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African Journal of Biochemistry Research Vol.3 (5), pp.

232-237, May, 2009

Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/AJBR
ISSN 1996-0778 2007 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Mechanisms of arsenic toxicity and carcinogenesis

Obinaju, Blessing Ebele

Department of Biological Science, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom. E-mail: bel.obinaju@yahoo.co.uk.

Accepted 20 May, 2009

Industrialization has excessively modified the discharge and distribution of arsenic in the environment
through natural and anthropogenic activities. Gastrointestinal tract, Lung and Dermal absorptions
account for various adverse effects associated with arsenic toxicity. The knowledge of arsenic
biotransformation holds the trivalent species (DMA
and MMA
) accountable for most arsenic toxicity
with mechanisms of action such as the inhibition of DNA replicating or repair enzymes, interference
with tissue respiration and oxidative stress. There is information of transplacental arsenic
carcinogenesis and arsenic disruption of endocrine activity but most of these mechanisms remain
poorly understood. More importantly, the exact dose at which arsenic induces tumours in vivo is still a
major research question and therefore necessitates more scientific investigation/ research.

Key words: Arsenic, toxicity, carcinogenesis.


Advances in industrial activities have resulted in the
discharge of arsenic into the environment. There is a
wide distribution of arsenic in the environment due to
both natural and anthropogenic activities and it is often
found in food, soil and air borne particles. The presence
of arsenic in plant and human tissues (Dickerson (1980)
gives an idea of possible accumulation due to exposure
in these tissues. Over the years, several epidemiological
and scientific studies have been able to link exposure to
arsenic to various adverse effects observed in plants,
animal/humans and the environment as a whole (Wang
et al., 2002; Dahal et al., 2008; Tseng, 1977). Proposed
mechanisms of action in exerting these effects include
mitochondrial damage (Liu et al., 2005), altered DNA
repair, altered DNA methylation, oxidative stress, cell
proliferation, co-carcinogenesis and tumour promotion
(Hughes, 2002). The biotransformation of inorganic arse-
nic in humans is considered a detoxification mechanism
considering its methylation to less reactive forms; Mono-
methylarsonous acid and Dimethylarsinic acid (Vahter,
2002). This paper discusses these various mechanisms
of arsenic and its role in carcinogenicity


Regardless of the limited understanding of its molecular
mechanism and the related dose at which it causes tu-
mours, exposure to arsenic is regarded as a major public
health concern due to its clear carcinogenic potential is
(Tchounwou et al., 2004). The primary exposure pathway
ingestion (water and food). Inhalation is regarded as a
minor pathway and dermal absorption is negligible. The
main sources of exposure happen to be drinking water
and food. Many foods contain arsenic but at relatively low
levels with examples such as vegetables and meat. Fur-
thermore, wine consumption could also constitute a po-
tential source of exposure to arsenic due to the use of
pesticides on grapes (Wexler, 1998). Due to several indu-
strial processes involved in production (smelting, manu-
facturing of pesticides containing arsenic), humans are
continuously exposed to risks of developing toxic effects
associated with arsenic accumulation.
Arsenic is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal
tract and lungs and is widely distributed in most tissues of
the organisms. Great concentrations are deposited in the
liver, kidney, lungs and skin. Besides these, small con-
centrations could be found in the bone and muscles while
accumulation in hair and nails is observed as a result of
chronic exposure. According to Wexler (1998), organic
arsenic compounds are eliminated faster than inorganic
although both forms have short half-lives ranging in hours
with less than 10% of organic arsenic excreted in faeces
and up to 80% excreted in urine in approximately 3 days.
Agricultural activities, mining and coal burning have
increased natural deposits in soil thereby modifying hu-
man exposure to arsenic. Following exposure, toxicity oc-
curs through various modes classified under carcino-
genic and non-carcinogenic (Paradosh and Anupama,
2002). Information on the biotransformation of arsenic re-
veals the rapid reduction of arsenate (As
) to arsenite by by
the enzyme arsenate reductase which is presumed to be
purine nucleoside phosphorylase, sequential methylation
Obinaju 233

OH =
Arsenate reductase



O = AS
C As

Figure 1. Arsenic metabolism showing arsenate reduction to arsenite and methylation to
pentavalent (MMA
) and trivalent (MMA
) forms.
GSH, reduced glutathione; GSTO1, glutathione S-transferase omega-1; SAM, S-
adenosylmethione; SAH, S-adenosylhomocysteine; AS3MT, arsenic methyltransferase
(Cyt 19); MMA5+, mono methylarsonous acid; MMA3+, mono methylarsonous acid;
DMA5+, dimethyl arsenic acid; DMA3+, dimethyl arsonous acid; TMAO, trimethyl
arsenic oxide. Adapted from Klaassen (2008).

of arsenite by arsenic methyl transferase (AS3MT or Cyt
19) or arsenite methyl using S-adenosylmethionine (SA
M) as a methyl group donor to form methylarsonate
) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA
). Figure 1, illu-
strates this process showing the intermediate metabo-
lites which are generated (MMA
and DMA
) during this
process. These trivalent forms of arsenic are now thought
to be more toxic than the inorganic species (Klaassen,


Although the toxicity of arsenic varies according to its
valence (that is, trivalent arsenics are more toxic than
pentavalent arsenics) and the most toxic being soluble
arsenic compounds, the metabolism of arsenic plays a
vital role in the manifestation of its toxic effects. The me-
chanism of arsenic in genotoxicity has not yet been fully
understood. However, it is suspected to be a result of
arsenics ability to inhibit DNA replicating or repair
enzymes and arsenates action as a phosphate analog
(Li and Rossman, 1989).
The attack of mitochondrial enzymes by arsenic com-
pounds which results in impaired tissue respiration can
be related to arsenic cellular toxicity. Equally, its reaction
with thiol groups (- SH) especially the enzymes or cofac-
tors which possess two thiols (example, dihydrolipoic
acid), resulting in the alteration of various enzymes inclu-
ding those related to tissue respiration is yet another
mechanism of its toxicity.
Reactions in the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA
during tissue respiration are characterized by the enzy-
mes and co-enzymes of the pyruvate dehydrogenase
complex (pyruvate decarboxylase, dihydrolipoyl transa-
cetylase, dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase, thiamine pyropho-
sphate, lipoic acid, coASH, FAD, NAD
). The attack of
dihydrolipoic acid in the pyruvate dehydrogenase com-plex
as represented in Figure 2, will alter the enzymes dihydroli-
poyl dehydrogenase and dihydrolipoyl transacetylase
thereby affecting the conversion of lipoic acid to acetyl
234 Afr. J. Biochem. Res.

pyruvate Lipoic acid

Figure 2. Schematic showing arsenic mechanism of im-
pairing tissue respiration (E1: pyruvate decarboxylase, E2:
dihydrolipoyl transacetylase, E3: dihydrolipoyl dehydroge-
nase, TPP: thiamine pyrophosphate, HETPP: hydroxyethyl-





Figure 3. Schematic showing arsenic substitution for
phosphorous in energy loss in metabolising cell.

lipoic acid and in turn acetyl CoA.
The role of mitochondria as a genotoxic target of arse-
nic is also not quite understood even though arsenic has
been shown to alter mitochondrial membrane potential
and induce apoptosis in various human cancer cells
(Woo et al., 2002; Ivanov and Hei, 2004).Yet, in a study
using enucleation and fusion techniques and the human-
hamster hybrid (A
) cells, mitochondria was shown to be
a direct target of arsenic-induced genotoxicity in mamma-

lian cells with peroxynitrite anions as important mediators
in the process (Liu et al., 2005).
Nevertheless, reversion assays with Salmonella typhi-
murium fails to detect mutations induced by arsenic com-
pounds even though in vitro experiments with several in-
organic and organic arsenicals have evidence of their
clastogenic effects in several cell types (Tchounwou et
al., 2004). Another mechanism of arsenic toxicity is the
methylation of inorganic arsenic which occurs in most
though not all mammalian species. There is equally varia-
tion in the rate and extent of methylation between species
and between human populations (Vahter, 1994, 1999 and
2000; Hughes, 2002).
According to Yamanaka et al. (2004), many recent in
vitro studies have demonstrated that DMA
is more ge-
notoxic than inorganic arsenic resulting in the proposition
that DMA
rather than inorganic arsenic may be causa-
tive specie in arsenic carcinogenesis. Furthermore, possi-
ble mechanisms of oxidative damage induced by DMA

include iron-dependent oxidative-DNA damaged based
on iron release from ferritin and DNA damage mediated
by reactive oxygen species which are generated directly
from DMA
. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are key
players in the induction of oxidative stress in cells and
exposure to arsenic generates nitric oxide (NO) and su-
peroxide anions(O
) which are subsequently converted
to more damaging species such as hydroxyl radical (OH).
With the reaction and interaction of these reactive spe-
cies with target molecules, oxidative stress, lipid peroxi-
dation, DNA damage and the activation of signalling cas-
cades associated with tumor promotion and/or progress-
sion occurs (Shi et al., 2004).
Arsenic has also been implicated in the inhibition of
dehydrogenase and stimulation of mitochondrial adeno-
sine triphosphatase activity by the uncoupling of oxidative
phosphorylation. Some hypothesis have suggested that
arsenic can replace phosphorous in many biochemical
reactions and thus inhibit ATP formation during glycolysis
(Wexler, 1998) by substituting phenylarsonic acid (As(v))
for phosphorous in most biochemical reactions thereby
replacing stable phosphorous anion in phosphate with
less stable As(v)) (anion in a process known as arse-
In Figure 3, where usually, ADP phosphorylates into
ATP, in the presence of arsenic, ADP- arsenate is formed
which undergoes spontaneous and irreversible decompo-
sition resulting in the loss of energy by the metabolizing
cell. The uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation decree-
ses cellular respiration and increases free radical produc-
tion leading to hepatotoxicity and porphyrinuria which are
commonly associated with acute exposure to arsenic and
with low dose chronic exposure (Figure 4).


Oral exposure to arsenic, usually dosage greater than 70
mg is the common cause of the manifestation of symp-
toms associated with acute toxicity of arsenic. The acute
Obinaju 235


Figure 4. Elimination of arsenic using syrup of ipecac and gastric lavage resulting in reduction of arsenic
availability for toxication at target site.

Table 1. Effects observed in humans and laboratory animals after acute exposure
to arsenic.

System Effect
Heart Cardiac arrhythmias
Blood forming elements Anaemia, leucopoenia
Peripheral nervous systems Sensory loss
Gastrointestinal tract Nausea, gastrointestinal distress and diarrhoea

Table 2. Effects observed in humans and laboratory animals after chronic arsenic

System Effect
Skin Skin lesions
Cardiovascular Blackfoot disease
Nervous Peripheral neuropathy, encephalopathy
Hepatic Hepatomegaly, cirrhosis altered heme metabolism
Haematological Bone marrow depression
Endocrine Diabetes
Renal Proximal tubule degeneration, papillary and coritical necrosis

Source: Hughes, M. (2002).
236 Afr. J. Biochem. Res.

clinical effects from exposure to arsenic vary with the
type and the state of the arsenical involved, the time
dose relationship, age, medical condition, etc.
Symptoms from a toxic dose may appear as soon as 8
min if in solution or may be delayed up to 10 h if it is a
solid taken with a meal (Dickerson, 1980). This is due to
the extreme irritation caused by this xenobiotic to the
mucous membranes in the organism.


Chronic exposure to arsenic affects different systems
within the body. Oral exposure resulting in chronic toxicity
could produce skin lesions characterized by hyperpig-
mentation, hyperkeratosis and hypopigmentation in
humans (Tables 1 and 2).


Arsenic carcinogenesis is a major concern. Arsenic is
classified as a human carcinogen causing tumors of the
skin, lung, urinary bladder, liver, prostate, kidney and
other sites. The carcinogenic potential of arsenic was re-
cognized over 110 years ago by Hutchison, who obser-
ved an unusual number of skin cancer occurring in
patients treated for various diseases with medical arse-
nicals (Klaassen, 2008). In keratinocytes, arsenic is sho-
wn to enhance mitogenesis and the expression of nuclear
and cell membrane proliferation markers (Bur-leson et al.,
1996; Germolec et al., 1998). Like the skin, the urinary
bladder is a major target for arsenic-induced cancers in
humans. The induction of AP-1 by arsenic in the bladder
is shown to result in uroepithelial proliferation and is held
crucial to the manifestation of arsenic-induced bladder
cancer (Simeonova et al., 2000). Transplancental arsenic
carcinogenesis in mice has been recently established.
Klaassen (2008), reported information of short term ex-
posure of pregnant rodent from gestation day 8 to 18
which is usually a period of generally great sensitivity to
chemical carcinogenesis.
This exposure produced tumours in the liver, adrenal,
ovary and lung of offspring as adult. Similarly, in utero ex-
posure to arsenic induces lung cancer in female off-
springs though the over-expression of -fetoprotein, epi-
dermal growth factor receptor, L-myc and metallothio-
nein-1 in the fetal lung (Shen et al., 2007).
The potential role for arsenic in prostate cancer is sup-
ported by evidence of prostate epithelial cell sensitivity to
malignant transformation induced by in organic arsenic
(Benbrahim-Tallaa and Waalkes 2008).


Arsenic as constituent elements of natural waters should
basically induce no toxic effect as it should be occurring
in tolerable amounts. However, mans continuous activi-
ties mediate the efflux of this element into the atomspher

and environment thus increasing its availability. The
biomethylation of arsenic had been considered a
detoxification mechanism (Vahter, 2002). However, ba-
sed on data from various scientific studies, biomethy-
lation is now suspected to be a toxification mechanism
and no longer a mechanism for detoxification (Yamanaka
et al., 2004) although this evidence is limited to the
knowledge of MMA
or DMA
in vivo for a sufficient pe-
riod of time and quantity to induce toxicity at target sites
(Schoen et al., 2004). Recently, Arsenic has been dis-
covered as an Endocrine Disruptor (Davey et al., 2008).
Despite the toxic effects of arsenic in these organs,
arsenic is shown effective in chemotherapy. These in-
clude Arsenic trioxide combination therapy with chemo-
herapy/all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) in the treatment of
relapsed or refractory acute promyelocytic leukaemia
(Shen et al., 1997; Ghavamzadeh et al., 2006).
Several mechanisms of arsenic toxicity have been
established in vitro. However, the exact dose and time at
which it would induce tumorigenicity in vivo is still yet to
be adequately understood. With the various organs
discovered to be affected by this element, the need for
further scientific research and caution is required in the
use of arsenic in chemotherapy considering the poor
understanding of its various mechanisms of exerting


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