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1Neher-McGrath Paper PDF

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J. H.



N 1932 D. M. Simmons 1 published a series of articles entitled, Calculation of the Electrical Problems of Underground Cables.* Over the intervening 25 years this work has achieved the status of a handbook on the subject. During this period, however, there have been num er ous developments in the cable art, and much theoretical and experimental work has been done with a view to obtaining more accurate methods of evaluating the parameters involved. The advent of the pipe-type cable system has emphasized the desirability of a more rational m ethod of calculating the performance of cables in duct in order th a t a realistic comparison m ay be made between the two systems. In this paper the authors have endeavored to extend the work of Simmons by presenting under one cover the basic principles involved, together with more recently developed procedures for han dling such problems as the effect of the loading cycle and the tem perature rise of cables in various types of duct struc tures. Included as well are expressions required in the evaluation of the basic parameters for certain specialized allied procedures. I t is thought th a t a work of this type will be useful not only as a guide to engineers entering the field and as a reference to the more experienced, b u t particularly as a basis for setting up com putation methods for the preparation of industry load capability and a-c/d-c ratio compilations. The calculation of the tem perature rise of cable systems under essentially steadystate conditions, which includes the effect of operation under a repetitive load cycle, as opposed to transient tem perature rises due to the sudden application of large amounts of load, is a relatively simple procedure and involves only the applica tion of the therm al equivalents of Ohms and Kirchoffs Laws to a relatively simple therm al circuit. Because this circuit usually has a num ber of parallel paths with heat flows entering a t several points, however, care m ust be exercised in the method used of expressing the heat flows and therm al resistances involved, and differing methods are used by various en gineers. The m ethod employed in this paper has been selected after careful con-

sideration as being the most consistent and m ost readily handled over the full scope of the problem. All losses will be developed on the basis of w atts per conductor foot. The heat flows and tem perature rises due to dielec tric loss and to current-produced losses will be treated separately, and, in the latter case, all heat flows will be expressed in terms of the current produced loss originat ing in one foot of conductor by means of m ultiplying factors which take into account the added losses in the sheath and conduit. In general, all therm al resistances will be developed on the basis of the per con ductor heat flow through them. In the case of underground cable systems, it is convenient to utilize an effective therm al resistance for the earth portion of the therm al circuit which includes the effect of the loading cycle and the m utual heat ing effect of the other cable of the system. All cables in the system will be considered to carry the same load currents and to be operating under the same load cycle. The system of nomenclature employed is in accordance with th a t adopted by the Insulated Conductor Committee as stand ard, and differs appreciably from th a t used in m any of the references. ^This system represents an attem pt to utilize in so far as possible the various symbols appearing in the American Standards Association Standards for Electrical Quantities, M e chanics, H eat and Thermo-Dynamics, and Hydraulics, when these symbols can be used without ambiguity. Certain symbols which have long been used by cable engineers have been retained, even though they are in direct conflict with the above-mentioned standards.
. r p

N omenclature
(A F) = attainment factor, per unit (pu) A s = cross-section area of a shielding tape or skid wire, square inches a thermal diffusivity, square inches per hour C l conductor area, circular inches = distance, inches 12 etc. = from center of cable no. 1 to center of cable no. 2 etc. dn etc. = from center of cable no. 1 to image of cable no. 2 etc. du etc. = from center of cable no. 1 to a point of interference

du etc. = from image of cable no. 1 to a point of interference D diameter, inches D0inside of annular conductor Dcoutside of conductor Di outside of insulation D$ ~ outside of sheath DS mmean diameter of sheath Dl = outside of jacket D$' effective (circumscribing circle) of several cables in contact Dp inside of duct wall, pipe or conduit De= diameter at start of the earth portion of the thermal circuit Dx fictitious diameter at which the effect of loss factor commences 2= line to neutral voltage, kilovolts (kv) t coefficient of surface emissivity r specific inductive capacitance of insula tion / = frequency, cycles per second F, Fint products of ratios of distances F{x) derived Bessel function of x (Table III and Fig. 1) G geometric factor Gi applying to insulation resistance (Fig. 2 of reference 1) Gz applying to dielectric loss (Fig. 2 of reference 1) G j>=applying to a duct bank (Fig. 2) I = conductor current, kiloamperes ks = skin effect correction factor for annular and segmental conductors kp= relative transverse conductivity factor for calculating conductor proximity effect I = lay of a shielding tape or skid wire, inches L depth of reference cable below earths surface, inches Z,6= depth "to center of a duct bank (or backfill), inches (//) load factor, per unit (LF) loss factor, per unit n number of conductors per cable n f number of conductors within a stated diameter N =number of cables or cable groups in a system P perimeter of a duct bank or backfill, inches cos < f> power factor of the insulation q$ ratio of the sum of the losses in the conductors and sheaths to the losses in the conductors qeratio of the sum of the losses in the conductors, sheath and conduit to the losses in the conductors R electrical resistance, ohms Rdc = d-c resistance of conductor Rae total a-c resistance per conductor Rs d-c resistance of sheath or of the parallel paths in a shield-skid wire assembly R thermal resistance (per conductor losses) thermal ohm-feet Ri of insulation Rj af jacket Rsd= between cable surface and surrounding enclosure

__ ___

Paper 57-660, recommended by the AIEE Insulated Conductors Committee and approved by the AIEE Technical Operations Department for presentation at the AIEE Summer General Meeting, Montreal, Que., Canada, June 24-28, 1957. Manuscript submitted March 20, 1957; made available for printing April IS, 1957. J. H. N e i i e r is with the Philadelphia Electric Company, Philadelphia, Pa., and M . H. M c G r a t h is with the General Cable Corporation, Perth Amboy, N . J.


Neher, McGrath Temperature and Load Capability of Cable Systems

O c t o b e r 1957

0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05

0 .1 0 1 .2
3.0 2.5

0 .0 4 0.03 0.025

l.f I.O




0.015 P -



C L 0.5 * x u T 0.4 C l z < 0.3 r


0.9 0.8 h 0.7 0.6

1 .0

e> 0.01 Z 0.009 < cc 0.008 o

0.007 ll 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.0025


a: o x CD . P O o I Q

o cr U J





2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15

30 4 0 50 60 80 100

R dc/k

Fig. 1 (above).

F(x) and F(xP') as functions of Rdc/k

Gb for a duct bank

Fig. 2 (right).


Rd of duct wall or asphalt mastic covering R se total between sheath and _diameter De including Rjt R$d and Rd R e between conduit and ambient effective between diameter D e and ambient earth including the effects of loss factor and mutual heating by other cables R ca effective between conductor and ambient for conductor loss Ret' effective transient thermal resistance of cable system effective between conductor and am Rda bient for dielectric loss <Rint of the interference effect R y a between a steam pipe and ambient earth p = electrical resistivity, circular mil ohms per foot p = thermal resistivity, degrees centigrade centimeters per w att s = distance in a 3-conductor cable between the effective current center of the conductor and the axis of the cable, inches 5 = axial spacing between adjacent cables, inches t , T =thickness (as indicated), inches T = temperature, degrees centigrade T{ a of ambient air or earth Tt c of conductor T mean temperature of medium A T = temperature rise, degrees centigrade of conductor due to current produced AT, losses A Td of conductor due to dielectric loss ATint of a cable due to extraneous heat source inferred temperature of zero resistance, T centigrade (C) (used in correcting Rdc and R s to temperatures other than 20 C) F, wind velocity, miles per hour W = losses developed in a cable, watts per conductor foot
t o









b /p

W e = portion developed in the conductor W s portion developed in the sheath or

Tc T a ATc+ATd degrees centigrade

shield W v=portion developed in the pipe or con duit Wd= portion developed in the dielectric X m mutual reactance, conductor to sheath or shield, microhms per foot F = th e increment of a-c/d-c .ratio, pu Y,c due to losses originating in the conductor, having components YC s due to skin effect and YC p due to prox imity effect Yt due to losses originating in the sheath or shield, having components YSe due to circulating current effect and Y.se due to eddy current effect Yv due to losses originating in the pipe or conduit Ya due to losses originating in the armor

Each of these component tem perature rises m ay be considered as the result of a rate of heat flow expressed in w atts per foot through a therm al resistance expressed in therm al ohm feet (degrees centi grade feet per w a tt); in other words, the radial rise in degrees centigrade for a heat distributed flow of one w att over a conductor length of one foot. Since the losses occur a t several posi tions in the cable system, the heat flow in the therm al circuit will increase in steps. I t is convenient to express all heat flows in terms of the loss per foot of conductor, and thus

General Considerations of the Thermal Circuit

R is e

degrees centigrade ( 2) in which W c represents the losses in one conductor and Ri is the therm al resistance of the insulation, is the ratio of the of the losses in the conductors and SU] sheath to the losses in the conductors, Rse is the total therm al resistance between sheath and conduit, qe is the ratio of the sum of the losses in conductors, sheath and conduit, to the conductor losses, and R$

The tem perature rise of the conductor of a cable above am bient tem perature may be considered as being composed of a tem perature rise due to its own losses, which m ay be divided into a rise due to current produced ( P R ) losses (hereinafter referred to merely as losses) in the conductor, sheath and conduit A T C and the rise produced by its dielectric loss ATa.

O c t o b e r 1957

Neher, McGrath Temperature and Load Capability of Cable Systems


is the thermal resistance between the conduit and ambient. In practice, the load carried by a cable is rarely constant and varies according to a daily load cycle having a load factor 0 . Hence, the losses in the cable will vary according to the corresponding daily loss cycle having a loss factor (LF). From an examination of a large number of load cycles and their corresponding load and loss factors, the following general relationship between load factor and loss factor has been found to exist.2 (LF) 0-3 (//)+0.7 (If)2 per unit (3)

A T W 7 c(-B(+ 0(5+ g[er+ (L /-) X (R xa )+ (N -1 )R pa (5) Wc(Ri+qeRse+qeRef) degrees centigrade (5) where the term in parentheses is indicated by the effective thermal resistance R er. The tem perature rise due to dielectric loss is a relatively small p art of the total tem perature rise of cable systems operating a t the lower voltages, but a t higher voltages it constitutes an appreciable p art and m ust be considered. Al though the dielectric losses are distributed throughout the insulation, it may be shown th a t for single conductor cable and m ulticonductor shielded cable with round conductors the correct tem perature rise is obtained by considering for tra n sient and steady state th a t all of the dielectric loss W a occurs a t the middle of the therm al resistance between conductor and sheath or alternately for steadystate conditions alone th a t the tem pera ture rise between conductor and sheath for a given loss in the dielectric is half as much as if th a t loss were in the conductor. In the case of m ulticonductor belted cables, however, the conductors are taken as the source of the dielectric loss.1 The resulting tem perature rise due to dielectric loss ATd m ay be expressed

Table I.

Electrical Resistivity of Various Materials


Circular Mil Ohms per Foot at 20 C

r, C

Copper (100% I A C S*)............... 1 0 .3 7 1 ...........234.5 Aluminum (61% I A C S)............. 1 7 .0 0 2 ........... 228.1 Commercial Bronze (43.6% .. 2 3 .8 564 IACS) (90 Cu-10 Zn) Brass (27.3% i a c s ) . 3 8 .0 912 (70 Cu-30 Zn) Lead (7.84% IA C S).................... 132.3 236 * International Annealed Copper Standard.

In order to determine the maximum tem perature rise attained by a buried cable system under a repeated daily load cycle, the losses and resultant heat flows are calculated on the basis of the maxi mum load (usually taken as the average current for th a t hour of the daily load cycle during which the average current is the highest, i.e. the daily maximum onehour average load) on which the loss factor is based and the heat flow in the last part of the earth portion of the therm al circuit is reduced by the factor (LF). If this reduction is considered to start at a point in the earth corresponding to the diameter D x , 3equation 2 becomes
. w

Calculation of Losses and .Associated Parameters

C a l c u l a t io n of D -C R e s is t a n c e s

The resistance of the conductor m ay be determined from the following expressions which include a lay factor of 2% ; see Table I. Rdc 1.02 pC microhms per foot at 20 C Cl

(10 )
12.9 for 100% IACS copper Cl conductor at 75 C
21.2 for 61% IACS Cl aluminum at 75 C

( 10A)


W c t-S f + QsR se~\~Qe(Rex~i~(L F ) R z a ) ]

A Td WdRda degrees centigrade (4)

(6 )

( 10B)

degrees centigrade

In effect this means th a t the tem pera ture rise from conductor to D x is made to depend on the heat loss corresponding to the maximum load whereas the tem pera ture rise from diam eter Dx to ambient is made to depend on the average loss over a 24-hour period. Studies indicate th a t the procedure of assuming a fictitious critical diameter Dx at which an abrupt change occurs in loss factor from 100% to actual will give results which very closely approximate those obtained by rigorous transient analysis. For cables or duct in air where the therm al storage capacity of the system is relatively small, the maxi mum tem perature rise is based upon the heat flow corresponding to maximum load w ithout reduction of any part of the therm al circuit. When a number of cables are installed close together in the earth or in a duct bank, each cable will have a heating effect upon all of the others. In calculating the tem perature rise of any one cable, it is convenient to handle the heating effects of the other cables of the system by suitably modifying the last term of equation 4. This is permissible since it is assumed th a t all the cables are carrying equal cur rents, and are operating on the same load -cable system cycle. Thus for an A7

in which the effective thermal resistance Rda is based upon R i} Rse, and J?e'(a t unity loss factor) according to the particular . The tem perature rise a t points in the cable system other than a t the con ductor m ay be determined readily from the foregoing relationships.
T h e C a l c u l a t io n of L oad C a p a b il it y

In m any cases the permissible maximum tem perature of the conductor is fixed and the magnitude of the conductor current (load capability) required to produce this tem perature is desired. Equation 5 (A) may be w ritten in the form AT C P R t n + Yc)ca' degrees centigrade ( 7)

where C l represents the conductor size in circular inches and where pc represents the electrical resistivity in circular mil ohms per foot. To determine the value of Resistance a t tem perature T m ultiply the resistance a t 20 C by ( r + r ) / ( r + 20) where r is the inferred tem perature of zero resistance. The resistance of the sheath is given by the expressions RS R8

icrohms per foot at 20 C (ID (HA)

37.9 for lead at 50 C Damt 4.75 for 61% aluminum a t 50 C Dsmt

in which the quantity Rdc ( 1+ Yc) which (H B ) will be evaluated later represents the where D sm is the mean diam eter of the effective electrical resistance of the con ductor in microhms per foot, and which sheath and t is its thickness, both in when m ultiplied by 1 2 (I in kiloamperes) inches will equal the loss W c in w atts per conduc ( 12) D sm D s t inches tor foot actually generated in the conduc The resistance of intercalated shields tor : and R ca' is the effective therm al or skid wires m ay be determined from the resistance of the therm al circuit. expression R i JrqsRseJr.eRt thermal ohm-feet Rca (8) R s (per path) From equation 1 it follows th a t microhms per foot a t 20 C (13) (Ta-\-ATd) I kiloamperes (9) where A s is the cross-section area of the -^dc(l"f~ Yc)Rca
O c t o b e r 1957


Neher, McGrath Temperature and Load Capability of Cable Systems

tape or skid wire and I is its lay. The over-all resistance of the shield and skid wire assembly, particularly for nonintercalated shields, should be determined by electrical measurement when possible.
C a l c u l a t io n o f L o sse s

Table II.
Conductor Construction

Recommended Values of ks and kp

Treatment k8

Coating on Strands


I t is convenient to develop expressions for the losses in the conductor, sheath and , .. . . f. ,, J pipe or conduit m terms of the components of the a-c/d-c ratio of the cable system which m ay be expressed as follows4
R a d Rde ~
IH" Yc~\~ F *-f- Yp

Concentric round........................... N one............. Concentric round........................... Tin or alloy Concentric round........................... N one............. Compact round...............................N one............. Compact segm ental....................... N one............. Compact segm ental....................... Tin or alloy Compact segm ental........................None Compact secto r.. . . a ....................None
N o tes:

N one.......................... l.O .................................l.O N one.......................... l.O ................................. l.O Y es..............................l.O .............................. 0 .8 0 ..............................l.O ................................ 0 .6 N one.......................... 0 .4 3 5 ................................ 0 .6 N one.......................... 0 .5 ...............................0 .7 .............................. 0 .4 3 5 ............................. 0.37 .............................. l.O ...........................(see note)


Th< term "treated denotes a completed conductor which has been subjected to a drying and impregnatess similar to that employed on paper power cable.


2. Proximity effect on compact sector conductors may be taken as one-half of that for compact round having the same cross-sectional area and insulation thickness. 3. Proximity effect on annular conductors may be approxi concentric round conductor of the same cross-sectional area and spacing. increased diameter M the center decreases the skin effect but, for a given axial spacing, tends type and the removal of metal to result in an increase in proximity. 4. The values listed above for compact seg m r to four segment construct! The uncoatedtreated" values segment compact segmental proximately 0.75 inch clear), segment hollow core compact segmental test data indicates ks and kp values of 0.39 and 0.33 respectively.

The a-c/d-c ratio a t conductor is 1+ Ye and a t sheath or shield is 1 + Fc+ Ys and a t pipe or conduit is 1+ F c+ F5+ Yv The corresponding losses physically gen erated in the conductor, sheath, and pipe are

1 + Y e) watts per conductor foot


Table III.


Skin Effect in % in Solid Round Conductor and in Conventional Round Concentric Strand Conductors 100 F(x), Skin Effect %
1 . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .

PRdc Y watts per conductor foot

I 2Rdc Y p

X 0.3.. 0.4.. 0.5.. 0.6.. 0.7.. 0.8.. 0.9..
1 . 0 . . 1 . 1 . .

watts per conductor foot (17)

2 . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .

3 . . . .


This permits a ready determ ination of the losses if the segregated a-c/d-c ratios are known, and conversely, the a-c/d-c ratio is obtained after the values of Fc, Y s and Yv have been calculated. I t follows from the definitions of qs and qe th a t
W c+ W s

w,c w,e

Ys 1 1 + Y,e


Wc+ W , + W p


1+ Yc


The factor Yc is the sum of two compo nents, Yes due to skin effect and cp due proxim ity effect. W,C
P R a c ( l + Y cs+ Y cP)

watts per conductor foot ( 20) The skin effect may be determ ined from the skin effect function F(x) Y CS F(x.) 6.80
V R ac/k s

(21 )
at 60 cycles

X3 0.875

(22 )

in which the factor k, depends upon the conductor construction. For solid or conventional conductors appropriate values of ks will be found in Table II. The function F(x) may be obtained from Table I I I or from the curves of Fig. 1 in terms of the ratio Rdc/k a t 60 cycles. For annual conductors

. . 0.01.. . 0.03.. . 0.07.. . 0.12.. . 0.21.. . 0.34.. . 0.52.. . 0.76.. 1.2.. . 1 07.. 1.3.. . 1.47.. 1.4.. . 1.97.. 2.58.. 1.5.. 3.32.. 1.6.. 4.21.. 1.7.. 5.24.. 1.8.. 6.44.. 1.9.. 7.82.. 2.0. 9.38.. 2.1.. 2 .2 .. 11.13.. 13.07.. 2.3. 2 .4 .. 15.21.. 2 .5 .. 17.54.. 20.06.. 2.6. 2.7.. 22.75.. 2 .8 .. 25.62.. 28.65.. 2.9. 31.81.. 3.0. 3 .1 .. 35.10.. 3 .2 .. 38.50.. 3 .3 .. 42.00.. 45.57.. 3.4. 3.5.. 49.20.. 3 .6 .. 52.88.. 3 .7 .. 56.59.. 3.8.. 60.31.. 3 .9 .. 64.05.. 67.79.. 4.0. 4 .1 .. 71.52.. 4 .2 .. 75.23.. 4 .3 .. 78.93.. 82.61.. 4.4. 4 .5 .. 86.28.. 4.6.. 89.91.. 4.7.. 93.53.. 4 .8 .. 97.13.. 4 .9 .. .100.71..
0 . 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

0:01.. 0.04.. 0.07.. 0.13.. 0.22.. 0.36.. 0.54.. 0.79.. 1.11.. 1.52.. 2.02.. 2.65.. 3.40.. 4.30.. 5.35.. 6.57.. 7.96.. 9.54.. 11.31.. 13.27.. 15.43.. 17.78.. 20.32.. 23.03.. 25.92.. 28.96.. 32.13.. 3 2 .4o 3 5 . 4 4 . . 35.78. 3 8 . 8 5 . . 39.20. 4 2 . 3 5 . . 42.71. 4 5 . 9 3 . . 46.29. 4 9 . 5 7 . . 49.94. 5 3 . 2 5 . . 53.62. 5 6 . 9 6 . . 57.33. 6 0 . 6 9 . . 61.06. 6 4 . 4 2 . . 64.80. 6 8 . 1 6 . . 68.53. 7 1 . 8 9 . . 72.26. 7 5 .6 0 . 75.97. 7 9 . 3 0 . . 79.67. 8 2 . 9 8 . . 83.35. 8 6 . 6 4 . . 87.01. 9 0 . 2 8 . . 90.64. 9 3 . 8 9 . . 94.25. 9 7 . 4 9 . . 97.85. \ . 1 0 1 . 0 7 . . .101.42.
a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

0. 01. 0. 02. 0. 04. 0 .0 8 . 0. 14. 0. 24. 0.38. 0. 56. 0. 81. 1.14. 1.56. 2 .0 8 . 2.72. 3 .4 9 . 4 40. 5. 47. 6. 70. 8. 11. 9.71. 11.50. 13.48. 15.66. 18.03. 20.58. 23.31. 26.21. 2 9 .2 7 .

0.01.. . 0.01.. 0.02.. 0.02.. . 0.02.. 0.04.. 0.05.. . 0.05.. 0.08.. 0.09.. . 0.10.. 0.15.. 0.16.. . 0.17.. . 0.25.. 0.26.. . 0.28.. . 0.39.. 0.41.. . 0.43.. . 0.58.. 0.61.. . 0.63.. . 0.84.. 0.87.. . 0.90.. 1.22.. . 1.26.. . 1.18.. . 1.61.. 1.66.. . 1.71.. 2.14. 2.20.. 2.26.. 2.79.. 2.86.. . 2.93.. 3.57.. 3.66.. 3.75.. 4.50.. 4.60. 4.70.. 5.58. 5.82.. 5.70.. 6.83.. 6.97.. 7.11.. 8.26.. 8.42.. 8.57.. 9 .8 8 .. 10.05.. 10.22.. 11.69.. 11.88.. 12.07.. 13.68.. 13.90. 14.11.. 16.12. 15.89.. 16.35.. 18.27.. 18.52.. 18.78.. 2 0 .8 5 . 21.12. 21.38.. 23.60.. 23.88.. 24.17.. 26.51.. 26.81. 27.11.. 29.58.. 29.90.. 30.21.. . 32.78.. 33.11. 33.44.. 36.11 36.45. 36.79.. 39 55 40.24.. 39.89. 43.06. 43.42. 43.78.. 46.66.. 47.02. 47.38.. 50.30.. 50.67.. 51.04.. 53,99.. 54.36. 54.73.. 57.71.. 58.08. 58.45.. 61.44.. 61.81.. 62.18.. 65.17.. 65.55. 65.92.. 68.91.. 69.28.. 69.65.. 72.63.. 73 00 73.38.. 76.34.. 76.71.. 77.08.. 80.04. 80.41. 80,78.. 83.61.. 84:08.. 84.45.. 87.37. 87.73. 88.10.. 91.00.. 91.37.. 91.73.. 94.61.. 94.97. 95.33.. . 98.21.. 98.57.. . 98.92.. . 1 0 1 . 7 8 . . 102. 14. . . 1 0 2 . 4 9 . .
0 . 0 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .
. .

. .

0.01.. . 0 . 0 1 . . . 0.01 0.02.. 0.03.. 0 . 0 3 . . . 0.03 0.05.. 0.06.. 0 . 0 6 . . . 0.06 0.10.. . . . 0. 12 0.18.. 0.19.. 0 . 1 9 . . . 0.20 0.30.. 0 . 3 1 . . . 0.33 0.29.. 0.45.. 0.47.. 0 . 4 8 . . . 0. 50 0.68.. 0 . 7 0 . . . 0.73 0.65.. 0.94.. 0.97.. . . 1.03 1.30.. 1.34.. 1 . 3 8 . . . 1.42 1 . 8 6 . . . 1.92 1.81.. 1 76 2.45.. 2.32.. 2.52 2.39.. 3.01.. 3.08.. 3 . 1 6 . . . 3. 24 3.92. 4.02. 4.11 3.83.. 5 . 0 2 . . . 5.13 4.91.. 4.81.. 6.19.. 5.94.. 6.06. 6.31 7.53.. 7.38.. 7. 67 7.24.. 9.21 9.05.. 8.73.. 8 89 10.40.. 10.58.. 10.76. 10.94 1 2 . 2 7 . . 1 2 . 4 7 . . 1 2 . 6 7 . . 12.87 1 4 . 3 3 . . 1 4 . 5 4 . . 1 4 . 7 6 . . 14.98 1 7 . 1 6 . . 17.30 16.58.. 1 6 . 8 2 . 1 9 . 0 3 . . 1 9 . 2 8 . . 1 9 .5 4 . 19.80 21.65.. 2 1 .9 3 . 22.20. 22.48 24.45.. 24.74.. 25.03. 25.33 27.42.. 2 7 .7 2 . 2 8 . 0 3 . . 28.34 3 0 . 5 3 . . 3 0 . 8 5 . . 3 1 . 1 7 . . 31.49 3 4 . 4 3 . . 34.77 33.77.. 3 4 .1 0 . 3 7 . 1 3 . . 3 7 . 4 7 . . 3 7 . 8 2 . . 38.16 40.59.. 4 0 .9 4 . 4 1 . 2 9 . . 41.65 44.14.. 4 4 .4 9 . 45.21 4 4 .8 5 47.74.. 4 8 .1 1 . 4 8 . 4 7 . . 48.84 5 2 . 1 4 . . 52.51 51.40.. 5 1 .7 7 . 55.10.. 5 5 .4 8 . 5 5 . 8 5 . . 56.22 58.82.. 5 9 .2 0 . 5 9 . 5 7 . . 59.94 62.93. 63.30. 63.68 62.56. 6 7 . 0 4 . . 67.41 66.29.. 6 6 .6 7 . 70.03.. 7 0 .4 0 . 7 0 . 7 7 . . 71.14 7 3 . 7 5 . . 7 4 . 1 2 . . 7 4 . 4 9 . . 74.86 78.19. 78.56 77.45.. 7 7 .8 2 . 81.14.. 8 1 .5 1 . 82.25 81.88. 85.55. 85.91 84.81.. 8 5 .1 8 . 88.46.. 8 8 .8 2 . 8 9 . 1 9 . . 89.55 92.81. 93.17 92.09.. 9 2 .4 5 . 96.41. 96.77 95.69.. 9 6 .0 5 . 9 9 . 2 8 . . 9 9 . 6 4 . . 100. 00.. .100.35 102. 85. . 1 0 3 . 2 1 . . 103.56.. .103.92
0 . 0 1 . 0 . 1 1 . 0 . 1 1 . 1 . 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



in which D e and D0 represent the outer

O c t o b e r 1957

and inner diameters of the annular conductor. In comparison with the rigorous Bessel function solution for the skin effect in an isolated tubular conductor, it has been found th a t the 60-cycle skin effect of

annular conductor when computed by equation 23 will not be in error by more than 0.01 in absolute magnitude for copper or aluminum IPC EA (Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association) filled

Neher, McGrath Temperature and Load Capability of Cable Systems


Table IV .

Mutual Reactance at 60 Cycles. Conductor to Sheath (or Shield)

(2 S/Dsm) as in the case of lead sheaths

9 .16. 4 . 21.6 .28.4 . 38. 2

3 . 19. 4 .25.5 . 33. 8 . 46. 9

4 .18. 9 . 24. 8 . 32. 8 .45.2


0 . 4 ..........2 1 . 1 ____20.5. 0 . 3 ..........2 7 . 7 ____26.9. 0 . 2 . .37.0. .35.9. 0 . 1. . 5 2 . 9 ___ 50.7.

19.9. 26.2. 34. 8. 48. 7.

.18.3.....17.8.....17.4. . 2 4 . 1 ...........2 3 . 5 ......... 22.9. . 3 1 . 9 ...........3 1 . 0 ......... 30.1. . 4 3 . 6 ...........4 2 . 1 .........40. 7.

.16.9. . 22. 2 . . 29. 3. . 39. 4.

396 Rs Rds approximately at 60 cycles (30A)


core conductors up through 5.0 Cl and for hollow core concentrically stranded copper or aluminum oil-filled cable conductors up through 4.0 CL For values of xp below 3.5, a range which appear to cover most cases of prac tical interest a t power frequencies, the conductor proximity effect for cables in equilateral formation in the same or in separate ducts may be cal culated from the following equation based on an approximate expression given by for a system of Arnold 6 (equation three homogeneous, straight, parallel, solid conductors of circular cross section arranged in equilateral formation and carrying balanced 3-phase current remote from all other conductors or conducting m aterial. The empirical transverse conductance factor kv is introduced to make the expression applicable to stranded conductors. Experim ental results sug gest the values of kp shown in Table II.

also be estimated from equation 24 and 24 (A). In such cases, S should be taken as the axial spacing between adjacent conductors. The factor Ys is the sum of two factors, Ysc due to circulating current effect and Ys due to eddy current effects. W S PRdc(Ysc+Yse) watts per conductor foot (26) Because of the large sheath losses which result from short-circuited sheath operation with appreciable separation between metallic sheathed single conductor cables, this mode of operation is usually restricted to triplex cable or three single-conductor cables contained in the same duct. The circulating current effect in three metallic sheathed single-conductor cables arranged in equilateral configuration is given by Y SC
R s/R d C

When the sheaths are short-circuited, the sheath eddy loss will be reduced and may be approximated by multiplying equations 30 or 30(A) by the ratio R s2/ (R s 2+
X m*

In computing average eddy current for cradled configuration, S should be taken equal to the axial spacing and not to the geometric-mean spacing. Equations 30 and 30(A) m ay be used to compute the eddy-current effect for single-conductor cables installed in separate ducts. Strictly speaking, these apply only to three cables in equilateral con figuration b u t can be used to estim ate losses in large cable groups when latter are so oriented as to approximate a regular polygon. The eddy-current effect for a 3-conduc tor cable is given by Arnold .6 3R S Y.se Rd C (2s/D smy 2 5.2R +1 {2s/Dsmy 2 5.2 R


1+ (R S/X m


i X 4-0.312


When. (Rs/Xm ) 2 is large with respect to unity as usually is the case of shielded non leaded cables, equation 27 reduces to Y SC
X7 7 1

(2s/D sm 5.2R 4- 1


F(xp)+0.27 Xp 6.80 V Rdc/k V




When (5.2R s/ f ) 2 is large with respect to unity, Y:Se 396 RsRdc approximately at 60 cycles (31A) 1.155r+0.60X the V gauge depth for compact sectors 1.155L+0.58 Dc for round conductors

at 60 cycles


oS/D sm microhms per, foot (28) 52.9 log 2S/D sm microhms per foot at 60 cycles (28A)

When the second term in the brackets is small with respect to the first term as it usually is, equation 24 may be w ritten Ycp 4 F(x 0.295(DC /S ) 2 0.27

where 5 is the axial spacing of adjacent cables. For a cradled configuration X m m ay be approximated from X


where the function F(xp') is shown in Fig. 1. The average proximity effect for con ductors in cradle configuration in the same duct or in separate ducts in a formation approximating a regular polygon m ay

2.525 52.9 log D sm microhms per foot at 60 cycles (29)


52.9 log 2.3 S/D sm approximately


Tabie V .

Specific Inductive Capacitance of Insulations

Material r

Table IV provides a convenient means for determining X m for cables in equilateral configuration. T he eddy-current effect for singleconductor cables in equilateral configuration w ith open-circuited sheaths is Y te 3Rg/Rd 5.2R

Polyethylene........ ..........................2 .3 Paper insulation (solid type) . . . 3 . 7 (IPCEA value) Paper insulation (other ty p e s). . 3 . 3 4.2 Rubber and rubber-like com pounds......................................... 5 (IPCEA value) Varnished cam bric.......................5 (IPCEA value)


when (5.2 R$/f)2 is large in respect to 1/5

and T is the insulation thickness, includ ing thickness of shielding tapes, if any. While equation 31 (A) will suffice for lead sheath cables, equation 31 should be used for aluminum sheaths. O 3-conductor shielded paper lead cable it is customary to employ a 3- or 5mil copper tape or bronze tape inter calated w ith a paper tape for shielding and binder purposes. The lineal d-c resist ance of a copper tape 5 mils by 0.75 inch is about 2,200 microhms per foot of tape at 20 C. The d-c resistance per foot of cable will be equal to the lineal resist ance of the tape multiplied by the lay correction factor as given by the expres sion under the square-root sign in equation 13. In practice the lay correction factor may vary from 4 to 12 or more resulting in shielding and binder assembly resistO c t o b e r 1957


Neher, McGrath Temperature and Load Capability of Cable Systems

ances of approximately 10,000 or more

microhms per foot of cable. Even on the assumption th a t the assembly resist ance is halved because of contact with adjacent conductors and the lead sheath computations made using equations 27 and 30 show th a t the resulting circulating and eddy current losses are a fraction of 1% on sizes of practical interest. For this reason it is customary to assume th a t the losses in the shielding and binder tapes of 3-conductor shielded paper lead cable are negligible. In cases of nonleaded rubber power cables where lapped metallic tapes are frequently employed tube effects may be present and may materially lower the resistance of the shielding assembly and hence increase the losses to a point where they are of practical significance. An exact determination of the pipe loss effect Y p in the case of single-conductor cables installed in nonmagnetic conduit or pipe is a rather involved procedure as indicated in reference 7. Equation 31 may be used to obtain a rough estimate of p for cables in cradled formation on the bottom of a nonmagnetic pipe, how ever by taking the average of the results for wide triangular spacing with s (D V Di) 2 and for close triangle spacing at the center of the pipe with 5=0.578 D s. The mean diameter of the pipe and its resistance per foot should be substituted for D sm and R s respectively. For magnetic pipes or conduit the following empirical relationships 3 may be employed .Y V
0.11 5D V

and for 3-conductor belted cable by1


Table V I.

0.0192s2er cos

Thermal Resistivity of Various Materials


watts per
p, C Cm/Watt

conductor foot at 60 cycles (37) where E is the phase to neutral voltage in kilovolts, er is the specific inductive capacitance of the insulation (Table V) T is its thickness and cos < />is its power factor, The geometric factor G2 may be found from Fig. 2 of reference 1. For compact sector conductors the dielectric loss may be taken equal to th a t for a concentric round conductor having the same cross-sectional area and insulation thickness,

Paper insulation (solid type). . . 700 (IPCEA value) Varnished cambric......................... 600 (IPCEA value) Paper insulation (other ty p es). . 500 550 Rubber and rubber-like................500 (IPCEA value) Jute and textile protective covering.......... .............................. 500 Fiber d u c t........................................480 Polyethylene.................................... 450 Transite d u ct................................... 200

So tusis^ic

** *100

Concrete........................................... 85

T h er m al R e s is t a n c e of J a c k e t s , D uct W a l l s , a n d S om astic C o ating s

Calculation of Thermal Resistance

T h erm al R e sist a n c e of th e I n s u l a t io n

For a single conductor cable, R i 0.012pt log D i / D C thermal ohm-feet


The equivalent thermal resistance of relatively thin cylindrical sections such as jackets and fiber duct walls may be determined from the expression
f i


thermal ohm-feet

where pi is the therm al resistivity of the insulation (Table VI) and Dt is its diameter. In multiconductor cables there is a m ultipath heat flow between the conductor and sheath. Th following ex pression 1 represents an equivalent value which, when multiplied by the heat flow from one conductor, will produce the actual tem perature elevation of the conductor above the sheath. fi*=0.00522p*i thermal ohm-feet (39)

with appropriate subscripts applied to fi, p, and D in which D represents the outside diameter of the section and t its thickness, n ' is the number of conductors contained with the section contributing to the heat flow through it.
T h e r m a l R e s is t a n c e b e t w e e n C a b l e S u r f a c e a n d S u r r o u n d in g P i p e , C o n d u it , or D uct W all

Rd C 0.89S-0.115D p

(3-conductor cable)


( single-conductor, close triangular)




( single-conductor, cradled ) (35)

These expressions apply to steel pipe and should be multiplied by 0.8 for iron conduit.9 The expressions given for Y c and above should be multiplied by 1.7 to find the corresponding in-pipe effects for mag netic pipe or conduit for both triangular and cradled configurations.
C a l c u l a t io n o f D ie l e c t r ic L oss

Values of the geometric factor G\ for 3conductor belted and shielded cables are given in Fig. 2 and Table V III respec tively of reference 1. On large size sec tor conductors with relatively thin in sulation walls (i.e. ratios of insulation thickness to conductor diameter of the order of 0.2 or less); values of Gi for 3conductor shielded cable as determined by back calculation, on the basis of an assumed insulation resistivity, from laboratory heat-run temperature-rise data, have not always confirmed theoretical values, and, in some cases, have yielded values which approach those for a i nonshielded, nonbelted construction.
Table V IL

Theoretical expressions for the thermal resistance between a cable surface and a surrounding enclosure are given in refer ence 10. As indicated in Appendix I, these have been simplified to the general form

\ + ( B + CTm)D

thermal ohm-feet (41)

in which A, B, and C are constants D S represents the equivalent diameter of the cable or group of cables and n' the number of conductors contained within D S . is the mean tem perature of the intervening medium. The constants A, B, and C

Constants for Use in Equations 41 and 41(A)

A B C A' B'

The dielectric loss Wd for 3-conductor shielded and single-conductor cable is given by the expression 0.00276E iTcos < f> watts per Wd log (2 T + D c) / D c conductor foot at 60 cycles (36)
O c t o b e r 1957

In metallic conduit......................................17 In fiber duct in air...................................... 17 In fiber duct in con crete..........................17 In transite duct in air................................ 17 In transite duct in concrete......................17 Gas-filled pipe cable at 200 p si................ 3 .1 Oil-filled pipe cable............ .......................0 . 8 4 Dt

.........3. 2 .........____ 0 . 1 9 . 6 ........ ........ 0 . 3 3 .........4. 6 .........____ 0 . 2 7 4 . 4 ........ ........ 0 . 2 6 0. 014 ____ 0 .0 29 ..................3. .7 ........ ........ 0 . 2 2 0 .0 0 5 3 ____ .........2, .1 ........ ........ 0 . 6 8 .........2, . 1 ........ ........ 2 . 4 5

1.00 X diameter of cable for one cable

1.65 X diameter of cable for two cables 2 .1 5 Xdiam eter of cable for three cables 2. 50 X diameter of cable for four cables

Neher, McGrath Temperature and Load Capability of Cable Systems


given in Table V II have been determined from the experimental data given in references 10 and 11. If representative values of Tm 60 are assumed, equation 41 reduces to


n 'A '
D s'+ B '

thermal ohm-feet


I t should be noted th a t in the case of ducts, RSd is calculated to the inside of the duct wall and the therm al resistance of the duct wall should be added to obtain
R se*

heating effects of the other cables of the system. In the case of cables in a concrete duct bank, it is desirable to further recognize a difference between the thermal resistivity of the concrete Pe and the therm al resistivity of the surrounding earth Pe. T he therm al resistance between any point in the earth surrounding a buried cable and ambient earth is given by the 12 expression
R pa

0.012pe log df/d

thermal ohm-feet (43)

mum. N refers to the number of cables or pipes, and F is equal to unity when N ~ 1. When the cable system is contained within a concrete envelope such as a duct bank, the effect of the differing thermal resistivity of the concrete envelope is conveniently handled by first assuming th a t the therm al resistivity of the medium is th a t of concrete pc throughout and then correcting th a t portion lying beyond the concrete envelope to the therm al resistivity of the earth Pe. Thus

0.0l2pcti'X log -~ + (L F ) log


T h er m a l R e s is t a n c e from C a b l e s , C o n d u it s , or D u c t s S u s p e n d e d i n A ir

The therm al resistance Re between cables, conduits, or ducts suspended in still air may be determined from the following expression which is developed in Appendix I. Re 15.6nf
2V[(A7yZV)l/4+l-6( 1+0.016771m

thermal ohm-feet (42) In this equation A T represents the differ ence between the cable surface tem pera ture T s and am bient air tem perature T a in degrees centigrade, T m the average of these tem peratures and e the coefficient of emissivity of the cable surface. Assum ing representative values of T s 60 and T and a range in D sr of from 2 30 to 10 inches, equation 42 m ay be simplified to

9.5 '

thermal ohm-feet (42A)

The value of e m ay be taken as equal te 0.95 for pipes, conduits or ducts, and painted or braided surfaces, and from 0.2 to 0.5 for lead and aluminum sheaths, depending upon whether the surface is bright or corroded. I t is interesting to note th a t equation 42(A) checks the IPC EA m ethod of determining R e very closely with =0.41 for diameters up to 3.5 inches. In the IPCEA m ethod R_ 0.00411 n ,B / D sr where = 650+314 D 9 for
D m

1.75 inches and B = 1,200 for larger values of D

E f f e c t iv e T h e r m a l R e s is t a n c e B e t w e e n C a b l e s , D u c t s , or P i p e s , a n d A m b ie n t E a r t h

As previously indicated, an effective therm al resistance R e' may be employed to represent the earth portion of the therm al circuit in the case of buried cable systems. This effective therm al resistance includes the effect of loss factor and, in the case of a multicable installation, also the m utual

The geometric factor G & , as developed in Appendix I I is a function of the depth to the center of the concrete enclosure Lb and its perimeter P , and m ay be found conveniently from Fig. 2 in term s of the ratio Lb/P and the ratio of the longest to 0.012/je'X short dimension of the enclosure. log 77 + (L F) log For buried cable systems T a should be U taken as the am bient tem perature a t the thermal ohm-feet (44) depth of the hottest cable. As indicated in which Be is the diameter a t which the in reference 12, the expressions used earth portion of the therm al circuit com- throughout this paper for the thermal mences and nr is the num ber of conduc- resistance and tem perature rise of buried tors contained within D e. The fictitious cable systems are based on the hypothediam eter D x a t which the effect of loss sis suggested by Kennelly applied in factor commences is a function of the accordance w ith the principle of superdiffusivity of the medium a and the length position. According to this hypothesis, of the loss cycle.8 the isothermal-heat flow field and tem perature rise a t any point in the soil sur DX 1.02v a (length of cycle in hours) rounding a buried cable can be represented inches (45) by the steady-state solution for the heat flow between two parallel cylinders T he empirical development of this equa (constituting a heat source and sink) tion is discussed in Appendix III. For a located in a vertical plane in an infinite daily loss cycle and a representative value medium of uniform tem perature and of a 2.75 square inches per hour for thermal resistivity with an axial separa earth, Dx is equal to 8.3 inches. I t should tion between cylinders of twice the actual be noted th a t the value of Dx obtained depth of burial and with source and sink from equation 45 is applicable for pipe respectively generating and absorbing diameters exceeding Dx, in which case the heat a t identical rates, thereby resulting first term of equation 44 is negative. in the tem perature of the horizontal mid The factor F accounts for the m utual plane between cylinders (i.e., correspond heating effect of the other cables of the ing to the surface of the earth) remaining, cable system, and consists of the product by symmetry, undisturbed. of the ratios of the distance from the The principle of superposition, as reference cable to the image of each applied to the case a t hand, can be stated of the other cables to the distance to th at in therm al term s as follows: If the ther cable. Thus, mal network has more than one source of tem perature rise, the heat th a t flows at 1 terms) F any point, or the tem perature drop be tween any two points, is the sum of the (46) heat flows and tem perature drops at I t will be noted th a t the value of F w ill. these points which would exist if each vary depending upon which cable is source of tem perature rise were considered selected as the reference, and the maxi- * separately. In the case a t hand, the mum conductor tem perature will occur sources of heat flow and tem perature rise in the cable for which 4L F / D X is a maxito be superimposed are, namely, the heat

in which Pe is the therm al resistivity of the earth, d' is the distance from the image of the cable to the point P , and d is the distance from the cable center to P . From th is . equation and the principles discussed in references 3, 12, and 13, the following expressions m ay be developed, applicable to directly buried cables and to pipe-type cables.

0.012(j> e- p c)n'N(LF)Gt thermal ohm-feet



Neher, McGrath Temperature and Load Capability of Cable Systems

O c t o b e r 1957

from the cable, the outw ard flow of heat from the core of the earth, and the in ward heat flow solar radiation, and, when present, the heat flow from interfering sources. By employing as the ambient tem perature in the calculations the temperature a t the depth of burial of the hottest cable, the combined heat flow from earth core and solar radiation sources is superimposed upon th a t produced a t the surface of the hottest cable by the heat flow from th a t cable and interfering sources which are calculated separately with all other heat flows absent. The combined heat flow from earth core and solar sources results in an earth temperature which decreases with depth in summer; increases with depth in w inter; remains about constant a t any given depth on the average over a year; approximates constancy a t all depths a t midseason, and turn results in flow of heat from cable sources to earth s surface, directly to sur face in midseason and winter and in directly to surface in summer. Factors which tend to invalidate the combined Kennelly-superposition princi ple m ethod are departure of the tem pera ture of the surface of earth from a true isothermal (as evidenced by melting of snow in w inter directly over a buried steam main) and nonuniformity of therm al resistivity (due to such phe nomena as radial and vertical migration of moisture). The extent to which the Kennelly-superposition principle method is invalidated, however, is not of practical importance provided th a t an over-all or effective therm al resistivity is employed in the Kennelly equation.

IZ Rdc( 1 + YcXRca' R ct R i A l + Y c)Rct'

( T a -{-ATa)

kiloamperes (47)

in which R ct is the effective transient therm al resistance of the cable system for the stated period of time.. Procedures for calculating R ct for times up to several reference 14. and for hours are given longer times in references 15-17.
T h e E ffect S ources

where Rya is the therm al resistance between the steam pipe and ambient earth.
A e r ia l C a b l e s

E xtraneous

H eat

In the case of multicable installations the assumption has been made th a t all cables are of the same size and are similarly loaded. When this is not the case the tem perature rise or load capability of one particular equal cable group m ay be determined by treating the heating effect of other cable groups separately, introducing an interference tem perature rise A7\n* in equations 1 and 9. Thus

In the case of aerial cables it may be desirable to consider both the effects of solar radiation which increases the temperature rise and the effect of the wind which decreases it .2 4 Under maximum sunlight conditions, a lead-sheathed cable will absorb about 4.3 w atts per foot per inch of profile1 8 which m ust be returned to the atmosphere through the thermal resistance Re/ n f. This effect is con veniently treated as an interference tem perature rise according to the rela tionship
A T i nt


ATc^r ATd-\-AT int

degrees centigrade

( 1A)

4.SDs'Re/n ' degrees centigrade (47A)


Rdc(l f" y c)Rca



in which ATint represents the sum of a number of interference effects, for each of which
A T i nt
[W cQLF) + Wd] R ini

For black surfaces this value should be increased about 75% . As indicated in Appendix I I , the following expression for R e may be used where Vto is the velocity of the wind in miles per hour Re 3.5'
Z V ( v X /Z V + 0 .6 2 e )

degrees centigrade (48)


thermal ohm-feet (42B )

U s e of L ow -R e s is t iv it y B a c k fill

0.012pe' log Fint

thermal ohm-feet (49)

_______________________________ . ____________________________.____

F i nt

( d i i ' X d u ' X d u ') -dNi'

___________ _ ______________ ______

(^li)(^ 2<)(^3i)

( N terms)

(50) where the parameters apply to each sys tem which m ay be considered as a unit. For cables in duct Rint^-012nr[pc log Fint+N(ec)Gb1 thermal ohm-feet (49A) Because of the m utual heating between cable groups, the tem perature rise of the interfering groups should be rechecked. If all the cable groups are to be given m utually compatible ratings, it is necessary to evaluate Wc for each group by successive approximations, or by setting up a system of simultaneous equations, substituting for W c its value by equation 15 and solving for I. In case ATint or a component of it is produced by an adjacent steam m ain, the tem perature of the steam T y rath er than the heat flow from it is usually given. Thus
A Ti nt

Special Conditions
Although the m ajority of cable tem perature calculations m ay be made by the foregoing procedure, conditions fre quently arise which require somewhat specialized treatm ent. Some of these are covered herein.
E m e r g e n c y R a t in g s

In cases where the therm al resistivity of the earth is excessively high, the value of Re may be reduced by backfilling the trench with soil or sand having a lower value of therm al resistivity. Equation 44(A) may be used for this case if p/, the therm al resistivity of the backfill is substituted for pc, and & applies to the zone having the backfill in place of the zone occupied by the concrete.
S in g l e -C o n d u c t o r C a b l e s in D u c t w it h S o lid ly B o n d e d S h e a t h s

Under emergency conditions it is fre quently necessary to exceed the stated normal tem perature lim it of the conductor Tc and to set an emergency tem perature lim it 7V. If the duration of the emer gency is long enough for steady-state con ditions to obtain, then the emergency rating V m ay be found by equation substituting T c' for T c and correcting Rdc for the increased conductor tem perature. If the duration of the emergency is less than th a t required for steady-state con ditions to obtain, the emergency rating of the line m ay be determined from
O c t o b e r 1057

The relatively large and unequal sheath losses in the three phases which may result from this type of operation may be determined from Table VI of reference 1. I t will be noted th a t Y.

R ya

centigrade (51)

where expressions for I si2 / I 2 etc., appear in the table. The resulting unequal values of Yc in the three phases will yield unequal values of qs, and equation 5 becomes for phase no. 1, the instance given as equa tion 5 (A) on the following page.

Neher, McGrath Temperature and Load Capability of Cable Systems


Wc\RiJrqgi{RseJr R ex'\-(LF)RxV\ Jr Nqsa(LF)Rpa] thermal ohm-feet (5A)


Table VIII.

Constants For Use in Equation 53

where qia is the average of qs1, qs2 , and qsz

A rm ored C a b l e s


Average AT ............. 20 ............. 20 ..............20 ............. 20 ............. 20 ............. 10

In multiconductor armored cables a loss occurs in the armor which m ay be considered as an alternate to the conduit or pipe loss. If the arm or is nonmag netic, the component of armor loss to be used instead of Yv in equations 14 and 19 may be calculated by the equations for sheath loss substituting the resistance and ea diam eter of the arm or for those of the sheath. In cal culating the armor resistance, account should be taken of the spiralling effect for which equation 13 suitably modified m ay be used. If the arm or is mag netic, one would expect an increase in the factors Yc and Ys in equation 14 since this occurs in the case of magnetic conduit. Unfortunately, no simple pro cedure is available for calculating these effects. A rough estim ate of the induc tive effects may be made by using the procedure given above for magnetic conduit. A simple m ethod of approximating the losses in single conductor cables with steelwire armor at spacings ordinarily em ployed in submarine installations is to as sume th at the combined sheath and armor current is equal to the conductor current .1 The effective a-c resistance of the armor m ay be taken as 30 to 60% greater than its d-c resistance corrected for lay as indicated above. If more accurate calculations are desired references 19 and 20 will be found useful.
ffect of

Cable in metallic conduit.............................. . . . 0 . 0 7 ............ Cable in fiber duct in air.............................. . . . 0 . 0 7 ............ Cable in fiber duct in concrete.................... . . . 0 . 0 7 ............ Cable in transite duct in air........................ . . . 0 . 0 7 ............ Cable in transite duct in concrete............. . . . 0 . 0 7 ............ Gas-filled pipe-type cable at 200 p si.........., . . . 0 . 0 7 ............

.........0 . 1 2 1 ........... ...........0 .0 0 1 7 ......... .........0 .0 3 6 ......................0 .0 0 0 9 ......... .........0 . 0 4 3 ............. . . . . , 0 . 0 0 1 4 ........ .........0 . 0 8 6 .......................0 .0 0 0 8 ......... .........0 .0 7 9 ............ ...........0 .0 0 1 6 ......... .........0 . 1 2 1 ....................... 0 .0 0 1 7 .........

based upon all of the data available and including the effect of the temperature of the intervening medium. The theoretical expression for the case where the intervening medium is air or gas as presented in reference 10 may be generalized in the following form: Rsd D/ where R sd the effective thermal resistance be tween cable and enclosure in thermal ohm-feet D,' the cable diameter or equivalent diameter of three cables in inches A T = the temperature differential in degrees centigrade P the pressure in atmospheres mean temperature of the medium in T centigrade nu: conductors involved The constants a, b, and c in this equation have been established empirically as follows: Considering b+cTm as a constant for the moment, the analysis given in reference 10 results in a value of a =0.07. With a t* lus established, the data given in reference 10 for cable in pipe, and in reference 11 for cable in fiber and transite ducts were analyzed in similar manner to give the values of b and c which are shown in Table V III. In order to avoid a reiterative calculation procedure, it is desirable to assume a value for A T since its actual value will depend upon RS d and the heat flow. Fortunately, as A T occurs to the 1/4 power in equation 53, the use of an average value as indicated jn Table V III will not introduce a serious error. y further restricting the range of ZV to 1-4 inches for cable in duct or conduit and to 3-5 inches for type cables, equation 53 is reduced to equation 41.
R td

and a.range of 150-350 for D s T m, equation 54 reduces to equation 41 with the values of A , Bt and C given in Table VII . In the case of cables or pipes suspended in still air, the heat loss by radiation may be determined by the Stefan-Bolzmann formula n 'W (radiation) 0.139DA [( T , +273)4- ( T a+ 273 )4] 10 watts per foot (55) where c is the coefficient of emissivity of the cable or pipe surface. Over the limited temperature range in which we are interested, equation 55 may be simplified to 1 0 n 'W (radiation)=0.102ZVArX (l+0.0167rm ) watts per foot (55A)

/ n ATP 2


(53) + b+cTm

Over the same temperature range the heat loss by convection from horizontal cables or pipes is given with sufficient accuracy by the expression n'W( convection) =0.064 D s'AT(AT/D s1) ^ watts per foot (56)

F o r c e d C o o l in g

The tem perature rise of cables in pipes or tunnels m ay be reduced by forcing air axially along the system. Similarly, in the case of oil-filled pipe cable, oil m ay be circulated through the pipe. Under these conditions, the tem perature rise is not uniform along the cable and increases in the direction of flow of the cooling medium. The solution of this problem is discussed in reference 21.

in which the numerical constant 0.064 has been selected for the best fit with the carefully determined test results reported by Heilman** on 1.3, 3.5 and 10.8-inch diameter black pipes 0.95). Incidentally, this value also represents the best fit with the test data on 1.9-4.5 inch diameter black pipes reported by Rosch. For vertical cables or pipes the value of this numerical constant may be increased 22 by 22%. Combining equations 55(A) and 56 we obtain the relationship AT Re n 'W (total) 15.6' D,'[(Ar/r>/)v*+1.6e(l+0.0167rm thermal ohm-feet (42 ) If the cable is subjected wind having a velocity of Vw miles per hour, the follow ing expression derived from the work of Schurig and Frick 2 4 should be substituted for the convection component. n 'W ( convection) = 0.2862}/ AT \ / Vw/D s' watts per foot (56A) Combining equations 55(A) and 56(A) with T 7 7 1 45 C AT Re n XV (total) 3.5 n' DS' ( V V J D , + 0.62) thermal ohm-feet (42B)
O c t o b e r 1957

Development of Equations 41, 42 f and Table VII
Theoretical and semiempirical expressions for the thermal resistance between cables and an enclosing pipe or duct wall are given in reference 10. Further data on the thermal resistance between cables and fiber and transite ducts are given in ref erence 11. For purposes of cable rating, it is desirable to develop standardized expressions for these thermal resistances

n'A thermal ohm-feet 1+ (B + CTm)Ds' (41)


in which the values of the constants A , B, and C appear in Table VII. In the case of oil-filled pipe cable, the analysis given in reference 10 gives the following expression
f n Rsd

0.60+0.025(ZVsr ra J A r)l/4

thermal ohm-feet (54) Assuming an average value of A T 7 C


Neher, McGrath Temperature and Load Capability of Cable Systems


Determination of the Geometric

Factor G* for Duct Bank
Considering the surface of the duct bank to act as an isothermal circle of radius r& , the thermal resistance between the duct bank and the earth's surface will be a logarithmic function of r& and Lb the distance of the center of the bank below the surface. Using, the long form of the Kennelly Formula1 * we may define the geometric factor Gb as
* V

Tabie IX. Comparison of Values of % (A F) for Sinusoidal Loss Cycles at 30% Loss Factor
Description, Inches % (AF) Neher Shanklin Wiseman


DX 8.3 inches. As indicated in the third paper of reference 3, however, theoretically Dx should vary as the square root of the product of the diffusivity and the time length of the loading cycle. Hence as the diffusivity was taken as 2.75 square inches per hour in th above, DX
1 . 0 2 X _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



L* + y / &*fb%

log [Z./r&+\/{Lb/nY


I ............ 4 .5 pipe.......6 3 / 6 3 . . . 6 1 / 6 2 . . . . 6 3 / 6 5 I I ........... 6. 6 pipe.......5 6 / 5 6 . . . 6 0 / 5 7 . . . . 5 3 / 6 0 II I ........... 8 . 6 pipe.......5 6 / 5 6 . . . 5 9 / 5 8 . . . . 5 4 / 6 3 I V .........10.6 pipe.......5 8 /5 8 .. .6 1 /5 9 ....5 5 /5 3 V ............ 0 .5 cable 80/80 V I .......... 1 . 5 c a b l e . . . . 7 7 / 7 6 . . . 7 7 / 7 6 . . . . 7 7 / 7 7 VI I ........ 1. 9 c a b le ....71/71 V I I I . . . . 2 . 0 cable....................... 63/62 ___ 2 .0 cable....................... 75/74 X ___ 3 .4 cable....................... 77/78 ........3 . 4 cable.. . . 8 3 / 8 0 . . . 83/81 ..... 3.7 cable....76/74...74/73 X I I ........4 . 2 c a b l e . . . . 7 0 / 6 6 . . . 7 0 / 6 7 X III. 4 .5 ca b le.. . . 6 9 / 6 4 . . . 6 5 / 6 4 . . . .6 1 /6 3

*\A*eX length of cycle in hours inches (45) Table IX presents a comparison of the values of per cent attainment factor for sinusoidal loss cycles at 30% loss factor as calculated by equations 45,66,62(A), and 63 and as they appear in Table II of the first paper of reference 3.

In order to evaluate in terms of the dimensions of a rectangular duct bank, let the smaller dimension of the bank be x and the larger dimension by y . The radius of a circle inscribed within the duct bank touching the sides is

* Diffusivity -

4.7 square inches per hour.

, portion of the thermal circuit is reduced by a factor equal to the loss factor of the cyclic load. The point at which this reduction commences may be conveniently expressed in terms of a fictitious diameter Dx Thus R ca

Appendix IV. Calculations for Representative Cable Systems

15-Kv 350-MCM3-Conductor Shielded Compact Sector Paper and Lead Cable Suspended in Air
D 0.616 (equivalent round); depth 0.539 inch V =gauge



and the radius of a larger circle embracing the four corners is


RcxJr{LF)Rxa thermal ohm-feet (62)

y / x 2-fy*


Let us assume th at the circle of radius r& lies between these circles and the magnitude of rb is such that it divides the thermal resistance between r\ and r* in direct relation to the portions of the heat field between r\ and r 2 occupied and unoccupied by the duct bank. Thus log

For greater accuracy, it is desirable to establish the value of Dx empirically rather than to assume that Dx is equal to the diameter De at which the earth portion of the thermal circuit commences, Equation 62 may be written in the form
R c e + R e x -h iL F X e a

D s 2.129; r=0.175 inch; = 0.120 inch


12.9 234.5+81 81 C; R de 0.350 \ 234.5+75 37.6 microhms per foot (Eq. 10A) (Eq. 12)

D sm 2.129 -0.120 =2.009 inches Rs


thermal ohm-feet (62A) In terms of the attainment factor (A F), one may write
R ca'


2.009(0.120) per foot a t 50 C (Eq. 11A)

1.0 ; k p 0.6 (equivalent round) (Table II) 37.6; Fc, = 0.008 (Eq. 21 and Fig. 1)

157 microhms

or r l log

* nr2
2 x (r 2

( A F ) & c a - ( .A F X + & sa

*y t .



thermal ohm-feet (63) Equating equations 62(A) and 63 obtains the relationship

R dc/ks

from which log fb log x -flog 2 (60)

5=0.616 +2(0.175+0.008) - 0.982 inches Rdc/k V 62.6; F(xpf) 0.003


&ex where x

x)R ta xRee thermal ohm-feet (64)

(Fig. 1)

I t is desirable to derive in terms of the perimeter P of the duct bank Thus P 2(*+ y )= 4 - (1 -\-y/x) and therefore x log - = log p 4 (l+ y /x )

{AF) 1 (LF)

(Eq. 24A, and note to Table II)


Since R ex 0.012n'5 log Dx/D e thermal ohm-feet ( 66)

1 7 c 1+0.008+0.002


1.155(0.175+0.008)+0.60(0.539) 0.534 inch (Eq. 32) 396 Y se 157(37.6)1 2.009

s 2(0.534)


log Dx/D,

n lU n p

x )R ea xR ce



0.019 (Eq. 31A)

The curves of Fig. 2 have been developed from equations 57, 60, and 61 for several values of the ratio y /x . It should be noted in passing that the value of r& 0.112P used in reference 13 applies to a y /x ratio of about 2/1 only.

Empirical Evaluation of D X
In order to evaluate the effect of a cyclic load upon the maximum temperature rise of a cable system simply, it is customary to assume that the heat flow in the final
O c t o b e r 1957

The first paper of reference 3 presents the results of a study in which a number of typical daily loss cycles and also sinu soidal loss cycles of the same loss factor were applied to a number of typical buried cable systems. The results indicated that in all cases the sinusoidal loss cycle of the same loss factor adequately expressed the maximum temperature rise which was obtained with any of the actual loss cycles considered. An analysis by equations 65 and 67 of the calculated values of attainment factors for sinusoidal loss cycles given in Table II and the corresponding cable system parameters given in Table I of the first paper of reference 3 yields a most probable value of

Rac/Rdc** 1.010+0.019 0.019 1.019 1 1.010


(Eq. 14) (Eqs. 18-19)

3.7 (Table V): = 15/\/3=8.7;

cos < f> 0.022 0.00276 (8.7)*[3.7(0.022)] Wd 2(0.175)+0.681 log 0.681 0.094 w att per conductor foot (Eq. 36 and text) (Note: In computing dielectric loss on

Neher, McGrath Temperature and Load Capability of Cable Systems


sector conductors, the equivalent diameter of the conductor is taken equal to that of a concentric round conductor, i.e., 0.681 inch for 350 MCM.)

3 \

j I

700 (Table VI); Gx 0.45 (Table V III of reference 0.00522(700(0.45)} 1.64 thermal ohm-feet (Eq. 39)


II i

r n

0.41 (assumed) 9.5(3) 1-f-1.7 [2.129(0.41+0.41 )] 7.18 thermal ohm-feet (Eq. 42A)

R ca

1.64+1.019(7.18) 8.96 thermal ohm-feet (Eq. 8) (Eq. .6)

ATd 0.094(0.82 +7.18) =0.75 C


40 C (assumed ) I 81 (40+0.8) 37.6(1.010(8.96)] 0.344 kiloampere

(Eq. 9)

If the cable is outdoors in sunlight and subjected to an 0.84 mile per hour wind

3.5(3) 2.129 [V 0.84/2.129 +0.62(0.41 )] 5.59 thermal ohm-feet (Eq. 42B) 1.64+1.019(5.59) 7.34 thermal ohm-feet 5.59 (4.3X2.129) 3 17.1 C (Eq. 47A) (Eq. 8)

R ca

AT int

Ta 30 C ( assumed ) I 81 (30+0.6+17.1) (37.6)(1.010)(7.34) 0.346 kiloampere

(Eq. 9)

In this particular case the net effect of solar radiation and an 0.84 mile per hour wind is to effectively raise the ambient temperature by 10 degrees, which is a rough estimating value commonly used. It should be noted, however, th at this will not always be true, and the procedure outlined above is preferable.

69-Kv 1,500-M CMSingleConductor Oil-Filled Cable in Duct Two identical cable circuits will be considered in a 2 by 3 fiber and concrete duct structure having the dimensions shown in Fig. 3.
D0 0.600; jDc= 1.543; >=2.113; T = 0.285; Ds =2.373: i=0.130 inches

Fig. 3.

Assumed duct bank configuration for typical calculations on 69-kv 1,500-MCM oil-filled cable (Appendix IV)


12.9 8.60 75 C; Rd c 1.50 microhms per foot (Eq. 10A) 37.9 130 microhms (2.243 )(0.130) per foot at 50 C (Eq. 11A) 1.543 0.600/1.543+1.200\* 1.543+0.600 \ 1.543 +0.600 0.72; 0.8 (Eq. 23 and Table II)

R d c /k s

(Eq. 21 and Fig. 1) 5 = 9 .0 (Fig. 3); RdC /k P 10.75; 0.075 (Fig. 1)

Y cp

5 / 2.243 \ 21 1 12 \ 2( 9.0 ) (9.0)/

0.006 (Eq. 30A) (Eq. 14) (Eqs. 18-19) 40; cos =0.005

Rac/Rde = 1.082+0.006 = 1.088 0.006 S* 3 1 1.082

D sm 2.373-0.130=2.243 inches (Eq. 12) Rs



0.075 = 0.007

(Eq. 24A)

1.006 6 9 /\/3

1 + F .c
Y.sc Ys

1+0.075+0.007 = 1.082


(Table V): E

Assuming the sheaths to be open-circuited,

Y se


396 2.243 130(8.60) \2(9.0)

0.00276(40)*(3.5)(0.005) Wd 2.113 log 1.543 0.57 watt per conductor foot

(Eq. 36)


Neher, McGrath Temperature and Load Capability of Cable Systems

O c t o b e r 1957


550 (Table VI)



2.113 R i 0.012 ( 550 log 1.543 0.90 thermal ohm-foot (Eq. 38) n 1(4.6) 1; R sd 1.74 2.37+0.27 thermal ohm-feet (Eq. 41A) 480 (Table VI); t 0.25; D e 5.04+ 0.5 = 5.50 for fiber duct

0.57 (0.45+1.75+0.24+4.63) =4.0 C (Eq. 6) l2)(8.60)(1.082)=9.31/12 watts per conductor foot (Eq. 15)


2 1.632


(0.035X1.7) = 0.083 (Eq. 24A and text)

W ei

l+ rc

1+0.088+0.083 = 1.171

AT4 i nt

(9.31/i2[(1.006)(0.80)+0.57])3.81 2.17+28.5ii2 degrees centigrade in circuit no. 2 (Eq. 48)

X 771


Similar calculations for the second circuit yield the following values.

(2.3)(2.76) 52.9 log 2.66 20.0 microhms per foot (Eq. 29A)

0.0104(480)(0.25) 0.24 Rd 5.50 0.25 thermal ohm-foot (Eq. 40)



7.18;-A7d=3.4; W = 17.44/22; A T int 1.71+53.2/2* in circuit no. 1 75 (25+4.0 + 1.71+53.2/22) X (9.31X6.65) 0.715-0.859/22 (Eq. 9A)

(20.0)2 (1.7) (9.435X6.35)

0 .0 1 1

(Eq. 27A and text) (0.34)(2.76)+(0.175)(8.13) 0.372 Yv 6.35 (Eq. 35) Rad Rdc= 1.171+0.011+0.372 1.554 (Eq. 14)

120 (asumed)

85 (Table VI); 43.5 inches (Fig. 3)


iV= 6 ; (L i7 ) =0.80 (assumed); 96 78 96.5 87.5 78.5 F 12.7 9 9 12.7 9 42,200 (Fig. 3 and Eq. 46)
U /F

75 (25+ 3.4+ 2.17+28.5/i2) X /2 2 (17.44)(7.18) 0.3550.228/i2 (Eq. 9A) Solving simultaneously h =0.714; 0.487 kiloampere.

Q .S


0 .0 1 1


43.5 2(18+27)

27 0.483; 1.5; 18 Gh 0.87 (Fig. 2 )

0.011+0.372 1.009; q 1 1.171 1.327 (Eqs. 18-19)

3.5 (Table V); E = 138/V 3

80; 0.005

R ef (at 80% loss factor) = (0.012)(85)(1)X 83 4(43.5) log +0.80 log (42,200) 5.5 8.3 0.012(120 -85)(1)(6)(0.80)(0.87) 6.79 thermal ohm-feet (Eq. 44A) Re (at unity loss factor) 8.44 thermal ohm-feet (Eq. 44A) Rea 0.90+1.006 (1.74+0.24+6.79) 9.72 thermal ohm-feet (Eq + 1.74+ 0.24+ 8
6.2 C (Eq. 6)

138-Kv 2,000-MCM High-Pressure Oil-Filled Pipe-Type Cable 8.625 Inch-Outside-Diameter Pipe

The cable shielding will consist of an intercalated 7/8(0.003)-inch bronze tape 1-inch lay, and a single 0.1(0.2)-inch Z>shaped brass skid wire1.5-inch lay. The cables will lie in cradled configuration. Dc 1.632; Di=2.642; T=0.505; D s 2.661; DP=8.125 Tc 234.5+70 70 C; Rae 2.00 234.5+75 6.35 microhms per foot (Eq. 10A) 12.9

COS <b


0.00276(80)2 (3.5)(0.005) 2.642 log 1.632 1.48 watts per conductor foot (Eq. 36) 550 (Table VI); t=0.012X 2.642 1.38 thermal 550 log 1.632 ohm-feet (Eq. 38) / 3; D S 2.15(2.66) 5.72;
3(2 .1) 0.77 thermal R sd 5.72+2.45 ohm-foot (Eq. 41A)


A Td

Ta 25 C (assumed);

For shielding tape A s = 7/8(0.003) =0.00263: 1.0 ; p 23.8; r 564 (Table I) R5

2.66x 23.8r 1 X 4(0.00263) 1 564+50 62,900 microhms 564+20 per foot at 50 C (Eq. 13)

75 (25+6.2) 8.60(1.082)(9.72) 0.696 kiloampere (Eq. 9)

Pd 100 (Table VI); t 0.50; D t 8.63 + 1.0=9.63 for 1/2-inch wall of asphalt mastic

To illustrate the case where the cable circuits are not identical, consider the second circuit to have 750-MCM con ductors. For the first circuit. i\T=3 ; (L F ) =0.80 (assumed) ; 96 78 F 92.4 (Eq. 46) 9 9

0.0104(100)(3)(0.50) 9.63 0.50 0.17 thermal ohm-foot (Eq. 40) 36 inches, (LF ) 0.85;
N l , F = 1

1 For skid wire A t (0.1)2=0.0157 ; 2 I 1.5; p 38; r =912 (Table I)

Assume pe 80, L


0.012(85)(1)X 8.3 l g r l +0.80 log 92 5.5 3 0.012(120 85)(1)(3)(0.80)(0.87) 3.74 thermal ohm-feet (Eq. 44A) 96.4 12.7 87.5 9 456 (Eq. 50)

2.66xx * 38tt 1 X 4(0.0157) 1.5 912+50 11,100 microhms 912+20 per foot at 50 C (Eq. 13)

R (at 85% loss factor)=0.012(80)(3)X 4(36) 8.3 ( 1) lo^ 777^ + 0-8518 8.3 9.63 2.85 thermal ohm-feet (Eq. 44) R e (at unity loss factor) 3.38 thermal ohm-feet (Eq. 44)
R ca'

R s (net)

9 )(1 1

F int

(62.9X11 9,435 microhms per foot a t 50 C (Table II)


1.38+1.009(0.77)+ 1.327(0.17+2.85) 6.17 thermal ohm-feet (Eq. 8 )

0.435; kP 0.37

ATd 1.48(0.69+0.77+0.17+3.38) =7.4 C (Eq. 6) T a 25 C (assumed);



0.012(1 )X [85 log 456 +3(120 -85)(0.87)] 3.81 thermal ohm-feet (Eq. 49)

14.6; Yes=0.052(1.7) =0.088 (Eq. 21, Fig. 1, and text)

/ R ca 0.90+1.006(1.74+0.24+3.74) 6.65 thermal ohm-feet (Eq. 8)

O c t o b e r 1957

5 = 2 .66 + 0.10 = 2.76; IUe/kp 17.2; F(xvf) 0.035 (Fig. 1)

70 (25+7.4) (6.35)(1.171)(6.17) 0.905 kiloampere (Eq. 9)

Neher, McGrath Temperaiure and Load Capability of Cable Systems


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