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Australia AND New Zealand: Standard Operation Procedures For Air and Oceanfreight Shipments To

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Standard Operation Procedures for Air and Oceanfreight shipments to Australia AND New Zealand

Dear Partner, We are writing to you to advise you of mandatory import shipping procedures and customs requirements by Australian Customs with the request to comply at all times 1. Import Airfreight 2. Import Ocean Freight 3. DDP Shipments Australian Customs requires detailed reporting of both air and sea cargo by electronic means before cargo arrives in the first port / airport of Australia .

Cargo Reporting
This notice focuses on Cargo !eports" covering Air Cargo !eports" and #ea Cargo !eports" pursuant to #ection $%A& of the Australian Customs Act 1901. We provide these Cargo !eports to the Australian Customs #ervice based on the quality of information you provide. Therefore, we require you to provide the relevant information at the earliest stage in electronic format. Penalties 'on compliance may results in Australian Customs imposing penalties for not following import reporting procedures. Penalties for not meeting government requirements are e(pected to result in a minimum fine of A) *,+,- per error .n addition, apart from the government imposed penalties and fines, other consequences for not complying with these rules include/ o o o o o Cargo delays #torage charges !educed #ervice 0evels 1(tra Cost !is2 of 0oss of &usiness

!hat "e nee# from $ou To enable us to meet Customs requirements, we require information relating to/ *. Air cargo no later than 12 hours before the first airport of arrival in Australia ,. Sea cargo no later than 3 #a$s before the first port of arrival in Australia. %his is one of the most important points. 3or e(ample, if the cargo is destined for #ydney but the first port of arrival is 3remantle and the vessel is due to arrive in 3remantle 4 day5s before it arrives in #ydney, we MUST report to Australian Customs + day5s before it arrives in 3remantle, not #ydney. The same obviously applies to air cargo, for e(ample, if it flies into Cairns on one flight but then moves on another flight to #ydney, we MUST report to Australian Customs *, hours prior to it5s arrival in Cairns. Attached are our standard operating procedures for both air and sea freight, which provides all the necessary information required. Please ta2e note of the special email addresses that have been created specifically for your pre6alert notifications.

OS Agents Procedures

Page 1 of 13

Last updated: 12 September 2012

All business is undertaken subject to ICE's Standard Conditions of Contract, which may limit or exclude the Company's liability and contain warranties and/or indemnities benefitin the Company, copies of which are a!ailable from this website, here, and/or upon re"uest#

Standard Operation Procedures for Air and Oceanfreight shipments to Australia AND New Zealand

&iabilit$ for 'rrors Clearly, we face e(posure if we report in an inaccurate, inadequate or less than timely fashion. The purpose of this notice is to also inform you that if we do not meet Australian Customs requirements for reporting the movement of cargo due to your error, or omissions, we will see2 indemnity from you to cover our liability. #hould we receive a penalty notice, you will be advised and will attach a copy of the penalty notice and our debit note for settlement. 3urthermore, in the event that there is an inquiry by Australian Customs as to the reason for our incorrect reporting, then we will inform Australian Customs that the fault arose due to your failure to provide that information at the required time and in the required format. Please ensure that this notification is distributed to all the relevant staff in your organisation. In compliance "ith our (ualit$ proce#ures "e re)uire $ou to ac*no"le#ge receipt of this notification confirming $our compliance b$ return. DDP +ustoms +learance Shipments .t is a requirement of Australian Customs for the owner of the cargo to present a signed Customs Clearance Authority with the undermentioned wording to be completed on the letterhead of the overseas e(porter 7 owner of the cargo. Without this document a DDP shipment will not be processed. Outla$ of Dut$ an# ,S% We do not e(tend credit on any government ta(es i.e. Duty and 8#T e(ceeding A9D :--.--. Therefore we require payment prior to outlay and release of cargo Personal 'ffects
'-port Airfreight .C1 cannot handle any 1(port Airfreight consignments due to the Transport and #ecurity Programme as set with D;TA!#. '-port Seafreight To be handled at the discretion of the &ranch Import Seafreight an# Air . +P% consignments onl$ We will only receive shipments from our overseas agents and we will render all necessary assistance. At the discretion of the branch, customs clearance can be affected in6house or outsourced.

Under no circumstances do we handle DDU or DDP Personal effects Shipments.

OS Agents Procedures

Page 2 of 13

Last updated: 12 September 2012

All business is undertaken subject to ICE's Standard Conditions of Contract, which may limit or exclude the Company's liability and contain warranties and/or indemnities benefitin the Company, copies of which are a!ailable from this website, here, and/or upon re"uest#

Standard Operation Procedures for Air and Oceanfreight shipments to Australia AND New Zealand

/an*ing fees All ban2ing fees are for the account of the remitter< .f you need any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. &est regards =ours sincerely, International +argo '-press Pt$ &t# 0onal# Spahr >anaging Director Tel/ ?$* @-A , B$$B 4C:$ Direct number Tel/ ?$* @-A , B$$B 4C->ain number 3a(/ ?$* @-A , B$$B 4C-* e6mail/ rspahrDicecargo.com.au Web/ www.icecargo.com.au encl /

OS Agents Procedures

Page 3 of 13

Last updated: 12 September 2012

All business is undertaken subject to ICE's Standard Conditions of Contract, which may limit or exclude the Company's liability and contain warranties and/or indemnities benefitin the Company, copies of which are a!ailable from this website, here, and/or upon re"uest#

Standard Operation Procedures for Air and Oceanfreight shipments to Australia AND New Zealand
$er% MA&'(SU' Master "A&' consigned to IC offices in Australia must )e addressed as under*

Shipper/ The origin agent +onsignee/ .C1 office 6 as under Description of ,oo#s/ EConsolidation, as per attached manifestE S1D2'1 INTERNATIONAL CARGO EXPRESS PTY LIMITED ,C% Coward #treet >ascot '#W ,-,Contact/ #hane &arnes, Tel/ ?$* @-,A B$$B4C--, 3a(/ ?$* @-,A B$$B 4C-, e3mail4 s$#airprealerts5icecargo.com.au


INTERNATIONAL CARGO EXPRESS PTY LIMITED +B 0ambec2 Drive Tullamarine F.C +-%+ INTERNATIONAL CARGO EXPRESS PTY LIMITED C7o &ell Total 0ogistics Pty 0imited ,+ 1ast #treet &rompton #A :--4
Ctc./ Gate Hac2son Tel./ ?$* @-CA C,%:CB-e3mail4 melairprealerts5icecargo.com.au cc.4 a#limportair5btl.com.au


Contact/ Paul Fitti Tel/ ?$* @-+A B++C%4::, 3a(/ ?$* @-+A B++C%-*e3mail4 melairprealerts5icecargo.com.au


INTERNATIONAL CARGO EXPRESS PTY LIMITED C7o Air >enIies .nternational Jantas Drive, &risbane J0D %--B
Contact/ #as2ia ;phorst , Tel/ ?$* @-4A +C$C *444, 3a(/ ?$* @-4A +C$C *44$ e3mail4 bneairprealerts5icecargo.com.au


INTERNATIONAL CARGO EXPRESS PTY LIMITED c7o PH# Customs and 3orwarding Pty 0td TDK, Darwin, 'T -C-e3mail4 bneairprealerts5icecargo.com.au


INTERNATIONAL CARGO EXPRESS PTY LIMITED c7o >ulti 0oad $ LaIelhurst #treet Gewdale, WA $*-:
e3mail4 perairprealerts5icecargo.com.au

Contact/ Tuan 'go, Tel/ ?$* @-CA B%+- 4C,,, 3a(/ ?$* @-CA B%+- 4C,*

+#T 4

Above air cargo bond facility details are for customs purpose only Correspondence, freight invoices etc. to be sent to our postal addresses

A manifest must be issue# for ever$ consoli#ation 9incl. bac*3to3bac*: one line consoli#ations;. 2O%'4 An Amen#ment / A##itional Processing Fee of A< =>.>> "ill be charge# for ever$ incorrectl$ #ocumente# an#/or incorrectl$ a##resse# consoli#ation. %his is a##itional to the Australian +ustoms penalties referre# to belo". '36AI& P0'3AD?I+'/ A9#T!A0.A' C9#T;># insist on specific information *, hours prior to the arrival of the aircraft in the first airport in Australia. Therefore, please e6mail the following documents to the uni)ue e6mail addresses shown above/ copy of the >AW&, LAW& @showing full address of shipper and consignee, value of goodsA, Commercial .nvoice, and Debit 'ote if freight collect and >anifest showing the name of the co,loader should you decide to co6load the consolidation<

OS Agents Procedures

Page 4 of 13

Last updated: 12 September 2012

All business is undertaken subject to ICE's Standard Conditions of Contract, which may limit or exclude the Company's liability and contain warranties and/or indemnities benefitin the Company, copies of which are a!ailable from this website, here, and/or upon re"uest#

Standard Operation Procedures for Air and Oceanfreight shipments to Australia AND New Zealand

2on3+ompliance "ill result in #ela$s upon arrival an# failure to compl$ "ith these Australian +ustoms re)uirements "ill attract an automatic minimum penalt$ of A7< 13>>.>> 9appro- 7S< @>>.>>; per error an# this penalt$ from Australian +ustoms "ill be invoice# to $our office.
IF 1O7 8A?' A21 (7'S%IO2S: P&'AS' DO 2O% 8'SI%A%' %O ASA

OS Agents Procedures

Page 5 of 13

Last updated: 12 September 2012

All business is undertaken subject to ICE's Standard Conditions of Contract, which may limit or exclude the Company's liability and contain warranties and/or indemnities benefitin the Company, copies of which are a!ailable from this website, here, and/or upon re"uest#

Standard Operation Procedures for Air and Oceanfreight shipments to Australia AND New Zealand
$er% #cean #cean '(- or C.,-oad '(- must )e consigned to IC under* offices in Australia must )e addressed as

Shipper/ The origin agent freight pai# S1D2'1

+onsignee/ .C1 office 6 as under

Ocean / /&4 '-press or Sea"a$ //& .

INTERNATIONAL CARGO EXPRESS PTY LIMITED ,C% Coward #treet >ascot '#W ,-,Contact/ Daniel !uppas, Tel/ ?$* @-,A B$$B4C--, 3a(/ ?$* @-,A B$$B 4C-, e3mail4 s$#oceanprealerts5icecargo.com.au


Contact/ &ianca >aslows2i Tel/ ?$* @-+A B++C%4::, 3a(/ ?$* @-+A B++C%-*e3mail4 meloceanprealerts5icecargo.com.au

AD'&AID' INTERNATIONAL CARGO EXPRESS PTY LIMITED Pre6advice and documentation +B 0ambec2 Drive must be send to .C1 >elbourne Tullamarine F.C +-%+
Contact/ &ianca >aslows2i Tel/ ?$* @-+A B++C%4::, 3a(/ ?$* @-+A B++C%-*e3mail 4 meloceanprealerts5icecargo.com.au


INTERNATIONAL CARGO EXPRESS PTY LIMITED 9nit *, 4CB Gingsford #mith Drive 1agle 3arm J0D %--B,
Contact/ #as2ia ;phorst, Tel/ ?$* @-4A +C$C *444, 3a(/ ?$* @-4A +C$C *44$ e3mail4 bneoceanprealerts5icecargo.com.au

DA0!I2 INTERNATIONAL CARGO EXPRESS PTY LIMITED Pre6advice and documentation c7o PH# Customs and 3orwarding Pty 0td must be sent to .C1 &risbane TDK, Darwin, 'T -C-e3mail4 bneoceanprealerts5icecargo.com.au


INTERNATIONAL CARGO EXPRESS PTY LIMITED Fictoria Juay &uilding 4- Cantonment #treet, 3remantle WA $*$Contact/ Tuan 'go, Tel/ ?$* @-CA B%+- 4C,,, 3a(/ ?$* @-CA B%+- 4C,*

e3mail4 peroceanprealerts5icecargo.com.au

'36AI& P0'3AD?I+'/ A9#T!A0.A' C9#T;># insist on specific information 4, hours prior to the arrival of the vessel in the first port in Australia, so it is important to 2now the first port of arrival and it5s arrival date, or otherwise send your pre6alert to the relevant .C1 office at least /. da%s prior to arri$al. Documents required are as follows/ 1(press ;cean &ill of 0ading or 1(press Co60oad >aster &ill of 0ading each showing the container and seal number. Louse &ill of 0ading Pac2ing Declaration 3umigation certificate, not required, if pac2ing declaration stipulates that .#P>*: timber has been used Commercial invoice, if available Debit 'ote, if freight collect and Credit note for profit share as per agency agreement

OS Agents Procedures

Page 6 of 13

Last updated: 12 September 2012

All business is undertaken subject to ICE's Standard Conditions of Contract, which may limit or exclude the Company's liability and contain warranties and/or indemnities benefitin the Company, copies of which are a!ailable from this website, here, and/or upon re"uest#

Standard Operation Procedures for Air and Oceanfreight shipments to Australia AND New Zealand

2on3+ompliance "ill result in #ela$s upon arrival an# failure to compl$ "ith these Australian +ustoms re)uirements "ill attract an automatic minimum penalt$ of A7< 13>>.>> 9appro- 7S< @>>.>>; per error an# this penalt$ from Australian +ustoms: "ill be invoice# to $our office.
IF 1O7 8A?' A21 (7'S%IO2S: P&'AS' DO 2O% 8'SI%A%' %O ASA

OS Agents Procedures

Page 7 of 13

Last updated: 12 September 2012

All business is undertaken subject to ICE's Standard Conditions of Contract, which may limit or exclude the Company's liability and contain warranties and/or indemnities benefitin the Company, copies of which are a!ailable from this website, here, and/or upon re"uest#

Standard Operation Procedures for Air and Oceanfreight shipments to Australia AND New Zealand
Please reproduce following text on your letterhead and return completed to ICE:

%O !8O6 I% 6A1 +O2+'02 Customs Clearance Authority

A7%8O0ISA%IO2 A2D A+A2O!&'D,'6'2% OF %0ADI2, +O2DI%IO2S
.n accordance with #ection *C* of the Customs Act, M.7We hereby authorise .nternational Cargo 1(press Pty 0imited, Lolder of Corporate Customs &ro2ers 0icence 'o/ 4,4 its nominees and7or subagents as may be appointed from time to time to act as Mmy7our Customs &ro2er for the purposes of the Customs Act *B-* as amended, at all places in the Commonwealth. We further authorise .nternational Cargo 1(press Pty 0imited to quote our Australian &usiness 'umber @A&'A/ NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN as may be required by the Australian Ta(ation ;ffice and 8#T legislation in respect of imported goods at the time of entry for home consumption with the Australian Customs #ervice. All business is underta2en subOect to .C1Es #tandard Conditions of Contract, which may limit or e(clude the CompanyEs liability and contain warranties and7or indemnities benefiting the Company, copies of which are available from website www.icecargo.com.au and7or upon request. .n granting this authority, M.7We indemnify .nternational Cargo 1(press Pty 0imited, its nominees and7or its agents for and against any and all duties, ta(es, losses, costs, penalties, charges or other monies which the company is called upon or required to pay in respect of or in connection with Mmy7our goods, and documents relating to Mmy7our goods, and valuation7classification of Mmy7our goods for Customs or 8#T purposes, however so arising. M.7we guarantee payment of all outlays made on my7our behalf to International +argo '-press Pt$ &imite#.

GST Deferred:

Signature: Position:


Date: . Name:

OS Agents Procedures

Page 8 of 13

Last updated: 12 September 2012

All business is undertaken subject to ICE's Standard Conditions of Contract, which may limit or exclude the Company's liability and contain warranties and/or indemnities benefitin the Company, copies of which are a!ailable from this website, here, and/or upon re"uest#

Standard Operation Procedures for Air and Oceanfreight shipments to Australia AND New Zealand

OS Agents Procedures


of 13

Last updated: 12 September 2012

All business is undertaken subject to ICE's Standard Conditions of Contract, which may limit or exclude the Company's liability and contain warranties and/or indemnities benefitin the Company, copies of which are a!ailable from this website, here, and/or upon re"uest#

Standard Operation Procedures for Air and Oceanfreight shipments to Australia AND New Zealand
Dear Partner,

Important +ew 0ealand +ustoms Proce#ure

We are writing to you to advise you of mandatory import shipping procedures and customs requirements by 'ew Kealand Customs with the request to comply at all times B. Import Airfreight =. Import Ocean Freight 'ew Kealand Customs requires detailed reporting of both air and sea cargo by electronic means before cargo arrives in the first port / airport of 2e" Cealan# . Therefore, we require you to provide the relevant information at the earliest stage in electronic format. Penalties Apart from the government imposed penalties and fines, other consequences for not complying with these rules include/ o o o o o Cargo delays #torage charges !educed #ervice 0evels 1(tra Cost !is2 of 0oss of &usiness

!hat "e nee# from $ou To enable us to meet Customs requirements, we require information relating to/ *. Air cargo no later than 12 hours before the first airport of arrival in 'ew Kealand ,. Sea cargo no later than 3 #a$s before the first port of arrival in 'ew Kealand. %his is one of the most important points. 3or e(ample, if the cargo is destined for Christchurch but the first port of arrival is Auc2land and the vessel is due to arrive in Auc2land 4 day5s before it arrives in Christchurch, we MUST report to 'ew Kealand Customs + day5s before it arrives in 3remantle, not #ydney. The same obviously applies to air cargo, for e(ample, if it flies into Auc2land on one flight but then moves on another flight to Christchurch , we MUST report to 'ew Kealand Customs *, hours prior to it5s arrival in Auc2land. Attached are our standard operating procedures for both air and sea freight, which provides all the necessary information required. Please ta2e note of the special email addresses that have been created specifically for your pre6alert notifications. &iabilit$ for 'rrors Clearly, we face e(posure if we report in an inaccurate, inadequate or less than timely fashion. The purpose of this notice is to also inform you that if we do not meet 'ew Kealand Customs requirements for reporting the movement of cargo due to your error, or omissions, we will see2 indemnity from you to cover our liability.

OS Agents Procedures

Page 10 of 13

Last updated: 12 September 2012

All business is undertaken subject to ICE's Standard Conditions of Contract, which may limit or exclude the Company's liability and contain warranties and/or indemnities benefitin the Company, copies of which are a!ailable from this website, here, and/or upon re"uest#

Standard Operation Procedures for Air and Oceanfreight shipments to Australia AND New Zealand
#hould we receive a penalty notice, you will be advised and will attach a copy of the penalty notice and our debit note for settlement. 3urthermore, in the event that there is an inquiry by 'ew Kealand Customs as to the reason for our incorrect reporting, then we will inform 'ew Kealand Customs that the fault arose due to your failure to provide that information at the required time and in the required format. Please ensure that this notification is distributed to all the relevant staff in your organisation. In compliance "ith our I+' (ualit$ proce#ures "e re)uire $ou to ac*no"le#ge receipt of this notification confirming $our compliance b$ return. Outla$ of Dut$ an# ,S% We do not e(tend credit on any government ta(es i.e. Duty and 8#T e(ceeding A9D :--.--. Therefore we require payment prior to outlay and release of cargo Personal 'ffects '-port Airfreight To be handled at the discretion of the branch '-port Seafreight To be handled at the discretion of the branch Import Seafreight an# Air . +P% consignments onl$ We will only receive shipments from our overseas agents and we will render all necessary assistance. At the discretion of the branch, customs clearance can be affected in6house or outsourced. Under no circumstances do we handle DAP or DDP Personal effects Shipments.

/an*ing fees All ban2ing fees are for the account of the remitter< .f you need any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. &est regards =ours sincerely, International +argo 2e" Cealan# &t# #cott 1llery Director Tel/ ?$%B ,4: BC-+ e6mail/ scottDinternationalcargo.co.nI Web/ www.internationalcargo.co.nI

OS Agents Procedures

Page 11 of 13

Last updated: 12 September 2012

All business is undertaken subject to ICE's Standard Conditions of Contract, which may limit or exclude the Company's liability and contain warranties and/or indemnities benefitin the Company, copies of which are a!ailable from this website, here, and/or upon re"uest#

Standard Operation Procedures for Air and Oceanfreight shipments to Australia AND New Zealand
$er% MA&'(SU' Master "A&' consigned to International Cargo +ew 0ealand -td must )e addressed as under*

Shipper/ The origin agent +onsignee/ .C1 office 6 as under Description of ,oo#s/ EConsolidation, as per attached manifestE Auc2land .nternational Cargo 'ew Kealand 0td c7o 1llery 3reight #ervices 0td ++ !ennie Drive >anu2au, Auc2land ,*:Contact / #cott 1llery Tel./ ?$%B ,4:BC-+ 1mail/ PrealertsDinternationalcargo.co.nI .nternational Cargo 'ew Kealand 0td c7o 1llery 3reight #ervices 0td ++ !ennie Drive >anu2au, Auc2land ,*:Contact / #cott 1llery Tel./ ?$%B ,4:BC-+ 1mail/ PrealertsDinternationalcargo.co.nI .nternational Cargo 'ew Kealand 0td c7o 1llery 3reight #ervices 0td ++ !ennie Drive >anu2au, Auc2land ,*:Contact / #cott 1llery Tel./ ?$%B ,4:BC-+ 1mail/ PrealertsDinternationalcargo.co.nI Above air cargo bond facility details are for customs purpose only Correspondence, freight invoices etc. to be sent to our postal addresses



+#T 4

A manifest must be issue# for ever$ consoli#ation 9incl. bac*3to3bac*: one line consoli#ations;. 2O%'4 An Amen#ment / A##itional Processing Fee of A< =>.>> "ill be charge# for ever$ incorrectl$ #ocumente# an#/or incorrectl$ a##resse# consoli#ation. %his is a##itional to the 2e" Cealan# +ustoms penalties referre# to belo". '36AI& P0'3AD?I+'/ '1W K1A0A'D C9#T;># insist on specific information *, hours prior to the arrival of the aircraft in the first airport in 'ew Kealand. Therefore, please e6mail the following documents to the uni)ue e6mail addresses shown above/ copy of the >AW&, LAW& @showing full address of shipper and consignee, value of goodsA, Commercial .nvoice, and Debit 'ote if freight collect and >anifest showing the name of the co,loader should you decide to co6load the consolidation< 2on3+ompliance "ill result in #ela$s upon arrival an# failure to compl$ "ith these 2e" Cealan# +ustoms re)uirements "ill attract an automatic minimum penalt$ of 2C< 13>>.>> 9appro- 7S< @>>.>>; per error an# this penalt$ from 2e" Cealan# +ustoms "ill be invoice# to $our office.

IF 1O7 8A?' A21 (7'S%IO2S: P&'AS' DO 2O% 8'SI%A%' %O ASA

OS Agents Procedures

Page 12 of 13

Last updated: 12 September 2012

All business is undertaken subject to ICE's Standard Conditions of Contract, which may limit or exclude the Company's liability and contain warranties and/or indemnities benefitin the Company, copies of which are a!ailable from this website, here, and/or upon re"uest#

Standard Operation Procedures for Air and Oceanfreight shipments to Australia AND New Zealand
$er% #cean #cean '(- or C.,-oad '(- must )e consigned to International Cargo +ew 0ealand -td and must )e addressed as under*

Shipper/ The origin agent Sea"a$ //& . freight pai# Auc2land

+onsignee/ .C1 office 6 as under

Ocean / /&4 '-press or



.nternational Cargo 'ew Kealand 0td c7o 1llery 3reight #ervices 0td ++ !ennie Drive >anu2au, Auc2land ,*:Contact / #cott 1llery Tel./ ?$%B ,4:BC-+ 1mail/ PrealertsDinternationalcargo.co.nI .nternational Cargo 'ew Kealand 0td c7o 1llery 3reight #ervices 0td ++ !ennie Drive >anu2au, Auc2land ,*:Contact / #cott 1llery Tel./ ?$%B ,4:BC-+ 1mail/ PrealertsDinternationalcargo.co.nI .nternational Cargo 'ew Kealand 0td c7o 1llery 3reight #ervices 0td ++ !ennie Drive >anu2au, Auc2land ,*:Contact / #cott 1llery Tel./ ?$%B ,4:BC-+ 1mail/ PrealertsDinternationalcargo.co.nI

'36AI& P0'3AD?I+'/ '1W K1A0A'D C9#T;># insist on specific information 4, hours prior to the arrival of the vessel in the first port in 'ew Kealand, so it is important to 2now the first port of arrival and it5s arrival date, or otherwise send your pre6alert to the relevant .C1 office at least /. da%s prior to arri$al. Documents required are as follows/ 1(press ;cean &ill of 0ading or 1(press Co60oad >aster &ill of 0ading each showing the container and seal number. Louse &ill of 0ading Pac2ing Declaration 3umigation certificate, not required, if pac2ing declaration stipulates that .#P>*: timber has been used Commercial invoice, if available Debit 'ote, if freight collect and Credit note for profit share as per agency agreement

2on3+ompliance "ill result in #ela$s upon arrival an# failure to compl$ "ith these 2e" Cealan# +ustoms re)uirements "ill attract an automatic minimum penalt$ of 2C< 13>>.>> 9appro- 7S< @>>.>>; per error an# this penalt$ from 2e" Cealan# +ustoms: "ill be invoice# to $our office.

IF 1O7 8A?' A21 (7'S%IO2S: P&'AS' DO 2O% 8'SI%A%' %O ASA

OS Agents Procedures

Page 13 of 13

Last updated: 12 September 2012

All business is undertaken subject to ICE's Standard Conditions of Contract, which may limit or exclude the Company's liability and contain warranties and/or indemnities benefitin the Company, copies of which are a!ailable from this website, here, and/or upon re"uest#

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