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Living Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization

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Prog. Polym. Sci. 32 (2007) 129 www.elsevier.com/locate/ppolysci

Living ring-opening metathesis polymerization

Christopher W. Bielawskia,1,, Robert H. Grubbsb,2,

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA Received 6 June 2006; received in revised form 11 August 2006; accepted 15 August 2006 Available online 10 October 2006

Abstract Since the discovery of olen metathesis in the mid-1950s, there has been great interest in using this versatile reaction to synthesize macromolecular materials. More recently, living ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP), a variation of the olen metathesis reaction, has emerged as a particularly powerful method for synthesizing polymers with tunable sizes, shapes, and functions. The technique has found tremendous utility in preparing materials with interesting biological, electronic, and mechanical properties. This review covers the fundamental aspects of living ROMP and briey traces its historical development from a catalyst-design perspective. Highlights from the recent literature are used to illustrate the utility of living ROMP in the preparation of macromolecular materials with advanced structures and functions. A discussion on the current status of state-of-the-art catalysts for use in living ROMP reactions as well as opportunities for the future concludes this review. r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP); Living polymerization; Review; Olen metathesis; Titanium; Tantalum; Tungsten; Molybdenum; Ruthenium

Contents 1. Overview of ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2. ROMP essentials: mechanism and thermodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3. Living ring-opening metathesis polymerization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalysts for living ROMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1. Historical aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2. Ill-dened catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3. Titanium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4. Tantalum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5. Tungsten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 2 4 5 5 5 6 7 9


Corresponding authors.

E-mail addresses: bielawski@cm.utexas.edu (C.W. Bielawski), rhg@caltech.edu (R.H. Grubbs). Tel.: +1 512 232 3839; fax: +1 512 471 8696. 2 Tel.: +1 626 395 6003; fax: +1 626 564 9297.

0079-6700/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.progpolymsci.2006.08.006

2 C.W. Bielawski, R.H. Grubbs / Prog. Polym. Sci. 32 (2007) 129



2.6. Molybdenum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7. Ruthenium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Challenges and perspectives for the future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1. Development of new catalysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2. Polymerization of new and old monomers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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1. Overview of ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) 1.1. Introduction Although a relatively new player on the eld of polymer chemistry, ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) has emerged as a powerful and broadly applicable method for synthesizing macromolecular materials [1]. The origins of ROMP can be traced to the mid-1950s when various metals and reagents were combined to uncover new transformations and reactivities involving olens. However, the rapid rise in popularity and utility of this polymerization technique is the result of extensive work on the identication and isolation of key intermediates involved in the general olen metathesis reaction [2]. This led to the development of welldened ROMP catalysts and ultimately enabled the synthesis of a wide range of polymers with complex architectures and useful functions. The aim of this review is to provide the reader with a users manual to living ROMP so they may readily begin applying this unique and powerful polymerization method. Following a brief overview of ROMP, a historical account of the polymerization technique will be given. Particular emphasis will be placed on the transition metal catalysts used to mediate the polymerization and their current status in contemporary polymer chemistry. The review will conclude with some current challenges and predictions for the future. 1.2. ROMP essentials: mechanism and thermodynamics Ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) is a chain growth polymerization process where a mixture of cyclic olens is converted to a polymeric material (see Fig. 1 for an illustrative example) [3]. The mechanism of the polymerization is based on

olen metathesis, a unique metal-mediated carbon carbon double bond exchange process [4]. As a result, any unsaturation associated with the monomer is conserved as it is converted to polymer. This is an important feature that distinguishes ROMP from typical olen addition polymerizations (e.g. ethylene-polyethylene). A general mechanism for ROMP, based on Chauvins original proposal [5], is shown in Fig. 2. Initiation begins with coordination of a transition metal alkylidene complex to a cyclic olen. Subsequent [2+2]-cycloaddition affords a four-membered metallacyclobutane intermediate which effectively forms the beginning of a growing polymer chain. This intermediate undergoes a cycloreversion reaction to afford a new metal alkylidene. Although the resulting complex has increased in size (due to the incorporated monomer), its reactivity toward cyclic olens is similar to the initiator. Hence, analogous steps are repeated during the propagation stage until polymerization ceases (i.e. all monomer is consumed, a reaction equilibrium is reached, or the reaction is terminated). Living ROMP reactions are commonly quenched deliberately through the addition of a specialized reagent. The function of this reagent is to (1) selectively remove and deactivate the transition metal from the end of the growing polymer chain and (2) install a known functional group in place of the metal [6]. There are three important features regarding metal-mediated ROMP reactions. First, it is important to note that the propagating metal centers on the growing polymer chains may exist in either

Fig. 1. A generalized example of a ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) reaction.

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Fig. 2. A general mechanism to a typical ROMP reaction.

the metallacyclobutane or metal alkylidene form. This difference depends on the transition metal and its associated ligands, as well as the reaction conditions. Second, like most olen metathesis reactions, ROMP reactions are generally reversible. Thus, the basic mechanism illustrated in Fig. 2 can proceed in the opposite direction as shown. Third, although most ROMP reactions are reversible, they are equilibrium-controlled and the position of the equilibrium (monomer vs. polymer) can be predicted by considering the thermodynamics of the polymerization. As with other ring-opening polymerizations, the reaction is driven from monomer to polymer by the release of strain associated with the cyclic olen (so-called ring strain) balanced by entropic penalties. The most common monomers used in ROMP are cyclic olens which possess a considerable degree of strain (45 kcal/mol) such as cyclobutene, cyclopentene, cis-cyclooctene, and norbornene [7]. One notable exception is cyclohexene. With low ringstrain, this cyclic olen has very little enthalpic driving force to be polymerized using ROMP. Accordingly, the temperature and concentration at which the ROMP is conducted has strong inuences over the outcome of the reaction. Using the Gibbs free energy equation, one can derive a ceiling temperature and a related concentration at which polymerization (for any cyclic olen) will not occur [8]. Essentially, at this concentration/temperature juncture the entropic penalty is too high to be compensated by the enthalpic contribution associated with the release of ring-strain. These considerations are important when attempting the ROMP of any new cyclic olen. Generally, the most favorable conditions for a successful ROMP reaction is to use the highest monomer concentration at the lowest temperature possible.

In addition to the general ROMP mechanism illustrated in Fig. 2 (and its related depolymerization mechanism), the equilibria noted above can be established via other metathetical pathways, including intermolecular chain-transfer and intramolecular chain-transfer (so-called backbiting) reactions. Examples of these types of secondary metathesis reactions are shown in Fig. 3. In an intermolecular chain-transfer reaction, one polymer chain containing an active metal alkylidene on its terminus can react with any olen along the backbone of a different polymer chain in the same reaction vessel. Although the total number of polymer chains remains the same, the molecular weights of the individual polymers will increase or decrease accordingly. In a backbiting reaction, the active terminus of a polymer chain reacts with itself to release a cyclic species and a polymer chain of reduced molecular weight. Collectively, these chaintransfer reactions effectively broaden molecular weight distribution (or polydispersity) of the system. Another implication of equilibrium controlled polymerizations such as ROMP is the propensity to form cyclic oligomers. According to the Jacobson Stockmayer theory of ringchain equilibria, the formation of cyclic oligomers will always accompany the formation of high molecular weight polymer [9]. The total amount of cyclic species present will depend on factors such as solvent, cis/trans ratio of the polymer backbone, rigidity of the monomer, reaction time, and concentration. Formation of cyclic species is favored at higher temperatures and lower concentrations with a critical value dependent on the factors noted above. While these side reactions challenge the realization of living polymerizations based on ROMP (see below), they can be advantageous. For example,

4 C.W. Bielawski, R.H. Grubbs / Prog. Polym. Sci. 32 (2007) 129

Fig. 3. Examples of secondary metathesis reactions in ROMP reactions. (Top) An example of intermolecular chain transfer producing multiple products with varying molecular weights. Note that the total number of polymer chains and active species remains unchanged. (Bottom) An example of intramolecular chain transfer producing an active polymer chain of reduced molecular weight and a cyclic species.

cyclic oligomers can be synthesized in high yields by simply conducting the ROMP reaction under relatively dilute conditions [10]. 1.3. Living ring-opening metathesis polymerization In 1956, Swarzc dened a living polymerization as one that proceeds without chain transfer or termination [11,12]. Under certain conditions (dened below), living polymerizations afford polymeric materials that generally have very narrow molecular weight distributions. These distributions are usually quantied through determination of the samples polydispersity index (PDI), which follows the equation: PDI M w =M n 1 1=DP, where Mw is the weight-averaged molecular weight, Mn is the number-averaged molecular weight, and DP is the degree of polymerization (i.e. the average number of monomer units per polymer chain). Living polymerizations can often be distinguished from condensation or kinetically-controlled (i.e. free radical) polymerizations by analyzing the evolution of the polymers molecular weight as a function of time and/or monomer conversion. Condensation polymerizations generally provide high molecular weight polymer only at very high conversions while kinetically controlled polymerizations provide high polymer at relatively early stages. In contrast, molecular weight is directly proportional to monomer conversion in living polymerizations since all chain ends are growing at essentially the same rate. As a result, Gold demonstrated that even when the rate of propagation is orders of magnitude greater than the rate of initiation, a living polymerization

can lead to polymers with low polydispersities [13]. However, in systems where the rate of initiation is faster or similar to the rate of propagation, control over the polymerization is obtained at an earlier stage. Under these conditions, access to welldened, monodispersed materials of low molecular weight is possible. Thus, in addition to Swarzcs original constraint, we will require a ROMP reaction to exhibit the following characteristics in order to be considered living and controlled: (1) fast and complete initiation, (2) exhibits a linear relationship between the degree of polymerization (typically measured as the number-average molecular weight of the polymer, Mn) and monomer consumption, and (3) PDIso1.5 [14]. Assuming complete conversion of monomer to polymer, this enables the synthesis of well-dened polymers with narrow distributions and predictable molecular weights specied by the initial monomer to initiator ratio (M/I). Under a broader context, a ROMP reaction with these features opens the capacity to prepare well-dened block-, graft-, and other types of copolymers, end-functionalized polymers, and various other polymeric materials with complex architectures and useful functions [15]. When considering the metal-mediated and equilibrium nature of most ROMP reactions, it quickly becomes apparent that very special metathesis catalysts are needed to satisfy the aforementioned requirements. The catalyst should: (1) convert to growing polymer chains quantitatively and rapidly (i.e. exhibit fast initiation kinetics), (2) mediate a polymerization without an appreciable amount of

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(intramolecular or intermolecular) chain transfer or premature termination, (3) react with accessible terminating agents to facilitate selective end-functionalization, (4) display good solubilities in common organic solvents (or better: aqueous media), and (5) for practical reasons, show high stability toward moisture, air, and common organic functional groups. 2. Catalysts for living ROMP 2.1. Historical aspects The advances in ROMP can be attributed to tremendous efforts by a large number of researchers dedicated to the development of well-dened, functional group tolerant catalysts amenable to olen metathesis. Early catalyst systems were often heterogeneous mixtures that were extremely sensitive toward air and moisture, difcult to characterize, and almost impossible to systematically study and optimize. It was immediately recognized that the development of a catalyst with a well-dened structure was essential for olen metathesis to reach its full potential. This was especially true for the development of a living ROMP catalyst where knowledge and precise control over polymerization kinetics is critical. It is beyond the scope of this review to give an in-depth analysis of this rich and fascinating history, however, this section includes selected milestones in the historical development of these catalysts suitable for living ROMP. The aim is to provide the reader with an appreciation for the origin and progression of this eld which may lead to insight into how challenges in the future may be addressed. 2.2. Ill-dened catalysts Although the use of olen metathesis in synthetic organic chemistry (e.g. ring-closing metathesis, cross-metathesis, ring-opening cross metathesis, etc.) has gained in prominence [16], its roots were founded in the eld of polymer and petroleum chemistry. In fact, due to their similar beginnings, there were considerable misunderstandings regarding the relationships and respective mechanisms of ZieglerNatta type olen addition polymerizations and ROMP. While studying the oligomerization of ethylene using alkyl aluminum catalysts, Ziegler isolated butenes rather than oligomeric materials [17], a

reaction that was ultimately discovered to be catalyzed by Ni salts (contaminants from the reaction vessel). While exploring the utility of other metals, Ziegler and Natta found a series of titanium salts that could polymerize ethylene and propylene to high polymer; work that served as the basis for much of the present polyolen industry and culminated in the 1963 Nobel Prize in Chemistry [18]. The olen metathesis reaction was discovered serendipitously by groups searching for new transition metal catalysts and co-catalysts to facilitate the polymerization of other olens. Interestingly, a majority of these results remained relatively obscure for a number of years. However, this changed dramatically after Phillips Petroleum informed the chemical community that they commercialized this reaction as the triolen process [19] in the 1960s. As a result, massive efforts toward understanding, optimizing, and applying the olen metathesis reaction were launched. Particular attention was directed toward the isolation and characterization of metalcarbene complexes and metallacyclobutanes, both of which are key intermediates in metathetical reactions (see Fig. 2) [20]. The potential of olen metathesis in the synthesis of polymeric materials was borne out from reports by Truett and coworkers at Dupont and Natta at almost the same time the reaction was discovered [21]. They independently found that a polymer could be obtained from norbornene using heterogeneous mixtures of various Ti, W, or Mo halides that were often enhanced with strongly Lewis acidic Al co-catalysts. Importantly, the polymer was unsaturated with a repeating unit that was essentially 1,3-dimethylidenecyclopentane (see Fig. 4). This suggested that the norbornene ring had somehow opened during the polymerization. Since the carboncarbon double bonds along the backbones of the polynorbornenes were mostly of cis geometry, the mechanism of the polymerization was believed to occur through a ring-opening reaction that originated at the bridgehead carbon. Soon after, similar reports on the conversion of norbornene and other cyclic olens into unsaturated polymers began to emerge. Calderon and coworkers at Goodyear reported a new catalyst system that

Fig. 4. The ring-opening metathesis polymerization of norbornene.

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was prepared from a mixture of WCl6, AlEt2Cl, and ethanol [22]. Importantly, this mixture provided a homogeneous catalyst that showed reproducible activities which created opportunities for commercial applications. The catalyst also helped in demonstrating the potential of ROMP in synthesizing new macromolecular materials. For example, in the late 1960s, Calderon and coworkers reported that polymerization of 1-methyl-1,5-cyclooctadiene afforded a material that was essentially a perfectly alternating copolymer of 1,4-butadiene and isoprene (see Fig. 5) [23]. A large number of other catalyst systems based on a wide range of transition metals were also discovered by Natta, Michelotti, DallAsta, Banks, Rinehart, and other researchers from around the world [24]. Detailed studies on the performance of many of these catalysts in ROMP can be found in reports by Osborn, Rooney, Ivin, Feast, and others [25]. Although ROMP reactions using these catalyst mixtures (heterogeneous or homogeneous) were not living and many required extremely dry and air-free conditions, they collectively provided insight into the mechanism of olen metathesis and built a solid foundation for the development of well-dened catalysts. One of the rst reports of a well-dened catalyst that was capable of mediating ROMP was from Katz in 1976. He reported a series of tungsten complexes (CO)5W CPhR (1, R Ph or OCH3), which were previously prepared by Casey and Fischer [26], that were found to catalyze the polymerization of a variety of cyclic olens, including cyclobutene, cycloheptene, cyclooctene, and norbornene, without the need for any cocatalyst

(see Fig. 6). Although there was little molecular weight control over these polymerizations and the polydispersities of the resultant polymers were relatively broad (PDI41.85), the disubstituted methylidene moiety on the catalyst was found on the ends of the polymer chains [27]. Thus, the catalyst appeared to suffer from either poor initiation characteristics and/or extensive secondary metathesis reactions (or both). Regardless, the contribution provided tremendous credence to the feasibility of a catalyst capable of mediating a living ROMP. 2.3. Titanium The rst examples of single component, welldened catalysts capable of mediating living ROMP reactions were based on Ti. As shown in Fig. 7, by reacting the Tebbe reagent (2) [28] with various olens in the presence of pyridines (to sequester the aluminum), a variety of well-dened, metathesis active bis(cyclopentadienyl) titanacyclobutanes (3) were obtained [29]. Although these complexes were not extremely active, they did mediate the ROMP of norbornene without any evidence of chain transfer reactions [30]. Subsequent attention focused on the synthesis of a well-dened Ti catalyst that exhibited rapid initiation kinetics at experimentally practical temperatures through modication of the substitution pattern on the metallacyclobutane ring [31]. For example, complex 4, prepared via reaction of 2 with 3,3-dimethyl-1-butene, was found to mediate the ROMP of norbornene at a convenient 60 1C (see Fig. 8). At elevated temperatures, the titanacyclobutane 4 is believed to undergo a cycloreversion reaction which affords a reactive Ti methylidene and a volatile alkene. The resulting coordinatively unsaturated Ti methylidene quickly binds norbornene and undergoes another [2+2] cycloaddition reaction to afford 5. At this point, the reaction vessel can be cooled to room temperature and this complex can be isolated. However, in the presence

Fig. 5. The ring-opening metathesis polymerization of 1-methyl1,5-cyclooctadiene afforded a material with a structure consistent with a perfectly alternating polymer of butadiene and isoprene.

Fig. 6. Polymerization of various cyclic olens (cyclobutene, cycloheptene, cyclooctene, and norbornene) with well-dened tungstenakylidene complexes.

Fig. 7. Synthesis titanacyclobutanes 3 from the Tebbe reagent (2).

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Fig. 8. Synthesis and utility of titanacyclobutanes in mediating living ROMP reactions. (Cp cyclopentadiene)

Fig. 9. Quenching a living Ti-mediated ROMP of norbornene with benzaldehyde installs a benzylidene moiety at the end of the respective polymer chain.

of excess norbornene at elevated temperatures (460 1C), a polynorbornene with a Ti alkylidene end-group (6) is obtained. Notably, these Ti catalysts provide polymers with narrow polydispersities (PDIo1.2) and with molecular weights that scale linearly with the amount of monomer consumed. Since the rate-determining step of the ROMP is the unimolecular cycloreversion of the titanacycle noted above, the rate of the polymerization is proportional to the concentration of the catalyst (i.e. the rate equation is zero order in monomer). This provides an extremely convenient method to modify molecular weight of the polymer chains. The complexes can simply be heated in a large excess of monomer until the desired molecular weight is reached. Like the Tebbe reagent, these Ti-based ROMP catalysts react with carbonyl containing compounds in a Wittig-type fashion to form substituted olens and a deactivated Ti oxide species. This reactivity pattern provides a convenient method to not only terminate the polymerization but also to install functional end-groups. For example, addition of benzaldehyde to the reaction vessel at the conclusion of a polymerization selectively installs a benzylidene moiety on one terminus of the respective polymer chains (see Fig. 9). The ability of these Ti catalysts to mediate living ROMP reactions facilitated the synthesis of macromolecular materials with advanced architectures as well as functional materials. An early example of preparing block copolymers using living ROMP is shown in Fig. 10. By sequentially adding various

norbornene derivatives to a Ti-based initiator 7, di- and triblock copolymers were prepared with very low polydispersities [32,33]. Subsequently, a variety of bifunctional and multifunctional initiators based on these Ti catalysts were also developed and used in the construction of macromolecular materials with advanced topologies [34]. Despite their low activities, most of the major requirements and advantages of living polymerizations, including a exible catalyst design to control initiation kinetics a means to install functional and well-dened endgroups, and the ability to form block copolymers, were rst demonstrated with Ti-based initiators. 2.4. Tantalum Shortly after the Ti complexes were reported, a new series of ROMP-active, well-dened complexes (8) based on tantalum were introduced by Schrock and coworkers (see Fig. 11) [35]. These complexes were prepared in three steps from commerciallyavailable TaCl5 by sequential treatment with Zn(CH2CMe3)2, THF, and the aryloxide ligand in excellent overall yields. While these complexes have been shown to polymerize norbornene in a wellcontrolled fashion, they possessed higher activities than their Ti predecessors. As a result, it was found to be necessary to monitor the ROMP reactions if materials with low polydispersities were desired [36]. For example, stopping a polymerization of norbornene (M/I 200) at 75% monomer conversion provided a polynorbornene with a molecular weight of 32 100 Da and a PDI 1.04. However, if this

8 C.W. Bielawski, R.H. Grubbs / Prog. Polym. Sci. 32 (2007) 129

Fig. 10. Synthesis of triblock copolymers using living ROMP.

Fig. 11. ROMP of norbornene using various Ta catalysts.

same polymerization is taken to completion (i.e. complete consumption of monomer), polymers with larger molecular weights were observed but the PDI of these materials increased to values 41.6. The discrepancy has been attributed to secondary metathesis reactions as a result of the high activity of the catalyst combined with slow initiation kinetics. Thus, while the rates of secondary metathesis reactions are slower than chain propagation, they appear to become competitive as the polymerization approaches completion. The mechanism of the ROMP reaction using these catalysts is believed to proceed similarly as their Ti predecessors. Indeed, the rates of polymerization are rst-order with respect to the Ta complex and independent of the

concentration of norbornene, suggesting that the metallacyclobutane reversion is again the ratedetermining step of the polymerization reaction. The propensity of these Ta based catalysts to facilitate secondary metathesis reactions was successfully reduced through the incorporation of bulky, electron rich diisopropylphenoxide ligands [37] which essentially decreased their electrophilic character (see Fig. 11). As a result, norbornene was successfully polymerized to completion using this catalyst and the resultant polymers obtained at the conclusion of the reaction exhibited very narrow polydispersities (PDI41.1). Another distinguishing feature of this catalyst 8b is that propagating chains appear to have alkylidene end-groups (as opposed to metallacyclobutane structures common with the aforementioned Ti complexes and Ta-based 8a). Thus, the rates of polymerization with these catalysts are second-order and dependent on the catalyst and monomer concentration. Both catalysts 8a and 8b react with aldehydes and ketones in a Wittig-type fashion, which provides a convenient method for terminating the ROMP and installing functional end-groups. The Ti and Ta complexes mentioned above are extremely Lewis acidic as a result of their high oxidation states. In addition to carbonyls, they react rapidly with most heteroatom-containing functional groups (hydroxyl, amino, etc.), placing limitations on their utility in living ROMP reactions. However, more importantly, they were an outstanding testament to the power of catalyst design in tailoring

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activity. Attention soon turned toward the discovery of new catalysts that maintained ROMP activity and structural tunability but also exhibited a broader range of functional group tolerance. 2.5. Tungsten Olen metathesis active catalysts based on tungsten have been employed for almost a half century. In fact, several commercial processes have been designed around the use of various tungstenbased metathesis catalysts. However, for most of this time, the catalysts were based on ill-dened and/or heterogeneous mixtures. While many of these catalyst systems were successful in mediating ROMP, they did not show living characteristics. Furthermore, many of these catalysts were highly Lewis acidic and were sensitive to most heteroatomcontaining functional groups. As noted above, Fischer and Casey prepared the rst well-dened catalysts based on tungsten. While these catalysts were capable of polymerizing strained cyclic olens, they did not do so in a living fashion. In the late 1970s, Schrock and Osborn were developing new classes of well-dened, tungstenbased catalysts based on the general structures of W( CHC(CH3)3)(OCH2-t-Bu)2Br2 (9) [38]. As shown in Fig. 12, they were found to polymerize a variety of derivatized norbornenes in a living manner at low temperatures and were also subsequently used to make block copolymers when a Lewis acid (such as GaBr3) was included during the ROMP reactions [39,40]. A variety of Lewis-acid free initiators based on the general structure W( CH-t-Bu)(CH2-t-Bu)-

Cl(OAr)(O(CHC(CH3)2)2 were reported by Basset and coworkers [41]. These single-component catalysts showed exceptional functional group tolerance and were reported to mediate the polymerization of a variety of functionalized norbornenes, including norborn-5-ene-2-yl acetate and norborn-5-ene-carbonitrile. Notably, complex W( C(CH2)4)(OCH2t-Bu)2Cl2 was reported to polymerize exo-norborn5-ene-2,3-dicarboxylic anhydride, which was a strong testament to the increased functional group tolerance of these catalysts [42]. As shown in Fig. 13, complex 10, which possessed a bulky aryloxy substituent, was shown to facilitate stereocontrol over the polymerization of 1-methylnorbornene and provided high cis polymers with a strong head-to-tail preference [43]. The high activity of these catalysts promoted secondary metathesis reactions which prevented the corresponding ROMP reaction from showing living character. However, these results were an important demonstration that catalysts with increased functional group tolerance and an ability to exert stereochemical control over the ROMP could be made.

Fig. 13. Stereoselective ROMP of 1-methylnorbornene using 10 as a catalyst provides high cis poly(1-methylnorbornene) with a head-to-tail preference in the repeating units of the polymer chain.

Fig. 12. (Left) Representative examples of various substituted norbornenes found to undergo living ROMP using tungsten-based catalyst 9. (Right) An example of forming block copolymers using 9. Note that the middle block contains a mixture of head-to-head and head-totail repeat units.

10 C.W. Bielawski, R.H. Grubbs / Prog. Polym. Sci. 32 (2007) 129

Schrock and coworkers modied the design of the catalyst described above to arrive at a new singlecomponent, Lewis-acid free, imido-alkoxy based catalyst system (11) that showed outstanding activities in ROMP [44]. A particularly useful feature of these catalysts is their alkoxide ligands which were shown to modulate the activity of the corresponding catalysts over an impressive range. For example, addition of an excess of norbornene to 11a resulted in a living ROMP and afforded polymers with predictable molecular weights and polydispersities as low as 1.03 after quenching with benzaldehyde [45]. Increasing the electrophilic character of the catalyst via replacement of the hydrogenated alkoxy ligands with uorinated analogues substantially increased their activity in olen metathesis reactions. In particular, catalysts 11b and 11c readily scrambled cis-2-pentene (11a does not) and ROMP of norbornene with these catalysts results in secondary metathesis reactions as well as slow initiation relative to propagation (see Fig. 14). Catalysts with similar activities but increased functional group tolerance were obtained using oxotungsten based alkylidene complexes W( CH-tBu)(O)(PR3)(OAr)2. These catalysts were found to mediate the living ROMP of 2,3-dicarbomethoxynorbornadiene and 2,3-bis(triuoromethyl)norbornadienes [46] to give polymers with high (495%) cis olen content in their backbones and high (495%) isotacticity. There was also an excellent linear relationship between the molecular weight of the polymer and the initial monomer to catalyst ratio. Notably, the catalysts appear to show very little propensity to facilitate secondary metathesis reactions as there is no change in the PDI (which can often be as low as 1.01) of the polymer even after prolonged reaction in solution. The polymerizations are extremely rapid as more than 100 equiv of monomer can be polymerized in minutes. These W catalysts were also found to display Wittig-type reactivities in analogy to their Ti and Ta precursors. As such, the addition of ketones or aldehydes can be

used to terminate the polymerization and install functional end-groups. These W catalysts have been shown to mediate the living ROMP of other classes of cyclic olens. As discussed in Section 1.1, cyclopentene is considerably less strained than norbornene which increases opportunities for various types of backbiting reactions. Thus, this monomer is considerably more difcult to polymerize in a living fashion and generally requires low temperatures. For example, a living polymerization of cyclopentene was conducted at 40 1C with 11a and afforded a polypentenamer with a PDI of 1.08 [47]. It was important to monitor the ROMP as extended exposure to catalyst caused the polydispersity of the material to broaden over time. In contrast to cyclopentene, cyclobutene is considerably strained and readily undergoes ROMP. As a result, the rates of initiation are often slower than the rates of propagation, limiting control over the ROMP and leading to polydisperse materials. To enable living ROMP reactions of cyclobutenes, a donor ligand such as trimethylphosphine (PMe3) must be included in the polymerization [48]. This ligand reversibly binds to the catalyst and reduces its propensity to mediate olen metathesis. As a result, the rate of the polymerization is reduced relative to initiation and the ROMP adopts living character. Other donors such as dimethylphenylphosphine, phenyldimethylphosphine, pyridine, quinuclidine, and tetrahydrofuran may also be used, although, as a result of their weaker binding afnity, larger amounts are required. Interestingly, ROMP of cyclobutene provides polybutadiene with a perfect 1,4-microstructure. The advantages and high activity of W-based catalysts were manifested in the synthesis of organic materials with promise in electronic applications. A key requirement for application of these materials in any electronic device is conductivity which necessitates an extensively unsaturated or conjugated polymeric backbone. The prototypical example is polyacetylene, which interestingly was discovered in the Natta group. As shown in Fig. 15, exposing acetylene to typical classical olen addition polymerization catalysts (trialkylaluminum

Fig. 14. Structures of W-based imido alkylidenes.

Fig. 15. Polymerization of acetylene at various temperatures using ZieglerNatta catalysts.

C.W. Bielawski, R.H. Grubbs / Prog. Polym. Sci. 32 (2007) 129 11

reagents mixed with titanium alkoxides) at elevated temperatures produced polyacetylene as a red powder, which was later identied as the trans isomer. Performing the polymerization at low temperatures afforded the cis isomer. Unfortunately, these materials were insoluble and sensitive toward oxidation which curtailed further efforts toward studying these materials. The area was revitalized in the early 1970s when Shirakawa reported a modication of Nattas original procedure that allowed for the synthesis of a usable thin lm of the polymeric material. In conjunction with Heeger and MacDiarmid, it was discovered that the electrical conductivity of this lm could be drastically enhanced through the introduction of various dopants and oxidants. This outstanding discovery opened the eld of organic electronics and ultimately resulted in the 2000 Nobel Prize in Chemistry [49]. As shown in Fig. 16, a wide variety of routes to prepare polyacetylene using ROMP have been developed. To solve the problem of intractability, a new monomer (12) was developed that upon polymerization would provide a soluble and processable precursor to polyacetylene [50]. Subsequent thermal or chemical treatment of the polymer obtained from the ROMP of 12 would eliminate a volatile small molecule and liberate polyacetylene. This route is often called the Durham route to polyacetylene. As a means to limit mass loss associated with this approach, benzvalene (13) was synthesized and subjected to ROMP conditions [51]. Rearrangement of the resulting polymer produced

polyacetylene. In a third approach, the ROMP of cyclooctatetraene (COT) (14) using various W catalysts provided a one-step synthesis of polyacetylene from a liquid monomer, which after doping, provided a highly conductive material [52]. Limitations of the latter approach included a non-living nature of the ROMP reaction due to competing secondary metathesis reactions (e.g. benzene is one possible product that forms upon intramolecular cyclization) and the difculties associated with processing and handling the resultant lms. 2.6. Molybdenum As noted in the introduction, metathesis catalysts that tolerate a broad array of organic functional groups have been (and still are) highly desired since the inception of the olen metathesis reaction. While the well-dened W catalysts noted above were a strong testament of progress toward this goal, a signicant advance was Schrocks introduction of well-dened Mo-based alkylidenes (15) [53]. Although structurally similar to W-based alkylidenes 11, these catalysts tolerated a much broader range of functionality including monomers containing ester, amide, imide, ketal, ether, cyano, triuoromethyl, and primary halogen-containing functional groups. The increased functional group compliance also facilitated their synthesis and use when compared to their W analogues, since they exhibited a greater tolerance toward oxygen, water, and other impurities. These complexes were also


CF3 + n CF3

12 n


n 13



Fig. 16. Three routes to prepare polyacetylene using ROMP. (a) The Durham route. (b) ROMP of benzvalene followed by rearrangement. (c) ROMP of COT.

12 C.W. Bielawski, R.H. Grubbs / Prog. Polym. Sci. 32 (2007) 129

found to be more stable toward decomposition and other side reactions (see Fig. 17). A representative sample of functionalized norbornene-based monomers that are amenable to living ROMP using 15a is shown in Table 1 [54]. In general, the resultant polymers showed narrow polydispersities and good control over molecular weight was achieved by adjusting the initial monomer to catalyst ratio. It is particularly noteworthy that monomers with strong electron withdrawing groups (i.e. uorinated moieties) and norbornene derivatives with functionalized endo substituents were amenable to living ROMP. Previously, these monomers were either reluctant to undergo poly-

Fig. 17. Structures of Mo-based imido alkylidenes. Table 1 ROMP of various monomers using 15a Functional group Ester Monomer structure PDI 1.07

merization or coordinated to the catalysts in a nonproductive manner. One common feature that these catalysts shared with their W precursors is that their activity could be tuned through modication of the alkoxide ligand. In general, complex 15a does not readily react with acyclic olens, limiting their ability to mediate secondary metathesis reactions when used in a ROMP. In contrast, their uorinated derivatives 15b and 15c showed markedly increased activities and were found to rapidly isomerize 2-pentene and other acyclic olens. The difference in activities of these catalysts in ROMP was demonstrated in a comparative study using various n-alkyl exo- and endo-norbornene dicarboximides [55]. As shown in Fig. 18, ROMP reactions catalyzed by 15a afforded polynorbornenes with lower polydispersities than analogous reactions catalyzed with 15c. The differences were ultimately attributed to the higher activity of the latter, but also to its relatively poor initiation characteristics. Thus, when used in ROMP applications it is important to monitor the polymerization to nd timescales that optimize the rate of polymerization over rates of chain transfer reactions.

Functional group Imide

Monomer structure

PDI 1.07



1.05 (M/I 50)














Unless otherwise noted, [M/15a] 100.

C.W. Bielawski, R.H. Grubbs / Prog. Polym. Sci. 32 (2007) 129 13

Fig. 18. Comparison of catalysts 15a vs. 15c in ROMP reactions.

Fig. 19. Rapid alkoxy ligand exchange leads to an equilibrium of Mo catalysts. Since each catalyst exerts a different control over the stereochemistry of the resultant polymer, this equilibrium can be used to tailor cis/trans ratios along the backbones of polyalkenamers.

Notably, the high functional group tolerances combined with the high activities of the Mo-based catalysts enabled the preparation of synthetic analogues to biological polymers through the ROMP of endo-5-norbornene-2,3-dicarboximides obtained from the methyl esters of amino acids [56]. Star polymers were also obtained [57]. Another advantage of the Mo systems is their ability to provide stereoregular polymers. While certain conventional catalysts were well known to produce highly substituted polymer chains with high stereoregularity, it was discovered that welldened Mo alkylidenes could also exert control over polymer stereochemistry [58]. For example, Schrock, Feast, and Gibson found that polymers obtained from the living ROMP of 2,3-bis(triuoromethyl)bicyclo[2.2.1]hepta-2,5-diene catalyzed by 15a were highly tactic with a 498% trans olen geometry exhibited along the polymer backbone. Interestingly, when the same ROMP reaction was catalyzed with 15c, the resultant polymer was found to have 498% cis content (but was also highly tactic). Furthermore, they found that alkoxy ligand exchange was rapid on the timescale of the polymerization (see Fig. 19), enabling the synthesis of polymers with pre-determined amounts of cis/

trans contents by initiating the ROMP with varying mixtures of 15a and 15c. Notably, these ROMP reactions were living and provided materials with tunable molecular weights and low polydispersities. A kinetic-based mechanism that balances the rates of interconversion of cis and trans rotamers of the alkylidene moiety with the rate of polymerization has been proposed to describe the origin of the stereochemical control in these catalysts [59]. This mechanistic knowledge was later used to create Mobased catalysts based on C2-symmetric diolate ligands, ultimately providing highly isotactic polymers via an enantiomorphic site-control mechanism [60]. In addition to norbornene based architectures, Mo-based catalysts were found to polymerize a range of cyclic olens with varying degrees of ringstrain and functionality [61]. Polycyclopentene with controllable molecular weights and narrow polydispersities (PDIo1.1) was obtained using catalyst 15a [62]. As with the W mediated ROMP reactions noted above, a strong donor ligand (e.g. trimethylphosphine) was required. However, the Mo catalyst mediated the ROMP reaction in a living fashion at room temperature whereas use of the W catalyst required low temperatures. This feature enabled

14 C.W. Bielawski, R.H. Grubbs / Prog. Polym. Sci. 32 (2007) 129

Fig. 20. Synthesis of crystalline/amorphous diblock copolymers via sequential ROMP of ethylidenenorbornene/cyclopentene followed by hydrogenation. Note that trimethylphosphine is necessary to achieve control over the ROMP of cyclopentene.

Fig. 21. Synthesis of poly(norbornene)-b-poly(styrene) block copolymers by combining ROMP with ATRP.

estimation of the equilibrium monomer concentration (at room temperature) for cyclopentene (1.3 M). Thus, performing the ROMP reactions at relatively high monomer concentrations (42.8 M) and low catalyst loadings (initial monomer to catalyst up to 10 000) enabled the synthesis of polycyclopentenes with molecular weights up to 67 800 Da with PDIs as low as 1.04. The living nature of this ROMP enabled the synthesis of welldened diblock copolymers comprised of polycyclopentene and polyethylidenenorbornene which, after hydrogenation, afforded a new diblock copolymer with crystalline and amorphous regions (see Fig. 20). While this sequential monomer addition method was found to be useful for preparing diblocks, both monomers must be amenable to the same polymerization method. If two (or more) desired monomers cannot be polymerized by the same polymerization

mechanism, then multiple steps are required. For example, poly(styrene)-b-poly(norbornene) and poly(methyl acrylate)-b-poly(norbornene) diblock copolymers have been prepared by combining atom-transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), a metal-mediated method for controlling radical polymerizations [63], with ROMP [64]. Norbornene was polymerized using ROMP and capped with an agent that was subsequently used as an initiator for the ATRP of styrene or methyl acrylate (see Fig. 21). The Mo-based catalysts have also been used to polymerize a variety of 3-substituted cyclobutenes [65]. For example, 3-methylcyclobutene and 3,3dimethylcyclobutene were independently polymerized using catalysts 15ac. After hydrogenation, these materials are effectively poly(ethylene-altpropylene) and poly(ethylene-alt-isobutylene) copolymers which are very difcult to obtain using other

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Fig. 22. Living ROMP of 3,4-difunctionalized cyclobutenes followed by deprotection.

Fig. 23. Living ROMP of various 3,3-disubstituted cyclopropenes using various Mo based catalysts.

polymerization methods. Unfortunately, the high degree of ring-strain associated with this monomer prevented control over the ROMP and relatively polydisperse materials were obtained. As with the W catalysts, the rate of propagation is generally faster than the rate of initiation, leading to polydisperse materials. In contrast, the ROMP of 3,4-disubstituted cyclobutenes has been reported to be living and provides polymeric materials with well-dened structures [66]. For example, cis-cyclobutene-3,4-dicarboxylate and cis-3,4-bis(2-oxa-3phenylpropyl)cyclobutene were polymerized using 15a. Excellent control over the polymerization was observed and materials with very low polydispersities (PDIo1.15) were obtained. However, in order to obtain living character, it was found essential to use catalyst 15a in these polymerizations as the more active derivatives (e.g. 15c) lead to extensive chain transfer and relative broad PDIs of the resultant materials. As shown in Fig. 22, these polymers were deprotected to provide a variety of high-strength adhesive materials. Most recently, the living ROMP of cyclopropenes was reported using Mo catalysts [67]. As shown in Fig. 23, addition of a 3,3-disubstitutedcyclopropene to catalysts 15ac afforded the corresponding polycyclopropenamers in excellent yields (494%) after quenching the ROMP with benzaldehyde. Polymers obtained from these ROMP reactions exhibited molecular weights of approximately 10,000 Da (determined by GPC calibrated with polystyrene standards) with extremely narrow polydispersities (PDIso1.05). 1H NMR spectroscopy suggested that the geometry of the olens along the polymer backbones was predominately trans. Considering the paucity of examples reported

in the literature on the polymerization of cyclopropenes, this result should provide a method for studying the thermodynamics of a new class of cyclic olen amenable to ROMP and may lead to new elastomeric materials. Notably, reaction of 3,3-disubstitutedcyclopropenes with W alkylidenes 11 did not afford polymer and instead resulted in the corresponding W allylidenes (W CHCH CHR) [68]. 2.7. Ruthenium Like most late transition metals, Ru shows low oxophilicity, which makes it inherently stable toward many polar functional groups. However, Ru also readily forms bonds with carbon which opens opportunities for mediating olen metathesis reactions. Despite these advantages, the popularity and extensive utility of ruthenium in olen metathesis has risen only recently [69]. Early reports on the use of Ru stem from the 1960s when it was discovered that RuCl3 salts in protic media facilitated the polymerization of various norbornene derivatives [24,70]. Over two decades later, the use of this metal was reinvestigated for preparing charged polymers via ROMP [71]. During these studies, it was discovered that while the hydrates of RuCl3 or Ru(p-toluenesulfonate)2 were successful in mediating the non-living ROMP of various oxanorbornenes in aqueous or protic media, long initiation periods were required when the reactions were performed in organic solvents or when anhydrous conditions were employed [72]. Regardless, these catalysts were found to mediate the ROMP of functionalized norbornenes, 7-oxanorbornenes, and norbornadienes. More importantly, the ability to conduct these polymerizations in aqueous or protic media exemplied their extraordinary tolerance toward polar functionality. Attention soon shifted toward isolating a welldened Ru alkylidene, since it was assumed that Ru based ROMP reactions proceeded by the same mechanism as for early metals [73]. For example, it was found that including various acyclic olens

16 C.W. Bielawski, R.H. Grubbs / Prog. Polym. Sci. 32 (2007) 129

during ROMP reactions resulted in polymeric materials with end-groups containing functional groups from the added olens [74]. Additional evidence stemmed from detailed NMR analyses, indicating that the microstructure of the polymers produced from Ru catalysts were similar to those produced from well-dened metal alkylidenes (ruling out radical, ionic, and other types of chain addition polymerizations processes). The rst well-dened, single-component Ru complex that showed activity in ROMP was (PPh3)2Cl2RuQCHCHQCPh2 (16) [75]. The synthesis of this complex was facilitated by adopting synthetic methodology used to prepare some of the W-based alkylidene complexes mentioned above. Specically, treatment of (PPh3)3RuCl2 or (PPh3)4RuCl2 with 3,3-diphenylcyclopropene afforded 16 in nearly quantitative yields. The complex is stable in degassed and dry organic solvents (benzene, dichloromethane, etc.) for extended periods of time (4weeks). It is stable indenitely in the solid state. The complex also does not show appreciable decomposition after exposure to water, various alcohols, or ethers and does not react with aldehydes and ketones in a Wittig-type fashion. This well-dened Ru complex was found to mediate the ROMP of norbornene in a living fashion with outstanding activity. For example, as shown in Fig. 24, addition of norbornene to 16 resulted in a polymer chain with a propagating alkylidene species observable by 1H NMR spectroscopy (d 17:79 ppm). However, upon the addition of

2,3-dideuterionorbornene, the signal disappeared. Introduction of additional (2,3-diprotio-) norbornene restored the signal and effectively produced a triblock copolymer of the two monomers. The polymerizations were terminated through the addition of ethyl vinyl ether which replaced the Ru alkylidenes on the termini of the polymer chains with a methylidene and formed a metathesis inactive Fischer carbene complex ([Ru] CHOR) [76]. Although the rate of initiation was found to be slower than the rate of propagation, quantitative initiation was accomplished through the addition of excess monomer. Importantly, secondary metathesis reactions were minimal. Catalyst 16 was also found to mediate the living ROMP of bicyclo[3.2.0]heptane and trans-cyclooctene, and block copolymers of these monomers with norbornene were successfully prepared [77]. While Ru catalyst 16 showed an impressive tolerance to a broad array of functionality and was capable of mediating living ROMP reactions of norbornene and cyclobutene derivatives, the catalyst did not show appreciable activity toward other olens. In accord with the studies on other catalyst

Fig. 25. Structures of various Ru vinylidene complexes and conversion to a more active derivative via phosphine exchange.

Fig. 24. Sequential living ROMP of norbornadiene and 2,3-dideuterionorbornene using a well-dened Ru alkylidene effectively affords a triblock copolymer. Note that the ROMP is quenched with ethyl vinyl ether which installs a methylidene unit on the terminus of a polymer chain and forms a Fischer-type carbene ([M] CHOR) with very low metathesis aptitude.

C.W. Bielawski, R.H. Grubbs / Prog. Polym. Sci. 32 (2007) 129 17

systems mentioned above, attention soon shifted toward optimizing the ligand environment of the Ru center. The most convenient method to optimize activity was to vary the nature of the phosphine ligand. Ultimately, it was discovered that the use of bulky and electron rich phosphines (e.g. PCy3) lead to highly active catalysts. This trend contrasts the Schrock catalyst in which higher activities were found with electron withdrawing ligands. Synthetically, this phosphine exchange reaction was relatively simple to perform and was accomplished by adding an excess of PCy3 (or P(iPr)3) to 16 [78] (see Fig. 25). The resultant complexes (PPCy3)2Cl2RuQCHCHQCPh2 (17) were found to be more stable and exhibit a broader range of tolerance toward functionality than their precursors. For example, in addition to water and alcohols, these complexes were found to be stable toward organic acids (acetic acid) as well as solutions of strong

inorganic acids (diethyl ether solutions of HCl). While these complexes were found to polymerize norbornene, they did not show signicant control over the reaction. Their highly active nature exasperated the differential between the rate of initiation versus the rate of propagation. In addition, there was some evidence that chain transfer reactions were occurring [79]. Thus, polynorbornenes obtained from the ROMP of norbornene using catalyst 17 generally exhibited high molecular weights (M n 4105 Da) with broad polydispersities (PDI42). However, these catalysts opened new opportunities in the living ROMP of functionalized monomers that were less reactive than norbornene. For example, as shown in Fig. 26, block copolymers of monomers containing Si functionalities were prepared using these Ru catalysts [80]. Large quantities of metathesis-active Ru alkylidenes were soon available once an alternative

Fig. 26. Synthesis of block copolymers using Ru alkylidenes.

N RuCl2(PPh3)3 +

N - N2


PPh3 Ru Cl PPh Ph 3 18

+ PCy3 - PPh3


PCy3 Ru Cl PCy Ph 3 19

Fig. 27. Synthesis of well-dened Ru benzylidene complexes.

Fig. 28. Synthesis of telechelic polymers using an acetoxy-functionalized Ru initiator.

18 C.W. Bielawski, R.H. Grubbs / Prog. Polym. Sci. 32 (2007) 129

synthesis involving the treatment of (PPh3)3RuCl2 with diazobenzylidene was developed (see Fig. 27). The resulting complex 18 can be readily converted into its more active derivative 19 via phosphine exchange and also converted to other alkylidene catalysts by simply adding the corresponding terminal olen, which was found to have important inuences over initation efciencies in ROMP reactions [81]. (The parent benzylidene complex appears to have the most favorable initiation kinetics in ROMP reactions.) The ability of these Ru catalysts to react with terminal olens also provided a convenient method for functionalizing the end-groups of polymer chains. For example, as shown in Fig. 28, Gibson prepared a series of end-functionalized polymers using Ru complex 20 (prepared by reacting 19 with allyl acetate). This ROMP initiator effectively placed an acetoxy group on one terminus of the polynorbornene chain and an active Ru alkylidene at the other end. Upon the conclusion of the polymerization (i.e. after all the monomer was consumed), 1,4-diacetoxy-2-butene was added, effectively installing an acetoxy group on the growing end of the polymer chain and re-forming the functionalized initiator. Ultimately, this produced a polymer with acetoxy groups on both ends of the polymer chains (a so-called telechelic polymer) [82]. Complex 19 was also found to polymerize a wide variety of functionalized norbornenes and cyclobutenes, many of which contained pendant alcohol, amino, ester, amido, and keto functional groups, in a living manner and in protic media [83]. In addition to exhibiting a high tolerance for most functional groups, 19 was also found to be relatively thermally stable with a half-life of over a week at 55 1C [84]. The ability to prepare designer Ru catalysts was used to address a fundamental problem in the synthesis of block copolymers composed of segments that cannot be prepared by the same polymerization mechanism. While a variety of

coupling or chain transfer strategies have been put forth, from a practical standpoint it would be ideal to use a single component catalyst to mediate multiple mechanistically distinct reactions to form block copolymers directly. As shown in Fig. 29, this was effectively accomplished through the synthesis of a difunctional initiator that effectively mediated the ROMP of cyclooctadiene and the Ru-mediated ATRP of methyl methacrylate to form a variety of poly(butadiene)-b-poly(methyl methacrylate) block copolymers in a single step [85]. As noted above, the more active Ru alkylidenes possessing trialkylphosphine groups were unable to polymerize norbornene and many of its derivatives in a highly-controlled manner due to poor initiation characteristics and (slow) secondary metathesis reactions. One solution to this problem was reported by Gibson who capitalized on the ability to readily exchange the ligands on these catalysts and produced a catalyst with increased initiation characteristics [86]. However, as a direct result of extensive mechanistic analyses, it was determined that the rate of phosphine exchange was signicantly faster than the rates of reactions with olens in the bisphosphine Ru alkylidene complexes. In addition, the triphenylphosphine derivatives of these catalysts exhibit elevated rates of initiation. Collectively, this suggested an alternative solution to the problem of slow initiation. It was envisioned that addition of relatively labile phosphines such as PPh3 to complexes 19 during a ROMP would enhance the initiation efciency of these complexes. Since phosphine exchange is fast, complex 21 should form in situ and exhibit better initiation

Fig. 30. In situ synthesis of mixed phosphine Ru alkylidenes (21) that show high initiation kinetics in ROMP reactions.

Fig. 29. Synthesis of block copolymers composed of two mechanistically distinct segments through a tandem living ROMPliving ATRP reaction using a single component catalyst.

C.W. Bielawski, R.H. Grubbs / Prog. Polym. Sci. 32 (2007) 129 19

characteristics. In essence, phosphine would compete with monomer for the propagating species and effectively lower the rate of propagation. Indeed, inclusion of triphenylphosphine (15 equivalents) in the ROMP of various norbornene derivatives reduced the PDIs from 1.25 to as low as 1.04 [87] (see Fig. 30). Simultaneous to studies involving the use of these catalysts in various ROMP reactions, tremendous effort was directed toward understanding the mechanism of these Ru catalysts [88]. It was determined that the mechanism to the olen metathesis reaction was dissociative in nature. Thus, a phosphine ligand must separate from the catalyst before olen coordination (and subsequent reaction) may occur. Stabilization of these coordinately unsaturated intermediates was also necessary to prevent premature catalyst decomposition. N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) were known to be strong s-donors yet less labile than phosphines [89]. They are less likely to dissociate from the catalyst but also provide increased electron density to stabilize intermediates. Ultimately, a mixed-ligand system (22) was designed and synthesized through a phosphine exchange type reaction [90] (see Fig. 31). Complex 22 was shown to possess exceptional activities in a large number of ROMP reactions [91]. For example, 22 was found to polymerize ciscyclooctadiene at higher rates than Schrocks Mobased catalysts and could also ROMP 1,5-dimethylcyclooctadiene as well as 1,3,5,7-cyclooctatetraene [92]. However, this catalyst generally provides polymers with uncontrollable molecular weights and broad polydispersities. This has been attributed to relatively slow rates of initiation coupled with competing secondary chain transfer reactions. By tuning the ligand environment, a new class of Ru-based metathesis catalysts (23) containing strongly ligating NHCs with weakly coordinating pyridines was developed (see Fig. 32) [93]. These catalysts displayed not only extremely high activities in ROMP but also exhibited fast initiation kinetics as a result of the labile nature of the pyridine ligands. As a result, living ROMP reactions

were achieved with Ru catalysts ligated to Nheterocyclic carbenes. As summarized in Table 2, a wide range of monomers have been polymerized using catalyst 23. Notably the PDIs of the resultant polymers were extremely low. It is also notable that a
Table 2 ROMP of a variety of cyclic olens mediated by catalyst 23 Monomer Mn (GPC) 24500 Mn (theo) 38300 PDI 1.06
















In all cases, the initial monomer to catalyst ratio was 100:1. The theoretical molecular weights assume quantitative conversion. The last example (norbornene) was performed at 20 1C.

Fig. 32. Synthesis and structure of Ru alkylidene ligated to a N-heterocyclic carbene that exhibits rapid initiation kinetics.

Fig. 31. Synthesis of well-dened a Ru alkylidene ligated to a N-heterocyclic carbene.

20 C.W. Bielawski, R.H. Grubbs / Prog. Polym. Sci. 32 (2007) 129

polynorbornene was prepared with a PDI as low as 1.06. However, it was important that in this case the ROMP was conducted at 20 1C to suppress secondary chain-transfer reactions. As a testament to the living nature of these polymerizations, a variety of diblock copolymers were also prepared using this catalyst. The ability to readily replace phosphines on the catalysts also led to the development of watersoluble Ru-based catalysts for aqueous ROMP applications. By incorporating charged phosphines, water soluble Ru complexes 24 and 25 were obtained (see Fig. 33) [94]. While both of these catalysts are metathesis active, they do not mediate living ROMP reactions because the propagating species are unstable and rapidly decompose. However, it was later determined that decomposition was enhanced in the presence of base which prompted the notion that the catalyst instability was due to the presence of a small amount of hydroxide in solution. This limitation was readily resolved by adding a strong Brnsted acid (e.g. HCl) during the ROMP reaction. Interestingly, the acid not only sequesters any hydroxide that may be present in solution, but it has the added effect of

promoting initiation through phosphine protonation. Ultimately, this led to living aqueous ROMP reactions. In particular, as shown in Fig. 34, the living ROMP of water soluble norbornene derivatives afforded homopolymers with PDIs of o1.24 as well as block copolymers of these two monomers. Water soluble quenching agents such as triethyleneglycol methyl vinyl ether were found to effectively terminate these polymerizations. More recently, water soluble catalysts bearing NHC ligands have been prepared and were found to show extremely high activities in aqueous ROMP reactions [95].

3. Challenges and perspectives for the future The ability to exert exquisite control over macromolecular structure and function remains a central aim in polymer chemistry. As noted in the introduction, the advent of living polymerizations has resulted in a signicant step toward this goal by providing a method to tune the size and polydispersity of many types of macromolecular materials. However, advancement of the eld will continually require the development of new synthetic methodologies. The introduction of well-dened catalysts that mediate living ROMP has pushed the frontier of living polymerization. As a result of these catalysts, an impressively broad range of monomers, many of which are densely functionalized, may now be polymerized to nearly any shape or size. Another advantage of living ROMP reactions is an ability to prepare a wide range of copolymeric materials as well as materials with advanced topologies. Indeed, many of these materials have found utility in biological and electronic applications. However, living ROMP is not a solved problem. Several remaining challenges are listed below.

Fig. 33. Water soluble, well-dened Ru alkylidenes that show high metathesis activity in aqueous media.

O n O 24 or 25 D2O, DCl, 45 C N N(CH3)3 Cl m


Ph n N(CH3)3 Cl O O O Cl N Cl N N OO N O O m



Fig. 34. Examples of living ROMP reactions that were conducted in aqueous media.

C.W. Bielawski, R.H. Grubbs / Prog. Polym. Sci. 32 (2007) 129 21

Fig. 35. Functional group tolerance of various olen metathesis catalysts based on early vs. late transition metals.

Mes N Cl

N Mes


Ru - PhCH=CH2 Cl PCy Ph 3 - PhCH=CF2 22

Mes N Cl

N Mes

Ru CF2 Cl PCy 3 26

Mes N Cl

N Mes

Ru CH2 Cl PCy 3

Fig. 36. Synthesis of Ru diuoromethylidenes (26) via reaction of 22 with 1,1-diuoroethene. Note that complex 26 was found to be active in initiating the ROMP of 1,5-cyclooctadiene.

3.1. Development of new catalysts Nearly every advance in ROMP can be traced to an advance in catalysis. As such, the future of living ROMP is critically dependent on the development of new catalysts which includes nding new transition metals and new ligands. It has been shown that late transition metals are inherently more stable toward polar functional groups (for a summary, see Fig. 35) and, through proper ligand choice, can often exhibit activity in ROMP reactions comparable to their predecessors based on early transition metals. This trend suggests that future generations should look toward other late transition metals such as Fe or Re. However, this will be challenging as Fe alkylidenes generally prefer to cyclopropanate olens and there are only a handful of examples demonstrating that Re catalyzes metathetical reactions [96]. For Ru-based catalysts, it is clear that highly donating ligands enhance activity. Efforts should continue to focus on nding new ligands that exceed the electron donating abilities of NHCs. Ultimately, the ideal catalyst for living ROMP reactions will react with cyclic olens exclusive to all other types of functionality. This will be a challenging task, however, as often high activity equates to

increased chances for secondary metathesis reactions, which limits their potential in living ROMP reactions.

3.2. Polymerization of new and old monomers The eld of living ROMP will also be dependent on an ability to polymerize new monomers. For example, one area that has been underdeveloped is the ROMP of highly halogenated cyclic olens. It has been shown that Ru catalysts react with 1, 1-diuoroethylene to afford Ru diuoromethylidene complex 26. This complex was subsequently found to be active in initiating the ROMP of 1, 5-cyclooctadiene (see Fig. 36) [97]. With the right ligand environment (or transition metal), ROMP may one day be used to polymerize highly halogenated olens such as peruorocyclobutene. Another challenging area is the polymerization of tri- and tetrasubstituted cyclic olens. The synthesis of tetrasubstituted olens has recently experienced considerable growth due to advances in ring-closing and cross metathesis reactions. This results may offer clues for exploring the ROMP of substituted cyclic olens.

22 C.W. Bielawski, R.H. Grubbs / Prog. Polym. Sci. 32 (2007) 129

Mes N

Mes N

Cl Ru Cl PCy3 27

Cl Ru Cl PCy3

Fig. 37. Synthesis of cyclic polymers using ROMP. Addition of cis-cyclooctene to 27 resulted in the formation propagating species where both ends of the polymer chains are connected to the same metal center. Subsequent intramolecular chain transfer provides cyclic polymer and regenerates 27.

Another means to push the frontier of living ROMP is to develop new catalysts to obtain polymeric materials with interesting topological features from old monomers. The Ru catalysts discussed above are particularly suited for such application as both the alkylidene and the phosphine/NHC ligands can be extensively modied. This concept was demonstrated in the synthesis of water soluble catalysts through the incorporation of water soluble phosphine ligands which enabled living ROMP in aqueous media. More recently, this concept was used to design a catalyst that provided cyclic polymers [98]. As shown in Fig. 37, the addition of cis-cyclooctene to complex 27 affords a propagating species where both ends of the polymer chains remain attached to the metal center. At some point later in time, an intramolecular cyclization reaction occurs and effectively provides a cyclic polymer. This approach effectively eliminates the need for linear polymeric precursors and high dilution which were drawbacks of traditional strategies for preparing these materials. 4. Conclusion Fifty years ago, Szwarc introduced the concept of a living polymerization. This technique changed the way polymer chemists think about preparing well-dened macromolecular materials and has

resulted in numerous scientic advances, many of which can be found in contemporary society. Coincidentally, the olen metathesis reaction was also introduced about fty years ago. In some ways, this reaction also changed the way polymer chemists think about preparing macromolecular materials. The original metathesis catalysts were ill-dened mixtures consisting of several metals, additives, and specialized conditions. As the direct result of advances in the eld of catalysis, a series of welldened catalysts based on a range of metals including titanium, tantalum, tungsten, molybdenum, and ruthenium have been prepared. Through subsequent optimization, living ROMP catalysts based on each of these metals have been synthesized. These catalysts have found utilities in numerous applications, most notably in the synthesis of macromolecular materials with interesting biological, electronic, and mechanical properties. Finally, it is important to note that a universal catalyst does not exist and each of the aforementioned catalysts possesses their own inherent advantages and disadvantages. Considering the broad range of catalysts available, it should be possible to nd one that meets a specic need or application. If not, the synthetic diversity available to each of these catalysts should facilitate the necessary modications.

C.W. Bielawski, R.H. Grubbs / Prog. Polym. Sci. 32 (2007) 129 23

Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the researchers who have made signicant contributions to living ROMP and related areas. In addition, the support of the NSF and ONR of the authors research in the area is particularly appreciated.

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