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Ingles Avanzado b2 2011 - 2012 PDF

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II Parte.

Programacin de Ingls


El nivel avanzado del CUID constituye un curso de maduracin y ampliacin de los contenidos del nivel intermedio. La complejidad ser mayor tanto a nivel lxico como gramatical y sintctico con el fin de alcanzar un nivel de competencia-actuacin intermedio-alto.



Ser capaz de entender las ideas principales de textos complejos que traten de temas tanto concretos como abstractos, incluso si son de carcter tcnico siempre que estn dentro de su campo de especializacin. Poder relacionarse con hablantes nativos con un grado suficiente de fluidez y naturalidad de modo que la comunicacin se realice sin esfuerzo por parte de ninguno de los interlocutores. Poder producir textos claros y detallados sobre temas diversos as como defender un punto de vista sobre temas generales indicando los pros y los contras de las distintas opciones.



Contenidos funcionales: Reading structurally basic sentences regarding daily life (introducing people, countries and nationalities, family). Listening to vocalic and consonantal sounds, numbers, word stress, and short basic dialogues. Filling in application forms practising exchanging of information. Writing basic sentences with the verb to be. Reading a text about special jobs. Listening comprehension of a job interview. Listening to three dialogues between some passengers and the Security Officer. Constructing dialogues about daily routines. Describing personal objects. Writing a scheduled diary. Reading a story about a man who is the skateboard champion of the world. Listening comprehension about phone calls and messages. Speaking activity about daily routines.

Writing an article about personal free time. Reading a text about the different kinds of food in the world.

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Listening comprehension of aTV programme. Speaking activity in a restaurant. Ordering meals. Writing a letter about healthy or unhealthy food. Listening for specific information about quantities. Ordering meals at a restaurant using appropriate formulae. Listening comprehension of a man who wants to buy an appartment. Speaking with a partner to find out the characteristics of a house. Writing a paragraph on the things ones partner has and hasnt got. Reading for the gist in texts about cities and buildings. Listening comprehension of a text in which directions are given. Speaking with a partner to give and ask for directions. Writing a paragraph about the last holidays. Reading a letter about a girl travelling to Rio de Janeiro. Listening comprehension of physical descriptions and of a song. Speaking with a classmate to practise the Simple PastTense by making questions and answering them. Writing a letter to a friend telling ones experiences with a host family. Reading a text about clothes and when are they appropriate. Listening comprehension of TV programme in which some actions are being carried out by some people. Preparing of and carrying out an interview with a classmate about people doing things. Writing a formal letter making a complaint. Reading an article about the news in the media. Listening to the schwa // vowel in unstressed syllables. Writing sentences comparing things. Speaking about likes and dislikes by comparing things. Reading and understanding texts about holiday activities. Listening comprehension of a man who is planning his familys holidays. Interviewing partners about things that have been done. Writing a postcard to a friend.

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II Parte. Programacin de Ingls

Reading texts about different learning activities people do (driving lessons, educational systems, and so on). Listening comprehension of an interview about education. Speaking about the comparison of rules in the USA and Spain. Reading a text about the five continents of the world and the communication among them. Listening comprehension of three interviews and getting the gist of them. Speaking with a partner and comparing personal ambitions. Writing a letter to a relative about personal life. Writing a short account of the Spanish educational system for a magazine.

Contenidos gramaticales: Use of the Simple Present Tense of the verb to be in positive, negative and interrogative. Contracted uses and forms. The Subject Pronouns and their uses with different types of verbs (existence, action, etc.). The Indefinite Article a/an.Their uses with nouns and adjectives. Possessive adjectives. The paradigm and their uses. Comparison with the Saxon Genitive structure. Wh-questions. Subject-Verb inversion. The Simple Present Tense (affirmative, negative and interrogative). Use and comparison of the verb to be and the rest of verbs. Determinatives (singular vs. plural). The plural of nouns. Regular vs. irregular formation. Simple PresentTense: negative. Can - cant. Countable and uncountable nouns. How much? - How many? a/an, some and any. Object pronouns. Id like to express wishes and desires. There is - there are. CUID 11/12 3

To have got. Adverbial modifiers: very, quite, really. Past of to be (all forms). The Simple Past tense of regular verbs. The positive, interrogative and negative forms. The pronoun one/ones. Possessive pronouns. The Simple Past tense: irregular verbs. The Present SimpleTense and the adverbs of frequency that go with it. The Present ContinuousTense and the adverbs of manner that go with it. Comparison between the Present Simple and the Present Continuous Tenses. The comparison of adjectives: synthetic and analytic forms. The superlative of adjectives: synthetic and analytic forms. Prefer + noun/infinitive/gerund. The semantic differences. Will for spontaneous decisions and offers. The Present PerfectTense (affirmative, negative and interrogative). The Present PerfectTense with regular and irregular verbs. The gerund as a noun (in subject position only). Can-cant, have to-dont have to. Review of wh-questions. The Present ContinuousTense for future events. Be going to for intentions. Infinitive of purpose. Revision of be going to. Verbs + infinitive / gerund forms (want, would like, like ).

Contenidos lxicos: Countries and nationalities. The numbers 1-100. The alphabet.

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II Parte. Programacin de Ingls

The family. Jobs and professions. Jobs and routines. The holidays. The time. Everyday objects. Days of the week. The time. Sports, games and activities: do, go, play + sport. Large numbers. Food and drink. Containers. Adjectives to describe physical and emotional states. Menus and prices. The money. Formulae at restaurants. The market. Shopping. Rooms and landscapes. The cardinal points. Equipment and furniture. Personal possessions. Adjectives to describe places. Places in the city. Buildings. Prepositions of place. Navigation and transport. Adjectives for describing people. Ordinal numbers and months. Phrasal verbs. CUID 11/12 5

The clothes. Activities; revision of rooms and clothes. The weather and the health. News media. Films and art. Travel, holidays and sports. Types of transport. Road rules and signs. Traffic offences and penalties. Education. Types of school. Adventure sports. Future time expressions. Ambitions. Leisure activities.

Contenidos fonticos: Word stress. The vowels //, //. The consonants. 3rd person Simple PresentTense endings /s/-/z/-/Iz/. The vowels // // /:/ The numbers. The vowels / / /:/. The vowels / / //. Strong syllables. Pronunciation of the Simple Past endings /t/ - /d/ - /Id/. The stressed syllables. Pronunciation of the sounds // and //.

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II Parte. Programacin de Ingls

Pronunciation of the sounds /w/ and /h/. Strong syllables. The vowel / The schwa //. Intonation in interrogatives. Comparison between long and short vowels. Comparing some vowels. Rising and falling intonation practice. The preposition to. Stressed words. Comparison of vowels. / and the diphthong //.



3.1 Texto recomendado

Para el estudiante: ACKLAM, R. & A. CRACE, (2007). CUID Total English.Avanzado (B2). Students Book. Madrid: PearsonLongman-CUID (UNED). FOLEY, M. (2007). CUID Total English. Avanzado (B2). Workbook. Madrid: Pearson Longman-CUID (UNED)

Para el docente: ACKLAM, R. & A. CRACE, (2007). CUID Total English. Avanzado (B2).Teachers Pack. Madrid: PearsonLongman-CUID (UNED).

3.2 Material complementario 3.2.1 Gramtica y ejercicios

Los siguientes libros, que corresponden al nivel upper-intermediate, se proponen como complemento para todos aquellos alumnos que deseen ampliar sus conocimiento o necesiten hacer uso de obras de referencia. Igualmente, estos libros pueden servir al profesor para extraer teora, textos o ejercicios que complementen el libro del curso.

ESCOBAR LVAREZ, M ngeles. 2011. English Grammar and Learning Tasks for Tourism Studies. Unidad Didctica. Editorial: UNED. CUID 11/12 7

ESTEBAS-VILAPLANA, Eva. 2009. Teach Yourself English Pronunciation: An Interactive Course for Spanish Speakers. Editorial: Netbiblo/UNED. HARRISON, M. & R. KERR (1994). CAE Practice Tests (with answers). Oxford: University Press. HINTON, M. & R. MARSDEN (1990) Options.Advanced English, London: Nelson. JONES, L. (1991). Cambridge Advanced English, Cambridge: CUP. KINGSBURY, R. (1985), Longman First Certificate. London: Longman. KINGSBURY, R., F. ODELL & G. WELLMAN (1996). Longman Practice Exams for the CAE, Longman. MORRIS, S. & A. STANTON (1996). Practice Tests for CAE, Longman. MURPHY, R. (1997). Essential Grammar in Use. (con soluciones). Cambridge University Press. SEIDL, J. (1989). Exercises on Idioms, Oxford: Oxford University Press. SPRATT &TAYLOR (1997). The Cambridge CAE Course, Cambridge: CUP. SWAN, M. (1995). Practical English Usage, Oxford: Oxford University Press. WALTON, R. (1996). Focus on Advanced English CAE Grammar Practice, Longman.



Longman Exams Dictionary. Pearson/Longman, 2006. Diccionario Longman Advanced (with CD-ROM) Bilinge. Longman Active Study (with CD ROM ) Intermediate-Upper Intermediate. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (with CD ROM). Collins Compact English Thesaurus in A-Z Form, London: Harper-Collins 1993. Collins Large Size. English-Spanish, Spanish-English, Barcelona: Grijalbo, 1997. COWIE, A.P. & R. MARKIN. Oxford Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993. Langenscheidt. English-Spanish, Spanish-English (1996), Smith, Davies y Hall. Longman Language Activator (1994), London: Longman. Longman Pronunciation Dictionary (1997),Wells, J.C. Hallow. MCARTHUR,T. (1996/1981). Lexicon of Contemporary English, London: Longman. Password (1991). Madrid. (Diccionario semibilinge. Proporciona primero la definicin de la palabra en ingls, como un diccionario monolinge, y despus ofrece el trmino equivalente en espaol, como un diccionario bilinge). The BBI Dictionary of English Word Combinations, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Torrents del Prats,A. (1989/1976). Diccionario de dificultades del ingls, Barcelona: Juventud. Websters Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, NewYork: Gramercy Books.


Libros de lectura

Penguin Longman Readers:

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II Parte. Programacin de Ingls

Stories of Detection and Mystery. Rebecca. The Prisoner of Zenda. A Tale of Two Cities. Withering Heights. The Grapes of Wrath. Tales of Mystery and Imagination. The Pelican Brief. The Body. The Firm. Taste and Other Tales. A Time To Kill. The Talented Mr. Repley. The Partner. 2001:A Space Odyssey. TOWNSEND, S. (1982). The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 (1982), London: Methuen. (1984), The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole, London: Methuen. (1993), The Queen and I, London: Mandarin Paper-backs. FIELDING, HELEN (1996), Bridget Joness Diary. A Novel. London: Picador. SALINGER, J. D. (1958/1984 ). The Catcher in the Rye, NewYork: Penguin. LODGE,D. (1965/1984).The British Museum is Falling Down. Harmondsworth:Penguin. (1986), Changing Places. A Tale of Two Campuses. Bath: Chivers. LODGE, D. (1992), Paradise News, London: Penguin.



El grado de destreza en el uso de la lengua inglesa acorde con el nivel de este curso, tal como se indica en los apartados Objetivos y Contenidos, exige constancia en el estudio y prctica reiterada en los diferentes aspectos de la lengua por parte del estudiante. De este modo, se puede conseguir progresivamente automatizar las propias respuestas a los estmulos lingsticos de diversa ndole que la exposicin a una lengua extranjera y su uso conllevan.

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El carcter semipresencial de este curso requiere que para alcanzar los objetivos marcados, el alumno combine el estudio y prctica individual con la asistencia a las sesiones presenciales en el centro correspondiente. Estas sesiones estarn dirigidas por un tutor que se encargar de organizar la enseanza directa y el control del progreso de cada uno de los estudiantes. El curso dispone de una plataforma virtual donde el estudiante encontrar material complementario as como los listening del libro correspondiente al curso. Asimismo, cuenta con un sistema de comunicacin virtual a travs de foros y correo, atendidos por unTutor de Apoyo en Red (TAR).



Las pruebas presenciales sern el instrumento de valoracin del dominio de la lengua alcanzado por el estudiante lo largo del curso. Dichas pruebas tendrn lugar al final del periodo lectivo en la convocatoria ordinaria (de junio) y, para aquellos estudiantes que no las superen, en convocatoria extraordinaria (de septiembre). Los respectivos profesores tutores podrn establecer a lo largo del curso pruebas concretas con el fin de facilitar a sus estudiantes el aprendizaje de la lengua y estimularles en su estudio y prctica. Debe tenerse en cuenta que el dominio de una lengua extranjera no slo consta de un conocimiento de los contenidos sino que tambin se manifiesta por la destreza adquirida en el uso de la lengua en sus diferentes facetas. Es decir, saber una lengua implica un conocimiento tanto prctico como declarativo. El aprendizaje de un idioma es, asimismo, acumulativo y, por tanto, debe entenderse que cualquier prueba siempre puede incluir materia o aspectos de pruebas anteriores.


Tipos de prueba

En el CUID los exmenes tienen lugar en junio, en convocatoria ordinaria, y en septiembre, en convocatoria extraordinaria. La evaluacin final se basar en los resultados de los dos exmenes siguientes: -Examen escrito. Esta prueba consta de dos partes. En la primera se medir la comprensin de un texto o dos as como los conocimientos de aspectos gramaticales y de vocabulario a travs de preguntas de opcin mltiple. La segunda parte ser de expresin escrita y el objetivo es demostrar la capacidad comunicativa de forma ms amplia. -Examen oral. Abarcar tanto la comprensin como la expresin oral. Hay que tener una calificacin de apto en las dos pruebas para aprobar el nivel. La nota de junio se guardar para septiembre en caso de no conseguir el apto en el nivel en convocatoria ordinaria.


Criterios de evaluacin

La prueba escrita consta de dos partes y se puntuar sobre un total de 100 puntos repartidos de la siguiente manera: Parte I: Ejercicios tipo test = 60 puntos Parte II: Expresin escrita = 40 puntos Ambas partes son eliminatorias y los mnimos exigidos para superar esta prueba escrita quedan establecidos en 40 puntos para el ejercicio de tipo test y en 20 puntos para el de expresin escrita (redaccin). Si no se superan esos mnimos en alguna de las dos partes la prueba se considerar no apta en su conjunto. La prueba oral se evaluar como APTO o NO APTO.


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II Parte. Programacin de Ingls

Es necesario aprobar ambas pruebas para superar el nivel. Los estudiantes que en la convocatoria de junio superen una de las dos pruebas (escrita u oral), tendrn que examinarse en la convocatoria de septiembre nicamente de la prueba que tengan suspensa.

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