Answer: D
Answer: D
Answer: D
Match the field value of a primary key in a related table or be NULL. C. Be unique D. Be numeric Answer: D A table contains a list of all seats available at a football stadium. A seat consists of a section number, a seat number, and whether or not the seat has been assigned. A ticket agent working at the box office generates a list of all unassigned seats. When the agent refreshes the list, it should only change if another agent assigns one or more unassigned seats. Which is the best isolation level to use for this application? A. Repeatable Read B. Read Stability C. Cursor Stability D. Uncommitted Read Answer: C About Relational Databases and the Relational Data Model which of the following is true: A. A table does not allow to store data. B. A tuple is the smallest unit of data. C. A column is the equivalent to a row. D. A domain is the set of some possible values for a specific field Answer: D Application A is running under the Repeatable Read isolation level and holds an Update lock on table TAB1. Application B wants to query table TAB1 and cannot wait for Application A to release its lock. Which isolation level should Application B run under to achieve this objective? A. Repeatable Read B. Read Stability C. Cursor Stability D. Uncommitted Read Answer: D Assuming that you are current connected to test db which of the following will allow the view of the database setting with details A. db2 get db cfg with details B. db2 get db cfg show details C. db2 get db cfg with detail D. db2 get db cfg show detail Answer: B Assuming that you are currently connected to TESTDB, which of the following will allow the view of the database manager settings with details? A. db2 get dbm cfg with details B. db2 get dbm cfg show detail C. db2 get db cfg with details D. db2 get db cfg show detail Answer: D Authentication takes place when? A. When user connects to an instance. B. When the user connects to the database. C. When the user disconnects from a database. D. When user connects to a table Answer: B By default authentication for DB2 server is on? A. server B. Client C. Kerberos D. Server encrypt Answer: C Changes made to a view reflects on table?
A. true B. false Answer: A Consider a Stored Procedure with the following definition: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc1 (IN p2 VARCHAR(20)) BEGIN END @ Using DB2 CLP, which of the following commands would successfully execute procedure PROC1? A. CALL proc1(DEFAULT) B. CALL proc1(?) C. CALL proc1(NULL) D. None of the above Answer: B Consider a table TAB1 having the following values: TAB1 ----------------- COL1 COL2 ---B C A D C ---- A 20 30 10 40 20 10
Consider the result of a given query: COL1 ---- A BCD Which of the following statements would produce the given query result: A. SELECT COL1 FROM TAB1 ORDER BY COL1 FETCH FIRST 4 ROWS ONLY B. SELECT COL1 FROM TAB1 FETCH FIRST 4 ROWS ONLY C. SELECT DISTINCT COL1 FROM TAB1 D. SELECT UNIQUE COL1 FROM TAB1 Answer: C Consider table:
If following query will be executed on above table the result: SELECT MAX(SALARY) as MAX_SALARY, TITLE FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY TITLE
A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D Answer: B Consider Table1 has no rows initially and that the auto commit feature is disabled. After execution of the following statements: INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES (1, ABC) INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES (2, DEF) INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES (3, DEF) COMMIT ROLLBACK INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES (4, GHI) COMMIT INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES (5, DEF) ROLLBACK COMMIT How many rows will be inserted in TB1? A. 0 B. 1 C. 4 D. 3 Answer: C Consider TB1 has no rows initially and that the auto commit feature is disabled. After execution of the following statements: INSERT INTO TB1 VALUES (1, ABC) INSERT INTO TB1 VALUES (2, DEF) COMMIT INSERT INTO TB1 VALUES (3, GHI) ROLLBACK COMMIT How many rows will be inserted in TB1? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 Answer: C Consider TB1 has no rows initially and that the auto commit feature is disabled. After execution of the following statements, how many rows will be inserted in TB1? INSERT INTO TB1 VALUES (1, 'ABC') INSERT INTO TB1 VALUES (2, 'DEF') COMMIT INSERT INTO TB1 VALUES (3, 'GHI') ROLLBACK COMMIT A. 0 B. 1 C. 2
D. 3 Answer: C Consider the following command Create table space mytabsp1 managed by automatic A. Creation of normal table space called mytbsp1 that is managed automatically B. creation of user table space called mytbsp1 that is managed automatically C. creation of user table space called mytbsp1 that is managed automatically D. this command will return an error to the user Answer: B Consider the following IMPORT statement: IMPORT FROM /data/dept.del of DEL XML FROM /data/xmlfiles INSERT INTO dept The table dept contains three columns: CID (INTEGER), NAME(VARCHAR(10)), INFO(XML). Which of the following /data/dept.del import files will be accepted by DB2? A. 1000, "John Smith", <XDS FIL=C1.xml/> 1001,"Jane Doe", <XDS FIL=C2.xml/> 1002, "Mary David", <XDS FIL=C3.xml/> B. 1000, "John Smithson", "<XDS FIL='C1.xml' />" 1001,"Jane Doe", "<XDS FIL='C2.xml' />" 1002, "Mary David", "<XDS FIL='C3.xml' />" C. 1000, "John Smith", "<XDS= 'C1.xml' />" 1001,"Jane Doe", "<XDS= 'C2.xml' />" 1002, "Mary David", "<XDS= 'C3.xml' />" D. 1000, "John Smith", "<XDS FIL='C1.xml' />" 1001,"Jane Doe", "<XDS FIL='C2.xml' />" 1002, "Mary David", "<XDS FIL='C3.xml' />" Answer: D Consider the following scenario: Suday: full backup Monday: delta incremental Tuesday: incremental Wednesday: delta incremental Thursday: system crashed Which of the following options contains the correct restore order so that the database can be restored to the last stable moment before the crash? A. Restore the incremental backup from Tuesday and the incremental backup from Wednesday, then roll forward the database using the transaction log files. B. Restore only the delta incremental backup from Wednesday. C. Restore the full backup from Sunday, the incremental cumulative backup from Tuesday, the incremental delta from Wednesday, then roll forward the database using the transaction log files. D. Restore the full backup from Sunday, the delta incremental from Wednesday, then roll forward the transaction log files. Answer: C Consider the following scenario. You are currently connected to a database called MYDB as the user MYUSER. When creating a table within this database, you use the command: CREATE TABLE MYTABLE (DEPT CHAR(3) NOT NULL) Under which schema is the table MYTABLE created? A. MYDB B. MYUSER C. DB2INST1 D. You get an error because your command is ambiguous, as the table schema is not specifieD. Answer: B Consider the following statement. "Indexes can be created on computed columns." Is this statement: A. True. B. False. C. True, but only when the column data is produced by a sequence. D. False, but only when the column data is produced by a sequence. Answer: A Consider the following. As the user MYUSER, you issue the following command: CREATE ALIAS A1 for T1 What will be the result of the command? A. The alias DEFAULT.A1 is created for DEFAULT.T1. B. The alias MYUSER.A1 is created for MYUSER.T1. C. The alias ALIAS.A1 is created for ALIAS.T1. D. You get an error because your command is ambiguous, as the schema is not specifieD. Answer: B Considering you have a server with 4 processor cores and 8GB of memory, which of the following is the lowest cost DB2 edition that can be used to take advantage of all server's resources?
A. DB2 Enterprise Edition B. DB2 Workgroup Edition C. DB2 Express Edition D. DB2 Express-C Edition Answer: D Difference between Cursor Stability and Currently Committed? A. Reader blocks Reader B. Reader blocks Writer C. Writer blocks Reader D. Writer blocks Writer Answer: D Given the following queries: SELECT c1 FROM tab1; SELECT c1 FROM tab2; Which set operators can be used to produce a result data set that contains only records that are not found in the result data set produced by each query after duplicate rows have been eliminated? A. UNION B. INTERSECT C. EXCEPT D. MERGE Answer: C Given the following table definition:
If the following SELECT statement is executed, which describes the order of the rows in the result data set produced? SELECT * FROM sales A. The rows are sorted by INVOICE_NO in ascending order. B. The rows are sorted by INVOICE_NO in descending order. C. The rows are ordered based on when they were inserted into the table. D. The rows are not sorted in any particular order. Answer: D Given the following table: USERS -------------------------ID INTEGER NOT NULL NAME CHAR(20) NOT NULL PASSWORD VARCHAR(30)
Which INSERT statement is NOT correct? A. INSERT INTO USERS VALUES ( 23, 'Jim', 'password') B. INSERT INTO USERS VALUES ( 23, 'Jim', NULL ) C. INSERT INTO USERS VALUES ( 23, '', 'password') D. INSERT INTO USERS VALUES ( 23, NULL, 'password') Answer: D Given the following tables with the given data: STUDENT ------------------ name ----Sarah Frank PROFESSOR ------------------ name ----Jenny ----PHY_102 course ----- Jim 2 3 id 1
ENROLL ------------------ student_id course_id -----2 2 3 1 3 ----PHY_102 DB_101 PHY_102 CSI_201 MAT_202
After executing the query: SELECT, COUNT AS COUNT FROM STUDENT LEFT JOIN ENROLL ON id=student_id, PROFESSOR AS P GROUP BY What would the result be?
Jenny Mark
6 3
Answer: D
Given the options below, which of the following statements can add records to a table? A. SELECT B. UPDATE C. INSERT D. DELETE Answer: C Given the options below, which of the following statements can alter a table A. ALTER B. CHANGE C. UPDATE D. Once a table is defined and created it cannot be altered. Answer: A Given the requirements to store employee names, employee numbers, and when employees were hired, which built-in data types CANNOT be used to store the day an
employee was hired? A. Character Large Object B. Time C. Varying-Length Character String D. Timestamp Answer: B Given the statement: CREATE TABLE tablea (col1 INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT const1 CHECK (col1 in (100, 200, 300)) Which can be inserted into TABLEA? A. 0 B. NULL C. 100 D. '100' Answer: C How to list all the schema names in a database? A. list schemas B. list schemas for all C. select schema name from syscat.schemata D. select schema name from syscat.database_name Answer: D How to off currently committed isolation level? A. update command options using cur commit off B. update command options using currently commit of C. update db cfg using cur commits disabled D. we cannot make if off because it is default. Answer: A If circular logging is used, the following types of backup are allowed: A. Online full backup B. Offline full backup C. Online incremental backup D. div. Offline incremental backup Answer: B If secondary log files are to be allocated until the unit of work commits or storage is exhausted, which type of logging is used? A. Circular logging B. Archival logging C. Infinite logging D. It cannot be done in DB2 Answer: C If table TABLE1 contains 250 rows, which of the following statement will only return the first 25 of the rows? A. SELECT * FROM table1 MAXROWS 25 B. SELECT * FROM table1 RETURN FIRST 25 ROWS C. SELECT * FROM table1 WHILE ROW < 25 D. SELECT * FROM table1 FETCH FIRST 25 ROWS ONLY Answer: D If table TABLE1 contains 50 rows, which of the following statement will only return the first five of the rows? A. SELECT * FROM table1 MAXROWS 5 B. SELECT * FROM table1 RETURN FIRST 5 ROWS C. SELECT * FROM table1 WHILE ROW < 5 D. SELECT * FROM table1 FETCH FIRST 5 ROWS ONLY Answer: D If the current session has an isolation level of CS, which of the following will change the isolation level to UR for the current statement
A. SELECT * FROM sample ISOLATION UR B. SELECT * FROM sample UR C. SELECT * FROM sample USE UR D. SELECT * FROM sample WITH UR Answer: D If the sequence(s1) is created with start value 200 and incremented by 5, cache 5.what value is generated if we use next value for s1. A. gives error to generate value. B. 205 C. 200 D. none of these Answer: C If you need to execute SQL statements against a DB2 database from the command line Which of the following tools would you use? A. DB2 Task Center B. DB2 Command Line Processor C. DB2 Journal d. DB2 Control Center Answer: B Importing a large amount of data in db2 db. Considering you must have logged intl. about the row imported and that want to perform the load as fast as possible which of the tools would be best choice for the join A. db2 insert B. db2 import C. db2 load D. db2 clcp Answer: C In a DB2 server the authentication method is defined within: A. The database configuration B. Inside Instance C. Inside Database tables D. The database manager configuration Answer: D In client-server environment, which two can be used to verify passwords? A. System Catalog B. User ID/password file C. Client Operating System D. Communications layer E. Application Server Answer: C, E In client-server environment, which two can be used to verify passwords? A. System Catalog B. User ID/password file C. Client Operating System D. Communications layer E. Application Server Answer: C, E In DB2 9.7 for Linux, Unix and Windows for new databases, what is the default isolation level? A. Cursor Stability B. Cursor Stability with Currently Committed semantics C. Uncommitted Read D. Read Stability Answer: B In DB2 which of the following is true about Table Spaces in DB2?
A. A Table Space is only manually created. B. A Table Space is always associated with a buffer pool. C. A Table Space to store a database. D. A Table Space can be managed by the tables. Answer: B In relational data model domain refer to which of the following? A. data type B. column name C. attribute D. table Answer: C In relational terminology, an attribute is? A. A record B. An entity C. A field D. A table Answer: C In the following statement db2_node indicates. Catalog tcpip node db2_node remote mysystem server db2tcp42 A. Host name B. Ip address C. Alias name D. service name Answer: C In which of the following Logging type, SECONDARY log files are allocated if Primary Log files are full? A. Incremental B. Circular C. Archival D. Delta Answer: B Information model gives lower level of abstraction? A. true B. false Answer: D INSTEAD of the many alternatives which of the following is a reason for using databases to store data? A. Databases are faster to fetch results. B. Databases have different functionality's. C. Databases have low maintenance costs D. Databases allow multiple users to handle and change the data without losing data and its consistency. Answer: D is an ordered set of pointers inside a base table. A. index B. trigger C. sequence D. view Answer: A Major difference between relational data and XML data A. Relational data is self-describing; XML data is not B. Relational data has inherent ordering; XML data does not
C. Relational data must be tabular; XML data does not have to be tabular D. Relational data is comprised of entities; XML data is comprised of numbers, characters, and dates Answer: C Not true about info model A. absent management of object at a conceptual level B. define relationship between managed objects C. group of discussion explaining objects at a data model D. data models can be used to map an information model to s/w E. implementation Answer: D On which of the following operations Trigger cannot be used? A. Update B. Insert C. Drop D. Delete Answer: C One transaction is trying to acquire a lock to modify a row in table A. Consider the database lock timeout (locktimeout) parameter is set to 20 and that DB2 checks for deadlocks every 60 seconds. What will happen to the transaction after 20 seconds waiting? A. DB2 will randomly select one application and rollback its current transaction to try to free up the lock being helD. B. The application will rollback and the application will receive an error. C. The application will commit but the operation waiting for the lock is not completeD. D. The application will commit because after 20 seconds are passed the transaction acquires the lock by force. Answer: D PureXML does not come packaged with which of the following DB2 Editions? A. DB2 Express-C B. DB2 Express C. DB2 Workgroup Server Edition D. DB2 Enterprise Server Edition Answer: C Query: SELECT * FROM TABLE T1 INNER JOIN T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID is equivalent to? A. SELECT * FROM TABLE T1,TABLE T2 WHERE T1.ID = T2.ID B. SELECT * FROM TABLE T1 Left outer join TABLE T2 WHERE T1.ID = T2.ID C. SELECT * FROM TABLE T1 full join TABLE T2 WHERE T1.ID = T2.ID D. SELECT * FROM TABLE T2 Right outer join TABLE T1 WHERE T1.ID = T2.ID Answer: A Regarding Buffer Pools which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Buffer Pools work as a temporary memory of databases. B. Committed data is stored in Buffer Pools.. C. A database can only have one Buffer Pool. A. Buffer pools lies inside a table space. Answer: C SQL used to remove data from table users A. remove table users B. drop table users C. delete table users D. alter table users Answer: B Fact that a committed transaction guarantee that all the operations are completed and in a roll backed transaction effected of all operations are reverted A. consistency
B. atomicity C. isolation D. durability Answer: B Statement that can add records to table A. addrec B. addrecord C. insert D. add Answer: C Stored Procedures benefits are? A. Reduces network traffic B. Access to features that exist only on the server C. Enforcement of business rules D. All of the above Answer: D Stored Procedures can be developed by which of the following tools? A. DB2 Control Center B. DB2 Command Editor C. IBM Data Studio D. d. DB2 Command Line Processor Answer: C The Data Manipulation Language is used to: A. select, insert, update, or delete database records B. create, modify, or drop database objects C. provide data object access control D. all of the above Answer: D The four basic SQL statements of the Data Manipulation Language are: A. SELECT, INSERT, ALTER, DROP B. CREATE, INSERT, ALTER, DROP C. UPDATE, DROP, INSERT, REMOVE D. INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT Answer: D The GUI administration tools are NOT contained in which of the following installation packages? A. IBM Data Server Client Lite B. IBM Data Server Java Common Client C. IBM Data Server Client D. IBM Data Server Runtime Answer: C The link between a column or set of columns in one table that refers to the set of column in another table is? A. Pointer B. Cursor C. Primary key D. Foreign key Answer: D The SELECT privilege is NOT available for which of the following database objects? Sequence Nickname View Table
Answer: D The type of data structure that is used in a relational model is? A. Relation B. Tree C. Node D. None of the above Answer: C The type of data structure that is used in a relational model is? A. Table B. Tree C. Node D. None of the above Answer: A To create tables from XML documents In DB2 9.7, which of the following functions can be used? A. XMLTABLE B. TABLEXML C. XML2TABLE d. XML2HTML Answer: A To revoke access on CUSTOMER database from user AJAY which of the following statements are correct? A. REVOKE CONNECT ON customer FROM USER AJAY B. REVOKE ACCESS FROM USER AJAY ON DATABASE C. REVOKE ACCESS FROM USER AJAY ON customer D.REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE FROM USER AJAY Answer: A To update the comment associated with a table. Which of the following privileges permits a user? A. ALTER B. EXECUTE C. ALTERIN D. UPDATE Answer: A Trigger will NOT be activated on which of the following events? A. DELETE B. SELECT C. INSERT D. UPDATE Answer: B True about well-formed xml document A. has or more nodes B. tags can have at most attributed C. always has a single document node D. end tags are optional Answer: B Two applications running concurrently have created a deadlock cycle in the locking subsystem. Both applications were started at the same time with a lock timeout set to 20. What actions will take place once the deadlock occurs? A. It will randomly select one of the applications and rollback its current transaction. B. It will wait 20 seconds, then if the deadlock still exists, it will randomly select one of the applications and rollback its transaction. C. It will rollback the current transactions of both applications. D. It will wait 20 seconds, then if the deadlock still exists, it will rollback the current transaction of both applications. Answer: B User X needs access to server A and B, while user Y needs access to server B, C and D, how many DB2 server licenses by PVU do they need in total assuming all users can be using all machines they have access to at the same time? A. 3 B. 4
C. 5 D. 6 Answer: D Using DB2 CPP to access a remote DB for the 1st time it is necessary A. First catalog the remote system or node and then catalog the DB written the remote node B. First register the remote system user in system catalog C. and then setup a SQL communication to the remote node D. db2 cannot use DB is remote system unless SYSADMIN authority is grated to local user E. first list all the remote DB with the db2 list DB directly command and the select the remote DB from the list Answer: A What are the entities used to model data in relational model? A. a collection of instances of entities B. relation attributes and types C. a collection on of instance of record type D. table row and rows Answer: B What is a Trusted Context? A. Area in a buffer pool that can be written only by a selected set of users. B. It is a DB2 capability that allows applications to change users without breaking the connection to the database. C. Allows users to establish a connection to the database without providing user name or password. D. Container in a table space that allows faster I/O operations Answer: B What is SAX? A. A parsing mechanism, which uses stream events to process XML nodes. B. A parsing mechanism, which uses a binary tree-based algorithm to process XML nodes. C. A parsing mechanism, which uses a character-based algorithm to process XML nodes. D. A parsing mechanism, which uses the PHP SAX interface to process XML nodes. Answer: D What is the command to list all the tables in a all schemas? A. list tables B. list tables for schema name C. list tables for all D. list tables for database name Answer: C What is the lowest privilege/authority required to execute the following SQL statement? CREATE VIEW view1 AS SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE AGE > 18 A. REFERENCES privilege on table1 B. SELECT privilege on table1 C. DBADM authority D. SYSADM authority Answer: B When a user is connected to a database, which of the following privileges is required for the user to use a package? A. BIND B. BINDADD C. EXECUTE E. USE Answer: A When attempting to establish a connection to a database residing on your local machine, which command can help u determine why the following message was displayed.\ Sql1013N the database alias name or database name SAMPLE could not be found. SQLSTATE=42705 A. list database directory B. list admin node directory
C. list node directory D. list dcs directory Answer: A When does authentication takes place in DB2? A. When a user power on the system on which DB2 is installed. B. When a user issues the CONNECT command to connect to a DB. C. It takes place after a connection to the DB is established. D. authentication is not required at all in DB2. Answer: B When using Dbms which do not apply Accesses data using DML such as SQL define your DB schema using a DDL data is stored in a hierarchical model you can use normalization to avoid redundant data in tables Answer: C Which of the following is the best implementation for a User Defined Function that emphasizes on database operations, considering the application? A. Java external function B. SQL PL function C. Composed function D. C built-in function Answer: B Which will allow user USER1 to change the comment associated with a table named TABLE1? A. GRANT UPDATE ON TABLE table1 TO user1 B. GRANT CONTROL ON TABLE table1 TO user1 C. GRANT ALTER ON TABLE table1 TO user1 D. GRANT REFERENCES ON TABLE table1 TO user1 Answer: C Which will allow user USER1 to change the comment associated with a table named TABLE1? A. GRANT UPDATE ON TABLE table1 TO user1 B. GRANT CONTROL ON TABLE table1 TO user1 C. GRANT ALTER ON TABLE table1 TO user1 D. GRANT REFERENCES ON TABLE table1 TO user1 Answer: C Which allows accessing other DB2 servers, but cannot accept requests from other remote clients? A. DB2 Personal Edition B. DB2 Workgroup Server Edition C. DB2 Enterprise Server Edition D. DB2 Data Warehouse Edition Answer: A Which are NOT stored in the system catalog tables? A. SQL statements used to create views B. SQL statements used to create triggers C. SQL statements used to create constraints D. Table names Answer: A Which CANNOT be used to restrict specific values from being inserted into a column in a particular table? that performance is critical to
A. Index B. Check constraint C. Referential constraint D. Default constraint Answer: D Which causes a lock that is being held by an application using the Cursor Stability isolation level to be released? A. The cursor is moved to another row B. The row the cursor is on is deleted by the application C. The row the cursor is on is deleted by another application D. The row the cursor is on needs to be updated by another application Answer: A Which Command if issued, will disconnect ALL the Applications/users from the database? A. force applications all B. connect reset C. Disconnect D. Deactivate all Answer: A Which Data Model was created with the focus of providing better data independence? A. Semantic B. Network C. Relational D. Object-oriented Answer: C Which DB2 data types does NOT have a fixed length? A. INT B. CHAR C. XML D. DOUBLE Answer: C Which is a true statement about Namespaces? A. Namespaces are the same as a root node within an XML document. B. Namespaces are types of nodes within XML documents. C. Namespaces help to distinguish between same element names in different domains. D. Namespaces help to uniquely identify XML elements by associating them to an URL, which is a valid web page. Answer: D Which is a valid wildcard character in a LIKE clause of a SELECT statement? A. % B. * C. ? D. \ Answer: A Which is an xml based language for transforming xml document? A. XHTML B. XLST C. HTML D. JAVA Answer: B
Which is not the isolation in db2? A. repeateable read B. uncommitted read C. currently committed
D. all are isolation levels Answer: A Which is the lowest cost DB2 product that can be legally installed on an HP-UX server? A. DB2 Express-C B. DB2 Express C. DB2 Personal Edition D. DB2 Enterprise Server Edition Answer: D Which is true about dynamic SQL A. it is precompiled about binded in dynamic DB B. the structure of an SQL statement must be completely specified at precompile time C. it is compiled and executed by an application at run time D. dynamic SQL does not exist Answer: B
Which is true about RDBMS? A. a column can store value of different data type B. a table consists of column and rows C. rows in the same table can have a different set columns D. rows are also known as fields of the table Answer: B Which is used to create and debug user-defined functions? A. SQL Assist B. Control Center C. Command Editor D. Developer Workbench Answer: D Which isolation is default in DB2 9.7 version? A. cursor stability B. read stability C. currently committed D. none of these Answer: B Which of following best describe the below statement: create database TESTDB2 ON c: A. database is created on drive C: B. automatic storage is enabled C. storage path is c: D. None of the above Answer: A Which of following delete sample database? A. db2 drop sample B. db2 delete database sample C. db2 drop sample DB D. db2 drop database sample Answer: D Which of the following command is used to reorganise the table?
A. reorganize table table name B. reorganize table name C. reorg table table name D. reorg table name Answer: C Which of the following commands below to drop(if it already exists) sample database A. db2 drop sample B. db2 drop db C. d. drop db sample D. db2 drop db sample Answer: D Which of the following commands can be used to undo operations executed inside a unit of work? A. COMMIT B. ROLLBACK C. RETURN D. UNDO TRANSACTION Answer: B Which of the following commands produces a backup image from a database? A. START BACKUP DATABASE SAMPLE USING D:\bkp B. BACKUP DATABASE SAMPLE TARGET= D:\bkp C. BACKUP DATABASE SAMPLE TO D:\bkp D. START BACKUP DATABASE SAMPLE TO D:\bkp Answer: C Which of the following commands will terminate your connection assuming that you are currently connected to a DB2 database? A. db2 connect reset B. db2 connect upset C. db2 connect kill D. db2 connect end Answer: A Which of the following data models provides better Data Independence? A. Relational B. Object-Oriented C. Network D. Semantic Answer: A Which of the following describes the disadvantage of executing a set of DML statements outside a transaction? A. The DBMS records those operations in the audit logs since they are grouped inside a transaction. B. The DBMS stores the transaction operations so that the client applications can rerun the transaction more easily. C. The DBMS guarantees that all operations are always executed successfully. D. The DBMS cannot guarantee that all changes performed by the set of DML are stored, nor that in case of an error; the changes are undone, leaving the database in a inconsistent state. Answer: D Which of the following false for Online Backup A. Allows other applications or processes to access the database B. Available to users during backup C. Can backup to disk, tape, TSM and other storage vendors D. Does not allow other applications or processes to access the database Answer: D Which of the following information is NOT part of the backup file name? A. Database alias
B. Timestamp of the backup C. Instance name D. Backup type Answer: D Which of the following is a character of high availability? A. it allows compression of data B. it allows definition of policy to guarantee quality of service to applications C. it allows replication of data to a standby server that can take over in case of failure D. it allows high performance of a db2 server by distributing work load across several machines Answer: C Which of the following is a characteristic of HADR? A. It allows comparison of data. B. It enables creation of a database. C. It allows replication of data to a standby server that can take over in case of failure. D. It helps to create tables inside a database. Answer: C Which of the following is FALSE about DB2 Instances? A. It has a stand-alone DB2 environment. B. Only one instance can exist using the same DB2 executable files. C. Each instance has its own configuration file. D. There could be multiple instances per data server. Answer: B Which of the following is FALSE about DSAC? A. Database must be added to the connection list before it can be monitoreD. B. Dashboard tab displays performance metrics and their values. C. Alert List tab shows warnings associated for each database. D. Healthy Summary tab summarizes the status of the last operation to run in the database. Answer: D
Which of the following is NOT a definition of a relation? A. A relation may be thought of as a set of columns. B. Each row represents a fact that corresponds to a real-world entity or relationship C. Each row has a value of an item or set of items that uniquely identifies that row in the table D. Each column typically is called by its column name or column header or attribute name Answer: A Which of the following is NOT a DML statement? A. SELECT B. INSERT C. ALTER D.UPDATE Answer: C Which of the following is NOT a SQL/XML function in DB2 9.7? A. XMLQUERY B. XMLEXISTS C. EXISTS D. XMLTABLE Answer: C Which of the following is not a supported type of trigger? A. After B. Before C. During D. Instead of Answer: C Which of the following is NOT a valid approach for storing XML documents? A. Shredding XML documents into tables in a RDBMS B. Storing XML documents in CLOB columns C. Inserting XML documents in an integer column
D. Using an external XML-only database Answer: C Which of the following is NOT a valid authentication type that can be used by DB2? A. CLIENT B. CLIENT_ENCRYPT C. SERVER D. SERVER_ENCRYPT Answer: B Which of the following is NOT a valid data model? A. Information model B. Network model C. Relational model D. File model Answer: D Which of the following is NOT a valid DB2 Table Space? A. User Table Spaces B. System Temporary Table Spaces C. Metadata Table Spaces D. User Temporary Table Spaces Answer: D Which of the following is NOT a valid method of authentication that can be used by DB2 9? A. SERVER B. SERVER_ENCRYPT C. CLIENT D. DCS Answer: D Which of the following is not correct for Workgroup servers? A. Limited to 16GB memory B. Available for Linux, Unix, Windows, zLinux C. Limited to 16 processing cores or 4 sockets D. Designed for larger workloads than DB2 Express Answer: B Which of the following is NOT displayed by DB2 Access Plan? A. Properties for operators B. Indexes or columns C. Global information D. Authorization type Answer: D Which of the following is not part of the x query flow expression? A. for clause B. let clause C. order by clause D. with clause Answer: D Which of the following is not the way to catalog the database? A. search the network B. manual configuration C. using profile
D. using system environment configuration file Answer: C Which of the following is NOT true about Buffer Pool in DB2? A. It is an area of main memory used to cache table data. B. Each database in DB2 must have atleast one buffer pool. C. Page size of the tablespace must be exactly the same as that of the Buffer pool page size. D. Buffer pools once created cannot be dropped. Answer: D Which of the following is NOT true about data? A. Data is useful and has meaning associated to it. B. Data can be quantitative or qualitative. C. Data describes a variable or set of variables. D. Essentially data can be thought of as the result of observations based on things like measurements and statistics. Answer: D Which of the following is NOT true about Database Management Systems? A. Relational Database Management Systems use Structured Query Language to interact with databases. B. Database Management Systems act as an interface used to communicate with databases. C. Applications can choose to bypass the Database Management System when accessing databases for performance reasons. D. DB2 is a Database Management System. Answer: D Which of the following is not true about DB2 Instance?: A. It has a stand-alone DB2 environment. B. Only one instance can exist using the same DB2 executable files. C. Each instance has its own configuration file. D. There could be multiple instances per data server. Answer: B Which of the following is not TRUE for Repeatable Read? A. Highest level of isolation B. Locks the entire table or view being scanned for a query C. Provides minimum concurrency D. none of the above Answer: D Which of the following is not true for Views? A. provide a logical ordering of the rows of a table B. can be used to enforce the uniqueness of records stored in a table. C. provide a fast, efficient method for locating specific rows of data in very large tables. D. can force a table to not use clustering storage Answer: D Which of the following is not true for well-formed XML document? A. Each element begins with a start tag and ends with an end tag. B. An element can contain other elements, attributes, or text nodes. C. Attribute values must be enclosed in double quotes. Text nodes, on the other hand, should not. D. It can have one or more root element. Answer: D Which of the following is the correct syntax for using the XMLTRANSFORM SQL/XML function? A. XSLID = 2; UPDATE XSLTRANSFORM (XMLDOC USING XSLT) FROM XMLDATA, XMLTRANS WHERE ID = 1 and
XSLID = 2; Answer: D Which of the following is the lowest cost DB2 product that can be legally installed on a windows server that has 4 CPUs capable of performing row compression? A. DB2 Express Edition B. DB2 Workgroup Edition C. DB2 Express-C Edition D. B2 Enterprise Edition Answer: B Which of the following is the lowest cost DB2 product that can be legally installed on a Linux server that has 2 CPUs? A. DB2 Express Edition B. DB2 Enterprise Server Edition C. DB2 Everyplace D.DB2 Workgroup Server Edition Answer: A Which of the following is TRUE about CASCADE delete rule? A. Enforces the presence of a parent row for every child after all the referential constraints are applied. B. Implies that deleting a row in parent table automatically deletes any related rows in dependent table. C. Ensures that deletion of a row in parent table sets values of foreign key in any dependent row to null (if null able). D. Prevents any row in parent table from being deleted if any dependent rows are found. Answer: B Which of the following is true about columns? A. each columns consists of one or more records B. columns are store the individual pieces of info are stores for each record C. columns must be designated a specific data type D. columns are also known as records Answer: B Which of the following is true about Dynamic SQL? A. It is precompiled and binded in dynamic databases. B. The structured of an SQL statement must be completely specified at precompile time. C. It is compiled and executed by an application at run-time. D. Dynamic SQL does not exist. Answer: C Which of the following is true about table space in DB2? A. a table space is a file managed by the as where db2 can store data B. a TS is always associates with a buffer pool C. a TS to store users temporary table data is automatically created when DB is created D. a TS can be managed by the database (db2) or by an entered application Answer: B Which of the following is true about the table below? CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE ( ID NAME TERMINATE; ID 1 2 3 NAME John S Susan P Jennifer L EXTENSION 53412 54123 51234 MANAGER Y N N INTEGER NOT NULL, VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, EXTENSION INTEGER NOT NULL, MANAGER VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (ID));
A. ID is a value found in the EMPLOYEE table B. ID, 1, 2, 3 makes up a row in the EMPLOYEE table C. The MANAGER domain consists only of the value Y
D. NAME, John S, Susan P, Jennifer L makes up a column in the EMPLOYEE table Answer: D Which of the following is true about well-formed xml document? A. mess or more root nodes B. tags can here at most are attribute C. always has a single document node D. end tags are optional Answer: B Which of the following isolation levels lets you see data that has been updated by other applications before it is committed? A. Cursor stability B. Read stability C. Repeatable read D. Uncommitted read Answer: D Which of the following isolation levels should be used for databases migrated from older versions of DB2? A. Cursor Stability B. Currently Committed C. Uncommitted Read D. None of the above Answer: D Which of the following languages can NOT be used to create a UDF in DB2 9.7? A. Perl B. SQL PL C. Java D. C# Answer: D Which of the following objects you would need create in order to executed a block of code every time table is up date? A. an after trigger B. a UDF C. a stored procedure D. an user defined type Answer: A Which of the following options is TRUE about applications developed with Embedded SQL? A. Application code is embedded inside the DB2 database. B. Application needs to be precompiled. C. Application can be directly compiled by the programming language compiler. D. Application code can be compiled by DB2 compiler. Answer: D Which of the following packages have the smallest footprint but is still suitable for executing JDBC applications? A. IBM Data Server Client B. IBM Data Server Runtime Client C. IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ D. IBM Data Server Driver Package Answer: C Which of the following statement is true? A. we cannot create view from selecting the data from two tables B. we can create view without select query C. we can create a alias for an alias. D. none of these Answer: C Which of the following statements can be used to increase in 10% the salary of all employees in department D1? A. UPDATE employees WHERE dept = 'D1' SET salary = salary * 1.1
B. UPDATE employees SET salary = (salary * 1.1) C. UPDATE employees SET salary = salary * 1.1 WHERE dept = 'D1' D. UPDATE salary = salary * 1.1 ON TABLE employees WHERE dept = 'D1' Answer: C Which of the following statements can be used to increase the marks of all students in science subject by 10%? A. UPDATE student WHERE subject = science SET marks = marks * 1.1 B. UPDATE student SET marks = (marks * 1.1) C. UPDATE student SET marks = marks * 1.1 WHERE subject = science D. UPDATE marks = marks * 1.1 ON TABLE student WHERE subject = science' Answer: C Which of the following statements can remove a table from a database? A. DELETE B. ALTER C. UPDATE D. DROP Answer: D Which of the following statements CANNOT be issued against indexes? A. CREATE B. ALTER C. DROP D. All of the above can be issued against indexes. Answer: D Which of the following statements grants user AJAY the ability to insert data to table tab1? A. GRANT ADD ON TABLE tab1 TO ajay B. GRANT INSERT ON TABLE tab1 TO ajay C. GRANT ADD ON TABLE tab1 TO USER ajay D. GRANT INSERT ON TABLE tab1 TO USER ajay Answer: D Which of the following statements is correct? A. All JOIN operators can be expressed as a combination of SELECT statements and cartesian products B. The cartesian product of 2 sets will never have duplicate rows C. INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN of 2 tables will always be different D. Adding GROUP BY to a SELECT statement will always return less rows than the same SELECT statement without the GROUP BY clause. Answer: D Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding Buffer Pools on DB2? A. Smaller buffer pool works better for a small, sequentially accessed table space. B. Larger buffer pool works better for a table space for an OLTP application. C. A database can have more than one Buffer Pool. D. A table space can have only one Buffer Pool associated to it. Answer: C Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. The ALTER sequence privilege allows a user to perform administrative tasks like restarting the sequence, changing the increment value for the sequence, and add or change the comment associated with the sequence. B. When the GRANT statement is executed with the WITH GRANT OPTION clause specified, the user/group receiving privileges is given the ability to grant the CONTROL privilege to others. C. The USAGE privilege is the sequence privilege that allows a user to use the PREVIOUS VALUE and NEXT VALUE expressions that are associated with the sequence. D. The ALTER privilege for tables allows a user to modify the structure of a table. Answer: B Which of the following statements is incorrect? A. A user can define multiple indexes for a single table in DB2. B. An index for a table is used to improve SQL query performance. C. An index can be defined on a view. D. None of the above Answer: C Which of the following statements is true about constraints?
A. A constraint can be added to an existing table using the ALTER TABLE statement. B. Two or more same values can be assigned to the column when there is a unique constraint. C. The NOT NULL constraint can be used to ensure that a particular column in a table is never assigned a zero value D. The predefined value assigned by a default constraint cannot be overwritten. Answer: D
Which of the following statements is TRUE about transactions? A. Operations inside a transaction are executed in parallel. B. Several COMMIT statements can be executed inside the same transaction. C. Transactions guarantee atomicity of a group of operations. D. A COMMIT can be executed right after a ROLLBACK statement in order to revert the effects of the ROLLBACK. Answer: C Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the case when a client using the SERVER_ENCRYPT authentication type connects to a server using the SERVER authentication type? A. Data will be passed to the server encrypted. B. Data will be passed to the server unencrypted. C. Server will be unable to process the encrypted data and an error will occur. D. None of the above is true. Answer: D Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Licensing by PVU is available on DB2 Express-C edition. B. DB2 Express-C includes support to Table Partitioning. C. DB2 Express can only be licensed by Authorized User. D. The Storage Optimization feature for DB2 Enterprise edition includes Row, Index, Temporary Table and XML Compression. Answer: D Which of the following table spaces is NOT automatically created when creating a DB2 database? A. USERSPACE1 B. User temporary table space C. SYSCATSPACE D. TEMPSPACE1 Answer: B Which of the following tablespace are created by default when a new DB is created in DB2? Choose all that apply (more than 1) A. SYSCATSPACE B. USERSPACE1 C. IBMDB2 D. TEMPSPACE1 Answer: A, B, C Which of the following tools will give you the best performance to import large amounts of data into a DB2 table? A. IMPORT B. LOAD C. FAST IMPORT D. BULK INSERT Answer: B Which of the following type of TRIGGER can be made on a view? A. Instead of B. After Trigger C. Before Trigger D. Execute trigger Answer: A Which of the following types of backup are allowed if circular logging is used? A. Online full backup B. Offline full backup C. Online incremental backup D. Offline incremental backup Answer: B
Which one of the following is a valid XPATH expression to retrieve an attribute value within an XML document? A. /customerinfo/name/cid B. /customerinfo/name/text(@cid) C. /customerinfo/name/data(@cid) D. /customerinfo/name/"cid" Answer: C Which one of the following is true for Granting SYSADM authority to the group 'grp': A. UPDATE DB CFG USING SYS_GROUP GROUP1 B. UPDATE DBM CFG USING SYSADM_GROUP GROUP1 C. UPDATE DBM USING SYSADM_GROUP GROUP1 D. UPDATE DBM CFG USING SYSADM GROUP1 Answer: B Which package privilege is required to rebind, drop or execute a package? A. CONTROL B. BIND C. EXECUTE D. USAGE Answer: A Which privilege is required to invoke a user-defined function? A. REFERENCES B. EXECUTE C. CALL D. USAGE Answer: B Which tool used to automate table reorganization operations? A. Control Center B. Command Center C. Command Line Processor D. Task Center Answer: D Which two are optional and do not have to be specified when creating a table? A.Table name B. Column name C. Default constraint D. Column data type E. NOT NULL constraint Which two authorities allow a user to create a new database? A. SYSADMN B. SYSCTRL C. SYSMAINT D. DBADM E. CREATEDB Answer: A, B Which two authorities allow a user to create a new database? A. SYSADMN B. SYSCTRL C. SYSMAINT D. DBADM E. CREATEDB Answer: A, B
Which two database objects may the SELECT privilege be controlled? A. Sequence B. Nickname C. Schema D. View E. Index Answer: B, D Which two privileges is required in order to use a package? A. BINDADD B. BIND C. CONNECT D. EXECUTE E. USE Answer: C, D Which two statements are true about the HAVING clause? A. The HAVING clause is used in place of the WHERE clause. B. The HAVING clause uses the same syntax as the WHERE clause. C. The HAVING clause can only be used with the GROUP BY clause. D. The HAVING clause accepts wildcards Answer: B, C The following SQL statement: DELETE FROM tab1 WHERE CURRENT OF csr1 WITH RR Is used to perform which type of delete operation? A. Positioned B. Searched C. Embedded D. Dynamic Answer: A Why do we create explicit schema? A. because it is very difficult to create implicit schema B. to avoid the name collision of same tables C. so as to control the access of some tables from other users D. so as to keep the data persistant throughout the transaction Answer: C
A foreign key must? A. Be defined in all tables in the database B. Match the field value of a primary key in a related table or be NULL. C. Be unique D. Be numeric Answer: D A table contains a list of all seats available at a football stadium. A seat consists of a section number, a seat number, and whether or not the seat has been assigned. A ticket agent working at the box office generates a list of all unassigned seats. When the agent refreshes the list, it should only change if another agent assigns one or more unassigned seats. Which is the best isolation level to use for this application? A. Repeatable Read B. Read Stability C. Cursor Stability D. Uncommitted Read Answer: C About Relational Databases and the Relational Data Model which of the following is true: A. A table does not allow to store data. B. A tuple is the smallest unit of data. C. A column is the equivalent to a row. D. A domain is the set of some possible values for a specific field Answer: D Application A is running under the Repeatable Read isolation level and holds an Update lock on table TAB1. Application B wants to query table TAB1 and cannot wait for Application A to release its lock. Which isolation level should Application B run under to achieve this objective? A. Repeatable Read B. Read Stability C. Cursor Stability D. Uncommitted Read Answer: D Assuming that you are current connected to test db which of the following will allow the view of the database setting with details A. db2 get db cfg with details B. db2 get db cfg show details C. db2 get db cfg with detail D. db2 get db cfg show detail Answer: B Assuming that you are currently connected to TESTDB, which of the following will allow the view of the database manager settings with details? A. db2 get dbm cfg with details B. db2 get dbm cfg show detail C. db2 get db cfg with details D. db2 get db cfg show detail Answer: D Authentication takes place when? A. When user connects to an instance. B. When the user connects to the database. C. When the user disconnects from a database. D. When user connects to a table Answer: B By default authentication for DB2 server is on? A. server B. Client C. Kerberos D. Server encrypt Answer: C Changes made to a view reflects on table?
A. true B. false Answer: A Consider a Stored Procedure with the following definition: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc1 (IN p2 VARCHAR(20)) BEGIN END @ Using DB2 CLP, which of the following commands would successfully execute procedure PROC1? A. CALL proc1(DEFAULT) B. CALL proc1(?) C. CALL proc1(NULL) D. None of the above Answer: B Consider a table TAB1 having the following values: TAB1 ----------------- COL1 COL2 ---B C A D C ---- A 20 30 10 40 20 10
Consider the result of a given query: COL1 ---- A BCD Which of the following statements would produce the given query result: A. SELECT COL1 FROM TAB1 ORDER BY COL1 FETCH FIRST 4 ROWS ONLY B. SELECT COL1 FROM TAB1 FETCH FIRST 4 ROWS ONLY C. SELECT DISTINCT COL1 FROM TAB1 D. SELECT UNIQUE COL1 FROM TAB1 Answer: C Consider table:
If following query will be executed on above table the result: SELECT MAX(SALARY) as MAX_SALARY, TITLE FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY TITLE
A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D Answer: B Consider Table1 has no rows initially and that the auto commit feature is disabled. After execution of the following statements: INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES (1, ABC) INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES (2, DEF) INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES (3, DEF) COMMIT ROLLBACK INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES (4, GHI) COMMIT INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES (5, DEF) ROLLBACK COMMIT How many rows will be inserted in TB1? A. 0 B. 1 C. 4 D. 3 Answer: C Consider TB1 has no rows initially and that the auto commit feature is disabled. After execution of the following statements: INSERT INTO TB1 VALUES (1, ABC) INSERT INTO TB1 VALUES (2, DEF) COMMIT INSERT INTO TB1 VALUES (3, GHI) ROLLBACK COMMIT How many rows will be inserted in TB1? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 Answer: C Consider TB1 has no rows initially and that the auto commit feature is disabled. After execution of the following statements, how many rows will be inserted in TB1? INSERT INTO TB1 VALUES (1, 'ABC') INSERT INTO TB1 VALUES (2, 'DEF') COMMIT INSERT INTO TB1 VALUES (3, 'GHI') ROLLBACK COMMIT A. 0 B. 1 C. 2
D. 3 Answer: C Consider the following command Create table space mytabsp1 managed by automatic A. Creation of normal table space called mytbsp1 that is managed automatically B. creation of user table space called mytbsp1 that is managed automatically C. creation of user table space called mytbsp1 that is managed automatically D. this command will return an error to the user Answer: B Consider the following IMPORT statement: IMPORT FROM /data/dept.del of DEL XML FROM /data/xmlfiles INSERT INTO dept The table dept contains three columns: CID (INTEGER), NAME(VARCHAR(10)), INFO(XML). Which of the following /data/dept.del import files will be accepted by DB2? A. 1000, "John Smith", <XDS FIL=C1.xml/> 1001,"Jane Doe", <XDS FIL=C2.xml/> 1002, "Mary David", <XDS FIL=C3.xml/> B. 1000, "John Smithson", "<XDS FIL='C1.xml' />" 1001,"Jane Doe", "<XDS FIL='C2.xml' />" 1002, "Mary David", "<XDS FIL='C3.xml' />" C. 1000, "John Smith", "<XDS= 'C1.xml' />" 1001,"Jane Doe", "<XDS= 'C2.xml' />" 1002, "Mary David", "<XDS= 'C3.xml' />" D. 1000, "John Smith", "<XDS FIL='C1.xml' />" 1001,"Jane Doe", "<XDS FIL='C2.xml' />" 1002, "Mary David", "<XDS FIL='C3.xml' />" Answer: D Consider the following scenario: Suday: full backup Monday: delta incremental Tuesday: incremental Wednesday: delta incremental Thursday: system crashed Which of the following options contains the correct restore order so that the database can be restored to the last stable moment before the crash? A. Restore the incremental backup from Tuesday and the incremental backup from Wednesday, then roll forward the database using the transaction log files. B. Restore only the delta incremental backup from Wednesday. C. Restore the full backup from Sunday, the incremental cumulative backup from Tuesday, the incremental delta from Wednesday, then roll forward the database using the transaction log files. D. Restore the full backup from Sunday, the delta incremental from Wednesday, then roll forward the transaction log files. Answer: C Consider the following scenario. You are currently connected to a database called MYDB as the user MYUSER. When creating a table within this database, you use the command: CREATE TABLE MYTABLE (DEPT CHAR(3) NOT NULL) Under which schema is the table MYTABLE created? A. MYDB B. MYUSER C. DB2INST1 D. You get an error because your command is ambiguous, as the table schema is not specifieD. Answer: B Consider the following statement. "Indexes can be created on computed columns." Is this statement: A. True. B. False. C. True, but only when the column data is produced by a sequence. D. False, but only when the column data is produced by a sequence. Answer: A Consider the following. As the user MYUSER, you issue the following command: CREATE ALIAS A1 for T1 What will be the result of the command? A. The alias DEFAULT.A1 is created for DEFAULT.T1. B. The alias MYUSER.A1 is created for MYUSER.T1. C. The alias ALIAS.A1 is created for ALIAS.T1. D. You get an error because your command is ambiguous, as the schema is not specifieD. Answer: B Considering you have a server with 4 processor cores and 8GB of memory, which of the following is the lowest cost DB2 edition that can be used to take advantage of all server's resources?
A. DB2 Enterprise Edition B. DB2 Workgroup Edition C. DB2 Express Edition D. DB2 Express-C Edition Answer: D Difference between Cursor Stability and Currently Committed? A. Reader blocks Reader B. Reader blocks Writer C. Writer blocks Reader D. Writer blocks Writer Answer: D Given the following queries: SELECT c1 FROM tab1; SELECT c1 FROM tab2; Which set operators can be used to produce a result data set that contains only records that are not found in the result data set produced by each query after duplicate rows have been eliminated? A. UNION B. INTERSECT C. EXCEPT D. MERGE Answer: C Given the following table definition:
If the following SELECT statement is executed, which describes the order of the rows in the result data set produced? SELECT * FROM sales A. The rows are sorted by INVOICE_NO in ascending order. B. The rows are sorted by INVOICE_NO in descending order. C. The rows are ordered based on when they were inserted into the table. D. The rows are not sorted in any particular order. Answer: D Given the following table: USERS -------------------------ID INTEGER NOT NULL NAME CHAR(20) NOT NULL PASSWORD VARCHAR(30)
Which INSERT statement is NOT correct? A. INSERT INTO USERS VALUES ( 23, 'Jim', 'password') B. INSERT INTO USERS VALUES ( 23, 'Jim', NULL ) C. INSERT INTO USERS VALUES ( 23, '', 'password') D. INSERT INTO USERS VALUES ( 23, NULL, 'password') Answer: D Given the following tables with the given data: STUDENT ------------------ name ----Sarah Frank PROFESSOR ------------------ name ----Jenny ----PHY_102 course ----- Jim 2 3 id 1
ENROLL ------------------ student_id course_id -----2 2 3 1 3 ----PHY_102 DB_101 PHY_102 CSI_201 MAT_202
After executing the query: SELECT, COUNT AS COUNT FROM STUDENT LEFT JOIN ENROLL ON id=student_id, PROFESSOR AS P GROUP BY What would the result be?
Jenny Mark
6 3
Answer: D
Given the options below, which of the following statements can add records to a table? A. SELECT B. UPDATE C. INSERT D. DELETE Answer: C Given the options below, which of the following statements can alter a table A. ALTER B. CHANGE C. UPDATE D. Once a table is defined and created it cannot be altered. Answer: A Given the requirements to store employee names, employee numbers, and when employees were hired, which built-in data types CANNOT be used to store the day an
employee was hired? A. Character Large Object B. Time C. Varying-Length Character String D. Timestamp Answer: B Given the statement: CREATE TABLE tablea (col1 INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT const1 CHECK (col1 in (100, 200, 300)) Which can be inserted into TABLEA? A. 0 B. NULL C. 100 D. '100' Answer: C How to list all the schema names in a database? A. list schemas B. list schemas for all C. select schema name from syscat.schemata D. select schema name from syscat.database_name Answer: D How to off currently committed isolation level? A. update command options using cur commit off B. update command options using currently commit of C. update db cfg using cur commits disabled D. we cannot make if off because it is default. Answer: A If circular logging is used, the following types of backup are allowed: A. Online full backup B. Offline full backup C. Online incremental backup D. div. Offline incremental backup Answer: B If secondary log files are to be allocated until the unit of work commits or storage is exhausted, which type of logging is used? A. Circular logging B. Archival logging C. Infinite logging D. It cannot be done in DB2 Answer: C If table TABLE1 contains 250 rows, which of the following statement will only return the first 25 of the rows? A. SELECT * FROM table1 MAXROWS 25 B. SELECT * FROM table1 RETURN FIRST 25 ROWS C. SELECT * FROM table1 WHILE ROW < 25 D. SELECT * FROM table1 FETCH FIRST 25 ROWS ONLY Answer: D If table TABLE1 contains 50 rows, which of the following statement will only return the first five of the rows? A. SELECT * FROM table1 MAXROWS 5 B. SELECT * FROM table1 RETURN FIRST 5 ROWS C. SELECT * FROM table1 WHILE ROW < 5 D. SELECT * FROM table1 FETCH FIRST 5 ROWS ONLY Answer: D If the current session has an isolation level of CS, which of the following will change the isolation level to UR for the current statement
A. SELECT * FROM sample ISOLATION UR B. SELECT * FROM sample UR C. SELECT * FROM sample USE UR D. SELECT * FROM sample WITH UR Answer: D If the sequence(s1) is created with start value 200 and incremented by 5, cache 5.what value is generated if we use next value for s1. A. gives error to generate value. B. 205 C. 200 D. none of these Answer: C If you need to execute SQL statements against a DB2 database from the command line Which of the following tools would you use? A. DB2 Task Center B. DB2 Command Line Processor C. DB2 Journal d. DB2 Control Center Answer: B Importing a large amount of data in db2 db. Considering you must have logged intl. about the row imported and that want to perform the load as fast as possible which of the tools would be best choice for the join A. db2 insert B. db2 import C. db2 load D. db2 clcp Answer: C In a DB2 server the authentication method is defined within: A. The database configuration B. Inside Instance C. Inside Database tables D. The database manager configuration Answer: D In client-server environment, which two can be used to verify passwords? A. System Catalog B. User ID/password file C. Client Operating System D. Communications layer E. Application Server Answer: C, E In client-server environment, which two can be used to verify passwords? A. System Catalog B. User ID/password file C. Client Operating System D. Communications layer E. Application Server Answer: C, E In DB2 9.7 for Linux, Unix and Windows for new databases, what is the default isolation level? A. Cursor Stability B. Cursor Stability with Currently Committed semantics C. Uncommitted Read D. Read Stability Answer: B In DB2 which of the following is true about Table Spaces in DB2?
A. A Table Space is only manually created. B. A Table Space is always associated with a buffer pool. C. A Table Space to store a database. D. A Table Space can be managed by the tables. Answer: B In relational data model domain refer to which of the following? A. data type B. column name C. attribute D. table Answer: C In relational terminology, an attribute is? A. A record B. An entity C. A field D. A table Answer: C In the following statement db2_node indicates. Catalog tcpip node db2_node remote mysystem server db2tcp42 A. Host name B. Ip address C. Alias name D. service name Answer: C In which of the following Logging type, SECONDARY log files are allocated if Primary Log files are full? A. Incremental B. Circular C. Archival D. Delta Answer: B Information model gives lower level of abstraction? A. true B. false Answer: D INSTEAD of the many alternatives which of the following is a reason for using databases to store data? A. Databases are faster to fetch results. B. Databases have different functionality's. C. Databases have low maintenance costs D. Databases allow multiple users to handle and change the data without losing data and its consistency. Answer: D is an ordered set of pointers inside a base table. A. index B. trigger C. sequence D. view Answer: A Major difference between relational data and XML data A. Relational data is self-describing; XML data is not B. Relational data has inherent ordering; XML data does not
C. Relational data must be tabular; XML data does not have to be tabular D. Relational data is comprised of entities; XML data is comprised of numbers, characters, and dates Answer: C Not true about info model A. absent management of object at a conceptual level B. define relationship between managed objects C. group of discussion explaining objects at a data model D. data models can be used to map an information model to s/w E. implementation Answer: D On which of the following operations Trigger cannot be used? A. Update B. Insert C. Drop D. Delete Answer: C One transaction is trying to acquire a lock to modify a row in table A. Consider the database lock timeout (locktimeout) parameter is set to 20 and that DB2 checks for deadlocks every 60 seconds. What will happen to the transaction after 20 seconds waiting? A. DB2 will randomly select one application and rollback its current transaction to try to free up the lock being helD. B. The application will rollback and the application will receive an error. C. The application will commit but the operation waiting for the lock is not completeD. D. The application will commit because after 20 seconds are passed the transaction acquires the lock by force. Answer: D PureXML does not come packaged with which of the following DB2 Editions? A. DB2 Express-C B. DB2 Express C. DB2 Workgroup Server Edition D. DB2 Enterprise Server Edition Answer: C Query: SELECT * FROM TABLE T1 INNER JOIN T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID is equivalent to? A. SELECT * FROM TABLE T1,TABLE T2 WHERE T1.ID = T2.ID B. SELECT * FROM TABLE T1 Left outer join TABLE T2 WHERE T1.ID = T2.ID C. SELECT * FROM TABLE T1 full join TABLE T2 WHERE T1.ID = T2.ID D. SELECT * FROM TABLE T2 Right outer join TABLE T1 WHERE T1.ID = T2.ID Answer: A Regarding Buffer Pools which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Buffer Pools work as a temporary memory of databases. B. Committed data is stored in Buffer Pools.. C. A database can only have one Buffer Pool. A. Buffer pools lies inside a table space. Answer: C SQL used to remove data from table users A. remove table users B. drop table users C. delete table users D. alter table users Answer: B Fact that a committed transaction guarantee that all the operations are completed and in a roll backed transaction effected of all operations are reverted A. consistency
B. atomicity C. isolation D. durability Answer: B Statement that can add records to table A. addrec B. addrecord C. insert D. add Answer: C Stored Procedures benefits are? A. Reduces network traffic B. Access to features that exist only on the server C. Enforcement of business rules D. All of the above Answer: D Stored Procedures can be developed by which of the following tools? A. DB2 Control Center B. DB2 Command Editor C. IBM Data Studio D. d. DB2 Command Line Processor Answer: C The Data Manipulation Language is used to: A. select, insert, update, or delete database records B. create, modify, or drop database objects C. provide data object access control D. all of the above Answer: D The four basic SQL statements of the Data Manipulation Language are: A. SELECT, INSERT, ALTER, DROP B. CREATE, INSERT, ALTER, DROP C. UPDATE, DROP, INSERT, REMOVE D. INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT Answer: D The GUI administration tools are NOT contained in which of the following installation packages? A. IBM Data Server Client Lite B. IBM Data Server Java Common Client C. IBM Data Server Client D. IBM Data Server Runtime Answer: C The link between a column or set of columns in one table that refers to the set of column in another table is? A. Pointer B. Cursor C. Primary key D. Foreign key Answer: D The SELECT privilege is NOT available for which of the following database objects? Sequence Nickname View Table
Answer: D The type of data structure that is used in a relational model is? A. Relation B. Tree C. Node D. None of the above Answer: C The type of data structure that is used in a relational model is? A. Table B. Tree C. Node D. None of the above Answer: A To create tables from XML documents In DB2 9.7, which of the following functions can be used? A. XMLTABLE B. TABLEXML C. XML2TABLE d. XML2HTML Answer: A To revoke access on CUSTOMER database from user AJAY which of the following statements are correct? A. REVOKE CONNECT ON customer FROM USER AJAY B. REVOKE ACCESS FROM USER AJAY ON DATABASE C. REVOKE ACCESS FROM USER AJAY ON customer D.REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE FROM USER AJAY Answer: A To update the comment associated with a table. Which of the following privileges permits a user? A. ALTER B. EXECUTE C. ALTERIN D. UPDATE Answer: A Trigger will NOT be activated on which of the following events? A. DELETE B. SELECT C. INSERT D. UPDATE Answer: B True about well-formed xml document A. has or more nodes B. tags can have at most attributed C. always has a single document node D. end tags are optional Answer: B Two applications running concurrently have created a deadlock cycle in the locking subsystem. Both applications were started at the same time with a lock timeout set to 20. What actions will take place once the deadlock occurs? A. It will randomly select one of the applications and rollback its current transaction. B. It will wait 20 seconds, then if the deadlock still exists, it will randomly select one of the applications and rollback its transaction. C. It will rollback the current transactions of both applications. D. It will wait 20 seconds, then if the deadlock still exists, it will rollback the current transaction of both applications. Answer: B User X needs access to server A and B, while user Y needs access to server B, C and D, how many DB2 server licenses by PVU do they need in total assuming all users can be using all machines they have access to at the same time? A. 3 B. 4
C. 5 D. 6 Answer: D Using DB2 CPP to access a remote DB for the 1st time it is necessary A. First catalog the remote system or node and then catalog the DB written the remote node B. First register the remote system user in system catalog C. and then setup a SQL communication to the remote node D. db2 cannot use DB is remote system unless SYSADMIN authority is grated to local user E. first list all the remote DB with the db2 list DB directly command and the select the remote DB from the list Answer: A What are the entities used to model data in relational model? A. a collection of instances of entities B. relation attributes and types C. a collection on of instance of record type D. table row and rows Answer: B What is a Trusted Context? A. Area in a buffer pool that can be written only by a selected set of users. B. It is a DB2 capability that allows applications to change users without breaking the connection to the database. C. Allows users to establish a connection to the database without providing user name or password. D. Container in a table space that allows faster I/O operations Answer: B What is SAX? A. A parsing mechanism, which uses stream events to process XML nodes. B. A parsing mechanism, which uses a binary tree-based algorithm to process XML nodes. C. A parsing mechanism, which uses a character-based algorithm to process XML nodes. D. A parsing mechanism, which uses the PHP SAX interface to process XML nodes. Answer: D What is the command to list all the tables in a all schemas? A. list tables B. list tables for schema name C. list tables for all D. list tables for database name Answer: C What is the lowest privilege/authority required to execute the following SQL statement? CREATE VIEW view1 AS SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE AGE > 18 A. REFERENCES privilege on table1 B. SELECT privilege on table1 C. DBADM authority D. SYSADM authority Answer: B When a user is connected to a database, which of the following privileges is required for the user to use a package? A. BIND B. BINDADD C. EXECUTE E. USE Answer: A When attempting to establish a connection to a database residing on your local machine, which command can help u determine why the following message was displayed.\ Sql1013N the database alias name or database name SAMPLE could not be found. SQLSTATE=42705 A. list database directory B. list admin node directory
C. list node directory D. list dcs directory Answer: A When does authentication takes place in DB2? A. When a user power on the system on which DB2 is installed. B. When a user issues the CONNECT command to connect to a DB. C. It takes place after a connection to the DB is established. D. authentication is not required at all in DB2. Answer: B When using Dbms which do not apply Accesses data using DML such as SQL define your DB schema using a DDL data is stored in a hierarchical model you can use normalization to avoid redundant data in tables Answer: C Which of the following is the best implementation for a User Defined Function that emphasizes on database operations, considering the application? A. Java external function B. SQL PL function C. Composed function D. C built-in function Answer: B Which will allow user USER1 to change the comment associated with a table named TABLE1? A. GRANT UPDATE ON TABLE table1 TO user1 B. GRANT CONTROL ON TABLE table1 TO user1 C. GRANT ALTER ON TABLE table1 TO user1 D. GRANT REFERENCES ON TABLE table1 TO user1 Answer: C Which will allow user USER1 to change the comment associated with a table named TABLE1? A. GRANT UPDATE ON TABLE table1 TO user1 B. GRANT CONTROL ON TABLE table1 TO user1 C. GRANT ALTER ON TABLE table1 TO user1 D. GRANT REFERENCES ON TABLE table1 TO user1 Answer: C Which allows accessing other DB2 servers, but cannot accept requests from other remote clients? A. DB2 Personal Edition B. DB2 Workgroup Server Edition C. DB2 Enterprise Server Edition D. DB2 Data Warehouse Edition Answer: A Which are NOT stored in the system catalog tables? A. SQL statements used to create views B. SQL statements used to create triggers C. SQL statements used to create constraints D. Table names Answer: A Which CANNOT be used to restrict specific values from being inserted into a column in a particular table? that performance is critical to
A. Index B. Check constraint C. Referential constraint D. Default constraint Answer: D Which causes a lock that is being held by an application using the Cursor Stability isolation level to be released? A. The cursor is moved to another row B. The row the cursor is on is deleted by the application C. The row the cursor is on is deleted by another application D. The row the cursor is on needs to be updated by another application Answer: A Which Command if issued, will disconnect ALL the Applications/users from the database? A. force applications all B. connect reset C. Disconnect D. Deactivate all Answer: A Which Data Model was created with the focus of providing better data independence? A. Semantic B. Network C. Relational D. Object-oriented Answer: C Which DB2 data types does NOT have a fixed length? A. INT B. CHAR C. XML D. DOUBLE Answer: C Which is a true statement about Namespaces? A. Namespaces are the same as a root node within an XML document. B. Namespaces are types of nodes within XML documents. C. Namespaces help to distinguish between same element names in different domains. D. Namespaces help to uniquely identify XML elements by associating them to an URL, which is a valid web page. Answer: D Which is a valid wildcard character in a LIKE clause of a SELECT statement? A. % B. * C. ? D. \ Answer: A Which is an xml based language for transforming xml document? A. XHTML B. XLST C. HTML D. JAVA Answer: B
Which is not the isolation in db2? A. repeateable read B. uncommitted read C. currently committed
D. all are isolation levels Answer: A Which is the lowest cost DB2 product that can be legally installed on an HP-UX server? A. DB2 Express-C B. DB2 Express C. DB2 Personal Edition D. DB2 Enterprise Server Edition Answer: D Which is true about dynamic SQL A. it is precompiled about binded in dynamic DB B. the structure of an SQL statement must be completely specified at precompile time C. it is compiled and executed by an application at run time D. dynamic SQL does not exist Answer: B
Which is true about RDBMS? A. a column can store value of different data type B. a table consists of column and rows C. rows in the same table can have a different set columns D. rows are also known as fields of the table Answer: B Which is used to create and debug user-defined functions? A. SQL Assist B. Control Center C. Command Editor D. Developer Workbench Answer: D Which isolation is default in DB2 9.7 version? A. cursor stability B. read stability C. currently committed D. none of these Answer: B Which of following best describe the below statement: create database TESTDB2 ON c: A. database is created on drive C: B. automatic storage is enabled C. storage path is c: D. None of the above Answer: A Which of following delete sample database? A. db2 drop sample B. db2 delete database sample C. db2 drop sample DB D. db2 drop database sample Answer: D Which of the following command is used to reorganise the table?
A. reorganize table table name B. reorganize table name C. reorg table table name D. reorg table name Answer: C Which of the following commands below to drop(if it already exists) sample database A. db2 drop sample B. db2 drop db C. d. drop db sample D. db2 drop db sample Answer: D Which of the following commands can be used to undo operations executed inside a unit of work? A. COMMIT B. ROLLBACK C. RETURN D. UNDO TRANSACTION Answer: B Which of the following commands produces a backup image from a database? A. START BACKUP DATABASE SAMPLE USING D:\bkp B. BACKUP DATABASE SAMPLE TARGET= D:\bkp C. BACKUP DATABASE SAMPLE TO D:\bkp D. START BACKUP DATABASE SAMPLE TO D:\bkp Answer: C Which of the following commands will terminate your connection assuming that you are currently connected to a DB2 database? A. db2 connect reset B. db2 connect upset C. db2 connect kill D. db2 connect end Answer: A Which of the following data models provides better Data Independence? A. Relational B. Object-Oriented C. Network D. Semantic Answer: A Which of the following describes the disadvantage of executing a set of DML statements outside a transaction? A. The DBMS records those operations in the audit logs since they are grouped inside a transaction. B. The DBMS stores the transaction operations so that the client applications can rerun the transaction more easily. C. The DBMS guarantees that all operations are always executed successfully. D. The DBMS cannot guarantee that all changes performed by the set of DML are stored, nor that in case of an error; the changes are undone, leaving the database in a inconsistent state. Answer: D Which of the following false for Online Backup A. Allows other applications or processes to access the database B. Available to users during backup C. Can backup to disk, tape, TSM and other storage vendors D. Does not allow other applications or processes to access the database Answer: D Which of the following information is NOT part of the backup file name? A. Database alias
B. Timestamp of the backup C. Instance name D. Backup type Answer: D Which of the following is a character of high availability? A. it allows compression of data B. it allows definition of policy to guarantee quality of service to applications C. it allows replication of data to a standby server that can take over in case of failure D. it allows high performance of a db2 server by distributing work load across several machines Answer: C Which of the following is a characteristic of HADR? A. It allows comparison of data. B. It enables creation of a database. C. It allows replication of data to a standby server that can take over in case of failure. D. It helps to create tables inside a database. Answer: C Which of the following is FALSE about DB2 Instances? A. It has a stand-alone DB2 environment. B. Only one instance can exist using the same DB2 executable files. C. Each instance has its own configuration file. D. There could be multiple instances per data server. Answer: B Which of the following is FALSE about DSAC? A. Database must be added to the connection list before it can be monitoreD. B. Dashboard tab displays performance metrics and their values. C. Alert List tab shows warnings associated for each database. D. Healthy Summary tab summarizes the status of the last operation to run in the database. Answer: D
Which of the following is NOT a definition of a relation? A. A relation may be thought of as a set of columns. B. Each row represents a fact that corresponds to a real-world entity or relationship C. Each row has a value of an item or set of items that uniquely identifies that row in the table D. Each column typically is called by its column name or column header or attribute name Answer: A Which of the following is NOT a DML statement? A. SELECT B. INSERT C. ALTER D.UPDATE Answer: C Which of the following is NOT a SQL/XML function in DB2 9.7? A. XMLQUERY B. XMLEXISTS C. EXISTS D. XMLTABLE Answer: C Which of the following is not a supported type of trigger? A. After B. Before C. During D. Instead of Answer: C Which of the following is NOT a valid approach for storing XML documents? A. Shredding XML documents into tables in a RDBMS B. Storing XML documents in CLOB columns C. Inserting XML documents in an integer column
D. Using an external XML-only database Answer: C Which of the following is NOT a valid authentication type that can be used by DB2? A. CLIENT B. CLIENT_ENCRYPT C. SERVER D. SERVER_ENCRYPT Answer: B Which of the following is NOT a valid data model? A. Information model B. Network model C. Relational model D. File model Answer: D Which of the following is NOT a valid DB2 Table Space? A. User Table Spaces B. System Temporary Table Spaces C. Metadata Table Spaces D. User Temporary Table Spaces Answer: D Which of the following is NOT a valid method of authentication that can be used by DB2 9? A. SERVER B. SERVER_ENCRYPT C. CLIENT D. DCS Answer: D Which of the following is not correct for Workgroup servers? A. Limited to 16GB memory B. Available for Linux, Unix, Windows, zLinux C. Limited to 16 processing cores or 4 sockets D. Designed for larger workloads than DB2 Express Answer: B Which of the following is NOT displayed by DB2 Access Plan? A. Properties for operators B. Indexes or columns C. Global information D. Authorization type Answer: D Which of the following is not part of the x query flow expression? A. for clause B. let clause C. order by clause D. with clause Answer: D Which of the following is not the way to catalog the database? A. search the network B. manual configuration C. using profile
D. using system environment configuration file Answer: C Which of the following is NOT true about Buffer Pool in DB2? A. It is an area of main memory used to cache table data. B. Each database in DB2 must have atleast one buffer pool. C. Page size of the tablespace must be exactly the same as that of the Buffer pool page size. D. Buffer pools once created cannot be dropped. Answer: D Which of the following is NOT true about data? A. Data is useful and has meaning associated to it. B. Data can be quantitative or qualitative. C. Data describes a variable or set of variables. D. Essentially data can be thought of as the result of observations based on things like measurements and statistics. Answer: D Which of the following is NOT true about Database Management Systems? A. Relational Database Management Systems use Structured Query Language to interact with databases. B. Database Management Systems act as an interface used to communicate with databases. C. Applications can choose to bypass the Database Management System when accessing databases for performance reasons. D. DB2 is a Database Management System. Answer: D Which of the following is not true about DB2 Instance?: A. It has a stand-alone DB2 environment. B. Only one instance can exist using the same DB2 executable files. C. Each instance has its own configuration file. D. There could be multiple instances per data server. Answer: B Which of the following is not TRUE for Repeatable Read? A. Highest level of isolation B. Locks the entire table or view being scanned for a query C. Provides minimum concurrency D. none of the above Answer: D Which of the following is not true for Views? A. provide a logical ordering of the rows of a table B. can be used to enforce the uniqueness of records stored in a table. C. provide a fast, efficient method for locating specific rows of data in very large tables. D. can force a table to not use clustering storage Answer: D Which of the following is not true for well-formed XML document? A. Each element begins with a start tag and ends with an end tag. B. An element can contain other elements, attributes, or text nodes. C. Attribute values must be enclosed in double quotes. Text nodes, on the other hand, should not. D. It can have one or more root element. Answer: D Which of the following is the correct syntax for using the XMLTRANSFORM SQL/XML function? A. XSLID = 2; UPDATE XSLTRANSFORM (XMLDOC USING XSLT) FROM XMLDATA, XMLTRANS WHERE ID = 1 and
XSLID = 2; Answer: D Which of the following is the lowest cost DB2 product that can be legally installed on a windows server that has 4 CPUs capable of performing row compression? A. DB2 Express Edition B. DB2 Workgroup Edition C. DB2 Express-C Edition D. B2 Enterprise Edition Answer: B Which of the following is the lowest cost DB2 product that can be legally installed on a Linux server that has 2 CPUs? A. DB2 Express Edition B. DB2 Enterprise Server Edition C. DB2 Everyplace D.DB2 Workgroup Server Edition Answer: A Which of the following is TRUE about CASCADE delete rule? A. Enforces the presence of a parent row for every child after all the referential constraints are applied. B. Implies that deleting a row in parent table automatically deletes any related rows in dependent table. C. Ensures that deletion of a row in parent table sets values of foreign key in any dependent row to null (if null able). D. Prevents any row in parent table from being deleted if any dependent rows are found. Answer: B Which of the following is true about columns? A. each columns consists of one or more records B. columns are store the individual pieces of info are stores for each record C. columns must be designated a specific data type D. columns are also known as records Answer: B Which of the following is true about Dynamic SQL? A. It is precompiled and binded in dynamic databases. B. The structured of an SQL statement must be completely specified at precompile time. C. It is compiled and executed by an application at run-time. D. Dynamic SQL does not exist. Answer: C Which of the following is true about table space in DB2? A. a table space is a file managed by the as where db2 can store data B. a TS is always associates with a buffer pool C. a TS to store users temporary table data is automatically created when DB is created D. a TS can be managed by the database (db2) or by an entered application Answer: B Which of the following is true about the table below? CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE ( ID NAME TERMINATE; ID 1 2 3 NAME John S Susan P Jennifer L EXTENSION 53412 54123 51234 MANAGER Y N N INTEGER NOT NULL, VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, EXTENSION INTEGER NOT NULL, MANAGER VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (ID));
A. ID is a value found in the EMPLOYEE table B. ID, 1, 2, 3 makes up a row in the EMPLOYEE table C. The MANAGER domain consists only of the value Y
D. NAME, John S, Susan P, Jennifer L makes up a column in the EMPLOYEE table Answer: D Which of the following is true about well-formed xml document? A. mess or more root nodes B. tags can here at most are attribute C. always has a single document node D. end tags are optional Answer: B Which of the following isolation levels lets you see data that has been updated by other applications before it is committed? A. Cursor stability B. Read stability C. Repeatable read D. Uncommitted read Answer: D Which of the following isolation levels should be used for databases migrated from older versions of DB2? A. Cursor Stability B. Currently Committed C. Uncommitted Read D. None of the above Answer: D Which of the following languages can NOT be used to create a UDF in DB2 9.7? A. Perl B. SQL PL C. Java D. C# Answer: D Which of the following objects you would need create in order to executed a block of code every time table is up date? A. an after trigger B. a UDF C. a stored procedure D. an user defined type Answer: A Which of the following options is TRUE about applications developed with Embedded SQL? A. Application code is embedded inside the DB2 database. B. Application needs to be precompiled. C. Application can be directly compiled by the programming language compiler. D. Application code can be compiled by DB2 compiler. Answer: D Which of the following packages have the smallest footprint but is still suitable for executing JDBC applications? A. IBM Data Server Client B. IBM Data Server Runtime Client C. IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ D. IBM Data Server Driver Package Answer: C Which of the following statement is true? A. we cannot create view from selecting the data from two tables B. we can create view without select query C. we can create a alias for an alias. D. none of these Answer: C Which of the following statements can be used to increase in 10% the salary of all employees in department D1? A. UPDATE employees WHERE dept = 'D1' SET salary = salary * 1.1
B. UPDATE employees SET salary = (salary * 1.1) C. UPDATE employees SET salary = salary * 1.1 WHERE dept = 'D1' D. UPDATE salary = salary * 1.1 ON TABLE employees WHERE dept = 'D1' Answer: C Which of the following statements can be used to increase the marks of all students in science subject by 10%? A. UPDATE student WHERE subject = science SET marks = marks * 1.1 B. UPDATE student SET marks = (marks * 1.1) C. UPDATE student SET marks = marks * 1.1 WHERE subject = science D. UPDATE marks = marks * 1.1 ON TABLE student WHERE subject = science' Answer: C Which of the following statements can remove a table from a database? A. DELETE B. ALTER C. UPDATE D. DROP Answer: D Which of the following statements CANNOT be issued against indexes? A. CREATE B. ALTER C. DROP D. All of the above can be issued against indexes. Answer: D Which of the following statements grants user AJAY the ability to insert data to table tab1? A. GRANT ADD ON TABLE tab1 TO ajay B. GRANT INSERT ON TABLE tab1 TO ajay C. GRANT ADD ON TABLE tab1 TO USER ajay D. GRANT INSERT ON TABLE tab1 TO USER ajay Answer: D Which of the following statements is correct? A. All JOIN operators can be expressed as a combination of SELECT statements and cartesian products B. The cartesian product of 2 sets will never have duplicate rows C. INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN of 2 tables will always be different D. Adding GROUP BY to a SELECT statement will always return less rows than the same SELECT statement without the GROUP BY clause. Answer: D Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding Buffer Pools on DB2? A. Smaller buffer pool works better for a small, sequentially accessed table space. B. Larger buffer pool works better for a table space for an OLTP application. C. A database can have more than one Buffer Pool. D. A table space can have only one Buffer Pool associated to it. Answer: C Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. The ALTER sequence privilege allows a user to perform administrative tasks like restarting the sequence, changing the increment value for the sequence, and add or change the comment associated with the sequence. B. When the GRANT statement is executed with the WITH GRANT OPTION clause specified, the user/group receiving privileges is given the ability to grant the CONTROL privilege to others. C. The USAGE privilege is the sequence privilege that allows a user to use the PREVIOUS VALUE and NEXT VALUE expressions that are associated with the sequence. D. The ALTER privilege for tables allows a user to modify the structure of a table. Answer: B Which of the following statements is incorrect? A. A user can define multiple indexes for a single table in DB2. B. An index for a table is used to improve SQL query performance. C. An index can be defined on a view. D. None of the above Answer: C Which of the following statements is true about constraints?
A. A constraint can be added to an existing table using the ALTER TABLE statement. B. Two or more same values can be assigned to the column when there is a unique constraint. C. The NOT NULL constraint can be used to ensure that a particular column in a table is never assigned a zero value D. The predefined value assigned by a default constraint cannot be overwritten. Answer: D
Which of the following statements is TRUE about transactions? A. Operations inside a transaction are executed in parallel. B. Several COMMIT statements can be executed inside the same transaction. C. Transactions guarantee atomicity of a group of operations. D. A COMMIT can be executed right after a ROLLBACK statement in order to revert the effects of the ROLLBACK. Answer: C Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the case when a client using the SERVER_ENCRYPT authentication type connects to a server using the SERVER authentication type? A. Data will be passed to the server encrypted. B. Data will be passed to the server unencrypted. C. Server will be unable to process the encrypted data and an error will occur. D. None of the above is true. Answer: D Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Licensing by PVU is available on DB2 Express-C edition. B. DB2 Express-C includes support to Table Partitioning. C. DB2 Express can only be licensed by Authorized User. D. The Storage Optimization feature for DB2 Enterprise edition includes Row, Index, Temporary Table and XML Compression. Answer: D Which of the following table spaces is NOT automatically created when creating a DB2 database? A. USERSPACE1 B. User temporary table space C. SYSCATSPACE D. TEMPSPACE1 Answer: B Which of the following tablespace are created by default when a new DB is created in DB2? Choose all that apply (more than 1) A. SYSCATSPACE B. USERSPACE1 C. IBMDB2 D. TEMPSPACE1 Answer: A, B, C Which of the following tools will give you the best performance to import large amounts of data into a DB2 table? A. IMPORT B. LOAD C. FAST IMPORT D. BULK INSERT Answer: B Which of the following type of TRIGGER can be made on a view? A. Instead of B. After Trigger C. Before Trigger D. Execute trigger Answer: A Which of the following types of backup are allowed if circular logging is used? A. Online full backup B. Offline full backup C. Online incremental backup D. Offline incremental backup Answer: B
Which one of the following is a valid XPATH expression to retrieve an attribute value within an XML document? A. /customerinfo/name/cid B. /customerinfo/name/text(@cid) C. /customerinfo/name/data(@cid) D. /customerinfo/name/"cid" Answer: C Which one of the following is true for Granting SYSADM authority to the group 'grp': A. UPDATE DB CFG USING SYS_GROUP GROUP1 B. UPDATE DBM CFG USING SYSADM_GROUP GROUP1 C. UPDATE DBM USING SYSADM_GROUP GROUP1 D. UPDATE DBM CFG USING SYSADM GROUP1 Answer: B Which package privilege is required to rebind, drop or execute a package? A. CONTROL B. BIND C. EXECUTE D. USAGE Answer: A Which privilege is required to invoke a user-defined function? A. REFERENCES B. EXECUTE C. CALL D. USAGE Answer: B Which tool used to automate table reorganization operations? A. Control Center B. Command Center C. Command Line Processor D. Task Center Answer: D Which two are optional and do not have to be specified when creating a table? A.Table name B. Column name C. Default constraint D. Column data type E. NOT NULL constraint Which two authorities allow a user to create a new database? A. SYSADMN B. SYSCTRL C. SYSMAINT D. DBADM E. CREATEDB Answer: A, B Which two authorities allow a user to create a new database? A. SYSADMN B. SYSCTRL C. SYSMAINT D. DBADM E. CREATEDB Answer: A, B
Which two database objects may the SELECT privilege be controlled? A. Sequence B. Nickname C. Schema D. View E. Index Answer: B, D Which two privileges is required in order to use a package? A. BINDADD B. BIND C. CONNECT D. EXECUTE E. USE Answer: C, D Which two statements are true about the HAVING clause? A. The HAVING clause is used in place of the WHERE clause. B. The HAVING clause uses the same syntax as the WHERE clause. C. The HAVING clause can only be used with the GROUP BY clause. D. The HAVING clause accepts wildcards Answer: B, C The following SQL statement: DELETE FROM tab1 WHERE CURRENT OF csr1 WITH RR Is used to perform which type of delete operation? A. Positioned B. Searched C. Embedded D. Dynamic Answer: A Why do we create explicit schema? A. because it is very difficult to create implicit schema B. to avoid the name collision of same tables C. so as to control the access of some tables from other users D. so as to keep the data persistant throughout the transaction Answer: C !