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5 ProtocolManual1010 BJ

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Model 1010A

Software Protocol Manual

SLIP+ Application Pack BJ

15 December 2006

Model 1010A - Software Protocol Manual

Copyright Enraf Contrec 2006 The instructions given herein cover the general description, installation, operation and maintenance of the subject equipment. Enraf Contrec reserves the right, without prior notice, to make engineering refinements that may not be reflected in this manual. Should any questions arise which cannot be answered specifically by this manual, they should be directed to Enraf Contrec for further detailed information and technical assistance. Enraf Contrec will not accept any liability for either direct or consequential damages resulting from the use or misapplication of the contents of this manual. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Enraf Contrec 22 Hall Street Hawthorn East, Melbourne 3123 AUSTRALIA Tel: +61 3 9804 4200 Fax: +61 3 9822 8329 Email: sales@contrec.com.au Website: www.contrec.com.au

Publication No: SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

8.0 Contents
8.1 Overview 1 Description ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 SLIP+ Commands ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 8.2 Frame Format Description ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Frame Format ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Address Byte ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Control Byte ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... LRC ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8.3 Byte Testing 3 3 3 3 3 5 7

Description ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Byte Testing .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 8.4 Communication Procedures 9

Description ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Load Scheduling ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Instrument Flow Diagram ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Remote Authorisation .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 Displaying Messages and Getting Answers ............................................................................................................................................... 17 Communications Timeout ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Retrieval of Loading Records .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 8.5 Error Status Codes Description

25 25 29 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 37 40 i

8.6 Commands Description ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Notes ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... AA - Alter Arm Name ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ AI - Additive Injectors ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ AM - Arm Status ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. AN - Net Accumulated Totals ........................................................................................................................................................................................ AP - Additive Parameters ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... AR - Additive Recipes ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ AS - Arm Settings .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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8.0 Contents
Software Protocol Manual

AT - Accumulated Totals ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... AV - Application Version ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... BT - Batch Totals ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... CA - Control Arm ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. CC - Clear Power Cycle ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... CM - Clear Message ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... CP - Set or Clear PIN/Touch Numbers ............................................................................................................................................................. DM - Display Message .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. DN - Set Arm Density ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ DP - Display Prompt ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ENQ - Operational State Enquiry .............................................................................................................................................................................. FR - Flow Rates .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GA - Get Answer ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ GC - Get Card ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GD - Get Date and Time ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... GH - Get Hidden ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. GK - Get Touch Key ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... GT - Gross Totals .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. IA - Injector Accumulative Totals ........................................................................................................................................................................... IT - Instantaneous Temperatures ................................................................................................................................................................................ LT - Last Load Temperatures .......................................................................................................................................................................................... MI - Message Initial ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... MR - Manager Reset ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... NT - Net Totals ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... OP - Option Settings ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PD - Power Cycle Date and Time ............................................................................................................................................................................. PR - Presets ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. RA - Remote Authorise ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ RC - Compartment Response .......................................................................................................................................................................................... RD - Reset Date and Time ................................................................................................................................................................................................... RL - Load Number Response .......................................................................................................................................................................................... SM - Stop Arm ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SO - System Options ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ST - Send Transaction ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. SV - Software Version ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... SY - Send Entry .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... TC - Transaction Complete ................................................................................................................................................................................................. TT - Terminate Transaction ............................................................................................................................................................................................... VA - Valve Settings and Calibration .................................................................................................................................................................... NOTES ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8.7 Release Notes

42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 55 59 60 62 64 65 67 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 82 83 84 85 86 88 89 91 92 93 94 97

Description ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 97 Changes ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 97 Release Date .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 97 ii

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8.0 Contents
Software Protocol Manual

8.8 Appendix - Backward Compatibility


Description ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 99 Commands .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 99 DM - Display Message .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 100 DP - Display Prompt ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 102 GA - Get Answer ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 104 GH - Get Hidden Answer .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 106 GK - Get Hidden Answer .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 108 SA - Send Answer ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 110

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8.0 Contents
Software Protocol Manual


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8.1 Overview
This manual provides the necessary information to design communications software compatible with the Model 1010A loading system using the SLIP+ command set. The 1010A unit communicates with a remote computer on either of two RS485/RS422/RS232 interfaces using a baud rate of 300 to 19,200 bps, odd parity, and 8 data bits. Each of the two communication ports can be configured with different communication parameters. These communication parameters can be altered under the -COMMUNICATIONS- menu when the unit is in programming mode. Refer to the Programming Manual for details. Terminal designations and link positions for links on the S810CPU card are given in the Engineering Manual for both the RS485, RS422 and RS232 interfaces. Since RS485 and RS422 allow multi-drop communications one or more instruments can be connected to the RS422/485 interfaces and can be polled by the computer. In this document a 1010A unit is referred to as the "instrument" and the attached computer, Distributed Control Systems (DCS) or Load Rack Computers (LRC) are referred to as the "computer".

SLIP+ Commands
This protocol manual describes a new set of commands that make up the SLIP+ interface of the 1010A instrument. The instrument still uses the protocol called SLIP (Serial Link Interface Protocol) but uses an altered set of commands to talk to the 1010A instrument. Some of the commands are very similar to the older non-SLIP+ interface. The older protocol command set did not support greater than 4 arms. The newer SLIP+ command set supports greater than 4 arms and is set up to be infinitely expandable with regard to arm number. The SLIP+ command set is currently supported by only the BJ application pack. Other application packs may use the core SLIP+ command set as described here but may have addition commands added or in some specialised applications the command format may change. If command format is changed for a specific application then that shall be clearly stated in the accompanying software protocol manual Release Notes for that application pack. The core changes are to the ENQ, AT, IT, LT, NT, PR, ST, and SY commands. Most of the other commands have retained their previous format. In summary, the protocol remains unchanged, SLIP continues to be used. To allow for greater than 4 arm operation the command set was changed and is not backward compatible with previous application packs.

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8.1 Overview
Software Protocol Manual

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8.2 Frame Format

This section describes the framing format used to transfer commands and information between the instrument and computer. All values shown with the suffix H are hexadecimal values.

Frame Format
All communications consists of 8-bit binary data with the frame format shown below: C0H ADDRESS CONTROL INFORMATION LRC C0H

Each frame is bracketed between two C0H bytes (decimal 192) and can contain a maximum number of 200 bytes.

Address Byte
The Address Byte is the second byte in a frame. It is derived by adding the instruments UNIT ADDRESS value to 80H, providing a maximum of 32 addresses in the range 80H to 9FH. For example, an instrument programmed with a unit address of 2 would have an address byte value of 82H. An instruments unit address is entered in the UNIT ADDRESS parameter in the -COMMUNICATIONS- menu during programming. When information is sent from the computer to an instrument, the Address Byte is used to direct the frame to the desired instrument. When information is sent from an instrument to a computer, the Address byte is used to indicate the instrument transmitting the information.

Control Byte
The Control Byte is the third byte in the frame and should be one of the following:
Control Byte HEX Value Description


05H 02H 06H 15H 04H

Used by the computer to poll the instruments. Used to indicate that the information field contains data. Used by the instrument to indicate that a received frame is valid. Used by the instrument to indicate that a received frame is not valid. Used by the computer to indicate the end of transmission.

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8.2 Frame Format

Software Protocol Manual An example of each of the ENQ (Enquiry), ACK (Acknowledge) and NAK (Negative Acknowledge) frames are shown below. The address byte used in each frame is 81H. ENQ - C0H 81H 05H 84H C0H ACK - C0H 81H 06H 87H C0H NAK - C0H 81H 15H 94H C0H

Information Field
1. The information field is an optional field and is only present when the STX control byte is used. 2. The general format for the information field is shown below: COMMAND 0H Data Field 1 0H Data Field 2 0H ETX

3. The terminating byte ETX (03H) indicates the end of the information field. Alternatively, the byte ETB (17H) indicates the end of the information field, with more information to follow in the next frame. 4. The information field should contain a two byte alphanumeric command and an arbitrary number of data fields. 5. The information in the command and data fields should be in the ASCII range of values 20H through to 7FH. 6. The command and data fields are separated from each other by a NULL (0H) character.

Examples of Information Fields

Information Field Description

[ST] 0 [123] 0 [ETX] [AT] 0 [ETX]

Send Transaction Number 123 Send Accumulated Totals

Note: For ease of identification, each field within the information field has been defined by enclosure in square brackets. The 0 between each field is the null character (0x00). The frames below show the complete transmission frame for the two previous examples. The address byte used in each frame is 0x81. The line below shows the complete frame, in hexadecimal values, transmitted to an instrument to send transaction number 123. The line below that shows the ASCII characters, where possible, of the same frame.
C0H 81H address 02H STX 53H S 54H T 00H null 31H 1 32H 2 33H 3 00H null 03H ETX B7H C0H

The line below shows the complete frame, in hexadecimal values, transmitted to an instrument to send accumulated totals. The line below that shows the ASCII characters, where possible, of the same frame.
C0H 81H address 02H STX 53H A 54H T 00H null 31H ETX 95H C0H

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8.2 Frame Format

Software Protocol Manual

1. Longitudinal Redundancy Checksum (LRC) byte should be equal to the Exclusive OR (XOR) of ALL the bytes in the packet, excluding the (C0H) brackets and the LRC byte. It includes the address byte, the control byte and all bytes in the information fields, if there are information fields in the frame. 2. The LRC register should be set to 0 at the beginning of each frame. 3. The LRC should be derived by the transmitting unit and then sent to the receiving unit. 4. The receiving unit should, in turn, check each byte for parity, derive the LRC from the information it has received and then compare the LRC it received to the one it derived. 5. Once the correct closing C0H bracket has been received, the frame is deemed to be either correct or incorrect and one of the following conditions would arise: Receiving Unit Instrument Computer Frame Correct Send data, if command calls for data to be sent, else send ACK, NAK or BS. Send next command or EOT Frame Incorrect Do Nothing Repeat Command

The following conditions should be met in order for a frame to be acceptable: All bytes (including the frame bracketing bytes) should pass the parity check. The address byte should match the units address. The derived LRC should match the one received. The two byte command within any information field should be valid for the unit addressed (must be one of the commands described in the Commands section of this manual). A valid end of frame bracket should be received within 200ms after the opening bracket.

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8.2 Frame Format

Software Protocol Manual

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8.3 Byte Testing

This procedure sets out the steps necessary to ensure that Frames are always correctly received.

Byte Testing
The communication protocol is a very simple technique for sending data across ordinary asynchronous lines (e.g. modems). Each frame is preceded and followed by a special FEND (frame end) character, C0H. The reason for both preceding and ending frames with FENDs is to improve performance when there is noise on the asynchronous line. The FEND at the beginning of a frame serves to "flush out" any accumulated garbage into a separate frame (which will be discarded by the upper layer protocol) instead of appending into an otherwise good frame. Note that, two FEND characters in a row should not be interpreted as delimiting an empty frame. As frames are sent in 8-bit binary, if a FEND ever appears in the data, it is translated into the two byte sequence FESC TFEND (a frame escape byte and a transposed frame end byte), before transmission. Likewise, if the FESC character ever appears in the user data, it is replaced with the two character sequence FESC TFESC (a frame escape byte and a transposed frame escape byte), before transmission. As characters arrive at the receiver, they are appended to a buffer containing the current frame. Receiving a FEND marks the end of the current frame. Receipt of a FESC puts the receiver into "escaped mode" which causes the receiver to translate a following TFESC or TFEND back to FESC or FEND, respectively, before adding it to the receive buffer and leaving escaped mode. (Receipt of any character other than TFESC or TFEND while in escaped mode is an error; no action is taken and frame assembly continues. A TFEND or TESC received while not in escaped mode is treated as an ordinary data character.) This procedure may seem somewhat complicated, but it is easy to implement and recovers quickly from errors. In particular, the FEND character is never sent over the channel except as an actual end-of-frame indication. This ensures that any intact frame (properly delimited by FEND characters) will always be received properly regardless of the starting state of the receiver or corruption of the preceding frame. The special characters used are: FEND FESC TFEND TFESC (frame end) (frame escape) (transposed frame end) ( t r a ns p o se d f r a m e e sc a p e) C0 (hex) DB (hex) DC (hex) DD (hex)

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8.3 Byte Testing

Software Protocol Manual

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8.4 Communication Procedures

All communications with the instrument are under control of the computer. The instrument does not initiate any communications with the computer. It only responds to requests and commands from the computer. If the instrument detects any parity error or LRC error on any incoming command, the command will be ignored and no response will be sent from the instrument. The enquiry command (ENQ) will provide the instrument status needed to determine computer program flow. Commands from the computer can be received via either the Main or Auxiliary communications port. See Programming Manual, section -COMMUNICATIONS- for more details on enabling communications. Once a command is sent to the instrument, the computer should wait for a period of 300 milliseconds to allow the instrument time to respond. If there is no reply from the instrument, the command should be sent again and another timeout period of 300 milliseconds recommenced. We would suggest that a minimum of four retries be sent before any decision is made on alternative programming strategies. Some commands require an extended wait period of 3 to 5 seconds. An example is the AP command when used to download information to the instrument. The instrument must update the non-volatile memory as part of the command operation, during this time the instrument cannot respond to any other command until it has completed the memory update. This is why these commands can only be used while the instrument is in the idle state. These commands all still respond with an acknowledge within the extra wait period. Other similar commands include AA, AR, DN, IA, RD, SE, and VS. Any other commands sent during this extra wait period will be ignored. Depending on the current status of the instrument, some commands may not be executed and will then return a busy (BS) response to the computer. An example of such commands are the RD (Reset Date and Time), ST (Send Transaction), and SY (Send Entry). A detailed list of commands is presented in Commands on page 29.

Load Scheduling
A load schedule is a list of quantities of different products to be loaded into the compartments of a particular tanker truck, by a particular driver. To distinguish orders which may have the same driver and truck, each load has a unique load number. The load schedule is entered on the host computer connected to the instrument, prior to the tanker arriving at the loading facility. Load scheduling involves retrieving information from the instrument operator, verifying if this data constitutes a valid load and if so, sending the required compartment load quantities to the instrument. Generally load verification involves: 1. Load number, driver and truck verification. 2. Product and compartment verification. To perform load scheduling, load scheduling must be enabled under the -COMMUNICATIONSconfiguration menu, see the Programming Manual for more details.

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8.4 Communication Procedures

Software Protocol Manual

The instrument and the computer will use three commands to exchange the required information and a fourth to complete the transaction. These first three commands are the enquiry (ENQ), request for load (RL) and request for compartment (RC). Load number, driver and truck verification are performed using the (RL) command, while product and compartment verification is performed using the (RC) command. The fourth command is the transaction complete (TC) command, it is used to tell the instrument that the loading process has completed. The instrument response to the ENQ command depends upon what section of the instruments program is executing when it receives the ENQ command, and the configuration of the instrument. Valid responses to the ENQ command are SS (Send Status), RL (Request for Load), RC (Request for Compartment), DM (Display Message), DP (Display Prompt), MT (Message Taken), GA (Get Answer), GH (Get Hidden Answer), GK (Waiting for Touch Key), KA (Touch Key Read) PL (Post Loading Status) and AA (Answer Available). All of the above responses include the current instrument status, status of the gantry arms, last transaction number, first arm number and the number of arms. See ENQ - Operational State Enquiry on page 55 for more detail. The instrument will respond with an SS (System Status) response if none of the other responses are applicable, I.e. if the instrument is not requesting load or compartment authorisation, it is not displaying a message or getting an answer from the operator, and a message has not been taken or an answer is not available). The instrument will respond with a different Command Field if any other response is valid, I.e. if the instruments requesting a load or compartment authorisation. See Command Fields on page 56 for more details. The current status of the Instrument can be determined by examining the value of the status byte of parameter a in the SS response. The status can have a value from 0 to 255 (ie. 8 bits, with each bit representing an off/on state for up to 8 parameters). For example, bit 7 indicates whether the instrument is in the idle state, 0 indicating that the instrument is in the idle state, 1 indicating the instrument is no longer in the idle state. The current state of up to four loading arms can be determined by examining the value of the arm status bytes, parameters e & f in the SS response. The arm status parameters (eArms 1 & 2, farms 3 & 4) can have a value from 0 to 255 (ie. 8 bits, with each bit representing an off/on state for up to 8 parameters). For example, bit 7 of parameter e indicates whether arm 1 of the instrument is presently loading, 0 indicating that the arm is presently not loading, 1 indicating the instrument is currently loading. For any of the above parameters, an used bit will be set to 0 by default. In conclusion the response to the ENQ command is used to determine the present state of the instrument. Once this has been determined the appropriate action can be taken.


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8.4 Communication Procedures

Software Protocol Manual

Load Scheduling - Sequence of Events

Load Scheduling begins with the computer monitoring the instrument status using the ENQ command. The instrument always begins from the idle state. While in the idle state the computer may send messages to the operator using the following commands; DM, DP, GA, GC, GH, and GK. These messages can be used to gain information about the operator/driver/truck for use in determining whether the operator has an authorised load in the load schedule database. The instrument moves from the idle state once the operator has responded to the initial message by either pressing the Enter key or connecting the system permissives.


RL State
The instrument moves from the idle state once the operator has responded to the initial message by either pressing the Enter key or connecting the system permissives. If authorisation is enabled the following prompt will be presented to the operator.


Once the touch key or other authorisation has taken place the operator is prompted to enter a load number.


The instrument will now respond to the ENQ command with an RL (request for load authorisation). The instrument will prompt the operator with please wait, see below. During this state the computer may send message to the operator using the DM, DP, GA, GC, GH, and GK commands.


An RL response from the instrument to the ENQ command from the computer has five extra parameters in addition to the instrument status, these are: 1. Load number 2. Driver index number 3. Vehicle index number 4. Driver PIN/touch key 5. Truck PIN/touch key

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8.4 Communication Procedures

Software Protocol Manual

If the driver and/or truck PIN/touch key numbers are verified by the instrument, the respective driver/truck index fields of the RL response will contain numbers of the range 1 to 500. The number corresponds to the location in the instruments memory where the PIN or touch key number was found. The last two fields will thus contain the actual driver and/or truck PIN/touch key numbers. This allows for remote authorisation of the driver and/or truck. The computer should now verify if the load number, driver and truck correspond to a load in the load schedule database. The driver and/or truck PIN/touch key numbers are downloaded to the instrument when the instrument is in the idle state using the CP command.

Note: Driver and/or truck authorisation can be disabled, in this case these fields will contain 0 and so will the corresponding driver and/or truck PIN/touch key number fields. Only the load number need be verified in this case. Alternatively the load number prompt can also be disabled, in this case the load number field will contain 0. This would require the computer to prompt the driver for information using the messaging commands, DM, DP, GA, GC, GH, and GK. Then verify the obtained information before authorising the load.
If any of the parameters in the RL do not constitute a valid load, the computer should send to the instrument an RL command with the first parameter N to signify NO to the load request. The second parameter being the reason the request for load has been refused (e.g. INVALID LOAD NO). The first 30 characters of the reason will be displayed on the instrument. After the operator has acknowledge the reason by pressing ENTER, the operator is then prompted to re-enter the driver and/or truck PIN/touch key numbers and/or load number. If the parameters in the RL request from the instrument are valid, the computer sends an RL command with the first parameter being Y to signify YES to the load request. The second parameter being a unique number generated by the computer that is stored in the transaction within the instrument. If the RL command from the computer to the instrument contains the third and fourth parameters, these parameters are the driver and truck index numbers to be stored in the transaction within the instrument. If used both the index numbers should be greater than 500. This allows the computer to determine if the driver and/or truck were remotely authorised. This is because the driver and/or truck PIN/touch key numbers verified inside the instrument will have index numbers in the range 1 to 500.

RC State
If the load is verified by the computer, as indicated by an affirmative RL command, the instrument prompts the operator to enter an arm number to from which loading will commence.

SELECT ARM (1-4) > 1

If a valid arm number has been entered the instrument then prompts the operator to enter the compartment which that arm is to be used to fill.



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8.4 Communication Procedures

Software Protocol Manual

After the arm and compartment numbers have been entered, the instrument will reply with an RC (request for compartment authorisation) response to the next ENQ command from the computer. The instrument will prompt the operator with please wait, see below. During this state the computer may send message to the operator using the DM, DP, GA, GC, GH, and GK commands.


An RC response from the instrument to the ENQ command from the computer has four extra parameters in addition to the instrument status, these are: 1. Load number 2. Arm number 3. Compartment number 4. Returned quantity The computer should now check that the specified loading arm and compartment number match in the load schedule database. If this is correct, the computer should send a RC command to the instrument with the first parameter Y to signify YES to the compartment request. The second parameter is the preset quantity to be loaded, and the third parameter is the maximum quantity that the operator can select as a preset. If the ask preset prompt has been disabled the third parameter is ignored. The second parameter is used as the preset for the load and the operator cannot change the preset amount.

Note: The second and third parameters of the RC Y response cannot exceed the maximum preset value programmed into the instrument. If they do exceed this value they will be ignored and the maximum preset value used in their place. See Programming Manual, section 6.7, OPTIONS for details.
If any of the parameters in the RC do not constitute a valid compartment, the computer should send to the instrument an RC command with the first parameter N to signify NO to the compartment request. The second parameter being the reason the request for load has been refused (e.g. INVALID COMP NO). The first 30 characters of the reason will be displayed on the instrument. After the operator has acknowledge the reason by pressing ENTER, the instrument will take action based on the third parameter. This parameter tells the instrument to either return to the arm selection prompt, continue to the ask load another compartment prompt, or continue to the Post loading State where the loading process completes. If the instrument receives an affirmative RC command, the instrument will prompt the operator for the preset quantity, displaying the preset value the computer sent in the RC command (see prompt below). This quantity may be altered by the operator, up to a maximum value sent from the computer.


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8.4 Communication Procedures

Software Protocol Manual If the computer sent 0 as the preset quantity in the RC command the instrument will change the preset prompt to that shown below:


Once a valid preset has been entered by the operator the instrument will then prompt the operator to start the load.


As further arms are started within the same load, further compartment authorisation requests from the instrument will be made by sending an RC response to the ENQ command. See Instrument Flow Diagram on page 15.

PL State
Once all loading has completed the instrument enters the PL state. Any final messages for the operator can be posted using the DM, DP, GA, GC, GH, and GK commands. The instrument will prompt the operator with please wait, see below.


Once any messaging has been completed the computer sends to the instrument the TC (Transaction Complete) command. The instrument then moves from the PL state to the disconnect prompt if permissives are enabled. If no permissives are enabled or they have been disconnected the instrument prompts that the load has completed for 5 seconds before reverting to the idle state, from which a new transaction can begin. While in the idle state the last transaction number stored in the instrument can then be compared to that stored in the computer database. If the instrument stores higher transaction numbers than that stored in the computer database, the computer should upload the data from the instrument using the ST (Send Transaction). See Retrieval of Loading Records on page 22.


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8.4 Communication Procedures

Software Protocol Manual

Instrument Flow Diagram

Program Start Idle State
Overfill or Vapour Recovery permissive disconnected AND Start button has not been pressed System Connected OR Enter Pressed Overfill or Vapour Recovery disconnected OR T imeout OR Cancel NOT ES: a) Unit must be configured for LOAD SCHEDULING mode. b) Only prompts can T imeout OR Cancel (via operator). c) Some states and prompts depend on how the initial message is configured - if configured for permissives or not.

Ent er Load Number

Load # Entered

Load Not Authorised - Skip Disconnect (Retry)

RL N "Message" S

RL State
Remote Load Authorise Questions Asked
Load Authorised (RL Y)

Load Not Authorised - Force Disconnect

RL N "Message"

RC N "Message" 1

Select Arm Prompt

ARM # Selected

T imeout OR Cancel

Select Compartment Prompt Compartment # Selected

T imeout OR Cancel

RC State
Remote Compartment Authorise Questions Asked
Compartment Authorised (RC Y)

Compartment Not Authorised - Force Disconnect Compartment Not Authorised Compartment Not Authorised - Skip load another compart prompt T imeout OR Cancel RC N "Message" 0

RC N "Message" 2

Enter Preset Prompt Valid Preset Selected

St art /Cancel Prompt

Start OR T imeout OR Cancel

PL State
Post Loading Questions Asked


Load Another Comp Now? NO OR T imeout OR Cancel

T ransaction at this bay is Complete

Start Button been pressed?

(2) Load Another Compart?



"LOADING COMPLET E DISCONNECT " Prompt - if configured for permissives Overfill AND/OR Vapour Recovery Permissive Disconnected

Is a load in progress?

NO OR timeout


Loading State
Displays ARM status information

A Bat ch Complet es OR St art But ton pressed

Message times out

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8.4 Communication Procedures

Software Protocol Manual

Remote Authorisation
Remote Authorisation is used to remotely authorise a driver and/or truck so that they can begin the loading process. Remote Authorisation can involve authorising a driver, a truck or both. It can be used with any kind of authorisation such as PIN, touch key, or card. Remote Authorisation is used primarily where there are greater than 500 driver and/or truck PIN/touch key/card numbers, therefore they cannot all be stored within the 1010 instrument. (The instrument can only hold 500 driver and 500 truck PIN/touch key/card numbers) The driver and/or truck PIN/touch key/card numbers are entered into the host computer connected to the instrument, prior to loading taking place. Remote Authorisation involves retrieving driver and/or truck PIN/touch key/card numbers from the instrument operator, verifying if this driver and/or truck PIN/touch key/card numbers constitutes an authorised operator and if so, sending the instrument authorisation. Generally Remote Authorisation involves: 1. Retrieving driver and/or truck PIN/touch key/card numbers from the instrument. 2. Verifying driver and/or truck PIN/touch key/card numbers. 3. Authorising the instrument. To perform Remote Authorisation, the instrument and the computer will use two commands to exchange the required information. These commands are the enquiry (ENQ) and request for authorisation (RA). Once the operator has responded to the instruments prompts by entering the PIN/touch key/card numbers the instrument will enter the RA state. I.e. the instrument response to the ENQ command is RA (Remote Authorisation), this indicates that the instrument is waiting for a remote authorisation from the computer. An RA response from the instrument to the ENQ command from the computer includes four extra parameters in addition to the instrument status parameters, these are: 1. Driver index number 2. Vehicle index number 3. Driver PIN/touch key/card number 4. Truck PIN/touch key/card number The computer will be able to get the driver and/or truck PIN/touch key/card numbers from the ENQ command response. The computer will then verify the numbers and send either an affirmative or negative RA response back to the instrument. If any of the parameters in the RA response do not constitute a valid authorisation, the computer should send to the instrument an RA command with the first parameter N to signify NO to the remote authorisation request. The second parameter being the reason the request for remote authorisation has been refused (e.g. INVALID DRIVER PIN). The first 30 characters of the reason will be displayed on the instrument. After the operator has acknowledge the reason by pressing ENTER, the operator is then prompted to re-enter the driver and/or truck PIN/touch key numbers and/or load number. If the parameters in the RA response from the instrument are valid, the computer sends an RA command with the first parameter being Y to signify YES to the remote authorisation request. The second and third parameters being the driver and truck index numbers respectively that are to be stored in the transaction within the instrument. After the instrument receives an affirmative remote authorisation, it will then prompt for load number (if enabled), and then go to RL state (if Load Scheduling is enabled).


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8.4 Communication Procedures

Software Protocol Manual Note: Driver and/or truck authorisation must be enabled under the SYSTEM configuration menu before remote authorisation is enabled under the COMMUNICATIONS configuration menu. When remote authorisation is enabled the COMMS TIMEOUT is automatically enabled. This timeout is the time allowed for the instrument to detect computer communications before a communications timeout error is reported. For example, if the instrument is sitting in the idle state and does not receive any computer communications within the timeout period an error will be displayed to the operator. As soon as communications are restored the error is cleared.

Displaying Messages and Getting Answers

Developers writing a communications interface to the 1010 may require additional messages to be sent to the operator, and subsequent responses from the operator. Several commands (DM, DP, GA, GC, GH, and GK) involve sending text messages to the instrument display to inform or prompt the operator. Typically the commands have the following structure: Control Byte STX Information Fields [DM] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [h] 0 [ETX]

where a b c d e f g h = = = = = = = = line 1 (top line) [justify character & message] line 2 [justify character & message] line 3 [justify character & message] line 4 [justify character & message] line 5 [justify character & message] line 6 [justify character & message] line 7 [justify character & message] line 8 (bottom line) [justify character & message]

justify character options: | or or or _ + centre justified (vertical bar, 7EH) left justified (underscore, 5FH) right justified (plus sign, 2BH) a number between 0 and 30 in the justify field will justify the text that number of spaces from the left (must be two characters, ie 03 for 3 spaces)

message options: -1 or -2 or leave line as is (if previous message still being displayed) clear line (if previous message still being displayed) up to 30 characters of text (in addition to the justify character)

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8.4 Communication Procedures

Software Protocol Manual

The instrument has a 8 line x 30 character display. Up to 8 lines can be displayed, however, due to the fact that the meter totals have to remain on the screen at most times this is not always possible. Therefore the only time a full screen message (a message of up to 8 lines) can be displayed is during the idle, RL or RA states. If in Load Scheduling mode messages can only be displayed during the idle, RA, RC, and PL states. Only two line messages can be displayed during the RC and PL states. These two line messages are displayed on the bottom two lines on the 8 x 30 display. All two line message should contain either -1 or -2 for the first six line parameters. The commands all have a similar structure and involve the use of a Justification Character to set the spacing on each of 8 lines of text. The Justify Character is the first character of each parameter of the command. If sending a message while the instrument is in the idle state, you can send either a two line message or a full screen message. To display a two line message to the operator (ignoring the field separator nulls): DM -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 |PLEASE WAIT -2 ETX

This results in the following being displayed:











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8.4 Communication Procedures

Software Protocol Manual

To display a full screen message to the operator (ignoring the field separator nulls): DM -2 -2 |CONTREC -2 -2 -2 |PLEASE WAIT -2 ETX

This results in the following being displayed:



The instrument is able to determine a two line message by checking the first six line parameters to see that they are all either -1 or -2. If any of these first six message parameters is not a -1 or -2 then the instrument will assume that you wish to display a full screen message and will clear the meters from the screen and display the message. Once messaging has started with either full screen or two line it is suggested to continue with the same type of messaging until complete. Otherwise the screen will be cleared each time a full screen message is placed after a two line message slowing down prompting to the screen. It is suggest not to use the CM command after each message has been displayed as this will clear the screen and re-display the meter totals which takes extra time and will result in poor useability. Instead it is suggested to use one message command directly after the other, for example a DM command then immediately the GA command. This also allows for creative interfaces such as scrolling menus, see Messaging Commands for more details. Therefore the CM command should only be used once all messaging has been completed to return the instrument to its original state.

Note: The Justify Character must always be entered otherwise the first character of the line of text will be taken as the Justify Character and it will not be displayed.

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8.4 Communication Procedures

Software Protocol Manual

Messaging Commands
D M ( D i sp l a y M es sa g e) GA (Get Answer) S A ( S e n d A n s w er ) D P ( D i sp l a y P r o m pt ) GH (Get Hidden Answer) C M ( C l ea r Me ss ag e ) G C ( G e t S w i p e C ar d ) G K ( Ge t T o u c h K e y )

To display a message to the operator with out any response, such as BAY CLOSED, the DM command is used. The message can either be cleared by the computer by using the CM command or any other message command can be sent to replace the displayed message. The DP command requires a response from an operator by pressing the ENTER/YES key. The message can either be cleared by the computer by using the CM command or any other message command can be sent to replace the DP. If after an automatic timeout period sent as part of the DP command the message will automatically be cleared. After the instrument has received the DM or DP command, the instrument response to the ENQ command will be DM or DP respectively. After the operator has acknowledged a DP command by pressing the ENTER/YES key, the instrument display will show 'PLEASE WAIT', and the response to the ENQ command from the computer will now be MT (message taken). The host computer knowing the state of the instrument from the ENQ response can then return the instrument to its normal operating mode by sending a CM command or continue with other messages as required. To get an answer from the instrument operator in the form of data, the GA, GC, GH, or GK commands are used. For example if using the GA command to get a response form the operator: The operator must answer the displayed question by either entering a number and pressing ENTER, or by pressing the YES, NO, DISPLAY, ALPHA/LINE, STOP or START keys. After the instrument has received the GA command, the instrument response to the ENQ command will be GA. After the operator has answered the message, the instrument will display the answer and the message 'PLEASE WAIT'. The instrument response to the ENQ command from the computer will now be AA (Answer Available). The answer is returned as the last parameter in the AA ENQ response. To retrieve a PIN or Password GH is used to hide the operators response. If a touch key or swipe card is fitted to the instrument then the following commands may be available, GK (Get Touch Key) and GC (Get Swipe Card). These commands allow a message to be displayed, prompting the operator to touch their key or swipe their card. ENQ response after a message has been acknowledge by the operator: M T ( M e s s a g e T a k e n) KA (Touch Key Answer Available) After using either the DM, DP, GA, GC, GH or GK commands, the instrument can be returned to its original display with the CM command. The DM, DP, GA, GC, GH & GK commands must be used carefully, otherwise the operator may become confused. These commands can only be used for full screen messaging when the instrument is in the idle, RL or RA states. The RL and RA states requiring Load Scheduling and Remote Authorise respectively to be enabled. AA (Answer Available) CA (Swipe Card Available)


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8.4 Communication Procedures

Software Protocol Manual

Simple scrolling menu example using the GA command

To display a full screen message containing a scrolling menu (ignoring the field separator nulls): GA |ITEM 1 -2 |ITEM 2 -2 |ITEM 3 -2 |PRESS DISPLAY TO SCROLL -2 ETX

The ENQ response changes from SS to GA. The following is displayed:


The operator presses the DISPLAY key and the ENQ response changes from GA to AA with the last parameter indicating the key that was pressed, a D in this case. The computer can now display second menu page to the operator (ignoring the field separator nulls): DM |ITEM 4 -2 |ITEM 5 -2 |ITEM 6 -2 |PRESS DISPLAY TO SCROLL -2 ETX

The ENQ response changes from AA to GA. The following is displayed:


If complete the screen can be cleared using the CM command.

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8.4 Communication Procedures

Software Protocol Manual

Communications Timeout
When either Load Scheduling and/or Remote Mode are selected, the instrument automatically enables the COMMS TIMEOUT function. This function sets the amount of time that the instrument will allows without communications from the host. This timeout period can be altered from the -COMMUNCATIONSmenu (See the Programming Manual). Once this timeout period has elapsed the instrument assumes that communications have failed and allows any load currently in progress to complete before forcing the operator to the disconnect prompt. It then displays a Communcations failure error message until communications are restored.

Retrieval of Loading Records

ST (Send Transaction) SY (Send Entry) Loading data for each truck is stored in two sections in the instruments. The two sections are called TRANSACTION and ENTRY. The transaction contains information about the load that is common to all the compartments loaded, eg driver, truck, date, start time, load number etc. The entry data contains information for each compartment/batch that the instrument has attempted to load, eg compartment number, arm number, preset quantity, gross loaded etc. The instrument stores the last 200 transactions in battery backed memory. If the computer database is destroyed or cleared, the last 200 transactions can be read from the instrument. There is no restriction on the order in which transactions or entries must be uploaded. Each transaction records the number of entries associated with it, by storing the first entry and the last entry in the entry start and entry stop fields of the transaction. Each entry records the transaction with which it is associated by storing the transaction number in its transaction number field. Entries are stored in a circular buffer, 1400 entries long. The entries are numbered 0 to 1399 inclusive. When a transaction is uploaded to the computer, the entry start and entry stop fields should be examined to determine which entries should be uploaded from the instrument. If the transaction has an entry start value of 1398 and an entry stop value of 1, the entry numbers associated with the transaction are 1398, 1399, 0 and 1.

Programming tip for C programmers:

/* if entry_start = 1398 and entry_stop = 1, add 1400 to entry_stop*/ if (entry_stop < entry_start) entry_stop += 1400; /* When requesting entries from the 1010, use the modulus operator with 1400 to request the entry. */ for (i=entry_start; i<=entry_stop; i++) Request_entry(i % 1400); When the data is stored for each entry and transaction in the instrument, a checksum value is calculated and stored with the data. When the data is retrieved, the checksum is again calculated and compared with the checksum calculated when the data was initially stored. The result of this comparison is sent to the computer in the checksum result field. When all the entries associated with a transaction are stored in the computer, a Bill of Lading for that transaction may be printed.


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8.4 Communication Procedures

Software Protocol Manual

Retrieval of Batch Records During the Loading Process

It is recognised that from time to time entry/batch information is required before the load operation is complete. Because the ST and SY commands can only be used while the instrument is in the idle state, the BT command must be utilised during the loading process to obtain entry/batch information. The computer must monitor the loading process via the ENQ command. Once it is established that a particular batch has completed (arm completed bit set - See Arm Status Byte (applies to all arm status bytes) on page 57.) the BT command can then be used to obtain the batch information. The BT command is not available while a batch is in progress.

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8.4 Communication Procedures

Software Protocol Manual


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8.5 Error Status Codes

When an instrument detects an external error or fault condition, the error code for that condition is recorded in the entry segment of the transaction file. The following Error Status codes are valid for the 1010A- unit. Error Status Codes(*MA unit only) 0 - No Error 1 - ESD/Emergency Stop 2 - Overfill Disconnected 3 - Vapour Rec. Disconnected 4 - Flowmeter Error 5 - Flowmeter Timeout 6 - Temperature Fault 7 - Valve Fault 8 - Deadman Timeout 9 - Expansion Comms Timeout* 10 - Power Failure 11 - High Additive 12 - Low Additive 13 - Additive Comms 99 - Transaction File in use 100 - Illegal Flow 14 - No Additive 15 - Remote Stop 16 - LCD Failure 17 - Phase Error

Error Status 1 - ESD/Emergency Stop

This error is recorded if the emergency stop signal is detected by the instrument. All arms are stopped and the unit is disabled from further use until restored by a manager reset (MR). The MR bit in the ENQ command will also be set indicating that a MR is required.

Error Status 2 - Overfill Disconnected

This error is recorded if the overfill has been disconnected or tripped, and has not been reconnected or cleared within the programmed Clear/Reconnect time. All current batches in progress are terminated.

Error Status 3 - Vapour Recovery Disconnected

This error is recorded if the vapour recovery hose has been disconnected from its coupling and has not been reconnected within the programmed Clear/Reconnect time. All current batches in progress are terminated.

Error Status 4- Flowmeter Error

This error is recorded when a flowmeter pulse error is detected on an arm during a batch. The instrument must be configured for a dual pulse flowmeter. The batch will be terminated.

Error Status 5- Flowmeter Timeout

This error is recorded if there is an absence of flowmeter pulses for a time exceeding the no flow timeout period during a load. The batch will be terminated.

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8.5 Error Status Codes

Software Protocol Manual

Error Status 6- Temperature Fault

This error is recorded when a temperature sensor fault is detected on an arm during a batch. The batch will be terminated and an error recorded. This disables the arm from further use, and requires a manager reset (MR) to re-enable the arm. The MR bit in the ENQ command will also be set indicating that a MR is required.

Error Status 7- Valve Fault

This error is recorded at the completion of a batch when the flowrate is outside the deadband limit during prestop. No batch termination.

Error Status 8- Deadman Timeout

This error is recorded and all batches are cancelled when the operator has not pressed any key for five minutes since starting a load. Typically, an external reminder indicator would have been activated after 2 minutes. All loads are paused when the operator has not pressed any key for three minutes since starting a load. Only after the 5 minutes without any key presses is this error recorded and the transaction terminated.

Error Status 9- Expansion Comms Timeout

This error is recorded when the expansion communications between a unit and modules fails during a batch. The transaction is terminated and the fault must be fixed before the unit can be used again.

Error Status 10- Power Failure

This error is recorded when the instrument detected a power failure during loading.

Error Status 11 - High Additive

This error is recorded when an attached Model 1020 additive injection controller cannot slow down the additive delivery for an additive injector during a batch. The batch is terminated.

Error Status 12 - Low Additive

This error is recorded when an attached Model 1020 additive injection controller cannot deliver enough additive for an additive injector during a batch. The batch is terminated.

Error Status 13 - Additive Comms

This error is recorded when communications with an attached Model 1020 additive injection controllers fails, and all active arms are stopped. The transaction is terminated.

Error Status 14 - No Additive

This error is recorded when an attached Model 1020 additive injection controller detects no additive flow for an additive injector during a batch. The batch is terminated.

Error Status 15 - Remote Stop

This error is recorded when a valid external remote stop (SM command) is received by the instrument. The specified batch (indicated by arm number) is terminated.


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8.5 Error Status Codes

Software Protocol Manual

Error Status 16 - LCD Failure

This error is recorded when a LCD failure is detected on the graphic display. The batch will be terminated and the instrument restarted. On restart a warning message will be displayed.

Error Status 17 - Phase Error

This error is recorded when a flowmeter phase error is detected on an arm during a batch. The instrument must be configured for a dual pulse flowmeter. The batch will be terminated.

Error Status 99 - Transaction File in use

This error is recorded when either the transaction and/or entry are not completed successfully or there has been an attempted access of the transaction file using the BT command while the transaction and/or entry are still being written to/used internally by the instrument.

Error Status 100 - Illegal Flow

This error is recorded when an unauthorised flow has been detected. A new entry and/or transaction is created to record the event.

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8.5 Error Status Codes

Software Protocol Manual


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

8.6 Commands
The following section describes the command format for the 1010A-BJ instrument or instrument compatible with the Model 1010A loading system using the SLIP+ command set. For other instruments please refer to the appropriate software protocol manual.

The two byte command within any information field should be valid for the unit addressed (must be one of the commands described in this section of this manual). Otherwise the unit being address will not respond (not even with a NAK response). For backward compatibility purposes, allowances should be made for extra parameters to be added to a command in the future. For backward compatibility purposes, allowances should be made for extra characters to be added to parameters.For backward compatibility purposes, the instrument supports the use of the older DM, DP, GH, and GK commands. See the Appendix for details.

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8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

AA - Alter Arm Name

AA - Alter Arm Name

Remotely set the load arm name to be displayed on the instrument.

Control Byte STX [AA] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [ETX] where a b = = arm number [x] arm name [xxxxxxxx] Information Fields

Control Byte ACK NAK If the requested arm number does not exist If the number of parameters is less than 2 If the number of characters within parameter b exceeds 8 Information Fields

The arm name can also be edited from within the arm configuration menu.

Related Commands


Instrument must be in the idle state. This command requires extra time as the instrument must update the non-volatile memory. A minimum of 3 extra seconds should be allowed for both waiting for an acknowledge (ACK) response and before another command is sent to the instrument.


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AI - Additive Injectors

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

AI - Additive Injectors
Returns the additive parameter settings for the particular 1010 unit being addressed.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [AI] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte STX Information Fields [AI] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] 0 [e] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e OR STX [AI] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [ETX] where a = b = OR STX [AI] 0 [a] 0 [ETX] where a =

= = = = =

additive injection type [INTELLIGENT] missed batches count [xx] additive batch timeout [xx] in seconds no. of Model 1020 additive injectors [x] additive pump start [BY LOAD-ALL] or [BY COMP-AS.REQ]

additive injection type [OPEN COLLECTOR] or [110/240 VOLT] additive pulse width time [xx.x]

additive injection type [NONE]


Related Commands

Instrument must be in the idle state.

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8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

AM - Arm Status

AM - Arm Status
Allows the host to obtain the status of a particular arm.

Control Byte STX [AM] 0 [a] 0 [ETX] where a = arm number [x] Information Fields

Control Byte STX [AM] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [ETX] where a b NAK = = arm status [x] error status [xx] Information Fields

If the requested arm number does not exist

Error Status Codes 0 - No Error 1 - ESD/Emergency Stop 2 - Overfill Disconnected 3 - Vapour Rec. Disconnected 4 - Flowmeter Error 5 - Flowmeter Timeout 6 - Temperature Fault 7 - Valve Fault 8 - Deadman Timeout 9 - Not used 10 - Power Failure 11 - High Additive 12 - Low Additive 13 - Additive Comms 99 - Transaction File in use 100 - Illegal Flow 14 - No Additive 15 - Remote Stop 16 - LCD Failure 17 - Phase Error

Arm Status byte: 0 = DISABLED, 1 = ENABLED, 2 = FAULTY

Related Commands

The error status indicates the previous batch error status for a particular arm only. Only when a new batch on that particular arm completes does the error status get updated.


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AN - Net Accumulated Totals

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

AN - Net Accumulated Totals

Returns the net accumulative total for all arms.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [AN] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte STX Information Fields [AN] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [g] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g

= = = = = = =

first arm number [x] number of arms [x] bay number [xx] net accum. total for first arm [xxxxxxxx] net accum. total for second arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 1) net accum. total for third arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 2) net accum. total for fourth arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 3)

Parameter b indicates how many net accum. total parameters follow. For example, if b = 2 then only parameters [a] through [e] are received.

Related Commands


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8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

AP - Additive Parameters

AP - Additive Parameters
Upload or download the additive parameters for the requested model 1020 additive injector.

Send (Upload)
Control Byte STX [AP] 0 [a] 0 [ETX] where a = additive injector number [x] Information Fields

Receive (Upload)
Control Byte STX Information Fields [AP] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [i] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g h i j k l m NAK = = = = = = = = = = = = = additive injector number [x] line 1 load arm number [x] line 1 additive K-factor [xx.xxxx] line 1 high alarm multiplier [xx] line 2 load arm number [x] line 2 additive K-factor [xx.xxxx] line 2 high alarm multiplier [xx] line 3 load arm number [x] line 3 additive K-factor [xx.xxxx] line 3 high alarm multiplier [xx] line 4 load arm number [x] line 4 additive K-factor [xx.xxxx] line 4 high alarm multiplier [xx]

If the requested additive injector is not available If the number of command parameters is incorrect


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AP - Additive Parameters

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

Send (Download)
Control Byte STX Information Fields [AP] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [i] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g h i j k l m = = = = = = = = = = = = = additive injector number [x] line 1 load arm number [x] line 1 additive K-factor [xx.xxxx] line 1 high alarm multiplier [xx] line 2 load arm number [x] line 2 additive K-factor [xx.xxxx] line 2 high alarm multiplier [xx] line 3 load arm number [x] line 3 additive K-factor [xx.xxxx] line 3 high alarm multiplier [xx] line 4 load arm number [x] line 4 additive K-factor [xx.xxxx] line 4 high alarm multiplier [xx]

Receive (Download)
Control Byte ACK NAK If the requested additive injector is not available If the number of command parameters is incorrect If the load arm number is invalid. If the additive K-factor is not in the range 0.001 to 50000. If the high alarm multiplier is not in the range 2 to 10. Information Fields


These additive parameters can be edited from the ADD INJECTORS configuration menu. Upload - to retrieve additive parameters from the instrument. Download - to transmit the additive parameters to the instrument.

Related Commands

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8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

AP - Additive Parameters


Instrument must be in the idle state. Intelligent Additives must be enabled. Extra time of up to 3 seconds should be allowed while waiting for an acknowledge (ACK) response to the download command as the instrument must update the non-volatile memory. This extra wait period is not required for the upload command.


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

AR - Additive Recipes

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

AR - Additive Recipes
Upload or download the additive recipes when using intelligent additive injection.

Send (Upload)
Control Byte STX [AR] 0 [a] 0 [ETX] where a = arm number [x] (upload recipes associated with this arm number) Information Fields

Receive (Upload)
Control Byte STX Information Fields [AR] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [w] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = arm number [x] (upload recipes associated with this arm number) additive injectors pulse [xxxx] number of recipes [x] (0 to 4) recipe number 1 [1] (number of recipes >= 1) line 1 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 2 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 3 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 4 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse recipe number 2 [2xxxxxxxxxx] (number of recipes > 1) line 1 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 2 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 3 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 4 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse recipe number 3 [3] (number of recipes > 2) line 1 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 2 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 3 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 4 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse recipe number 4 [4] (number of recipes > 3) line 1 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 2 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 3 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 4 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse

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8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual Control Byte NAK

AR - Additive Recipes

Information Fields If there are no associated additive lines (injectors) for the specified arm number If the number of command parameters is incorrect

Control Byte STX Information Fields [AR] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [w] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = arm number [x] (download recipes associated with this arm number) additive injectors pulse [xxxx] number of recipes [x] (0 to 4) recipe number 1 [1xxxxxxxxxx] (number of recipes >= 1) line 1 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 2 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 3 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 4 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse recipe number 2 [2] (number of recipes > 1) line 1 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 2 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 3 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 4 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse recipe number 3 [3] (number of recipes > 2) line 1 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 2 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 3 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 4 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse recipe number 4 [4] (number of recipes > 3) line 1 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 2 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 3 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse line 4 additive amount [xxxx] ml(cc)/additive pulse


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AR - Additive Recipes

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

Receive (Download)
Control Byte ACK NAK If there are no associated additive lines (injectors) for the specified arm number If the number of command parameters is incorrect Information Fields


These additive recipes can be edited from the ARM n INPUT configuration menu. Upload - to retrieve additive parameters from the instrument. Download - to transmit the additive parameters to the instrument. The parameter number of recipes indicates how many parameters follow. For example, if the number of recipes = 1, then only five more parameters follow (d through h).

Related Commands


Instrument must be in the idle state. Intelligent Additives must be enabled. This command requires extra time as the instrument must update the non-volatile memory. A minimum of 3 extra seconds should be allowed for both waiting for an acknowledge (ACK) response and before another command is sent to the instrument. This extra wait period is not required for the upload command.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

AS - Arm Settings

AS - Arm Settings
Returns set up information unique to each arm.

Control Byte STX [AS] 0 [a] 0 [ETX] where a = arm number [x] Information Fields

Control Byte STX Information Fields [AS] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [u] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g h1 i1 h5 i5 j k l m n o p q r s t u = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = arm number [x] single or dual pulse [S] or [D] full flowrate [xxxx] for digital valve or [0] for non-digital valve arm overrun [xxx] quantity/additive pulse [xxx] linear or non-linear k-factor [L] or [N] number of non-linear k-factors [xx] or [0] if linear first frequency [xxx] for non-linear or k-factor[xxxxx.xxx] if linear first k-factor[xxxxx.xxx] for non-linear fifth frequency [xxx] for non-linear fifth k-factor[xxxxx.xxx] for non-linear 4mA temperature [xxx.x] (if fitted with RTDs [0]) 20mA temperature [xxx.x] (if fitted with RTDs [0]) correction type for OIML [NONE] or [REFINED] or [CRUDE OIL] density (kg/m3) [xxxx] or relative density [xx.xxx] if US units load units [litres] or [liters] or [meters3] or [kg] or [grams] or [gallons] or [pounds] additive units [mls] or [cc] or [ppm] temperature units [C] or [F] auto high flow timeout [xxxx] for digital valve or [0] for non-digital valve arm status [x] (0=DISABLED, 1=ENABLED, 2=FAULTY) minimum preset amount minimum linear flowrate [xxxx] additive flush volume [xxx]


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

AS - Arm Settings

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

Control Byte NAK

Information Fields If the requested arm number does not exist If no parameter is received

These settings can be edited from within the ARM n INPUT configuration menu.

Related Commands

Instrument must be in the idle state.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

AT - Accumulated Totals

AT - Accumulated Totals
Returns the accumulated gross totals for all arms.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [AT] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte STX Information Fields [AT] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [g] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g

= = = = = = =

first arm number [x] number of arms [x] bay number [xx] accum. gross total for first arm [xxxxxxxx] accum. gross total for second arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 1) accum. gross total for third arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 2) accum. gross total for fourth arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 3)

Parameter b indicates how many accum. gross total parameters follow. For example, if b = 2 then only parameters [a] through [e] are received.

Related Commands



SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

AV - Application Version

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

AV - Application Version
Retrieves the application version, date and time from the instrument.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [AV] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte STX Information Fields [AV] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [j] 0 [ETX] where a b c d g h i j

= = = = = = = =

software version number [Vx-xxx-] or [Px-xxx-] instrument model and application pack [1010Ax-xx-] software version and card selection [Vxxxx.xx-xxxx] date [mmm dd yyyy] time [hh:mm:ss] ROM type [EPROM] or [FLASH] not yet implemented (ROM size) [0] display type [ALPHA] or [GRAPHIC]


Related Commands

Instrument must be in the idle state.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

BT - Batch Totals

BT - Batch Totals
Instructs the instrument to send the Batch Totals (similar to an SY command) of the last completed batch for a specific arm.

Control Byte STX [BT] 0 [a] 0 [ETX] where a = arm number [x] Information Fields

Control Byte STX Information Fields [BT] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [s] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s NAK = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = entry number [xxxx] transaction number [xxxxxxx] arm number [x] gross (unconverted) total [xxxxxx.x] net (converted) total [xxxxxx.x] accum. (unconverted) total before [xxxxxxxx] accum. (unconverted) total after [xxxxxxxx] net accum. (converted) total before [xxxxxxxx] net accum. (converted) total after [xxxxxxxx] average temperature [xxxx.x] preset quantity [xxxxxx.x] error status [x] (see below) additive quantity 1 (cc or ml) additive quantity 2 (cc or ml) additive quantity 3 (cc or ml) additive quantity 4 (cc or ml) product density [xxxx] compartment number [xx] returned quantity [xxxxx]

If the specified arm number is invalid or the arm is loading


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

BT - Batch Totals

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

Error Status Codes 0 - No Error 1 - ESD/Emergency Stop 2 - Overfill Disconnected 3 - Vapour Rec. Disconnected 4 - Flowmeter Error 5 - Flowmeter Timeout 6 - Temperature Fault 7 - Valve Fault 8 - Deadman Timeout 9 - Not Used 10 - Power Failure 11 - High Additive 12 - Low Additive 13 - Additive Comms 99 - Transaction File in use 100 - Illegal Flow 14 - No Additive 15 - Remote Stop 16 - LCD Failure 17 - Phase Error

This command can be used during loading operations (while other arms are loading), but not while the particular arm is loading for which Batch Totals are required. The ENQ response arm status, in particular the batch complete bit, should be monitored to determine when a load has completed on a particular arm. From the time an instrument is first powered up or an EPROM replaced, the instrument will respond with a NAK until a batch has been completed on the requested arm.

Related Commands

Once a particular arm has been selected for loading the BT command will return a NAK until a new batch is completed on that arm.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

CA - Control Arm

CA - Control Arm
Allows the host to disable or enabled a particular load arm.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [CA] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [ETX] where a = b =

number of arm to disable/enable [x] disable/enable arm [x] (ENABLE = 1, DISABLE = 0)

Control Byte STX Information Fields [CA] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [e] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e NAK

= = = = =

number of arms [x] first arm status [x] second arm status [x] (if number of arms > 1) third arm status [x] (if number of arms > 2) fourth arm status [x] (if number of arms > 3)

If the requested arm number does not exist If the instrument is in the RC state



Arm Status byte: 0 = DISABLED, 1 = ENABLED, 2 = FAULTY Indicates how many parameters follow, for example if only 2 arms then only b and c follow.

Related Commands Constraints

You cannot enable or disable an arm that is already faulty. If the host system tries to enable/disable a faulty arm, the arm status will remain faulty and the enable/disable will be ignored.


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

CC - Clear Power Cycle

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

CC - Clear Power Cycle

Clears/resets the Power Cycle/Failure flag. The flag is available from the ENQ response bit 4 of the status byte. See ENQ command.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [CC] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte ACK NAK Information Fields

If the Power Cycle/Failure flag is not set.


Related Commands


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

CM - Clear Message

CM - Clear Message
Clears the on-screen message sent as part of a DM, DP, GA, GC, GH, or GK command and clears the status associated with the relevant command.

Control Byte STX [CM] 0 [ETX] Information Fields

Control Byte STX NAK If there is no message to clear Information Fields


Related Commands



SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

CP - Set or Clear PIN/Touch Numbers

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

CP - Set or Clear PIN/Touch Numbers

Programs individual PIN or Touch Key numbers (or card numbers if available).

Control Byte STX Information Fields [CP] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [ETX] where a = b =

[DR] for driver or [TR] for truck [XX] to clear all existing driver or truck numbers or [nnn] to program an index number or clear a single driver or truck at index location nnn [n1n16] to program PIN/Touch number if b = nnn or [XX] to clear the driver or truck at location nnn.

Control Byte ACK NAK If DR or TR not found or nnn < 1 or nnn > 500 Information Fields

This command also applies to swipe cards if this option was ordered.

Related Commands

Instrument must be in the idle state.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

DM - Display Message

DM - Display Message
Displays a message up to 8 lines each of 30 characters on the graphics display. The instrument status then goes to DM and any ENQ command is responded to with a DM reply (see ENQ). The message displayed by this command can be cleared by the CM command, all operator input is ignored while the message is being displayed.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [DM] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [h] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g h

= = = = = = = =

line 1 (top line) [justify character & message] line 2 [justify character & message] line 3 [justify character & message] line 4 [justify character & message] line 5 [justify character & message] line 6 [justify character & message] line 7 [justify character & message] line 8 (bottom line) [justify character & message]

justify character options: | centre justified (vertical bar, 7EH) or _ left justified (underscore, 5FH) or + right justified (plus sign, 2BH) or a number between 0 and 30 in the justify field will justify the text that number of spaces from the left (must be two characters, ie 03 for 3 spaces) message options: -1 leave line as is (if previous message still being displayed) or -2 clear line (if previous message still being displayed) or up to 30 characters of text (in addition to the justify character)

Control Byte ACK NAK If the command is incorrect If the number of parameters is < 1 Information Fields


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

DM - Display Message

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual



The Justify Character must always be entered otherwise the first character of the line of text will be taken as the Justify Character and it will not be displayed. Some response delay may result when displaying a message to the entire screen (ie. when the instrument is in the idle or RL state).

To display a message to the operator (ignoring the field separator nulls): DM -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 |PLEASE WAIT -2 ETX

Related Commands


The justify character is not used when the message parameter is either -1 or -2. The instrument must be in the appropriate state to display messages when load scheduling is enabled (idle, RL, RC, or PL). If the instrument is not in the idle or RL mode, the parameters [a] through [f] are ignored.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

DN - Set Arm Density

DN - Set Arm Density

Send the product density for a particular arm to the instrument.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [DN] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [ETX] where a = b = c =

arm number [x] fuel type [x] for OIML (1=REFINED, 2=CRUDE OIL) density kg/m3 [xxxx]

Control Byte ACK NAK Information Fields

If the density value is outside allowable limits for the fuel type selected If the requested arm number does not exist If the number of parameters is < 3

The density can also be edited from within the arm configuration menu.

Related Commands


Instrument must be in the idle state. This command requires extra time as the instrument must update the non-volatile memory. A minimum of 3 extra seconds should be allowed for both waiting for an acknowledge (ACK) response and before another command is sent to the instrument.


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

DP - Display Prompt

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

DP - Display Prompt
Displays a message on the alphanumeric display with an automatic timeout period. The instrument status then goes to DP. If a response is received from an operator (ENTER/YES) the status moves to MT (Message Taken). If the timeout period is allowed to expire before a response is received the status reverts to its previous state.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [DP] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [j] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g h i j

= = = = = = = = = =

always set to 1 time period in seconds before the prompt will automatically timeout line 1 (top line) [justify character & message] line 2 [justify character & message] line 3 [justify character & message] line 4 [justify character & message] line 5 [justify character & message] line 6 [justify character & message] line 7 [justify character & message] line 8 (bottom line) [justify character & message]

justify character options: | centre justified (vertical bar, 7EH) or _ left justified (underscore, 5FH) or + right justified (plus sign, 2BH) or a number between 0 and 30 in the justify field will justify the text that number of spaces from the left (must be two characters, ie 03 for 3 spaces) message options: -1 leave line as is (if previous message still being displayed) or -2 clear line (if previous message still being displayed) or up to 30 characters of text (in addition to the justify character)

Control Byte ACK NAK If the command is incorrect If the number of parameters is < 1 Information Fields

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

DP - Display Prompt



The Justify Character must always be entered otherwise the first character of the line of text will be taken as the Justify Character and it will not be displayed. Some response delay may result when displaying a message to the entire screen (ie. when the instrument is in the idle or RL state).

To display a message to the operator (ignoring the field separator nulls): DP 1 10 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 |FINSHED? YES/NO -2 ETX

Related Commands


The justify character is not used when the message parameter is either -1 or -2. The instrument must be in the appropriate state to display messages when load scheduling is enabled (idle, RL, RC, or PL). If the instrument is not in the idle or RL mode, the parameters [a] through [f] are ignored.


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

ENQ - Operational State Enquiry

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

ENQ - Operational State Enquiry

Checks the operational state of the Loading System.

Control Byte ENQ Information Fields

Control Byte STX Information Fields [SS] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... 0 [ETX] or the command field is one of the following DM/DP/GA/GC/GH/GK/MT/PL where a b c d e f

= = = = = =

system status byte [x] - Table 2 on page 57 last transaction number [xxxxxxx] first arm number [x] number of arms [x] Arms 1 and 2 status byte [x] - Table 3 on page 57 Arms 3 and 4 status byte [x] (if > 2 arms) - Table 3 on page 57

or where the command field is AA i = operator answer [xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] (<= 14 characters) - Table 4 on page 57 or where the command field is CA i = card number [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] (16 characters) or where the command field is KA i = touch key number [xxxxxxxxxxxx] (12 characters) or where the command field is RA i = driver index number [xxx] j = vehicle index number [xxx] k = driver touch key/card/PIN number [xxxxxxxxxxxx]/[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]/[xxxx] l = (12) (16) (4) truck touch key/card/PIN number [xxxxxxxxxxxx]/[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]/[xxxx] (12) (16) (4)

or where the command field is RL i = load number [xxxx] j = driver index number [xxx] k = vehicle index number [xxx]

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual Control Byte l =

ENQ - Operational State Enquiry

Information Fields driver touch key/card/PIN number [xxxxxxxxxxxx]/[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]/[xxxx] (12) (16) (4) truck touch key/card/PIN number [xxxxxxxxxxxx]/[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]/[xxxx] (12) (16) (4)

or where the command field is RP i = transaction number to be printed [xxxxxxx] or where the command field is RC i = load number [xxxx] j = arm number [x] (if no arm selected = 0, compartment cannot be authorised) k = compartment number [xx] l = returned quantity [xxxxxxxx]

Table 1: Command Fields Command Field AA CA DM DP GA GC GH GK KA MT RA RC RL RP SS PL Description When a question that has been posted to the operator using the GA or GH commands has been answered. See Table 4 on page 57. If a swipe card has been read in response to a GC command. If the instrument is displaying a message via the DM command. If the instrument is displaying a message prompt via the DP command. If the instrument is displaying a question to the operator via the GA command. If the instrument is requesting the presentation of a card via the GC command. If the instrument is displaying a question to the operator via the GH command. If the instrument is requesting the presentation of a touch key via the GK command. If a touch key has been read in response to a GK command. If the message prompt (DP command) has been acknowledged. If the instrument is waiting for entry authorisation (Remote authorise enabled). If the instrument is in the compartment authorisation state (Load scheduling enabled). If the instrument is in the load authorisation state (Load scheduling enabled). If the instrument is waiting for the printing status of the Bill of Lading printer. Standard enquiry response, the instrument is not in a special state. If the instrument is in the post loading state (Load scheduling enabled).


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

ENQ - Operational State Enquiry

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

Table 2: Status Byte 7 1 X X X X X X X 6 X 1 X X X X X X Status Byte 5 4 3 2 X X X X X X X X 1 X X X X 1 X X X X 1 X X X X 1 X X X X X X X X Value 1 X X X X X X 1 X 0 X X X X X X X 1 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 Description If the Instrument is no longer in the idle state. If a MR (Manager Reset) command is required. If the expansion communications have failed. (MA Only) If a Power Failure has been detected If overfill and Vapour Recovery are connected. If Programming/Hardware Test/Diagnostics Mode is active If a slave unit power fail has occurred. (MA Only) If an unauthorised flow is in progress on any arm.

Table 3: Arm Status Byte (applies to all arm status bytes) Arm Status Byte Arm 1 Arm 2 6 5 4 3 2 1 X X X X X X 1 X X X X X X 1 X X X X X X 1 X X X X X X 1 X X X X X X 1 X X X X X X 1 X X X X X X Value 0 X X X X X X X 1 Description

7 1 X X X X X X X

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

Arm 1 Loading Arm 1 Paused by operator Arm 1 Batch Complete Arm 1 Previous batch error Arm 2 Loading Arm 2 Paused by operator Arm 2 Batch Complete Arm 2 Previous batch error

Table 4: Operator Answer Operator Answer Answer Command Key None Value String <= 14 characters (0-9, AZ) The letter L (0x4C) The PLUS character (0x2B) The HASH character (0x23) The letter D (0x44) String = YES String = NO Description The operator has responded to a GA/GH command by entering a response which is returned as a string. The operator has pressed the LINE/ALPHA key in response to a GA/GH command The operator has pressed the START key in response to a GA/GH command The operator has pressed the STOP key in response to a GA/GH command The operator has pressed the DISPLAY key in response to a GA/GH command The operator has pressed the ENTER key in response to a GA/GH command The operator has pressed the CANCEL key in response to a GA/GH command

L + # D YES NO


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

ENQ - Operational State Enquiry

The parameter d indicates how many arm status byte parameters follow. For example, if d = 1 or 2 then only arm status byte [e] is received.

Related Commands

Instrument must be in the idle state.


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

FR - Flow Rates

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

FR - Flow Rates
Returns the flow rates for all arms.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [FR] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte STX Information Fields [FR] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [g] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g

= = = = = = =

first arm number [x] number of arms [x] bay number [xx] flow rate for first arm [xxxxxxxx] flow rate for second arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 1) flow rate for third arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 2) flow rate for fourth arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 3)

Parameter b indicates how many accum. total parameters follow. For example, if b = 2 then only parameters [a] through [e] are received.

Related Commands


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

GA - Get Answer

GA - Get Answer
Displays a message to which the operator should respond using the alpha-numeric keys and/or the YES/NO keys. The instrument status goes to GA until an answer has been entered the response to an ENQ command will then be AA. Note: An alpha-numeric keyboard response is always terminated using the Enter/Yes key.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [GA] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [h] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g h

= = = = = = = =

line 1 (top line) [justify character & message] line 2 [justify character & message] line 3 [justify character & message] line 4 [justify character & message] line 5 [justify character & message] line 6 [justify character & message] line 7 [justify character & message] line 8 (bottom line) [justify character & message]

justify character options: | centre justified (vertical bar, 7EH) or _ left justified (underscore, 5FH) or + right justified (plus sign, 2BH) or a number between 0 and 30 in the justify field will justify the text that number of spaces from the left (must be two characters, ie 03 for 3 spaces) message options: -1 leave line as is (if previous message still being displayed) or -2 clear line (if previous message still being displayed) or up to 30 characters of text (in addition to the justify character)

Control Byte ACK NAK If the command is incorrect If the number of parameters is < 1 Information Fields


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

GA - Get Answer

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual



The Justify Character must always be entered otherwise the first character of the line of text will be taken as the Justify Character and it will not be displayed. Some response delay may result when displaying a message to the entire screen (ie. when the instrument is in the idle or RL state).

To display a message to the operator and get an answer (ignoring the field separator nulls): GA -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 |ENTER TRUCK ID -2 ETX

Related Commands


The justify character is not used when the message parameter is either -1 or -2. The instrument must be in the appropriate state to display messages when load scheduling is enabled (idle, RL, RC, or PL). If the instrument is not in the idle or RL mode, the parameters [a] through [f] are ignored.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

GC - Get Card

GC - Get Card
Displays a message up to 8 lines each of 30 characters on the graphics display. The instrument status goes to GC and any ENQ command is responded to with GC (see ENQ) until a card is read, after which the instrument will respond with CA.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [GC] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [h] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g h

= = = = = = = =

line 1 (top line) [justify character & message] line 2 [justify character & message] line 3 [justify character & message] line 4 [justify character & message] line 5 [justify character & message] line 6 [justify character & message] line 7 [justify character & message] line 8 (bottom line) [justify character & message]

justify character options: | centre justified (vertical bar, 7EH) or _ left justified (underscore, 5FH) or + right justified (plus sign, 2BH) or a number between 0 and 30 in the justify field will justify the text that number of spaces from the left (must be two characters, ie 03 for 3 spaces) message options: -1 leave line as is (if previous message still being displayed) or -2 clear line (if previous message still being displayed) or up to 30 characters of text (in addition to the justify character)

Control Byte ACK NAK If the command is incorrect If the number of parameters is < 1 Information Fields


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

GC - Get Card

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual



The Justify Character must always be entered otherwise the first character of the line of text will be taken as the Justify Character and it will not be displayed. Some response delay may result when displaying a message to the entire screen (ie. when the instrument is in the idle or RL state).

To display a message requesting the operator to swipe their card (ignoring the field separator nulls): GC -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 |SWIPE DRIVER CARD -2 ETX

Related Commands


The justify character is not used when the message parameter is either -1 or -2. The instrument must be in the appropriate state to display messages when load scheduling is enabled (idle, RL, RC, or PL). If the instrument is not in the idle or RL mode, the parameters [a] through [f] are ignored.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

GD - Get Date and Time

GD - Get Date and Time

Retrieves the date and time from the instrument.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [GD] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte STX Information Fields [GD] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [ETX] where a = b =

date [dd/mm/yyyy] time [hh:mm:ss]


Related Commands

Instrument must be in the idle state.


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

GH - Get Hidden

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

GH - Get Hidden
Displays a message to which the operator should respond using numeric keys and/or the YES/NO keys. The instrument status goes to GH until the operator responds at which time the instrument response changes to AA To provide security each key press displays an asterisk rather than the key pressed. Note: An alphanumeric keyboard response is always terminated using the Enter/Yes key.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [GH] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [h] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g h

= = = = = = = =

line 1 (top line) [justify character & message] line 2 [justify character & message] line 3 [justify character & message] line 4 [justify character & message] line 5 [justify character & message] line 6 [justify character & message] line 7 [justify character & message] line 8 (bottom line) [justify character & message]

justify character options: | centre justified (vertical bar, 7EH) or _ left justified (underscore, 5FH) or + right justified (plus sign, 2BH) or a number between 0 and 30 in the justify field will justify the text that number of spaces from the left (must be two characters, ie 03 for 3 spaces) message options: -1 leave line as is (if previous message still being displayed) or -2 clear line (if previous message still being displayed) or up to 30 characters of text (in addition to the justify character)

Control Byte ACK NAK If the command is incorrect If the number of parameters is < 1 Information Fields

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

GH - Get Hidden



The Justify Character must always be entered otherwise the first character of the line of text will be taken as the Justify Character and it will not be displayed. Some response delay may result when displaying a message to the entire screen (ie. when the instrument is in the idle or RL state).

To display a message to the operator and get a hidden answer (ignoring the field separator nulls): GH -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 |ENTER DRIVER PIN -2 ETX

Related Commands


The justify character is not used when the message parameter is either -1 or -2. The instrument must be in the appropriate state to display messages when load scheduling is enabled (idle, RL, RC, or PL). If the instrument is not in the idle or RL mode, the parameters [a] through [f] are ignored.


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

GK - Get Touch Key

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

GK - Get Touch Key

Displays a message up to 8 lines each of 30 characters on the graphics display. The instrument status goes to GK and any ENQ command is responded to with GK (see ENQ) until touch key is read at which time the response changes to KA.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [GK] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [h] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g h

= = = = = = = =

line 1 (top line) [justify character & message] line 2 [justify character & message] line 3 [justify character & message] line 4 [justify character & message] line 5 [justify character & message] line 6 [justify character & message] line 7 [justify character & message] line 8 (bottom line) [justify character & message]

justify character options: | centre justified (vertical bar, 7EH) or _ left justified (underscore, 5FH) or + right justified (plus sign, 2BH) or a number between 0 and 30 in the justify field will justify the text that number of spaces from the left (must be two characters, ie 03 for 3 spaces) message options: -1 leave line as is (if previous message still being displayed) or -2 clear line (if previous message still being displayed) or up to 30 characters of text (in addition to the justify character)

Control Byte ACK NAK If the command is incorrect If the number of parameters is < 1 Information Fields

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

GK - Get Touch Key



The Justify Character must always be entered otherwise the first character of the line of text will be taken as the Justify Character and it will not be displayed. Some response delay may result when displaying a message to the entire screen (ie. when the instrument is in the idle or RL state).

To display a message requesting the operator to present their touch key (ignoring the field separator nulls): GK -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 |PRESET TOUCH KEY -2 ETX

Related Commands


The justify character is not used when the message parameter is either -1 or -2. The instrument must be in the appropriate state to display messages when load scheduling is enabled (idle, RL, RC, or PL). If the instrument is not in the idle or RL mode, the parameters [a] through [f] are ignored.


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

GT - Gross Totals

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

GT - Gross Totals
Returns the gross total for all arms.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [GT] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte STX Information Fields [GT] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [g] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g

= = = = = = =

first arm number [x] number of arms [x] bay number [xx] gross total for first arm [xxxxxxxx] gross total for second arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 1) gross total for third arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 2) gross total for forth arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 3)

Parameter b indicates how many accum. total parameters follow. For example, if b = 2 then only parameters [a] through [e] are received.

Related Commands


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

IA - Injector Accumulative Totals

IA - Injector Accumulative Totals

Returns the accumulative line totals for the requested model 1020 additive injector.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [IA] 0 [a] 0 [ETX] where a =

additive injector number [x]

Control Byte STX Information Fields [IA] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] 0 [e] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e NAK

= = = = =

additive injector number [x] additive total for first line [xxxxx.xx] (litres/gallons) additive total for second line [xxxxx.xx] (litres/gallons) additive total for third line [xxxxx.xx] (litres/gallons) additive total for fourth line [xxxxx.xx] (litres/gallons)

If Intelligent Additives are not enabled If the requested additive injector is not available If the number of parameters is <1


Related Commands


Instrument must be in the idle state. This command requires extra time as the instrument must communicate with the 1020 additive injector. A minimum of 3 extra seconds should be allowed for both waiting for an acknowledge (ACK) response and before another command is sent to the instrument.


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

IT - Instantaneous Temperatures

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

IT - Instantaneous Temperatures
Returns the instantaneous temperature for all arms.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [IT] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte STX Information Fields [IT] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [g] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g

= = = = = = =

first arm number [x] number of arms [x] bay number [xx] temperature for first arm [xxxxxxxx] temperature for second arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 1) temperature for third arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 2) temperature for forth arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 3)

Parameter b indicates how many temperature parameters follow. For example, if b = 2 then only parameters [a] through [e] are received.

Related Commands


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

LT - Last Load Temperatures

LT - Last Load Temperatures

Returns the last load temperature for all arms. NOTE: Parameter b indicates how many temperature parameters follow. For example, if b = 2 then only parameters [a] through [e] are received.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [LT] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte STX Information Fields [LT] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [g] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g

= = = = = = =

first arm number [x] number of arms [x] bay number [xx] last load temperature for first arm [xxxxxxxx] last load temperature for second arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 1) last load temperature for third arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 2) last load temperature for forth arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 3)

Parameter b indicates how many last load temperature parameters follow. For example, if b = 2 then only parameters [a] through [e] are received.

Related Commands



SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

MI - Message Initial

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

MI - Message Initial
Allows a custom initial message to be down loaded to the instrument.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [MI] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [ETX] where a = b = c =

enable/disable initial message permissive [x] (0=DISABLE, 1=ENABLE) custom initial message top line custom initial message bottom line

Control Byte ACK NAK Information Fields

If the number of parameters <1 or >2 If the number of characters in parameter c or d exceeds 28 characters



The custom initial message is automatically enable with the use of this command. Disabling the custom initial message can be done from the system configuration menu. The message of up to 28 characters per line is displayed on the bottom two lines of a graphic display. The custom initial message can also be edited from within the system configuration menu.

To display a custom initial message with no permissive requirement (ignoring the field separator nulls): MI 1 0 TOP1 BOTTOM1 ETX

would show: TOP1 BOTTOM1

Related Commands

Instrument must be in the idle state.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

MR - Manager Reset

MR - Manager Reset
Clears various alarms in the instrument. Has the same effect as a manual manager reset performed by entering the manager password into the instrument.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [MR] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte ACK Information Fields

This command will clear: PIN/Touch lockout due to illegal access attempts exceeding the programmed value. Temperature fault alarms on all arms. Dual pulse fault alarms on all arms. Phase error alarms on all arms. Emergency Stop condition

Related Commands



SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

NT - Net Totals

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

NT - Net Totals
Returns the net total for all arms.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [NT] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte STX Information Fields [NT] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [g] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g

= = = = = = =

first arm number [x] number of arms [x] bay number [xx] net total for first arm [xxxxxxxx] net total for second arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 1) net total for third arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 2) net total for forth arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 3)

Parameter b indicates how many net total parameters follow. For example, if b = 2 then only parameters [a] through [e] are received.

Related Commands


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

OP - Option Settings

OP - Option Settings
Returns settings of the -OPTIONS- configuration menu.

Control Byte [OP] 0 [ETX] Information Fields

Control Byte STX Information Fields [OP] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [q] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

test mode [ENABLE] or [DISABLE] deadman timer [ENABLE] or [DISABLE] illegal access [ENABLE] or [DISABLE] number of illegal tries [x] alarm on fault [ENABLE] or [DISABLE] prompt for compartment number [ENABLE] or [DISABLE] prompt for return quantity [ENABLE] or [DISABLE] prompt for load number [ENABLE] or [DISABLE] expansion comms [ENABLE] or [DISABLE] load scheduling [ENABLE] or [DISABLE] slave mode [ENABLE] or [DISABLE] remote authorisation [ENABLE] or [DISABLE] simultaneous arm loading [ENABLE] or [DISABLE] prompt for preset quantity [ENABLE] or [DISABLE] access to hardware test via 8 key [ENABLE] or [DISABLE] multiple loads per arm [ENABLE] or [DISABLE] maximum preset [ENABLE] or [DISABLE] warning timeout [xxx] pause timeout [xxx] terminate timeout[xxx]


These options (except load scheduling) can be changed from within the options configuration menu. The load scheduling option is changed from within the communications configuration menu.

Related Commands

Instrument must be in the idle state.


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

PD - Power Cycle Date and Time

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

PD - Power Cycle Date and Time

Retrieves the date and time the last Power Cycle was detected (when the Power Cycle flag was last set).

Control Byte STX Information Fields [PD] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte STX Information Fields [PD] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [ETX] where a = b =

date [dd/mm/yyyy] time [hh:mm:ss]


Related Commands


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

PR - Presets

PR - Presets
Returns the preset for all arms.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [PR] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte STX Information Fields [PR] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [g] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g

= = = = = = =

first arm number [x] number of arms [x] bay number [xx] preset for first arm [xxxxxxxx] preset for second arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 1) preset for third arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 2) preset for forth arm [xxxxxxxx] (if number of arms > 3)

Parameter b indicates how many preset parameters follow. For example, if b = 2 then only parameters [a] through [e] are received.

Related Commands



SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

RA - Remote Authorise

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

RA - Remote Authorise
Remotely authorises the presented touch key, card, or PIN when the instrument status is RA. If the driver/truck is not authorised, a message is displayed with a reason. The message can be up to 30 characters on the graphics display.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [RA] 0 [Y] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [ETX] where a = b = or STX [RA] 0 [N] 0 [a] 0 [ETX] where a =

driver index to be stored in transaction [xxx] or [0] if not required truck index to be stored in transaction [xxx] or [0] if not required

a text message of up to 30 characters or an asterisk [*] to not display any message

Control Byte ACK NAK If the command is incorrect If the number of parameters is < 1 Information Fields


Related Commands

The instrument must be in the RA state.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

RC - Compartment Response

RC - Compartment Response
In a load schedule application, once the ENQ command has determined that the instrument is waiting for compartment loading information, the RC command is used to send that information.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [RC] 0 [Y] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] 0 [e] 0 [f] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f OR STX [RC] 0 [N] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [ETX] where a = b =

= = = = = =

preset quantity [xxxxx] maximum preset quantity [xxxxx] injection rate for injector 1 [xxxx] ppm injection rate for injector 2 [xxxx] ppm injection rate for injector 3 [xxxx] ppm injection rate for injector 4 [xxxx] ppm

a text message of up to 30 characters or an asterisk [*] to not display any message [0] = allow operator to try again [1] = force load completion [2] = skip load another compartment prompt

Control Byte STX NAK Information Fields

If the number of parameters for the [RC] 0 [Y] command is not equal to 6 (with additive injection) or 2 (without additive injection)


Parameters c, d, e & f are only required if Intelligent Additive injection is enabled. If parameter a of the [RC] 0 [N] response is greater than 30 characters, the line will be truncated to show only the first 30 characters.

Related Commands


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

RC - Compartment Response

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

Instrument must be in the RC state.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

RD - Reset Date and Time

RD - Reset Date and Time

Sets the instrument date and time.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [RD] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [ETX] where a = b =

date [ddmmyyyy] time [hhmmss]

Control Byte ACK Information Fields


Related Commands


Instrument must be in the idle state. This command requires extra time as the instrument must update the non-volatile memory. A minimum of 3 extra seconds should be allowed for both waiting for an acknowledge (ACK) response and before another command is sent to the instrument.


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

RL - Load Number Response

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

RL - Load Number Response

In a load schedule application, once the ENQ command has determined that the instrument is waiting for load confirmation, the RL command is used to send that information.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [RL] 0 [Y] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [ETX] where a = unique number [xxxxxxx] b & c are optional parameters for storage in the transaction, if include: b = driver index number [xxx] or [0] if not required c = truck index number [xxx] or [0] if not required OR STX [RL] 0 [N] 0 [a] 0 [ETX] where a =

a text message of up to 30 characters or an asterisk [*] to not display any message

Control Byte STX NAK Information Fields

If the number of parameters is not correct

If parameter a of the [RC] 0 [N] response is greater than 30 characters, the line will be truncated to show only the first 30 characters.

Related Commands

Instrument must be in the RL state.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

SM - Stop Arm

SM - Stop Arm
Stops a load/batch on a particular arm.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [SM] 0 [a] 0 [ETX] where a =

arm number [x]

Control Byte ACK NAK Information Fields

If the requested arm number does not exist If the number of parameters is <1 If the requested arm is not loading


Related Commands



SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

SO - System Options

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

SO - System Options
Returns settings of the -SYSTEM- configuration menu.

Control Byte [SO] 0 [ETX] Information Fields

Control Byte STX Information Fields [SO] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [o] 0 [ETX] where a = b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

initial message [SYSTEM AVAIL.] or [CONN' OVERFILL] or [CONN OVER, VAPR] or [CONNECT SYSTEM] or [CUSTOM] driver authorisation [TOUCH] or [PIN] or [NONE] or *[CARD] truck authorisation [TOUCH] or [PIN] or [NONE] or *[CARD] entry timeout [xxxx] seconds clear/reconnect time [xxx] seconds number of arms [x] first arm number [x] volume decimals [1] or [0.1] batch type [NET] or [GROSS] bay number [xx] language option [ENGLISH] or [OTHER] or [DISABLE]** litre/liter spelling [LITRE] or [LITER] base temperature [BASE 15C] or [BASE 20C] or [BASE 60F] country [AUSTRALIA] or [OTHER] system units [US UNITS] or [METRIC-ISO] number of load monitoring arms [x] or [0]*** system message [DEFAULT] or [CUSTOM] or [DISABLED] (MA unit only)

*If the card option is included in the software. **If the language option is not available in this software. ***If the Load Monitoring option is not available in this software.

Related Commands

None. SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

ST - Send Transaction

ST - Send Transaction
Returns the requested transaction.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [ST] 0 [a] 0 [ETX] where a =

transaction number [xxxxxxx]

Control Byte STX Information Fields [ST] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [t] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g h i j k l m m1 m2 m3 n o p q r s q1 r1

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

unit address [xx] transaction number [xxxxxxx] date [dd/mm/yyyy] start time [hh:mm:ss] stop time [hh:mm:ss] calibration number [xxx] entry start [xxxx] entry stop [xxxx] driver index [xxx] truck index [xxx] load number [xxxxxxxxxx] number of arms [x] first arm density (kg/m3) [xxxx] or relative density [xx.xxx] if US units second arm density (kg/m3) [xxxx] or relative density [xx.xxx] if US units (number of arms > 1) third arm density (kg/m3) [xxxx] or relative density [xx.xxx] if US units (number of arms > 2) fourth arm density (kg/m3) [xxxx] or relative density [xx.xxx] if US units (number of arms > 3) unique number [xxxxxxx] first arm number [x] checksum result [FAULT] or [OK] first arm load units [litres] or [liters] or [meters3] or [kg] or [grams] or [gallons] or [pounds] first arm additive units [mls] or [cc] first arm temperature units [C] or [F] second arm load units [litres] or [liters] or [meters3] or [kg] or [grams] or [gallons] or [pounds] (number of arms > 1) second arm additive units [mls] or [cc] (number of arms > 1)


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

ST - Send Transaction

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

Control Byte s1 q2 r2 s2 q3 r3 s3 t NAK = = = = = = = =

Information Fields second arm temperature units [C] or [F] (number of arms > 1) third arm load units [litres] or [liters] or [meters3] or [kg] or [grams] or [gallons] or [pounds] (number of arms > 2) third arm additive units [mls] or [cc] (number of arms > 2) third arm temperature units [C] or [F] (number of arms > 2) fourth arm load units [litres] or [liters] or [meters3] or [kg] or [grams] or [gallons] or [pounds] (number of arms > 3) fourth arm additive units [mls] or [cc] (number of arms > 3) fourth arm temperature units [C] or [F] (number of arms > 3) bay number [xx]

If the requested transaction number does not exist


Related Commands

Instrument must be in the idle state.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

SV - Software Version

SV - Software Version
Retrieves the software version, date and time from the instrument.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [SV] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte STX Information Fields [SV] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [h] 0 [ETX] where a b e f g h

= = = = = =

software version and card selection [Vxxxx.xx] date [mmm dd yyyy] time [hh:mm:ss] ROM type [EPROM] or [FLASH] not yet implemented (ROM size) [0] display type [ALPHA] or [GRAPHIC]


Related Commands



SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

SY - Send Entry

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

SY - Send Entry
Sends an individual entry, representing a single compartment load (Batch). There may be several of these entries per transaction.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [SY] 0 [a] 0 [ETX] where a =

entry number [xxxx]

Control Byte STX Information Fields [SY] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [s] 0 [ETX] where a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s NAK

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

entry number [xxxx] transaction number [xxxxxxx] arm number [x] compartment number [xx] gross (unconverted) total [xxxxxx.x] net (converted) total [xxxxxx.x] accum. (unconverted) total before [xxxxxxxx] accum. (unconverted) total after [xxxxxxxx] net accum. (unconverted) total before [xxxxxxxx] net accum. (unconverted) total after [xxxxxxxx] average temperature [xxxx.x] preset quantity [xxxxxx.x] error status [x] (see below) returned quantity [xxxxx] additive quantity 1 [xxxx.x] (cc or ml) additive quantity 2 [xxxx.x] (cc or ml) additive quantity 3 [xxxx.x] (cc or ml) additive quantity 4 [xxxx.x] (cc or ml) checksum result [FAULT] or [OK]

If the entry number is invalid

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

SY - Send Entry

0 - No Error 1 - ESD/Emergency Stop 2 - Overfill Disconnected 3 - Vapour Rec. Disconnected 4 - Flowmeter Error 5 - Flowmeter Timeout 6 - Temperature Fault

Error Status Codes 7 - Valve Fault 8 - Deadman Timeout 9 - Not used 10 - Power Failure 11 - High Additive 12 - Low Additive 13 - Additive Comms

14 - No Additive 15 - Remote Stop 16 - LCD Failure 17 - Phase Error 99 - Transaction File in use 100 - Illegal Flow


Related Commands

Instrument must be in the idle state.


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

TC - Transaction Complete

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

TC - Transaction Complete
Clears the PL (post loading) state of the Contrec unit taking it to the disconnect prompt.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [TC] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte ACK NAK Information Fields

If the instrument is not in the post loading (PL) state


Related Commands

Instrument must be in the idle state.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

TT - Terminate Transaction

TT - Terminate Transaction
Aborts a transaction that is currently in progress on the instrument. Remotely stops a transaction on the instrument by removing authorization and forcing it to the disconnect prompt.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [TT] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte ACK NAK Information Fields

If the instrument is in the idle state


Related Commands

Transaction must be in progress.


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

VA - Valve Settings and Calibration

8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

VA - Valve Settings and Calibration

Returns the calibration number, date and time and settings of the -VALVE- menu.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [VA] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte STX Information Fields [VA] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] ... [n] 0 [ETX] where a b c d f g h i

= = = = = = = =

calibration number [xxx] calibration date [dd/mm/yy] calibration time [hh:mm:ss] no flow timeout [xxx] seconds valve prestop [xxx] maximum preset [xxxxxx] pump off delay [xxx] valve type [DIGITAL] or [ON/OFF]

If valve type = DIGITAL i = slow flowrate [xxx] j = deadband [xxx] k = valve response [x.x] l = auto high flow [ENABLE] or [DISABLE] m = slow start based on [QUANTITY] or [TIME] n = slow start value, if based on QUANTITY [xxx] units, else based on TIME [xx] seconds If valve type = ON/OFF i = slow start based on [QUANTITY] or [TIME] j = slow start value, if based on QUANTITY [xxx] units, else based on TIME [xx] seconds


Related Commands

Instrument must be in the idle state.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual




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8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.6 Commands
Software Protocol Manual



SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

8.7 Release Notes

This section provides change and release information associated with the Software Protocol Manual compatible with the Model 1010A-MA loading system using the SLIP+ command set.

1. First release software protocol manual for the BJ software. 2. The majority of the BJ software commands have been altered and therefore are not backward compatible with the BD and BA application packs. 3. Changed description of Error Code 3 in Section 8.5 to describe action of Vapour Recovery Input. 4. Appendix A details the commands added to the BJ application pack for compatibility with the BG application pack. 5. Error Code Descriptions Updated. 6. OP Command Updated - Deadman Timeout added as parameters r, s, & t.

Release Date
December 15, 2006

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.7 Release Notes

Software Protocol Manual


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

Appendix - Backward Compatibility

ThBJmaintain backward compatibility with Application Pack BD and older systems utilising the original SLIP protocol. The BJ.

Not Applicable. To maintain backward compatibility with Application Pack BG (with CSI interface) the following commands are available with the 1010A-BJ. These commands should not be used in new implementations as they may be removed in future releases of the 1010A-BJ software.

Starting on the next page are the messaging commands maintained in the current 1010A-BJ version for backward compatibility with the BG application pack. The commands included for backward compatibility are DM, DP, GA, GH, GK, and SA.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.8 Appendix - Backward Compatibility

Software Protocol Manual

DM - Display Message
Displays a message up to two screens long. The instrument status then goes to DM. Once the message has been acknowledged (the operator presses ENTER) the instrument status goes to MT.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [DM] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] 0 [e] 0 [ETX]

where a b c d e = = = = = the time to elapse before displaying the other screen [xxx] top line, screen 1 text bottom line, screen 1 text top line, screen 2 text bottom line, screen 2 text

Control Byte ACK NAK Information Fields

If only 1parameter is received If the instrument is in the DM, MT, GA, GH, AA, or RT mode.

For parameter a, 18 = 1.8 seconds or 10 = 1.0 seconds. If only parameters a and b or a, b, and c are received, the value of parameter a is ignored and the screen does not alternate.


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

8.8 Appendix - Backward Compatibility

Software Protocol Manual

To display a message to the operator (ignoring the field separator nulls): DM 10 TOP1 BOTTOM1 TOP2 BOTTOM2 ETX

would show two screens alternating every second between TOP1 BOTTOM1 and TOP2 BOTTOM2

Related Commands

Up to 16 characters per line can be displayed on an Alphanumeric display or up to 30 characters per line for a Graphic display. The message is displayed on the bottom two lines of a graphic display.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.8 Appendix - Backward Compatibility

Software Protocol Manual

DP - Display Prompt
If Load Scheduling is enabled the DP command displays a message of up to 2 screens long with an automatic timeout period. The instrument status then goes to DP. If a response is received from the operator (the operator presses ENTER) the instrument status goes to MT (Message Taken). If the timeout period is allowed to expire the status reverts to its previous state (SS, PL, RC, or RL).

Control Byte STX Information Fields [DP] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] 0 [f] 0 [ETX]

where a b c d e f = = = = = = the time to elapse before displaying the other screen [xxx] a multiplier which sets the time to elapse before the prompt will automatically timeout. [xxx] top line, screen 1 text bottom line, screen 1 text top line, screen 2 text bottom line, screen 2 text

Control Byte ACK NAK Information Fields

If only 1parameter is received If the instrument is in the DM, MT, GA, GH, GK, AA, or RT mode. If Load Scheduling is enabled and the instrument is not in either the idle, RL, RC, or PL states


For parameter a, 18 = 1.8 seconds or 10 = 1.0 seconds. For parameter b, the timeout period = a x b. If b = 0 there is no timeout period. For
example, if a = 18 (1.8 seconds) and b = 20, the timeout = 36 seconds.

If only parameters a and b or a, b, and c are received, the value of parameter a is ignored
and the screen does not alternate. 102
SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

8.8 Appendix - Backward Compatibility

Software Protocol Manual

To display a message to the operator (ignoring the field separator nulls): Dp 18 20 TOP1 BOTTOM1 TOP2 BOTTOM2 ETX

would show two screens alternating every second between TOP1 BOTTOM1 and TOP2 BOTTOM2

Related Commands

Up to 16 characters per line can be displayed on an Alphanumeric display or up to 30 characters per line for a Graphic display. The message is displayed on the bottom two lines of a graphic display.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.8 Appendix - Backward Compatibility

Software Protocol Manual

GA - Get Answer
Displays a message up to two screens long to which the operator should respond with numeric keys or the YES/NO keys. The instrument status then goes to GA. Once the message has been acknowledge (the operator presses ENTER after entering a number or YES/NO) the instrument status goes to AA.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [GA] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] 0 [e] 0 [ETX]

where a b c d e = = = = = the time to elapse before displaying the other screen [xxx] top line, screen 1 text bottom line, screen 1 text top line, screen 2 text bottom line, screen 2 text

Control Byte ACK NAK Information Fields

If only 1parameter is received If the instrument is in the MT, AA, or RT mode.

For parameter a, 18 = 1.8 seconds or 10 = 1.0 seconds. If only parameters a and b or a, b, and c are received, the value of parameter a is ignored and the screen does not alternate.


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

8.8 Appendix - Backward Compatibility

Software Protocol Manual

To prompt the operator to enter a PIN (ignoring the field separator nulls): GA 10 TOP1 BOTTOM1 TOP2 BOTTOM2 ETX

would show two screens alternating every second between TOP1 BOTTOM1 and TOP2 BOTTOM2

Related Commands

Up to 16 characters per line can be displayed on an Alphanumeric display or up to 30 characters per line for a Graphic display. The message is displayed on the bottom two lines of a graphic display.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.8 Appendix - Backward Compatibility

Software Protocol Manual

GH - Get Hidden Answer

Displays a message up to two screens long on the alphanumeric display to which the operator should respond with numeric keys or the YES/NO keys. In addition this command provides key press security by displaying an asterisk rather than the actual key pressed. The instrument status then goes to GH. Once the message has been acknowledge (the operator presses ENTER after entering a number or YES/NO) the instrument status goes to AA.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [GA] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] 0 [e] 0 [ETX]

where a b c d e = = = = = the time to elapse before displaying the other screen [xxx] top line, screen 1 text bottom line, screen 1 text top line, screen 2 text bottom line, screen 2 text

Control Byte ACK NAK Information Fields

If only 1parameter is received If the instrument is in the MT, GA, AA, or RT mode.

For parameter a, 18 = 1.8 seconds or 10 = 1.0 seconds. If only parameters a and b or a, b, and c are received, the value of parameter a is ignored and the screen does not alternate.


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

8.8 Appendix - Backward Compatibility

Software Protocol Manual

To prompt the operator enter a secure PIN (ignoring the field separator nulls): GH 10 TOP1 BOTTOM1 TOP2 BOTTOM2 ETX

would show two screens alternating every second between TOP1 BOTTOM1 and TOP2 BOTTOM2

Related Commands

Up to 16 characters per line can be displayed on an Alphanumeric display or up to 30 characters per line for a Graphic display. The message is displayed on the bottom two lines of a graphic display.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.8 Appendix - Backward Compatibility

Software Protocol Manual

GK - Get Hidden Answer

Displays a message of up to 2 screens on the instrument to which the operator should respond with numeric keys or the YES/NO keys. In addition this command provides key press security by displaying an asterisk rather than the actual key pressed on the instrument display. Each screen can have up to 2 lines with each line containing up to 16 characters. The instrument status then goes to GH and any ENQ command is responded to with a GH reply (see ENQ) until the message has been acknowledged and then the response is AA (Answer Available). The message is displayed on the bottom two lines of the graphic display.

Control Byte STX Information Fields [GK] 0 [a] 0 [b] 0 [c] 0 [d] 0 [e] 0 [ETX]

where a b c d e = = = = = the time to elapse before displaying the other screen [xxx] top line, screen 1 text bottom line, screen 1 text top line, screen 2 text bottom line, screen 2 text

Control Byte ACK NAK Information Fields

If only 1parameter is received If the instrument is in the MT, GA, AA, or RT mode.


For parameter a, 18 = 1.8 seconds or 10 = 1.0 seconds. If only parameters a and b or a, b, and c are received, the value of parameter a is ignored
and the screen does not alternate.


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

8.8 Appendix - Backward Compatibility

Software Protocol Manual

To prompt the operator present a touch key (ignoring the field separator nulls): GK 10 TOP1 BOTTOM1 TOP2 BOTTOM2 ETX

would show two screens alternating every second between TOP1 BOTTOM1 and TOP2 BOTTOM2

Related Commands

Up to 16 characters per line can be displayed on an Alphanumeric display or up to 30 characters per line for a Graphic display. The message is displayed on the bottom two lines of a graphic display.

SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.8 Appendix - Backward Compatibility

Software Protocol Manual

SA - Send Answer
Returns the answer received from the GA or GH commands.

Control Byte Information Fields [SA] 0 [ETX]

Control Byte STX Information Fields [SA] 0 [a] 0 [ETX]

where a NAK = answer [YES] or [NO] or [numeric answer]

If the instrument is not in the AA mode


Related Commands



SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

8.8 Appendix - Backward Compatibility

Software Protocol Manual


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006


8.8 Appendix - Backward Compatibility

Software Protocol Manual


SLIP+V3-001-SP1010A-BJ - 25/01/2006

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