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No. 3/23/09-3FPPC/879

Dated Chandigarh the 17-8-2009

All Heads of Departments,
Commissioners of Divisions,
Registrar, Punjab and Haryana High Court,
District and Sessions Judges, and
All Deputy Commissioners in the State.

Subject: Implementation Of the recommendations of the Fifth

Punjab Pay Commission regarding Pension and other retirement


I am directed to invite a reference to the subject cited above

and to say that after careful consideration of the
recommendations of the Fifth Punjab Pay Commission, the Governor
of Punjab is pleased to revise/modify/grant various benefits to
the pensioners of the State as indicated in the succeeding

1.The revised provisions as per these orders shall apply to
Govt. employees who retire/die in harness on or after 1st
January, 2006 (separate orders are being issued in respect of
employees who retired/died before 1st January, 2006). Where
pension/family pension/gratuity/commutation of pension etc has
already been sanctioned in cases occurring on or after 1-1-2006,
the same shall be revised in terms of these orders. In cases
where pension has been finally sanctioned on the pre-revised
orders and if it happens to be more beneficial than the pension
becoming due under these orders, the pension already sanctioned
shall not be revised to the disadvantage of the pensioner in
view of the proviso to the rule 9.15(1) of Punjab Civil Services


2.1 The term ‘Emoluments’ for the purposes of calculating

various Pensionary benefits other than the death-cum-retirement
gratuity shall mean pay as defined in rule 6.19.6 of Punjab


Civil Services Rules Volume II as amended from time to time and

as applicable to pensioners/family pensioners under the rules.
2.2 Basic Pay in the revised structure means pay drawn in the
prescribed pay band plus applicable grade pay but does not
include any other type of pay like special pay etc.
2.3 In the case of all kinds of gratuity, dearness allowance
admissible on the date of retirement/death shall continue to be
treated as emoluments along with the emoluments as defined in
paragraph 2.1 above.
2.4 The average emoluments of those employees who retire within
ten months from the date of coming over to the revised pay
structure shall be calculated as follows:-
(i) For the period during which pay is drawn in pre-revised
scales, Basic Pay, personal pay if any, and NPA, DA actually
admissible as on 31-12-2005 in the unrevised scale.
(ii) For the period during which pay is drawn in the Revised pay
structure, Basic Pay plus grade pay and NPA in the revised pay
structure scales
according to the Punjab Civil Services Rules (Revised Pay)
Rules, 2009. Such employees are to give an option to have their
pension computed on the basis of their pre-revised reckonable
emoluments in the manner as if they retired on 31st December
2005(ignoring the revised emoluments drawn by them after 1st
January 2006) and have such pension consolidated and updated to
1st January 2006 level. They shall be allowed such updated
pension if it is more beneficial with effect from the date of
their actual retirement. Such option shall be exercised within
three months of the issue of these orders; such option may be
given by eligible legal heir in case of a deceased employee


3.1 Pension shall continue to be 50% of basic pay (plus NPA). It

shall also continue to be calculated on the basis of last pay
drawn or 10 months average whichever is beneficial to the
employees subject to the minimum of Rs 3500/- per month.
3.2 A Government employee retiring in accordance with Punjab
Civil Services Rules Vol-II as amended from time to time and as
applicable to the pensioners/family pensioners, before
completing qualifying service of ten years shall not be entitled
to pension but he shall continue to be entitled to service
gratuity in terms of rule 6.16 of Punjab Civil Service Rules
3.3 The amount of pension shall be subject to a minimum of Rs
3500/- with effect from 1st January 2006.
Additional pension/family pension


3.4 In addition to above provisions, the quantum of pension

available to the old pensioners/family pensioners, shall be
increased as follows:-

Age of pensioner/family pensioner Additional quantum of

pension/family pension

From 65 years to less than 75 years 5% of revised basic

pension/family pension

From 75 years to less than 80 years 10% of revised basic

pension/family pension

From 80 years to less than 85 years 20% of revised basic

pension/family pension

From 85 years to less than 90 years 30% of revised basic

pension/family pension

From 90 years to less than 95 years 40% of revised basic

pension/family pension

From 95 years to less than 100 years 50% of revised basic

pension/family pension

100 years or more 100% of

revised basic pension/family pension

(i) The Additional quantum of pension/family pension on
attaining the age of 65 years and above would be admissible
from the first day of the month in which his date of birth
falls. For example, if a pensioner/family pensioner completes
the age of 80 years in the month of August, 2008 he will be
entitled to additional pension/family pension with effect
from 1st August, 2008. Those pensioners/family pensioners
whose date of birth is 1st August will also be entitled to
additional pension/family pension with effect from 1st
August, 2008 on attaining the age of 80 and above.
(ii)The Accountant General (A&E), Punjab shall ensure that
the date of birth and the age of the pensioners/family
pensioners is invariably indicated in the PEN-1 and the
Pension Payment Order to facilitate payment of additional
pension/family pension by the Pension Disbursing Authority as


soon as it becomes due. The amount of additional

pension/family pension will be
shown distinctly in the Pension Payment Order. For example,
in case where a pensioner is more than 65 years of age and
his pension is Rs 10,000 PM, the pension will be shown as (i)
Basic Pension= Rs 10,000 and (ii) Additional Pension = Rs 500
per month. The pension on his attaining the age of 75 will be
shown as (i) Basic Pension = Rs 10,000 and (ii) Additional
Pension = Rs 1000 per month.
(iii)The existing provisions relating to grant of Dearness
Relief on Old Age Allowance which has been termed as
additional pension/family pension shall continue to be in

4. Rates of Retirement-cum death gratuity/DCRG

The maximum limit of Retirement-cum-Death gratuity is raised

from Rs 3.50 lacs to Rs 10.00 lacs.

5. Rates of Family Pension

5.1 Family pension shall continue to be calculated at the

existing rates subject to the minimum of Rs 3500/- per month.
5.2 The grant of special pension under the extraordinary
pension rules is being considered separately.
5.3 For the purpose of rule 6.17 of Punjab Civil Services
Rules Vol-II the existing provision/instructions shall remain
to be in force.
5.4 Parents who were dependent on the Government employee
when he/she was alive provided the deceased employee had left
behind neither a widow nor a child. The parents whose total
income from all sources was Rs 3500/- per mensem or more at
the time of death of the employee shall not be considered to
be dependent.

6. Commutation of Pension

6.1 A Government employee shall continue to be entitled to

commute for a lump-sum payment up to 40% of his pension.
6.2 The existing Table of commutation value for pension
annexed to the existing rule shall be substituted by a new


table at Annexure 1 of this order.

6.3 The revised table of commutation value for pension will
be used for all commutation of pension, which became absolute
after the date of issue of this order. In case of such
pensioners whose case for commutation became absolute on 1st
January 2006 but before the issue of this order he pre-
revised table of commutation of value for pension will be
used for payment of commutation on pension based on pre-
revised pay/pension. Such pensioner shall have an option to
commute the amount of retrospective revision of pay/pension.
On exercising such an option by pensioner, the revised table
of commutation value for pension will be used for commutation
of additional amount of pension.

7. Constant Attendant Allowance

A Constant Attendant Allowance @ Rs 3000 per month shall be

given to the Punjab Government Employees who suffer 100%
disability as a result of action against extremists or anti-
social elements and who are dependent on somebody for day to
day functions. This shall be in addition to the extra
ordinary disability pension and other benefits.

8. Ex-gratia payment

The maximum limit of ex-gratia is increased to Rs. 8.00 lacs

in case of death in harness which occurs due to causes
attributable to the service and Rs. 10.00 lacs for death in
the case of performance of duty such as dealing riots,
terrorist attack or enemy action.


The existing provisions relating to the Travel Concession

shall continue to be in force.

10. The pension/ family pension in terms of these orders will

qualify for dearness relief beyond average All India Consumer
Price Index-536 (Basic year 1982-100). The revised pattern of
Dearness relief will be notified separately.


11. In respect of matters not provided in the above orders,

the existing rules/instructions on the subject shall continue
to be in force. The Punjab Civil Services (Revision of Pay)
Rules, 2009 shall also apply, wherever required in the
context of above orders. The relevant provisions of Punjab
Civil Services Rules Vol-II shall deemed to have been amended
to the extent of the contents of this letter, and
notification for the same will be issued in due course.

12. All proposed increases in allowances and other benefits

(such as old age allowance, medical allowance, constant
attendant allowance, ex-gratia payment) shall be from the
date of issue of these orders by the Government whereas the
revised pensionary benefits (such as basic pension,
commutation of pension, gratuity) shall be from 1.1.2006.
Decision about payment of arrears of pensions from 1-1-2006
to 31-7-2009 shall be taken in due course of time and with
effect from 1-8-2009 enhanced pension in cash shall become

13. Punjabi Version of these orders will follow in due course

of time.

Yours faithfully

Om Parkash Bhatia
Under Secretary, Finance (B)

A Copy is forwarded to the:

1 The Chief Secretary to the Government of Punjab,
2 All the Financial commissioners and Principal Secretaries
and Administrative Secretaries to the Government of Punjab.
3 Resident Financial Commissioner, Punjab, Punjab Bhawan,
Copernicus Marg, New Delhi,
4 Director Information and Technology (Infotech) Udyog
Bhawan, Sector 17, Chandigarh. (Put the information on Punjab
Govt. website.
5 Under Secretary to the Government of Punjab, Department of
Finance (Coordination Branch)
Under Secretary, Finance (B)


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