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A Hierarchical Model For Object-Oriented Design Quality Assessment

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A Hierarchical Model for Object-Oriented

Design Quality Assessment

Jagdish Bansiya, Member, IEEE, and Carl G. Davis, Fellow, IEEE
AbstractThis paper describes an improved hierarchical model for the assessment of high-level design quality attributes in object-
oriented designs. In this model, structural and behavioral design properties of classes, objects, and their relationships are evaluated
using a suite of object-oriented design metrics. This model relates design properties such as encapsulation, modularity, coupling, and
cohesion to high-level quality attributes such as reusability, flexibility, and complexity using empirical and anecdotal information. The
relationship, or links, from design properties to quality attributes are weighted in accordance with their influence and importance. The
model is validated by using empirical and expert opinion to compare with the model results on several large commercial object-oriented
systems. A key attribute of the model is that it can be easily modified to include different relationships and weights, thus providing a
practical quality assessment tool adaptable to a variety of demands.
Index TermsQuality model, quality attributes, design metrics, product metrics, object-oriented metrics.

HE demand for quality software continues to intensify
due to our societys increasing dependence on software
and the often devastating effect that a software error can
have in terms of life, financial loss, or time delays. Todays
software systems must ensure consistent and error free
operation every time they are used. This demand for
increased software quality has resulted in quality being
more of a differentiator between products than it ever has
been before. In a marketplace of highly competitive
products, the importance of delivering quality is no longer
an advantage but a necessary factor for companies to be
successful. While there is uniform agreement that we need
quality software, the question of how, when, and where you
measure and assure quality are far from settled issues.
The switch to the object-oriented paradigm has changed
the elements that we use to assess software quality.
Traditional software product metrics that evaluate product
characteristics such as size, complexity, performance, and
quality must be changed to rely on some fundamentally
different notions such as encapsulation, inheritance, and
polymorphism which are inherent in object-orientation.
This has led to the definition of many new metrics [8], [15],
[20] to measure the products of the object-oriented
However, the new object-oriented metrics are varied in
what they measure, how they are used in measuring, and
when they are applicable. Many of the newer metrics have
only been validated with small, and sometimes nonrealistic
data sets and, therefore, the practical applicability and
effectiveness of the metrics on large complex projects such
as those encountered in an industrial environment is not
known. Finally, if the goal is assessing the external quality
attributes of the product rather than simply collecting
individual metrics, then there must be a well defined way of
connecting the two.
Many of the metrics and quality models currently
available for object-oriented software analyses can be
applied only after a product is complete, or nearly
complete. They rely upon information extracted from the
implementation of the product. This provides information
too late to help in improving internal product characteristics
prior to the completion of the product. Thus, there is a need
for metrics and models that can be applied in the early
stages of development (requirements and design) to ensure
that the analysis and design have favorable internal proper-
ties that will lead to the development of a quality end
product. This would give developers an opportunity to fix
problems, remove irregularities and nonconformance to
standards, and eliminate unwanted complexity early in the
development cycle. This should significantly help in
reducing rework during and after implementation, as well
as designing effective test plans and better project and
resource planning.
Fortunately, the object-oriented approach naturally lends
itself to an early assessment and evaluation. Object-oriented
methodologies require significant effort early in the devel-
opment cycle to identify objects and classes, attributes and
operations, and relationships. Encapsulation, inheritance,
and polymorphism require designers to carefully structure
the design and consider the interaction between objects. The
result of this early analysis and design process is a blueprint
for implementation. Therefore, the approach provides the
information needed to assess the quality of a designs
classes, structure, and relationships before they are com-
mitted to an implementation.
. J. Bansiya is with the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
California State University, Hayward, CA 94542.
E-mail: jbansiya@csuhayward.edu.
. C. Davis is with the Computer Science Department, University of Alabama
in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL 35899. E-mail: cdavis@cs.uah.edu.
Manuscript received 24 Nov. 1997; revised 29 Nov. 1998; accepted 27 Jan.
Recommended for acceptance by D.R. Jeffery.
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:
tse@computer.org, and reference IEEECS Log Number 105978.
0098-5589/02/$17.00 2002 IEEE
In order to provide the significant improvement that is
needed to measure object-oriented software development
products there must be a concerted effort to address the
following barriers that currently exist. First of all, there
must be a way to assess object-oriented software quality as
early as possible in the development cycle. This means we
must adapt or invent metrics that can be applied early and
give reliable predictions. There must also be some quantifi-
able way to relate measurable object-oriented characteristics
to the higher-level desirable software quality attributes.
These relationships need to be defined and quality models
developed that can be adapted for a variety of application
environments so that differing ways of looking at quality
can be quantified. The process of measurement also needs
to be automated better and constructed in a nonintrusive
manner. Tools that will automatically extract data for large
software systems and can be easily adapted are needed.
There are no known comprehensive and complete
models or frameworks that evaluate the overall quality of
designs developed using an object-oriented approach based
on its internal design properties. The new model and results
presented in this article address many of the issues raised
above. This new model has the lower-level design metrics
well defined in terms of design characteristics, and quality
is assessed as an aggregation of the models individual
high-level quality attributes. The high-level attributes are
assessed using a set of empirically identified and weighted
object-oriented design properties, which are derived from
object-oriented metrics which measure the lowest-level
structural, functional, and relational details of a design.
The software tool, QMOOD++ [2], allows the design
assessment to be carried out automatically, given the
parameters of interest for particular evaluation. It allows
rapid modification of the model to include new relation-
ships or metrics. Lastly, the effectiveness of this initial
model in predicting design quality attributes has been
validated against numerous real-world projects. The quality
predicted by the model shows good correlation with
evaluator assessments of project designs and predicts
implementation qualities well.
Software quality is still a vague and multifaceted concept,
which means different things to different people. Typically,
the way we measure quality depends on the viewpoint we
take [17]. This makes the direct assessment of quality very
difficult. In order to better quantify quality, researchers
have developed indirect models that attempt to measure
software product quality by using a set of quality attributes,
characteristics, and metrics. An important assumption in
defining these quality models is that internal product
characteristics (internal quality indicators) influence exter-
nal product attributes (quality in use), and by evaluating a
products internal characteristics some reasonable conclu-
sions can be drawn about the products external quality
attributes. This product-based approach is frequently
adopted by software-metrics advocates because it offers
an objective and context independent view of quality [17].
One of the earliest software product quality models was
suggested by McCall [21] and his colleagues. McCalls
quality model defines software-product qualities as a
hierarchy of factors, criteria, and metrics and was the first
of several models of the same form. International efforts
have also led to the development of a standard for software-
product quality measurement, ISO 9126. All of these models
vary in their hierarchical definition of quality, but they
share a common difficulty. The models are vague in their
definition of the lower-level details and metrics needed to
attain a quantitative assessment of product quality. This
lack of specifics in these models offers little guidance to
software developers who need to build quality products.
Another difficulty with earlier models was the inability
to account for dependency among quality attributes. While
several high-level attributes [27] are used to refer to product
quality, generally, only a subset of these attributes would be
relevant for each different viewpoint. Since the influence of
individual attributes on overall quality is not always
independent, individual or groups of quality attributes
can influence the overall quality in conflicting ways. For
example, a quality goal for higher flexibility makes it harder
to achieve a goal of lower maintainability.
Earlier models also failed to include ways of accounting
for the degree of influence of individual attributes. When
overall quality is assessed as an aggregate of a set of quality
attributes, the significance of all attributes to the overall
quality may not be equal and, therefore, the influence of an
attribute may need to be changed by a weighting factor. For
large organizations with sophisticated networks and real-
time processing, the attributes performance and reliability
may be the most important attributes [16], whereas, for
organizations that are in the multiplatform business,
portability and extendibility are important attributes. The
identification of a set of quality attributes that completely
represents quality assessment is not a trivial task and
depends upon many things including management objec-
tives, business goals, competition, economics, and time
allocated for the development of the product.
However, the earlier models provided an excellent
framework from which to proceed. New metrics, relation-
ships, and weights can be evaluated and defined in the
context of these earlier models.
Recently, a long needed framework for building product-
based quality models has been developed by Dromey [10],
[11]. It addresses some of the problems of the earlier
models such as McCalls and ISO 9126. The framework is
a methodology for the development of quality models in a
bottom-up fashion, providing an approach that will
ensure that the lower-level details are well-specified and
Dromeys quality framework, like the earlier models,
relies on the decomposition of high-level quality attributes
into tangible, quality-carrying properties of a products
components (requirements, design, and implementation).
There are three principal elements to Dromeys generic
quality model: product properties that influence quality, a
set of high-level quality attributes, and a means of linking
them [11].
The methodology used in the development of the
hierarchical Quality Model for Object-Oriented Design
(QMOOD) assessment extends Dromeys generic quality
model methodology and involves the steps shown in Fig. 1
and described in the following paragraphs. Fig. 1 shows the
four levels (L
through L
) and three mappings (links: L
, and L
) used (to connect the four levels) in QMOOD.
While defining the levels involves identifying (selecting)
design quality attributes, quality carrying design properties,
object-oriented design metrics, and object-oriented design
components, defining the mapping involves connecting
adjacent levels by relating (linking) a lower level to the next
higher level.
3.1 Identifying Design Quality Attributes (L
The ISO 9126 attributesfunctionality, reliability,
efficiency, usability, maintainability, and portabil-
itywere selected as the initial set of quality attributes in
the QMOOD model. This set of attributes was then
individually reviewed to see if they contributed towards
defining design quality and whether the set was sufficiently
broad to include all aspects of design quality. The attributes
reliability and usability were excluded from the set due
to their obvious slant toward implementation rather than
design. The term portability is more appropriate in the
context of software implementation quality and was
replaced with extendibility, which better reflects this
characteristic in designs. Similarly, the term efficiency
was replaced with effectiveness, which better describes
this quality for designs. The term maintainability also
implies the existence of a software product and was
replaced by understandability, which concentrates more
upon design characteristics.
An important objective in adopting the object-oriented
approach for design and implementation has been to
develop reliable, adaptable, and flexible software systems
quickly. One way to achieve this has been by encouraging
reuse at all levels of development. This goal justified the
inclusion of reusability as an important attribute of
object-oriented design quality assessment.
Flexibility of software systems is also an important
development and end-user characteristic. For a software
system to exhibit this quality characteristic, the foundation
for it should be laid in the design phase with the
incorporation of software architectures which support this
objective in the design. It was, therefore, decided to include
flexibility as a quality attribute in the design model.
Thus, the initial set of design quality attributes in
QMOOD are: functionality, effectiveness, understand-
ability, extendibility, reusability, and flexibility.
This set of attributes is broad enough to allow desirable
characteristics of object-oriented systems to be identified.
The validation of the model, which is described later in the
paper, bears this out. However, this set of quality attributes
is not exclusive, and it can be easily changed to represent
different objectives and goals.
These quality attributes, just like overall quality, are in
themselves abstract concepts and are therefore not directly
observable. Also, like quality, there are no universally
agreed-upon definitions for each of the high-level quality
attributes of QMOOD. Table 1 summarizes the definitions
of the quality attributes used in the development of
QMOOD model.
3.2 Identifying Object-Oriented
Design Properties (L
Design properties are tangible concepts that can be directly
assessed by examining the internal and external structure,
relationship, and functionality of the design components,
attributes, methods, and classes. An evaluation of a class
definition for its external relationships (inheritance type)
with other classes and the examination of its internal
components, attributes, and methods reveals significant
information that objectively captures the structural and
functional characteristics of a class and its objects.
The design properties of abstraction, encapsulation,
coupling, cohesion, complexity, and design size are fre-
quently used as being representative of design quality
characteristics in both structural as well as object-oriented
development. Messaging, composition, inheritance, poly-
morphism, and class hierarchies represent new design
concepts which have been introduced by the object-oriented
paradigm and are thus vital to the quality of an object-
oriented design. The initial version of QMOOD includes
both sets of properties which are defined in Table 2.
3.3 Identifying Object-Oriented Design Metrics (L
Each of the design properties identified in the QMOOD
model represent an attribute or characteristic of a design
that is sufficiently well defined to be objectively assessed by
using one or more well-defined design metrics during the
Fig. 1. Levels and links in QMOOD.
design phase. For object-oriented designs, this information
should include the definition of classes, class hierarchies,
and class member operation declarations, along with all the
parameters types and attribute declarations.
A survey of existing design metrics [1] revealed that
there are several metrics that can be modified and used
in the assessment of some design properties, such as
abstraction, messaging, and inheritance. However, there
are several other design properties, such as encapsulation
and composition, for which no object-oriented design
metrics exist. Also, while metrics to assess complexity,
cohesion, and coupling have already been defined [8],
[20], these metrics require a nearly complete implementa-
tion of classes before they can be calculated and,
Quality Attribute Definitions
Design Property Definitions
therefore, cannot be used in QMOOD. This led to the
definition of five new metrics, the data access metric
(DAM), the direct class coupling metric (DCC), the
cohesion among methods of class metric (CAM), the
measure of aggregation metric (MOA), and the measure
of functional abstraction metric (MFA) that could be
calculated from design information only. The complete
suite of metrics used in QMOOD are listed and described
in Table 3.
3.4 Identifying Object-Oriented Design
Components (L
The design components that are identifiable and define the
architecture of an object-oriented design are objects, classes,
and the relationships between them. Objects encapsulate
data structures which represent the attributes of a class of
objects. A set of operations (methods) defined in classes can
operate on data encapsulated by the object. The quality of
an object is determined by its constituents, which includes
attributes, methods, or other objects (composition). Another
component that can be identified in object-oriented designs
are generalization-specialization structures, or class hier-
archies that organize families of related classes. Thus, a set
of components which can help analyze, represent, and
implement an object-oriented design should include attri-
butes, methods, objects (classes), relationships, and class
Generally, all object-oriented programming languages
provide syntactic constructs to represent these fundamen-
tal design components. Since an object-oriented program-
ming language (C++) was used for design representation,
the quality of a design can be readily assessed by
evaluating the quality of these automatically detectable
components. An automated tool, QMOOD++ [2], makes it
easy to collect metrics data from the components of a
design represented in C++.
Design Metrics Descriptions
3.4.1 Identifying Quality-Carrying Properties of
Arriving at a set of quality-carrying properties for each
design component is an empirical process [10]. The process
was guided by a series of questions, such as: What role
does the component play in the design (purpose) ? What
is the significance of the component in the design ? How
is the component represented ? What are the different
forms of the component ?
Important considerations in including a quality-carrying
property were the requirement that the information to
evaluate the property should be available during the design
phase, and that there is enough information in the
representation of the component to identify and evaluate
the quality carrying property in an unambiguous way. The
quality carrying properties of the attributes, methods, and
class components that were used for design quality
assessment were identified [1] in the context of a C++
Attributes are the most fundamental components in an
object definition and their representation is directly sup-
ported in object-oriented programming languages. A set of
attributes (data) declaration properties that can directly
influence the quality of an object and, therefore, the overall
design quality, should include: name (self-descriptive),
encapsulation (public, private, protected), qualifiers (sta-
tic/constant), initialization (on creation ? yes/no), size (in
bytes), type (primitive or user defined), relationship (yes/
no), and enumeration (value or pointer/reference).
Method declarations are also directly supported in
programming languages. A set of identifiable and asses-
sable properties of a method that, either directly or
indirectly, influences the quality of the class inside which
it is declared should include: name (self-descriptive),
encapsulation (private, protected, public), parameter types,
number of parameters, parameter passing mechanism (by
value, reference or address), resolution (static/dynamic or
nonvirtual/virtual), and type (constructor, destructor, con-
stant, inline, static).
Classes in most object-oriented programming languages
are described by using syntactic constructs that are easily
identifiable. The Goodness of a class can be analyzed
based on its constituents (attributes and methods), and its
structural and communicational relationship (interaction)
with other classes. A set of class properties that may
influence the overall quality of a design includes: name
(self-descriptive), inheritance type and encapsulation (pub-
lic, private, or protected inheritance), inheritance (base,
derived, single, multiple, abstract, or concrete), number of
parents, number of children, depth of inheritance, template
class, class (object) size, number of methods (public, private,
protected), number of attributes, number of virtual meth-
ods, number of constructors, destructors, operators, con-
stant and static methods, number of inline functions,
coupling, and cohesion.
3.5 Mapping Quality-Carrying Component
Properties to Design Properties (L
The quality-carrying properties of the design components
are classified based on the design properties that they
influence. While the set of quality-carrying properties of the
fundamental (attributes, methods, and classes) components
is large, it is highly overlapping. For instance, attributes,
methods, and class components have a name that is a
quality-carrying property. When names are self-descriptive,
they help in better understandability and, therefore,
influence (reduce) the design property complexity. The
quality-carrying property, encapsulation, identified for attri-
butes, methods, and classes, is the same as the general
design property, encapsulation. Similarly, the remaining
quality-carrying properties identified for attributes, meth-
ods, and classes can all be grouped into the smaller set of
eleven fundamental design properties described in Table 2.
3.6 Assigning Design Metrics to
Design Properties (L
The goal of this assignment was to find a reasonably small
set of metrics which contain sufficient information to allow
accurate determination of design properties. The metrics
Design Size in Classes (DSC) and Number of Hierarchies
(NOH) are used to assess the two design properties Design
Size and Hierarchies in QMOOD. Abstraction refers to the
generalization-specialization structure of a design and is
assessed by the Average Number of Ancestors (ANA) metric.
The definition of the encapsulation design property in
Table 2 refers to access control of attribute declarations in a
class which is reflected in the description of the DAM
metric. The Direct Class Coupling (DCC) metric is a measure
of the classes directly related to a class and, thus, is used to
assess the Coupling design property. The metrics Cohesion
Among Method of Class (CAM) [3], Measure of Aggregation
(MOA), and Class Interface Size are used to measure
Cohesion, Aggregation, and Messaging design properties.
Inheritance refers to the extent of reuse of functionality
(measured by the MFA metric) that can be achieved by
creating subclasses of existing classes and, therefore, the
MFA metric was used as a measure for the Inheritance
design property in QMOOD. For an object-oriented design
represented in C++ syntax, the design property of Poly-
morphism is a measure of the Virtual methods in a class and
is assessed by the metric Number of Polymorphic Methods
(NOP). The Number of Methods (NOM) metric has been used
as a measure of class complexity by Chidamber and
Kemerer [8] in the Weighted Methods Per Class (WMC)
metric of their design metric suite. When all methods are
weighted equally, the WMC metric has the same measure as
the Number of Methods (NOM) in a class. Table 4
summarizes the design metrics used to assess the eleven
design properties of Table 3.
3.7 Linking Design Properties to
Quality Attributes (L
In order to incorporate various views as to how design
properties may influence design quality, an extensive
review of object-oriented development books [6], [9], [13],
[14], [16], [24] and publications [4], [8], [10], [11], [17], [18],
[25] was conducted in order to develop a basis for relating
product characteristics to quality attributes.
The reviewed information indicates that the abstraction
design property has a significant influence on the flex-
ibility, effectiveness, functionality, and extendibility quality
attributes of a design. Encapsulation is viewed to promote
flexibility, reusability, and understandability. While low
coupling is considered good for understandability, extend-
ibility, and reusability, higher measures of coupling are
viewed to adversely influence these quality attributes.
Cohesion is viewed to have a significant effect on a
designs understandably and reusability.
Objects communicate by message passing and, therefore,
messaging directly influences functionality and effective-
ness and helps promotes reusability. While the use of
inheritance promotes internal reusability, functionality,
extendibility, and effectiveness, it has the potential to
adversely influence flexibility and understandability. Simi-
larly, while the careful use of object composition can
significantly increase internal reusability, functionality,
and flexibility, its excessive and incorrect usage can make
a design harder to understand. The use of composition may
also influence effectiveness and extendibility. While the use
of polymorphism is viewed to increase the flexibility,
extendibility, effectiveness, and functionality attributes of
a design, it is also viewed to make designs harder to
understand. Complexity is viewed as an indication of the
understandability of a design. In general, the more complex
a design, the harder it is to understand, which can also
influence the designs flexibility and reusability.
Table 5 shows the influence of each of the design
properties on the quality attributes. An up arrow symbol
(" ) indicates that the design property has a positive
influence on the quality attribute, and a down arrow
symbol (# ) indicates that the design property has a negative
influence on the quality attribute.
3.7.1 Weighting the Linkages from Design Properties to
Quality Attributes
Based upon the design property to quality attribute
relationship matrix in Table 5, the relative significance of
individual design properties that influence a quality
attribute is weighted proportionally so that the computed
values of all quality attributes have the same range. A range
of 0 to 1 was selected for the computed values of the
quality attributes.
For an initial pass in setting model parameters, a
weighted value of +1 or +0.5 was used for the positive
influences, and a value of -1 or -0.5 was used for the
negative influences. The initial weighted values of design
property influences on a quality attribute were then
proportionally changed to ensure that the sum of the new
weighted values of all design property influences on a
quality attribute added to 1, the selected range for the
computed values of quality attribute. This results in the
relationships shown in Table 6. This scheme for weighting
the influences was chosen because it was simple and
straightforward to apply.
3.8 Refining and Adapting the Model
The QMOOD quality model allows changes to be easily
made to the model to address different weightings, other
perspectives, and new goals and objectives. At the lowest
level, the metrics used to assess design properties may be
changed, or a different set of design properties may be used
to assess quality attributes, or even the set of quality
attributes to be assessed can be changed. The influence
relationships from design properties to quality attributes
Design Metrics for Design Properties
Quality AttributesDesign Property Relationships
and the weights can be experimented with to best reflect
organizational objectives and goals.
The validation of the QMOOD quality model was carried
out at two levels: validation of the individual quality
attributes effectiveness and validation of the overall soft-
ware quality estimation.
4.1 QMOOD Individual Attribute Validation
In order to verify that the computed values of the quality
attributes are within valid ranges, it was desirable that the
quality attribute values be computed for several designs
and compared with expected results. Since the design
metrics listed in Table 3 will vary greatly across design
domains, it was decided that any comparisons be done
between designs that had been developed for similar
requirements and objectives.
4.1.1 Selecting a Validation Suite
Several versions of two popular WINDOWS application
frameworks, Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), and
Borland Object Windows Library (OWL), provided read-
ily-available designs that have individually been developed
with consistent requirements and objectives. The MFC and
OWL framework solutions primarily provide capabilities
for the development of WINDOWS-based applications.
They are very successful and popular commercial object-
oriented systems that are extensively used in real-world
software development and several versions of design exist
for comparison within each framework. Five publicly
released versions of MFC and four versions of OWL,
Table 7, were evaluated using the suite of design metrics in
Table 3 and the quality attributes in Table 6.
4.1.2 Expected Results
Since the quality attributes in QMOOD are important
development characteristics of most software systems, they
should indicate desirable trends that are normally expected
of reusable, flexible, extendible, and effective frameworks
Typically, there are two overriding reasons for the
release of new versions of an existing software product;
the addition of new features or the incorporation of fixes to
Computation Formulas for Quality Attributes
Windows Frameworks Analyzed to Study Quality Attributes
errors previously discovered. Generally, the early versions
of new software are features released as the software is
modified to enhance capabilities and add new features or
incorporate additional requirements. These early releases
may also improve the usability and user friendliness of the
software product. As a result, these early versions of the
software may have significant changes in the structure of
the software. The overall quality of these early releases
have generally been observed to be significantly better than
their predecessors. After the first few initial releases of the
software, new versions of mature software are generally
released to make available bug fixes, and improve the
robustness and reliability of the software. These releases
may also attempt to reduce the complexity of the software.
While these new releases of mature software have also been
observed to improve the quality of a product over its
predecessor, the improvements are small and not usually
very dramatic.
In order to obtain a measure of the validity of the six
high-level quality attributes in the QMOOD model, it was
expected that the quality characteristics for each version of
the two framework systems evaluated should match the
generally expected trends from one version to the next.
Specifically, it was expected that the quality attributes
reusability, flexibility, functionality, extendibility, and
effectiveness should increase from one release to the next.
Also, for the early releases of a framework system, it was
expected that understandability should initially decrease
because the initial releases would add significant new
features and make extensions to the capabilities of the
frameworks by adding new classes and methods to existing
classes from one release to the next. The early structure of
the framework may also be unstable and undergo sig-
nificant reworks during the initial releases. After several
initial releases, a framework is expected to mature, having
incorporated most required capabilities. Releases of a
mature framework are expected to reverse the trend of
the understandability measure since development efforts in
mature frameworks can be expected to improve their
usability, reduce complexity, and make them easier to
4.1.3 Gathering and Normalizing Metric Data
The framework designs were analyzed by the tool,
QMOOD++ [2], using the C++ class specifications as inputs.
The metric data collected for the eleven metrics of Table 3
for the five versions of MFC and four versions of OWL is
shown in Table 8.
Because actual metric values of different ranges are
combined in the computation of the quality attribute
indices, the metric values for each framework were normal-
ized with respect to the metrics values in the first version of
the frameworks. The normalization of the two frameworks
was done separately because the systems have been
developed by two independent vendors and were felt to
be different to permit any meaningful metrics based
comparison between them. The actual metric measures of
the five MFC and four OWL systems shown in Table 8 are
replaced by their normalized values (computed by dividing
a metric value with the metrics value in the first version) in
Table 9. This normalization (and, therefore, comparison) is
valid and meaningful because the normalization is based on
the different versions of the same framework solution.
However, this technique can not be extended to cases in
which dissimilar systems influence the normalization.
4.1.4 Analyzing and Comparing with Expected Results
Table 10 shows the computed values of the six quality
attributes for the two framework systems based on the
normalized values of the metrics in Table 9. Fig. 2 shows a
plot of the reusability, flexibility, functionality, extendibil-
ity, and effectiveness quality attribute values (in Table 9) for
the MFC framework versions. The expected increase in
values of these quality attributes is compatible with the
hypothesis that these quality attributes should improve
with new releases in framework-based systems.
Understandability agrees with the expectation that early
releases characterize a developing framework that takes on
additional functionality in each new revision and is there-
fore expected to be harder to learn and understand. It
decreases significantly in every version of MFC from 1.0 to
4.0. For MFC version 5.0, however, the understandability
measure is only slightly greater than in version 4.0. This
corroborates the observation that MFC version 5.0 is a
mature framework that is characterized by the addition of
Actual Metric Values for MFC and OWL Frameworks
fewer new features than previous releases and more
emphasis on improvements in order to make the system
easier to understand and use.
Similar results are observed with the computed quality
attribute values of the OWL framework versions (Table 10).
Reusability, flexibility, functionality, extendibility, and
effectiveness attributes (plotted in Fig. 3) agree with the
expected increase in values of these attributes in the early
versions (4.0, 4.5, 5.0) of the OWL frameworks. The values
of understandability quality attribute also performs as
expected in the early versions. The values of the six quality
attributes in OWL version 5.2 show no significant change
(only a very small decrease) from the computed values of
the quality attributes in version 5.0.
4.2 QMOOD Validation
Another aspect of evaluating QMOOD was to assess how
well the model is able to predict the overall quality of an
object-oriented software design. The internal characteristics
of a design can be significantly different based on the
domain and the objectives of the design. Because the
characteristics of a design influence the quality attributes
and, therefore, the overall quality, it was only meaningful to
compare software designs that have been developed for
similar or closely related objectives. Therefore, the validation
Normalized Metric Values for MFC and OWL Frameworks
Computed Quality Attribute Indices for MFC and OWL
Fig. 2. Plot of computed quality attribute values for MFC versions.
of the predictability of QMOOD required that several
separate object-oriented designs that had been developed
for the same set of requirements be evaluated and compared.
This assessment of the overall quality of designs determined
by QMOOD needed to agree with the generally accepted
requirements or characteristics of overall quality designs as
perceived by analysts, developers, and customers. Based on
these objectives, the following process was adopted for the
validation of the overall software quality assessment
produced by QMOOD.
4.2.1 Selecting a Model Validation Suite
Since perceptions of quality vary widely and depend
upon the assessors viewpoint, it thus becomes necessary to
employ a variety of human evaluators who can factor those
variations into an evaluation. A medium sized C++ project
was used in the validation of QMOOD, using the overall or
total quality index (TQI) measure [1]. This project was
selected because several designs of the project that
addressed the same set of requirements were easily
available. The size of these projects, reflected by the
number of classes (10 to 29), made them an ideal
candidate for both QMOOD and human-evaluator-based
assessment. The requirements for the C++ project were to
implement an interpreter for a fictitious programming
language named COOL. An initial set of requirements
(revision 1.0) was provided at the start of the project and
was followed by revision 2.0 which defined extensions to
the original requirements. The projects were independently
completed over a period of four months. The deliverables
included a design document and an implementation that
met both revision 1.0 and revision 2.0 requirements [1]. A
suite of 14 projects were developed by different individuals
for the study.
4.2.2 Evaluators Assessment of COOL Projects
Overall Quality
A group of 13 independent evaluators was used to study
the quality of the 14 COOL projects in the validation
suite. All evaluators had two to seven years experience in
commercial software development, had knowledge of the
object-oriented paradigm, and had developed software
using C++. The study was done over a period of four
months. The participants were initially required to inde-
pendently develop a set of design and implementation
heuristics that indicate or influence the development of
quality object-oriented software [1]. The participants then
assigned their assessment heuristics to one or more of the
six high-level quality attributes in Table 1, i.e., reusability,
flexibility, understandability, functionality, extendibility,
and effectiveness. For example, one of the most common
heuristics used by the evaluators was to examine the access
protections defined on the data attribute declarations in
classes. This heuristic was then assigned by the evaluators
to assess quality attributes such as flexibility or under-
standability or both.
The evaluators then analyzed each projects design and
reviewed its implementation, looking for evidence that
indicated conformance or nonconformance to their set of
heuristics. Participants scored each heuristic on a ordinal
scale of 0, 1, or 2; 0 indicating no evidence to satisfy the
heuristic, 1 to indicate partial evidence, and 2 to indicate
that there was sufficient evidence that the heuristics
criterias were satisfied. The heuristic-based evaluation
scores for all six high-level quality attributes were summed
separately for each project in the validation suite and
normalized to give the evaluators Total Quality Score
(TQS) for a project. The projects were ranked 1 through 14
based on their decreasing TQS scores by each evaluator as
shown in Table 11.
The rankings of the validation suite projects indicated a
close agreement between the assessments done by the
evaluators. There was a very strong agreement between the
evaluators in the assessment of projects 5 and 14. Also,
projects 1, 2, 3, 7, and 10 are very closely ranked by at least
10 of the 13 evaluators. Results of the evaluations also
indicate that there was considerable disagreement in the
rankings of project number 13 between the evaluators. This
disagreement in the rank can be attributed to the set of
heuristics used by the evaluators. The number of classes in
this project (Table 12) is significantly less than the other
Fig. 3. Plot of computed quality attribute values for OWL versions.
projects, and evaluators who did not include a heuristic for
the number of classes in their evaluations ranked the project
higher than evaluators who included a heuristic for this
design size in their assessments.
4.2.3 Evaluating COOL Project Designs Using
The 14 projects of the validation suite were also evaluated
using QMOOD++. The metric values collected for the
11 metrics used to assess the design properties are shown in
Table 12. Since the metric values that are to be combined are
all not on a uniform scale, the values of the metrics were
normalized by ranking them to ensure a meaningful
evaluation. The ranks were determined based on a metrics
(increasing) relative value among the 14 projects. Because
relative ranking is used for normalization in this validation,
the normalizing range equals the number of projects in the
validation suite. Table 13 shows the normalized values
(from 1 through 14) of the metrics. This normalization is
meaningful because all the projects used in the normal-
ization address the same set of requirements and are thus
Evaluators and Model Rankings of COOL Projects
COOL Project Design Property Metric Values
COOL Project Normalized Design Property Metric Values
4.2.4 Computing Total Quality Index for COOL
The values for the six high-level quality attributes are
computed using the equations in Table 6 and shown in
Table 14. The values of the six quality attribute measures for
each project in Table 14 are summed to provide the Total
Quality Index (TQI) for the project, which was used as a
basis for (decreasingly) ranking the project designs (1
through 14) as shown in the column labeled, QMOOD
RANKING, of Table 11.
4.2.5 Spearmans Rank Correlation Coefficient Test For
Result Comparison
The Spearmans rank correlation coefficient, i
, was used to
test the significance of the correlation between QMOODs
design-based quality assessment and the evaluators im-
plementation-based assessment of the projects in the
validation suite. It provides a nonparametric significance
test that works well with ranked data without precise
proportional scaling and can be used to detect relationships
other than linear ones. The cutoffs used correspond to a
level of significance of c 5%0.05. For the validation suite
with 14 projects (i 14) a cutoff of 0.55 was required.
If 1
and 1
are two independent evaluations of i
items that are to be correlated, then the values of 1
and 1
are ranked (either increasingly or decreasingly) from 1 to
i according to their relative size within the evaluations.
For each 1
. 1
pair in the relative rankings, the difference
in the ranks d is computed. The sum of all the d
denoted by
is used to compute i
using the following
1.00 i
4.2.6 Hypothesis for Model Validation
: , 0. Null hypothesis, , 0. No significant correla-
tion exists between relative rankings of the designs
quality indicators evaluated using QMOOD and an
assessment of the design and its implementation done
by human evaluators.
: , 6 0. The alternative hypothesis, , 6 0. Significant
positive correlation exists between relative rankings of
the designs quality indicators evaluated using QMOOD,
and an assessment of the design and its implementation
done by human evaluators. For significance level of
5 percent (i.e., c 0.05).
4.2.7 Comparing Results for Significance of i
Table 15 shows the correlation values between QMOOD-
determined design quality rankings of the 14 COOL
projects and the 13 evaluators assessments of overall
quality of these projects based on design and implementa-
tion shown in Table 11. Pairs of QMOODEvaluator with
correlation values (i
) above cutoff (0.55) are checked in
the Table 15.
An examination of the heuristics used by the two
evaluators, 12 and 13, showed that they did not include
heuristics to incorporate the effect of granularity of the
classes in the designs, i.e., the influence of the number of
classes on the quality of the design. This is considered
significant because all the designs and implementations
evaluated address the same requirements. Typically, a
solution with more classes is likely to be more easily
extendible and reusable when compared with a solution
that implements the requirements using a few classes. This
was felt to account for the low correlation (below cutoff)
with these two evaluators.
The hierarchical model, QMOOD, for assessment of high-
level design quality attributes in object-oriented designs has
been developed and validated using structural and func-
tional information from object-oriented designs of several
COOL Project Design Quality Attribute Indices
QMOOD and Evaluator Ranking Correlations of COOL Projects
releases of two large and popular commercial framework
systems. The models ability to estimate overall design
quality from design information has also been demon-
strated using several functionally equivalent projects where
the overall quality estimate computed by the model had
statistically significant correlation with the assessment of
overall project quality characteristics determined by in-
dependent evaluators. The use of the QMOOD++ tool to
collect data for design metrics and compute quality
attributes was found to be nonintrusive and easy to apply.
Even though the model used simple and straightforward
assumptions, the correlation with a limited set of projects
were high. This gives an indication that models of this type
can be effectively used in monitoring the quality of software
product. While the issues of quality assessment still remain
somewhat elusive, the QMOOD model also offers a tool that
will allow various models and approaches to be quickly
evaluated on real-world projects, helping accelerate the
convergence of differing quality views.
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Jagdish Bansiya received the BTech degree
in computer science from the University of
Roorkee, India, in 1990, and the MS and PhD
degrees in computer science from the Uni-
versity of Alabama in Huntsville, in 1992 and
1997, respectively. He is currently an assistant
professor in the Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science at the California State
University, Hayward, where he also directs the
research and development of an industry-
funded Internet technology lab. His previous roles have included
several industry positions and consulting activities. His research
interests include software architectures, object-oriented design mea-
surement, object-oriented enterprise frameworks, design patterns, and
software reverse engineering. He is a member of the IEEE, the IEEE
Computer Society, and the ACM.
Carl G. Davis received the PhD degree in
engineering mechanics from the University of
Alabama, Huntsville. He is a professor emeritus
in the Computer Science Department at the
University of Alabama in Huntsville, where he
was chairman of the department from 1986 to
2000. Prior to joining the university, he worked
for the federal government, where he was a
senior executive in the strategic defense pro-
gram, responsible for R&D programs in real-time
hardware, and software development techniques. He was involved in
the development of several early prototype software development
support environments for large, complex, real time systems in the early
1970s. His research interests are in the areas of software engineering,
with most recent emphases in the areas of measurement of object-
oriented designs. He also directs a federally funded precollege teacher-
training program teaching how to use computational science as a new
teaching paradigm. He has published numerous papers in the areas of
software requirements development, software reuse, and tools for real-
time software development. He has chaired six international confer-
ences on software engineering and helped to organize several others.
He is a fellow of the IEEE.
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