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Chapter 1

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This chapter presents the background of study, the statement of problem, the purpose of study, the significance of study, the scope and limitation, and definition of key term. 1.1 Background of the Study Sociolinguistic research is used to analyze the effect of language on society. It is an effort to find correlation between language and society, and observe any changes that occur on society. Chambers (in ardhaugh! states that sociolinguistics

is the study of the social uses of language ("##$%&&!. It can be describe that the study of sociolinguistics cannot be separated from language and social interaction. 'eople use it to communicate, it represents the social function of language and it can figure out as a mirror of society. It is very important for people to learn more about language. hen they interact and e(press their ideas, they use language contact and a

kind of language forms namely verbal communication. Clyne states that language contact is a multidimensional, multidisciplinary field in which interrelationship hold the key to the understanding of how and why people use language the way they do ("##)% &!. ithout language contact, people

could not use verbal communication to communicate each other. *urthermore, ardhaugh states that language varieties are created to make the languages are



uni+ue and interesting ("##"!. It means that there are many varieties of language that make it uni+ue and interesting. They are dialects, idiolects, style and bad language. In this study, the writer wants to analyze bad language because it is very interesting to be discussed. ,ccording to ,ndersson and Trudgill (&--#!, bad language is a damn language. It is used to show the e(pression or strong emotion and attitudes. .esides, it refers to something that is taboo or stigmatized in the culture and should not be interpreted literally. Taboo words are things or ideas that are not supposed to say or forbidden or discouraged by the people. .ad language is often used in some of literary works such as novel, drama, song and also movie. /ovie is a field that encompasses motion pictures as an art form or as part of the entertainment industry (0agener and Toteberg, "##"!. /ovie does not only give entertainment but also knowledge, the audience can learn the development of life, science, art, culture, and how the people interact in their daily life. In this study, the writer is interested to analyze bad language that is used by the main characters in movie. In the previous research, 1istya ("##-! who studied about 2,n ,nalysis of .ad 1anguage used by 2 S3/ 4& 1yrics 2 found that there were five kinds of bad language used by 2S3/ 4&5 1yrics. They were swearing, slang, 6argon, misuse, and filler 7 small words. Then, the interpretation and meaning of bad languages were e(pletive, abusive, humorous, and au(iliary. .esides, Irnawati ("##$! resulted in her study 2, Study of .ad 1anguage 3sed by *rankee in 8*uck 9ou :ight .ack; 1yrics5

there were five bad languages% profanity, obscenity, insult, vulgar and taboo. Then the meaning were se(ual intercourse or se(ual connotation The 'revious research above analyzes about bad language found in song. <ifferent from this study, the writer analyzes bad language found in /ichael .ay;s movie 2.ad .oys "5. 2.ad .oys "5 was chosen because the main Characters often use bad language in their daily activity. Therefore, the writer wants to know the kinds and the meaning of bad language= also in what scene those bad languages are used by the main characters.

1. Pro!"e# of the Study .ased on the background of the study above, the problems are stated as follows% &. hat kinds of bad language are used by the main characters in /ichael .ay;s movie 2.ad .oys "5> ". hat are the meanings of those bad languages used by the main characters in /ichael .ay;s movie 2.ad .oys "5>

1.$ Pur%o&e of the Study The purposes of the study should be stated clearly from the beginning as the principle guidance. They are formulated as follows% &. To know the kinds of bad language used by the main characters in /ichael .ay;s movie 2.ad .oys "5.

". To know the meaning of those bad languages used by the main characters in /ichael .ay;s movie 2.ad .oys "5.

1.' Sco%e and ()#)tat)on There are lots of movie of /ichael .ay, but the writer only analyzes one of them, that is 2.ad .oys "5 movie because it is very interesting to be discussed. The scope of this study is focused on bad language. The writer limits this study on the kinds of bad language, they are slang, taboo, swearing and the meaning of bad language= also in what scenes those bad languages are used by the main characters.

1.* S)gn)f)cance of the Study The first, the writer e(pects the result of this study can give contribution for the readers to develop knowledge about bad language. This is also important for the students who try to learn about sociolinguistic analysis especially on bad language from other cultures. The second, the result of this study is e(pected to be used as a reference for the teachers who want to give knowledge to their students about bad language from other cultures. The third, the result of this study is also e(pected to give contribution to further researchers who want to conduct other topic from this movie such as struggle, message, social conflict, etc.

1.+ Def)n)t)on of the ,ey Ter#& There are several key terms used in this study that must be clarified in this chance in order to avoid misunderstanding. The writer defines the key terms as follows%
1. Ana"y&)& is better approach to longer works and to prose work than an

e(plication. (@honson% "##-! ". -a)n character is the most important character in a story. This character cannot stand on his own. 0e needs other characters to make the story more convincing and lifelike. (Aoesnosoebroto% &-BB% $! ). Bad "anguage is a damn language. It is used to show the e(pression or strong emotion and attitudes. .esides, it refers to something that is taboo or stigmatized in the culture and should not be interpreted literally. Taboo words are things or ideas that are not supposed to say or forbidden or discouraged by the people. (,nderson 1 and Trudgill, &--#!. 4. -)chae" Bay is the director of 2.ad .oys "5 movie. ?. -o.)e is a field that encompasses motion pictures as an art form or as part of the entertainment industry. .ecause photographic film historically has been the primary medium for displaying moving images, academics often refer to this field as the study of film. (0agener / and Toteberg, "##"! $. Bad Boy& is the title of /ichael .ay that being researched.

C. E#ot)on is a moving of the mind or soul= e(citement of the feelings, whether pleasing or painful= disturbance or agitation of mind caused by a specific e(citing cause and manifested by some sensible effect on the body. (0artmann, "##B!

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