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Ra 9165

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R.A No. 9165

! also known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 ! a consolidation of Senate Bill No. 1858 and House Bill No. 4433 ! was signed into law by President Macapagal-Arroyo on January 23, 2002. Gloria

! repealed Republic Act 6425 (Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972)

It establishes the Dangerous Drugs Board. This is the policy making and strategy formulating body in the planning and formulation of policies and programs on drug prevention and control. It also creates the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA). - This serves as the implementing arm of the DDB, shall be responsible for the efficient and effective law enforcement of all the provisions on any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical as provided in this Act. .

Section 1. Short Title - This Act shall be known and cited as the "Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002". Sec. 2. Declaration of Policy. !To safeguard the integrity of its territory and the well-being of its citizenry particularly the youth, from the harmful effects of dangerous drugs on their physical and mental well-being ! To defend the same against acts or omissions detrimental to their development and preservation.

Article I Sec. 3. Definitions

Board - Refers to the Dangerous Drugs Board under Sec. 77, Article IX of this Act. Dangerous Drugs schedules attached Include those listed in the

Drug Dependence Is a cluster of physiological, behavioral and cognitive phenomena of variable intensity, in which the use of psychoactive drug takes on a high priority involving a strong desire or a sense of compulsion to take the substance and the difficulties in controlling substance-taking behavior in terms of its onset, termination, or levels of use.

Cannabis or commonly known as "Marijuana" or "Indian Hemp" or by its any other name. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or commonly known as "Ecstasy", or by its any other name. Methamphetamine Hydrochloride or commonly known as "Shabu", "Ice", "Meth", or by its any other name. Opium - Refers to the coagulated juice of the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) and embraces every kind, class and character of opium, whether crude or prepared

PDEA - Refers to the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency under Sec. 82, Article IX of this Act. Pusher - Any person who sells, trades, administers, dispenses, delivers or gives away to another, on any terms whatsoever, or distributes, dispatches in transit or transports dangerous drugs or who acts as a broker in any of such transactions, in violation of this Act.

Article II Unlawful Acts and Penalties Sec 4 to 35

Sec. 4. Importation of Dangerous Drugs Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals and/or

! Penalty of life imprisonment + 500K to 10M shall be imposed upon any person, who, unless authorized by law, shall import or bring into the Philippines any dangerous drug, regardless of the quantity and purity involved, including any and all species of opium poppy or any part thereof or substances derived there from even for floral, decorative and culinary purposes. ! Penalty of imprisonment ranging from 12 years and 1 day to 20 years + a fine ranging from 100K to 500K shall be imposed upon any person, who, unless authorized by law, shall import any controlled precursor and essential chemical.

Sec. 5. Sale, Trading, Administration, Dispensation, Delivery, Distribution and Transportation of Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals ! penalty of life imprisonment to death + a fine of 500K to 10M shall be imposed upon any person, who, unless authorized by law, shall sell, trade, administer, dispense, deliver, give away to another, distribute dispatch in transit or transport any dangerous drug, including any and all species of opium poppy regardless of the quantity and purity involved, or shall act as a broker in any of such transactions.

Sec. 8. Manufacture of Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals. !Penalty of life imprisonment to death + a fine of 500K to 10M shall be imposed upon any person, who, unless authorized by law, shall engage in the manufacture of any dangerous drug. Sec. 11. Possession of Dangerous Drugs. !Penalty of life imprisonment to death + a fine ranging from 500K to 10M shall be imposed upon any person, who, unless authorized by law, shall possess any dangerous drug in the following quantities, regardless of the degree of purity (penalty depends on the quantity of the substance involved) Sec. 12. Possession of Equipment, Instrument, Apparatus and Other Paraphernalia for Dangerous Drugs. !Penalty of life imprisonment ranging from six (6) months and one (1) day to four (4) years + a fine ranging from 10K to 50K

Sec. 13. Possession of Dangerous Drugs During Parties, Social Gatherings or Meetings- same as penalty as Sec 11 Sec. 14. Possession of Equipment, Instrument, Apparatus and Other Paraphernalia for Dangerous Drugs During Parties, Social Gatherings or Meetings !Maximum penalty provided for in Sec. 12 of this Act shall be imposed upon any person, who shall possess or have under his/her control any equipment, instrument, apparatus and other paraphernalia fit or intended for smoking, consuming, administering, injecting, ingesting, or introducing any dangerous drug into the body, during parties, social gatherings or meetings, or in the proximate company of at least two (2) persons to 200K

Sec. 15. Use of Dangerous Drugs

1st offense: A person apprehended or arrested, who is found to be positive for use of any dangerous drug, after a confirmatory test, shall be imposed a penalty of a minimum of 6 months rehabilitation in a government center 2nd time - Penalty of imprisonment ranging from six 6 years and 1 day to 12 years + a fine ranging from 50K to 200K

Sec. 16. Cultivation or Culture of Plants Classified as Dangerous Drugs or are Sources Thereof. !penalty of imprisonment ranging from 6 years and 1 days + a fine ranging from 50K to 200K Sec. 17. Maintenance and Keeping of Original Records of Transactions on Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals. !Penalty of imprisonment ranging from 1 year and 1 day to 6 years + a fine ranging from 10K to 50K shall be imposed upon any practitioner, manufacturer, wholesaler, importer, distributor, dealer or retailer who violates or fails to comply !An additional penalty shall be imposed through the revocation of the license to practice his/her profession, in case of a practitioner, or of the business, in case of a manufacturer, seller, importer, distributor, dealer or retailer

Sec. 18. Unnecessary Prescription of Dangerous Drugs. !Penalty of imprisonment ranging from 12 years and 1 day to 20 years + a fine ranging from 100K to 500K + the additional penalty of the revocation of his/her license to practice shall be imposed upon the practitioner, who shall prescribe any dangerous drug to any person whose physical or physiological condition does not require the use or in the dosage prescribed therein, as determined by the Board in consultation with recognized competent experts who are authorized representatives of professional organizations of practitioners, particularly those who are involved in the care of persons with severe pain is death.

Sec. 19. Unlawful Prescription of Dangerous Drugs !Penalty of life imprisonment to death + a fine ranging 500K to 10M Sec. 31. Additional Penalty if Offender is an AlienIn addition to the penalties prescribed in the unlawful act committed, any alien who violates such provisions of this Act shall, after service of sentence, be deported immediately without further proceedings, unless the penalty

Sec. 36. Authorized Drug Testing. (a) Applicants for driver's license.

ARTICLE III Dangerous Drugs Test and Record Requirements Sec 36 to 40

(b) Applicants for firearm's license and for permit to carry firearms outside of residence (c) Students of secondary and tertiary schools. (d) Officers and employees of public and private offices.

(e) Officers and members of the military, police and other law enforcement agencies. (f) All persons charged before the prosecutor's office with a criminal offense having an imposable penalty of imprisonment of not less than six (6) years and one (1) day shall have to undergo a mandatory drug test (g) All candidates for public office whether appointed or elected both in the national or local government shall undergo a mandatory drug test.

Sec. 37. Issuance of False or Fraudulent Drug Test Results

!Any person authorized, licensed or accredited under this Act and its implementing rules to conduct drug examination or test, who issues false or fraudulent drug test results knowingly, willfully or through gross negligence, shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment ranging from 6 years and 1 day to 12 years + a fine ranging from 100K to 500K. An additional penalty shall be imposed through the revocation of the license to practice his/her profession in case of a practitioner, and the closure of the drug testing center

ARTICLE IV Participation of the Family, Students, Teachers and School Authorities in the Enforcement of this Act Sec 41 to 46 Sec. 41. Involvement of the Family.
!The family being the basic unit of the Filipino society shall be primarily responsible for the education and awareness of the members of the family on the ill effects of dangerous drugs and close monitoring of family members who may be susceptible to drugs Sec. 42. Student Councils and Campus Organizations. !All elementary, secondary and tertiary schools' student councils and campus organizations shall include in their activities a program for the prevention of and deterrence in the use of dangerous drugs, and referral for treatment and rehabilitation of students for drug dependence.

Sec. 43. School Curricula. !Instruction on drug abuse prevention and control shall be integrated in the elementary, secondary and tertiary curricula of all public and private schools, whether general, technical, vocational or agro-industrial as well as in non-formal, informal and indigenous learning systems. Sec. 44. Heads, Supervisors, and Teachers of Schools. !All school heads, supervisors and teachers shall be deemed persons in authority and, as such, are hereby empowered to apprehend, arrest or cause the apprehension or arrest of any person who shall violate any of the said provisions

ARTICLE V Promotion of a National Drug-Free Workplace Program With the Participation of Private and Labor Sectors and the Department of Labor and Employment

Sec. 47. Drug-Free Workplace. !To promote drug-free workplaces using a tripartite approach Sec. 48. Guidelines for the National Drug-Free Workplace Program.

ARTICLE VII Participation of Local Government Units

! Local government units shall appropriate a substantial portion of their respective annual budgets to assist in or enhance the enforcement of this Act giving priority to preventive or educational programs and the rehabilitation or treatment of drug dependents.

ARTICLE VIII Program for Treatment and Rehabilitation of A drug dependent or any person who violates Sec. 15 of this Act Drug Dependents may, by himself/herself or through his/her parent, spouse,
guardian or relative within the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity, apply to the Board or its duly recognized representative, for treatment and rehabilitation of the drug dependency.

Sec. 82. Creation of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA). To carry out the provisions of this Act, the PDEA, which serves as the implementing arm of the Board, and shall be responsible for the efficient and effective law enforcement of all the provisions on any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical as provided in this Act. Sec. 83. Organization of the PDEA The Director General of the PDEA shall be responsible for the necessary changes in the organizational set-up which shall be submitted to the Board for approval

Sec. 84. Powers and Duties of the PDEA

!Implement or cause the efficient and effective implementation of the national drug control strategy formulated by the Board !Administer oath, issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum relative to the conduct of investigation involving the violations of this Act !Arrest and apprehend as well as search all violators and seize or confiscate, the effects or proceeds of the crimes as provided by law


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