleans. These religious leaders need to pay attention to their words. They declare the sinfulness is in the French Quarter where there is sinful celebration. It should be noted that the French Quarter remained undamaged after the hurricane passed. It was the poor areas that suffered the complete devastation from the hurricane. If this hurricane was punishment from God for sinfulness in the French Quarter, then God made a bad mistake and punished the wrong area. As we stated before, Katrina is not a punishment from God for the evil that exists in this area. Know that there is no greater evil in this area, than there is in any other city or area in the world. Remember, evil is what each person perceives it to be. It is important to look back at your Gods of the Bible, the Nefilim. They are the ones that used their anger and wrath against the human race, passing down judgement on it. As we pointed out in this book, and as recorded in the Akashic records, your Gods of the Bible have left this solar system in May of 2003. They are no longer here to judge you or punish you. There is no wrath coming from the Gods. They have given up on the human race and are not wasting any more wrath on humans. Creator has set events in motion that have given the human race the privilege to evolve as one world consciousness. The human race is now its own judge about itself and against itself. Humans can evolve or they can destroy themselves, it is their free choice. We repeat, there is now no one judging the human race, only humans judging themselves. The wrath, anger and judgements of the Gods are all humanoid emotions. These are the same identical emotions that humans possess. We remind you that the Nefilim Gods are only 4th dimensional humanoids. They are not Gods even though they acted as Gods over the human race. It was their privilege in the past to act as Gods over humans since they created humans. All this has been detailed in this book as it is recorded in the Akashic records. We now turn our attention to Creator, the Infinite Mind, The Prime Creator Of All That Is. There are some who will declare that Creator is punishing the world. This is Not true. It is important to know and realize that Creator does Not possess any emotions. No wrath , No anger, No judgement, No emotions. The only emotion you could say Creator possess is Love. The essence and total makeup of Creator is Pure Love and Love is the glue that binds all universes together in the Cosmos. Creator is the Universal Consciousness of the Cosmos and the essence and
makeup of that Consciousness is Pure Love. Remember that Love is An Allowing Of All Things To Exist In Harmony. No emotions can exist within Pure Love. Compassion is an extension of Love. All other emotions can only exist outside of Love. Creators Love is so complete, it even allows the opposites of love to exist so all humanoids can have a choice to Love or not to Love. These opposites are contained in the forces of Darkness and it is the forces of Darkness that make these choices available to humans and all humanoids. Creator does not force Love upon you or force you to Love. That is what it means to allow all things to exist in harmony. You choose the level you want to live at and the level you want to Love at. After every lifetime is finished you have the privilege to judge yourself against universal law and choose again if you want to Love, or not Love. Now lets look at emotions in the different dimensional levels. The 1st dimensional level is the level of prime creation. The emotions that exist at this level are the emotions that are used by the spiritual beings that inhabit the suns and planets of the developing worlds. The main emotion is Love and other emotions that are necessary to bring prime creations into existence, balance and direct the evolution of this creation. There is no evil intent in these emotions since there is no way to express evil at this level. The 2nd dimensional level is a level of creation evolving into simple life forms and continuing up into more complex life forms including the beginning of the animal kingdoms. The main emotion is Love and Compassion as genetic and cellular creations evolve. Other emotions are involved as necessary to direct this evolution. There is no evil intent in these emotions since evil rarely exists at this level. The 3rd dimensional level is where all emotions can be experienced since this is the lowest level that can support humanoid life. Humanoids have the privilege of experiencing all emotions on this level. This is the level where evil intent is used by the Dark forces for the purpose of giving humanoids the privilege to make the choice between what humans perceive as good and evil. Humanoids can follow the forces of Light or the forces of Darkness. They have the privilege to grow in Love, or not to Love and experience all the lower emotions of hate, anger, judgement, revenge, ego and many others. The forces of Darkness have their greatest influence at this level. This is the level that the human race is now in. If you enjoy living in this emotional level, you can remain here for eons of time. If you wish to leave this level, You must learn to Love one another
before you can leave and go on to the next dimensional level. Emotions are also experienced by the animal kingdoms. These emotions are different from humanoids, since they are genetically programmed in as survival of the fittest emotions. There is another player in this 3rd dimension that is directly involved with humans and this player has not been recognized. This is the Spirit of Gaia that is living within the body called earth. Since Gaia is in this 3rd dimension, She also has the privilege to use the emotions that can be experienced at this level. Just as humans can run out of patience and become judgmental and angry, so can Gaia. We have already stated that in the last week of September, 2005, Gaia made it known she is becoming intolerant of humans allowing HAARP and Tesla type technology to damage her body. Gaia is already rearranging the inner earth and her intolerance may soon turn to judgement against the humans living on her surface. When it does, Gaia will express her wrath and anger by shaking the earth violently. Then who are humans going to blame? You cant blame the Gods or Creator since neither of them are shaking the earth. Will humans realize that they are experiencing the wrath of Gaia? Will they recognize why they are feeling her wrath? A human expression is worthy to mention at this time. Its not nice to fool with Mother Nature. Humans have not learned to Love Gaia, which is also called Mother Nature, and they have not learned to live in harmony with her. Instead, humans are systematically destroying the body of Gaia which is the planet earth. It has become necessary for Gaia to defend herself against humans. Realize that all planetary bodies that are inhabited by spiritual beings also have the privilege to express their emotions according to their abilities, just like Gaia can. The 4th dimensional level is a continuation from the 3rd dimension. You still have the privilege to experience all emotions on this level, although it is very easy to fall back to the 3rd dimensional level if you allow lower vibrational emotions to overcome you or direct your existence. This is a higher evolved level of technical knowledge for humanoids. This is where the forces of Darkness create the greatest confusion and confrontations. You must grow and evolve to a higher level of Love in order to leave this level. The 5th dimensional level is more evolved and the forces of Darkness have little influence at this level. Low vibrational emotions are not common at this level. The technology is higher at this level and it is used wisely. The 6th dimensional level is the most highly evolved level of
humanoid existence. The forces of Darkness have very little influence on this level and low vibrational emotions are practically non existent. Love is the overwhelming vibration. The 7th through the 12th dimensional levels only contain the vibration of the emotion of Love. There are no physical forms of any kind at these levels. Spiritual beings that live in these levels live in their true energy form. These levels are constant energy in motion. The forces of Darkness cannot reach these levels. These are levels of Pure Light.
At the ending of year 2005 and the beginning of 2006, we hear a great amount of news coverage about a killer bird flu that could turn into a world wide pandemic. For those that paid attention, you should realize something big is going to happen on the world scene. This pandemic talk has a purpose behind it. It is the preparation of the public to divert attention from the agenda of the Controllers to release killer diseases on the world. We now go to the Akashic records to see what the Controllers have in store for the world. There is a new deadly killer virus that is designed for the purpose of population reduction by eliminating people through a contagious viral disease. This virus is # 1 in the Controllers arsenal of killer diseases and it is already made. It is a combination of ebola virus and a bird flu virus joined and held together by a bacteria that is taken from the small pox virus. And for those that question the bacteria in the small pox virus, know that there is a bacterial element in it. The bacterial element in the small pox virus has never been revealed by scientists. This combination of ebola virus, bird flu virus and small pox bacteria, has a kill rate of 52%. Once the body is infected, it will destroy or severely damage the organs in approximately 3 days. It will destroy or compromise the immune system in 3 to 5 days. It will create skin sores, opening the skin to the viruses. It enters the body through the lungs or it can be absorbed through the skin. It has the ability to be spread as a contagious viral disease and it can be easily spread by aerial spraying in con trails from the exhaust of jet planes. It is specifically designed to be a killer without a cure, with the ability to kill within a few days and it is designed so it can be easily spread anywhere. At this moment it is waiting to be used when the time is right. Will it be used? This virus is at the center of a battle between the forces of Darkness and the forces of Light. It all depends on which way the consciousness of the world goes. If consciousness goes down, it will
be used. If consciousness goes up, it will not be used. If people quickly learn to love one another it cannot be used. The vibration of Love will not allow it to be used. There are also many more of these combination viruses and bacterial viruses which are being designed by humans for population control by elimination of human life. All this work is being controlled and directed by the Controllers. This is one of the ways the Controllers intend to reduce the population of the world. As of September 25, 2005, there has been 113 scientific researchers kidnaped. Of these 65 are mostly biological researchers, doctors and scientists. There are 48 researchers that have engineering knowledge and expertise. These people have disappeared world wide and are being forcefully used to achieve the goals of the Controllers which is to create new deadly killer viruses, bacterias and a deadly assortment of biological killer weapons. These missing people are being told they can go home after their work is completed. They are living a more or less normal life, even though they are permanent prisoners. The fact is, they can never be allowed to go home back to their normal life, since they are witnesses to this secret work. Identical bodies of some of these missing people were produced so they could be seen as dead. Several investigators almost found the secret of the missing scientific minds and these investigators disappeared. Their lives were terminated to hide the facts. It is the intent of the Controllers that the scientific researchers and the investigators will never be seen or heard from again. There are many people that believe the Aids virus is a disease of homosexuals. This is not true. The Aids virus is one of the older man made viruses for the purpose of population control by elimination. The homosexuals were used as the initial way to spread the virus. They were its first victims. The intent was to get it spread into the heterosexual population and to lay the blame on the homosexuals. The long term intent is for aids to be spread through normal sexual intercourse. This intent and method of spreading the aids virus has worked and is still working very well. Whenever a new virus is created, an antidote is also created to destroy or neutralize it. The Controllers do not release any viruses out into the public until they have a full functioning antidote and the purpose of it is to protect themselves. The original aids virus had an antidote before it was released. Today this antidote no longer works since the original aids virus no longer exists. The original aids virus has mutated many times and they have not been able to create a new antidote against it. The aids
virus has mutated totally beyond the control of those who created it. The Akashic records show that most of the antidotes that were created with these new viruses will not work the way their creators think they will. And the few that do work, will no longer work after the viruses mutate the first time. There is a human expression which fits this scenario perfectly. Humans have opened the proverbial Pandoras box, by creating and letting these viruses and bacteria out. The box can no longer be closed and the long term affect to human and animal life will become devastating beyond the imagination of those creating these viruses. This is another reason why this 3rd dimension will not support human or humanoid life and possibly animal life in the next age in this dimensional level. The 3rd dimension must be totally cleansed before human or humanoid life can once again live in it. This will take an eon of time to eliminate what humans have created in the last quarter century. We wish to point out another disaster in the making that is unknown and unrecognized. We give this information to you from a future potential in the Akashic records. The experimenting and releasing of genetically engineered viruses and bacteria into the environment, is now an accelerating potential to create crop failures in the United States. Some of these released bacteria mutated and have been continually attacking and killing the bee population in the U. S.. In the last 10 years the bee population has been reduced by 50% as of March 2006. This bacteria is killing the bees and there is no way to eliminate this bacteria since it is now spread throughout the environment. The combination of this bacteria and the intermixing of the African killer bees into the bee population is accelerating the death of the bee population. This is combined with the already accelerating problem of pesticide resistant mites killing bees and the emerging of small hive beetles destroying bee hives. When the bee population drops down to around 35% of its normal numbers of what it was 10 years ago, there will be crop failures leading to food shortages. Know that most valuable food crops need bees to pollinate them. Bee pollination is crucial to approximately 90 different types of crops, including vine crops, fruits, vegetables, field crops, a wide variety of trees, wild plants and flowers. One third of the American diet comes from pollinated crops. We have stated the United States will have karma to pay for its genetically altered seeds and its seed terminator technology. Part of this karma is now arriving and no one has recognized it.
We wish to make known and describe to you a new unknown disease that is now called Morgellons. It has also been called Elliots disease and the Skin Fiber disease. Realize this disease is new and is not yet recognized or documented by the medical profession. As the knowledge of this disease grows the name may change. You will be able to recognize it by its symptoms since they will remain the same. A simple example of how the disease works is this. The Morgellons disease is like a worm eating inside an apple. All you see is the very small hole in the surface of the apple. The worm inside it will continually eat and no one will see it until the inside of the apple is eaten out and the surface skin of the apple finally collapses. Then it is too late. This is how the disease works. We now go to the Akashic records to understand more about this disease. The disease travels by air or contact and can enter the body through any body openings and even through healthy skin. It will begin in the person by manifesting itself as physical fatigue and then mental fatigue. To start out, this fatigue will be like any normal fatigue you may get, such as from stress, a hard day at work or over exertion at work or play or some other activity. The difference is this fatigue will stay with you and you will not be able to overcome it. It will severely weaken your immune system. Most people will also notice they may have a single sore or lesion or multiple sores or lesions that will not heal or stay healed. As the disease progressives in a person or animal, they will then fall victim to any one of the common diseases we have today such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer or any other disease. Morgellons will not be recognized as a precursor to bringing on other diseases in most people. The person infected with Morgellons will most likely die from one of the common diseases, before the Morgellons disease manifests itself, as a disease in itself. If the person is healthy and is not affected by other diseases, the Morgellons disease will begin to manifest itself as a main disease. The physical fatigue will continually increase and the mental fatigue will develop into what can be best described as a mind fog. The persons skin will start to develop bumps that will become small round raised bumps. They will have intense itching and the person will experience a sensation that can best be described as bugs continually crawling under their skin. There may be thickening and hardening of the skin and hair
The New Unknown Bacterial Killer Disease Morgellons Disease - Skin Fiber Disease
loss. Out of these bumps, lesions will appear. A discharge or residue will come from them or grow from them which can be described as a fibrous residue or fibers. These fibers can be seen with a 60 X hand held microscope. This discharge residue will be a cellulose type material. It will resemble dental floss. When seen under a microscope it will most likely look like a mixture of mostly black and white fibers and possibly color fibers. This fibrous reside will also grow out from the skin and muscles. It will also tend to clog up the lymphatic system causing complications. The spreading of the disease to this point can be very painful. At the same time the person may also experience other discharges through the skin such as fungus, parasites, worms and infectious residue. These other discharges are not caused by the Morgellons disease. They were already in the persons body and were forced out of it by the activity of this new disease. As the disease progresses there will be more lesions covering the body and scaring from these lesions. The person will go from fatigue to chronic fatigue and a deeper mind fog. They will not be able to concentrate or function in a useful manner. It will be difficult and may even be impossible for the person to sleep or even rest due to the intense itching, pain and the constant sensation of bugs crawling under their skin. It will wear then down physically and mentally. During the progress of this disease the persons immune system is being severely compromised to the point that the immune system can no longer function and other diseases will overcome the body. With a weakened immune system, whatever predisposition or weakness a person has to a particular disease, or whatever genetic tendency to disease the person has, will manifest itself in the body and the person will most likely die from it. Know that this disease, which at this time is now called Morgellons, is a man made disease. Realize the main function of Morgellons disease is to weaken the immune system, so that common diseases will flare up in the body, causing death. This disease is not intended to kill directly. This disease is designed to be a killer by weakening the immune system to the point of no longer functioning, allowing the body to be infected by common diseases and then the person will die from these common diseases. This disease was created by those outside the scientific community with evil intent. They did it by taking elements that are common in outer space and combining them with earth bound bacteria. The combination is one common space element combined with 3 earth bound bacteria. This combination creates a
disease that has no natural earth bound cure. The 3 bacteria will confuse medial researchers as they try to tie this disease to other diseases. Know this is a unique disease created with an element from outer space that science has absolutely no knowledge of. An antidote or antibiotic will only be found when the medical profession truly recognizes the 3 combined bacteria and the element from space which is combined with them. Where did this space element come from? It was collected over a period of time, starting in 1988, by space experiments that collected space dust. It was collected by scientists in the space program from several different countries. Know that these scientists in the space programs did not create this Morgellons disease. It was created by those associated with the ones we called the Controllers. The creation of the disease happened between 1992 and 1995. Those who created this disease intended to use it in a controlled manner according to their will for population reduction and population control. The creators of Morgellons disease, also created an antidote to control it. They were still in the experimental stages with it and were not ready to release it yet. They had the intention to release it in controlled situations. By careless handling the disease spread outside of their controlled environment. This happened around 1998. It has been spreading around the world for roughly 9 years. The disease has mutated and now the antidote no longer works. The disease is now out of control and those who developed it, do not know how to control it or stop it. This disease has the potential to eventually explode into an epidemic, then into a world wide pandemic. It will be worse than any pandemic the world has known. This type of disease has never been experienced by the human race. You must realize this disease is already spread world wide. It is very fast spreading since it spreads by air. Those who have taken this element called space dust and made it into a biological weapon, have created a Monster beyond their imagination. We must now change our focus from the disease to the elements called space dust in order to understand the Morgellons disease. Know all elements necessary to create all life are abundant in space. Outer space is the unlimited store house of all these necessary elements. Everything has its place and purpose and is held dormant until it is needed. Science has not reached the necessary level of knowledge and understanding to be able to comprehend this knowledge. Science has no concept of what really is in outer space and bases all its knowledge on what it
has learned from studying the extremely limited earth elements. We now go to the Akashic records again to understand this space element. What science does not know and will probably not accept, is this space element which was collected as space dust, is a living element that possesses an intelligence. This intelligence is evolved to the point it is actually a living space entity. This living space entity in itself is not harmful. It just is, what it is. It is a fast growing entity that can be used for many purposes. It is a basic building block to create with. This entity has a mind of its own. It is in a class by itself and the intelligence in it resents being joined to 3 bacteria and being used to spread disease, especially a killer disease. It resents the fact it is being used to harm other life forms. Realize it is not an earth element and it is not associated with the earths evolutionary cycles or natural order of survival for the fittest. It is evolved way beyond that. This harmless entity has now been turned into a biological weapon for depopulation of the world and the spreading of all disease. Since its life course has been altered by humans, it will follow this new course with its greatest ability by aggressively infecting humans. The aggressiveness of this Morgellons disease, is a direct result of the natural growth factor of this living space entity. It will aggressively grow with the 3 bacteria attached to it in the same manner it would normally grow. You could say the intelligence in this entity is going to get revenge against the human race for forcing it do something against its normal harmless nature. From this is born the smallest Monster ever to be unleashed on the human race. When this space element was first discovered and recognized by scientists, they were amazed how fast it evolved in an oxygen atmosphere. It is naturally dormant when it is in space. It is held dormant by the background frequency of space. It does not have the necessary fuel in space to evolve, expand or mutate. Oxygen is one of the primary fuels for this entity. The dormant space element when exposed to oxygen was reawakened back into a living entity. There are also other gasses that can act as a primary fuel. For those who are aware, you have already seen that the earth is out of balance and the living things on it are also out of balance. An example is trees blooming out of season and dropping the leaves as the season is just beginning. Everything that is out of balance throws off a different chemical gas in the atmosphere. This is not normal. As the earth heats up it is incubating this entity which is feeding on these different chemical
gasses, helping it to grow into a stronger and more powerful entity. Oxygen is a primary fuel for this entity and these other out of balance chemical gasses are mixing with it, feeding it and helping it to grow and expand into the Monster it will become. The magnetic field of the earth is dropping and this is allowing the entity to grow fast. The earths core spinning down and passing the point of no return in October 2003, triggered this space entity to become very active. Those who created the Morgellons disease had the intentions to control it for their future agenda of world depopulation and control. They lost control of the disease and now the entity within the disease, is in control of the disease and man. The entity within the Morgellons disease feeds on a persons energy. It consumes a large amount of energy for its tiny size so it will prosper in larger hosts such as humans and large animals. Small animals do not have enough body mass to sustain it. There is a very unique situation which has developed on the planet without anyone realizing it. Mind control as it is now being constantly broadcast by the government from satellites and cell phone towers, weakens individuals and this weakness allows this entity to attach itself to this weaker person. It will then establish itself in that person, infecting it and then it will literally suck the life out of that person. This sounds like science fiction. We are sorry to say, it is not. It is actually happening today. This is for those that have ears to hear. The entity in this disease can be destroyed by a specific high frequency in the range of megahertz. This entity will run its course and it will survive to the end of this age. It will go through the dimensional shift and the pole shift. Once the magnetic field collapses, then reverses itself and builds back up to a specific level, the magnetic field will then limit the growth of the entity. When the earths magnetic field builds back up to its normal level, it will eventually choke the entity out over time, eliminating it from the planet. This entity is one of the main elements of space that is used to grow Living Space Ships. This is new technology that humans are not aware of and it will be briefly explained in the following information called Star Wars.
This information is being recorded in the Akashic records as it is happening and it is simultaneously being recorded in this
Star Wars The Ending Of The Lucifer Rebellion In This Milky Way Galaxy
book as it is happening as you will see by the dates. By the time this book is published it will be past history in this universe. We have previously given information in this book about the three Lucifer Rebellions. It is important to know, these rebellions happened in the spiritual realms and spilled over into the physical realm. The first two rebellions are ended and the third rebellion is quickly coming to an end. This Milky Way Galaxy has been in the process of clearing out the Lucifer Rebellion for the last 3 million years. It started in the center of the galaxy and is working its way out to the outer edges of the spiral arms of this galaxy. There are many humanoid races that have permanently left this galaxy as they can no longer dwell here. We wish to bring to your attention to a true Star Wars battle that is actually taking place in this Milky Way Galaxy. We will first explain some information so you can better understand this war. We have stated previously in this book that there is a battle taking place in this world between the forces of Darkness and the forces of Light. This battle was actually taking place in the 4th dimension and spilled over into this 3rd dimension during the dimensional fall at Atlantis which happened during Noahs flood. This battle continues in this 3rd dimension even though it is unrecognized. Every battle fought in this 3rd dimension is either a battle between the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness, or is a battle between opposing forces of Darkness on both sides. The Dark forces will fight other Dark forces over power. A perfect example is the war between the United States and Iraq. This is a battle between opposing dark forces. Dark forces in the U.S. government instigated and initiated this war against the Dark forces in the Iraq government. This war is about revenge and oil. The higher officials in both governments are using religion as a driving force. The elected officials in the White House are using Christianity as a driving force to create the war against Iraq, while those in Iraq are using Islam to fight this war and expand terrorism. Those doing the actual fighting on both sides are being blindly led by these forces of Darkness. There are now only a total of 15 individual wars that are taking place in the Milky Way Galaxy which are still involved in the final clearing of the Lucifer Rebellion. We will number them as one to fifteen with number one being the greatest conflict and number fifteen being the least. Wars number thirteen, fourteen and fifteen are taking place in the 3rd dimension on 3rd dimensional planets. Planet Earth is number fourteen in this group. This war on earth will end at the dimensional shift since humans are only 2 strand DNA and this DNA will be eliminated from the
planet at the dimensional shift. All the other wars will be fought to an ending. Humanoid life can only exist on the 3rd, 4th 5th and 6th dimensional levels. These are levels where energy can take solid form and spiritual beings can take physical forms. They are often referred to as the physical levels. The spiritual Dark forces can dwell on all the lower dimensions from the 1st up to the 6th dimension. The Dark forces in physical humanoid form can dwell on the 3rd, 4th , 5th and 6th dimensional levels. There is no humanoid life or solid form in the 7th thru the 12th dimensions. Only pure energy that is in constant motion and highly evolved spiritual beings of the light can dwell in these higher dimensions. The Dark forces cannot go beyond the 6th dimension. By their very nature and vibration they cannot exist in the higher dimensions. The Dark forces exert their greatest influence on the 3rd dimensions, less influence on the 4th dimensions, little on the 5th and very little on the 6th dimensions. The wars one thru twelve are all being fought in the high levels of the 4th dimension. There are no wars in the 5th or 6th dimensional levels. The war we wish to talk about is number one, it is the most intense war. It is a true star wars battle. To give you some idea of the magnitude of this war, visualize eight individual planet earths just like your planet earth. Then arm all eight of these planets with the highest technology weapons in the 4th dimension. Now divide these eight earths into four on each side. Four of these planets are influenced by the Dark forces and four influenced by the forces of Light. That should give you some idea of the magnitude of this one war. We are going to describe one very important battle in this war. Take all the fighting of World War I, World War II, and all the individual smaller wars after World War I up until now, and combine the horror, the intensity and the destruction into one single battle. Now think of this one single battle on earth as two very small children fighting in a school playground. That is how the earth battle looks in comparison to this star wars battle that is taking place in the 4th dimension. This would give you an idea of how intense and devastating this one battle was. In this war humanoids are fighting each other, being influenced by the forces of Darkness or by the forces of Light. This war is not being fought on the planets, it is taking place out in deep space away from the planets, although the battle is directly affecting the planets and inhabited worlds. It is being fought between ten different groups with a great mixture of many mixed humanoid races. Within these ten groups are a total of
approximately 9 1/2 million humanoids directly engaged in this battle. They all have very advanced technology and they are all highly evolved humanoid beings. There are over 8 billion humanoids supporting those engaged in this battle. The war is a spiritual battle between these humanoid races and it will be the final physical clearing of the 3rd Lucifer Rebellion and the ending of the rebellion on the opposite side of this galaxy. The war is all about power and control. The Dark forces were trying to consolidate the power of the 4th dimensional beings and use it for their own agenda and purpose. This war has been going on since the third Lucifer rebellion started in this galaxy about 3 million years ago. Humanoids from the 5th dimension now became involved in this battle. They would not allow those guided by the Dark forces in the 4th dimension to obtain or possess the most powerful technologies, or allow them to become a controlling force in this Milky Way Galaxy. It simply would not be permitted. An extremely intense continuous battle started on August 12, 2005, according to your earth calendar. Humans would describe this as a continuous around the clock running battle. This intensity continued for 35 earth days and the intensity started to drop off on September 16, 2005. Now remember, this battle was fought in the 4th dimension on the opposite side of your Milky Way Galaxy. During this battle 1,011 space ships were destroyed including the loss of humanoid life on board these ships. As of September 17, 2005, earth time, there were 63 space ships guided by the forces of Light that were destroyed and 948 ships under the influence of the Dark forces were destroyed. Over 4000 space ships were damaged. Some can be repaired and some cannot. To give you an idea of the size of these space ships, we will describe their physical size according to your measurement of one mile. The width is the diameter of the space ships in miles so you can get a concept of their size. The most powerful space warships range from 3 miles wide to 33 miles wide. There were anywhere from 1000 to 5000 space ships engaged in this battle that are 1 mile wide or bigger. There is also anywhere form 500 to 1000 space ships engaged in this battle that are under 1 mile wide. The largest ships are called mother ships and they are approximately 100 miles wide. The largest warship from the Dark forces that was destroyed was the lead command ship called the Caa-took. This ship was 50 miles in diameter and the pride of the Dark forces. The largest warship form the Forces of Light that was destroyed was the Sha-Lah and it was 30 miles in diameter.
This battle was fierce and destructive as a direct result of the very highly advanced technology that was used in it. It has generated a magnetic force that resulted in a great magnetic pull affecting the entire Milky Way Galaxy. Since the battle is in the 4th dimension and on the opposite side of the galaxy, it is creating a cone affect that is passing through the dimensional barrier and the earth and its solar system is at the end of this cone. Picture in your mind an ice cream cone laying over a picture of the Milky Way Spiral Galaxy. Imagine the big end of the cone as the place where the space battle took place. Now imagine the center of the cone laying over the central sun of this galaxy which is Alcone. Now imagine your little solar system with the earth in it at the skinny end of the cone. Realize that since this battle is on the opposite side of the galaxy, the central sun Alcone will create a more intense magnetic disturbance as this energy goes around it. The magnetic force from this battle does not affect Alcone. It is an extremely powerful spirit within this powerful sun and it has the ability to keep the Milky Way Galaxy in balance during this clearing from the Lucifer Rebellion. It very easily deflects this magnetic force around itself creating this cone effect. By doing this, it directly affects your solar system to a much greater degree. The effects from this massive battle will be felt by your solar system in about 2 weeks. Scientists will say it is absolutely impossible for something happening on the other side of the galaxy to be felt by our solar system in about two weeks. Realize the magnetic force is taking place in the 4th dimension where the laws of physics are entirely different from your 3rd dimension reality. These are inner dimensional forces which do not obey your laws of physics. It will directly affect the earths magnetic field and it will cause the core of the earth to slow down more quickly. It will speed up the time to earths dimensional shift. In other words, the dimensional shift will happen quicker than anticipated. We have already stated that the spirit within the sun of this solar system is in the process of leaving the body of the sun and another spirit is in the process of entering the body of the sun. During this switching process, the management of the suns output is slightly erratic. With this incoming magnetic force from the 4th dimension, the two spirits within your sun will have more difficulty maintaining a balanced output and stable solar corona. This magnetic force field is creating an intensity in the magnitude and the quantity of sunspots that are directly affecting the earth. Your scientists refer to them as geomagnetic storms. The sun has produced what your scientists call, three M-Class flares in the last week of
August. The magnetic force field is playing havoc with the solar corona leading to solar eruptions which you describe as coronal mass ejections (CMEs). This could produce radio blackouts, grid overloads and satellite disruptions. This became reality around the 1st of September and will continue until this magnetic force is dissipated. The magnetic force from this battle is also causing visible changes to the rings around Jupiter and Saturn and these changes will intensify. Your scientists have already noticed this although they have no idea why this is happening. There is an overwhelming amount of debris from this battle. Some of this debris is passing through the dimensional barrier. At this moment in time, there are many space ships involved that have positioned themselves above earth to deflect or destroy the debris that is coming from that battle. Most of these space ships can pick up any disturbance in space within a 100 mile radius. These ships are 4th and 5th dimensional. They cannot be seen by human eyes. There are at this time three of the large mother ships around planet earth. All three of these ships are approximately 100 miles in diameter. Two of the ships are Pleiadian and the third is Leumerian. There are also Sirian space warships around the earth. We have mentioned in this book that only natural elements can pass through the dimensional barrier. There will be those who are wondering how debris from a space battle in the 4th dimension can pass through the dimensional barrier into the 3rd dimension. Realize that many of those space ships involved in the battle are living ships. In other words, these ships are not built of metal like you use in your aircraft or spacecraft. These highly advanced space craft are grown. Their outer hull is actually a living entity and it is a natural element in space. It is much like the skin on your body. These ships also have a unique consciousness that is totally different from humanoid consciousness. These ships are living and will repair themselves when they are damaged. When one of these ships is destroyed, the living entity, the outer hull will die. Even though it is dead, it is still a natural element and it can easily pass through the dimensional barrier. Know that technology in the 4th dimension and higher dimensions is beyond most human capability to understand and even beyond your imagination. This information is given to you so you know it is. The newest technology in space ships are these living ships. They are all circular disk shaped. This shape lends itself well to the abilities of the living ship to alter its outer shape when needed or as desired. A ship approximately 30 miles in diameter will
take from 6 months to 1 year to grow its living structure. The growth process is the same principle as an embryo growing in the womb of a female human. When a male sperm joins together with a female egg, the process of the growth of an embryo is started. At a certain point in the process, the ability to contain a consciousness is developed. This in human terms is referred as the brain. The embryo develops and the consciousness from the mother is transferred to the embryo. Before the child is born, the consciousness of the mother and the consciousness of the new spirit that entered the childs body, join together as one to form the new consciousness of the unborn child. When this child is fully developed, it sets into motion the birth process. As the child is born, its consciousness will join together with the consciousness of the universe that it is born in, or it will immediately begin to develop a separate self consciousness. When the process of a living ship is started. It will develop in much the same manner. There is no sperm or egg to start a living ship. The ingredients to start the birth process are gathered from the elements of space. Know that what scientists call empty space, is filled with elements and gasses that earth scientists have no knowledge of. These elements are the building blocks of what you call life. Once the proper ratio of elements are joined together, the process of the growth of the living ship is started. At a certain point in the growth process, a spiritual being enters into it and starts the formation of its consciousness. The consciousness that enters these living ships comes from highly evolved spiritual beings called Solar Beings. These spiritual beings normally dwell in the upper 6th and the 7th dimensional level. When they enter into one of these growing ships, to animate it and bring it into a living existence, developing into a living ship, they join together with the consciousness of the universe in which the ship is born in. So the consciousness of these living ships is joined together with the consciousness of the Creator Son of that universe. This Creator Son is one of the 24 Creator Sons we have previously talked about. The physical scale of this process is enormous, beyond human imagination, and the growth rate is also beyond human imagination. The food source of the developing and growing living ship, is the elements of space and the Light of Creator. The living ship grows and survives similar to an earth plant called an air fern. The air fern receives everything it needs to live, from the air it lives in. In the same way, the living ship receives everything it needs, by drawing from all the sources of the universe it lives in. If you had the privilege to see a living ship as it is growing, it would remind you of an ocean
fish called a jelly fish. The interior of the living ship can best be described as a honeycomb. The consciousness of the living ship will design itself to the desires of the beings creating it and will alter its interior to the desires of the beings living within it. The ship has the ability to repair itself in the event it is damaged. It consciousness will continually grow and the ship also has the ability to physically grow and expand it physical dimensions. It also has the ability to mutate and divide itself for the purpose of creating another living ship from itself. The life expectancy of these living ships is eons of time. In human terms it would be many, many millions of years. As we stated, this is the newest technology and there are living ships that are over 500 years old. As they age, they can also be upgraded by a process that can best described in human terms as a rejuvenation. This information is beyond the imagination of most humans and would be called science fiction. In order to understand it, you must reach the point of understanding the human birth process in intricate detail, including the developing of the consciousness and the joining of its consciousness with another consciousness. Then you must also reach the point of understanding how a planet and a sun are created in intricate detail out of the invisible elements of the universe. We wish to mention again the intelligent space entity that was caught in space dust by human space experiments. We have just finished explaining how this space entity was used by humans to create Morgellons disease and to be used as another biological weapon to depopulate the world. Know that this same intelligent space entity is a main ingredient in the growing of these Living Space Ships. This is one of the space elements that allows these space ships to grow so fast. This intelligent space entity is part of the living outer hull of these advanced space craft. Since it is a living entity it can change its shape and repair itself. This is an excellent example of how this same element can be used for good. This is also another sad commentary how humans use newly discovered technology to create new weapons to destroy each other. No living ships have been born in this Christ Consciousness universe. This is a direct result of the Lucifer Rebellions which have taken place in this universe. This entire universe has a vibration in it that will not support the birth or the growth of these living ships. It will be eons of time before the vibration of this universe is totally cleansed and the vibration is raised to the proper level. There are at this time living ships from neighboring universes in this universe and they
continually dip in and out of it. There are many different shapes of space ships. Upon seeing them, the first thought would be to call them conventional metallic type space ships. They are not metallic as related to earth metals. They are built of materials that are unknown to humans. Their exterior designs are round, square, triangular, oblong, bell shaped and many combinations of these shapes. Shape is not really important, since aerodynamics in space are not necessary. Most humanoid races have a particular shape to their ships, so they are recognizable to other races as belonging to their race. The advanced races build space ships that are long lived. There are space ships that have been in active service a million years of earth time. There are also space ships called world ships which are approximately 1/3 the size of the earth. Their basic structure is round. They are inhabited by races which prefer a totally controlled environment. There are at this time no world ships in this universe. These world ships stay in peaceful universes and stay out in open space. They are totally self sustaining. True space ship technology will become known to the human race after the dimensional shift. The humans that evolve into the 4th dimension will have the privilege of becoming space travelers. Humans will finally be welcomed into the galactic neighborhood and will have the privilege of gaining advanced knowledge of space travel. This information is for those who wish to know. We have mentioned the central sun of the Milky Way Galaxy called Alcone. The spirit within Alcone is a unique spirit that has a personality all its own. It has lived in the body of that sun for 48 million years and it will remain there for many more eons of time. In human time, these eons are translated into many billions of years. For those that have eyes to see and ears to hear, know that Alcone is a portal into and out of this galaxy and into and out of this universe. We wish to give you more information on the aftermath of the space battle we have described above. As of November 19, 2005, the space battle in the 4th dimension is completely over and all skirmishes have ended. The humanoids guided by the forces of Darkness were defeated. Most all debris has been deflected from earth or has been completely destroyed.
Chapter 13
when 12 strand DNA from homo erectus, was disassembled into 2 strand DNA, to create the genetic hybrid 2 strand DNA homo sapien. This was done by the Nefilim, a race of 4th dimensional humanoids. The Nefilim are the creators of the human race and they are the ones that put themselves in the position of playing God over the human race. This is their history and their legacy. We will quickly review important facts about 2 strand DNA so they are clear in your mind. The Nefilim created homo sapien as a genetic hybrid, with 2 strand DNA for the purpose of creating a human worker to mine gold. The worker needed to have a long and healthy life and die off at a predetermined age. The length of the life time was predetermined by the DNA, so that the workers could not live long enough, to figure out what was happening to them. The workers could be reproduced when needed, with as many as were needed at the time. The Nefilim did not want the worker to have the ability to procreate new life, or any internal abilities to sustain a long life, by the continual internal rebuilding of the body cells. This was accomplished through the genetic reengineering of 12 strand DNA, down into 2 strand DNA. You could say, the human worker was a completely stripped down humanoid model. It only had the absolutely necessary basic components to live and work in a controlled environment. The healthy life the human lived, was a result of the blood of the Nefilim. It gave the workers an acquired immunity to disease and the food of the Nefilim, nourished the workers body, to remain strong and healthy during its predetermined life span. It also needed enough intelligence to understand and carry out simple instructions of what to do. The Nefilim did not want the human worker to have the ability to grow consciously, develop intuitively, or logically. If the humans did develop consciously, the Nefilim could lose control of the genetic experiment. They did not want the worker to think at the same level as the Nefilim. The Nefilim did not want the worker to have the ability to access any higher level of consciousness, psychically or spiritually. This was completely accomplished in two ways. The first way was by disassembling 10 strands of DNA and leaving these parts in the cell disassembled. As we have stated previously, 12 strands are necessary to connect to a higher level of consciousness, to the Creator of this Universe the humans are living in. In this Universe, 12 strand DNA is necessary to connect to the Christ Consciousness. It is the helix of the DNA, which are light encoded filaments and they are the actual part that receives information from a higher consciousness. In 2 strand DNA only 2
helixs are working and 10 helixs are disassembled and not working. This permanently disconnected humans from any higher consciousness. The second way to limit humans was by disassembling internal connections in the brain. These internal connections are called isobars. When the Nefilim disassembled the brain, they started by disconnecting the main connecting link, called an isobar, which was the connecting link between the right and left side of the brain. This isobar goes from the right front lobe of the brain, to the left rear lobe of the brain. This is the main connection for the entire thinking process. This is an actual fixed, non flexible, physical connection within the brain. This isobar is the main connection that was physically removed by the Nefilim. Once they removed it, the thinking process became extremely limited, since the brain was now divided into two individual parts. The speed that the brain processes information was cut by over 90%. The quantity of information that the brain can process, was cut by over 95%. The brain was no longer one brain. In your mind, think of a circle and imagine that circle as something that is whole and complete. Think of a signal going continually around that circle at high speed. Now in your mind cut that circle in half. This is basically what happened to the brain. It now became two halves of a brain with no connection between them. Each half worked in an extremely limited function. One half of the brain or one side of the brain took over the dominant function as the brain. This is where the brain became divided into the logic side and the intuitive side. The majority of males had the logic side of the brain become the dominant side, while the majority of females had the intuitive side of the brain become dominant. This was reversed on a small percentage of males and females, with males having the intuitive side dominant and a small percentage of females having the logic side dominant. Another way to think about the brain is to visualize two telephones connected together by one telephone wire. Think of the two telephones as the right and left side of the brain and think of the one telephone wire as the main and only connecting link between the two telephones. It is like a dedicated personal telephone line. When they are both connected properly, you can communicate instantly and constantly from one telephone to the other. Now cut and take out the wire that connects the two telephones and throw the wire away. The communication between the two telephones is stopped completely and permanently. That >s what happened to the brain when the main isobar was removed between the right and left side of the brain. Next, there were 22 more isobar connections that were
physically disconnected and taken out, after the removal of the main isobar connecting link. These 22 isobars are flexible and variable, conforming to body movements. Now the brain lost access to information stored in the cells of the body. This access was cut by over 98%. This permanently limited the growth of consciousness including accumulated consciousness. This is the main reason why humans cannot remember anything from their past physical lives or their past spiritual existence. They cannot remember they are spirit living in a human body. This loss of access to information stored in the cells of the body, also severely limited the physical healing ability of the human body. That is the reason why so many injuries cannot be healed and become permanent disabilities. Simply stated, it is the lack of communication between the brain and the cells when an injury happens to the body. With no communication, there is no healing. With limited communication, there is limited healing. After these 23 isobars were disconnected and removed, there were millions of small interconnecting links that also became disconnected. These small interconnecting links were not removed and are still connected on one end of the connecting link, while the other end is disconnected and basically flopping around loose in the brain. These millions of small links have the ability to touch wrong areas in the brain, or to connect with another link and create a short circuit in the brain. When this happens, the result is major brain disorders or body malfunctions. If the small links intermittently touch wrong areas in the brain, or intermittently short circuit, it will cause problems that come and go in unpredictable ways and at unpredictable times. They can show up as uncontrollable behavioral problems, seizures or a host of other problems. If the small links stay connected to the wrong areas in the brain or permanently short circuit to another small link, it will cause lifetime mental problems such as autism and other body malfunctions. These wrong connections or short circuits can also be passed on genetically to children, which are born from the parents that already have these wrong connections or short circuits functioning in their brain. By disconnecting the brain the way the Nefilim did, it put the human at the bottom of the evolutionary cycle. Know that the human body is not at the top of the evolutionary chain. Humans may have abilities that seem to be above other creatures on the planet. They still cannot match abilities of smaller species that are much more evolved, although humans view these smaller species as simple and insignificant. Think about a simple worm. When a worm is cut in half and left in its natural environment, it
will evolve into two worms. Now look at another simple creature called a crab. It has two claws which are necessary for it to survive. When it experiences the loss of one of its claws, it will grow another one to take the place of the lost claw. If a human experiences the loss of an arm or a hand, or even a finger, it does not have the ability to grow another one. When a chamaeleon senses danger, it can change its color to hide from the danger. Homo erectus has this ability. These are evolved abilities. The human body could also have evolved abilities, if the human brain was working and functioning as it was originally designed. The main isobar connection that was physically removed between the right lobe and left lobe of the brain, took away the ability of the brain to adapt and evolve. The human brain would always work at an extremely limited level of functioning. It is interesting to note, that once the Nefilim Gods disconnected the isobars, they could not reconnect them. You would think it would be easy to reconnect them. It is not. Realize that there is an intelligence in all those connecting links in the brain. This intelligence comes from The Infinite Mind Of Prime Creator and it actually is the intelligence of The Infinite Mind Of Prime Creator. The Nefilim disconnected the isobars with the intent to control others, to play God over them and deny them the ability to connect with the Christ Consciousness and the Universal Consciousness of Creator. This intent to control others, disconnected the Nefilim spiritually from Creator. Since they were disconnected at the spiritual level, Creator would not honor their attempts to reconnect the brain. The Nefilim first had to reconnect spiritually at the proper level to Creator, before Creator would honor their attempts to reconnect the isobars. Since they disconnected the isobars with the intent of taking away the free will from the humans, the Nefilim limited themselves. The Nefilim never did reconnect spiritually at the proper level to Creator before the humans learned how to procreate. Once the humans learned how to procreate and were cast out of the Garden of Eden, the opportunity ended for the Nefilim to reconnect the brain. By playing God over the humans, they locked themselves into these limitations. This is the reason why the Nefilim Gods were so frustrated they could never help the human race evolve to a higher level. They tied their own hands, by taking away the free will of the humans they created, by going against the Universal Law of Love, which is, To Allow All Things To Exist In Harmony. The frustration of the Nefilim Gods is what created the love hate relationship between them and the humans. That is the reason why the Gods wanted to destroy the
human race during the event called Noahs flood. By creating human workers that could not procreate, (produce children), the worker never had the privilege to pass on any accumulated knowledge, memories or experiences to its children. This is how you would start the beginning of a developing consciousness. Instead, the worker died with all the consciousness it accumulated in its lifetime. This stopped the passing on of any accumulated consciousness from that lifetime. Remember that knowledge, memories and experiences are stored in the cells of the body. When a human has children, this is passed down to the child in the DNA and it is the beginning of a growing consciousness. Without accumulated consciousness, the human worker never had the ability to grow consciously past a predetermined level. The workers that were continually bred and born, as needed, by the Nefilim women, were only born with extremely limited knowledge and ability. It was just enough to understand simple instructions to get the necessary job done. This was exactly what the Nefilim wanted. A worker with a strong body and minimum brains. Know that the human brain has been altered in a very small way, just before the humans were cast out of the Garden of Eden. There was a reconnecting of a limited number of small connecting links, allowing a small level of consciousness to grow and accumulate. After the humans were cast out of the Garden, they learned to survive with their limited brain power. The human brain adapted and learned to function in this newly altered and disassembled condition, even though it could only function in an extremely limited degree. This small level of consciousness grew and accumulated. It was then passed down to the human children and continued to grow and accumulate with each generation. We return to the small connecting links we have previously described. We have originally given information describing the reconnecting of the small connecting links, as short circuits and wrong connections, in order to make the information easier to understand. They actually are short circuits and wrong connections. You must realize and understand the true purpose of why this actually happened. The reconnecting of some of these small connecting links was not a random occurrence, it is not evolution and it was not an accident. All these small connecting links were specifically chosen and were reconnected by the will of The Infinite Mind Of Prime Creator. This has allowed the human race to evolve to a much higher level, way beyond what the genetic limitations of the Nefilim allowed. Human evolution
actually started by the reconnecting of this extremely small number of disconnected small connecting links, while still leaving millions of these links disconnected. This has created smarter than average humans by making alternate pathways between the two halves of the brain. This is what allows some people to use up to 10 % of the brain. Many of these connections are passed on genetically which is why some people are smarter than others. Human IQ tests are a good indicator of these internal connections. Know also that many of these connections have created a vast variety of different types of physical, psychological and emotional problems. Many of these connections are also passed on genetically. This allows humans to experience all possible combinations of human situations involving physical and mental conditions and limitations. It creates very challenging life problems and situations, allowing all emotions and feelings to be experienced to the deepest levels possible. The final result of all this, is very fast human evolution. Human consciousness has evolved to the necessary level to reconnect with Prime Creator, at the proper time, which is now, at the end of this age. Hopefully, you can now see that everything was and is in Divine Order, according to the Infinite Mind Of Prime Creator for the greater good of the human race. Remember the Law of Consequences, there are no accidents in any human life. Everything is a choice from a previous action. The human never had the experience of knowing what it felt like to have a totally connected full functioning whole brain. Since the human never experienced it, the human never missed it. The Nefilim knew exactly what they were doing by disconnecting the brain into a right lobe and a left lobe. By doing this, the worker would only know its immediate master or creator. The human would always go back to its master and creator in time of trouble or need. This put the Nefilim forever in complete control of the humans and in the position to act as God over their living creation of human workers. Know there is also another reason why humans are devoted to the teachings of the Nefilim Gods, even though they do not realize it. This feeling and emotion comes from within you. The knowledge of the Gods is in your human genes. It is part of your genetic makeup. This is another reason why humans will not look past the human recorded knowledge of their God, even though it is incomplete and upon close examination contradicts itself. Humans are literally locked into the belief of their God. It takes an inner drive to go beyond the known knowledge and to search for a higher truth in order to understand the unknown. This is where you will
find the Infinite Mind Of Prime Creator. For this knowledge is unknown to humans. You must ask the question, why would The Infinite Mind Of Prime Creator allow the Nefilim to disconnect the brain in this manner and why would Creator allow this to continue? The purpose is two fold. The first purpose is simple. This was a gift from Creator, given to the spiritual beings in the human race and the fallen spiritual beings that became trapped in the bodies of humanoid animals, during the genetic experimenting in Atlantis. By allowing the Nefilim to do this, it completely separated humans from all higher levels of consciousness and even the knowledge of a Prime Creator. This began the human learning experience and the growing intensity of experiencing emotions. Remember, experiencing emotions was exactly what the fallen spiritual beings were trying to experience before they became trapped in the 4th dimension in Atlantis. The spiritual beings that were experiencing the limited life in the original human race in the 3rd dimension, were also trying to experience the learning of emotions in the new human experiment. This allowed all these spiritual beings and others living in human bodies, to experience all 3rd dimensional emotions to the deepest levels in the shortest time possible. All these learning experiences needed to be completed in a predetermined time period. The time period is now over, the human experiment is completed. Now all these spiritual beings are given the freedom of choice. Thy could make the choice to awaken themselves, learn to become masters of their emotions, with the end result of learning to Love One Another. All those that have accomplished this, now have the privilege to release all karma and to directly ascend from this planet, back to their spiritual home in an exceptionally short time period, which is less than 300,000 years for the original human race. For those that fell at Atlantis, it is less than 18,000 years. If the spiritual beings enjoyed this kind of experience, they could make the choice to continue to experience 3rd dimensional worlds and evolve back to their spiritual home, by evolving through each individual dimensional level over a longer time period. This longer time period according to human understanding of time, could take hundreds of millions or many billions of years and countless eons of time to complete the journey back to their spiritual home. The second purpose was to give the Nefilim the opportunity to evolve to a higher level by showing a greater love to the humans they created. Remember, the Nefilim were created at a higher level of 36 strand DNA. As a result of many poor choices
during their evolution, they never evolved beyond the 36 strand level. Their choice of trying to destroy the human race in Noahs flood, scrambling its language at the tower of Babel, putting themselves in the position as the only God and ruling as an angry and jealous God over the humans, is going to keep them at 36 strands of DNA for a long time. If they had only reconnected back to Prime Creator at the proper level, Creator would have allowed the Nefilim to reconnect the brain of humans back into a fully functioning whole brain, altering human evolution. At the same time the Nefilim would have the privilege to move forward in their personal evolution. As the Akashic records show, the Nefilim made poor choices, stopping their evolution again. Now for some good news. Know that the human race will soon have a totally connected and fully functioning brain for their future. This will take place in the 4th dimension. It will become reality in two ways. One way is through the crystalline children that will be born into the world in the 4th dimension. They will bring down to the planet, a totally connected and fully functioning brain through birth. It will then be passed on genetically to future humans. For the humans that will make the dimensional shift from the 3rd into the 4th dimension, their brains will be totally reconnected and returned to a full functioning brain after they enter into the 4th dimension. This process has already been done successfully and completed in the year 2004 in this 3rd dimension on planet earth. It was started on November 14 and completed on November 20. It is recorded in the Akashic records. It has not been done by the medical establishment. They do not have the ability, the skill, the knowledge or the connection to Creator, in order to accomplish this work. This work will not be done on humans with 2 strand DNA, since it would literally overwhelm the mind. It was done on humans that reached 56 strands of DNA and evolved into the 12th level of lightbody while living on this planet. The physical work of reconnecting the 23 isobars was completed in approximately 7 days. The mental, physical and emotional changes required approximately 2 months. Know that these people were prepared for this work by their evolution into 56 strand DNA and into the 12th level of lightbody. The physical body was also prepared by the extensive and ongoing internal cleansing they were doing. The actual physical work of reassembling the brain was done by psychic surgeons. The title, psychic surgeon, is a term the world does not understand and will not recognize, so we will not elaborate on it. We will simply say the psychic surgeons are not humans and are
not of this world. Every person that ascends from the 3rd dimension up to the th 4 dimension, will have 12 Strand DNA or higher. These are those who sought out the knowledge of DNA while living in the 3rd dimension, learned about it and activated it. The greater majority of people ascending will have no knowledge of DNA, especially the many young children. These people will have their DNA activated to 12 strand for them, by their Higher Self. There will be no 2 strand DNA and no disassembled brains in the 4th dimension, it will not be allowed. The 2 strand DNA is an experiment and the disassembled brain is also part of that experiment. The experiment is over and completely ends at the dimensional shift. The12 strand DNA is the minimum standard and starting level for humanoid life and is now being given as a gift to every human that will accept it. It is given freely for the purpose of connecting to and accessing knowledge from the Consciousness of this universe, which is the Christ Consciousness. Having 12 strand DNA activated is the first requirement before the reassembly of the human brain can begin. The reassembly of the brain will literally change that person. The Separate Self Conscious that directs the human mind, tells that person, they are a human, striving to have a spiritual experience. The first change they will have, will be a change in the reality of this thinking. With the connection of the first isobar, which is the main connecting link between the right side and left side of the brain, the human will begin the process of awakening to the fact they are Spirit, living in a human body, for the purpose of experiencing what humanity is like. Their mind will quickly increase in the speed of their thinking ability. They will experience a new flow of knowledge and a clear recall of past life memories from life on this planet and beyond. New mind thoughts and patterns will emerge with the ability to see clear individual pictures and continuous movies in their mind that they have never experienced before. The mind will reach new levels of activity best described as awesome. They will gain the power of control over their mind that is beyond human comprehension today. As they grow in mind control, the other 22 isobars will be connected one by one, over a period of time, according to the ability of the person to handle the changes. As the reassembly of the brain continues, knowledge begins to pour into the person from the higher consciousness of this universe. The brain will also continuously access memory from the cells of past life experiences and its spiritual existence. It is the pouring in of knowledge and the remembering of the past that
will stimulate the brain to its higher capability and capacity. With the link reestablished between a full functioning brain and the 12 strand DNA of the body, the physical body will enter into a continuous internal cleansing, healing and repairing mode. It will remain in this mode for its entire lifetime. Disease, mental illness, birth defects, loss of youth and youthful energy and old age as we know it today, will become a memory of the past. The greater majority of those physically ascending from the 3rd dimension will have permanently damaged thyroids and all these thyroids will be cleansed, healed and repaired. They will be returned back to a full functioning healthy thyroid. All the human organs of the body will have the ability to heal and rejuvenate themselves. Realize that in the 4th dimension, the brain and DNA working together can repair and rebuild the entire human body. This was impossible in the 3rd dimension with 2 strand DNA and the disassembled brain. For women, menopause will no longer exist, since it is a direct result of 2 strand DNA and is actually the deterioration and shutdown of the female reproductive system. There will be no pain during childbirth, since the missing glands that eliminate pain will be restored to the female body. Women will be able to have children any time during their entire life time. After a child is born, the body will heal itself and return itself back to the same condition it was before the child was conceived. There will be no damage to the womans body from carrying a child or from its birth. The human body will not grow old since it will continually repair and rejuvenate itself. Humans born into the 4th dimension will mature into a young adult and live, look and feel as that young adult for the rest of their life. They will resemble humans that are from 20 to 25 years old. The humans that will ascend from the 3rd up to the 4th dimension will be a variety of ages. The very young ones will mature and remain as young adults. The older children and young adults will mature slightly past young adults. They will resemble humans between the ages of 25 to 35. The adults, middle age and older, will stop aging, and over a longer time period, they too will again become youthful. They will resemble humans that are from 35 to 40 years old. The younger a person is, the easier it will be to reassemble the brain. For the very young it can take a couple of months. The older youths may take from several months to several years. The middle age and older adults may take anywhere from several months to several years and even up to a decade or two, or longer. It all depends on the individual person, their intents and the condition the body is in when it enters
the 4th dimension. The older a body is and the more problems it has, will determine the amount of time needed for internal cleansing, healing and repairing that will be needed to rejuvenate it. This will determine the speed at which the brain can be reassembled. The human body will then have the ability to live the full intended life expectancy of up to 950 years and look and feel as a young adult for the entire lifetime. For those that will enter into a human spiritual state called lightbody, the life expectancy of the human body can be extended indefinitely. Humans in the 4th dimension will begin to gradually change in size and shape. Once the reassembled full functioning brain and 12 strand DNA begin working together, the human race will begin to quickly evolve over a short period of time and the entire human race will take on a uniform physical appearance, size and shape. The time span we are talking about to bring these changes into physical form and complete this evolution, will take approximately 2,000 years. The human skeletal structure will change and become uniform for males and females. The average male weight will be from 175 to 210 pounds and the female will be from 130 to 160 pounds. The average male height will be from 5 feet 8 inches to 6 feet 2 inches tall and the average female height will be from 5 feet 4 inches to 5 feet 8 inches tall. The shape of the human head will change. The back and top of the head will enlarge to make room for an a increase in the size of the brain and the higher level of brain functioning. The body size from the right and left side of the body will become uniform. Many people today have one foot or leg larger or longer than the other, many have one arm longer or larger than the other, while many women have one breast larger than the other. This will no longer exist. The four common blood types and other isolated blood types in different parts of the world will also evolve over this time period. They will evolve into three distinctive types, although they will be one and the same. Skin color will also become uniform and range from white to a light tan color. The individual physical features and traits which distinguish many nationalities, such as the American Indians, the Chinese, the Japanese, Mexicans, Arabs, Africans, and all other nationalities in the world, which have distinctive physical features, will all change. All these distinctive national physical features and traits will disappear and meld into one uniform looking human race. This will be the actual beginning of a new distinctive looking human race, all with common physical traits that are recognizable as one race. The new human race will also be easily recognized by its phys-
ical features as one race by other world humanoid races. Know that the human race in the 4th dimension will become involved with space travel. Humans will interact and become involved with neighboring humanoid races in this Milky Way Galaxy and surrounding galaxies. The human race will become part of the local galactic neighborhood. Religions and religious beliefs as you know them today will not exist in the 4th dimension. They are all human creations and 3rd dimensional institutions. They are all a result of 2 strand DNA, a disassembled brain and a Separate Self Consciousness. After a short time in the 4th dimension all humans will become connected to the consciousness of this universe, which is the Christ Consciousness. This will become reality with the reassembly and full functioning of the human brain and 12 strand DNA. What you call a spiritual life today will become normal for humans. Each individual person will connect directly to this higher consciousness and be guided by it. Then there will be those that will connect to Universal Consciousness and be guided directly by The Infinite Mind Of Prime Creator. It may be difficult for people to accept this information. Know that it will happen in the 4th dimension. This is the way it will be for the future human race. What are your plans for your future? Are you planning on being part of the future human race? The information we have just given about the brain is minimal. There is a great deal of information about the human brain in the Akashic records and practically all this information is unknown to man. It would be a book of information about the human brain all by itself. Included, would be all the connecting points of the 23 isobars and specific functions of each. How each isobar affects the human body would be explained. It will reveal intricate details of how the brain works and why it works the way it works. This is information science is searching for and everyone would benefit from it. At this time the information will not be brought down to the planet until world consciousness reaches a certain level, since it has the potential to affect everyone. Consciousness at this time is slowly falling. When and if consciousness reaches that level, the information will be brought down to the planet and published.
We wish to bring your attention back to the important issue of mind control. This information was previously unveiled in the information called, The Greatest Developing Potential. After reading the information about the human brain, you now have
Mind Control
a new or a better understanding of the human brain and its built in limitations. You now know the human brain is working at an average of about 5% to 10% of its capacity. This is a direct result of the brain being split into two halves when the human race was originally created. This low degree of functioning allows the human brain to be easily manipulated. The human brain does not have the ability or the capacity to sort and separate brain wave frequencies from outside the brain, that enter into it and mix with the normal internal frequencies of the brain. It process all these brain wave frequencies as one and the same. Mental broadcasting and physical broadcasting of mind control frequencies that enter into the brain, are accepted and mixed together as one. A good example of how this works is to mix a cup of clear water together with a cup of coffee. Now you have two cups of a watered down coffee. Now try to divide the coffee from the water by putting the clear water back into its own cup and putting the coffee back into its cup. If you could do this, you would once again have a separate cup of clear water and a separate cup of coffee. As you already know, this is impossible. This is the same way the human brain works. It cannot separate outside mental and physical mind control brain wave frequencies from its normal internal brain wave frequencies. Remember the tower of Babel event and how the Nefilim confounded the single language of humans, by mentally broadcasting 9 different languages for about 7 days and nights. The humans did not know what was happening to them and they never discovered the truth. Humans have evolved since then in consciousness and intelligence, although the brain is still only functioning at this same small 5% to 10% of its capacity. Today you have a similar situation although it is different. This time mind control is not being done by the Nefilim Gods. It is being done secretly by a group of humans for the purpose of controlling other humans. Mind control is being used today to control the entire population of the United States, while still allowing the people to function close to normal in their every day life. This mind control is not intense, it is subtle, constant and unrecognizable by the average human brain. The population of the U. S. does not know it is being mind controlled the same way humans did not know about the confounding of their language at the tower of Babel event. Know this, mind control is part of the HAARP , Tesla and microwave technology. We have stated the people of the United States are being mind controlled by the use of satellites in stationary orbit and from cell phone towers. This experimenting has
been going on for over 15 years. During this time the mind control was switched on and off intermittently and gradually kept on for longer and longer periods of time. After the 9/11 event, the stationary satellites, which are the first level of mind control, have been turned on continuously. This continuous broadcasting has been going on for over 4 years. This second level of mind control, which is broadcast from cell phone towers, is used when extra strong control is needed. The second level of mind control was used as we previously explained, to elect Mr. Bush to the office of the Presidency. The human toll of personal and group devastation from mind control in the United States is constantly adding up. It is now in the process of destroying your political system, your government and your country. It is also in the process of constantly destroying an ever growing number of peoples lives. You must force yourself to pay attention to how people are acting in strange, unusual and unacceptable ways. Mothers are killing their children. Fathers are molesting their children. Children are killing each other and killing their parents. Families are being torn apart and are turning upon their own family members and killing each other. Workers are killing their co-workers. Law abiding people are committing crimes which are totally out of character to the way they have lived their life. People are unknowingly doing things which are totally against their personal beliefs. People are driving automobiles and trucks recklessly. They run red lights and stop signs without any fear. They drive like they are the king of the road and act like they are only person on the road. Road rage is becoming normal. To put it simply, people are mentally going off the deep end, they are losing mental control and are doing the unthinkable and the unimaginable. It is has now become daily news as these acts and events are reported on your local and national news. After these people commit these senseless and hideous acts, they have no idea why they did it. Many cannot remember doing the acts. If you pay attention you will find this is now a common denominator to many of these senseless and hideous acts. The unknown and unrecognized fact is, most of these people are being overcome by the mind control frequencies being continuously broadcast from the satellites in stationary orbit. The broadcasting from the cell phone towers that are being constructed all across your country, add to this level of control when needed. We stated the mind control consists of broadcast frequencies which interact with human brain wave frequencies, changing the human brain wave patterns causing a variety of results. Know these mind control frequencies affect everyone in
slightly different ways. The overall objective is to make it easier to control everyone without anyone knowing it. These are some of the common side affects. 1; The mind becomes numb and to events that are happening and people cannot react to changing situations, emergencies and stressful situations. They cannot comprehend what is happening and most times they do nothing. 2; The mind becomes complacent and is satisfied with the status quo, even though the status quo is unacceptable to that person. 3; The mind sets into a numb state of calmness so important issues are no longer important. 4; The mind only wants to dwell on things it is familiar with. It does not want to make changes or take on new challenges or projects. 5; The mind control causes you to do things you would never do. After you do these things you cannot remember why you did them and you cannot remember actually doing them. 6; The mind will lose mental control over a situation that is normal for that person and the person will not be able to handle the situation at that time. They will turn away from it, run away from it, try to destroy it, or eliminate the situation by doing the unthinkable or unimaginable. 7; The mind will have many short lapses of memory or continuous lapses of memory. You may be working on something and all of a sudden you do not know what you are doing. As you start to do something else your memory suddenly returns. You may be going somewhere or going to get something and suddenly you dont know where you were going or what you were going to get. Again you start to do something else and suddenly your memory returns. 8; The mind will have its memory interrupted causing temporary memory loss or longer term memory loss. This short term memory loss can happen so much you think you are losing your mind. Many fear they are getting Alzheimer disease. 9; The mind cannot concentrate on what it is doing and loses its ability to focus. Difficult tasks now become impossible to do. The difficult tasks
are no longer done. 10; The mind will enter into a state of mind fog and it causes the person to act out of repetition according to what it normally does or to function like it is on auto pilot or in a robotic state. 11; The mind cannot react or find the will power to function when necessary to change things which are totally unacceptable to that person. 12; The mind will slip into a state of deep confusion where it cannot separate what is acceptable for it and what is not acceptable. In this state of mind confusion, there is no right or wrong, no good or bad. The mind will act without judgement. It can very easily do the unthinkable and unimaginable and not know it did something or why it did it. If the state of mind confusion is very deep, the person will never know why they did something they would not normally do. 13; The mind will become dumb and the person will act dumb. Nothing will be understandable or recognizable and the person cannot see any purpose in doing anything. This can happen momentarily, intermittently or for a short or long period of time. All this is happening to you, your loved ones, family, friends, co-workers, children of all ages and every person that is living in your nation. No one is immune from its affects. It is affecting everything in everybodys life, at home and at work. It is affecting professional and non professional workers and labors, blue collar and white collar. It is affecting industry and all children in schools. You are all being affected, from minor degrees to major degrees. It is happening so much it has now become normal and people are totally ignoring it, since they do not know how to deal with it. It is fairly easy to manipulate the mind with broadcast frequencies which interact with brain wave frequencies without the person knowing what is happening. Wake up and become observant to how everyone is acting and reacting around you. You are being mind controlled and it is time to force yourself to wake up and realize it is actually happening to you. There is a very small number of people in the U. S. government that are protected from this mind control. It starts with the President of the United States, Mr. George Bush. He has a device the size of a grain of rice implanted behind his right ear on the lower side. This makes him immune from the mind control fre-
quencies which are continually broadcast over the U. S. from the satellites in stationary orbit. There are other people in places of power who are also privileged to have this implant. It is those who directly serve President Bush and those President Bush serves who are protected from the mind control. The greatest part of the U. S. government and Congress are not protected. They are also controlled. You and your loved ones are not protected. You and your loved ones are being controlled without you knowing about it. So now you know! You need to stop and think! Your president presents himself as a person of religious morals. He also preaches freedom and democracy. We ask this question. How can a person of religious morals uphold freedom and democracy by secretly using mind control on the nation he is presiding over? It is an overwhelming conflict of morals and actions. The president you see is not the president you have. Actions speak louder than words. Observe his actions as opposed to his words. Put politics aside and judge from your heart. Are his actions and the actions of those who serve him directly, for the good of the entire nation, or for the good of someone else or something unknown? It is interesting to observe a great paradox. Christian believers were instrumental in helping put him in office and now all these believers are being mind controlled by the man they supported. Now you need to ask yourself some hard questions. Why am I and my loved ones being mind controlled? Why are the people of my nation, my government and Congress being mind controlled? What is happening that is so secret that my entire nation must be continually mind controlled? Is my nation being used or led to act against its will? You already have the answer, although you have not realized it yet. Think! What is your nations greatest strength? That is your answer! It is in your highest interest to seriously think about it! Wake up and realize, there is great evil behind the mind control. Can it be scientifically verified that mind control is actually happening? Yes.
We have given you information about mind control concerning the United States. Now it is time for you to know that mind control is also being used by many other countries especially the European countries. Each country employees a different system of control to achieve their own objectives. Realize that mind control frequencies are being broadcast around the world and these different broadcast signals from each nation
interact with each other and create many different results. A prime example happened on February 19, 2006 at the Winter Olympic Games in Turin (Torino) Italy. In an Olympic event called Ice Dancing, the top competitors, a group of 5 teams, physically fell down during their individual competitive events. This was an unprecedented event to happen to these top skaters. National News Commentators immediately asked the question, how this could happen to these top skaters, all at the same time? Nobody had an answer. There were some who implied that the new judging system to tabulate scores was putting excessive pressure on the skaters causing them to fall during their routines. To find the truth to this question of why these 5 teams actually fell, we go to the Akashic records. As we previously stated in the book, everything that happens on this earth to every person is permanently recorded in the Akashic records. You will find it interesting to know the reason why the 5 teams fell during competition. It was a direct result of a high level of continuously broadcast mind control frequencies, joined together with another high level of mind control frequencies on that day. Where did these high levels come from? Mind control frequencies were already being broadcast at a high level in that part of the world due to the Arab riots over the cartoon drawing of Mohammed. These mind control frequencies were covering Europe and the Middle East to stop the riots. Realize when mind control frequencies are broadcast into the atmosphere, they will literally travel around the world. Olympic competitors were already being affected to a very high degree. Their continuous training and skill levels helped most of them to overcome the mind control. What happened at this event was another increase of mind control frequencies to a high level in another part of the world. This extra level of mind control came from the United States. When these new frequencies mixed with the different frequencies already being broadcast in that part of the world, it created an overwhelming affect on the Ice Dancing teams. It literally broke their concentration and interfered with their thinking process. The break in their concentration happened during moves in their competition. Their body was moving and their mind lost track of the body movements. The joining together of the different high levels of mind control frequencies is the reason why 5 teams fell during their competitive events, all at the same time. No one is immune from mind control and this is a perfect example of how mind control frequencies even affected the skilled and trained athletes. The winning and losing of Olympic metals was directly affected by
the mind control that was continually broadcast during the Olympic Games. We have previously stated mind control is a product of HAARP Tesla type technology and microwave technology. We have also named the countries currently using this technology. Know that other countries are also developing mind control technology and are about to implement it. It should be of great interest for the people of the United Stated to understand why their mind control frequencies were suddenly turned up to a high level. Again we go to the Akashic records. The reason is, news leaked out to the American News Media and the U. S. Congress that the Bush Administration was giving control of 6 United States seaports to a company called Dubai Ports World. This Arab company is based in the country called the United Arab Emirates. The 6 seaports involved were Baltimore, New York, New Jersey, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia. Think about this. It is within the middle Eastern nationalities that there are many planning for the destruction of the U. S.. Did you already forget about 9/11, the destruction of the Twin Towers and those who gave their lives to destroy you? Now you give your seaport operations over to them! In your own legal terms you would call it a conflict of interests. We now go back to the Akashic records and look at the intents and the potentials for the giving over of your seaport operations to those who seek to destroy you. National security is very poor in U. S. seaports and there were growing calls from Congress and others to tighten seaport security. This is a wide open doorway for terrorists to bring in atomic weapons to be used against you and other weapons for the purpose of creating havoc, fear and death in the United States. Dubai Ports World purchased London based Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. to have a legitimate way to gain control over the operations of American seaports. This purchase was secretly influenced by the Controllers. Dubai Ports World is a reputable company and does not have any visible intents of destruction against the U. S.. It is the intent for others to use this company when the time is right. The others are the terrorists in high places including the Controllers. It will be the terrorists putting pressure on their brothers to look the other way when it is necessary. The terrorists know how their brothers can be manipulated, penetrated and no amount of checks and balances or scrutiny and safeguards will stop the terrorists from using them. The seaports will become a wide open door for the terrorists to easily enter into the United States. The current government administration is also being
directly influenced by the Controllers to make this happen and this is another pre-planned, big step, in the fall of American society. In the eyes of the terrorists the U. S. borders and seaports are wide open and it is their intent to cross both of them at the time of their choosing. The Controllers are secretly helping the terrorists accomplish their goals. Even the terrorists do not know the Controllers are secretly helping them. Remember, the Controllers are playing all sides against each other to accomplish their hidden agenda. This is the hidden intent and the purpose of giving seaport operations over to the company of Dubai Ports World. Know there will be other government business contracts given to Arabs and or to the United Arab Emirates with similar and other intents to control operations of this country and or its military supplies. The mind control was turned on to this high level and aimed specifically at the United States Congress and the News Media to stop them from opposing the turning of seaport operations over to the Dubai Ports World Company. It is also directed at all people living in the U. S. and the intent is to get the American public to do nothing. So now you know how the future intent to prepare for the destruction of America, the falling down of 5 teams of Ice Dancers at the Winter Olympics in Turin (Torino) Italy and the secret agenda of the Controllers are all intimately tied together. Small world, isnt it? As we have previously stated, life is not what you think it is! In the months of April and May, 2006, there were large demonstrations from Mexican Americans, illegal Mexican aliens and mixed groups of American citizens. The issue of illegal aliens crossing over the Mexican border and an unsecured border began to stir deep emotions on both sides of the issue. This has led to a situation which could easily get out of hand for many reasons. The President has put forth his proposals to fix the problem and many in Congress were opposed to his plans. The situation was turning into an out of control problem. Know that around April 13, 2006, the mind control frequencies from the cell phone towers were turned up to a dangerous level to gain more control over the population and the issue of illegal aliens. This did not cover all the necessary areas and this level of control was not enough. Then on May 10, 2006, the mind control frequencies from the overhead satellites was also turned up to a dangerous level. This high level of mind control worked beautifully and the entire situation quickly cooled down and dropped out of the headline news. It is the intent of the operators of these mind control frequencies, to leave these two
sources of mind control at these dangerous levels, all the way up through and beyond the 2008 Presidential elections. If needed, mind control will again be used to direct the election to the candidate the Controllers want in office, if there still are future elections. Know there is the potential to create Marshall Law in the nation and indefinitely postpone future Presidential elections. There is now the planning for potential major earthshaking events to happen or be created before the Presidential election. The purpose of these major events is to direct the election or indefinitely postpone the Presidential elections according to the wishes of the Controllers. These major events will be designed to excite the people of the nation to willingly do what the President wants done. As we have stated, in this month of May, 2006, it is now only a potential in the planning stage. Future events and a changing consciousness can alter this, or it can become a reality. Know whatever the President wants, the President will get if it meets the Controllers agenda. It is a result of those behind the scenes operating the mind control frequencies at the necessary levels to produce the desired results. We have already described many of the affects of mind control frequencies on humans under the heading Mind Control. We will now add to this knowledge since the mind control frequencies are now at a new and dangerous level and the intent of the operators to keep them there for the foreseeable future, will produce many other hidden and unknown dangers. The second level of mind control from cell phone towers is already affecting humans physically. The signals from these towers are causing microscopic bleeding in peoples brains. Cells will form around this bleeding to contain it and as the bleeding continues, more cells will continue to from around it. This is the bodys response to contain and stop the bleeding. This cell growth will be diagnosed by the medical system as brain cancer and brain tumors. You will see brain cancer and brain tumors start to become a talked about new disease and it will become common. Know this new form of brain disease is directly caused by the brain control frequencies, especially those broadcast from cell phone towers. Mind control frequencies at these dangerous levels throw the human bodys electromagnetic field out of balance. These frequencies are at the point where they have become an unrecognized trigger for heart attacks, strokes, seizures and blood disorders. Many will lose their eyesight and go blind by bleeding inside the eye. When this bleeding is caused by these mind control frequencies, it will take from several months to a year for
the eyesight to be lost. You will hear people say they just had their eyes checked and purchased new glasses. Within a few weeks to a few months they were no longer be able to see out of these new glasses. They had to have their eyes checked again requiring another set of new glasses and they may repeat this process several times. You will now see adults who are good decent people, people of integrity and responsibility, professional people and the well educated, suddenly go off the deep end and snap. When they do snap, it will be without warning or cause. They will not know what happened to them. Small children will have their mind wander off into a dream state, losing concentration and the ability to stay focused. Young teenagers up to young adults will also go off the deep end and suddenly snap. Animals are also affected by the mind control frequencies. They will exhibit behavior which is not normal for their species and habitat. Know this. Over a period of time, the dangerous levels of mind control frequencies will slowly deteriorate the human body. Even those who have implanted devices behind their right ear, to protect them from mind control, are not protected from the deterioration of the human body. Many people will not recover from this damage. There are also higher levels of mind control and these higher levels will do more damage to the human body more quickly. In the month of July in 2006, the Israel army started openly fighting Hezbollah in Lebanon. This was the main subject of world news. Everyone was worried the fighting could easily spread and create a war which could pull other countries into it. The intensity of the fighting quickly spread with Lebanon receiving massive damage. On the second day of this war between Israel and the Hezbollah in Lebanon, those in control of the mind control frequencies again turned these mind control frequencies up past the dangerous levels that were previously set in May of 2006. This level is now beyond dangerous. It is just below the maximum level of the available power output of mind control frequencies. You could say it is 3 steps below maximum output. Everything we previously stated in the above paragraphs about damage to the human body will now be intensified to create this damage more quickly to more people. The mind control was turned up to this level to eliminate any serious debate or protest in this country against the war and against this administrations hidden agenda which could quickly or eventually unfold from this war.
Chapter 14
Unknown Other 2 Strand DNA Experiments And A WARNING From The Spiritual Realm There are other 2 strand DNA experiments that have taken place in the Milky Way Galaxy. This information has been totally hidden from the human race. It is now time to reveal this information. There are a total of three, 2 strand DNA experiments in this galaxy. All these experiments were isolated from the knowledge of life in this universe. A direct result of all 2 strand DNA experiments is that all the humanoids involved have a Separate Self Consciousness. They all held the same belief they were alone and there was no other life in this universe. None of these races were originally connected to the consciousness of this universe, which is the Christ Consciousness. They all had to evolve to12 strand DNA or they would self destruct in the process of evolving. One experiment, which we will refer to as the first experiment, has totally ended with that humanoid race completely destroying itself. Their DNA was similar to human 2 strand DNA and they possessed a single whole brain. Their mental intelligence evolved to a very high level, way beyond what humans have ever reached or are now capable of reaching. They became so intelligent that they completely destroyed their race. The main reason of their self destruction was their separate self consciousness which never evolved to a higher level. They never reached the point of realizing that all actions have consequences. Bad choices were made with advanced technology that was not fully understood. They never looked into the future to see or understand what the results of their advancing technology would have on their future. They only lived for the moment. Their advanced technology destroyed their entire race. The destruction was brought about by experiments in the atmosphere. This race was experimenting with specific gasses of the Troposphere which were oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and argon. Their experiments created an out of balance condition in the atmosphere. Another experiment then ignited the out of balance gasses, creating an explosion that ignited the atmosphere itself, creating a rolling scorching flame which quickly
traveled around their world and consumed all the oxygen from the atmosphere of the entire planet. Everything was incinerated by this rolling flame within a short time span which is equal to 3 days of earth time. All humanoid life, all animal life, all vegetation and all water life was completely and thoroughly destroyed. The destruction was so complete, there was no way for the spirit within the planet to bring it back to life. After this happened the spirit within the planet abandoned it. It is now a dead planet and will remain this way for many eons of time. Now pay attention. This race destroyed their planet by a very similar technology to HAARP , Tesla and microwave technology. The second experiment of 2 strand DNA is also over. A very small group of this humanoid race evolved from 2 strand into 12 strand DNA and connected with the Christ consciousness. This small group will go on and can now evolve to a higher level. It was a great disappointment that only a small group evolved from an entire race. The third experiment is the human race and this experiment is quickly coming to an end. The main difference with the human race, as opposed to these other races, is that the human race does not have a single whole brain. The human brain is split into two halves while the other two races developed with a single whole functioning brain. The human race is the only race in this universe that has a brain split into two separate halves. The human race is also very unique in a totally unacceptable way. It is the only humanoid race in this universe that kills its own people. The war consciousness of humans has the capability to destroy the human race completely and quickly. All others races in this universe protect their own and defend their own. They do not kill their own people. You could use the expression and say the spiritual realm is holding its breath, in hopes the human race will make it to the dimensional pole shift. This will give many people the extra time needed to spiritually awaken and prepare for ascension. The human race is now following the same path of self destruction as the first experiment which totally destroyed itself. The new leading technology which can destroy the human race is the HAARP type of Tesla technology, including microwave technology. This is very similar technology which was used by the first 2 strand DNA experiment on another planet which completely destroyed itself. If the experiments on planet earth continue at the pace they are now, it can produce a cascade of electrons, from an energy source called the electrojet, into the earths atmosphere, creating a runaway heating effect that cannot be
stopped once it starts. It has the potential to kill the entire human race and the animal world quickly and then kill most vegetation and water life world wide, within a very short time period of 6 months to 1 year. We will now explain how this event is unfolding and its consequences. Scientists have no reference point to compare the electrojet from the stable balanced state it was in the past, to the unbalanced state it is in now. They are experimenting with the blind leading the blind. Realize that the flow of electrons, the electrojet, has increased starting approximately 75 years ago which was around 1930. This was due to the real beginning of human air pollution and this increase was small and of no consequence. Approximately 25 years later, in the mid 1950s, the electron flow began to steadily increase. This was a result of the use of atomic weapons in World War II and the continued testing of atomic weapons and new military weapons. There was also expanded experimenting looking for new weapons of war including the search for energy weapons. In the mid 1970s, the electron flow increased to a higher level and continued its steady increase. The electron flow again accelerated to a new level in the mid 1990s and this acceleration remained constant, bringing the electrojet flow to dangerous levels in late 2004. The coming dimensional shift has also caused the flow of electrons to increase. This by itself is not a problem and it would eventually stabilize back to its normal levels after the dimensional shift was completed. In this same time period, the last 75 years, humans have created changes both physically and consciously to the earth and themselves. Many of these were explained especially in the information called Global Warming, The Acceleration Of The Shifting Of The Underground Plates and the Greatest Developing Potential. We have also given you information called the Mysterious Jet Airplane Crashes, in which we have revealed spaced based microwave weapons and stated they are directly contributing to global warming. This has all added to the flow of electrons coming into the earth. Humans have created an environmental disaster which they refuse to recognize. This disaster is starting to unfold as global warming. Now we continue with the rest of the hidden and unknown truth. THIS IS A WARNING This information is from the Akashic Records. This is Not Prophecy. It is a steadily growing potential which is actually happening now. It is very rapidly reaching a Point Of No Return
and it Cannot Be Reversed. It can only be slowed down. Humans have Not recognized this disaster. The experiments which created it, are covered in absolute secrecy by all the countries involved. It can easily and quickly destroy the entire human race. This potential will affect your life, one way or another. This warning is not for the purpose of creating fear. The purpose is to awaken you to the core reason why your global warming is accelerating. The flow of electrons, from the source called the electrojet, has been accelerated to the beginning of a dangerous level. The continuing acceleration of the electrojet is now a Direct Result of continuing experiments of HAARP and Tesla type technology, including microwave technology, that is being carried out continually by the United States, Russia, the Japanese, the British and The French. We have stated in the information called, the Greatest Developing Potential, that all these nations have passed the point of no return a second time. This point of no return is irreversible damage to the electrojet and the upper and lower atmosphere surrounding the planet earth. This damage was reversed the first time. The collective arrogance of these nations has passed the point of no return a second time, as a collective consciousness in the Spring of 2005. As a result, this continued experimenting has set in motion earth changes that have a quickly evolving potential to destroy the human race. As of today December, 9, 2005, the flow of electrons into the earth has increased 10 times its normal amount and it is in a continuous state of acceleration. If the HAARP , Tesla and microwave experiments continue, the electron flow will also continue to accelerate until it reaches the point of no return. At this point, the electrojet will begin to cascade into the earth, then it will turn into an avalanche of electrons flowing directly on to the surface of the earth, creating a runaway heating effect. This avalanche of flowing electrons, will quickly raise the temperature of the planet surface world wide to between 250 and 300 degrees Fahrenheit in 24 to 36 hours. This extreme heat will kill most humans and animals world wide. The temperature will remain at this level for several hours, until the electrojet dumps the excess flow of electrons and returns back to its near normal balance and flow. Then the temperature will slowly begin to drop and it will take a period of 2 to 3 weeks before it returns back to a normal level. Everything will literally burn up on the planet. If it does not burn up, it will die from asphyxiation, which is a lack of necessary breathable oxygen. The avalanche of
electrons and the high temperature heating effect will consume massive amounts of oxygen. It will deplete the oxygen level of the atmosphere from its current level of 20% oxygen, down to around a 9% oxygen level. Know that when oxygen drops down to this 9% level, you will not be able to function as a normal person. You will have mental confusion, labored breathing, impaired judgement, lack of coordination and lack of perception. You will be falling into unconsciousness and experience nausea and vomiting. This level of oxygen will not support human life or animal life. It will kill all remaining human and animal life quickly, then most all vegetation and water life within 6 months to 1 year. After this happens, it will take many thousands of years for the earth to regenerate the oxygen level, in order to support humanoid and animal life on this 3rd dimensional level of planet earth again. Humans have tampered with something beyond their control very carelessly and without the necessary knowledge. They also tampered with it for the wrong reasons, which was to create the ultimate weapons of war. They are driven by a war consciousness and were to impatient to learn and gather the necessary knowledge. Just like the first 2 strand DNA experiment, they failed to recognize, all actions have consequences. We have given you information about a spiritual group called the Master Vibrational Warriors of Light. They began to arrive in July 2003. Then a year later in June and July of 2004, their numbers increased to 144,000. These spiritual beings came here to bring balance back to the planet and had the ability to correct this situation and return the electrojet back to its normal level. The first time these nations went past the point of no return with their experiments, it was corrected. The second time it was not. The extreme arrogance of those doing the experiments was overwhelming and it stopped these spiritual beings from correcting the problem again. Consciousness world wide was going down and is still going down. The combination of the overwhelming arrogance of those doing the experimenting and falling world consciousness, will not allow these spiritual beings to correct the electrojet situation a second time. At this point in time, with the electrojet at this level of current flow, it is now beyond their capability to correct the electrojet. At this point only 2 scenarios can happen. The 1st scenario is to stop all the HAARP , Tesla type experimenting and shut these systems down world wide. All the microwave experimenting needs to be shut down and all microwave emissions from all sources need to be shut down. This must be done world wide by all the countries directly involved with these experiments and
others countries involved with their own current and upcoming microwave experiments. This will cause the electrojet to stop accelerating and the human race will have a more or less peaceful transition at the dimensional pole shift. The 2nd scenario is to do nothing and this will bring a painful and horrifying ending to all human and animal life on the planet in this 3rd dimension, including your own life. This rapidly growing potential has the capacity to bring this age to an unexpected abrupt end. The human race is on the same path of planet wide destruction as the first experiment of 2 strand DNA that completely destroyed its entire race and its planet. All people must quickly join together in a swiftly growing grass roots movement to force all governments involved, world wide, to immediately shut down all HAARP Tesla type experiments and all microwave experiments and emissions. Everyone must do this together or everyone will die together.You have now been forewarned. This is the Only Warning you will receive through this author. End Of Warning This is a very sad commentary about humans. According to Universal Law, As You Do Unto Others, So Shall It Be Done Unto You. Looking down upon the earth, it is easy to see that humans are destroying the planet. Remember, this is a living planet. This living planet is now turning on humans and if you do not stop destroying the upper and lower atmosphere, you will force the energy around this planet to destroy you. Universal Law will then come full circle and be fulfilled. As you destroy your atmosphere, so shall your atmosphere destroy you. Know This. You can pray to any Spiritual Being, any God, any religious Deity, the Christ Consciousness, even Creator and nothing will happen. Your prayers will go unanswered. Why? You must make choices within the reality you have already created. If you do not like the reality you created, only you can change it. You are part of this world consciousness, if you like it or not. The human race has been given the privilege to direct its own destiny when it became one world consciousness in 1996. This is a gift of free choice from Creator and it will not be taken away. The human race has the privilege to survive and move forward, or to destroy itself. You have the choice to have a peaceful transition into the next age and use the remaining time in this age for your greater good, or you can quickly bring this age to an end and have a horror filled transition into the next age. As an individual, you have several choices. You can be prepared to
directly ascend back to your higher dimensional home or you can be prepared to ascend up to the next dimensional level and continue to live and evolve in the new human race. If you choose to do nothing you can remain at this level somewhere else, or you can drop down to the lower dimensional levels. All this has already been explained. Realize the human race will survive in the 4th dimensional level, even if it destroys itself in this 3rd dimension. There are enough people who have already earned the privilege to ascend to the 4th dimension and they will not be denied this privilege. Out of the world population of 6 billion people, approximately 120 million, or 2 % of the worlds population are prepared to enter the 4th dimension. Realize this is only 1 out of every 50 people world wide. As we previously stated, the ascension can begin any time after the year 2003. If the human race destroys itself in this 3rd dimensional level, everything will move forward at that time. Those who earned the privilege to ascend in their human bodies to the 4th dimension, will be plucked out alive and unharmed at the beginning of this event, if and when it happens. There is also the great possibility that this potential disaster could trigger the dimensional shift to happen. If the human race destroys itself by this disaster, it will end this age and eliminate the remaining time available in this age, also eliminating the opportunity for many more humans to spiritually awaken and prepare for their ascension to the 4th dimension. It may even deprive you as an individual the time you need to awaken and prepare yourself if you are not already prepared. We ask these questions! Are your spiritual bags always packed and ready to go? If the unexpected happened, are you ready to die today? Where will your spirit go if your life ended today? Are you going to remain in the human race in the 4th dimension? Are you going to ascend to your spiritual home? Have you learned to Love One Another? Have you learned to allow all things to live in harmony? Hopefully, you now realize life is all about choices. So once again, we encourage you to make the choice to read this book again. Read to understand so you may grow in knowledge and gain wisdom. There is a tremendous amount of knowledge within this book. The information is layered and the second time you read it you will gain a deeper understanding of the knowledge within it. The more you read it, the more will be revealed to you.
This is your past history, your present life and your future destiny. It is given to you to help you make wise choices for your future. We hope you enjoyed your journey through the Akashic records. This book is a Gift to You from Creator.
Chapter 15
We wish to clarify the Ascension one more time. We have already described it in great detail in simple language within this book. Now we wish to point out, the Ascension is also known by many people, as the Time of the Harvest. It is also known as the time of the Rapture. We have already pointed out, the Rapture is a False Teaching. There are True Teachings which talk about the Harvest of souls at the end of the world. It is described as the separating of the wheat from the weeds, the Gathering of the Wheat and the burning of the weeds. (The weeds are also called chaff or tares). Know that the Time of the Harvest and the Ascension are one and the same event. The Harvest was originally described in very simple language, since consciousness in the past was very low and this was a simple way to describe it, so people could relate to it and remember it. We did not call it the Harvest in this book. We called it exactly what it is, the Ascension. Today consciousness is much higher and those who are prepared to Ascend and move forward, will understand Ascension and the details given about it. We now briefly describe the Harvest in relation to the Ascension. Know the growing of the wheat and the weeds has been going on for 13,000 thousand years. It started after Noahs flood with the joining together of humans from this 3rd dimension, together with those who fell from the 4th dimension at the time of the destruction of Atlantis. During this long time period many others have joined the human race in order to be part of the Harvest and this is why there are now 6 billion people on this planet. The time period for the growing of the wheat has already ended, although very few people have awakened to this fact. It ended in 1987. The harvesting of the wheat then began in 1987, with the return of The Christ Consciousness to begin the gathering of the wheat. This was also the beginning of the Apocalypse, the Time For The Revealing Of Truth. The following 26 years, up to 2013, is the actual time of the gathering of the wheat for the Harvest. The Harvest can begin anytime after 2003 and it can end any time between 2003 and 2013. This
The Announcement
means it can actually end before 2013. The Ascension of the two witnesses opens the door for physical Ascension to begin. The first Gathering of the wheat is the First group to Ascend to the higher dimensions, to the places called Home. The final Gathering of the wheat, will be composed of two more groups. The Second group will divide. A portion will Ascend to the 4th dimension and the other portion will ascend to the higher dimensions. The 3rd group will Ascend to the 4th dimension. This 3rd group will eventually Ascend to the higher dimensions from the 4th dimension, at a later time. This is the Harvest. This will bring to an End the Time of the Harvest and the Gathering of the Wheat in this 3rd dimensional age. Only those who are called the wheat will Ascend. Those called the weeds cannot Ascend. They will remain in the 3rd dimension or a lower dimension. So now you can easily understand how the Time of the Harvest is the same event as the Ascension and how they are directly related to each other. This event, the Ascension, has been the desire and dream of people all over the world for many generations. The beginning of the Ascension marks the End of 2 strand DNA in the human race. So you who are reading this book have now learned the Unknown Knowledge Of The Spiritual Evolution Of Human DNA From The Beginning To The End. For you who are reading this book, know this dream has now come true. It has happened in silence and no one has noticed. Now it is time to announce this event.
We wish to announce, the Ascension has now Begun. The door to Ascension opened September 2006 The two witnesses have already ascended. Humans are invited to return home. The 1st group can now ascend. This book is completed. The work is done. The End.
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Central Sun or Creative Source - A metaphor used to describe the presence of Creator in a specific place since Creator is everywhere in everything. The presence of the greatest or strongest essence of Creator is in the highest vibration and it comes from above the 12th dimension. There is no higher dimension above the 12th only the pure essence of Creator. The Central Sun or Creative Source generally refers to Creators presence above the 12th dimension. In human terms you cannot explain this presence, it just is. Christ Consciousness - The Consciousness of the Creator Son, called the Christ, who is the Creator of this universe that we live in. One of the Twenty Four Elders. There are two levels of this Consciousness; The Christ Consciousness that can be attained in the human body that starts at 12 strand DNA and The Light Of The Christ Consciousness that can only be reached in the 11th level of lightbody. Compassion - Is an awareness of an outcome of an event, or many events, allowing them to happen, for good or bad, according to the choice that was made, without our judgement or intervention. Assisting another with their choices, without our judgement or intervention. Consciousness - Knowing who you are; knowing where you came from; knowing how you came here; knowing what you are doing here; knowing how to leave here; knowing where you are going and knowing how to get there. Creators Light - The Light Behind The Light - The light behind the physical light of our sun. The universe is lit up by Creators light, it is not dark. The 3rd dimensional human eyes cannot see the Light behind the Light, since we are separate from Creator. humans can only see the light of the Sun and many stars. Creators Light is the highest vibration or essence of light. The source of this Light Behind The Light is just above the 12th dimension. The light enters into the 12th dimension flowing through it
down through each lower dimension. The Light Behind The Light above the 12th dimension has no speed, it just is. Do not confuse it with the speed of light in each dimension since they are not the same. The light from the many Suns in each dimension have a speed with the fastest speed of light in the 12th dimension and the slowest speed in the 1st dimension..The Light of Creator, The Light Behind The Light, is the energy source that sustains us in lightbody and sustains all creation. Divine Order - The following of the Universal Laws of Creator, which govern the working of all universes, so that everything is in harmony in the Cosmos, for our good and the good of all creation. Immortality - Going from one age of experience to another without a loss of consciousness. Going from one lifetime to another without a loss of consciousness. Immortality is a spiritual state of existence which is connected to Universal Consciousness. Physical humanoids do not possess immortality, they can only possess an unlimited life. Intent - An inner knowing of what we desire to be done, without having any doubt that it will be done. An inner knowing that it will be done without commanding it to be done. Intent is the next step beyond commanding. Intent is the intense desire of the heart, while commanding is the will of the mind. Karma - An action that is not in harmony with universal law, which will require us to experience that same action in order to fully understand it. Lightworkers - Those who are in the process of working to become Masters, by raising their vibration up to the vibration of light and reconnecting to Creator. Masters - Those that have evolved to the point that they have become a Master over their emotions and a Master of the limitations of separation from Creator. Those that have previously Ascended to the Higher Dimensional Realms and have returned to this world to teach humans. Merkaba - An awakened consciousness, that manifests as two triangular counter rotating energy fields around the body, which form a vehicle of light and it is used as a vehicle of travel in the spiritual realms. The physical shape of the Merkaba as seen
through the 3rd eye or through psychic vision, resembles a 6 pointed star. The Star Of David is the symbol of the Merkaba. The Merkaba can also take on other forms in the physical worlds. It can resemble a brilliant briolette with long triangular faucets. Order Of Melchizedek -The Ancient Priesthood of Light, that existed before the universes, so they could direct their evolution. They teach the Light (knowledge) of Creator, to bring the physical worlds to Creator, by expanding consciousness. Starseeds - Highly evolved Spiritual beings that come from the Ancient Father Universes. Teleportation - The ability to move your complete physical body, from one place to another, by the conscious control of your mind. Unconditional Love - Is an allowing of all things to exist in Harmony. This is the fabric of the cosmos (all universes) that holds all things together. On earth it is the Allowing of all people to live in harmony with each other. Allowing all of Nature to live in harmony with itself, without disturbing the natural order. Man and nature living together in harmony. Unconditional Forgiveness - To forgive everyone completely, without any conditions or strings attached. Universal Consciousness - The Consciousness of The Infinite Mind, The Prime Creator, The Source Of All That Is. This is the consciousness that joins all the universes together, uniting the entire Cosmos together in one unified mind. It is referred to as the Mind of Creator. It is our true state of consciousness. In this universe, you must reach the level of The Light of The Christ Consciousness, before you can reach the level of Universal Consciousness. Wanderers - Composed of Starseeds, Highly Evolved Ascended Masters, Highly Evolved Members of the Order of Melchizedek, True Melchizedeks, Descendants of the Ancient Ones and other spiritual beings, that wander through the countless evolving Son Universes, working with and in the evolving worlds. These are the adventure seekers of the spiritual realms.