Storage-Migrator Use Smu Unix5 Ds
Storage-Migrator Use Smu Unix5 Ds
Storage-Migrator Use Smu Unix5 Ds
investment in these resources. For example, a tape • Retain Data Efficiently: Industries like financial
library used solely for backup jobs can be used 24 services, health care, and government have different
hours a day, 7 days a week to expand online storage demands for data retention. It is necessary to comply
resources. And with less-frequently accessed data with each industry’s regulations, yet too time
being migrated to near-line or offline storage, online consuming for administrators to handle manually. With
storage is also more efficient as it will house only the NetBackup Storage Migrator, storage managers can
most-frequently used data and will not suffer downtime configure policies to meet their unique data life cycles
as a result of a full disk. in a consistent, automated, cost-effective manner.
NetBackup Storage Migrator also supports WORM
Inefficient storage means unnecessarily long backup tape media, which is a critical for compliance with data
times and crippling restore times. NetBackup Storage retention regulations.
Migrator reduces overall backup and recovery times by
decreasing the number of files on the online disk. • Reduce Online Storage Total Cost of Ownership
Backups write only the stubs to secondary storage. (TCO): Delay or eliminate additional hardware
Online disk volume recovery recognizes and acquisitions by efficiently using available resources.
reconciles migrated files. Reduce the load on critical storage administrators by
automating data management in the storage hierarchy.
• Leverage Existing Hardware Investment:
• Extend NetBackup: Integrate with the powerful Integrate with VERITAS NetBackup for offline or near-
NetBackup media manager to migrate data from online line media management, as well as for sharing existing
storage to backup media. Use a Storage Area Network tape libraries. Get the most out of offline resources by
(SAN) as a target with the NetBackup Shared Storage using them more often and taking the load off of online
Option . Manage your NetBackup Storage Migrator™
media from the NetBackup Global Data Manager
• Enhance Oracle Recovery: Migrating Oracle NetBackup Storage Migrator v 5.0 for UNIX
Archive/Redo logs allows you to store more logs for
easier point-in-time recovery of Oracle databases. • VERITAS NetBackup™ 5.0
Creation of migration policies for Oracle Archive/Redo • Solaris: 7, 8, 9 with VxFS 4.0 or CFS 4.0: 145M of
logs is simple thanks to an easy-to-use configuration online disk for installation
wizard. • HP-UX: 11.0 with JFS 3.3;11.11, 11i with JFS
3.3/3.5: 145M of online disk for installation
• Streamline Data Protection/Disaster Recovery: • SGI/IRIX: 6.5.18 or later with XFS: 145M of online
Stop continually backing up infrequently accessed disk for installation
files, which wastes disk space, tape, CPU, and • CD-ROM
network resources. In the event of a restore, the • Supported secondary storage
system needs to recover only a placeholder, not the
entire file. Multiple copies of migrated data can be
created for greater disaster protection. Integration with
VERITAS NetBackup also means full disaster recovery
since you have complete offsite copies of both backup
and migrated data.
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