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PHP Advanced
and Object-Oriented Programming

Peachpit Press

Visual QuickPro Guide

PHP Advanced and Object-Oriented Programming

Larry Ullman Peachpit Press 1249 Eighth Street Berkeley, CA 94710 Find us on the Web at: www.peachpit.com To report errors, please send a note to: errata@peachpit.com Peachpit Press is a division of Pearson Education. Copyright 2013 by Larry Ullman Acquisitions Editor: Rebecca Gulick Production Coordinator: Myrna Vladic Copy Editor: Liz Welch Technical Reviewer: Alan Solis Compositor: Danielle Foster Proofreader: Patricia Pane Indexer: Valerie Haynes Perry Cover Design: RHDG / Riezebos Holzbaur Design Group, Peachpit Press Interior Design: Peachpit Press Logo Design: MINE www.minesf.com

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All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For information on getting permission for reprints and excerpts, contact permissions@peachpit.com.

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The information in this book is distributed on an As Is basis, without warranty. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of the book, neither the author nor Peachpit Press shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the instructions contained in this book or by the computer software and hardware products described in it.

Visual QuickPro Guide is a registered trademark of Peachpit Press, a division of Pearson Education. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and Peachpit was aware of a trademark claim, the designations appear as requested by the owner of the trademark. All other product names and services identified throughout this book are used in editorial fashion only and for the benefit of such companies with no intention of infringement of the trademark. No such use, orthe use of any trade name, is intended to convey endorsement or other affiliation with this book. 13-digit ISBN: 978-0-321-83218-4 10-digit ISBN: 0-321-83218-3 987654321 Printed and bound in the United States of America

To my good friend Michael K. and his family: I cannot thank you all enough for your continuing friendship, generosity, and kindness over these many years.

My utmost thanks to
Jessica, the love of my life, for just about everything. Zoe and Sam, for making my world a better place. Everyone at Peachpit Press for their support, for their dedication to putting out quality books, and for everything else they do to make all this happen. The most excellent editor, Rebecca Gulick, for so many reasons. Liz Welch, for her spot-on copyediting and attention to detail. The production coordinator, Myrna Vladic, the compositor, Danielle Foster, the proofreader, Patricia Pane, and the indexer, Valerie Haynes Perry, who turn my mess of files into an actual book. Alan Solis, for his very, very helpful technical review. Thomas Larsson, for his input on the design patterns chapter. Always helpful to get even one more extra set of eyes! Tjobbe Andrews (http://tawd.co.uk), for volunteering to create a newHTML5 design for the example chapter. And for doing so on such short notice! Sara, for entertaining the kids so that I can get some work done, even ifId rather not. The readers, the readers, the readers!

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Advanced PHP Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Multidimensional Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Advanced Function Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 The Heredoc Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Using printf() and sprintf() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Review and Pursue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42

Chapter 2

Developing WebApplications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Modularizing a Web Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Improved SEO with mod_rewrite . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Affecting the Browser Cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Review and Pursue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Chapter 3

Advanced Database Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Storing Sessions in a Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Working with U.S. Zip Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Creating Stored Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Displaying Results Horizontally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Review and Pursue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

Chapter 4

Basic Object-Oriented Programming . . . . . . . . 119

OOP Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Defining a Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Creating an Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 The $this Attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Creating Constructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Creating Destructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Designing Classes with UML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Better Documentation with phpDocumentor . . . . . . 143 Review and Pursue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

Table of Contents v

Chapter 5

Advanced OOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

Advanced Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Inheriting Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Inheriting Constructors and Destructors . . . . . . . . . 157 Overriding Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Access Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Using the Scope Resolution Operator . . . . . . . . . . 172 Creating Static Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Review and Pursue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

Chapter 6

More AdvancedOOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183

Abstract Classes and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Type Hinting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Namespaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Review and Pursue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212

Chapter 7

Design Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

Understanding Design Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 The Singleton Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 The Factory Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 The Composite Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 The Strategy Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Review and Pursue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242

Chapter 8

Using Existing Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243

Catching Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 Extending the Exception Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Using PDO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 Using the Standard PHP Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 Review and Pursue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282

Chapter 9

ExampleCMS with OOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283

Identifying the Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 Creating the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 Making the Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .290 Writing a Utilities File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294 Creating the Error View File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297

vi Table of Contents

Defining the Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .299 Creating the Home Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 Viewing a Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .308 Using HTML_QuickForm2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 Logging Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 Adding Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 Review and Pursue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326

Chapter 10 Networking withPHP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327

Accessing Other Web Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Working with Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 Performing IP Geolocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 Using cURL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 Creating Web Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Review and Pursue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352

Chapter 11 PHP and the Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353

Compressing Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 Establishing a cron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 Using MCrypt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 Review and Pursue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376

Chapter 12 PHPs Command-Line Interface . . . . . . . . . . . 377

Testing Your Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Executing Bits of Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 Interactive PHP CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 Creating a Command-Line Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388 Running a Command-Line Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 Working with Command-Line Arguments . . . . . . . . 395 Taking Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .400 Built-In Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .405 Review and Pursue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .408

Chapter 13 XML and PHP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409

What Is XML? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 XML Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 Attributes, Empty Elements, and Entities . . . . . . . . 415 Defining XML Schemas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 Parsing XML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432

Table of Contents vii

Creating an RSS Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447 Review and Pursue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452

Chapter 14 Debugging, Testing, and Performance . . . . . . . 453

Debugging Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 Unit Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .460 Profiling Scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471 Improving Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473 Review and Pursue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477

viii Table of Contents

In this humble authors (or not-so-humble authors) opinion, advanced PHP is about continuing to learn: you already know how to use PHP, and presumably MySQL, for all the standard stuff, and now its time to expand that knowledge. This new knowledge can range from how to do different things, how to improve on the basic things, and how other technologies intersect with PHP. In short, you know how to make a dynamic Web site with PHP, but youd like to know how to make a better Web site, with every possible meaning of better. This is the approach Ive taken in writing this book. I havent set out to blow your mind discussing esoteric idiosyncrasies the language has; rewriting the PHP, MySQL, or Apache source code; or making theoretically interesting but practically useless code. In short, I present to you several hundred pages of beyond-the-norm but still absolutely necessary (and often cool) tips and techniques.

About This Book

Simply put, Ive tried to make this books content accessible and useful for every PHP intermediate-level programmer out there. As I suggest in the introductory paragraphs, I believe that advanced PHP is mostly a matter of extended topics. You already possess all the basic knowledge you retrieve database query results in your sleepbut want to go further. This may mean learning object-oriented programming (OOP), using PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository), invoking PHP on the command line, picking up eXtensible Markup Language (XML), or fine-tuning aspects of your existing skill set. My definition of advanced PHP programming covers three loosely grouped areas:

Doing what you already do better, faster, and more securely Learning OOP Doing standard things using PHP and other technologies (like networking, unittesting, or XML)

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Introduction ix

This book can be loosely divided into three sections. The first three chapters cover advanced PHP knowledge in general: programming techniques, Web applications, and databases. Those chapters all cover information that the average PHP programmer may not be familiar with but should be able to comprehend. In the process, youll pick up lots of useful code, too. The next six chapters focus on objectoriented programming. This section constitutes about half of the book. OOP is explained starting with the fundamentals, then going into lots of advanced topics, and ending with plenty of real-world examples. The final five chapters are all PHP and chapters:
n n n n n

Unlike with most of my other books, I do not expect that youll necessarily read this book in sequential order, for the most part. Some chapters do assume that youve read others, like the object-oriented ones, which have a progression to them. Some later chapters also reference examples completed in earlier ones. If you read the later ones first, youll just need to skip back over to the earlier ones to generate whatever database or scripts the later chapterrequires. Finally, Ill be using HTML5 in my scripts instead of HTML. Ill also use some CSS, as warranted. I do not discuss either of these subjects in this book (and, to be frank, may not adhere to them perfectly). If you are not already familiar with the subjects, you should look at some online resources or good books (such as Elizabeth Castros excellent Visual QuickStart Guides) for more information.

Communicating with networked servers Communicating with the host server Using the command-line interface XML Debugging, testing, and performance

Most examples used in this book are intended to be applicable in the real world, omitting the frivolous code you might see in other books, tutorials, and manuals. I focus almost equally on the philosophies involved as on the coding itself so that, in the end, you will come away with not just how to do this or that but also how to apply the new skills and ideas to your own projects.


Whats new in this edition

I had three goals in writing this new edition:

What Youll Need

Just as this book assumes that you already possess the fundamental skills to program in PHP (and, more important, to debug it when things go awry), it also assumes that you already have everything you need to follow along with the material. For starters, this means a PHP-enabled server. As of this writing, the latest version of PHP was 5.4, and much of the book depends on your using at least PHP 5.3. Along with PHP, youll often need a database application. I use MySQL for the examples, but you can use anything. And, for the scripts in some of the chapters to workparticularly the last fiveyour PHP installation will have to include support for the corresponding technology, and that technologys library may need to be installed, too. Fortunately, PHP 5 comes with built-in support for many advanced features. If the scripts in a particular chapter require special extensions, that will be referenced in the chapters introduction. This includes the few times where I make use of a PEAR or PECL class. Nowhere in this book will I discuss installation of PHP, MySQL, and a Web server, though, as I expect you should already know or have accomplished that. Should you have questions or problems, you can always search the Web or post a message in my support forums (www.Larry Ullman.com/forums/) for assistance. Beyond PHP, you need the things you should already have: a text editor or IDE, an FTP application (if using a remote server), and a Web browser. All of the codein this book has been tested on both Windows XP and Mac OS X; youll see screen shots in both operating systems.

Greatly expanding the coverage ofOOP Introducing new, more current topics, such as unit testing and debugging Cutting content that is outdated or has since been better covered in my otherbooks

In terms of additional new material, by far the biggest change has been the additional coverage of object-oriented programming, including a chapter on design patterns. Theres also a new example chapter that uses objects instead of procedural code. Of course, all of the code and writing has been refreshed, edited, and improved as needed. This could mean just switching to HTML5 and better use of CSS, or my doing a better job of explaining complex ideas and examples.

How this book compares to my others

Those readers who have come to this book from my PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide (Peachpit Press, 2011) may find themselves in a bit over their heads. This book does assume complete comfort with standard PHP programming, in particular debugging your own scripts. Im not suggesting you put this book down, but if you find it goes too fast for you or assumes knowledge you dont currently possess, you may want to check out my PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide (Peachpit Press, 2011) instead. If you have read the PHP and MySQL book, or a previous edition of this one, Im hoping that youll find this to be a wonderful addition to your library and skill set.

Introduction xi

Support Web Site

I have developed a Web site to support this book, available at www.LarryUllman.com. This site:
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Has every script available for download Has the SQL commands available for download Has extra files, as necessary, available for download Lists errors that have been found in thebook Features a support forum where you can get help or assist others Provides a way to contact me directly

Ill also post at the site articles that extend some of the information covered in thisbook. When using this site, please make sure youve gone to the correct URL (the books title and edition are plastered everywhere). Each book Ive written has its own support area; if you go to the wrong one, the downloadable files wont match those in the book.


Basic Object-Oriented Programming
Although PHP is still not as strong in its OOP feature set as other languages, object-oriented programming in PHP has a lot going for it. And while it is possible to have a good career without learning and using OOP, you should familiarize yourself with the concept. At the very least, being able to use both OOP and procedural programming allows you to better choose the right approach for each individual project. In this chapter, and the next (Chapter 5, Advanced OOP), I will explain not only the syntax of OOP in PHP 5 and later, but the key underlying OOP theories as well. In this chapter, I will use somewhat mundane examples, but in subsequent chapters, practical, real-world code will be used. Through multiple examples and plenty of explanation, I hope in this book to fully demonstrate not just how you do objectoriented programming in PHP but also when and why.

In This Chapter
OOP Theory Defining a Class Creating an Object The $this Attribute Creating Constructors Creating Destructors Designing Classes with UML 120 121 124 127 133 136 140

Better Documentation with phpDocumentor 143 Review and Pursue 148

OOP Theory
The first thing that you must understand about OOP is that it presents not just new syntax but a new way of thinking about a problem. By far the most common mistake beginning OOP programmers make is to inappropriately apply OOP theory. PHP will tell you when you make a syntactical mistake, but youll need to learn how to avoid theoretical mistakes as well. To explain All programming comes down to taking actions with data: a user enters data in an HTML form; the PHP code validates it, emails it, and stores it in a database; and so forth. These are simply verbs (actions) and nouns (data). With procedural programming, the focus is on the verbs: do this, then this, then this. In OOP, the focus is on the nouns: with what types of things will the application work? In both approaches, you need to identify both the nouns and the verbs required; the difference is in the focus of the applications design. The two most important terms for OOP are class and object. A class is a generalized definition of a thing. Think of classes as blueprints. An object is a specific implementation of that thing. Think of objects as the house built using the blueprint as a guide. To program using OOP, you design your classes and then implement them as objects in your programs when needed. One of the tenets of OOP is modularity: breaking applications into specific subparts. Web sites do many, many things: interact with databases, handle forms, send emails, generate HTML, etc. Each of these things can be a module, which is to say a class. By separating unrelated (albeit interacting) elements, you can develop code independently, make maintenance and updates less messy, and simplify debugging.

Related to modularity is abstraction: classes should be defined broadly. This is a common and understandable beginners mistake. As an example, instead of designing a class for interacting with a MySQL database, you should make one that interacts with a nonspecific database. From there, using inheritance and overriding, you would define a more particular class for MySQL. This class would look and act like the general database class, but some of its functionality would be customized. Another principle of OOP is encapsulation: separating out and hiding how something is accomplished. A properly designed class can do everything you need it to do without your ever knowing how its being done. Coupled with encapsulation is access control or visibility, which dictates how available components of the class are. Those are the main concepts behind OOP. Youll see how they play out in the many OOP examples in this book. But before getting into the code, Ill talk about OOPs dark side. First of all, know that OOP is not a better way to program, just a different way. In some cases, it may be better and in some cases worse. As for the technical negatives of OOP, use of objects can be less efficient than a procedural approach. The performance difference between using an object or not may be imperceptible in some cases, but you should be aware of this potential side effect. A second issue that arises is what I have already pointed out: misuse and overuse ofobjects. Whereas bad procedural programming can be a hurdle to later fix, bad OOP can be a nightmare. However, the information taught over the next several chapters should prevent that from being the case for you.

120 Chapter 4

Defining a Class
OOP programming begins with classes, a class being an abstract definition of a thing: what information must be stored and what functionality must be possible with that information? A User class would be able to store information such as the users name, ID, email address, and so forth. The functionality of a User could be login, logout, change password, and more. Syntactically, a class definition begins with the word class, followed by the name of the class. The class name cannot be a reserved word and is often written in uppercase, as a convention. After the class name, the class definition is placed within curly braces:
class ClassName { }

Attributes within classes are a little different than variables outside of classes. First, all attributes must be prefixed with a keyword indicating the variables visibility. The options are public, private, and protected. Unfortunately, these values wont mean anything to you until you understand inheritance (in Chapter 5), so until then, just use public:
class ClassName { public $var1, $var2; function functionName() { // Function code. } }

As shown here, a classs attributes are listed before any method definitions. The second distinction between attributes and normal variables is that if an attribute is initialized with a set value, that value must be a literal value and not the result ofanexpression:
class GoodClass { public $var1 = 123; public $var2 = 'string'; public $var3 = array(1, 2, 3); } class BadClass { // These won't work! public $today = get_date(); public $square = $num * $num; }

Classes contain variables and functions, which are referred to as attributes (or properties) and methods, respectively (youll see other terms, too). Collectively, a classs attributes and methods are called its members. Functions are easy to add to classes:
class ClassName { function functionName() { // Function code. } }

The methods you define within a class are defined just like functions outside of a class. They can take arguments, have default values, return values, and so on.

Basic Object-Oriented Programming 121

Note that you dont have to initialize the attributes with a value. And, aside from declaring variables, all of a classs other code goes within its methods. You cannot execute statements outside of a class method:
class BadClass { public $num = 2; public $square; $square = $num * $num; // No! }

Script 4.1 This simple class will allow you to say Hello, world! through the magic of objects! (Okay, so its completely unnecessary, but its a fine introductory demonstration.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 <?php # Script 4.1 - HelloWorld.php /* This page defines the HelloWorld class. * The class says "Hello, world!" in different languages. */ class HelloWorld { // This method prints a greeting. // It takes one argument: the language to use. // Default language is English. function sayHello($language = 'English') { // Put the greeting within P tags: echo '<p>'; // Print a message specific to a

With all of this in mind, lets create an easy, almost useless class just to make sure its all working fine and dandy. Naturally, Ill use a Hello, world! example (its either that or foo and bar). To make it a little more interesting, this class will be able to say Hello, world! in different languages.

To define a class:
1. Create a new PHP document in your text editor or IDE, to be named HelloWorld.php (Script 4.1):
<?php # Script 4.1 - HelloWorld.php

2. Begin defining the class:

class HelloWorld {

Using the syntax outlined earlier, start with the keyword class, followed by the name of the class, followed by the opening curly brace (which could go on the next line, if you prefer). For the class name, I use the uppercase camel capitalization: initial letters are capitalized, as are the first letters of new words. This is a pseudostandardized convention in many OOP languages.

switch ($language) { case 'Dutch': echo 'Hallo, wereld!'; break; case 'French': echo 'Bonjour, monde!'; break; case 'German': echo 'Hallo, Welt!'; break; case 'Italian': echo 'Ciao, mondo!'; break; case 'Spanish': echo 'Hola, mundo!'; break; case 'English': default: echo 'Hello, world!'; break; } // End of switch. // Close the HTML paragraph: echo '</p>'; } // End of sayHello() method. } // End of HelloWorld class.

122 Chapter 4

3. Begin defining the first (and only) method:

function sayHello($language = 'English') {

break; case 'English': default: echo 'Hello, world!'; break; } // End of switch.

This class currently contains no attributes (variables), as those would have been declared before the methods. This method is called sayHello(). It takes one argument: the language for the greeting. For the methods, I normally use the lowercase camel convention: start with lowercase letters, separating words with an uppercase letter. This is another common convention, although not one as consistently followed as that for the class name itself. 4. Start the methods code:
echo '<p>';

The switch prints different messages based upon the chosen language. English is the default language, both in the switch and as the value of the $language argument (see Step 3). Obviously you can easily expand this switch to include more languages, like nonWestern ones. 6. Complete the sayHello() method:
echo '</p>'; } // End of sayHello() method.

The method will print Hello, world! in one of several languages. The message will be wrapped within HTML paragraph tags, begun here. 5. Add the methods switch:
switch ($language) { case 'Dutch': echo 'Hallo, wereld!'; break; case 'French': echo 'Bonjour, monde!'; break; case 'German': echo 'Hallo, Welt!'; break; case 'Italian': echo 'Ciao, mondo!'; break; case 'Spanish': echo 'Hola, mundo!';

You just need to close the HTML paragraph tag. 7. Complete the class and the PHP page:

8. Save the file as HelloWorld.php. Youve now created your first class. This isnt, to be clear, a good use of OOP, but it starts the process and youll learn better implementations of the concept in due time. Note that Im not using a closing PHP tag, which is my policy for PHP scripts to be included by other files.
Class methods can also have a visibility, by preceding the function definition with the appropriate keyword. If not stated, all methods have an assumed definition of

public function functionName() {...

The class stdClass is already in use internally by PHP and cannot be declared in your own code.

Basic Object-Oriented Programming 123

Creating an Object
Using OOP is a two-step process. The firstdefining a classyou just did when you wrote the HelloWorld class. The second step is to make use of that class by creating an object (or a class instance). Going back to my User class analogy, an instance of this class may be for the user with a username of janedoe. The users attributes might be that username, a user ID of 2459, and an email address of jane@ example.com. This is one instance of the User class. A second instance, john_doe, has that username, a user ID of 439, and an email address of john.doe@example. edu. These are separate objects derived from the same class. They are the same in general, but different in specificity. Creating an object is remarkably easy in PHP once youve defined your class. It requires the keyword new:
$object = new ClassName();

Note that you would not use the property variables dollar sign, which is a common cause of parse errors:
$object->$propertyName; // Error!

(As youll also see in the next chapter, the ability to reference an objects method or property in this manner depends upon the members visibility.) Once youve finished with an object, you can delete it as you would any variable:

Simple enough! Lets go ahead and quickly make use of the HelloWorld class.

To create an object:
1. Create a new PHP document in your text editor or IDE, to be named hello_object.php, beginning with the standard HTML (Script 4.2):
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Hello, World!</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <?php # Script 4.2 hello_object.php

Now the variable $object exists and is of type ClassName (instead of type string or array). More technically put, $object is an instance of ClassName. To call the methods of the class, you use this syntax:

(The -> can be called the object operator.) If a method takes arguments, you provide those within parentheses, as in any function call:
$object->methodName('value' , 32, true);

To access an objects properties, use


The class definition file itself contains no HTML, as its not meant to be used on its own. This PHP page will include all of the code necessary to make a valid HTML page.

124 Chapter 4

Script 4.2 In this page, PHP uses the defined class in order to say Hello, world! in several different languages. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Hello, World!</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <?php # Script 4.2 - hello_object.php /* This page uses the HelloWorld class. * This page just says "Hello, world!". */ // Include the class definition: require('HelloWorld.php'); // Create the object: $obj = new HelloWorld(); // Call the sayHello() method: $obj->sayHello(); // Say hello in different languages: $obj->sayHello('Italian'); $obj->sayHello('Dutch'); $obj->sayHello('French'); // Delete the object: unset($obj); ?> </body> </html>

2. Include the class definition:


In order to create an instance of a class, the PHP script must have access to that class definition A. As the definition is stored in a separate file, that file must be included here. By using require() (as opposed to include()), the script will stop executing with a fatal error if the file could not be included (and there is no point in continuing without this file). 3. Create the object:
$obj = new HelloWorld();

This one line of code is all there is to it! You can give the object variable any valid name youd like, of course. 4. Invoke the sayHello() method:

This line of code will call the sayHello() method, which is part of the $obj object. Since the method is not being given any arguments, the greeting will be in the default language of English. 5. Say hello in a few more languages:
$obj->sayHello('Italian'); $obj->sayHello('Dutch'); $obj->sayHello('French');

An objects methods can be called multiple times, like any other function. Different arguments are provided to vary the result.
continues on next page

A Youll see an error like this if you go to create an object whose

class definition cannot be found.

Basic Object-Oriented Programming 125

6. Delete the object and complete the page:

unset($obj); ?> </body> </html>

You dont technically have to delete the objectit will be deleted as soon as the script ends. Still, I think its better programming form to tidy up like this. 7. Save the file as hello_object.php and place it in your Web directory, along with HelloWorld.php. You dont have to place both documents in the same directory, but if they are stored separately, you will need to change the require() line accordingly. 8. Test hello_object.php by viewing it in your Web browser B. Note that you should run hello_ object.php, not HelloWorld.php, inyour Web browser.
Class names are not case-sensitive. However, object names, like any variable in PHP, are case-sensitive. Because function names in PHP are not case-sensitive, the same is true for method names in classes.

B The resulting Web page (the

examples will get better, I promise).

Analyzing the HelloWorld Example

As I state in the first section of this chapter, OOP is both syntax and theory. For this first example, the HelloWorld class, the emphasis is on the syntax. Hopefully you can already see that this isnt great use of OOP. But why? Well, its both too specific and too simple. Having an object print one string is a very focused idea, whereas classes should be much more abstract. It also makes absolutely no sense to use all this codeand the extra memory requiredfor one echo statement. Its nice that the object handles different languages, but still The HelloWorld class does succeed in acouple of ways, though. It does demonstrate some of the syntax. And it is reusable: if you have a project that needs to say Hello, world! dozens of times, this one object will do it. And if you need to change it to Hello, World! (with a capital W), edit just the one file and youre golden. To that end, however, itd be better for the method to return the string, rather than just print it, so the string could be used in more ways. Finally, this class kind of reflects the notion of encapsulation: you can use the object to say Hello, world! in multiple languages without any knowledge of how the class does that.

126 Chapter 4

The $this Attribute

The HelloWorld class actually does something, which is nice, but its a fairly minimal example. The class includes a method, but it does not contain any attributes (variables). As I say in the section Defining a Class, attributes:
n n

The issue is that within the class itself (i.e., within a classs methods), you must use an alternative syntax to access the classs attributes. You cannot do just this:
class BadClass { public $var; function do() { // This won't work: print $var; } }

Are variables Must be declared as public, private, or protected (Ill use only public in thischapter) If initialized, must be given a static value (not the result of an expression)

Those are the rules for defining a classs attributes, but using those attributes requires one more piece of information. Asalready explained, through the object, you can access attributes via the object notation operator (->):

The do() method cannot access $var in that manner. The solution is a special variable called $this. The $this variable in a class always refers to the current instance (i.e., the object involved) of that class. Within a method, you can refer to the instance of a class and its attributes by using the $this->attributeName syntax. Rather than over-explaining this concept, Ill go right into another example that puts this new knowledge into action. This next, much more practical, example will define a class representing a rectangle.

Basic Object-Oriented Programming 127

To use the $this variable:

1. Create a new PHP document in your text editor or IDE, to be named Rectangle.php (Script 4.3):
<?php # Script 4.3 - Rectangle.php

Script 4.3 This class is much more practical than the HelloWorld example. It contains two attributesfor storing the rectangles width and heightand four methods. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 <?php # Script 4.3 - Rectangle.php /* This page defines the Rectangle class. * The class contains two attributes: width and height. * The class contains four methods: * - setSize() * - getArea() * - getPerimeter() * - isSquare() */ class Rectangle { // Declare the attributes: public $width = 0; public $height = 0; // Method to set the dimensions: function setSize($w = 0, $h = 0) { $this->width = $w; $this->height = $h; } // Method to calculate and return
the area.

2. Begin defining the class:

class Rectangle {

3. Declare the attributes:

public $width = 0; public $height = 0;

This class has two attributes: one for the rectangles width and another for its height. Both are initialized to 0. 4. Create a method for setting the rectangles dimensions:
function setSize($w = 0, $h = 0) { $this->width = $w; $this->height = $h; }

The setSize() method takes two arguments, corresponding to the width and height. Both have default values of 0, just to be safe. Within the method, the classs attributes are given values using the numbers to be provided when this method is called(assigned to $w and $h). Using $this->width and $this->height refers to this classs $width and $height attributes.

function getArea() { return ($this->width * $this->height); } // Method to calculate and return the perimeter. function getPerimeter() { return ( ($this->width + $this->height) * 2 ); } // Method to determine if the rectange // is also a square. function isSquare() { if ($this->width == $this->height) { return true; // Square script continues on next page

128 Chapter 4

Script 4.3 continued 38 39 40 41 42 43 } else { return false; // Not a square } } } // End of Rectangle class.

5. Create a method that calculates and returns the rectangles area:

function getArea() { return ($this->width * $this->height); }

This method doesnt need to take any arguments, because it can access the classs attributes via $this. Calculating the area of a rectangle is simple: multiply the width times the height. Thisvalue is then returned. 6. Create a method that calculates and returns the rectangles perimeter:
function getPerimeter() { return ( ($this->width + $this->height) * 2 ); }

This method is like getArea(), except it uses a different formula. 7. Create a method that indicates if the rectangle is also a square:
function isSquare() { if ($this->width == $this->height) { return true; } else { return false; } }

This method compares the rectangles dimensions. If they are the same, the Boolean true is returned, indicating the rectangle is a square. Otherwise, false is returned. 8. Complete the class:
} // End of Rectangle class.

9. Save the file as Rectangle.php.

Basic Object-Oriented Programming 129

To use the Rectangle class:

1. Create a new PHP document in yourtext editor or IDE, to be named rectangle1.php, beginning with the standard HTML (Script 4.4):
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Rectangle</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <?php # Script 4.4 - rectangle1.php

5. Print the rectangles area:

echo '<p>The area of the rectangle is ' . $r->getArea() . '</p>';

To print the rectangles area, you only need to have the object tell you what that value is by calling its getArea() method. As this method returns the area (instead of printing it), it can be used in an echo statement like this. 6. Print the rectangles perimeter:
echo '<p>The perimeter of the rectangle is ' . $r->getPerimeter() . '</p>';

This is a variation on the code in Step 5. 7. Indicate whether or not this rectangle is also a square:
echo '<p>This rectangle is '; if ($r->isSquare()) { echo 'also'; } else { echo 'not'; } echo ' a square.</p>';

2. Include the class definition:


3. Define the necessary variables and print an introduction:

$width = 42; $height = 7; echo "<h2>With a width of $width and a height of $height...</h2>";

4. Create the object and assign the rectangles dimensions:

$r = new Rectangle(); $r->setSize($width, $height);

Since the isSquare() method returns a Boolean value, I can invoke it as a condition. This code will print either This rectangle is also a square. or This rectangle is not a square. 8. Delete the object and complete the page:
unset($r); ?> </body> </html>

The first line creates an object of type Rectangle. The second line assigns the values of the variables in this script$width and $heightto the objects attributes. The values here are assigned to $w and $h in the setSize() method when its called, which are thenassigned to $this->width and $this->height within that method.

9. Save the file as rectangle1.php and place it in your Web directory, along with Rectangle.php.
continues on page 132

130 Chapter 4

Script 4.4 The Rectangle class is used in this PHP script. The rectangles dimensions are first assigned to the classs attributes by invoking the setSize() method, and then various properties of the rectangle are reported. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Rectangle</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <?php # Script 4.4 - rectangle1.php /* This page uses the Rectangle class. * This page shows a bunch of information about a rectangle. */ // Include the class definition: require('Rectangle.php'); // Define the necessary variables: $width = 42; $height = 7; // Print a little introduction: echo "<h2>With a width of $width and a height of $height...</h2>"; // Create a new object: $r = new Rectangle(); // Assign the rectangle dimensions: $r->setSize($width, $height); // Print the area: echo '<p>The area of the rectangle is ' . $r->getArea() . '</p>'; // Print the perimeter: echo '<p>The perimeter of the rectangle is ' . $r->getPerimeter() . '</p>'; // Is this a square? echo '<p>This rectangle is '; if ($r->isSquare()) { echo 'also'; } else { echo 'not'; } echo ' a square.</p>'; // Delete the object: unset($r); ?> </body> </html>

Basic Object-Oriented Programming 131

10. Test rectangle1.php by viewing it in your Web browser A. 11. Change the variables values in rectangle1.php and rerun it in your Web browser B.
Having get_and set methods in a class is a common convention. Methods starting with set are used to assign values to class attributes. Methods starting with get are used to return values: either attributes or the results ofcalculations. Methods can call each other, just as they would any other function, but youll need to use $this again. The following is unnecessary but valid:

A Various attributes for a rectangle are revealed

using the Rectangle class.

function getArea() { if ($this->isSquare()) { return ($this->width * $this->width); } else { return ($this->width * $this->height); } }

B If the width and height are the same, the

rectangle is also a square.

Analyzing the Rectangle Example

The Rectangle class as defined isnt perfect, but its pretty good, if I do say so myself. It encapsulates all the things you might want to do with or know about a rectangle. The methods also only handle calculations and return values; no HTML is used within the class, which is a better way todesign. One criticism may be that the class is too specific. Logically, if youve created a site that performs a lot of geometry, the Rectangle class might be an inherited class from a broader Shape. Youll learn about inheritance in the next chapter. From the first two examples you can see the benefit of objects: the ability to create your own data type. Whereas a string is a variable type whose only power is to contain characters, the Rectangle is a new, powerful type with all sorts of features.

132 Chapter 4

Creating Constructors
A constructor is a special kind of method that differs from standard ones in three ways:
n n

Because the constructor is still just another method, it can take arguments, and values for those arguments can be provided when the object is created:
class User { function _ _construct($id) { // Function code. } } $me = new User(2354);

Its name is always _ _construct(). It is automatically and immediately called whenever an object of that class is created. It cannot have a return statement.

The syntax for defining a constructor is therefore

class ClassName { public $var; function _ _construct() { // Function code. } }

The Rectangle class could benefit from having a constructor that assigns the rectangles dimensions when the rectangle is created.

To add and use a constructor:

1. Open Rectangle.php (Script 4.3) in your text editor or IDE. 2. After declaring the attributes and before defining the setSize() method, add the constructor (Script 4.5):
function _ _construct($w = 0, $h = 0) { $this->width = $w; $this->height = $h; }
continues on next page

A constructor could be used to connect to a database, set cookies, or establish initial values. Basically, youll use constructors to do whatever should always be doneand done firstwhen an object of this class is made.

Script 4.5 A constructor has been added to the Rectangle class. This makes it possible to assign the rectangles dimensions when the object iscreated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 <?php # Script 4.5 - Rectangle.php /* This page defines the Rectangle class. * The class contains two attributes: width and height. * The class contains five methods: * - _ _construct() * - setSize() * - getArea() * - getPermeter() * - isSquare() */ script continues on next page

Basic Object-Oriented Programming 133

This method is exactly like the setSize() method, albeit with a different name. Note that constructors are normally the first method defined in a class (but still defined after the attributes). 3. Save the file as Rectangle.php. 4. Open rectangle1.php (Script 4.4) in your text editor or IDE. 5. If you want, change the values of the $width and $height variables (Script4.6):
$width = 160; $height = 75;

Script 4.5 continued 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 class Rectangle { // Declare the attributes: public $width = 0; public $height = 0; // Constructor:

19 function _ _construct($w = 0, $h = 0) { 20 $this->width = $w; 21 $this->height = $h; 22 }

6. Change the way the object is created so that it reads

$r = new Rectangle($width, $height);

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 { 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

// Method to set the dimensions: function setSize($w = 0, $h = 0) { $this->width = $w; $this->height = $h; } // Method to calculate and return the area: function getArea() { return ($this->width * $this->height); } // Method to calculate and return the perimeter: function getPerimeter() { return ( ($this->width + $this->height) * 2 ); } // Method to determine if the rectange // is also a square. function isSquare() { if ($this->width == $this->height) return true; // Square } else { return false; // Not a square } } } // End of Rectangle class.

The object can now be created and the rectangle assigned its dimensions in one step. 7. Delete the invocation of the setSize() method. This method is still part of the class, though, which makes sense. By keeping it in there, you ensure that a rectangle objects size can be changed after the object is created.

134 Chapter 4

Script 4.6 This new version of the script assigns the rectangles dimensions when the object is created (thanks to the constructor). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Rectangle</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <?php # Script 4.6 - rectangle2.php /* This page uses the revised Rectangle class. * This page shows a bunch of information * about a rectangle. */ // Include the class definition: require('Rectangle.php'); // Define the necessary variables:

8. Save the file as rectangle2.php, place it in your Web directory along with the new Rectangle.php (Script 4.5), and test in your Web browser A.
A constructor like the one just added to the Rectangle class is called a default constructor, as it provides default values for its arguments. This means that a Rectangle object can be created using either of these techniques:

$r = new Rectangle($width, $height); $r = new Rectangle();

You can directly call a constructor (although you will rarely need to):

$o = new SomeClass(); $o->_ _construct();

With the Rectangle example, this would let you get rid of the setSize() method without losing the ability to resize a rectangle. In PHP 4 and in other programming languages (like C++), a constructor is declared by creating a method whose name is the same as the class itself. If PHP 5 cannot find a _ _construct() method in a class, it will then try to find a constructor whose name is the same as the class (the PHP 4 constructor naming scheme).

19 $width = 160; 20 $height = 75;

// Print a little introduction: echo "<h2>With a width of $width and a height of $height...</h2>"; // Create a new object: // Print the area. echo '<p>The area of the rectangle is ' . $r->getArea() . '</p>'; // Print the perimeter. echo '<p>The perimeter of the rectangle is ' . $r->getPerimeter() . '</p>'; // Is this a square? echo '<p>This rectangle is '; if ($r->isSquare()) { echo 'also'; } else { echo 'not'; } echo ' a square.</p>'; // Delete the object: unset($r); ?> </body> </html>

26 $r = new Rectangle($width, $height);

A The resulting output is not affected by


the incorporation of a constructor in the

Basic Object-Oriented Programming 135

Creating Destructors
The corollary to the constructor is the destructor. Whereas a constructor is automatically invoked when an object is created, the destructor is called when the object is destroyed. This may occur when you overtly remove the object:
$obj = new ClassName(); unset($obj); // Calls destructor, too.

Autoloading Classes
When you define a class in one script that is referenced in another script, you have to make sure that the second script includes the first, or there will be errors. To that end, PHP 5 supports a special function called __autoload (note that functions in PHP beginning with two underscores are special ones). The _ _autoload() function is invoked when code attempts to instantiate an object of a class that hasnt yet been defined. The _ _autoload() functions goal is to include the corresponding file. In simplest form, this might be
function _ _autoload ($class) { require($class . ' .php'); }

Or this may occur when a script ends (at which point PHP releases the memory used by variables). Being the smart reader that you are, you have probably already assumed that the destructor is created like so:
class ClassName { // Attributes and methods. function _ _destruct() { // Function code. } }

For each new object type created in the following code, the function will be invoked:
$obj = new Class(); $me = new Human(); $r = new Rectangle();

Destructors do differ from constructors and other methods in that they cannot take any arguments. The Rectangle class used in the last two examples doesnt lend itself to a logical destructor (theres nothing you need to do when youre done with a rectangle). And rather than do a potentially confusing but practical example, Ill run through a dummy example that shows how and when constructors and destructors are called.

Thanks to the _ _autoload() function, those three lines will automatically include Class.php, Human.php and Rectangle.php (within the current directory).
_autoload() function Notice that this _ is defined outside of any class; instead, itis placed in a script that instantiates theobjects.

The previous edition of this book demonstrated use of the _ _autoload() function, but that approach has been deprecated in favor of using the Standard PHP Library (SPL). It will be discussed in Chapter 8, Using Existing Classes.

136 Chapter 4

To create a destructor:
1. Create a new PHP document in your text editor or IDE, to be named demo. php, beginning with the standard HTML (Script 4.7):
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Constructors and Destructors</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <?php # Script 4.7 - demo.php

3. Create the constructor:

function _ _construct() { echo ' <p>In the constructor.</p> ' ; }

The constructor doesnt do anything but print a message indicating that it has been invoked. This will allow you to trace when the classs automatic methods are called. 4. Create the destructor:
function _ _destruct() { echo '<p>In the destructor.</p>'; }

5. Complete the class:


Its a very simple class!

continues on next page

2. Begin defining the class:

class Demo {

To make this example even simpler, Illdefine and use the class in the samescript.
Script 4.7 This script doesnt do anything except best convey when constructors and destructors are called. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Constructors and Destructors</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <?php # Script 4.7 - demo.php /* This page defines a Demo class * and a demo() function. * Both are used to show when * constructors and destructors are called. */ script continues on next page

Basic Object-Oriented Programming 137

6. Define a simple function that also creates an object:

function test() { echo '<p>In the function. Creating a new object...</p>'; $f = new Demo(); echo '<p>About to leave the function.</p>'; }

Script 4.7 continued 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 // Define the class: class Demo { // No attributes. // Constructor: function _ _construct() { echo '<p>In the constructor.</p>'; } // Destructor: function _ _destruct() { echo '<p>In the destructor.</p>'; } } // End of Demo class. // Define a test() function: function test() { echo '<p>In the function. Creating a new object...</p>'; $f = new Demo(); echo '<p>About to leave the function.</p>'; } // Create the object: echo '<p>Creating a new object...</p>'; $o = new Demo(); // Call the test() function: echo '<p>Calling the function...</p>'; test(); // Delete the object: echo '<p>About to delete the object... </p>'; unset($o); echo '<p>End of the script.</p>'; ?> </body> </html>

To best illuminate the life of objects, which affects when constructors and destructors are called, Im adding this simple function. It prints messages and creates its own object, which will be a variable thats local to this function. 7. Create an object of class Demo:
echo '<p>Creating a new object... </p>'; $o = new Demo();

When this object is created, the constructor will be called. So this script first prints this line (Creating a new object) and will then print In the constructor. 8. Call the test() function:
echo '<p>Calling the function... </p>'; test();

After printing the status statement, the function is called. Consequently, the function is entered, wherein In the function. Creating a new object... will first be printed. Then, in that function, a new object is created (called $f ). Therefore, the constructor will be called again, and the In the constructor. message printed, as youll see in the final output.

138 Chapter 4

the two objects creation and destruction over the execution of the script is revealed by this script. In particular, you can see how the test() functions object, $f, lives and dies in the middle of this script.

A The flow of

After the object is created in the function, the About to leave the function. message is printed. Then the function is exited, at which point in time the object defined in the function$fgoes away, thus invoking the $f objects destructor, printing In the destructor. 9. Delete the $o object:
echo '<p>About to delete the object...</p>'; unset($o);

Once this object is deleted, its destructor is invoked. 10. Complete the page:
echo '<p>End of the script.</p>'; ?> </body> </html>

be deleted when the script stops running. This means that the $o objects destructor is called after the final printed message, even after the closing HTML tags C.

B If you dont forcibly delete the object A, it will

11. Save the file as demo.php and place it in your Web directory. Then test by viewing it in your Web browser A. 12. Delete the unset($o) line, save the file, and rerun it in your Web browser B. Also check the HTML source code of this page C to really understand theflow. (Arguably, you could also delete the About to delete the object line, although I did not for the two figures.)
In C++ and C#, the destructors name for the class ClassName is ~ClassName, the corollary of the constructor, which is ClassName. Java does not support destructors.

C The $o objects destructor is called as the very last script event, when the script stops running. Thus, the In the destructor. message gets sent to the browser after the closing HTML tag.
Basic Object-Oriented Programming 139

Designing Classes with UML

To this point, the chapter has discussed OOP in terms of both syntax and theory, but there are two other related topics worth exploring, both new additions to this edition. First up is an introduction to Unified Modeling Language (UML), a way to graphically represent your OOP designs. Entire books are written on the subject, butsince this chapter covers the fundamentals of OOP, Ill also introduce thefundamentals of UML. A class at its core has three components:
n n n

A How UML represents

aclass graphically.

Benefits of a Class Design

While making a formal UML class design may at first appear to be more of an exercise than anything, there are concrete benefits to creating one. First of all, if you sketch out the design before doing any coding, you improve your chances of getting the code correct from the start. In other words, if you put the effort into your visual design, and ponder whether the design fully reflects the applications needs, you minimize the number of times youll need to update your class definitions down the road. Second, a principle of OOP is encapsulation: separating out and hiding how something is accomplished. A UML, with its listing of attributes, methods, and arguments, can act as a user guide for those classes. Any code that requires classes that have been modeled should be able to use the classes, and its methods and attributes, without ever looking at the underlying code. In fact, you can distribute the UML along with your code as a service to your clients.

Its name Its attributes Its methods

UML graphically represents a class by creating a class diagram: a three-part box for each class, with the class name at the top. The next section of the box would identify the class attributes, and the third would list the methods A. For the attributes, the attribute type (e.g., string, array, etc.) is listed after the attributes name, as in
userId:number username:string

If the attribute had a default value, you could reflect that too:
width:number = 0

To define a method in a class diagram, you would start with the method name, placing its arguments and types within parentheses. This is normally followed by the type of value the method returns:

The sayHello() method doesnt return anything, so its return type is void.

140 Chapter 4

B A UML representation of the simple

HelloWorld class.

With this in mind, you can complete the class diagram for the HelloWorld class B. In the next steps, youll design the diagram that reflects the Rectangle class.

To design a class using UML:

1. Using paper or software, draw a threepart box. If you like the feeling of designing with paper and pencil, feel free, but there are also plenty of software tools that can fulfill this role, too. Search online for an application that will run on your platform, or for a site that can serve the same purposes within the browser. 2. Add the name of the class to the top of the box:

Use the classs proper name (i.e., the same capitalization). 3. Add the attributes to the middle section:
width:number = 0 height:number = 0

Here are the two attributes for the Rectangle class. Both are numbers with default values of 0. 4. Add the constructor definition to the third part of the box:
_ _construct(width:number = 0, height:number = 0):void

This method is named _ _construct. It takes two arguments, both of type number, and both with default values of 0. The method does not return anything, so its return value is void.
continues on next page

Basic Object-Oriented Programming 141

5. Add the setSize() method definition:

setSize(width:number = 0, height:number = 0):void

The setSize() method happens to be defined exactly like _ _construct(). 6. Add the getArea() method definition:

The getArea() method takes no arguments and returns a number. 7. Add the getPerimeter() method definition:

C A UML representation of the simple Rectangle class.

The getPerimeter() method also takes no arguments and returns a number. 8. Add the isSquare() method definition:

This method takes no arguments but returns a Boolean value. 9. Save your design for later reference C.
Be certain to update your class design should you later change your class definition. In the next chapter, in which more complex OOP theory is unveiled, youll learn more UML techniques.

142 Chapter 4

Better Documentation with phpDocumentor

Along with creating a UML class design, another new topic in this edition is creating better code documentation using phpDocumentor (www.phpdoc.org). In my opinion, properly documenting ones code is so vitally important that I wish PHP would generate errors when it came across a lack of comments! Having taught PHP and interacted with readers for years, I am amazed at how often programmers omit comments, occasionally under the guise of waiting until later. Proper documentation is something that should be incorporated into code for your own good, for your clients, for your co-workers (if applicable), and for the programmer in the future who may have to alter or augment your workeven if that programmer is you.

Although you can adequately document your code using simple comments, as I do in this book, there are two obvious benefits to adopting a formal phpDocumentor approach:

It conveys many best practices and recommended styles. phpDocumentor will generate documentation, in HTML and other formats, for you.

The generated HTML A can also be a valuable resource for anyone using your code, particularly your classes.

A The generated HTML documentation for the HelloWorld class.

Basic Object-Oriented Programming 143

phpDocumentor creates documentation by reading the PHP code and your comments. To facilitate that process, you would start writing your comments in a way that phpDocumentor understands. To begin, youll use the docblock syntax:
/** * * Short description * * Long description * Tags */

After the description, write one or more lines of tags. Each tag is prefaced by @, and phpDocumentor supports several kinds; which you use will depend on the thing youre documenting. A docblock can be placed before any of the following:
n n n n n

Class definition Function or method definition Variable declaration Constant definition File inclusion

The short description should be a single line description. The long description can go over multiple lines and even use some HTML. Both are optional.

A docblock should be written at the top of a script, in order to document the entire file (Script 4.8).

Script 4.8 A more formally documented version of the HelloWorld class. 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

<?php # Script 4.8 - HelloWorld.php #2

/** * This page defines the HelloWorld class. * * Written for Chapter 4, "Basic Object-Oriented Programming" * of the book "PHP Advanced and Object-Oriented Programming" * @author Larry Ullman <Larry@LarryUllman.com> * @copyright 2012 */

11 /** 12 * The HelloWorld class says "Hello, world!" in different languages. 13 * 14 * The HelloWorld class is mostly for 15 * demonstration purposes. 16 * It's not really a good use of OOP. 17 */

18 19

class HelloWorld {
/** * Function that says "Hello, world!" in different languages. * @param string $language Default is "English" * @returns void */

20 21 22 23 24

script continues on next page

144 Chapter 4

Script 4.8 continued 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 function sayHello($language =

'English') {

To document a variable declaration, you use the @var tag, followed by the variables type (and optional description):
/** * @var string */ $name = 'Larry Ullman';

// Put the greeting within P tags: echo '<p>'; // Print a message specific to a language: switch ($language) { case 'Dutch': echo 'Hallo, wereld!'; break; case 'French': echo 'Bonjour, monde!'; break; case 'German': echo 'Hallo, Welt!'; break; case 'Italian': echo 'Ciao, mondo!'; break; case 'Spanish': echo 'Hola, mundo!'; break; case 'English': default: echo 'Hello, world!'; break; } // End of switch. // Close the HTML paragraph: echo '</p>'; } // End of sayHello() method. } // End of HelloWorld class.

Notice that the docblock doesnt need to reference the variable name, as phpDocumentor will be able to read that from the following line of code. The point of the docblock is to indicate the variables intended type. To document methods and functions, use @param to detail the functions parameters and @return to indicate the type of value the function returns (Script 4.8). The details as to the possible types, and the full usage of all of phpDocumentor, can be found in the documentation (www.phpdoc.org/docs/). Once youve written comments in the proper format, you can use the phpDocumentor tool to generate your documentation. To do that, you must first install phpDocumentor. The best way to install it is using PEAR (http://pear.php.net), so you must have that installed, too. PEAR already comes installed with many all-inone WAMP, MAMP, or LAMP stacks; check your associated documentation if youre using one of these. If not, see the sidebar for some tips on installing PEAR.

Basic Object-Oriented Programming 145

To use phpDocumentor:
1. Complete the phpDocumentor-type comments for a file (Script 4.8) or application. For simplicitys sake, Script 4.8 shows a fully documented HelloWorld.php. 2. Access your computer via the command-line interface. My assumption is that you already know how to do this for your platform. If not, search the Web or use my support forums for answers.

3. Add the phpDocumentor PEAR channelB:

pear channel-discover pear.phpdoc.org

This will allow you to download the latest version of the phpDocumentor directory from that site. 4. Install phpDocumentor C:
pear install phpdoc/ phpDocumentor-alpha

This instruction comes straight from the phpDocumentor Web site. It may change in time; check the site for the best, current instructions.

B Adding the phpDocumentor channel to my PEAR installation.

C Installing phpDocumentor in PEAR.

146 Chapter 4

Installing PEAR Packages

One PEAR-related thing I do not discuss in this book is the installation process, for two good reasons. First, with the variations of available operating systems, its too tough to nail down comprehensive instructions for all potential readers. Second, experience tells me that many users are on hosted servers, where they cannot directly install anything. Still, installing PEAR is not impossibly hard, and once you master the installation of a single package, installing more is a snap. If you want to try your hand at installing PEAR packages, start by checking out the PEAR manual, which has instructions. If youre still not clear as to what you should do, search the Web for articles on the subject, particular to your operating system, and/or post a question in the books supporting forum, where Ill be happy to assist. Some installation tips up front: .. You may need to invoke the pear installer as a superuser (or usingsudo). .. Make sure that the location of your PEAR directory is in your PHP includepath. .. Run the command pear help install to see what options areavailable. If you are on a hosted server, the hosting company should be willing to install PEAR packages for you (which benefit every user on the server). If they wont do that, you ought to consider a different hosting company (seriously). Barring that, you can install PHP and PEAR on your own computer in order to use phpDocumentor.

Note that on my system, in both Step 3 and Step 4, I had to preface these commands with sudo, to invoke the superuser, and include the full path to PEAR (both suggestions are made in the sidebar). 5. Move to the directory where your PHP scripts are:
cd /path/to/folder

6. Document a single file using

phpdoc -f HelloWorld.php -t docs

That line tells phpDocumentor to parse the file HelloWorld.php and to write the output to the target (-t) directory docs, which would be a folder in that same directory. phpDocumentor will attempt to create that directory, if it does not exist. 7. Open docs/index.html in your browserA.
For the sake of saving precious book space, the code in this book will not be documented using the full phpDocumentor syntax. To view documentation mistakes, check out the generated errors. To have phpDocumentor document an entire project, you can have it parse the current directory using

phpdoc -d . -t docs
If you want, you can edit the templates used by phpDocumentor to output HTML more to your liking.

Basic Object-Oriented Programming 147

Review and Pursue

If you have any problems with these sections, either in answering the questions or pursuing your own endeavors, turn to the books supporting forum (www.Larry Ullman.com/forums/).


Come up with another (relatively simple) class. Define and use it in PHP. Then model and document it using UML and phpDocumentor. Learn more about UML, if you are so inclined. Find UML software that you like (for your platform or online). Learn more about phpDocumentor, if you are so inclined. Add phpDocumentor-style comments to the Rectangle class and then generate its documentation.


How does OOP differ from procedural programming? (See page 120.) What is a class? What is an object? What is an attribute (or property)? What is a method? (See page 121.) What syntax do you use to create a class? To create an object? (See pages 121 and 124.) How do you create class methods? Howdo you call object methods? (Seepages 121 and 124.) How do you create class attributes? How do you reference those attributes within the class? How do you reference those attributes using an object? (See pages 121, 124, and 127.) What is a constructor? How do you create one? When is a constructor called? (See page 133.) What is a destructor? How do you create one? When is a destructor called? (See page 136.) What is UML? How do you represent a class in UML? (See page 140.) What is phpDocumentor? What are the arguments for using it? (See page 143.) What is a docblock? (See page 144.)

148 Chapter 4

<<<, using with heredoc syntax, 31 & (ampersand), using with variables, 30 % (percent sign), using in strings, 41 :: (scope resolution operator), using, add_page.html script, beginning, 324 add_page.php script

172175, 177
; (semicolon), use with stored functions, 109 " (quotation marks), using with classes, 152

abstract classes versus classes, 184 creating, 186 declaring attributes, 188 defining constructors, 188 Herons Formula, 188 versus interfaces, 191, 196 Triangle class, 186189 Abstract Factory pattern versus Factory, 224 abstract methods creating, 186 declaring attributes, 188 defining constructors, 188 Herons Formula, 188 access control establishing for methods, 165 importance of, 166 indicating in UML, 166 in OOP, 151 private level, 165166 protected level, 165 public level, 165 restriction of, 165 accessor, explained, 171

beginning, 322 submit button, 324 add_task.php script beginning, 10, 260 for prepared statements, 266 for SELECT query, 264 for sprintf(), 39 Advanced PHP Debugger, downloading, 454 ampersand (& ), using with variables, 30 Andrews, Tjobbe, 290 anonymous functions calling, 27 downside, 27 using, 2729 antipatterns, explained, 232 Apache configuration, 67 enabling URL rewriting, 71 making improvements with, 285 array() function, replacing calls to, 2. Seealso multidimensional arrays; short array syntax assertions, using with unit tests, 462 attributes in classes, 121 protecting, 171 rules for definition of, 127 versus static variables, 177 autocompletion, support for, 387 _ _autoload() function, invoking, 136 autoload.php file, saving, 279

Index 477

b type specifier, meaning of, 37 backing up database, 356357 backtrace, printing, 50 behavioral patterns explained, 215 using, 233 books1.xml document, beginning, 413 books1.xml file, opening, 416 bootstrap file confirming module file, 60 creating, 5760 header file, 60 main page, 5760 purpose, 57 switch conditional, 5960 validating, 59 browser cache, affecting, 7579

c type specifier, meaning of, 37 cache header types, 75 cache-control directives, 75 Cache-Control header type, 75, 79 caching. See also server caches affecting, 7679 pages, 75 CGI (Common Gateway Interface), versus CLI (command-line interface), 378 check_urls.php document, creating, 334 class attributes, accessing, 127132 class constants versus static attributes, 176 class design, benefits, 140 class versus object names, case-sensitivity, 126 classes. See also inheritance; OOP (objectoriented programming) versus abstract classes, 184 attributes in, 121 autoloading, 136 components, 140 creating objects from, 156 defining for CMS with OOP example, 299303

defining in OOP, 121123 deriving from parents, 153156 designing with UML, 140142 functions in, 121 get and set methods, 132 inheriting, 152156 inheriting from, 153156 instanceof keyword, 152 loosely coupled, 209 methods, 121 in OOP, 120 relationship between, 203 switch statement, 123 using quotation ( ) marks with, 152 variables in, 121 ClassName, destructors name for, 139 ClassName::methodName() syntax, explained,175 CLI (command-line interface). See also interactive PHP CLI backticks, 403 built-in Web server, 405407 versus CGI (Common Gateway Interface),378 code blocks, 384385 command-line arguments, 395399 creating command-line script, 388390 creating interface, 399 exec() backtick, 403 executing bits of code, 383385 fscanf() function for input, 400 -h option, 378 -i option, 378 -m option, 378 pcntl (process control) extension, 403 php.ini, 388 remote server, 384 running command-line script, 391394 system() backtick, 403 taking user input, 400404 testing installation, 378 using, 378 -v option, 378 verifying version of, 381


CLI installation testing on Mac OS X, 381382 on Unix, 381382 on Windows 7, 379380 client URLs (cURL) utility. See cURL (client URLs) utility _ _clone() method, defining, 197 CMS (content management system), 283 CMS with OOP example. See also OOP (object-oriented programming) categories table, 286 comments table, 286 creating pages, 289 creating users, 289 creatorId, 288 database, 286289 defining classes, 299303 error view file, 297298 footer for template, 291293 header file for template, 290 header for template, 291293 home page, 304307 home page view, 306307 HTML_QuickForm2, 312319 MVC (Model-View-Controller) approach, 284285 Page class, 299301 pages, 284 pages table, 286, 288 pages versus posts, 286 site organization, 285 tags table, 286 template, 290293 three-include approach for template, 290 User class, 301303 user type structure, 289 users, 284 users table, 286287, 289 utilities file, 294296 viewing pages, 308311 code documentation, importance of, 143 code library, organizing, 208 collection.dtd document, creating, 422 collection.xsd document, creating, 428

Color Blue HTML5 design, using, 52 command-line arguments alternative usage, 399 number.php script, 395 using, 396399 command-line script checking syntax without running, 394 creating, 388390 running in Mac OS X, 394 running in Unix, 394 running in windows, 391393 Company.php script, beginning, 208 Composite design, creating, 226230 Composite pattern considering, 225 described, 225 example of, 232 implementing, 225 subclasses, 226 using with Visitor pattern, 232 composite.php script, beginning, 231 composition has a relationship, 203 indicating in UML, 203 using, 209 compressing files, 354362 config.inc.php script, beginning, 45 Config.php script, beginning for Singleton class, 217 configuration file, for modularized site, 4551 constants, assigning values to, 176 _ _construct() method, looking for, 135 constructors. See also destructors calling directly, 135 creating in OOP, 133135 declaring, 135 default, 135 inheriting, 157160 for static members, 178179 subclass, 158160 syntax, 133 using, 133135 content management system (CMS). See CMS with OOP example

Index 479

content modules, creating, 6163 creational patterns explained, 215 using, 225 cron service adding items to files, 363 asterisk (*) parameter, 363 crontab format, 363 establishing, 363365 establishing for PHP file, 364365 setting ranges with hyphen (-), 363 crontab file, using, 365 CRUD functionality, using iCrud interface for, 192193 cURL (client URLs) utility beginning transaction, 345 executing transaction, 345 invoking, 343 POST data, 345 POST method, 345 redirects, 345 timeout, 345 using, 343346 cURL library, 344 curl_errno() function, 346 curl_getinfo() function, 346 curl.php script creating, 343 running, 351

d type specifier, meaning of, 37 data decrypting with MCrypt, 372375 encrypting with MCrypt, 367371 database file, creating for modularized site, 45 database-driven arrays adding tasks, 1016 connecting to database, 10 displaying tasks, 16 HTML form, 13 retrieving tasks, 14 securing task value, 14 selecting columns, 8

sorting tasks, 16 submission conditional, 14 using, 9 databases. See also zip codes backing up, 356357 distance calculations, 102107 optimizing joins, 103 session functions, 84 session handlers, 8591 session table, 8283 SHOW WARNINGS command, 99 storage of session data, 82, 8587 stores table, 100101 zip codes, 9699 db_backup.php document, creating, 355 db_sessions script, beginning, 85 DBG debugging tool, downloading, 454 debugging tools Advanced PHP Debugger, 454 DBG, 454 Xdebug, 454 DECLARE statement, using with variables, 108 decrypting data with MCrypt, 372375 delimiter, changing for stored functions, 109110 demo document, creating, 137 design patterns antipatterns, 232 behavioral, 215, 233 components, 214 Composite, 225232 creational, 215, 225 Factory, 220224 Gang of Four, 215 Iterator, 273277 Singleton, 216219 Strategy, 233241 structural, 215, 225 destructors. See also constructors creating, 136139 inheriting, 157160 for static members, 179 directories protecting, 70 restricting access, 70


displaying results horizontally, 112117 display.php script, beginning, 112 distance calculations, performing, 102107 docblocks, using, 144145 documentation importance of, 143 viewing mistakes, 147 documenting functions, 145 methods, 145 variable declarations, 145 DTD, associating with XML file, 419420

file functions fgetc(), 404 fgetcsv(), 404 using on STDIN , 404 files, compressing, 354362 final definition, using with functions, 163 footer.html file, saving, 56 footer.inc.php file, saving, 293

versus fsocketopen(), 338 using, 328, 333 fscanf() function, using, 41, 400
fsocketopen() versus fopen(), 338

e type specifier, meaning of, 37 encapsulation explained, 166 use in OOP, 120, 126, 140 encrypting data with MCrypt, 367371 error handling, purpose of, 460 error view file, creating, 297298 error.html document, beginning, 297 Exception class, extending, 251257 exception handling, purpose of, 460 exceptions, catching, 244250, 259260 Expat functions resource, 439 parsing XML with, 433 expat.php document, creating, 434 Expires cache header type, 75, 79

using, 333338 FTP port number, 333 function definitions anonymous functions, 2729 recursive, 1724 static variables, 2426 function parameters making copies of variables, 30 passing by reference, 30 passing by value, 30 type hinting, 15 functions. See also stored functions documenting, 145 final definition, 163 and references, 30

f type specifier, meaning of, 37

Gang of Four, 215 garbage collection, using with session handlers, 90 geolocation information, fetching, 340 get and set methods, using with classes, 132 get_quote.php document, creating, 329 getter, explained, 171

Factory pattern versus Abstract Factory, 224 consequence, 224 creating, 220224 described, 220 using, 220 variation, 224 factory.php script for autoloading classes, 279 beginning, 222 fetch() method, using, 262

has a relationship, explained, 203 header() function, using in caching, 7577 header.html file, saving, 55 header.inc.php script, using, 291

Index 481

hello_object.php document, creating,

processing form data, 315318

registerRule(), 315

124126 HelloWorld example analyzing, 126 class documentation, 143144 HelloWorld.php document, creating, 122 heredoc syntax comparing to nowdoc, 36 encapsulating strings, 3136 EOD delimiter, 32 EOT delimiter, 32 using, 3136 Herons Formula, using with triangles, 188 hinting.php script beginning, 204 for Iterator interface, 274 home page creating for CMS with OOP example, 304307 try...catch block, 304 view, 306307 horizontal results, displaying, 112117 .htaccess overrides allowing, 6769 AllowOverride directive, 68 Directory directive, 68 protecting directories, 70, 285 HTML tags versus XML tags, 410 HTML template creating, 5256 creating pages, 5256 footer file, 56 header file, 5354

validating forms, 314, 322323 validation rules, 314 HTTP status codes, 334 httpd.conf file, opening, 68

iCrud interface, declaring, 192193 IMAP port number, 333 index page confirming module file, 60 creating, 5760 header file, 60 main page, 5760 purpose, 57 switch conditional, 5960 validating, 59 index.html script, beginning, 306 index.php script beginning, 57 for home page, 304 inheritance. See also classes; objects; OOP (object-oriented programming) attributes, 150 base class, 150 child class, 150151 derived class, 150 design, 160 indicating in UML, 150 is a relationships, 203 members of classes, 150 methods, 150 parent class, 150151 process of, 152 super class, 150 terminology, 150 using, 120, 209 inheriting classes, 152156 constructors, 157160 destructors, 157160 instanceof keyword, using with classes, 152

add a page View file, 324325 adding pages, 322325 creating forms, 313, 322323 element types, 313 filtering form data, 314 HTML element types, 313 logging out, 320321 login form, 312 login View file, 318319 login.php script, 315318


interactive PHP CLI. See also CLI (commandline interface) support for autocompletion, 387 using, 386387 interface keyword, using, 191 interface.php script, beginning, 192 interfaces versus abstract classes, 191, 196 associating classes with, 191 benefit of, 196 creating, 191 defining constructors, 194 indicating in UML, 196 meanings of, 196 versus traits, 200 using, 192196 IP addresses, unreliability of, 342 IP geolocation accuracy, 342 finding users location, 339342 gethostbyaddr() function, 342 gethostbyname() function, 342 MaxMind option, 341 options, 341 performing, 339342 ip_geo.php script, creating, 339 is a relationship, explained, 203 iSort interface, implementing, 235236 iSort Strategy pattern, 239240 iSort.php script, beginning, 235 Iterator design pattern examples in SPL, 273 using, 273277 Iterator interface current() method, 274 DirectoryIterator, 277 FilterIterator, 277 implementing, 275276 key() method, 274, 277 LimitIterator, 277 next() method, 274, 277 rewind() method, 274, 277 using, 274277 valid() method, 274, 277

joins, optimizing, 103 JSON format, using with Web services, 348

lambdas calling, 27 downside, 27 using, 2729 Last-Modified cache header type, 75, 78 LDAP port number, 333 load testing, explained, 476 local variables. See also variables creating for stored function, 110 declaring, 108 login.html script, beginning, 318 login.php script creating, 315318 email address, 317 form submission, 317 password field, 317 validating form data, 317 logout.php script, beginning, 320

main.inc.php script, beginning, 61 max-age cache-control directive, meaning of, 75 MaxMind IP geolocation, features of, 341 MCrypt decrypting data, 372375 encrypting data, 367371 using with PHP, 366 member access, controlling, 166171. See also static members methods accessors, 171 constructors, 133135 defining in OOP, 121 documenting, 145 establishing visibility of, 165 getters, 171 mutators, 171 overriding, 161164, 173174

Index 483

mod_rewrite module, 285 allowing .htaccess overrides, 6769

enabling URL rewriting, 7174 implementing, 72 using, 6774 Model-View-Controller (MVC), using with CMS and OOP, 284285 modularity, use in OOP, 120 modularizing Web sites. See also Web sites comments, 48 configuration file, 4551 content modules, 6163 creating database file, 45 debugging level, 49 email address for errors, 48 error handling, 4950 explained, 44 HTML template, 5256 index page, 51, 5760 printing error and backtrace, 50 running script, 48 search module, 6466 server-side constants, 49 site structure, 50 multidimensional arrays. See also array() function adding tasks to databases, 1016 database-driven, 810 defining, 6 grade sorting function, 7 name-sorting function, 6 printing as defined, 7 short array syntax, 2 sorting, 48, 29 for Strategy design, 240 two-dimensional, 34 usort() function, 4 must-revalidate cache-control directive, meaning of, 75 mutator, explained, 171 MVC (Model-View-Controller), using with CMS and OOP, 284285 mysql client, SHOW WARNINGS command, 99

MySQL database accessing, 83 calculating distances, 103107

namespace class, using, 210211 namespace keyword, placement of, 211 _ _NAMESPACE_ _ constant, 211 namespace.php script, beginning, 210 namespaces defining, 207 features of, 207 limitations, 207 referencing, 208, 211 subnamespaces, 207 using, 208210 using in multiple files, 211 networking accessing Web sites, 328332 classes in PEAR, 332 cURL, 343346 IP geolocation, 339342 sockets, 333338 Web services, 347351 Zend Framework classes, 332 no-cache directive, meaning of, 75 nowdoc syntax, comparing to heredoc, 36 number format, specifying printing of, 38 number2 script, creating, 396 number.php script, creating, 389

o type specifier, meaning of, 37 object versus class names, case-sensitivity, 126 object-oriented programming (OOP). See OOP (object-oriented programming) objects. See also inheritance cloning, 197 copying, 197 creating from classes, 156 creating in OOP, 124126 serializing, 294 use in OOP, 120


OOP (object-oriented programming). See also classes; CMS with OOP example $this attribute, 127132 abstract classes, 184190 access control, 120, 165171 accessing class attributes, 127132 attributes versus variables, 121 autoloading classes, 136 calling object methods, 125 classes, 120 composition, 203, 209 constructors, 133135 controlling member access, 166171 creating objects, 124126 defining classes, 121123 design approaches, 209 destructors, 136139 encapsulation, 120, 126, 140, 166 inheritance, 120, 150, 209 installing PEAR packages, 147 interfaces, 191196 methods, 184190 modularity, 120 modularizing application files, 278 namespaces, 207211 objects, 120 overriding, 120 overriding methods, 161164 phpDocumentor, 143147 polymorphism, 151 recommendation, 160 scope resolution operator (::), 172175 static members, 176181 taking actions with data, 120 theory, 120 traits, 197202 type hinting, 203206 visibility, 120, 123, 151 opcode caching, implementing, 473 overriden methods, referring to, 173174 overriding methods, 161164 use in OOP, 120

Page class

creating for CMS with OOP example, 299301 getter methods, 300 page.html script, beginning, 311 Page.php script, beginning, 299 page.php script, beginning, 308 page-viewing page catching exceptions, 310 Controller, 309 creating, 308310 throwing exceptions, 310 validating page ID, 310 page-viewing View, creating, 311 parse_url() function using with sockets, 333334, 336 validating URLs, 338 parsing XML. See also XML (Extensible Markup Language) changing case-folding, 439 event-based parser, 432 with Expat, 433 with PHP, 434439 SimpleXML, 440446 tree-based parser, 432 patterns antipatterns, 232 behavioral, 215, 233 components, 214 Composite, 225232 creational, 215, 225 Factory, 220224 Gang of Four, 215 Iterator, 273277 Singleton, 216219 Strategy, 233241 structural, 215, 225 pcntl (process control) extension, using with CLI, 403 PDO (PHP Data Objects) calling quote() method, 262 catching exceptions, 259 changing error reporting, 261

Index 485

PDO (continued ) connecting to database, 258259 described, 258 executing queries, 261262 prepared statements, 266269 preventing SQL injection attacks, 262 running SELECT queries, 264 SELECT queries, 262263 using, 260261 PDO object, creating, 260 PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository) installing phpDocumentor in, 146 networking classes, 332 upgrading for unit testing, 461 PEAR packages, installing, 147 percent (% ) sign, using in strings, 41 performance, improving, 473475 Pet example inheritance design, 160 pets1.php script beginning, 153 for overriding methods, 162 pets2.php script, for scope resolution operator (::), 172 PHP, parsing XML with, 434439 PHP and server compressing files, 354362 establishing cron, 363365 MCrypt, 366375 PHP CLI. See CLI (command-line interface) PHP Data Objects (PDO). See PDO (PHP Data Objects) PHP output, compressing, 362 phpDocumentor docblocks, 144145 features, 143144 installing, 145 using, 146147 PHPUnit. See also unit testing creating test cases, 463465 defining tests, 462463 downloading, 460 installing, 461462 invoking assertion methods, 464 running tests, 465466

setting up tests, 467470

setUp() method for testing, 467468, 470

Simpletest alternative, 460 testing Rectangle class, 469 $this object, 464 upgrading PEAR, 461 phpunit command, executing, 465 polymorphism, use in OOP, 151 POP port number, 333 port numbers for sockets, 333 Pragma cache header type, 75 prepared statements performance benefits, 269 try block, 266 using through PDO, 266269 printf() function formats, 37 type specifiers, 37 using, 3738 printing backtrace, 50 numbers and strings, 38 private cache-control directive, meaning of, 75 profile log, viewing in webgrind, 474475 profiling scripts, 471472 proxy server, explained, 75 proxy-revalidate cache-control directive, meaning of, 75 public cache-control directive, meaning of, 75 public variables, accessing, 169. See also variables

queries, executing, 261262 query caching, availability of, 473 query() method, using, 262 query results, displaying horizontally, 112117

add a page View file, 324325 adding pages, 322325 creating forms, 313, 322323 element types, 313 filtering form data, 314 HTML element types, 313


logging out, 320321 login form, 312 login View file, 318319 login.php script, 315318 processing form data, 315318 registerRule(), 315 validating forms, 314, 322323 validation rules, 314 quotation (" ) marks, using with classes, 152

read_mcrypt.php script, beginning, 372 Rectangle class

constructor added to, 133135 using, 130132, 201202 Rectangle example, analyzing, 132 Rectangle.php script for constructors, 133135 creating, 128 for tDebug trait, 200 recursive functions. See also static variables adding debugging line, 23 adding tasks to array, 22 calling, 2122 defining, 18 foreach loop and function, 22 looping through array, 21 nested list of tasks, 1920 using, 1723 references and functions, 30 remote server, using with PHP CLI, 384 results, displaying horizontally, 112117 RSS feed Atom offshoot format, 451 channel content, 447 creating, 447451 generating, 448449 rss.php script, beginning, 448

s type specifier, meaning of, 37 scanf() function, using, 41

scope resolution operator (::), using, 172175, 177

scripts, profiling, 471472 search module creating, 6466 printing caption, 66 printing results, 66 search.inc.php script, beginning, 64 SELECT queries executing, 262263 populating menu in form, 265 running, 264 setFetchMode() method, 262 setting fetch mode, 264 try block, 264 semicolon (;), use with stored functions, 109 SEO, improving with mod_rewrite, 6774 serializing objects, 294 server compressing files, 354362 establishing cron, 363365 MCrypt, 366375 server caches, implementing, 473. See also caching server commands, running, 374 service.php script, creating, 349 session data function for destruction of, 89 storing as serialized array, 89 storing in databases, 82, 8587 session directory, changing for security, 82 session functions, defining, 84 session handlers creating, 8591 garbage collection function, 90 using, 9195 SessionHandlerInterface class, 270 sessions table, creating, 8283 sessions.php script, beginning, 91 set and get methods, using with classes, 132 set_mcrypt.php script, beginning, 369 ShapeFactory class, using, 222224 ShapeFactory.php script, beginning for Factory pattern, 220 Shape.php script, beginning, 186 short array syntax, using, 2. See also array() function

Index 487

SHOW WARNINGS command, running, 99 Simpletest unit testing Web site, 460 SimpleXML asXML() method, 446 using, 440446 simplexml.php document, creating, 441 Singleton class, creating, 217218 Singleton pattern Config class, 217219 described, 216 implementing, 216 UML representation, 216 sites. See also modularizing Web sites accessing, 328332 reading with PHP, 329332 s-maxage cache-control directive, meaning of, 75 SMTP port number, 333 sockets connections, 334335 explained, 333 fsocketopen(), 333338 FTP port, 333 GET request, 336 HEAD request, 336 HTTP status codes, 334 IMAP port, 333 LDAP port, 333 parse_url() function, 333334, 336 POP port, 333 ports, 333 SMTP port, 333 SSH port, 333 SSL port, 333 Telnet port, 333 Web ports, 333 sort.php script for anonymous functions, 28 beginning, 4 for static variables, 24 SPL (Standard PHP Library) autoloading capability, 281 autoloading classes, 278280 data structures, 278

exceptions, 273 file handling, 271 iterators, 273277 SplFixedArray, 278 temporary files, 272 using, 270 SPL interfaces ArrayAccess, 279 Countable, 279 SplFileObject, using, 272 SplTempFileObject, described, 272 sprintf() function formats, 37 type specifiers, 37 using, 3941 using with session data, 88 SQP injection attacks, preventing, 261262 square.php script, creating, 158 SSH port number, 333 SSL port number, 333 Standard PHP Library (SPL). See SPL (Standard PHP Library) static attributes versus class constants, 176 using with static methods, 178180 static members, creating, 178181. See also member access static variables. See also recursive functions; variables versus attributes, 177 using, 2426 static.php script, beginning, 178 stock quotes, retrieving, 329332 stored functions. See also functions ; (semicolon) in code blocks, 109 arguments section, 109 changing delimiters, 109110 code section, 109 creating, 109111 declaring, 108112 local variable, 110 stores table address selection, 101 creating, 100101 populating, 101


Strategy design class definition, 239 constructor, 237 creating, 235238 display() method, 240 iSort classes, 238241 iSort interface, 235 multidimensional arrays, 240 sort() method, 237239 Strategy pattern described, 233 example of, 234 using, 233234 strategy.php script, beginning, 238 _toString() method strings. See also _ encapsulating, 3136 percent signs, 41 printing, 38 structural patterns explained, 215 using, 225 subclass constructors, creating, 158160 switch statement using with classes, 123 using with index page, 59

versus interfaces, 200 precedence, 202 support for, 197 using, 198199 triangle calculating area of, 188 setting sides of, 190 Triangle class creating, 186189 as extension of Shape, 187 using, 189190 Triangle.php script, beginning, 186 try block using with prepared statements, 266 using with SELECT queries, 264 type hinting for arrays, 206 function parameters, 15 for functions, 206 for interfaces, 206 performing, 203 triggering exceptions, 206 using, 204206 using in functions, 206 type specifiers, 37

tags, HTML versus XML, 410 TDD (test-driven development), 461 tDebug trait, using, 200 Telnet port number, 333 temperature script, beginning, 400 $this attribute use in OOP, 127132 using with PHPUnit, 464 to-do list, nesting, 9 _ _toString() method, defining in classes, 184. See also strings trait keyword, using, 197 trait.php script, beginning, 201 traits creating, 197 incorporating into classes, 202

u type specifier, meaning of, 37 UML (Unified Modeling Language) for classes, 140142 for composition, 203 for inheritance, 150 for interfaces, 196 for visibility, 166 UML representation, of Singleton pattern, 216 unit testing. See also PHPUnit assertions, 462 benefits, 460 implementing, 460 TDD (test-driven development), 461 Xdebug debugging tool, 465 URL rewriting, enabling, 7174

Index 489

User class

warnings, showing, 99 Web port numbers, 333 Web services creating, 347351 JSON format, 348 REST (Representational State Transfer), 347 returning types of data, 348 stateless, 347 technologies related to, 410 using, 342 Web sites. See also modularizing Web sites accessing, 328332 reading with PHP, 329332 webgrind downloading, 471 installing, 471 loading in browser, 474 using Xdebug with, 471472 viewing profile log in, 474475 write_to_file.php script, opening, 272

attributes of, 152 creating for CMS with OOP example, 301303 user input prompting for, 402 taking in CLI, 400404 user-defined functions anonymous functions, 2729 recursive functions, 1723 static variables, 2426 User.php script, beginning, 301 usort() function, using, 4 utilities file catching PDO exceptions, 296 database connection, 296 serialize() function, 294 serializing objects, 294 starting session, 295 writing, 294296 utilities.inc.php script, beginning, 295

variable declaration, documenting, 145 variables, passing by reference, 30. See also public variables; static variables view_tasks.php script beginning, 18 for caching, 76 header() function, 7677 for heredoc syntax, 32 modifying, 3334 visibility establishing for methods, 165 importance of, 166 indicating in UML, 166 in OOP, 151 private level, 165166 protected level, 165 public level, 165 restriction of, 165 visibility script, beginning, 166 Visitor pattern, using with Composite, 232 vprintf() function, using, 41

x type specifier, meaning of, 37 Xdebug debugging tool checking code coverage, 465 customizing, 458 downloading, 454 ini_set() function, 458 installation requirements, 454 installing on Windows, 455456 on *nix systems, 454 profiling in, 471 using, 457459 using with webgrind, 471472 XML (Extensible Markup Language). See also parsing XML adding books to file, 414 &amp entity, 415 &apos; entity, 415 attributes, 415418 benefit, 424 elements, 415418 entities, 415418


&gt; entity, 415 &lt; entity, 415

modifying, 441 overview, 410411 &quot; entity, 415 RSS feed, 447451 using formal PHP tags with, 439 valid, 419 well formed, 419 writing, 413414 XML document, 413 XML Schemas defining, 419431 defining attributes, 421422 defining elements, 420421 <!DOCTYPE rootelement, 419 element attribute types, 421 element type symbols, 421 element types, 420421 incorporating DTD, 419420 incorporating XSD, 425 using, 425 writing Document Type Definition, 422424 XML syntax comments, 413 data, 412 prolog, 412 rules for elements, 412 white space, 413 XML tags versus HTML tags, 410 XML version, indicating, 412

XSD document complex types, 427 creating attributes, 427 defining elements, 426 incorporating, 425 mixed attribute on elements, 431 simple types, 427 using, 425 xmlns attribute, 425

Zend Framework, network-related classes, 332 zip codes. See also databases database, 9699 importing data, 98 tables, 96 zlib a+ mode, 355 b mode, 355 compressed binary files, 362 compressing files with, 354362 f mode, 355 file open modes, 355 h mode, 355 a mode, 355 r mode, 355 r+ mode, 355 verifying support for, 354 w mode, 355 w+ mode, 355 x mode, 355 ZIP archives, 362

Index 491

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