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UCLA LS2 Syllabus

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LIFE SCIENCE 2: Cells, Tissues and Organs (Lecture 1), 4 credits FALL 2012 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM LaKretz 110

escri!ti"n "# t$e c"urse: Designed for students interested in t e !ife s"ien"es and as #art of a four"ourse se$uen"e %L&1-L&'(, t is "ourse as t ree ours of !e"ture and a )it *ore t an an our of dis"ussion ea" +ee,- .t "o/ers stru"ture, # ysio!ogy and neuros"ien"e fro* *o!e"u!es to "e!!s to tissues to organs to syste*sLi,e *ost ot er uni/ersities, t e 0ni/ersity of 1a!ifornia e2#e"ts 3 ours of +or, ea" +ee,/"redit, or 12 ours ea" +ee, for a '-"redit "ourse- F"r t$is class, t$at %eans #"ur $"urs in class and eig$t $"urs "utside "# class eac$ &ee'( .f you "annot de/ote t is a*ount of ti*e %or *ore4(, "onsider ta,ing fe+er "ourses, +or,ing fe+er ours on your 5o), or dro##ing t e "ourse4 )r"#ess"r Stan Sc$ein: 6ffi"e ours: Monday, Wednesday ':00 7 6:00, and )y a##oint*ent Franz 8a!! 9oo* :522 1e!! # one 310-:55-';6<= >*ai! !s2-s" ein?g*ai!-"o*

Class *e+site: tt#s://""!e-u"!a-edu/"ourse//ie+/12F-L.F>&1.2-1 Te,t+""'s and su!!lies Te,t+""': Cust"% l""se lea# editi"n %01LA @oo,store(: As, for 01LA Life <e !oose!eafD &ada/a, DM 8i!!is, 81 8e!!er, M9 @eren)au*- Life, The Science of Biology, 9th Ed. &inauer Asso"iates, .n"-: &under!and, MA and W8 Free*an and 1o-: Aordons/i!!e, BA %2011(- .&@C 1-'6'13333-6, + i" in"!udes @ioDorta!- %E e fu!! te2t)oo,, !oose-!eaf or ard)a",, is fine too, )ut *any students !i,e a/ing a""ess to @ioDorta! 7 t oug it is not re$uired 7 and t ese ot er /ersions do not "o*e +it it-( E is 1usto* te2t)oo, as 5ust t e " a#ters you +i!! need for L&2- @e"ause it is !oose !eaf, you "an "arry around one " a#ter at a ti*e- .t is "on/enient and re!ati/e!y ine2#ensi/e- Fou "an a!so a""ess t e #u)!is erGs H"o*#anion +e)siteI +it usefu! resour"es, in"!uding ani*ations and /ideos, at tt#://)"s-+ free*an-"o*/t e!ife+ire<e/defau!t-as# N Lane, Life Ascending: The Ten Great Inventions of Evolution- Corton: Ce+ For,- .&@C J <;:-03<3-33:66-< #a#er)a",Clic'er: FouG!! need an iK"!i",er, .&@C <;:0;16;;<3<1 %or an iK"!i",er2 or an iK"!i",erL(- Co ot er "o*#anyGs "!i",er #ro/ides signa!s a""e#ted )y t e iK"!i",er re"ei/er- Eo register your "!i",er, go to t e "!ass +e)site= on t e rig t side, "!i", on t e )o2 t at says M"!i",erG and fo!!o+ t e instru"tions)"&er!"int slides and rec"rdings "# lectures E e slides #"r eac$ lecture %in #o+er#oint fi!es( are #osted on t e "!ass +e)site: tt#s://""!e-u"!a-edu/"ourse//ie+/12F-L.F>&1.2-1

Lectures &ill +e audi"ta!ed and -ide"ta!ed( @arring g!it" es, t e fi!es +i!! )e #osted on t e sa*e day as t e !e"ture- .f you *ust *iss a !e"ture for re!igious or ot er reasons, you "an +at" t e /ideota#ed /ersion- Fou "an a""ess t ese !e"tures fro* t e "!ass +e)site or )y going to tt#://+++-oid-u"!a-edu/+e)"asts/"ourses/2012-2013/2012fa!!/!s2-1 .f you en"ounter any #ro)!e*s +it @ruin"ast, #!ease "onta"t: )ruin"ast e!#?u"!a-edu I%!"rtant n"tices )lan t" attend lectures( At ea" !e"ture you +i!! )e a)!e to earn t+o #oints )y ans+ering t+o $uestions +it your iK"!i",er- Ey#i"a!!y, one $uestion "an )e ans+ered if you a/e s,i**ed t e *ateria! )efore and- E e se"ond $uestion +i!! )e ta,en fro* t e *ateria! in t e !e"tureEnr"ll%ent( .f you are not enro!!ed )ut +ant to, you s ou!d ,ee# trying 09&A in "ase so*eone dro#s t e "ourse- .f you a/e ot er enro!!*ent "on"erns, go to t e Life &"ien"e 6ffi"e, 222 8ers ey 8a!!, + ere you "an "onta"t Mi" e!!e Beinti*i!!a %!s"ore?!ifes"i-u"!a-edu(- Ceit er t e #rofessor nor t e L& 1ore offi"e as DE>s to distri)uteE,a%s( The two idter s will !e given in the evening- We do t is for se/era! reasons- First, you +i!! )e a)!e to a/e *ore !e"tures- &e"ond, you a/e !ots *ore ti*e to "o*#!ete your e2a*s- E ird, + en it "o*es ti*e to ta,e t e e2a*s, you +onNt a/e to +ait an2ious!y for t e #re/ious "!ass to !ea/e t e !e"ture a!! or fee! t e #ressure of t e students in t e ne2t "!ass trying to get into t e roo*- D!ease )ring your 01LA &tudent .D to t e e2a*s4 Fou "annot )ring your "e!! # one into t e roo*= if you do, you *ust !ea/e it at t e front %a!ong +it your )a",#a",(Teac$ing Assistants (TAs) 1st offi"e our 2nd offi"e our &a!!y A ad sa!!ya ad?ya oo-"o* E urs 1-2 E urs '-5 9ayad @ara,at r)ara,at?u"!a-edu Mon '-5 Fri 12-1 Aeorge 8afza!!a afza!!a?u"!a-edu Mon 3:15-':15 Wed 6:15-;:15 >!aine 8sia e sia?u"!a-edu Eues ::20-<:20 Fri <-10 Danny Eruong dtruong::?g*ai!-"o* Mon 3-' Wed 3-' A @ 1 D > F A 8 . P K L M C 6 9oo* M& 3<15A Eues ::30 <:50 Eues 10:00 11:20 Eues 11:30 12:50 Eues 1:00 2:20 Eues 2:30 3:50 Eues ':00 5:20 Wed ::30 <:50 Wed 11:00 12:20 Wed 12:30 1:50 Wed 2:00 3:20 Wed 3:30 ':50 Wed 5:00 6:20 E urs ::30 <:50 E urs 10:00 11:20 E urs 11:30 12:50 Danny Danny Danny 9ayad 9ayad >!aine 9ayad Aeorge >!aine >!aine Aeorge Aeorge &a!!y &a!!y &a!!y !o"ation 1afO &yna#se Franz Eo+er 1st f!oor Eerasa,i 10'5 1afO &yna#se 1afO &yna#se

.f you are un a##y +it your Dis"ussion se"tion assign*ent, you "an " ange it .F you "an find so*eone e!se +it + o* to s+a#- For t is #ur#ose, t ere is a rea! )u!!etin )oard outside of t e L& 1ore offi"e and a /irtua! &+a# Foru* a/ai!a)!e on t e Dis"ussion @oard of t e "ourse +e)site- E en, a"e sure t at you "onsu!t +it t e L& 1ore offi"e to *a,e t e s+a# offi"ia!Dis"ussion se"tion is a good ti*e to get your $uestions ans+ered4 .rading E is "ourse as '3< tota! #oints %300L<0L''L5(- A!! e2a*s are )ased on t e Te,t+""', t e Lectures, t e iscussi"n secti"ns, and t e Lane +""'( E e e2a*s are NON/C010LATI2E( Grading is on a curve, #$%&'#% A grades, B grades down to ()% to $)%. Everyone ta"es the sa e e*a s, so it does not atter if you find the e*a s easy or difficult. +o whining, ,leaseFirst %idter%, 100 #oints %50 *u!ti#!e-" oi"e $uestions(: T304S A5, 6"to)er 25, in t e E2ENIN., fro* 5:00 #* - 6:50 #*- @ring your 0ni/ersity .D4 Sec"nd %idter%, 100 #oints %50 *u!ti#!e-" oi"e $uestions(: T304S A5, Co/e*)er 15, in t e E2ENIN., fro* 5:00 #* - 6:50 #*- @ring your 0ni/ersity .D4 Final e,a%, 100 #oints %50 *u!ti#!e-" oi"e $uestions(: T0ES A5, De"e*)er 11 %Fina!s +ee,(, fro* 3-5 #*- @ring your 0ni/ersity .D4 .f you +is to re$uest an a""o**odation due to a sus#e"ted or do"u*ented disa+ilit6, #!ease infor* your instru"tor first and t en "onta"t t e 6ffi"e for &tudents +it Disa)i!ities as soon as #ossi)!e at A255 Mur# y 8a!!, %310( :25-1501, %310( 206-60:3 %te!e# one de/i"e for t e deaf(- We)site: tt#://+++-osd-u"!a-edu/ iscussi"n secti"ns (< 2 10 Q <0 #oints(: .n ea" of t e ten dis"ussion se"tion *eetings, t e first #art +i!! )e ta,en u# )y a $uiz +it fi/e or *ore $uestions %10 #ts( ta,en fro* t e !e"tures and t e reading sin"e t e !ast dis"ussion se"tion *eeting- Fou +i!! a/e t e o##ortunity to raise $uestions a)out t e !e"tures and t e te2t, and your EA *ay re/ie+ *ateria!- Dis"ussion se"tions *eet for t e first ti*e during Wee,1= t ere are none on &e#te*)er 2;We +i!! dro# your !o+est $uiz s"ore and one attendan"e s"ore, so *issing one se"tion +i!! not #ena!ize you- E is one-ti*e auto*ati" forgi/eness #o!i"y is in effe"t in order to a/oid our a/ing to dea! +it #ro)!e*s !i,e traffi" and inter/ie+s- 8o+e/er, if you *ust *iss your o+n Dis"ussion se"tion, #er a#s for re!igious reasons, you s ou!d as, your EA for #er*ission to attend a different one t at +ee,In/lecture 7ui88es, '' #oints: Four a""u*u!ated #oints, u# to 36, fro* 23 $uizzes, usua!!y 2 #oints ea" , in regu!ar !e"tures %not !e"tures J1 and J2(, #!us your four s"ores %2 #oints ea" ( for t e *ustnot-*iss !e"tures *ar,ed +it an asteris,- .n genera!, one $uestion "an )e ans+ered )y s,i**ing t e " a#ter )efore t e !e"ture= one $uestion "an )e ans+ered )y #aying attention during t e !e"ture- .f you *ust *iss a !e"ture for re!igious reasons, e*ai! Drof- &" ein regarding t ese #oints- Eo see your "!i",er #oints, go to t e "!ass +e)site and "!i", on MgradesG- 1!i",ing for so*eone e!se or a/ing so*eone e!se "!i", for you is c$eating, #unis a)!e )y !oss of ALL "!i",er #oints for t e $uarter- Do not +at" EB, *o/ies, s#orts, et"- during !e"ture- .t distur)s ot er students, and you +i!! )e as,ed to !ea/e t e !e"tureAn Inc"n-enient Trut$, 5 #oints: A Monday e/ening %;-< #*( at t e *o/ies in Dodd 1';- Fou "an attend on eit er Co/e*)er 1< or on Co/e*)er 26-

4e/grading !"lic6- >2a*s +i!! not )e returned to you- Four EAs +i!! go o/er t e e2a*s in Dis"ussion se"tion- .f you +is to "o*#are your o+n ans+ers +it t e Key, you *ay do so in Drofessor &" einNs offi"e during is offi"e ours or )y a##oint*ent- Midter* e2a*s +i!! )e destroyed t+o +ee,s after t e end of t e $uarter- .f you disagree +it an ans+er on an e2a* or $uiz, t e #oints you re"ei/ed on an e2a* or $uiz, or your fina! grade, you *ust "onta"t your EA and Drof- &" ein in a ti*e!y *anner %as soon as #ossi)!e, ne"essari!y )efore t e ne2t e2a*(En9"6ing t$e class and d"ing &ell %1( S'i% t e Ee2t)oo, )efore !e"ture- %2( Do+n!oad t e !"&er!"int #ile( %3( S'i% t e #o+er#oints as +e!!- %'( Attend t e !e"ture- %&o*e students #refer to ta,e no notes during t e !e"ture= instead, t ey +at" t e !e"ture again on!ine and ta,e notes t en- %5( 4ead t e te2t care#ull6 after !e"ture- %6( Attend your dis"ussion se"tion- %;( Ans+er t e c"nce!tual 7uesti"ns in t e on!ine *ateria!- %:( Identi#6 t e *ost i*#ortant issues and create your o+n e2a* $uestions, fi/e #er !e"ture- %<( 8a/e t e #!easure of reading t e re!e/ant %assigned( " a#ter in LaneEo re#eat: T" d" &ell in t$e class, 6"u %ust attend lectures and read t$e assigned %aterial( Cote t at one $uestion of t e in-!e"ture $uiz "an )e ans+ered if you a/e s,i**ed t e *ateria! )efore andE atGs anot er reason to s,i* )efore andDo not fa!! )e ind4 .f you are "onfused, get e!# rig t a+ay- Do not de!ay4 As, $uestions during your Dis"ussion se"tion- ." t" an6 TA:s "##ice $"urs "r t" t$e !r"#ess"r;s "##ice $"urs( As, your friendsFor* a study grou#- Aet e!#4 Fou "an a!so raise $uestions on t e Dis"ussion @oard, + i" +i!! )e *onitored )y t e EAs and t e Drofessor)eer Learning Center E e Life &"ien"es De#art*ent offers free !earning su##ort to "urrent!y enro!!ed undergraduate students at t e Life &"ien"e Deer Learning 1enter- E is Deer Learning #rogra* is ai*ed at de/e!o#ing a"ade*i" s,i!!s, "riti"a! t in,ing, and inde#endent !earning to e!# students enro!!ed in L&1, L&2, L&3 or L&' +it t e su)5e"t- E e Learning 1enter is staffed )y "arefu!!y se!e"ted and trained undergraduate Deer Learning Fa"i!itators, " osen for t eir a"ade*i" e2"e!!en"e and "o**uni"ation s,i!!s6n"e enro!!ed in t e Deer Learning #rogra*, you are "o**itted to attending a free 50-*inute session on"e ea" +ee, fro* Wee, 2 to +ee, 10- &o*e Deer Learning Fa"i!itators *ay %or *ay not( offer additiona! re/ie+ sessions )efore e2a*s- Cote t at t e "a# for enro!!*ent in t is #rogra* is !i*ited, and it "an on!y a""o**odate students on a first-"o*e first-ser/e )asis for t e a/ai!a)!e sessionsFor *ore infor*ation, #!ease /isit tt#://+++-!s"ore-u"!a-edu/!s#!f-# # E ere is a !ist of fre$uent!y as,ed $uestions at t e )otto* of t e #age, and a su**ary of + at t e Deer Learning Fa"i!itator +i!! and +i!! not e!# you +it - .f you +ou!d !i,e to sign u# for t e Deer Learning #rogra*, #!ease e*ai!: 01LAL&DLF?g*ai!-"o* +it t e su)5e"t !ine R>nro!!*entRT$is is a n" c$eating class Don't do it. E e #ena!ties "an )e /ery ars , t e gain s*a!!- .n a!! "ases, t e a!!egation +i!! )e re#orted to t e Dean of &tudents- DonNt )e!ie/e it if you ear t at Re/eryone does it-R %Fou genera!!y donNt ear of t e #unis *ents )e"ause t ey are ,e#t "onfidentia!-( .f you are found gui!ty of " eating in an e,a%, eit er e!#ing so*eone e!se or )eing e!#ed, you +i!! re"ei/e no #oints on t at e2a*- .f you " eat +it t e

clic'er 7 eit er )ringing so*eone e!seGs "!i",er to !e"ture of a/ing so*eone e!se )ring yours 7 you +i!! re"ei/e no "!i",er #oints for t e $uarter- E e !oss of t ese #oints *ay "ause you to fai! t e "ourse- Dast e2a*#!es of additiona! #ena!ties in"!ude !oss of an entire ter* of "redit and sus#ension for se/era! ter*s.f you #!an to a##!y to graduate or #rofessiona! s" oo!, su" a )!e*is on your re"ord *ay )e a *a5or o)sta"!e to ad*issionA!! of your fe!!o+ students are a##ier + en no one " eats- .ndeed, your fe!!o+ students get angry + en t ey dete"t " eating, and t ey "an re#ort it to t e instru"tors or t e EAs during t e e2a*- It.s /ust not worth it--3"n"rs LS<=( An6 student interested in attending 10 our-!ong )io!ogy se*inars of your " oi"e and *eeting for an our 5 ti*es during t e $uarter in an onors *eeting *ay ta,e t is "ourse for 'L1 units of 8onors "redit- %E e 1 "redit for L&:< does not "ount against your "redit "a#-( E atGs an6 student4 >/iden"e of attendan"e at a se*inar is one #age %4( +it t e fo!!o+ing: your na*e, t e "ourse na*e %Life &"ien"e :<(, t e s#ea,erNs na*e, t e se*inar tit!e, t e date of t e se*inar, t e nu*)er out of t e 10 you a/e attended %e-g-, J3(, and a )rief %4(, one-#aragra# %44(, ty#e+ritten su**ary- %&u**aries +it *ore t an one #aragra# +i!! )e returned-( &u**aries are due at Friday *eetings, fro* 3:00 - ':00 in Franz 8a!! 353'- E e !ast su**aries are due at t e fina! e2a*Fou *ay register for L&:< )y getting a DE> fro* Drof- &" ein in !ers"n at t e Friday *eeting of Wee, 1 %6"to)er 5(- %E ere is no *eeting on &e#te*)er 2: of Wee, 0-( &e*inar !istings are #osted on t e "ourse +e)site and u#dated ea" +ee,- Fou *ay attend no *ore t an t+o se*inars in any gi/en +ee,- Fou *ay )egin attending se*inars during Wee, 1, e/en )efore you get your DE>.f you are in t e 1o!!ege 8onors #rogra*, t en you *ust earn at !east a @ in L&2 to re"ei/e 1o!!ege 8onors "redit-

C"urse sc$edule Wee, Date F Le"t-J Eo#i" 1 2 3 ' .ntrodu"tion &*a!! *o!e"u!es S " e*i"a! )onds Ma"ro*o!e"u!es: #roteins, "ar)o ydrates, !i#ids Ma"ro*o!e"u!es: Cu"!ei" a"ids, 6rigins 8onors 3:00 - ':00 in Franz 8a!! 353' 1 2 T 3= Uuiz J1 1e!!s 1e!!s 1e!! *e*)ranes 8onors 3:00 - ':00 in Franz 8a!! 353' 1 3-5, Lane 1 2= Uuiz J2 >$ui!i)riu* #otentia!= Me*)rane #otentia! >nergy, enzy*es, and *eta)o!is* 8ar/esting " e*i"a! energy 8onors 3:00 - ':00 in Franz 8a!! 353' 1 6 T :, Lane 1 1 S '= Uuiz J3 @oo, " a#ter &,i* 1 2, 3-1 3 3, '

0 &e#t 2: 1

6"t 1 M 3 W 5 F 5 F Dis"ussion : M 10 W 12 F 12 F Dis"ussion 15 M 1; W 1< F 1< F Dis"ussion 22 2' 2' 25 M W W 9

5 6 ;

5, Lane 1 2 5, Lane 1 1 6, Lane 1 '

:V <V 10

##- <':-<51 of 1 '5 : <


11 12

26 F 26 F Dis"ussion 5 2< M 31 W Co/ 2 F 2 F Dis"ussion 5 ; < < M W F F


8ar/esting " e*i"a! energy < &igna!ing ; 9>B.>W ; 7 < DM in LaKretz 110 M.DE>9MJ1 5 7 6:50 DM %Le"t 1-12, 1 1-<, and Lane 1 1, 2, '( &tudents of &a!!y, Danny and AeorgeGs se"tions K S L go to @road 2160> &tudents of >!aine, 9ayad and AeorgeGs se"tion 8 go to Dodd 1'; D otosynt esis 10 8onors 3:00 - ':00 in Franz 8a!! 353' 1 :, < T ;= Uuiz J' D otosynt esis 8o*eostasis 8or*ones %s,i# inse"ts( 8onors 3:00 - ':00 in Franz 8a!! 353' 1 10, Lane 1 3= Uuiz J5= go o/er *idter* 9e#rodu"tion E e a"tion #otentia! &yna#ti" trans*ission 8onors 3:00 - ':00 in Franz 8a!! 353' 10, Lane 1 3 '0, Lane 1 : '1

1' 15 16

1; 1:V 1<V

'3, Lane 1 5 '5 '5

Dis"ussion ; 12 1' 1' 15 M W W 9

1 '0, '1, '3 T '5= Lane 1 :, 5= Uuiz J6 BeteranGs Day &a!t and Water @a!an"e 52 9>B.>W 6 - : DM in 8aines A1: M.DE>9M J2 5 7 6 :50 DM %Le"t 13-20, 1 10, '0, '1, '3, '5, 52 and Lane 1 3, 5, :( &tudents of &a!!y, Danny and AeorgeGs se"tions K S L go to @road 2160> &tudents of >!aine, 9ayad and AeorgeGs se"tion 8 go to Dodd 1'; 9es#iration '< 8onors 3:00 - ':00 in Franz 8a!! 353' 1 '5 T 52= Uuiz J; 1ir"u!atory &yste* 50 Cig t at t e *o/ies, ;-<#* in Dodd 1';: An .n"on/enient Erut 1ir"u!atory &yste*= Cutrition and Digestion 50, 51 E an,sgi/ing 1 '<, 50= Uuiz J:= go o/er *idter* Cutrition and Digestion 51 Cig t at t e *o/ies, ;-<#* in Dodd 1';: An .n"on/enient Erut &ensory syste*s '6 &ensory &yste*s '6, Lane 1 ; 8onors 3:00 - ':00 in Franz 8a!! 353' 1 50, 51 T '6= Uuiz J< Ma**a!ian Cer/ous &yste* ';, Lane 1 < Ma**a!ian Cer/ous &yste* '; Mus"u!os,e!eta! syste*s ':, Lane 1 6 8onors 3:00 - ':00 in Franz 8a!! 353' 9>B.>W ' - 6 DM in Kinsey 1220@ %sout side of Knutsen( 1 '6, ';, Lane 1 6, ;, <= Uuiz J10= e/a!s F.CAL 3 7 5 #* %Le"tures 21-2<, 1 '<-51, '6-': and Lane 1 6, ;, <( &tudents of so*e EAs go to E@A= students of ot er EAs go to E@A-


16 F 16 F Dis"ussion : 1< M 1< M 21 W 23 F Dis"ussion 26 M 26 M 2: W 30 F 30 F Dis"ussion


22 23


2' 25 26

10 De" 3 M 5 W ; F ; F ; F Dis"ussion 11 11 E

2; 2: 2<

@road 2160> %'06(= Dodd 1'; %366( and 9o!fe 1200 %2<2(

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