Glimpse - Sri Pramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati
Glimpse - Sri Pramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati
Glimpse - Sri Pramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati
Omkarananda Saraswati
His Lineage and His Mission
The Journalist of the monthly newspaper HINDUISM
TODAY asked the inmates of your Ashrams to describe you.
We know the descriptions of you by them and by thousand
others. We need to have a description of yourself by your-
self. Who are you, Swami Omkarananda?
Who Am I? — Before I was born, I was. After I die, I
will be. A timeless Being came from, and into, timeless
Eternity. Time was formed, and time is dissolved, and I remain
what I have always been, a Being with depths to which there is
no beginning, and heights to which there is no end.
Since the supreme Divinity as the Timeless Eternity
and as the Time Eternity — Sadashiva Tripurasundari — is
dwelling in my Heart, Life, Consciousness, and as there is no
difference between That and Me and Me and That, I am dwell-
ing in the Soul of all Gods and Goddesses, all Saints and
Sages, all beings visible and invisible. And, yet I am what I
am, the Transcendent Reality. If you know here on earth the
greatest Sage, Saint, Guru, the greatest clairvoyant, prophet,
or anyone to whom supernormal power of perception, or any-
one to whom daily contact with God, is attributed — then, ask
that person, who Swami Omkarananda is. He will confirm to
you that the only true and correct description of Swami
Omkarananda is the one he himself has given.
What is your Tradition and what is your Mission, Swami
I will not stop the activity of my being, not rest idle, until
every creature in Creation and all of the Creation itself, is
touched with the Light Eternal, until every individual entity
gains in living experience the Love, the Peace, the Happiness
and the fulfilment of the infinite One.
Omkarananda Saraswati
His Lineage and his Himalayan
and European Ashrams
Questions raised by Mr. Malik,
Representative and Journalist in New Delhi, of
the Hindu Family Newspaper,
published monthly in eight editions:
North America, India, UK/Europe, Africa,
Mauritius, Singapore-Malaysia, a Dutch
Language Digest and the World Wide Web
And, when Omkarananda Saraswati was himself
asked repeatedly to present to the enquirers his own bio-
graphical sketch, he always answered in three words:
Aham Brahma Asmi.
July 1996
Dr. H. Eckert
9. Omkarananda’s Successor from the Divine
and the Organisational Standpoints 30
H.T. Question 1:
into the science of Vedic Yagnas by a 105 year old
Siddha Purusha, in the presence of a 700 year old Maha
Yogi, who is invisible to all except to that Siddha Purusha
and to Swamiji. It is a phenomenon that requires to be
explained to seeking aspirants after Truth-experience.
He obtained from a Yogi of Siddhis Swami Nityananda
the secrets of higher Tantra Yoga in which there is in all
the world and in all the creation only one woman, the
immanent Divinity, the individual Self, seeking restlessly
union with the transcendent Divinity, the Absolute
Acharya of Omkarananda Ashram, adores, as thousands
around the world do, Swami Omkarananda as an
Incarnation of God, and in adoration of his Divine Nature
composed on him highly inspiring and immortal Bhajans,
Hymns, Stotras, Aratikyams as well as the Srimad
c) The Lineage of Omkarananda Sannyasis and
d) Swami Omkarananda’s Activities today; his Ashram
is a Myriad Faced Hinduism in Action!
of Hinduism can be seen and experienced in his Euro-
pean Ashrams and Temples. The daily Rudra
Abhishekas find additional recitations of Rudri on
Mondays. Every day Devi Puja of different types are
conducted: Tripurasundari Puja with Trishati recitation;
Lalita Sahasranamavali Archana; Durga Puja with
Chandi recitation. Every morning Satyanarayana Katha
Puja, Sri Lakshmi Puja with Sri Suktam and Sri Lakshmi
Sahasranamavali. Everyday Sarva-Devata Yagna.
Navagraha Shanti Homa. Gayatri Mantra Yagna forms
one of the most important Yagnas conducted in our
Ashram. On Fridays special Pujas are performed for
Subramanya Swami. On Saturdays Hanuman is spe-
cially worshipped and Hanuman Chalisa is recited.
Mantras, Vedic, Pauranic, of all Devatas of the Hindu
Pantheon, not only of Devi and Bija Mantras. Natya and
Sangita Sections give their recitals before the Deities.
And so on and so forth. All Hindu Festivals are cele-
brated. Every Thursday Guru Puja is performed, and on
Guru Purnima the Festival assumes a highly festive
mood with recitation of the Guru Gita and the conducting
of colourful ceremonies. All the Parampara Gurus are
Lovers of Truth from all over the world, and amidst them
leading Indian Acharyas, Pandits, Swamis and most holy
men and women, have visited the Omkarananda Ashram
and its Vedic temples in quest of divine inspiration. Their
statements (see Supplement Three) show how they
were filled with admiration for the divine works in
Omkarananda Ashram.
H.T. Question 2:
Swami Omkarananda Saraswati is unique, and his
teachings breathe the breath of the Truth-realisation.
When he speaks, he does not think, as his words laden
with light, power, wisdom flow from a Source of all-
including divine Intelligence, behind and beyond the
b) He is very active in Europe and has major Ashrams
at least in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, England.
We visited a small place associated with him in
Bombay, run by Madhu Shastri, who has visited
Hawaii and is a fan of HINDUISM TODAY.
H.T. Question 3:
All our Ashrams are in the form of Temples formally and
informally. Pujas go on day in and day out. We run tem-
ples. We print and distribute spiritual literature. We have
our meditation classes, Bhajans, Yagnas, and individuals
have their individual spiritual practices, apart from the
general spiritual activities of the Ashram.
b) Spiritual Activities of Omkarananda Ashram Hima-
A recognized Yoga Centre fulfils the wishes of many spir-
itual seekers. The traditional teachings of Patanjali are
the main teaching. A nicely equipped Yoga hall with all
facilities has become a main attraction in this area.
Certain activities and
aspects which are not in
Omkarananda Ashram
Himalayas, are in the
European Omkarananda
Ashrams, and vice versa.
H.T. Question 4:
joyously and with wisdom and love. Since students be-
long to various religions, the teachings of Hinduism and
the essentials of all religions are being taught to the chil-
dren in the Moral Science Classes.
including Agnihotra, to the children. The visit of his team
was a great success at our Omkarananda Saraswati
by their active participation that their school journal is
„great fun“. This Newsletter is thus another most attrac-
tive way of imparting and deepening moral, ethical and
spiritual principles to the children and youth.
H.T. Question 5:
tioned to highest purity as we are rooted in the worship
of the supreme Divine Mother, Srividya. The life in this
form of Worship, Vidya, requires from us uncompromis-
ing inner and outer purity.
consciousness of the Sadhaka into the realm of the
timeless and the spaceless; it settles in every part of
his or her body the Divinity, the Infinite and the Eter-
nal. The consciousness of the differences between
sexes or boys and girls, which is so characteristic of
even very noble human nature, falls away. All life is
divine; moral norms, principles and character are
fully fulfilled and transcended. In spite of such
purity, the girls in their periods segregate them-
selves from the rest of the community and stay away
from Temple Pujas. It can happen that here and there
is a weak soul. The omnipresent, omniscient and
omnipotent Divinity knows many ways of withdraw-
ing such a soul from such environs.
H.T. Question 6:
H.T. Question 7:
a) Abortion
that can be quickly defended as an exceptional case.
One has to study scrupulously any special case before
one can call it a very rare and exceptional case.
c) Ask inmates of the Ashram about their experience
H.T. Question 8:
our hands, through the agency of our impure hearts or
impure bodies, but through the agency of the purest
thing that there is in all the world, Fire. Agni-Devata car-
ries our prayers and offerings directly to the Divinities of
our choosing.
H.T. Question 9:
festation of the divine Will and divine Grace. No power of
the world however great can affect or damage its exist-
ence. It survives every challenge and executes its func-
tions so long as that divine Will and that divine Grace will
it. Omkarananda Ashram first came into existence in
March 1965, with the construction of the Yagna-Shala in
the premises of the Vital Mandir and Ashram adjoining
the now Omkarananda Ashram’s main Building in the
Himalayas. Most powerful Yagnas were conducted, in
the Presence of Swami Omkarananda, two immortal
Sages, the Divine Mother Herself and other Divinities, by
Siddha Purusha Swami Durgananda.
Speaking from the standpoint of the organisation, we
have two main Registered Trust Societies to guarantee
the survival, growth and expansion of the Services of the
Omkarananda Ashram, for decades and perhaps for
centuries to come: one, Omkarananda Charitable Trust,
two, Omkarananda Dharma Samsthan. The next elected
President of the Trust Societies will be the successor of
their present Founder-President.
European Ashrams. In 1982 he was sent to Himalayas,
Muni-ki-Reti, Rishikesh. Within a short time he has cre-
ated a large new field of activities — the Ashram Tem-
ples for the Sadhakas, schools for the students, and
buildings for the resident Swamis, Teachers and Profes-
sors. In a hilly region, which is a world of Sadhus,
Sannyasis and Mahatmas, he discovered education as
the greatest need, and has been ably fulfilling this need
much to the joy of over a thousand families. He is self-
effacing and has no ambition to be the succeeding Presi-
dent from his present Vice-President Position. Yet from
the standpoint of the institution, he is the successor.
Such is his Devotion to the Gurudev that he always
wants to be Hanuman and not Lord Rama. He is not only
Hanuman but also Bharata. With absolute physical ab-
sence of his other-worldly Mystic and Sage Sadgurudeva
Omkarananda from the Ashram, since the last 30 years,
Swami Vishveshwarananda has been since he took up
the Management of the Ashram, ruling the tiny kingdom
of the Ashram just with Guru-Padukas on the Throne of
the Ashram.
Mantra, they are serving Sarva-Devata and the public as
one Heart, one Mind, one Will. The Grace of Guru,
Gayatri, Ganga, Gita, Tripurasundari is visibly operative
in their lives.
b) Swamiji’s plans for the future
Look upon the whole world with eyes full of Love, a mind
full of Peace, a heart full of Blessings, with hands full of
Strength and ready for Service, with a life that is full of
God-consciousness. Bless as you walk, bless as you
think, bless as you feel, bless as you work, bless in all
ways, each minute of the day. If you do this, the whole
nature, the whole of creation will reveal to you the
boundless Beauty, Harmony, Love, Happiness, Peace,
which really is your own innermost nature, your true
divine Self. You will be divine in every cell of your being.
You will be a supra-cosmic individual of transcendental
Bliss. The greatest service that those who are concerned
with the welfare of the Hindus, can render to the Hindus
is to spread the literature like that of Sivananda all over
the world. Let the Light of wisdom reach Billions. Illumi-
nate their minds and enlighten their hearts. Make them
lights unto themselves and they shall solve not only their
own problems, but other people’s problems, not only be
happy, but make others happy.
to anyone to obtain bad money and give it to the Temple
Deity and imagine it washes away one’s sins.
Badrachala Ramadas robbed the State Treasury, to
build a Temple for Lord Rama. Ramadas was impris-
oned. Lord Rama paid back to the State Treasury the
misappropriated money. Lord Rama made the Bhakti of
Ramadas boundless and granted him God-realisation.
However, no one can imitate such an example. There
can be only one Ramadas of Badrachalam. Valmiki of
Ramayana was a robber, he robbed the travellers and
fed his family. When wisdom dawned on him, he gave up
this style of life and became one of the greatest of the
immortal Sages of India.
of the people. Bribery is universal in India because of
these and several other reasons, but bribery is not ab-
sent in Europe and in America. One can see in the news-
papers bribery exists in West Germany, Switzerland,
Italy and other countries. In Russia now it is as much
rampant as in India. It is present in Japan, Korea, in all
of the very rich countries. However, bribery should not
be encouraged, one has to keep one’s hands off from it,
under all circumstances. The only real solution to all ills
and evils of life lies in the birth and growth of deep spir-
ituality in individual life. A real Ashram is the Home of
such deep spirituality; it is the main function of the
Ashram to spread it.
are very important for a better understanding between
East and West. — Dr. Gebhard Frei, Professor of
Comparative Religion, UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH,
AN ENORMOUS and wonderful work that overwhelms
us with excellent philosophical knowledge, and keeps us
reflecting over the extraordinary zeal, the unusual power
of memory, the able survey, the deep insight and intui-
tion, and the analysing and synthesising capacities such
a work demands. Omkarananda’s versatile philosophic
genius, we admire not as his personal attribute, but as a
manifestation of God, as an all-penetrating light of the
Truth, and as an expression of Cosmic Vision. The work
will be continued to be studied for centuries. .... A mag-
nificent service to humanity as a whole. — Hanna
Herrmann, Winterthur, Switzerland.
Four times, I got a Professorship at the Tamagawa Uni-
versity in Tokyo, Japan, and taught also in USA and in
India. I have known the writings of Swami Omkarananda
since a long time. They reach the people of all continents
in many languages. I had the opportunity to meet him
and his Ashram inmates personally. My impression was
confirmed: Here is a man who serves and works from a
high 'and powerful' spiritual vision and with all-embracing
goodness for the well-being of all peoples and all na-
tions, without any personal interest, a truly uplifting ex-
ample of selflessness.— Professor Dr. h.c. Werner
Zimmermann, Zurich, Switzerland.
and Dispassion while he was yet in his teens.
‘I realised that even the life of a monarch or a mil-
lionaire is not worth my aspiring for,’ he said once.
This realisation was born of his actually living the
life of a monarch or millionaire within himself.
The present President of Sivananda Ashram, His
Holiness Sri Swami CHIDANANDA Maharaj, intro-
duced in his recorded message his Guru-Bhai Swami
Omkarananda with the following words:
of love for the struggling humanity has come true.
... Swami Omkarananda is the highest and finest
we can meet today on this earthly plane, in the
fields of Spiritual Arts and Science, Yoga, Vedanta,
Philosophy, and so on.”
DR. A. B. MAALAKARADDY, M.D., Minister for Health
and Family Welfare, Government of Karnataka,
Bangalore, India, expressed his deep reverence after
his visit at Omkarananda Ashram and its Temples, which
was crowned with Swamiji’s Darshan:
Flowers of Homage to
Omkarananda Ashram
Omkar Anand is reflected. Our young teenager
sister reciting Shree Suktas, Purush Suktas and
Rudradhyaya mantras fluently in perfect original
Sanskrit accents is indeed remarkable and highly
Swami Omkaranandaji — Tapasvi, ascetic, highly
intelligent, attached to the Lotus Feet of Mother
Maha Tripurasundari — a pure-hearted Yogi
whose fame has spread far and wide....
ing the good and welfare of all humanity. I realised
the presence of Mahayogi — King Pruthu in humil-
ity, Vachaspati in morals, Bhagirath in industry,
Jaimini in preaching, innocent like a child, an ora-
tor like Vasishta, like Kubera in charity, Dhruva in
devotion and Prahlaad in the constant chanting of
the holy Names of Divine Mother.
service, of which this ancient land is in so much
need and which you can really be proud of... To be
with ... <them> is like being enveloped in the high-
est form of love and devotion that one should have
for their Guru. Your spiritual presence is, of course,
constantly here, in every building and in all the
work done...“
nearer to peace and happiness, wisdom and goodness,
abundant life and blessedness. We need a scientist who
is rooted in the Reality of realities, the Truth of truths, the
Substance of all that is existent, and speaks to us of the
Truth that does not change, that can be experienced,
known and expressed, a Truth that is universally the
same, eternally the same, and can be proved anywhere,
and everywhere, in all circumstances. Here is one:
Omkarananda Saraswati.
love us; not to depend on anything we can do for him,
but to go on doing everything in his power for us.
Omkarananda Saraswati Is a Fascinating Life
Emanating from a Consciousness Permanently
Established in the Rich Beauty of the Divine Truth
The Greatness of His Thought Rises from His
Awareness of the Divine
the time of Aristotle. His life is compared to the lives of
St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine. As a charismatic
personality, a pioneering spirit, he reveals dimensions of
personality that are characteristic of the greatest bene-
factors of mankind.
His Life’s Philosophy of Selfless Action Emerges
from His Experience of the Divine Reality as
Unconditioned and Infinite Love
”When I look at myself, I am not there. There is
everything. Everything is One; and One is everything.
There is an experience of the multiplicity in the One; and
the experience of the One in the multiplicity. I am myself
the Germans, the Italians, the Russians, the Negroes,
the Indians, the Tibetans, the Chinese, the Americans.
I am the women. I am the children. I am the trees. I am
the stones. When I meditate, everything meditates with
me. When I meditate, the Heart of the whole of Nature is
meditating with me. When I meditate, all the Angels of
God, all the immortal Mystics are meditating with me.
When I meditate, the whole inner Being and Soul of
mankind is meditating with me.
Thus, not merely by the prevailing power of his unusual
sympathy and boundless love, the sweetness of his
speech, his deep humility, but more fully by a power that
can come, by a spiritual quality that can grow active, only
by an intimate minute-by-minute consciousness of God,
does Omkarananda Saraswati bring relief to the suffer-
ing, comfort to the most distressed of the distressed
among us, a new hope and strength and life to the de-
pressed and the unhappy, and joy to spiritual aspirants.
He is a man whose very name inspires in thousands a
rare joy, whose influence is his love, whose only weapon
is silent Truth, whose only goods are wisdom, under-
standing, patient hearing, and words that are to any
man, in any situation, most appropriate.
I do not think I am superior to them. Though I am a
monk, a spiritual leader, I have no feeling that I am in any
way superior to the meanest mortals who come to me.
Everyone is my Lord and my Leader. I make them
feel their essential worth and dignity and greatness.
I may have the wisdom of a Plato and the literary
gifts of a Goethe, yet I feel inferior to the unlettered,
uneducated, uncultured peasant. He is all to me; I am
nothing to myself.
I may have the organizing abilities of a director and
the loving kindness of a St. Francis of Assisi, yet I think,
I know, I feel, I experience in myself that I am nothing.
They are troubled and come to me. I give them just
what they need, comfort.
They are wise, and come to me with a problem that
needs the Light of a greater Wisdom. I give them just that
Light, as if that Light were already in them, and they were
in possession of it.”
”God is My Life, and I Have No Existence Apart from
Him”, says Omkarananda Saraswati who is at once a
Karma-Yogi, a Jnani-Yogi, a Raja-Yogi and a supreme
Bhakti-Yogi. This synthesis in himself of the various
Yogas, crowned by the supreme Grace of the Supreme
Mother of the Universe, constitutes him into the greatest
in our decades, of the men of God-knowledge, God-
experience, a Sadguru of rare abilities — abilities which
are not built up by human training, knowledge, experi-
ence, exercise, but are a result of the supreme Grace of
the Supreme Divinity. There are Gurus who become so
as a result of hard disciplines and spiritual realisations,
and there are Gurus who are sent as Gurus by the
Divine. Omkarananda Saraswati is of the latter kind:
memories of the encounters, experience and life with the
Godhead, both within the field of my inner Conscious-
ness, and in the outer world without, than memories of
the world and life in it. It is these memories of the God-
head that is the secret of the vitality of my life and words.
Omkarananda Saraswati and the Future of Mankind
Dr. Y. Strauss
Omkarananda Ashram, Switzerland
"This genius of a mystic, Swami Omkarananda, should
be seen as what he is: a unique flame flaring for God,
and a living expression of a profound mystical life in
God." So wrote an important paper, Der Bund, from the
Capital City of Switzerland, Bern, and indeed, this is how
everyone, — from the Heads of the Governments,
Ambassadors, Directors of multi-national companies,
Scientists, Professors, Scholars, Saints, Priests of all
denominations, Shankaracharyas of Kanchi and
Sringeri, Mahapandits, people of all nations, housewives
and taxi-drivers, — sees and experiences Omkarananda
Dr. H. Eckert
Omkarananda Ashram, Austria
Printed and published by
Omkarananda Ashram
Switzerland, Austria and Himalayas