Question Bank
Question Bank
Question Bank
QUESTION BANK Unit-I 1. %. *. ,. -. /. 0. 1. 2. Explain the factors which infl ence the ! siness en"iron#ent$ &efine en"iron#ental anal'sis an( explain its sta)es. Explain the t'pes an( techni+ es of forecastin). El ci(ate the ! siness c lt re in In(ia. Explain the or)ani.ation c lt re. Narrate the social responsi!ilities of ! siness. Briefl' classif' the econo#ic s'ste#. B siness an( societ' how (o the' infl ence each other. Explain the role of c lt re in the ! siness. 3hat are the c lt ral (i#ensions that ha"e a !earin) on the ! siness$ 14. &escri!e the #erits an( (e#erits of #ixe( econo#ic s'ste#. 11. &isc ss the (ifferent ele#ents of political en"iron#ent. 1%. &isc ss the i#pact of societal chan)es that affects a ! siness. 1*. Explain the (ifferent o!5ecti"es of ! siness. 1,. 6ow (oes ! siness infl ence the wa' of life in In(ia$ 1-. 3hat is the role of sta7ehol(er explain it !riefl'. 1/. 8ir#s which s'ste#aticall' anal'.e an( (ia)nose the en"iron#ent are #ore effecti"e than those which (on9t:el ci(ate. 10. The secon(:)eneration econo#ic refor#s !ro )ht lot of chan)es in In(ian ! siness en"iron#ent:&isc ss. Unit-II 1. %. *. ,. -. /. 0. State the (ifferent t'pes of #ana)e#ent str ct re. Explain the co#ponents of professionalis#. S ))est the #o(el for econo#ic (e"elop#ent of In(ia. Explain the factors which affect the en"iron#ent. Ela!orate the ter# ;s staina!le (e"elop#ent of the fir#.< S ))est the #eas res to preser"e nat ral reso rces. &isc ss the role of econo#ic (e"elop#ent an( chan)es in the #ana)e#ent str ct re of ! siness. 1. =rofessionalis# will !e the 7e' factor in #ana)e#ent:el ci(ate. Unit-III 1. %. *. ,. -. /. State the i#pact of li!erali.ation. &efine pri"ati.ation an( trace the histor' of pri"ati.ation. Explain the (ifferent ro tes of #a7in) pri"ati.ation. Gi"e 'o r ar) #ents for an( a)ainst pri"ati.ation. Brin) o t the nat re an( ca ses for )lo!ali.ation of the ! siness. Explain the sta)es in"ol"e( in the econo#ic transition of )lo!ali.ation.
0. =ri"ati.ation can transfor# the in( strial scenario of In(ia:(isc ss. 1. International ! siness "ol #e is expecte( to )row with the process of )lo!ali.ation. 6ow (o 'o anal'.e this state#ent$ 2. &isc ss the i#portance of nat ral reso rces in the econo#ic (e"elop#ent of a co ntr'. 14. State the role of 3TO for the (e"elop#ent of (e"elopin) co ntries. 11. Explain the a)ree#ents si)ne( in 3TO. 1%. 3rite a !rief note on the role of 3TO towar(s tra(e li!erali.ation. 1*. State the a("anta)es an( (isa("anta)es of )lo!ali.ation to In(ian econo#'. 1,. >o##ent on ecolo)ical i#!alances. 1-. S ccess an( fail re of 5oint "ent re in In(ia. 1/. 3hat is #eant !' ecolo)'$ 3hat are the (ifferent 7in(s of poll tion$ 10. &isc ss the #eas res initiate( !' )o"ern#ent of In(ia for fisheries (e"elop#ent. 11. =ower sectors faile( to !ro )ht o t (esire( res lt: &isc ss. 12. The s ccess of Sin)apore is !ase( on the (e"elop#ent of infrastr ct re. 3hat are the #a5or pro!le#s in infrastr ct re (e"elop#ent$ %4. co##ent on the role of nat ral reso rces for the (e"elop#ent %1. Nationali.ation of ri"ers will sol"e the pro!le# of water co##ent. Unit-IV 1. E"al ate o r Go"ern#ental policies towar(s #ana)e#ent of o r nat ral reso rces. 2. &isc ss the fra#ewor7 of political infrastr ct re. 3. O tline the present stat s of infrastr ct ral facilities in o r co ntr'. 4. ?ist o t the recent (e"elop#ents in teleco# sector. 5. 3hat (o 'o n(erstan( !' international relations$ 3h' I.R is i#portant in to(a'9s en"iron#ent. 6. Explain the (ifferent approaches of international relations #ana)e#ent. 7. E"al ate the role pla'e( !' MN>9s in (e"elopin) co ntries. 8. O tline the #a5or MN>9s in In(ia.also@ the rise of In(ian # ltinationals at )lo!al. 9. &escri!e the nee( of forei)n capital for econo#ic )rowth. 10. 6ow co## nication in( str' helps for the (e"elop#ent of In(ia$ 11. 6 #an capital pla's a cr cial role for the (e"elop#ent of a co ntr':el ci(ate. 12. State the role of MN> in econo#ic (e"elop#ent. 13. &isc ss the (ifferent wa's for raisin) forei)n capital. 14. State the positi"e an( ne)ati"e aspects of forei)n capital. 15. Trace o t the (ifference !etween forei)n (irect in"est#ent an( port folio in"est#ent. 16. Go"ern#ent has pro"i(e( ai( for forei)n capital. 6ow (oes it help the in( str'$ 17. State the #eas res initiate( !' the )o"ern#ent of In(ia for forei)n (irect in"est#ents. 18. Trace o t the )rowin) si)nificance an( #a5or for#s of ta7eo"er in In(ia.
Unit-V 1. &isc ss the recent tren(s which pre"ail in In(ian in( stries. %. Explain the contri! tion of in( str' sector in In(ian econo#ic (e"elop#ent. *. Role of a)ric lt ral in( str' in In(ian econo#ic (e"elop#ent. ,. Briefl' explain the pro!le#s face( !' In(ian in( stries for their plift#ent. -. Explain the (ifferent wa's to raise capital. /. Explain the role of !an7s. 0. >o##ent on the role of software in( stries. 1. 6ow co## nication in( str' helps for the (e"elop#ent of In(ian econo#'$ 2. state the i#pact of technolo)' in In(ian ! siness 14. Explain how )o"ern#ents can help pri"ate ! siness. 11. Explain the f t re of In(ian !an7in) in( str'. 1%. Most of the In(ian co#panies lac7s ethics:(isc ss.